Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, August 20, 1864, Image 1
~~.a ~ f i - ' .. .._ THE niTLOrItAPH . •isfinitof,D7 :7 7,•! MORNINGEVES L co, B y G rqO r u'v t ,./LE G 0,17011 , TH11 D 411.4 LN ZIT. E gMS bl"",striltictttrititivs:- FINGI.F t TnED4LIF "riLZlY4kiii if9r v 46 fa , E.,4 1 .Vi5q1 .4 4 6 la 1,6, city Ati Ce l o3 PeT TwAyl o y g t dbactdinrs svLll U 5 charged $6 00 in advandiii Thom, poraunS who neglenth l paylu advance will be charged'sl 00. , ( 1- ....WPMELICTELroIIAPH, Tss TELEGRAitt Is also incitililind iAld', gob,Kribag, M ile.Tollowing Single copies, weekly ..... pn r ce copies to ,yiao3"st, Ten ci , piAW PhiOkiloce NEW AXIVERZESII,OII;INTS.- CLOSI.NG : OrT SV,A.ViTgW,.,T.TQ . .c.N . AT. AND •r, - • - - 7 B V 31%. g) t•ft 1 1, • UM .14- • -- tILT kiNti .10 13 11,111IET. Wris • "instuElNO._ eatrous , . . S.-unilP-k— -ly Stook,of. Ckuod.S, Ottirs,6r 13.11.0 greati.Y. re Aced pvieely such as . . . . - SILK AND sTßA.w•BoNlirt• - 3, "' " 4.ND FLATS, ttE). Constantly ca Lap frepleatlyceeortr.4eul SlL N ky' 1341F.:3 1 ; ' • • Itt3.ol' SICIRTS, •-- - 114NDkERCHTEFS, " - 7.11:CT OtXSD3, pQ. Delider - C*lllllc. cull, cs gTett bargains ran - be. - had et wholesale. -••-• !- • jel4 ly 'etioAti's; ' • CM 4iireANATIALI Vt, IN D. W. GROSS NEW BUILDING, ALLREET STREET. - A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Race 11l w a sti_udid SPRIA UM., 8171.1 w rt RmA 1 ftv - .A.riN'ta.. 'li re, , 1 E fRRIN .GLOTEC aucculaus, ' I, . , W g' CFI BACKS, AND OW PlatO LOOSE` BASn' Tie above beauttcni sampfes, In -very coloraudhaa eompiy trttampd t frotp .$1.60 to Sib. unto briaL maser :;<. • qmculana; SACRS AN.I) , otiielTtifid . 9.IILDICHNiS MAYPZIASIN LAta;xv•Aßlvry - , --- thyp . . and Piinet. .7. - riArߧ. J. HIBBS, at No. 8 Market, Squard;! 1331::'Aexiaobi - td . evtii , Aettirlryt;tio'n4ri;tilepi3c6u4taist:: timid ilt4larei4 - elyiCi oi' irdidete;" Flo wer... bib bp% tOifeifter With d'llOO'tistbr4ddlik, br Dre Tittfmoilgic tiblA4l,lOrlek;tebllbra• Ilalialtkitobl Es' G1066q 'eon' ArttitlAri , GAN ge Ail tt a latest Iledglis or Dretl.§ThilerfordltEtblletifil tlih• New, Xork klay.ttays. Dr , ..tss and Cloak: making neatly elltb-r cured. "rhitikrari - ok thb'plar - olitie - hotrmWit Ace. itbe 0p1414,1.wi tillath . by it'aVribt tillontittn'yo - blielytetstAid Get enlleiiVall'oll;B"Kiinehil td • yea aban of the pphlie patrotigib Jy1.011:1'• t,- ckcwb - 7L:A4LizI- 1, 11) C ED:!,L.E.Ert' • Very. coeveni&t . %tot , telmtlYibe tor 31.1Nqr1198'19X0Ing . fever.otgrent this t " ••• - " ' .'"' ItteVotin'Unity Vecerilefehsle it '6' ttrtrelet3. ' Ita 6iinVenlctille at pie-hide be "" o sugar rorwited; one tablo•spooelltbelibply ,11..sholvt:tr• itgebredid'ivitnr Ilnd 1G ' ''' • • ELIAS'S /MUG AND PAN al" GOIYb STOTtr , - J 9 1 ,7 ' lidtltbr gireet • "" " NEW PHILADELPHIA 2 • - Id4;-45 A, W. GROSS' 'NEW BLOCK'," r:.ll4llLet, - t,OOO DLITENENT STYLEN,-, eF regnioNA.lst.r..." ' ' ." " L oAl“ :ft Ulf'', AlVt', "" ." F/NE INPRINCi 'SHAWLS Attl6ols oiithe lAto tlnkriitt "."'FACIVOST MARBII4IO6 OFF10B;:1401 , Dart:EC - 4"A! • ‘• • • • • -, iiailtllllll7lto,-. PIA Ono 6,' , lBtrk“ , • -1. O_pRAFTED• IttEIN:L.4 , itta 'ltireetec} , b„Y ..V a 4lN:'Ctit . V.. soli:l%W A . ; , *:‘l4olhigt , ttirsttg Gime; • , y •'by N cheular, oldlie W JOtiOTSIS4; tti . rtrto fish `'T at drafted naep arc not allowed to enlist as "i•o:un: Leers wirpOttprittWell;:enaktkitt Pie craptiOfprepirtOd men will remain for the sub-diethets franc whieli 'they were p rafted, no,inamier.whablier has not b.onlintt tegannkmlen, upon 'ti/lagaioutistment." KAY, 1 ' `" , F t bitipsl4l4 . Y . i.pctiitlfisp&K ; i4i l .l. Wl,' Pe. "pqr • • t., ;,.._ Steam. Weekly .1,0 ~ vg44 1 49 , ,k1 ,, ,, mosTrtf, otirkq r gv.,VaiAr4: Stilithe sYdh,itir"'Ut• ' . N Orli and Phdadextti:ti seefo ,, , , t ir t . tf,opt. 6 i te4 4 049 Pki, $ 8 tb./. 1 .9n 3 ,: ,".: ...„ ..: -, , ~. ' ":"., ' , City of Manchester Satin. tkr r Atiyiy,i4,443l; 'c r . • ' touvAlsWelairrridtXtuti. 2o it•PAY . # akkgbatt4;,..:"' { % Aukol p ilc eild, fivithry,s.*Qmmus golungE. 114 p p, 4 . rrOM 1144 SOPA AtiTcr. , .. ' . 0 111I' Mt 1” , 41 4.91.111 , , , •111. , II , i ' •• ' , RATES OF-PASSAGE, ed.ll672B)itt•litokivokrore Z I 4I:IINALIiNT IN Cl:aartikitit' voir i EMT CABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE • -szi, ) in do to Loullod::.ttgie Oa Me URLOOdotett... ::-1. 00 d qr l° _ ,, erlitnre•viSt ar 04§,R , vaai , ,,, t4 0 , Ihip,a -- - - — kr iiivrtlpleN • , ~,,, t p .l o 9Kri t. 64 di 4: vv o . xon 7b ,3, 34: ikel AV tir kliVetkrrbe 11WR: St ' tklifiert S6IV WM: i' Mtenrite; $81:. Re Netill WM tbte'ricr' c r_ tlipar int i ry yo . cicetir li dere ay Wee. rates. Tor ft str, n tVoyFrn a atctt ttite.ttlipinvVOL .10` :tile. L itotff,• 5 ltlitialter‘t, WV:- Wt.. • ZIMM g. . Hlmitibur , . ~ .. 4.?•-. :' 1 r '..7:trTYY.t• 1... — ::.+1 rr u 'RIMER' & scigitoy,:4 , I . .... , tacqviiiirworwieitti4WM 00 EL 71 ; if OR REASOati§ , rpoAlt. t . tisfactory to 441t,y5T444 1 ttnA.l)itn.tile* tr. . X •- • •• • e v - Piands. 7 .11 . i guti4k. V ~.. ... ea arm o vo ta itAv o i se pl ~...,,',., , --‘r vro !_fo ! , 43 11-er I A NweatitititieWeNtoffittritie'Cnigbittettlyaitstortf be d i ol o pty3:,. 1 • , • ! - 0 110 ~ 11 , 91 Ii•I , . 6 ,,, ~,,,u44,234 PI ` CH A Mb BO 11.0. Photicirraph• Albmawrip% 9)Nale _ phetogra_ply , l l,3o- .Los U lll'2OZ ' , 'k EAlifrdAamggaviar.)p4f 1, il •r riaiaeepastvariaby fi , ,arift 47,.%--- ev.imomusicattribupx. a t 4 er3URGRIMUIrIitAIt BOUE/eoa4/10' garAl="er,,2ll,"alrigr,= t ; at' 14.t', "AMVSVO t _f r . ' 6 ' • r ,„ j Clll, sPEWS; jau I r6aniefOeartsr;b r oD rju!se Perot itegivoil fiikaeot , ;•11mtir':,:e •11 ;;Ime tI NPFI E /0 5 ,1'454,g WA r gaa,fl EFFW.I3OOI fil*Tilk II I Second driest, opposite Presbyterian Church, Harrionrg Pa. ap2.3 SALMON. -- Pine salt Salmon, at Duo SELISLER & FRLZER, P. . • , 7 P • • V:. A. • n t • 'W, ' : t, ' " - 41- ': I 1 P 7 ".. Y P. •A ' ' -- ' ~. .... , !,.•..4 . - DM VERY ..10 O'd I hY GEORGE BERGMC!, VENIKEDITION. THE SitItAtION. Ort,Priday morning a portiort of Sher-I idan'a wagon train appealed at :Hagerstown, .eild on this fact the rumor' - starts - a' that ott fcirces in Shenandoah 'valley , were falling b' ck, as if pushed by a vastly superioi Mini , o ' rebels. li:Miiit not be lost sight of that i T arlf is in the Shenandoah yalley with a large f4rpe„ancl, thEkt An is I; eft reinforced not, as . c incline to believe ; to make aggressive' Movements, but to hold in check the troops :NN inla l* Fal@ral 4 a9vernMezrt :noir --hasin t at direction. But. Vie; fact; of Sheridan's \ Wort tritiii,'6'i s ti iicirliiiii . 6rit, haiiiiiii.Ppeii-' - e4l at tiagerstou'n, is easily eiplainecl when it ) iii known that that has bi;en:and still is a de pbt a supply; Wilellte; SiterScitin subsists his f4ices. In' connection wiih these rumors, we hi tLVC a well aathOttiYat4d ii4..tiont to the ef- Net that Sheridan has defeated a considerable tuber bf!Elat'irtllo4g sae r Matipaburg, ter which our force t s pegan..,alowly to retire the main body of our troops, a retrograde ov,ement3hich is regarded here as likely to traiiilli3-etieiny and leis : hiiri to a most test it "IC vety, bettedii that• I the ',ant' A ek thally exciting. rumors MEER om the Shenandoah - and- the Cumberland Heys._ , The rebels ,will. undoubtedly, make large.:and,fie ! fierce a dembustration' in the Slienandbah ,i , alley as possible.. They 1 a -1111( 1T4Pee iß,Tlehfor o q" they can , mass 0 itl4 weak point in - thac xegion, if onip for t e purpose. of creating ft panic and producing a rm. :En v t e-haie a notion that this ad . , .„,. ti e, be resisted at the proper point and t e, and thaT the CTOviininent: abetter pre pared-. for ratis in Wet, difebtioti-than ever; be-: fc6e since the progress of the war. ,i - tutaTituy BILL. The following •bill in reference to the organ- WM atism Qt .the hes passed both, honSeS, . . a d is now in the hands of the Governor,•viz: , • 4 . t.11).P.L.E.11.EN.T..t0 the act for, the organL adieu, diseipliie : and.. regulation a • the Militia of the Commonwealth of Pennayl i - ania, apirOved lYtity'fo - uith; one thOuSiind eight bundsed, and_ sixty-lour. SECT/ON 1_ Be :it erktereogbythe Senate •aid' Ipause of RepreseWa:tives of, the.' caaol. 2imeiaiii, Pennsylvania in. Generabuissenibby• tad, :anci• is hereby enacted by the enthcnity - ot the game, - hat the Goyei:tApp , and: A State' 'ltiremitirer: 134 aind•theY..arce hereby autlorizedttuad empow- 1 - ed- to 'bortvw,l an the faith of the-Gommen. '1 9,4 th, cyt, IYI6II O gine, - in i p!tali amonAts and Ith soca 'riOtice as they may deerb. 'mist Vic:, 1 . edient-loptheinterest of. the *ate,- any sum' of exceeding three millions of dollars,. and i sne, -- ftftificate? i,cd . ,1.. - .0, - .: - ct,two.,, .4,41.4 o,t t e CtirnitliSnwealth -kW this' seine; blearing sit 1 er fientehi fnlefeid Mr iiitfutri;ipayable semi ' nnally .in O . city, §f . Philgdelphia which ?FiWelljteA a loan or'boii6 2 66ll iiiiti ' be hiil3 r •e ,jgct,to tats pr.loca. ;., .•• Xiii;o4. ' ' ‘" t 4. iiticilijtiv4iY'ti . thateven,‘ and • alien. ba. reitubtimahle.i4.4my, ' * .. c after • the expiration of , ten • yearn -from , ,' tiV ( 40; . ick,,A,Psff Enitv: sc.:bPt _ l( fwett; ,Ot 6 1 J0 much thdreot as May be .necessary., i e ' ini-the samdis hereby appropriate& tedefray ' d'ertpeuses" which 'may. he . incurred-mder. e provisions oi„hhis„act:,.y.icie , l„ Otiirilti rtificat,slof :lean •ox , .bOnd . shall be issued r a less.tinsthim one hundred dollars: Pro . lurarQi~tirq ,„ Ida fiti-tkV; 'that o V:. I. :t: : i :ll' 1 , . / v . .!. otiatedfecieja4anitemar w61119e, and Were • all bu labfiliVd on-4W @aeli M shill 4ieltifi e at crilly'. l9 4 4 a f lZ i l l A 1r ga 4 l:4 2 fr. 4. ,:r : I efencl um Igtate All:war • • 1 „..,-p r f. - la oe, llifilotiksa 45,9 - ... 1 '. AVOW yat.-9 113 ., miners' and Meohaniesi Oink. halithaitma hiladetTihitV'rrht3o4,fttrthwr; That:ttweivr.: raz,.itud:state Tr: 6l 4W . .t s ,_,,`NOWscaAt c V iized to•use for the.,pwAnSe qt. ' , alp EA wmmtr ., Irily, 9.ny funds in the -StaterCznasurylnat, IllqAWIVA):101; ,ox, ii necesKy,,, to ake a tempory loalt, to beirefutiLitinn_ the roceedreVeffb putillanent tioato hetisby au llntinedrAT P 97.0 ..`: "0— .a0ITO"?.* 7: ! .r. r,. - 151rV "TAO r thee lboinda"t&tertifieates f 01 0 : MN gig i 43ll3o . VIP ' fatreiSidif ell& : Oak' hall'ilie4filign4.l4,,The,Oovernortied'44oo*:" ignecl - try—tlpe . ,,,skite Tpasurer and Auditor gn.e r val„anid 4 - ''h-e6f.latitiVeitinie registry ft% efiaellhatlskllierptinikfroaik-tclihelfifova , c ap .F ,;44,'itettki'bilTeisvillit'` eneral, Aci shidl - make annual repa3.o4- t' to the Le 6 isl._ ~ e,--and- the Governeer-is ei,qbv authorized draiViiarrants on the taieM6s(lrtr r aPsitilaniiiiis[ may be': te . s444l4k,*.qlPlexPlXSeehl'e.idelit a ,r, tui;:aztaw-br- iierlinetitecof *in Igit4OTT. Ita •Tplft 4liwatidubrthis ea, ,and..saitimtati agl. i111.40:40M ; Cif 07 FOCTerl nik the SEC ..5M Virint All. heavernor" '136 ' and 'tie is' • ftl:yiuttratited; ty:tuld'. with the consent f—fl , " 5.1• - • , ta, 0 -appoint a corapetent_pers4n f military i Mittcfsttios; flmipetionse,and skill, o ho.-iCInNt g ; . of jssl44l . Olt* ioroeti of ell l NrYftia 0 . e rableitharaleetlie Piotitrimas If this floWitslifrariaivkiitnidipr granealll who, oAlall4l:+feelghttll belentitled to the traed,ii& .00lii,i:Oiiitis' of a' najor general iiitEir` klulik.Aalte; angliCAloll'4io33;'o,e'ert y; inananner i as aforesaid. LO ePlikiintt*.c.'pek, 0214 4 :te military ochroationi . experience ER!' . A !'„*.:4.314 ytigadier generals who, - 1. `stif , ;qoe, shall be entiled to the ay and emolifilikittidibE 61ScoRpf the same 'VO•wta oAher_aerlV - ._ 91 ,' the •U4ted :§lB, tee'. • aoirletlohatarten, rTiokateuelL-general ..Q4 3 40 5 . WWII nett lappoitted or assigned to duty by 1 1 74: i "' 1.44 7 #41i1ef, 'except when; the (Ea% ereirt4roviaid. tor .Shall :tifOie :been fillethinto•nettualtervi*o in sufficient:Strength N4:o llx . d *,M i t s • - ' ' '' ' ' ' •` i '', , v ' WI : -Cie 'lnEitat7 ~YOree kovided•forla tidal asta shall - 1/ -ASASKIOnfq Wit66l6V the' Governor of the Common- Keplik•it +4,14. 4a.4 ie _duty; pf ,thnAdintent, retrkkactiatiaith4WP4Pllo-"stet aralbletairiGotwrorthwary •Gsnenil :11 tire. lldtilijiltiiiils Aiftle , Ye'tha then are te-rondav i4ll4,'#il t a: li • •• • '„ ins -near as ma he; n a,,, w r . ' , 1, forthwith' iidfir4ris fig ruposals for suptikliWg - --4e • tho—estinnien vealth, such supplies, ordnance, and ordnance stores as may be necessary for furnishing the troops aforesaid, as areprovided by the laws and regulations of thQ ignited States, said EMIIMM F;ri .7. 're MBE • - eini `.` T )1E- -- 13. • • Omit , Slr art iiV9Y4-----IWeb.; _ ;7.:..-:04;;7444::61.‘ • HARRISBUR%...- • , SATURDAY .tl.l[ o:6c :'2(l, - : . ProPesals ' in be ''.directed - :to the mod: Critnissary GeneralArat fituriferentster - Getf,: e d. - respectively; ,'Opetied'Afr - Ove d ys' notice;' and tlffl'emittacts•th lie liw*de'd to the lowest bidder by theAreper 'officer fia4 riting said propoials, and a bate sequribitt) be taken 'for the faithfuCpertorrininee of the contract before M the ine Vic Warded, and said officers shall publish end keep on file in their sev.eral departments forpnblic inspectien, ~e,, list of ail the propeeaU: -offered, lucluding those-rejectedAb well as those artvded, and before the acceptance of any applies; or'd- Matte, ordnance stores, or - other Military stores of any kind. whatsoever, ,purchaitti• upon contract as liereinbefore 'provided. It, shall be the duty ot. the Quartip;maeter Genf oral or Commissary General,' as the'case m'ey .be, in connection 'with: the' Auditor, Gene* and State Treaiiiirer, to:APpiiint ;from lime to time as required; . one or more 'disinterested anti competent inipectoii-familiar with the value and qualily 6f th 4 .iftiploideg ! Vanillin - de; 1 ordnance stores, orThithei- !Military stores so centraeted for; whose--ditty it shall be to ex ainine and accept - Or Xejiaa the game, and it abcepted to give a ,ceitificate. thenof -1:o the contractor or vender;iind no - b W -rendered for. atiyanchetippleta , omitutuciclitirdnancetttores; o other Militakystores phalli : be paid:natit•So certified thin. apProved; - the inspectors - so!aw Pointed shall . etteh receitellie dellatt.Pertletr, ter'every day necessaaikteMpleyed in thedis4 charge of their duties, and :shall 'severally tie *oral or affirmed to, dincharge their duties with fidelity: ; Pr6sid4 : That:. the !quarter- Master• General and Commieeary General shall 'respeetively - have r authority, .if practieable, to obtain .the supplies, Ordnance,. Sud ordanek _ stares, - or 'Other military store's, or 'io:Y.Pftrk thereof-mentioned in this section, .ireitirthe , . United Stites government, paying theln,•if te , • •quired, the cost „prices, thereof : ' 1' ~ (4.itis di . fa, they, That the eonitalittry 'General shall' Have power.tq,pnrquytelliKeet, witen„iletually •neceitsary, and when = there - is not-time to ad rlertiafi for' - eontr - fiebi, l- 411 - ttenimissary stores aettiallYtie4lfortlititrobper tirop dict, '44 Whit . itb-mbre than the itettharelitily rico sliall lie - paid for any aitialePurelitiae,ll:7. l '.• ' Sxe. ff. ' rthat.the 'Gdviaindr •of !the 'Cern.' monviealth is hereby antliCiiked-and ettlpoir- - •eired te otitinfie:A!mililarY COrpiolAtrealleid` the Parinsylyania Stite`Gttaril;t6 he coin ;deed Of fifteen ' regtinents i in 'fine prOpbxtibin ertav:. - alrY,'llitarit'ry and artillety;!' dr 'ouch* ! •iiOrtiOtt! thereof as taii be' 'ite r enieirneoesiald:Y. '-• 'The said' regimente ialian ktlarally he 'doitiptiaed'id oonipa'tfied ¢flike mithlitklited Ito" be ' aired& and equipped', elethed, r triiiiiplinAl kOveiried; and paid While; in aetirel'srertickt;! - ae'!iiiiiiilkir' tro'ope in the. ee,Hine eif the! glitted'Atfitiaii WA' shall be erilieted'inthoAafvftle;ofilie-Stlitefor' a period 'riot,: el*dixiglithrbeirlirs; topsis aootrei (fisoliskgd,_,*ci 3 Mar! '1104: ts' Vet Oalledlnte tati stir-M.4'6C MIS! tate, 'tteliiieW dines as-the Gil'ineriieitreti& Iliiniationitaltli may., deem their cervices , necessary;'!fdr!`the purposeOf , irippresply ; inideribitotiii. ! - - E -fr • ie. pen** invasions ; au the flotibioi ehlill hp, poin t all the regimental officeta; !aridthetten:- parries shall have the - riot-to elect the com -Bany ,ffi oceith: itiiir sad' Valor iGeriefal and rigialler'Oetterals;! And: all regimental and doloPaiif adidere!!ianattl•tii3'..eitizerio: °EMU'S Cderithiaiwealth : 'Prtvilif4 That imeirporticalii of the s'aid•corpri en'elddne cenbd!thtd:dettiat oelliddiN aliall•be kupplialand!•ptovided! - With" rdiialide iiitereto as , providedolbr I iii this:heir but Whenn6Coalled into actectalseirviee;-; !snot! euPPlies; orilnande and! orchnittoe,eVotes !shell' be withheld thrtil'rexidired;',': ri, r !,,•, I , !!,pr,) is her4Y4tYtth°l l Fo,4 4 4e - A r gl i * the h'ness,, tirY hospital arringernents,,caps or instruCtion, arms and accoutsemente; garristm and camp aquippaWi 4arumgtfk4m'.xnaltOkinEfilTt," cessary for .r:the , urrmaog-Jond - equipping ~ • puttitiO %al • Service, subsistence twitenrin aervice, quartermaalitaWen - lais - a - ryini - d - Ofd= t r ,e,,E4,9,pq, pi ~.tb.e„,Rakt-rmovkaAucg Otos GAAr4,444.44: 440: t. '. 0 iiit' 0. a g ,-ular,orta-rp g ulations, to' ake and uaci. Vogge . or cavalry and artillerymiee, for which full cimpensatiotrialthifipdoJ,ithin ejA nicoptl e i 144r,t4e 1;.A1 ofitlaje'iyiiMk ! -hit therptteo bYtiltele the to/VJ . rt4'4 s 1 01 3 4:A 14 4 hibit lei the - • omen' •l! it** ihni•AWhoittror; auelitssibutleOtaid shall at the time give to.the , bwnex_s_cartificate s_hithg__ ti__A__n_uriilitar'' , of horses takene_tanikthe -I.bizewharn and by Whet% _alad•thNAMißq'forota '' ' ' T A re,quired,,and ttuoix,inifii Atlon, a in i ! • 'r... rent -inaphst-netieseary, and to seize iinel aim& awa,__o_tlter ni tfatirilif "trinfiplottatiOrt as the exigencies ef-tareMewaay demand. I _Sao. 7. , ` ll o l ,govown4. l lxegnyvilaire•Otli is also hereby authoraiseckquilrAMPW/ertig 1 , cause to be l nude :' tini immediate enrollme and cliesift Caton o'rtibe‘trillieitiltir, Illeiti onwealth ; and. it shall- !. !" - ! '' ." ,-; nd keep in servige e m l iqrig,. he may deem esWerfffß .th9 - 04PQ Cylptia i isiadiatcrh 49AttilW,QI;ot 11WR 10 as iwarapdeormatecessarivt osalale rims: - vania..Statti 'Guar& brzytalunteetin or dealer; Pi,obidtit''Vnt•Yeteoo4irteik 1153a f l in i ; detailed vi.tag,t6Ed4;of, - ;4 . ,c 4l ,ii i W: do military duty, may be received tismonan segra Anthe r ~tektFaeiNtfl. P rOv Wilt t APA; I O4 4,- illy . itliliiiiet 4allnt..4eferenceat.olagiriiri I :IMO -1 Sze, 8. That if ,p,racticableoantil the time ftielitiy gate lot; Melling the O'nfhlYiaeiKEW tits itlifit eftlie-ectiniabliitnititli,:thiribirinlior4! ; ,,, Itheirit 6 a:.#4ti •PrrOvois4. v. (*lf* ; .tV:o' anilitary tom , 'nut:hewed' bY thib set;'"pn.the basis of, the. enrollment made in theism/evil districts of - the,,Staie - Xy the ,enrollinkoffipers tof thiii:Generia.Goent!,,, but IC inipiacti iallL l ) Y.lgke CloTePoLls hilfe,hY•clirAat4o Snui' m 0 Sri usraeiliii*enroum@pit 0f..0.44.:wwwa Rtirulit t i lommtruweititirotortie!Dmadileiltioz, *ntlid tiblld ithiehtlifaieltg 'V" ~ !!'- ' That.when thelaat;gedie'r'' s'e a tinilird,lbat' _ rto enter upon- ilsepertermaneutlee of ehroilingqiut hitinenstrlfi theintespectiVe disticts, for a period of, live Ave, otter katitig., notified Of:their, 66: 4.a:d . py , Eß/p;01-#.4Aali. !point a competent-person Or, persona Wartlike • ;the enrollment:: -!••• • .. •• r. t, ,: r ~, ... , ~.•., It shall heAO' 4titkOr tifejPaPPlOrlO, aii - ''' . one 00111Petent 4.C4 citizen 191,1'd0'043 1 .,, iwho shall be a physician, whop in connection. , with the county oomprissloneria; dr eity'ponr-; imissioners,. shall, 99441 M e t wifr S:itAtixgo ;whom, the, phytidan shall srrige a., ignOranni•Vith - power to determine who ire! 'exempt frdna eurchnierit %liter:this oetimid: I the-set , gt: if l 44ii ,triCil4nEWlU'riYA,,' ?¢ I' lama be. the. duty of . the fripolliiig, = Leer, . i give notate, by-publication in :tat newspaper of: ; tile pb4t,y;:afttat tlinestntwhieklueVaplify, 1 catkin .efLalll6;ll.eita. mix. tii'. rliitlrk..4o l 4: board. when-they • will be • required ; tos heir such t applicatitunr,' - - .!!' - !!!:. z:•!••:• ,, •_:--,= That all et/10400 jnielbrancia in'tlM4W . - 1 rolluisntahalkbeuperfOrmed as directed ill.,flle act to which this is a supplement, and that - the physician so appointed to hear and decide on applications for exemption shall receive for each and every day so employed the sum of IMMIEEN fii•e'd elleTr§,;7ttitiiheatikity . eenttriteitotteli 3 •of• entienissidieste tit& shut ot....fteeldolttgs,.. d iel; Prkbe R.44, , q 1 ?t ofth s aAtate.T.,reaauzz, ThA, u9vsruoi. ,„, ipalkii Eiatcri•Og '4sfiTerif Whig' trin.r 'jliaklnata/bb . nonessfirrta carry otit thb pro, tejstonk of . this: act 3. and tOleffpetwtkic oily en. eillnaent t . 4i yi n orgru49.' nnindnni dins COninonwea)o4. SEC. 9 . That the:pirArteariister °chiral lie! • 0011;2,1i . teretiS , :aiithorizeil 'to 'enitablet or, ultserrteeatblo. grtluttnee.4ll2Dgiflg to the,State,=.the.. , powee4.4 ,which 04 11 , Jim, paid into the $64 . 6 - 400;14; g . deeinO'll'noonsgarjr' y ty thn • Cointeindei-in= athrttibit.to3lle 7 opropriatian above ttiunedv• - towarii).3)lo,mpurohspe.of ordnance , SEQ.:O ' ; tiigA'ae - iiinif of Eliecounty is - notll:in totenefo "sore;' ati , Tito4l4ll, Wt.& tliira ,ieetialltif the acts,to which - - thilt iltlketiP9l4#mtliktrt4 43 : B# l- , assefitiogli!lit§ill,,Pp. , l44 l :4;,l l q , . 09. aßP.V.riii:Okeii ani;l o . ntffk tanh ,0 1 4 . tlett(matt"is' foie: =••• PENNSYLVANIA --- LtOiSLATU RR; =POMO. VOVORTfr -TELMItaPH- i'L- : ANTERN9ON fx,ESSIONr • ! I !I?) • ! . - .Ia*PAVA- 11 g 11 4 11 0j •!. •z• AitamMititiT noTHE OPtt4a4rBAFC 2 .4:•: 3 W--- - - Mt :TLT:-TIR iiTiii --mov.4tlg to -' dischurge !Ithe, JhdiciatT Corawittaa.fromihe _further maid, oration'of p slipplejniittt tip ,ac t in reitttioti '.4 the, f7motAlJotintieN , :t.44 : .volAng*lis, 11101-itingLtliow,i3iii: l 9f l :lliteill-:titht . ies,l _apadlthtitlthir'pent_ite . l) . rocetiTiO ihr be - a t 4A1„,... uan. ,-.; ... 7, :1 . 1 .._:: ,Il - ., t 1. ". • '.. '', :V.' ' :: ..: 4diotciii ii !ip :mx 4 tied - 4 ! -- , • Qn motion or M l ipsioFtEirili;ioOeciiiiii section was itilticiadefOyidtpir tiAt 'infeiti'liki%: , tens of any *aril; bororith,•&a.;;lnid436iFiweii MOW: - -Zig-Irtty:lititottOtlrulertite-I=lentrdttrtt - - log thatlittAltwittc.fbelep*littiAltheitvithOt ities shoiadThe required . io levy iitai . aid& '43iierit' to cover -the same, Prc``A4l4-it (#4 2 ot. *coed $300: • 1 On motion of Mr.-1131pdONEYS, another low WitiCgOiL,Ntigi 011.. g, adgekpxo,*lng that when man`had lrtrhee a srclostitate, he should ie ! entitled 01 egliftilbtlatiffiittilis;!' ': .:,i' 'i T On potion of iti:.! lit CA.24l£l'irE4 : iili . ictlh' , lalideirettat ti lit& t :Mei l!tiottig . no of thiq act the eo .11itti"'of Titttlett ls 44:- a l* c rTgi n ewifiatt a kthia. el : , ,:r , :•?, '.l r• • I 1 Aftitebfrthdtital:ll6 debt f stritliidailiitititbpr izif !dtheiqtnAdidelitg'Beiiiii;MMll;' l :' ' ' - : ' • pn motion, of Mr. LO WIM tkolillpillailliF ( i n. i n frtiatrr ., ,,e,ititireyrity4tte,.. - :; , .,. 1.....,.. „.., ,4/44.... - : - ...:_; 1 i ~...: - Kr:GB/J . llkm, from the; itg - Fffir4tAß. clt cgry 7 T - 9 41 k c A 41 Pr ii3 4 e1 4 ,9 X, 44- • ) 1 .1 .ile" I i1 1 1 ,r o5 (41 „ 4 1 It.ctz4J:y i fik -, IF - F 49 1- I P-RxV: . *! , .0 ° 1 1 4 ) f _The, rep4l, was 4 c Ora eit '; ; r ~. , 6 I Vpir :44 * : q " •Wk.4i i3 f i 'o 46 s 4, ro,Nk 11l PirAltiotTeU,l l 4it if , P§t lo ll:-,lsftai - X-VP4:' 'dig C1 t .,,94,,4 1 0, - SieiNtatie. todloAtctis4 1 4ci oi . ftrgw-Pfltitiiflifict4 o .464{44ein. _ _ T ~..-., . .7.)tr. wall D.N.p.ii -1 r-Houso:ca,REPRESEATTATINCFA.:. , - i% 1 "In •'‘IIAFTEItItIOUN' BM 10V..`"' -'"'!•!'' •”.. 1. , ill . ' Vali:lit '1 . 1 . V.M4Y 7 1 , 7 I 'K(3110,14 1 0 1 ' 1 541131gb.t, • Pi' 2 i ' l2 f Nreglitiiti'WeiV ebsitiidifiWit,q.,po+B49_,r, 4 tatj rov yt4 ol, Xiti.i9lle. l o l l,l: ll :lo,7,44 Op 0:- SeiNGltintindindligTO the till ,toT ,j 14 4 :, of 14f Pk a ß l- 1 61 :t i nIl TiffTo CPifo.,;. , #,L'9 l 4, L tj ' 411,1Vicath A , ': ~„. h , ,/,', -- . 4, P 'k r I i 1 - eirifilb readtiticiiiies6inal PA nn,Cre h. Ittiqn pt, last spssipn relatiyfiVAoool,,eit' diiiBit iias'aidbtlif6l3.iii ci n, ' -- ": " - li:“ ,Tht? cimsi4erftticicfiAbit- PARif. -., t 1 /41311 . 1 9111 4 RRT, ', 44 le p 11 PV, I, ~s. 4 o , l )..p i i i r o NI,. 1., ,I 4 .. ,_ , , ~., ••. .. r #.7M.,,i 4-'fitii;ifickcTi,i l l . -tiantlii • . rls • A n Military .441liiraf'. 3 1 - Ine, 3 A t ' .rf tretigi'i t reionWhAor - cbf fAn - he bill was diseeseee-anel postponed till iirie ondw, ' t aaazacr.,-- .)'-'&' 0%3 Tike q 9 , i) En conlraitt- ~ of conference .12 thErnail rfliftrtgittr#4 , . AU Atfittidieile'elLeLtiat: .9PINP:Wra .6 s pa L gs, ze of lo al bonnt , . fit. :S IC . . 1. - . . 11 •ro'l t ott .11A i elf?! froiaasa • ebel Re A : • .'. M.Obiliiiii .thS. iCheLialakin . .' ' - ' lof the tot:wincrkfro4 tii==... .. 'iI3IIINOTOF, .: ....„ I'. 17th, rEigiAki it Id e§l44day. Monitc.TifAll4llkfgAliOttPasaß4/29W.: 1 : 1 .7,e e r MomLE, August---156-- This evening . two har,*l pio.ut*,. ' l 9 ill r t rb o rg u l7o s u o r i s tn n p!Mtf i t e g ol l:.,e . ':;., 6-ify 044Vratitit PV74711,4 1 4 . . , td:i. lilPi : . fi4o,4k ..• '. :. i j ifls. 94 11 4„ A . ':.: ktaMyliN r . iiE liitlili itlil ' i ' -:. . i •-•:' I "'X' w iti`4l Oti V '11ih.:*t04 16 :r , 414 fo l ' 6,414 '', A` abIAPIFT .:4 11 1fa 4 - 13 1 A: 613 ,0 71;5 :fi1° 'i li „. ,13 4 4. o teirig; etthisaimioin g, ~t ,l lt`f, , ~,tr, . , at ppo.R.,.. l w.i i k .#l;,. .. Gil ya w ai-, 25. , rni-,te t u...g .. n a . , r IF; . , ? I' l l !., ~ ati 1 * 25.01 1 ( f % 4. ; 1 A :R 143 , 0 94-1 44 .: , ... p ffir:: 6 ;. ,. . : 9! t 11 6 iii:!'" , , !t::: , _ • - ,•• ErOinit eiwADrhyttna. , •!NENeOettk,..ifor: bancii, *tip] 19. , 1 The steanier OlivEßWintihrfeoliS'Neir Or aeons Oh the 12Gfi , titsi "alive& , Shi , was hot! x3lblested. airrainonidi Bitrylitst , Etbi 'of& Icersykirew'nothiAtisttlii jet , bEidyroil litheitsidsikttee , the'Olairibfer Nato 'destroyed. OrleAl l 4, eQttS ll ::94l4o l .9t-Pustge4 IoBePiesiid; gge§ fig- the vf@il.lo4l.l4lo4e ceipts„327; exportea,sterk cen,,4o, • - 8,295,., Sugar.., nd. ,moopsgo .4441y...r7—)1...Qve Fi b O r A e g ii ß: 6 ll, 6 A - qi#:, et t ! 1 ' '' ''''' .: .11 ik • 111 : 1 I Jjj' t gre,P: "R e fi a 'tt P -1 J‘E.,/ •t r. 1.1 1l • a i ni.AlF del pointthawa when she left yesterday, that a strong recon noissance was sent out by Gen. Hancock, arta had reached Fair Oaks, v;.111') 'II; 02; Z.? 4n. ,2..: - .1 - ,.e..1. - ..7..7 t...,..:::,...,1 .u.:.,...e.i,it....?.. ~,,•,1 ilDiL,,'77 .r.wi::.- - ,.7..:•. v••,- ‘ 1'ir., , ,-_ . ;.:-.: -.:. ...; t...,...2 ........ ' .';,:.::. 1 --.: :.1.......) E:-. 4 - •..,..1.1::. ! ;.., - .i.1:. - ...T f ,:.! ~..• .__,. , ,.. i , j i. _. . 2 ;7,, ' , 1,,.,: : •-,-. -...: T 2 . -- . ...L ii.if,,z: ~ -) r ..1.; if. , - 1 - 1.0.;:r. , !.:...: '....,......:.../.4.--,,-c, . f.. .„ .....: !:.: : l' . - -1 .. . •-•.- .1. : :-..,..,.. •• ,-;•• .L.: ..•.L'. 2, ' i! . .1. ,- ' ....:::: iT a .-.....• L - . , cl :lz ; T. - i.l 2 .:: , . , .....,,... .. 4 • ' ' ..': _:: 1.:.:;:T .., -, : ‘ 11.;:• . ''',-. •.1 .'-.,' -:- . -'''•''' MON :- . :.:: - ,,r!?.r; - 7. - 7t-I. itrit • ' - '. . siLfc 05 i t rr -: . !flin - 4 ' ,Tsbrrirr - yr e .i' frOvirtl44,l4l6l: NE 13Lti:'" :ILL._ , EL:3:4‘. EGIN 111 =II MEI Er 7 blinterFlOW Wttkifegroi'PAtibi T !14 Vatti " "at Jig /a • ,-,1•!'.•.bt[11..c.• >:. The follswing narration makes a ert'of on . aii . 6.10 inthe'Septemberfinml;ier, a TAO, Afton-, ti Menet% and Of'it;e:toling thaptcr of a new 1 iv lump j entitldE; 4 4)6itit ttO l itnnestlee„" by B inland Ririe; :itbot‘t,,.ip ...tie - pnb_liShe,d trq 'Sheldon. ' • - ." 4 - '' '" "'"-'- - ' • ' . ..;7. •- 1 - : : : , , ,IN r, 1 49. , , 0.r., L c Ira ,nest .iiiciiripig, 1 1 1)realifast,'?Wircal. .4-44 i,4 OAT rennalilt )tc4.o3bi , ai in i dited.a c Tio4ol-,,ocsliion 0340444 aa A., o,%iy 1 -4( 1 - Al l e - 14 5 !*4f4 6:6. ' 6 044 Of ';, --I l i! 6 ,1; SpeerraWoon: lIPPEi. :_: .t: ' ... :t: . . RicaMoNAA_Yx. apliA7oB64, f/ i FlEill: ; IL, 41%144403:4WA1 . - WI `'.aerlTetßl7' PI E. t4t4l. - Itta.- '.' -:. • . : ' ;'•-", : "Thstltrilta.:-P;r1 . 11.611 2 / 1 44rsigned reopecifelly acilicit a4 - anterte".* NM:President - -Davie. :.t. .. I "They 'visit alai:ailed =Was private- oiti- , - rlatav - hhd have nOloillagliWitameteg otatithor lial;but drey.exe acquisiakted-witlkAhe;yiews of' ,the lazitedlitatee Eilovernareut,-and ,with the• s4ntiintute 4. -the liwtheru r poiple r Qative to-, ail et UstureWar-Abe 7 &anima* ear SAD& b t". 'mean the Nortit and i..llo,l;itlil and eariaeatiX -Ipe,that a Ilve!interchange of views weep: eaklentt Davie Old - theaureiTee - ray:open-Ow , ,ay to such officio/ negotiatioaa ixe -vat ,geoa:44- .4 restoring rsAsiii_n - Vag two . seotiefts of •opr ilatracted couutry: '; , . - 1 : . • ",... thiilest :-"tiomfiret tisla4 irderrieivaith the eeidelit ands awaiting , yougfepkrowe . .. ._:..! -. I ! "319:4!.antilealleelefROY 7441144'.: • 1 -. • This was signed by bOt.h of -us; : and whOn i. e•;-1Jedge_ ofilhAvasTb.o had aPfiojata4 -Ve s at it.-TA-9getherttifitlia , <KnentO*4.o!-letter Jihad rttleivoinia setting out, b'ere-w neer, relk- F apve of Mr, -PaNcjs—to the Rebel- Secretary, 3tviself- ett-konri Judge .001 ••Tetniwie4„ go ling: "Mr. Benjamin sends you his ,ecnpli.• menu, tuadr.Viik bithaltiV,A o ,. 00 1 9 u - Stltk e F;State Departnltetd4';' '. ...'''t ' "'' ' 7." I:1 I We4o.tuAllka :13001144 - W,Sl7ii:•fikoPir - S 0 1 .111 1; `bill Ati* : mart-in. : black i: lfit4 s! I teen! black kepo, ajnvf- Cheer at yellow- Bhin, (nub' *kir -0 , 10-149Earitanth*bl , 10/rdwiliekers, apd• a pbuderous•gpid !wateh-ehain--in! the . north ,: est;eoPre a :tlte ,-"` linik4Asses".44storn ' o snee zde: ~, •, : s ttO rtitiAtip e nu timr - e tl ir , r u d.,l4: irb oe u r et the 4alls.were,.kerkg wfeW watts-nndrbattleitlans, I:t one corner was a tier of shelvei filled : NW' • tioeks•gatuoilg..whiels!:•l. notieed ! Headley's `1 kliatoiTit!• Lloseing's.- 4, ,Pieteiziat l, . partonls ' Ballet. ',, kizeoley's I-I ,A4Peritaa!-Cfroatiloti'• is s completoi, set-ef !Oa) lilliebeilioa• Iteeexclin! and a dozen nunillers-and neversl honed vi* , • gnaw! Janie ifyaltantba•lienthly,' ,, —and inithe 'ceutrelettha apartment WM- lk -Wao-fivallint• i It ble, covered with green cloth l f.and-itiled- _ •'th a intatitude of i' Meta Itsgers. 7 _- ,- Atr . tisis 't ittisat 601 Seitratirl• .t gontase , :lAs , ve • 00- 1 reidranelos4ikagge ailictliktriliinselid.wia leek 1 b tile r han aitt rei t y ratid loy l., t e e i; wr . , i • ,,, l yzi l , I c ; • 113 ••• 11 - t i e 2. ; en. I have read your note, and"--bowing , ril commau , . •• my ct and rinpath I : il.tritit7, ti c ofto r' to rim; said: -.-\fi "We thank e tha,..,i_you for this cordial rectption, ir h . e ß a e r narai as a y . da y a p tos e hyliri,l I yeaa Find I " IsroAo*4, -:_skoi l be,.k.lcon, corn WI 01 1 4 1f petite'. , Pea'c'e it rotat'We all-Wink '' ' ' I "It is, indeed; and for that reason we_have ' c!Tk , PIMA tr !MaTtil .fi l imr,49oin4.'t f 1 „t Yo,v- i nianffesLlFFP4°,l l % 9 1 ioiit" TA-ern :Pi' '' '' '' •' . "! ' gi Nd..'sft.' Vittilltiteteci 4tertaiml Mid ntiVe; itltepikugiozititraditturOoNtirtamei2o.l NVE9tatit .4 mg. note., NV:s.would;b9gla - howeyer,,, or what terms ~ v Ve accepta le' tss Mr: ' fiti6l._'"lf'l,lePal l 'alVVariiiffli6 l- lb: n i l e ro ''' p ' e vi i:to w* doo ‘lf° rTor "l eal l telfitza tiM etie urt rire.: ! "Nt, , 0154'.4cT114PA941, 1 5 1 0. 1 ek t 1e incal's 'flews . 1 "One of us is o follyilja . c i t'rnlctaloa. .7I .A I "Did Mr. Lincoln, in anyfwayTtTdffigriiegfri to come here?" —..--es•-• ' " Noolfitei Me teanierwitii..eleseash-bei Met o MislE pfficial flu SSlglar:l7Pallias? in f iMig e k 4 Z orttl. dia , a %n ittf628,21 afisaigiiistastig , ll444oll* itar. tulkpavith Mf...1 litaviairto disseatrr itOravoi 1 4MAt}hAd4r103 .1 V 1 111 1 P t ly..rFtW:,Lc.,-). Aw3p*Atsu l Amt_rupea. .04 -. .7pu ay No HIV Prearderit, tad 't`hfo'lloWirietyfulP 'eeiLetalPiiiinkilliefwilid 4 h4owillitieeee yea& aNBll , lritatookumehnOkio4sworii , sat,:allPo ilmarage,ta% fit141%.11 elAigrisl, ,'hung NIA vi 9ccur rt in meantime , vet' If; sdinfit - Wa;lr Aet-Yoll'hiltdeP ' OlOuldtti 'Ym9.1,17 , e.di 13i1.,.61 :-: 1 -alubugbeateAboquiaviviGute9,Aittp9A,Ailf. IrhAA3::_crgird Vit,,igr4itA i i gl i t ti j i Mi t sri t i. ,&3a eVi t taligf c 4 s thilidityV *MO; Week bahnitymeurpseistisamillyttelLiCair Osi'inghia Milllalai 7#0. 1 1 tlitl i fitlt At, IR lihtnsi, l l,almost,;famtect,49nr ip pi long, , vered:-Oltuit Insteti'd 'bt r inl - bglik in lig 106WerNlitfliiktetairitraglk , itrtire;fitale - libit falsest* 2 expecte& , Ma Jialer:4oll3lll` ireffelettese( pierkteteetfq!l4 4 :11 1 0411t, , h'r,tr,g- 44 AcrWhir* , f at' i d,i, jil.. moral power. : Ilenyaram does i not . pOsse f self," tick iii - he l ifitßittliiiril:' HiS'lniej letii,f(bilitevedi tgaulyr littetleotvtruttasbt,thez !street:lA twArilligateWir eTsults.:loo44te..alty, Ffilttipi4 4 lTV9o.lll4 ed l efi s•-;,. 1. 41. : I 1 After,a day apsntap our fir*, 'eel:Arai:4, *ytli glib tilidoe',. &vat:Mil-Vitt' fiattlerajlry linitie , ' ttfttvr . viand! U6.'14.0 , 11 whoi they i treite,land-Juisi rtheyfloeked: OW ligqh infigbr. luMAMOW;im)itAlcoyrt,sepkrabs.nde called. Nein; It nineyclocli attlidsiate' DeVartl: in . 'maid. • ' ! - 'MrtrittuijarnintecuPie& his.provious seat at i the table,w44ll-rittobis,pithr stat,a,spgrikt #4.- 1 fl4ureprout, wAcipp. : srAy hair. Liil4 peoil,„ and ii, diewtray e,ye, tuu dt lig tina'lltier.-- , fa' hid 'et brottd;-•tattatirti'fortshead; Itild - ift: I flint& gat ill (No , demoting 'l3 l lefit - energlY-and strepgth.a.wilt: , gififactvias enwia,44.Nza-, much wrinkleq,,V,4t „,hi rep:yes were . pod, especially his 'eyes—m . oll6 and Mite' a scar, apparentlymasome sharp instru ment. He woreqrsttit, elf grayiskbrown, evi dealyizAfoTeigit,enirtnfactureon s h tt; ae me, I saw that he Was alkinifiii feet Uicitiellep high `with aliligliiiNip thottiouitiSttia6c- , - trig.maniaeri:wertoidikpleAutiv andesrMatdas &lMMO; :•autiptizarq: . :FlVl iisWitiUdeNutiktble• IQtyzl , 3 4. 'Or , - ifs ik9Szte, a_ *4,40# W 4. ands # - , o , Ti g :. - _- . .4" II& ea to" seirltui;lentleirieri: j A P Ort` it . , ietyluticoreertetlitchtnonti." A -i.-. 4 " ~:ri 4-. And this vtactiwurtut Trim valriart -rn , .114kV i rittA State POSTPWLIV-ienefrak'' nli9 ngre 041:mart; so' 'lira 'fame o s o italefet i 'vrie 30 glis ili if JAa.uia His manner put me entirely at my ease,— The Colonel would be if he stood before Ctesar,—and I replied: I • Effall m~~~ ~. a-3a~t~ri'Ji~_ ".112.2c itter 1N711151 -.,r . y . '. - , • 1 Int : Pt_ ,f/(r - 01 - ilt-t' . ;iiii - -ititiS.llPULTlZEiliikm-- -:- ' i . The ire sintiassaliar..iutiortiogrAa. the.Tsta .. _ - agoa!Eff pas, i hav 4 r , g•as4l B l. 1 0444 01.411•51 11 A $4 , 1 1 . It GoßT:ui okaedi er;rol-rnae. • T ' -*- -• W-I'der Row or wee ittio3dtitA - tig. 7 42ttquit.' tagtit -- lime or mers - thalt Rem rmistMii-li-iiqsaliee• -,,,,-. -. _ -- _ '.Wm £ miax sclvijiia; - -,TeR omowcymxrd ~ :One da7. , .. .... •-$, BO ' On-, 61 4Y , •f2.. , ••••••!..4 ...... 4 1 o_slays r•, ......- . - 5 0 Two:dapi., -, - ?•.,,. - Tlolgrftyl3:., ' , .75 Three 4a5v.. - .....'..'... - r. - 2 1 i' - - 0neweek..,[......,..5..... 1. 2.6 one week. .'„)..:....-.- .t . .2 25- c ( I 0ne 1 140441-' ; -.- ' - 31 0 9 one mont h. ' ...;.-1.:1 t 6-90 ,:. Tito months.... ..: —4 50 two m0nti04%;_...,-. -0 00:, - Iparithst. - .....1..-Is ito Three monthir.q:. - -: 11 fa --. Sit .-.: :-..---::: 41:66 ' mouths:: ~ i ~i ;46-11 . '" 'Ode. Fair- :,,::...113 - .00 - One year..,.. - .....'....11.211.11 ,J., - cimilliatraWg. Zl'itic . Pa-J) •it .ft. , _. • - ..: t- , t , ... , 1-• -4 2 :,!: atil &tiro • .... 0 .• • .1. . _ •: . . _ i trt. ForiitalliffidacakehAmestlon.,.....!..... , 4 _..1...r. - , , ;- 1 iirDdetaseasoakeei lorerkerais tlia - Zood 07049 M; bit v e ,before Marriages and Death; Darr Ceori:!./ma, LE, !,'F A;,..1 Uts`lf; MISI MI I No,thank Ton, Ur. Davis...l is - it not Ate*,inept, mvu_of our:OA-hes and, our vincipies.iia. ttichtuond.',' . • • _ . 'throt.,ofteu,—not so •ofnnzi-aw chnld. wish: .; and.l txttst,y,our coming may lead to •a more freqttent axed amore 'friendly. interpoume be-, teen the brorih and the , South." , ' "We eineersly hope it may." . . • • • "Mr. Besjamitt: tells • ,nie that yoi have asked to viee rae to—? - - • " ' 'And: he panned, as if desiring we airauld finish the sentence. The Colonel replied: . "Yes, We have asked thief interview; i 4 the'libpa thatyou may suggest. sense ,war 1 s k. which this war maybe stooped: Chu"Peo p 'want - peaoe,—your people do, and , yopr -, ogress hatrrecently saidthat• We ; ve !come to.ludc bow it can be' brought, lout." , ' ' ' "in a veer simple way. Withdraw, your as; t,l lea fromour 7:erritury . ,. and peace will come, ! ' itself. Wq do ,not seek to' subjugate yew: e are not waging an offensive war, except so -far . as It is bfferrsivt--defeusiver—that is, au 'far as we are forced to invade you to prevent ybur invading vs.. Let us alone, and peace Wilt come at once. - .. ' .- • 1 ! "But we cannot let you alone so tolag es - yoh :. _repudiate the Union. - Thetis the one thus t ' e Northern people will'ikot'surrenaer.".' --: -' l know. You wortldqieny-to-ne whet yeti .::e set for yourselves- , -the right of self-geectiru " ' - ' , ' . • ~, “Na, air,” I remarked. '4We would deny. - ; on :no' natural right.:. That we think 'Union. - eisential'ter peace;' Mr. Davis,' could -two' - •rkople, with the same language, separated by onlyan- imaginary line, lives at 'peace with ell.chbrherq Wbuld not disputes cons fitly ,a',' `and:cause. almost. ecauttant war betweeit -them r :• • • - "Undoubtedly.—with this 'generation:: Your -:r *tre Sown au& hittErness at the South I Imo- - ve put such an meat of blood betvreelf-thi": t • b vectionoo-that I despair of seeing-Mar bar onp ittruy. time. -• Our, children 'may ./erget.': t is swat, butier cannot" - : . "-I think the• bitternesB you-speak-of, id the Colonel; "does-not Testily erist. det'and talk . here as -friends.; lour. Saldions= det arta fraternite -with each 0. ber ;- and -el sure: that if the . .. Union were resttr ed t az' oreftierally feeling woeld arise .betwieWintl' t turban dr& 'existed::: Tbe-ilar 'has Made: Us::? lantr' 'Enid-respect each other 'better- than he--::: f rd.- , - This in!the - viely of very manyfsoutbein en ;•I".have hail' it from: many of them—::: tir leading: citizens." ' : -• • .:: •.•! • .- -.. " ?, 4 ' , They afe miataktn ' " repliedlifr.. Davis:lt-1 ' ' They do* not • miderstand Soutberir sesitil ::: merit. • • Row call we-• f e el anything •bu-Vi : tritternesS towards men—who deur - WC. our , :!' nights?' `lf you:eteter , myhoufte - and diivti . me : • clat.cif*it,. am I not yoUr natal:al enemy,'. !• • i "You put the Case , too - strongly::: - Bat •! -- we . . . . _. Ltalot: ifght fop:Wert. the • wai . ....triet! eztt . nie lvtrintist .finally egret:, iipoit ettrr_e- , ing; can we not agree now, and stop this *gratfar bednagrd?- We _are 'both: Christidn en;' Cab you, as.:a. Giutistian•• . an, leiveitditried any Means 414. *sty lead , .l. peace?" ! • .. :! ••No;•lntufnot,-- I:desint peke hit rzatidii- milk-. deplcWe bloodshed asinnoli'es ,gon• o;lbut - libel - that not one. Aiort•tlf-lhelblood .4 • in , thiirwtir itt , bn•mg Ban leek 77 p to my God and say tide': ktriedall in ray= over . to..alFert-this vaxti - aaw tree: l bw, d for the last twelVe , yearaFwcinicblinight.A 4d day to prevent it, but I could not: r`lifie ' oft wasined `axed blind; it would-not Let tus overn ourselves, and so the=vtar - lositioviltall'" dtCi must' gwon till<the last man bE , flii ermation. faihrin his -tracks, rand: !his ren • seri° , intsket .and , fight otirbattle; • .• Wass tleknozeZedge otet , riOht to self-pub-a- r" tette: - Weeare•not fighting for , Slavery. ;IWe' , re fighting for Independence, and thlithoh Lierminati en Ire zrill .11 ave. . ' r! tr!t. . "And there are, at least, 'four And. -d4lialf. , F iillidns ixeldft`.; so , yen; see Toll-have - • youv" fititl-itnyßoniamin; - !witki additia meet v '.We have no wish to exterminate yon,','ais , • , •-• • flied th4: l ooloadi , , •"L believe* wlmilui &live .8614 - 4thatt-thisrlviS no • bittertitts•bettNen the :r , orthern and Southern people: ;,•Wirp iiortia ,- .1 kii*LiOstealke4outhi u•Whetrpetima6mti; will pour money and means into yottr hapatsv , ra*snit• iliti Viols &used lily tilt, svitr;l kali it dllittvlll3wr , TelnoUni -Iran throb, ,afal, , Aargiffe.! , Mt ,' lin , the lobs land•l tdoodahedu - ydn , ,Inuver used. But we must eruslyniurstintes , and• I xbiralinittoy.rnuf"govirtimunt,..ll Alai i• is tot ghat already nearly `Sone?•,•TTort:aze , ,wholty ri irithtast , money,. - -audrat , the!endf of Tattette °draw: 9tsrantitas Edinbysai gyriti Rithigorekrr: hgnrian oik be Attantte. ,31Fad.'"Iml;x6:4 f' 1161fibott4raerobpthpnOrtilksterins:whils your aturscattrjonrrptestikeistazave tioss4lvidebf ~. 193136u1heni 9 pRoiller,;: - 'c r: . ''' ,11. - :, ;,t ,, :(1 vyiltraq:ustlMant•arrnesttiSse,vlifolbrrel,Ant! on do not seem to understand the situation:_; v , we. Tait bmatly shut, itpAwifielantiond.l •if our papers tell the truth, it is youi'Adapitid-: hit ivierdnergeriziotvitra: ?liomii weeleslfgo, e rantierosSedrtiM tie - ißWidier cidli ls to:ond' , ake Ittehirtonto - r•Lee pdretvirhitti*tAheziltra6t [ SttleVandlidtetiarirriti.ereented(lalat ,ynntf ebple calttil‘ biiiiliantlanirr•movament'A mi t ) 'cinghtlietiregiiin Lee Aso - ve!.hinarraisenond.l" ime;z•arst rthemiGrant madk-anotherKihmk; - novertientJemmt id titer keFitlen : YAßeleittfack% Ding; end • 49-rant flankingLrtuahberEolt. w hi m hg is rimy: ' Ake Wad* tita - nett•m:ibt:r Grant tots lest sevetarptivemre - mktrthbussmadb p i en.uonore flth It' • Be ebe, &Mc outie6 o -` 4aud atm 0.0 Tretxer is Itichtalingilkiimmt the fasticl and Le6,iiivhosefrt:int Igaft nevbebe6,illittionno Olds :him omieplitelyr int•ohetdr4"qtalt istranteen:- nough• • 10 'l,. gparti !let.: tin eadklittriiyhalduand 7 ' hreateal , Withingtonl - rrlthermerg.tio Jae eii*l; s beforo Allanta - Ttnititilpposelheis,• - splbOupc se. lie Aultesit ;?; wYon :ham - Ahab the *altheal. e . goesirmitt hititestirot SupplieWthelweeivr."; crows;iand:themdieldieasrtfcms ticket *kb eto him. And defeat-may cisaae4f 43% fast Vailitary: point ot -view,' 'l:should . certeinitEflehy par position tutus- better than •yourtu , I 'Th.* 'm. - ` 4 - ,__, "ate tottnontoi•?: weare•rieher than yotramtf rY, tm *smile t bt,ii• admit •that our papitritpsorrbr) t.t . otlirtig--4 , it unmet* as a-circulating inedlttair,. 'and we hold it alt •oursehto. ;A:kf ,s verr. dak i t of it were• lost, Ni , 43' should,•- •itsettnl haire MO foul feign debt, be none the podier..loßiif, iitztise ;Worth' something ; •ft has"tilo Isdlitttittsitaf a Jute Cotton cm*, wihilOryliarcleifttki ;entatieSs -ing,-and: yoh - ae.We -.till; ;the ' iffisrltl.: —A:sota.Ve istnirces-: We ticouft lack itlf arnis•or.anitwank Itid n , and We !have , •still ti:tritio-fetritehrlfrink !which to gatherstpphes: o - SO-lbumee tee ere inot in extreniithtwo IBet,; if :Iry istelb , -aircwe :were kirittitittetnonOsr, witbekubtfona, ieitlithat wesponsz-lf mar 'whole • cormWmeardesoleta idkond cinrtettatisticruttheOdaliatlatialecim could we, without giving np liniErriatateeoav ghrlittp oits *WAD goteeriltobs 3 sd'l NVlStrld you not rather die, andiferodWiftrUgailEinittti than live, and be subject to a foreign power?" "From your stand-point there i a force in what you say," replied the Colonel. s "But we - 3 .!-..13