1 1 11:4"TELEGR4 - is k ‘, Mani= • icc c _ AND EVENING; c - g 0 r OFFICS THIRD RT., NXalt WALNUT. t7ERDIS OF SUBSCRIPTION 4LNGLE:SUBSCMMON TIMPAILY TVLEORAPS is served to subscribers in tb. city at lg cents per week. Yearly subscribers will b. nharged se 00 in advance. Tbuse persons who neglecttt pay in advance will be charged $7 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. rat TELtatara is also published weekly, and Is furnished sabseribers at the following cash rates &nen copies, weekly Three copies to one rit n Otilee Teo conies to one Poe co NF.W A 1)V PAtTISIK[III.INTS. CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AND BELOW • COST. DIRS. M. MAYER, NO. 1 I.IIARKET STREET, 'TIEING desirous of closing her Summer 1.." Stock of In,nuery Geode ; offers for sa!e u greatly re weed prices, euo6 ae SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, • Et TS AND FLATS, &C. Constar.dy on hand a splendid assurtine,A of SILKS, • VELVETS, LACES, h1:1. HES, ' HuOP SKIRTS, COILUTS, HOSIERY, HAN OKERCIIIF,I , I-, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFR, BELTS, NETS, FANCY GOODS, &C. Dealers will do well to cult, as great bargains can be bad at wlaolosalo. jel4 ly CLOAKS, CIR C ULARS AND IVIAlii TILLAS IN P. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET bTILEET. A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have new a aplendtd usuruneut or SPRINLI Sc SUMMER BIANTELS, • FRENCH CLOT' CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH 6ACKS, AND NEW FRENCIi. LOUSE BASKS. The ahoy') beautiful eamples, color and !laud tamely trinuuud, !rum $7 60 to I,lb. WOO biLK CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASK::.;, Haud.suiutuy and In lily trimmed, from Ulf upward. LIII,.DIWI'd SIANTLI.d IN I.Arui E VARIETY. my2s pWlinery atni Fancy Goods. ARS. J. 111.13.135, at No. S Market Square, '' , ilexthour to Fulis'elkinfechuttery, keeps con.ttuit, ;Attu the !aka lit) It'd 11l BuLtliOLS, Hatd, knotiob, , togothor with a tine atisortatem of Ikea kriditiozoti-, Latioa, Embroideries, Collars, Culi Hawke:chiefs, li.siery, Gloves and Variety Goods in general Alt Chi latest Designs of Dross Patterns direct from the New nay...ars. lires and C, van tusking newly ext.- cutod. - ?nankin! for the patronage Ixtvoned soon: her nite trusts, by a strict talent' •tn to nu-lite:Ts and her endeavors to gtV,e ,i•nend ,atisfection, to continue LO realiVe ff +Mare 01 too pubnn ontrouage, jyt.4l3rn C JEVYtteoII."AJLAZ JEI/D CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, 1. 8 n pleasant. healthy beverage. trety coavonient and relreahtug fue itivroide having form or great chubs. 1w gotta dity roroininends it o traVelers. Ito con vvui, ace at VIC-111C4 will be upt No veva regot e(.t ; one taelc-apeuutui dimply di:A-Joh - ell In a•glass to °Lod o; titer and IL la tlooo ISS'LLtR'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, jol7 mk- 91, Market street LNI.N.AN I.I.IIALE.LriLLA C .Q A. IS. 0-n , IN D. W..0.E033' NEW BLvU Inariket Street, Ibturrtsburg. I,uuUljlieFE/TENT STYLES 01, tIL OA X S A 1 , 1 L 01 it 0 17 L Alt S, AZiD VESE 611111 . 41 SHAWLS. • WM open ou tbo J ul Ayr;!. mar2l-dly Steal= Weekly to Liverpool. klkaii /lax rite weu kakm. suddLuerb or the Liverpuu4 24. t. tuns tutu YhJlttactptat. 6t,ttuiehtp Company, use it %mted lA/ eltlo fib NIKON& Hultman e, raturtlay, August 47 ; Etna, Satur day, nowt tuner s ; Ldiatrurgit, na u WI), wtoto . bet ltt aud every a,,eutvtgug natuttia,), at A uun, num rtvr 42, Nurth Natter, ItATE,S 0. PASSAGE, PAYAIRLII gi GOLu, on ors tu,tuivAbssr ci oniktXMCY. FIRS I' 1;AI:11N PIU UtlsrEsriatig sal.) Oil: du wLumluu db Ull I du Lu , Loudon 34 131) du to flint. 96 001 Liu )0, Kann 41) 01.1 do to lituubarg..;. 20 00 I Su co kincuburg.... 87 OU PIIMUOvere 4lbo rOrwuftlexl 10 Lluvro, I:3lo.lfiela, Rol,llH dam, duLwerp, etc., at ottuully (OW nano. Marlin Crum Lwerpuut or queuwwwn: Ist Cabin, $70 7 $8.5, 11.1/b. Stectugc., $l5. rbosu WOO wish to 000 d lui thou friuutl.l Cali uuy tickutu tie= at 1/11f3160 rotes. Fur furLlLur tuthrutamuu dupl.) , at Lhe Ourapaup's 011 LYLMN U. DALL, .L.6euL, Li beuu.tiWay, N. I. t C. ZINO' Kit NI AN, Harris!.,. 11123-dly PIA/NOS. • •RIEKES. & SCIIMIDTS • .. EXCELbIOE, PUN'OI.3. AGENCY 47' iV. A'ff'00111:8, Ilirge,t,street, Harrisburg. , REAbONS perfectly szsusfaotory to aLleu dgetiey of the above trawl . e.toelleitt Piano& TilepubilCle toevilW and OS ittuitie Pur tuepi4eltres. A. few ikttuulteCker &Va l k! P19.110S o' hand yet will be dam two. tuar2s-ti PHOTOGRAPH ALB U ALS. Photograph Albums. Photogra.ph Albums. Photograph Album , . Photograph Aibtaltis TUE largest aid elinaLpest %amt.) , oi eau cut 4 RANI ALUIMIS w tut: elty . l4.re LIULL4tAILLI2. /Cop 11l [rum I:2i IS Klitol 6 Clie.Al 'at 14 ifairo SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY Am happy to offer to tho public' a large I - and atnemnd assorta:ma or SUPERIOR 6-OLD PENS, maaidadared uy • LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. . Theie:Peas are well blushed, thistle, and- wal give en tare satisfaction, PLEASE TRY THESI. „ • SCREFFER'S ROOR STORE, Sewed street, opposite Probbywilau Church, Harrlauurg Pa. , 843 USE idLtiIVE.D I—A tine lot of CANNED ;Es • PEACHES . . and TOMATOES. Atat, SU; palm, NNE APPLES, PRKSH PEAS, aza., mat teeeiviat by myl 1. 4 r ..rtur yaiNs...L'd . I r , tht. A74lpiat A ....gchl,sio,rt Culubratks4.l BOVRIt. ReaNrEit CM 31 , J OCOT timo,ama Fag SBIY. AfAxik-. JS I Mer C 44 at : TBOYIgRar.:KPE4WEIc. ALMOND-kirte watt Salmon, at qt OMER & FRAZER I= • , • - ----.--, - —, r ---- ; ....7 . 1 . 7 - ' - ',77 - 7 - 7, - , -------- .... ---- . - 7 ---77 - --- • - ''' • 0 ti , t i ' 'o - , ---- k.....03, 77 7.)• - 1;. 1 - 7 , 1 : --------': f- ---- ---, . 7 :7".. ------- ' -,:. , • - - •,.--------* . • , , •A' . • - , ....,...-... ... .... . `," - - ' • 4 ~: k0,..-• - • ' '''. Vy• :.' 1i t 'l,„'" '1" , ';', ,:-' ''. -, ' ..;-.1:2:. :;,.,- ,—.... 't:- ',, •-: - . '-- 3, . . . • • ~ -, ~. ' A thr 4.,-...-, ~..-,,......f-.,.. .,.. ~. , . , , .., r ~1...,,,.,,, ~,,,,....,...t. ..,,,...:.:::::, .•; , 4,.. i, „. :.._. . ~ .. ._ 'AV j ; ', - ,:i 4 4-.i: - .- 0,:,,....1 ••Z .- ~.•_..•-•.••:;•- t i • , - •.: - , P I , ..1., e. - - - _ .._ • I ,;,..--, ~ -... , t. W ) ------ - -- - - Jr' .. ' . '' . 1 ,,,,,..... .... - f.--r.- ,41 , -.:. •,,,- -. . . ~. . . ..or ... ~,....., $1 50 400 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. NEW ADVFAITISIkIIIII47,NTS. Northern Central Hallway. DUBUC NOTICE is hereby given that the 1. Pra./G .T and BAGGAGE de,erlhed in the loilevt mg list resnamn unclaimed in the Warehouse of the Northern Central lialbsav Company, at Her. rsburg. Con- Agbetil are h, reby nailed to come for Nard., i ar chars a, and lake 'heir property away, or the Fame will be sold acc9rdine to law. J. N. DU BA H.RY, Gen'! Supt. (+EXUBAL SurEmyrkrinearr's Orem, • Ammer 16, 1b64. j No 1, Williamsport and Harr lsburg check 146, owe black trunk No 2. elmira and Harrisburg cheek 20, one box, Limit A Miler, Hatmbutg No 3, Baltimore anal Harrisburg check 20, one box No 4, no mink, one box, J llama, Lockport, Niagara Co, N Y No 5, no cheek, one box, Lieut. IL Scott, Harrisburg No 0 nu check, one boa, no marks No 7, no cluck, one boa, Jacob Weaker, Pittsburg No 8, no cheek, one box, Leuhen iriwringer, Cattst wirsa Nu 9, no cl‘ecti. fair leather trunk, do Nu 10, no C eck, on.- box, Capt. Priolips„ Harrisburg No 11, no check, black trunk, S S J, St Joseph s acade my, Mita 'o 12, no check, fair leather trunk, no marks No 13, uo oheck, lair lumber um.k., Cal& L,y man, Har risburg Nu 14, no check, black lea her trunk, no marks No 15, u,. Mak, bl i.. k hat er trunk On marks Nu 10, to check, one b•.x, Juo McGee, et irisourg No 17, no itheo 4, oue b ix, Geo la Stephens, Harrisburg No 18, no oueek, one box, Newport station, P et is No 19 no check, one box . D,niel Itommou, I hila elphia No 20, or, check, bt-sdr, trunk, Jno Gemmel, Lea is , town, Pa No 21, Danville and Harrisburg check 512; fair leather trunk, Win ii Barber, Eldon, Pa No .2 DO che, k, black t.• tik, no marks No 23, no Week, Pdr leather trunk, W S Scott, Hunts lle, ohm No 24, no cheek, fair leather trunk, Thos McDaniel Nu 25, no en 02, back trunk, Sarah No 25 uo check, black trunk, G S Anglil, Bingliarap. Lou, N I' No 21, Williamsport and Harrisburg aback 92, fair lea her van., no iliAiki No 28, Baltunoie anu Harrisburg check 637, Cab leather VA tae, uo marks No V, no . hock, fair leather valise, no marks No - - .0, no chick, back trunk, Jno ei 11101Uoa, Lancas ter, la. No 31, no chock, one box, Michael Trump, Alletstown No 32. no muck - , inn box, no marks No 33, Scm ntou and 11.,..r ieburg cluck 259, one box N-' 34, no check, one box, Mrs • lack, Prosperity, Pa No 35 no i.gio k, one box, Henry Will, Heading N./ 3 %), no c.unik, one bus, no mai lea No 37, nu otiece, b g of saddles, uo marks Nu 38, uu cneck, saddle, I,e,nattus rummer, Portage station No so, no check, black bag, no marks No 40, no cu ck, back b g, Mary roster, Harrisburg No 41, no clack, black o ig, no mark's No 42, no cue, k, btu k bag, no marks No 43, u 0 cm ok, back big uu M,i kg Nu 44, nu cuick, black thig, ,/ Sh da, Jersey Shore, Pa N 045, W usau.o.-port and tlarrieburg cheek 36, black g j no mart. No 46, no check, black bag, ne marks No 47, too on ok back bag, uo [woks No 46, uo cu. ck, trope', bag, no nun Ls , No 49, no cue, k, .aoule, uu maxi; No. 50, nu cluck, b g, no wants No 51, -Lo eb.ck, 0.,, box, no marks No 32 LO check, one b ..x, no mares No 51, no check, bat-box, n , minks No 54, nu check, far lainer until:, no marks as J Fiewoig, elle b.nu o Mills A L Cabcock, 1 lithe rops N Fraser, eleven bariela nuts D Fisher, six co, n-uubkers H Giber,, one banal insulators Nelson Bryn( ) a Co, tYkti boass bitters S 13 -rkli r, ono boa uaru ware B Hawkins, one gilumie block mcliotao az 11, one box mai. ies J Alb rt, one barrel, two b .ves Teo • HIC.AIk, 0nu..0,,x hardware 1.• o , onsig34oo, 204 brick, no in rtes' No cousiguee a oall box, uo ma ks No conagnoe, 4 i serums nem, no marka Nu coosiguoe, packago imago No cousigacc, oao box Lutruutindise, David Tamer, Har risburg. auglS 4w EF,4,31 U .LATION OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE , PROVOST ItARSRAL'S OFFICS 7 14th DISTRICT,' HARRIS/10[G. VII, August lb, 1864. m llll FOLLWVINO itEtitiLA.l:lo NS 0:B' the Provust. Waco arc pliOnStieti fur the irp st.oeutto atal suidauee of all persons iutero.,ted, in urde r that, in iutule, the putt.ic Lee/ nut be in doubt as tu . Witch, Where and to whom to app y for information on tuat,ers conUocted will: this liCpai Wheel. let Site Maud of Rut ullment cunvet.os each day (Sun day- excepted) to the proper room at 10 o'clock A X. II busiuese requires 4, the murniag Ws-ion Will Continue tn. 1S du ucx P. rt.; the afu3rnouu a ksi n• cuuttnence at.'Ljy uel .ck au i cookout) till 0 o'a,acic a, a. In nu c.tsu v.kruu/nationS /Or di-ability be wade outer day light . zed J. J. W itzol, priocipal clerk to B and of Enroll ue,.t, will a all woo. Itt.niau intelnation proper to be iur,d,he l iuu, recorua of the Board , aid A. F. Gawp, adjulant mat special deputy, will be naiad 1,. the Mica runt of the Prov. SI tlerour . He has a gnu, rul se, a .tt can be appLed to in a.l cases. Yin 'Lie r.eitt.te,ent. Department is iu charge of D. S. Be us. bib A. E. Eystor suporintends the mustering and re• cruaing deparaueut, mkt tias charge o thu reou ds and ro is cottoeutcd theteA oh; also, with enlistments tutu the - Voter.ku R ee..ve Corps." Rh it. I. etiule lass charge of the clotning depart ment 7th •For info oration with reference to bonzes anti prop rt.e seized as the crePerty of the tioverun may ap p to,John E Untie; in the Mustering and Recruitu4 U - p r ;aura L SW Fur information with reference to Deserters and p,r-ons arresteo, apply to same d•ta Meat. kith Joi.n wow,. has ch..rge of amain a, records, On luth B'• r iuf ruiLittou upon any rub.ec• out above .....pe eiticalty design: nu, ap,l, to tut, .e,ovo.t Marshal, or to Acue...et A . Oa, p. WI CI I IC. a d employe a ate regale d to be at tt.ea peat. , to , duty at 8 41. M. Thu Mlle,: wilt bu [Le publ at 6 o'e toe.: P. AL . . 12th te,k, and k . ruplo. cos aro r quired and directed to he polite,cuurteoue onu attentive web perauns cluing h v ne,3 .n the rruvost, Di a :hal a Ate. It is a duty and 1.1, a tiro o t turtn and serve those requirtog in [carnal, er servod, owl It ally cte,k Or mpg:l4 a ada Itk prottipt att,uttou or pr• p• r c. , urteey, he it be atonal diScaurit. I;Sta (Not ha bud nu pl y tart- not pertUhteu t . tee lye fee ur reward tor serriCs a tendert:lS if oak t du au, the penolla ill be unwed uto discharge. Tu otter tuna fee and to receive It axe equally biFb Una lemenho , . . . ... The members of tLo Board of Fur Unmet. are I , ho Kay C Oltleill, rztivOilt . AttilEiul, Cba 108 C. ttat,Vu, lb ti. 111;ssiutier n if. T thdrlton, riu,goun ; either of whom thay be consulted at all vine+, dur.4 business hours, it, ut .I.t,cis C , Illikciol with the ettair.ws of ine board. . . The horoc-t. Marsuul's office 18 in FourM street, op Jo. Ate the Gore , sinew rootrry. auglO-..tm THIS WAY Pl 3 i~~i'I~GAIIITp:: HOSIERY, • GLOVES, HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES' HAIR NETS and • HEAD DRESSES, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, FRENCH LACE, and' TISSUE VEILS, ETC., AT ,ASTOIISIIINGIAT LOW PRICES. Ever; alaoultLcall. at•taaa t aud-vecarellosaa-bai , gams, at Nra: MAYER 8, au ar lvo. 13 sf iet Wet . MED tfiSloßtio.—z-likatra Vine Baltini9ret OV4iN - 14004 Wit Tt4iiale by the "ug or - -81:11111Jft s PAU j yR. ' ,s.ebefanr- to W..rionk, NEW FISH.—Now No. 1 and 2 Kaaerel 16 ha ts:roa, half barrels sad a°by imai, W JW.i+APtL•6IBNT, Captain and Prows', litaranal ,14th Dtettle.t. Penn ~ t o;eNgtawgs.h, l ot.i,, "THE UNION—NOW AND FOREVER."—Webster. HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 27, 1864 11. A I LIROA US. Pennsylvania. Rail Road ! •-r, tr21 , 4a4 rt--ren SINKING TiM.E. TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PHILADEDELPRIA. ON AND err= IiONDAT, May 16th, 1864, THE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Hat. riaoarg and Philadelphia as follows: • Ea.sTW_ TRAIN AIII).. THROUGH EXPRESS - leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.4 a a. a. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 A. M. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 6.00 a. a., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10 A. a. Faasensers take breaktast at Uneasier. HuUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, waves Harrisburg at 7.20 a. a., connects at Lancaster with Lancaster accom modation main, and and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.25 e. a. CuLU,IIBIA ACCOINODATION TRAIN, leaves Mani& t`avg at tl2O e K. Columbia L 55 e. U. and arrives at L acteasikr 2.30 e. at. ; connecting with Fast Mail east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Philadel pa a ut 5.30 P.m. MAIL TRAIN leavallarrhitutrg yet 1.20 v. x. ; Lancaster at 2.47 r m., and arnvea at WKS!, Fhlladelphia at 5.80 r. HARRISIDAW ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Comm ma, leaves Harrisburg at 5.25 e. a., and arrives at West Phil tdelphin at 10.50 e. N. WESTW,ABD HAL TIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except - Mondays at 2.10 Altoona, 7.38 a_ at., take breakfast , sad arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P. M. paIL.g.,IELPIIIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg drily ILL 3.1 :t a.a. Altuona at 8.20 take breakfast, sad arrives ae Pittsburg 111 1.00 e. a. MAIL TRA 131 leZvee Rarnaburg at LSO r. mi . ; ;Altoona at 7.15 r. .a., take irupoor, and arrives at Plttaburgat MEM L a. FAST LLNE laaveS Hart- I:Hug at 3.60 P. IL ; Altoona at 35 r. as, take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg' at LOO mat. HOUNT JOY /10.COMHODAT:ON leaves Lancaster at 9.201 IL, arrives at Harrisburg at 11.10 4. x. HARRISBURG AccoMmouATiON TRAIN leaves West Pndadelphia at 2.41 , P. IL, and arrives .st Harrisburg at 8.10 P. IL . . MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION No. 2, Leaves Lanese. ter at 6.25 r. ra., connecting there with Harry:burg Accom• toodatnin West, leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 . e. x. and arrives tt Harrisburg at 3.20 r. x. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Swpf. ifidd2a Div. Pmt's R. R. Aarrishurs. May 13. 1864. -dtr Northern Central. AllitwaY sintionrat Timm TABLE. THULE TRAINS DAII 4 Y TO AND FEW IiALTIMORE " AND WASHINGTON CITY. Connections made with trains on Penninditataia Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West, THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West drench Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of NOrthern New York. ®Nand after MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Hallway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, viz: bOUTHWARD. RAM TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except ................10.25 a. sr. ft leaves Harrisburg .1.20 X. C. arrives at Baltimore... ... b. 40 EXT'RESS TRAM leaves Sunbury daiy (et :cept Sunday) ....1L45 F. a. leaves Harrisburg (cm nit Monday) ... 2;50 A. N. " arrives at Baltimore dilly !except Monday) , 7.00 A. K. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Sir burg 7.00 a. X. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Surly Mary daily (except Sun day) at 7.30 A. If NORTHWARD. • MAIL TRAIN loaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) • 9.5.1 A. N. ft leaves Harrisburg I.Bi P. AL ti arrives at Sunbury 4.05 r. n. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily 9.30 - s'. n. arrives at Harrisburg.......l.so A. a " leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) &1.5 A. 11. " irrives aidttabory &R. A. C • HAREISDL RH ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal timore daily (except Sun day) 3.00 P. X. " arrives at Harrisburg —7.50 r. at. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION Leaves Harris burg daily (except Sandal,) at 4 00 r. n. For further Information apply at the Office, , in Pawned vain& Railroad Room. J. N. Drill ARRY , Rirri•borg, May 01, 1.554.-dtf Ger.. Supt. NEW AM JANE ROUTE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW NAME AND Val LADE L MITA. ON AND A.FTEIi ItUNDAY, November 16th, len, the PraseugerTrairis wtil leave the Mule ielinds and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, ter gew York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz : EASTWAH,D. EXPRESS LINE Leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 L at. , uv ar• rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Teen from the west, arriving lu New York at.. 1.45 a. e. A Afootolug s attached to the train through Prom Pittsburg without Oktazi,go. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at LOU a. IL, artitring ,n New 'Vora at 5.30 r. a.,:and Philadelphia at 1.60 P. a FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 p. a. arriving in New York at 10.25 r a., and Philadelphia at 7.50 . P. at. WESTWARD PAST LINE leaves New York at 6.00 A. rd , and MDR telphla at B.lb a. a, arriving at Hurt's/Aug at 1.18 P. a. HAIL TRAIN loaves New York id , LlOO noun, aka 'thlactelphin at 8.39 P. al., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 U. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 e. 8.„ wing at Harrisburg at 2.00 A. s. and connecting with the Mounsylvanta EXprafie Train for kiaburg. A sleeping car w also attached to thib .Conuections are made at Hartisburg with trains on the eennsytvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley raitroadi., and at , Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, ilTilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, an Baggage checked through".' Fare between New Yarn aid Harrisbuty„ $0 13 , between Harrisburg and $3 30 in No. 1 cars, and 5.3 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to • J. J. CLYDE, ilertairAl Avant, Fr.wrilahUrg ILEADIA ti RAILROAD. S UMMER, ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, dead. tig, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Boston i an., &o. Trai toi Leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia , New York, tie wi n g, Pineville and all intermediate stations, at 8.00 a lad 2.00 r. a. New York Express leaves Harrisburg at 8.38 a. IL,' arriving at New York at Mk die same day. A ape( sal Abaotamodation Meleager train leaves Read ag at 7.1 fr a sa - ,..and'returne frosallturtistmig at 6 r; IL Fares n em Harrisburg: To New York, $5 Li; to ?Lule a/1;0de ss 85 and $2 80: , Baggage Chocked through. R eturn i n g, Wave New York at 6 a. a., 12 noon, and T e „ y ,, (pßia burg Express arriving at Harrisburg at 2a. tiL) Leave hill. telpida at 15A. 11., and 8.80 P. t. Bleeping w, ws in the New York Express Trains,tbrough to and from 1 %Ming withoutchange. p aseews ece by the Catawba's Railroad leave Tanfaqaa 48. 60 A. t ., gnd 2.10 r. Y., Pbilededphia e New York, mad an way is tbs. Thaw leave , eettsville at 9.15 d. Y., and 2.80 P. rt., for .phiv a d e ipbia t a t brriabiarg arid New York. A, Acoommod ation Passenger train letwea &RAH% at . CO)/ and re turnalrom Plilladelptila at 5.00 P:11. .adi the abo igre blame inn dao,l3lthday A Sunday wait team ratarrale.at 7.80 A. it, tad PM.. aildpada ttt 8.15. r. m Odatmutatioa, Season and 82nnuilon tfOltilf rpiiirt.ratei to ed • - - 1 G. A. 141:01M, geseraleoperlatataloi. Isl 6-46701 I!=== NEIW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. Cure Warranted. Dyspepsia has the following Symptoms; lat. A constant pain.or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loam of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and-Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhoea, with griping. 6th. Pain in all parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, With Phlegm in the Throat , 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. _ . . • 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. .Ont of the thousands of eases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second atreet, Philadelphia, Pa. AU examinations and con sultations tree of charge. Send for a Circu lar. Price r 1 per box: Sent by mail, free of charge. on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIL BnizAzwrit Baaxsoli, of Brandywine, D'eL , formerly of Old Cheater, DeL, do certify that, tor oue year and a halt I suffered every but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My, whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, ray mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to. me; I had uo ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and home . I 'would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be counmted; I felt that I was doomed to hell, and that there wa's no heaven for me, and was often tempted to commit 'suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my mind from teat awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed in Dr Kirkbride's hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in a few days my dreadful com plaint was raging as bad as ever. Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wis hart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Whalen and stated my case to him. He said he had no doubt he.could cure me. So in three days atter I called and placed myself wider the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and 1 , continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, and I most sincerely return my ulna ka to a mercitul God and Dr. Wis hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. Ail persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing to do all the good I can for suffering hu manity. ' hLIZABE'III BRANSON. Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. WISHABT'S Office, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia. Da. WI have been a con-taut sufferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen y.ni it, du, lug which time cannot say I ever enjoyed a perf,etly well day. They. were taw , . when rho symptoms were more aggravated wan at cilium, and th n 16 seemed it would be a great re ,ief to die. L bud at all tames an unpleasant feeling in mi head, but lath r,y my sufferings so much increased the• I became almost 11111a4 fur eusineas of my kind; my mind was continually tilled with gloomy thoughts and fore ooding,, and. if I attempted to cnange it current by reauing, at once a sensation ei icy modue:a in connection wan n dead weight, as it were, rested thee my brain; .61b0 a .eeltug is sickness would o cur tattle stomach, and great pain L , my e y ue , a . cowpauicd with wnniti was tin cuialuuai fear of toeing wy rested. I also expori-noel great la,situde, debility and neivonsneat„ which made a uitticult to Wale by day • r al ep at elm, I became ts , erse to souiety, and disposed only to reclusion, and having tried toe still of a numoor of eminent puysici ne of Vanua; autiools, flea ly wine to ilieconclusion that, fo this disease at my pre: eta ag ( nsyesrs) there wasp() cult inexistence. tau, through tie .ut-i femme of DiVllll` erOVl.le4l,o, to whom I uevuutiy offer my th ,nits I at but [(mud a soveieign remedy In your Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed an aataLtile last tattoo of my long ing of ailmeets and bud iteamen, and is alai plane bell h, plot:we and content. went are my uverydaj , compatuorm. JAWES It SAUNDERN, No, 453 North Second street, Plailad-iptila, Formerly ui Womloury, N. .1. Dr Wisbart's Olltoo No. le :North Second street, Phila delphia, A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA, NEAR WHAT MS. SOHN H. ILLIMICK air& Du. Wtsuawr—';ii:—lt is With much poasure that I ale now able to infurni you that, by the .'au of year great American LlyspepAa Pills I have been entirely cured of that mist uiecrcteenngcomplaint, DyspeNa I had been gri vtonaly atti.cted fur the mat -tweittymight years, and fur Lou years of that time bare nth been free f om oatb one witi,itt'ai, a time. I have had it in its worn form and nave dta;gged on a most. lore obto ot.ptence—lo pain day and night. Every kind of taxi that I ate 6.led me with wits and pain, it matt- ted nut how ILIA or hew small the quantity . A continued notching was sure to. follow. I tied nu appetite 'or any lauds of meats wh +t o/Pt r and my clearers was io great for several toontlis be fore / heard of your Pills, that I free ent y wi -bed for death. 1 bad taken everything that. 1 had board of tor Dyspepsia, without receiving any tnneat; but on your fella being recommended tomeetly - one woo had aen cured by theta, I conceded to give them a t. ial, al then& h I hid bo flute iu diem To my amoniatunent; I found myself getting better otfor4 I tilai taken orr fourth of a oat, and after taking half 4 boo, las a well man, and can erg avail*, mist, an t enjoy a hearty meal thr e mesa day, without inconvenience from anyining I eat or drink. /r you think proper, you are attlberty to make ibis public and refer to we. I willeheerful y eve all de sirable information to any one who may cab on mo Yours, roipeettuilly, JOHN IL BABIX.M. For sale , at Dr. Mamma Medical Depot, No. 10 Nortb Second street,. Philadelphia, Pa Price One Dollar per bor. Bent by Mail, free of charge, on receipt of price. DItSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA; I, Samuel D. [liven, have been a gr.at surer r with Chronic Ilyeopela and Inflammation of the liiJneys for three years [ employed Witco or tour of the most 61111 lleutPisrdvirmeol Buthogiettotionty N. J. They did all for mothey cou4 but alto nu pow I was Lutuitantly, tilled with awful pain and die tiese, and with ininuantholohing of wind an r Four add kty taigas use isetvga.4l.lpilth a white coating of akin until it AraMOd In law furrows, send was .d noel„,qld,liattin i u s wished fur death to ;eye mo , immuisigi:"-iliet hat That all hop of mom _ll4 pep wpm. I made it n,SibleV; Or VIIA,Pat FgaliMe would direct me to some phystrain or medicine that would wire me. I was told to read an advertisement of Wlatutr's in Mt flalagilVatt Zfigorr, of a mai cure DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA ! NO .635 °WPC:maim, 1 PhilulelOLA, Jruua y 2141, 1563. PRICE IVO.CENTS. IliAv Ain EvaIsMINTS. made upon Mr. John Rahc ink , or 1028 one street, ma. delphta, tig the great American Dyapepda I Went to the roeshir'erWe, mid platted thyme(' 111111.1 r ti treat ment, and told him if he failed to cure me, it would bathe last effort 1 Wawa make. It has (Mee air w tka Since I commenced the use of Ma medicia., aro I am now a welt man, free from pain and diettet4l, and can eta three hearts meals a diy with ootniort,land feel perfectly welt Dr Wis! art I want ,you to publish my ca-e, as I want every poor dy-peptic suffering as I was, torah on me, and I wit , el/ them of the peat cure I nave moo vol from your invaluable medium .SAMYKI, b. H Corn r %tomes° and Lambert streets near RI. 'tun , rid street, formerly from liVrightatown, Burlinstou county, N. J. The above are a few among the thoesauds which this great remedy has saved . from an untimely grave. W , nave thousanda of I -tters from • hysiclans and drug gists who have prescribed and sold. the Tar Coral:it, saying aim they have never n ed or sold a Medical Whloh give such universal PatiSfactivn. Prepa.. - eu only , by the proprietor. DR L. Q. C w&RART, • No. to North Seemed strew., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Drugeisis eve ywhere, soaj)18 eod-d&w EVENING EDITION, THE SITUATION. There were various rumors afloat yesterday, concerning the state of affairs on the Upper Potomac, but we have been unable to trace them to any reliable quarter. So far as we could learn, up to the hour of going to press, :last night, everything was quiet along the border, and no attempt had been mai by the rebels to cross the Potomac. Our telegraphic reports give an account of a reconnaissance which proved' successful, re sulting in the capture of a number of rebels and the killing of others. on Thursday. lig iTerenrap4. IMPORTANT FROM SHERMAN. A Successful Ree,onnoissance. THE ENEMY ATTACKED IN THE REAR. Gallant Charge of Our Cavalry., Large Number of Rebels Maned Wounded HEAVY ARTILLERY DUEL Capture of Prisonex-s. Movements of the Enemy. PROBABILITY OF BATTLE AT ANTIETAM IN THE FIELD Yesterday a reconnthsaance was made by a detachment from Gen. Crook's command, consisting of the 9th and 14th Virginia and 34th and 91st Ohio, of Johnson's Brigade, i)n , al's Division, with a regiment of Cavalry, under Colonel Lowell, which latter was com posed of two squadrons of the 22d Pennsyl vania, commanded by hliijer Myers, and two squadrons of the 2d Massachusetts. This reconnoissance was to ascertain the strength and position of the enemy in our front. Tins force was instructed to move quickly on the right flank of the enemy's skirmish hue, and if possible get in their rear, whilst another force, consisting of the 10th, 14th and 15th Virginia infantry, of Thorburn's division, moved out to attract their attention m front. It was intended that the force thus depleyed should capture the whole or a great er portion of the enemy's skirmish line. At precisely twelve o'clock Duval moved his force to the front and advanced in two bat talion lines, keeping his rear as mach as pos sible under cover to prevent the enemy trove ascertaining his strength or probable inten tions. lie had not proceeded far when he en countered the advance of the enemy's skirmish line, who were under cover of rail-pens hastily thrown up, each adording shelter for five or six men. These rail-pens were situated about eight hundred yards in advance of our skirmish nue, and au open field with a belt of woods On the right and left, and a large corn-field in the rear. As soon as the enemy's advanced nue discovered the approach of our force, they hastily retired to the" corn-field iu the rear, where u portion of their reserve was ste mmed, and wno were immediately drawn up to resist our further advance. Col. Duval continued to move forward his force, a portion of *nick was completely hid mom the enemy's observation, until he got nearly four hundred yards in their rear: when, suddenly discovering him, they wheeled into Jure and opened a heavy tire on their flank, compelling nun to change trout and face our Line to thy /vet. Th.s move had the desired effect, for they were shortly driven to the rear, when our cavalry were ordered to advance and charge them which they did in fi ne style, killing and wounding quite a number and capturing six prisoners. /u this charge Major Myers, of the 22t1 Pennsylvania isivairy, was wounded. by a splinter of a shed in the leg. As soon as the enemy became Convinced that we meditated an attack on his skirmish Lae they brought reinforcements rapidly for ward from the direction of Charlestown, and moved one battery of artillery to a command ing position in a piece of woods, the fire from which enfiladed our advance. As soon as the enemy's.battery commenced firing, Battery B, sth U. b. Artillery, com manded by Captain Dupont, and Battery D, let Penns) lvauia. commanded by Capt. ham say, opened on them with marked effect, and an artillery duel was commenced, which last ed for about twenty minutes, when-the one., my's battery was withdrawn, Oar forces then fell back, having accOm-. plished all that was intended 'with theLlreepc don of the capture of the enemy's entire skir mish. line. We, however, took about thirty prisoners. It was no part of the' General's plan that they should bung on general en gagement On the ootitrary, they received strict orders to:•avoid tlghtingaa ninon= possible, The reaukot,the retanutoistaewie established the fact that the enmeartrixo considerable fobie: state Bbodes' RimietnNlMailhimanodeAtti~ k# pt duty in our immediate frtmtManlimu 4110 teat of the rebel forces, wader Early, are at Charlestown. /hex direr 14 their Statements hi oftstiP • • At. IsupOgielile- Wearing are rata flit advertal In the /Rib . tfin: re reins. entirFaux lines Or teae ormore than flyer ook irea • ELY •BCIIIARZA Zda7 • day5.............50 Thine days— • .75 el.ne ..... 26 One month... 8 00 'Fab months 460 rhino months 6 Of' IRS ..... &40 cab 00 ikebninhitration Notices lisivingo Notices • Atilltor's N 04,1008 ilarat bliniCeSeaCh • - • • Business notices befits Ifastinso s sm4 'mob tostitilon: ' ' with respect to liongetreet, and some of them dsitively assert that he is here in person, whilst tithed die 'equally confident that he is ndt bere t , birt gist two of hie divisions have crossed under command of , Gen Pickett . Our total loss in. Crook's command; will not ei - ceed forty three ivctind4 and six killed. After we fell back yesterday the enemy re sumed his old position and pioket =skirmish ing was kept up until dark. Bermarozot. Aug 26.—The rebel move: ments, as recorded in the information re ceived here from the Shenandoah Valley; in dicate another invasion of m I a —t "-au- or a feint. General Sheridan'e ,position at Her pees Ferry gives him the shorter" line of travel into the Middletown and Boonsboro' valleys, and a battle somewhere in the vicinity.of An tietam is not an improbability. The activity with which our reConnoissan ue have been made, shows that the enemy will not be permitted to get the start of our forces. 'Several paymagters left esterday to pay off the troops iu the army /of the Potomac. Money is being rapidly furnished by the Treasury Department and a. number Di pay masters will probably leave to-morrow to uay oil' the Western troops. :The Post Office I lepartment is engaged clas sifying the Post Offices throughout the-coun try, in order to determine the proper salaries to be paid postmasters, under the act of Con gress abolishing commissions. Dr. Joseph K. Barnes has been appoirred Surgeon General, vice Hammond removed. Dispatches from. Gen. Sherman state that everything is moving right in his department. The rebels assure rut of this fact. :General Ramsey, Chief of Ordnance, is to be relieved. Major Balch will be ordered else where. Major Dyer will have connnand of the Bureau. Capture of a Celebrated Blockade On the 24th tilt., latitude 34 deg. 11-inlii. north, longitude 76 deg. 20 min. west, the U. S. gunboat Gettysburg, assisted by the gun boats Keystone State and Massachusetts, cap tured the Anglo-Rebel steamer Wan, leaded with 650 bales of cotton, from Wil mington, bound to Bermuda. She was hove to, after an exciting cualtte by the three steam ers, by a shot from the Gettysburg, which struck and penetrated her starboard bow be low the water line. r The Lillian has formerly.been commanded by the notorious pirate Marti, and he is edit , supposed to be in command,, and no doubt will be recognized by some • f'his old ' chits Stiattis when the vessel arrives at Beaufort, N. 0., where she was ordered to stop on her way : et, Boston. The Lillian is a new English steamer of great speed, built in 1861, and of splendid model, and will make a valuable ad dition to our navy. Awynst 25, 1864 Cumminni t Aug. 26. The eastward bound train on the ludianap olis and Cincinnati road was thrown ,- from the track near Lawrenceburg yesterday, by the breaking of a flange of one of the driving wheels of the locomotive. The engineer was instantly killed, and'one man fatally injured, and three others severely. Gov. Morton, and John M'Domild, his po litical opponent, were on the, train, but .es caped uninjured. , • Three men, whose names are unknown, while returning from Green township yes terday, were thrown from a buggy; one of them was killed and the other badly bruised. Release of. the Proclamation Forger. NEW Toy E, Ang. 26. Joseph Howard, the Proclamation forger, and John Binlaby, Editor of the Metropolitan Record, were both discharged from custody to-day. Francis Walleson, the assistant of Howard in preparing the forged proclamation, is still in confinement. The steamer Mississippi, from New (Weans on the 18th inst., arrived here to-day with sick and wounded. M. Owen, of the Second . Massachusetts Battery, and C. Coy, of the Bth Ver oat, and C. Simpson and R. N. Cary, of: the 30th Maine, died on the voyage and were buried at sea. No papers were received by the steamer. Flour market has an upward tendenty, tut not much doing; sales suo bbls of extra at $l2, and 1,000 bbls family at $1261,12 50; no Su, perfine to be had under $lO, good demand. 26,000 bushels western amber whvat seld`lit 55®2 574 ; new red at $2 65®2 white at $2 75®3 00. No change .in rye Boar or corn meal. Rye is steady at 5115 ; yellow corn at 730, and mixed weates at $ll 72; oats are dull and lower, salts 5,000 bushels new at 90e ; in groceries and provi-. sinus there a firm feeling brit not much doing. Petroleum selling at 40®50e; refined in bond at 84®,860, and free at bB,OOO ; whisky sells slowly at $1 89(0,1 90. NEW YORE, August .26. Flour advanced 10415 e. ; sales 16,000 bbls. at Pl.O 20 as 1 1 20 for State ; $ll 250 , 13 25 for Ohio; and $l3 60®14 75'for Southern. Wbeat advancod 1.(t42c. ; sales of 50000 bushels at i , $1:22@37 for Chicago spring, and $1 2.3eA371 for Milwa kee club; $1 37®1 46 for Western. Corn 'advanced' 20 ; sales unimP"lliai":' - ' Beet steady;pork firm, at $39®39 87‘.1 Ls& firm at /3®244e., Whisky dull at,‘ Receipts Fiour,l7,ooo bbls; Wheat 7,0600 ins; Corn 20,000 bushels. New Yortit Stock Narriziets. — . Nrxr Yen3r,fat*. 48._ Stocks are better; Chicagn•and Bock 10 1 04. - 11011 Cumbqlend,.preteryed, 58,1; Central scrip, 120 i ;. Midijp,..au Southern 'SKI New York COutritt :1211; - Pennsylvania - 108 i; Reading; 13 , 4; Missouri sixes;=-6841431., 110 i; Treasurp7 *Wei 111 ; Teufortips, 10011; Riga-twepty,plaposis, 1122; Aoki, 25114. d (140 AlM is BriEgAo 3 FC%..... - ,77191 - )k .24 t ot Kees Beef 1111. rk - at, • ;ii REMSE.—Choice new crop°Reese, rest ‘.../ mooed et UM KIT= & KORRPLIt. OE= ~"" .Aostfla ewe,* 'one - -I • .. s so 2 00 Three daps .. 120 One leak 2 22 One month .. 6 le Two nsentbs.p. ..... 09 910*0'9koOthit..... 11 OD din m0n*....... L .,b r ar. One year tA 'lB the Lecat Colman, Of MIPAIET - OMITS Mt LOOll a* From Washington. WASILINGTO., Aug. N. Itunner. Accidents. From New Orleans. NEW YOBS, Ang. Markets by Telegraph. PIECLAIMEPHIA, August 26. M= N F .... 1 11111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers