- BUSINESS CARDS., RALPH L. MACLAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.—Patriot and Union balldln& Rarri!bbrg. Strict attention paid to all businela Military do , aollectedL toylo-413m-eod Thomas C. filacDoweli ) Attorney-at-Legs. OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. HARRISBURG, PA. A LL manner of Military Claims promptly .4"i attended to, and dolma collected against the General dr State Goveinutente, either In Congress, the Court of Olaf ne at Watihington city, or it Harrieburg, without un neoemary delay; and on malerate terms. ap22-dBin A. C. SMITH, ATTQIIINTEIC... LAW, HAS rimoved his Offic e from Third to Wal nut street, Wit to . the Prison. All business in. trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. apa KEW GUINERY AND PHU VDIDPI STORE. BOYER &IiOERPER, 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS /eel GROCEB,IES, Queens and (awls Watt!, AST) ALL ELNDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, HAVE justopened a large and well selected steak of goods at their stand, N 0.3 MaiketSquars, Harrisburg, Pa., to wbich they invite the attention of the public Epnerally. nolO•dly J NEN HOUSE, Oorner of Market strut and Market Square NABEINBIIEG PENNA. ) CHAS. H. MANN, Proprietor. • sr: STALE' 4.:APITAL OORNEB. OF THIRD ANTI WALNUT STIMITd, kILA.RILIVsI3 ti UV, PENN,A. fp= taderuci hosing purchased this wen anUWLI t 104111.1. li onlatiod rrcl claueou;;l:ny reuovatw 11,. The rounsd have been repaint ed and paperixi, pad tht•• ettaire dataliehmeat elestualy re-furnished. 8e173 , 4 phut gaudy and @Acta' tocatad, and provided with every con Verdenoe, IL (aura to Ulu public all the oonvorta and laza was of a first claws boteL Treaty and obliging tervauts alwaga ill 41.411 A bar Net: toot 4. 1 h elude , : lielsors is atittuti, , ; LO the estabLishalinaL dwYfxAl • W. A. "friO‘iiSiii.7,l-;:ma.,tor. THE UNITED STA:IEB EUTEk IlAttitiSßlLlntx-', PA. D, D. HUTCHISON, Proprietor. MB well known Hotel is now in a A. MOS souoinustalitte the traveling public, aff , ...nbitt, the aunt ample 4XlLlVealewea alike for the tranzent guest and thus ynruument, Uoarder. TEE UNITED STATES &TM has been entirely mat ted throuonsaan, smi now has accontuitudatloae equal In extent, oomlbrt and luxury to any hotel between Philedel phut and Pittsburg, De location is the best in the State Qaplial, being in easy animas to all the railroad depots, and is ekes proximity to all the public odium and Wiliness lo calities of the °ay. It has now all the conveniences of 'lsar OLABB Liur.sL, and the Propnetor la datum/ mod to spare neither ea. trlnVito or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. atcoasge of tl2e traveling public Is respectful/5' coll. Cited. Jeri-dtr DIUSICA L. - PIANO FORTES . , BIELODEAS, SHEET Loge, VIOLIN., .F.LUrES, CiUITAILS, BANJOS, STRINGS,DRERS, IFES, ell larked or HURL. caL RERCLUsiDesI2, PLUTUrLE FRAALES, GLASSES, I'LLUTIK:R.LPII CARDS end ALBUMS. ,L.ll DR°. inn% GENE, ENGRAVINGS, I . IL , TELIES, Remember the piece, SLLAS WARI), EEL L 2 MTh treet the Ltededt &Luxe Shorn ChM side of the great chlee. ject2B.ltr .1%/1131WJAIgui4;, thulisißt CCENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE tiLL YEA MEDALS, a_11) TELE ONLY GOLD MEDAL ovur wub by lastru.meauf of this Cattais) Um bent awarded w' • MASON & tiAMLIN'd IN6THUMENTS. A. rull tillyriateiat el claw* inaruwouta always on band ii-VOCali'6, ..in/a agent, 93 Markel street. =il A. P. 11 .P:.t.EK, TEACHER OF Di US/ C. ONNION AT WARD'S WORM NOR% 12 lir Thsrd Stmt.. Residence: Third street, above North. .P.ELYtialtrOb DAIL,Y LINE BETWEEN PIIII4ADELPRIA, Lock Haven, jersey Shore, Williamsport, Mall ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, San . bury, 'Frei:limn, iirorgotown, • bykenstu wa, Manful, Daily kiw i AND H.A.RRISE ETltoa. • paituicipcun Dopor, oeing centrally 'elated, the drayage *di On at the LOWO.IL Celina Tun Cooducwr goo %map with cacti tram w attead to the sere delivery or all duoda lava:hod to the nun Owtte delivered m the de pot or WILLIaIi E. ISIJRX, 6.12 aLarket street, Philadelphia, oy o o'clock r, i , will oa denverad in Har listrurg the next morning. /frolgittalways as Low as by Arty °rhea Line. JOS. MONTGOMERY CO., Mimictptua •nd Itundlug Depot, Foot of tirkrt, 9treeL, Harriabdrg. oct.ll4f NkIVV LA*44jo.la. T3iPORTe.Nr TO L&NDLOIIDS AND ordsits auttortagnad uders ut taiugesala, Las trade, choice lot Jr the best ligaora ever t4raught Barrinourg, viz: French Brandies, ilalland Gins, Scotch, Irish, Borrbon, Wheal and ow Rya Irinaky.; Foriegn and Dena* Wiaea atunt as Ortanspainu, Claret, Catawba, tga AI , !Jaunn warranted, its represeutott. Laattlaras and others will dud a to thou advantage to Ash and ex• spathe the eseertatent at the store, on South Second street two doom below Vheacnut. : - say2l4iika GEORGE WINTERS PHOTOGRAPHS. Aassortment of Photographs CI -fileiteralsamt fancy owns far tali: cacti!, at $t per dwelt, at - SUB.K.F6Ba'd BOOK STuft.E., mystO • • Haim! Pa "I_,) tan i3uUliS, IS U.LiztE VOKTSMUNNAIES, and a general Saran y of lAA. .nirat auto .% just received at BERONNWS FlooK ENGLLSE( BB & ALF AST Th.. duet /e• a•wel, • am await of Elitpisti Bnmicrast Tea at StildLlM Flia4Eß'l3, nib Wou. honk Jr I. I KA it klail.NE's WUJitUES'rEIi, SAUCES, jud abr mat yuvulpx eaci the puma ever aferal tu We 44014 jtlXl4oo6l9tict and fur mle by SIILSLEIT. 4; hal • Ontueemors TAI Ormot. Pr, NICE FLY PA.P A NIUE assoiortimit of (Jut, Peer for cail tYgi~wow% glusaec inutuns fratu add gas defLESPRiva BOOK H.rtlahltiez Pa- 111 MOO "PEUIT JkitS, of the latest Patent tin's Toot Pat ant,) just reoslyettatid tor sale low at „iylB HvYnn -te KM.:RPRR, sY 4A(34.),Tab Dakq, Nut , ateg rag New ark State CheestiyilLSt - received at SHISLER - a FRAZER. SUCCOSSOM to W k Co. em 1111.341.41f0l I Vi011.1..E.51 I—By, do? Liarrel, JIL iitalfßorrit, Jar or Dusen at SH'ISLICR & Fitt ERIC - ootooglior. to wo, nnott . & not* VIXESEI A: , • aka, Venom Biacuita, Boston" tit - IPWW-ikastoik IVskir &milkers, liamiin 110-sac - 1 Treace BUST onager!, Just reciived at ? •ni'vOte - 1 tILBS. CODFLEiii,.. -ex ta it p% la V , Druted • St. 04OP brauk Jan teceiWit. I;niaalEM $0“11142.10 Nu. 14!_riaufq-: . .. A LAZGE 44w:di:lent at • B R'S 01-IEXP BOOKS= 4, attrill . • at lats Vi retatl Ow krjrAa." The Bitter Wine of Iron Is put up in 76 cent and $1 00 bottles, and sold by all reepeoteble druggLlts throughout the country. Be particular that eviry bottle bears the tie single of the proprietor's signature. This Wine Includes the most. agreeable and, Olden& Salt of Iron we peeress; citrate of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with the moat energetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvian bark. The effect in many cases of debility, ,less of appetite, and general prostration, of an efflolent Salt of combined with oar valuable Nerve Took, most happy. It augments the appetite, raiseerthe pulse, - takes colt malodor flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the cooatimum- • - WHISKTS. . OLD BOURDON .. • ithArcaradusara. ..* __ .. FEST LUSE 41W SCOTCH Wlliskys. The but ever bremen . t.e we ouumat.. 91,D WHEAT 4 ABLOM JOBANNEEMI3ItG, CLAM 860TcrEr AND WIN AM& ALTA* Mr , " Mijt WIIM =Um PLi2l24lON_, - WIGWM TWOOllnTlei SIAIri ocanikletnikedli* , „ NNOLIWIL Arm AMIRICAN MIMES And Condittindt el innryileliee — fouft 111*/# thaw, .0014 , 7aPr P k ralyrek„ w tvah,e4., Paper, levekiled,.....- 7 / 6 2, or AnVidits t llonn. tiOtekintl , . 4 :teat imowi. i:i Z-7, - .T: ) .1111*V 1 t" 7''Til I it s rfiC 4, 4 . Mammal, caMgll2 VMS BOXAMOUSEEWlljillplietifiZe7 - - 11 ; ..1 1 41 - :41114101it t i R.MM tr2it 'mow • • • 1111110MMM010 'AN*, j r , ) I=3 MEDICAL. " • ELECTRICITY. wiran and CREAMER, jur `ask Electropatitio phrecians, respectfully: :ate - Moir professidual amyl= In all the various timed= or the prOfeemok (tithe treatment Olen acute en¢ ifflltitillt forms Of tlletesit - The remedial meant they employ In the WORIMMiIt Or disease consist of liapneiem, Qalianllr,Maetetraltagimb.' .lam, the Swedish method of Local) . wont:met cure, a few Eclectic medicines when deenied. neceisistts„ - mut in fact all the natural Maldive agents -that may imixadally be brought to bear upon the disease. They do not wish to be understood an eirogatlng to themselves any superiority of professional still, but they believe the remedies they employ In the Weenie& of dis ease far superior to those generally employed bypby k d i um from the tact that they act in perfect harmony with the laws governing and controlling the human system. To this, and the fact that they confine theinselace to no per ocular paMy or syste7), they attribute their outman I controlling diseases The pnocipal agent they employ In the treatment of disease, namely, Lectricity,ia an agent wonderful In Its phenomena and powerful In its effects for goat or di. it le an ever present, all-pormding principle, governing all things, from renting worlds down to the invisible particles of gaseous muter. We see it Mate lightnineallamk ald! hear the manifestations of Its power in the muttering thunder. It is the muse of all tlecompottion, recontrm eition and tranefonnation. It excites all motion. ' It is the exciting cause of life growth, decay and dVh. It causes accretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold Of the crude food In the stomach, converts It into a suite of S. transmutes it into arterial blood, and sends it on na important office of supplying nutriment according to the necessities of the body. It is the nerve vital fluid, the peat, agent through which the mind acts open the Wady. It is the cause of all causes except the first great 'cense. the Infinite Mind which created it and brought it Into tiae These may appear like mere amertimat, but than M. facts admitting of strong and trresenible proof. Is it then, to be wondered at that an agent au wonderful In its phe• mamma, so powerful in its manifestations ands° intimate ly omusected annelid the operation's of the haulm ays• tem; should be almost absolute in ite power of conlicolifts disease? Certainly not, It lea natural sapsenoo died follows as sorely es day follows night"' among Among the diem= whim are foond-totyield readily SO Electricity, In conjunction with . proper adjunct treadonan, may 00 atenitoucd the followin g; Incipient Consumption,. Paralysis, Elpillptic, Epicene and • other Convulsions; Neuralgia, Id its worst forma, Ethnematiesn, indanssissaort and chronic; all Waimea of the nervosa systetai tiyam' am cum in a few treatments; all disease. of the uratiry and genital organs; Female Dieesem, AM/ma, film and ?Mamma Ant; Amauroste and all kindred antigens of the eye; Auretus, etricuusa, all skin diseases, Ott - • Persona calling will tie told whetherMey ma be bona , dtted and no setae taken whore come relief cannot he et forded. Cmandattion free °tax, South Smond.atreet, - be mw Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa. Office hours frcenill to 12 A. to 6 mg I to ALEX, R. le NW& ern . DR. 4, BOLTON on 0 \ KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. • A PURE and powligini 2ON*O, Correotive sad dltendive, of .wonderful ellicady In dlinials "the STOKACR, LITER and !OW.IELS. Cures DYlPePeiar Liver Complaints' Iletutsouu, Gomorra • DebUliy, Nurvotuiums De- • mown. or %Artie, Cod-4104in Intermittent Fever, acidity et the Storm* Nausea, Heertbure; i Magus An' -Food, 6u4nusa ur Weight yr the 4ttuaajic Sinkiug w Fluuezing At tire Pll of the Stonuatik, Swimming of. Ike Rend, DiMoult Breattung, Ye 111159,, nese of um Skin end Reg, levss auje Dull p ! uoi.A- in• Read, rain In che Back, Chem as Limbs, will cure every case of Ohrorila or IPcriors DabUity, Diseases of the Sidi eyi and Diseases arising from a idirlorcer,rd Stomach, Geed for Male :"" or Annaba Old or Twang. The Met beneficial medicine soft;a eves better satis faction and cures more diseases than any other pre pare. _ tion'effered to the Pub li c. Prepared solely by S. A. RUN BEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. .. For sale by Druggists and peeler* everywhere BEWAILE ftE' Counterlefts • As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the may sure and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cute of Dytpepsiet gust Debility, and as there area number or imitations offered to the pnblia; we would caution the community to purchase noun but the genuine article, manufactured by B. A. Kvaui & Bao., and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very ram that others are attempting to imitate' this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks voltupea in lea favor. GENER&L DEPOT, ' us 3t , uMur ==r Tor ids tor mil reveatable dealers tlmMg!", the eantry. F 1 DI E LIQUORS. Shissler & Frazer, (Summon toWm. Dock, Jr., rkEALERS IN FINE FAMX glipcs. tweesion RI opposite 1 1-000lin170)22ed*F• Oh hands Gam Qt BRANDIES, • different vintages. P7NE ARD COMMON W 72018, PAIIL-4.1( NEOTAR, and the,ced•br . skied OREKNOT GROVE WEGEWE. CHAMPAGNE- WINES. UNEIFACII Da Jo= L. WOW iti . Eicil '.-. ,t , Kijo.prott . '.:',. ;)lops,' ibieurkaginuesmidy nicelvauy 1110 01, 41 1 0111VatetbsftillkliftW moos: tag au teragalsritlam, prodepthig MAIN; air igkrulgth. , - 414 Are a brig propingli*the orgy true one of the iMid elmoveredl thmetauau7, miteetedireatly of the piste Maimed, whh ptUi mad main as ouly reach them u they work througlt ektapathy, but act at MI illumt and palm,. • Aro ooffiertior Dols a coooliat meet/ he the regu lar rows of nature's presaged laws? Glee plus& no eauealeem for 4011h1Peetodlcul Drops If 'taken a day or rmilmlbre ihs expeoted pedal, will pad ded, sea leverlably NOM, lie Gemini's sure as Oka follows IWO, ea ositlidass daylight Maui datimme Are pm iiit,amarehleil bpdbeeee,ar =We, to bear Ma labor es 4 ehigee if leemmeal Como to you sots biontogi tbr fa tot provoitiloo retie thou ours ? Irregularly Imam it Is a detain pretenliry wilt save you mob poll sad laity bows ottailltetag Have yen boss salletel tbr!miff year, with onspisinti Incident to tie NI, MP We WWI am : 021 It Orli' Glans, end see Yertylegles torte wanly give t An the moat rellvbie regulator ever known, mad ore, like casclo, all WowWeida** this luivetWled the doctor's Will you wale wi th oadertaa bola Leveorrhoes PrOI•4IIRUN ad a ttessuad othez des, all atutuaad ap aid the math ad tomothetst auc oed More, obeli aktheodautat Stew dollar la will way save Jon, • Do aot Puma the drope - ** Medi* .te the direction, for allltongb a papillae. are , lied 4=411 Om Wow, they ins so powerto beep to aeLlae .upd gove.-0 the fuserapaaof lko• /Mimi , aOiloboll, T Pa akeo at Improper the" Si* Wapiti pireplaga eavalta w to maw; &paw whieti all,.partleelsdp than ado made reprodpuse, *add asaltellp gnat IUIU=INMF, PA. Conan harm the au* dailaala laglalliatiaa at eigriblto; yet sattararkaan *bib ta. mind @plan Its misuse, hope( that a theaseed bottles will be need fbr a toodpur pose where owe h► used fee as Uleglllmete rme. . , • the minty a > Tommie itegabear, for mile: by U OW?. hi i• thy est eose4a mud Akt.not,if ye* vase four *ad erlab rote Mlable meolhene, beze any. other. eo other, tout if the- Amain to mom you apply Ws sot got it, saki lyi no 4 and pt 11401 leer Of Etv4—i ,7erwi4 JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY it OOWDZii, 'SO 11 1 1 -• i ' '.C. O. a. • ~. • .-• ..; ..;.. , e, -• .. e , •'-' 1 ' ••• . :.•:•,:*,' •• ,--.4"Z„ i.: ;:- .• • ~•• ..,-,;•••;asi, :: 1 ' 1; - • . - s, •- ' • LI 4,_.,.. :i , t , r.••• -4- <l,.s h . tn? 4- ~....,,' ;: , ..t1 i... t : !- -A-wittotjs(s ~,,-: i i,,, i, - ... : : E . ..., k.- : :' - ~.7.,, -0_411.44.5-4 ;•;,,....1S•41 :' , . s• - ,1 fz5.,:i i ...;:55 : :;.... , .: 15..4 . . —' lz.mm e"•= I!! El =II osa "AS 15 Clil Ell ME GUM' ...',......;', .'ql'i.i: . .: , ''J. -7. .,''''- '4' itZ::1::: .•-•:: .FEBI4A&I,AUCOU"LiATOR.,- LYON' 1111410DIOAL DROPS LYON'S PERIOIROAL DROPS LYONS PRRIODMAL DROPS LYONS PNBIODIOAL DROP4ift LYON'S PRRIODIOAL DROPS rorows Riatowitia tam G CIa4UK ON Psoieurros, Irmo Hot" Gam la U 345 k Its* eisett dolga, Rill =Oil rim UEM ::4 1 M.DICA 14 DR:4tlloisoN, I 1.:..7±1. iii.,... , ) ".:....- . .:it:::: c. 11A.1GTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL , =EI DISEASES OF IHEICIDENOS RELIEF IN SIX TO TWELVE HOURS SO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Cure Warranted, or 2slo Charge, in from One Weakness of the . gook Affections of the Kidneys said Bladder Involuntary Discharge.a, Iranotency,Gouend Do - NOVOinnteaa, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation or the Dean, Timidity Trembllngs, Dimness of Sight Or Oiddine&„ Disease of the .11esit/, Tlitoat e Nese .nr , Skin, . Affections of the Liver. Lungs, Stamm& 9r Dowels—thoee terrible disorderi mislogiroui the tiolicary Habits of Youth-1140 secret end aolinny practices nanerhtat to their victims trim the mourof Syrerertd the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their mast brilliant hoped oe antinipations, rendering marriage, impassible. YOUNG KEN • Especially who have become the victims of Solitary Vitas, that cirendfuland destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young :den of tit moat exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listenlngSenates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lynx, may Usti witlrfidi cottedenoe. • • .. ATARTUAGE. - - • •Jlarriedpersolut, or Young Ken contemplating marring; being aware of ptcyslord weaknoite, organic debility, defer. stm,- spesilly cored. Jae who placenhinutelf under the care of Dr. J. may re omilldeJtr Ms honor ea a gentleman; sad coma iently rely upon hie ekill as a Physician. 0W3k4,N1.0 %M1...11,11E158 niniedlately eared, slid full Nigur moored. Thin dleueseingathatiou=Which readers Ilfelnlaemble arirf wriago bambealble—is the penalty paid by . the etc , 41amior hhproper indulgenco... Young persona are too api etrmt, mews:ram pot king aware of ,the dreadful conseeweitorelhat may =we. Now, who that under etshafe the =mem will Maraud to deny . that the power of preersatlon bt antler by those ndltug , Improper habit@ URA h.ytcheiprkaant. Besides being domino the idiom= of healt.by elfirming, the most $OllOllB and de structfve pyriptoina to both body and aged arise The System bileirrarakleranged, the physical and menu; functtouszrAtWas of procreative power narrow Irritability,palpitatton of the heart, tudigestm, oonetltutl debility a wasumg of the tome, meth, con. rampage; delay' zid depth. - • Veyint Na. 4, SOUTH E9n3041/2CE eXISZA %bead OW total ..tam Baltimore Memo few doom tram Ibe cenler,- .not. re °been* name and number. Lettere nmia tiu pablend cam:lM a damp. The DcpctoPe Dlpiosii'Li~ag In Me Wee • DR. J013154 - BON ' itimbeeor the./toyii 00Ilege of &net* Lohdok_rod. nate feint o:he'd- werttost eminent collegeethe Mite. Adatsty end the ,part of whose life hair been spent in the being*. of • doe, Paria, Plehtdelphia end else. where, haadoOll eted moils of the most astonishing surer that were Iva kiewo • away troubled with ringing to tilt had and ears when ' asleep, great' nervousness, bele; alarmed at sadder , sundis, bashfulness, with [retinue;blushing, blushing;ittioded eometunes with dersoratent of mind were oared inuiediateik. • • TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE: These are *erne Conte aid sad melenchely Sleets Pre duced by early.babile of youth, via : weakness of the back awl ,pain in the head, dimness of sight, lose o' • macular wer, palpitation of the heart, dyspepshi, ner Ines irritability,..symptura of eoneunouloo, Ilfatersma. —The fearful 'dents on the mind are mud to be dreaded—loss of Seamy coitfaisloo of ideas, de pression of spirits, evlt foreteaAversion to society, :self disuse, love of island?, t imidity, kw, are tune 0: !the evils redwood. • • • • ' YOUNG MEN W4O have. tqiurell themselves by a =Ulu praotice W hiled, lb when alone, a habit frequently learned frow evil compintoba, or at school, she effects of which er. :lightly felt, even when asleep, and if apt cured renders marriage moos rible, and destroys both mind and body ilmulda illy, at mediately. Whata t hat ii young matt, the hope of his country the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all !imposts and enjoyments of life, by the consequence ui deviating from the path of nature and indulgingb mrtala lecra habit Suck persons nosr, before content. plating • MARRIAGE, • &effect that a sound mind and pod: are the most meatier., requisites to promotecoanublal bappinesa. &deed, with out these; the Journey through life becomes a weary pil grimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; tdo mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happmees of another be. comes blighted with our own. • • rfnuil AB OF BEPRIIDENOB. Wh.. e n the illtlegaltbd and thapnident votary.of pleatutrr dna he hag imbibed the seeds of this prii&al 100 oRenlaaPP , P 3 that an illthned sense Of shame or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who from education and respemability, can alone befriend him Re falls Into the hands of Ignorant and designing preaend me; who,' tecipable of curies, filch his pecuniary sub etence ; keep him trilling month after month, or as long at the smallest fee eon be obtained, and ur despair leave his with mired health to sigh over Metalling disappointment or, by the use of the deadly Peleee, blereerY, hasten ithr oonstitutionelaysaitt u: Bonilla terrible clisease,snel as altfac 'Mons of the Head,' Nose, Skin, me, progressiu.- - with frightful rapidity till death pats a period to hit dreadful smeartngs by sending him to that andlearviseta iloultry from whence no traveder rebarna INDORSEMENT OF THE PRIM& The mazy thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerona important sargical aperatiOnt performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters of the Orm, (Sipper, and many other papers, notices of winck nave appeared again and again before the public, beidder als standing aa a gentleman Of character am( reeponai• tatty, is a sufficient guarantee to ti) Motel SKIN DIVARIP43 SPEEDILY CURED. glillee We. South Predertck Street. splo-ctly -Timis IS NO mos WORD AS FAIL:" 4:3OnfrOUND EXTRACT OF CUIIEBS AND COPAIBA. This •en et partlealarly recommended the. KEDICAL ROPISSION And the PUBLIC for the proincv •and etertain rare of DISEASES OP TER BLADDER, KZ. sErs, COUNARY ORGANS, ETC. It may be relied on ere the beet mode for the administra Wm althea:remedies ja the trap shwa of disesecsof both f ens, to which they. an applicable. It sever interferer With A? 51ita0.03, 2 a ? cd 14 , its ocuicentratioa, the dose: it much reduced ~ • • N. B. --Purchasers are advb3ed to ask for TARRANT'S. :0010 1 049D.LUTRAOT OF OUBEEIS AND COPAIBA. ad take nothing able, as ondattous and worthless prep nstiorsa, ander abetter Oahu*, are in the market. Prier •00.• dlleg. byglans on. rissapt of price. Nanette and only bT .T -t & CO., No. - 278 Greening strata, conger& Warrea street., New York, and firs sale Ormilisre ierseario.. ootrikily • For sideavy 3 A; 11132Q34.8 43 BRO., sad by Iltragglau renerst4l, Art not ammo gat piauee of paper mai, W Like Arum ct saga, but Molded and . Shaped tojte The exh, having purfaot wt7k . Jrw from oleo or bra*, which as Ob. tallied b 7 coarlattededlirooen, which also 'CUMIN another Ounnfageti no other : - Spam hr4 1 /1040,-,ll4awn 167/4, &beau:yr os wawa 11 mum= anosrce Amaze= maw sisaasse, schathai this coup; Dar saw mune; and - duraniiity, unequalled. • They are afakdo,la orinrrdown owletia iise9 Grum 12 to 17, sod Merrinal 18 la IT ladies, and pew tr . , ralti* 406111 14%100 each; also, .111 smug! ones . 11% te a. 6 0/4=416 1 ,, - . 21 4 6 4 1 17 Mimeo for ti tiara; 11114 r, ~,,V44400:41111401 „ 0 $ aria" Vaiteiat Molded add by 41.yousibusigia4..rungshisageowls. trad iae l iV ain t " '4300/aWki-akg • " kadaditlpbwrlt t to rp 5 ` 1 44 121/cor. 1 v , 0 41.tv 1.6 W. Dank, .:40*00.- ... 