THE TELEGRAPH re PUBLISEZD MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNE.R. OFFICE TEM ST., NEAR WALNUT. `F,RIIIS OF SUBSCRIPTION. pro.trJonColittrm;iiwv(o±ll Ms fixity TELEGRAPH is serval to subscribers in the city at 12 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged 16 00 in advance: Those persotin who neglectto pay in advance will be charged $7 OD. LpoiNfravroDcenTA4-4 Tn TYceosarafe also publbthed weekly, and is furnished subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, week1y,... .... , Three copies to one Poet Office Ten copies to one Post Office MEDICAL. DYSPEPSIA, DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AN G DIGESTIVE ORGANS, LEE CUBED BY HOO FLAN IPS GERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, THE SE Bitters have performed more cures; have and do give better satisfaction; have more tes timony; have more respectable people to vouch for them titan any other aitide in the market. We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and will pay $l,OOO to any one that will produce a certificate pub lished by us that is not genuine. Hofland's German Bit ters, will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising from a dis ordered stomach. Observe the following symptoms, re sulting from the disorders of the digestive organs: Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, Swimming of the need, Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the heart, Choking or sullecating sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of vision , Dots or webs before the eight, Fever and dull pain in the head, Deficiency of pers piration, Yellowness of the skin and eyes, Pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &n Sudden flushes of heat, Burning in the flesh, Constant L aginations of evil, and great de pression of spirits. Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic, contains no rum or whisky, and can't make drunkards, but Is the beet Tonic in the world. READ WLIO SAYS .50 From the Bev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pomberton i •N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphia. I have known Hoofiand's German Bitters favorably for a number of years. I have used them in my own family , ' and have been so pleased with their effects that I was In. duced to recommend them to many others, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted - with the diseases for which they are recommended to these Bit ten, knowing from experience that my recommendation will be sustained. I do this more cheerfully as Hoof land's Bitters is intended to benefit the afflicted, and Is "not a rum drink." Yours truly, From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D. Editor of the Eli cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Christian Chroni cle, Philahelphia. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Mehieines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of uo sufficient reasons why' a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in (he hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hooiland's Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city because I was prejudiced against them fur many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lem Indebted to my friend, Robert Shoema ker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try theta when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restora tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not for six mouths before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for di recting me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN, Philade. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of Baptist Church, Germantown, Penn. Dr. C. Al. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—Personal experience enables me to say that I regard the German Bitters, pre pared by yon, as a must excellent medicine. In cases of severe cold and general debility I nave been greatly bew ailed by the use oL the Bitters. and doubt not they will produce amilar erects on others. Yours truly WARREN RANDOLPH, Germantown, Pa. From Rev. J. R. Turner, Pastor of Redding M. E Church, Philadelphia. DcC. M. Jackson:—Dear Sin—Having need your Ger man Bitters in my family frequently I am prepared 10 say that %has been of great service. I believe that in most cases of general debility of the system it is the safest and molt valuable remedy of which I have any knowledge. Tours, reapeattally J. EL TURNER, No. 726 N. 'Nineteenth stmt. 11From the Rev. J. N. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Columbus (N. J.) and killestown (Pa.) Baptist Churchet. New Rocusu.s, N. Y. Dr. C. Al. 3ackson:—Dear feel it a pleasure thus, of my own accord, to bear testimony to the excellence of the Gorman Bitters. Some years since being much of Rioted with Dyspepsia, I Aced them with very beneficial residua I. have often recommended them to persons en, Ambled by that tormenting disease, and have heard from them the most nattering testimoulata as to their great value. Dt cases of general debility, I believe it to, be, a' tonic; that cannot be surpassed. J . X. LYON& From the Rev Thomas Winter, Pastor of Roxborough Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson:—Dear Sir :—I felt it due to year excel lent preparation, Hootland German Bitters., to add my testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtained. I have for years, at times, been troubled with great disorder In my bead and nervous system. I was advised by a friend to try a bottle of your German Xtitters; did so, and have experienced great and anexpecte4 - relief; my health has been very materially benetitted: 'I-cOnfidently recom2 mend the article where I meet with orts similar .to my own, and have been assured by laxly of Itheir good ef fects. Respectfully yoUrti, T. WLNTBR, RoxborouPti Pa. ger- From Rev. J. S. itermin Rol Church, Kutztown, Borks county. rat i Dr. C. M. Jackson:—ltespeeted Sif:—r have been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty year hod have never used any medicine that did me as much good as Boofland'a Bitters lam very much improved in healthy after having taken five bottles. Tours with rasped, PRICES. Large Size (holding nearly double quantity, 43 per bottle—half dot ;". $6 00 Small Size-76 iceldeper . bottle—half doz.,. . :4 0 0 BRPTAxE OP COUNTERFEITS! - " See that the signature of "(1 3L JACKSON ,, is on the WRAPPER of each bottle. Should your nearest druggist not hare the article, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating preparatioxis that may be offered in lte place, but send to ne, m i d we w ig forward, seenrely packed, by expruw. Principal Office antk Manufactory, HO. sal ARCH STREET, PIIILADELPHI4-• . - • JONES hitAll%:' • • &oculars to a M. Jackxasitco., rsteritirroita UtR . 6 ak syll7 Druggists and Dealers to every sown In she Mledawly , „, ....,, a , ~,, 4,.- T • . ~."- -".. ..,.1 •., ... - ..... '7 " 4. " '"' ''''' 411 r "4- "I''''''''''"""e' . ' " '.. ' ' 4-s. 4.''''''41".4.54- --'. r .'"t" '.3.'"-'' ''''''''''"""' ' ''''''''''''''' eo rf i iHiu rf , 1... j To a --------- - V ' A- --- .__. t• "Z (.4 § e lli 4 : /tr 44 $1 60 4 09 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER EVENING EDITION. . THE LATE EXPLOSION AT CM POTET—Thril ling account of it by a Rarrisburger.—We have been permitted to make the following extracts from a letter written bya gentleman of this city, a clerk in the Government employ at City Point, Va., a brief account of which has been published heretofore. The lettei will well repay a perusal. The letter is dated Aug. 9th: I suppose ere this you have heard of the frightful explosion here at City Point. But no pen or paper, or even the imagination can picture it. None but those that stood and witnessed and were in it, can have any idea of the frightful magnitude of the explosion. Hundreds of shells and solid-shot were flying through the air, the shells bursting and the pieces striking everywhere. There are many ramora and surmises'as to the cause of it, but no one knows the real cause, for all those that were in the barges that blew up were blown to atoms. /out two minutes before the explosion took place I was walking down the wharf right towards the barges, Col. E. E. Kendrick and Gen. Meade, and had got within about thirty or forty feet of them when it seemed to me as if they both raised out of the water, and then a tongue of flame andsmokeshot, up towards the heavens, and then a report as though a thousand cannon had been fired off 'at one moment. The concussion knocked me on my knees, but I jumped up and commenced to run away from it. I hardly knew what di rection I took, for I could not see anything but shells, grape and canister, solid shot and missiles of every discription. The air was full of them. In the space of time• it took me to run to Capt. Bloods' Wharf (about one hundred yards distant from where I was knocked down,) lam certain that over one hundred shells bursted above and around me. Great 20-pound solid shot would come down all around me, and plough through the wharf at my feet. Although there were .men struck down all around me, thank God, I was not scratched. I:can call it nothing but a miracle. There was but one white man of •our depart ment hurt--by name Edwin Wright, a super-' intendent of laborers, and he, I think, will recover. While lam writing this I can hear him cry out every now and them with the pain his wounds cause him. We have a small house by the wharf, which we use for an office; there is only one room in it. When the explosion took place, there were some six or eight clerks in it—George Edwards among them—and, although three or four solid , shot and as many shell went right through it, tear ing down the whole of one side of the house, there was none of them hurt. . LEVI G. BECK. The two boats that were blown lap, the Ken 'thick and Meade, had between nine hundred thousand and one million rounds of ammuni tion on board, and it is now supposed by some that there was a totpedomider the boat. To give you some kind 'of an idea how it looked, juskimagine that there was a wharf running from the water house to the Market street bridge, and "four ';or five honites right under the bank, and instead of all houses on the top of the bank, have a few houses and about live hundred tents on it, and a long store house, about forty feet broad, running the' whole length of the wharf. Then, if you can imagine all those houses under the bank 'smashed to pieties, the store-house the same, and the top of the bank and on its sides, and for a mile or more back, covered with shot, shell, saddles, boat-timber, cannon wheels, caissions, hundreds of broken muskets, re volvers, sabres, dead horses and mules, and the hands, feet and bodies of mutilated men, blown from the boats lying alongside of the wharf, and half of the tents and houses on top of the bank knocked down--if you can im agine all this, making it twice as frightful as I have tried to describe it, then and only then can you form any idea of this sad catastrophe. After the explosion, when the men got over the scare occasioned by it, they ran the steam fire wrecking tug Louis to the wharf, and ins very short space of time had the whole place deluged with water, which prevented the am munition that was piled on'the wharf from taking fire. Although it was a dangerous place I felt it to bemy duty to lend what aid I could. So I took one of the branch pipes and climbed on top of the ruins, and helped put out what fire there was. In the meantime othertrw.eri working the rubbish away and getting the delid and wounded from under the ruins. After all danger from fire was over, I went up to, -camp to see what' damage was done them When I got there Altbund my tent (a large hes- Intel tent) knocked down by a caisson that was thrown up, and four or five long shell lying under it. I. had it set up and the arti cles of furniture put in their proper places, and was starting off to take a view of the plitce, when I met Capt. Pitkin, and he gave me orders to take a foreman and gang of men, lucid go around and pick up the bodies and pieces of the men who were blown up. After we had gath,ered - them all up, I sup pose we had about thirteen large grain sacks full of hands, heads, feet, legs and other parts of the body. I found the bodies of two men, each man blown in halves, lying a mile or three quarters of a mile from the place of explosion. The part of them that I found was from about the waist up. I dont krioiv where the other part of their bodies were without they were among the pieces we packed up at other points. 33t) Tereonip4. ormed From Fortress Monroe. List of Deaths of Pennsylvania Soldiers. a. s 3343KAN. Forriniss Moulton, Aug. 12. The following is a list of deaths of Penn sylvania soldiers at the Hampton Hospital since last report. Edwin Pfengo, 2d Pa. artillery: Jerome J.Jeonard, 55th infantry; R. L. Tamen Od artillery; George D. • Mott, 65th infalatkr; - Thomas Ware, eiTillian; Wm. Amiob 95th infantry; F. O. •R. Benjamin, 97. • The hospital Steamer Monitor has arrived from the Point of Rocks' on the Appomattox river. Thirty patients will leave the Hamp ton hospital to-day to join their regiments at Old Point on Matt . ..W. l 7 home, their time of 'enlistment haidt't The Englishtegetemesuenger .ereome here atitwe o'cloolt thin aft4rwon. "THE UNION-NOW AND FOREVER." HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 15, 1.864 From Washington. ARRIVAL OF DESERTERS. Statement of Affairs in Dixie. WASHINGTON, August 14. Six refugees and twenty-one deserters from the rebel army arrived here to-day from City Point. The former left Richmond by stealth on Thursday night, and came into our lines. The tell a long story, representing that four trains of twenty cars each arrived in Richmond bringing a body of troops from Petersburg; said- to be a division, and they left immediate ly on the Central railroad to re-inforee Early in the Valley. A large body of cavalry ar rived the same day, coming by railroad, and departed for the same destination. The deserters from the army have be longed to different regiments, and have left their lines at different times—so ,late as Mon day night last. Moat of them are from Florida, Alabama and Georgia regiments, and have not generally served over one year, but that year has been enough. Those from the. States named above say that there is a sort of half mutiny among the troops of these States who are sick of the war and anxious to give in. The officers, however, manage to keep them from deserting by making them believe that if they come over , to. our lines, Gen. Grant will put them in the front ranks, They state that for a long time some of them believed this nonsense, and were deterred from coming over, and they are satisfied that if the men in Alabama,, Georgia and Florida regiments knew that they would be treated well, the desertions would be ex tensive. One of this party worked on Belle Ishuftl, states that when he left there were but five Federal prisoners. The others having all been sent South to Georgia. There are but few Federal prisoners in Libby. In fact none but the sick and wounded are kept over a few days after their reception. At the time the Danville railroad was cut, our prisoners were made to walk on foot some seventy miles before they took the railroad. These men heard the guards when they re turned, say that many gave out and died on the road. There are no troops in or abinit Richmond, except in the fortillcatione. Those on the south side being fully garrisoned, while those on the north side have birely enough men in them to keep things in order. Most of these deserts , s have been stationed at the front and cannot, they say, form any correct estimate of the strength of the Con federate force at Petersburg ; but none of them believe their entire army , exceeds exceeds 50,000 men and brigades and di•ki- Anna are being sent'cince or twice a week to ether polite. Conscripts ate donstantlyiNding reported, however, and their army may be-fOr some time kept up by these accessions. Front Mob,ile. Plutieulars Of the Late Fight. A BRILLIANT NAVAL VICTORY. The steamer Creole, from . New Orleans, on the 7th inst., has arrived! She brings, the following particulars of the fight in Mobile bay. Four monitors went in first, followed by the Brooklyn, Hartford, Mets Comet and others. The principal fighting was with the ram Ten nessee, inside the bay. The Meta Comet in attempting to ram the Tennessee, struck - the Hartford, and stove in her aide ti mbers.i She will 'go North for re pairs. The rebel gunboat Selma was sunk by the Meta Comet, and the Chickasaw and Winne bago chased the others. The Gaines and Morgan ram into Navy Cove, where they are blockaded and cannot escape. Only ten vaen are known to have escaped in the destruction of the Tecumseh by the tor pedo. The dispatch boat . Philips was burned at sea while the fight was in progress. Admiral Farragut will push right for. Mo bile. Operations of the Tallahassee. , NEw Yowl, - Aughat 14. The Louis Samson pilot reports that en the 11th inst., twenty-five miles off Montauk Point saw a Hermaphrodite brig bottom, up; no doubt the cruise Estelle. Captain Bardeia, of the Hamburg bark Elb, on the 12th inst.,-off Montauk,-saw the pirate Tallahassee. come close aboard with the Hawn ensign flyi3ag. After passing, she hoisted the Confederate flag. A man was seen to jump orerboard from the Tallahassee, but was picked np by'one of her boats and was taken a board again. • On the same day saw the schooner Steams and a pilot boat name and number tmknoweir; both burned. Capt. •Schwartz of the Dnaiti bark Cheribon. reports on the 12th inst., in 1at.,10 25, ton: 7234.; saws large ship on fir& . The pilot boat Ezra Nye has arrivedand re ports that on the 12th inst., off Montauk saw the pilot boat JminemEnnk leave a"ship on fire; and afterwards a suspicions steamer took the pilot boat in tow. . The Nye stood off; but afterward went to. the burning Ship and found her to lerthel.dr. nater from London for New 'York. ''Two . for eign barks were Closely to whiptiitwaa sup posed. the passengers had been transferred.—=- The Tallahassee was afterwards seen near a large ship. Indian Tronbles in the North- west. The Rebels Urging the Indians to Rite. ST. D ome, August 13. General Curtis ' has returned floor Fort Leavenworth. The-Indian war iii• teniporasil r quetled7 •. - information, derived ,fileim. reliable sources, strongly indicates a concerted action among the various tribes, arid;the moat extensive In dian war yet amid. ~ • ' .. _' White men, believed lobe rebel have beon among the Izalatis aiAribitting gold, and urging them to •rise against the tel teit n whites, them that! th.e Sou th would i rotect them l4 Auc nti lire the Whole ti e r, ,it 'Abet if oral olAuld ale 16. NEW YOBS, August :IL ! THE EXPLOSION_ AT CITY POENT. Further Details of the Disaster. Latest from the 'roat. An Artilery Duel Going on Yesterday. HEADQUARTERS Anus OF THE POTOMAC, August 11, 1864. The cause of the explosion at City Point has not yet been ascertained, and probably never will be, as the only .persons who could give any account of the matter were thoso on the boat at the time', and not one of them is' believed to have escaped. There were five or six soldiers on guard in the vessel, and they, with a nniber of idlers, were occupied in fishing at the time, and none of them have since been found. Of the large crowds of negro laborers,at work in the boat, there were abont twenty-five dead found, and allowing for those blosirieverboard and miss ing, there were at - least 'fifty killed. The number injured is belie - red telie about one hundred, many of whcim are scattered in dif ferent places, andiirhose names cannot be as certained. ' One man who had been kept a prisoner at headquarters for six,` or seven months, and who bad been tried and convicted for some. offence, but' had not been sent off--to the Dry Tortugas, as ordered, and his time being up was on his "way_home. He was visiting a companion on the liat at the time, and must have been blown into the river, as his body was found on the shore three milesbelow City Point yesterday afternoon. . • A number of instances of hairbreadth es capes are related, many of whial seem almost miraculous, and when the scene is visited and the large quantity of debris which covered the ground in the vicinity seen, it is surprising that thousands instead of hundreds were not involved in the calamity. A soldier of the 4th United States regulars was on sentry out on the boat at the time;_ and some of his comrades seeing the air filled with missiles told him to rim and hide, but he refused to leave his post, and fortunately escaped injury. This man had `been tried foueyekus ago for an offense, and condemz.ed to forfeit' all pay except, $1 per month during the remainder'of his term of service. - - - A few days ago he received notice through the Adjtitant General's Office that the fine had been remitted for gallant services in front of the &temp. Thisuct of braxery in remaining at his post ingixidiess of danger shows how he deserved .consideration a l t-the hands of the Governinent. ' • A large force of laborers are at work clear ing away:the rubbish at this landing. It is said that several barrels of human remains wars taand. scattered , throughout' the ttd e .hg, none It which could identified,' bsithey ni merely fragtuent.s.: - August . l2th; 61. g: The firing between the pickets yesterday and `, last night' was natio: sharp* than fol., svVdcal days papt, arid • daylight this: inortnig a regular duethas been' going.on in fterit of the 18th and 19th Corps. Ax' of an.Editpi • Bur4lA,g,,Ble, Augnat 13. W. H, Simp,son. editor of the ifournat, bas been arrested in, this city, and carried before 14e, Knited 4tatAis District Court, at Bangor, to answer to an indictment:charg ing him with giving aid and comfort to the yebeilion by pubVshing an article on the dish. - • He pleaded not guilty and demanded an immediate , trial. This. was resisted ,by. the United States Attorney, ..upon,, whose motion the matter was continued, Ng. simpson's,per sonal recognizance being taken for his, ap pearanoy at the neo te t rm,of Court.. CLOAKS CIRCULARS 4}TD - M.A.NTPIALAS, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW' BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A New Plilladedpids Cloak &ore. Have new a splendid siotortment of • . SPRING & SUMIiE B MANTE f Liii, • . FRENCH CLOTH CIRCUTARS, NEWEEZNea KkONS,...ARD NgWII4I4CH LOOSE BABILS., • ;The above beantihilesmplet, ii 4Ve117 color 141241 hand Comely trimmed,fron $1.89 to $ 3B. ' *oo.° BILK 11IANT$l~. CLIWULABS, SACKS AND . BAWL% • .Ibeedsomely and richly trimmed; hum $lO aipword CHILDREN'S MANTELS Ipf LARGE VARIETY. ' r • . Difdlinery asid .roisir:y Goo ds. . . _____. . _ _ . Apia -Ll, NEludkaCat No.lB Market Square. lE ' paa4 uoltr e oopo r. 44 Fr . 34 .61 , 1=7; 490Are„ rYJE. Thi ee w, pffcc_..„nstat, W e ni. XI U.; t Wtth wino assortment - or Trhnmi , Uwe, • r *mars, out, htkii =WON: oeierNfaktree.49l4.:VlTtictt geode in All the,letest peitifeiltegk'fl o ttlis direct prom the Mew York' Ihridoit-cMre*lntgl niikhlg neatly exe cuted- Thealtd for the Pettatelew hemmed Ace her oPeeing, she. Me* by atiosi . , ui4.1110 -hugiutzeleld her inuteitcora to ghee g , ; 4. , , uon, topentinue to reeelith share of the II ,_ ..e .*‘^ . , ego; iylipel -crryteauummisiw CONCE 11111 14 Al i s a pleasant, healthy beverage. • Very convenient and refreshing )br invall , ls having fever or great - thirst. • - its portability reeominendelt le travelent.../ • - Ile convenience at picenica will be apreciete4._4 • No sugar required; one tableapoonfal ITed gt glass of cold water and it IS done. NELLER'S DRUG ANUFANCY" GOOD STORE, jar No. 91 , Market street. NIAW PHILARELPHIA ~.„ C La Co A. IC So 'l' 0 Et" -- V, , . , - r-- Iffigir..lollo,B' NSW DiOCK, ;- - • Market Street l iHarrisbuit. • , / , 0 001)1k3 T - PETLE B a, t ok)Ls:A dto cr , i IroZiAlJ 4,A a, 8, • -. impLa snit* gupmis. i , Witt tifaaiikkiritilAft - f .'., , , itharn - - 4ilt , ' T ; ...,...! , E 'e thiki~ . l6l4 .• ,' . j . : t:f—papalow n0ff00944, GU: .hcAllffehs . 1 Ma; at A Ly.ll l Terrt,t, in ig nisb74, Pi -LOCKET ItOOKK. ;r a PURSES PORTEMONNAMPand &nasal' iriraSty of LEA - MAK Nat reaaived at • riltilltEMEWS BOOK sTonE. gg die mess ki„d of the sea- . ItADISP v " Fito ll fel co •4-1. BOOOOOO, to W. Jr , 6 —Webster. Astoutiiiing Conspiracy In the Vest. Exposian of the "Knights of the Golden Circle, Allotted of flip American initial, "Alias "Sons of Liberty." Hold, .4tte t ssmt.t! Assist the Rebels Official. Emamination, WELDQUARTEES AT SAINT LOUIS. 'The following official eiamination of Greene B. Smith, the Grand Secretaty of 0. A. K., wi'l better show the character of that secret organization than any labored effort to place it before the reader, and is selected from the mass of evidence now in possession of CoL Sanderson, because of the high position in the Order of the *fitness:- SWOB iTA±EXIDEIIT OF THE GRAND SECRETARY. Greene B. Smith, of lawful age, being duly sworn, desposes and says: That he was born and raised in St. Louis county, State of Missouri, and is by occupa tion a clerk; has been clerking for Messrs. Griiiisley and Company, 13 inciVlBso. Q When Were you arrested? A The 28th day of May, 1864. ACKNOWLEDGES HIS ANSWERS UNDER A PREVI OUS =A3tINATION WERE NOT conaacr, AND GIVES THE REASONS. Q Have yon been examined under oath since your arrest and incarceration. A I have. Q Were the answers by you given undei that examination, in reference to a secret po litical organization, correct? A No, sir ; they were not. Q What induced, yon . to withhold the facts under that exantination l A A solemn oath and the influence'of other parties implicated with me. . Q What is the nature of that oath, and what the influence of other parties? A 1 took an oath not to reveal facts connected with 'a certain scret organization, under penalty of death, and the influence of members of said organization has thus far prevented me f,rom revealing the truth. • .Q State in what manntf.that influence has been exercised ? A Religiously, and morally. I have been instructed to believe that the oath spoken of was binding, and paramount to any other consideration. Q Who has led you to that belief? A My stipetior officers in - theorganization of which I am about to speak NAB OP T/CE ORGANIZATION, AND WHEN INI- '.Q What is said organization called? A "Order of the American, Knights," recently elmnged to . "Sons of Liberty. . IQ. When wersyon in.itiathd into the mytte ries-of said organization. Some/111M spring 0,1863. Q ,Wliere were you initiated? A Corner of Fifth and. Market stiesets, over Leiteles drug sore, the L city of St. , Louie Qrfklave yOu . been a menibWin•goOd-stand ing.ever since? A Yesv sir, I think .1 lmve. Q What is the muuber: s of,the Council-to which you have and doii9 w belong? Alt never had a number, but was called "The George Washingtbn Temple.'= S Q ~Ilow frequently-have you attended said Teniple ainee you -were initiated? A 04 ,an average about three times a molith." Q Were these ineetnigs held:in the daytime or at night? A Exclusively at night, with but two exceptions. Q Were those two .exceptions -.special meet ings? A Yes, sir. The one "Attended in the day time was a meeting of the 'Grand Coun cil, the other was an infornial meeting. ,• 'MEETING OF THE eat.un couxcu... ' Q State when that; G-trid Council, met? 1 The 20th (if January, 64: Q Was that a meeting of the officers of Missouri Temple exclusively? Yes, sir. Q What was the result of the deliberations of that Council in January last? A An elec tion of Officers for the Grand Council of the State Of Itilisouri, or an installation of such !officers. r Q How long was said council in session at that time? 'A. Some three or four days. Q Were - you a regularly delegated member of -that council? A Yes, sir. Q Who presided ab and over the delibera tions of that council ? A The Commander of 'theThird Degree of the. State of Missouri. Q Was the Deputy Grand Commander present on that occasion? A No, sir; there is no such officer within-Ley knowledge in the 'Missouri Temple. The Commander of the . Third Degree of the East was there and pre sided. Q Is there a commander of the 'third de gree West? A Yes, sir. He is second in command, and the commander. of the third ,degree East is first in command • ' Q Did - you before your arrest, or do you now hold any official position in this secret organiiation ? A Yes, sir. Q What is that position ? A Secretary of both second and third degrees. Q Under whose immediate instructions as secretary - of the second' and third degrees did you, act in council'? A Under the respective commanders of ttiose degress, each degree having a commander. - • 6- • ;- NOM:BMAND NAMES- MONIER OF THE Q State the number andna.mes of the de grees of this Order. Tklere are five--lst, 2d, 3d and 4th, ox Grand; as it is called, and sth, or Supreme. Q Vshatis meant by Grand, and what by Supieme degrees? A The Grand, or 4th de greeAs-theiNpuricil, or highest degree of the 6 t 4 / 4 4•• The.,Supreme, or sth degree, is th e highest liithb united States. • '' Q How many ()Mb& degrees have you tak en ? A. let, 2d, 3d and 4th, ok•Graini. Octan• cil Q What Temple cli4l-014...represent in the Grand Council which. convened in St. Louis , in January 'Mt? A;llici - Geoije Washington Temple, of'Sta -' ntni: ' . • , THE , INITIATORY EITiP4 TO "LuMSAION. —• • Q . What Are the initiatory' steps taken upon entering this Ordef?"lE The-first thing to be done is to ascertairthirsentiments, and if in aceordance. with "thoSe enteitibiedby a• ;member,. he. i&huinaclistOrligueited to jo in, . - ands . b:skep u to the anteroom . of the Temple, or to s i pamber's room, wkilird the Neophite is duly ifistinetea senor:flag-to the formulas laid clown in that portioifortha , rituals to be fotuid in pamphlet marked WitebV, to order of busi ness , 'inclusive 'j Q.What is requisite :in tobtiiv: the secMA :04gree? A. Simply the recommendation of fug member of the oocolo dpgroe, with tWiti PRICE TNF,O,, fFtNTS. ORDX+I. S11111:11.11111 T 4"Of ADVEITI2IkNit ItA*s-.1 - 155L TILSOBATIii,.._._ The Wowing are the rate* 2* advertising lii Shelties. alum Those having advertising to do will And I,o4D 'eaten Tor reiticenee. • 10- roar lama Or We consatate mitOotif mare. EtBl B lines ormore than font constitute a square. • Via A Hat Kautz • 002 061000102. - One $ S One O day: i. ... .:-....$ 00 Two day days 60 Two drct..- ... 1 00 Three days 1- 75 - Three dayi.......... . 124 One week -.. • • ...... 1 25 ono week .......... 225 One month a oo One m0nth .......... 6 0 0 ;Two menthe 4 50 Two Montle 9 0 :Three months 6 50 Three MMUS. 11 00 Six mouth. 8 00 Six months 16 9 One year. One year , 4..", es lie 0 t1_412210112n;t100 Notice ol . •A sc. Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices rfMn/ett!PP_r•rtm ,y-Baaine® notion berm Marriages sad sash insertion. members to vouch for him. The same for mula is observed in taking the third degree. To enable him to take the fourth it is neces sary that he should be elected to the Grand Council or fourth degree by the members of the first degree". Q What is requisite in taking the fifth or supretne degree ? A. Members of the fourth degree are elected by the members of that de gree, are then sent to the Supreme Council, where they are duly initiated and credited to the Grand Council or fourth degree. Q What is the . grip, sign of resognition and password to the fifth degree! A. The grip is given by clasping the right hands with the index or forefinger resting upon the pulse of each; the sign (the only genuine one) is made by shading the eyes with the right and the left head placedupon the right breast, and the password I am unable to give, because each county has a distinct one, and is changed monthly. Q What words are used when the sign of distress cannot be seen ? A Aok-houn I ORIGIN OF THE ORDER OP AMERICAN ENIGHERII AIiD ITS RELATION TO REBEL GOVERNMENT. Q What is the origin of the Order of Amer ican Knights ? A I have heard that it origi nated in the State of Louisiana, in 1863 ; also, that it extends back to the Revolution of 1776, having had a precarious existence prior to the present rebellion. I`.l What is the relation between this Order and the so-called Confederate Government? A At the time I joined I understood that its object was to aid and assist the Confederate Government, and endeavor to restore the Union as it was prior to this rebellion. 'Q In what particular was aid and assistance to be given to the Confederate Government? A In any and all ways, and at any and all times. 'KNOWS OF ABM AND A.NXIINITION BEING Fos-. P7r7Ml Q Do you know of any aid and assistance having been rendered by this Order during your. connection with it in the manner above spoken of? A I know that arms and am tnunition have been purchased by members Of the'Order to send to other members in the country where they could not be had. Q What kind of arms are mostly furnished to parties in the country by members of this Order ? A Revolvers. "Q Are they purchased or obtained U St. Louis? A, sir. Qls the' ammunition also ? A Yes, sir. • CONSTANT COMMUNICATION OF THE ORD= tit ST. LOUIS WITH THE REBEL ARMY ,Q Do you know anything about advices iu reference to the Order having been sent to the rebel army.? AOf my own knowledge . Ldo not, but through members heard that con stant communication was kept up between St. Louis and the rebel army. RiT trEN OF TALLARDIGRAM FROM RIpII I M 121:- !PROW 2Cklf fix Talc AARQ41449P.,.. Q When was the revolutionary movement contemplated by this Order to have taken , place ? A The advent of = Mr. Vallandigluim into the United States from exile. - IQ When were the members of this • Order fist instructed to arm, and prepare for this illoYement? A In the summer -or fall of 1.563. •,' what manlier was the Confederate stray to co-operate , with the Order? A This Order was to hsld itself in 'readiness to act with the Cimfederate army upon its advent into, the Stilts. • iQ Who was to have command - of men com posing this Order in Missouri in that event. A The Grand Commander of the State of Missouri. IQ What diapositiou wan to have been made of the officers , commanding tbia Doepirtmea in that event ? A Treated as .a ,eoanMen enemy. ,Q This Order is exclusively made up of din,. loyal persons, is it not? A Yes, six o. , Democrats who are desirous of seeuriag , the independence of the Confederate States, wiiik a 'view of restoring the Union as it was. HAS HIMSELF PURCHASED LUIS, ETC., YOH THE 011DRR. Q .Have you ever purchased any arms and *munition to supply this Order? A I have. IQ What amount of each? A Very little aMmunition; perhaps two hundred revolvers in all. Q In what manner were they sent away ? A Some were delivered to the parties themselves, and some were shipped. Q Were not those so shipped nearly aid sent to Northern Missouri ? A Yes, sir, nearly all of them. Q Were they purchased on regalia parings, or clandestinely ? A Clandestinely, NUNIMEt. Or THE ORD= IN 111300111 LI Q What is the number of this Order in St. Lords? A From three to fifteen thousand zsen •Q 'What is the number in the State of Mix sOn?ri ? A From forty to sixty thousand . RiIIZPICESTB CONTAINING BITUAL QS rtrze oitzurs Q You stated yesterday that the luitintiolx ii to the first degree of this Order was tau. cordance with instructions contained :in. pamphlet marked "W ;" please state whether you have ever seen a pamphlet similar to that now exhibited, and when and where? A. I have just prior to my arrest, (28th May,) at Charles L. Hunt's store, in the city or St. Louis. Q Is that pamphlet used for any specific purpose by the officers of the Order of Ameri can Knights? A Yes ; for the purpose of in itiating members. _ _ Q Piave you ever seen it used for such pur poses ? A I have. The pamphlet marked "V," being shown witness, is idenfiied as the groundwork 'Of this order for initiation into the seconektmd third degree. Pamphlet marked "W," shown witness; { is identified as the basis for initiation into the first degree, and used by said Order for that purpose: Blank forms marked "" with the follow ing caption : • 'List of members of Conserve , tive Club at—," being shown witness; is identified as a Temple nityitgr; roll O said Order, and the Ping tip correct.' Aninmss OF SITU= C4RdIW/DElt MABXED . . IDUZ=4). The addtress_ of supreme commander mark ed "8," being shown witness, is recogtu."Ted as the.production of P. O. Wright, copies of • which he has 4een in the office of Charles limit. There can be no doubt of Wright's being oe author, from the fact that it was ae. soak • ore Yallandigham was elected Sti' • Ottei er of the Order! The nattiftbV. - 0 - Ea./36114n5, S. K., hp a mean- .- in that witness bas never limdiAidta.ol -1 Xre ittrAtthivitioers cK thit Oideilatit= El si 110 MMI in the Locog Mais,fir Idainr CoxesAs Lam -Mit
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