9:44 ..E.e4131* lIA.RB,I6BURG, PA AATURIIIY EVENING. AUGTST 27, IMI; A, t; AA/ All tr• chum. rats, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, &e 4 to secure insertion in the MI.EGRAPII, must invarinbilz be mecum par fed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in I he Morn ing Edition without. extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY. WE were favored with several fine showers of rain last night THEIIE was the usual attendance at market this morning. Prices were slightly advanced over former rates. PIIESIITIILRILN CHURCH (0. 2.l—Preaching may be expected in this church tomorrow morning, at the naual hour. Croza.—This useful article is now being brought to town in small quantities by the farmers, who retail it at a moderate figure. MICUARL REIFSNTDEU, Jr., an exemplary young man, of Reading, fell down stairs at a hotel, on Thurada; , and had his neck broken. BOUTS AoaNcr.—The Post Master General Las appointed J. A. Hardenbrook route agent between Baltimore and Harrisburg, vice George L. McClure, resigned." Bzv D. A. L. LA:Ma; of the Fourth street Bethel, will continue his sermons to the young, to-morrow evening. There will also be preaching in the morning. 1=0::12 Ltsur. Wrur advertises for a number of re cruits for a company to be attached to Col. Matthews' regiment. Headquarters in the room formerly occupied by Quartermaster Johnson on Market street. - Arponrruswr.—Council has appointed Charles A. Davis policemen for the Sixth Ward, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. John A. Stenger, who has entered the 11. S. service. Wiz Ar.x. Go t —A grand Union Pie-niell be held. in Hoffmau's woods, on Thursday next, (Sept. Ist.) Extensive preparations are being made .to render it the best ever given there. Look out for a large attendance. Paraszwouxuar.—Two ladies of Rev. D. A, L. Laverty's congregation, after the lecture on Thursday evening last, handed him a package containing the requisite amount of ward bounty to clear him of the draft. We would commend the, above noble example to the consideration of other congregations. DIVINE SEEVICE at the Ridge Road Episco pal Church to morrow at 10 o'clock, A. at., and 6.30 P. M. In the evening the Ordinance of Baptism will be again administered, and a sermon preached by the pastor, Itev. A. J. Barrow, on " Christ's invitation to the weary and heavy laden." COURT was not in session to-day. Nothing worthy of note has been transaded there that has not appeared in our reports. A few minor cases have been disposed of. A latge number of bills were ignored by the Grand Jury, where the charges had-teen made for the most trivial offences. A ssTert of vagrants were before the klayor this morning, charged with trespassing upon the property of some of the farmers near the city. There were four women and five men. The party was composed of the lame, the blind, and the toper. Several quarts of whisky were found in their possession, in a oamp kettle. They were sent up for ten gays. APPROPRIATION FOR THE PAYMENT OF BOON- Tua.—The City Council; last night, passed an ordinance appropriating one hundred •and twenty thousand dollars for the payment of bounties to volunteers. Provision is made for refunding moneys heretofore subscribed and paid in those wards which have filled their• quotas under the present call. It is expected that the Mayor will sign the ordinance. KILLED ON THE RAILEOAD.-A distressing accident occurred yesterday, on the Pennsylva nia Railroad, near Dyer's, •three miles below this city,by which Mr. Abraham Livingston lost his life. It appears that a culvert was being repaired, and Mr. L. attempted to cross the track, with a piece of wood, when the eleven o'clock passenger train came along, and, strik . leg the wood, threw Mr. L. down and din go I him a considerable distance. One of his legs was broken, and his head mutilated. He was instantly killed. A watch in his pocket WAS shattered to pieces. Mr. Livingston was a highly respectable citizen, and about sixty years of age. The funeral will take place to morrow. === ISHC•cpaNci AND FATAL ACCIDENT lii A. Pima- INO OFFICE.—A terrible accident occurred in a printing office at Cincinnati on Monday. A young woman named Lizetta Buser, engaged in the press room of the Commercial, was in stantly killed, in the following manner: In Passing fiom one part of the press room to another, it is necessary to cross a shaft which carries the power from the engine ,tO.the press. The shaft is hardly two feet from the: floor, and whirls at the rate of about one hun dred and fifty revolutions per minute. While stepping over it the clothes of the unfortu nate girl caught on the shaft, throwing her against the floor with such force as to break a large hole in it and dash ont her brains -at the same time. Her person encircled 'the' shaft, whiob m a d e several revolutions before the machinery aped bo stopped and she ex tricated. Literally almost rep? bona in`-her body was broken and the flesh and muscles mangtediestbe-geost extrsordiameywaid—un.. sithw maw. • - Balms Cmmaii.—There will be.servipe in the 'corner of Secomt and Pine streets, on to-Morrow morning at 10 o'clock and at 7.1 o'clock in the evening. Rev. J. Green Miles, former pastor of the church, will occupy the pn pit. The public are invited to attend. To Powrmts &Dom TSB 'RAILROAD DRPOT.— The check for a fair leather trunk, marked (on a card nailed on the top) " Anna 11. Langley, Lebanon," was given to one of the porters, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, yesterday at noon, to deliver to the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot. The trunk is still missing. and any information respecting it, can be left at Gilbert's Hardware store, and a suitable reward given for the trunk. FINAL STATB,SIIIvT—CHAMBEIIBBUIIa BELIES FUND —Received from Charles L. Romnfort, additional, collected by him in Second ward, viz: A. Nininger, $6; J. H. Brant, $25; N. ZoMoyer, $5; Sarah Hoer, S M." $45 00 t'overly, $5; Peter Elocler, $2; J. H. BletzT $1...... 800 Thos. NiacDowell, $25; 3. W. Weir, $lOO 125 00 - 8176 00 Received of tiro-ge W. Rupp, Esq., Treasinrer Relief Committee, at Bedford, Pennsylvania, directed try him lobe paid ton org •R. Mes , sersruith, frsq , Treasurer of Relief Fund at tlembersburg 900 00 Total receipts from all sources $13,683 90 Which sum has been disposed of as fellows, to wit: Aug. 2. Cull paid Pr. Fdward Cul bertson and D. X Wunder lich, per order of George R Mestersmith, Esq., Treas urer of Belief Fund at Chain. bersburg, and by them Do , dlately de °sited in the Har risburg Bunk to credit o f Goo It. Mossersraith, Treas• urer, sa era% a.......... .. $5,000 00 Hepo3ite I in Harrisburg Rank to credit of Geo ge R. ei - Reeremith, Treasurer by It F. Kelker, the fol lowing sums to wit: .... 8,900 00 it 10. .... 2966 30 " 12. 237 85 " 13. .. 106 00 „" 15 .... kol "5 21. " 27. 178 00 5i3,545 90 Donations or goods included in debit side of ihli acomnt, and whl,t have been forwardedkto Chambers- burg, viz : Hummel At. Killinger. Queens ware $lOO S S. Lowy, Dry Goods 20 John L. b'peol t Cape, &c.. 16 1.33 00 HARRISBURG BARR, August 27, 1864. I certify that the above stated sums, in all amounting to thirteen thousand five hundred and forty eight dollars and ninety cents, have been deposited in this Bank. to the credit o George B. illessersmith, Eyq., Treasurer of the Relief Fund at Chambersburg, on the dates above mentioned. The above constitutes the final report of the undersigned, and all persons who may have subscribed on the books of any of the ward committees of this city, and not yet paid up, will please forward their donations direct to the Treasurer at•Claamberaburg. RUDOLPH F. RELKER, Chairman Chambersburg Relief Committee. Harrisburg, August 27, 1864. REPORT OF THE GRAND Jr/RT.—We publish below the report of the Grand Jury. It will be observed that "several important matters are meutioned,• which should receive immedi ate attention from the proper parties : TV .Honorable Judges of the Cirri of Quar ter Sess ons : The Grand Jury respectfully report: That they passed on all the btlls laid before them as expeditiously as they could. They were, how ever, delayed by the absence of witnesses and prosecutors, and in many ii tunes y were compelled to ignore bibs because of the fail ure of parties to appear. Tilley are pleased to know that in such cases the recoguizances were forfeited, and they express the hope that wherever they are worth suing, the proper officers will attend to it. They regret to learn that many constables and police officers make arrests of iiidet an inoffensive persons. Sometimes these per sous are intoxicated, but not violent or boil- Let one ; and it seems to be a great stretch of authority to tine and indarcerate individuals under such circumstances. 'The jury applaud and commend the vigilance of all faithful officers ; bikt„they desire the power of these officers to brexercised with sounder discre tion. In cases where Aldermen or other com• miffing magistrates connive t the settlement or =hones or high misdemeanors, they trust that the vigilance of the proper law officers of the county will bring them to justice. The Grand Jury wishes to call the attention nt the District Attorney to the tavern known as the "Duck Tavern," kept by Win. Hartnett. rnis house is a nuisance according to nuiny complaints, and should be suppressed. The large crowds that nightly congregate on the pavements in Market street, opposite the Court House, interfere very seriously with the free progress of the citizens ; and such meas ures should be adopted as will prevent this evil from being continued. The lock-up has been examined and it was found to be in a filthy and unwholesome con dition. Its ventilation is very imperfect, and the whole arrangements defective. No human being should be confined there, because even a short confinement might jeopardize the health, if not the life of the inmate. We alsoovisited the prison, and found its management to be good. The prisoners were content with their situation so far as comforts and conveniences are concerned. Some of the floors of the cells are much broken, and they should be repaired with sound, solid planks. From a thorough examination of the poor house, they are satisfied that the affairs of this institution are =well and p operly man:. ag -d. Everything is clean, neat and comfort : ble. The inmates are well oared hir, and have every needed attention paid to thein. The Grand Jury would call attention to the condition of, the pavement on Second street, running from Morgan's pavement to Mr. Sample's. lOU, and has been for many years, almost impaitsable, and should be repaired immediately. ' The centre of the street at Second - and State streets is in a dangerous condition. Serious accidents may-occur there, if the city authorithei do not gra*, it soon, and properly. At the foot of Iliiket street oars are stoiiiiidWaaitieffgr snob a length of time ds greettlyia interfere free progre s s of the often& - Thiiiis an evil which shofild be remedied ; zdestutree abotild be taken tore moewitoteuni .4160 punish, Atone who are, gouty of Naga bl. 2 estelmup _ - • t.tooor- , ,A d Aaves 3 gel ME treterat a Aoar.,. l t 4 Liwaal_S—ibei: 18 yearn of age. He meet be, pble, to bring good-recommendatiess. , Hone.otherneed ap. ply. 'For farther particulars inqUire at this OfflAi. , •• , tf Losr.—A de - ed for a lot'bought at Treasur er's sale in 1862, was lost eoently some where in Market street. It is of no value ex cept to the owner,: and_ tile 'finder will please return it to this office. tf =I $1.078 00 Previously acknowledged 12.60 90 T. W. WEIR, Cashier 1 1611 this evening 1341 favored:with an opportn ,nity to witness - the-beautiful domestio play entitled Luoixtai, ins Wltioh ,Miss Fanny B. Price will appear as - Lncil. e Vernet, and Ml. Hanohett, Miss Fanny Denham and all the members of the troupe in several charactem each. No doubt there , will be a ia.ge andir ence to witness the dramatization of aatorY of the. heart. MICHAEL Reu x. will conclude the entertainment. . Thie is positively the last appearance of Miss Price and Mr. Han chett. Everybody should go. Congress. Enivon MILEGBAPH-Sir: A wise policy im peratively demands that the Union Republican party of the 14th Congressional District should spare no pains in endeavoring to se cure a popular candidate for the ensuing campaign, and with that view permit me. through the medium of your paper, to recom mend to the favorable consideration of the Convention GEORGE Sztnr-tant, hsq., of Mid dletown, for Congress. There are but few men in the ranks of the Union party that could command so large a personal vote. Thoroughly conversant with the interests of the State and n lion, he could not fail, if elected, to make an honest and fearless representative. ' In the present distracted state of national, *Weirs, thepeople expect and demand, for all public trusts, inen of unsullied reputations, sound and orthodox in their political senti- Ments, and unlesti these can be secured there will be no possibility of success. Being fully impressed with the idea that "the office should seek the man," I have • teken this method of bringing the mane of Mr. S. before the peo . le, feeling assured that should he be nomi nated, they would not hesitate to ratify the nomination •by a handsome majority at the election in October. MIDDLETOWN. Sixth Ward Meeting. A meeting of the lion voters of the Sixth ward will beheld at the office of Alderman Cole, on Saturday evening, for the purpose of nomin ding a candidate to represent said ward in the City Council, vice Dr. Wm. H. Egle, res gned au2s. td j Bow many of our return ed I.oldiers have escaped the dangers of t:he battle-firld to find a more invulnerable foe in the manria of a southern climate. They bring with them the seeds of disease, which; ilt not early eradicated, break down the s trongest constitutions and render life but a burden. The great restorer is OSGOOD'S I NDIA CHOLAGOGUE. It neutralizes the maitc4nial poison, • ives activity to the liver. purifies the blood, and lays the foundations of :returning health. Sold by all druggists and medicine dealers. 200th Regiment Pennsylvania Volun teers for One Year's service is filling up very fast. All officers recruiting for this regiment will put the No. of the regiment (200th) on the enlisting papers and rolls. Col. Difen, late Maj. of the Penna. Reserves. will, com mand and lead the regiment to the field, and a more brave and competent officer never en tered the service. All information °discern ing the regiment Call be labialised by calling sn or addressing Z. Orem, Ricruiting Officer, etegimental Headquarters, on Third street, ai tailing Herr's Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. aul7.lisepl Lochiel Greys One Years Service. A few more men wanted to, fill up this or ganitzation. $5OO local bounty—patd, $lOO Govktruwent, making $6OO bounty. Men will go to camp and draw uniforms as soon as mustored in. Rally men, and avoid the com ing draft. Headquarters, Walnut street be tween Third and Fourth streets, Harrisburg, Fa. W. L DEAN, apt. Limits. Theodore G. Thomas, Itecruitmg Officers. au9-tf =CZ= Fon SALE—An elegant building lot, situate ed on Third street above North, 21 feet trout by 131 feet in .depth, running to x 20 feet wide allev. .For particulars enquire at au9-dti . THIS OFFICE. Boat Way to Avoid the Draft. Men wasted, for a company to be attached to Col J. Ard Matthews' regiment. $5OO local bounty, $l , 0 Government bounty, be sides $l6 per month and clothing, rations and medical attendance. Recruits upon enlisting will be immediately mustered in, clothed,and paid their local bounty. Apply at heal-quar ters, No. 97 Masltet street, Harrisburg, in the room lately occupied by Col. Johnson, Chief Quartermaster. Lieut. E. D. IV I LT, au26-3t Recruiting Officer. SPECIAL Norrie S. Kromer's (Upham's) Hair Dye 50 CENTS A BOX. Boxes larger than 'Dyes that sell for NACUBXL, DU ItABL BEAUTIFUL. W/LEBANTED to please. This article has been thoroughly tested by Da Cunyron of New York, and Professors Booth and t,arrett of Philadelphia, who' pronounce it free from all poisonous ingredients, and the material coin• posing it will not injure the most delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and. Fauoy Goods dealers everywhere. . . _ JNO. J. KBOREIt, solo Proprietor, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Drunketness Curpd. - - • The inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempting cup. Dr. Zane's antidote for strong drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong drink, and can be administered without the knowledge of the patient. Descriptive circulars sent to any address. For saleA)y all respectable'drngsists in the United ,States and-Danadas.. Price riper boi, or paokages of six boxes for $6. ,JNO. J. KitODLP.it, Whohisaleit; • 403 Chestnut SL, Philadelialk Pa.. Dr. .Itand , s • Speeffie. The oldest and most reliable medicine for the care of Spermaorho3a, Sdminal Weakness, Loss of Power, &n. This medicine has stood the test of over thirty years, and has always proved a success. Dr. RAN D'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form of pills, made up entirely of substances that haves specific effect upon the generative organs. Moat persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills.. Toe SPECIFIC of Dr. Rand is ' not intended as an evaenating me sic ne. Its meditiinal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. Toe pills ., are not urpleasunt. to the taste, and man) persons masticate them with impunity: before swallowing theni ; which plan we would al ways reecntueud, as affording she speediest way to get the effect of the remedy. Price - Si-per box, or sir bouslcolll. Sold' by druggist* everyirluire: ' JI J. BROMEIt, Wholesale Agent, 400 Otosstamt ,44 tt , *9o'7 For the imps. Hearieikkii, Throat• M ei mums; zate.r . ate( spechilly reecerunended" to Iministers, singers and persons whose vocation 'mils them to speak in public. Manutactured only by 0. £ Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg, whom all orders should be addressed. old by druggist every where. Read the following teitunonials from some of our eminent clergymen: Rummel: ma, Feb. Bth, 1864. 0. A. Bsrurvamr--Dear Sir: I have used 'Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges .and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully' commend your own as a most admirable spodfio 'for public speakers and singers, in Gases of .Hoarseness, coughs and colds. I hake, found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, • T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Preshyterian Church. Affirl agree with -Mr. Robinson as to th e value of BannvartrifTroofies. W. - 0. CATTicr , t i ate Pastor of- 0. o..,..pzsbyterian Church. aok, iiutiSBIFBO, Jan., 1 8 64. • To O. A. Bennunr—Deter Sir: In th habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expect() cant, and that want. tae been supplied in your excellent Troches. I eonaider thenLvery far superior to any Lozenges that I haia ever LU364/, in removing Apeedily that huskiness of the voice arisimg from its too frequent use, and impairing th iffeetiveness of - the delivery of public ac - tresses. Yours, dm., Jl{O. WALKIKR JAMISON. ' Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To 0. A. Berutvamr—Dear Sir: Having user your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in reoommending them to all persons Aided with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public as ppee or singing. Yours, Q. G. RAKESTRAW easter of -Ridge Aierale Methodist Church. DISTRICT herrontarr's 01 1 71014 sanutuset, Feb. 29, 1864. To 0. L Berurrstre—Dear : I have tonnd your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voiee, inad are certainly of great bon it to all public sixiakers. A. J. IiERB. PURE VEGETABLE TONTC. rE6l°°‘ healthy parsons feel more or less weak this extreme warm leather, and l se their ap. petite They used a good atros,g Testa—am that will strengthen the nervous system and moment Thin they eas get at 60 oeota per battle, at Kra 1. Ball's, NO VT, South hne stree, Harrisburg. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. avid HAIR DYE 3 HAIR DYE S Batch°lees Celebrated Hair Dye LS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The only &armless, Trite and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye to perfect 7 ctuinges Red; Rusty or Gray Hair instantly tosaMmy Mack or Natarat Brown without In - the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautifhl ; imparts [resit' vitality frequently restoring Its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of =Oyes. The genuine is signed . Wit All A. BATCH -4,..GR. All others are more imitations, and should be voided Sold by all Druggists, &d Famory—:Bl OWLY SZ, N. Y. . • smarriosee" Nme "attila: VW( naietuna Tint ' 11. 4 , .. • - • . Jen], COLGATE'S FIONEIVINOAP:' This celebrated Toilet Soap, in anon aaiTessal de• mud, is made from the choicest, materiale, is mild and emollient in ins wane, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. Per sale by all Druggiste and Fancy Goods Deotera ion% darclV • : WANTED, ABOY to attend. the har.of the Banjo Sa boo. Apply at the Saloon, comer of Second and Pthe. ' - • - plugs WAN'►'L:D, AGIRL to . do ienekid onsowork. good COOK. prrierjed Apply itnitit•diately at Ch Jou ,'ll Bo t and Shoo Store, No 108 Market street. Geoid waged will be given. B. H. CROSAMAB. augio6 WARTED, AWlllll4„dialuvoora.. CURL. " Apply a the NAT.IO.VAL BOMA aug2s intal Kee ket at est, no. Fourth. Shoemaker Wanted! To work on a bench in a store where he will e pi madly situated, end wages good. Appl nt tat East Market btleet, Ltorisburg,:Pa. ' giti•a2w! . JoSN' BORER • iirA.NTEDt—Three or four ROUSE OAK. v ?MIKES. %Ay to W H SULU. auglOdtf mar Sixth and Wainu , atieeta. waN rED -At $l5O per ,}tooth.—We Want yen tole Ca IVeSieT in every county. tirt• have &genie rnati g $l6O p month woke we will prove te any doubting applicant. Arklreca JONES BROS. & CO., Jy2Blm Ralti more. Md. GI VER Ai F.llll* SAL ES, &C. AUCTION SALE cat CONDEMNED HORSES. Wes Dsrearmairt, CAVALRY Rumsau, Once or CILUIF gIIARTERXISTM, WASIUMOTOX, D. C., August 3, 1864. IiNTUAL be sold at public section, to tilt highest bidder, at the time and places clamed be. low Viz: Riadiug, Pennsylvania, Thursday, AagustlB, 1.8114. AlLbin Pennsylvania, Thursday, 4.. gust 24, 1864. . Leb nun Peunsylvania,.Thuraday, Scpunswer 1, 1884 1884. Ramseur& Pen..sykraula, Thursday, September 8, TWO HUNDRED (400) Cavalry Horses at eacn place. Thaw Horses have been condemned as %mot for the Cavalry Gerona of Ole Arm% For rend and farm be had. purposes