TE_LEGrnirn MOBIVING AND EVITATN9 ? BY GEORGE , B - E - RO,NtR; OFFICE IVIED sr., REAX wAilvvr." 'SERE& OF SiIBSCRIPTIGE. MGT'S StrlatlcAlitellt; • Tint Dana TILEGRAPH is served to subscribers In the city at 12 cents per week: Tearly„subscribers will be charged $6 OOin advance. Those perate=who neglectto. pay in edvad(e will be charge d:47, 00. . , . WEEKLY: TELFARAPIL • Tea Tustataritisalithettillisheil weekly, au d..te rer.eishet l : subeeriberoot the-relleicing sash rates 'lngle cojees; nteektir Three copiee to one Poet 011 Ice Teo copiee•to one Post Office NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. 'CLOSING OUT,. SUMMER STOCK AT AND BELOW COST, MRS. S. ]SAYER, NO. .13 -MARKET STREET BEING desirous of closing her Suns her Stock of Millinery Goods, offers for sale at greatly reduced prices, s uch as - BIM AND STRAW SONNETS,. HATS AND FLATS, &C, Constantly on haw; # splendid_assortment of AIL% • V vrrs, LACES, RIR HES, HUOP SKIRTS, ‘ 2 : CORSETS, HOSIERY, , - - • HANDKKOCEHRIO GLOVHS, • • COLta CDF ER - • ."••• BELTS, TN . FANCY GOODS., &C. Dealers will do well to call, as great bargains can be had at wholesale. . • • • CLOAKS; CIRC ULARS .ND MANTILLA ; • IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILMNG, ' MARKET STREET. A New Plitladelphin Cloak Store. Havel now k e en . id aesortment of SPRING ec SUMMER MANTELS; • FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, . NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH-LOOSE BAS S. The above *OM samples, th &very color as ill hand comely trlzottiel, form $7 00 to tab. • , . . /000 gnat. - CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASKS,. Handsomely and richly trimmed, froth $l.O h ard, d CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN lARGICVAmtry. iny2.s I ltlillintery and Fancy doods. MES. J. HIBBS, at No. 8 Market Square, nestsloor to Fcli.Viscoulectioners, keeptcoastaittr tq .41 nand the latest stylds of B osnetaY Hats, HAWN., Flowers, Itilrburta, arc together with a fine assortmend of Dress Trimmings, aces, Embroideries, Collars, Culla, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery - ,. Gloves and Variety . (loads 46nerai. • • I E. . All the latest Desigusef Dress Patterns direetkoloi the Kew York Bazaars.. Dress and Cloak mutiog neatly, exer entail. • Thankful for the patronage bestowed , stride per openans, she trusts, by a strict attention tai.buainesa and her endeavors to give general satisfaction, to continue' to receive a share or the public patronage, lyl-d3in •-• CELIINTA.L -12 !" - A: tONDENTRATED . LEMONADE pleasant, healthy beierage. • • - Very convenient and refreshing for invalids having fever or great thirst. Its porta , ility recommends it , o travelers. Its convenience at pic , nice will be apromated. No sugar required; one table-spoonful simply dissoh;ed in a glass or coal water and it is done. HELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, , jel7 No, 91, Market NEW pl-irt DELKUA C LO AK b .T ORMI, IN D. W. OBOS3' NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Ilarrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYDRI3,. 011 PAARIONABLE_! CLOAKS. AND 0 .I.ll'it OfrA.Kiii ... AND I ' . , FINE SPRING SHAWLS. will upon on the Ist of April. ; truar2l-dly haws .11.utiniat.'s Osman, 14= Dursiov,.% 1 . atiolassoack to , Pa. June 8, 1884. T j O DRAFTED ME IN . —I am directed y Lieut. 001 J. V. Bomfonl, A. A. Provost Marahm General, by his ci'oular, Na 69, of June 4, 1384, tO Pt4' dish " Th at drafted men are not allowed to eiliat as.voi Leers after being drafted; and that the credits-far Crafted men will remain for the sub-districts from which they were drafted, no matter whether local bounty has or lies not been paid to such men , opon "illogateMitoment.' , • MO. KAY. CLEMENT, Jegi•dtf Captain and Provost Itaralud, idtli!Ale't, Pa. Steam 'Weekly to Liverpool. T0113(111ENG at QUEENSTOWN, (+Doi* li4r bor.) The well known &amain of 40 1 tivelyook New York and Philadelphia Steimehip canptuay - areitn tended to sail as followei - City of Baltimore, Katurilay, August 27 ; Etna, Salm day, September 8 ; kdinburgly, Sal uoday, September 10, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier pi, North River. • .. • RATES OF PASSAGE, ds GOLD, oa rra staturi.insreni otCascatroa, .01RBT CA81N...... 00 JATLERAGE • • .•-• • • Sao' 00 do tp London 15 00 1 . do Lo Louden., 418540:00 • 'do to 'Paris 95 ~Mel do to Paris • ;00 . 41d So Hamburg ...'.'; oo 00, Munb,utg..., 87:00 Itissengerit also foiward Rat'sl,,Atk*,:„Ritier.' 'lB .01; UtWery, Ste. at equally . low tatta ' . • Fares hem ftivdpool or Qucenstuwa4y4 gp r , 05, 8105. Steerage,. 885. .nose. Willi wish-to send Fez . Nefr [muds eau bu 4. tipBetn hem at these rates, } "er further Informidlon apply,at the Companies,oftidei ....jo A IN G. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, N. V:, di D. 0 simmetilAN, Ilarrtsbure. PIANOS. • - ' ABEECIET,: EIEKES • - Zicitlasioß P • S. • • ; • SOLE AGENCY AT W. KNO(ttazs :113 ittreet, i p,3,rrialArg. F""A.SONS Perfectly, sati4fittry t 0... ' , IMISELPI , Itave taken the Dandy of titop ' Ainost, totoottent. Thepub il d la invited to oom and. ex iuttlattibt tbeisteelveis sdio t Bchomacker l fo o w w. & .. Co . ~ 3.Planos yet: icai bit rate2s-0 i;PHOTOGR APIC I AVOUPIC. hot ogr aph I All)up's. lc PhOtOrraph Albums::. c• • PhoTWaph Albums. Pholtipgrapek / Alone Pea jargeat and °had, t y varlet of Bar • BE leo a ALBUMS the c ityue reeeteetlY k r Own] BERGNER'S OREAYBCKINSTOREi :ALE AGENCY FOR. THIS' 'CITY: jc is AM happy to offer to the public' s,' large . sod_,wenalciasiiilrtsient of ' ti'ItIOR GOLD ' .ENS, i!iiinahettp•od by . . • ` LEAO/IV::14- 13 CHILD. - .t' f i'kell trees orb well .11p ) 0.M : 1 ..,ia 81,11 ; and will lavii: en -4"111115" PUMA' minxis-" -. _ j _ . • - SCREFFER'S ackag r srotiu, , 151/1114 Mail% onxtettee Probbytorion eiturehllarrlaubrg -PL. ' t ..••-•,,'>. , 1 : f aP 2 3 • ON.: )'ode of# lit - 'BIIIBIZII FlIXDir • =1 ..) . 1 1 60 '4 . ' IV- :,':',lt..:okiiitiilttomii. 1864 Pltiladelphitt. Elie Roil- Reid: • sl ims -great liiii - traverepti thblitirthern and Notthwest sountits of Peimsylvarda to the city of Erie, ow•lsice Erie: _ _ • lirtisi been leased by Me; Pmerstravasta Rasmus Cox watt, and under their auspices is behtg raPidly opened throughbut its entire length. • It is now in use for r and . Freight business from Harrisburg to St. Mary's ( 16 , miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffieldoto Elie (78 miles) on the 7d r estem Siviteon. TIME Op, PASSENGER. TRAINS AT HARRISBURG.. Leave Eastward. Mail Train ' 1:26 r. m. Express Train • ' 2bll`a s. Hail Train . , 1, EG P. rx. Exprixss Train 3.15 A. in Oars run:Siiiough armour MANGE both ways on 'these trains between Philadelphia and Look Haven, and be tween liadttniore and topic. Saves. Megan} Sleeping cars on Express trains both awe tie: tiven Wmiamsport and Baltimore, and Williaindperf, and •Philadelphia. •. For information respecting Pluseenger badman apply at the a E. Corner 11th and, Ilarketnareeta. gffl . . And for Proight buidnetis pc,thte Company , ' Agent.: , S. 11. Inngston, Jr. ,nornot Illth and. Market , streets, flgiadelphia. . . . . J. W. Reynolds, Erie . J. IL Dril4 Agent N. C. It R., Baltimore. ,t EL IL BOOSTON, • 4 4 5 . rt. ,Ignti, Oa& LBWIII t",H • , (-- ty • ' - ! Tide:4W PAW& , • Jail D. POTTS, 10310-P.91 Gourd Mame, Wittiolftspost CHANGE OF HOUES.—On and a ft er Mon. A./ . day, r April 4th, 1864, Passenger trains will run daily, - se follows; 18undaya eseepted 4 . • IFOX CHANDERSBNDO AND IfARRINNORN: leave Herat tow ' 2:00 2.40 " Greencastle ' ' - . ....... .7.67 11.86 / • - , ,Atavive rit..6 , 8.17 4.20 Mamba:l**v' ' I, Leave at.— Leave Shippensburg " Newvalle • " Carlisle ' L 65 1810' 2.42 `!Mechanicsburg 125 10 62 3.12 ;Arrive at Ilarrisburg, , 8.66 1.1416 /40 "OR CHAMBE L ASBURG 411 7 71 HAGEELTPOWN: r, L P. mil Lein; ilacdsining 8.05 132 420 Mechanicsburg ' • 8.47 2.15 AS Carlisle 9.21 166 8,21 " Newville , ;;.; • 10.22 '2.20 • " ShiPPicolmeall i . 4 0 . 8 0 &GO (Arrive at 1101 E. LSO Cl uiMbe n ibli ZlL tomittre at 1110' 4.40 Lhave Grescastie .1155 Arrive at Hagerstown 12.36 1101 ger Making close connections at Harrisburg with train' for Philadelphia, New' York and Pittsburg ; and with rains for all points ,Weet. - mgielho Trainlenving Harrhiburg at 4,21 ouiyairlar se G. , a mt. Leta, Stipa Chambersbur& April 4,1884-11 GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE CHEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, „RANKS AND LEAVES' Omieztail'itieirspr, fAe i4eat Diundic;' mires. 04 . dfteatet mile urinary organs, such as Businti none 117. the Urine, !Minimalism of the Bladder, Inlinin:r matien of ilia Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, &riders, Gremoli pled,. Gannorhea, and is up daily ratonimmakai in those cases of Fluor Altus (or Miter ilslesiiderf •Mkere all the old nauseous medicines have forded, gar It is prepared ., in a highly concentrated form, the dose only being tiom one to two teaspoonfuls three Mum per day. • • oar It ladiuretio and alterative initsaotion; purifying ntid olenashig the blood, causing It to Eon is all of in - original purity and Vigor; thui resniiiing from thesystein all pernicious causes whieh have induced disease. _CEEROKEE INJECTION Is intended as an ally or assist ant to the WORMER REMEDY aid should housed in itenhnotion with that medicine in all oases of itionerrbro, Med,- Pulor JAW or Wiwi . Ita • effeeti ire' /touting aoorhing an deinttleeni; minoring all molding, :heat, chordee and pain, instead of the tnirning and almost un ender:44oin that is enperienied*h ; nearly all the • chniiiginick itliedion. • ' . . 0 ., Byala sae of the Cllgitdlo* ItF,Alro 'and dIEROBEE TRJECTION--the two medicines at 'the same time—all improper diacharlia are tigelred, 93141 " w e4 engd orgain are speedily . , restored ?Cl, ful l VW' ani -gtr a t l i PO; full I ptirtteukra, . get' our pampliet from any drug store in the - country, or write us, and we . wilf mall Tees to any address; mu ll treatise. CUP SZE REMED, $2 per bottle,. or - tfiree bottles Per EC - ' _ *3.,Prioe 944Roirssz. INJEtRION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles fitr4b. - *3—Seut by e.spress to any address on reoeipt of Price. =1 ' ' 'll 8, BARES AiLEAFS. , •dn rifailing cfor y fa rB , ,msystop? 0,, .40144 A sk : ; ;.__,L______*. - ir ( P i r n a l grifi l i l4 -1 7 4#" 2, * fa l ."0 : ;4, =styrii'd , ? ; F l A.A l if M lF ol ir PifirrA4-40Newil . . fn.glii , pms: - . :-Pmfefisf vitirultwoo/0.00 4 os : - ;, s 64.ArrlehrP.WitimAnfOrfautitiguly.toung widow- It * gifo#7par cns Mc/aft Rai thwikiimiee; isannam: apipstaitioNand SU the Direfist eatifitaink .uus ip de- PoniodfrOot4eZestA mature - •: , '. • - ...: API& WWI= Is a BMWs Vegetable eatrant, and one , ,n whiWall'eaazely, its it hie been media oak I pranice - &malty Irani Sint with thodaands mated, it his not tailed in inagle %Oman Its mann powers have beea scaleless tolatairictopy L over the most etinsiont ewe. i g r T o thase•whn tame aided with their pausitutlon, emu they WA itleMeelves beyond the mock of medical id, we would say, Despair tot / the Csmaosas Coto will Oattloto 900 to Walsh satvigiir, sad after all queen doe tore have felled I . . ... _-, • _ ,' igi-For tall ciilnla ifit:ieltaldar n'ext : 1 0 3 / DM -ittitie in the country,- lorlerriti the Proprietor, •who will moil row to to* ono dastring tie alinsor foil .dasthie la pamphlet ham .-,, :c. - • • '. '• • e t. rareelllikte cie three liott&ia it* ;1 5 . sod N . 47. 4 . . P O 4 ll ec the - I_et ti.,.• , 7... , 73 e...J 104. jWill, 0621 .:... 1 • . • •-.. ..c." fraIiONWPSE : . ; 111141401137 NO. aingil7 it Kw Odd EMI , .„ kAILKOADI3. Leave Northward. CUMBERLAND VALLEY FItA. I L N RAIL ROADS: a►JuiuAL. 'fIE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST. CherOkee Remedy, &31.. Netti by all druggists everywhere. DR W, ER IN & CD: .13ole Proprietqrs marl) , i4Odly No. 59 . 1..ttierty street, New York. CHEROKEE OVER Tag ORPAT INDLM MEDICINE. S 1`: iizTs ;; sfyikiNtipip*D FR =:=ME;=MM =I " T it E ' It NI '01. 2 -N - 'O .-- W i. ' 4:-N:1:,.. EGqii:I;ISBIMI, gsm NEW mq.PR7II/V. iYI ENTS. SELLING OUT LOW • OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS! wE intend to discontinue the :We . of Ia- V V -wilore and offer our atit sid itawary small advance from cost cost price. „We here pore all our Liquors be fore he last and tire have a lite sliCliokhand for three or four years,-which are guaranteed cannot -be purchased now at any price frOm the imPorters •-! Our stock consists of • " ' W ia I F. S of all grades. (-• , iwWe hay§ =Parts of three barrels pure RYE, not colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 2,5‘ years old. WINES of all,firivles, Domestic ..and Imported. tc We have iati of cask HENNESSEY BRANDY, to which we invite - the particular attention of families for medicinal purpose; ' The Brandy at be bought : toidat, frets `lMPorter; lees than $l5 per gallon. We will sell it for $l2 per gal lon. SPOTOU ANEI,ENGLISIE ALES' v . _ CII . 4I4.PAGNE WINES, ,C ARETS,.&O. t.:Wa invite thfkinspectlod a 114e1 lefpiiis and :Dinar Merchants gene y, as ,we. Intend .to sell," without; re-4 serve, all' oar LlOord,lariethieWili laf a good-opportni pity for bargain& je2o " SEMLER & FRAZER. 18'64 iTiI6IIWERMATIcr PrimeitteilLFTWiitkrti Maker, Market - Street, Ihutiburg, MAUS, ""'' i.rz' RINdS, BETS OF .TEWELRYI FLU SILF;WWARIt FLAMD - WARE rat agltsunts, Alib ALL KINDS OF JEWKLIIF. Has constantly pn Aland a well seleated and eypatly asoortott WATCRIAIkea of' , . • .• t TEM CRAM • RINGS, AND SET& VINE SILVER W ri ZA. ANR itla ttal tigNOMSH ANN :SWIM. la .:4 4 4 gold sad BibMIVOSOL Also, 'enite assortment of • LADISCR O WATCHES Constantly on bawd. • 'ties•viatnrir or 1b1M431-'AiitT '' J Cr.o4.TheSa Of MI rissortptlins; sif arhloh will be sold *Rite , . LaWRS T VASE PRI C ER ' Ara-Cidi muLexamine the goods. • • partmular attent4on paid-to •olpaitidg of Sue Watches, such as Chronometers, Ruplex and other, cekhrated Watches, and, all kinds or Jewerig.. i t TairPd • None batch° ladobt munneheilVakrtWeii pl d, and thelatiole matter maths m bwapaisoaal ihpervislon. r AL F.aIMAN; • ' 'So. 021449 gtieskaddoin* lCKEß ,: ,t,!qtall.l. &So ilos Lao Los 04:1 200 ffairy 'Horses Wt.Oitii.'4l AmarAintQa.kririasiiymee-opiti,va if, 1 41Raiff(9,1 1 1;19rA.).4031 6 04, 18 04; if; TTNTZ:2 farther -Order* one =hondked. and gitrAygil 6 xdßuoptpvAsswwwibo.paid. rev Idk :Car niiry Honsieuiry • thottiweisinionertia.h..ThAlarolig, Tu. Immo, .be sound in all pardoultnt.notlenttinut • (5) eve nor mom than (9) nine years old; from 104to;19 hands high, fall fleshed, compactly bunt, tirldte wise and .ofslieitilßelerit for cavalry purramea •• . Vheee specitkertkmas wail be *aridly atViered taandrijOht enfinmral, its ° every partimr(rret , • Payment made on delivery , er . (7) saves} horses or over Holm of inspection' from - S A. lc LOB p. A. The de - Mend is argent and In lonnediete reeponse is soheited. E C. REICRIESBALV. Jy2B4tf r„, . Capt. and-gas 4 9nAfr. ' Drain!! itrattil • •11 A LIENS and persona under, or overA qutred age, who have beak implied" in dila #411.1 Diatrlet, or any other•Dbstrietia theSte.te r can have their ,exemption tapeworm& opt at !Vett fixed ,byjaw. , Now le the braille pat in a nabatittite mei "Void. the PereoniewhO are-not liable to draft:and who what; to 4 12 . 1 4 09 army as antetitatee, 0431.tibtAhlthe highest pre w4Buftetieesirtirteao' ted " b y mail at logni 414,ttett . .dctit of trailer tberebyl **Voided. • - -. • • • et once, or address :by:mait,. BERENN SKYDir. I 4 Attorney at; Law 3d street.. Harris_ burg, Pa . , jy9-eod2mos. BARGAINS r BARGAINS IN:Aicrfirjoi4e ANI) suom;K: BELLING OFF! TNTE• NG to.close in a very short time, , I wilt sell sil,my well selected. stock.of Reels, Shims and alters at Woes far below their present value. - My stock was Miuotor retail, of 'the Wet material and workinansthiji. TO those whowTordi early I will sell great Wargains. „ ; , • L HESS, No. 11 Market Eguarch. Oat to . CoHsfectionern aul2-dtang3l ' Puovoir MABW.t.t.'s OrFics, 14th Dxstiticr, PP-NNSYLV,L*II. - HARRlfttruct, An; 1, 1864. 'FLT Board of .18itiollmet4' . . O F thisDistasket le now engaged m revising and correcting the th'e lists of poisons enrened id liable to do Military thityi. , i I i .rsr: • Persons wnetnterlfeitepsopetoi the roll on, secottrit of , , - , ALISNAtiIg, p . ,; , • - UNSITIVABr, Awl 45i.e • mAxnuesraiiumanzalEpincsicAs .w8444t : ,fryer 'k r) -•-•-• ' uli i a" 0.4r4W :Pro 1 7 4M - JAITL TEisiz#B , SE WAR, • - should promptly APPEAR BEE(Maltia 116ARV;Pril: . the ammo and have their names; stnikerefrom the list. Any oitizen.who has i lcso sledge,* any one having elltatal enrollment, and sdro.le liable to military duty, or of any oue who hruriarit , dnt - the age of twenty years Mime the elwellgtent o , 186,Ver,of VI who have declared their In' ; • *Woos tO:teccirrie citishns, - Are earnestly ta Corn- . Me e leat e inf9PPoirss,ltt the ; 14 PPEnrolifotalp gait such nem* niay paced 64 data 111 - ':4 4 lt tho dater-pt. nod tutrof trenrollea citizen to +nelrthat hare amen.' linpdtparly 0#127.4'D from Me list should•be 440 Meow: • /Writ Is the imperatir,o duty 14 all, cltlzens L ja see that' per Sons drafted in any stb-diatrict e and falling :to reporc.• era '4OIBESTED and' brought before the Board of En -fl rollment. The sub-district is charged with 'duty of furnishing .fia kipmgis : , mi KAY Capt,'Pro. Mar. and Preen of Aloud. .TWatkt. RaWN, ConamlastarlerLatithaSoard. a T Ctipa:M t : '/ • Buivbsin,oolo3,Boirct au2-dlm NEw 134 7 .1 0 KILL—Mak :SKOLD_ N r 143461vAdAt fdelBl SCAR fri nnowsern, QtrGittil, BUta's, SEAS, COEFAB, 14J alt gads Wirsel l / 2 al MAIM. & FFA4I , IIk • - Sucooonors to W. Dont; Co.k Dallas in Fine Fnly , Onceriet [ 'IUrEBI3I BEEF and KESS POIIIC.-4., Apia_ articie of 31!$1,!3eef-!in= . . , ma* • Isnigiesiora te:winnook. be.; k CO) 121 UTTER, RUTTER, —4Fresh'rpll butter flygn couOir.lvelYed MI at . D 31 ,01,„._ t 1107141 44 , L0 : •yji. A NEW BIiPPLY.ot-PRESit 6M9 EED •}IAIIB, Just reoeived thhimornbig; , 131USLiaitAr Fa 414 • 1 poc k oesmors to W. DoelFi Ta,a** MB pKIEL n O . 3 EST E '7P :O/14 7 7 ; t8 "!° A - rara 2 lteby tbe *ow* ' wt an mow MEE MEM a7)VI: NEW - AD V_ERTISEDLENTSI NOrtil6lll -D Central' Railway. .nelc • F g tl73l / 10:11(TIVE ift,heretry giVen fiat the FREIGHT lIAGIGAGE described In ifie , follow- I Hat remains alnelaimed .in the ifferehouto of the NortheroCentridAeSter gollißatiy, at Harrisburg. Con signees are hereby . iabbiled to come for,wand,rpaf-chargeal, and take their :property sway, or thesiuno krill be sold accordingto hoc .7•. N. DU BARRY, Renll Supt. GKNSBAL SIIPHRINTSINDMIT'S OIPTICX, AEIGIFF 1.8, 12111 • - ' Na 1, WlillatfistOift tun , Harrisburg ibeck 148, one black trunk No 2, Elmira Harrisburg check 20, one boa r •Lieut A Milkr, Harrisburg ' No 3,,Baltimonsoud Harrisburg cheek 20, ono.box No 4, no dheck, one boa - , J Barratt, 'Lockport, Niagara' No 4, nb check, end but, Lieut A Scott; iHamkburg No 8, ngolitik, one box, no marlin , • No 7 L no ,cliec %WIN? X.....ra5913 , ligemer,_l"lll,struig 111111:1 - 6` - creb - k, one boa, Reuben Tariiriger; - "Catta Nyman obitck, fair lefiltru trunk do tki e oak,lcsitt ber4P , apt lgairbiburg No 1 00 eb Mr,litleciproadc,ll3 J, S%/10kiiP114okeade- Noti • 2, no checr;fair leather trunk, no marks i No 13, no check, fair - leather trunk, Vapt-Lyman, riabult. Lgtls 4 ihit ttet4b i theilttit= otit I No 16, no check, ono boa, Jim McGee, Harrisburg No 17, no check, Onelftir, Goo L Stephens, Harrisburg 1.1°,/str he ck , pnfoßt i om.vettaiNAA4 • f., No 19. d eck, pbe b bison, dadelph a No 20, netenditt, ?black Isisniritho Gemmel, Lewis town, Pa No 21, Murrill° and Harrisburg check 512, fairleether g Barber, Who; Pa , 4 No 22,'Ob"Ehecir, black trunk, nb Marks No 23, no check, fair leather trunk, W 11 Scott, Hants lNo 24, no check, fair leather trunk, Rhea McDaniel No 25, no check, black trunk, Sarah No 26. no check, black,# Angiil, Binge 0 21, Willianisport and Harrisburg check ' 92, fair leather valise, no marks- No 28, Baltimore and Harrisburg check 687, fait leather valise; no roarka • No 24,am check, fair leather valise, no marks b O / ,/a 0 check, black ,treueir,_Jno E Monroe, Lancas ter, Pa" No 81, nb check, one 'allentotit No 32, no wreck, one bor r namalti • .. 14 No 33, Scranton and Han lab= chick 258, sultbox , No 34, no check, one bog, MR dank, Prowity Pa No 35, no•check, one bid," Healy Will, leading Nit 36, no cheek, one &ix, no rdiuts No 37, no check, bag of saddles, 110 sparks. No, 88, no check, • paddle , Ignatius ,Froomer, !Portage station No 89, no cloiek, black bag, no marks , No 90, no oh ck, Black bag, Nary Falter; Harrisburg ••NO 41, no check, black,bag, no marks ' No 42, no check, black lAA u 9 nanriul NO 43, no amok, back, bag,,,no marks No 44, no cjileck, black bag ~1 Math°, Jersey Shore, Pa • N 045, WiiihmispOrt 144 7 Marridiurg. eneok 30, black B,l l { venarkai . ; k [ ,:„.; • , nu checer,.black bag, np marks , NO 1, no co b sokparks ,' No 48, no cheek, carpet bag, nit Mirka ' No 49, no check, saddle, nu marks • N. 50 ,Wert, No 51, uo Lea, our boa, no marks ' No 52, no cheac, - "one box, nO marks No 63, no cbtoiq bathos, no marks No 04, uo check, lair /saltier trunk, no marka, ' J Fleming, one blind attuas , A L IlabcOck, 1 bile rope , Nat riser, eleven barrels tints 'D 'Fisher, sit coishustera Ii Hubert, one barrel insulatOTS Nelson Bryne & Co, two boxes bitters B Mutter, orfebor iiardwur H block • N kholasier,l3; ourbox .anditert J4lb.rt, pnepu•rel, two bores • Timaallickok, one box bards's/ consignee, 204 brick, no m r :;tra No consignee small box, no narks- No consignee, 44 soesesiion, no marks No cOnsdffre, pilokage indigo • •• • No consign?", one box mercnandise, Davidtilmer, Bar _ augl6 4w • • -.B,E4tTPATIONs PROVOST- .MARSRALIS• OFFICE. = r ( 1/0•06 kt.l2BllAL'i Oliri6c-T 4 tti., 14.46 {., 'Or; ' IliniuSaana, Pci•Angest r ROI4I.O)K.INGLAEOULILTIGiiS OF • rhe.Proyzet • 's ca axe ritblished IoT, the in s ellen antrinidiiiitew all pfTednajateresteii, inorder that, in iliture; the pablic! need not 'be4in doubt - as .to when, wttere dna: ter - IWhota to apply information on matters,cenneased Witt; thiS department.. . Ist The Board - of Enrollment gayeties each. day (Sun days excepted) Mine. proper rociaxatle o!clobit A. m. If business requires it, the moiling session kill ' Continue Litt LIM o'c.ock P. as.; the afternoon melanoma cdtrimerice at 2),i. o'cioelr and continue, titi,,,e,ceelock F. at.. in /ID ,GlStie will examinations fordisability be made after _day light '• ' . . , . 2nd J. J. Weitzel, principal eerie Beard 'of mat; Will aSelt tunes furnish informatiOn pretidi to be furnished from the.recores of the Board. Sid A: F. Clapp , adjUmnt and special , deputy, will be f(aind in ttieodice room of' the Provost Manilal. Tie has ageneml charge,• aud cast be applied to in all easee:- : ata Tko . Engin/neat Detainment is in oharge of B. E. Bums . _ . • ••, sth' A.E Eyster superintends' the. mustering and re. - craning department, Itmt- h a thti records and rolls connected therOwftht W ith enlistinfto into the "Vetotan, ArlsetNce..Orrtk •i • -. • Bth It. E. Cable has charge of Lite. elotning depat t alent. A 7th For lecke:lathAi 'With n3ference to holies and property,selzed as the property of : the Cot - morel* ap ply W. ;elm E in the Mustethig.atid • Tteoruitinz De pArtment Bth For information wite r reference to Vosoricis and persons &treated, apply to same departMent , • Bth John - Charters has charge of aceoctinSi retards, &a loth Furinfurniation upon any sulpect nopabosa epe -citically dosigna ed apply..to the Frovestylftal.; or to Adtutent , k- " ' All blettp- and erripleyeeit Aidia.'reittie44 to be ' : at their posts for duty at 8 o'cledk i . w. 21.1m!eflkurytill ho 1 0/01304 to rine 11.1, 8 o'clock f 1.1 -. 4 2thClerks and employ ati,requited.,and direc - le. be' polite, cointeoUdatteittleir *me - tidoing biwiness in the Frovost MirshaFs ollice. • 4f,, , is a duty and pleasure to intermit stup4ree.those requiring information or service, and it - any clerk or employee rads in prompt attention or proper courtesy, he will be e ntente discharged. 18th Clerks and empl ,, yees are mitperniiited ti receive fee or' reward for services iunderedi < It they dash' the penahy will- be intmediatedlin:4rgo. ' To offer.suott fee and to receive it are eqw4hishmtsdeemantas, • • 31•10.'SAY CititENZ' tlaptain and Ptevcist Weibel -•.: . • • 74th rhatt-t6t Potin, no roopObers ; iqp tb o hoard of -Eandhpent are t John KilY.Clemeat, Yroveot,._idarShal, Chaaei C. PAiiiiam' me/Oink •S. T.'"Chisitott," Surgeon;' either ', m why:be COLLAukkaf ddies,'deriatileisinedr 3 litails,' in *Lilkers controted Igritktbo. businow of thkittotrct , 4C)Wst - ',AkarStiar4 3 ()XMAS:4 • PIA stresl PP I 'ra , „ tOtio'Gioverundint Bakery. au. - 161.0 4 m dm . THIS WAY' J/.4.ARt[tilyl/Vit 31.;:l. - fik:ii! ;E Gri3,l&k,!;l f • f '••=1 • HOOP SKIRTS, LADIFS HAIRHETE. • HEAD DRESSE4 i'4101:711ZRY.,7 TOILET ARTICLES, FRENCH, LAce,:giix TISSUE VEILS, ETC.. n ASTONISMINGLY 1101 1 1),PRICES: • ae - "er7body ebicnild.call ai (race, anci.sefure great bar, AM% at • 'MB. mATFRA ! • 4130•44,... . 140„ : „ . p kwkes Ames. • • QPICED OYSTERS.—Exiis rule Baltiilicirer. P',.:ooten,Adcted,.aiutioraatio bZ she galowlivain Ind PoWlamgaanuty— 011&311k 'NW F.1811.-Now No.' 1 :andEl ltioketel AN to barrels, ball barrels Wl= kirite l aglei 14 WO . - . ... :.- -,... ~...-: ..,-. - --.- . • •—...:-- .• ..: 1 J . .v: , ... . s z . -: . .. _ 1 . .. „ ; _4l - -P RIM:?-1W4 4ENTS NEE ADVJE.WrISE CO-StA.R9SII VERDUN • ' EXTERMINATORS. - • "COSTAR'S" EXI'atEr.ORS. EXT . • '• 4"l4AVB'' 23lM_ . l2" fft l intro l l: .I.kfirrAlVS" ratrERILINATONS; 7- • -66,41 , A4 , iii MURAT smigNAToßs. ,vcsrArs"XITERMINATORS. • ')rnitathflNATOßS. "OOSTAR!S'ATORSE RM , ATOM. • .tosrairm , EinlikiNATORS. EXTERMLNAOR& "OOSTAR'S" : EXTERMIVA.7fAt&, , ': • 01pE•TAR'S" EXTERMINATORS., '‘'.434STO'S" morsßmiNATtifts.. -.I) 'EXTERMINATOR. -fi,CIXITAIEfu EXTERMINATOR& - • - . r..XIERMINATORS. - "I:XiSTA„it'S 4 EXTERMINATORS. , ; 7. • • ; EXTERMINATOR& IS3OSTAR'S'!!WERMINATORS. ; RS R, "OS • • •RZRATORSL CAR'S'' DWA A AM • ..TE ATO . • . "03STAR''412ZR. 11 11 41 TORS. :• • • EXTOMINATORS. "COSTAR'S"' A EXTIALMINASS. EVITISUEENTTOORS.- Ifor Hanti; Mice,ltesehee, Ants, Hind Hags; Pleas. Meths in Furs, . Wooleno,tilsairetito en Pinata, : Fourlso Animals, eta. _ "l5 yg.411 established in N. Y. City)' "Only infillible remedies known." "Free troth Poisons." ri Ma dangerous to the Human Family." 'fliatsoome out of their holes to die." , sar&dd. by all Drufslabi everywhere Alarm tixwatz 1 II•• of all Worthless Imitatloza. /111/^"Coatalip Depot, No. 482:11roadway, N. V. agrElol4 by D: . GROSS & CO., • . Wholesale sad retail sgenti. 41 by all . Dm -is liarrlabutg, Pa jelo-dawBm JIJLItS .ROSENDALE, S 9 Practical` and Scientific OPT A. NE-kit witarrr, ItditRISBIIII9, PA_ Particular attention le l ItUsd to the celebrated concave. .conveX , ardidl..VordlOhaft. Which• r : are warranted to strengthenauld, preserve the gyee the wearer., and . to last from 10 to'l years viithonli damps. ' - List of prices sent free toile, direction: Concave and coaVeziensesomt in steel named' $2. Concave and convex crystal lenaes, set in He s t steel franks, $8: Concave and COAVOX krystal lenses, - eta In silver frames, ss_ concave and conirairtsystal lanace,seelnplatina frames, 55- - f• _ Concave and convex ory_staLleuses.se!b . gold frames, $l6 - to $25. - , . In ordering speotacies state Mai long glib - S(4'W, heed. Any pair of. gLesses purchased, either here or sent to pr der, can be exchanged if not sttited•to the eye • Always ; en hand& /fug°. assorpnent Aerodettic I[l croscAp.a Teleset;.rmigyApertt and Fteld Glass,e,s; Thermom. able, ftWonteters. Clbsitraisk , traieing listrnments, and Stettottopes,:with the latesaithis. - Akir Send iiiuunP_fur a Cetalogue oontailOng Priem, Aez, asc. • • aul-41amtr • $49.. ARD. S /Lk TOLEN4 hist.; from 'Alio livery stable of the -aul:mariner, -in-Harrisburg, a ROAN MARE, 9,vtiars 153-cliands high,' small star on fah; black tralnennittail; .white mark ou right hind pasture; btrYtal - Anwhlte.Of ner 'eyol whenmorkinOr utd ing her heaq EtIWMIS PaCea.,nlieu under- the saddle. Akio ; a ungr, Wilted bitli c katripcirwhlte,; . `fettar s, on both 'eldi a hrnels,. : leattter l : Also, a set of Htki. S4D rennuinill.be fortlie return of the 14aref pulpy and Harness, or for such isfornistion as will lead to their recovery, and the arrest Of the thief. . augri-dif F. S. SWARTZ. NOTICE TO &EMBERS BY THE NORTH `ERN-CENTRAL RAILWAY. In accordance.with the4nevisions of the new Internal Revenue law, it becenies necessary that all receipts given `by this coMpany for iiMrcliarKliee reColled, fey transports, tlortiMiMila hear an 'INTMNAL ItEVENUt STAMP of the:value of two 'ceittsilhit exile nset; lif•tlid Sims to be borne by the party receiving such receipts: ARniceims taken by this commini i fur merchandise delivered to con- Ineee i will be stamped*. Said Company. . Consignees resitting' a receipt, from the Company for money paid for freight (whin exceeding twenty dollars,) MOIL affix the sump , N. DU BARRY, teneral Superintendent: Office of denerallnpatintendent Northern I Central - Railway Co ~-Balte., Aug. 16, 11364. au'l6-2w ,ILIONNWIS.i LIQUED RENNET ' with 'milk 'the moat luscious of all.geserta for the table; the light, est and meet grateful 'diet for invalids and children. Milt Cantata even , eleziaint at' Uwe 13:ddily Constitution; when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy of Matadi* and ituppastailts system with the least posaiple excitement When stiAgmaternmritive Rower isde sirW, cream and sugar may-bo' tiddeit '-'92c teaspoonful : Converts a quart of milk into atepared and sold, wholesale and retail by. a - . S A ..SI:INKAL, lelb-tf .. . , 1/8 Market, street.. . . PBLIC NOTICE is h e iiibirtgiven, th at in . panorama of the act or liaeinbry .og Pouwicanta, woad the first ea,* of Juoe, 1839, the stoe t kOolcleta of the . Bank, of-YIWIWAVOXI, k'cnna, wißapply to the uexteetaiou of the Legislatutefor a renewal of Its char ter with an *cease or its Capital rrom $150,0110 to .s2oofrait • , •!, s• C /CREEP% Yreetdeut. weasoesiors,Pa,JO3o_ 24,,.1118L -je.27 INE' TANILY''FLOIFISHISTZR & X ritragit bate Intid(ViiniKe)iteilts With one of the beet:4'4lmA the eountrylp snalptyattiplathihes bf Evely. :bapret . warranted, and doriliridtci Any 140, . o...eity.fEeti.cif charge. ' Minn ai rICAZER, ltezdertrint l'intlrathity brocertca,. opposite' the Gmirt• •.! • .' • aulB 112108E:=14dhOtea r- arc& Ohees.e, just V received at DA :tot KOzwiat. VOUNTPXSOLE -, 4 Bind bliVinTeiio,,r AI; *.of Hoitiaraa 8011 P Jug' Moffett - at ' • r -- ; 0,4 „ , z #144,F.R. fßoilrms.. "IMTRA 'WHITE WHEAT: kbatd White . WNW; As( rocelved jpi-sidosie PiItiLS.I4.I;FRAZER, -,Pellacora 1, 9 W Doak, Jr., & Co. xiXTRA.• • FAVIEVI FLOUR at& daRN yFAL alasya almost; oethateit.quillty, at ..7,1.4 . : AUlcaPart• I:7A/031 -= nkligl--Alleigi Wl*f . Mich ene!s's Eioehilli 7 bugis athil Dried its BOYFAt at gOBRPER wricjitEmarla eiceNtlok - 4118, Of .L yes- JIWAT'Sved f" ra f rit. jillaffl , ° R •IR 11). tic Immk' _ 450:10.1ar.-=WI4 , MetigOlget; th a sea ..sos 111 halrbilbeyazur s r n tit i mpted at - , • Eintoesioit trW.Mckqt.,LlTl,4lt, l x*LkilgoodscitebrkiSkbLliopoi.. Air WI Boolglign, awashal* ST ___ STIII fiIfiTINIOFIACI, .. Tt i :g l4 42: ll = ( Thr eir tit i b, Tina. Mum: Tbseir . 940906900 doNl l itikert con. - lenien iratilefbrence. C--- o:F7n:qv neli or./illa mat , ' ineamore li thaarlberam" Mt • HALT WAHL Cent SQUAB.% Chia day . _.4 .. 4 1 3 Two days .. Three days...._. ....J.T:: . 1 26 ..... One week.... 1. One month - -8 .Ma ' --.. 000 Two months 4 lialo#lo. a. .... 9 00 Three months 6 - MM..— 11 00 Six menthe B 15 0 One year..:..,. . . .15 ...... .. : - . 0 . 4 . - 24 0 Administration No t ices ". .82 04 • liar r taiga- Nome! - . • . " ..... nr #.• n . , ,L,.... .., • , tailitoes - wkes - ' - 1 410 Funeral Noticeamoltinsertion • -.. • 4' I ffarßusineas notices. inserted in the Load, , 7ft OT before Maoism and Deaths, poem Cara ma Limit for nob lasintob. EMS EVENING EDITION. Pennsyl - Vanlii Legislature. HOUSE OF ItEPRItSENTATIVE§ AFTERNOON SEtSION. Motu)AT, August 22, 1864 . The Hoithe re-assembled at 3 P. - tr.,.afid re sumed the consideration of the bill 'making appropriations for the expenses of .the extra session, etc., which was passed finally. Agreeably to order, the House resumed the consideration of the gdlitary bill reported this Morning by Mr. Wirsox: Its `design is to perfect the act on the same subject' passed within a few days. The consideration of the bill was,continued mull the hour of adjourn ment. - 339 EereurnA. Latest froirt: a,shfiigton Affairs on the UpiiiDir Potoimac. DATER FROM GEN. GRANT'S ARMY The Second Corps Re-crosses the Jane. Mysterious Movemenbil. WASIIDIGTON, .Aug. 2S. Advices frqm Hagerstown - represent that the excitement at that place still continues. Refugees are arriving in large numbers.' The farmers living.along the Potomaoxiver are again running oil their stock ,towards Pennsylvania for safety. Passengers by the mail stinting, from''City Point, bring a report, that_ the Second Corps had successfully xe,crossed the James 4 n r on Saturday night, thus adding to the, mystifica tion of the rebels as to the intention our movements. !EIE 29 • The Taliahassee. He Aug. 2g. The brig Roietta, from .13caou lorglittott, put in' here yesterday and reports havW(apo ken the pirate Tallahassee, otoTaturday, steam ing east o* Coal Harbor, about fifty miles-from here. A vessel which arrived yesterday, ,wv two steamers on Friday afternoon to Om eaatWard, probably Federal gunboats: There is no doubt that the Tallkhassee is the pioneer skip of a number of the same de scription which are being fitted. out at Wil mington, A. (3. Some; it is stated, are quite readyVMs, and may soon be heard from. The Tallahassee was seen Asperday . „, off Oar so, steaming north. Two steadiersjpadsed Canso yesterday, also boiind north. ' The Guerrillas in lientudiet CusincsvlLLE, Aug. 21.--Majcir,.Tyleri,62d Kentucky, attacked Adam Johnson.: pear Princeton this morning and ,routed' him, killing 4 and wounding - 4. ' A party of the 83d Illinois, 'tinder Captain Turnbull, was attacked, and badly- cut up yesterday below Fort Donelson, t hy,a : porticos of Wbpdward's command. Captain mra and 8 men were killed. CLARKSVILLB, Aug. 2p.—Woodward - 4%d at Hopkinsville yesterday. His, f e t orannAnd. has separated. 3ohnson is reported at • litadison4e;i2;ooo strong. ,Thhnson it; evidently inakirefor 'the Cumberland Risier. There is four feet o( water MA the shoals and rising rapidly. :< • Sentence of Surgimen General flantmond. • Brigadier General llaminond, Surgeen. General, W. G. A., was tried'hy 'coifit;Mar tial at Washington on the 9th of ,January last, on very lengthy charges of yisfrauding the Government of very, large amom;ts.of money, in the way of contracts to divers petsons,, for flannels, medical supplies, and hospital:Sup plies. The decision of the court-martial was —"That Surgeon General Hammond ,hel.dis missed the service, and disqualified - 61h holding any office of honor or truet •ifitder the Government." This sentence' the Presi dent has approved. There,is, petter feeling ,in mining circles, and mining stocks are more active, at better rates. Flour and grain faro; and prices are well sustained: - • .` There is considerable activity ori-thetrail roads in the interior. The Oregon: ruiljoad survey is being prosecuted. The Northern telegraph line" ex tended to Washington TerritorYlaiiti pushed to Victoria. - „. Arrival of . Prisoller4 . 4: . WiAmmiriox,43:4ust.g2,. The mail beat which arrived hrOright up from 25 to 30 rebel officers; 'Capture'hin the. *cent engagement Alf the Arniy of -the Potomac. . . prom Europlp. .Nzar Yoax, Aug. 22. The steamer Etna has arrived from'LiVer pool. Her advices have been antidipateol Yello* Fever at Bern/ Walt HetTsex, N. S.; Aug:42. The bloekade runner Helen; from &rum reports the yellow fev e r. raging Ware. - . • Markets by leletraiah.' Nz*.Ylf4ic, Aug 22. Flour -advanced 5410e;*iales 16 000 = lible. State $lO 30@a9 35; Ohio 75g1i: 50 ; sales uniiiiporutut. Corn I@2e.higltBzi=aales 50,000 bushels at $1 560,1 ,Dpef., dull; pork firth' at $4O 371.®40 50:-, firm at - si- 82 . - Chi - eiv' _ •aftalkila land•lalif etarbalawl-patt irazalibeis cenw,pci i Do.. Do. ilonija -- 145; •kippgn 40Attigtx sBi;New Y9rk.Central,l4d ink 135; hudsOn Biteil3o;•Ctftotrany 36 Missouri Vs 59; Ere 1114;Tisy10; one . . year certificates '95; 10,4 1 1 , * - 1014 - 4-20 Coupons /1 1 4'RgiLtered cinf944 aVitekou - Fon #3l' 109; .00/il 1004.. FOR TEE TtoLgGRAPIt F:rom California... ,., -..Sax FRANCISCO, Aug. 20 agnate. eight