Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, August 26, 1864, Image 3
PAD Feltgrao HARRISBURG, PA. FRIDAY EVENING. AUGUST 26, INC lY 010 Ttr siL VlNlftenniilß.Str—All naves , tiseinents, Business Notice., Marriages, Deaths, &e., to secure Insertion in the INICLIF.DRAIPH, must Invariably be !iceman• paried with the CASH. Advertisements ordered In the regular Swelling Edition are inserted in the tcorn. tug Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY. Taos will be a large quantity of genuine Seekle Pears offered at the lower Market this evening, I=l SWEET POTATOES are offered for sale in eon. siderable quantities, by our dealers. Prices average about $3 per bushel for a good article. ==l !autos she bear was killed near Lewis town, a few days ago. She had been devour ing numerous pigs, etc., in the neighborhood, but now her 'occupation is gone." room PICKED. —Mr. Samuel B. Irvine, of Cumberland county, was relieved of his pock et-book and its contents, night before last, by the light.fingered fraternity. We did not learn the exact amount of Mr. Irvine's loss. Hum AGAIN.-A, large number of pick pockets have again congregated here. Their object is to relieve recruits of their bounty.— No doubt they expect to reap a rich harvest, as an abundance of greenbacks are afloat. ME volunteers for one year's service are coming in by hundreds, and Camp Curtin is full of men, each of whom will be presented -with various little articles for self-defence, in addition to blue clothes with brass buttons, and other "thins" that will be convenient for use in camp. Tau little borough of Ne7w Cumberland, on the other side of the river, elaiins to have sent to the war eighty men—more than their whole number of voters—giving them a surplus over their quota under the present call. New Cumberland is the banner town of " Old Mother Cumberland," ATTZNT/ON, FIRST WARD. -All persona who are liable to the coming draft, are requested to meet at the Black Horse Hotel, this even ing, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of ascertain ing the number of men who have enlisted and furnished substitutes under the last call for volunteers, so that their names can be stricken off the enrollment list. WHO SAYE THE TIMES airs HARD ?—A Meth• odist congregation in Philadelphia are erect ing a church edifice on the south east corner of Broad and Arch streets, which is to cost $260,000 when completed. Thirty thousand dollars was paid for the ground on which this temple is to stand. Ashes of John Wesley slumber in peace, because since the diva of this plainness and economy, times have changed and so has humble Christianity. Qtrzar.—Why is not the dog law enforced? There are hundreds of dogs running at large, without the muzzles required by law. We know of children that have been bitten within the past two days, by dogs that exhibitedpre monitory symptoms of hydrot hobia. It is high time that something should be done to prevent unmuzzled canines from running at large. Why is not the death penalty, proti fled by the city ordinances, enforced? Who out tell ? MIDDLETOWN ITEMS. —The public schools will open on the 12th of September. The following teachers have been selected for the term : High School--Josiah Lineaweaver. Soh of No. 2, Van Duren Deane ; N. 3, Miss M. J. Lay rty ; No. 4, Miss Annie S. Fisher; No. 6, Miss Hate Etter; No. 6, J. D ‘ Laverty; No. 8, Miss Ada Hatton; No. 9, G. Cornell. Nos. 7 and 10 have not yet been supplied. —The hour for opening market has been changed to 4 o'clock, A. 16.—A11 the hands in the Journal office have enlisted. "Tavern arin Uktios."—J. N. Free, com monly known as the immortal "J. N." and conceded by the press to be the greatest ora tor, philosopher and satirist that ever lived, 1,111 address the people of this city , this even ing on the subject of " Truth and Union." J. N. proposes to leave for Richmond at an early day to present before the Confederate Congress his views on the exciting affairs of the -nation. He " assumes all the pressure on himself," and voluntarily offers to incar cerate himself in a dungeon to assuage the prejudice against the North, willing to submit to martyrdom to resist the prejudice against the South. J. N. will explain the stand-point from which each reasons. Ladies are especially invited. Subject— Truth and Union. MATIENS DEMANDING ATTENTION. —ln dif ferent places in this city the glitters along the streets have become filled with dirt and filth of various kinds ; in other places grass and weeds are allowed to grow to a considerable height, and are then cnt down and left lying where they grew, to decay ; in the back yards of some of our citizens there are foul swill. tubs, which prove very offensive to parties living near them ; in many instances mates melon rinds, kitchen offal, etc., are thrown into the alleys, causing a stench that is almost intolerable. Our citizens should remember that at this season of the year it is highly necessary to observe the utmost care with, a view to preserving the city in .a healthy con dition. The various instances alluded to above show that many are not as careful as they should be. The dead grass and weeds, the offensive slop-barrels, and the refuse ma terial mentioned, are all calculated to engen der sickness in our midst. We would urge the necessity of r moving all aiteentdminees, whioh, if not attended to, may prodlkou dis ease of a most alarming charaoter.— Our city Ss Sao densely inhabited to adAdt the presence of anything antagonistic to She general health. Go to Sanford's benefit to-night, at the Opera House. I=2=l ATTENTIoN, CAsszzoN Zottsrss s p ec i a l meeting of the Cameron Zonaves is requested this evening. Br OBDIII or TEE Camera. AMONG the colored soldiers confined in prison in Charleston, S. 0., by the rebels, there are three from Carlisle, ♦iz : Sergeant Alfred Whiting, Oscar Williams, and Stuart, Woodig.'77 COunir continues in'sesslon. — A number of cases have been disposed of since our last re port. Owing to the crowded state of our col , umns we are compelled to defer the prooeed ings until to-morrow, when they will appear,: together with the_report the Grand Jury. Tax D/STIMENCE,—There is as much differ ence between the Government and the admin istration as there is between Paradise and the Devil.--Coppeihead And none in all the land, have been work ing more strenuously, to exhibit this differ ence, so far as hell is concerned, than the northern copperhead, dough-face sympathis ers with treason. Ma. REMY EADABLIIO/11, of this city, is pro minently before the people with referen9e to the nomination for Register of this coty, and, we are informed, has fair prospectil of success. Mr. Radabaugh, if nominated and elected, would make a very efficient officer. He is well-known by the people of our county, and his numerous friends would be highly gratified to learn of his success. in securing the nomination. I=l SANFORD'S BENEFIT—Great Attractionf.--This evening the great Ethiopian delineator takes a benefit at the Opera House. The bill com prises the greatest variety ever served up for a single evening's entertainment. Sanford oc cupies a prominent position on the pro gramme, and the public may expect to witness a grand performance. Let everybody attend; and give S. S. S. a substantial benefit. Pre parations have been made to accommodate a very large audience. Go and see the stars ..--...----._ Ova DOMESTIC MA/MEM—WO wish it was possible for us to appeal successfully to the generosity of our agricultural friends wilco supply the domestic market of Harrisburg, and induce them to bring down their almost extortionate prices within the range of the re sources of those who depend upon their daily income derived from hard labor, for their daily bread and batter. Nine-tenths of the people of Harrisburg live on fixed salaries. They cannot raise the price of their labor like the grocer and butcher, and haberdasher, to meet the fluctuations of the market. They cannot protect themselves like the landlord—byt they ' are literally at the mercy of the merchant, the farmer and the tracker. Hence, we are justi fied in writing a word of defence - in behalf of the mechanic and.laborer, and in urging on the agriculturist the exercise of a generosity which common justice demands at their hands. In reason, there is no justification for prices which control our domestic markets. At this season, there is no necessity for butter to be selling at 50®60 cents per pound ; eggs at 25(430 cents per dozen ; corn 30035 cents per dozen; peaches at the rate of $4 per bushel and almost every article of domestic con sumption at the same rate. Such prices are extortionate. They tend to drive communities to pauperism—to force starvation on the fam ilies of the mechanic and the laborer. We therefore appeal to the common humanity of our agricultural friends to act with more lib erality. Live and let lire, is sti glorious motto --it is the. germ of a religion 'which will take a man to Heaven more sorely than a seat-velvet cushion in a fashionable &Larch, or an oaten. tations display of broarleloth and brocade 4 the sacrament table. PROVOIff MARSHAL OPDIKE AMONG BOUNTT BROKERS. —Our appeals and predate in rela tion to the frauds perpetrated by the bounty brokers, have at length attracts d the atten tion of those in authority, who are actively moving, according to law and t heir oaths of office, to put an end to the villt.inies et this class of sharpers. No set of me ain the com munity have done more to into rfere with vol unteering, or accomplished . issore in the way of disgracing and impairing tha military ope rations of the Government, tha n these bounty brokers. Thousands of donors have beeh literally filched from. the people willing h".) peril their lives in defence of the Grovernment, by these knaves. Many of these fellows who came to this city without a change o.! line;, and with scarcely money or credit snAlleient to get a night's lodging, or pay for a meal's victuals, have succeeded by their arts and their lies in accumulating; ample fortumett, buying vast amounts of real estate in dii ferent parts of the Commonwealth, with moues that should have gone to the soldier's wife 3 and children. We are therefore glad to notice that the combinations which t men formed to delude and rob volunteer a lab-c sautes, and take advantage of the generot of communities, are about to be broken t : An order has been issued to the effect tk at every bounty broker must register his nazi' ts with Capt. Opdyke,Provost Marshal of the posy stating the district for which he is pro.' • curing substitutes, with the amount of bounty paid by the authorities - for whom he is gaged. In connection with this order, the order of Assistant Provost Amami iaeueral, Major Dodge, will have the effect of arresting the great frauds in connection with substi tutes which have_ already so disgraced 'the city. 'Any substitute who grids that he - has not received the full bauitty p a id by th e dis trict to which he has credited himself, need only lay Ida aaaalaktre Major Dodge. Harrisburg has Cready enlisted grievous) i y in reputation by 'the conduct of a set of late tr• lopera who heft made this city their hea id (Fetters to ';)ut in operation their swindles in oeuneotiOU with bounties. It therefdee I le comes us, as well as every good ni.tOoti to unite in an effort*, banish and put an end to the buaine"--9nd dishonest games or the re Arnernox, HMI= I—A special meetivi, the Hope Fire Company will be held at the hall, this (Friday) evening. Very important business is to be transacted, and every mem. ber is requested to be present--especially those who bave entered the U. S. service. By order. WM. IL KEPNER President Tim 202 d Regiment is now rapidly ,fillipg up in Camp Curtin. It is to be coutiiiM4ed by CoL Charles Albright, an able and experi enced officer, and who was Cotoned the 132 d Regiment, Pa. Vol., and 34th Pa. Large bounties are paid for men enlisting in this Regiment. Virkwrzn--In a store, a boy between 16 and 18 years of age. He must be able to bring good recommendations. None ether need ap• ply. For further particulars inquire at this office. tf ilosT.—A deed for a lot bought M. Treasur er's sale in 1862, was lost lecently some where ih Market street. It is of no value ex the owner, and the under will please return it to this office. tf I= THE COPPERHEAD DELEGATES FROM THIS Dorrarzr. —The faithful in this district will be represented at Chicago by 'Gen. W. H. Miller and Hamilton Alricks, both of this city, the other counties of the district not be ing considered worthy of recognition in the business. In addition to these gentlemen a large delegation of the faithful, composed of dough-faces, copperheads, peace men asid:Wer Democrats, will be present as outsiders, ready to throw up their hats and crack their throats for whoever may be nominated, if it is Itoel sebub himself. - We trust that General Mill:tr will not introduce that inevitable "Neel . : Cow," should he deem it necessary to address his motley colleagues in the convention. A "Srasions." rx atm Crrr.—This will be a gala night at Brant's Hall. A splendid bill has been prepared—one that will attract a very large audience. The occasion having been set apart for a farewell benefit to Miss Fanny B. Price, that star actress, who has won golden opinions since her first appear ance here, will personate two very prominent characters. Ratzebue's beautiful play, Ta STRANDED, and Buokatone's laughable produc tion, Tits Ronan DIAMOND, form the bill of the evening. Miss Price will appear as .Ifri r Halter, a character in which she is at heme; also as Margery. Mr. D. Hanchett will sus tain the character of the Stranger. Miss Fanny Denham will be on hand "with songs to greet us." Messrs. Fisher, Crossen, Byrne :. and others will also appear, and the prince of hit niorists, Mr. Rouse, will appear as "Cousin Joe," and.."will have buttons all over him."— Go to Brant's Hall this evening. To-morrow night the engagement of Miss Fanny B. price will terminate, therefore everybody should attend the theatre this week, if they desire to witness her performances. ;gr . Bilious Feverswhich often pre vail so fatally at the South and West, may be prevented by the timely use of OSGOOD'S INDIA OROLAGOGUE. It should be com menced on appearance of the earliest symp toms, which not unfrequently precede tack several days, and even weeks. The sen sation of fatigue on slight exertion, derange ment of the stomach, weariness of the limbs, wandering pains, dejection of spirits, are the usual warnings. Sold by all druggiiste, and medicine dealers Best Way to Avoid the Draft. Men wanted, for a company to be attached to Col J. Ard Matthews' regiment. $5OO local bounty, $1(10 Government bounty, be sides $l6 per month and clothing, rations and medical attendance. Recruits upon enlisting will be immediately mustered in, clothed,nrol paid their local bounty. Apply at head-quar ters, No. 97 Market street, Harrisburg, in the room lately occupied by Col. Johnson, Chief Quartermaster. Lieut. E. D.WILT, au26-3t Recruiting Officer. SPECIAL NOTICES. Kromer's (Upham's) Hair Dye 50 CENTS A BOX. Boxes larger than Dyes that sell' or $l. NATURAL, DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL. . WABBAIrruo to please. This article has been thoroughly tested by Da CHLLTON of New York, and Professors Booth and Garrett of Philadelphia, who pronounce it free from all 'poisonous ingredients, and the material dom. posing it will not injure the most delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and Pancy Goods dealers everywhere. JNO. J. KKOMER, Sole Proprietor, 40 Chestnut St., Philadelphia; Pa. Drunkenness Cnred. The inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempting cup. Dr. Zane'e antidote for strong drink is a certain cure for drunkennesi; .It creates a dislike for strong drink, and can be administered without the knowledge of the patient,. Descriptive circulars sent to.any address. For sale by all respectable - druggists in the - I:lrittOfitates and Canedsuithice el - pelbous or packages of Ail boieeibr ;5. _ ICAOILEA Wholesale - - St; Rhiladtd4wl's. Dr. Rtuid's Specific. The oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure of Spermaorhcea, Seminal Weakness; Loss of Power, &C. This medicine has stead ti he test of over thirty years, and has always 'oved a success. Dr. BAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the ger m of pills, made up entirely of substances t have a specific effect upon the generative os se Its. Most persons associate the idea of o p er , adorer upon the bowels from , taking any kind of pills. The SPECIFIC of Dr. Rand is not is itended as an evacuating megic ue. Its ineavinks l virtues are expended - entirely upon the Impatved regenerative organs. The pills are not tuvpleasaut to the taste, and many persons massicate them with impunity before swallowing thsm ; which plan we would al ways rebommend , as affording the speediest way to get the effect of the remedy.' Price $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. sold by druggists everywhere. MO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, 40 3 MOW 3t.. PhileiddroWlti. . Weak* Bannvaititls Troches. • For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &e., are- specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by O. A. Sannvart da Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom alf - Orders should be addressed. ;old by druggist where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: Hamusstrao, Feb. Bth, 1864. O. A. Batorvatz—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other prepatations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully' commend your own as a most admirable speolliffor public speakers and singers, in cages Of - hoarseness, coughs And colds. I have found them serving in rime of need, most effectually. Yours truly, =• T.-H. ROBINSON, Pastor of 3 S. Presbyterian Church. agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Rannvart's Troalies. - C. CATTELL, ate Pastor of O. S. Presbyterian Church. , atZniatiltG, Jan., 1 8 64.. To O. A. BArtarrtirr—Dear Sir: In th habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are vary much taxed, I have found the need of somegentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches: I oonsider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public aE.- aresaea. Yours, &a., JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To G. A. Barurvairr-- 7 Drar Sir: . Having net your Troches, I Ida -trim le' 4tear . - they are the beat I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons abated wit ante On* or husking!". 01 Mee erisinglkOM 4.tibik4peakineeAting Yours, Ao., G. G. 1 1 1 A ICRSTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue,lllethodist Ohuroh. Darrs,a7 Arroniurr's °pima, Hinaurniss, Feb. 29, 1864. To 0. A. BANNvsza , —Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re• lieving boareestess and. in, strengthening the muscles of the throat They impart clearness to ate voice, and are certainly of great benei r at to all public speakers. A. J. HERB iqutz VithirAWIWVONIC. Pllin most healthy perkne feel more *joss weak this extreme warm weather, and i ale IGcir sp. petite. They need a good strong Tonio--one that wilt strengthen the uervoliS system and stomach. This they can get at 50cents per bottle, at Mrs. L Hall's No. 2T, South Pine street, Harrisburg. Orders from a ' distance promptly attended to. augl. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE I I Batchelor's Celebrated Hair Dye rgt TSB BEST IN TER WORLD. The only iirmaleitr, Thin and BeBOA Dye Amok • This splendid flair Dye Jo perfect—obinges Red, Rimy Or Gray Bair instantly to a Mossy Mack Brown without injuring the Flair or knitting the Mani leaving the Bair soft and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, fruently reabating lie pristine• sue Cluitothe eeti3 of bad Wes The gennine to signed WiLLSAII BAWD ,ti! other& are 'mere , imitattons, and should br aveidet_ Bold by all Dntggisier&o factory-81 BAR MAY Br, • ' - • sarrni*nrea rnerr*Otrat &atm Yon ononerntr mitt. COLGATWO HONEY SOAP. Ibis celebrated Toilet Soap, in awn universal de. matt, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient in its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. Tor sale by all Druggists md.rticy Gads Dealers. • • WANTED, , .. - . A GIRL to do geueral housework kgood .M.-COOK. preferred. Apply immediately' at Chap Jona'a Ho t and Shoe Store; 'No. 108 Market street. Gaod.grageiwili be gcren. E. M. °AMMAN. • WANTED, AWHITE dining-room GIRL. Apply a the NATIONAL HOUSK, aug2.5431•1 Market meet, near Fourth. F4. 21 40 3 ,E 8 , , Nanted" TO work li.eriefiuttii,tare where he will he pleasantly situated, and wages good. Apply al 131 East Market street, Harrisburg, Pa sag234l2w* GOOD'GIBL immdiately: Liberal iv,agell Z 3, Family . two. Apply at ' - B: EVIOIOI LAW 'OFFICE . , 1 Tilird atroot, 4th 'door etrth.V.Pittiot & Union Office. WANTED!—Three or four HOUSE CAS PESTERS. Agely to W. H BIBLE. augl6-dtf Corner Sixth and Walnut streets.. ANTEDN.- At $l5O per MM. —We want a reliable Canvasser in every county. tre have agents making $l5O per month which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Address JONES BROS. & CO., • Baltimore, Md. Jy26.lm GOVEIiNME*Piii.&I4IS; &C. AncTIPN CONDEMNED HORSEg . • . Wig DIPANIVENT, CAVALRY BOILEAU, OITFRIZ Or CajeF QUARTERMASTIS, WASHINGTON, D. C., August 3, 1864. be sold at public auction, to the W : ls rj i L abestbidder, at the Mass and places named ee. Ateading ; Penlisylvasda, Thursday, August 18;188 1. Meads; Paisasylvadla, Thursday, &lOWA 1864. Leb , non. Ainsisylvanla,-Thsuiday, - gepteintrer 1884. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Thursday, September Sf 1364. TW ° iIUNPRIPO OO PlYsizT Frorsdkatlacn Thetis Homes Gav e'ben condemned se Unlit for the Cavalry service of the Army. For road and far:2 purposes may pod beigeiss nay be bad. . • * Horses sold singly. - URNS: CAM In Meted StateiColrfency. - • . 144124 : 4 ! EON an&dtsB 4 Lt. Cot lid C. Q. 1t Cavalry BTUTIII3, UAt4t tDA{TES. .„. Ascoal Ganss, tipi . DER N. OT I } , Of Millifstehaiona , Township, Datiphisi County. a• 1.11-dtkw ES REGISTER. jPinf FOX. of this city, offers himself as a candidate for RR6'ISTER of Dauphin county, sub ject to the decision of the Union County Convention. Having had seventeen yeses experience in the business of the office, he pledges himself to give satisfaction elected. • aule-dikwto E7=l fIEORGE MASK, of South Hanover towit .. ship, oilers Willett as a candidate for tho office of REGISTER, of Dautpn minty. If elected, Mr. Mark Pledgee himselfto perform the duties of said office with ddelity. . , _ . je29 dawn) CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. EGAAnuiviA, ?A., June 9, 1864:. HE undersigrted respectfully offers himself T to the Repablidatui 9! the 14th Congrestbmal the Viet Of Pennsylvania, composed of toe countiee of Pau ph=iniate, Noethambetlead, Union ail Snyder, fo: oa by the seiceral county conventions or the saw Elegiac]] - JOSIAH itSFY" FO :., RIPOISTICIt. Ruroull hauxs, of East Hanover townshlp, o lalafielf as seandidate for theodlce of Register. If so sod elected he pledgee him. self to fall the d the aloe with fidelity. MISOCWIIWieo ~... RIIDOLPE =UM:. W ANTS. JOHN KOSER. WANTED: U. S. 7-30 LOAN. THE Secretary of the Treasury gives uotice that anbscnptions will be received for Cou pon Treasury Notes, payable three years from August 15th, 11364, with semi-annual isterest at the rate-of seven and three-tenthe per cent. per al:mom—principal and interest both to be 1444 in lawful mommy.• , ' • These notes will be convernotess the option of the holder at mattirity into sirloin' cent. gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the Government' may elect. They will be issued in denominations of 550, $lO9, $50% $l,OOO and $5,000, and 01 enbseriptions must be for fifty dollars or some nell4ple of qty dollars. The: isStes will be transmitted to the owners free of_thmsportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certiftc,tes of De posit matey can be prepared. .4,4_,the . ndtes draw interest from litiEnst_ls, ,persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to , date of. deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol lars and upwards for these notes at any one tittle will be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent., which will be paid by the Treastry Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions for commissions must be made from the deposits. Special advantages of this Loan. IT IN A NATIONAL SAVINGS Bainlinffering a higher rate than any other, and b et security. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in U.-S. Notes, considers that it is paying in thebest circulating medium of the country, and it cannot pay in anything better, for its own assettkare eitherin government securities or in notes or bonds payable in govemment paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent investment The notes can al ways be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated interest, aad are the best security with banks as collaterals for dis counts. Convertible iota a 6 per Cent, 6410 . Gold Bond In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for thetiirrent rate for 0-20 Bonds is not less than nisei/sr cent. premium, and be fore the war the premium on six per cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present markekiata, is not less than ten per oent. per annum• lta Exemptiou from State or Municipal Taxation. But aside from all . - the advantages we have enumerated, a special act of Congress exempts all bonds and T, sumo notes from local taxation, On the average, this exemption is worth abedt two per cent. per annum, according to the rate of taxation in vaxious parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great inducements to lenders as those issued by the Government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties,- or stock companies, or separate cool amnia** only, is pledged for payload, while the whole property of the country is held to• secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United States.: - • While the. Government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people SUBSORIPTIONS WILL BE LECEWLD by the Treasurer of the-United States, at Washing ton. the .several Assistant 'treasurers and designated Depositaries, and `by all the Na tional banks whieh are depositaries of public monepi and all respectable banks and bankers throughout the country will give further in formation and afford every facility, . to sub scribers. [aul9-41i-w:2ln SALES O REAL ESTATE. Providence Farm AT PUBLI . O SALE, Oa Friday S•pteurober, 2, 1864 HAVING} determined to relinquish busi ue-s, the undersigned wi I offcr for aale, on the p e•ulses, In Lower Allen township, Cumberland county, renesyivama, on the Sicrip , Ou road, one mile of hie chenicsburig, and ..-even maim west of Harrlsbuig, the fol lowing valuable rest estate : A IRAoT or LAND, web known as " P. ovi•tenee Ferm,” COntalutug 96X acres--live of which are well cov- red with thriving. Limner, and the balance are in a high state of cal ilVatlou and uner goad fencing. The improvements consist ur a large maw TWO-S WRY BRICK DWELLING, Wash House, Bauk Barn, a Tenant House, with all neN3a s iry outbuildings. There are mum two wets of never faihngrwitter, and two large cisterns near the buildings, with a fine young APPLE AND PEACH ORCHARD on the premises ;. besides a great variety of small Fruits, sun as Grapes, Hums, Fears, Cherries, &o. The im provements on this property are entirely new, aunt of the most approved style. The ra.d is of superior quality, and its pro/aunty to a flourabing town re Lder, it one of the most unarible homes 1111 tismberland Va ley. Perseus desiring to vie* this property previous to the sale, will please cak on the aubse.riber, tussling on we premaes. 'Melo commence at 1 o'clock r. x., when terms will oe made known by , ' HENRY 0. 'CUP?. aug28.41 y 1 PUBLIC SALE ON FRIDAY, SRIM'EMBER 9lh, 18 6 4, sobeorihere, egoista for the heirs of Freelancer Wonderly, Sen., late of Mechanicsburg, k'a.,dec'd, will sell an the premises the following valuable real estate, viz: A tract of tlidestone Land containing 67 acres and 68 perches, all clear , in a high state of cultivation and under good ferictug, located In adver spring township, Calabar land county, Pa., two miles West ut Mechanicsburg, near the road leading from that place to Carlisle. The . Improve _amemare a good - 2•Wv-Sruirr ZiOUSE, A GOOD_ - ircenr NARY, wagon shed, corn crib,'ltud all ether necessary withal& tugs There are also two wells of never-failing water on the farru, - oue r of which is near the Ater; au orchard of choice !mit, and a limekiln on the premises. The land has been all limed. The proximity, of this property to the enterpelking town ofilecluuncabarg, always Mfording an excelentmarket for the products of, the farm, renders It hi g hly desamble. " AL cue muse time and'placei, a trik of Mountain Land, -situates bashlver opring township, Cumberland county, uentainlng 10 acres and 14 perches, easy of access. Persons desiring' to - vice she „property previous to the sal. will please cad on George Wouderly, / wilding on the term, or W. 11. Wonderly, r sluing in Siechanicaburg. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, v. a., when terms will be nude known by GEORGE WuNDeaLY, W. a. WONDettLY. AgeutiTor the heirs of J. P. Wonder's', deed. auls-dtaep9 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale a valuable Tavern stand, Musts on the Lancaster turnpike, nt too borough of Middletown, oonalstlng of a large two-story &ink Boon, extennve stabling and all other necessary ont. buildup : ,s Also, tivoi adjoining lota, havi erected on each a two ng story tram* uwelling. For rurther particulars spzly to the undersigned, on the the Prosaism• , SAMUEL DETWLILICK jell-tuaaatSme . ggioqU4TEKS, PEiNSILYANIA MILITIA HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT, Elssaissintcs, August la, Mt. I VSTATE MEDICAL BOARD cif Penn- O E- vania AMU meet in Pluabluv, on 140 N DAY, the ti.h day or August, 1864, and contlaue dorms the week, LO vsawme csinuldaus for the-posibit Medical ulneersi Yeansylvants Uhlman's. Phi shims of Mans) hauls, ist-good begat , buldshism eatafactory teßUmodaii site moral diameter, ao., will be admitted to the examination. The mom In Which t h e emuninstke will be held will Me indicated in the Pittaburg papers, Oft the day -of-meeting. By order of the Ihnalmor - • - JOBBYII A. Burgeon BOOM tom.- • raarMinia : 7 1a1 114t4.-- BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL itaNINTII MET or Rouses Star Combination-Company, louses Star Combinatio*Vompany, base's Star Lbmbination CompanY, LAST NIGHT. BUT ONE, sad the FAREWELL BENEFIT OF 311 us 'runny . B. prloe. PM Popular Actreas sad ilougstreas, NUS RAMIFY DENHAM AS CHARLOTTE. FRIDAY. EVENING, AUGUST 26th, '64, Will be permeated, for the drat time this season, Kotabu.'s play, THE STRANGER! To be followed by Buckstone's Laughable Commedetta, THE ROUGH DIAMOND! 0::rror forth& particulars see programme aug9.d tf SANFORD'S HALL. FIFTH NIGHT OF S. S. SANFORD, Who will appear In his groat StrilopLsa Character of GUMBO CUFF! ht the great Opera of the Rivals, &a, ON FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 26 FRIDAY EVENING, SANFORD'S DENZIL? f company consists of the beet star pe rancs, consistlog of SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, .- The monger takes pleasure in announcing that t Intend making thin THE Concert Hall or the city. BARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor BILLY Perna, Business Agent. jy23-a CANTERBURY H# LL. WALNUT STREET, BELOW TREED. Proprietor Business Agent Stage Manager., Leader or Orehester... Treasurer.... OPEN every night with a first-mass com pany of male and female artistes. The perform am* embraces every variety of legitimate amusement, such If 1111401 NO, DANCING, PANTOIIIIII3, BURLESQUES, AND .TESTP. ,Admission, 26 cents. Beata in ptivate bone 60 wan& Doo s open at 7. To 001ZMUCiliva at 8 o'clock. iylndif MILITARY NOT le ES. D it A 1"r PHILADELPHIA GUARDS!! VOL. A A. LEMUR. $5OO BOUNTY!For one year's se r- and paid col down $4OO. Come singly, or td squads. Any pe son bragine 20 men wi.l be commissioned & Second Lieutenant; 26 men a First Lieutenant; 40 men Captain. The above will be executed to the letter. Apply to Col. A. A. LECHLKR, Headquarters, ell Chestnut at., Hata auglo HEADQUARTERS FoR DRAFTED MEN, SUBSTITUTES, VOLUNTEERS, 115 South, Seventh St., Secondj low, Room No. 10. /a-Drafted Men from the OW or any part of the State will be furnished with .iubsthutos at short notice, and on liberal terms. sa- Men Mathis, either as Substitutes or Volunteers, slit receive the is gait Boon les, which. will be paid to them in cash as soon as mustered in Agents tvif: p,hr ro 07fre W. D HAVENS. Philadelphia. IM2In THE DAY & BUSHNELL MINING COMPANY 2A EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW TOM rpaz attention of the public is called: to the advantages offered by this company for Profitable Investment. The extent Lod Valle or ita Gr Co L 1:0 Dri INES, coupled with its process for working them, make it the moat desirable property ever offered to the public. Detailed information in regard to its extent and pros• pects can be had at the office of the undersigned, agent of the company, who will receive subscriptions to stock. JOHN W. BALL, Agt., Ogees Third street, near Walnut, Harrisburg, Pa, augfr.tilmawlm FOR SALE, A TEN-HOILSE power steam engine and boiler, steam-pipes, water pipes, pulps and be •ter complete; ireaillatitur engine and ay! nder boiler, manufac tured by Joel WMumsY, patent improved oscillating en gine builder. May be noon at Caul shops, foot of Walnut streig, Harrisburg. For term, so., enquire at Cabal cialce, Market street, near United States Hotel. Harassing:4, July SS, Mt Jy23-tf VERY FINE, INDEED! To Ow fine and extensive stock of' Photo graph Albums and Photograph Card ?lateral, we have added • BEAUTIFUL iIIiV&MPE tor the reneptkut of card pictures. They mast be seen and willed adrihred arnotevaptters supplied at the very lowest' whole sale price, and their sera printed upon them for Si thousand, wholesale and retell. at may sBo4EFFEß'll BOOK SToliti. Tram, BEEF AND TONGUES—a trail' jUL la roma at taalj 'SHISLYR & FRAZER'S, CIEEESE--Choiee new crop Cheese, just C received et SHigt w 6 & FRAZER, 01.7 SSOOIIIIIIWrIO W. Dock, Jr.. & co SICED OYSTEREL—Estra fine Baltimore °Ptak spiced, just received at 1716 BUYER k NOERPER. AL L Ends of hau li ng with wagons or <arta nt. will be promptly done by calling on JACOB BAENNER, renter or Second street and Meadow DEMO LABD.—Fifty firkins fine kettle 1 rendered LARD, for sale by the firkin or pound, just eoelveatat ' (.13131 BDYER a HOWER. , . VITA.LNErrSt OREANNTJTS, InUMUS. V V For salewholarale at, 81118 LIER & ineesesont to W. Voetc..l. NEW 809 IE SHOIMPa DAYS OF SHODDY rdiwinv-owargrrgiva wacsirrinalt. smut% bum, TEAS, OfFA of r all twos eautDom, % B ug & FUZZ% alert & acceiociLtaW—Deck,.J ries. M /N" blaw EU ES VINEGAIt -,,, Ptire -.agar gatebapt 919prrer or small .1. It DONNE. JOE MILL . .ANDY iLumv IIEsTATER ... ....J. G. ELMER Kumasi. reatcps, MELO OPERAB, NEGRO CORIOALITIV-,