1 1 1:i111TELEGritALIUT .FORl47ffe dND EVELN7,IS6 4 , Iit . GEORGE — IIMOLITLIZILBZ,ZIB4II W4Z ( - 41:iniiki OF StiBSOItIkTION: -6 EDIGLIZ reili.stLy'grtscoLdw la served - to subscribers in the clty .centa per' Week. Yearly subscribers will to charged $0 00. In advattce. Mee persons Who negldottc pay In adVtince will be charged g 7 00. WEEKLY Tel Tr soitaidisillto tad is furnished anbecritiere &t OriTelleisikg els& rates Single 900411, Threercople s:tcrine-Post Office Ten centre tO I;titt . pent Office N I W ADV ERTI§tVIVNTS. .:CLOSIII G,T, W ^2l SUMMER STOCK a Asp BELOW COST. Mats 11.44ATER,' NO, /4-MARKET STREET, TIEINO "desirous of clO4ing hbr Summer JLIF Stock of Minatory Caws, offers for sale at . greatly re mdott pricts, such as :• SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, - H Ara AND FLATS, Bpc. constantly on band a splendid assumna.t or • , SILKS VELVETS, - • LACES, kU HES, Huth' SKIRTS, CORnaTS, • HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, • BELTS, • • FANCY. GOODS, &C. Dealers will•do well to call, as great bargaisii tan be had at wholesale. ly CLOAKS, CIRCULARS AND. MANTILLAS IN D. W. GROW NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A New PhilAdelptua Cloak Ettore. /lave now a splendid assortment SPRING & SUMIERALA_NTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, ' '"'" • NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH. LOOSE. BASKS. Pie aboye beaunfnl eamples, witery rod _hand edmely trimmed, from $7 60 to $l6. .1060 MILK DIANTILL CIRCULARS, BACKS AND. BAS)th, alud.wwely mud 1144 trimmed, rrOLU $lO!Ai.. ward '.- 4 ..111.014.11:N'S MANTELS IN LANGE VAIRETK. ' my 26 Millinery and Fancy Goods. MRS. J. HIBBS, at No. 8 Market; square, next door to Fslix's Confectionery , keeps ()oxidant ly •id !Laud the latest styles of B onions lint., Auchett, Flowere, nib bons, se. together with a l feneassonto9nt.ol Dress Trimmtge, Laces, Embroideries, Collars, Calla, ItaadKereniere, Hosiery, Gloves end Variety Gxole in general ea die latest Design of Dress Patterns direct limn the „vow Iteik !Ashore. Drees and Ctoak making, meetly exe anted. Thera:tut for the patronage bestowed grate her opetung r elm trusts, by a strict utteutiou to baba Lies and her endeavor. to give ~eoerol .affslacticin, to contlinte to reeelVeavtharo LA me public patronage; Jyt4Sm. - civimsTA.Lizioro CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, 7O a pieasant, healthy beverage. irerjr convenient and refreshing for invalids having fever or great thirst. Its voila 4fity recommends it fo.travelcr§. Its conronit nee at piC-DICS will be apreciatecL No augur required; one tablespoonful simply dissolved Ina glass of cold water and it is dune, KELLER'S DRUG -AND FANUY GOOD STORE, jel7 No. 91, Market greet. • NEW iIiILADEL.FALA • CLOA.iissirouE, IN D. W. OROSS' NEW BLOCK,. Market Street, Eiarrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES FAIDDONABLE OLOARS AN 01.1100 L AND . •' FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the isnot April. -. • - • imar2l.-dly Steam Weekly to Liverpool. SV/trIICHLNG aL.I,NEENBTO WN, (Cork liar our.) The well known dinaJnera of the Liverpool, York and Philadelphia steamship Co lgpaay , aro In tedeided to sad as follows: Ley of Baltimore, t•aturday, August 27 ;• Etna, Baur ttig,isept,mtair 8 ; hdluourgh, Sa - u:dity, Sapie.bei 10, and every eneceeding Saturday; waitron, team Piet 44, - Nardi River. RAPES OF PASSAGE, . , PAYABLB IA GOLD, ins INUivemiarf Ri OTTILMNOT. TIRO V JLN. 180.00 drE./4401 "180 00 do o Loudon 8b 00 I do to L0nd0n....•4 84 00 do 19 Pam 95 001 do to Yana ... . . • 4 0 00 <to 'to Allidoug.... 90 00 1 do to Hain' 11 Parsimony alio forwarded to lime Bremen, Botta. dam, Antwerp, /in, at equally tow rates: . _ trains from Liverpool or Queenstown! int Oa In, sBb, flOe. &temp, $35. Thum writ) Min to send _Tor thou fributts ow buy masts here at these ratea • • 0 . trorturtner iriformatiou"apply at the COatitiaritersOakesi JOAN DALE, Akient, 16 Broadway, 'S. Y. 01.0. 0 2.IMHHRM AN, Harrisburg.' PIANOS. lIMECHT, RIEIiES SCHNIDTI • • EXCELSIOB, PIANOS. e HOLE AWAINTGY ATW. KNOW'S, 93 Markel street Elartienn% FOR REASON'S perfectly satiefaCtOry /ILYOICLF L °aft talcou the egency of the 11100V0 MOB& excellent Pianos. The public le Invited to come and ex amine for tmemsebent , A RAW SCOWLIACIfer cO'S ?UAW on head yet wilt be Aaoi IoW. marZbtt • PHOTOGRAPH.. ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. ,Photograidia , Albums. PhottsrF . tph .41.1 h mug. Photograph:Albums THE largest and uhoweet variety at PHO TOLikrAlli. ALLMAN 111 the city are awastautly kep at [own] BEROrigit'S CHEAP f34.!OKSTORE. SOLE AGENCY F0X.1 4 -TRIS CITY lA3I happy to offer to the mblio a large and splendid assortment of ' " • SU 1 4 E11.10R GOLD F=9 eiseafatitured by _ _ "L LEROY W. FAIRCHELD. - ,,' • 'redo Pool are well tinlithed, elAtitets,..aind 11111:1011tini estispaition. PLEASE scurrsit's egicigsfou, s o w tqeet, opposite Preatiyierlan:Churcti; tiarriaoiug • ' - UBl sliatt HIVED t—A flue lot - Of 'CANNED J , an d •Ti lIIATOKS, Also, SIitEMON PINE AP.ll44lleleksA 4 PEAs, sae., just rceelved by mvi 1:41i toTe'ININV: grl nwarlnnt. ,;••• B 411.1.11.Vy-ta._ A Sugar Cured alum agd.RINIELItaaL.aI . v -0201 . .„ ITOVVR. iti*Arzit. _.. , A / IE4 8 - EtAD and FINE NEW, idAt,g. .han. EBEL, Jun received, ac ,r, - YLE' —IIOIOER.-4 HOERPER. ~...i- . . . - 1 1 -!t-i7l'-'. it§ ALMON. 4 4fine saiiin, air :-.:,-," .1',4 IRO BIM= & TRAWL i • e .t• ' '' ^ ]t'i' t` t - r . • ..'-.-i,) F- .• ;•:: . " Ii / _ . ~...._. ~. . .. • „,.. . Jr: ri... 5. , jrv. t 441 .1 //4 1 ' 7 ' 2, 4 4%fr'_-/" . - e -.- --- . - . 4 • ' .. ...'.. - • , : ''' - - . 4 .. VT ( .....:001 1 . • 1.:..1 .. . IV . 1j .) 1161; ,ni , ---- 11 ) :7 4 - , :"-- ---'711 - -, r. - ,i ' .: .. . • '".t;r .1 : ',..! 111 .. ~.. ...,-., ... I 6.S 1 SP- • ••••' 7 )..--" - - - - - ...0 4 -' li rtgi - d, if ',17.7. , i.c.; d' .:... 'l Tr :1 _. ei:it II !; .i: l' 1 iti i ; 1S e • ,i' , VIM •. -, c, :,,.,: •.,'?, -.•- ' . - L i. "!' •% • . UNIMIM . oo oo ' BY rikiW A DVtiIiSEMP.VM Norther 4 Otia louway. • DUBUC N.lntit givezi that the 1. F 4510 IT and BA4GAGE,deperibed=in the fipr lug flat . remains - unclaimed in the Walehotere • e Northern Central Railway Company at signets are hereby :wattled to rpm° forward, . i a.r.oS ate and lake their property away, or the samebe so*, according to law. J. N. DU_BARRI:Vq4 4 I G»etll ohms, •. • strum: 16, 1864 i. j • . • r No 1, Williamsport and liarrisburg check 146, -one black trunk . No 2, Elmira and Harrisburg cheek 20, one hex, Lletit A Miller, Harrisburg ' '' • No 3, BeintoorelintHeirrOurg 0 3 / 4 '0400, one box No 4,, no check, one.box, J Banat, LOckport Niagara ' • Oi ;no check, one bes, Lime. A:Sedta, flartisbarig No 6 welbeclf, one box, r po marks • - ' No 1, no cbcck, one pc,•& Jic,o6 .l 4rialiet,'rittaturg No 8, no check, one . kieuhen Farrioger, •Caita wissa ne•iehect v No 10, no ci ock, one box, capt Puillips, Harrisburg No tl, no check; black trunk, 81;-St Joseph a amide. 012, no check, fair le , th , r trunk, no marks • - No 13, no Lbws., lair loather trunk, CautLyrnan, Har risburg . no no cheek, , blactlea.bertrunkene No lb , nu. heck, Wale lean er tro4k, no uturjra No 16, no check, one box, Jno kinGtle; ti.rrielieur No 17, ho check, one box, Geo L stephem, ilarriebin No 18, no check, OLIO box, Newport station, P No 19, no check, one boX,•Gaiiiel N o9l3o klillitaolPPla No 2/2, no check,' trunk,, , 4o Gemmel, /.,e/16- ... • • town, Pa ' No 21, Danville and Harrisr check 513,'fair 'leather trupk,-1111.11.12erbor, Mama, • • No " No 23, no check,. tali loather trunk, W f,cot, -1308,14- ile, uhlo - No 24, no check, fair leather trunk, Thos Mc an* k • No 25, no ch , ck, back trunk, Sarah, _ :•\ No 26 uo check, black. trunk, G >i Atli,'Bingliamp ton, N Y No 21, Williamsport and Harrisburg check 82, fair lea her valise, nu cuatki No 28; Rani more and Harrisburg check 887, Lit leather. no marks • '' ":.• • • 22, no heck, fair leather vallse,•notsarks No . sO, no check, back trunk, Jno koui oe, Lancas ter, Na No 31, no cheek, one box, Michael 'trump, Allentown No 32, no check . , one box, no marks No 33, &mated and ; rebore check 23.4"01e box. No 34 ; nomheidt, One Its, Mrs "rihnik, - Priisperity, Pa No 35, no check, one buz,,,lienry Will, Reading , No 36, no check, ode tibia, no emits No 37, no check , b.ig of saddles , b 0 media No 36, no check, saddle, Porto ' station - - Nu 39, no check, black bag, no, inar4.,, • . No 40, nu cri ok, black "kali Vostei, No 41, DU OueCk, !Ambit 04, no marks .." No 41; no week, k bag, no marks No 43, uo muck, tuba big , no marks . • :Nolit, no Chick, black bagiGHblttiel, 18t4o'y Snore; to No 45, Wibianuport and i tiarrikburg check 38, black g no marks be 46, nu check, black bag, no marks r r .No 47; no ek, back bag, no *tics " ' No 48, no cluck, carpetbag, no marks -, No 48•, no cheek, taudle,mo marks Nu 50, no check, bag, no marks No 51, bit chtek, ode box, no marks • No 62 -no check, one Mx, no marks No 63, no ciledki nu mauks ' No 511. no Check, fair ',miner trunk, no marks e J Fleming, une.bund a Chiba , A L Babcock, 1 bdio rod N.Frazer, eleven barrels nuts -I) fisher; six COl/11—LIUSIDITel -11 Miners one banal insulators NeLon Etym. & Cu, tau boxes bittets S B..rkler, one box hardware B Hawkins, ene . grainie block a B, one box • and.les J ou° barrel L two bikes. Tub: F~ic . gk sue mx hardware • ro cOrreigrik WWlbrick, nom rks' consignee °diet box, no ma. ke consignee, 41 seeets iron, no marks ' Ne consignee, package indigo • No consignee, one bus mereuandise, David Tilmer, Hat riaburg. ' augl6 4w LL LATILLN S THE PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE: PitOVOSIT MARSHAL% °YVON 14th DISTRICtiI ilartassausto, Pa., Angst. 16 lane. THE FoLL,ywmit, ltEt3rUtiAl l lQ &8 - QF tpu ranost gash, ars aro . piibliabed for tfie in Elf 4%1011 and guidance of di perimna interestog,* order titlic,ltt future; the publid heednot lie ;in doubt as„ to .sthen, where and to whom to app.y for triforination Oh Matters connected with this depaitniont. lst l r iao Duard of Enrollment eunveuea each day Oun dayk. excepted) in the proper room at Dr o'crock A. Y. , busideas requires it, tue morning session citl emitinue; tili .1.2% o'c tick e. It.; the atlernooli &Wuxi, commence' at 2x, o'clock alit continuo till 6 o'clock e. ;In not case will examinations for dicabd4tY 4:4 1 4 0 0 10 . 61 4 -- light. 2nd J. S: Weitzel, principal clerk to "Wird or Eoridi_ mug, willall..t4mea,faintan. infoittottion proper to her lurulutiel poi, ,records of Itio.Epard. i. 3rd A.' P. Elk*, lidjutant and' iptaial deputy, will ha , found hi the otthas Nom of we Provost Manus.. go he* ['lota lotchaigu,a;,d can fbe applied to in ail car.ea. 4UI Tue tairodwoht Department, is in charge of D, &vita. • fah A. E. Eviler impediatenlia AG mutating .ands orditing deparimem; Rod hili-charge . ot the recoids,and ro is °entwined therewith; also *ith. enlistmente Olathe "'Veteran tt sere" v Corps. • - 6th R. E. Eaule laza charge of the Clothing depart-, , , . 7th , For informatton with reference - to-bark% - toter 'property seised is the prorrik of - the GavettOrdn ply to John 8 Heller , to the goetiting . stitl*Ortittiorp.- Sch For inforthetion• kith refereiito - ti'ttesertittiand perchnsarrested, apjiltio'Wtitit de t aittotittr , ='D.. ,-, oth Juba t harlots tuts clugge of acootnie,'Otair4 10th int rotation upon any stakect not itbovett. albsisu ed,41 1 ..1.i to taa liovoat litaratador 4.4ju—nt . MA) 11th. cl ran a. employefO are rigptird to It* ati toeir post, to, duty at 8 o',loca a. It. Ilia Oleo will tai oluna , w tbe pubt.e. volt r. 12th a leikeand etnplootet ars r quired and direcded to be. polite, courteous mut attentive told personate baitne.s in the twirl:4v IA Wand a tare. IL it duty lei pica - use to I.,form nftdgetve thbEW requiring inthibuitaN serv:pe, Ana if aortic? Vdi empiogie pruinpi attention or peeper c•sartery, be will be RIO= LUSetlarg4.4 /3Ut Cirrisandeirpl efts aro nut permitted t. , ran We re - e or reward ear services rendered lf SW. du so, tad penally lit be huurod ate discharge: Te corer 61E4 free and to rewire it are tqualif high ma Tomato°. - • J%O. IsAt CLaYatr; Captain and Proven Mamma , •lath D rtt igt relate The . mbutbere oftte Board kne Catena 1411.11drn 111 Kay C 0011 L, Provost ' Mannar, Chides C. itaiOn,-: 4 1/604- raissiener, S. T. Quinton,. :lagoon ; eillter_sttr.wbent way be corunalted at all, limes, our.ea bowlegs to nultell3 the 14" t• The Provost Maraud . % °like is In Fourth street, op. padre the Gaverunient ./;surly. Ia.e.ILUI • ''''-:T .- 111',.*' - 'W A'Y B A. 11. A: N I HOSIERY, .GWVEs, HOOP SHIRTS, - LADIES' HAIR NETS, and HEAD DILVWES, PERFUHEEYe. , ' -TOILET ARTICLES, : F7144C,H LACE; Ana t .4v ETC, " ASTON! libpara.,...x a • .JL. 4qPlOtto•oliki'D - TtB. kxtas 11118-atitiF.bril Oyatev4 apood,iind for ode by tha,. l -- I, :a, met girl , Pints or 11"1"1"11 3"11 141 lidahrewir. to W.. nre _ . WIN 1Dia,: : =4144 and 2 Maoism' betiellirehatiirediesdikit,tv, gni Ikit: 4 o4 Wila away h Ji Recti liiiEllEZl :..11. 4. IL Ei. . ! triNd a :N-taii la , Wt. 1.,:: A N a ~ 4 7_13 W E V 1-S ."4,-:We4skr. 11111,RISBUK TA.; , FRIDAY ill - GUST 26, _1864 - 7,4A 1 . 11 - 11 .94 , P5• t Pennsylvania - Ran Road ! .orintisc•TAßLE. • - FIVE' TRAINS' . DAILY' TO AND FOUR FROM. PHILADEDELPItIA. • es AND AMS MONDAY', M 418314 HE Passenger Trains of the Pen sylvan* J. Railroad Company will derart from and arrive at Has , risburg and Philadelphia as follows: W A THROUGH EXP TRAM - Isar . Hamaryt at 245 A. at., and arrival at West Philadelphia at EAST LlNEleavealbtatiburgJally.(aacept -Monday) at 6.00 a..., asublzra amettleseillie isaCat Wont • MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, Leaves Harrisburg at 7.20 a. at, connects at Lancaster with Lancaster accom modathmirtfolaf an 4 arrives. at -Welallati a 1.2.28 CoLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harris burg .at . 12,20 r.. , Columbia 1.6.2 r. N. and itrrives at LancrMte 280 P. 1114 oottaectutg With Fast Atoll eases Lancaster for Philadelphia arrives at West Philadel phia at - 5.30 r. at. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 r. s ; Lancaster at .47 e arrival as West rhiltdelphia at 5.30 e. N HOMBURG AWSIsmoDATION TRAIN,.via CoMm. bia,' leaves Harrisburg at 6.25 r. and antral IC Weat PlMlsidalphiteat 10.1N1 P. a. ' " • WESTWARD. BALTIMORE =PRIM TRAIN leavett dal* (extiepitkiendasr; 2.10...• N. ; Altoona, V. 116 a. is., take brealavak and arrives as,Piusbtuk,at 12.30. r. rt.. "PIifLADELPHLOAXPRESS ULM leaVes fleivieburs diliy . at Owns at 3:20-g. at, take tireaktiuk, Aid arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 r. s. %NAIL TRAIN lams ilamatourg at L3O r. 41toisaa at 7.1.3 r. rt.,.take allpper, awl arrivee at Pittaburgat 12.30 4413 T LINE team Harrisbarg at &SO n. ;Meow at 535 P. take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at .LOO s: MOUNT JOY 403OHNOITHLTHIN leaspa Lancaster at MlAlithartani aarr a li ttn a gil %LIN ienvgWest f , ?Inladelphia at 2.45 P. r., and arrives at Harrisburg at &IC ' .K00NT:707C14430313101i14 . 1701i WO, leave!!! Weal.; ter at '6:26 Y. ;connecting Were With Efirrisbureliccoai•i modation West, leaves Mount Juy at 7.00 r. At. and Arrlrelli aViapluborg at eaq. - ^ "' • BAMMitoI;O *MN* • • 1,2...„ liiiihilisaNsviksimi a A Harrisburg, May 13, 1364.-dtf SUMMER TIME TABLE. TitAiNifiDALLY TO - AND FROM 8.A:..1i 7,T , .4,11101.t:,1S ! • "AMY %`.ittuerfil I.'‘f : WASHINGT,O , N - *IV Y. coasections made with um= on PeII*BITOOS, Iti,tOgrOa• Midtemie Piimaierg add the We • ,O THEM 'MAINS DAILY W esaiteem the -AWL Mt West nee* Aketedeel4lei ext - all-of Ne2o#l. NeV PVC . _ • kJN is after tfONMV„ -- mtrigth,, - Dm' Passenger Tridim blortheia:Crenual trill arrive • ateml depart frtillkHartiebluilißßß Baltimore as follows, viz: • ;' 510.1414-D liajil ' Pllll" arid4 l / 1 • ' i.r7.1C0P25 A. Li . 1 .. 7,..t . 11.41121144 . 11:111;g.,:• •• 4 • Ye litlPl4 " _ _Arriveta,i Bit: ltimore ~ F .r. it i IEXPEESSIVRAIII leaves Millbury' dally (via:Ad • , . thandayi - 11.46 1.. re 8 . ,: .•: •leavela. AtarriMutir (except , °D...a. Yoay) i IL! - ' " 1- ii . '' ' arrive() at Baltimore daily ' ww (except Monday') . toe ,x; 'it it AMBIBBITBOIBOOMMODATION Monday' liar- _____ 5 1 1 1 11 43 , *-4 . . .0••• - :IA a.. i. fiIniBVIII,,FACCOMMON.TION leaves Burg... . . 1 '- bury 'iltity (except sib- . ' ' ' i day) at • • • T.W.i 'tc ; . . C' , 114,1iTHAr ARID: - - !-( 0 i MAILVRAIN iesielvilidatmom daily (krompt .41 3 gadAti)..r , ;•-„, , .. ~.:, 42i .A. oci q• ~ Ael" 11.2344, : -. : • ".... 1 .4 , t L•P'''''• N t g 4 rotves at surktiiuT.:..... ..... 4.dtg.... Expmws ;FRAM Mayes Biltiromia diflt.... J.. 11..104, 44 ...... , luridevat Mattlabarg., - : .. L6O a., ' a leave( MarriMaira daily lex-,• +; ,j II ! • ~ 9e141 01 0 1 .41{.e • ..... ....3 36' .t. NI a - 'airy : 4 tgenbury -.'..., HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves BAI. •:.- • 1 timers daily (except, Sun... ) . t- i • ! . • . r • &V, .. ' - —••••sit, Lai- 111 a arrives at day).,... • ~. .744 p. .jr. 911NtrgRY AqOOMMODATION- laves Itarifsi • ' • - . i: • . '' ~ ‘ - rtituy daM,y(mreeptBiMMTl 'T ry For further btfermatima apply at, the Offloe, • in, , , vania Railroad Depot.' J. N. DuBARRY. - - ~ Haniaburg, May 16, 1.1364..dtt . ~"; , s t i L vaik. NE W ' A. 1.14: - 14.1*. A, •lio : 1 1. 1- ±_i TMAIDX;TIADIND DAiIIerVOPMEIW - VOK . z 7.. '- , , i.; -: AND. : r''-: ', ; • PHILADELPHIA.:) N AND.. LFITA,MONDAY, Novem bet O 16th, 1863, the Passenger Trains Aria leavictkiisPluti• delpra and Reading Rathisa4.. Depot s : at - HaliriePtuii 1 1 Nem Toik, and Phtladelphie, airE•uowa, viz': • T, A 8.T . 31 7 / 1 - 8 D". • - =Rim . &Kt toms . flarriiiljurg at, &RA .t.: :; sg., rival .f I'M Plniusylvania ttillres4 ittpren Tiihstnisa West, arrivingin bleu Hodear 1_41114. n „kalleaping PAISOke4 ta. iftitteleilPeoritarrithvgittioio =mug in New York at 6.30 P. Ala) islidglkilid4ll•4ll, Eat'. r. wirtiavai ilanikativAos Alai making 4 1 . &w Itorkii# / 0 4. 6 fill Plithuids ll,lll X o 9 r , "' WEST W A AD. PAST LINE Leovltyrri,Mot at 0.00. 1 and ?kilt delpra as. 8.15 erriTinMAßlVOlhiltii 111,4 6 .4 N. • RAH. ?RAU4 'Maces New 4Akk•lt?ll. Wdook,,fcid Plulactelphlu 481111 r bit IlarsAilaug at.E.93 V.ApHESH , THAEN truces klinw-40Si•i8 140. a 4 1 .1 - 4*. riving at littrvinnurg at 2.0:1: a. A.; and icanseaiog with the Paralytics= Express Train tbr• • • I Werpftnit Is also attached to: thiamin. , • : • • ' • Copluxitienenn3-piadent Haniebing with twine On eggpsylliga*,. Nortben t Central and Ctunberland Valley 'ratirtiadg,"and at RelnUni PlutoMpluo, loirrtne, WifitimOstitii, AllentOiyit;'-mumoo, Ao. • • iftioopagt thecited through. Falis_binween New Taris and Harrisburg, $5 15 , between Haniporg socruito - $3 85 in No. I . z eszkend p For tickets oromormW --- datrimply to . wait, c'tent..E ; litEAD1801: SD AIME* ARWASiikEMIEIter. ("BRAT- ?MTN'S LINEDIVRom Ur NORM da Nliethelest Re Pldladelphia, New Mi. deeding, PottavilB3,l4ollool4 ailantuwa ;; Baaton.kc to pain* haveßarrlaborg for Plailidelidda, New vorl Reading, Pelqivtile and all - Intertnallibe stallonsetS a'et„ and " • • Sets Nark enpreint leavd Harriabbrg at air 4. arriving at New .Irork at 8.48 the Cilia day. a epecial Atennemodinion train leaveißead ng at 7.15 a x-, add MUM flakatlk Mires from Raretibirefo New - ,18 WPM*. $3 88 and 62 •60: • Daunts checked Ramat.' Revornhig, leave NeNplerlr, et 6 a 12 noon, and I n. P. . (Anibal* Elia* Weft* glarldrarS 2 i;al Lew rhiladelphla 11361.; IlE4anif Lion' • "fs[fiertag cars In Ilia Neer,Tink RityeetitTrainiArolligli AD Winne passengers by the Canons* e.fps at 8.80 a. N., and 2.10 for' New and all way-pednear—es- -4 P , — ,„ a TWIN Pldl p Lir r i traitAF adelnia, r an Acoommo=lo rain leaves Reading it Lob i.es: aid tetoriailltsa elphia at 6.00 a a. joir,Arl tbpitb.me,.4414.1,12 a'svVdiy.kain - hTiveoPtalsvillii a q., adelplalaat 811101. • . • 0016=016NudPbtl gior talon . 1164PIX0008 1 U101ele at mimed rates lo sad ton all points, t ,,, , 10 P 4911 1 .0 "Ft .1:•:.• Evrtiv.,,3 Si so 1114-40n7 .1 ItAILLKOADS. 1864. • Ptilladeiphla and . Erie Rail . T ' great line traverses the Northern and Northwest anintleiof Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pras.vcrasit RaiLROAD COM. ran, and ender their amplest, is being rapidly opened throughout, itskritirs length. It is now la win ror l'ainenskr , and Freight Waimea , from Nuristan to. St. Mary's (216 miles) on the &worn Division, and from. Shatield' to Elie (78 miles) on the Western Ihvision TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. gin Walt• :.•• 1.20 P. X. Itspreas 2.50 A. . leave Northward. Nail Trithi;.. - P. tr. Ixprotas .... . . .. 3 15 A. IL Oars rulgthrough wrritcarr CHARM both ways on . that* traits bowed* Pbilad4hia and Lock Haven s mud be men Beltheobe•ind Lea Haven. • Elegant Sleeping can on Express - trains both ways bo often Wilbsampors aad thlnarallre. sad Williamsport, and Philadelphia. For infornianon respecting Faisimger business apply at the 8. B. Corner 11th and Market sweets, And for Freight Waimea of the Company's Agents: N. IrMagataa, Jr. corner UM, ana Atsriees. sweet, Fidladelpting e ,: .r. vr. Beyilaids, Erie . • • _ J. IL flew, agent N. O. R. R., Baltimore, . . ,11. H. HOUSTON, ; • • ffesersi Pretpkt-dgent, PIuTA L atiro L somr, - " Genera Tklket Agent fidPs .; '• JO& D, - POTTO, My 21114114 , General Manager; Wilhaiosport. CUMBERLAND VALLEY FRANK - L I N - RA - -114 ROAD S. °sada OF )101:1118.—On and after Mon ' 4 .- 1 PIA A P 4I eh% um ftmeoPF trains will rap '4411y, is Wow, (Sun d ays excepted.:) rta OZUMBARBBEIB 6 CAIN Etialusitale: A. X. Leivinfpricattown 7.00 245 " 17.87 8.85 Arrive tt 6.17 4.2 a Clialnberikult: , , Leave at 8.80 liot /MVO Xi7fPPOUrg 9.00 125. .9.82 2.00 " Carllsl6 ` 556 'lO 10 2.42: o Weehanfiaterg• 6 - 25 10.42 312 , Arrive liairkbars 44 165 11.15 8.40 FOR CHAMBERSBAIIe AND ILiGERBTOWN: , • • . A . N . r. p. 401 1 6t011arglabalt •• • 6.0 k 3.82 420 14clissumbuig 5.i 2A.4 4.54, i r Witte - .;11*. 155 5.29 NeWrille 10. 5.2 ti ShippXLIINIZX 10.88 4.00 Clumthelebai llit r ea ri va le at * '' -711.004.80 11.10 4.40 Leave Ilmeeale ... . ... . ......11. 56 580 Aril*. it Ihygeretaliii 1 ' , alga 6.140 , Agr oknoaatOnimilonz it Harnsterawna4raine ter r lldiaget Kew Vest peg keetoptl ; tata, walk Wax for all atio West, • - " - • Apa~ . l* kaviag Harraie* WOO, /r. rand tatiyeatraraaterfaie.. I LAM*, illueriberabarg, 4ntik4t4Bo4-1y IY4IISIM)A)Lg. EMI GLAVNEWS FOR : THE VNFORTIIN ATE , th' THE lANSB9XFOITP-TOR DISCOVERED IT ITT. , R elined a r t aIIERO KU 114E01 0N! `COMEMINDIED Mit 'ROOTS ; 'WWII AND MIMI. iIkER - OKBBE 1111111111", Bait:eat Mars Din' relic, 4itnte at/ diseases of the w treaty forams, inch as *anti , 4 1 014 ' 4f fhcVollostAlronting4as cr the flikukter;:lillima4 'atiziton of 060 Kidneys, Monetin See Bladder, Btriatoori, `Wand, Med, ,Gamennect, and ft ivecin4 recommended lit Pion eases of ?War dame (or Wafter in females) Were all. tie (dilemma medicines has. farted. , , 101' 4 , ittgrerred in p highly ockoomitm* form, the 4 1 ,10 figy Inking from one to two teeepontwe,twee time Pas d?S _ a=lt s dilal'l44 l1 a Bnd alterative in action; purifying #.otetig9o4o4 o Plaid, flatten*, ,its ; to Sew in. all of itp strigiwitrgitr =OW; g l ualquer 3 g.trom 0/04ite* Atethiolopilninnietrilnali have imineed:diseaw 4: 1 141VABIE I.ll,lMCdt iiirendeelm many or anehd entla the QitaBQNSIB UMW and annual ne Mad** anDjUndiestarialdhaa aandOine basil casektd! Genre l* ,, :Glee; Shaw. Aline se:: Men Ile . . .beta are hosting, -aniellso# wed dirialersib; removing all ; iscalding,: hear, ' Chordal *Alai, initind , of ad burning and alma ,nth endnridilirpahgthint to IMikieleneed with neatly all * Margie — A liefaideita • XI , By the uae4f itte-OMMltille . REMEDY et4l _.... - tirTineedittait itiehaliti) 4rameimproper dieenakee are removed, and tlinwaiii arinapirill i K*atored4 to full -rtig4 and .„,..., C '.e. i .., „... i rnin:p4oo.6. , , lat of phlet:ltoili..7ink dene Mae in the dantry, or write us, and We will mail tree, to any addreen,.a fulltrasthin _ - . _ or y O KE iIViIge4PUROR, lap bottgehtne -07 youte, eta n ,Prioe CHEROKEE -INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or bottles Ottup• flent by express to auy adaress oa receipt of price, ISLAM W.Whillaistiaretystete. i DS. W. R. KERWIN & 00., Sole Proprietors, 110104talli,• fusel• New ,A". I3HEROKEE CURE. THE GREAT - • INDIA 1( COMPODYDZD MORI • ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. soapy awc7fiarlips. Seminal Weak. trecenrent amissioresiMattaii Mama - ow/0 by sett mllut Aims; hick as Loss itf Memory, Unteermi Laminate 'Pam in Me Back, 061411,6 U of Fkrioa, Promiture Old Aga WeskNered, DOW* of Brearkieg, Prembreari Waktgia lens,,Memprisem on Me Mme, Pale Memstesteare, Asiiian4y, sad ail VW Diniflat asnyinibits asseed by. de: Portn4fronitte path qf nanny ; Millhia medicine le a !Ample vegetable extract, undone can rely, aa , kwi been used ' oar practice , . for malty yearn, and with ; thotaande treated , I t has mit • calledta a Angle itudadoe: Its curative powers have been caudicleatwadu vitaoty over the moin'tallbbOrn Lairik, thaws who leave 'llMed with. their couaututiou t until they Wink 'bewares beyond tie, reach gi, timl licKl Would say, /W NW Wet' f the Oixamuni ume do and yips; and alter- all quack don • : afir For ran particulars, get a Cliental . nom , any Drug' Store to the country,. or Amite the Proprietor, who will' tail rase to may one deidriAt the mime; a fell tfeatile iii MiWitiatm 32 per boats, o r thsee bottles Mir 0, and erenrded ...or6llMsefor all vulva of the world. • Awrisufswalliamillable i rpg u r evi rr a r L yy„ WIS (0 OM, • • " gatiniatom uwe WWI i9do NEW ADV ERTIBEMEL'4TS. DYSPEPSIA..: 1864 A Cure Warranted. Dyipep`sict has Me follotbing Symptoms. -lst. A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. . 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Glooicrand Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhcea, with : .griping.. 6th. Pain in all parts of the Ilystem. 7th. Consumptive . Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth.• Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Affectimi, Awid want of Sleep at night. . _ 10th . Loss of appetite and' Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. . Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of DYspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10 N Second street, Philadelphia, Pa.- AU examinations and con sultations tree of charge. Semi for a circu lar. Price per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. - - - DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. I, Mazatlan BRANSON; of Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester ' Del.. do certify that, for one year and a halt t suffered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of ;food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my boWeitt that I would' not have a . passage lees. than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely Ao. give way. 1 had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings, I thought everybody hated me; and I hated everybody; T could not ,bear my husband nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; had ne ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and hOme; I would ramble and wander from place to place, bat could not be contented; a- felt ..that. I was doomed to hell,, and that there wal no heaven for me, and, was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous systein de stroyed, and also my mind from that • awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me - placed in Dr Rirkbride's hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, but- in itifewo days my dreadful com plaint WREL niginvls'butas ever. - Rearing .of the wsuttleffittl wares . performed IDE Dr..Wis hares--4reat .Mifriden Dyspepsia . 4 , 4 .4 and his Vestment Dyspepsia, husband dialleann - Dr. Wishart lila stated my case to bun,: He mid•het/eat:lo doabthenould cure me. So in three 4ays after .1 called and phiced myself under the Doctor's. treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, mil felt that my disease was fast giving way, and 1 continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, and I input sincerely return my thanks to a' merciful God and Dr. Wis. hart, and to-his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine-Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. All persons' suffering With Dyspepsia are at : liberty to call on me or write; as I am willing to do all the , good I can for suffering hu manity. ELIZABETH BRANSON. - Brandywine, DeL,.forMerly of Old Chester, Delaware county ' Pa. • Ds. WtsnesT's Office, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia., DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! Da.ltrols 3, l , —Lhave been' a. constant sufferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which time I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There were times when the symptom's _were more aggravated than at others, and lli n it seemed it would be a great re.: delta die. Lloyd at all timesan unpleasant feeling in my head, but latterly !Sty suabriuga so mach increased that L ban= almost undifor buffneth3 of ny kind; my mind Was nominually 11104 . : with' gloomy thoughts and fore sodium., and if r aiiempied,to change tseir current by reading, at Mule a Musationaf icy aiitddees in cennemtbu with a dead Weight, as, it were, meted ulna lay : brain; also, a ideling of 610UP:ties - would o - cur at the iltdculich, and great pain si my eyes, empanied; with, Wank - was the cuutinind fekr,of losing my reason, I also experienced treatimeitude, debility and nervousness, which made it Maisel& to wall by day r rab ep at nisi* I became averse to society, and thsposed only to • • SOCIIISIOII, and having tried. Sae will of a number of eminent postai he of vartous schopls, fimpkg (=Lie to iheceuclusion that, foi this cilimase at Mrprment age 45 years) . there was no cure in existence. But, through the Ink:abreact' of Divine Provident°, to whom! devoutly offer my Di inks I at last found a soverelerilremedieltryMir Dyspepsia Phis and Tar Cordial, which seem to' hate ieffimmatly removed al. most inelast4raix of my long. HA uf eilmembs.' - and bad &wings, and them place health; Mostar° and'COntent lawn are my everyday companiores. - ' • Ja MSS sAtrNDER.v No. 453 North Second etreen:PhiLtdelptlia, tirmerly, ol Woodbury, N. J. . Dr Wishart's Office No.la Itv rlb' &sena 'Street, Sidle ' delptus. A. POSITIVE CURE. FOR DYSPEPSIA. ELM WHAT Ka. ?OEM H. molcomt SAY& No .028 Obi vs eraser, it Philadelphia, Jaunt y 22d, 1.663. j Da. Women—Hi :—lt. is with much p ware, that I am now able to Lut.diu you that, by the '.se of your great AUmorkall PY8104,61a have been entirely cured of that &lilt , ulairetaing tkimpfalut y Dyspepzia. I had bee.o grl etuusiy alll.cted tor Mt toebuty-eight yearn; and for ton years of that Mini hitye,not, been free f.om its pant one week at a sale . I tiefeTlied It in i Lel Wl.ret form and nave d. gigged ou a milk wile able eki- Leone—hi paiu daralld la ght. Every kind..of tot that L ate fl led me with woe anti ;ado, it ,meat red not Yost tu, or hew anat. the .tuautits A cmitinued belching was bare to followltaid IttiFietitWitik any lauds, of meat, distrera witseo vela, for several niOnUie be. tbre 1. ttealrd of - your Effie, Net 1 beef etas,' wiehud for death t-had taken eVeryt.tuus that 1 bad heard. of Dyapepda, WOltulat reee•Valg ally D. Wit; but Oik your Pill- being riaxiairnetaki to rue ity one wno cured' by them, I cone tided w give Maul a Vial; alit:mush I had ham to teem Ti. •my aaroniuhmfut, I, Wand uiyaelf get,tmg Ueater otfoke I Liao taken on fo u rth o r a cot, and after tagiug bug' a but lam a Well man, and can ea t a '.niorosy I torah, amt en,oy a hearty meal thr. e „ wee a thiy , w ahotot hiconvenienikil front anything I eat Dr drink. Li you 'lima Proper, you arc iiherty to make - Lbte public and refer te we. I will cheertill - y, give all de 'arable information to Arty 'oho irheinay cab tin' e Yours, prepectftilly, JuHN H BAIRXIION. For rate at Dr.. Wiakarva. Medical Depot, No. 10 North Second street ) fliiiissielphoi,4l. nice One , Dollar per box. Sent by mail,free of ohms% receipt o f price. • DYSP E PSIA!S D74l3REpsut - • • itspneet D. Bov enn,, fiave.lbeen v.;at sutlhr r with Cbl'ciiiieDYPl!ePdit sad infiltMtrltion - of• the !limeys aJr three yherir I emlifeyeiftlii4l. Or tOtlrr:of the most mil neutptiyaiciansol randlelphia,nlaro Ballingtonommv - N.-'3. :They Aldan for lap ibex eouid, but ad to -ad lug wait relnitently ; ailed With aw(.i pans inc; as -1148, and.witteciliestemt heft:him of wind - ah-i poor acid MY Mitt" - " 8. entered `with a white - clOstlitg:ofi. Mucus until it cracked In tugs liar/owe, and . •borel Ohl I ofitintel.wisbed for daub t9..reliove me,of my sufferings, for I hid lost ell bowie 'ever 'tieing I made It a' subject of " .Prayer to= Gede ' Svoiild direct we - te' . nomis - phys Cum. snedilda•- at would care me. I was leak:lakisseealLadvalmai. 10401 . Dr, Wisher% In the relifebtAle s tedgert'Or a "Peet eire PRICE:-TYPO CENTS . ritATTIINtINCF Oita - AtLiVMOUNG /I.I.TP—DAILY TIELANI3&PB4,,., i The roll . ,re the raiz ror advertising itittio - Asith inmee. Those yin Olvertating to do will find .1, etst t venien Car reference: ... . in- Four lines or less constitute one:11.11f square, Cfght ;Llnee-itetn four coastittite _von nnx.ottrAos. 004414 . ... 60 two days . 100 Thlso:4lsyis 125 Onesimk... ...... 525 800 Two m0nth5........ 000 Three months - U 00 Six months 15 0 One year 20 0 - $2 20 1011. a Haat 8QC , 411.1. . 311 e day - $ - 80 {Two days—. ...... .. 50 iThree days 15 'One week 125' !One month a 110. ;Two mouths.. 4 50 The meXillba 5 50 Six months 8 00 One year.... ...... —l5 00 iddminlstrattou Halm.... Martino Notices, - Audiences Notliiena - 160 Funeral Notioas each insertion sirßtusineas notices - thinned In the Local Catentk or jbefore Marriages and I'.loattiWitddirr Cxs - ra pan Loa ft" :eseti insertion. • NEW AD* ERTISE RENTS': .Ir-dada upon Mr. John Raiie..ck, of 1028 Olive stree.,-Pthia delphia, by the groat American Dyspepala Pine. 1 went ;to the Voet,r's 001.. e. and planed myself under h neat !Ml6; and told him if he failed to cure me, it would teethe list effort I WHIP d make. It has bee', six w <ks since I icommeneed the use of his mediein an am now awe!! .man, freo from all pain and distress, and can eat three :hearty meals a day with comfort, and feet perfectly well. De. Wishart. I want you to publish my ca , e, as I want every poor dp...peptic suffering as I was, to call on me, and I will ell them of ttil great cure I have Nee red from your invaluat.le tnediein SANIUEL.D. l 3 t:VIE 'i. Corner Venaugn and Lambert streets near Richm tad. street, formerly 'thin Vilightstown, Burka;-ton-county, N. J. - . The above are 'slew among the thousands which thie great remedy has saved from ..n untimely grave. We have thousands of ktters from, sicians and drug gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Coruial , saying :that they have never u-ed or sold a medical which g.ve such universal satisiacti4 at. Prepared only by the proprietor. DR L Q. C WISITART, No. 10 North Secure street., rtagielphia, Ps.- Sold by Druggists ere ywbere. 8mj)I8 eo EVENING emr►on. Wade and Davis Denounced in Baltimore. 13aLumou.E, Aug. 25 The Unconditional Union men, in aconven tion held yesterday, declared that the action of Henry Winter Davis, in joining in the Wade manifesto, meets with their unqualified condemnation; and that its real object wait the defeat of their cherished caudidatew,Lin coln and Johnson; that the manifesto had its origin in the arrogance and presumption of Wade and Davis, which has been evidenced by their course in Congress, and their desire to have their own rule iu national affairs. One of the resolutions reads : hat it is idle to argue with such presumption, arro gance aad aristocracy as are assumed by H. W. Davis, bat that we regard him and his friends as the enemies of Lincoln and John.. son, and that we are his and their political enemies ; that their effort to state the " ini quities" of Lincoln and thus assault the Ad ministration at the moment intense anxiety exists for the safety of all that we hold dear as a people, is de erving only of the most supreme contempt of the honest manses - of Baltimore. From Baltimore. 40 BALTIMORE, Aug. 25 A lot of rebel officers, sense of then, ofhigh rank, who arrived here yesterday, were, not withstanding their detestation of ever.ithitig Yankee, not ashamed to appear in uniform doubtless stolen from the lifeless bodies of our heroic slain. Charles Mullen and Thomas Coltrell, of Philadelphia, were arrested at Buck river, upon the charge of being suspiMous clia ac- ters and being in a bad locality. -They took the oath of allegiance and were discharged. Dlarketi by l'elegre.pb. NRW Yoxa, LiAxgEpt 25 Flour advanced 10c; sales of 14;000`..libls.at $lO/2,1085. for State, and $l2 19 . 6_2113 for Ohio; and $1150(x14 75 for southern. 'Wheat very dull and declined 1c; sales unimportant: Pro visions; Beef dull; Fork heavy •at $3 85® 3 87/. Lard firm. Whisky dull. New York Stock Narkets. NEW Tons, Aug. 25 Stocks are firmer; C. and R. I. nof, Cum berland preferred 574; Illinois Central 1284 Illinois Central bonds 136; Michigan South ern 144; Reading 1334; Missouri 6's 694; one year certificates 94i; Five-twenty coupons 1124; coupon 6s 1091; Gold 254 i. Philadelphia Stock Markets pHmA,l_,Eipm.l, August 25 Stooks fain; Penna. s's lU); Readiug,Rail road 678; Morris Canal 100; Long Island 49; Penna. Railroad 75; Gold 25V; Exchange on New York par. ' COSTAR'S 1) VERB EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERIeIiA.TORE. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. • EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOR& ' EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMIN ATuRS. EXTI,RMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EILTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" ExTßamlNATolis. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERN' [SATOH& EXTEEMINAToRs. "COSTAR'S" ExTERmiNATuRs. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" ESTER-MINA' (JIM EXTERMINATOR.'. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORs EXTNRMINATuRS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERmLNATObs: EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" I.XT ER M L.N A 1 °RS. EXEERMINATO "COSTAR'S' EXTE TE RMI RMI NATORS. EX.NAToRS. "COSTAR'S" EXTEEMINATORR EXTERMINAToRR, "COSTAR'S" , EXT RMINATO,43. EXTERMINATORS. For Rats, Slice, Roaches,Ants, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Moths in Furs , 001r1141, Insects Oil Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "15 years estabilsbettni N. Y.. City," "Only infallible remedies luipwra" "Free from T'oisons." "Not danger:las to the Human Fainily." "Bats come out of their holes to die." fir Sold by all Draggle% everywhere - •I t I Dawaaa I 1 1 of all worthless imitaliOrta. Mr" Doitaie Depot, No. 482 Broadway. N. Y. - AlirSold by D. W . hROSS ekloQ.," Wholesale 114 a retail agents. And by all Druggists In Darvialvov P. - 10410 41fhlig3t1111 $4O REWARD. STOLEN, on the Bth inst.,_from" the linty 0 stable of the subseriner, in Harris nrg, a ROAN MARE, 9 years old 15.% hands high, small star on Dice, black mane and tail; wfiVeliturk on right hind pasture; shows the white of her eyea.Whelt.WOrkitig or.woving her bean; always paces when 'under the saddle. Also, a BUGGY, pirated 'lack, etrip3l, ydritei t lettAM op both side p nos, leather cushion a nd top. also, a set of HARNESS. 940 reward will be paid for the retiiiitkigthe Hare, Hug y and Harmss. or for such infiraz t tion as will lead to their recovery, and the arrest of the tli - er.. - aug9 dtf • • • "4•-F. fI.aI3ESE.--Choice new Opp bid recelVed "(iylBl Balnew.O.VEl!Pl4. • rAMTRY but. , liiptitior fot, of Hoat‘•taiide Soap J. rveevifed.tal. wnl" Burs cfft*Etitq. lA' 0 you Wish ijooil 00141Wiltiso Jai SU =WM 800 • . MMliqh.•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers