.ttegrap4 Q Et ATZEISBURG, PA THURSDAY EVENING. AUGTST tfp. VAL hur lr,'loAlbV Eivr iil!a S.—ALL Attv er ttsements, Business, Notices, Murrtsges. Ace., to secure Insertion in the 'IIIIMEGRAPH, must Invariably be accent. purled trith the CASH. Advertisements .arderett 'ln the regular evening Edition are iti6teleil in the morn ing IdditiOn i vrithont.leXtrlt charge. TOWN AND coux.T.ii v. Go SEE the famous Star Combination Troupe at Brant's Hall, this evening. Sixth Ward Meeting. A meeting of the fluion voters of the Sixth ward will be held at the office of Alderman Cole, on Saturday evening, for, the purpose of nomin sting a candidate represent said ward in the City Council, vice Dr. Win. H. Egle, resigned. . ' au2s-td Go arm the famous Star Combination Troup© at Brant's Mil, this evening. Attention, 'Second. Ward A meeting of the enrollee citizens of the Second ward will be held at the Friendship Engine House, this (Thursday) evening, at 71. o'clocli. The attendance of every individ ual whocan give any information in regard to persons now in the service, is earnestly re quested. By order of the" Committee. 1=2:11 SEE the Lover's Lenp at Brant's Hall, to. night I=l , THE 202 d Regiment is now rapidly filling ttp in Camp Curtin. It is to be commanded by Col. Charles Albright, an able and experi enced officer, and who was Colonel of the 132 d Regiment, Pa. Vol., and 31th Pa. Militia. Large bounties are paid for men enlisting in this Regiment. .2t* SEE the Lover's Leap at Brant's Hall, tin- night. Gvi. COUCH has • re-established his -head quarters at Chambersburg. I=:=3 Thom persons belonging to the Fourth Ward company who received arms and equip ments, will meet at the Hope hose house at six o'clock on Fridey evening, to turn them in. By order of Capt. J. - Wesley Awl. Go Atm SEE Miami, the Huntress of tho aissippi, at Brant's Ball, to:niiht: PlanY of our citizens appear to entertain the opinion that the bill authorizing the city council to boriow money forliounty purposes, has become a law. For the information . of our readers we would refer to the legislative proceedings, where they will learn that the bill did not pass both Houses, and is not a law. Gc IND SEE Miami, the Hunti'ess of the Mis sissippi, at Brant's Hall. to-night. . • ACQI7ITTED. —Mr. ,Tackson Hum es, who was arrested some time ago, on a charge of setting fire to the shop jointly occupied by himself and Mr. Osman, was brought into court, for trial, yesterday, and was acquitted. This in- Illielligenee will be very gratifying to Mr. H.'s friends, many of whom did not entertain a doubt of his innocence. =I A titAGNIPIOF.NT bill is presented by the Star Combination Company for this evening. t. SANFORD'S HALL. -It is easily to be seen that Sanford is at home. Since Monday even ing, the houses have been extraordinarily crowded, and the entertainments produced by him are of the most attractive kind. Sanford is only hero for a period of six nights, as a star. He heads the bills, and none could be more powerful than he to draw full houses.— To-night he performs in burlesque opera, in which he is so famous. Don't forget to'be 'on band, as the Opera House has been jattimed each evening at an early hour. A traGNIFICENT bill is presented by the Star Combination Company for this evening. TUE - PAINTING OFFICES or CHIMITERSBUBG.— From the Franklin Rtpository wo learn that the German Reformed Messenger lost every thing except the stereotype plates that were in the vault. Arrangements are about being made to have the paper published by con tract in the East, until the Ist .of Januarjr next, when the office will probably be re-es tablished either at Lancaster or Philadelphia. The loss is about $40,000. ' The Repository lost all its material and presses, besides $2,000 worth of paper. The subscription list and ledger only were saved. The loss is about $7,500. --- The Valley Spint lost everything but the subscription list and receipt books. Loss fug) , $5,000. ' %Loom . to Miss Fany Denham ! She pears, with sew songs, at Brant's Hall this evening. Macuarroma Grem:—While the great topics of the day, the War, bounties, prices 'of sub stitutes, premium on gold, etc., are being discussed by those interested (pecuniarily) in those subjects, there are other matters worthy of the attention of the public, prom . - inent among which we notice the time-hon-, ored custom of presenting tokens of respect to our friends. At the present time, iihen so many resort to caning by way of exhibitint their friendship, we would remind hose in terested that a large assortment of magnifi cent canes are on exhibition at the establish.. sent of M. H. Lee, on Market street. Canes of every description can be found there, at prices to suit the times. They have been manufactured expressly for presentation coo- - easione, and we would advise our, patrons 'to call and see them. I=l %moms to Miss Fany Denham ! She appears, With new songs, at Brant's Hall, this Girelaing. Wsm;n r:z 4 Clerk In a store. clFe 7011 re commended can find constant employment. iEnquiro at this once . • Do not fail to see Mr. Hanehett, the cele brilbpa TragOinN 41 0 1 2 ' B "' great character of Connor O'Kennedy, at Brant's Hall, to-night. CANTEIIBtrRY HALL— Trolnut St., between 2d and 3d.---Don't fail to see. Ned Wray's Trick Pantomime to-night. I=2El Do not fall to see Mr. Hanchett, the cele brakl Tragso4an, in his.great obsrisql,er of qpnlior Chlenriedy, at Brant'ii Hnliailkight I=l=l Bois bianches of the Legislature adjourned sine die at eleven - o'clook to-day. Many of the members are already en route for their homes. ' Ettlasla= county Court convened in the vasement of the M. R Church in Chambers bury, on Monday last, but adjourned without itransacting any important business. Go AND SEE Miss Fanny B. Price, the queen of tragedy, in the new drama, at Brent'a Hall to-night. WE lgarn that Captain Fetan's company is to be color company of the 201st Pennsylva. nia regiment. The men will make excellent soldiers. - = A Banta Dows.—A wagon which contained a very large steam boiler, broke down at the crossing of Third and Market streets about noon to day, and several hours thereafter the broken vehicle and its load remained there. WANTED—In a store, 'a boy between 15 and 18 years of age. He must be able to . /ring good recommendations. None other need ap ply. For further particulars inquire at this office. tf Loam.-4 deed for a lot bought at Treasur er's sale in 1862, was lost ieicently some where inllarket street. It is of no value ex cept to the owner, and the finer will please return it to this office. tf MILITARY RELIEF Forro.--The regular monthly payment to families of volunteers will be made on Friday afternoon, August 26th, between the hours of four and six, at the Sheriff's Office in the Court House Parties interested will please be punctual in attend ancsei GEO. BERGNER, 0, EDWARDS, Sec'y. President. ELME is a specimen of the song most popu lar among the hundred day soldiers: "You shan't have any of my sardines, Of my sardines, of my sardines, You shan't hare any of my sardines, When your sardines are gone. -.. . Yon shan't have any of my cold beans, Of 'thy cold beans, of my cold beans, You shan't have any of my cold beans, When your cold beans are gone." =CZ= IMMENSE AZIRACTIOXT—Tht War.W7 ioOp on the MissOsimi.—To-night.there will be a rich treat placed before our people, at Braitt's We are to be favored with a new and. original drama, entitled Muer, Tas Hurrrntss OF TEE MISSISSIPPI, in which the auditors will have a retrospective glance at pioneer life us it was in the days when the war-whoop was heard in the West. The manager has incurred great expense in fitting up this play with mag nificent scenery, costumes, &c. The cast comprises some twenty-five characters, which' have been distributed with the greatest care. The beautiful tragic queen, Miss Fanny B. Price, will appear as Miami, the Huntress, and as Madame St. Aubert, two prominent charac ters; and Mr. Hanohett as Connor Oliennedy. Mr. Rouse, as the " proprietor of a show," will furnish amusement fer the audience. This grand play comprises the greates variety of characters ever seen in one piece in thii city, and we ex.pect to see an immense con course of citizens wending - their way to the hall at an early hour. We are gratified to announce that our %leo pie's favorite, Bliss Fanny Denham, will ap pear to-night, asNelly O'Neil, with appropri ate songs. This is Miss Denham's fAst ap pearance this season, and she . will receive a hearty welcome. A We would say to every reader, do not fail to go to Brant's Hall to-night, and witness an entertainment never equalled Secure your seats at Bannvart's Drug Store. Go AND sss Miss Fanny B. Price, the queen of tragedy, in the new drama, at B rant's Hall to-night. =MS COURT PROCEEDDIOS.--The following cases have been tried since ovr last report, with ths result indicated: Jackson Mimes; arson. Acquitted. - James Boyles;.aysault and battery. Guilty.. Fined f 5 dollars, and to remain in custody. Mrs. Border; larceny. Guilty. John B. Mears and Peter Stroop; conspi racy to break lail. Plead guilty and submit. 'Jetty Antrim; keeping a bawdy house.. Guilty. The Grand Jury found true bills in the fol lowing ca-,es: John R. Mears and Isaab Sell, conspiracy to defraud (on oath of Captain Reichenbach;) Mary Lehman, adultery; Richard Reeser, as sault and battery; James Davis, selling liquor to minors'and on Sunday; George W. Davis, assault and battery; Augustus !Caber, cruelty to animals; Jonathan Hess, false pretence; Herbert Bell, larceny; John Winters and Hen rietta Winters, bawdy house. Fon SALE—An elegant building lot, situat ed on Third street above North. _2l feet front by 131 feet in depth, running to a 20 feet wide alley. For particulars enquire at attg-dtf THU MICE. 200th Regiment Pennsylvania Volun teers for Oae Year's service is filling up very fast,. ; All officers recruiting for this regiment will put the No. of-the regiment {:4ooth) on the enlisting papmwrend rolls. O. Divan, late Idaj. of 'the Penis. Reaerres, t riii oom mmd.crid the regiment to the aeld, end a more brave and oompetent officer never en tered the service.: ::All information concern ing the' egiment can be obtained 10p:oiling on or addressing Z. Orem, Rearnitir ig Officer, Regimental Headquarters, on Thi rd street, adjoining Herr's-Rotel, Hatriablug, Pa. an /17-taepl Voludteers ,Wanted, . . For the 'First City Zotiaves.” Tend of ser vice one year. The higheitt cash bounty paid, in addition to $lOO government bounty. Call at company Headquarters—Exchange Building (up stairs,.)Walnnt street,- Hairris burg, Pa. JNO. S. BITZER, Captain. Lochiel Greys One Years Service. A few more men wanted to fill up this or ganization. $5OO local boulity paid. $lOO Government, making $6OO bounty. lien will go to camp and draw uniforms as soon as mustered in. , Rally men, and avoid the com ing draft. Headquarters, Walnut street be tween Third and Fourth streets, Harrisburg, W. A. DEAN, Capt. Lients. Theodore G; Thomas, Recruiting Officers. au9-tf The Best Way to Avoid the Draft Enlist in the new infantry regiment now forming for one year's service: $525 local bounty, $lOO Government bounty. Serve with your friends and neighbors in a company of your own choice. Recruits will immediately upon enlistment be mustered into the United States service, and receive subsistence and clothing. Recruiting office at the Court House, Harrisburg, Pa. JOHN T. ENSMN. GER, Captain, Late Lieut. Co. A, 127th Reg. P. V. Wrrzwit J. ADAMS, Mustering Officer. angls-tf SPECIAL NOTICES. Kromer's (11pham's) Hair Dye 50 CENTS A BOY. Boxes larger than Dyes that sell for $l. NATURAL, DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL. Wausarrrao to please. This article has been thoroughly tested by Da CHILTON of New York, and Professors Booth and • Oarrett of Philadelphia, who pronounce it free from all poisonous ingredients, and the material com posing it will not injure the most delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers uverywhere. JNO. J. BICOSIER, , SoIe Proprietor, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Drunkenness Cured. The inebriate may now bid defiance to thl3 tempting cup. Dr. Zane's antidote for strong drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong drink, and can be patient. admis _tered without the knowledge of the Descriptive circulars sent. to any address. For sale by all respectable druggists in the United States and Canadas. Price sl per box, or packages of six boxes for $5. JNO. JAROMSR, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Rand s g Specific. The oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure of Spermaorho3a, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Power, Sm. This medicine has stood the test of over thirty years, and has always proved a success.' Dr. RAND'S SPECIFIC is ekhibited in the' form of pills. made up entirely of substances that have a specilie effect upon the generative organs. Most persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking, any kind of pills. The SszUrfc pf Dr. Rand is not intended as au evacuating ne. Its medicinal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. The pills are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persona masticate them with impunity before wallowing them ; which plan we would al ways recommend, as affording the speediest way to get the effect of thf remedy. Price sl"per box, or six boxes for $5. Sold by drug&ts everywhere. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, 403 ahestnut St:, Philadelphia, Pa. ang2s-dly Military BlWA4lo.llegi Attended To. Botany, Pension, Back grfir o Subsistence and billitery and War Obdron, generally, nact out and collected. Per Sons residing eta distance,cattlhave their business trans acted by mail, by addreseing - EUGENPNYDER, Attorney-ut4sw, et 7417' *bfrd Wee:. Rarrisbars Pe coLospws HONEY SOAP. This oelebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal de. wand, to made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient Mks nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneilelal in its action upon the iddn. Ike sale by all Druggirm and Fancy Goode Dealera jan2s-deirly DO YOU WISH TO BE UIIRED I DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH spsctric PILLS cure, in leas than SO days, the wont cases of NERVOUSNESS, Irapotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness. Insan ity, and. all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no matter from valet cause produced Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-p-dd by mail, on o ipt of an order. One Box will perfect the cure in most cases. Address JA WKS S. BUTLER, 1y154181w3m General Agent, 429 Broadway, N. Y. ' QELLENG of Summer Goods at low prices; kpl such es Summer Dress Goods, Lawns, Sun Umbre llas Lace Shawls, and Summer thuwla We have .also on hand a very largeessortment of Molina, Whoa, Ging hams, Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Black Pudd hilks White Osmbrics, Phdresied French Gambrica, White and Colored Flannels, and in fact an a- sortmeut of dry go.,ds not surpassed by any. To all of which we invite those who wish to purchase, and promise to sell at lees prises than we can replAce them for again. As all kinds of dry goods are advancing every day, now la the time to buy. .IYI6 & Luwr. • A CARD TO tHE SUFFERING. Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Socha," "Tome Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervels Antidotes," gte., ha, Am, and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S MULISH. SPACI. no PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor in leas than thirty days: -They are purely vegetable. pleasmt to take, prelim' and salutary in their ellbcts oa toe broken down died etusteredoonstitutlint 1)14 and young cart taue them with advantage. pipe:Net and sold in. the United States only by -'- - - BUTLtit, No. 421 Broadrtsy, 'lsar 'Tort. Jar Agent tor the Un , ted etatea P. 5.—A Bos of the eats, securely packed, will be retailed to any address on receipt of price, whiobrisiniE OLLatt, post-paid—money lammed by the Agent if esOre satisfaction is not gitien. .171641f01ni, A WORD. TO TEE WISE. Th er o no, peed of any person having the 'Dignitary, larione lay. All I aallroc, to y my .Dtm_ *AV Pild*: Only 26Alenta a ti,i) 7 - ;t4 very pleasant, to talre;-east tseVverftll'asti, ISY lip went great, co:O -dense. It 694 cured" very bid gispk, kind duo bf lone. gaming Nis lades .! worth: Piepared and sold only by Mrs, le Ball , South Pine street, Harrisburg. jr,l4-dtf "A Slight Cold"' Coughs. Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or "maize cow , ' in jia drainage; twit tibial iu the be &Mug would yield to a mild rw.nedy, it n. slimed, soon attacks the tuna Bronchial Trochee give sure and almost inuatadaid relief Military ( Owen and Soldier: ahoidd have ars, as they can be carried in the pocket and taken as occasion salmi es. auglU-cti*lm EMMA , latsas►ra Lorar'S'ir:— Wan y...ur pernii`eal - oh I wish to say to the reauers of your paper that i viii Saud, by return mail, to all who wish It (free , ) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegeutb.e Bairn, that V 1. 41 et foGiumiLy rena.ve in teu do) a, Punples, Blotches, Tau, loriallos; sou all Impurities of the Wu, Moviske thd Maio soft, solar, amovth and tastitlfulL will labs) mall iree to More baying Bald Readoor Bare Faces simple affections and infutmation that will enable them to start a full growth of Winnow. Nair, %Inciters, or a Moustache, in lea than thirty_daya. All applscattona answeroa by roan Inn , without c h arge . *eaprotnilly yours •• . TAN. 1. ONAPILAN, Chemist, • .17U-di:want - 881 Broadway, New York. Banzavarths Troches. For the cure of RoarsenpA Throat Dis eases, &0., are speciadly •recommended to ministers", singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak. in public. Manufactured only by C. A. .8,..be vart I Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all or,iers should be addressed. -old by druggist. every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: Haninseuno, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. BANNVAIV—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable spealllo for public speakers and singers, in mines of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I Lave found tb.encserving in time of need, most - effectuAllP Tours truly, T. B. ROBINSON, Pastor of N: S. Presbyterian Church. agree with Mr. Robinson as to the mine of Bazurvart's Troches, W. C. CAT ELL ate Pastor of 0. B.° Preabyterian Church. ffeitRISIMEG, JAIL, 1 8 64. To C. A. B,►xxvaar—Derr Sir: Iu th habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are -.fury much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expect° , rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Trochee. I consider them very far impfrior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent nee, and impairing tit effectiveness of the delivery of public WI - dresses. Yours, Jec. JNO. W ALK= JACN i SON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. Rourvezr—Dear Sir; Having uses your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in reoommendin' g them to allparsons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness in voice arising from public speaking, or singing Yours, Ac.. G. G. RABESTRAW, Pastni'of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT Arroniures 03710 E, HAIMISNCIEG, Feb. 29, 1864. To O. A. Baxx►isT—Dear Sir : I s have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles Of thd throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene qt to allzpnblio speakers. A. J. lERR Vt. Afirl'S. Agehts Wantra 1 TIN EVERY COUNTY to sella new article J. thstieverybody smuts, Three buridied . per cent, guaran- Seal. No capital roluired. Address aug234130 0 J. 0 TILTON. Pittsburg, Pa. Shoemaker Wanted! TO work on a bench in a store where he will he pl. asantly situated, and wages good. App yat 13l East Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. alg23-d2w* JOHN HOSES. WANTED I AGOOD GIRL immdiately. Liberal wages Family of two. Apply at J. B. EWING'S LAW OFFICE, Third Street, 4th door alyme Patriot & Union Mee aut2o-da WANTEDI = Three or four HOUSEIC4II- PENTERS. Apply te W, 51. 13 44 . augleHitf Corner Sixth and. Walnut streets. WIX/ANTED—At $l5O per Month.—Wa want .. a reliable Canvasser in every county. We have &gime making $l5O per month which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Address - JONES BROS. it CO., Jy2B-1m Baltimore, Md. GOVERNMENT SALES, &C. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF FICE, FIRST Dtnazox i WASHINGTAIS, D. C., Augu-t 17, 1864 I Will be sold at Public Auction. to tha higleest ladder, at tilesboro, D. C., on FRIDAY, AUGU ST 26, 1864, ONE HUNDRED TO ONE HUNDRED AND FI.FTT CAVALRY HORSE& These horses have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of the army. r road and farming purposes many good bargains may be bad. Horses sold singly. Terms cash, in Usitel States currency. By order of the Quartermaster General. • JAM 1C,9 FKIN, aulB-td] Colonel in charge First Division Q, M. D. AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR DEpsannix; CAVALRY BUREAU, onnas OP CRISP QtrARTRRPFASPER, WAsunieroar, D. C.,' August S , mot WIL be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the times and places named bo• low. viz: Reading, Pennsylvania, Thursday, August 18, 188 1. Altercate, Pennsylvania, Thursday, August 26, 1864. Leb nun Pennsylvania, Thursday, September 1, 1864. • Rarrisburg, Pentarylrania, Thursday, September 8, 1884. TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry Horses at each place. These Horses have been condemned as sail for the Cavalry service of the Army. For wad and farm purposes many good bargains may Oe bpd. Horses sold United MHZ: CASE in e Mite'sGe, creasy. JAMES REM . . auB-dtsB Le, Dol. lad M. - Cavalry Burm.. THE DAY & BUSHNELL MINING COMPANY 20 EXCILLNCIE PLLOB, NEW YOEK. THE attention of the public is called to the advantages offered by thin company for Profitable Investment. The extent and value of its O. 0 L I) MIN E. coupled with its. promos for working them, make it the most desirable property ever offered to the public. Detailed information in regard to its extent and pros. peels can be had at the office of the undinitigied, agent of the company, who win receive subscriptions to stock. JOHN W. RAIL, Agt., Onteo Third street, near Walnut, Elarrisbarg, Pa. augfrAilistawlm • Special d Election. TN compliance withwthe charter of the city 1 of Harrisburg, mail) is hereby glv n to the qualified voters of the B.xiti Ward in said sit), that a Spec al Elec tion will be held at the MAWKaT HOUSE in verceke :Area, in raid city, on WIWNIcBDAT AUGUST 31, lask for one person ?Oa MEMBER OF COMMON COUNCIL to fill the unexpired tore of Dr. William H. resigned. B&RNARD CAMPBEL. , ; Cldei or Poiice. August 16, 1884. [t8419.41 :to FOR SALE, A • • TEN-HORSE pOwer steam engine and boiler, steam pipes, water pipes, pumps and he .tor complete; oscillating engine and cyl.nder boiler, manufac lured by Joel Wellman, patent improved oscillating en gine builder. May be seen at Canal shops, foot of Walnut street, Harrisburg. For terms, sc., enquire at Canal. office, Market street, near United States Hotel:. Hssarmiusa, July 23; 1884 • .1311.tf S?ICED caSl'l33.S.—hxtra tine Baltimore oysters, spiced, Justli3ceived st .LY/8 BOYER & ICOERPER. ALL kinds of hauling with wagons or carts will bn promptly dune by calling an Jat.Os BRENNER, IY2I Amer of Second street and 110.110 W Lane. PWALE LAII,D.Fitty firkins fine kettle rendered. URN for salt by the firkin or pound, Just "vett et WM • - BOYER & RORKPER. WALNUTS, CUAIINUTS, FILBERTS. Foraatewhelaii& at _ `;BIOZILER & FRAZER, olOttellen to W. Dock, Jr., & 00, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. MBE Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that subscriptions will be received for Cou pon Treasury Notes, payablothree years from August 15th, 1864, with semi-annual interest at the rate of seven and three-trriths per cent. per annum—principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity into .six per cent. gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty years frorditheir date, as the Government may elect. They will be issued in denominations of. $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000, and all subscriptions mast be for fifty dollars or some multiple,. qt ; fifty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the Owners free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original CertificAts of De posit as they can be prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note. to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol lars and upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions for commissions must be made from the deposits. Special Advantages of this. Loan. IT is A NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK, offering a higher rate than any other, and b st security. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country, and it cannot pay in• anything better, for its own assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in government paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent investment. lhe notes can al ways be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated interest, and are the best security with banks as collaterals for dis counts. Convertible into a 6 per Cent. &•20 Gold Bond. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent. per annum, for the current rate for 5-20 Bonds is not less thati nine per c-nt premium, and be fore the war the prenuum on six per cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent. per annum. . its Exemption Irom State or Municipal Taxation. But aside from all Inn advantages we have enumerated, a speciatact of Congress exempts all bonds and T, easury "toffs from local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent. per annum, according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great inducements tiilendere as those issued by the Government, all other forms 02 indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate com munities, only, is pledged tor payment, while the whole property of the country is held, to secure the discharge of all. the obligations of the United States. While the Government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people Sussonamoss WILL BE RECEIVED by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washing ton. the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by all the Na tional banks which are depositaries of public money, and all respectable banks and bankers throughout the country will give turther in formation and afford , every facility to sub scribers. • [aul9-d&w►2mn SA:LEO OF' tilk:AL .IiSTATE. Providence Farm AT P.UBL IC SALE On Friday grptember 2, 1864. HAVING determined to relinquish busi se s, the undersigned WI I offtr for sale, on the p ...wises, in Lower Allen township, Cumberland county, reneeytrautti, on the Gimp-ou road, one mile e •at of Me ctualiceibum and teteu miles welt of Harrisburg, the fol lowing %shuttle real estate : A 'near OF LIM, welt known as P ovi knee F..rca." contaiuhig 96y, aerea,ave of which are well cor. red with thriving tanner, and liteliantuce are in a high slate of oaf &allot' and un..er good fencing. The improvements consist of a large new TWO-S TORY BRICK DWEFLYNG, Wash House, Bank Barn, a Tenant House with all nves a ,ry outbuilding& There are aiao two wet a of never failing water, and trim large cisterns near the building, with a tine young APPLE. AND PEACH OECHABD on the premises ; besides a great variety of email Fruits, men as ('rapes, Plums, Years, Cherries, &e. Me im provements on Lids property we entirely new, awl of the moat approved style. The ts..d is of superior quality, and its proximity to a liourialting town mi.der• it one of the most .ealtuele homes in Cumberland Vs ley. Persons dtsiriug to view this property previous to the sale, whl picase Celt eh the subscriber, LeS.Chilg on the premises. tor r. ale to commence at 1 o'clock r. when terms win be made anywn by JUNKY G. ktUPP. ana23-otee. 1 PUBLIC SALE. ON FRIDAY; SEPTEMBER 911 t, 1864, TLLE subscribers, agents for the heirs of Frederick Wonderly, Sea., late of 'Mechanicsburg, Pa.,dec'd, will se ll on the Maniacs the followlus valuable real estate, viz: A tract of Limestone Land containing 67 acres and 63 perches, all clear, in a high state of cultivation and under good fencieg located in silver 4`. pram township, Cumner land county, Pa., two miles West of Mechanic...burg, near the road leading from that place to Carlisle. The antgrie ve• meats are a good • 2 WO-ST(l"ff HOUSE, A GOOD BINS BAIRN; wagon stied, corn crib, and all other necessary outbuild ings lih•.re are also two welli of never-failing water on the !arm, Sie - of which is rem* the doer; an orchard of aisle° iruit, and a Limekiln on the premises The laud has been all limed. fhe proximity of this property to the entorpleing town of Mechanicsburg, always alfording an excelient market for the products of the farm, 1 enders it 14.1t1y desirable. At toe same time and place, a tra t of Mountain= Land, situated in Sillyer spring township, Cumberland county, containing 10 acres and 14 perches, easy Of access. Persons dashing to view the property previous to the sal whilikeim mut on tmorge Wouaeny, iesieiog on the term, or W. IL Wouderly, r sluing iu Mechasucaburs.. Sale to commence at S o'clock, P. m., when terms will be made known by " GEORGE WuNliikeLY, W.H.WO.NIIe.k.i.Y. Agents for the heirs of J. F. Wonderiy, dec'd. atils-dtsep9 FOR SALE. _ . TOTE the undersigned offer sale, a lot with Lwo Wawa meted tber.ou, to the borough Of Wapitis', on inn nd. Of eepte s.ber. at S 7. M. lento, to suit purckaaere. base to take place at We booze of C.' & H. GEIGER. .au,to-deod:3w• • 11KAUQUziBURS, PENNS k L Vahl HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT, 1 mattitiannan, August 18 , 1e64. f MBE STATE MEDICAL BOARD of Penn _ .". sylvaulit will meet in Pittsburg, on MONDAY, the 21,,,ti day of August, 1.1164, and contioue during Ole week, to examine elimidates for Me post of Medleid oaken, in Pennsylvania noattnetus. ro.)sidauir of Penns) lOWA, in good health, furnishing aubtacwry teatiMonisla au to moral ehatacter, &0., will be admitted to the cltiluailittioll. The room in which the examinatiog will les held will be Indicated in chiptutpurg inure log parrs, on the day ot meeting. By order of the Governor, JUSEYIL A. PEMILLIPS., Buft49ll- Gesketil aal64ita • • Pennsylvanlii. rfflifEf3E--Choiee new crop Cheese, just V received st_ 161113Lbit & FRAZER, AT &Wawa - W,DPdr, 7r.,11 Co' AMUSEMENTS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S. HAL. TENTH . ..WIGHT OP Rouse's Star Combination Company, Base's Stir Combination Company, Rouses Star Coal/lotion Company, lap The manager has the p'oisura of announcing that on this THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 24. There will be presented, for the first time, the Thrillleg Dream, entitled M I A M I; OR The Huntress of the Mississippi ! In which the QUEEN OF TRAGEDY, Miss Fanny U. Pries, Will appear in two characters. FIRST APPEARANCE OF THE FAVORITE HISS FANNY DEN HAM I The whole onnpany In the piece KrForfanher particulars see programme aug9- tf SANFORD'S HALL. FOURTH NIGHT OP S. S. SANFORD, WllO Will appear in his groat Ethiopian Character of GUMBO CUFF! fu the great Opera of the Rivals, ke. , Stc., &c ON THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 25 MirkAV EVEs'ING, SANFORD'S BEN1:11T. rTtHri company consists of the best star pet formers, oorssistiog of SINGERS, • DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, &O. The marker takes pleasure in announcing 'kat they intend making Hai THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS s Co., hoprletoru Buss , Poem, BUSinedh dEPrit. jyitt CANTERBURY HALL. WALNUT STRE.ET, BELOW TRIED. Propt tater .... Business Agent.... Stage Manager Leader of Ox cheater Treasurer .... . . OPEN every night with a first-class com my of male and female artistes The perform ance embraces every variety of legitimato ranumment, each as SINOING, MUSICAL FARCES, DANCING, COMIC OPKBAS, PA ' QYIM&9, NEGRO COMICALITIE!., - • BURLESQUES, AND JESTS. Admission, 25 cents. fiesta in private boxes 50 cents. Don a open at 7. To commcwo a 8 o'clock_ jylodtt MILITARY IVOTICES. THE BEST WAY AVOID THE DRAFT ! VaNLlef•'V IN The New Infantry Regiment! NOW FORMING FOR ONE YEAR'S SERVICE. FROM $450 TO $5OO LOCAL BOUNTY! $lOO GOVERNME!T BOUNTY! 'These are the highest bounties paid in this city. SERVE with your friends and neighbors in a company cf yo::rown choice. Kocruits will Imme diate y, up n enlistment, b must red into the U. S. set. vice, and receive eubsibtence and clothing. Recruiting office at the Court House, Harris burg, Pa. JOHN T ENSMINGER, captain!, Late Lieut. Co -JO frith Begt . P V. WILLLtat J. ADANa t Mustering Offices. augl2-dtf HEADQUARTERS FOB DRAFTED MEN , SUBSTITUTES. EMI VO LAUB T.EL RS, 115 South Seventh St., Secondfloor, Room No. 10 tar Trailed Men from tho City or any part of the State will be furnished with cubstiattes at nhort notice, and on liberal to, ma. Jar Men Enlisting, either as Substitutes or Vohinteers, • ',I receive tbo la pet boon les, which will be pod : to tbvm in cash as soon as ITlUStelod in Ayents will be liberally paid at this Office W. 1.0 HAVENS. Philadelphia amyl JJIIIO/VIULT I aul3•tf Ilibeitai dud ti &mutable Discorery. HI L - 1. ON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT la of none general prat:wail Willy ;ban any Invention now befOre the ADM. It has neon thoroughly towed tunny, the lion two yearn by practical nen, and pronounced by all to be SUPEIZIOS TO ANY tdheaive Propirationa known. applicable to useful Arta in eder's IssouniLs Guise is a new , bin& and the result of yearn of ssuly; ins combination la on A oew thißt Scientific Principles, und ander nc circumstances or dowse of temperature, wit) le tie nine oorrapt or omit any °fens/ire Ita eombicauon BOOT 4WD BMOC" slanufacturere uweg, liactattes, tam tad tt the beet drtitde kiown ad ementtng for the Chasm* tt works without detay, is not affected by soy aange of tempernunt...! soot and Shoe Man anietozom JEWELERS' 7111 find It sufficiently adhesive los' aelr IWO, as has been proved. J-weiera Ris Ilspeciaily adapted to Leather, tad we calve as. an especial ast. it Welts Patches to Boota me l :hoPP qaagentlY strong wi th out ititobiag. • LIQUID C E MEj2 Nig a ugntd that Is agars chin, for -suppl ing - ' fornliaze, Crockery, siva, Bo* ham ted articles of Rowlett°ld one REVEllitEft HILTON'a Iltramumi Cassie M in s ligald form out ,an essay .p plied am paste. Brimos's iNiitll4lllp. Csomok insoloole irk water or taL SitffloM'a broos.roms Comm* ♦dberps olly sabstancoo Remember Supplied in Family or liamdke urer's Package' from 2 mamma t 0.1.00 KELTON BROR Oes Protiriatork P riividemes L Apatala feis4a7 J, 11. DONN .101 C MILL ANDY WILiJA.i.. HARRY RICATArigH J. G. RibLEtt It le the only LUNG & RAG/NM%
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers