THE TELEGRAPH MORNING, AND EVMWMG, I'lit GEORGE BERGNIYR. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. -'TERMS OF SVBSORIPTION suGU strwcturrioS. - Tug DAILY TcLECRseh ifs-Served to subscribers in the city at 12 cents per .week.,. Yearly subscribers will be charged gifi 00 In adirtmee. Those persons who neglectttL pay in advancewbrile chUfged - .52 00.. • , WEEKLY, TELEGRAPH_ • TRM TW GIII M 4 0 0 P 1 Ahlltibed weekly, and is iernished . subscribers at the fe4owtng cash rates Single copies, weekly.... Three copies to bne PbstiOillec Ten copies. to ohe Post Ohm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT MW BELOW COST. MRS, M. MAYER, NO. 13 MARKET. STREET, BEING desirous of closing her :Summer Stock of Millinery Goods, offers for sale at greatly retuned prices, such as SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, HA,TS AND FLITS, :&O, Constantly on hand a splendid assortment of SILKS TELcurs, LACES, MA ASS, HOOl' SKIRTS, CORSET'S, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEF. 4, GLOVES, COLLARS, ' CUFFS, BELTS, NETS,. FANCY GOODS, &C. Dialers will do well to call, as great bargains can be d at wholesale.• ly CLOAKS, CIRCULARS.- AND • MANTILLA 4 S, IN D. W: GROSS' NEW BUILDING '' • • MARKET STREET. • A New. Philadelphia Cloak Store. ,Rave now : a splendid assortment n.f SPRING SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEWiFEE.NCH SACKS,. AND. NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS, The above beautiful samples, in svery color and , han7 SinsielY tranmod, from $7 be to s7s, . .1000 sILIC CIRCULARS,. sii.p.g.s AND . BASIth, Handsomely and richly trim Mod, from $lO. uptard. CHILDREN'S HAN TPA S IN LARGE VARLET Millinery and Fan c y annOs- MRS. J. HIBBS, at No. 8 , Ainrket'Scitiartl, next door to Falix'sConfectionery, keeps.constant 1y on hand the latest styles of Runlets, Hate,. littches, Flowers, Ribbons, 40., together. with, tine ass orb:petit 'of Dress Trimmings, Laces, Embroiderturs,' Htillaraq Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, - Hosiery, alos+es and' Variety • Ocaxis to setteraL • All the latest Designs of preis Patterntardirent frbm the New York Bazaars. Dress and Cloak makMg neaay exo. cuted. Thankful for the patronage bestdwed since her opening, the trusts, by a strict attention to bite.lness and her endeavors to gwe general gatisfeetion, to continue to receive a share at the public patronage, jyt•tlEim crtlewrA.x..xxvoco CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, Ps pleasant, bealthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing for. Invalids having .fever or grad thirst. .• Its ports dlity recommends it '0 travelera. Its convenb-nce at plc-nice will be apreMated. No sugar required; one table-spoonful-simply diesolved In a glass of cold water and it is dune. SELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, jel7 No. 91, Market street. NEW PHILADELPHIA O A.- NE S 0 Fi IN D. W. GROSS' NEW ELOOK, Market Street, liarrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES 07 FASIIIONA.BLE CLOAR:S AND CIRCULARS, MCI FINE 'SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the let of April. trner2l-411 Pn°von hiessual's OFFICE, 14TH DISTRICT, 1 HARRI9RCR4, Pa., June 6, 1864. 910 DRAFTED MEN.—I am directed by 1 Lieut. Col. J. V. Bomford, A. A. Provost Marsha General, by hie cheater, to 69, of June 1864, to pub. fish "That drafted men are not : allowed to enlist as vomn teertiafter being drafted; and that the Omits for drafted mop will remain for. the. sub,distriets from which they were drafted, no matter.,Whether local bounty has or has not been pald to such men, upon "illoger.enlistmentu, JNO. BAY CLEMENT, gaptain and Provost Marshal, 14th Disq, Pa. JeB-dtt ' - . Steam Weekly. . to LivetiaOoL riOucarma at QUERIsffiTOrA, (Co* Har bor.) The well known Steamers of .the AfverpoOl f ewlfork and Philadelphia Steaniship Company, are In tended Weep as follows I City of Manchester, Saturday, AugustlB; Ctty of toe ton, Saturday, August 20; City of • Baltimore, %Saturday, August 27, and every succeeding ,Sianrday,: at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. • ' ' RATES OF PASSAGE, ' • MARTA IN GOLD, OR Ira BOIIIVALF2II7 IN OIIRRESOY. FIRST CABIN $BO 00 erFaxgaz .........sao 00 do to London 85 00 dote London 34 00 do to Pula • 95 00 do to Parit 40-04 do to amburt.... 90 00 do' to Hamburg: 00 Passengers_ alto forwarde to Havre, Bremeq, Roper dam, Antwerp ,_ &a, at equally low rates • Funs frOm Liverpool or Queenstown:-Ist Cabin, $76, $B5 $lO5. Steerage, $36. These who with to Send for their friends can buy tickets here at thosemtes. For further information apply at the Company's Moen JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadwny, or 0.0 ZIMMERMAN, Harrisburg. - • [i23-dly PLINOS. RIEKEL*SCIIMIDVS , . EXQELSIOIi, • PaicOS. SOLE AGEIttCY:AT KNOCIIES, 9s.vark4t " • VOR 'TREASONS ,rierfeptly: patigractdty to straELF I have taken theagem.ot the abovemost excellent . PIIII/011 The publio Is insite4tocome ' and ex amine for themselves. - • - • • A few Sohomacker St Ws Pianos eh 121,1 14 yet Will be dsol low.. • " mar2s-tf PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Photogritiih Albums. • Phbtograph Albums: , • PhotOgraph Albums.. Photograph Albumin THE largest and .cheapest variety of Pm TOGRAPH ALMA'S in the city are eonstahtly kep. [naar/23 BERGNER'MiAIej,.BOOKSTORE-.., Sak..AGENCY_IIOILTAK CITY: T Any happy to offer to the publia a-large ± and splendid asspnesent of SUPtiti444 00.1411 , PENS, inanniantered by,. TAROY FAIRCHILD These Naive well dolebed,.ehistic, and 818 eve ' en tire iietts;ardiou, • „P/OHIE TRY TREK. BOBEFTER'S BOOK sfoRE, Second street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Eiiirrisburg • Pa. ap2a SALMON.—Fine salt Salmon, at sofa 811113LER dr, FRAZER, - 444,- '• .- . + ... • . "? ".. " ' .7. i C._ i'.' . * .....; -• ' .-, i ,•:',. '',l , .:T ... .i.' -. . 4 7.!:':' . .' V .. , ,.,,,i,,,,,,-" '''..l , ;- - - ": 1 -: .:- ...,,_ i-- -: - - • ' :. ..', * `',..„':.-.. '" .'- -- ---- : ....: _. • ..., ,:i 1— C s .:. 1 . ," _.' : ..- 's . ,-2, . 5 3 - . ' ' . "-s, - .‘,7,`,,,k,V , i t i r y f d y . ----'-",-, :, - --.--, ,- - - -•: :' - "1-7.'-' ,7 :- -- - -' - ,n— .:.:2_7. :.z , -- i b y . I ' . ~. . "Nir' s-- - _,,, 4 - .. r. -___,..... -7 i:I !r:,,' -•_, .; - i ..;:r -. ' .' 7, T' .. "'''- :::: ,-, : . . ,- - . : • - A . 4. '.... t ' e -- 1 - A*.- . . .., ...._. :".i...5......' 1180 . 4 00 .10 00 _ GEORGE- , I3E4G,NPt. RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road ! SPRING TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PHILADEDF,LPHLL MONDAY, May 16 hi 1663, Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Tietread Company will depart from and arrive at Har risburg and Philadelphia ws fogeys: EASTWARD: THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. M. and, arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 a. at. • FAST. LINE (circa Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 11110 A. r;, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10 N. Piasengers take breakfast at Lancaster. IiIoUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, lesies Harrisburg at 7.20 A. at., connects at Lancaster with Lancaster achom tnodation train, and and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.25 e. N. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION 711A1N; leaves Banis hers at 12.20 r. rt.'; Columbia 1.5 b r. tr., and arrives at 'Lancaster 2.30 P. It ; connecting with Fast Mall east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and - arrives at Wert Philadel phia at 5:30 P. • ' MAIL TgALN leays Harrislyarg at 1.20 P. X. ; Uneasier at 2.47 P . :: ar. = anOmorrisiesati 'Wan Philadelphia V. 6.30 m HARRISI6 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Coleus bia, leaves Harrisbing at 5.25 P. ac, and arrives at West Philadelphia at. 10.50 P. Y. WESTWA-RD. = BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except MOnday) at 2.10 M. Altoona, 7.36 a_ n., take br.mkfast; t end arrives it Pittsburg at. 12.30 Y. rt. • PHILADELPHIA. =PEWS TRAIN louts Harrisburg daily at 3.10 A.m.; Altoona at 8.20. take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 P. MAIL TRAIN leaves. Harrisburg at 2.30 s. st. •, Altoona at 7.16 P. lA, take supper, and arrives aLPlttaburgat;l2.3o 36 . I • rAsr LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.50 P. x.• Altisona at 8.06 V. It, take supper, and arrives at Plitabilrg at LOS M. • • „ . . , ktoit lancaster MOUNT .115 it Acoo/IXOD leaven at 0.80 A. ix, arrlieri at Harrisbirg at 1110 a. sr.. HARRISEIVRG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves Wrest Pinladelplititatl.4s r. sr.; And arrives at Ilarriainng at 8.10 P. X. - _ MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION No. ; lea yeti Lunen& let at 8.26 r. u., connecting there with PI • Acconi inodata—on Went, leaves Mount Joy at 7.041 a 1C 'and arrives at Han-Mt at 8.40 r. x. . • ,•••• • : - .94MITSL D. YOUNG,' Supt. giam Dia ~a B. R. "flarrisburg, %fay 18 , 1884.4 e • Northern Central Itailwity SUNNIER TIME TABLE. ' •THERE. TRAINS To AND mom BAUTIMORE WASHINGTON CITY. Connections made,tvith trains on Pezemylvahht Railroad, 'to and from Pittsburg-end the West ' THREE TRAINS DAILY to and front the North:_msd West Branch Basgueltanna, and all of Northern New York. ON and after MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864, the- Passenger Trains of the NLortherk central Railway ' 'arrive Jit and depart. from Hatrisisem and Baltimore as ibllows, viz: • SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN learn Sunbuty daily (except IPAndar ...... • arrived at Baltimore .1.40 m ICXI'_ TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (exobyt lihinday) 1-46 T. " Mayas Harrisburg (eadept •- Monday) ' 2.b0 A. la lUTiV64lPatimore daily _ _ (except. Monday) . 7.00 A. N. HARRISBURG AOOO3IIIODATION Knives liar burg 1.00 A. r. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION -leaves Sun bury daily (excapt, Sun day) at .7.30 NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN learn Balttnntre daily {except Sunday) 9.50 A. If. leaves Harrisburg " arrives at Sunbury 405 r. FULFBEBB TRAIN leaver' Baltimore daily. P. IL " arrives at Harrisburg..... 1.50 IL " leaves Harrisburg daily (ex. , . cept Monday) 8.15 A. N. " arrives atStinbory 5.58 A. Is. HARRISBURG ArIODMMODATION leaven' Bal timore daily (except Sun, • day) &00 r. rt. " .arrives at Harrisburg,. . . r. N. SUN. "BURY ACCOMMODATION' leavea Harris ,. burg daily (eiceptSunday) - at 400r.r. For further information apply at the Oftioe, in Fenny], vania Railmad Depot. J. N. DUBARRTI Harrisburg, May 16, 1684 -dtf Supt. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. THREE TRAINS MILT TO NEW 'YORK •- • - • P111LAIDELP11121; - ON AND - AFTER MONDAY, Noventber kjr 18th, 1888, the Passenger Tildes will leave the Add. delphis. and Reading Railroad ; $1 ILartiShitilt r I . IW New York and Philadelphia,.mai Move, viz . • EASTTWAJ4D, - 112CPRESS`LINE hiavisillianiMidig at ital. 1111 rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the eat ioxlitiig hi New York It L 45 A. st'. A from ow is attached to the - train through from "Pittabisrg change. - . RAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. w., wrrivhis In. New Irark at. /BO r. and philadelphia at 1.60 I'AST LINE leaves liamsbiirg at 100 r. w., arriving ha Newiferlt at 10,25 r at. and Philidelplda at TAW r. tL WESTWLED , . • FAST LINE Waves New York at 6.00 s. `' = and delthia at 8.15 A. at., arriving at Han intit4lit: 1.16 P. I. • MAIL IMAM leaves New York IA WHO noon,, and Philadellatitcst Br4o T. u.j 'IL!..-411101 at Harrisburg at 8.80 EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York it= 7.00 Ir. N. at. riving at-Narrishurg at 2.00 v M. and contieding with the Pennsylvania Express - Train for pittabum. A sleeping car is - also attached to this tra0....._ . Connections are made at Harrisburg - with 'trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Va ll ey radroacts, smul at Reading ithr PluLedelPita, Pottiville,, 3trilkesterre, Allentown, Easton, . • . Baggage. checked .throW Pare bet/teen New York and'Harrisburg; $5 15 ; between Earrisharg and Philadet.. phis; $8 35.1 n No, 1 cars, and gala. No. 2. Portickete or other itifomtatien apply to - n01,4,..dtr :41#ntaral . Agent: Harriaberg. IikADING RAILROAD. U 1111 R A 111( A N GEM* G BEAT TRUNK - LINE FROM TER • WORT/land Nell !VW, fergidliWelptda, Nei York, R e Wingl P 0 4 8 '6. 110 , iebation, AUenuom, Eastonilsc,_*4 Trains leave Barri:ls4'l 'for New el*, Rai d ing Pottsvi ll e and all intermediate stations, at ASO Kit , and •Istihemi' • -• • Alifew York.,D—Astiresst :Isomer Harrisburg. at 0.1101. Y., arriving at New. York at 1.45 the same day. • • A special Ac commodation Passenger train loaves Bead tig at T. 15 A. x, and returns from Harrisburg at 6 r. ?Faro from,Harrisburg : To New York, $6 16; to Phall i -slia tkiii en g3 6it ilb and $2. 80. Baggage checked through.' ;I.eave New York at 6 A.sir .12 hoot, And 1;1r. ;lA* 'argllligiresit arriving at Harrisb urg at/ A. N.) Leave PhibidelPida a# 154 tr., and 340 r. r. .Sleeping coo m y the New , York Express, Trahut,through and froze Pittsburg without change. Peitengers byliti4ltitawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at B£6o Ay N., and 3.1.0. v. N., for Philadelphia, New York, I .edid,akway - trains leacr4 Pottsville at 9.15 a, I" auk - 180 r, lit, QR Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Accommodation Passenger trate liaise Reading m S.OO A. rr. and return:dram Pllasdelt i si 6 .60 v. N. AA Su Al the above trains run dailir, daY Mieldadt nday train leaves pcitiveille atlall A. 114 and Phil 'f'dellAAS sal& • -•-• Commutation, Mileage, Reason and RlNNillitialtioNsta at cduced rates to and from allpoints. 80 pounds baggage allowed to each person. G. A. NICOLL% Gums' itaperlateadeut. May I, 111114--dbarlf "THE UNIO N—N W A 'ND 1174).,t /-E -7;---W.ekster• HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY ERklikitidrlAT 1861 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COSVAR: , S" ITSRMIN EXTERMINATOIiS. "COSTAR'S" - UtERODTATORa EXTERMINATORS: • ~C ogrAire EXTERMINATORS. • -9 EXTERILDISTORS. . "COSTARS" EXTERMINATORS 'cos"EflOt EXTERMINATORS • LIVERwINATORS. COSTA . EXTERIUNATORs. . • VDTERICINATORS., ~c 9.95411 V 5, EXTERIIINATORs." • •• • tXTEREINATORS. ueaStAll , SP , EXT.ERMNATOKIL , EXTEIRitINAToRS, "COSTAIra II EVERMINATORS: • "lirmontivroßa • -4costuiIv.EXTERMLNATORS - , EXTERMINATORS:':' "COSTAR'S' , EXTERMINATORS. EXTEREINATOTS 4 . "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXMININATORS. "COSTAR'S" EE'TERMINATORS. EXTERMINATOR/1' "OORTAR'Sr ,EXTlCamnfoo.4o , .t7' umssmiNerdzs r "COSTAR'S" ErTERMINATORS `i . " litagßinNATona KKitreAvsm asfaimiNAToßa. • • • • EXTERMINATORS., For Rats, Mica, Roaches, Ants, Bed B4 r ,g, Fleas, Meals Furs, Woolens, Inieeta on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "15 years established in N. Y. City." #only infallible remedies knossw" . 