1 . to Two' Days 11) /' . . JIL GROSS '& ,CO., • = WHOLESALE 'AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STRRET, HAHRISBURO, PA DRUGGISTS, lIITSICIANS,.,STORE- larklWS AND CONSUVEMS; We are daily adding to our astortment of all each articles as are desirable, and would g call your attention to the tamest and best selected steak :hi- We • COT, of . DRUGS, CREMICALS AND PAIN, OA Tatoffittes - Dreaugi QlatY atui earn ng Striia oad ak toi, BIUtII Y- FOR 4/01S. TIE FARMER BOY, , tind hwhe banazie Command. et h Ire.; u 26 THE PIONEER *lO4 hoiv he became Preahlatd, $1 S , .1 Costal fbaP, SPonPiand Mak I TIE Filany BOY, end the Finaneler, sl 2 bud, Warn and Ping oak UN" ml, lutd ;amp Glo heg Mitts general variety of 417 441 PEREU:sMIY AND TOILET awnoLas, seb3cted ftom the best insaufacturers end Perfaxicra of 'Europe and this cimatry. &lag T.erY large 4pail.lll PANTS,' WiliTS LIMA WPM", OIL, ViaLVISInZ wprpow - GL433, LIZTZS7* Al=s2 l 2 8E4780E3 lA` ALL THEIR razz= s, COLORS AND 11110111 MI Ws resp4stklly urcte s Cali ; feeling confident that Virs oan supply the wants of all on terms to their satistap- PEWEE! TEETH•! I ff&T 41W WiraWS PORanair TWE PATAENT IfiIMIXIV" AND FLUX RATTWIA22I7•9. • Of ail Wade ; diroct from the Freer%ton sarozamig Art]) doNcEnsanco L7l-4, Wheless/a Agents for Saponifier, whloh we sell as , law 4d It can be purchased In the cities rainirs MEDWA FLUID SZTEICT & COMA OIL I -CARBON OTG 1., Being large purchasers . je these Oils, we can offer In iscoments to close buyers. Coal oil lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of Lamps 3hangod to born Coal Oh. RAMO= AND GR A 'xi - PM \ Those of yui Who here notgim our DOM AND OAT TIE POWESEIIe Wet lakow see their supetiottty, mad the advantage tkey are le keeplag Horses and Cattle healthy mad In a good awatatoa. Thousands as testi*r to the prong they •Leave derived from the use or our Cattle ,Powden, by the htdresteed quiet- ty and quality of taint, Waldo Improving the Itisuical nealth and appearance or !bar crnthlk Oar hag aspartame in the Widow itais us the *than tags or s Warns* kavated. of Use lade, sad our an Lwegesecual lu Mew are eseak Qat we auk, In n nay " 11 limo. hunt* anYtWag riPPerugaing to our tuudtmet, en the beg a tangs Thankful for the ÜbiEal yatlonase besteand on Gni house, we hope by intim attention to tonstsiona n Careful 'selection of PURE DRITGB at; tali prices, and the Oman to please all, to tatait a us gnome of the favor of a 4teephousir.thtt SACI - Erga r ZPOwDmik loos PERFUMING WIEN ANZIMATINTING MOTH P US -, , _ P° 2!" 111-4 , - q'anapOland of valuable lot 000icaolagi of iosooto..dlostilboted among orditmloCoVer Ptak woman, oirwis . Clothlog, am.= PckltirYSlL;or fitiso.per, offoolusfly primal pioth. Aileiiiintaiotinuatak partasia-ft-Idil. ha priC" l i M mu marit.l4 &suif4ll4lllg*F r . =beinjuzed by Ita:uab. SSz rows/4mo mom = A 144311,11 D. 19 . igisthis,Det 10 , 44V.E4145_ 401144--AU butisif -4 " b rt 'Br? -" 0914 ,421% w reiavky at m a I .'1A1.."311 11 91141111111, . • • Ibts • QMOKBX ` Zr' INIMP f' ,I O4 .4 U CatrigiOGEPP • :(I ,irameacir oniihrto w. Dockok. IY EEO i4idri~riiiiiiru+ri`n~i~'~= ~•r:-.- _= _sw..~.~=_.= MUM'. Mire and Tools, Para Ormuid Spica% ara, &r ,tx., 4c, 001.014 FALAI' 42W Or 41.4 r. KINDS. PkuLAI/Aillelillk TtitE Mt YOUNG LADLE& . sce le be ;sok sumo. Ray.OBABLIN A SUM], A. JA, o,L A xtvia A. IL; Prwwyrla Ninth. Year. TOM! depertineatet Primary, Academic, tea Uollegiata. Full 0011 eve f01i412110 to CLlQuiato kiil4ll. WOO' ISIVAQQ , laa tar algae who valuate. Galenamow, and gloeution by the ben tesetera - lor autwara apply 14 the Insthatte, QC 41 44111•1 km/ Z. 1 2 ,611 P. 4A, rhhaumaPllll WZDDINCi i - niVivenoti y aim AT ROMlllutia-114 a iiPii•ik'arnAgerneal roitonwof its In UK coustrYi oadm , daworipitolc4nroo executed Li ate Wow___ nt ,6 1 / 4 * ikmakiloWill:wito die woo 'Wow; aim/ Wel"' Whet Nom . pram wow no abloom Io gawswiww.. e to Now lon so l'haatietpuo, eaukoF owelonain 431111 ithateNtNls Iwo& NUN& NE 6118Ct,AALANEl)t18. muqLit griviusin AND FIFtIiNUMITII, - EGaAAbaft, undersigned having opened a fileati e Yard in this city, beg have to Map) thelr mad ! end the public in general, that they nil litepate4 to Mr. MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Stag 613 ktithamento,, - Tolubi% • - Head Stonea, Mantles, And Home Work in Marble and Broom Stone, Give as a Wye will gausewle smiefacttoa. WPADDEN & N. 11.---Letteztait seedy nono—lae or Gonna vinarS94l • • AN ASSORTMEIV . . 08 7 Eit . 100 STYLES POCKET . 'BOOKS" PURSES . _ • vortrrbloNNAlr.. FOE LADIES A. 10) GINTISACEN, KELLER'S . Drug and Fancy Goods ititirra Na; 91 Mailed street. Tke best: Morocco TRAVELING. SAltft £LB,I And toppersl variety o f FANCY 600143, se tor Presents, now on rand at KELLEN'S Drug • mayl.o-tf No. 91 Nerket... PlitYrOtiktAPki. ALBUM . ,ANOTHER LARGE . AS S ORTMENT OP photograph Albums DOUND in FINE MOROCCO-papa „LP get •nd mounted with two Murry endears. ALBUDIS WITH • so•Plotorw for ' 40 ft 41 . . . • *m go ts tt ~ Ve l a' witit iiitl4 . ang Other l ' it - ylca of bt;,idis, Mtn 4 aad p Abich-eill be sold dm*. • - - • Sol trot you =isnot buy a prettier, thoroibualida euall metimo labuarsaywhers. -- •'• •-', = 0.1 'aad nee at . , , SCBEM6I.% HOoloaore t.a. aszOla-dil ... - TR PRINTER BOY, or how Bar; Treaklin rode DM mark, 11 24 THE PARKER BOY, end Dow ha became Mater sot Ge 141 1 .4. it prefix A TOOTH'S II3TORY OP THE REBELLION, from Fort Sumter w kkuLuoke; elegantly LlkistnitaLL $i AL 8E.h..611.E?:. WOE 8701. e... INSURANCE COMPANY Of NORTH AMERICA, No WY. Walnut Street, South Side, Rano! ' Third Street, Philadelphia. 43101324T,0r AMTS.. ... . . 6C • • iIIad'HORNIED 1194, .. ... . ..... dr.... ........... .$ 6 00,04 &aerial PAIiPZTUAL. grains, Fire i d hided Trausporiation In , biGiUMO. ARTHUR G. corm N Preddem. CitifiLES PLITTAIIScretery.. W ILJLIANI is Li EIMER, Central Agent for Vonnusykrilitiiti, Office Walnut M, Rear Second, Ilanisbarg, Pa ayxi.wLJUT 11.E0EIVEL), TELLS MOLG:LNG, A FREW,' IitiVIACE O XICHEssa i CO.'S cELBEatATED SOGAIt MUD U.A,131140 4.1. N D .U.7OFAV, SSITST.MA FRAZFAt'S. THE DLL ST E MBIeG BLOCKL4, by . Gail liam. SAITYFULD,HEARTE, by the 'wither of th e Lecw• Vasa'. VA 44 DABOTINS AND DAYLIuiIT, by Um Holmes. it bg 111. BARBARA'S 11.18 TORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards. CO oats TEM SMALL ROUE Car ALLINSTON, by Trollope. $125, SEVEN,STORZS, by lk Marvel, a/Mbor of "Ilevealea of a Baca*km." S VIL , WEILL'S JOURNAL of the LPhion'ery of the minim@ et the rigs. s4ll* arra • TEE WOMAN IN 111.A.caL, by author , at "Hui in Gray." $1 60 NOUS OF EUX3PITAL Ncrv.'O/ to Jkos.'oll, $lOO X. • STORIES Or =Xi SEA, Oa • boy% It Cortex writaap #l. 00 XI.. sump OF TgE WOOL; On boys; From OAFeriii Watafts. .4 .99 All new balks received ay bum as publbthed at BlulailsklVA buuB biul24 10 1 Artribet rued. jNItiVAI. I. RT)CHAFALXFUI3NITURE ruusn dues not saes& the viunlah, but remeres tau orighou 1011t110, it dem um lt will remme, with very Wale labor every, bulked surface, tither wawa or wood. All satumbituarent Dad detheis In Ibrahurt should are It km detail/1g tunutute that has boat amid- Ina, covered with aum. A tutuitt and rut, here ashl there will make it &men end Ad . Fur mkt by b. A. ii.Vbailth arßECt i 1.1.8 Markel street, Huniaberg. m44ltf • Inkilducia littr. THLb IN VALUABLE lIICI/UP, which is en lire* vtiroolAttnt W ilia volitpoulttull !tab been 4,11 Ise wss wussersu rucaumb Hot ttlitaq ictult.tu Lac vac Of iliglealier NS the dllt eh:vial:An rani I.l,nton. oz cum et the dtimmov, eutua• y I..)Luti, 114-6/.llst, fLUJW.1,1t11414:14.1 otts.a.ttaliN Web Vlakttl. luau antalt; khI , EY,,, sis dot wW st osisaiieu was the bayptral reSaitis. It la use of iLO beat WWI MUM. IlacttrAntif. tur Alt Rama" di idttiti- Math and thlNSUble'llt,N. /Yo laudancon or propiva tisse eir OPagn *ft SUFI Mir P/LLUE *LIM BOTIJArt: Per ea3e a finntiNhtsk• 44ietw noun nture. • 2.uact ris.V.Ev•traiLz are GUM= to &ho 6 nvurc%.4 amp, Allay 'Natant, in'niter; le relieve 01111‘1111, Wee Timm lie. They .ciugate cordieei, ISextegii and kiwi, Me must rellituie elipectormitie irAiinv S e,) ere tlie duet ea- Live cuiastliuesia, u weau.ieg IvlUr , Gem Aral:dor= delglir, ulrt ewe imaiiirie u Rata MU very jitamiew, acme Mauatiicurreu solely toy rs. d KUNEIW* kW; Akimir.eeimee. liti Usgriov Irb:rreiburr, . , /SEW =vox* iitia4pag Rasa just seurimt tail i$ -04 VA• iaccwittls)lLlMA* 1_ ia-W. Dusk, Jr., kv a eel
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers