.1311AMPEL.L.; MACLAY, TrOitNEZAIM&W. - --Patriot and Union mr sbot tazz t iwt of to all mylo-416m-eod - Thoiikas C. MacDowelt ~ . A.4.t 01 , XI o,l••Al,''t,:ji a. w. OWE EN THIRD _: 8T.,. Braimit FINE. • " . • : AAR/MUM, PA. • ..iittmanner of Militate Claims promptly attended to, and claims cofleetedagainst tneGeneral or State GoYernmente, either in Congress, the Court of Claims at Washington city, or at Harriebilig, without en delay and on moderate terms. ap29-dSnt , . , . . ' • A. C. — SMITH, AVVCittifitUlt - AT S- LAW, ilErklremovectiCts Office from Third to *al. .h.a:iitM: street; steitt.to• the Prison:" All business in: trustee M him will receive_prorupt and careful attention. NEW., GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. • BOYER . /4; KOERPER, WHOLE BALE AND RETAIL DEALERS a GROCERIES, . : .;Queens and Glass Ware ) AND ALL KINDS OF OOUNTRY RAPE just Opel/eds. large and well selected I I !hock or goods at their stand, No. 8 Market Siputie, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the , public generally. pole-dip, JONES HOU.,SE,. Oorner of Market street and Markel Square, HARRISBURG PENNA. ' CHAS. H. MANN, -.• • Proprietoii nottatf -- sTATE - GAJEITAIt ROTEL; CORNER OF 'I7DEEII AND WALNUT STREETS, . HARRISBURG; PENNA. undersigned having purchased this well Known house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated ' The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire eetalishment elegantly re-furniaked. Being plea.. Amity and eligibly located, and proVided' with every eon venienoe, it otters to the public all the oonalbtits and Imp lies of a first class hotel. Trusty and obliging servants slays attendance, A bar well stocked" witli.choice "liquors is attached to the establishment. daHdly . W. a. pOMPSON, Proprietor. THE 'UNITED STATES HOTEL, , HARRISBITRG ) PA. . . „..p, U. , HUTCHISON, Proprietor. tr well known Hotel is now"in a Condi . tios to aocommodate the waiving public, affording e meet ample conveniences alike fovine transient guest mid thepe_rmanent boarder. ... _ ~_ _ VIM UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely reAt led throughout, end now hag accommodations equal: In. extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between nibs:lel.' elapiti and tal, t r us tr n trg. y lts locat access i n o all is t lh e e berd ow i i n de t po he ta !tate and la clam proximity Wall the public offices and busman 10. cantles of the city. Rims now all the conveniences Of Li .4 JPIEST"CLASII,IIO,II., latiMar Proprietor 'la determined to spare neither ax poulv time or labor to.enfrure the comfort of the giants.' The patronage of the traveling public la respectfully nail sited. . jell-gtf. • mtsicAL. P-14NOFOETES, MELODEONS, SUET MUSIC, VIGLINS,,FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, , SITINNGS, DRUMS, FIFES, and all kinds of MUSI CAL, MERCHANDISE , PICTURE FRAMES, _LOOSING GLASSES PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBUMS, AM BRO. TSPE G . _ ,SHR ENGRAVINGS, PICTURE.S, aiEL, AL,C '.liedierabor he place; SILAS 'WARD,', If Third • • thelorlsestlfurio Store this aide of thogroat'citioc.• MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, . 3 TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND TH2 ONLY GOLD MEDAL-(ever won by Instrnments of this claw) has been awarded to MASON it HAMUN'S INSTRUMENTS. A full assortment of thole instruments always on hand Vt W. SSOGRE'S, Sale Agent, je44tawly] 93 Market Street. A. P. TEUPSER, TEA ER OF M USI p. Orsioa AT WARD'S MUSIC STOW. • • 12 N Third &red. Sondem Third street, above North. dl5-ur 1411. PHEWS. •DAILY I4NE BETWEEN .1 1 1 1 11.1LIDELTII*9 Look gave, Jersey Shore, Milliamiport, Alan ay, Uniontown, . Wattontown, Dlilteat Lewisburg, Northumberland, Ban. bury, Treverton, Georgetown, ' Lykenstown, Mathis, Dauphiß, AND 11ARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally . located, .the drayage will beat the lowest melt The : Conductor, goes throngh with each train to attend to thsi isafedellvery.pf all intrusted to the line. Goode delivered at the, de. ,pa of W,„UsLIAM E. BURK, 813 Market area, philadelphia, by 6 o'clock r. et, will be delivered in Fier Msbarg the next morning. Irsalight Always as Low as by Any Other ' l ' .1013. MONTGOBIERY.A CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot s s 4f ittsot pt Marketatreet, Harrisburg. . • - NEW L.114,V01t .STORE. IMPORTANT TO LANDLORDS AND &HERS —.The undersigned offers at wholes atei to 'Llesinule, a choice lot of the beat liquors ever brought to Harrisburg, French Brandies, Holland Gins, Scotch, I •A, Bourbon, Wheat and Old Rye Whisky; Poriegn and Dbsaadc Wines, Such as Champagne, Claret, Catawba, tea Ali liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords and others will find it to their advantage to call and ex amine the 111814 , 011816//t if the -store, on - -ath Second • Meet, two doors below Chestnut, maiden' GEORGE WINTERS .. • • PHOTOGRAPHS. LARGE assortment of Photographs of . Generale and fanny pictures for sale CHEAP, at $1 Ref, doll, - , swiszows BOOK STORE, • •• , 'Harrisburg, Pa • . . - DOOkrr i tooKs,, BUCKSKIN PURSES PORTEMONNAIEB, and a general variety of LEA THER, GOON, hues received at HKEGNER , S BOOK STORE. IPRGLISH BREAKFAST TEA. —Just re -42,1 cowed, a tine aneet - of English Breakfast Tea, at BBLIBLER & FRAZER'S, iStaxissioirs to Wm. Dock. 3n) TAM & PRRINE'S WORCESTER SAIICES, ju the most popular and the purest ever offered to the public, just received and for sale by 1 _ SHISLER .k FRAZER, nibi . (sueosasors to Wm. Dock, Jr. & Co, ~, . , CUT FLY PAPER. ANICE assortment of Cut Paper for esil hap, lookleavarees, Picture frames and gas pipes, ". BCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE, Harrisburg, Pa. A 6 wria FUIT JARS, of the latest Patent (Gitif- Men Teal Paton;) Just rocelyod and for sale low at 1714 BUYER & HaRRPER. SAP SAGO Emglish Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut meg and New York Slam Cheese, just received at SUMER a FRAZER, • successors b W Dock, Jr., & Co,. 11=1 11310KLES I PICIBLEB - I—By the Barrel, 40dI5arral; Jar or Dozen, at SHIBLER iIaRAZICRA ' lituoceasora to Wm. Dock. Jr., A; Co. I= REM OR/101MM. —Boston Wine Mr.. ' ' adts, Bogen Milk'Biscuits, Boston Butter Bis =goon oleter Crackers, Boston Ple : nio Cracker, Batter Ot'ekere, Just received at Rarritft k knienpve. AnALBS. CODFISH, of the oelw bratad.,o4 George brand, Vat recahha 4ra' ji, - EHISLER & FRAZER, ( auccess ore to Wm. Dock. it k Co.) - Soldiers , Poirekl.2. A LIME r a ltmer , it Wet ID •Or (44117; .f _IS g • - -• : -' - • _ _ ELECTIUCITir. D WYETH and CREAK. Eclectic and Electropathito PhYldramsee rfrePeearallY Ogee tivelrprofeerlanal Betel= In all the various branches of the profetidelt, for Ltd tretittnind el iichtd .14 chronie forma of diessah • rammer MM. they employ in the treatment of 441 0 4da zai r MadMdM, Galvadiedd, fllectro-Nagnet- Why the method of Localised movement care, a few linetildnes when deemed necessity, and in feet all *Cala* ontatays sgestalhat may miconsfully be brought to bear upon.the disease, _ They do not wish to be undereteed as arrogating to theinbewee any superiority of prollaspiinal WU, but they . ' believe the remoitlealliey employ In tbettreatment of die else far superior to these generally employed byphysiciana, from the face that they act in perfect harmony with the laws womb!' and controlling the human system. To this. and the fleapit they ditilhie themselves to no par tic or system, they itiribetti their lama i ~ • . The principal airent they employ hi the treatment of disease,pameiy fflectrieity, is an agent wonderful itt its phenomena and powerful Inds effects for good or iIL It is an ever present, aupeinding Yinciple, governing all things, from selling worlds down to the Invisible particles of genesis diaper. We me din the jightningd lath and hear the maniresiatiour of its power in the muttering thunder. It is 'the cause of 'all deconaption, recompo sitiousepalassafonnatios. - It modem& motion. It In the exciting Cabals of fi n fl i towth, decay and death. It pans secretion , curets) Mystics. it lays bold of the crude food in the ~ c onverts it into.a Mote of fin, idity, transmutes itinto arterial blood, sad sends it On de important office of supplying nowitnentmot ..rdlng Oahe necowitics Of the body.. lt is the nerve vital nunit the mat agent , through which the mind acta upon the bodys It is the wunterof all pauses except the grit great' cause. the Muds "Mid whleh created it and brought it into nee These: may appear Hite mere stawdeld, bat, they as. feed admitting of strong and irrodatirdemq. b it then, Co be wondered at, that an agent 11G-WifUl in lte pate nensma, so powerful in its manifeffattondanditnntlnato• ly connected with all the operations of the Inman syn. tem, should be shmat absolute in its power. or controlhas _eel , Certainly not. It , is a z , natura l ' and 'Panes es surely as day follipolof night, : - Among the disease which are !rand to yield - readily to Electricity, in contends* with proper adjunct treatment, may oe mentioned tbefollowingl Incipteet Conaumptloo, Paralysis, 111piliptic, • Wysocki and other Convulsions. Neuralgia, in its WoYet ronxin'ffloutoznathse, inthesaieraMcei • and:cbronlet=all Manske of thei nervous erten; Dopers sia oared in a re* treatments; all diseases of the urinary and genital organs ; reined Niemen Astbmai:Pilei and Prolartie ;" Aniautoosin and all kindred affections of the dye; Airetaa, etterans, all skin dimmer, he: Persona calling will be told whether they ober be woe. hued and:no case takeh where some relief cannot be of. forded. COuvitaust free. Office, Beath looosal, street. below Chasten*, Harrisburg, Pik Coke hours Croat Sto 12 a. K., 1)( to lo and f to le nee. S. R. M NIXEIM E t i IXON &pl 3 'UMW MITER WINE OF IRON APURE ,a n d powerful TONIC, Corrective and. ,Alteuative, sr wonderful elikemel diseiana of the BTOMACB; - LITER and BOWELS. • . i. Uwe mp l V 6l; laints • • Headache, General Debility, Marna/nese, De. pupation of Elpirita, Constipation Intermittent 'Fever, Acidity of the:' Stomach; Nausea, Heartily:ft Disiturnfor Food, Fulham or •Weight iu the Sternlieb, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of , the Stomach, li*lnuelug of the Mad, Difficult Breathing, Yellow ness of the Skirl and Wee, Fever and Dull pains In the Bead, Pain In the Side, Back, Chart and -Limbs, will cureevery awe of Chronic or Nervous Debit te l eei Dirnases of the Kidecym and itiliag from a disordered . Stomach, Good for Male or Female, Old or Young. The morn -beneficial medicine known; gives &till faction endorses more dismay than any other ' Ron offered to the Pablio, •Prepared sokily by D. • h BRO., no Harketstreet, Harrisburg. Tow sale by Druggists and Dealer' averywhera WE". Counterteitivvi* . . As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure !and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility, Ludas there are a nuAber or imitations offered_lo.llo public, we would mutton the community to purchase none but the genuine adds, miulufketured by a A Imam e 'Km, and has their stamp on the top of the Cork of every bottle. -Tbe irery tact that ottusra sr attempting to imitate this iblulable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes In its favor. The Bitter Wine of Iron lapel np in 14.. ennt and $l. 00 bottles, and sold by all respedtable dmgbits throughout theconntry. Be-partimdar that every bottle - WWI the as sisulle of the pri:~s signature:. This Wine inchttles the most I :Ittewthle, ' silei e Int Salt Of 'him we pcatemc.,.. - Citrate of ifyiteta o . oxide m blued, with the mast Wie*etic of irligetable t4ikajAelloilr Peruvian Net ' The e M Many ease' a ,prAlehlhtitosa of appetite. mid Otter* proattation. of in ...• : ado— t. tof 'l uta Eton, combined with 'our *cable tierre ,ji. eat happy. It eugmenig the appetite , Ira* thi " es oil nmeantor Ilakibineae, remOvea 'the lack 7 '_. ty. end eyes a amid vitor to the Celinteinleate. •ni ; - . GENERAL DEPOT) m Kam MEET For sale by ill respectable d • calersqinsittimi the F_ I N E • I. Q IVO It S.. suissl.er di Frazer, (gimcemore to m. Dock, Jr., k Co.) TIEAIiEItt3 IN FINE FA XILY GROOFe sel.l DIES oppoono the DoiartloaseArri hamtaplaa lection of lES of different vintager' O RAND . S. 1 1 7N1 AND COMMON WINER, of Duerr Agedi:44o4. WHISIEYS. OLD BOURBON, MONONOAHRZA., • - FINE lallll AND 100.1Yth Whisky'--The beelerer !Inpt so this market. OLD WHEAT,— 4, * i ' FLA lit Lir 'N et Alt • SHAM JOIIANDEBBIThwi, ' SCOTCH A.?7D umos Fews STOUT. - t';11 f a ON • *IOWAN Tomo punier 'lTAtht,4nTlitklutcC 't •.)its Quin AND ,Weltimmemiot may deimptke now Ia tittitlirrlpk; nneLmniviiiimin z 41 - 0 no rms. papeo, amiopes,_ pliitionery lima, Tem mataiti m u l i it s nati VXMORPeat; i.Olll , , - OTh(Ei e'„ • BitERRY. bp 1.? uII I. , Warnuttaf the MAMMA Sherry 6la Ai. comatry. flits* sib et 4I; 0 1110 91100117. DoSikiy f :t f ;, tv "Cu I i ES tig Pg - OP INI 0 01 IFICI BEWARE 01 RAI3MIIOIO, PA. I ' 54 erg 01 Po Pid ess r , • • til '••• D 8 JOHN /.0.1) WOWS MINCE, lUL DROPS to sseety FIMWC REGULATOR, Art r Ilse oidy ra =ik remedy that wttl nosigulty and Invarlildr madiriedidethatapalowaw,renw bid irregildritidli Meth .fir dad drew*. 111/1181 LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS =BM Are ad preWitl" th e only 0 ose et the , kind ever discovered hity r. aiticts & on therealpule . - 7 Olmsted, *Whit yllisoo pepidste cell WI mat them en *Ole* three& ivispidltj , ,. ,;ed - Dot at di direct Mid , povrt Are yeti nalrerirse tee, A Amami anxiety ibr the revi ler return et betureve - • Lint ' - flive yetibeirao • Wm ties'i=l i a Dix, if * etey or.tvoleireee ewes* Weir Illitinebrie* reotiele.tia eua me itere al Obi relieve $llllll.Olll tends se de=Weirtualisemei , 4rt yorossababied by =Wok hers the Ablitiodaleasouttirtieleliel sir ' . __ ..o'-t_ 14T01114 rieliomou. DROPS . Are` 'the meat rehab% irtiptiatirtorer loitierMaiiimiredlke W those tweralarities that have delled the doctor's Will year waste away -with maxim from Leneo il rrtim,. Prolapeos, Drwarirrottrigo„ari tt thousand other Mihail all summed up' WIMr the name of suppressed aid Mark mtatmas tiemmt of osorllollar 4 LYON* niTOMOAL DROPS will sandy an yea ,DO ilokoltiPP 014 . 1 , 1 theAnctriolli awilitanarti - a mauve - cluiveaW "all' other -Mu, lawmen 'emigre! awl Do* alloall4oolllo awl soma the ftualloaa at the saroilarpalma, lam at Improper thaskilley would produce regalia =lO malkal=lliWail M 4.• APlN4lies, Wiraila7 LYON'S• PMUODIOAL DIOPS 01 ,4 04 4 . 404 onStainkat noCklie EF14111 . _ 1.. .... ,NOnglt. fir beNimittliletudgraisoid - A O Oll , Poo gr4 l.l 44=ffilirissi emithaiiikongi LYON'S PpUODICIAL DROPS, .• noverAtolhdi fatale Begoistor, for sue by exery Demi* la tbetrzeoft7, sad do dot, If you oelue your keelik aid tuible medicine, bay Ay etbed, Takao SW% hide the Drugged to whom pod opplibeadolled It % oats Ida stud add get it for yooL . • . c! e Wl* Nits Havel, Coni4 Wfiliallik kr 1 101**AClikat 4COWDIN Ms* 4111184, "7, Lc, •.; , !,• , ; . . _-fir _ 0 II . . ":1 .1..'• 111 a . - r 0: 'To 1 i LOCK .•. . HOSPTAT:, Irrisclitloovered the. xii* Certain, aPeedY and effectual remediee in the world tor IE A Awe Warranted, or 1410 , Oharge, In /Am One Weariest of the B Adel:Bow of the Kidneys and 11114d01Ilitotaktari D b gee , Impotency, Detain' De billty, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor , Low Sirits, Confusion of ideas, Palpitation of the Hart, IlinkUty 'numbhugs, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the /404,..71tireati None Or Skin,, itfectiont of the Liver Lungs, Stomach. or Bowels—those terrible dbrordogn arising fom the Sigitary 'Habits; of Youth—those secret snatiolitary'prachoes more fatal. to their victims than the song of u= to the Mariners of Gip blighting blighting their! most hrithanthopits or anticipations, rendering ao.; ImPcsdhle. . . - . YOUNG MEN ~` .. En y, who have , become the victims of Salm,. Vice,. that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweae to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the moat exalted talents mad briaaa: intellect, who Might °aerial° hate ' entranced lisaiiltig - Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to emery the living lyre, may all with MI conldenea. _ Married personn, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aw are of im physicaieodliy weakness,' organic debi li ty, &for dable, c., ed. who . places hims cur elf tinder the care of Dr. J. may re Woozily conilde to his honor as a gentleman, and cone, &Daily rely upon his shill as a Physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Eil =sadist* cared, and faU vigor restored. - . • this &vowing affection—which readers life:miserable Wee marriage thepenalty paid by the vid , 'USNof improper.' indulgence. 'Young pencils ! Ye too apt to commit name from not. Mhos aware Of'the' dieadlbl ecasequermes that may :ensue: Row, who that knder: mar* theenbied will pretend to dew that Me. power. of prisidwathm is lost sooner by those Ming Into lrepror . habits then by the prudent.' Baddeir being ',lei:Mired e 140 111 Mafes of-healthy .offigWing, the meat 'seism-and de. s l 4 ll oh 4 f iruPtoms to bolt' hog and Mint s arise. „Thes.A.s'besioniee teranged, the phyaleal and mental Iftnorieek lees of - procreative power, ' nervous tri ai =2= l , Paliglamon ot the Marti gia jou* dsoo , w h am ' wilablitAr the ram . ooze', can. Orman No. 7, Sorra FEJEnsica Firma; . - , felt hand.aide going from Baltimore street, a few doers from the comer. - bail not to .observe mune sitOMlabaL Letteralittud be paid and contain a atamp. The Donor% Dlidonuurlang k fiii Meoo• .DR. • JOHNSON, , . • , Mtaiibei of the Royal (lollege of Surgeons, London; grad uate from one of the mom eminent colleges it the United thetas, and the greater part of whose life boa been. spent • lathe liegOila Of London, Perla, Philadelphia and ohm 'Where , Unabated. some of the moat astonishing du"' that were even known ; many troubled with ringing tit the Aged and ears when asleep, great nervonsnetn, • heft 'lamed at sudden sound's, beahibineea, with frequent- Waking, attended sometimes with derangement of ininif irre, cured immediately. - TALE PARrilatriAa, Thede ire some ducd by emir haOa he y odt nd me o i ea h klYai.LelleMhe took and Pains the heed, dinintaki of •staihtis tode of , muscular powen gillation of tlui heart, dysmibi, Vona irritability, toms of consumption ItiirrAtth--T.he fearful credit an the mind` are much ..tO be dreeded—lom of memory, molten= of ideas; de premien of spirits, evil forebodings, overman to society, self d is trust, love of solitude, thintilty, be., me some of the evils induced. . • • - , YOITNG BEEN - Who'have littered theirweives •by a Certain practice iw diked id When alont , n habit fretnestly learned from evil companions, or at . school, the leads .of which; are Rightly felt, even when asleep, and if not oared ren*drs. nagossible mind- and.b4dy,. - shouldcylp mmediately. Whets t bat %young inanAhe hoped' bis country, the darling of his parents, Should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments or life, by the ameequendirtil deviating from the path of nature and indulging in. a certain secret habit.. Such persons xvis, before contem • plating MARRIAGE, Reflect that a sound mind and body are the moat nomiltasi7 regal/Res to promoteconnubial happiness. Indeed, ifith• oat thOse, the journey through life becomes a weary pilL grimage ; the proepect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. Acmes blighted with our own. 'DISEASE OF IDPRIIDENOE; I When the milguided and briprielent votary of pleasure finds he had imbibed the seeds of this painful - disease, too often happens that an ilitimed sense of ahasie or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who edenstion and respectability, can alone befriend Mei Re rape into the hands of ignorant and designing pretend whtiiiMble of Suring, dish tg,r;peonnlary Pub him stanye , month after month, or as, onus l 'tbsqintall fee an be obtained, and in despair leavehha with mined health to sigh over hiogellhaviteippoiatetent or; pg the use of the deadly polsan,'ldercurjr, buten the Sameltlettbnalstiovtorneyerthlaterribledissaao,suckiseNeo. iloys Iteee, - ! brook Nato, Sktn; eitt, ProgreOting with I*MA — rapidity till death rue a period to dreadikl frotritrings by sending hint to that undidoovered countryMKS All no traveler returns. : INDOESEILEN't 'TEM MOS' . . _., ; Ate many thousands cnied at Ibis inatitation. year aver pair, and the numeroui Important =UMW -"emir performed by ilr; Johnson, witneased by the moire of the Smor p eor, and many otherpapers, notice' of zw• cb have a !gala and again Wore the pabile t heigdes Ws Wan 'sok gentleman_ of , character and respormi• batty, Is a Imfficient guarantee to the afflicted. . • TAmt&xirs oomrotmLi ExmoT or CUBEBS AND COPAIBA:. This preparation is pertimlarly recommended to: the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for the prinmpt and certain cum of DISSASEB OF THE NLADDFA gliTB, URINARY ORGANS, RTC' Rimbe Miled-on akthe beld mode' rim the witoinlifhw Wel ofJWainemetUee in the large anted - of diseases of *Air , gam, to which they are. applicable. It never interferes umett= I ffiP t e 64 .F R ; I7 1 4.#4/ 1 1. 4 0.ratk!L•4 18 di*. in - . ' ARR . - N. 11.—Porchaaera are to- ask for T ANPI3 00,W3OUNIL =UM OF CURERS AND COPLEBA, modiste nokhing.elee, al inaltatlona mid wortldent prnpa- NEM* ander siimmiill names arc in the Market, Price $1 00. Sent by expo* on receipt of price. Munroe - hued only tit 'TARRANT & CO., No. 278 Greenwidir street, corner Of Warraziartreek, Now York, and fbr sale . DrWellses.DigsevsalY• 0022471 y For male by L &Mk Ind by Dinailna genarallt'. - - ' G ray s Patent. Molded Collars Am sot simply Hat pieces ofpaper cut in Ahe form of a collar, but are Molded and Shaped tofu the neck, having a perfect curve free'lrott7eleiples or'breake,"Mligh is p hdned by our peopled promos, which Ida° liiidureg.sactimr ; adocarapsiossessal by no other : '6*ml/co* &midi in:-uhf 4i:frit-down. style, thd haulm orminp4 rnriitieL hialorn firto Inumictik rumiansOnsking this collar, for ease neatness, and di:lability; anbiohltedf 1 • That -Sre Turzt:dourn , styliM Wide from to and to &trate from is 11 hiches•,lid seat Me boxes of lob ye& ; Pm, in smaller once °the: each hr latter a very handy package for travail's, * and PIT 011Icent • air ;VERT COLLAR is stMnp4 • arai'a Patent Moidirt . 4.44''!. 7 .5014 by ,all retail deem in Men's.2l4lllo44diCcUla. Tice trade r imaieti by F B+ll VAN DRUM, .130.111111t114- 627 calstrurrst,phii &obi. nnENts.vl s .L -Wittorst z-,..:llkmvaimoisoN4Pock . . lirt"raukintisk fo- . APE - • • • . ; „It 1 Dtkoaa xt:scc,o7.„l. ~'~~°__ DR. JOHNSON, ntitTimoßE DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. RELDEIP SECT° TWXLVE 11017 BR NO ILERCpBY ON NONIOUB DRIJOIL to Two Days BKfI'DISEASES SPEEDILY Ot!Bpi Offices No. t South Proderlek stryst. tP 26121 Z - • ‘_ iTHEREISIis :ee: •..a II .11 Jel4vdem -r..n.r.cv+~nr..r.sN.M..iv. , ..rn'y~ww.w~n. , r.... , l. D. & M,7:7:rM:M31773n1 DRUGGISTS, WARKVT STREET, 848.81158 UR P.l -DR - UGGIIITB, , BT9IIII =WEBS AND VONBUMERA ''We are daily adding to our anwirtnomt goods all sash @Melee as are dWiariMe; and would: nupeWW. cad your attention to the law*, and Nun selected melt In Aldo city, or DRUGS; 011EMICAL4 AND PAINTS, Oi gmatibes and Glad, Weatia, Gli!IF, and Paul, . Molding Fluid and Moohol, Lard, Spennand Mae Oft, With a general variety of PEREINEERT AND . TOILET A4TIOLICB, seleate4 f4..tha baste Icastufasturess sad Paramus tof Europe and thin country.* very large dealers la PAINTS, W7ll/1W LJCAD, LiIaDUD GIL, ruummze, AirLfril'MUNlX, lir AL& tin= KillarftlB, ,t : , • oozarts AND noimit We reephdtawy Jayne wadi,. hells( caaltdent that we an supply the Inlets of efr as term to their sitritrao• TEETH TEETH I JOMW Aim WHIMS miceszaztr nom, Of all kinds, direct from the Propek4ors. gAPONLIMBR- Ai tostharr R TED int. Wholesale Alma. lbr &plainer, !hi& we sell as ins as it can be purchased to the Oleo TiUYXII'.7, .411U)A.L FLUID NXTR461751. 00Alt OIL! OAIk,DON OIL I MBE Rani larva onnteiners in thine Oils, w• pan over In- d!a ! ;piieinalii 04 .4 bilyerce ott uunia of the sleet iiirree-paitehlei eery 0 feu !teem.t lamps FMMMM AND GIIM:!M3. Thole otyon who i4we not giveowar NOM AND CAT- TLE POW : DI:BB a : Wak4ow pig : thelr npetiorltr, mid Obi adventege they ere in keephst Borne aid MU" hsellay and in &good condition. Thousands can test* to the profit they hare dotted tromllii Mil at oat Cattyl Powdets, , bi thelidraumed qua . iy.on4 'malty of. fon, be Improving the panel heelth and ii,vp3!trfox) . e of Choir adUa f4tt1. 4 ,n 1 8:e . F1,33,1ee la the buboes ittVee in he able- • the Ore thomiti-ectioiieage of the trade, 1;14 our or. raapeteata I* the *Wee are each that we eta, 1* s eery Ithat tinA Andrh anything smatidning to our Wetness, as the had of , . . :Tluutkfol fori,the. liberal patronago iseesowetl on our house,"iid ittenUOn to tendut u careful selection of - ' • • . . ptqes DX O dd at ter nitriked d?Otifaire:t° *on 4 .44 PAM A coll. Minnie of the faviii of • aportainuunspithge. . _ f , NALC.HaIft rottox - a* ; • • Mg 102 J'ATl rr iffairVisrA T ßlF !AHD THSTHMTS MOTH 0 EB—a compound - of valuable i sze:l4“, too daeracumai tomste.-deeibated scam or, e=I,Y CII = 4 wil* moth. Being blab I delightTalolifftisable pedants it will lea /retinue clothing, /to, with a lasting aadpleuwat odes. The finest tabriceaintelthe *wed by WI us , TARrneednadA9l4at,. G : , Drataid Fancy eogaigtore, yl'e, , JWlrot *est • ' " 4 1114VAILE., 011.11PT40 , boxes lbw table Dian, gri t ii9!l l I ,! l l l M,ltiniquiale Red - 191 1 )1 :Yr: 10711,Dock just i.e. NO. 19 . Ooknir i d l'esla, Pan aroma BONK BMWs, Tisk ind lamp Olotom, wog sap, :OAPS and Clerks, &n, *WIDOW GLASS; ARTlard COLORS, PAINT AND Or ALL JUNDIL PArEpT JULDIOMIS, AND H4X IgWORAT7TIB, ,A1:111;mmoveaxe111:i Dm& BORN'S MARBLE YARD, OAR IN WALNUT AHD METH BY/DlRrs, Razriebiug. Pa. MBE undeysigned having opened a star 1 Yard in thla city, beg leave t o Utiona their ine e ? text the public In mend, that they are prepared to re . pi& MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 151708 An Monuments, Tombs, Heed Stones. Mantles, • And House Work in, Marble and Brown Star ie, litre ass all aadwo will gm/MIN oallaraiatoy. KTATIDEN & N. B.—Lowertag mostly wow la la/gpsh or Goma& waliaLdly AN ASSORTMENT OP OVER 1.00 STYLES or POCKET BOOKS, PURSES AND PONETPICON - NA.I.EIa FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT KELLEWS Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. The beet Morocco TRAVELING BATt.M ELS, And t general variety of FANCY GOODS, wicsabie rot Preemie, now oa band at HELLER'S Drug Store, tearlliet No. 91 Menet wad PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Ow Photo graph Albums. BOUND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, gin and intientel with two heavy gilt clam& ALBUMS WITH a ?Waren for ta do 54 44 • S 60 46 44 W with mints Wow styles of binding, Inn lad which wW be mold cheap. eirol you amnot bay a prettier, were dura tad Clim aTand aliens anye. Dee at wher 13CIEMER'S Bookatar ble % twalt+in • BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. ME FARMER BOY, sod bow he became Command . or4A-Cibissf, $1 26 TIMPUMER BOY, and lam be became Preeident, $1 is ISE FERRY BOY, and the Financier, THE PR11 4 :173R BOY, or how Ben Franklin wade his mark, El z. 5 INK FARMER BOY, mid how be became Lieuten ant OesicaL In pram A TOUTWS EMORY OF TRY REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roanoke-, elegantly Illustrated. St 7; At BRlttlfißß'n BOOK STORE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No 'llailiValaut Street, South Side, East GI Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF AIMMII3 • INOOPRONATKD 1794, FrT 7 T4 MIMI= NULPSITIAL. Marine, Fiteand Inland Transportation In • ARTHUR CI. COMA Presidat CEILUILES PLATT, &aviary. WILIAAM &astral , Afgesit foe. Peanary.traisiii. Office Walnut St., near bond, lkuviaburg, Pit sayti-em JIIRT RECEIVED, T NORN/NO, A FRESiI .114iVOlUE ,OR RICEZNER & CO-'8 CELEBRATED SUGAR. CURED IMAMS AN L BUMP, SEMLER & FBAZEN& m 731 THE .NEW BOOKS. QTUIESLING BLOCKS, E by Gail Hou k, atom Price •81 HAUNTED PLEARTLS, by the author of the Lau* Vita. 82 00 DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT, by Mrs, Holmee. SI 54) RARRARAM HISTORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards 60 tears. THEEILALL HOUSE OF ALLINGTON, by Tro $1 26. WV= STEMMA by lk Barrel, author of "Benner of a Bachelor." $1 61 VII. SPRNER JOURNAL of the Discovery of the sources of the Me. 5 3 60 TUB WOMAN IN BLACK, by author of "Man In Grey." 81 be . . NOTES OF HCSPITAL IDA Nov.li to Aug.* $1 De STORM OF TRIC SEA, for boys; from Coop eei P writtnp $1 O WORMS or THS. WOOD, for boys; from Cooper's lntroits. 11 00 all. AU 118 W books received as soon as published at BERGNER'S BOOR WORE, bl Market street NBIVm.i.EI FURNITURE rOl4 Bl l dues net SUNS the :Varnlah, bus restore" ongtnaituatre. It does not discolor, I.t will restole. with viery'llidnbebor, every Slabbed stirfacefeither metal or wood. .11.11- suanufacturers and demerit. In turmittift should use it for cleaning furnittne that ban been nand OCIVIITINI WM (MIL - 4S touch and rab.hene and there make It brtghtottui fresh. For Ode by In A. KUNKEL ar BMX; jutatt 1111 Market street, Banlibirg. l'allitieWß PECTORAL_ sls 1111838 INVALUABLE SYRUP, which in en their vegetable in ite composition has been on payed with wonderful ituaxerfor thinly years in theme or diseases for the AIR PdbiLlaill and LUNGB, For any !brat et the disease ouch as COUGH TICKLING 01 the THROAT, SPITTING OF BLOOD, DWNICULIt BREATHING , BOABBENkhai, LOtti OF VOICE and HECTIC F.F.Vhlts, Iu age will be attended with the happiest results. It is one or the beat aad salted medicines for all roma or }MN. CHM and CONSUMPTION. leo laudanum or ?Mom New qf Qom in sot shape as thit.syrwp; PRICE $lOO MR BOTTLE, for sale at ithillaNlOna Cheap Boole -C 1311 PPAYFORALS are aural to soothe a VI ciongb, allay Tickling In the Una. . num Haulpftrllk ,Cablorirk Sorb ThnillS, k 'They mown Soreemand, hiscareuenni, &mega and Beau!, (tio most reliable expecuiranta know are the chief ac , inn constituents, io biendsd wish gum: Arabic and Sugar, egm, woo knew co n cilia ernigld and. ve plesioni dose, blanudired solely by BRo., bar nyiebanariegalil Market einiai, Harreineig 13111LADliiiPHLi COLLEGI4* fit/STI JL ?UTE MR YOUNG LADINELNa. too Arai maw. Rev.ONARLEG MYR, D. •4. gli n gitEgat Lli ~ Prialipala n Year. Three depertawaidi Primary, Academic' and thereata Part .00llege course In Gies, Gabe, maim higher English and Nasal %demo for those who graduate. Modern Liwiguesies. Nude, Paiatini dud_ Elocution by the best masers. tor _ avid/ a' the laititute, Mune BOZ 9101 - P. 0., PkiisdelPta Pa. • soodea• IJIkiITIN gamt"DOARDiLDWG INVITATION arts -D.V -with.saw anise boa engravers fn the mien, lords of vocua r arrixonen, wiLdeislogion will be elecuted fa the highest style d ant amforlitaids with the besetfaahlop, and wiPPlied Teeingslf, Ulmer prices thee are chergW-bg the stestoo• B et a New York at For sareglernafx* MGM.* GOO • • 113 W inToice Ilioheneei , % bated faraspietoreoetved Wiliam/lin at -' $1,6109,643 bi $500,0w