rzz CM RALPH E. MACLAY,, arartirinion J.& building, Harrisburg. Strict attention paid to all legal busbies& Military alai= collected. mylo-el6m-eod • Thomai C. Metalttitvell, ll' 4, "1:4 4.,t r e.a ro .1.. alv . ' OFFICRINaIrOItG 1)1 T.BIE.4I,B.FiLOW PPlNE.gilln , ,PA. ALL manner of Military Claims prompttyt attended to, and deans collected against the General or state noeseameuta, either .tu Co the Court C alma wt Wllaingtoll eity(lir di Ba bnrg, without na. useeleto delay, and ott ta ten* ap29-116ta. . t.. ‘A: C:: SMITH, 4: VPI;fftrITNIC - frAT -LAW, AAI3 removed hie Office from Third to Weal nut street, ne . O. is the Prison. Al! bulness ,4,,-. to 114striq tellele psVmpt :And careful Btles:odt _ . _ NEW` GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERVER, , Wlf 0 LI 2 BA LE AND RETAIIk . , ~ • DRALERS' ili' , -' , ' , tititOC:ERIES. . 1,- Queen'S Wad Wass Ware, , .., . AND.AursaNDA OF C 0 Tr N T:11 - 7 ,P WP"D U 0 E LE,.... . . ~.: t4E Just,Openedsklargoteidvatessieoted stock of goolis at their , Wed, NO..'B.lfarketSqlare, rieburg, Pa.; to which they x iavite the attentlovor the pultbeigenerally. -• • : ..- -. ~ ILAI-17CEIEL succEssoP:i:tol - • . , 43; 1010 - Nii3EL & CO 1 ItitvitrigES. AND DISTILLE RS Wholinid .D and e eeileni in Imported and Doniasucl Li ilitrisibuni. Pa." ' - ' ' Jys-dlm JONES 'l,l SE ObituieUf hdrilist stre6" and ilarket Square, k p z'ff ir A. MANNy Px`oprietoi iito4dif STATE CAPITAL HOTEI4 3 •••, •• ocilptlEß 'OF *ALM:I'BISE.OI* gkarim:, 'TIRE tadersignecthildinifiiirohased thiB:48:11 known house has enlarged and thoroughly rem:Tate.' it The ?borne' hatie been re-painted and papered, andthe entire eatadishment elegantly re-furnished. Being plea- Natty and, eligibif 16eated, and provided wt h every eon sentence, it offers to the public all the cpreterte and- BECLI deI Alt a Met Sims hoteL Trusty and Obliging 'servants alirays in attendance. A bar well stocked with chtdoe liquors is attached to the establishment - ffel6-dlc W. .G., THOIIPSON, Proprietor. . --TilE - UNITED - STATES-110TEL! A HATURISBXTRG ) PA. D, sionvinsozir, Proprletoki I , :rilOakiNiS known Hotel is now in condi -11fortteiumemmodate the traveling - public, (dreg: • the most ample ranveydeaoattatike for the transient and the_pstmanedt tioardeir. 4114111131bliTEllo AITATIB.IIOI7.Iehar been' entire 'seat tedliaroughont, and:now:las acetenmodattoria eital; in ikatigkcontfort andluzury - to AO hotel betketilPhltedel2; 2114 andattSburg. Ittlecalitot is the bed" the 'Site' Oailltal, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, d lx close proximity _to all thatadllie offices and business & Willem of the city. It has now. all the conveniences or Ydd , c4l - .1'112,1f OLA .7 lir (AYR L • ; tha4roprietor is determined to spate neit h er* ex panad,,time or labor tb amine the comfort of the;gaolta Tbia Patronage. of the traveling public Is respoottally agit ated. jelpdtf MUSICAL. HBO MITES, INIAMEOTC - 111Etf Mg; VIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS,. BANJOS, ,tIr4VGS littUilB; FIFES, and all kinds of-XUSI: CZ L X H.e.NDISE, PICTURE FRAMES, LOOMS° GLASSES, PIIGKCIGRAPEI CAEDSandALBUMS,ADIf3I 1' ITPE GEMS'ENCIIII:4Ii7INGS, PICTURES, &C., ..:Xernember the , plae.e, • SILAS WARD; No. 121iTtrat XfAtheigullat Music Store thin aide of thogreat'Oilte. _ _ CTEONS'ANDVABINET ORGANt. • . a. ....4.„,„.;....0t EXEST.PREMIUMS, ~..! TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, .. ,___' j .. _,_.: . - .ANTI TEO . t , cegat4ol4 =DAL (ever won by Instruments of this 1 _ ,_ clan) has been awarded to i m&SON & . HAMLIN'S INSTICITMEIVS.': . 4. MI essortausit of these Instruments always sakhar .11 tV: W. KIKKThip.4, Sale Agent, - Ay] . • • '' ':' . 98. Market street. A. P. TEUPSER, . 444441-FA - OF . M - U SI C. .o'. IV:I4M 111311i81'01111, 12 N Third Street , Aim(Owe: Third atreot,above Norktt; dt¢ fl PEIPHER'S •• 0.41.11 0 - 1 7 LINE lIBTWICEN PMLADELPIII.g; lookyttvgn,..,ieraey ghore,..wujiallisport, Ku*, .t oy, liniontown, Watsontown, ,; Raton Lowitburg, Northliniberland; 'lnn. bttry, Treverton, Georgetown, • Lykenstown, Iffiersburg, Initial, Dauphin, • f• AND 11ARRISBURG: Top Philadelphia. Depot : being iietitrtilly located, the disvap will be at the lowest rates, The Conductor gees through with each train to attend to the safe delivery df aligpods Unmated to thollait, Seeds &Altered at the p 0 of WILLIAM E.. BURK, 812 Market street, Model hia, by 6 o'clock.r. x., will be delivered in,Hai 'night Always Xli : **l.ow lie by Any Other JOS. MOITTGONIMY &CD:, • Philndpisdan and ,Reaing epot, Foot of Market street, Harrkstrarg: ~, NEW 144 4/ 1 94:krckazt LL rn,TANT LANDLORDS A 1 8TORS.—The tulderaigned..infera at who/ende r a choice lot of the best U*uorl i kvve4 !nought ds `Frencal irma . _ IZzanar',94lW:e. Ashy; onnt — inee, auch as Ohnif&Mte,. 07orn, Iftward watranted, aeiaegontelt Landtbitto aad,etlera!trW'tlad.ll to tEeleiadiraitage to call and 'inc., MinlawtheLeseertment , fit: the store, on South Secon d streetavloidosx , belowiChestant. I • '• r GEORGE —WINTERS' 10N GLISiITELI4 re; :AU oohed, i unwattilt Of -En lisle nrealif'asi & FRiVER (Successors to Wm. Donk. Jr.) EA & Pk 1111413 WOI46ESTEA:SArgTSi Othe moot pope* toilAttelitirectiingrf,emil nst received end for sale by 0- . '. , ', __ 1 • , SILIeLER & FICAZE , fOil • '' '' oaccesoorsto wm noon, .ir. at Ce. i GIJT FLY VAPKIL: - ._: l:t astfortment of Cut Paper for cell looking.gMases, picture frames and gas . pipes, Pit 80111IFFEWS BOOK sTuRE, • • ElarriFbuot,• Po, n!TILES, of the laiest Pat 94 , ig jest Patent,) just _received and for sale low-at AX/tal r `Of " i i,. 3( rttJsr ,. .KMPPliy: Qt „ auto ,Euglisiaialiy, Phie .g de, L.,l'ttaittisldlidik Yak State Cheese ust. rfisetyea . • --- PZ,skt, - • IslPedk . r T4intie 86- tt, to: z I 1--By the Blirtel, Halfßarrol, Jar or Dose Sst pc,44-- 81171411q1 , 41 . cO 02 snnt teWlll. 4 ` /C. J r •A §TI • , tato - GRAI:3IOERS.—Bcd I,zeafts,'Alostan • Mak mistimes, • • cuiti. Boitgattrittor t l:irackers,',P39stoir Tumid Ts= MAO, Ckelterli4 just received et ZtsAlid , . i , "_! gi EMI U a Nr.c4 , 4 ,„,.... : • Edict and Electropathk; physicians, respectfully We, theirprofessional services in all the various branches' of. the profession, for the treatment of all acute and &tuft forms of diseaae. , The remedial !lOU' 414 init . Weill* eMplay , mat at disease DANIA of Nalpetam, Galvanism, Electro•Nagnet. ism, the Swedish.method of lecall seri a few Beterellermeditinei witen - d&rin in op the rail* curstivi 406 %hitt May' ' , leolgillAri hear upor the ..theythr WoCwish to be rsteed ee antigatlngi.th themsel anyty of profeedonal Ntill, believe itsrom esthey employ-in the treatment]; of dia tom far Alpert oliipeisidlltmgolyiithyptipticians, y from thrilled thwithey act inaterreot harotditf,' With the lON 041111* arid toutrolllucllte human syst.O.' this, and thi , 44AV/it they tmeltatl **seam to no per, WZlntitrare3l4l*if...**46 their TI - 147 - Principal t they singer in the treatment of disease, Mundy,Agent wonderful DS Its henoMens - and poWirflil in itefeDeM for good or. ill. It Wan, over present,eillerrwlink wthadple,.. governing all 'thinits, from, In_ ''ldii, - dOwn to tag, . 1 , 1014! ppFycles of gesseock maw.' We IWO Aloha lightning's Assn and hear the mmallestations of Wt . :Pewee the muttering ; N thunder. - H' the cause of all decompadtto% r ration and lleruiftemallow- excites all potion. ' 6 I ( t x : 11 exciting- Cause -of !life,' grOwth, 'decay rind death; 'lt Mimi secretion, exchation,Alpellon.' It lips hold of the - crude food iitthe stomach, converts it into a state of flu idity, tranenableelt Into 'user* blood, ud sends ii 00 lie important offltia'rif siplitifog nutriment according to the necessities of the body. It is the nerve vital Auld, the peat agent through which the mind acts upon the badys It is the muse of all tenses except the first great cause, the Infinite Mind which create:lA . l'nd brought it Into dee These may appear like mere casertions, but they as. facts admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it then, to be Wondered at that' an agent so wonderful in its phe nomena,. so powerful in its nuutifeartationsiurde~mate ly tont:meted with all the - *halm& of the h um an eye tem. *had be almoet abs4Ute irOits.poory ofr controlling disease? ' Certainly net. It is a natural skuence and follows as surely as day follows night. Among tie tibieesea whit: eye! found to yield readily to Electricity, in holatillittitai Wilarpreper adjunct treatment, may ea mentionWlid(atfoidig; Inbipfent Consumption, Paralysis, Elpiliptic, Hysteric and other Convutsibes; Neuralgia, in its worst forme, Rhuematism, inflammatory and chronic; all discruies of the nervous system; llyspep. slat eured'in a few treatments; all themes of the:lll4w, andgenitid,orpelS; 'male Dlleases,: - .Asthma, Piles PM Prelim:W - 411S ; ,Animaitsh" and all kindred eollone of the eye; Aurkiiii,'Strictures, all skin diseases, &43. Samoa' calling: will. 00'1414 whether they, can *bane. fitted amino case taken where some rail' cannot be at - forded. anuaghttlent fire: . Vffirce, South Second street below Chestnut ) Harrisburg; Pa. (Mee hours from sto 17 'A: wog to 5 Ito it r.x. rR. WYETH, DR. J. WILTON Maw" apl3 MEM ME ENE A ; . . 0 KUNKEL'S-SITTER MA Oh' IRON lEEE APURE and powerful TONIO, Cotreetive and Alteratlye, of wonderful ettkawy In diseases of the STOMA R, LIFER and-,BOWILS, MEE Cares , Dyp819,,, Ureic_ Complainte •' ache, Geneini; Y ! Debtir Nervousn_ isti, De pression Spirit's; Constipation • • lnternittett Fever,'Acidity or Steinads,Tlaused, Heartburn; DingainT6r: , Food, Pullmans or Wedght in the Stonsinfh," Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of •the Stomach, Swimming of the 'Read, Difficult Breathing, .Yellow , , news of the- Skits and Sycis,-Fever and Dull pains in rlir • Patteln.....WEßTSide, - .BMX Chat and TratiVed cure, .everg cam ,of Ohronic or •Nervpur . . Disetweif ~O f the Kidneys-and I Mows mining from • dieoniered • , Stomach f Good (or, Malts or or Young. . The most beneficial medicine known;. gives better malls inction and cures mom diseases than' any other:zrorn. Mon offered to the Public, .Prepared isedelgbyM. • r • KEL & BRO., 118 Marketedreels*Wi t " ❑ ' For, by Aid Digtier.4 _!svcgrwatipt . . BEWARE Mr • ' I lIMI ligtt CollijitOrteitli„. AO ZemkePo Bitter Wine Of Iron is e y, , " r th ''4"' ' io A id egbotnal remedy billip lintotrirworlit - folo the p tont sure of .Dyspepsin tank Ti/1410. Mid in there are a n 14 44#41r of tmitations ofibrektO the 'public we would Canitioi - e oomniunity to putted's. 'Done but the- genuine 'artkilir, manufactrmid by S.' ..kittnisit. • itt Bitini end 'llitiAtili stathp einthe %oft:inherit:OA of eVesY bOttle. 'The Yety fart that °therefore' rithiniptllig to imitate' thig toduible remedy, proves its worth an/ speaks 'volume! is Its favci. ' ' The Bitter Wine Ot Iron IS putt rscue gent 444 $l4O bottled, and Go by ett imobtal) it dangles annigh t theeCantri• BOV 211100111 'that: ' 2 1 4 447 bcOol *OM Alin as Maas of tlie'proppetorlitAgnatuto. , - ,, • r ,.; I '•Tblaiirlatt . it:du* the moat agreerible_ and..ellicibit Salt of teen we posseps; Citrate of Magnolia Oxide conk binid, with theniostepergetin of.vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvian bark. " The edict in many mascot' debility, lab of appetite, and general prostration, ofin Mehra Salt if roii,, combined; TIAIR4 oar valAptOlo ;Norvis Tonic It li,appy. 'lt iing6ktlaliappMe,linirgespete-pufte,. go off musoulor flabbiness, moves the pallor of debi li ty, and gives a florid vigor to the oomktenance. 1 ::.-,: GENE.RA.L DEPOT , 7 V -_;';';,:i .. .',.,, , ,,, c; ;..,,,'i 'lli 1: iii.ia , */", STREET i =ME -214. i 1: rtatiniannia, Pi For sale by il remou l d : o. wintry. , a 7 ( 114eoloro I throughout . . • L I. qv 0 R s h te, , r & razar: , ; (sitcom* to Dock, 44 3 .Tk.co.v TAEALEBA FINE FAlgiEtTeßeKm; .11../ RIES opivete-!he Colirt.llaoe,hire'dti:444l . l4l4 -telmaion op • - ; : of , r 1 dintVit4o, aul4 f . JIMBIV E WINES, 7. Orßerre'Degriationi NVIT/SX lr Si OLD B9URBOA,,' MONONGAH:ELA,- - „ . ..41,71111691V1 vadid g ya The hest mum brought - to this market. , - , FAMILY. NEO : TAB, lir KRA ,T, - • , . crizatimr.a)lo2mwmiliy. B:ll:m3B9,7ollßANiotooroAMPAG;plM.cl ” •, • t •.•••-4--ge qactratrAifpllizate.“33:,. I j.XatitOliti 'BROWN mom ix . ' 13'4 9 11 ,KW, - 5 ' • I ,WlG.W.iit i ßlTTßidi itith7a complete stock- of ... - • • I And Cottaintents of. ever' deierl on hoWtil go, and at . . TRII"LOWIRSrItArkkit. ' 410 k Witarg&—ig _ ZoL'eek4olcaiLAilliii . 1 . - 4povr. l l 92e NVell . aeor 8110 Y. 011 , 1 4Z . 'a! WO . meta, :;) C . C . ::) 114:::t: 5'.2. ! I #.B Malty . :Err, ,D 1 5.2:#3 - ',. --VI ' lit ss iii - ,.. oi 611 t - Sr, 5L A 15 . cil • ..; ff :•• lIMMEME I „~; ~ EMI . d rj z c::, tst - • r, • OA, ; as I=o =ll El .. ...:.a _~. .. _ Dl`. LXONS fling• l LTUII', : Mill si.W9 . lm*T ribtatijklit ffigi Are On 01.4 onsessitny favarlibly roam sadtbstleakenlownsOnr.' aU ,ipesimair lonlll4, Apr ind 110, - 09 11 101.. ; • — 1 I 4 " , - ' ,e • • .Y.Lrj LYON'S • PIPAIDDIGAL -DEO:kr& - , . .:. • ; • .11.) , • T.; ,:qt. Ana 1101 preporatleu; ohly inn one of tni kliale i t r eo deon sad ered to We country, nee thready ook the 't tii , affected, erbllniels'ing Ankh' than a they work thenaltuyeapitttin' bet On lit Leal , ahem oiod poattn, .1;:•; kyatio •.; • ; •• Aro youndlidestbmii anertenendety hit' the rejn he Mum saturole pentalbed hunt "., _Give reunite° unison ter LyoutireelothaelDrdps, Ir talpm - hday ortwoholtne the oxpeetei totehtdorill peel- Uvely and nvertably vegan% its oonleg, as mann Mows anuie,sreneeht el deetight itilowedennew , An you Sok, oullehlod. ley illonoe t , tit lab* tO nor lier` labor sad Our, anew= t • - LYON'S , P211,10D14 .41190,3 ,EO.l • Curve 6 you ma*** fonts mot prima* better . If regibM Wiwi cis a• oertillo jorit. utd Mn you maprid limirstrealirimp:; = Oh briliAniaild brainy • I • $0 aid *ribald , air Odra; *us, sad in humility* sr hirtratiperdf • • • • Ad . • 111 I ME Are the resat natjt4 ximakaav '..4>Ll) mogio, all those lerisulingstlhothirdollol thaddetoto Will you mike a • luillislisg.iiim4roolthaiii, Famous, dlflioil =seemixosioil up - AM Lusaitor sad iii t holoulapouistcs• dale - 11114.: It t Kgs a *. LYONS PIiBICEIVOAL pitinmai ..•. wilt Do surely Ms you. `1 not we the i = . 6 tnl_ i t cti for although a • ° than, they are so proettalle • , •• • • •e • w and govern the halestemeer Pr • f'' iz, taken at hapeopeaDnani t • • • • taarLto nature, whist • , • •• • • =MI IRE 'i L. 'U LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS a.lici.L.o.lr. Qum& harm the BMA delicate eoeutltutitheritilty • =proprietors wish to gauntAlahrii that a thouaadja:=Led for a good p Pose Where one out • L 1 8 IiEIIIIODIOAL, DROPS,, the Rem- ith.dt .; - 4- ;• for nle by evert "'"f.alid ti 120 004 If you videelbows e medicine, buy any appt te Ewa yell twooripoi Whir yes. I tit.) A G CLAIM .114 Jr .%iir:N ..117.T4r1 _- r , 01:11Noia:1!na4 El t) - 1 . 1:1 1,2 Nikeidfipitatim trightigac, 9, 414 k aggI,MI,,i(CIWIW a Al I Milk lb& .Iv , v 4, 1. 1,1,L ~ , ~. ~. 20, '; A..• , 1 ''....../ ts.'4Lsl ~' ~ . . ',':.‘.l.:`, ', kl - •irtv:` . ..Al ':. r,t • t.i - k -,.L ,:', 4.);+.14..: ~.31.1 If 41..1 II I `ltt. , : jr,l, 0,,, j:; 1 ''. an ,„ • :"/ " it3r; 33 21,1.' •.. ' 11.9SUli dI! r 1 0. ," : :.. -. .. .. ; F.' . • IN ~.: i n ~,,,_ . ' IL. Ife.PO.r 'Fri ,4 )1 3d .:-Li., 01,5'..41111 :',I:Va . - ...;, dN • ....% 9 - .7511 10 Cr. ~.- , I' . . ' .' • i.l ....._.,e ... ~ I!Cra I, IV - : . ~.,.... A ,1.L.:..... - t ....,. '. - • .'./. ..111.1.11ef ' .1 (ilp 4..1, ." b ... ...1....tqe) . . .:,. rn ♦ ZU.T.'t.t,ln .T .? a I==lM MEM EMI *kw r ` ' .~~~~, -, ,~. ^ . , 11 JN,! • L 110SEIT ks e discovered the mod, certain ; 'l4:_ool . ‘!et A.A. and effectual remedies.* the worlitfor.:. • ~: dr! itTlEßMgtel'OF ( ' PNCE. ~ A OW*• Watrantlick orNoliaalVer4ll7lArm One -33-.) ; . '": • ...1:21 r ITO . . f 9 4-1 . 100 fig/ . • • 3 . . Waititneall .of the ila,wf4Bekereettons of; the ShEita hvqhgary Dinehe, ImpoteeeTAreral De:: b ß Noese, Dyspepsia, Loupe*, , Le* t3pitle,s Confusion of Nees, Palpitation or the Heart y Timidity Trembling% phrases of Sight or.tklWlntse, Anew t Heed; Thrott,"'Nose ions of the ,1.1791 .flespasoh Bowelf«Agfeel teirtible- diebrdeti arisingtosin the flontaz Hablt 4 of Li r g ita—lh " tl aid soliteky *Woes more; fatatto tu thati the IP:4lls.oPYreasAt9.iths:lfertneess of 14sese,:blightkg• their mcot brilliant hopes or anticipetions, r endering . skrrhote; MA, impassible. - • -3 , ISM • • • . YOUNG MEN Pkgpecially, who have become the victims 9 F, §olitary, Vico, that di and destructive habit which annually sweeps, to an untimely grove thousands of Young Men of the meatnialtadla and brilliant,triteifectil *to might otherwise have entrinced.4atenAnglieWefwA the i linn. 'dakiiiNkijilenee eekidte edge/ the lyte, os.siltsy4kenil. confidenfisa .1 r. ; MP t. " 1 - RRTA.(I.E.- cii • ,• ' Muffed persons, or Young yen contemplatmg marriage, beingaware speedLy of phribid Wealmms;:ergen Mi is titY,ldefor- raitim, - • - He whO phibes timWi thder the Care of Dr. 3.- may' re ligioriefy-cordide in his honor as a gentleman, and hand deafly rely upon his skill'llEurrhysician. • a TOBGAigItPWEAKENS ° mmediately cared; Mid Adl vigor restored. ; Thisdistressing agbotion—which renders life miserable . aid 'Smith" lie impossible-4s the penalty paid by the Vic limeoffimproper, indulgence Young persons to commit excesses from not being . aware of , thq odaseitioncesihat may. '•whe ttrisViTe7 phe sattlect will pretend to_ i pow thiktke,power! of mile lost Sooner by dose - fant into improper (a bythe Bikes being deprived the P*wirdilif healthy offitsigig,-the most ae4our.and de mur:tire both body and mind arise. The system beconierdthArEA - the physical and mental functions w dowoc•NemriMe /power, n imitab &VtWoit if the heart, debillye ah W as gelg efitafraailk= daoraj in ervrt. • - ;,; •elfl) w-}1.7 ' , 1 911,090 No T o $U Fax?ftwailtizerp :Leh 11:11iiikidifia 'theiiitlm Bohai eirA l ' l w i dos . l % 4 1 o ,Nriir n .Wia c robsbrmainervid apt*: gid, mato& a stamp. The moors Thiataing DR. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London, nate from 2no of; the that ensinmg, Its in the (J etted Rates; OM the'llreatef Dakijot *holm life has been t V le the hospitals 6f LOndon i r Parts, Phdaidelphis d eopee, Zfagra fit- _11.1111,:,;ailA et= when whip, _grist a - , • , whir shmmed at itaddtmepnndti,bishfalualk ,N 1 44,.4114F1ut lifiteditattehded I/eradiates with - dfLakingethepAybittln • • -"A TAKE PARTIOULAB .;I,T7iesseire some of , the sett had melancholy ' heldipof youthiMs weakness of,thillbsolr an pains in the head, tlinutess *Mk ilossi of mnecalaf,PolgeffillOn of Atl n =l:lPartat 1 / 031. ' vonsdnitabuity Roma of cx) her. , • MasTALLY.— e feudal lined. oh the ' d h", be dreaded — lose. of mammy confusion of ideas, pression of spirits, 4011 fore aversion to mad% nett moot lore of evil , ty, are, come df the.evils produced. 'A - ME= El ----- - -YOUNG DIEN '- - - - • ~ . Who bavo: Witted tlibinti'elveFAXa ceiMiti practice l. itt. , dulged ,in when Shine, a :habit: tit:spangly learned trbut . evil winPlui°°l or, at school , tho! Vesta of which ire nightly felt; even w hen all* if not cured :renders Marriage inpealtible, and, des both DIM and' body, shouldapplyl,sisnediately. -,:•:- Whata la c/ t hat a young nmaythe hopeof: hlsomentryi: the ling of. his parent', should be snatched from till PfinaPeote and enjoyments at life, bithe - consequence o inViatlng from tite'plith dt datwre *lid indulging , certain secret habit. flitch persona hum, before coat , .:., r t ia „.„...., t . 'fl ‘ A I.!L in •1.... t',. ( : .. :. , . 111 K. Select that q a"mmit" . 2: and body ere the most necesamy reedisibli 0 mot. connubial happiness.. Indeed, with. , MS these, thblonriatithrough life behomin - Oitistry Pit ; grimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind beceimis obadowed ,with despair and Wed with the AbileitchodY reflection VIMb ha pin ,of another be. Asomedi blighted with our o pts' -- ' ' . i t= 1 - I -'- blaWrilirf 'Or ALPILIZAIII4O4 '° -3 .sobik the miagiiidibtind Imp.- tess; irr 'kit betas Imbibed , the see - - Zeidit MVP 'III from education and respectabl ../Istilibehtto the hands or."'" ..1 ek; or". .;!1;.07. LAG. "Prl4m.i...L..!%llMsra -IWitZtilest ree=l MEE I =ESE CM ,111741kiet210 i 3.11011 , . . • E s j.di I{, tr I TOSIAXI".. 43:.,WMPOUND, EXTRACT Dir T: • s ZO PAIBA NILCA. . tiligaiS o 4ss): " MEDl lll l7Ma t ablOMMul t rat e : pro . misieriain ouzo ommarAino m : pAmpfiLADMD%t, , XCTIARIKAMY 0 1 1.- o tepretnthetljn the beer iettitetNew *e ea in veasaekibwahltha ioencentat i n o e n v o er t t n 4ve e much reduced. N. 8.--;;Pultruirerif der avine elk forTARRANT4 'T a g %V- owlarans: Alta ..tkip - tip., % lie linuomullutd worthless p i 430d4t. y ow receipt. of price -illonifect, .44,kN0.,,2741-oreenwieb .444,4 r , 31 1 f0- 9 1 **A*416w0tork; anaonsedi • ta4. - 440., ~*Lbr, P rogests. 1416 1,1}5: ME ilkir,olkiamnst•lTU.:7ll,..timAo„ inuti e ll i ONt r va t e gi lt =" mot HiSS wurell omit srii ittO atifiiitYcjiz 1 ; 3 04. fun' 'turn-down style in ism 44apatt azw— and in Garrotte from 72 to 17 hiches t and packed neat Nurixites—oricoMlMo, inidiallei; ones of 1 each...Nie: latter a , :varyladdr,Wiu ,144' {or : iFlTelerq' officerts , ax y• antral Patina IlloldedsCollstrin ' osSold , by ail Mall /leak= in Mai& iiinid4 ; Vtielrade su Goe r :l pplied • - .; - -;••••-•,; . VAN DEUSEN, BOEHNER, ' 827 ClikenumilSt., Ph* ME - I C;L;_cY W BALTIMOBE `," ' , . . ' - RELI"II , t 4F C 9/WAir"Mil NO NEBOURY OR NOXIOUS DRUG& with roinettwolth to (ortkbylie, mime:ft oonstitutonalsyreptm lions of the, wltK ttit~' is dll dreedfulmeterimpi °pantry Prom whence of L . The inim - ' y thousanditared at Okla UM' : du ? tio * wy" egift : A4.. .Tar, and . the inumerOcui • hapdituit 4FttlifeitLerfeYitio . / too` „ 191 Dr, 3 Tolvisoi g ..,wi . vmoliby, , :thitzeimiiiiiHig f? I= lll "a 7 l t elt,t ( Abel) c, hit Isla ' eitiaa/ of chine* ” . qty, It afilaiimteedinatee to thesallkatid. le , ',- .. ; ~1 bi I S D/REASiaiSPBEDILY CURED. 0 cv a ! : N p 17k tu sh"*. 101841 T • ‘• • • • .• IP l'- lt()lWin 151'. R. : : • 6 --I ': Just re. c e l l** I SIURMULA6 'rei4.1471306k, Jr., .66 . . _ ail I , 1 771M4.4040;20.3:EX0fi1id0i 1114111$ ammi rddea sbcßa 11 11 4 110 Docatir sscr=o DSTICOMOSS co.; Di -Mr* GROSS . CO., iIEEIE ME . • s,MiliP4o-411) WM4 , r .tf.rii . - : - .DAVad 7 4 - _ 4 " • lw apa^ brilOT 9 L . rpitt; •• - - F.J.I 11 K E THSVE RE T-1 , blitaisii-Jiußest, Pa 511 7 /It, I , ` 1 . • PR (100115M2 !EMPICIANS, erakie. .* • . ue.tß i F* ' §so r A 49- 2 .althlrE l 4 9 . „ •WAtie date to ou3 assorlibene tie ibods all nob' articles u sun desirable, and would ,- respectffilly call you Ittention to the largest and beet selected stock to this cdty, or PIItS4:c I =CALS ANl).:Plumps TOpeig ma eked,' • j i " 4,. 111 A. 16 # 1 x 4 ": , F: 'Ac7 1, A andlmap ME 44, et ) i tall wan I mend misty of timmraticANVlronEr . Anna*, "Zlpm a iva ;r • , • '• r- .• ectmt Isom hest - manutacturers . add Perfumers ,of it•:.tett , •.s•ret ifgrope an 4 hil,COUntrY ,I.lkingrferlogle demos . ; i1 . • LIA/UWW.GiZe nutausime ilßrl'Affia fee' ling =int M that we'4ViftestgliWin .16211jR1-1:71, of all '.°l7l:lllit° their • allthifile°. ,b1:-ASM :p.': 1 / 1 01BETH ; I" zOkits , ,ARD-WIthiIteI3ORCRIJIN Of ►U kinds, lireti'lltio the Proprietors. . . au ?' ; .1 • 7i,irePrI C K.FY" .449.[ED:LYE. . ;Wholesale Agents lbr Saponifier, isbjeSi‘" am 110 Lc .17.7 44 10 • le it OW be purchased is the oweg. d.ll.Zlr‘“, ' MEDICAL FLUID ifiXf.EA9. 2 % . Being Large purchasers in these Offsi Ir r e,han offer hi:. iioenlellti ! l a epee buyers.. Coal DU Lampti•toi the most "roved 'patterns, very cheep. All Una" :ef tempi • chanted 1 . 0 burn COQ OR. Then ofrat who have aotgiveaallWllik Alb OAT .T141.0WD1313 a trial imow PPt the,: liaperkleiVl4o4 a*: • f i n niage " 131 ;le nd 0"01k141iii, Ina good condition j mamas can testify to the profit ther have , detriti the me of our Catt le irgnibeW.bl444loll4io44ollll. quality of intlk; bhildet- bii*Vhlg the . litith4l ti.t> health and appearance alb* cattle. 0 11 '; ens long experience In the buidnees given th e itvint- .fate of a thorough knowledge of the lse; lad Writ ai ~ _ - E ryangementa in the Who are inch thritAierliOlTWeif 1 . ..... . 1 , ,. P., EL .. .. Iflifrt time; f linlith "iiiii iiii aPPlPtattdint to our MulinlA , 0 ;„ , .. 14 a ilk. tr '.,... • . . binthe beet of terms. R. w •,, ,cur, 1 . ,(1 .... . kE l kfu for the liberal patronage beatowediseritiur 'Pao kope by Ari. 1.. attention Inip'aldnnt a c ~ ~ raftd ;:._:ty.t, r..,,, , ,4 - PURE DRUGS la& idepilblis, =lithe liddr9 • • io Merit a ona iinueiibei 4 1 .#14Ar plrrr tti • • =III , /),P1 5-1; NEfi Co ; '; =GEM 8 3,4 1 4 2 Mi115i4 14/4 bath MUVI Colors and Tools, =I _ r ..~!suo.~P, ~onjen ~aad Qor~, .t. • 117 100 11- EMMY, Astrarra CODORN, PAINT AND NUM „;,.pfx,4Lnwirsrmffilm altos 41VD.JOROATEJU • • - OP ALL ICIATDO. I= P9149' MI/D/CMCW, OW • lune ammurmrd, oo,th l oit cAnktit4it FA.RXERS AND fißiMift • -T. F. WAIISION z . MASTIC CEMENT MANIMOTVRED, PITICSSITIta, Pa., IS PREPARED to tarnish and coat the ex. tenor of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on new smitem. This material is entirely Mervin fro m other cements used heretofore, and is the only Te l iai r imperishable coating for onside work. Mixed slti, Fro per proportions of pure Lammed Oil it forms a Solid, d u , big adherdveneas to Brick or Stone Walls, making this water proof surface and Ankh equal to Besot) ter any calor desire& Among others for whom.' have applied the Mastic c mentgrif: the following gentlemen: J. residence, Penn street, Patting. J D. II J. B. Shoenbarger rattiness, Twills. A. Hoeveler, James tireandleas, " Allegheny city. Calvin Adams, Th ird street, Pittsbur g James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, William Yokel ) , Girard House, Barr It Moser, architects Diepetch Buildings, John H Box, residence, Fro m street, Harrisburg, A. J. Jones, 44 Please address T. F. WATSON, F. O. Box 1,806, Pittsburg, -fe.bl.B-dem or, Peens. House, Harrisburg, DIVA DDENIS MARBLE YARD, CORNER OF WALNUT AND MTH STREETs, , Harrisburg, Fa THE undersigned having opened a Marbl e Yard In this city, beg ledrela inform their Inev, and the public in general, that they are preparcd to ru; nish MARBLE:WORK OF CB EVERY DESCRIPTION SB AS hibniamenti, ombs, • Bead Stones, Mantles, • And House Work in Marbleand ßrowa ;lola din nen call and we Will guarantee satiaracttaa IVFADIJEN k tu N. B.—Lettering neatly none in £ngllsb or German rear2o4ly AN ASSOBTIdENT OF OVER 100 STYLES P 0 Tr. 11 . 1 ONNA.IEs FOB LADIES AND GENTLE :BEM KELLER'S Drag and Panay Goods Store, No. 91 Market streak Pure Ground Woo; The beet Romeo TRAVELING WAT‘,II ELS, And !i general variety of FANCY' GOODS, suitable ter Preonta,, now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, isiarlo4( No. 91 !lancet street PRO'rOGRAPH. ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT - wr Vatato Albunim. _ SQ5 l t 0145 in FINE MOROCCO—panelled,MOßOCCO—pan elled, !Wanted with try heat" , gilt clasps 1 7111) ' • ALBUMS WITH BO Pictures for . E 3 cry go It 41 ♦ . 3 50 " U . . 3o together with vrrious other styles of binding, sum act prices, which will be soldcheap. Boldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, more dtuablo aaa obey_ per album anywhere. Cal land see at SCREFTEIVB Bookstore, marl!-111 - Harrithurg, MIS BIOGRAPHY FOR. BOYS. THE FARMER BOY, and howhebecamoikauxuind ctr-In-Chle; $1 THE PIONS= BOY, and bow be became President, $1 TEE FERRY BOY, and the Financier, THE PRINTER BOY, or how Ben. Franklin wade his mark, $1 THE FARMER BOY, and how he became podlen ant General. In Pam NTOINWS MEMORY OF THU REHILLION, from Fort &linter to Row Ito; ologguttly.illustrated. $1 'At BEW_LOTER'o BOOK STORE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No SSA Walnut Street, Smith Side, East of Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF ASSNS • $1,666,e4:1 ' • • • INCOPRORATED CAPITAL. PAM 4:174.2,7th rwsruAL. Idarizt"; Fire tin Inland Tnu4ortation L AMBDA 0. COFFIN, Preeldint CHARLES PLATT, Se c retary. WILLIAM_ _BUEHLER Central Agent for iNertzkayivania. Office Valid It.", near Bend, liarriaburg, Pa, 10,211-9 m =A UM JUST IVEOEIVED, THIS WANING, A MUM gilirOlUE MICHENg.R &. CO.'S CELEBRATED " SUGAR . MIMED HAMS AND ' 33311ZEF, AT SHISLER & FRAPYR'S. awn EMS TTNETVAPhvq) CHAFALta FURNITURE lJ .POLISEMPPN uotalleet the. ..yarolabi but reEtur. the original !ware. It does sot discolor. 11. will testa:'. with wary BUM labor, everk Orilabed wean% tither meta , or wood. All wanufaeturera and defiler 'la turauut should use for cleaning funstsig thi flias b ee n .and lOg. Wowed with dust. A touch and nib bete and there will make it bright and fresh. Foesio,sy 6. :a: HYI ddL S BIW., jut•dtf - 118 Market Wren, Harnsburg . ,NCLINTEIII INTORAL pins . INVALUABLE SYICUP, which is cii• A*/ vegetable in ita composition, has been cc piuyetVwßh wunderhil success for many, years to thee. , of: abases for the AIR PASSitGhtiala Ural& For s.; form of the disease, such as Ctd)Ull, - FloELigiil of we THBOAT, SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFFKiDLT u. BOABBENEtI3, Lth39 OF FMB and =CVO FRVEIIs, use will be attended with the happiest results. It is is' of the beat and safest medicinal for all forms of LBO (iff/TIB and CONBUMPTIOI4. la laudanum or ?repro tiOS 41, CVO, is any Afro inais 8 1 1 74. PRICE $l.OO PEV;'BOTTLEI. For sale at lIKBONS2VB Clibip' Bak Mae. lIM PECTORALS are 4.11141 "to - soothe 1 04 00 44 , slily Tickling in tae - fit, to reliev auauseuess, Catarrh, Bore Throat, Tuey cuuutui Oolta(dot, Korthowei, Ipacacuanius, &liege wad Na.. Ova met gel/able expeotoranta knowNkare the met cfve conzUltienta, so blended tint Gent Arabic tu,u that tam lozenge column • mll4 and vet) 'pleaLaut do.e Manufacuorea *mei) , by 2. A. KU/42.24 • 220. Azpounezertee. 118 Market. weer, Hw r etaag PMIADELPHIA:COLLEGLITt IN STl _Ems Fort YOUNG, Jams, No. WO Ara sweet. Bev. mu1t1223 A. EdilTil; L., E. CLASE.V.di 8.10-TN Prialitgaia Ninth Year. Three dl Ninth Prthugy, Academic, ;NA Co ll egigli "edllege comae In Otassica Maine. ; Waif; big* , Still* and Mama& Science for thos , , who graduate. Valera liunruagea, Kunio, Painting and Nocutiois by lieo.ibost..sruaritoro. For'adrculars applY at •the intitto9,of address BOX 2611 P.. 0., Pkinaleilikol - - ap24{-61X1 * 4. WEDDING, INVITATION .aifa Jaw= CARDS.—Bp a special arrargieraeu,t __...08•1?-pvers, in the country, ?ME th e US Jimmied in the hight stYl"' ofit.. With- the latest harden,- and suppliel ,Prum PNY__ 1114.Aolnie prima than are charged - by the ataloi , * - ," al mr Orkorilaidwptita. For namplea and ynced —= • BENONER'S WON nivel. :lbooo.arr• ' 114"i"of ilLickelOW d, o celebrated , recelsedthistaerning at r • AliffiaLLlVlL MAZER, 13 uCeefitine to W. Doeleolr., !--AL one lO n 9f . ,,CANNED WEE 23 and MONATqa. ,Akpo._ SUPERIOR amotialliairaa by 144 t om ' JOHN WOE, lid meet, war Wawa. BOTTS. OF POCKET BOOKS, PURSES CM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers