.F....!=.11rr1r. • • i ,i. tAL , 11, ~ - ---- . * .....„.... • .• PH L. MACLAY . - 1 lA.TTORNFA-AT—.Patrfot and Union building, Harrisburg. &riot atteritiolg ,ping : to all essi bustnait kiliusty claims collected. •• ' 2 ?. h 1, 1 mylo-dlim • • ' . .- ' 11'... 1 -: end KU M U. DintsDoweiti Attorneyat-LaW. OFFICE IN THIRDST:s BELOW FINE. liteRRlBBlD4, Po. A LL manner of 'Military Claims promptly A attended to, and olaimspoßwted against thebtinesal or State ilovernments, either th Congroos, the Court of Claims at Washington city, or at listrieburg, without cht• and on 4, 4 te.terms is ep29:4ero , VbSMITH, ' A7C u tl79kreN/Wir• APVL•• /41 11iiiiiOved his oft Ee from Third to Wal- Ort n nela '. O lO PAOLI. All bitinees b iz t o receive prompt and careful attention. apt . • NEW AM= AND , PROMO STUBS,. • - • , , BOYER & KOERPER, WHOLESALE AND R E TAIL DEALERS .0, ' GROCERIES, Queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALL KINDS OF - 0 - 013 N - 1' It Y - I" It 0 D II Vt . , LIAVE jot opened a large and well selected Stock orgoOda at their thud, No. 3 Market Square, riaburc Pa., to which they invite the attention of the public el:mem] ty, nolo-dly BONES ROUS . E, Corner of Idarket street and Idaakettigruhre, ztAitadentrite 4.lllflfrAL CHAS. - H. MANN, Proprietor. STATE, CAPITAL HOTEL ) 00ENXR OF MIRO AND WALNUT ST.TMETEI, 11-110..RRISBURG, PENN'A. • rrlKEttiadersigned having purchased this well known house has prilargerl and thoroughly reneyated rt. The room,' have bean re-painted and papered, and the entire estalishment elegantly re-furniP!,ed. Being-pled sandy and eligibly located, and provided with everycon voidance, It offers to the public) all the comforts and hum. run et a drat class hotel. Trusty and obliging servants always in, attendance. A bar well stocked with 0114.. a liquors in attached to the establishment. • dega.dly. W. G. THOSEPSOIL Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL. HARRISBURG, PA. V, R. EIVIMMESO,IN, i.roprietor. !VHS well known Hotel is now in a ow:Al .& Idea to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. THE MUD STATES HOTEL has been entirely rent led throughout, and now has soaimmixtations equal in exteht,oomfort and luxiiry to any hotel betOreen Philadel phia and Pittsbarg. Its location is the beet, in the State Oapital, being in easy access to all the railroad'depom, and Is clam proximity to all the public offices and business la calltiosof the oity. It has now all the conveniences of A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, and the Propnetor la determined to spare neither - ex pease, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the paste The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully soli shed. jell-dtf USICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET NSW, VIOLINS, FLUTES, AFILLItS i - BANJOS, V STRINGS, DRAMS FIFES, and all kinds of MUSI CAL MERCRANDiSE, I'IOTUKE IFRAMES, ',GORING GLASSE* PROTObiltraPli CARDS tu! ALBUMS, eRU TYPE GESIS, ENGRAVINGS PLUTURES, 6G , &O, Remember the plane, NILAS WARD, No. 12 Third Doak the largos' AluisioStore Gad side of the great aides. „laaWdtf M ELUDEONS ANL, CABINET OlikiANl. rENTY-SIX FIRST .PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER METALS, 4WD 18Z ONLY OLD MEDAL (ever won by Instruments of this ohm) ham been awarded to MASON & HAMLIN'S INSTIZIIMMNTS. A full Amomnent of thane instruments always oh hand • W. KNOCHE'S, Sels'Agent r , Je4.2lawly] 93 Illazket street. A. P. TE U TEACHER OF MUSIC. 01111i7S wr WARD'S IWO KW, 12 Ai Third Meg. Reindenoe: Third street, above North. 