11 Fritgrap HARRISBURG, PA TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST ao, 1861. NOT.Ium To All VERTISERS.—AIindver. I Iscmc Business Notices, Marriages, Deo Ills, 8:43., to secure insertion in the VILE GitArll, must Inca riahly he secant. paP 4 ed with the CASH. idverl iseinents ordered in the regular ,Evening Edition are inserted in the nova , Edition without extra charge. Nn A CO N 1' R Y. Third Ward Delegate Election. The.election of delegates to represent the Third ward in the Union County Convention, will be held at the Franklin House, on Satur day evening next, at the usual hour. By or der of the Executive committee of the Third ward. td BotaD WANTED.—Two young men who can give the best references, desire boarding. In s, private family preferred. Inquire at Tars 1 1 OFFICE. Go to Harry WAlls' benefit, at Sanford Hall, to-night. LUTINITION z /I.lusre.--We are pleased to r eap. that Prof. Wra. Knoche has consented tcoltako a few advanced scholars in music. ' • know of no one more competent to impart truction than Prof. Knoch6, and take great asure in heartily recommending him to all o desire the service of a proficient muss: 3; U. 1317911 ME?I'DIG.--A bush meeting will be held on the old camp ground, near Highspire, by the colored people of the Baptist Chtirch. Services will commence at 11 o'clock on Saturday, and continue over Sabbath. All ministers are invited to• attend:- Boats -will leave Harrisburg, to convey visitors - on Sun day. Fare ach way, 25 cents. Doles , forget the benefit of Harry Wells, at the Opera House, to-night. CCM . APPOINTMENT OP CELAPLAIN.—Rev. G. G. ,Rakestraw, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Metho dist Episcopal Church, has been appointed Chaplain of the Two Hundred and First Penn sylvania Regiment (Col. Awl's.) Rev. R. will make a very efficient chaplain. He is s thor oughly loyal man, and an able preacher. A better selection could not have been made. SANFOUD and a host of brilliant stars ap pear at Harry Wells' benefit, to-night. Tars EVENING Harry Wells takes. a benefit at the Opera House. As a manager Mr. Wells has' spared neither trouble nor expense to place before the people such entertainments as would render satisfactionlpud he has suc ceeded admirably. INT° doubt there will be a large audience in attendance. Sanford and a host of stars will appear. =1712 Tun 2020 REGIMENT ! —This regiment is fast lining up. Col. Chas. Albright, of Mauch Chunk, formerly of the 132 d P. V., will com mand it. A. more patriotic or competent leader could not be chosen. Only a few more com panies wanted to fill up. Commanders of companies and squads would do well to con nect themselves with this organization, by applying at Headquarters in Camp Curtin. au3ll:2t . DEPARTURE OF A Rzonumnr.—The 20Ist Regiment, Penna. Vols., left hero to-day. The regiment was full, and presented a grand appearance as they marched through our streets en route for the river bridge. It is composed of the finest body of men that ever marched forth from the State capital; . men who will win laurels on the battle-field if brought into contact with the enemy. The majority of the„ companies were raised in this city, and the numerous friends of the brave men will have no fears that any of them will fail to "act well their part." The Fairview Brass Band, of fourteen pieces, accompanied the regiment, the members of the band having also entered the service. A WOFDERFUL CURE EFFECTED BY THE MEG OF PAIN. —Reid the Evidence.—Some three years ago the small-pox broke out in Harris burg, and for many weeks I was in constant attendance upon patients afflicted with this most loathsome disease. The duties I was compelled to perform impaired my health vary seriously. My liver failed in its usual functions, disease of the spine followed, and my kidneys were also affected. Add to these afflictions a constant constipation of the bow els, attended by severe headache, and the reader can judge of my situation. With such , a complication of diseases, I was still corn pMied to work, and was only enabled to do so by the constant use of purgative medicines, which I have steadily taken for fourteen months, in the vain hope that they would eventually bring my system to its normal condition again. I heard of Dr. M'Bride per forming miraculous 'cures with his "King of Pai.: ," but I doubted its efficacy in my case. Still, as " drowning men will catch at straws," I called upon him, and a few minutes after a single application my head ache disappeared! Encouraged by such a marvellous cure, I used his King of Pain in ternally, and this 19th day of August, in the year of our Lord 1864, I am again a sound mar t . Ihe kidneys, bowels and utile fgti.. sound in every respect, as they were ten years ago, and I ant able to do a full day's work, and sleep after it as well as the healthiest day I ever saw. I reside in Oenslager's row, North street, Fifth ward, Harrisburg. Oily of Harrisburg, as Before me, W. Kline, 'an alderma n of said city, personally curie Jacob larger, who, being duly sworn, says that the facts set forth above are just and true. Sworn andlnbscribed, August 20,1864, be forewow---- ^ . „ Wit teas—ll: J. Jonas. - • loon AGENCYL—The Postmaster General has appointed S. Lloyd Olim route agent be llaverAild vania, on the Philadelphia and Erie railroad. Loos OUT Boys 1-411 soldiers belonging to the 200th Pennsylvania Volunteers; failing to report on or before the let day of September, 1864, will be reported as deserters and pun ished accordingly. au2B-1w BE4tutrut, ANTI A.rrnAcTivs—The plays se lected for this evening by the Star Combina tion Company, now in the third week of its present successful season. That beautiful and touching domestic drama, entitled Arms, THE BOSE OrKILLABNEY, will be presented to night, with Miss Nellie Sprague as Aline, and Miss Fanny Denham as Lilly Lover. There is a grand cast in this piece. The entertain ment will conclude with Nan, the Good-for- Nothing—Miss Fanny Denham as Nan. The jovial Rouse will appear as Tom Dribbles. SWORD PRESENTATION. —Captain Maloney, of the First City Zouaves, was surprised this morning, at finding himself the recipient of a beautiful sword, (valued at $125,) which had been purchased by the members of hiA com pany as a testimonial of their high regard for him as a soldier and an officer. The presen tation ceremony took place in Cauip Curtin, at 8 o'clock, this morning. 1. B. Ewing, Esq., in behalf of the company, presented the sword to the Captain in a very beautiful and appropriate addre-s. Captain Maloney re plied briefly, accepted the beautiful gift, and thanking the generous donors for this mark of their esteem for their commanding (officer, pled ed himself to use the weapon faithfully and never dishonor it. Quite a large number of spectators were present and witnessed the ceremonies, which were very interesting. The Zouaves are a noble body of men—one of the finest companies in the 201st regiment. HOERIEBLE ATTEMPT AT CE LE MURDER. The people of Newburg and vicinity, in Cum berland county, have had their senses shocked by one of the most brutal outrages that has ever been,perpetrated in that region of count try. The S'ar of the Valley gives the following account of the affair : "About 12 o'clock on Sunday night last, a girl in Newburg, by name Grimes, went to a cornfield near town, and there gave birth to a female child. She gave it a blow on the head, and thinking life extinct, buried it loosely with some chips and brush. She then walked home, and next day walked to the residence of her sister, some five miles distant- On. Tuesday 'morning, Mr. Gross, with whom the girl resided, hap pened to be working in or near the cornfield above mentioned, and heard the child cry. The alarm was quickly raised, the child was rescued, and at this writing (Thursday) was still alive! Suspicion soon fastened on the criminal and she was ,arrested on Tuesday evening. At first she denied all knowledge of the affair, bat being pram 'fed with the over whelming evidence against her, she made a fall confession of the facts as above stated." DR. WBEEDN'S KING Or PAlN—Taz GREAT EXTERNA.L AND INTERNAL 1111311 Dr.—The fol lowing letter speaks for itsolh— lissinanuno, Aug. 29, 1864. Da. 11113aron—Dear Sir:---After having been twice rejected by a surgeon as unfit to perform military duty, I have at last been ac-. cepted, and am on the eve of marching to the front. I cannot leave without returning you my grateful acknowledgments, because your KING OP PAIN has cured me of one of the worst cases of Dyspepsia I ever heard of. I have taken some of the medicine with me, as I think its merits entitle it to be called a friend in need, and every soldier should have a tottle in his knapsack, and every civilian one within his 'reach. For sale at the corner of Fifth and Market streets, and in Camp Curtin, and consultation with the Doctor morning. noon, and evening, at Room No. 7, State Capitol Hotel. THE Vamp?. GIIAMDS.--This fine company, now company 0, 201st regimest P. V., com manded by Capt. G. Washington Fenn, paid a visit to our city on last Saturday evening, and were introduced to Vbn. K. Verbeke, Esq., in whose honor they are tamed by the Capt., when Mr. V. responded in the .follow ing well-timed and sensible remarks: • Gentlemen of the Verbeke Guards:---I return you my sincere thanks for the great honor you have done me in giving your tine, yoir noble looking company my name. The citizens of Harrisburg, the people of the whole country will owe you an eternal debt of gratitude that at this period of the war, when the ml itary resources of the South, in men, appears to fail, that you voluntarily leave your friends, your homes, and every thing that is near and dear to you, to help swell•the armies of the North that they ma) by able speedily and effectually to crush the military power of the South. Gentlemen, we lived so long in peace that when the war broke out, we had no taste for it; we were totalls , unprepared; our arsenals were empty; our soldiers unskillful, and our officers had to be taken from the ordinary walks of life. The South had been prepiring itself, and the consequence was that we met with many terrible reverses; but in three years of war our soldiers heve become disciplined, and our officers haie become skillful, and it only remains for the people of other sections to come out now, as you have done, to give us an army that, like an avalanche, will crush the rebellion forever. The Rev. Dr. Hay made a few remarks,of christian cheer and encouragement, when the company, with three times three cheers for Mr. Verbeke and family, Rev. Dr. Hay and their Captain and Lieutenants, returned to Camp Curtin. A Gnaw Thum Proquo. —A grand Union pic-nic will be given at Hoffman's woods, on Thursday, (Sept. Ist.) Great preparations are being made to make it the largest affair given this season A train of oars will run to the woods at Si o'clock a. st. and at 2 o'clock P. AL Tickets 25 cents for the round trip. A good band of 'music has been engaged for the occasion. No pains will be spared to make it the best pianio of the season. Come one and all, as theropill be all kinds of amuse ment on the gioung under the direction of James Bprucebanks, B. Ifib and J. D. Milli JACOB ZARGER. EIIIENE Tours, Respectfully, : JOHN WEAVER. A 00itiPLIOATION Or Nauss Omura.— ill° patient who gives the following teoiatoniat was afaietea tith a diseased livii—the foun tain head of a multitude of afflictions—but did not know what was the matter with him• It is to be presumed that his physician had skill enough to detect the seat of disease, but his remedies failed : HABIILSBURG, Aug. 15, 1864. This is to certify that for a long time I have been sick, emaciated and enfeebled to such an extent that I could neither eat nor sleep, with violent pains constantly racking my , en tire system. I could get no relief from physi cians, and I was almost in despair, when I accidentally got hold of Dr. M'Bride's RING OF PAIN, which CURED ME IN TWO DAYS I It has literally rescued me from the jaws of death. Instead of going down to the grave, as I thought I was doing, I have gone down to work—can eat a full and hearty areal, and sleep comfortably. I believe to-day that Dr. M'Bride's medicine is the beat ever invented, and that it will do all he claims for it. JOHN RICE, State St., opposite Hickok's Machine Shop. SWORD PRESENTATION AT CAMP OREM.- Captain G. W. Miles, of company I, 102 d regiment, P. V., was the recipient of a cos ly :sword and futures, presented to him by the members of his company, as a testimonial of their esteem for Captain M. as an officer and gentleman. The sword was presented in be half of the company by our townsman, A. H. Baum, Esq., with the following brief remarks : Captain Miles In behalf of the members of company .1, 201st regiment, P. V., I have the honor to present to you this beautiful sword and fixtures. Accept it as a slight Lei , * timomal of our regard for you as our Captain and leader, whom we look upon as a courta; ous gentleman and true soldier. Rest assured, sir, that whenever this polished blade shall be unsheathed, and its brave owner shall lead us " forward!" then it will be our glory to follow —ran) na around the flag boys Shouting the battle cry of freedom !" Once more, sir, permit to me say, accept this offering at our hands, and rest assured that we have every reason to believe that this beautiful weapon %as yet untarnished by the blood of our "chivalrous" foe) will never be disgraced in the hands of our gentlemanly young officer! Captain Miles replied: Gentlemen and soh Biers—l am unaccustomed to public speaking, but I cannot refrain from expressing my sin cere thanks to you for this assurance of your good feeling and generosity towards me.— Rest assured it shall be the great object of my life to do my duty towards my country and the soldiers under my command. This weapon sincerely hope shall never be returned to its sheath with a single blemish upon it.— .Gentlemen, let me again thank you. 'Three cheers for Captain Miles were then proposed and given with a hearty good will and the company dispersed. • Second Ward, Attention: Citizens of the Second ward who know of persons who enlisted in the United States ser vice under previous calls, from said ward, are requested to communicate said information at once to I). W. Gross or H. Murray Graydon. It is highly necessary that this should be at tended to immediately, in order that the en rollment list of the ward may be properly corrected, and the quota reduced as much as possible. Let every one attend to this.— WeAlnesday is the last day for correcting the rolls. ..V23" . Dyspepsia is the most complicated c'f all disorders, and most variable in its symptoms. Pain in the stomach, heart burn, flatulence, cold extremities, constipation of the bowels, depression of spirits, capricious appeAite, are all in turn the offspring of this protea n disease. It is generally associated with foeble action of the liver, and often caused by its continued derangement. In such cases OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLA.GOGUE is an unfailing remedy. By restoring the liver to healthy action, it removes the cause of the disease, the system is relieved of accu mulated' bile, and soon regains its digestive p,wers. Sold by all druggists and medicine dealers. 200th Regiment Pennsylvania Volun te era for One Year's service is filling up very fag,. All officers recruiting for this regiment will put the' No. of the regiment (200th) on the t enlisting papers and rolls. 001. Diven, late Maj. or the Penna. Reserves, will com mand and lead the regiment. to the field, and a more. brave and competent.officer never en tered the service. All information concern ing the regiment can be obtained by calling on or ad dressing Z. Orem, Recruiting Officer, Regimen tai Headquarters. on Third street, adjoining iferr's Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. aulT-teep). Foe Sara'—Air elegant buildiug lot, altuat ed on Third: stree," above North, 11 feet front by 131 feet in depi,ll, running to a2O feet wide alley. For parbe7dare enquire at 4au2-dtf THIS OFFICE. ----~-- Lochiel Greys One Ye.nn Service. A few mere men wanted to 1. 11 1 uP this or ganization. $5OO local bounty said, $lOO Government, making $6OO bounty. Men will go to camp and draw uniforms as as mustered In. Rally men, and avoid'the` ing draft. Headquarters, Walnut street tween Third and Fourth streets, Harrisbur,wd Pa W. A. DEAN, t apt. Uinta. Theodore G. Thomas, Recruiting Officers. au9-tf SPECIAL NOTICES. “A Slight Cold.” Coughs. Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or ` 4 .4LITHT COLD" :1111 its first stage; teat width in the be ginning would yield to a mild remedy if it , gleeted, soon attacks the luns. "Brown's Bronchial . Trochee" give sure and almost immediate relief dfaitary Offices* and Soldiers should have them, as they can bo carried in the pocket and taken as occasion requires. auglo.4lawlsei A WORD TO THE 'WISE. There is no need of any person beVaig the Dysentery for one day. All I ask of the public is to try tny WPM" tory Drops; only 25 cents a bottle. It teary plasma to take; Can be given to a child of any age with great'and donee. It bas cured very try ing. and aka of Itind standing. It indeed worth Prignall im 44l only by Yrsl. Sall , tknith Pim str met, Hasciabarg. jy2ls-dtf DO YOU WISII TO lAD CrBADT DR. BllCThiltra ISNGLIaa' 31,1C/1/10-11743reaskip. tau than 30 days, the wordy oasis effsat litaPotel, Premature_ Denny , &mind Woo apli, /111/0- Its., sad Urtoory, annal and NOTOOS a gleollows, no matter from what cause Produced, • Pace. Or le Dollar boa. Seat, matlaid ma. oa reediali from' Or. One Boa 1012 purees *4 cure is moat mat. :Addams imam s. ITUR, j7l64kwaia elan! Ages, 4J o arced"- an Y. grozuer'a (nhdm'i . IY'ye .. so .cti,Nrs . oxen largei than Dyes that sell for NATURAL, DURABLE, BEAUTIFI7 L. IFirannorrao to please. This article has been thoroughly tested by Da CH/LTON of New York, and Professors Booth and Garrett of Philadelphia, who pronounce it free from all poisonous ingredients, and the material com posing it will not injure the most delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers everywhere. JNO. J. RHOMER, Sole Proprietor, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Drunkenness' Cured" The inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempting cup. Dr. Zane's antidote for strong drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong drink, and can be administered without the knowledge of the patient. Descriptive circulars sent to any address. For sale by all respectable druggists in the United . States and Canadas. Price $1 per box, or packages of six boxes for $5. JNO. J. KROyNIER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut St., Philackelphia, Pa. Dr. Rand's Speciiie. The oldest and tuna reliable medicine for the cure of Spermaorhcea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Power, Lc. This medicine has stood the test of over thirty years, and has always proved a success. Dr. BAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form of pills, made up entirely of substances that have a specific effect upon the generative organs. Most persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The SPECIFIC) of Dr. Rand is not intended as an evacuating male ne. Its medicinal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. The pills are not uppleasant r ..to' the taste,..tuni many persons masticate them with impunity begird swallowing them ; which plan we would al ways recommend, as affording the speediest way to get the effect of the toinedy. Price $1 per box, or sit boxes for O. Sold ioy druggists everywhere. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut SL, Philadelphia, Pa. aug2s-dly Bannvart% Trocheo. For the. cure of liloamr."4. Parl.mt• Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by O. A.. Ibnnvart 4144.0014- Raerisbarg, Pa-, to whom all• orders should be addretated. ziold by druggist every Where. Bead the following testimonials from soine of oar eminent clergymen: Eimuusittato, Feb. Bth, 1864. • 0. A. Rumens—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and ether prePara. *Dna #l-14*raeness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in 'cases of brumes**, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most Moir:taut - Tours truly, T. lEL. SOBINSOV, ' Pastor of N. tL,Pxesbyte4ext Church. IN with litrillObiason 'as to the value a rann;iat's Troohei. . • Wt 0. ZATELL, Late Pastor of a a Presbitelian Church. Ilesiossuao, dun., 1864. . To O. A. BANwveur—Dear th habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of soniegentle expect°. rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too trequent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery Of public ad dresses, ,yours, • 1110.1C - ALKEICIASKSON. Bodo/ of the timid , St Methodist Ohm& To 0. L BAwzrveaT—Dear Sir: Having met. your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure hi recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, am, G. G. RAKESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Donau* Arromunes OFFICE, Hsaarastaio, Feb. 29, 1864. To 0. A. Brantv.urr--Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to' be invaluable in re lieving 'hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all pub% speakers. A. T. HERB HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE! I . Batchelor , . Celebrated Hair Dye rs THE EEST IN THE WORLD. The only Haretku, Tree and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfeet—changes tied, Rusty or rimy Hair instantly to a Glom Black or Natelfroton without Injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the effkofs of bad Dyes, The genuine is signed W 11491! A. BATCH SLOB,. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, Ike Totem-81 BAR. CLAY N, Y, HAVOSILOIVP saw TOILS! CMS Mk DILINHISH THZ sate. joUIY Military Business Attended To. Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military Ind War Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per sons residing at a distance can have their business trios meted by mail, by addressing EIIGSNISNYDIIIt, Alterney.nt-hew. - Third 'trees, Harrisbars.. PURE VEGETABLE TONIC. ilgE most healthy pereone.feel more or lees & wee/ wits extieme warm weather, and I , ee their ap. petite They need a good strong Tonic—one that will strengthen its uervoue system and stomach. This they Mat foOmats per bowie, at Yee L No. '27, South Pule strew, Harrisburs Orders from a distance promptly attended to. • tut &won OP IiSLIGOAPO Dear Sir:— liithy,nir permission I wish to say to the readers of your piper that I will seed, by return mail, to ' all who wish It (fee.) a Recipe, with full directions for toaking and using a simple Vegetabie Balm, that will ef t 11 = 1 4 remove in ten days, Pimples, . Blotches, Tan. p i , 'whim, and all Impurities of the Elgin, leaving the same w e t ._ Clear, smooth and taaintful f w , 'Hake mail hoe to those having Bald Heads or Bare Paced „Nimple directions and Information that will enable t h em to L uart a full growth:of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Mout lche, io less than thirty days. applielititem answered by return mall without charge. " Resneetfully yours TH,Od. F. CII-LaliAN, Chemist, jyls-dgrvram "1181 - Breadway, New York . CARD TO THE STIFFERTN O. ' Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Buchu," "Tonic Rftees,Pl ugensepartlia," "Nervous Antidotes," ke., and after you are Mailed with the result, then try one box or OLD DOcTOR MICHAN'S ENGLISH BRECI • PIO PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days They sioe purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken down and alunteredoonstindiok Old and young can take it with advantage. ImPOrta and sold in the United States only by JAB. S 4 BUTLBB,_ No.r Brlathing, New York. ii‘Ageot for the United States P. IL—A Dot of the securely packed, will be riled to way address on *elk, of price, which ix ONE DOLLAR, post-peld--money Wended by the Agent If i•Lre satisfaciflon is Ea gitlen.e.'_ Jyls-dhoguli wo . , ' • COLEATIrit ) ET SOAP. • : . Ede celebrated Toil o ,in sum universal de limit, le mile hem the et elkol t material', is mild and emollient in Its latlY scented and truinuoldy homily* lin action upon the elle! Yurlull UP ell Drampese Tem Geode Deelem jantimiewip ,S. , SEW -ADVMRTISEDEENTS. •• - 7-30- LOAN.: - ?TIBER Secretary of the 'treasury gives notice X. that subscriptions will be received for Cou pon Treasury Notes, payable three years from August 15th, 1864, with semi-annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum—principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity into six per cent. gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of De posit as they can be prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol lars and upwards for these - notes at any one time will be allowed commission of one quarter of one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions for commissions must be made from the deposits. Special Advantages of this Loan. IT IS A NATIONAL SA.VINOS BANK, offering a higher rate than any other, and b st security. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country, and it cannot pay in anything better, for its own assets are either In government securities cir in notes or bonds payable in government paper. . It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent investment. The notes can al ways be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated interest, and are the beet security with banks as oollalerals for dis counts. Convertible into a G per Cent. 6.20 Gold Bond. Lu-a4dition to the. very-libenskAnterest on the notes for three :years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent. per annum, for the currentrate for 5-20 Bonds is not less than ninepeir- cent. premium, slid be fore the war the premium on. six per cent. 11. S. stocks was over , twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent. per annum. its Exemption from State or Municipal Taxation. But aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, a special act of Congress exempts au bonds and 2', easury notes from local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent: per annum, according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great inducements to lenders as those issued by the Government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith_ or. ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate com munities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country is held to secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United Mates. While the Government offers the most liberal terms faits loans, it believes that the Very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL sz nzosavan by the Treasurer of the United .States, at Washing ton. the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by all the Na tional banks which are depositaries of public money, and all respectable banks and bankers throughoutthe country will give further in formation and afford every facility to sub scribers. [aul9-d&w:2st SALES \ OF REAL ESTATE,: Providence Farm AT PUBLIC SALE On Friday September 2, 1864. TEAVING determined to relinquish busi ness, the undersigned will offer for sale, on the peewiSeN in Lower Allen Township, Cumberland county, Yenesylvania, on the Simpson road, one mile east of Me ohanicsburg, and seven miles west of Harrisburg, the fol lowing valuable real estate A TRACT OF LAND, well known as " Partici ence Farm," containing 9834 acres—live of which are well covered with thriving timber, and the balance are in a high state of cul tivation and under good fencing. The improvements consist of a lame new TWO-STORY BRICK DWET Wash House, Bank Barn, a Tenant House, with all neces sary outbuildings. There are also two wells •421 never failing water, aud bleu large cisterns near the buildings, with a fine young APPLE AND PEACH ORCHARD. on the premises ; besides a great variety of small Fruits, seen as Grapes, Mama Pears, Cherries, The im provements on this property are entirely new, ana of the most approved style. The Laud Is of superior quality, and its proximity to a flourishing town readers It one of the most uesiraule homes in Cumberland Persons desiring to-view this property previous to the sale, wld please salt on the subscriber, residing on the premises. Air sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M., when terms Wilt be made Known HENRY G. RUPP. aupkiteepl PUBLIC SALE. ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th, 1964, THE subscribers, agents for the heirs of Frederiek Wonderly, Son late of Mechanicsburg, re n ewed, will sell on the preints' ea the tollovaug valuable reef wow, viz: A tract of Limestone Land containing 67 acres and 68 'perches, all clear, in a blab state of oultivation and under good fencing located in silver spring township, Cumber- land county, Pa., two miles Walt in Meet anicaburg, near Me watt leading from that plade to Cairlisle. The improve manta arra a COW 2 wu•sruar /1017.2E, , 41 01100 D BANK 11,42iNi - wagon shed, turn crib, and all other nocasstry outbuild ings. There arts also two wells of never-failing water on the iarm, 0110 of which is mar the dour; an orchard of choice mutt, and a limekiln on the premises Thu laud has been all limed. the proximity of this property to the enterp , bung town of nachiuncaburg, always affording an excailent tuarkat, Dar the products of the farm, r enders it hi g hly desirable. At toe same time and place, a Ira t of Mountain Land, situated in Slim erwmg township, Cutaberltual county, contAning Wearer and 14 pereties. easy of &Meer, rersons desiring to view the property previous to the saki will please cad on tisane Wouderly, residing on the larm, or W. EL Wonderly, r skiing in Mechanicsburg. Sala to commence at 2 o'clock, e. m., when terms will be made known by GEOltia. WLIND uLY, W.H.WONDrALY. Agents for the heirs of J. F. Wonderly t deed. 1015-dump THE DAY & BUSHNELL MINING COMPANY 20 ZIOUANDE PLACE, NEW TORY— rillEattention of the public is called to the antsges offered by tide company for Profitable investment. The extent and value of its O L T., MIN , coupled with its proms for working them, make it the most desirable property ever offered to the public. Detailed information in regard to its exteitand pros pects can be had at the Mace of the undersigned, agent of the company, who will receive eel/041k= to stock. , • J O / 14 W 11414 Cielce,Thirt street, near Walnut s Harrisburg, . ing&-dirnawlni MrdtkitileMaktielliinarr fen seasiOn of this Institution will omaY WEDNESDVI SEPTEMBER T. its244kslir] Mrs a E. DIXON Principal:' gx.TRA, FAMILY FLOUR and COR KtieLibrirs on bow, or sto'beet quaky at • - Maga xeligrAß -, t • =EMI AMUSEMENTS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL. FOURTEENTH MITT OF Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination-Company, Rome's Star Combination Company, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 30th, Will be presonte4 the,banutiful domestic drama, entitled ALINE• The Rose of Killarney And the laughable piece, NAN, THE GOOD-FOR-NOTHING! 111159 FANNY DENHAM t IN TWO GREAT CHARACTERS MISS NELLIE SPRAGUE AS ALINE ! } - For further particulars see programme aug9-d tf New National Theatre ! CORNER OF NORTH SECOND AND SOGTH STREETS. Managers and sole Proprietors.... 3f IRBLE & vnrucusa. TMIS BEAUTIFUL TEMPLE OF THE DRAMA will open on MONDAY EVENING Elk. MA, %Ma a new and augmented company, 0 t.braciag some of the first artists to the United States. The man agers wish the io understand that this Is to be coa duc ed it icily as a first class theatre, and not anything before or behind the curtain shall be allowed to ull'end even the most fastidious. and we would wish the public to know that Improper chardet. ra will not be' admitted in any part of the house. This is a rule that will be strictly isitiercd to. On MONDAY EVENDIG, SEPTEMBER 5, 1564 The performance will commence with tho beau Val meqlo dame, 111 three acts, by Edward Fltab,dl, eV:- titled CHRISTMA.S EVE; OR, The Duel in the Snow, With now Scenery. Costumes, tfachlnery, ote. Thai play was performed at the 2' he dre ilmiligiee de is ram. ique, Paris, for upwards or twee hue.' red bight; sad at the Princess ttoyal, Lyndon. For disTrleutha of char acters see progr.unme 01 rho day. PSI ES OF ADIIIIS lON.—Parquette, 60#cents; Gal-. le y, 26 cents; Orchestra 'Chairs, $1 00; Private donee, $6 and $lO 'Door' open T Carl= ri=es at 8 o'clock: Box Office open tram 10 0.11 12 a. at, and from 2 P M., when SWAB can be re erred vrith.mt extra charge. • au29-Iw* SANFORD'S .FALL. TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 30th SECOND NIGHT OF Miss MARY MOWBRAY, The pleasing Yoe/list SECOND MOST OF Miss ELIZA:LIVINGSTON, ' The Oran Jig Damor ge-eogakamouL of S. S. SAN FORD. BEAM' OF BARRY WELLS ! See bitig of the day. gums company consists of the best star psi formers, consLao4 of SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANI4, GYMNASTS, 2, The manager takes pleasure in announcing that it, intend making this THE Concert Hall of the, city. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor- Bair Poiermi., Business Agent. • ..aOA - kt CANTERBURY HA LL. WALNUT STREET, BELOW TPIT11:). Proprietor .. Susumu Agent.... Stage Manager Leader of Orchester Treasurer......... r k PEN every night with a first-wass cora - parry of male and female artistes. The" perform ance embraces every variety of legitimate amusement, such as SINGING, MUSICAL FARCES, DANCING, CONIC OPERAS., PANTOMIDIRA BURLESQUES, AND JESTS. Admission, 25 cents. Seats in private boxes 60 cents Doors open at 7. To commcnce at 8 o'clock. jylsdtf MILITARY NOTICES. Dlt A. T PHILADELPHIA LiUARDS!! COL. A. A. LEMLBEL BOUNTY! For one Tear'sser- SsooNice only. Hen mustered - immediately and paid cash down S4IXI. Came singly, or in squads. Any poison bunging 20 men %rid be commiastoned a Second Lieutenant; 26' men a First Lieutenant; 40 men Captain. The above will be executed to the letter. Apply to Col. A. A. LECHLER, Headquarters, 611 Chestnut at., PhUs auglo HEADQUARTERS DRAFTED MEk '° , B SUBSTITUTES, QM VOLUNTLE;i I s, 115 South Seventh,St., Becondfloor , Room .A.lO /Sr Drafted Mea from the City or any part of the State will be furnished with aubstiatites at short notice, and on liberal terms. lair Men Enlisting, either as Substitutes or Volunteere, will receive the la , gest bean les, which will be paid to them lu cash as soon as musteied in • .94toas will lac Mornay paid of this Office. W. D EihVEN`S. 121/13 \ $4O RE %V Alt U. STOLEN, on the ath inst., from the livery stable of the subacrioer, is Barris .ura, a ealif MARK, 9 years old 1.5%. hands high, mall star on fate, black Inane ana t.dl; widie utirk o i right hind pasture; shows the white of her eyes when working or inoving her bee.; always paces wheu, under the sadule, Also, a BUGGY, painted Mack. :trip d white ' letter ;3, uoth side p nets, leather cubic.n and nap. also, a set of $4O reward will be paid for the return of the blare, Bug y and Ilartt ss, or for such infirm Won as will lead to their reoovely, and the arrest of the In , el. aug9 dtf NOTICE TO SHIPPERS laY Philadelphia and Reading-Railroad. T - N . accordance with the provisions of the New Internal Revenue Law, alleoofa delivered at the above railroad for shipmeat, meet h•ve a Tao Cent Stamp attired to the receipt demanded therefor, sad stamp. to be at the expetnie of the e. ipper. a. Moral, receipts taken by the above Company, stud stamps will be furnished and paid for by the Company: augladteep2o - • JOHN J. GLYDSoltrirh.."-_ Llutitu mmy LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the ...sweat itisaltaiAtotail deserts for the eat and and most grateful diet for invalids and phildren. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution • when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy , digestion, and supports the system with the least poaatble • at_- When still greater nutritive pow4m4imieitwik cream endanger may be added. A teaspoonful converts a quart of milk into a firm curd. Prepared and sold,. wholesale and retail by M. A. KUNKaL, Jells-tf ' 118 Market street.' „ —.— For Sale or Exchange ! 24(i ACRES of choice Farming (prairia) Lan, in Indiana, and (340 in Ivo. W. F. FAiIIigSPOCK. Erf9 1.854..a132041130 Q GABS, S o UPS, TEAS, COFFEE, of f•-7 ali gre4em and Prices) at SEMLER & num?, Successors to W. Duct Jr. L.. co. CIIDES VINZGA.R. —Pare Cider Vipegai• AJ ca bp bought tot the barrel or won qtuumtity, at •WS • KORRPAW- J. ii DONNE.. JOE MILL • • • ..ANDY WILLIAk , IiA.RRYMEzTAYER. NEGRO COMICALITIEt, =
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