THE TELEGRAPH ss rutrasitgro • MORMG MB EITAYING, ; BT GEORGE BEOGNE - R: ORM& THIRD BT., N 11.411. WALNFT, lERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSMIMON. Tug Daily Tatzonarn is served to subscribers hi the city at 12 cents per week. Yearly tittbscriberS will be c harged $8 00 in advance. Those PerSOLO who neglect to pay in advance will be charged $7, 00. • WEEKLY TELEGRAM Tax TELFAIRAPIt is also published weekly, and is furnished subscribers at the following cash rates single copies, week1y........ , Three copies to one Post Office Ten copies to one Post Office NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LIDS ItOSENDALE, 29 Practical and Scientific OP TI4CIA.N, No. 29 NORTH SECOND STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARSISBURG, Particular attention is railed to the celebrated concave- convex Crystal Spectacles; which are warranted to strengthen and preserve the eyes of ,the wearer, and to last from 10 to 12 years without change. List of prices sent free to any direction. Concave and convex lenses, set in steel frames, $2. Concave and convex crystal lenses, set In best-steel frames, $3. Concave and convex crystal lenses, set in silver frames, $ 6 . Concave and coniex crystal lenses,set in pistil's frarries, • 85. Concave and convex crystal lenses, set in gold frames, $l6 to *2.5. In ordering spectacles state how long glasses are used. Any pair of glasses purchased, either here or sent to lir der, can be exchanged if not suited to the eye. Always en. band a largo assortment of Beromatic Mi croscopes, Telescopes, Opera and Field Glasses, Thermam• eterS, Barometers, Compasses, Drawing Instruments, and Stereoscopes, with the-latest views. - jsz-Bend stamp for a catalogue containing prices, are., aul-d&wtf Steam Weekly to Liverpool. rIIOIJOECING at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Bar k bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to mail as follows: • City of Baltimore, Saturday, August 27 • Etna, Satur day, September 3 ; Edinburgh, Saturday, September 10, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. RATES OF PAMIAGE, PAYABLN IN GOLD, OR ITS ZAZOTIVALZNT IN OITERRNOY., FIRST CABIN $BO 00 STNERAGE $3O 00 do to London 85 Off ' do to London 34 00 do to Paris . 95 00' do to Paris.. ~. 40.00 do to Hamburg.... '9O 00 do to Hamburg.... 87 00 Passengers also forwards to Havre,. Bromen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &0., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverriool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $75, $B6, $lO5. Steerage, $35, Those who wish to send for their Mends can buy tickets here at these rates. •-• For further Information apply at the Company's Mose, JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y. or 0..0 WYMAN, Harrisburg. 2.3-dp CLOAKS, CIRCITLA_RS AND MANTILLAS', IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A Now Philadelphia [Soak Store. Have now a splendid assortment of SPRING dc SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASES. The above beautiful samples, in avers . color and hand somoly trimmed, from $7 60 to SIS. • 1000 smir. .11ANTita. CLEDDLARS, SACKS AND BASkb, Handsomely and richly trimmed, from $lO upward. uaLLDREN'S MANTELS IN LARGE VARIETY. inr2s MlMisery eyed _Panel , Goods. ArS. J. - HIBBS, at I , To. 8 Market Square, :teat door to Pelia's Confectionery, keeps constant ly on nand the latest styles of Bonnets,Hats, Ruches, Flowers, Ribbons, & 0., together with a fonissotiment of Dregs Trimmings, Laces, Embroideries, Collars, Culla, Randkerobiers, Hosiery, Gloves and Variety Goods in general. • All UM latest Designs of Dress Patterns direct from the New York Bazaars. Dress and Cloak making neatly exe extol Thankful for the patronage bestowed since her opening, she trusts, by a strict attention to business and her endeavors to al Ve. general satisfaction, to continue to riN9lve a share of the public patronage, jyl-43m A. JP. ZIMMERMAN, Practical Watch Blakey, No. 52 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, CHAINS, RINGS, SETS OF JEWELRY, FINE SILVER WARE, I PLATED WARE, TEALSERVIS, AND ALL RINDS OF JEWELRY Ras constantly on hand a well selected and - elegantly assortelt stock of JINN WATIMIES, CHAINS, RINGS, AND SETS. • FINE SILVER WARM. AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, Both in. Gold and Silver Wee. dlao, a fine assortment or LADIAIGS' WATCTIICS OnetakaUy on hand. =l= ELEGANT CLOCIES. Of all descriptions; all of which will be sold at the LOWEST' CASH PRICES. Afar Call and examine the goods. Particular attention paid to repairing of line Watches, such as Chronometers, Duplex and other celebrated Watches, and all kinds of Jewelry - neatly repaired. None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under ray own personal supervision. A. F. ZIMMERMAN • mar2B] No. 82 Market street, adjoining Brant's Hall. DANIEL A.NUENCN. AGENT OF the Old Wallower Lille; respectfully v in forms the public that , this Old. Daily Transportation Line, the only Wallower Line now in existence in this eity,i is in succesighl operation , and prepared to carry freight as low as any otherludtvidnal line betweettPhila. deiphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport and Elmira Railroads. . . „ DANIEL A. NEWELS, Agent, • Harriabiwg;.Pann i a. Dods sent to the Warehouse of Mess 'Peacock r Zel k /Bachman, Nos. SOS and 810 Market street : , above Bth Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, r. K., will arrive Harris burg, Toady for delivery, next morning. rapto-rsliTiY/ Drafts Draft SI Draft 111 ' ' ALIENS and persons under or over the're guired age, who have been enrolled in this ((4th] . Diatriet, or any other District in the State, Can have their eaomption papers made out at rates flied by taw. Now la the time to put in a substitute and avoid the draft . Persona who are not liable to limit, and who wish to enter the army as substitutes, van obtain the highest pre• mtum. Ilteginess transacted by mall at legal rates, and cost of travel thereby avoided. Call at once, or address by mall, EUGENE SNYHEX. AttOrney s it Levi, 3d street, Harrisburg, Ps. 'ly9-eod2moB. TIIST ARRIVED !—A fine lot of .C.AN.NED PEACHES and ToxiiToEa -sr:maxim PINE, APPLES, FRESH PEAS, Sc., jest reeeivea by rayl4-dtf JOHN wpm ad greet, fteaulgralteut--- .. AGBH supply of Alio emu's aehralaci Sugar Cured gam arid Drted Beef, at Awl gar k ICORRPKR. _ - SALMON.--Ifina salt Salmon, at & MANI • .- _ • .-.... ', . •,. --- P --_-, , • .- 1 1 "'" ' 4 ' fi 1.1f3 1 “....5.7 '4... :3134 ‘,. -A , , , F , ia. fis .., 1.4. .1 0.4.4 t ' , .' . i ,' IP •.• i .,1 t• - • 4" k... .„ D - ....- .'' ..c - : , • L.r_. .-_,': _ 13 --- • , /i.r. I s ~ - - . ....' 1, .... 7, . ^ L- -, ..,.... ,:. ' , 4.7' -' • ::: r " "I ‘ r,• , , r , • , - 4 ,-., ~• ' \ • 1.. q • " • 1"" , „ ~ --', , i ` . ..% .• ' ' 44 , -;: , ~,....... .--- , :,- : ~, 1.,7,1 ~.. r,- T., /.3::.1 . 4, i ' ' '-'s ,u i ." - ' Ji i _k :i ''' : s , ' „,. -.-- _ w- 1 1 .' (IV/ 0... c, _;" . f , •• . "' ''' - , 4. - 4 14 -, 1. - ' -•'-- -, " 11"u , , . _,.., ; ,„ i ~ 7 zz _ lt..,o 1: .; , k , , _ _, „ , r. , 4 .; ~V , ~,? „......... , . .- a 31. , .I. ~3 3,. 3 .Cf,..4 ..: ol.a_ , veto; ', • ; ° • " "te. , -....-,-- _— 4 )-- ___ ..- L, • • , , ' . ... . . ---T.--pf.iiii,i'W . r in ,F .,, : El ! .-.: , ..,„....„, r :: , , ~-7 _..... ---- v , _ .`l.= .: 1: - ' - fl 1 /". 14761' llh ' 1 I -' Z ,t o • • 4 , • 0 ♦ ~...1 , ..., )„, ,;• Thriel 41 " t , - ,r ~,, , p +1,13.> , ...„_;,, ,, ..:1-C: ' • ,o , A f , : , :—,.. 4 .4„ . ( . q ..,. . -:. 1 ..,.... ' _ 4311( . - - ' ' . • - WL.' , * - 1,--, _,. V—. Twr la' ', .f * ..,:.. , 5.1 50 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Niorthern 'Centrq . 'PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the 1 FREIGHT and BAGGAGE described - 'in the iblhrw log list remains unclaimed in the Warehouse or the Northern Central Railway Company, at 'Harrisburg. -Con signees are hereby notified to come forward, Pay charge! ! and take their property away, or the same--will be aom according to law. • N. - DU BARRY, Gent( Shpt. Gassam, SuesammtanstrVa OPIUM, Atratrsr 1.6,1864. • j • .; No 1, Williamsport and Harrisburg check 1;48, One, black trunk • , 49 No 2, Elmira and Hariisbarg Cheek 20,•orei box, Limit A Miller, Harrisburg • . • • - No 3, Baltimore and Harrisburg check 20, one box No 9, no check; one box, J Barrett Lockport, Megan+ Co 4o 5, no (shtick, one box, Lieut A Scotty Harrisblarg No 8, no check,.one box, no marks • - • No 7, no check, one box, Jacob Weaver, Pittsburg. No 8, no check, one box, Reuben Farringer, Mita. wane No 9, no check, fair leather trunk, do ' - . No 10, no check, one box, Capt Phillips, Harrisburg No 11, no check, black trunk, S S J, St Joseph's acade my, Philo '- • No 12, no check, fair leather trunk, no marks • • - No 13, no check, fair leather trunk, Capt Lyman, liar rlsburg No 14, no check, black leather trunk, no marks - No 15, no check, black leather Wank, no marks ' ' '••• No 16, no check, one box, Jno McGee, Harrisburg 4:1:1 No 17, no check, one box, Geo L Stephens, Barrisbnift - No 10, no check, one box, Newport station; P . lt R No 19, no cheek, one box, Daniel Robison, Philadelphia No .20, no check, black trunk, Jno Gemmel, Lewis town, pa • No 21., Danville and Haigriburg check 512, fair leather trunk, Wm H. Barber Milton, Pa. No 22, no check; black•trank, do marks No 23, no cheek, fair leather trunk, W S Scott, Hants lle, Ohio. • - No 24, no check, fair leatheritunk, "hos McDanlei • No 25, no check, black truck, Sarah' No 26, no cheek, black trunk, fl 8 Angili, Binghamp. ton, N Y No 27, Williamsport and Harrisburg 'chock 92, fair leather yaw, no marks No 28, Baltimore and Harrisburg check 087, fair leather valiso, no marks • . No 29, no check, fair leather valise, no marks No 80, no check, black trunk, Jno B Monroe, Laiteal3- ter Pa No 31, no check, one box, Michael Trump, Allentown No 32, no check, one box, no marks No 33, Scranton and Harrisburacheck 259, one box No 34, no check, one box, Mrs Black,,, Prosperity, Pa No 35, no check, one box, Henry Will, Reading No 86, no check, one box, no marks No 37, no check, bag of saddles, no marks No 38, no check, saddle, Ignatius Floomer, Portage station No 39, no check, black bag, no marks No 40, no, black bag, Mary Foster, Harrisburg No 41, no check, black bag, no marks - • No 43, no check, black bag, no marks No 43, no check, black bag, no marks No 44, no check, black bag., Shadle, JerserShore, Pa No 46, Williamsport and . Harrisburg check 36, black g, no marks NO 46, neicheak, black bag, no mark a No 47, no check, black bag, no marks No 48, no check, carpetbag, no marks No 49, no check, saddle, no marks No 50; no check, bag, no marks - " No 51, no check, one box, no marks No 02, no check, one box, no marks No 53, no check, no marks No 54. no check, fair leather trunk, no marks 1t..1 Fleming, one bundle thine A L Babcock, 1 bclle rope • N Fraser, eleven barrels nuts D Fisher, six corn-huskers H Gilbert, one barrel insulators Nelson Bryne & Co,, two boxes bitters S Buckler, one box hardware H Hawkins, one granite block , Nicholas & B, one box sundries J Albert, ono barrel, two boxes Thos Hickok, one box hardware No consignee; 204 brick, no marks No consignee, small box, no marks No consignee, 44 sheets iron, no marks No consignee, package Indigo . No consignee, one box merchandise, David Titular, Har risburg. ' augl6-4w REGULATIONS OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE. Pithyol3l` 111.14161tAL'8 OFFICE, 14th M82x10;1 • liArousitona, Pa. August 15 1564. THE FOLLOWING REGULATIONS OF the Provost Marshal's Mee are published for the in struction and guidance of all persons interested., in order that, in future, the public need not be in doubt as to when, where and to whom to apply for information on matters connected with this department. . Ist The Board of Enrollment convenes each day. (Sun days excepted) in the proper room at 10 o'clock A. N. If business requires it, the morning illusion will continue till 12y,, o'clock P. at.; the afternoon sessions commence. at 2% o'clock and continue till 6 o'clock r. N. In no case will examinations for disability be made after day light. 2nd .T. J. Weitzel, principal clerk to Board of Enroll ment, will at all times furnish information proper to be furnished from the records of the Board. 3rd A. F. Clapp, adjutant and special deputy, will be found in the office room of the Provost Marshal. He has a general charge, and can be applied to in all cases. 4th The Enrollment Dep4trtmept ,la in charge of D. S. Burns. 6th A. E:Eyster superintends the ninstering and re, crafting department, and has charge or the records and rolls connected therewith; also, with enlistments into the "Veteran Reserve Corps." • . 6th R. E. Cable has charge of the ' clothing . depart- Meet . . . 7th For information with reference to horses and property seized as the property of the Government, ap ply to John E Heller, in the Mustering and Recruiting De partment. . Bth For inforination with reference to Desekters and persons arrested, apply to same department 9th John Charters has charge of accounts, records, 44c. 10th For information upon any subject not above ape 'cifically designated, apply to the Provost Marshal, or to Adjutant A. F. Clapp. 11th. All clerks and employees are required to be-at their posts for duty at 8 o'clock A. N. The office will be closed to the public at 6 o'clock p. nr. . 12th Clerks and employees are required and directed to be polite, courteous and attentive to all persona doing business in the Provost Marshal's office. /t is a duty and pleasure to inform and serve those requiring information or service, and if any clerk or employee fails In prompt attention or proper courtesy, he Will be at once diseharged. 13th Clerks and employees are not permitted to receive fee or reward for services rendered. If they do so, the penalty will be immediate discharge To offer such fee and to receive it are equally high misdemeanors - JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Captain and Provost Marshal 14th District Penn. The members of tho Board of Enrollment are John Ray Clement, Provost Marshai,.Charles C. Raw; Com missioner, B. T. Chatiton;Surgeon ; either of. whom may be consulted at all times, during business hours, in matters connected with' the business of the Boaxd. The Provost Marshara office is in Fourth street, op posite the Government Bakery. angle-dim THIS WAY FOB BAR GAINS!! HOSIERY, GLOVES, HOOP,,BESSTS, • LADIES' HMS NETS, and HEAD DOSSES, PERFIVERY, TOILET ARTICLES, FRENCH LACE, and " TISSUE.VEILS, ETC., AT ASTONISHINGLY, LOW .PRICES. . Everybody should Wlat onFriaxid - Bafus at lire , bar , • §V orlon quakily: OE D' On= R --B itra Fin° BalUrno* nyatenvatinit 6 t thi k fillrfU‘rFA: t N u arma s e w t a n oT a i av arrl XT EWLL Mackerel .1.1 in banyan, half "ae MIN `.` T. FI E : : . •114,0 1 0;0; A isTi.) FOR E Y E R ."— Webster; HARRISBURG, THIJISDAI t'VENING, SEPTEMBER 1, 1864. "Vin A.1:1-CIT-TIEIM, 14 ~.; `~ ~~ COMEDIAN AND MANAGER. .Our Portrait 'Gallery. - . Above we have ,the pleasure of presenting to our readers an excellent portrait of the dis tinguished comedian, and manager, W. A. Horan, Esq. On the 20th of January, 1863, Mr. R. came into our midst, a stranger—and, on the evening of that day, gave his first entertain ment in Brant's Hall,. with a first-class company. Determined to merit public patronage, Mr. Rouse placed bef ore , our people such plays as .were calculated to attract the attention of the most respectable classes ' of our , opulation,•and. ere the close of the fi rst week of the sea son, the Star Combination • Company had won a reputation that caused the spacious Hall to be,nightly fi lled to overflowing - The troupe was at once pronounced the beat that had ever visited Harrisburg. The gentlemanly manager had a continued succession of crowded housed for eighty five consecutive nights,• and the.season was only brought to a close on account of en= gagements elsewhere. • As a manager Mr. Rouse has no superior.' His swamis. here is without precedent. , In ad ditiou to his very excellent business qualifications,. he possesses all the cinalitkei of a perfect gentleman, both on and off the' stage. As-an actor he has but few equals: "In the varied' characters yersonated by him he is always found ." home.?! In . Comedy be is peculiarly gifted ; lie is exceedingly funny, yet devoid of irtdgarity. , In parts of different nature•he is equally entertaining,. In the great moral drama entitled The Ticket=ofZeate Man, he per lionated-"Bob Brierly ",iti.a.manner that.won for !him a reputation such as is not possessed by'any ether - actor in the &nutty. Residetho 6f Pidladelphis rin.d New ...York who visited Brant's Hall last season, pronounced Rouse's personation of l3rierly superior to any ever witnessed by them in the large theatres of those cities. The present season, which commenced three weeks ago, promises to be as successful-as the last. The company selected by the efficient manager is composed of first-class perform ers, many of whom were here last season. In addition to the regular troupe, the best stars in the country will be engaged froin'time to time,land neither time, trouble nor expense will be spared to place before our people the standard dramas, as well as the,most amusing farces ever witnessed in "Harrisburg The" ;people of , Our city will .always And the theatre a fa-: vorite resort, Where the company is select, and the entertiannients:ancli.ei can be,:witneared by the most fastidious. usa :i I M :! 6 C OSTAR , S I P • • • VERMIN • EXTERMINATORS. • nodstitts” ErprammATosa. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" -EXTERMINATORS. MITERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. I,‘• • ' ' EXTERIMNATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERIUNATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS. • ' "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS.. , • .EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. ' • . EinaMONATORS. .9:O3TAR'S't EXTIMIMINATORS. • • ; • •, EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS.. . . - L 'E.XTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS: ••••- XECIRMINATORR • "COSTAR'S" =TERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COST AR'S" EVERMINA.TORIL KaVERMIXAToRs. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. . EXTERMINATORS. "OMAR'S"' ExraimmitToßs. . sampupte.p.Ra , . . Tor RatO, Mine, Roanhoo, Aldo, Bed Bugs, Plena, Moths in Fur*, 'Woolens, Unmet; on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. - "/ 6 Yenta ernablinhed in N. Y—City." "Only infallible remedies krman." 'Free fropaToisona" "Not dangerotur to the Htonsit'iremilyks 'Bata come ont ot their boles'to all Druggistneverywhere arm Banns l 1 1 of all worthless imitation& Air , 4 Costar? Depot, No.litig Broadway; N. Y. /or Sold by °Ross & co . • Wholeaale and retail agents. And by all Druggists in Harrisburg, Pa. jelOdawitin CRYSTALIZED CONCENTRATED ~ L EMONADE, I s a pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing for invalids having fever or great thirst. Its portability recoinmende it to travelere. Its convenience at pic-niCsVIN be immolated. No sugar requirid; one table-spoonful simply dissolved' in a'glass of cold vales and it is done. KKLLEIVS DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STOBS, jel7 • No. .9 Narket street , NEW PHIIADELPELt 01.10.AkK *- MD. W. alias" Irsw azoor, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DII I I7.BEITT STILES or ftimmeriiii CLOAKS I.IID '0.11101:r14411,8; elvn - FINE SPRING SHAWLS. will open on the Ist of AVril, rm•rn ir. :PIANOS. s. EXCELSIOR' PIANOS: itiBRECHT - lailiggc awns BOLE AaintOrAT Tir."VO,PFAI fa lfarkes proei, I . o;ni OR. REASONS , Perf 04 / 7 iiiirasyr 1100 1 .0, 11 WelPa t ifi b. ei ttMagt . 'II3C tatePtailOne Pall o e for moment/en A few fickonweker di Co's tenon on band yet will be diol low, ArovERTISEIWENTs. CIAO SEW 017 T SUMMER STOCK AT AND BELOW COST. Nis. N. MAYER, NSA BERET STREET,. BEING desirous of closing her Slimmer . soaker Molliet7 Goos, offers for's& at greatly reduced prices; ouch' as. SILK• AND STRAWBONNETS, • • HATS AND FLATS, W. Constantly oa band 'a splendid sssortatent Ot SU MVETS, of HOOP SKIRTB, octvgr HANDRiICHROHIRFR a ~OLLLARS. 4 KRIS, FANCY GOODS, &C. Dealers will do won to egoilomps lamina can be had at wholesale.. jal.4-ly •Cavalry, ,Homes Wanted. •• • - ANSEIBTAST QIZARTIMARIZI'S PRIPRIX.H. S. A.,) lartaisiaati; , telt 26th: 1801. J farther orders, one hundred and Vi llrj sixty 7 hve 9.66) dollars per head will be, paid for all Cavalry Horses, delivered at the Government stables atHarrisburg, lra Said horses to be sound in , all particulars, not less than (6) live nor morn than (9) Mlle: years old; from 3.4)4 to 16 hands higlr, full Seethed, compactly built, bridle wise and of size sufficient for oapalry .1)79 0308 . These via: Accra*: mild be drtetly adhered to and rigidly awbreed sn dent partioaar. Payment made on delivery of (r) swim horses or over. Hours of Inspection from BA. at. to 6P. M. Tho dip mand is urgent and an immediate response is solicited. E. O. REICEENBACH. M26.41tf ' Capt. and Ass't Qr. Mr. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Album& Photograph; AMMO. ,Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums r pm:DE largest and elfeaped variety of 1110 TOGRAPH ALBUM In the city are constantly kept at , [marl2] BERGNKRII OHNAP BOOKSTORE. _ SOLE. AGENCY FOR TMS CITY I AM happi to offer to the public a large St a Pria a kir i gjLD PENS, maikaagaturwn , • LF,R0 . 17 W. FAIIiatMEILD. 'Then Pens fro well flubbed, elastic, awl will give en tire . ' P . LICASE TRY MEL _ 110ffiramsall i3OOK stOttr4 Aesiond street, opposite Presbresisn Itairieborit - FIERY T0244313t*z tiOiktirATVltlehener ti3o.'and fee sale by l ) -3, o ld rit hyslunspw c l * at-11 -4r 1 142 % - --• 3 313.91ratipr4.0._ P MOILED SALMONAAL MRS I 'SMOKED mum, just received et BEM= & MIRK AOQi Seuxsison tO WM. Dom, 114404)C1 EIMI • l'llla 'THREE CENTS. - VENINC EDITION. From General Grant 1 . THE") coitPis. lEr t s.oiss rs'ini - Frra,n, August 28. Since the' battle of Rpain!is station nothing of particular, iMportanee transpired in the Second corps.. The nrinibbizormissing is be ing rapidly, reduced by the artlval.of soldiers who ; had been scattered,:tAr.9Ro:o4(,) ,woods. The command being reorganized , .116 W gUns Procuredloz •thosetatteriei'whichtact pieces capthred.: Several:stands dtcdlOirfell• into the enemy's heads,: because aneeesfava color bearers were shot down. In the ,One Hinctred' and POity-eighth Pennsylvania—a regiment which distinguished itself on forinei occasions—the color bearer and color guard refused, to:leaye their post in the intrench minits, and the colors were captured only after thoSe braveiellOws had fallen gloriously on that Memorable-ground. • kli• er ''A FLAG of TRINE was sent •oueyesterday ifor llie- - phrpose of *firing arrangements foie the' succor of our Wounded and bur*,. 9f our dead,- who could not be carned'frowtha field on Thurs day night; but theseba ;9 . ostorkw.p.der, refused to , accede to the, request,, stating that- ; our woundiid *en being'eared., for, - our dead, of:;whoin there were aborittkvo hinidred, were being buried. It may be that' the rebel,corn mender felt indisposed to let us take another survey of a field which was; so thickly strewn with rebel dead: DEATH OYQAMTAIN DOIM Captain. Charles E. Dodd r reeently assigned to , General Hancock's staff- as an amistaist juSant general,, has passed, away from the acene of action. It was not his fortune to tfall on the field of battle, like the lamented Edownson. Captain Dodd-.vas universally esteemed as a valusible,officer and an accom plished gentleman. IMPORTANT CIRCIOLAR. Vessels gassing Spanish Forts Must. Show' their. The Penalty for Not-compliance With the Order: ‘,“ The Queen and Our Governmeift . Wmotutifrox Aug:'3l. The" State Dep'artsient Ira]: ledelpt of au official circular from the Spanish Cloyernment, introducing some favorable modifications of the rules observed at the,,fortresa tarifa and Isla. Verde, to oblige :veiviels navigating the jurisdictional ..waters of these forttesses to hoist the flag of their wean; It precede which they often neglect; alleging a veriPiMprebable ignorance in yeasels which so repeatedly. pass Every vessel which, in, crossing the.lineof the fortress,within the mange.of . its , cannon; does not show the flag of her nation, is to be reminded of hernegleet bythe discharge of a cannon, loaded with only powder. It; after the lapse of ten minutes,Alte shall , not have hoisted her flag„ a shofted gun shall be fired across' Ur front. V, not Withstanding these trionotfces, the lapse of another ten minuted, ,she omits,to hoist her flag, a third discharge of.ball shall be fired ather. mast. ,Her Catholic Majesty'd.. minister for foreign affairs says the ',Queen, bii - I:Tinitig .the preced ing dispositions to the khoWlodge ',Of our Gov erinment, flatters herself .thritAlie ,eabinet of Washington will find in the measures adopted a tresh proof of the seniintenit 7 of deference which her :Government entertilbs`k 3 far: the. Armoric= nation. " - • From San FranciNco. I►portant:' from 7'Ne*ada. l i 154615 Fit , tkiPtSco, Aug. 22 • kfaktyy eazthqualtafdlocks•were vperienced on the,inountaina during the week! - goney eau at per cent. . Receipts of billion for the last teg diva_ 5t500,Q04, Cnr rency bid on, New York,a4Upremilun ; coin bills 3i(44,-p,rendum.•.'- • • • • Public ppinion tieenni to b; Changed in Ne vada, as to the propriety of adopting a. "State. Conatibiticol. It may now, be; adopted irtuordes t io.,get rid of obnoxious territorial officers: Sandwich _bland dates Of '2Er. report_ the slow progress of the Constitutional Con vention. Much time is consumed in discuss ing the powers of the convention, and the- Government is accused of remlntionary Sailed—bark Chalgrove, for Hong Kong, with quicksilver, valued at $32,000, and near ly $500,000 in . The Army before . Atlanta: ANOTHER RAID FROM GEN. REESMAN'S ARMY NEW Youx, August 30. A rebel dispatch from Atlanta, dated the 23d inst., states that the enemy's scouts re ported that:mother Federal raid, seven thou sand strong, with nine cannon, had left De caturrin the direction of Covington, Georgia. LTITAIIT TOnaS2.STROX GAM AtICIMEAN'S 00 Mkgr - MOATIONBS=-2.118.8L BUD BY TUB GIIMBY=I4II3 YrkrDEß WORM= . Kasniummu, Tenn., /kunst 30. Governor Johnson has received a diattatch,, signed L. -K. N. Pattorqthe•: Colonel -com manding; dated at'.:Cialkitin'iso-day, stating thatrdirsq; from Lebanon had been received 'there np to Si o'cloCk?'"thirllnernin gi; when:, General Mulligan WitiValiqhe • • lands ofithe enemy under riegitiC-I'The "collegellrading : was snnotuadedi with all: the WOO init. , • . The enemy are tinfitoidd l iciUl,siXiCsixeng. Oar firces are , scontangliK 9 ll?3 roads: ethe direction which they ardifiliptiOSadlolbe mov ing_ _ _ - • anionts aver . iVilist`, 10!-3(That itement P1! 413 T -j affeat , l l 4` 66 •4-. ftL . t . 4 0 . 1 1 ° :Fi,..:- . eke of:, a rtaaajlthatt force - ray General jy :WIWI* can 1411761 CO0041?N mAred that tiiiirof6a alum iW :then,h en wittkAtigife,,,gant altmo.. fir 11W to l ni ai i ° m i utteeaboro. advancing It is ponsiblo that thou , toad= is to de- =ll9 r ritt:' AD ~....G TES—DAILY TELEGRAPH. '" • - . the folio w i z ertistrig in -this-Tara- - - "Vourw. - Tloso4-hairrtitrineetiptia7o-dirrrfirerlV46ll - for reference.; :,-,„:, ,I. :5 . ii. .'", : • . . ..trir Four linos or leas emanate one-half square. fight lines, or more) anPin.iteolnitare.. :I. • 1 ,1 r Yon A ash %Maki . I I A .:.E ' 7, • 76IVONN NQ - . • ' • xe day $ tel 00e:dal , - ..8. Kt._. ?days 50 Two days.. • ..,. •••,.., , 1 AO Pe darr...; ... :• • 75 inkiie.dayd.t. .... ~. 'lls' . 05 week. ... „ 1 25 One week .... -- • - 225 _ ad month . 3 .00 Ono inc5yth............ - 6 00 • Ewe months- 450' Two-inoothi‘ f .1 9 tl. Three months 5, 50 Three moaths.s.,• •*. Six - monl4. '',.,. ......,.. . WOO Six 91 .91:0 - 441 • ;,F4 1 One yeaf -3,.. 05 One year -' . 4 Administration Notion . ~. ...,. . Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices..,. ; .• Funeral Notices, each car... r D before a B"iensnntioes. carted in the Local 02211 , hiarrragesmn — eaths:o2am , Conn pniLnint ,s each Insertion. strop the Vpdexal..line - of communication tp the front': 'indit supposed chat the first. ; demonstriltkon' wilibe made Upon Duck river '• No appreliengioiLneed be felt in ,regard to anAttack tirionthis city. Reports reached here this morning that the rebel cavalry force was near - Lebanon, Tenn i ,. and had 'captured some thirty Federal - cav- • airy ; but, the river being too big* to - ford it • is presumed'. that they . have since - found Wheeler's main body, hear Murfreesboro. No reports fro 'Gen. Sherman haipbeen; received.. Five hundred rebel prisoners; including 23 commissioned_ 'd .eels, reached hers „last night The river is two feet on Itie'shoate; f ag:l42 .falling vat' • ' • Advance in Gold. _ I - Nzv► Your.., Aug. 3k The price of Gold rose to-day to 2431. NkW , ADVERTISEDIENTS. ELAIV7)7'S -PATENT, ZAIVE3I7LiS, OHIO. Blaiidys' Steam Engine Workp, Blazudyg" Newark Machine 'Works! nEwARK, OHIO mandy - PORTABLE. STEAM SAW 'MILLS., lanclyo , . Patent Portable SteanvEngineot 16,000 FEET OF ttratexat PEIJJED to decline many onion for . • • Cgills and Engines- the past year,. tram utter bility to fill them we resolved to increase our airtatdy large facilities for; their ManufaCture... Verrrecettily•we • purchased the entire property of the Newark Machina Works, at Newark, Ohio; and at this momentliath estab- • lishments are in full , operation. We will try hilhirfnture . 'to Ha all orders 'pee , • The lumber trade •was sever so•PrOsPeintia,4ifit making mat present, and will no doubt contieue,to,he go, fora generation to come. Energetic operatitiMaith thing like good logs, can cut 250,000 feet per soinath,:with! - :11.3 Blandps' Mills. Our Mills ape peculiar. They , are Blau.-,, dys , . Are perfectly equippdd for work . • Ample printiii.'"• instructions, with engraved oround plan tor their map-j:lvi nomad, go with each, and every effort is made to put inexperienced: operators on a par with those—whef iiays+ oil operated them.. . Circular& wih' descript'ons . arid'iliastrattinla, ruid'm ports of operators forwanhd to any. addratult tti..-L • , • J Address . R. st,F. BLANDY, at Zemlya!" or -Nee ark ,•• • iltir.Ordets: Visits and. Correspondence Solicited. „ • LEWISBURG, Lin;on CCitTuty; .14ne8U,.186.4, j * * "* •In the last three months, (working - 6'l*day% a Week) we have:cut 5,000 feet of white bat vete* :1 BLAAIPY . In June, 190,000 feet. The Orator 1#: „ , pnenerinced by the Baltimore Inspector to be thatest de- - livered-in that city We =tutor. The Blandy Et give has. done well, and I can now say it is a perfect saCCeew. Yes terday, the 29th Of June, we cut 16,000 feet of. oak. • - - MoCLUB/9. • , . . • • Simo.:o3srowzr, Indiana connty; - - , June 27116,/1364.- - * I can - gut 16,9e0Teet 3ncii ramber as oar BI ANDY MILL in ten hours. woonitow. • • ' Wimtcutn, Cambria County, May 12, 1861 j * * I have sawed on. my BLANDY MILL 4250,- 000 feet of lumber in the last seven months, which M rs eluded' the winter Months; eften working only seven hobra a 4ay, and whollyfioze out, a part of the tinselt 'Tins — is more lumber thin any single mill has . eat in the same time within a hundred milep of ttiis place.... •., . • Wit, It. HUGHES. • - Blubber, Granty%CotiiitY; Ind .;1.1 - June.2.7,18e. . * * I have run my BLA., —, TDY HILL four years, andsold out for more than Woad me whennew-L AS weliad•never tried how much we could cut oit it in a day we concluded we would do so the last'day rdn it prior to delivery to new owner. X measured It- as if going to sell it, and found it was 12104 feet, mostly cut from logs 8 to 12 feet long, small and very hard. The BUNDY HILL is the Mill for me, and everybody else that knows anything atont them, in my opinion. A. SHOWALTER. auglr-deod:2w-wlM!'" SELLING OUT LOW ! OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS WE intend to discontinue the sale of Li quors and offer our , stock at it very small advancr from cost price. We have purchased all our Liquors be fore the Last rise and have a large Mock on hand for three or four years, which are guaranteed cannot be rumbaed now at any price from the importers. , Our stock consists of WI-3( S 15C. I P, of all grades. .631-We have parts of three barrels pure RYE, not colorbd, and 10 degrees above proof, 23i years old. ' -WINES °tall Grades, Domestic andimpottpl., 33 EL A. 1 4 - 33 I We have pot of 36' cask ICIENNUSET:ingribrou, to which we Invite the partial) . attention ,of, families for medicinal purposes. The Brandy comet be bought to-day, Ifoulel , 9rtera, less than $l6 per gallon. We sell it foi per gal ion. SCOTCH AND ENGLIS, • - OHA.l92.l4.4>VOnagia,"-.. wa i nv it e the Inspection otitetel reeperifideLfqueor Merchants gen e we - haead to In without re serve, all our 14quor, anathia will be a. good opoortu nity for bargains: - - _, J 620.• w ~SHISL,EII,4t C Alnixay ,..;, Fß ... tcrit , : `o '= EVER Aktrup;;,- TlONWlATlCZajogan*aceittindatmmumboauxam,.. 'SABRINA •(;;:;.np . , rotriiirbiris i t !.-d . ‘?: -, Pr :n•r. ' , 1,,;. 'ICC -k-:::..141 , ,i Ztat LL,-,.; , .',... - ....13 - tii4 , ..: , *. tr:..4l33CA.RpAtite lot Amoy l' . . ... . :.: :' • ) ontyit. : :: -, , I&I .;,. - jig._ t gime. • , ,-,- .- ~ .. .• . .t.tb f+ 7t .4 L; 012 4.1.. Partiedir attentlOllpaitimikaa . tj , ,_ _ ~.,. aftym eoods yrs care er curgot runi iisid.[A_Ktusuccest-Said.trToremusucae to rn w r : 3:xiticillii Jr., . , r.. 4. ME 1 60 ==ET=ZI OEM GEE Zanesville, Ohio. -.X ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers