BUSISZEM CARDS. RALINIA,L. mgcLAT., ATTORNEY-ATLAW. —Patriot and Un. building, Harriifiburs. Strict attention paid to at hard bUf1111 . 613. - Military dal= 00/100ara. mgJMlctneod.;,.e - t ,,rxtiolualas , .o:Alaethriceit, .. .. • A trt 0 i-,n .e.Ly..-,u,,„-t. -, L 4,0 w . OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. lEUAIIISSLI,Itd, PA. • ALL manor OP tallith:ll Claims promptly attended to, and claims collected against the General or State Governments, either In_ Congress, the Court cif Claimant Wrishingtma tog, or ot Harrisburg, without un necessary del: ~ an ,t on moderate to i.e. aP29-0.6n1 A. C. ATTORNEY. HAS nanoved,histillotfrortt Third to Wal nut street, neat to the_Prison. All business in trusted to him will receive prompt tl ud careful attention. a$ _ _ KIIEW lIMICERY SIORE. BOYER ,&...KOEll,PiEit W 4.0 L E d A LEIA.,,y . kJ:pp TAIL DEALMS • G ®C E la' I__ S ;Queen' and AND ALL HINDS OF COUNTRY PRO..DU , CrE, ELAYE just opened a large and valadectea stock of goods at tpsir stand, No. 8 Market,B4ltaret, nerileburafTe., to wbNit totit6Ehmattetia or the public generally. nolektly . JO.N E S }1..0 Usg, , (loner of Market street and 'Market Spar: E'RIMB URG CIFAS"; ff. - DtiNDT, '• • Propiietor. no6-dtf STATE CAPITAL 1-10TE14 CORNER OF TUTRD AND VirALNCT MIMS, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. THE undersigned having purchased this we • known house has ealargat and thonalz, , ddyrFrnovat it. The rooms have been re- p••' -t , A and papered, and th entire estalis.hment elegantly ,iuttiruiehaii,, , Bsufirlisl sandy and eligibly located, and psoviAled witheyeryt.on venience, it oners to the public all the cemloiti,ankflau ries of a first class hotel. Trusty and obligli4i's'ercante always in attendance. A bar well stoolreditith choice liquors is attached lathe.eetablishmeat. de26-trly W. G. TROMVSON, Proprkder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISi3IIRG ) PA. D, H. HUTCHISON, Proprietor. • films 'well IrliOttrn Hotel iSOtv > n ti tibia to accomniodato the iravehng public; affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. THE MTITED STATES HOTEL has boen, entirely refit ted throughout, and now has accomModatiol4—egual .ip extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel betiyeenPlalladel. phla and Pittsburg. Its location is the best In the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots; and is close proximity to all the public otiose and. bus Now 14. - minim of the city.: It has now all the tAfireniendes A FIRST CL,d Ef 0,7 . and the Proprietor is determined to spare *ker. ex pense, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the_gees The patronage of the traveling public is respectftifly tot cited. MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET - MUSIO, VIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BlitilOS, STRINGS, DRUMS FIFES, and all kind's of 911. 1 61.- CAL MERCRAMISE; PICTURE'•FRANICS, 'MOORING GLASSES, Pitl,qoteßM'Hl.4lllD6 and Aid - 411,M5, oRO- TYPE GEMS, ENO-RAVINGS, tICIIIRES,'&V., &G. Remember the place, SILAS_ HARI); No. 12 Thind treat, the largest' Music Steio thriside(4 the great jant.B..dtf . , MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX MST • • FEEMIDI%.- . TWELVE strATEO, AND SHB' ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won.'9?)i'instrumetitpi or this class) has been awardeit MASON & HAMLIN'S LNSTRIIIIENTa d full assortment of these instruments alwiye on' badd ,ELNOCHE'S, Sete Agent, 93 liarket street.' jai-21awly] . P. TEUPSEIt, TEACHER OF IiTUSIC. °PEON AT WARD'S (USTO STORE, 1.2 N Third Street Resident* 'rhlyd street's - 1 min? Nortib.,= .11:41 1 ti.Eit'6 DAIL = 'BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Raven, Jersey Shore, Illilliainsport, Man - Uniuutuwa,' Watsionlawn o tilij.ton,. Lewisburg, NortinfflibrOitad, • • bury, Treverton, Georgetown, hykension, Millersburg, • Malibu, Ikupllin, „The.gleils i delplua Depot being centrally located, ; the des MIIIJ be at the lowest rates. „The 'Condi/440 , 1r-, through with each train to attend to the safe delivery Of all goods Intrusted th the line Goods delivenni at the dn pot of WILL.I.III E. BURK, 812 Market Street, Philedblphia, by b o'clock P. iteuveredikigar riebeg the nextomaming. ! , irreltat Ausfrikys as LOVA% P7ArLY Ofiker Line. JO*. MONTGOWERY C 0.,,,, Plttlattelphalind Refidi4 Depa f e Foei-of Niarir"street: Kfirins44lly, i• oot2l-tf NEW - 1,114,001 t STORE.- I hIPORTANT TO LANT/LiCiRDS'' 'AND OTHERS undersigned °Weis at Who/mat, to the trade, &choice lot of the best liquors ever bruught to Harrisourg, viz: French Brandies, Holland Gins, Scotal, Irish, Bourbon, Whiat and Old Bye Whisky; Foriegn and hcaaettic Wines, such as ChansPagne, Claret, Catawba; &a Al, liquors warranted, as represetibigE.••Landlerds and others will find it to thei,r,picaniage ball and ek amine the assortment at the tMre, on South Second agent, two doons.below Ohastjaukail3 , 7:: spy44l-dem PIIOTOOII,3IPHS A LARGE aerfortment , 4irf . 1 1 11°WD , ', aph4. of 1011, Generate and fancy pictures for sale CAEAP; at sl ' per dined, at • - scitspnlvd BOOK STURE • F;farrislytn.g Pe pitkityu-BOOK-8;.--BlialiSKIN-PU-1113ES iTEKOXNAIES,And &MAI variety of LEA. /ILER .000p8,.jnet rooeived at • :,. • . SERGNERIS flopt STOttE.z . . ENGLISH BREAKFAST tE4,—Just ze o . calve t, a flue cheat of mt. Tea r at SKIS 44: 4 4 F.R4-ZWA AI wit AF:c# 04.1Irtp. nqnit, LEA dc PERINE'S WORCESTER SAUCES, the moat poitolar ondibe par* skagr.olfsrztt the lmbue, just recewsd.ana for sale by ~; , SHISLig, & ERA 3. 1 1 teol , (sseaassors Ls Wm. DObtf. ir,:.fr , CUT - FLY PAPER. i A NICE assortment of Cut Paper for cell i• „OIL, itigatiooklitillutMkatatAttivt.2o4C - ' ' Harriobot ti g: Pk; at . mom tfIT latest . P—ate . pt (Prif fini Tot Patent,) It* redoived and for aid e l ow at 3918 - BOYER & KOEPE. Q.SAGO, Pine Apple, Nut eg aact-Sew Yorg State ChtameOust weeiveS at . sniaLpka FLOE% m,to • ' ataMessofs Deek,,Tr.,,li : .104E ifBar d re l wi ti. BY stniAz :P4 . e Eit }3 . 11 4T 6 4,.. 6, (Bnalestmors to Wm Dcck. Jr., & 90.1 solo - OBACKERS:=Buston cuM,..Bostoin Milk Biscuits, Boston : Buttop .Bla- ouite, Boston Oystor Crackers, Boston fic-nla Crickcis, Trenton Butter Orekera, just received at ROYER Az IirnERPER.. / au, bY ;" / I /bra St •1 1 vi 4, 9 ISASEER FRAZE r S, to Wm . Donk. ir. k CaIOSEIMISSoT &deem's-Portfolios. t 4 7-- A 144 A ; • exst . r lt wi 4 M Fri-.2%0 ) ydrittr i getm • t MEDICAL. ELECTRICITY. TIRE 3, - YrrETR And CREAMER, Eolscddc JJ rind ./Clectropathic physicians, respectfully taiiirlirofeindoneldervlces_in air t he ' motets' .bralitlieti of theprOthin.4 for the treatment 01 i ll amide 'arid chrOuic • forinekif Weems; - . • .vi j c . tlticereatediffill Paulen ,they employ. fhb treatment of disisoleira of . EtAratual&.Elscrilimnet• INV, the latish' Method of ' , lAWlXectMotottit ris cdirdi a few ErAeque medicines wheatdi:4*W eteceittelrY, l aulha iiitaithd , eitratildramilitialhasniay; sneeekefully • tie hiimgatto bear upow the dimese,-, They do 'net wish to be understood as einigating to theitagelvea any supericaßY of fitifeanonel skill, but they believe the remedies they employ in the WeiiiMunit of dht easafar eupetior tothoee generallyemployed byphysicians, 'from *fact that they act in . perfect harmony with.the wd loverning and controlling the humor syatem..' To this, and the Ihm that they continerthenmelves to no par 'oadm• ilia* or system:, they attribute'- their: success I controlling disease. ..The principal ,gent_ they- employ In the treatment of diSease, naively, EJeettliity lb au agent wididbitto in Its phenomena and piaiterfatuilti edema for 111. - := It •is an ever present, att-perwminm principle, _A:warning all things, from rolling worlds dowpdo, the inmeible particles •of gamcoue matter. We see it in .thelieniiiiiste Ugh and Bear Mir innaltestations Of its power in - the inhttering -dituoder. .1t is the cause of alPtiectliiipuritind,zo. sitlon ant transfonastion. It .eaeites all mamma Iria„stile exuding cause of life .growth, decay and death. -, It canoes sicretion, excretion, digestion. It Lye liefd of the etude' fetid in the mon:lath, convert:li it into's state Of Ct hilly, transmutes it- into arterial blood, sad SWIM Mon Me :Important talkie or lopplytog nutriment iwcording to the. necessities of the body. It le the nerve. vital fluld,, the cleat agent through which the mind acts upon ate bialys Itis the cause of la! &wit except thit' ,: firet great 'cause. the Infinite Mind which: created it and broughult into me These may appear like mem asscrifiens, bat Mg as. facts admitting of strong and irresistible proof. la 114 hen, to he wondered at that an agent so wouderfit• In its Phe nomena, so powerful in its manifestations and so intimate. :IY.xonnected, with the : p.pentsiow or the, human 511. tem. oilonlo be almost elsailute liklts.power of contemn' Owes. e? COrtaiely .11 IS'S natural sequesce and lelleiws as surely as daY - foftews night, • Among the diseeseswhich are - found to yield readily to Electricity, in conjunction with proper witluncttruttment, may, de meMioned the following; .Inelment DenkuMPErm, Pararytia, Hysteric - `and other ConVtiLsiosit,• Neuralgia;in Its worst forme, .inflasnnitory and -chronic;. all diseases ot She tiervoussystent; .11yspep sia epred,hi. a few treatuients; illaeaaesof Ate urinary and'gehitl organs; Female Diseases, Asthma, Film and Prolamine Ani ; Amaurosis and all kindred aftecticinsted Aho eye; Mricturea, all akin !Dosses, Am • I ROOM' calling will be told whether they can be hone • - fitted and no case taken where some relief cannot be .ttf fdided. Cbratilfation fres 'Oflkce, South Second .istreek below OhWitnnt;Harrisburg, Fa.• Office hotirefrobill tb 'l2 a. at.,l,ti to 6 and to Sp.a. ' . • ALEX. R. WYETII, ii. pp., .apl3 DR. J. MILTON cf.RAIMR. • EUNXE gyTER. OF IRON AA PURE and powerful TONIC, Correotive .and Alterative, of wonderful elneagy in diseases of the STOMACII,, LITER and BOWELS. , - Cures • `Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints • ; • Readmits; • Galeria Debility,".l.tervoisitess, premien of Spirits, Constipation , • " • Interinittent Fever,. Acidity or the ' • • . Etomatili t -elitutes,.Heartborri ; Pleaustfor_.:. . . • - F00d,.., frdinetat., Or. WCiglAt s in the , StOgille% Stnking.oril, otteriot at - the Pit. of the Shnnaeg, - , 'Earburednirof the;'Head, Difflotdi Breathniii - Va nee eritne . Skit ; and Eyes, Fever and Dall.petWin the --Head s - iii4o,-Bankp:Cheat and,Aimbe, W ill care. Attu , : 'ease of Chronic or Nervous : Dißelißee or the Kidneyi -find Diseases arising- from a disordered T . 14ontaoh, Goo id d fdr,Alidia. or Fome • or Young.rsOldf ~The moat beneficial medtalne !pn e; gym better sad& (salon and cures More dbieates than any • other premmt. Lien oflbred,to the Public. Prepared oolely by &A. KIM iI.EL Sr, BRO.; tie Marhetstreet, Harrisburg. For sale by Dnigglstrand Dealers everywhere. dls4f. BEWARE 011 • Oa:* Cou nterfeits• . . As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only, saki effectual remedy in the known world for the permanetit cure of Dyspepsia add Debility, and as there are &numbly, of imitations offered to the public, we would . caution Me community to purchase noue bat the' genuine article, manufactured by. B. A. binisat. & BRIl t and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle.. The very fact that others are attempting to Imitate this. valuahlf remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes hilts favor. The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 15 cent and $1 00 bottle; and sold by all . respectable druggists thiroughout the country. fle'particular that every bottle bears the ac simile of the proprietor's signature. This Wine Includes, the ..moot smseable and efildeitt Salt of Iron:we. possess; Okras of Magnetic Oxide collo .bined, with the mimiesergene of vegetable tonics; YeUds . c'eravian bark. thei effect in many easel otdeb . kon of appetite,. and general prostration, of anietticariir•NaNbi fron t oombined with our Valuable. Nerve tems,.7iii moat ' floppy. It augments the appetite, rablea.tbri-pulas,tareel off musenlor flabbiness, removes She pallor ordesillay, and gives a florid vigor b e esys , • . • • GENERAL DEPOT, IMININIU Nor: ods brill& respectable dealers. throughout the . _ . _ NE • •- , r • Lir - QUO R S • 8 ifissier (Stekeseses 4u W io. Deek, DII4I' , PiRRI ;IN FINB .43/11600E RIES opposite thelinet HMSO; Isitsbelianda Oen selection of - BRANDIES or different vintages. ' ' . • , 117111 AND COMMON WINIM, • ' . or: ,Oserktion, WIIISKYS. • 'au/ -MEMNON, • • XONONEIANELA, - • - . .VENN Acorom nisi*W4i,best Overitiiteit • r - OLD WHEAT, • • RANI-LT NICT'III.,, And tile celebrated • - i imrs UT GROVE WRIER"; • • CHAMPAGNE WINES. . ffEILOO3 M CLA SCOTCH AND TRIBE AL.s9.''' • anxrE. yaw cgslunr, ; • • . mairiincer,±" .11'1 , , • - - -WIGWAM TONIC EMI= With a completesleek or:,:.:::_ . : • ENGLlSEl.A.lll}Alltinilitaiglitc.itzacs: :4,ndEondinenitit of_evesx descriptioa now. to tate market, •TBE LO.Wiffr:E.A27ll - fiat geoit „tett. idaiifte4 ll4 . StZit Ike ATM at'e , - -R4Tl4Bl,lllft to Ira _ VINE ROWNO6SUERAY, imported theirneat Shen7 ram ammtm Lowitgo et =mu 4 IF ina: , ,w7 (nun= Dookiel7ai D a jOpait444;YONS MICR PERIODICAL DROPS, us MARKET MUM HAIMD3IIOIIO PA MEDICAL, fi : (.1_ • 0•2 ''•'• • • • ' El 11 l ties - ons - ~,..,, :-. _~ .. o ~ ..:~ 03■• = c:;:. • Si THLORSAT FILE_ REGVLATORI Are the only, knoint,remedy that will ageoasemuy an. invariably ?Mora and ragalatethetemalewteni, remove ing 111 irrqPiliritiell. Sad Producing LOCO. TIM and ItrOtitk • LYONS - PERIODIO&L DROPS Are a said preparation; the only true one Of the kind aver dlicovered inWe country, and acts directly on the parhe affected, whilst pillband powders ow only iamb:A*3lp as 'hey work lheeugh,BYMPethY, not 4.sal• Oreoi.ea pogi Are you auldirlag fipat a **wadanxiety • •Dir the regd• tar return of nature's prescribed laws? Give yourself no anesdawsk for Lynn's Periodical Drope, If taken a day or Iwo before the evaded period,, tiveiy and Invariably regalata di coming, air awl an _Wait follows GUM, as maga as daylight Mows dirkmaa Are you sick, enfeebled by dimes, or unable t 0 beet* labor and dupe of tnewsirol, ,=. LYON'S mai:6mA Eittoft FEB Come to you as a bless* for is not prevention better Mtn caret ; . • If regularly taken, It is a ',Wain preventive, w ill. save you mach peril and many hours of suffering: • Have you• been *Meted for many years ,trith rtnipleinia incident to the sex, that hare ladled the ekW -cl-phys elany and are harrying sun on to an ear/y. graver Lyon riguoirm4Upps ire the most reliable repeater ever known, and eure, lite angle,. en those krephwlties that hayededo4l,ltsilto u t: WU • , Will lOU wisteawlyttli' , Searing trcim Len Prolate:us, firremettoryttess; and thousand otheyrdidleal tl'ee, all summed Sp ender the name of supprashed and abskeaded nature, whoa an investment-of ont4kiler in ! ;-- - - LYON' P I IIMODICAL DRILTI37 ollt smelly owe you. • 1:10 401 MAN drays ..wbm forbiddeial tbiAlliAtioir t for although - a paddy. eon, and harmless - at alletbf Um% they are se ildwitTO dr glEldkal*W l, 4 l 4 11 4.1 and govern the funeitone or e must .ergadiam, that , if sake= iit improper Walk 103#71remits C4l - to onur.e; against VMS those o woad moods*, dietaddieeddly 'wird. t i '4 ii . l L v =MI LYON'S PWODIOAL DBOPEI •' : • Quinot Lazo the sA.inkpropromn AD ”Issfs 1210(1.4*a saasse,.. mons *a a the boa th atirlO Os 4110000:1kPltarP• lOW WU= OHLN imadarstO/NO3lO sus, muODWAIMThs,- , the never :Meg Female RefMilay; is Ibr sale by evert In the city and country, and.do.not, It you miles, yoz Dr =tb and tab for a rigraWe medldu lmy spy other. Tlikeho Othar, but If Magee b ey hom ybe 4PPIF (at i lt, Pal" hiI!LIF 4 4 and get , fer roe , - 0 /3A(fWM & CO" _~,<~ .. Atiums cm& MN M WhialrepA.bt JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY& °OMBRA WaVgginialNiaiß , r •, . . , " - 11•074 z, • r:,?ra r- :I opt DR. • • s - 1 L 'IC' - ILOSPITAL, 111 g -discovered. the teed. certain, speed 3 • litirwiffeetual remedies in the - world Air ': • _ A Qure Warranted, orlco Charge, in..fronx • Weakness o the tick; Affections of the Steiner , Bladder; IntrOltietar); Direhitiges, Imptiteney, , igeneral-Oe oility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Lou qprlri!a. Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity Tremblingo, Dimness of Sight or Giedinem„ Disease of the, Head; Throat.; Nose or Skin, 'Affeenkins 'Of • the Dives Ar i4ll ...Steviutch or „Bowels--thobe terrible disonler4 Meiji the - Solitary Habits MM Youth—those secret and. taw practises more fatalto their victims Man the, song OWnns to the mariners. of UlYnses, thg.i , 'Most h opes or anticipations, rendering manage, he., impossible. =1 Especially., who, have become the victims of Solitary Vico, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps aw uatinddy grave thoasands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise bare entranced listening Senates with the then -derepf eletuence.or waked to ectasy ; the living lyre, may Call with M confidence. WO • „ • rdiirried.persons, Young - Mmi tontemplating marriage, beat% ainare.cd" physicid weakness, organic debility, . q$ defer- mitten, drO., - itaiedily cured. Hear es himself undei"the care of Dr. J. inure. iigionsly - conflde in cis honor as a gentleman, nad court' dmiilyAly &pen hie Physician.. ORGANII3 - IivirEAMTESS tranediately eared, aid fuU vigor restored.. This distressing affection—which renders life intserable and 'minviage impoardble.4 thapemdty - paid by oatel vre Uses of: improper indulgence- Xoung persons are teu.S 3l to commit edam:Bea fish e not being aware of the dreadful ocaurequendal . ~that may 'ensue. = Now who that ander: stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power or procradigi islog sooner by Om* felling info inniroper habits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived Ur pleasures of healthy offspring, the Most serious and structive symptoms to both body and mind e - tioe. The aystem becomes deranged, the physical and '. . lent,} functions wca ul dire ed, lose of procreative power, nervouf irritability,^d palpitation of the heart, in gi ges ti gni anatitatlo ability • wasting of the fnime. ooneyant aumptlon, decay and death. . left hand side going from Baltimore street, a fel 'doors from,he Corner. Fail not to sheen e name and number. Lidera must be paid , and coldaN a stamp. Tl Doctor's Dipidmits bang bi Ids office, - • ' DR. joaNsoN , I ' ' member otglie Roy al College of. Fittrgeona London, Visit nate firem one of t he most eminent colleges in the Unitwi Atatee, and the greater partzdt-Whose tire Ins been spent In the hospitals of London,&xis,. Philadelphia and eisO: *here, haErelfectedioine d r th e moils astonishing - ettfet that, were ever known s many troubled with tinging hi the bead . and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden *founds, bashfulnes!, with frequent - blusbjng, attended sometimes with derangement of -muln4 weretnred humediately. • atTAICE PARTIOULAB, NOTICE. . ME IRE , These are some of the sad and Melancholy. effects pros ; traced by eeily liabila of youth, viz : weakness of the back Iticellostar, pains in the head, dime& of sight, lots of makes* power, palpitation of the , heart,. dyspeptiify ner: 'Tout irritability, Symptoms of consumption, &e. Mitiefauv.--The.fearfal effects on the mind are raucli to be dieadod—loss of memory,. confasion of ideas, de; preSsiott of sprite, evil •fb • aversion ' to'-society' self : distills.; love ..o.comlitude p timidity, 4.. 1 are some 7ed the - evils produCed. , • I[O:3NG ' • Who have injured themselves. by a certain practice in: dulgod in when Mono, a habit frequently learned from; evil companions, or at school, the effects of Which ari,. nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage upos sible, and ,deetroyit doppanad and body 'shoulda iplyt immediately: Whati)lia t hat a young Jaen, theloPeur his Omni* ; the aarfiug of his parents, should be quad:shed : from all iirbspeinfi and enjoyments of 4ife, by the conic:idea(%) rot deviating) from path of *nature and dufSl47i itq 6 . ertain secret habit, Such persons DIM, before cortem 'editing ai e, 1 01 4 Reflect that a sound mind abilAß nd R body are insinostnecessapi itquisites toVionietecoitriubialhapplubsti; Indeed ; With ~ou,t these, ,the journey through life becomes a weary jibr, gtitrutge ;Ake prospect' hourly darkens to the' view • t. 12 mind becomes ehedowed with despair aridllled vrttlit tbj melancholy reflection that the happiness of anothet -tioines blighted with our trim. - • , : OMME BETE MEM 1 MEDICAL: Jottivs(iW, •nsBALTIMoRJ MEM DISEABFS OF IMPRIMML REILLItEr IN SIX TO TwELvE HOURS. NO MERCURY OR NOXIOIIt3DRUOR- 1 ' ) 1." YOUNG MEN MARRIAGE Oman No. T, Soya Fazommos Vnuir, DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE.': .3 ! When the misguided and imprudent votary of plasmas! llndiThe has imbibed the Seas Of this patteltd disease, too o ft en happens that an illtimed sense of shame or the tread oftllapovet, deb= him front applying to those who froneethication and respectability, can alone befriend him` He fillts into the hinds of ignorant and - dieigning pretend , sri, who, incapable of ouring,iBlcb his pecuniary ante name, keep hint trilling mont h after month, or as tango the =tallest fee can be obtained, aid, is despair leave bin 'erittrruinid health to siptiover Imagalling disappoaatmem Jar,- by the use of the deadly poison, Heronry, bastes the ,cotistituttonalsympti n,softhiaterriblelseaso,suchasaffed tin= of the Head'. broat, fkise e qn:, etch, PrDig,f,suLl sub fr ightful radity till deatb , puts a period t 1::. • =steal sufferings by winding him to that tindiatioteres mai& from whenod ao traveler return& . o -;.[ ESmoD,avatExT OP THE PIiESP. , ingeirtril year, and the-„napie Wl important sprgicid eporationi perforated bY'ltti. Johnson, witeteened by the reporters ry the Stn, (sipper, and many other papers, notices of wind, nave appe,ared main and again, before the public, beside, inintrunting asa gentlemen . st eberanver - and ti butty, is a sufficient guarantee to the aerated: BSI DISRAE?" SPEEDILY. CURED. tino. 7 South ii'svdsrioktStrN sp2b-il7 •: 1 • `.`THERE I No. *al WORD l'Ag" IWIRANT's eghttE9 — M SXTBA( 7 .r Or VIIBRES :AN - Opt:WA:FBA: Ti .Prepa ra ti o n : tterdatit . :rehoininendert4 : V ie . ILEDICAL PROFESSION and the MINIM ter Pae'prompi and- ovule mud of aII3EASE:I3 . OF THE itLiijnot. Ka. SZYSINUNARY ORGANS, IBM., Itollif be relied on as the heit mode fo'2 • the administra don of these remsedietrin the large - claar. of diseasee of both sexes, to which they are applicable. It never interfere*, with the digestion, and by Ha oomestratt ee , th e d ose much reduced. N. B.—Purchases are advised to .ask for TARRANI 4 .9. 00MPOOME Mrrßeer Of MUNN fANtt.t CoPAIBA and take nothing else, as mutations and worthlesta-prepn zatiotuv. undereleglar 'nudes; ara 64; ittliktitA Prier lleot.bm texpresa on, receipt of 'pritte:illiannfac tudid_oo4. ,TA.Rwrr &co., Naayg Fthtenwieb MA; better Irenv* Ore* Ner.oilit Dimirriedrerii • - • ' octaktly Yoe Wit by* immix , 4lll , BE6o., and by , (llwitggiek generally. Are not, simply fiat emee 4f mum+ cull the form of a cona r l ikg :ll re L liP l 4%4 Vitifairtoftt bta neck, haft, A per Cu4o4tote Aviv enrisiis en break - tvhfch is obi: te e m bropriatanted, Imo:* whialtabionentifea anOtbr ackrantrvpoptilatidalby no otter coriar e -vii: Spam foof.ole Ammo Itt:the' TarnAtown - style, the MIMI coo wniCt .1 11111710TLY nom aeri mum TROlTlferimbi" this collar, for moo, imatieg, aid durability shaguil* • -They' are -made in tutpdown : arpe in sizes thin 'l2 to 47, and &Ant% frotn . lB to 17 inches, and par iced in , neat- biati Wien of 100 each; also, In Fowler on A ra 10 eaeli T athe i latter a veiy handy paoluise for - t* arms- and navy intier4s9il4 . • .ts -stamped. _ " .0 Gitirci Pgi:tiiii.Dialded . if sol 4 by at dialtirs T¢e trade angptied by ": 7. - --- • 4 Vim nitszir 4 _l3*Emmt:' ;" e2rCRES4Ny JeLeedtim TEN t044/COMD;;OII7tB,i. ' n At o r e,"14 2 Fxaz, _ WT* illerAUSt / 1 4 1 0,144 - Ntb:ffibiler's_ Etc 4415h.1 1 4*i /9 4 :Sinatt e tar r at .pwitmissi W . DoXIM • • ARC CO. ... W. GROSS & - D. -ay: EMI ; - MAP ~iP.%' ~ DA v . ,-...,"!,,,T:'_:,•§c',, %) . 4 IMRE , ~ d; ,WMV:`, - if tATitM E , 97 4 _l:. - EMI 7_ 'L • 47 . 4. 11 .4 1 : 1 41 1 1 17 1N 13 . • • ::VAri iMill MRS ;,;!: DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- =I KEEPERS 1001 - CONS UMER& • We are dallT adding to oar assortment of goods all such •iirtioles as arerlestrable, and'would respectfully ladl your attention, to the larseat and best i selected mock this city,. of ; „ , = DRUGS; CHEMICALS AND iAINTSi W-Warnishea and4lues, uyeatuf4 tip= and -patty, ArldsPo ColOri ad Toads, lhanhitiluld and Alcohol, • .1 . 444:1„,,5penn . 140 Pine Oi ta? Tide and Lamp Globes, Outdo Soap, Spongoimni Corks, Iratb a general variety or .; TOILET ARfI'ICLESI talected, trout tbear maniffatarerartuul .F'erfussers of 6biope'ind this Bung very large dcalop P4 111,7 44.W4 12 . 1 E lg4D, . • • - =AWED VtARNISHRS, •WINDOiY 41LIS.Se; ARTIST'S ; cooßs, Atzzfr A A.M42"4,llllU,Slipft,S ! •: E M ALL riutrai ,v,taixTrze., • , COLORS Blithvvis •_•• . • . OF ALL KU D. 13 Z9e 4 . pectfqkky . Ito wok% fee)ing. confident, that Ft an app iy - be :ramie of ►u on taw to their k-iattenic* don'. .'...':,'siii : :.i4t* l t'i . ',. . . ONES WHIM'S .POECINLAIN TEETH, PiONNT MiD1C727121, AND - aziroßArrvai, Of all kinds, direct from thO.groprietoro _ . . tWq?4,74004, AND CONCPTIP.TEMprs, Wltelesele Agents for *miner, width we sell as - 19* 4 1 if peretnalett " 'c. • . THA.Y.E.itiE MEDICAL ELL, "iD EXTRACT& 00Ala 9311 7 (CALTUM OM I Being lerge purchasers_ in the Oillf,'we lian offer id tuceeiento to Tioeebtlyere.7,•ph4lo . olampo or the Met . • •mproeeil l patt eree kt firepy cheap kind*. of-limpe Alanged to borne:oil Op' gr.' . G./u 31 : 10 •Its• Those of yea who heSe hotidifen our 11011S6AND °At ••• iti PLB POWD7pB.a !,ripl taloa not their apertority, and the adoantagge tbitr aretin keeping Hosea and Cattte healthy M=El Firtuisad4 tostyy t 1) the prolt they -have derivpl /Melba niii,4l , llor Cattle Powden, telibibldreigiegission: , . ty mid quality* milk, besides impirlialg the general Seqiiihisyttidssosprase steak DOW — . • : • baYYdnj~'e periende In the bzi6'est gives* the advin. prfr tt . iarl3 l * knowledge of the UimbN Rod orir: cilkt amanita in the elites - are each that we can, in s verb tim° p ro time I),ii . nialt anything appertaining to our husineag SYslg.the best ofAcrina • , . TfeaCti fot She hheral patron* , bfsdowed 034 barn • , seettdpebrat, distention* to'bastnese, 'P Xl7& -. at fair prices, anti.the,desirf, toylese ill, to merit a co tinuanbe of the fitvor.of a dik3prOxiin4l4 pablks. POWDER, kivrirra MOTH. Lfinglag .ONDliliftrisompouiad of valuable A-- F 146 4, 1 *%..kb0 41111binc.tipswet itostat 4.-4 dbmibluSd %km* datM - '44* Wbbiebty 'Civets, clo dm, pecked ppa, tor, A us o i n d r ,, wth emsausay proven* thing; iffotb. Beiaf 'perfame 'it ' will int! Pregame FLooaa,A a ,. o o t .l. a *ging anaplosamal, sop • The lintc , thinot be).durea by its UM. • P, 4ra 3 Fed and sold at &ELLER% No.:trf *that street. 4- -•—• i.•• • • --- --- F 7 '•44444 9,1-147z141.,bakee fluw..tablp 6W — a the 'peaa iTyo .I.T.: rtationisior 5a140rh• , 141_ 0 ,0 4. d .. rold4birr - 1..:,..,::$ : - :i.t•EntUß lent mA ..;,.,,__....r versawik to Nic DI:It.:ka 4 :0 0 - !. s • .... -----, kya e m s TAr t :A... c reca fr i telJot Id Mithe4 . . it 9 V 4 =CI LkftL :141.1.E.: LI MULE! 8414:j i 1s?• ._ :. Suotesears tat . W. ,: - :1 A .lo M{4 II : lILVEAV *ABLE YARD. .4opyrit?* wiuktrlAD Hairis arg, Pa. - - - - T - g uncle gadlsZvin`giniiried a Marble Yard In this city; beg leave In Warm then ineoes and the public In geld3n4:l2rn they frePr*Pared to fat. AARBLE4letik LOFAVERY=4IBCRIPTION WIENA " .' .." - t G+~ +aj? Monuroontn,i. _ 4 t-itead AtOzkest ) Mantles, Awl. Rowe Work in filar* and Brown aor t a, Gifie 419 S i. 844 we will (4171-I nr g rA i rgla Go. N. 8.--Lettniag meatty-naae , ta gllrh or Gerona. .f)6l . lfA TTIUF O - VER 100 EIBEI MEI !MI Pure Grimed Spleee, &c., &a., 416. 1 .1:43 t t DOM MISCELLANEOUS. MOH 4/16,,... =II _ s oil POCKET BOOKS, PURSES - • -a <> E 031 3 , ci „ A. E ..kQB LADLES iaW:iatg.NTLENCEN, 1 -. KLIALIFJPS ,Drag and Fancy . Goods Store,. .No, 9; Markel street. .• The beet Morocco • _. • TR.A.VELING__ SaTLYI ELS, And. a general variety . of FANCY GthiM l S, canonic. ho Presents now on band at: KM TAMS 'Drtfg Store, raarliaaf • . No 91:limuiteloteeet. PHO'II.IGRA PH AJGBUIVIS. • ANOTHER , LARGE ASSORTMENT, Photograph. Alt) s MOUND in 'FINE DICtROC-pttnelled, J.) gilt and mounted with twe heavy gilt clasps. ALBUMS WITH 80 Pictures for . •$3 ti • • • 860 tl It 4w together with vrrieue other styles of binding, mzea and prim, , which will be eohicheap. SoKieroiyou cpnant , buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album. anywhere. Cal lad ebb at - •SCHIJIMIIIIBookstore, marl2.4ltf . Harrisburg, Pa. BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. THE FARMER BOY, and how heWaillieSommand er-in-Chief, $ll5 THE PIONEER BOY, and how he benanieFaesident, $1 5 THE FERRY BOY, and the Finatioier, $1 THE PRINTER 1301; or how Ben. Frank! o wade Lis mafk~ $1 . , THE FARMER ROY, and lioxr he became Llettet - aht General. press A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF 111F:FtERELLION; from Fort , Sumter to Ho:woke; elegautly lllLEtrated. El V, BEtwarikit'o ROOK SIM& INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORIti AMERICA, 51214 , 4 1 Valsiat Street., Noath-aide, East of Third Alreet, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OP 483=13........ ..........$1,669,663 , I :INOtiPILIMAT,E.D.I794, WITALL CHARTER PEEPZTV.,4I... Marine, Fire and lnla td TiarLsportation 'ln. .• . su4.a.ce. • Alnlitni G. COFFIN, Presideat. CHARLEARL.B.I7,.§4mitury. ly iL,ILLA.M. BUEILILER, Central Agent for Pennsylvania. Office Walutt,Bl, wit Second, lkultskuig, Pa wra-9. Ai=F• q-E 1 V ", • THUS MOILNING, A:FRIA.SAL I.I4VW.CE ox iICHENER & -00.)-3 CELEBRATED •••• - SC GA.II;CUR.E.ty HAMS -IS.KEF, IHISLER FR K7FR'I4. snyBl THE IVI E%V BOUlli§. QTUMBLING 1?;LOCli; by Gall Ham- Ittco . • $i 5 IL • : II4IIINTED 'KURTH, by the author 01-: the Eimp lighter. r. sz DAMKATFEJ AND DAYLIt,HT, by. Mrs. KO/11703. $1 6.) BARBAMI4B4MSTORY, a novel, by /media Edward!. . GeLL, THASMALL HOW, OF ALLINGION 1Y Troiloj e. L STORIE by . lk Harrel, alittlor of . "Ecrem; of a Bachelor." ' - ' • il. 1r SPFKF'S i JOURNAL of the Discovery of Us) Sources 0 the Nile. - ' - 114 . . Taz WO/4141N IN BIAL;N„ aitkor, or ; may; . - ti NOTESOFROSPITALIab, Noc.'6l to Ang.'63, id STORIES OF THE _Ake,_ Or boys; from Coo! Milano STORIES OF. TEE from Wntiugs. _ XII. All new books re,ccived Etb boon 34 published at BkltottNO.lear oTOEE, • - ,; kinniet mud. UNILLVALLE.D CHArAlirit FLTItli 11 U liE rPtthibli aqua riot about the 17&111,111.1.1, ftbWit, too, (Menai riot disoolor. It a row e WM, yet, little labor, every: Urbatieatiarraco. atm 'Lets or wood. A#„,,rll4,l3lll.lhWt:ro auu batue,a should. eke WROT'detithrig rurnauf that has Lett. sol-- UZ:rxivered-Witlkilootorgl. ; and tut , Lore arm there make it insight, sad flesh. For silo uy S. A. ItUbiaikl,b BRO., •)u 4- ilf . 1.111 Mark eu Arabi, Hari raverockst - Si UP. 'VMS LNVALUJIM I A whivu UxeLY VeiNtabit pwyed with woodertht suctehtltit Many ;earbil , Oleo& of dominos for dm Alkt,Y.etheatikS watt kurauf form of the Malmo, Ouch aa tifUtat, of fiIEWAT, SPITTING UV RIARM,IO.I4CILI hittaaLt o . lithtitSENhhh, I.tASYllr Vella and LLECiIt; use will be oteefellei with the hoppost results. It of the beet ono oldest otudichtes for alt wrap,. ar fa.:o CRUM and GtlNi!kl3iii4itifik , iasioraman or pfcroa tiff 00,11* In) Ow in 6bsspvy. PILLCL Si.uu PEI BONNLE Tor Bede at Bat(Alan, Chwil, Nous. Mum tguTuRALs are wietut th)Utikb N.A cough, inlay ni the tb/CoteLytr relitra kkaubearas Obtbrrb, .3ore,,Thraa v , gg e „, col Collstoul, Hortatuuna, §eace aaU .4;a" OW ULM reliable eapeelababille known,' are - abi - etuel flee outnlikinnui, au nignilaxi With (Anna AnoiNitu oneat Witt MOD baobab 4iwaatuirit mIIU data very plettasaL auto. Maallactatallali) by • ' a. a. ii.UNKIL a; bait, ionb7 ApisUmatinak, lab blarkei ainia„ayrno.urt, DkULADiaaPli UOLALEta.IA'tE TIME FOR YOUNG LaDAjw, Na Iwo Arch rare& • RIM.ORARLYS & RICITB;11:1)., B. CLARENCE SMITH, A M., Pruaupaht Moth Year. Three departmecte: Primpt9s, Hake, 'and Oollegiate. Fad eollege codree is Classics, # 14240 0i loigher. E O lO O l4, mut . Saw* Sinew fur UR/M who valuate. Iloaere Laoguagi Music, Palming 0 14 ito c utionloy the beef IMastere. r- tar (Wreakers apply the ingitakit oddrella DUX Oiladr. 1 1 43 Pa • • • -e' - lothaiDlNG,„ .TATION -Aim AT SOME Celli/S.—By faf aintuxellien. wiW, sue of - the beit,...bagrantop ti2l , o*Kyi: Okruo I r int'description. will be executed ut bigeelit llciiicanaltinde with: tbeAuteer,; , IdA• raid' biLpel , 7 . rolapiA. „lowa, p ri oas alaj k are gjur Ko d py biaUt! , . rafiedigirbiu. Ver aulpleis abayM AI 411. • L• SWAY.' - „, A NEW u►vorae,. of Mi t cAtepfes 441abrate d Haw ingceinni to W. Dookir•l Ili 01 =MI _ST YLE s AT '1