Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, August 13, 1864, Image 4
rn RAMILIAII....3IACLAY, 6701/NET-A,Tri/AW.. — Partilltui Union waft& Harrisburg. Skid at4o*lo 2 Pt4 lo ail business. Unitary slam uniketed. in7lo-dem-cod Thomas aliviteDowell Attor ft,',Npv • OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOWTENE. LIARRIS'Etthed, Ea. • - _ A IL manner of Military Clnimni Promptly. xx. attended-to,-and claims eolleotedapinstthoGetoiral or StateHoveniments, either itcHongtess, the Court of Claimant Washington city, or at Harrisburg, without an necessary delay, and ,orl, moderate term._ 029-d6ra C. 41r 1F rOlAPTE". 2.,' " A r r 11TAS removed his QM* from Third to Wet; nut street,nex to the Prison All business in trusted to bim*finbrieinn§iblitt end careful attention. • MAW. GROCERY AND -PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER WHOLg.P•ALEAkID RETAIL DEALERS-I— . GR 0 C ;RR E S Queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY 1910.1)1:10E,! r• HAVE just opened a large and well selected stook of goods at their stitid;No. 3 HarketSquare, Harrisburg, Pa., , to whteli they invite the attention of the public generally. .4 . : , • • n0104i14r.. llKErft, Mammas TO Gri G KUNKEL Sr. CO" IaIECTIEURS . AND' DISTILLERS mid Wholesale _Dealers in Imported and Domestic LI . . 2 ., Hanitiblitt,Ta. jyri-dim " JO NI 8 HOUSE, Corner. of *efiet street and Market Square • If AR:glit'l3 UR PZ NN A. .CHAS. H. MANN, •Proprietor. STATE VAPITAL HOTEL, _ conEttz.gaw :AND wAisur. STREETS, H CHHIRG, PENNA.- Ht uriderdigne having purchased this well known Matched bnlarged and thoroughly renovated It. The Yolpfitii bEVe been re-painted and papered, and.the entire *angina' elegantly re-furnished. Being pica' , gently and eligibly located, and provided with every con genience, it offers to the - public all the comforts and imm. Mop of a first class hoteL - Trusty and obliging servants sift ye to attendance. A bar. well stocked with Choice liquors Is attached to the establishment. de2B-dly W. G. THOMPSON, Proprietot. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HIURRISBMG, PA. D, H. DUTGAISON, Proprietor. TeHD3 well known Hotel is now in w- ton& non to accommodate the traveling publlc,'affording rMoet ample ceindeniences alike for the transient guest swltheporminent bonnier. _TEICUNITED STATE:3 HOTEL has been entirely refit 11=,thrMilittout, and-now has accommodations equal In t comfort and luxury to any hoted between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State °vital, !ming Messy access to all the railroad.depots, and In dose proximity to all the publiC Maces and business lo• *Ages of the city. It has now all the, conveniencee,of - .7.>11 , , , d.P1R 8 T CLASS:IIO end the Proprietor is determined to spare neither :n -imble, time or labor to enearellie cOmfort of the-Vents. The patronage of the traveling public Is reepectfhlly soli- Wad- ' ..141.-dtf MUSICAL. ... .. . ..... PIT PORTE, .11ELOBBONS; SilVEll MUSIC, miTiouics, GITITAIM-BAVOS, STittxoKDßubts, FIVES, and all hinds CAL MERCTIATIDISFIy.PItirtiRE -FRAMES, LOOKING GLOM, PHOTOGRAIWCARDSaad ALBUMS, AMMO TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVIRGS, PICTURES, &0., O. Remember the place, SILAS WARD, No.* 12 Third street, the largest Magic Store Gala side of thegrat cities. JanllB-dtt • • • MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY - SIX MiST FREkErfatS, TWELVE SILVER =EMS, ONLY (lOW 14X141. 4: (0y0r T a n by r tc n o irooola •of !lila dos - MASON dr, HAMLIN'S INSTAUKENTS. A fan assortment of those Instruments always on Mind W. KNOOlital, Sale Agent, j IMitarketlireat. ~<!:404-2tawly] A. P. TEUTSFAI, "T:E:.A,c H.E ... jt... 417'..:- :IT.::1;P: ST c.. Omni AT WARD'S MUSIC STORE, . ••- : • • • 12 N TAtnd Btrret Ne r oili.enoo: Third street. above North PROCLAIbiATiOiti. •citizens of tlie city of Harrrisburg are _be •c. notified that the ordinance, entitled an or , . ojkooe t° , prevent mischief from dogs,':' passed Febrnary tss wdl,til strictly enforced. Attention is especially ..direCtedliissetions 4th, 801 and fithi to wit: ; That every dog going at large within the ladle . of the said city, from the twentieth day of May Anti' 'the ......tWentleth day of Septeibbei; in cork and every year, shall have securely pot oil it good, strong, substantial and eafkwire basket mead°, inciosing the whole mouth of , said dog, so as effectually to prevent him few, fisting and , snapping. Sitc. 5. That any and every persoo , owning a dog and re:Mining it to run at large without cOnaplyieg ,wittrthe ourth section of this ordinance, shall he liableto,a pne of d • Isaithan oner'doilar,' nor there' than - two follitris,- wish heat at the discretion of the Mayor; itnii-k the itf r ind :or•the said constable not being able to find !the Mir , the dog so ranking at large, tie, or some person ent - goisdOr - him, slug t a te up, kill anti bhry said dog, for which service he or the person periforming the ser• vice shall reeeiVethe stun of One"dellar, to biir paid out of the city treasury.. ' Sze. O. That every dog going at large within the lithits of said city, shall have around its neck, at all times, a collar of metal or a collar , of leather with a metal plate, on which metal collar or plate -Shall be hiscribed the name • of the owner of such dog, and any and every pen& own .. lee sties and permittiug it to run at large, withoot_ nom ' plying with the reenisitiona of this section, shall bailable ;ten One.of °nodular for every offence; and funkier, ).t; is -^hersbr madirthe duty of the Chief Police Constable or. a t• ., :Piititanatdoyed take lop. every dog.A B *visa@ in violation of this sectiou, - and unl the said gun is paid by, the owner thtmeof, on denten the - hrhereby authorized and-required -- to-kilt the dogo[ t ueaJi't a kilicd and burled, for which mielicee he obeli be alloomiKpicutdpilar oat of the city treaffiri. A. L ROUMFORT, May*. • PEIPHEIVS DAILY LINE BETWEEN piiii.A.DELFHEFA, Ink Wen, Jersey Shore t Williamsport, Papli• ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, , illiitom Lawisburg„ NorthumberbiOC*l-i bury, Treverton, Georgetown, ' .. :L. '.. tykenstowu; Millersburg, . I-. • i.- .Halifax,Dauphin, AND FERISBUTtid... .. ..I.itie rbusiddiddiiktkit - •_beiii centra ll y located, : the , . go vitni:itiluarimfir to The c ordm goes with go od' Intrusted to the li n e . Goods dellVerea za.Z4e4 pa. or WILLIAII E. BURS, 812 Market Om, Thlleddell by 6 o ' clock P. L , will be delivered in Nat titintig a WC morning. ! t,., Proliht AiWa! LOW w 4 by Any Other Lillie. _ t• ' ' * JO -'MONTGOMERY a CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot,, ootn-tt Foot et ifetket Weed, liertleing. • NEW 14413134.14011N1.. , ' 1 7.7 t I - p M` TA TO -LANDLOIItt 4 4I:I , . 4 orrifi l i iliiitincriect• oteiiiiii 2-A jtafg .4 o= 41 ' 4 es! Uri 'ave and 1..7 . 1.10 , - .m.,5 mot out m r , r ds liFi"" . , - Titan, such ac.grompoon& extv, *.llvagt wi . qcifiarawaricased, turspfel4o - 08, ist_coirs ion . los .4,..tti their advanigke:w d i n ee iumka,-tb• atatetddiet at the stole, on Soak. nd„ -- MMICIK-dooni - bedpt ch dlikknk_. •,-e.— i li s ittalk i • •,—, - , 1 +lll-111110Aii i i 1 .I.—.t iftjAIMAZUDIEFAS.—BOB6O3I-•Wine ad /lbritar ink Moults, Boston Batter IBIs• tae • ' • NjWatil i ktr - t_tt to NNW" XID Q ~a Dy:a •-• BLEcirAwITY, WYE andokomvark:,- ECriCtiO J.J. and ffaeettropathic physicians, respectfully offer theirprokianonid services in all the various • branches of theprofessionf for the treatment of all totte and chronic, I fetus of dishes. - . ' ' " • VtIO Vital spans; they employ in the. treatineuti of 1 RaltrartisreillleetrO;Mignet- Oani the-Swedlok m-tst of Le eahred Edov,twint. 4l :ret a fevilcreciiii : ffieffiernee Ivien &gated - 'netesistry, . and in fist all the , naturakprirathre igentSthat tray sucothatfully be brought to bear upon"the disease. . • elltey clo.inat, wish to• be undenttood •as arrogating to - . themselves any, aupcuiority,of profesoional skill,- but they 'helieve the they employ inllfe treating - at of dis eassi.far imptnior to those generally etntiloyed hypnysicians, from the factibstlhey EX -in perfect harmony , with the laws governing and controlling the human. system. 'To this, and the fact that they confine theinselves to no par tleWar play or ryliAlly, - 419' attribute their *access controlling disease. Tile principal sod they exiiploYin the treatment of 'disease; namely, Electric:4y, is an agent. wonderful in its Phenomenft and ploverfnljnitit Affects for good ' or ilk It is an - ever present, all.perndbignrinciple, governing all things, front' rolling worlds the invisible particles of gasaeona matter. We sep.itin the lightning's flash and hear the manifestations Oita - power in the muttering thunder. It is the cease dt -all decontimdtroti,-teCeinpo !linen rind transformation. It etelteiall motion, It is the molting cause. of life, _growth; decay and death. It causes searetion,:exeretion, digestion,, It lays hold of the crude food in the stomach, converts it Info a state of flu idity, transmuted it into blood, and sends it on its important Offlee'df supplying nutriment according to the trecesaitics- Of the body. It is the nerve vital guid, he Feat Mnt through which the mind acts upon , the bodys It is the ` cause of ill - chises except the Brit great 'cause. the Irdbilte Mind which-created it and brotight Elite ate These 'may appear' like mere -aiiiitraingt," but they as. fads admitting of strong and irreshnihle proof.- Is it then, to be wondered at that an agent so wonderful, inlits phe nomena, so powerful in its manifestations and ao,intimate ly connected with all the operations of the' lithium aye• tem. should he almost absolute in its power: of controlling disease? Certainly not.'. It is a natural sequence and follows as surely as day' news night. Among the diadeses which are found to yield readily to Electricity, in rionjunction with proper marina treatment, may lie mentioned:the following ; ihunpient, Consumption, Paralysis, l ipiliptio, Hysteric and other Convulsions; geuralgia, in its worst forme; Rhaematism, .inflainthantry ' and chronic; all diseases of the nervous syotem;.• Dyerpep• Ida tared in stew treatments; all diseases of the ,. .urantry andgenital ergots; Female Diseases, Asthma, Piles. Ind , Pi napons,• Amauroris and all kindred iffeetions of • 'the eye; Auretus, ffidictartuvidl skin diseases, &o. Persons calling will be told whether-they can - be bone fitted and no case taken where some relief cannot be af forded.. consuiturfon .free: Office, South Second street, 'below Chestnut, Harrisburg, ,Par. Office hours from Bto to batgi Ito et.m. ALEX. It. WYETH,H. D., DEL J. HILTON Of,IE-tikolt. apla KUNKEL'S. BITTER WINE OF IRON. A PURE and powerful TONIC, Corrective A • and Alterative. of wonddlYal efficacy in diseame of the STOMACH, LITER and BOWELS. DY B PePidIN LiVOT Complaints Headache, General Debility Nervouancas, pression Spirits, , Constlpation Intermittent Fever, Acidity' et the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food,Fullness or Weight t o the St omac h, Sinkini or Fluttering at tie Pit of the Stoniailt, Slimming of 'the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow neitCof the 'Skin and Eyes, lever and Dull pains In the Read, - Mat - tßd Sffid, Back; Chat anirLiidbjc Will cure every , case of Chronic or -Nervous; Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys and Diseases arising from a disordered . . Stomach, Good for Male or 'Being', Old - -or YoMig. ;•• The most beneficial medicine known; gives better satis faction and cures more Mammas than any other prepare- Mon °Mired to the Public. Prepared solely by.3..A. HUM KEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. BEWARE 11iW.:Counterleits 7*lo As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy in the knolls world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia dud Debi lity, and as there are a number of imitations offered to the public, we would caution . IlentuendlitY to !purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured by S. A. Kunst. At /Mo., and has their stamp - on the top of the cork of every bottle. The tery fad thid,'Others are attempting to imitate this valuable rein*, prom Its worth and opeakevolumes In its fokor. dl5-t! The Bitter Wlneof Iron is pnt up in 76 cent and $1 00 botttes, and sold by all respect@ile druggista throughout thecountry. Be particular. that -every bottle bears the ad atwitter the proprie tor's Signature. _l. This Wine includes the intik' agreeable a nd efficient Salt of Trim we pumas; Vitiate _of Magnetic 'Oxide Com bined„' With the meet energetic of vegetable tonics; Yellow ;Peruvian bark,. The ellbet JR many come' of 'debility, ;lois and generallithstration, of anniffolent, 'Balt of IrOit,-combined with 'our e;alimble • ?Terve Toriice, is most 'itappy, It, Remnants the appetite, raises the pulse, tikes o melfititlor flabbiness, ..zemosse the pallorler ilabfitTe and gives a toridligor te -the Countenance. GENERAL DEPOT, - • ,_rigiumntreftor.OP - lalasxsznar—Pa.: For. NSA bz, ell ,geopietally; thl'evellent , the Anntry. • - F I - N ' L 4t rolt s .. .S r. & F (llnecesoove to W to. Cock, 4r 7 , & Co.): , I • Dpitms IN FINE timaitoilobs RIES oppogite the'CoOrt goose, Minion MOW* pon of - 'BRANDIES; of different vintaxes. FINE ,AND COMMON WINES, WHISKYS. • • OLD DOUPEON. • - S MONONGAHICLA, . • •-•.-- PINE muss AND 5001'0I1 Initekya Tite . bemt ever brogght to this market. OLD ,W-H54. 1 1,- - ; • P.41.11/11. Y N.BOV/ the -celebrated- - , - tmugtion GROVE witipacy: CHAMPAGNE WINES* gum .TonswimainW ' , SCOTCH 4.. Nb IRISH AL.SS. lt BROWN input Atop Clllgai s ,- - ..q4iTTATION. _ " roam /1/17 0 15. L.- ENCltliilY.Aiii y tii t ti 7friver- Vir • s OH n o w d ACl't m e jtkot, P. .5,1, 'JO 111-1014; r-i , e thiir . `M • , n — 4 . 4 MX g !ICC CrEP 11111111.1"1"Mill ) EMI El Cures ME Of Every Dexeriptien, eft You .-gq les, Ink, Pena; Or saytaingiAllhe • ~ ~ r -,~ .. _.a. '.. 1 t J :.A a t~li. C::: , 4 0 4? ?Tilt, . .•~.~ El § J. Con DR. JOHN L. LYON'S IMO PEllolle4li, pits GREAT FEIIIAIX Itße.r_ l 444Z)ify) ci Are the only known remedy that will aneaesetiftly end invariably restore and rogulatethetemalesystent mart in all irregukrithig, and producing heel* vier and, strength. LYON'S. PERIODIQAL DROPS M dre a fluid preparation, the onttleue eine of.thekit ever discovered in tide country, and asts . .direettYleon t LB affected, whilst pilla and powders ors Only reaCh• ems Ms they workthroogh empathy, bat not, at .01: dies* Ind positive. dre , yog rafasing from a conetenkenx W Par tar return of miteirelimMeiMlsid lama' (live yourselfmi UMn , *thieproure rtruoi What& a day or two bititirethe expected period; *armed lively and invariably regulate its etildritlColpot ham 1311Wkili Ceictaill.M*olllo4ll4 1 0 111 1 10111111 ** - Aie You 414tf,Onidgetbr MO* the labor and danger ot Mugu ? • MWDIOAL DROPS .V6* r. Come to you mahleseing, for in not prevention better thnie we ? .: I. >:' :.,• 1 1 • , ;" ii , . If regolorly.tolm it in it wtoth prOattrVl save you much - VMS and littlotiirt*, 1 , 7-: Hive you botatitilietodi formmiy yearn 'With to trietOem to the ne.V. AM tuttisitimed 'UM tkiir IOC ( ding and are litigo4,frimott to en early gra ve? i - . I 1 . . , i r-..L.,a as i....i.t..x • • ,u-T;•ucTif LyoKulmcwmkohiiklAbAe-'- s i l 1 1.4 : Are the most reliable regulator ever jmown, ewe, Bite 4, those ithigtilaritlea that have diehnikt#in.doebor% Will you waste away with nattering from Lew: DrowfoolOwk:woriNfra,* des; airomnuned-up - muter , thesmiro -racited nature, when.= investment of one dollar lit"' , - J.d . 1 - 7/ ,LirOlfp PEWPWAVIre GSM will surely save-you. - • i Do not use the drops Wheal forbidden in the &Muttons, for although a positive oures,apd..._haxmless at all 'abet times, they ire panful Mid etiodjeesleulated to 0,1 end govern the ft*ttOTA.or the Arganism, it takou at imPrePw-timill; Per . iNrOdnee reirOte 0 1 " 1- Plll7 to nature,. spinet "MA Partfopthirjl:lloo who woditegirodnos, *Mad eaeb>7e ' • " IivoIvs.PEIMN O AL DPSP,II:, !., .• • •.1 '3.' _.• ;.711. tjaisiol'harm . tlo3 meet dedicate oonstitutiligitieWtions; Yet iliejoinglookkit 'wish to guard against its mi*ei,,j -1 boob* tlititiettoonasall bottles will be me fora, goodiper:', Poo MIAS aitatfor an Illeigitloititeline.7° :)4)kte • LYON'S :PIfICIODWALORaPST the nerer=falling Female &gulag, LI for - ii* =ln the city and country, and do not, gym tlth end wi& for. a Whittle media*, .tnty, other. Take no other, but If the Draggled tp T i vm 7. d apply his not gotta , tote hhit dada it* t rat, . 01-.' 7 fiatit I C. '4:l CLARK & ( giO. ) "=:`l PROPtizro •. 4tOtlis • .311 7.77 ;77.!^....1. k JoationT,'A9l4oo , 4T44:lo.4WAni ' ff 9 8 NM& KWh re, INUMEMEI - 1 11117A,..f `~::, :. ;.,>. s:~ • 1.-10! - 11 tir I 1 -- . llkl•o:wrmr. jji . _ ENS __, :y ;`, 4 : ,•'' :_ - 4 "...AA. - ' lit i el ' 1".. , ..1 ~ l avo. , •.,...7:e..t.... - .1“ . 4 t ....` /Ark,. : t..-,_...5.yi ..70 !mit 11 C3 , e, CI Sus • •02A vi74.-Tar I , apaa &Int .st-1 • = !MAU t , a0":(.1 alma uproalleims 4.44. Mita arm nut . Knt - NUN' .4" SON 9 .11.0 :T .iA",,Teririr :1 01714 discovered the post. pextain, oPeedY AL "net grectial reniedieli,in the worldfor ; —,` a`3 • MEM A 'aura cirjl7o ,Chirittfe;ftvm One Weakness of the Affections of the Kidneys and 'gladder; chodlimter' • DidpotAtiO, General De bility, Nervezume*-Armidi, Languor, Low Spirits, Contagion of Ideas, l'aliatation of the Heart, Timidity ; Trbinblings, Dlinnese bfßlghtior Giddineeif, Disease of the ; Dead, Throat, Nose..l4_,Skin, Affeoticaut of the Ltver *USA' Stomach or IB6Wels:--thaie terrible disorders arising from the Solltary.Mailits of Youth—thaw secret and sollimY prwlices more , fetal to their victims, than the song brSyrenato the Mathias of Ulysses, blighting their oliffrilPt!l or AnUeilliktionm, rendering =wk.; tbwfmiblf. V: 4.11r.a..1 • • luly o t i q 10 BEN .I artwihave Mite tile violin:is of Seitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive MOO whichannually sweeps to an untimely grove thousamihr of Thing Men of the MotOkse)tecliffalenhs:atidrbriilitai:lntellect4 who might other:ties have entranced,listening.Senates with the thun ders Of elokideilde talivaMod to classy the living lyre, may mill with fell confidence. MEE El ~:4 ~: A'~„~F =.l-. 7.1121113:ffi GE XerrkeHlidtekbel, - of Yomitlliiiplatuig marriage, behig sOnite of pkvdcal weeloteesi organic debility, defier 'rnitletS spftairetiett. He stoi)laethr himieltunder the aired Dr. J. nity re r ligicennyconfide in ids how as a _gentleman, and _coal -dantlfrely tipirilde akin' as a Physichm. E- , 2AOILGANIG IVEANI3 - BS _.. ilu -anmedlately and full vigor metered. affection— , which renders life miserable , aid! ' the'penaky paid by the vic tims of improper indulgence. Young persons am too apt to conuni ci tacesses from-not being aware of the dreadful rim ui rher reibli th g '4 l ll l l l7 pri e rgiN;ll.... -- ; thavht°ththite ptownenrdeori Cr 024410 sooner by ;thaw Pilling; into, improper s, l4 than — by.theprudtmt. litesidee being deprived the ifieitsuresiffititidthy olliprfig the most serious and de t , Iltrudtiye .torrot to both, body, and mind' The gybed& beeomea *coved, ,tho physical and mettal Initificeis weakened,his of procreative pOwer, nervous irritability, dyspeWaaajpitation of the heart, indigestion, eonstitntioml deltili=almtimr, of the frame, cough, obit- In Left hand'alde going frain Baltimore 'street, a fin , doors from the comer. Orem name and zumber. Letteid mast Irie Paid and Contain astamp. The Doctor's rDtPloPailda.hglf9go.o. Member of the Royal-allege or Surgeons, London, grad uate from one of , the moat eminent colleges in the United iftfaimirand Ali greater part of Whosolife has Wel/ spent In the horpbale of, .London, Paris , Philadelphia and ,else • where, hese-!eedod some ;of the most astonishing, cures that wets ew losairtl many troubled with ringing in the bead -arid-ears- iihenlideep, great nervousness, being slasuierk xi sadden sounds, bashfulness, with flreqnpai blushing ! sometimes with derangement of mind were • T' ..w .M I TICVLALII. NOTICE: Th'eitil are some of the sad and melancholy itlecta Pro duced by early habitirdryoulic via : weakness of the back ,iaPalbaltrifOrtl64l dlaneSß of fight" tops Of, oak r ' 45 Vie* heart; " dyspepsia, voue irritability p tor consumption, &c. ~MlPraerdlr.:A-Thofeerfaelibcts On the saind are mach to be dreaded—loss of memory confosiedt of ideas, de . pressiodfor tfpirltifl evilllbreboditge, 'Moreton to society,"' self distrust,.loyeA L lßWdp,,tim*ltyoka, are ,some of thd ariailoduced. 1: ".'i46lThia• Who hike InijuieCtliihtiselVes by a certaiu practice in:. dulgeet ,ip,,hsit &lent+, a habit frequently, learned frOM evil 6thiipardobli;dt at school, the enacts of which are; nightly felt, even whenJialeep, and if not cared renders, marriage mpos snip, and.destroya both *WA and . o ! k ,- fililitilliTrAA finnlidlilily: ,f', • , , ---' ;•; - L -. ihldrup{ t,. 13, , atif nuns man, the hopeof his country, ling o f his piirenfit, should be from!matched all prospects an? it etitszof lifbiby the consehumme of =ig AO* the , y path fl , /,'• .428,;pve And Indulging, in a ouret-titibit - ' Ruch 'persons truer, before contemn 14 1 4 gen :ttf ,. . '' ,-, :. : i: • g ~- 1 , , f.: -. , '7: - MARI:WAGE, 'tibia 6afi'ioitid niiiiiiind body are the moit heeassery r! ) TligWelt O. ProWotecTu_NOialhAPPltiese.. hldeetti Mth• opt.theso. the journey through - 10e bowmen , a weary pil glinsilp4 tint prtaftlebt=drly 3 4lBAtens 10; the view; ;the ;Iklni tia t4f.r. Wowed with despair and tilled with the . et rerneetted that the ,happineee of another ;be. eotheif , g tlidNiftli- oar -owni:- ~c '-;."- t -' • • ' . .• J '` DISEAW - DIPietrIANUE. • i . When the = Ruff . 071Z . Druderit eptery of pleasure Airidatifluat SU of , Ude paiffedisease, too often happengrattliftlined sense of shame or the dread,of 4iw yery, eterif film from applying to those who ' froiiiediA niijoechibilitirtimerimb beffriend hint N e to mvoi.,!ow l e ir s q dsor ll urna: w. ,In le of filch is sub. tiganos, Yeetillgor trllltig:moith after.month, or aslong tie Ale "' tot. ..:41,:.!PteSk. ' 0 12 494# 41 ,4P4Atudespalr leave him Pi . rigned aeigth,Fo pogb.93/F r itAs galling diaappointmkut i 1 ) “ th9tar, ~cittlib-, .d -ffir pr rh ui2iereury, hasten die .-• , . ". - *, dthl sympuume * this - ' b ' •diseaseotuab aisaffeo tiong,,of Llitarriasest, 81 ltitooSittp.ieto.,..progresems Waipie V , tan ,#eath- ,-puts A i pftliod,t4 lill , niilletriar-111 41 4 1 4 14th ret t . 4111 4!! 114 . 1 : °"4144 i 1:8 la libill tt!:. - To ... , ri.,(.1-1/:;•./ !!*: ~..!kyi DEE MU T IEI I y y , ~_ - 1 .. f , , i i, .Lll - vf ' • / lie 03 7 t PtooOlo4Ogrott - at, ,thialisditntion year alter year, and tier' mute fidpOrtant surgical' 'operations .iitttormed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporteria of the SIMI, ainer„osuLlgany other papers, notices of which have appeared *gala ILIA again before the public, besides WS stantitng sigirj ntierhan of : eharibidemiut respoligi• 1 :_bilithibre illtolattteo to the Whetted. .. . ..1 as_ - " - •• • •,: . - : •-•- Eill i tt 1/104 4 103 aPEEDE6I-01JE41 ' ' . • • "THERRIBITO SUCH WORD AS FAIL'', t 1. 11144 D 1.11"8 oWoup-EXTRAca k .:BS: Aifi)`COPAIBA m . iiripirnittoiribp WWll:Gorki reconcriendeeto• the. 101DIGAL PROFESSION gilt tha PUBLIC for the prc i g lunt acre of DISKABBSOF TDB BLADDICII, NATICURENARYOBBANIODIV. • •• ' • It-bereliedenamothe best mole for the adminliam tion of plokime.olaas of n diseases of both Apyik are appmbler. - It ever interferer , I*,b •b ikelamioe Maui"; the Mee is • / neDai l . l ivirriged-to selVfor TORANTi, COMPOUND ETTN4Dr , DUADIEBMINPr COPAIBk; laarktalrArkeitingfark iifilmitationit and worthless prepa : • ratiemoeikerakinim'tiames, are In the market, Price $1 00.--Sent-by-eaproa-ea-receipt of price. Manufac= turwk4llls76 bjf .ThßlitaNT. # tOCa s ; No: 478 Greenwich Latreektoßtetoft.ffipanitclat; New Yozk r and for sate • • • • .1 • 00t2240 Iflair 161.dogil* -RWlLtelt . pianow 'l'3l LLA-A1..3....d =I Era LE .`ii:/~ !di f l. - - 1 - 3 I DISEASES OF DkEPRITIANOE. SIX SO, TIV - XIV& HOUR& =wI;gInrouNOXIOI3§DEUGEL to Two Days. tkimos No. 7, Sown Farm= STRINT, DR JOHNSON, Utt AIROESENIELMOF MEE, BREW. ram SOS 4243-itly tate hbti •"Filipt 454i4., dent fifttOnn _?..ofte . S . in the form. t 4 4*a1zao ti!ckilavigg R *.±4.4 __„ m p;tsVivwmutria R y_lfflpotfrm which is otk .tordlierv . r . pntentnet mititinf l whichalso &rani anoiher 1 r dd6 1 518 40.. : ._ YtN n li F66 4art: ace m.o. '64ei.iii:..theqarcethwecethity th e imiwei:o.v... iff ,ffilkftelitlhilif*(WAlD nos nom MUIR; making this etllertereigt, i iiterilniabill* 1111eS ; titibM. ; _ . 116 . 3 Wr Dalibika4l7/I*TIP In Bites from /1 1 to / 4 1 43 fik.P 41 : 0 4 1 a41 11 0 23 44- r i inthiln JAMPP eke l in 1 seenbfraobteces;4l,,4ooleiehi notalleennee ozi /4 I '4 I,:;tfeirlitter a jianat liAziiijTiiia tntttn i , ; wgirS4lllllY 401.J.Ait Inatanwed _i. :.!,):31, 1 i '° 11Y i •, egiiiii.o , ' . 41 Sola„tuilipiajlewearnrnishfieGoodlo !Zi?"7'7C?:-ignlis7A(]'t.t_r'_r(l:_'Ci _1 -.`.i )_i.ll,•s (' `F. r c I`rJ,;aßi„' D. W. Caw 5.% & CO., WIIOtitSALE AND RETAIL DRUGG I ST S , DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- . We are daily adding to oar assortmentof all such vartioles ::are desirable, and would reepeetlbllp CIE your attention to the largest And beat :elected stock In this city, or DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, Oil,, Varnishes and Glues, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, PERFUMERY AND TOILET LIITIOLES, selected from the best mandlicturers and Perfumers of Europe and this country. - Being very large dealers lo PAI/V78, ; WHITE AX,EL4t'B BRUSIMY We rt§pectfialy invite a call, feeling confident that we can .opply the wanes of all on terms to their satisfee- J°Nkr AND WIZITKB PORCELAIN =Ts, Agents for Saponifier, which we , pall as Jew as it can be purchased in the cotes EMI Being large purchasers la these.llo, we eau offer in &moments to close buyers. Coal Oil lamps of the ma improved_ patterns, very cheep. All kinds of Lamps changed to trirtcCoal 011 •49401L,Strest. Thosoof yoo who have not given our HOBS E AND CAT- PpWiil32e3 a trial know not their =perianth and the advinfmgeihey iiela keeping Home and Cattle healthy .and In • gond condition. Thousands can testily to the profit they •have derived from the use et onreattle Powder, by the indreesedquen ti and quality of milk, besides improving .the wend lmaltltendt44mmirsnoe of thetr cattle. Our long experience fit the bittnees givreg tor thig admm- tap of a thorough knowledge of the Dade, sad or ar laalithilenta in the elate are each that we raw, in a very Abotttnnek fannah anything apixetaining to out inanneas, :sulk° beet of tern* ow Thrr :I,r by llr 111r.ral palannalte bestowed on our :0011,etriolattention to Witness a earetal iota PUBS DR !I • .440 *ices, and the desire to plow 4 to audit a con titres et theefarr of a itirth~tinettgle. MOTH ' 014:t11.1:440,arromxt, PERFTIM7I7O.I.INZY. AND--- POWDER—a compound of valuable Mies for the destruction of insects—distributed among or !haste(' over Furs, Woole Akchiuguitlawathir• Ertuninew, will 43 == minium a ditightuu, tuftheime pennon ft Will Mi. atiwimgclottibiif, Arc, with afautifill IcilifPlegiNatOkit The finest fabric cannot Pa aim Tilipered - ilitiold it. • • ' /Want' . ,DrSiwg FincY 4!?' 41 alorti #°• I ?! . s loi f i k a ! l " 4 • TAB ' ans. bozos. fine table oils Johei bat importations - air ati;whommus and retail, by , • AIIISLEa & Mark my§ - rocceocorolo ir. Dock, Jr:',' , lk 010 .6 0 'KED BEEF.a-kilictiise to ofMaw 0 uses Dried Beef, ME recir-1 1 4 AgleTe.r.) -- R AntplEik &,. CO. NO. 19 MARKET STREET, E431138.URG, PA KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS. Dye•Stuilk, Glut and Putty, Artist's Colon sad Tads, Lerd, Sperm and Pine Oils, Battler, nee and Lamp Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, ft, &a, &a, ace., dm, With a goaerel variety of lALNSERD OIL, VARNISH:4, WINDOW GLANS, ARTzsra COLORS, PAINT 41V2, IN ALL . TIME VARIMEL4, COLORS IND REONSCSS TEETH! TEETH!! P4TZN2' MEDICZNI24. AND HAIR sayrortrzrzy, qr all kinds, direct from the Proprietors SAPONIFIER AND CONCENTRATED LYE. riTAYEIVE . MEDICAL PLUID RXTRACTS. COAL OIL! CABZON OIL 'i s / roa MAS C CEMEN JUNITPACT77BZR, Fa r triio3llltGrs Pa., TB PREPAILFI) to tumid' and coat the e l , t&lor of Buildings with the GAMIC CEMENT. Ca new system. This material.entirely diatirent from ul other cements used heretofore, and is_ths only reh a b, Insperiatiable coating tbr mace work - Mat with pr 3 per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a solid s z „ . Me adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Wells, =icing ■ b ft. fine water proof surface end finish evil to Bunn or any «dor dekired. Among others for whom I bare applied the Meats fa mesi b t a r l et to the following gentlemen: J. J. residers:a, Penn yea, Flatboat J H. rd, " J. H. '&of:charger reed :nee,Lawrenceville. A. Bender, James IrCionasa " nntilifm7 04. Calvin Man" Third street, Pittsburg James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, William Vohel, Girard Howie,' Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch Building - John B. Cu; mildews% Trout street, Barris burg, A. J. ?lease Jones, addrew T. P. WATSON, P. 0. was Pittsburg, Pe, or, Pew. House, Harrisburg, pg,,, feblB46m BIWA DDEMS MARBLE YARD, CORNER OP WALNUT AND MTN RTREET9 Harrisburg, Pa. THE undersigned having opened a Marble Yard In this city, beg leave to rntorm their Meade and the public ; in general, that they are prepared to fur Watt MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Monuments, tombs, Read Stones, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone. Give ass call andwe will gnarantennattatactten. .X'FADDEN & CO N. B.—Lettering neatly none In Znallah or German 1111.0204117 AN A&SORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLES POILTEFOINTNILIMS FOR LADIES AIM GENTLEMEN, Pure Ground Spicis, The best Morocco TRAVELING SAT.-H ELS, And a general variety of NANCY GOODS, suitable fa Pronoun; now on band at KELLER'S Drug Store, nualatf No. 91 Marset street PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT or Photograph Albums. BOUND in FINE 11011ACCO--panelled, gilt sad moulded with two heavy gilt cissFs. ALBUMS WITH IKI Pictures for s3 eu • rr 66 N. •• bc , gg 41 44 4Cv together with vrrious other styles of binding, sizes and prime, which will be sold cheap. • Boldler,s you =mot buy a prettier, more durable an diaper album anywhere. Cal laud see at SCHT•FFIE'S Bookstore, marl2-dtf Harriaburg, BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. THE FARYBE BOY, and how he became Command er-in-Chief, 11 25 THE PIONEER MY, and how ho became President, $1 TEE =RAY Boy, and the Minder, OF ALL iribTDl TICIE PRINFKR. BOY, or how Ben. Franklin made— hbs mark, • TEE FARMER BOY, and how he became Lteuten ant General. hi press. - A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE tiEBIFI,IIOIc from Fort Sumter to Roanoke., elegantly illustrated. 11 At BEWirlEß'is ROOK STORE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No ASS Walnut Street, South Bide, East of Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF MISTS $1,06,6“ fa INGOPEORATZD CAPITAL MATER PERPETUAL. Marine, 'Fire and hand - Transportation In =um . . . ARTRIM G. COMN, Pt eeiJent OHARLE3 PLATE, t&xxwwyt. WILLIAM .RIIEHLER, Central Agent flti *innsytvania. Office Walnut MI near Mend, Harrisburg, h, mrriam, • j_II S T Ii E . O E I V,ND, WES 110RI2WG, A MESH INVOICE OF MICEENER k CO.'S CELEBRATED BIJOAR_gURED MA-MK AL.WD -130110 F, my3l TTNRIVALLED CHAFA.LtIL FDHNITU II : I.) MASH dfts not stifect4hii varnish, but restore. tue original lustre: It does notilintelor. It will rescue with very little labor, every Slatted surface ; tuner wets , or Wood. All manufacturers Mid dealers in turroturt should use it for cleaning ihnnteue that has been stem Ing covered with dust. A touch and fob here and there tolll make it bright and fresh . . •lew male by S. A. .8.1.12 , 1K.M. & BRO., hitdtf. LIS - Kari - 4 street, Banisher?, 111WITIONI PICTOBAL BYKUP. rnalß INVALUABLE SYRUP; whilithis eu , WOO vegetable In its..woupositlon. luta lieu an pwyed with wonderful tetooette s itOr_manY yea the" " a diseases for the AIR rhatithithlana iAllitzl3: • For &Li form of the theeese Moth ithataNG Lb , THROAT SPITTENG ' OF BLCOD,DIFFICULT Blik.allo l, acamarbkms,.Losi OF omit Fk.N.Litzl. we will be metaled with the ,huppleat results. It a sti et the twit aaul magi mediblniur for - Ur forms of BRuS MIMS and 4;eNfillieTlON. - ~.boAlatelotasa or prefer* how If ppissoths ewe shopsfathis 'Swop • • PRICE S I. O O IEE BOTTLE. For sale at BERGblahl Cheap Book Store. UM PECTOILALS are nada' - to Boot he G lLA - cough, allay Ticker* In the Thiele, to relioe haeullettela, Catarrh, Sore Thrust, ete. They ighttv.' Comm% Serettotuad, Mocaeusutha, Senna and 64 ,1, - , (the meateliable expeetoranta known,) are the chid (190 Chtunituenta, so Dleacted with G gu_ A xi bi c , en d suge, that each lozenge commie a mild sad Vetrplessant duce alsepi oteres l- soielY ALALVldialttlia BRO., Matt ePothoottlea.l43 m!uricet.str9e4 FbVT•Durt FOELADELPHLL .COLLEGLLTA - L uvsTl- TOTT FOX YOUNG LiaD16444.0. ma Ar t a meet. Bev .I:IEtANCNEI A. MTH, D. CLARE O" T ' JL Printipala . Ninth Year. . three departments': Primary, Academic , end Callegbile; :Zell college comae ' Rabe matim, Wier Engllah and Naaural tileinone lor tbac Who gnidllate. Modern Linville* Flack painting Ol d Illocutam by the ban IffilatOrL Far cumulus iippl the Imitate, or address BOX 2611 F. U. , rhino:4o o Pa. MOTH , TTBSITING. WEDDING, gl4 vraTios if JAM AT Ma CaltDlL—By a medal arraii with ono of the bin *OWN ttit the - akaor, auts so, desonYilt4ktfill‘betaxidal in the highest WA°, f i Wit, ineformible with She latest fashion, Wei nun . ; PlamiZ i st /elm then - are oneraW by the ' man Attie 'AU 111110PWI ala oast, .*.fur..- val.NONOtOmx ANZW invoice of ,Mebane is '"rat Hains jut • ittri •:.8110li&O , 4-174121313, MP" • • $4l: tow Dedidr; 3Co• r f t„.A_ l, ABRIIr na lo7 R:6 2oMATwa l ‘ k ibl it ; went le MAW ' EMI T. F:: WATSON, eves ALS POCKET BOOKS, PURSES ANS KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. 12 illa EIE $590,091)