4154.1. YkillatliAL'S DAILY LID LE _LIMIT WHEN Pl-11.4.ADM,14PHIIA, WOE .14vek Jersey Shure, eh, Uthoutuwk Wotsontown, Milton; Lewhibuig, Northanituiriand, - SU bury, Trerertou, Georgetown, y kensto wu, Millersburg, ALJD HARRISBURG. The liilladattittia Depot being contralti located, the drayage villas at the towed mon The Conductor: goe: through With each train to attend to the Rath delivery Of all goods intrusted to the Ilna Goods delivered at.the de. pot of WILLIAM B. BURS, 812 Market street, Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock will be delivered in Har Maui the next miming, • • . Wealighs Always as Low as by Any Other Lime. „ JOB. ,MONTGOKEIrf & CO, Philadelphia and Headhig Hepot, oet2l4f Foot of Marlon street, Harrisburg. NEW Aati o UlLti. STOLLE; riXPORTANT 'TO LANDLORDS AND 011/BR3 —The 'ondursigned offers at wholesale, to the tradia,'-i choice lot of the best liquors 'ever brought to Samovar& via: li'reado Brandin, MoUand Gina, Scotch, /rig, Bourbon, Wheal and Old Bye Whiskgp /brings and Domestic Winer, such u Champagne, Claret, Catawba, Ala AL liquors warranted, all represented. Landlords and,others wiU find It to their advantage to call and! ex amine the 'assortment at the store, on Booth Second creek two doors below Mutest. Ingti-dern • GBOBOR *anus PHOTOGRAPHS. LIMA assortment of Photographs of Gennothi and fancy pictures for site CHEAP, at 'sl per dozeu t Ati SCHEFFER'a BOOK ate; nom. _ _ . Harrisuura, Pa . EPUKET 'BOOKS, BUCKSKiN PU.LI,B.ES ORTEXONNALBS, sad a general variety or LEA- G°6D4 I°sl. rimlati nittNKßlS BOOK STORK. E NGLISH BREAKFAST: TR& e" — Just l owed, a fly, chest of Englleh - Broaktitei Tea, at OHLILER & FRAZER'S, Moor..mown m Wm. Dmk., 4r.) A As PRAIRE% WOROESTRIISAUCEI V- - Lthe most popular and the pureat *war aimed to thb policyprit received and for asti a ob l y aza r e ta - ( summon to Wm. nom, II Xr ----CUT FLY PAP Sta. fiiICE assortment of Cat Paper for ceil ings, l oo ki n g &Asses, picture frames and gan ptpcn, 3OBBFFER'B BOO& SIN /RE, ritrif" --- """ Rarrinton. Pa. WRIIIT JARS, of-the latest. Patent TestTatentOjnat received and for sale low at jylB BtArt.R & HOW.RPF,R. SAWSAGO, English Dal 4 - Pine Apple t `Nat ~ m% and New York &ate Mom, Jot received at SELMER i FRAZER, auecoarors to W • Dook,Jr.,&Co: mys 1 • , pIOKLMA i the Barrel ' Ral.fairrol, Jar or Dozen, at BRISLER & FRAZER'S, (Suooessom to Wrn nook Jr., & not naafi . witzaa tRAOKEkS. —.Boston Wine': Bis x Gans, Bosun Milk Bisonlto, Boston Butte. Bis suns, Boma Oyeter Chokers, Boston Planta Crackers, Wombs Batter elreketa;just received at . . . , . . 100 LlBS :lrtiot ° EI:. 6' F !, - 4,llrau -:. a l: J .- 2 4::: ‘ ' ' li' ' ' a and l 1;4. g 9 7t- -. 7 ' <., -.7. : : 8161.86kiti FRAZiR, vet. feel , , i . „uparAisppe to.wm, Ali*. jr. 8 en. soisited*Amkomofil_c,' z . a; A ZA/OMM zilo 947141 ..Zll. 1 , 4 . r CHEAP BCPOISTORA 0114 *NW lew prim. Ne==== n`~`-..~`_ . ' EUEUr RICIT Y. _ Ditg, WitiVrEt - `6Rii . 4 Arra Eclectic and Electropathic physicians, reepectihlly offer mail aervielfa 111.811 the various branches. of this oryfteserers; tor the treatatent ot au acute and nhmukt. forms of • Map" • • foltieduu - sdamor they eMpley, In the treatment of • flacon outing of Hague Galvanism,. Siectro-Magnet i min; ,ineittiod of movement care, a few Eclectic me,dichele when deemed; neassenry, anti in taMilk the , natural awsnw arum that may secomedully. ' be beedglit36 bear apar the disease. Thdy With to be. Understood Si arrogating to I thesonalveis any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the, remedies they employ in the treatment of die : elaisf&PSllYOliUr to chow generally employed byphoMiims, itteorthe feet that they act in perfect harmony;With the own governing and controlling thetas= system. To this, and the face that they confute themselves to no par tic War. patl e t so w L ydia, they shribute their Saco= I ;tioalrolibe The plumps' agentrther employ tithe treatment of , diesme, emady, Nlectricityvitt an agent wonderful in its :phenomena and power f ul itelareuto for good. or ill. It :is an ever prawn, all-Lsoisrding principle, governing • all • things, from rolling worlds down to the invisible particles •of-geraeobt matt r.' We mkt in the Waren& ihuth and :bear the atessModdions or its =power :in: .the Inuttorieg thunder. It *the cause of all decomposition, moms*. Idiot' and triumforMation. , It eseitesell motion. It is the /enduing names of-' .avowth, decay and death. It, .easere ametton, digestion. It liya held of the , Ortitle hied in the stomach, converts it ma a Butted la ndity, tonsmaims it into arterial blood, &ad vends it on ito m l portant °lnce of amply ing nutriment 'wording to, the 'ntiosesides of the body. It is the nerve vital fluid, the gaeat agent Omagh whim the mikid acts upon the bodya .11 to the caused all MIMI except, the first great cause. the Infinite Kind which created it and brought it into are These may appear like mere asserNeris; bat 'they 'ea Theta admitting of strong and irresistible proof. hit then, to newendered as that an , agent so wonderful in its phe nomena, so poweiful in its ununfaitutious audio intimate. tycennected with all the operations of the kunian sys tem. shonld be almost absolute in ite power of oontrollbg diseme ? Certainly not. It lad natural sequence and follows as surely as day follede eight. ' • Among the diatom which are found to , yield readily to Electricity; in conlinettion with proper adjunct treatment, may on mentioned the folleiring; Incipient Consumption, , Paralysis, Elptliptio, Hysteria arid other Convulsions; Neuralgia, in its worst forint, Rhuematism, inflammatory and chronic-; ell diaeases of the nerious system; byspep- Sift cured in a few treatments; all diseases of the urinary and• genital organs; Female Inseasea, Asthma, Piles and Prole psus AM; Amaurosla and all kindred attectiens of the oye; "Auretua, strictures, all akin diseases, tit : Persona calling will be told whether they can be bens /Med and no ease taken where some relief cannot be af forded. Connanstion fret. Moe, Swath Second street, below Chestnut, flarrisburg, Pa, Office hours from Bto 12 a. la., 1X to b and to 9 r.s. ALEX. It. WYRIS, M. P., aP/3 DR. .1. MELTON CREA. • tgi P KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON APURE and powerful TONIC, 'Corrective and .altaradre i of wonderful efficacy In damns of the STOMACH, LITER and BOWELS. Cares D7Pidai, Liver C sPe omplaints Reiniactie, General DebDity Nerviriumets, De- PI !Won or VDUs.' CoustilleCuo Intermittent ever, Acidity of the stomaoti Nausea, ReartbUrn Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach s • Sinking or Fliittering at the Pit or the Stag:utak, Swimming of .the, Read, Difficult Breathing, Yellow ness of Die Skin - and Eye, Fever and Dull polite In the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chem and UMW, will cure every owe of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidnap and `Dimwit arising from a dilierdered Stomach, Good for Kale or • Female, Old or Young. i The meet henelloialvaedtoine known; gtvee better satia Bunion wad cares more &seams than any other prepare. dee *Herod to the Public. Prepared moiety by S. A. RON WIL & BRO., US Ihr.het street, Harrisburg. . Per sale by Diroggion and Dealers everywhere. . BEWARE 011 *ilk' Counterfeits sr. As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy to the known world for the permanent care of Thmeepaire and Debility, aid as there are at. nu m btu of bobattous offered to the public, we would, caution the community to purchase 110u8 but the genuine article, manufactured by S. A_ Kum= & Bee., and has their atamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very tint that others are attemptiag to Imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaksvolumea in Its favor. The 'Bitter Wineof Iron la put up in 76 cent and $l . OO bottles, and sold by all. respectable dregghits throughout thecountry. ' Be particular that every bottle bears 'the ac simile of the proprietor's signature. This Wine includes the: most tameable and Asillciont Spit of Iron we peewee; Citrate of liagnetio Oxide oom bitted, with the most energetic of vegetable tonickirelloe Amin bark. The effect in many cases of debility, loss of appetite, and general prostration, of an efficient - Salt of iron, .tannbined with our valuable Nerve Tonto, Is most happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, takes of muaculor Ibibbinens, removes; the . pallor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. 41DN'IMAI, DEPOT, WI MARKET STRUT salt by aM retroatbla dealers throughout -Itte. ..FINE LI - quo R. Shissleiri & Fra.zsery (Bnitoomore to W m Dr•ek, Jr, ti• Ca) • Dr.A TY:ago IN FINE. 'FAMILY R.. opposite.tho Court House, have on bands One saleetion,of 131A_NDIP.S., different vintage& MP/84ND OOMMON WINES, WIUSKYS. 040 BOURBON, -NONONGARELL FINS TRIM' likYt Thetoest ever broils " 4 0048 Wht Drought to this miirket. ' ;?I.7l . .arriEg.T. • IPANIVT: NECTAR And the celebrated CestesTKlT GROVE WITIENT. CHAMPAGNE WINES. '. 8ELL02.3 COHANNKOMG. • SCOTCH AND IRIS 1 I %VI) t i*1413.2 ! • 1129WN WII3WAM TONIC =FRB .2With.l.oo2ipleits akmk•ct • Apricitteig'lllemits Anill • CklillitetOlV4 o : l _ l Fs7 OPRIPI I S4*2* awl at Mx lOWA , 4 I C noii—re. • • -,• •• • • -,•• • ivrw 6 -gar&.. ..„ •—• or •• luthieliw At tmieur T e ;r` . : • • • Y, ha ; 1241 140. 4 ,1 1144 :, 'the Van • • ‘. 9.417. DK% (11Miminli is it • 6 • ) Id =, DB. dOHN Le LYOYB MICR PERIODICAL DROPS, FEMALE REGULATOR, Are the only known remedy that will sucosestatty and , nvariably restore and regulate theremslesystem remov ing all Irresnlarltles, and producing health, vier and strength. Are a fined preparation, the only true one of the kind ever limovered in tine country, and sea directly on the parts effected, whilst pills mid powders can only reach them as they work through sympathy, but not at aH direct and positive. Are you 111/fibrillg front a constant anxiety for the rev _ tar return of nature's prescribed taws ? Give yaurself no nneselness, for Lyon's Periodical Drops, if taken a day or two before the expected period, MU poen. Lively and invariably regulate no coining, as suns as effect follows canoe, is certain as daylight follows darkness Are you Ark, einbabled by new, or unable to bear the labor sad bops of laaralla Oome to you ee a Waste& for Is not preveatkm better thee If teguhuir takes, it Is • certain preventive, and vitti gave you math peril and sassy hoar of eallbrieg. - Have you been afflicted for many yftra with camcdaiate incident to the Ina, that have blared ea skill of phyla, dime, and are harrylig you on to en early pate? Are the moot reliable regulator ever known, sad wire, like , mania, all then trreilidtrittes that have defied the doctor's Will yon wrote awity_with. sulleritng Crow Inelltorthem" Prolapems, Drumorrhaia, and a thouaand other 411111014.% des ill tinierned op under the name or suppretwed Oid obstrnetod nature, when an Investwent of one dollar In will lamely lave you. Do sot use the drape when forbidden in the directions, for although a positive cure; and Mindless at all other thate, they are so powerfel air ihially calmahood to adjoin and govern the thuotious of the sexual amalgam, that, it Shea at improper them, they weald produce results con wary to name, maims which all, pertioularly those who could reproduce, &odd aretelly guard. Bona, PA. Oannot harm the stoat\ delicate oconstitnnon at any - time. yet the prosohndre . with to - 'Pelt eilina hoping that a thounuid bottles will be used tbr a good per. pose Where one is hind for an illegitimate one. the never-lbillug Female RegoWon In for, sale by every Drum's; In the city with country, and do not, It you value Your health 0114 with for a MAW medicine, buy any other. Talge4 lo . o o ll ‘, l 4l/44 11 , 1 thoin yea apply lair not pot Iti l nialartdur mud and - get Itfor you. Of Euery PrJeria+l,ft At Wholemia, by JOHNISTON, HOLD WADI OOWDEN, , , ; ' n ' ~,. ' ':',l. , t. .',°' P , ;• - •411kr:"..7' ,": .% " : 4 '7, ;.."' it.';i. ,;.• ' , . ~ i ;1 1 ..11R, 4 MEDILCAL. El lEI OS Ord PM • eTh C l l on ;sir liil BST LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS SIYONS PERIODICAL DROPS LYON 110110DIOAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LYO'N'S PRRIODIOAL DROPS LIONS PERIODICAL DBOA, C. o' EA3 .x k co., Priftrirops,, New Mom, Coni U Soft &ft flusk itplds, Ps 0 hi 16 -lei 11 11 RE - -NIEDIOAU - DR,: :JOHNSON, SALT MORE :LOCK HOSPITAL, •Er AS discovered the most' certain, speed) .11. end ereaual reatedlee in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RELIEF IN all TO TWELVE HOURS. M I E a A awe Warranted, or No Charge, in from One Weakness or the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and illadder, Involuntary .Discharges, Impiwency, General De Witty, Sammie:en, Dyspepsia, Languor, tow Spirits Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity Tremblings; bimnosa of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of t h e 'Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, AfreOtiOnS of the Liver Lungs, 'Stomach or Bowels--thoso' terrible disorders 'arising from the Solitary. Habits of Youth—those aabtei and solitary practices more fatal to their victims song of Syrens to the Marini= of Ulyeses, birghtiog theh dotmoat brilUant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, , impcosibki. EspeOlally, , who have become the victims of Solithry that dreadful and destructive habit which annually swept to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the. most exalted Welds and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the then. dere of eloquence or waked to emasy. the Hying lyre, may Cal with full confidence. • Married persons, or Young lien contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakneee, organic debility, defer. mines, itc.,"speedity cured. Re who places hifhrlelt under the care of Dr. J. may re hew: oily confide in his honor as a gentleman, and Bond deafly rely opoa his skill as a Phyoloinzt. ORGANIC WEAKNESS mmedlately cored, and full vigor restored. This distressing affection—which renders Bib miserable and marriage, impossible—is the peradty paid by the vier tiros of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of on is lost Sooner, by those falling into Impropet bits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offispring, the mom serious and de iniuctive symptoms to both body and mind arms The system becomes deranged, the physical and ciente functions weakened, losB or procreative power, nervout dyarpe*a, palpitation of the heart, Indigestion, oonatitutional debility, wasting of the flame, cough, con. gumption, deft) , and death. Oman No. 7, Sono Ps zoo Smz?, Left hand Edda going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fall not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang to his office. DB JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad. nate from one of the Most eminent colleges in the Maim Ste* and the greater part of whose life has been spew in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing curet that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in th. head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, bein t alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequen blushing, attended sometimes frith derangement of mind were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. lime are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro dosed by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the bark and limbo, pains in the head, dhnness of sight, loss 01 ammonia: power, palpitation of the bean, dyspepsia, nee roue irritability symptoms of consumption, &c. iflonstax.—The reseal agate OD the mind are meet to be dreaded—lass of memory, omission of ideas, de preelliall Of SWISS, evil fo aversion to roctety, oaf distrust; love of eolltude„ thni ty, kc., are Boma 01 the evils reduced. TO:ONG MEN Who have injured thhinselvets by practice in Bulged in when. alone, a habit frequently learned Iron evil companions, or at school, the Wade of which ar` sightly feA, oven when asleep, and if net cured render. marriageTnods Bible, and destroys both's:dud sad body shoulda yty, m mediately. ' Mats It r t hat a young man, the hope of hh3 country 'the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospwcts and enjoyments of life, by the consequence deviating from the path of natueg and indulging 113 r certain secret habit. Such on Such befbre contain Plating MARRIAGE, Reflect that a sound mind and buoy ire the meet nNusar!. requisites to promote connubial happiness, Indeed, with out these, the journey through lire becomes a weary ph gritesge ; the protpect.heurly darkens to the view; tte mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled witli melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be omea blighted with our own. DISEASE OF INPRIMENOE. When the miWded and Imprudent rotary of plasm. limb he hie Imbibed the male of this painful disease, too often happens that art liltimed mule of shame or th. tread of disoovery deters him from applying to thole wh. front education and respectability, can alone befriend him He Malls into the hands of Ignorant and designing pretend Ara, who, incapable of curing filch his pecuniary sub Jamace, keep him trilling month after month, or as long at the smallest fee ate be obtained, and us despair leave bin with ruined health to sigh Over hisgalling disappoinuners or, by the use of the deadly poison, Yoram, hasten th. oonstitutunutl sympt. w sof this terrible dieeasa,such se Wee lions of the . Head, ' broat, Muse , Skin, etc., progreeinte with frightful rapidity till death puts • period to hb. &mated attfolimgs so ending him to that audisoovered mato from when traveler retsina INDORSEMENT OF THE PHEW. The many thousemiseared at this institution year anti jeer, nd the numerous (Important surgical *paragon, performed by, Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters o' the,4loa,..(Rizsper,. and many other papers, noticed of when . bave appeared again and again before the public, besidei Ms standing an a gentleman of character and reopens]. Why, is a sufficient guarantee to the Melded. SKIN DIRY4sIRS SPEEDILY CURED. Oates Se. 7 liouth Frederick Street. 40544 "THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL : TAERANT 's OCeIIPOUND EXTRACT OF CUBEBS AND COPAIBA. This preparation is partioubutly reoonmended to the IIEDICA.L PROFESSION. and the PUBLIC for the prompt und certain cure of DISEASES OF THB BLADDRII., 1111.111alty ORGANS, CM It may be relied on as the best mode for the ado/lob:On Hon of those remedies in the large clam of diseases of both mites, to which. they are applicable. It never interfere, with the digestion, and by Its oonciatratioa, the dose It much reduced. • N. B.—Purchasers are advised toapk for TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CIIBMIS AND COPAIRA and take nothing.else,.ae Mulatto= end worthless prepa rations, ander similar names!, are In the market, Price $1 00. Sent by express on, receipt of price. Manatee tared only by •TARRANT & CO., No. 278 Greenwiel street, corner of Warren street, New York, and for sale thesigiers Pasemillat oet22-dly For ado by S. A. 111328XLE SRO; and by /haggish , generally. Grays Patent Molded Collars , . Are not simply tlatpermal of paper out in the rum ut a collar, but me Molded mid Stayed fejt am neck, having a perfeot curve fres Mau angles er.breaks, which la on tallied by our patented promise, who also secures another at:engage poireased by no other eefiar,—via Elgssos forth Oratxst in the Tarn-down style, the mama or IFanlit rairsorim morn Mtn rase ram/ noun; making this "liar, for ease, neateoms, and durability, unequalled, • They are made in . Tamdown style in sizes from 12 to 17 1 and in Gerrotte from 18 to 17 inches, and peeked-in neat Nue boxes .of 100 each; alai, in smaller ones of 10 eaah—Me latter a very handy package for travelers, mini and navy or 'WERT COLLAR is lassoed **Gray's Patent. naked Collar: , *id by all ratan deal*is - Rani i r attaatgasqvgals. Itie tads supplied by. ' TAN ai LeodSm . :AWL AttnaimNU Sti-Thila alijEtt l inOcavi. mind at ...'BI92KER W • gdOkallll4B-11F:4* , ••=,,, en. II hit wed. Received excl. iter Baku at sone MOM= .111111Mlerii VI W. ildireillitw =2 to I\oo DOys YOUNG MEN MARRIAGE. 1)0. D. W. GROSS & CO.I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO 19 MARKET STREET, 11.4212Z58UR9, PA DRUGGLYTS, PHYSIC4NB, STOREE. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS. We are daily *thug to our aaeotiment of gooftaB ouch 'Melee u are desirable, arid week reweollW, call your attention to the burst and beet aelectaid soak in thia city, of DRUGS, CIEMICLLS AND PAINTS, Othr, Yendebno and Groan, Dnadab, Gime and Patty, lrlisi's Colon and Took Boning Fluid aid Alookot, Lard, Sperm and Pine OW, Bonies t Vials and Limp Olobee, Cad& Hap, Sponges sad Corks, SRL s general variety of z I Asr . I selected from the best manufacturers and Petftuners et durope'and ibis country. Being very large dealers In rAzzvrs, WHITE LEAD, MINIM OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW OLANT, ANITST'II 4&il82"8 BRUSHES IF AL& THEIR VARIETIES, r•:')' we Fespectrally Invite s call, feeling coil dant that we nut supply the wants of all on tenon Ie their Widow TEETAI TEETH I ! JONES' AIM W1Z177,8 POMXILILIN 171111TH, PATENT 411.11D1C7KLY, AND Or an kI dB , direct from the Proprietors. ELPONIIIIBZ. AND COMI:MUTED LYE. Wbobeide Aosta for Swop dery which we sell in Lew es it can be purebesed In the cities PRAYER'S AIEWAL . F,LSID EXTRACTS. COAL 011.1 CARBON OM Bedug 1111 Spereh'seri In these 011 s ore can offer in lueenients Viilime . bayers. Coal Ontarnps of the most mproyed,lemerne, very cheap. 4114 kinds of Lampe E. .theat* . ta but% Coal Oil. Ii'ANOXIIS AND GBAZENIEL Those otr;11 W:t . to have not &moue HOSE AND CAT tLE POWDERS n trial lmew not Wear miperkeity, and the advantage they are in keeping Hones and Cattle healthy and In a good condition. Thonisade een tatify to the prod!, they have derived _ • - from the tuttAf onkiettle Powder", by the Indreaeed qua- ty aid quality of milt , beildAs improvisg tpe rand health sat immune of theft GAOL Oar long experience in the hoaxes given U the ode= sage of a thorn& knowledp of the troth', and oar or evagemeata la the claw are each that; we en, la a yeti abort Vine ; furnish anything apperfandng to our Madam, on the beat of tonna Thanlidttl for the , liberal patronage bestowed ow oar house, ice hope by atria attention to bLetnees, a cereal selection of • PURE DRUGS at, fair prices, and the desire to please ail, , to merit a oon talllaIICEI of the Swot' el a dieortmwhoor, pablin *P 1641 1.9. . MOTH SACHET PONVIIER, PICEMAING MOEN' AND - rattrgliPfl7lo NOM T HES ,a k EDES -- 01•OV-migiitud _ of valuable '." "" - " ea 4 w- ibe eicatacCion ar Insixock-Oariboted, allamtw i lictokl.addi,l 4wa ,c7 o r r i Zioe r i "le Z =r ci = " B etwast-a Aalisktedodurasable, wrung. it wilt ha- Preatate **alkali:4x, WA a lagging and&POINO"ot• This finest folio ,be bored b 3 - OA*. Prisiemed aid NM iit • V.=.l=l 11 Drug lial / 11 11,7 SIMS 814" 1 10 . In Whig Old. 141.1:NX We:WA . OILS; -46 tioViiithie7lllblb -11: li ~..._Ol/R4-43")ror itspdeu ftit: ilk' otosiaiwkrit Z k .41.1411 R ifts.... • ... 1 "4--- 0-11 . ,111 144-4-tN 4 4I4P 4 S‘ SW . JlZlF.a44l.43giekr r=b4sotqiiiiiiii; /61744i0 : 1 - '. f4a3jjgh lts. KJr - a ilk' WiSilllfili No ' Pf 4 Pure Ground Spkiei; &a, &a, dm, da. fluor COLORS, peal , AND OP ALL KINDS. Y.. 1 - , •,0 'Tot, JOT Manna MISCELLANEOUS. DMA DDRINIS MARBLE YARD. wavia.osr waxy!. AND. MTh 11/3=4 Rairrisbnig, THE undersigned having opened a Marble Yard in due oity, beg leave to iurban their Cranial and the public in general, that they are prepared to tor. neat MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OUCH AS Monument*, Tombs, 'lead atones, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone. GM nee rill WWI will guarantee eatiarautton. IttraDDiai & CO. NAL—Lettering neatly none In Loillieti or Gamma worge4ne AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100. STYLES oz POCKET BOOKS, PURSES ANB P IL OrMODINA.IES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goode Store, No. 91 Market street. The best Morocco TRAVELING SAT.,II ELS, awl a general variety or FANCY GOODE, suitable for Presents, now on hand at HELLER'S Drug Store, oustlo-if No. 91 tiorket FtrOeL * PHOTOG APR A_Lli ti Ms. ANOTHER .LARGE ASSORTMENT OP Photograph Albums. BOUND in Alit MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt clasps. ALBUMS WITH 110 Pictures ter . $ 30DO it it • . 3se a It . GO together with vrrious other styles of binding, sines and which will be sold cheap. 4- 137lier,a you cannot buy a prettier, mom durable an 4 cheaper album anywhere. Oat and me at SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, marlit-dtS Hunt/kir& Pa BIO6.RAPHY FOR 1:1015. THZ FARMER BOY, and bow be beoasne Command. er-m Chief, $1 26 riia PIONBEIR BOY, and h - o;lie became President, $1 25 THE FERRY BOY, and the Financier, THE PRINTER BHT, or how Ben. Franklin made his mark, $l. 25 THEE AMMER BOY, and huw he became Licaten aat General In press. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF TIM REBELLION, from Tort Sumter to Roaboke; Omuta* , 111. bl.lBlttl. $1 45 at slOba. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORlit ANILRICA, No Win Walnut Street, South Side, East of Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOITAT OF ASSETS „„ „$1,556,6C3 54 MX/PRORATED 1i94, CAPITAL $600,000 CTEB PERPETUAL: Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation In 111111*11013. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Seeretary. 1N ILLIAM _BUEHLER, Central Agent, for Pennsylvania. Office Wataa{ lit., sear Setuall, lin' 'shag, Pa j II • THIS MORNING, A YREsJL INVO.I.L:E OF lIICRENER & co.'s CELEBRATED SUGAR CURED U.42111ti AN D SEMLER do FRAZER'S. my3l THJi !NE W ST i lifklßLAl r BLOCKS, by Gail Tit- HAUNTED HEARTH, by the author of the Lune /40ms. is u 0 _ DARKNESS AND DAYLlolit by Km Holmes. El iSoe BARBARA'S HISTORY, a tuned, by Amelia &Awards. IMP Voila& TEM SMALL HOME Or Auaßrros,k 3 .Trolktre. $1 26 WWI STORIES, by Ik Marvel, author of “lhaveriee of a khathelos." bl 6o SPRIER'S JOURNAL of the Discovery of the emcee pf the bale. $$ 60 * VIII THE WOMAN IN BLACK, by author of "Man .In Onty." $1 00 IX. NOTES OF HOSPITAL LLI4,, Nov.'6l to Aug. 13, $1 00 IL • STORIES OF THE BSA, for tioys; from Cooper's wriungs. $1 on STORIES OF THE WOOD, for boys; from Cooper's writings. - al 00 All new books received as soon as published at Bk.itiißkAt'n Aka &LORE, 61 klart,et eueet. UN2iIVAII , RDCHAFALERFURNITURE POLLikt dues not allied the viutusb, but restores toe ongituu lustre. is dues sot dismal. %di rest°, e, with very Iltde labor every hlsleheitritailace; Mier h.eial or wised. dLL tueutHaLturers eau desuers in lurtattat ahead use it LUr deaLtiles lurditure that, has heel, sera covered with wad, A tuilth u 1 tub here eau there wtli make it bright and freak. For iede try at A. Ki!h/i/ti.& BRO., 118 Mania street, Harrisburg, 3n4-ott IPELII4TOCIVE PECTORAL SIRUP. THIS INVALUABLE SIT.UP, which is sn ivel.), vegetable w We 0 1 . 0 111paelUUn. beer, era wood WWI wow/tuna autavata Jur amply ,leata Uieehtlet Of disavow for the UR reaLtillti sad LL M,21. kut soy tow= ul the Macrae ouch lib COLtra, llChl.iMi ut tee fHSU.►T tit ITl ' lNti ilk kiLutworaiitA.• east.' 41.W.N0, tittAktElkNilbb, Lanz OF VUIU. Lulu iibinlC I , hi, LEIS, a age will be attestant wt tG Um bayyreei restate. It lb one of the best anti West wean:Wee fur all berate VI BRIAN - CIIIT/16 sad CONVIIIMIIIuN. No laudanum or prepara tion ef Opium ea any Maps betisis syrup. DUCE sl.uu PEls, BOTTLE. For sale at tialtlib adi'b Cheap Beta Jug.. rEUTUIIALA ate w 1111 to :Amnia, a , xwg p, allay TlCabbis lb Utc Tbibia, w teem WYE Catarrh, eery TUroak ate - They eteaken Itorattuette, littmacuaeha, arev !ma squid, (the most rattahlts expeetuteace itueatho are the duel err MVO ectuaniatteau% So bleivabb MAL 4.141121 tirablPit* augur, that MIA Itiseage uoatatead a mud JUR* very leareara Msabbibiared solely by 6. A. KUNkti.l.6 616 A, ,„21 Awni.heerrieb, kiti Markel Crust, Hpurnalburg. YfiLLA/01,114kil uuLJAAT/AT.W nosll.- ,A. tTUIS ?Oki YOLTIO2 LA.01.104 Xo. Ascii street, 'Bo .OBARLso A. Skunk, , X. C.LARENUN L Principal& Nis* You. Throe daportimookii: Mowry, Academie, sod Ooileglioa no/ oollogo boom kik ChigliCb, liattio• 1111 / 111615 % Wm' ilkilkiOlb And x iklun cs c e ew , , eot woe who roduato. Modena Longuagde, MUM% rail/Wag and filooetium by the best krumers. For calrooori apply at the Isiiiitkoks, or ladies sui. WU P. U. itilaus442B Pa ILOO-13in . W.K.U.1)1101, 117VITATI01.1 AT SOUL CaßLlti—Ely a spowal arrangem ent IRO orio of togrflooVOrgrovon to elk allkirtfir 'mg" ' af *Ay onvuuten the Wpm .o..ye o f +R; ae to 41lik • the rum • frabibuit And , Arppiied =ak lawn .pnoce lbw aro aturriierZ;driawil- Mirk or Pluimmaphia. - Nut .Z - oast lianas a11in47.1•1 ; • , SJIAGNERIt VABI. ingW invoies of Miami' Bums. Just razing Shisawnung iw 116110111101111WID:oki $l:6