many good bargains may Horses sold singly. TERNS: CASH in United States Currency. JAMES A. ERIN. sue•dieg U. Col. and C. Q. M. Cavalry Barran CANDIDATES. FOR CONGRRSS, LEAN DER N. OTT, Of finseinchisonis Township, Dauphin County, aligl3-d&w c* Rit k plsTlCH,. TORN FOX, ofthis tity,-itiffers himself as a CP candidate fur RhGIBTEIC of Dauphin county, Hub. JO tto the decision Of the Union. County Cenv4-ntion Riming had bevel: mesa ye a's experience in the bus uess of the onion, he pledges lairds& to give aati•faction if elected . aul6•d&wto FOtt aEORGE MARK, of ;South Hanover town. ILA ship, offers himself silt candidate for the office of etz.isrsa, of Dauphin county. If elected, Mr. Mark pledges himself to performihe duties of said office with Moine je29 111 MUS IiAnaIIiDATIG rote VaJIII4I3ItE3S. Elessuotsget re., JUDO 9,1964. Tar, undersigned reSpeethilly offers himeelt to the Republicans of - -the`.l4th' ougrossi.cod , rest of Pouneylcania, composed pa' ane ~ntie. of bau AM, +Wu.% Softberebere*, nlon am Snyder, to aoaalantion by the several ahettyhoaventions of the sate 119arlet. je9t4 . 41 Mal 413 4 APY FOR RILISIORR. 114117 DOLPH DILL, If East Hanover 1.1.. comottjp, Oen ktooooFmikooSkiatefor theofiloe 01. ' . .If nominated - Wig be Ololgoo bim to ildol Rs dittios of with lideitl itcum samint st - ' • I=ZI Vl , A NTS. .4'.4oo3feLn i kle4 l- iiitWkIMONTS,;- rrEIZ Seere # l .7 ot :AlrrealluSi,llives = ti es tuat sableriptions will gereoeived fur Elen tritastify payable three years !rem Angnisclsth, 188 t, with semi-annual interest at the rate of seven and•three4enthe percent. per auntua—principal and interest tiotli tit tie paid in Wear tummy; These noteti will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity into sit per ceut gold bearing bonds, payable not . leas dam live their' .nor more than twenty years from thedate, as the Government -may elect:- They wilt be lashed in denominations of $5O; $lllO, $5OO, $1,,000 and $5:000, and all eubacti'ptions must lie ter Any dollars or some multiple of Ally dollars. The notes will be transmitted lathe Owners free of transportation charges ai Soon ,after the .receipt ot the original Uestitio .tea of De posit as they eau be prepared. As the notes draw interest front August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest soorued from date of note to date ot deposit. Parties depositing twenty-Elva thousand dole, lam and upwards tor these notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent., which will be paid dy the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the athount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions comluismons must be made from the deposits. Special Ad i srantages of this Loan. IT IS ♦ NATIONAL SAVICia 8.1114, offering a higher rate than any otheT, and b at seawif t y. Any savings bank which, pays its depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country, and it osarsot pay in anything better, fur its own assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in government paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent investment. Ihe notes can al ways be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated interest, and are the best security with bank as collaterals for dis counts. Convertible into a 6 per Cent. MO Bold Bond. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes ,for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent. per annum, for the current rate for 5.20 Bonds is not less than ninepor cont. premium, and be fore the war the premium on six per cent. U. B. stocks was over twenty per cent. it will be seen that the actual profit ou this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent. per annum. its islompttua 11.0111 gtatB or ilanicipa, taxatkw. Bat aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, a special act of Congress exempts all bonds and r weary aot:s from local taxu.tion. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent. per sums*►, according to the rate of taxation m various parts of the country. it is behoved that no securities offer so great inducements to lenders as those issued by the Government. In all other forms indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate com munities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of thitootintry is told to secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United buttes. While the Government offers the most liberal terms tor : its luaus, it.bolieves that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism 01 the people ' St ssoa.rprzoris writ. as RECEMID by the Treasurer of the Dotted States, at Washing,- tou. the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by all the Na tional banks witioh are depositaries of public money, and all respectable banks and bankers throughout the country, will give ' further iu fortrurucuk and afford every favility to sub scribers. [aul9•d&w:2an SA L.k.:b 'Or HLAL iSTAT b. Providenoe Farm AT PUBLIC SA.LE •, 0* Friday S•ptember 2, 1864. H AYING determined to .relinquish busi ue 3, the undenegnect wi 1 Off r for Wn on the p in Lower Allen townahlp, Gotniortauct conety, /cheep% vu ILn &alp -Owroad, owl e AL Or Ale ahedburg, and a. en mane Wo".t. of Harrisburg, the tal low-air .aluauie real estate : ' A . &ma of LAND; went karma ks"P ovilf - ace Fttrm,' ountaildug 98. Si aerea—eve of itddhittle yell oar thrtvmg t.moer, and the batatme are In a high mate of awl nivatfou awl en tet good tenting. Thu =proven:teats ~u nbtst of }arge now WO-S I.OltY BRICK ,11Wk_LLING, Wash House, Bank Barn,. a Teeant House with all rte *e ary outbuildings There are also two wet a et neVer fainng water, aim ewe large eine. is near the buildings, w.th a tine y , ,ung APPLE AND PEACE ORCEARD on the pr. mites , bsides a great variety of Anal/ Prune, aunt as br..pes, Phtrat t eats, Cherrite, Ste. the tar Anyvemeuts on Cats property we entirely new, an of the suet spigov u sty 1.. The la tt la el sumnior quality, and rte preaitatty tu a nourishing town re rder it ene of the meet • easresele LlUtae• 11.1 C imlarlatm ire ley. rectoes d Saida to view this prowny previous to the sale, writ ikeidau cal. uu the autisixiber, mewing ea the pretnaell. :ale to common e at I o o!ock r. a.. whoa terms wih be made wnwvu by 11101hY G. RUPP. auett-übb 1 rUii.Ll4.; BALL. ON FRIDAY, 3KE'IIeMBER 9th, 1864, 1 1 " SlUMUllbOnit age.atal tor the boars of Frederica Wonderly, Sea., late of Mechanicsburg, Yat fiec 'a, will sell uu the premises tue fulluvrtog valuabie Neje:am/a, cm: A tract of iaineetone Land containing 67 acres and 68 pet diva, all clear, in a high slate of cultivation and UMW gaud teuciug located Is saver anon township, °lustier- Laud county, Pa., twu'milus Wein ol Mechatrivabarg , near trauma Leading from that Owe to Clutha°. The tafpwro meats Ma a good Wcr-STuttY HOME, A GOOD B VIZ BARN, wagon stied, two* ma, and - All other neoessarroutbalid tags. Tiers are alai) two Wells of sever-fading water us the lam, one of which is nor the dour • an orchard of .fierce attic, sad adoa* da tin the precinies Thu how has been all tuned. Mr proximity of Qui property to the euterp. Wog town of llechanicsbeirg, alwaya affording au eactutatit 'mini% tar the products of the taw; tenders it ki.luy deewahle. At 4.e 6i1,414) time and place, a tm I of !fountain Land, situates in Weer apnug township, Cansberunad 4xont4tung In urea and 14 perv ft easy of acmes. karsons delart4 to view the property previous to the sal- will please ttail Da ueerge Wouder.y, ietudieg on the Largo, or W. a. Womforl9, t siding in Xechamosbur*. gale to comment* at 2 o'clock, v. ~ when terms will be made known by tikORUE WuliDaeLY, W. ri. WON De 10. X . Avesta for the heirs of J. F. Wonderly, dec'd. anls.titsep9 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. T EN subscriber otters for sale a valuable Tavern &Lad, situate un the Lancaster turupilk, rn Luc tionsugh uf Middletown, oundating uf a large two-story Brick , Hotel, extensive stabling and ail other name:owl oat buddinvt two adjoining tote towing erected on each a two story frame oweduig. • For further particulars apply to the toderateaed, oe the the premises. SAMUEL DETWaM,KM. jettl-inaeatsm* lillihQUilliTEßS, PENNSIII7III/1 1111LITAA , f 110;SPITAC, AIerAt4X4INNT, 1 illAhltliattlEG, Annum 10, loat. j STATE MEDICAL BOARDof .Penn riiTosok MO ;own la. EVAIWUrg, uu IiONDAI, Oio to,ti day of Awn, LINK, and I . 4 .o4omuodur,Jog Ow wo4, la CZillkill* PM 4411.t.1 Ow tao peol'of Medical oftlOon, ip PosLoo !vont& twiitoooka....., , .. . 111,04, : w illnoLldtkilallWidag. l agatall r . l eMMaiiiiiiW" -----7 owiorcharmaf, #0 1 ; wifi be Jammer to the exentheitied.' :_ . . • The room in *614 triweamiuusuak wurbe WM Will be,beileate e- 1 0 Cl4ert`o l ooi Weallet API* olt the day ,V.,!, . br. . , .i.:..4,R 4 ..` .f. •-• , 4 , - . , ' Z 44 01 , i ! pbe; A 0 0.1 irell.VIVI rift, t, , ' , AMU EM.ENTS... . _ HALL BRAiNT'S . BRAIIT'S ItALt. TWIP , Pras tv Roase's itattatabinatila tompaay, Kulikes.St4r Combination. Wimpy ay t Roasea Star Combiaatioaleatpaay, 1:=1:1 , LAST N . . of the engagement Of Bliss Fanny It. Pir1.040,!1, ....IATIJEDAY EVENING, AIME= Will be promoted, tbe great Home Drama. L U 0 IL . L E.r 1.7 A Story of the heart To - tieforowed by We favorite Dram; THE MANIAC LOVER MISS PA% N Y DENHAM* With Bones . OCrFor hirther particulars Bee Prtagtrisimac augll- if SANFOBD'S HALL. FIFTH NIGHT OP S. S. SANFORD, Who wall appear is Lis steal Ethiopian Manchu- de GUMBO CUFF! La the greet opera of the Webs, ON FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST N. FRIDAY EVIANDW, BANIORD'B BRNI.IIT Tms company consists of the best Aar per Conners, coaslatiog of . SINGERS, • DANGERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, The Inlntager takes pleasure In announcitis that - tatted inektug LW. THE Conoon Hall or the city. . HARRY WELLS el 00., IPioprietor SILLY PORTER, Buteneet. Agent. jy23 da CA.N ELIO LUC 'IC HALL. WALNUT ETTLIMT, BELOW THIRD. Blanes agent Stage nmaager Lawler ‘ , l Ord/ester.. erea5uter........... JOK int L, ANDY WILI.IA/10 ROW IntarAYYJA ...............J.4. OPEN every night with a firstrAana cow vary or wale and female artistea The perfects =se embraces every vsziety of leejtamate amusement, seek a' SI N160T61, DANCING, PANTOMULES, BIT81.1LiQUE:81 AND jEe. Aamiaidon, 25 costa. Beata in private boxes 80 Coal& Duo a open at 7. To oommcme.at 8 o'clock. lyindtf M I LITA Y NOTICES. D. It A 1..1' PHILADELPHIA GUARDS!! %K. a A. tnellUat. $5OO B vt O o lj o i ly. I Men r tn ° Lt re im °ne pear's Welly aud ,al iea h .own MO. CAne alad/Y, or /, aqua' a Any pe eon br ng n= men at l 130 outrunlasiamed *mud Lleuten.m 25 men a rlren Lteuteduanei 40 aune Captain /he above will be executed to the hoer. ,Alppty to Col A. A LOGIILKII, anal Beadqunrtens. all Client at rhaß • HEADQUARTERS DRAFTED "kr SUBSTITUTES, LblD vo Lull TEE 3:1 S, 115 South Seipenth SE , Second/km: roe 11~a 30 tairrratind Men troin the City or any part of tOe State will be furnished with Atbstinttee etc short mice, and on hbetel ho nut Zir Mon ttiellsting, o.ther as Substitutes of Voleutoots, recel,e be thew geat noun lee, winch will. be paid to thin In cash as soon as roustkned in ',Agents will be literally paid of thif O W. LI kiAVENI.S. anl3•tt IHE DAY & BUSHNELL MINING 'COMPANY 20 SIONANGE PLACE, NSW Tonic. TSP attention of the public is called to the tgee °rimed bj into company kw Profitable Investment. The extent and value of he G0L.13 MINES, unified with its prom its for aortitig them, make it the mist desirable prop. rty ever t.f red to the public. Detailed Information m regard W Its extent and pros pects can be had at the office of the undw.dg agent of the contkatiy, who will &trove subscr.paqns to stock. JOHN W. kL&L.L, egt, Oat , e Th;rd street, near Mania, RAMO og, Pa. tmgititinaewlna FOR SALE, ATEN-HOBSE power steam engine and boiler, swan pipe., Water Aiwa, pumps and lie ter wuxplete; osoldatiegengwat and eyi tuli.r bollur , niatutfacw wee by Joel Welemma, patent to/Loral/id WciluN g en gins builder. lily be been at Cana shook foot of Walnut tweet, Elarrisburg. For teems, tar, enquire at Caul office, Market mreet near United anted Hotel. Hariattantato, July 4, 1564 . jy2,34 VERY 'FINE, lb DEED= To our fine and extensive stook of Photo. A. mph Ahem and reutograpit Cara netneee :ere wave add,d a BEAU' IFUL EN V&LOPE 'or the rearialen of care.pi,Aum. they mat be lemma end will oe aiheurad ifirpheie s sepems supplied at the very loam whole ade pew, eed eact pruned upon undefor Unenn.nd, el:Meade and ret4l. at may 24 SCREFFCR'S mpg gr ma, HAMS. LiZEF AND TIJINGUNA—a fresh invoice at &mull SitibLadi d hadn,lo3. 11-lEESE—Choice new crop Cheese,• just %J received at Sliblio At FRAZIN, Ali 7 Ikkaosisors 111111 k. Jr.. N CO PICED urn fine Baltunore A 3 oysters, spiced, jut received ae • JYIB k KoFRPFIL ALL kinds of hauling wait wagons oi• Cutts will be: mm044:6,46 toy calhus un JA4 o.s EIRISNNIti:, Jy2l former of &cowl atfret awl Meantow tam 1311,111 F, LAlW.—Fifty firkin .Al* kettle rendered LARD. ter sans by the firkin or vaupd.,pBt, eceived at [ale] BUYER a KOStr'Sk. VVILNUMS, ,itMUJIMUMS ILKENTEL lbiaab wholesale se MOM & FLORIN., wiy6 asomeank to W. wk. Jr , N BOOS ti-THE 8110MP.141 &Wit' DAYS OF VIFF r4olsrf AfgnerTußteitmat. not # . • : ITPS7TEIJIK 'tUN LW. 1.7 111 inide and Owes, '' • • e • ' HIM* AV/UMW - ',— Boomtown; to N, D.ck, Jr ~A Uo. Doslinpi or Pule Family Otsrerielt. ' 4 1160 . liDgE vitar,GAlL—spure - Cider, y14 11.. e 1e - r Me borlitis tor al tiara ar400411a124' ED ME EMI ...3. a DMM.. hitIICAL FARCES, 001aC OPgRAB, NEGRO CX)IIICALITIE4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers