=== • • ItAtrir t. IitA.CLAY - TTPNET-AT-L*W.—Patridt'tkcl Vali% 13_ building, Harrisburg. Stria attention paid to all legal business. Military olaiiiinoolleo,teik Thomas C. Macillowell, attAtcornex;-at-i.4 . Aw. .OFFICE IN TIER ST., BELOW PINE: • PA: • ALI, manner of Military Claims promptly attended to, and claims colleetedagainstthe General. or State Governments, either in Congress, the Court of Claims at Washiegton.eity, or at Harrisburg, without un nepessary delay, and on moderate terms. era-dem A. C. SMITH, AICTO.I6IOITEN" AT - 44,41::3 ;ern, oyect s Office from Third to Wal -I}l3Catreet, seat to the Prison. All buirtest in t tahim will receive prompt and careful attention. iiiWIRROCERV in PROVISION STORE, .BOTER fSLKardtPER, WHOLESALE AND - RETAIL - • DEALEns GRO C E Wlt E St • •:Queenls and Glass Ware, AND ALL RINDS OF 00IINTRY I PRODUCE, ,HAVE just opened a large and well selected s Ock of goods at their stand, No. 8 market Square; Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the publlo generally. . , no).0411y . . frOCCEISORS TO G. G IatiVR.EL Si, CO., RECTIEIERS AND DISTILLERS and Wholeßie Dealers is kupoTted and Domestic Li- Itarrisbtirg, - jyb-dlm N E- S..- HOUSE, ow ne r of Market street and Market Square IIdEEIBEURG PENNA. .. CHAS. H. MANN, PrOplikol% no6-dtf STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, ,CORNNR THAD AND WALNUT STRMS, mugussup,o, PENN'A. THEundersigned having purchased this well known house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated At, The-rooms have been re-painted and paperer t, and the °Ore estahahmcnt elegantly re-furnished. Doing plea santly and eligibly located, and provided with every cod venience, it Went to tho public all the comforts and Irtxu rirts of a first class hotel. Trusty and obliging Servants alivays in attendance. A bar well stocked with choice liquors is attached to the establishment de2B-dliy W. G. 'I73OIfItSON, Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA: D, H. HUTCHISON, Proprietor. THIS well known Hotel is now in a condi tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences allke.for the transient guest end the permanent boarder._ . THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between-Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and la close proximity to all 'the public offices and business lo cantles of the city. It hoe now all the conveniences of GLASS HOTEL, aniCtbe Frornietor is determined to spare neither OE pillillertetfreriabor4o-etteure the comfort of thy guests.. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully soli.; cited. . - •• MUSICAL.' " PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET MUSIC, VIOLINS,. FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, STRINGS, DRUMS, FIFES, and all kinds of MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE, PICTURE FRAMES, LOOKING GLAaRFA, PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBUMS, AK138.0.. TYPE CRIdIN'EgORAVINGS, PICTURES, &C., &C. Remember the Otto% .SILAS WARD; No. 12 Third area, We largest, Music Store this side of the great silica. janW.Mt• • ' MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS firrENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, 'AND TEEM ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instruments of this class) has been awarded to MASON. Jr, 14AM1 1 4EN'8 ENSTKUMENTS. A MI assortment or these instruments alwaye on hand W. KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent, 93 Market street. je4-2tawly] A. P. TRUPSER, Tatit-t 11-ER' OF MUSIC. Onion kr WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 N Third &rest Residence: Third street, above North. dl5-tf PEIVILEIVs ir E BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore,. Williamsport, Inn exit Gniontown, Watsontown, VW_ itibak, Noithiimberland, , 'Sun ',Overton,. Georgetown, • 1 / 4 . ..:LykentiknvrtAllersbarg, Bahia; Daiiphin; ..; . AND ittEßlSß'Ultkr. • The Philadelphia Depot. being centrally loCated, the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The . Conductor goes through, with , each train to attend to Iles safe delivery of allgaddilietrikated.to-the lino: - Goods delivered at the de pet...of.:IWILLDLM .E. BURN, 812 Market street, o'clock r.,at., will be delivered in Bur Malawi the Nl* irttorri.l%.. FratglaAlwayr as Low all by Any Other i Ca # lll ( l ) o N i T t r ad W 3 lY,.4'?, ( 2 ., - - °cited . not, o c l P M:rkit. street, Iferrigrg. NEW MQ,bOE. STORE. TAEBAT,ANT •TO LANDLORDS AND otry-Allo undersigned offers at wholesale, to ewe' choice , lot of the best liquors ever brought - 10 fraftbart,•'viz: Preach' itrandis.s, Holland Gins, Scotch, Irish, Bourbon, Wheat and" Old Bye Whisky; IForiegn and bosom* such is , Chempagni, Oftretc6izta4o4, de, All liquors warranted , as represented. Landlords sad others:will tine . % 'WI their advantage to call and ex amine the assortment at the store, on South Second street, two deork boires:Onestnut. . • , my27-dem GEORGE WINTERS' ENGLISH"' BREAKFAST TEA. —Just ie. cOvad, a fine chest of English Breakfast Tea, at . ' SHISLER FRAZER'S, ISueceasors to Wm _ DoakJr.l •& PERINE'S WORCESTRE, SAUCES,, die most popular ithd the purest ever I;4lbrcil to . the pUbigatalnitelvedlind' for sale by .t3ateLER $.: FRAZER, febl (successors to Wm. Deck, it. & en, CUT PLY PAPER. .AIME assortment of ;Cut Paper for ceil ings; looking glasses, picture frames and gas pipes, , . SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE, Harriabmg, l'a. at tay2o FRIIIT JARS, ..of , t4e latest Patent (Orif- Ha's Test Patent,) just received and for sale low at jyl.ll • . • BOYER & ROERPER.. QAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut • meg mad New York State Cheese, just received at . ..SHISIZR FRAZER, suecesiors W Dock, Jr., Co, CM PICKLES I PICKLES! I—By the Barrel, Ealrßarrel, Jar or Dozen * at SAISIbt & FRAZER'S, (Sooceasors to Wm. Dock. Jr., it; 00.). nog. FRESH ORACEERS.—Boston Wine Bis x. oats, Boston Milk Biscuits, Boston Butter Bis ts_airs, Boston Oystor Crackers, Boston ric-nio Crackers, Mat= _Butter Cretin* Just received at , . , BOYER. & ROTtRPlie I 4 0() 0 LBS. CODFISH, of the cele brated 13t. George bnoad, just receive.a sua for sale by ' ' • FEMUR & FRAZER, fog (pacceseors to Wm. Doak, Jr. Co.) - • Soldiers' Posit° A LARGE assortment at - - aBIKEMER'S OBBia , BOOKSTORE, ;shit sos 14 NAMPO. ,cr Isyr poen, 'CARDS; Mn=AL: DEB. %VIETH and CR,FAMFTI, Eclectie and Rlectropathic physicians, respectfully offer their professional services In all the various branches of thcprofession, fort)* treatment of all acute and chronic forms of disease. The remedial Miami tin* , employ in the treatment of disease consisteof']lagnetism, Galvanism, Electro-Magnet hen, the Swedish method of Localized movement cure, a few Eclectio - medichass when deemed necessary, and in . fact all thaiedural curative agents thatmay successfully be brought ht bear upon the disease. They do mot' wish to be understood, _as arrogating to themselvertuay superiority of professioal skill, but they believe the remedies they employ-in the treatment of dis ease far superior to those generally emphved byphysiciane, from the fact that they act in perfect harmony with the laws governlng and controlling the Wakes system. To this, and the hot that they confine tlittrriselves to no par pathy or system, they attribute their success i controlling disease. - The principal agent they elniikiYin the treatment of disease, namely, FJectricith It Waging, Wonderful in its phenomena and powerful Mite OlitOi L for gpsd or IR It is an ever present, all-pervrding principle, governing all things, from rolling worlds down to the inviaible particles. of gasseons matter. We see it in the lightning's flash and hear the manifestations of its power in the muttering thunder. It is the cause of all decomposition, recompo- . sition and transformation. It excites all motion. It is the exciting cause of life, growth, decay and death. It causes secretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold of the crude, food in the stomach, converts It into a state of flu iditY, ransmutes it into arterial blood, and sends it on its important office of supplying nutriment according to the necessities of the body. It is the nerve vital fluid, the great agent through which the mind acts upon the bodyn It Is the caws, of all causes except the first great cause. the Infinite Mind which created it and brought it Into nee' These may appear like mere assertions, but they as. facts admitting of strong and Irresistible proof. Is it then, to be wondered at that an agent so wonderful in Its phe.. nomena, so Powerful In its manifestations and so intimate ly connected with all the operations of the human eye, tent. shorild be almost absolute in its power of controlling - disease? Certainly not. It is a natural sequence and follows as surely as day follows night Among toe dieeeses which are found to yield readily to Electricity, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, may Do mentioned the following; Incipient Consumption, . Paralysis, - Elpillptic, - Hysteric and other Convulsions; Neuralgia, in its worst forms, Rhuematism, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases of the nervous system; Dyspep sia cured in a few treatments; all diseases of the urinary . . and genital organs; Female Dieeases, Asthma, Piles and . Prolapses AM Amanrosis and all kindred affections of the eye; . Aure tus, Strictures, all akin diseases, ha. Persona calling will be told whether they can be bone fitted and-no case taken where some relief cannot be af-• forded. Consultation free. Office,South Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg; Pa, Office hours from Bto 12 A. rt., tO 5 and 7to r.a. ALEX. R. W ICS= Apia DE. J. MILTON KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. A PURE and powerful TONIO, Corrdbtive 13.. awl Alterative, of wonderful efficacy In dlaoaaea of the STOMACH, LIVER and BOWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints .Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, De. preaalon of Spirits, Constipation Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Hetrtburh Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, . • Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow ness of the Skin, mid Eyes, Fever and Dull pains in the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest and Limbs, will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidney! and Diseases arising from .a disordered Stomach, Good for Male or Female, Old or Young. - The most beneficial medicine known; gives better Nitta faction and cares more diseases than any other prepare Mon offered to the Public. Prepared solely . by B. A. KEW KEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. For side by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. BEWARE 011 As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron Is the only sure and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepria and Debility, and as there are a number of imitations offered to the public, we would caution the Community to purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured by S. A. K11)1E:St & Bum, and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent and $1 00' bottles, and sold by all respectable druggists throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle boars the au simile of the proprietor's signature. This Wine includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess., Citrate of Magnetic Oxide corn. blued, with the most energetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Persvian bark. The effect l» aunty mots of debliit l h* of appetite, and general prostration, of an efficient t iron, combined with .our valuable Nerve Tonic, is. meld happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, takes off musculor flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. (Succemors tO Wm. Doak, Jr., & Co.) _ . DEALERS FIN'S FAMILY GROOE RIM opposite the court Muse, have On bands gas eelhotion of BRANDIES, of different vintage& " FME AND OW/WOW WINES, • - Of Every Deseri tam WHISKY'S. OLD BOURBON MONONGAIIRLA, FINE 1.81811 AND SCOTCH Whisky& The best ever brought to this market, OLD WHEAT, SHIM JOIIANNEmmIIRG, CLARET. SCOTCH AND IRISH ALE& LONDON BROWN MOM WILD MERRY, PLANTATION, WIGWAM TONIC HITTERS. With a complete stook of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICIELNA And Condiments of every 4eseription now In the market, and at Lows t sr Aar& EMS °I,4IES. —lf you. visb good LattaT' P aper iavelolo, Ink, Pens, or ravThnirissl; t— elatlonazy , lne, you will do well calling O. notY 1 33001[8.161ig. MUNE- ROMANO , SEIMiniS w e i d usg; Wainisted tlth ahenz in this oonntsy, flto ails at " 11611 411111MINNIO IS Wine Dot, * ) _ ELECTRICITY. P Counterfeits GENERAL DEPOT, =f~l "ti For sale by all respectable dealers throughout the ountry. FI N E LI quo IRS. Shissler & Frazer-, FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKY CHAMPAGNE WI NES. DR. JOHN L. LYON'S rump PERIODICAL DROPS Are the only known remedy that will Bacioesatolly and Invariably restore and replan thefemaleaystar, rernev hiS trrelidarilles. endd PPoduabli Mil.W vigor And strength. Are a fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind ever disoovered in this country, and We directly on the parts affected, whilst pills and powders can only reach them ad they work through sympathy, but not at all direct and Me l Are you sulferher front a constant anxiety for , the regu-, tar return of nature's prescribed laws ? dive yourself no uneasiness, for Lyon's Periodical Drops,: If taken s day or two before as expected period, will poll Lively and invariably regulate its corning, ma sum as effeck follows cause, as certain es daylight follows darkorni, Are you sick, rebated by irt, or rumble to boar Ow labor mod draw of boron _ . • Come to yea ma birthing, for Isnot prevarithin lietfer Vaal curet - . • • If i ngainly Igo, M. & jorilth prvigauve, .IPia save you math peril and many holm of sar& ! Have you both 5e316011 for =my yolin w ith canpiaintii incident to the sex, that balnibithed the skill of phyui chum, and are hurrying you oa to an early grave t Are the most reliable regulator ever known;:and'eure, like magic; all thole irregularitiear thit hive defied.thei doctor's. skill. Prola Will you waste avrayr rhaiw ith n s suffering Prom other Leucorrhcea, min Dyameo andthousand Opal tien summed u n p" Ondra "tbd "Mde supPreashil-pad iraoted nature, sten an borellimentlif one dollar Ie- will surely save th you. • Do not twe e drops when forbidden In the directions,' for although a positive .cure, and harmless at all other! times, they the so powerfirl and linelY calculated to adjust), and govern the Amnions of the Jamul **WE; that, taken at Improper time, they would produce reeuron-1 wary to nature, agidnit - Whlelvelkpartaarlarly th Nu! would reproduce, should carefully guard: • e HARRISBP/10, Pa. Qom& harm the mist delicate coneUtutke at any time; yet the propriston wish , tp guard against its misuse. hoping that a thousuid . bottlei wlll bs used fors good pur pose Where one is used for an illegitimate one. the never-falling Female Regulator, Is for sac by every Druggist, in the city and country, and do not, It you value your beilth and wish for a reliable medicine, bay any other. Take no other, but If the Druggist to whom you apply has not got It, make him send and get It for you. W1U41004 b 7 JOgNaTON, HOLLOWAY a 00WDEN, _ trq, ro= I=Mili _ C 7 _ ' • pal- li7l THE GREAT FERLIEjr. REGuLotToRy LYON'S PRBIODIOAL DROPS LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS LEONE PERIODICAL Mill LYON'S PESIODIOAL DROPS LYON'S PEBIODICIAL DROPS LYON'S PERIOXOIOAL MON, C. G CLARK & Pao/Pair/vim, Neta•Haven, 26 . 21.1 , 111 , 113 'f 5i t * hi lt Pa 94 NI a 0 11 , t d lAI ei : .11 tt al ha W••••• ---- • KMH` vrrwy.q.W:: _v~ DR. JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK - HOSPIT AL, ALIDICAS discovered the most , certain, sppedy and effectual remedies In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE A Ours Warranted, or No Charge, in from One . Weakness of the Back, .41.ffectibne of Kidneys and Bladder' Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General De bility, Nervousness; Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirha, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the " Heart, Timidity Trembling; 'Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, DiseasAuf the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes 9r anttcipatioss, rendering saarrilige, &c., impossible. Especially, who have become the victim of Solitary' Tice, that dreadfuland destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant, Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked Yo ecteay the living lyre, may sell with Pail omtildenee i MARRIAGE. • . - Married persona, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical we. ere' organic debility, defor mities, lee, speedily pared. ; He who aces lathMif imdarthe earl? of Dr. J. may re ligiousfy ecotitldein tile honor as a gentlenum, and colt dezitly rely Itpen his akill _ea a Physieirm. • . OBGANIO WE SS mmediately eared, ante full vigor restored. anddistressMg affection—which renders: life, miserable; and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid , by the vic tim's' of Improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. ' Now,. who' that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreattcal Is last sooner by those _falling into. Improper. habits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the Most serious and do stractive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The*Srem becomes deranged, the physical arid Mental fanctionl weakened, 14= of .procreative power, . . nervous irritability, slyspepacpalpitation of the heart s indigestion, oonstitutiol debility, awaiting of-the frame, coup, con somptiost, decay sad death. • • , • . ~. . . trik Ires I 'Ostrow No. 7, SO DrRIOE STRUT, Left hand side going from Baltimore strort., a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp, The Doctor's, DiplOmita hang to 43a offiee JOHNSON, • Member of the Royal Coll ek e d of Sdrgoone, London; grad.. nate hem one of the most eminent colleges in the United' States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent. in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else-. where, has effected some of the most astonishing, cures that wore ever knoirn ; many troubled with ringing In the head and ears. when asleep great norsommess, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bastithiness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of Mind were cared ; immediately. , TARE PARTICCAI4II NOTICE. These are some of the sad and' Melandholy effect! pro-, duced by early habits of youth, viz ;,weakness of the back. and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart; dyspepsia, ner vous irritability, symptoms of consumptio n, &a. Mssramir.—The fbarfttl *greets' on the '. , nd aro much!, to be dreaded — loan' of memory; confusion - of ideas, de-, pression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, km, are some of , the evils produced. - YOUNG -Id - Who have injured themselves by a,certaiu piacticeM dulged in When alone,a habit 'frequently learned from companionsi or at schoolitho Weds of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders inarriage mpossible , and destroys both mind" and body, shouldspplyi mmediately t ; . . Whata t hat a young mari, the ISSinof his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from ail .prospects and enjoyments of life, by the: consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging, in a certain secret body% Such persXs irear,'beibre cOntelit plating _ :.• . : ! ,MABRIAGE „ . Reflect theta soutidmind an d are themost necessary requisites to promoteoonnubialbappiness, indeed, with- t Mit these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pil-, grimage ; the prospect hourly - darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair andelled with the. melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be.. comes blighted with our own. • • DISEASE OP IMPRUDENCE.` i ' • . . When the misguided and i m pr u dent votary of pleasure finds be has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, . ttto often happens that an illtimed, .renap of shame er.thi! dread 'of discovery diners him from:opplying to those who, from-education and respectability,' &b alone befriend him. go Alla Into the hands of igninant and designing pretend erkwhoi incapable of cluing, filch his pecuniary suh.l stance, keep him triflingrannth after month, or as long as the smallest fee can lAA:blamed, and ip despair leaviii Wills riding health- te Sigh over hisgallingtlisappointinedt, or, by toe use of..the deadly poison , Mercury, hasten the: constitutional Symptom sof this tenibleolnioiam,such es affee lions of . the - Head,'.' hroat, Nose;.Skin , etc., Pmgrbiging! with. frightful rapidity till death , puts a period to busi drew= sufferings by. sending. kina.to that undisionvered: country from whence no travelog returna : MOBSEM[En OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this institution year alter• year, and the =wagons important surgical . operations , performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reportept oft the Hun; Clipper, anti manypther papers, notices of which I have appeared again and again before. the publle, besides' blastariiing as a gentbintan. of tbitriucter , an reigmal- Why, is a sufficient guariptesatet the afflicted. .DISEMESBrEEDEGY (*lva Sodth Pr•4l - 14rilek Street, IMI:FatE, rzto 'KM *ORD AB FAIL' TARamirs COMPOUND EXTRACT OF „. •• • , „ OlLittlig AND 'OPAIBA. This preparation is particularly recommended to Um MEDICAL PROPESSION and the PUBLIC for UM prompt and mne of DISEASES or THE BLADDER, RID ;ME, A.U'r cows, ETC., IZ ma :do relied' on as the beid..modelfor the adranistra- Ups . of these remedies in th e largo ohm of diseases of be* ipamlo which' they 'are applicable. It'never - Interferes with, djimatiPOlnd fry Ate obileentration, the dose Is much reduced. N. B.—Purchasers are advised to ask for I'.42tirdliVß COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CI2TBEBS AND COPAIBA, and take nethinkeleei Atillitiklingent warthleee prepa ratlone, tinder . aimiier . names, are in the. market. Pries $1 00. Sent by eipresa on receipt, of price. Manufac tured only byOTARRANT 011",'NO. 278 Greenwich stmeknorner of Warren street, New York,and for Mar gmeragi. -• • • aet22-41 Fer.sale by S. A. KUNKLE & BRO , ? and by Draggiste generally. Gray's Patent Molded Collars - • •• " Are not iitkiajr' fiat piece s . piper - CM; the &Mi. of a collar, but are /foiled andiiihaped, tojti the neck, having a perfect Curve free fro?' Mies or breaks, which la ob tained by our patented proonss, which also secures another adeankt4sPossellext lip 00 °hid f for the Cravat - in the Turn-do"Wn sty,le; the or wußoa 111 Pintrairrnr SMOOTH AND /ESE noir Prromma, making this collar, for ease, neatness; and Mirabiliti, - unequalled:" They are made la Tern-down style in sizes from 12.40 17, and in. Garrotte from 18.1 s 17 inches, and packed to neat blue hoses or 1. 00- esch,elso, In, aluallavenes of 10 each—the latter' a 3 / 4 54 3444" Ockagefiir travelers, army andnavy officers. - _ EVZNIC-001iiiiii3 is stamped : "Gray's Patent Ittiilded Bold by all retair.ideziera in Men's Pamiebing:Geedi The trade supplied by VAN DEUBEN,.-BOERMER, & CO., Jel-e4:46m . 621 ,; CHESTNUT EL) ?lifrladOphia. IVES OASES - SPICED - 01E'rERS' tiquat-- - ie. .1 . oeived at SpffSLEit A ;"' ' .-' ' C,FAIDat_ 1 AM,sl fiAMS Illiticherictes- Ewa*. H jay • - • 81100111.160r8 tO . W.:IDCrit, .71`,; . C . P0:,, .. . ... jllll 9311.11 ,.::.. 11 v ed 11 . 11 d f° ., ITh r e i l 1111 - k '. ''' 1 1 11 4011911‘91, / 30 4 Iltip:`l,l EN KELM" IN SIX TO TWELVE ROM. NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. to Two Dap YOUNG MEN intiffitrii, Co. ' l 4 A ,41 11 tiROSS Ai CO ; WHOLESALE MD RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET, .g - AbRISBURO, PA DRUGGISTS, PRYSICIAYS, STORE- . . . .. ./rEEP_E.4.B, AIM COATISUMERS. . . . • We are daily addhig-to oil' assortment of rods all such articles as are desirable, and would respect. call your attention to the largest a_nd bait selected stock In this .city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS Oils, Vimiiihes Glues, Dyeau.lll3, Glass and Putty, Artist's Colors and Tools, Dimling Fluid tud4ol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, BatUem, Viva and Lamp Global, CastiliSosp, Sponges and Corks, With a mend trariettiof ;OM:44"l.str4 , oNfielbire)ifiDlit/I-1; 1 00(sifiV1 !iTU.I Sittotie ansl thin country. Beiug very lurge dealeni PIISTIk. wzrzrz-LW, .;.LIATISED OLG, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S 48TZST'8 BRUSIM rN ALL THIIIi VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES We respectfully Invite a call, feeling confident that we eau e aapply the wiulta of all on.iorma to their Batista°. TEETII: TEETH !! J!,lNrlpt" AND WIMPS PORCELAIN TAETE, PATENT NEDICIIIIIS, AND Of all ItloB, (Urea from the Proprletom aiO.O4IFDKR AND CDNCR4M4,TED LYE. Wholesale Agents ror Saponifier, which we sell as low m it can be purchased in the dales TIL4 MEDICAL: FLUID EXTRACTS. COAL OM t CARBON 01111 ilein large . introbes ere in theso . ollB we can offer in ttopttotetitoje-close buyers. alai Oil L►mps or the Hoed ikapriiveu potteins ; , very cheap. AU kinds of Laps ittiiriged Yo bun COal OIL FARMERS AND GBAZIFES Tlibse of yon'who tuivit not given our HORSE AND CAT T4N POWDERS a trial know not their superioiity, and the advantage they are In keeping Horace and' Cattle healthy and tu,ag