1 "Free fromlolsona," • ; . "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." WSold brall Druggists eserrsiferre . awl 11 Bawan3 - I 1 I of all worthless hultatlolut j sir" Costars Depot, No. 482 Broadway, N. Y. aireold by, • , ; D. W ORM ei-C,0., Wholesale' p intretall agenu And by all Dregaista biltirrisbnrir„ Pa. jelO•dawllm THE DA . X.4 . AUSHNELL MINING COMPOY - • ilaizrastsisctit.ftLea, zszw:yoult. fpliFeattenttim of -the puhiio is called to the advantages offeradly thisopmpany,for 'lVoittable Utvestmen.f The extent and value of:fts' • •• - • :" 1 %; • : • •‘• I G : 0 r-• P . -15 X X: I ,T , E 'S , coupled with its pioais • forivorkftii them; make it the moat desirable property over offeredjo'tkepsi lis. Detailed i nformation in regard i WAS extent and P.Plii peels can be bad at tlitosion of the indersigto,sigentiii the company. !!iko,will iectiOriko , l 3 so l 9.4l o sthek• •:- • ' :' :' 5:,• , :' 3 OPI' 'Fr m4f44 A 40., -oifictiiii4lMlSA.AOß : f iPlarkui.,./4 1. •". - • abils4ltalw/Ent: -•- - .-- -.,.. ,-4 .:•, - • . , A. - F. -.ZIAIMERNIA.N; - 1 2 1•04300111:k1 75 1 1ra1.t94. ''_,' l a ga l ter , No. it Harket_Street, Harrisburg, pi. DEALER 1N,„.,..,, FINE WA T 011313 ' '':- ' Gs, t SILVER WA .. - . . . SETS ' 9 r ' 4IIWI W‘ TINE PLATED W 1. TEA SE VICES, ith l . . • • .• . ' • ..,.y . ALL EA* ON Mizum.• i . , ._.- Has constantly on hadd a well selected and lytowy assorted stock of FLEE WATCH: • . • - KR- % saw.. ''' :n FINE sugar, imulti; AMERICAN .EN(ILLEH AND SWISS WATCHES,,' 'Scab to (MIA en* Oliver assia.- , Also, a Ana LA mmortmen Dl kiII t i of WATCHES ~ . : Contently on hand. , - , A LAW* skims or , - . mr,mGiArvir exxicEgsi Of all deacriptions; all of whiehiwill be old Ws' , r. LOWEST CASH 'PRIONI. tar-Call and asmadie the goods. :_ " ' Particular attention paid to , refialrlag or . Ise Watches, snob as I:3hronomAtAter, Duplex and , othe'r.:Ceiebratad Watches, and all: Emus of Jewolry pestle None bat thki meet "Sautptitent" workmen' ample= the whole nutter under Sip wilt personalat u ar i tt . A. s'. meal] No. 62 Market Street, idtjolubtg firsitft Ilat : Cavalry Horses - Wanted. . AiliteraNT QuaßTßlUrlitinied ChM* II 84 A.,1 Hannan:sat, Patitt., Ally 264h,.1144. ..: I farthei - or'derg;. :- cine hwtOtid Ilia tixty-tive (16h) dellirti pethead will he liald,fttr iill —" C • It 7 ' • 'Horses, Cavalry,; delivered at the deiernitent stables alltairtiali Pa . ' Sled hornets , . be 80)1114 in all partictilank not than ' {b) five nor lions - gm isysiiiit years 'old ; from 1 34 to le hand, high,:ltdt illaMetti cm:yeasty bu ll t; _bridle , and of size mtbcient Mr CMAITY, PlIfIxdolk• , - I .. , B : l47l s 4 kwigli ibßotiii*inli"rtiillY:. . Paymentebn:delltrery-of-(T) eaves hortiazoitee Hours of inedieotionl frank :B•'s.'""he der, =ld illllViiian/ an ?Iwafliar,!"" - : : ~ 1 e. 1. 1 1;i: _ - '" It tIIIZEIW OP 11ARRIBBVIIC 11:0 EDUCTION iii the price -sit OW.' ' The R !undersigned, PniCtiCal Baker, of thiefillth ward. Harriebueg, BroMilWety.betareen Mond and Third, re apectfulli Intermit the pnblic that hel will sell; his Wheat Bread at the following rates, loaves ae large as :those of any other baker hi the city: Three ten cent I4aves Mr -26 cents; six for nhcent4. 4. twAve-f0r.81,. .Those wishing to patronize the thdersionfd.Wl no well tol at his Bakery„ or, pply to his wagons and make th eir Pu4l they will have 20 per cent. Famili es*dining, tuba ('their own bread can Obtain a GOOD' TROT, pre pared expressly for family use, every afternoon, at four otobask, at his bakery. Terms ,cash. • , . .., atigfi.dtr JOHN ApOOßN,,Practicali Bait_ - . - BARGAINS ! BOG AIN M L. -• ' IN 30394„ANT ..-, iiiiIIOE@LA - i ... - • SELLING OFFI . ..,* TNTENAING to close in tr very -- shoat time I will Nell all my wel! selected 'stook Ar,Bopts, BIPOo and Gaiters, at,pr . ioes lir below their present value. .My stuck waa Rico for retail, Of. the bistinsiterial Stu! workmanship , To Itibs.s who apply early I will sell great bargains ,Ne. 12 Market Square, next So pelia e ' Con( icesellr,,..; aul2-diskugel ' , Vraft 1)pallt A • LlENS'and persons niidey_Ol Over the re: glared,age, wbo beve.been Welled In ado (14th) District,' or, any other Distiiot iiitlieEtite; can have their exemption papers toads out at fatal:ea by law. Now is the tuna to put in klubstitgici f sql . d avoid the l ' aft: Persons Rho' are not liable . 40 daft. and' CO ;Meer. the army as snalstitatte, bid Obtain she tiptoe pre:. mina , Bushiest transiafed - tiy mall"tit legal rates, Real:fast of travel thereby avoldel._ oau at WO, 8444119111 by mgp EUGENE SNYDER, • -••- - Attorney at Law, 34 titnievc, - 1111:113LIO NOTICE herebylivezi, that l in. It pittrinsociirstifisct of Athildwaltiviattnais, passed drat day of June, ElMktbostooljto/dersbr the Mak of WaattingtOn,Timna.; apidy to the next minden of the Legislature for a renewal of Ks char ter, with an imam of ita capital from $150,000 to Palma O. M. REED, President. wismaincer, PA, June 241., 11N14. .id 7 'GOVERNMENT Sii&S,' &v. . _ • ONDEM.NED Italts ES , . WAS DEr_, CAVALRY BIIREII7, .` Ormei or Curler Quarersiorasres,: Wasnoroms, , D.. C., Anguist-,8, .1884: - 111[TILL be sold at potAio inction4' 'to lho higtieethidder, steho times and places named be. •PeMisybrania,'Thtuiday, Anglia i 8,18641 :Altoona, Pennsylvania, Thursday, August, 20,1804. " Lebinon, Pennsylvania, Thursday, Smilettibegl,.-1884. :Mom - as - bung,' Pennsylvania, Theredian - September 8, 118 144 1 0 ' 111joii0 (480) Ca 81t e ac h . . v Ty Horses a WIC gl ade. IliegO.Horset hair 6 been iMddemneti de 'unfit for the 'ClatialryeerviceOf the Army. •-• . Yor:romiand farm parixoes many good , beryline may he hk4.;,: • r • • Horses sold singly. -^ : TISRMS: CASH in United States Currency; • . 4 ' • ' •• • - JAKSS A. F t ICII4 int6-disB 14..001. anQ O. Cl. W. Cavalry, El u. ; - •R7Cf raVEre.. •r • • Tigt offers himself a 7ialiaittairec -Tor REGISTER of: Dauphin amity , / sub. Ject 10310.1dealitiMmf-tho Qouve Lion . ussa ar disa p n ynteow vest ' s evarifmcp Lit MB'6oll'B=l' of the qfhotqw . pledges 11 - 4self - O"Wb ditigfek'tibn if - ; aulVd&wtc . . • Van, ; a EORGE Of:l3.outii .IEIPCI9V, tftWri ,lUl- -Alp,. offers hiswimlf. & Capididate for the &H p* of RIMiLST,Efti ot.pa4phin "Winty; eleoted, Mr. :Mark. Neap* peattirtniholittites of :aiddlotioo with ffdeini. • :::'11.11!: je29 - datwth ' • • ILudeiskuse, undersig.ned respectfullyoffers huirself iidns of Alm ona Dis trict tigAsiinsylvanis.,qopposed of _ttio,tioc . u4es ktorthtimNdarfck Dffia ' t iist%nydsr for -nomination brthe several ooaawoonventiona of theraid District. Usetdte] - • • - 4. 4. * 4 4 1 WY. lifflpy4iF.GIST.ER. • IJDOTIPH_AIadrPR, of East Efattoyor township'', OM himself as acandldate for th 4 office' of Regisaltr • •.4 . It9SSIEUPAEAPIA" - elegted_ )he "Ptedgel / 1 0/ . self to fultll tisa.dlorAwofilcit :with Bdellty. ,19 15 -d 2 Fatyir" - ..._RPDQLPH MILLER: POI kATI.SiIhiEN TS. - - - - - - - - - --------- '...., - ..',.i.' ;:!.:X"co'.Tl;-.C.',L7:i..)7.' Calin40111: ~.. • • • - • • " I; at pre4ent - a resident of being duly *horn, do depose and say , tbatTirisi in 4803 • ebtintyarff-0: .PrE ; whore I then rridild, but WWI moved, fue:PP l P:l ll .# 3 ., i 9Rk th • •". "Lit?r, Vat above : named.. Ill; a • • man, 'ilidliriiiiiMpation'ai t and hereby request that4o.ishiollment rime be clanged to suit my present reafdettee.; .r. ,bicrrn.,-The above, is of Enroll nvintt`ortWe Ifth Illinziet' of. , ginps:Tlventrini a skittle liAnt'aceitbilavit radar/win appliestlan. to rbdOtlinwoot..o,llitatfrozoe eataL , Din diritiztr 'cat** , CHLIALTON. .1349-101 .!;.) t , f , of ,Enroll ent. • -riumt.Abg/e.tioN:: ... • xx-rittuatisi_the,ftthioiable"JoßN J. " 4 VT. XptlijOeUß:Of 4,64 :dourt of Common Pleas' of is the 7.'weltterJudiehh.Dtitrice; demdating or the couhtiee • Leban on _ and oa.9Ma t _ t end the Ronomblea+nent.;Likons and alkontahblp WSW& 4,Bll44lB434ndiSehin Dau phin ceents ittying - ieelied iteeiePtecePt, Wiring data the grtli - dav r iat Hoy,' lggf, o me directed, ' ter , holding a 'Caterer. Oyer amid "Terminer.andlienerablail Delivery and Quarter Des s ions of Ihe Posekof Harrisburg, forth° county of Dauphin, and to commencooti its Ora mostia 0 Au 0178T. ova; beim; the 244 t day of :Attgoet„ll3o4; and to continue one treed • - Hdtioe is IhoridPre hereby given to thoth roner,Justices of: %o r Aha :Mermen and Constables of the said county of vow t'stieylici Omit and there in their proper perSons;iit 10 - teclocein 'the forenoon of said Agy, with their rieciorilici•iriOnisitkids, examinations, And:Abair own 'remembrances; to, do tneee - 1 1 4101)Vidah to their office appertains to be done, and those 'whoare hound in recog nizances to .prosecute againAtpilioners 114 are or mall be in the litit of Dauphin t e ensy, and there 10 prcieetudeagatiet them aseeittaa : - Gino! underlpij i dzl r Harrtshurg, the 25th depot' • July, in shy . yea{' 411. 71864, and Itilhei eighty nint yea! :Of the e. hiadence..of - the United fit s • - W. I 7ENNTN6Bi ez : iff. ligswirrin Ornos,: - 1 . • ' Arirrishurg, aqiY. V. 444 5Y25-4a`wtd -LOW!: out STOCK OF (tilogst.: 11OrWinfeid diktaitiliiie • the of, Li p Y Met - oak atikk at a Pery:small*dvaiux from cost, price. We have purchased all our ! LlqUOis he fore*. Mot riap and hare:a low slack On baud or or alreitribleh guaranteed cannot be p hand floW'at, Misit'ihtrittiporters. thiri "': ' • I E of .. -- air e ,parte o throe hatreds pays - E, not colored, a ~ liegrerit above prio4 'Mk years olif. ,IYINESpr Rit es, Domestic. and Imported;: s r l VIEVJEZ A.DT 13 ..1E 04. agsNassET BRANDY, idlwhiehAtednottrilaspertierdart Of;fa*dtfts:for, IripArPfgleltr - J•, 0 .! dy CanACk.49. 1 555 11 41 0 1, 1 1, .PuT 1 4Forteret" t ' Sio per Whin. •we ne ltliirMl2lperiipd I KICROR ANDIINGLLSHALESvi) :. , -r , :OIIABIPAGESAVINES; •:.: :r .r) :c CLARETS . , &p. We invite the Inspection of HotellEeepe_ra-,scd Liquor. Merchants generally, an Ice intend to all, without re serve, our Liquors, inidilda will be " tood ..oppOrtu nity for haripal*, — • • ie2o ' • :t mast.F.R k Foitg*. _ LIQXIIR RENNET. 1411417,1"jiigilp *ilk the ' most tuition's' qf all deserts for the table; Ithirlight• est and nada' giatethF diet for)4nratidsi - and ;children: Milk contains ovary , element :of,:: the AiedilY , ,ciAstitotioti;' when ixignislat with rortneptAaltasysrlight and easy of ,s and supports thiS . Witapt - iiith the lout possible atoitement: itibelistillitiwiteientittiffiepoWer isdesiredi cretin andinigar inky:be , added; A teaspoonful converts Aquart ef *Pik into a Erin cnrd, ....Prepare4 and sold, 'whtegt,file4iretttii S. A. KUNKEL; Je -118 Market street. • • •NOTAGE qr9 . o . SIEFAM*4S BY Philadelphia aud , Rtading Railroad. _: TN.00404 . 400 with the s itmoTisiohs of the fro* internatßevenne Law, gootilicWeired at the above railroad rotetnpinent, ,- rnunt . have a - Two Cent Stamp affiami:MAtte receipt demanded: therefor, said stamp tat* at the expenae of the,st.ipper. ic tact elms taken hy t "the - abere ComPany,-** s t r ill be 'Untitled and , Pait for bfthiiCempany. - . , '*lllo4l.taepPO. CLYDE, Aatt)t,;:i o -- s aid - for informotion'of • ins .of any deserters train the $40 4:1 2 151-11- tea r Sabo U. Et aiticiW' Wictorannanicaltions strictly ccintidetillah - - ..tddreesatii.l3,llazrisburg, P. O. • TLiffisbd will and: Litt Tires 45f . and establisiked lestAlfritlit. For further terticalais address-- . : ',UW.f.-MarristogreT4 7. o CPt/i411140.30-:A. Operpr tot of , e-SilVe 8,0 just received at • . •• : • • SAISLER Ar FRAZER'S. EledtedWfildiecat F n an t i a r O lid i urj iso-04: • TrCf2ll!tr and for ails at T & Co. DTV) iou wigh good Gold Pen? If so, on at 811111111721% Booknern, Nonisbull. Soon ~ ...:AIU-CYPION SALE. CANI.)I.I3ATS. SIICC414801; to W. Dock, JO PRICE - viTWO:: CENT& EviNiNgliliTlON. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. REP O RTED =Emma roz, TEE TELZGIiA.P. SENATE:: ., ArTturitiox' assioN. . Tronitrimr, Arigrurt 18. The Selititi i re4ssziptribled at 3 o'clock P. ar., and resumed the 'consideration. of the bill providing for the;mganization,...4ra.., of the militia of the l State. ,• , . The pending quezitiplibeing on the iimend merit of Mr. ST. Crain, it was daciided' in the negative---ye as - 11, nayir.ll.- 2.ft M'SHERRY offered : , : an anteudrnent, providing that persons havizt ecinsoientions ticruplps against bearing arms, Shal), if draft. ed, be 'requireA to do such duty as is required :by the laws of,the 'United' States; agreed to, but afterwards.rocopaidered and lost. Mr. B.OPIIIHS offered, an amendment ex empting the militia when called into the Serviro-of thd Corternonvitalthlrom "all other military, services":.; lonityeas,. 12 • nays, 13. Mr. BUCHER offered ,an amendment pro viding that die State shall fniiiish thi3 general Govenuieent; with substitutes fcir men'in the volunteer' militia who maybe draftedinto the Federal service. • , Lost—yeas 12,_, nays :13. The amendment of M. TURRELD, which was lost when offered . this morning, prbviding 'that persons exempefrom military duty under the lawii of thetnited States, may be received as volunteers in the State service, Without re ,spect of ,age, vas reconsidered and adopted. , Mr tLYMAltoffered. an ainendment pro viding for the inuirtediate enrollment of the militia. - Lost--yeas 9, nays 15. Mr.',TOßNSOli.offered an amendment im posing a pie of - five dollars , for every year in which an enrolled citizen' refuses or • negleets - to Woonieli inembebf volunteevisbniany. • ' •• The.AteelildreenttAhAktd this morning on motion of 1,1r.,.,C0 - N4 tirceiviaing that per ions who lia'veleid'conimutatiOn money, or are, - for any 'other reason; exempt from '.diatt under the laws of the United States; shall be exempt fro - m.draft under this act, was recon cidereirand again adopted: 61'. CLAIR again offered life amend ment providing for the offer of bounty -to vbl - in the •IState sexvice, fixing llic• sum at. one hundred and fiFe dollars. The bill their pessed l fitially by' the ball vote Yiss,-,64Mossrs.:Buolter, - Chan/p&p; •Dttn- Jap; Fleming, Grahaw i lloge,. Householder, Johnson, Kinsey, McCandless, McSherry, St. Clair, TrirrelLand _ _ eo, Donovan, Hop- Lainb4,4,ooAttjiktioWry;•Montlioniety, Ern4, ,814iY,lteili and Worthington Adknitnedllll7.,teu morn- jug. --.. z.• -*- t 4 0 MEP. 0- . ArrERIiCION SESSION. l i hilionie met at 3 IN 811:int; ' (Chester,). - from the Vedal comihittee on revenue; repertedlui act to imp vide for' the better astessment and colleetiOn of taxes . on_ real and. personal- estate, and stated .that conelamation fiffie variety of ainendinents which the' hill' - proposed to the present tal-lans, the ceturnittatdid not deem it adviiable for the 74egislatore : to consider the subject at , theyresent session. The bill was ordered to - ife printed. The gotike resumed the consideration of the bill for the relief of Oluitibersbnrg. Mr. SCHOFIELD inoed to amend* in serting two lumdred. th_owmid do ll ars, instead the amount to be appropriated. The armmdment was agreed to---yeai 45, nays 36. . Mr. NEGLBY oared an amendment, pro _vidips Quit the 4tributiini shall be made among, those, actual need of temporar y Wald. • - The' iiiiencimenk after considenibleilistiuision, was agreed - to, The remaining portions: of the _ha - Withtehtetfel amendmento, were agreed to: . • . . The b ill , as passed t ally , is as 5 - 311 ons ACT"for the - raliefoi Oinimbershurg. Wrizszss, On the morning of the thirtieth of-July, Amick ;Domini_ one thousand eight hundred anlol-Pur,_ the insurgenli forces a rd' ClenS .ofultkote and hrOantda,nd, entered Chiaberiburg, and with a batbarity and vandalism rtuparaileled in the history of civilised winfare;:fired Ind destroyed the en tire 'business portiorsof -the town, including two hroadred`andElinty‘five private dwellings mid 'all "the piiblio buildings, -. and thereby :midelhoimandrof itamitizens honseless and =destitute:_ - -And Whereasi-Chasityrond benevolehoe are as much the:duties ,oi .fitatea.mof.ihdivid raids ; theref r om- - 2 ,r 1 -1 i. 1 1 (11, enacted :kj , the Ifienata and /rouse of ./koreseratettless or the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, Ginter_at‘ Assembly- net and it is hereby enseterOgitlee!airthoritefof the same, That the rcam of tiviaArtinctrixi-tkimurstini dollars is hereby appiopriated for eltomlief :and benefit of the sufferrein Trim thi3 latellestrnetiy& fire in the borough - of : - .phismbersburg. , ,and its vi cinity, the said sum-to' be distributed amongst said sufferers by thei persona and-in the man ner hereinafter mentioinnt- . Sao. 2. That' JohreA.rmstrimg,. Cluirles M. Barnet, Joseph Oak,' William SCLellan. and Daniel & Wunderlich be and Sul . are hereby named as conimiOioners• whose iluty it shall be as aconite practicable; to make a careful distribution of said Sum? or so much thereof as may lbs.iiesessaryi to and among those des titute sufferers. !only who may be za actual need of temporar3F.relief. Sac. 0 . 2 That. said eciturdmionessibef6re en teringtheir duties, shall tax sysrn by "some person Competent in lawto amini.ster • dathei, laud:they shall have-the - right to admin liter" UMW or• ittlirulationa to 411 slaiimints for relief;; and case the • said commissioners • b e ti ec i w - that any clainiant has: intentionally l ade Citt - a fabler anir•diihonest dim, said e a n uaissioners may at theltko - Pelott reject said clam altegether;Ofliold.the ob.iMut to srrict• _ mod : thteibef,;': Tat • 7 *r.a 4. .That the whole =dint••of State and Cowin' tea ' hereto:fora alski'mul• • and • unpaid, upbq the perm:MlS property Mid the real estate upon I*lll4*. the=l)olll4olMVorbeen! destroy bi the late'llre, iiithln the - eild borough of ChaMbereliftand its vicinity, is hasbY a** leased to. the - persons liable for the Mune, and th 4 tliid ono thowskild4ightPuldied 4. siglitatutdred and siitYziffrittd/cWitigotitalla 0 1 Sktitarred ! a n d• sixty-seven, no taxes for State an county purposes shall be assessed on or collected of the aforesaid real estate of said !loiterers. . . ~ _ ...Al i .8 Tlllll. __IITING 0111 . i n l3 AM—DAILY TTLIMMCATtk.. _ Th a are the Moo no gainnitting In the .ai arsaim- - -4OZWiII ithir=ooo • mien tier rem 1 ..! - ;kr Four linos &lea dawn:lo2W ondlair square. Oghc lines mime thap,.fourcomaltde_a egnAro. am • *Aix o l oir . ,pix .. ,I,lpa 001 !oats One day... ~....1. 80 One doi,_: ..... ,$ 60 Two 05Y5......... 40 W t 4 ....-....-..... 100 arse 4671••• ' .v . . Xi. ' , .- 7 ....,. ~. • 126 this Week i gg- .. .: .4 . ;... 225 Mos month.... a rib Dio) month - 6 00 Two manth5.i..4..... 460 Two .maattia.... , - 900 Urn months • - 660 Main . nionmio.;;,r; U °° Big months 8 80- Six 'ffaintbo.....'4 :: 16 0 i... 15 00 One year.....".i0.10.45 0 '*tell latirleg • ...14•414,AC.411 26 ... 000 . 11 .;t0 . .' Anditbri Nolkbo. 'mend Notice onlauleilion • '' ' - - , --4%." 6 0 ' - jOirlhobiestotiOss mart*/ to the -Local Odors, or before Marriages and Desna; bon Gime via Ism far sash insertion. . „ within said borough of Chambersburg or its vicinity, and that all school taxes assessed upon said;property, remitted for the year 1864. ' ' Sic. 5. That all persons doing business within said borough, whose property or mer chandise has:been destroyed by the late fire, except inkeepers, restaurant or lager beer sa loons, are hereby released from the payment of all licenses of anykind whatsoever required by the lives of this Commonwealth, which have been anessed or returned for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and which may be assessed and returned for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-tlve. Sic. 6. That the State treasurer is hereby .directed to pay to the commissioners herein before named for the purpose hereinb fo e mentioned; the sum of two hundred thousand dollars out of any money in the treasury. BRO. 7. That the sum of four thousand dollars be appropriated, and if any money in the hands of the State treasurer, not otherwise apprepriated, for the relief of the public, schools in the said borough of Chambersburg ; to be paid by the State treasurer to the treas urer of the school fund of said'borough, upon the warrant of the superintindent of common schools.' ' ' Sic. 8. That before the Commissioners mentioned in the second section of this act shall receive the moneys hereby apprOpriated on any part thereof, they shall tile in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth =affidavit, faithfully to discharge their du ties according to the provision of this act. And it shall be the duty of with commission ers, within six month from the passage of this act, to file in the office: of said Secretary, a statement - under oath,, showing...the whole amount ex tided, to whim, paid,: 'find the amount paid lo each. < • • - - On motion of Mr. SPANGLER. theAlonse took up anti passed senate bill entitled an act regulating: banks. . It simply grants, au exten sion of the time within which thew - banks whose charters have been extended Since Jan uary, 1864, may accept the acts of -extension. Mr. PRICE, from the special committee on the revision of the general bounty law, re ported a supplementary bill,, which was ordered to be printed. - The remainder of the afternoon welt spent in the passage of various local but:lmq bills. Adjourned. . . . J 39 ZefeajrapQ. From Grant's Army. TM. LATE MOVEMENT. -ANOTHER ADVANCE TO 04 *N. MrkiEngerrow, - :Aug. 18. The. mail steamer. tom. City, Point this morning, brought hither seventy-five rebel prisoners, among them several 'officfirs cap tured in the late movement .on the4ames. The passengers represent the affair of Sun day as. of groater proportions than. at first supposed. The combined loitseti 'of 'the 2nd and 10th corps in killed and wounded, being from 800 to 1,000, while the rebel loss, was also severe. • ' _ The position gained by tut was still held on Tuesday night, and that day there was severe shelling by us to feel the rebel position. There was indications of another advance on our post yesterday. Nix= Yam, 4ng. 18. The Commerciafr special dispatch states that part of our lines had advanced two miles further on the James river, and nplo Wednes day morning had captured two lines vf rifle pits and 250 prisoners. The, same special says that (ten. Sheridan drove - 41e enemy yes terday. ' There is no longer a doubt' but that he in ends a heavy campaign on the upper Pato- Mae, the Post's speoials say that Longstreet is known to be in front of General Grant's army On - the Janies river. From 'Florida. The rarticim of Generai Ulman'i hetes% Private letters from Morganz.if4ive the details of Gen. Ullman's recent' success in driving the rebels from the riglit`bank of the Atchafalaya. It appears that Gen. Ullman moved Isom Morganz* on the 28th of July, with a brigade of cavtilry, a brigade of infantry and Capt. Barnes 21st New York' battery. The rebels were found strongly posted in a position, enfilading the Main road -with their batteries. Our cavalry drove is their skirmishers , taking several prisoners, and killing the no torious Captain MeNelly, a guerrilla scout. Our batteries opened on the rebels; and the engagement lasted from nine to: eleven e. •funding our position would subject n to heavy losses, our forces were witlulysivria Short dis tance to reconnoitre duriiig the night, the next morning it was•foundthe rebels had fled in confusion. Our 'ogees were ; two killed and thirteen. `Pounded.:; Deserters . report the rebel loss at histy-three kjiled` and wounclied. t , Thepdiaii War. .Liersswounr, Aug. 18 • ' Reliable news from the scene of the Indian outrages is scarce. They seem to control the country from' a point 75 miles east of Fort Kearney to the forks of Platt river, and from the Platt south to the Arkansas 'river. A number of trains have been captured and the conductors killed, and a large amount of pro perty has beep destroyed. -- , Caen. Cartess is at Omaha organizing an epedlijonaltainst them, and. a portion of the . Sanaa . grid Nebraska militia intend moving on the overland stage rote. • . The Pirate . Tallahassee. lELair.kx, Aug. 18. :The, Orate Tidlalusesee is now *Msting from a vessel alongside, will WOW sail some time during the monthic Thealallahassee was fibrmerly- the block*.4tuonAier Atlanta, P 4. 411 Made three trips iffie.ington. ACED Ei Bohm:Lore ACED empt— . Organ, app sad for We by the gallon, pint, or lan quantity. C6llllora W BMSto_LEß;Dock,agaitquart r and k6O. .til SO NEW Yoax,Alig. 18
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers