Eeltgrap HARRISBURG, .P A wEGYE39AY EVENING, lIUGUN:P 17, .IBd4. NOTIC te. TO AD V.IE ILTISERS.- 7 -ALL Adver tisements, Business Notices, , Marriages, Deal las, •S:c., to secure jirtstiotiCin. the TELEGHAPIi, must layssriablir jiLOCOUß pawed with the CASH. Advertisements the reehilkr Evening Edition are inserted in tho,lttorn. tog Edition Without extra charge. AND COUNTRY. i' 0 W N iloasE Tam. —A girl, - age3 . . 15, is in Bedford jail, charged with stealing a horse. I=l THERE will be a sale of condemned govern went horses at Reading, to-morrow, (Thin's day.) A LARGE locomotive (No. 177,) intended for use on the 11. S. Military railroads, passed through here to-day. "PLAYED OUT"—Pic-Nicing. No ".pies" . have been held here for several weeks past. Before harvest they were of daily ooeurmee. UNITED STATES TAX. —Do not forgot to pay your United States tax this week or there mast be en per cent. added:next week. See collect or's notice in another column. STRINGERA stopping in town cannot pass their evenings more pleasantly than by:going to Brant's Hall, and witnessing the grand, thrilling dramas now being performed there by the great star troupe. =DEMI BITTEN ET A SNAKE. —Wm. Bott, aged eight years, - of Hanover, was bitten by a snake on which he set his foot when crossing a field, on Thursday last. Swelling _commenced im mediately, and reached the heart within -six hours, when the boy immediately expired. A CIIANCIE --The Western Christian Advo cate, published at Cincinnati, says tho Rev. Wm. A. Snively, late pastor of the Union Methodist Episcopal Church, at PK.1,4 04 Pa., has united with the Protestant Episcopal Church. • SALE OF A VALUABLE lloTzT,----:1111: , Union House, on Market street, will be.sold by pub lic sale on Thursday of this week: Tilt is a valuable business stand, and worthy the at tention of capitalists. The sale will com mence at two o'clock. See advertisement for particulars. =CMS WE have again been favored with. rain. Several showers 'have fallen within 'the - 'past twenty-four hours. At four o'clock- this morn-. ing it seemed as though the rain as being poured from the clouds. These showers are just in season, and will do an immense amount of'good. Let them continue. • 11:02111 A SERIES of regulations in force at the Pro vost Marshal's office, in this city, will be found in our advertising columns. Persons ha'ing business to transact at the office should examine the regulations, as informa tion of importance can be gained therarom, which will expedite the prosecution ofbusi . 11668. , lEl=l WE, would again call the attention of capi talists cud business men. to the advertisement in this paper of the sale of the "Union House,' t 6 morrow, the 18th, at 2 o'clock, P. Nr. Thos desiring to purchase property on Market Street, cannot do better than purcbage this, as it is one of thebest_business stands on that] street. __._. 0 __...... AT Ram —Capt company :Of one hundred day men arrived here, unexpectedly, yesterday. They were detailed to 'escort sev eral hundred rebel prisoners this far on their way to Elmira, - and remained at home ',.#1.1 noon to-day. They are in the enjoyment of health, and appear to be pleased with soldier's life. The boys returned to camp, neafßalti more, this Ammon. . 1=321:11 l3Alrx BURNT. —We regret to learn that the barn of Mr. Mayer, member from Lancaster county, was totally destroyed on Sunday morning last. The barn contained his whole grain crop, five horses and many articleslo value. The loss is estimated at from seven to! eight thousand dollars, with only a partial suxance on the barn and contents, of some two thousand dollars. The fire is said to hale: been the work of an incendiary. EXTDETION. —The somewhat slim attendance' of our country cousins at market,- ; this morn: ing, caused those who were present to advan'ee prices to a high pitch. Butter, Which cin mended but 25 to 35 cents last Saturday, Went up to 50 this morning. A large majority of the country folks who attend market take: od vantage of _every opportunity to extort ‘ money from the pockets of our citizens: The single item of Martetiug a - hove mentioned, was worth no more this morning than last week, yet the price was nearly doubled. Oar citizens should take some action toprotect themselves against the daylight extortion practiced by those who sell produce in our markets... Psacass.—We alluded recently bithe high price which peaches are brinftiglare aimed* pared with what, they - sold I . V . ,eLseWhe 'the Philadelphia Ledger of gataril Tir!narkets were sooveratocko4wl ehaa. dazing the past week- ghat they Werea2f4 at' Yeiiy,l,ow. Prices, ranging, as low as twenty-five cents the basket. - "DirSaturdai at the Delaware Avenue .If,arket;-iist*Aou sinds of baakets were sold fiken eia aersq and Delaware orchards. The p r y/ 1 0,1 6 4 : will be another Week of plenty, .ss•irrill titles of the fruit remain ungathe'ria.aiiieifili:: boring orchards, and it is so perishable that it has to be sold off as soon as taken frorp' the trees. With peaelnitaapg at tali five cents a basket in Philadephia, it requir es but very little caludationreo. show that they' ought•not to coMmand'S2 50 i 44 stg : hit price demanded for thga liars, . t 4,xtv. • 1.11/44%44; Dowirm et"' 7nairt‘Wlla enzabeland Valley train due here at 1120 to-day, did not arrive until near one o'clock. The detention owing tc t i k k : 4l4 * itive ed n g out near Shippensburg. • =I DEED ISOM HIS WOMIDS. —Lied. L. R. Witumn„ t Adjutunt of tbe 46th, Kenna. regi `anent; 'WhO ' , kW 'Wounded in the foot, atAt ' lanta, on the 23d of July, and was subjected to amputation, died on the 6th inst., at the .tottusgiattanooga,tandwasithritdihere. r lieceasea belongectto the nerd °el:tau phin county, and was a brave soldier. " FAXELY Jpr."-49hn Baulus and Bak:A ra, his wife, were before the Mayor to-day; on a charge of assaulting and battering each other. It appears that Baulus west home '.Muddled," last night, and abused his wife, who had al ready retired. She, in self-defence, seized a coal-oil lamp and strßok her lord on the arm, severing an artery. To-day both were bound over to answer at court. Hoes Frar CourAur.—A stated meeting of the Hope Fire Company will be held on Fri day evening, (19th.inst.,) at their Hall. All the active r lionorary 'and contributing mewl bers are requested to attend, including those' who have already enlisted in the United Stiites service,' as huskies's' of. great importance will be brought .before the ,meeting. Let every member attend. • .....-.11,.....-... PROFESSOR: . E.tzeTED —At a meeting of the Directors of the Theological Seminary in Get tysburg, last week, the Rev. James A. Brown, D: 13., of York, was tuianimonely elected Pro fessor of Didactic Theology, in, the room of Rev. Dr. Sehmncker, resigned, who has filled the position with marked ability for the last forty years. Dr. Brown is a man of high charactei as a learned and able theologian. Punrac SALE.—WiII be sold at publics ap,. at the Court House, 'on Thiirsdai tlitk a (to-: morrow,) a certain yelled:at lot otsronnd Sit uated on the corner of Third sheet and Say ford alley, above. the nawdllarket House, be in 22 feet 6 inches on 'Third, extending ,69, feet lilortgAistid.O.lfeY. Sale to commence at half-past two, o'clock. Conditions made known by 13,1fgEN HEMEL Tttukrits.—The season just commenced here by Rankle's- Star(ClokinbMatiuti; VoMpany, promises to be decidedly successful, if we are to judge from the manner in which the e,polni . ing entertainments have 'been patronized.— Notwithsanding the inclement state of the weather, there was a „large and , appreciative audience present last evening, .to • witness the beautiful yet thrilling play, entitled Love's Sacrifice. The 'vat ions characters were ad mirably pe sonated,, and all the members of the oompany performed their parts in a man ner that rendered full satisfaction. The laughable farce, A .IKiss in the Dark, was rich, and was ricelSed with great applause. To night' the• grind play entitled hoomip oa TRN GREEN. Grres Lovs,. will compose the first part of the programme,. with hir....Har.7 cliett as Ingomar, and Miss Price as Partlie nia.' This is a piece that ah.ould he'iitnessed by all who can possibly attend. There is a .splendid oast of -ohnraeter% and ;the scenery is unusually attractive. The entertainment will conclude with a very laughable farce, in which that prince of humorists, Mr. Rouse, will appear. Go "to Ban - avart's and secure .your,asat ,fiefore going to the hall. Clark/BEESBITRG BELIEF FUND.—Received up to noon, August 15, 1864,, inoltwive: From the Pizzas Ant Pkintinillftee:--- I Wien Forney $5 t HJ4 J hSHarbhttgli " . -• • 250 D C Marti!, ,„ ; ,;. • 250 J M Rockefeller 250 F C A Scheffer .. 200 Henry Just.. 3 9 0 Wm Miller 2 60 J W An:Ekstom.— . , 2 50 - ** I' ,•••-41- • • 2so Ai Stevettit' ' • • - W Rodearmel...... 250 Jos W Potta 1 00 - John Ferguson..._ 2 50 . -Samna Streak__ -:, • ••,• •- . • ••4 '-• • -'• 240 L D Reed 2 15 J M Miller - . :2 - ' • ' • •'' ' -". ' 2 4 0 Jos L 8uffingtm.......... 4 . 200 Lewis Weaver.... _ 1 00 ... Jacob Horning.. _ 1 00 S NtmentAer— ~..2 t7O Geo W thiliesii:.__ 250 Greprge •Borkplex,... ' ..... 198 4 I"o T r A ti t en . c;i;g; . ;: . list previously r'.4 l6- '" .$250 , OCI • ' 12`15 $237 83 Banal Thomas .:...........,'. i....- - 'lOO 00 Dr Peiffer 600 Dauphin Lodge 'No 160 ' - 10 00 William Buehler,.. , 401;00 MmploYees Loeldel Iron CoMpariy. s i 67 23 WARD R G Wise ...... ..... V Orsingor ' Josiah. McFarland Jackson Hinamelbangh.... . . . Wm Willis Benj • Dr Wm H Egle David Mumma Total . ' '' ....... . . 3304 60 Previously acknowledged $12,001 30 Total. 4 5 " $12 . ,605 100tFlf F.. Kt LIKKR, Chairman Chamberibitrg Belief i 31ommiftee., Only Ten 'Min Wanted To fathe NERDBEZ:GVAIZEi: l iirab : to the handle. Come to time now, boys I Bally to serveyoar country and avoid the,ii raft. .0 . 03i&O tral bnAnty at" , DV ortoG priliDrlgG ()wirer it Qn k %hint littlest; . WASHINGTOM MINN, Captain. Mina W. 3 augs, First Lienter MEM _Lochieli - Gr6,l One Y.cairs, Service. A - Teiv more men wants' 4_ _to fill np this or vinizati9n. $3BO to 4101 r Aid bodily paid, $lOO :Graeipikant,.maling Vansitrity. Men will Olozamp". and •draw den u sou as mustered:iv. r ,1 1 6 , o ivroid.ths 411141L1n "atitri;•WahtUL sant be tween Third and liarrisburg, Pa- n 3: 41r[ 6 1 :44 .g W. A. DEAN, Capt. „ft . i.,..tbastA6lol4' 'yavaiAUMß • The Best Sivoid the DT.n ft Enlist to the . nevi ,infantry t tormin,g one yetter service. tp:*9ls local bounty, $lOO Government bounty. Serve with your friends and neighbors iu a company of your own choice. Recruits will immediately upon enlistment be mastered into the ginited States service, and receive subsistence and clothing. Recruiting office at 'the _Court House, Harrisburg, Pa. JOHN T. ENSMINGER, Captain, Late Lieut. Co. A, 127th Reg. P. V. Wrustat .T: Antms, Mustering Officer, augls-tf Fos SALE--An elegant building lot; situat ed on Third street above . North, 21 feet trout by 131 feet in depth, running to a 20 feet wide alley. For particulars enquire at an9-dtf , THIS OFFICE. NEW CLOTHING STORE. -32885111. L. & P. Bernhard •have opened an extensive assort ment of new clothing at 110 . ..105, Vlarket street—Kunkel's new bnilditig—where the public are invited to call and get bargains, as the stock will be sold at low rates. See ad vertisement. augls-1w MAJ, Drvrs, of the 12th Penna. Reserves, has received anthority to raise conaPiuges to form a regiment for one year's service-, of ithich he is in command. • Parties wishing to re cruit for his regiment will call on, or address, Capt. ORE d, White Hell Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. auB4sepl* Recruits Wanted far. the Bail! Term of Service, One Year. Highest Bounties Paid. A few more men are wanted. The officers are men of experience. Calif,' the recruiting rendezvous, White Hall,TloteL, • Capt. JOHN T. MORGAN, aulo-tf let Lieut. W. 0. SMITH. .Vor the '-‘l 7 lret City konaves."- Verni irf'ser vice one year. Local bouniy $375 ; gov ernment bounty sloo,m%king in all $475. Call at company geadquarters--Exolmnge Bnild .ing:(up. stairs,) Walnut Street, Hapltbhrg, Pa. • JNO. null-dtl .,.........,..p.m..........t.", Bannvart's Troches. _ . ~ For _the cure. of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &et, • are specially recommended to mildstein, - Wingers and persons whose vocation .calls them to speak in public. Bituinfactured only bv O. A. Bannvart le Co., Harrisbu.; i t Pa,N•tc whom all'orders should be address sold by druggist every where. .. • 1 Bead the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: • . • Haunsionto, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. BANsvAstr—Dear Sir: I have used. Brown's Bronchial Trochee, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness an,a, throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. . • , Yours truly, T. H. ROBENBON, ' Pastor of N. i. Presbyterian . Churel. On agree with Mr, Robinson as to the value of Itannvart's Inkhes. ~ .4. I r . W. C. CATTZLry Late Pastor of O. FL Presbyterian Church. - - - ilearantraci, Jan., - '1061.: '" To C. A. Esti:Num—Deer Sir: In th habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the yodel organs are very muolt,, taxe I have found the_ need of some gent ko espeb t h ~u r - rant,• and that want has been supplied hip excellent Troclies. '' . '''. i I consider them very far etiperio rile. any ,Lozenges that I. have-ever used, in rei:lri4g Aspeschly thetlinakitoss . 4:1 the voicepg 'froik ite_teo,frequent use, andi mpai r th effectiveness .of the delivery of public, aC • dresses. Yours, 4,43., , . ;NO. WALKER JACKSON: 0044::.of the Locust St. . Methodist Clittuelt. To C. A. }Urine/yr—Dear Sir: Raving use. your Tido:thee, I am free to say they are the best, I have ever tried and teke great fileaattre recommending them to alipereotte aided with sore throat or huskitiesir of Veit* arising froth public ong orshigin. Tot" 40., G. G. RAKESThAW, , Pastor of Bidge Avenue Methodist Ohureh. Theism Arvin:mei Ozirion; Hanuamme, Feb. 29, 186 L To O. A. Berrsecimr—Dear Sir: I have! found your Trochee to be invaluable in rt. having homonyms and'in strengthening the ,muaclea of the throat. They impart clear n eSs to the voice, and are certainly ofitriaA.S. At i t * all Pablio sPellAersi: J.. ' Iro• %Bounty, Petangeo3aitOcitty, SabilliMoll Ina Magary and war WAWA generally, nage eat IntoolleoteaY allot aniainte eta tlienutto embers their Wanaliairanil acted by_ laesili - • •,' tl Kg, Attorney-tit-LW, eAT:ttly.L. • , Woe& Harriebarg.- •11.1111, l! i QM/Mid Cif Bummer Go o d e at low is Li such as Bantle:Latham Goods, LawisA Sun Whig! Lace Shawls, and' Summer Ehatrht We have . aIeA.MA hand a very large assortment of Muslin% Calicos, - isk hams, &whinge, Handkerchiefs, Black tdas; Plaid Slikt Wldte Gambrics, Undressed Frelion Cambrick,`White PP Wined Flannels, and in fact an au/Oilmen& of MT Atom not amassed by any. To all of which we WOG, those who wish to purchase, and promise to sell at lm rides than weemeeplase Ahem - for spun. As all ' 'Wry, goods are advancing every 4,4 11 2YiJa the tiroaso.... , 4( 4 j i t ; -.--.-- A t a : il t -r- ~.,,,,,... iat c -. oug i -4 1. .- '- OA. . !nilieliStlVOC att943 - I-;;2 h ...i.... airia atiotelanig ' AMA , .-'... : . . • ghillillg7ollll4 rieilf to slid* dir iftethl a Altkr•itri the ', Illiglh -,"BredWe Ise ~..- t a agdaim st . sl,e,dd hare - Sem; at - TX:eicait ,- ...1 Ike path% and taken at oeoatiowreqatres. tlflorgli.t-ilernm i / 00 1 00 1:00 1 50 5 00 .... 5 00 .... 00 5 00 10 00 PURR VEGETA/ILE ITIBE *opt healthy tooismot feel more or leag JR_ wartMi entrant warm weather, and lesti - their„Spi petite. They need a good strong Tonic--ones HMS' strengthen the nervous system and stomach. u Hhtal the yi can get at 00 cents per bottle, at Km L. „Balk% Ne.,5071 South rhe street, Harrisburg. Orders from a frißllPOlk .promptly attended to. t DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED! DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS VIDEVIR less than 30 days, the worst cases of NERVOUS LESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakneda, am ity, and all Urinary, Sexual and. Nervous Affections, no, matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar-per box. Sent,post-paid. by mail, on receipt of an order. One Box will perfect the cure in most cases. Addreini JAMES S. DUPLE; #l64lkw3nk General agent, 429 Broadway,. N. Y. Thls celebrated Toilet Soo", Is aura _universal de• mead, to made froth the choicest ild and emoilieat belts Retire, treirseeiiy rl th th, and extremely besaeleilel In Its - adios ^lWc . for ale by all atuipilettiVlNVikoods Disalirkis„ I=l --**.--- Guards. Volunteers Wanted SPECIAL NOTICES. COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP." A CEUbio,4I6~SI7FWERING. Swallow two or three hogsheads' - of - "Dacha," "Toni° Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Antidotes'," 5r0.; Am, Esc., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR DUMAN'S ENGLISH SPEC': PIC PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor in basis' than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and . salutary in their effects on the broken down and shattered constitution. Old and young cad take them with advantage. Imported and sold in the Milted States only by JAS. S. BUTLER, - No. 427 Broadway, New York. Jog-Agent for the United States. P. R—A Box 'tif the Pills, securely packed, will be =tiled to any address on receipt of price, which is ONE DOLLAR, post-paid—money refunded by the Agent if entire satisfaction Is not given. jyls-d&wBm A WORD TO THE WISE. There is no need . of an' person having the Dysentery for one day. All I ask °Ube public Is to try my Dysen tery Drops; only,acentatithottle. It is very pleasant 6 , 1 take; can be giveirto a Mid of any age with great confi dence. It has cured very bad cases, and also of long standing. It is Indeed worth trying. Prepared and : : sold only by Mrs. I. Bali, e.outif Pine street, Harrisburg. jy2s.dtf ED/TOR OF TELEGRAPO : Dear Sir:= Walk your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that will send, by return mail, to! all who wish it (free,) a RerApe, with full directions f t r making and using a-simple Vegtable Balm, that will ef fectually remove in teddays, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all,lmpuritlea of the Ssln, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple dfifitions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in leas than thirty days. All applications answered by return mail without charge. ~ ..Hgerpectfully yo-rs, RHOS. F. caAemAN, Chemist, Jyls-d&w3m , z; = 531 Broadway, New York.. HAIR-DYE i HAIR DYE!! Batehelor's Celebrtited Hair Dye • ZS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The only Haratiesr, Thee and Reliable Dye Iftunaa. , This splendid Hair Dye IN perfect changes Red, Mist" or Gray Hair instantly to a Marry Black or Ndt.Bioterr without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring Its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH. ELOR. All others are mcprrpg imitOions,ahofd be avoided. Sold by all Ad- lhaotorriTti BAR CLAY ST, N. Y. .11.108a11.01011 NEW TOILIIT ORMAN so. DRISEOKO nem ienely multsairmimrm.p Northern Central Railway. PIIBLIC NOTICris hereby given that he FREIGHT and BAGGAGE described to the follrow. log lid remains unclaimed in the Warehouse of the Northern Central Railway Company, at Harrisburg. Con signees rip beritb=elteglfaaw h iltpy oh arcs, 9*Vd Meta 1) - bill be ld according to law, THURSDAY, September 15, 1864. J. N. DU BARRY, Gen'l Supg. No 1, Williamsport and Harrisburg check 146, one black trunk No 2,4slmitiamitagartitte9if orsE6k - 40;iimetio6X,: - . l..Mut ~.N rmrsa • WtkeB4l6lllil6tWAßlNEtwitaimiNitillatlx` No 4, no clieckVono box, J Bonita, Loc k a Co, N Y No 5, no cbcck, one box, Lleut A Scott, Harrisburg No 6, no check, one box, no marks No 7, no check, one box, Jacob Weaver, Pittsburg No 8, no check, one box, Reuben Farringer, (Jetta wlssa /No 10, no check, one box, Copt Phillips, Harrisburg No 11, no check, black trunk, S S J, St Joseph's mile my, Philo No 12, no check, fair leather trunk, no marks No 13 , 110 Cbtee4ll'o l A.i9atinr AMIE, Cape Lyraase,2Har lisilurgi .r.lll , ..-Pat, bus :1 a: be • /.7‘..';‘,.. , N.O /4. ' 4, l l 6 .tiligritiliattireleoPser trunk, lidlnarig 3. '`k No 13;240 bliKkzito4ontrunk, no marks No 16, no check, one box, Jno'ldc6ee, Harrisburg.: No 17, 1104141.0 f, IMekterky laoto I,lEitophesuN flassistirg No 18, no chocletoene bOsc-Netwport atationiiP:it No 19, IMF•Ateciri pile Robison, khibidelphia No ,2A, -.llea abeek,.• black Gerometi• Lewis tergikger_ _ „ ••„! itio.3ll,,Dallhale and:Harrisburg:check 512, , fair-leittier Wank; .Wist;H•Barberi.MiltOniibvet-....• , - ,•••• No 22, no check, black trunk,' tb molts . No 23, no check, fair leather trunk, W S Scott, Hunts ville, (Ado No 24, no check, fair leather trunk, Illos McDaniel No 25, no check, black trunk, Sarah -No 26, no check, black trunk, G S Angill, Binghauip ton N Y N 0 , 2 J.• W1;14,1410* ,and O:W4Bn cnock 92, fair leattiervallge, no marks' No 28, Baltimore and Harrisburg check 687, fair leather valise, no marks No 29, no check, fair leather valise, no marks No Mk no check, black trunk, Jno & litontoe, Lanais , : *teXvrel .• •:•.•••• out . No 31, no check, one box, Michael Trump, Allhitydwii No 32, no Oikerlk,iano box, Do =wear.: • .. No 21 . 3,1gOpiitaan and Harrisburg cheCk•ib9 one bbx No : ' 4, ftnelboX; Mr% iftit,4 l n;: a irty, ; i 1%.1 35 4-49 gkePliaffAhe-b ol s ,4l braNMlll' fig ' Nctaknolskankiiironeiboxvipraaitika 4.r 1"j No 37, no awes, bag of saddles, no marks No 38, no check, saddle, Ignatius Floomer, Portage . station No 39, no check, black bag, no marks - No 40, no ch ck, black bag, Nary Foster, Harrisburg No 41,.n0 check, black Ap,,,ms_maut i l, „ , No42o„trizeneldrijekidkinfit. '.-I.- ' I No 43, no check, black bag, no marks ; No 44, no check, black bag, J &Ladle, Jersey Shore, Pa No 45, Williamsport and Harrisburg check 36. black, bag no marks No 46, no check, black bag, no marks : :No...47,:nowtisals, biackhowiti marks , ' .. - No 48; heinheckvtarziettauriitio'marks . No 49, no cheek, saddle, no marks .., No ao,noscheMr.. „Wino" nuirlar ." ' " • !No filimo theckidnit bOkftd rfihrii . ." .Nobk.po iSheolc,etio•lsexrlititnalke" -"' ' 2 , - 6 .:..,. 'zit: .-- NobS, no-checkvhat4lol ," 41diSiailee' - ' No 54, no check, fair leather trunk, no marks It J Fleming, one bunthe Mills A L Babcock, 1 Nile rope N Frazer, eleven barrels nuts • r) Mi l lif StgelitikekkliA`i l':. r:(.., LI H rt., one barrel insulators Nelson Bryne & Co ' two boxes bitters S Barkler, one box hardware i H Hawkins, ono granite block z Nicholas &B, one box Fandries ....:,..% :71... . '.. -. i. -. ; J,Al,,lbert, o e t harntro.b ff ewi, ~,, ..,,',, - : --...:4.,:i ; :Ttita* A ,n.rie . hardware , ~.- - •,.-•-,-,‘-'' " ! No a k ~.._,,,.., .P „ 4,00 mak', ~1, tx 11:14 ~,,,,,.. / 4 ..,95.&,.., ' - '4 ; mokinin,...katte,,,,,,?..._i, EO - ~. A , eiudigo 1 , 1 , 1.: „i, , .! ,6i , ...,. 1.1 ...1 ..; - riV CO . Octe t ., 1 1Wheratunnitia,Mieti4 9 1111tier, Hat risburF. augl6 4w I THIS WAY %.94JaiC11i•.. , :iratta c t eTIOYLI BARGAINS! HOSIERY • , P,:j . ,•• 5,t, ?Et,. • .. 1404 '„•••, Si V-• LADIES' HAIR NETS, and 1 PERIL J:tioDORAD—DREssEs, TOILET. 4 11 ITIOLE§,. • . ta sr , NCH LAOS , d 111.8 41 - Ikfli .zumaniketTLOW:o44l46#6p.,-, Everybody sliduld call at once, and secure great bait gains, at , . MAYER'S, au43141 46 itkl! Yrs . /3'Market street. . PROVOST Nassau:a OFFICE, I W D. PLYNW. fLVARLi. I ono, Aug 1, 1864. 1 1 . .ArlliKaiipard of Enrollment 1 OF this District VI nowengaged in revising and correctinfitrillitskOrsons enrolled as liable . to do tayY4YtitcA4Pii•ly , iiiia - ii , a l i&ont. or , Ardisiv.AGE„beig aria ...i.kten us NON-RESIDENCE, UNSUITABLENE'SS OF AGE, I MANIFEST PERMANENT PHYSICAL DISABIL-; ITT, or HATING SERVIAD4WO YEARS IN THE PRE SENT WAR, should promptly APPE BEEORE THE BOARD, prove the saran and have thei mes striken from the list. Any citizen who has a know) eg any one having escaped enrollment, and who is hien° military duty, or of any one who has arrivrd at a4ll of twenty years since the enrollment of 1863, or oirintwtho have declared their in. tentiona to become Mattis, are earnestly invited to com municate the informatleen to of .itite Board Bnroilmera, that such persons may dm , on the lists. Mirlt is the interest sCal d of every enrolled citizen to see that all who ha I improperly OMITTED from the list should be ereto. 'Wit is the imperial du of a ll citizens to see that persons drafted in any • et, and failing lo report, are ARRESTED and b g before the Board of En. j rollment. The sub-di is ed with the duty of lbrabildstp, its full quotoo O. KAY CLEMENT, Capt.lro, mar. and Pres't of Board. CHAS. C. RAWN, tri Commissioner or the Board. 3 S. T. CHARLTON, ilekIHM SWIM Of *0 lard. 3011 - -NOTICES. • - NOTir ,fignntry • Regiment. • ONE HIGHEST:LOCAL BOUNTIES. . . ECRIIITS can :bra - innAtered in, snbsist ed inimediately after their enlistment. Recruiting 020 Thu d street Titan Market, Har risburg. „WLSLEY AWL. Aug ,, st 9,1854. a* -13 a • • • Recruits' Wanted Xiii. One Year: - officers ate men' !the • have Seen Bei -A. vice. The"eziptain gradtiate 'of the xelebratei Governmet* idilttarY'Scbool at St. Cyr, in France, and haers , rved Siren yearsin the French - army ;'hit mPdabt for his bravery in six battles, vir e" lilentebello„Palestro, Tabigo t Melegnsgno, Magenta and"igolterin • o, The Highelt Botetty paid to - Recruits, and no admit:age ' The Iteentiting Rendemus, on Loetisx Stitaer'nt the :OLD-milu..Art vERATON aorINE, opposite ibe-Femitie Eientinarritarrisbing - • • - • • • • P. DaLEIN, Captain. . Erin g. Gen.l Ctleerets, New York city ; Brig. Gep gtey,,Commanding. City. Div. West. 'Fir- Theo: Fenn, Harrisburg. [augls-lor THE BEST WAY AVQID,THE DRAFT ! s rr The New Infantry Regiment! .NOW WlthuNG Po ONE MAMA' SERrics. Ell $375 LOCAL BOUNTY! ilOO GOVERNMENT BOUNTY! SERVE with your Mends and neighbors in a company of your mom choice. Recruits will Mime diately, upon enlistment, be must-red into the U. S. ser vice, and receive subsistence and, clothing. Recruiting office at the Court House, Harris ' ' burg, Pa'. • • JoMit. ERSIIILYG ER, Captain, ' Late Lieut. Co "A," 127th Bcgt , P. V. 1511.7,taat J., ADAMS, Mustering Meer. ' augl2-dtf HEADQUARTERS" DRAFTED MEN, SUBSTITUTES, VOLUNTEERS, AT 115 South Seventh St 4 Seccmdfloor, Room Na. 10. tjFa- Drafted Men kit the City or any part of the State will be furnishc 'th .iubstltutes at short notice, and on liberal terms. tw Men Enlisting, *Aber as Substitutes or Volunteers, will receive the latgeounties, which will be paid to them in cash as soon Mustered in Agents will be liberally paid at This aula-t W. D. HAVENS. Philadelphia. GET OUT $' THE DRAFT! One Year's service. .a.— CAPT; MILES. AND LIEUT. LIGHTNER, receives ,ai}therity (the . first ht.. *Nal to' l*Be a:4oibiaty voltudeerti for:ONE I.c.itivs SERVICE, now offer rare Inducementa to able bodied men Co enter the service. Apply at the COURT ROUSE or at MILES' GROCERY STORE, on Ridge Road. jyl/1-citi, DR AFT!! PHILADELPHIA GUARDS!! COL. A. A. LECHLER.. BOUNTY! For one year's ser- SsOw vice only. Kali saustirel immediately aud pain cash down $4OO. Come singly, or in squads. Any nelson bringing 20 men wld be commissioned a Second Lieutenant; 2 0 men a Ftrailiicatenont; 40 men a Cantata. • . ''A to above will be executed to tbo letter. Apply to Cot X. A. 4.CILLER, ar . 410 IG - Alqi}artera,lll Chestnut et, SALES OE ii,EAL .EsTA:EE. PUBLIC SALE. FRID;AY, SEPTEMBER 91h 1861, :41HE imbseribets, agents for t 1 e.. heirs of Frederick *enderly; Sin., late. of Mechanicsburg, will sell on the'pfernlses thotollO*lfig valuable real estate, viz: A tract of LintetdordkLand oonitdning 67 acres and 68 perches, all cleat, in tchlgit'stitte - of Cultivation and under good fenciug, located in silver spring township, Cumber land county ~.4., two miles ly go t. Met4auiestung, near I 4. 41iiitia froilititaligage4eoiiite - ; The improve minis are a good xA; v~i; F ftWO-STuEr HOUSE, A GOOD BANK EARN; witg,bri shed, corn crib, 'and all other necessary outbulld "lig& There are two !Nicol never-failing water on itlir . tarna; one 'of - Which is: near the., door ; -an. orchard of fruit, add. a limekdia, On Chi-, premises. The land has been 'Wildest The pr,oilkity_ of, this property to thd, enterprising toWn iif.lleclitantcaburgi always atibrunig. an eadedent:market'for the iwodocts dr . ttio . farm, renders it highly desirable. . 2 - `At the same time and place, a tract of Mountain Land, situated in Silver tipring township, Cumberland county, Containing . 10 acres atuTl4 perches, easy of acdess. Potions desiring to tieW , the property previous to the iald Will pkitie cad on George Wonderly, residing on the iarm, or W. IL Wonderly, resitting in Mechanicsburg. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. ii., when terms will be made knoiwn . by GEORGE WuNDENLY, r. • ' - - W .11. WONDERLY. Agents for the helr,s of J..''F , ; Wonderly, dec'd. - .auls-dtsere ' ME VALUABLE MARKET STREET PROPERTY PUBLIC SALE. - ix Tail, be sold at public _ vendne, on the TY #e a ,es , "' _THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1864, at two ii , clOok itiHilkafternoon, that ;Valuable Motel, on the south side of Market street, Harrisburg, known as the " - ' "'UNION . HOUSE, beitiriassrestartutifta, iritral;ge • ---.. TESTER STORY BRICK BACK BUILDING 'and PATER -SITS STABLING on the rear, the lot being twenty-six feet three vicherfriont !en Market: street, and extending back two blinded and - ten feet torßlackbeiil alley. The said valuable business stand lying between Third and Fourth streets, on Market street aforesaid, in the most Central and business part of the city, pilaw:Rs a fine chance to speculators and men of enterprise In almost any kind.of business: PoVeiniion 'will be glven on the first of April next. `Tetras - of payment will be made easy to snit purchasers. Attendance will be Oren and conditions of sale made known by • • GEO. W.SIROYER, a, 7- jy27•wed&sat-ts ' WE the undersigned offer sale, a lot with two houses erected thereon, in the borough of Dauphin, on the 3d of . September, at 3e. m. Tories to suit purchasers. Sale to take place at the house of 0. Rhodes. A & B. GEIGER. augls-deod :3w* ATgLii . ESE power -ste4ni - engine and: _boiler ' steam pipes, water pipes, pumps and heater toMplete; oscalating engine and cylinder, bothp ma n u f ac .: pateht improtredimeellating en Lured by Joel Weidman, glue builder. May be /Renal.' Canal shops, foot of Walnut: street, Harrisburg. • For terms, ae., enquire -at Segalomen, Market street, lOW tkited States Hotel.. Hilonsauno, :July 23, 1864' , . jy23-tf WPWTlNficimeleior,haoLli of this. goo. ,4 111 Tuft Just reeebred and Fore by • SEMLER & FRAZER. „Oen (eambem - toritra.' Dock, jr., & Ca 'TOUTERS' BASS.ETS.—ShisIer dc Fr - a ber,,finoefilonttelf.i Dock, jr , , &Co. hive on hand 86 dozen hickory . bulFeto. Price $6 60 Per dozen. Je9 liEtEß—Ohoice new crop. Ohoos jut - / - yeeenPed - a -- :j.OlBl BOYER PARIT* B • - 1 1 1 - P t $l3 this monihailtid 411 .- bo c tarniam maim EE3 MS ' H. L. WF.STBROOK. FOR SALE. POB, Lux, AMUSEMENTS. BRANT'S HAIL. BRANt'S HALL. THIRD NIGHT OF Rouse's star Combination Company, Souse's Star Combinatiosfimpany, Rouse's Star Combination 'Company, Beau Third appearance of the Young and Beadifka MISS! FANNY B. PRICE; ' *.% Whd.itin appear in her celebrated clumsierof P THEWIA. Mr. D. likNOU'EirT, as IGNOBLdt. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUG. 17th, IGN9MA.R! To conclude with LOVE IN nunnux ups. For further particulars see programme augg-dtf SANFORD'S HALL. THIRD WEEK OF THE CONTINENTAL COMBINATION COMP ANY, ON MONDAY. jIILY 25, 1864; THScompany consists of the best etas per formers, consisting of SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS; &O. The manager takes pleasure in announcing lama they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietors. En.tar PORTER, Business Agent. 028-412 t CANTERBURY HALL. WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. Proprietor.. Business Agent.... Stage Manager Leader or Orchester Treasurer......... OPEN every night with a tirst-eutes com pany of male and female artistes The perform ance embraces every variety of legitimate anniaement, anek se SINGING, MUSICAL FARCES, DANCING, PA.Nrrom2s, COMIC OPERAS, NEGRO COMICALITIE!, BURLESQUES, AND MM.. Admission, 25 ciente. Seats is private bow 50 yenta. Doors open at T. 1b entnmcnce ai 8 O'clock: jzindtf W WANTED I—Three or fair HOUSE CAR PENTE.RS. Apply to W. H. BIBLE, augle-dif - Corner sixth and,Wilnavativets. Wanted, ACHILD'S NURSE, or a girl to do' house work in a small lamily. Most bring lood recommendations. Either will hear of a good ~ piles by inquiring at (ml3-dtf).. THIS MAUL Wanted, • A LIEUTENANT with a few men. For /-• further particulars inquire of Capt. Dean. Won w aulut street, betwten Third and Fourth streqteothere he highest local bounty is paid to volunteers.. augloll 25 CARPENTERS wanted inamediateli.— Apply to H. H. HOLLER, Harrisburg Good sat_as will be paid. augt2-dlw* WANTED—An unfurnished or flgriiptted Cottage, or part of a furnished or nqurniened Routs. For particulars enquire at augB-dtf THM9FRICF. Wanted to itant;.:. AHOUSE containing 5 or 6 mooraa.:fot small family. Leave direction at thiscadea - lient paid in advance monthly, if required. ' and-tf Al i a, WANTED, '. - ~.:, : - 4 " it PRACTICAL BAR-TE1k.1:T.4., at „rx. the saloon'emiter lierr , Ei Hind. -• • • 17 tr WANTED, TO RENT—An unfurnished Thom, within !We minutes walk , by the Tits+ M ace. Address Box 300, Post Office. ett4o-dtf . _ NVANTED—At 1150 per. Month.—We want a reliable Canvasser in every county. We have agents making $l5O por month 'which we will Iduivo to any doubting applicant. Address JONES B OS & CO., 11altiinucee jy2B-1m THE NEW BOOKS. QTIIMBLING BLOCKS, by GAll,..ttam- Ilton. Price -- $l, 6 IL • HAtINTIID HEARTS., by the author of the Laiap lighter. $2 00 DARHNESB AND DAYLIGHT, by Mre:nomzec 11` 60 EAREARA'S EEISTOEY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards. • 60 cents. TILE SMALL HOUSE OF ALLINGTON, by Trollope. $1 25 SEVEN STORIES, by lk Marvel, author of "Reveriee of a Bachelor." $1 50 • WERE'S JOURNAL of the thaoovery of the soaves of the Nile. ' $3 60 THE WOMAN IN BLACK, by author of "Man , in Gray." $l.- NOTES OF HOSPITAL LIFE, Nov.'6l. to Aug. eta, Et 'OO E. STOKES OF THE SEA, for tioys; from - Cooper's wrilinge. $1 00 STORIES OP THE WOOD, for boys; ihr ptoper's writings. 00 All new books received Cs Riot as pbbildbed at • RERGNER'S BOOK STOMA • 61 Ifarkeit unrest VERY FEllrE, INDIUM ' O our fine and extensive Stook. ;off.. Photo- T graph Alba= and Photograph Card pictures, we have added a lifintrai FUL ENVELOPE for the reception of card pictures. They mat be seen and will!). admired Hir Photographers supplied at the very lowest whole Bale price, and their card printed upon them for $ thousand, wholesale and retail. at may 24 SCHRFFER'S BOOS, Tcotra, PEEP TONGUES.—Fin elargebeef J., cured by J. H. itiehener & Co., and for sale by SHISLER & F Successors to W. Dock, Jr., WALNUTS, CREAMNUTS, El:pm**. For sale wholesale it • SBISLER & FR eaxessors to W. Dock, JIM, mys CHEESE—ChoiCe new crop Chem, just received at SHISLItIt & rgaiEß2 jell Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & OD • LMB for sale on the corner of Third and Broad streets. Esquire of W3L C. MorPrilikr - mar44ltt, IVrESS SHAD and FINE NEW M# K. J.T.L. EBEL, jag received, at 7 ,- • iYIB • BOY= ig..)01901e, OMR VINEGAR.—Pare Cider Vinegar . flan be bought by the barrel oremeall-qhmitr BOYER SOLOSI.Pft. 1013 HAMS, BEEF AND TONGUES—a fresh invoice at fau/I— SIDSCICR.& PROMVS. T • - • lIST received, this morning, Itichener.t& 0 Co., Fresh Smoked Varna, Beef an Tongue s , at - nage SHIBLER &IBMS • NEW-FISK—New-No. - 1 and - 1 - Mackerel in barrels, ball' barrels and kale. antl b 3401.2 a9und, at [auge] sHIsLERvFNIZEit.'‘. - przniTEK BUTTER. Fresh roll butte; frm-Barter county reeivfid, - 6415 'week. Also eggs at [myt] BOYNR g KOXR.RER. A NEW SUPPLY tit FLESH .laL Rea, pat rechtveitbfintiornineat sHISLER h Flthni a, .Id 7 Summon to W. Doak, Jr., & Co =3 ..J. a DONNELL .JOE MILLRE WILLIAMSANAY MASAI , lISATAYER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers