Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, August 13, 1864, Image 3
pail l Et** BARRI S - B UR.G , • P A. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST la, NC ti UT. t: it, TO AD ITEBTISEILLS.—A tisements, Business Notices, Marriages. D ea ths, k.c., to secure - insertion in the TELEGRAPH, mustAitsturiably be aceom parled with the CASH. Advertisements orderedin the regular Bvening Edition are initterted in the Itlorn- Jog Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND COTTNTItY. Lots for Sale. On Seventh street, three lots, and three on Ridge road, adjoining the residence of the subscriber. The lots front twenty-one feet, and are two hundred or more deep. For par ticulars inquire of JOHN OENSLAGER. • I=ZCZEM Fours--A lot of papers, &e., supposed to belong to Captain W. H. H. McCall. They can be obtained by calling at this office, de scribing property, and paying for this notice. aul3•tf THERE was the usual attendance at market this morning, and prices ranged about as for- CZ J. R. Commmos, of the Lewisburg Chronicle, was married, a few days ago. The printing business must be profitable in Union county. THERE is but little doing in police affairs. A few drunks are daily disposed of. When any matters of importance transpire, they will be duly chronicled in our columns. COUNCIL held a meeting last evening, ,but did not finally decide in regard to the pay ment of a bounty to volunteers. Another meeting will be held this evening, when the question will be settled definitely. TUE Philadelphia house of the Peipher Line has been removed from Freed, Ward A 7 Freed's, to the depot of William E. Burk, 813 Market street. Persons having goods shipped by the Peipher Line should make a note of the change. AaravAL.L-Mr. Rouse and-his Star Combi nation Company have arrived in this city, and will give their opening entertainment of the season on Monday evening, when a grand bill will be presented. Of course Bract's Hall will be filled with sPectators, to greet the returned favorites. I= F JINN . b company of one year:s;men will be mustered for the payment of local bounty, on Wednesday next. For particulars see advertisement. Persons desiring to join the Verbeke Guards should do so at once, in order that they may get their bounty on. the day named: "•"•44 11 . ....-... 6 BAPTIST CHURCH, —Mere will be service in the Baptist Church, corner of Second and Pine streets, on to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock, and in the evening at o'clock. The pulpit will be filled by the Rev. Stone, of Montrose. Pa. The public are invited to at tend. ==2l Smote Sromsx.- 7 --On Sunday the house of John Shultz, of Hanover. York county,. was entered While the family were at church, and was robbed. of between six and seven hundred dollars all in gold and silver. The money be longed, we learn, to Miss Chambers, sister-in law of Mr. Shultz, with whom she resided. The money has not as yet been recovered; but we hope the thief will be caught and punished to the full extent of the law. Timms will be .divine service. as usual to morrow at the Ridge Road Episcopal Church —morning at 10, and evening 6:30. In the evening a sermon . will be preached by the Pastor, Rev. A. J. Barrow, on " The Religious Training of Children." Last Sabbath even ing there was a crowded congregation at this church, and the ordinance of Baptism was administered to fifteen children. There aie to be quite a large number more baptized to morrow evening. =MEE Rama oAn Accmzrr. —Yesterday as the mail train coming, north on the Northern Cmitral Railroad was near Shrewsbury station, a sol dier named William Dunn, of Capt. At'Quid's Company, 20th Pennsylvania Regiment, fell from the train and had one of his legs-cut 'MT below the knee. His head was bruised and cut in a fearful manner. Dunn was brought to Shrewsbury, where amputation was per formed by Drs.Bug.zy and Geary, of thatplace, and the injured man was removed to *. mr k hospital on the acce*modation train he t CVell ing. Dunn belonged to a squad of soldiers who were escorting a lot of rebel prisoners to Elmira, and he alleges that he was thiciwn from the. train by one of the officers connect ed with his party. His term Of service'will expire in ten days; at the end of which time be intended to return home. HisphySicians assert that he may recOyer if the amputation • does not prove fatal. Paocrsimas or Cottxcm—The goiamon Council inet.last evening for the purpose of deliberating on the subject of paying bonnties to volunteer enlistments. After considetreler conversation, a motiOniwas made by Mr.,,ttni uel Myers, of the Fifth ward, that a bounty of $2OO be paid to each roa,n credited to die city of Harrisburg. On the adoption of this nalltiop the yeas and nays were called, and were as follows : yEes—Nessrai Bart:ol4.A, Hooker,. ayers and Verbeke - 4. NAis--31eitu:s. `Ew4trdsHamilte4, Re,se, wolf:lnger, m ail ari Hickok- PA•ts dent-7. The question thi4 penning on the report, of the speoial commatee rethommendbion propriation of $1.25, the xerP; as follOßks (I L WilL TEes—__essra 119,11 an _ 2 - Ners—Messrs Barnhart, Hamilto• Reese, Verbeke, Woltimer -Ifockee and Hickok, Presidint—O. L: After further discussion, theoo44tdkitaiir t • adjourned to meet 4101.1.4. eveniitem 4 LLrasieax tztuson. —The Bet Dr. Hay has returned, and the regular services in his church will be resumed to-morrow.. VIOLATION or Oanrsecns. —A man named Peter Jones was arrested yesterday for riding over the pavements. He was subjected to the nsual fine. - ' • • • I=l Dr. Grimai has returned from his visit to the meeting of the ?Dental Association," and is prepared toattend to all calls d his pa tients. aul3-2 to I=l POCKET PICKED. —A gentleman had his pocket picked, at Hoffman's hotel, last even ing. A man named Daniel Brown has been arrested on a charge of having committed the deed. lie was held for another hearing. THE throwing of watermelon rinds upon the pavements and streets has become quite a nuisance in some portions of oar city. Persons stepping upon pieces of this species of offal are liable to fall and injure them selves. This done, who will pay the doctor's bill ? CoNsraucrivE, LARCENY.—On a charge of this character a man named William lloberts was brought before the Mayor. It appears that $125 had been placed in his hands for safe keeping, by a friend; who now alleges that he appropriated it to other uses than was designed by the owner. The case will have a further hearing. NtISANCES.—Two parties have been up on a charge of maintaining nuisances. Jacob _Bendel, for removing the contents of a cess-pool in a cart that leaked, was fined 56 and costs. Jaeob Frank, for maintaining a nuisance in the shape of a filthy hog pen, which was a great annoyance to his neighbors, was finexl. $2 and costs. SERVED HIM Prom. —A pedlar from Phila delphia, who was selling samples, called at the store of Henry Hollingsworth, in Union Deposit, a day or two ago, and after selling several pieces of goods, commenced discussing politics, in the course of which he asserted that Vallandigham was a better man than any Republican. Mr. Hollingsworth, who is a loyal man, thereupon kicked the pedlar's samples out of doors, and the owner after them, and refused to tax a single article pur chased from the rebel sympathizer. BLOCEING UP THE P KVERENT. —Our attention has frequently been called to the manner of blocking up the sidewalks in our public thor oughfares, and particularly in front of some of the hotels. We have frequently observed that the pavement in front of the White Hall Hotel, Market street, is filled with chairs oc cupied by loungers, in such a manner that it is almost impossible for ladies to pass. This wee especially the case last evening, when the etreets . were filled with market-going people. We hope the police will pay attention to this universal complaint. The ordinance is plain on the subject, and any citizen can make com plaint before the Mayor, and we know it will be remedied at once. Arrzsrms, MINUTE MEN.—The members of Capt. Gibson's company are requested to re turn their guns and accoutrements to the of fice of the DAILY TELEGRAPH, this (Saturday) evening. Many persons have drawn guns, and have never attended drills, and it is ne cessary for suoh persons to return their arms at once, so that they can be placed in the hands of those who are willing to keep up the organization. Iris the intention to keep up a perfect organization, to be ready at a mo ment's notice for duty. Let all who are will ing to keep the ranks full be punctual in their attendance for drill this evening at 7 o'clock, and those who do not wish to be active will please return their guns at once. By order, W. W. GIBSON, S. C. Enmity, 0, S. Capt. 'Cowl& ...... /...•mr. THE Coviihmunkna OF COLUXBLA. COUNTY THREATEN 'TO HANG A PREACHES —lie is com pelled to Es cape Throagh a Windom.— -The 1111- lonian sa , ;s Some coprerheacis in Columbia county, at Sngarlo af, came to a school house. where Rev. P. P. F]yer was preaching, on Saturday last, And wanted to know whether he was a "Dam "ocrat or an Abolitionist," saying that it' he was the former he might continue to preach, but if the latter they would hang him He was compelled to escape th rough a window. Thi s is one of the ways in which Democrats eve ace their love of peace Tournwsrmyr AT BEBTOMD SPRINGS. -11 y the 1011 owing notice, which we find in one of the Bedford papers, it will be seen that one of the young ladies of, our city took a conspicuous part in a recent tournament at Bedford Springs. The paper says: " A tournament was held at the Springs on Voiiday last. There were, we understand, live Knights in the lists, only two of them loyal men, and excitement ran high, the ma m , jority at the Springs being Southern sympi; thizers, but Mr. George Lyon, a native of the 'c little village" of Bedford, but now of New York city, won the prize, and in the evening crowned Miss Dollie V Varford, of Harrisburg, Queen of Love and .13( minty, and•she presided ns such throughout th e evening. There was considerable betting on the result, but the " Yankee"— as the sec •esh called hinij—took off the prize, and secesh felt mortified and cha grined. We congratpilate our old townsman on his victory Le secesh. Mr. Lyon was the same gentleman who gained the victory last year, and Miss Warford the same lady was, absrerowned Qa . een of Love and Beauty theln - Y k. • The ittiist Way to Avoid the Draft EnlirA in . the new infantry regiment now foro'ing, for one year's service. $4OO local bfmnty;sloo GOVernrciiiit boenty. Serve with yoUrilieitds and neighbors 'in a company of your own, choice, - Recruits will immediately upon enlistmenthe. Mustered into the United States, servieli, :and ,receive subsistence and clothing c ; - Recirjticg office at , the . ; Court House, liariisburg. Pa. • '1 OdittIig4SALINGER, Captain, • laajejApi*.Vo, ~ 127th/liiii: PA V • Iffaiktal: , &am . O cetb; lIMIMMEZII The_ . ..erheice Guards Are nearly , fall. few - good young m en will be yet receive& The company will positively muster-in and receive all bounty on Wednesday morning (17th inst.) Call soon at the lower room of the Walnut street &- change, or at the Big Tent, Fifth and Market streets, and hear extra inducements. High est cash in hand bounties are insured. All men will report at Camp Curtin on Wednes day morning next at 9 o'clock G. WASHINGTON FENN, Capt. Mark T. Cash, Ist Lieut. This company is not the "Verbeke Rifles" now in the 46th P. V., but is an entirely new company for Col. F. Asbury Awl's new one year regiment. Verbeke Guards—S.lso to WO Bounty This company wants a few more men to fill its ranks, to whom the highest cash bounties as above are insured. The company is at Camp Curtin, fully provided for. To be at tached to Colonel F. Asbury Awl's regiment. Call at the lower room of the Exanarnar, Emazarra, Walnut street, or at .the Big Tent, near the depot, or G. WASHINGTON FENN, Captain, Or Manx T. awn, Recruiting Officer. augll-tf Volunteers Wanted, For the "First City Zouaves." Term of ser vice one year. Local bounty $375 ; gov ernment bounty sloo,msking in all $475. Call at company Headquarters—Exchange Build ing (up stairs,) Walnut street, Harrisburg, Pa. JNO. S. BITZE/L, Captain. anll-dtf Su - ssrrnprz Perzas—Eruacrumarr Parses, and all other PAPKREI concerning the DBAMT made out promptly, .by Sullivan 8. Child, Claim Agent, DAILY TELEGRAPH building, Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. Aulo-1w I=l MA.T. Drvzif, of the 12th Penna. Reserves, has reoeived authority to raise companies to form a regiment for one year's service, of which he is in command. Parties wishing to re unit for his regiment will call on, or address, Capt. OREM, White Hall Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. • auB-tsepl* TILE SIip:EST LOCAL BOUNTY in the State paid to Volunteers for one year. Also, Substitutes Wanted, by G. B. Meow, Late Capt. 12th Pa. Cavalry, Ike/1130X A. 0181.114 ' WM. A. Mrcemarox, Market street below Third, South side, up au9-Iw* stairs. • Recruits Wanted for the Bail) , Guards. Term of Service, One Year. Highest 'Bounties - Paid. A few more men are wanted. The officers are men of experience. Call at the recruiting rendezvous, White Hall Hotel. Capt. JOHN T. MORGAN, aulo-tf Ist Lieut. W. 0. SMITH. Lochiel Greys One Years Service. A few more men wanted to fill up this or ganization. $3BO local -bounty. paid, $lOO Government, making $4BO bounty. Men will go to camp and draw uniforms as soon as mustered in. Rally men, and avoid the com ing draft. Headquarters, Walnut street be tween Third and Fourth streets, Harrisburg, FL W. A. DEAN ! Capt. Lieuts. Theodore G. Thomas, Ed. G. De beck, Recruiting °facers. au9-tf One Year's Service: Verbeke Guardsi This Company, now in CAmp Curtin; hilly uniformed and iquiPPed, is nearly lull. A feW more good volunteers wanted, to whom we will guarantee the, very highest cash boun ties to be had anywhere, however high'. they may be. Call at_the WALNUT STREET EX CHANGE BUILDING (lower room) and hear extra inducements, that no officer can'exoeL The Captain pledges himself to, look aftei the comfort and well-being of his men at all haz anis. Come on soon, for we are rapidly filling. G. WASHINGTON FENN, Captain. Mess T. eon, Recruiting Officer. Fon Satz—An elegant building lot, sitiat ed on Third street above North, 21 feet trout by 131 feet in depth, running to a2O feet wide alley. For particulars enquire at au9-dtf • THIS OFFICE. • SPECIAL NOTICES. “A Slight Cold.” Coughs. Few are aware of the importance of checking s Cough or "surer corm" in its first stage; that which in the be ginning would yield to.a mild remedy, if neglected, soon attacks the lune. "Bret/nes .Brondtial Frocks' , give sure and almost Immediate relief Military Officers and Soldiers should have then, as they can be carried sn the pocket and taken as occasion requires. eugl9-stawlm Military lhamilness Attliiidrt TO. . . Bounty, Pension, Back ma t e 'ma:AM/al and War Claims, generally, eat an. 4. collected, Per sons residing at a Marano) min thalr tinSness tau sated by nail, by sddmming ZUGENBBNYBIB, Attorney•nt,Law, ,Third "Week ,Barriabara Ps COLOrAVZ'S HONEY'' SOAP. Mt Oelobrated - Tollet Soap, in snob tudasmai da mend, is made nom the choicest materials,, in nand and ea nothent in nature, Ireampantly oriented, and atvemety beneficial in its action upon the skit, .par b a le bye Druggida ret‘ibuorlikrah peelers , . ilu!* *l44r27 , _ P1311.111=,:iilialll'ilAll /' l " .. -41BE - Taost healthy persons , el. ,'",,_ less jk .misak M 44 S me warm weatA' ,-, 7 it air Petite. Thas need' a good l initeat. - , , l ir in t t strengthene Datong By_ aidan4ll„ -- t h ey t in ran get at 50 oentsPer hit - '., L _ AI" . 27, .9outti Pine street, Harrisburg. - Orders from . at ce promptly attended to. 1 - DO YOU WISH TO DE CURIAD I DR. BUCHAN'S &NHL= SPSCIPIC PILL S cure, In lean than 30 days, the worst cases of DEROUSNLSS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Semilial Wetilttiesa, Haan ity, and all Urinary, Sexual and Bayou Offectionti, no matter from what cause produced, Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-paid, by mall, on - reckipt-of an 'Order. One Box will perfect the cure in most cases. Addreiss • . JA11.6841. HUTILIPA: 1910 d~N3ai General Agent, 429,111ney, N. Y. A WORD TO THE WISE; There is no need of any'person laving the-Dysentery tbr one day. All I ask of. the:public into trYiall Dysen tery Drops only 25 cents a bottle. It la very pleasant to t ake ; can be given to a child of any age with g "mat confi dant*. It has cured very bad eases,. and - also Of long standing. It is indeed worth trying. Prepared And gold o my by Mrs. I. Ball , South Flue street, Iliniraborg. , jy2s.dtf ‘I„ELLING of Somme Goods at IoW aeon as Summer Dress Goods, Lawns, gun v m bren ag , Lice . Shawls, end Summer Shawl& Iftr -hatro'aini on h bo a nio nd. , a l v aln iar ger " Htuinke still iterielh or S l HVlMl4lkn edng : White Cambric% Undressed French Wolk' `and Colored Rune% end Infittakateortmens arda_nnodi not ountaseed by ony. TO ait of which we In t hose who wish to pareheoe, promise to lOU al Prices tban we can Jos** Um for apar. Ai elf dry sodirois eginigginenti day, new le tbi AU TS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL. RETURN OF THE FAVORITES. RETURN OF THE FAVORITES. Ronan Star Combination Company, Itonse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Will re-open at the above Hall ON MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 15th First appearance of the yoting and talented Tragic Star Miss FANNY PRICE. • Miss FANNY PRICE Miss FANNY PRICE Miss FANNY PRICE First appearance of the great Tragedian Mr. D. HANCRETT. Mr. D. HAI. ICHETT. Mr. D. HA.NCH.E.T.T Also the first appe-araneo of the very popular young actor Mr. W. H. MEEKER. Mr. W. H. MEEKER. icY•For further particulars see programme aug94ltf SANFORD'S HALL. THIRD WEEK OF THE CONTINENTAL COMBINATION COMPANY, ON MONDAY. JULY 25, 1864. THIS company consists of the best Etar per 1. formers, consisting. of SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, &C. The manager takes pleasure in announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietors. BILLY PORTER, Business Agent. .W.28-d2t CAISI4kAZIEgTIECY WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. Proprietor J H. DONNELL Surdnerst Am& • JOE MILLER Stage Manager . ANDY WILLIAMS Leader of Orchester ' FURRY MEaTAYER Treaeurer. . ... ....J. 0. HIDLER OPEN every'night Tiitt:a first-iitass coin pany ortrude and female artistes. The perform ance embraces every variety of legitimate amusement, such as SINGING, MURLCALFARCES, DANCING, CORSO MBAS, PANTOMIMES, NEGRO CODICALITIE BURLESQUES, AND JESTS. Athrtisslon, 25 cents. Seats to private boxes 60 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o'clock. jylBdtt w Jtxts. Wanted, A"LIEUTENANT with a few men. For further particulars inquire of Capt. Dean. °facet Walnut street, between Third and Fourth streets, where he highest local bounty is paid to volunteers. augl2•tf WANTED:- . J-To let a room in a business . location. not Piirticular ntat kind of room, either fait or second story;, Apply it: lain:tem , Hotel, Harris augl2 u 2t* 43K CARPENTERS *anted immediately.— Apply to IL la. ROLLER, Rarrlsburr,. Good Wages Will be paid. aigi2-iftw, WANTED, FOE a country hotel, a good white Female COOK. Also a good Chamlermaid. Good wages will be paid. Must come well recommended. Apply at aagludlw . ' • THIS ()FEICK IWANTED=An unfurnished or furnished Cottage, or part of a furnished or unfurnished House. For particulars enquire at augS-dtt THIS OFFICE. Wanted to Rent A. 11 .03a 0U1SE. 5 or 6: rooms for a p a id , i n advance "- Li .e(.4re6gatu3 at filial:Aloe. Bent monthly, required. auB•tf • - IvAartitn; APRACTICAL BAR-TENDER. Apply at the saloon under Hon's - Hotel. jy29-dtf WANTED, TO RENT—An unfurnished room, within live minutes walk of the pmt: of fice; Box 4110kPost • aug44ll WANTED—At $l5O per Month.—We want a reliable Canvasser in every county. We have agents making $l5O per month which we will prove to any doubting applicant, Address ' • • - - JONES BROS:* CO., :,13101.1ni - Baltimore, Md. MIDI VALUABLE MARKET STREET PROPERTY PUBLIC SALE. be sold at public vendee, on the THUgSDAY, 'AUGUST 18, 1884, at two o'clock In the afternoon, that Valuable Hotel. on the south side of Market street, Harrisburg, known as the . UNION HOUSE, being a THREE STORY, BRICK BIIIIDING, with a large THREE STORY BEICII. BACK BUILDING and EXTEN SIVE STABLING nu the rear, the lot being twenty-six feet three 'Alias Mitt on Market street, and extending bank two hundred and ten feet to Blackberry alley. Th. said valuable business stand lying between Third and Fourth streets, on Market street aforesaid, in the moot ceatral-and business part of the city, prr soots a I flue cbatice - to speculators rind web of enterprise in almost any kind of business. Possession will be given on the first of April next. Terms of payment will be made easy to snit purchasers Attendance will be given and conditions of sale made *Wen by. GEO. W. SCHROYER, W. W. GENTS; 'E B TIfO.IA , ON, J)27-wridaisat-Is ' 11. L. WarBROOL $3OO REWARD. follosiring United'States secnritidihave lost, viz: :1,000 73-10 Treasury Note, dated Oct. 1,1861, No. 2477 . 600 do do ,563 600 do do 1,369 600- .do •- do ' 1,379 . The abovollive on them the coupons: fronk Oct.l, 1,862, Inclusive. 4 $lOO 7 3-1 Treasury Note, dated Aug. 19, '6l, No, 64,064 UM ~ ;AO. • , do . 64 227 100 do do 64,228 100 do do 64,229 - • --- 100 . do - do 64,230 The latter five notes have on them the coupons from Feb. 19, 1863, inclusive. 1000 One Yea's. certificate of Indebtedness, due April 3, UN, No. 8.194 sir PAYMENT ON ALL T 21% ABOVE RAE BEEN ,EXISPPED at the UMW, States Treasury, and the holder thiin willnotfeceive payment. The above reward will be paid, on behalf of the person owning them, if left with J. W. WHIR, Cashier. Ranaisenno, July 29, 1804 .4.3waw2w FOR SALE. THgood will and fixtures of an old and well eatablishedg Restaurant. For farther particulars address [augli-dta J, W.F., Harrisburg, F. O. DRUM LA.-Fifty firkins fine kettle 1 rendered LAVA for sale by the firkin or pound, just eoefued at WM ; x.'l l . BOYER & /WEEPER. CHEESE.--4aboiC j i new crop Cheese, just received at wilt} BOYES & KOERPER. WONENEIA eitielsior hams, of this sea. um son% euring.:4iiit received and for Bale by *RIMER & FRAZER, Isola fitionefirro to Wm. Ronk. fr.. & - 500 2gal ° im u rw i t ic rj e s r coim=pg NEW HAG HERRING AND NAL MN at vr ROM & KOZRPga 11:31111 /10431—A fresh supply of liu te aunt Itssesior Bs= and Nod Neil i t 110 Ult it MO Propos:l,ls for Loan. TRZASURY DEPAIIMEENT, July 25, 1864. NOTICE is hereby given that subscriptions AA will be received by the Tyeakurer of the United States, the several Assistant Treasu reis and designated Depositariee, and by the National Banks designated and qualified as Depositaries and Financial Agents, for Trea sury Notes payable three years from August 15, 1864, bearing interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum, with semi-annual coupons attached, payable in lawful money. These notes will be convertible atthe option of the 'holder at miturity, into six per cent. gold bearing bonds, redeemable after five and payable twenty years from - August 15, 1867. . The Notes will be issued in denominations of fifty, one hundred, five hundred, one thou sand, and five thousand dollars, and will be issued in blank, or payable to order, as may be directed by the subscribers. All subscriptions must be for fifty dollars, or some multiple of fittydollars. Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits. The party depositing must endorse upon the original certificate the denomination of notes required, and whether they are to be issued in blank or payable to order. When so endorsed it must be left with the officer re ceiving the deposit, to be forwarded to this Department. The notes will be trrnsmitted to the owners free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the' original Certificates of De posit as they cao I e prepared. '- Interest will be allowed to August 15 on all deposits made rior to that date, and will be paid by the Department upon receipt of the original certificates. As the notes draw interest from Auoust l5, persons making deposits • subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent., which will be paid by this Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No de ductions for commissions must be made from the deposits. Officers receiving deposits will sea that the proper endorsements are made upon the original certificates. Mr. W. H. MEEKER All officers authorized to receive deposits are requested to give to applicants all desired information, and afford every facility for making subscriptions. W. P. FESSENDEN, Secretary of the Treasury. Off- All respectable banks and bankers throughout the country will doubtless afford facilities to subscribers. aul-d&w2w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GOVERNMENT SALES, &C. AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. • WAR DITiRTEROIT, CAVALRY litraxarr, OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, WAEOILIGTON, D. C., August 3, 1864. JILL be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the times and places named be. low. viz: Reading, Pennsylvania, Thursday, August 18, 1884. Altoona, Pennsylvania, Thursday, August 25, 1864. Le. b .non, Pennsylvania, Thursday, September 1, 1864. Hrrisburg, Penusylvanig, Thursday, September B, 1864. TWO HUNDRED (200) -Cavalry Home at each place. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the .Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. TERMS: CASH in United Slates Currency. • • JAMES A. ERilt au6.dt6B Lt. OoL and C. Q. IC Cavalry Bureau. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS:: HOSIERY, . • GLOVES, ' • • HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES' HAIR NETS, and "HEADDRESSES, FERFIJEIERY, TOILET. ARTICLES, • FRENCH LACE, and • • -•. - TISSUE VEILS, ETC., AT .ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. Everybody should call at cane, and snare great bar gains, at , . Mrs. MAYER 8, aug3 dtf No. 13 Market street. LIQUID RENNET. LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the most luscious oral] deserts for the table; the light. est and most grateful diet for invalids and children. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution; when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy of digestion, and supports, the system with the least possible excitement. When silll greater nutritive power isdesired, cream and sugar may be'added. A teaspoonful converts a quart of milk into -a, Arm - curd. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail 8. A. SUNKEL, . jele-tf . 118 Market street. Novic County, ss: present a resident of being duly - sworn, do depose and say that I was molted in 1863, in the county of ' , Pa., where I then resided, but that I moved from there in the month of ---, 18—, Intomaidi— first above named. I am a man, and by occupation a and hereby request that my enrollment may be changed to suit my present residence. bltire.—Thir above is adopted by the Board' of Enroll ment of the 14th District of Pennsylrani a as 'a ;tunable Toren of affidattrtO behltidaOrigiatifdicallblt 'to change the name on the enrollment, : lipts from one District or dub-District tole:tot/abr. 0. KAY CLEMENT, „CHAS; C. HAWN, B. T. CHARLTON. Board of Enrollment. jy29-1m SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY • -r AM happy to offer to the public a large and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR - GOLD PENS, manufactured by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give en tire satisfaction. PLEASE TRY 'ram ; 13011EFFER'8 BOOR STORE, Second street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg Pa. • ap23 VERY FINE, INDEED: TO our fine' and extensive stook of Photo graph Mrtme and Photograph Card Pictures, we have added a BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPE for the reception of card pichnim. They meat be seen and will be a d m i re d Mt-Photographers supPlled at the verylowest whole sale price, and their cam printed upon themfor sl23# • thousand, wholesale and retail. at ‘..BWIEFEIEWS BOOS. STORIL BEEF ToNt:iIIES.-kinci beef toupee, cured by J.B Alic4orter & Co.; d for sale by • L- -8111BLER & FRA.ZER,' - 101 ' : successors to W. Dock, Jr & Co. • W ALNIT.I ‘ C'8E A3134 t 112 4. FIIIIKETB. Forage wholesale at' !' • s • SHIM= & 71 t. aI I Rt 4 mYS ~, WWWWBOI)3.SO W. Deelc. Jr. & uIL new _ m p he just 7 ree,i r d - - smstork-y4w.11 6 ' . Suecasore & . -CYII3 tot. sale - oh the corner of Third and- Bread eteee e. toneeire ef-WIL O. Yetre.poEN. ' -" and ArrWliEw BUCK higazowskomiciTEß - titNiiipATEs. [tSl'44'~~~ AFL BOYER, of East Hanover tovraahip, • offers himself as a eartilidate for the once of Reg ister. If nominated and elected be pledges Airaselt to fulfil the duties of the 00103 with • fidelity ' -letos FOR REGISTER. GEORGE MARK, of South Hanover to3rn ship, offers himself as a candidate for thittogice of MOISTER, at Dauphin county. If elected; Ui. Mark pledges himself to perform the duties of said office With dimity: - seg d win . . CANDIDATE FOR. CONGRESS.' ' Damusarsta, PA., 'hum - 11, , THE u 1864. respectfully offershimelf to the Republicans of the 14th Congressional Dig. trict of Pennsylvania, composed of, toe counties of Dau phin, Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder, fin nomination by the eeCorsi county convention or the Bald District. ljelltdtal JOSIAH FOR RE etswma. RUDOLPH MILLER, of East Hanover township, offers himself as acandldate lbr the °ince cu Register. If nominated and elected he p edges him self to fulfil the duties of the office with fidelity. 1e25-d2wanatc* RPOLPH MILLER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. • COS TA It SR VERMIN ' EXTERMINATOR& EXTERIONATOREL "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS" EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S , " EXTERMINATORS: EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTER INATOME. ”C6STARIP , EXTERMINATOR*. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" KX.TERMINATOR4. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOR, EXTERMINATOWEi "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOn EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S"' EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. . IXTERMINATORS., , 4X6STARIS” EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMIN&TONS. "COSTAW EXTERMINATORS. FXTUMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTEitmINATORA EXTICRMINATORa "COSTAR'S"' EXTI , R3fINATOREL =fIMJENATORS. For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ante, Bed Bugs, Pleas, Moths in Pure, Woolens,. Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "15 years established in N. Y. City," "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die.' sr Sold by all Druggists everywhere girl I I BRWArts I I I of all worthless imitations„, sir" Costar's" Depot, No. 482 Broadway, a air mts. Bold by D. W. ORM l At retai Wholesale and And by all Druggists in Harrisburg, PajetlO:ciawlft GET OUT OF THE .11.11:21:FT One Year's Serviee: CAPT. MILES, AND LIEUT. LIGHTNER , HAVING received authority (the first is sued) to rain a company of volunteers for-ONE YEAR'S SERVICE, now offer rare inducements Wattle bodied men to enter the service. Apply. at Lthit COURT ROUSE, or at MILES' GROCERY STORE, on Ridge Road. jy27-dtf VALUABLE PROPERTY -FOR SALE. rpHE subscriber offers for sale a TeApable A, Tavern Stand, situate on the Lancaster turnpike, m the borough of Middletown, consisting of a large two•stury Brick Hotel, extensive stabling and all other necessary out.buildimpt. Also, two adjoining lots, having erected on each a two. story frame dwelling. For further particulars apply to the unde'rsiM a lthe the premisea SAMUEL DST je2l-tussat3m* . . FOR SALE, • " ATEN-HOESE power steam engine and boiler, steam pipes, water pipes, pumps and better complete; oscillating engine and cyl.nder boiler manafao. lured by Joel Weisman, patent improved oscillating en gine builder. May be seen at Canal shop; foot of Walnut street, Harrisburg. For terms, he, enquire at Canal office, Market street, near United States Hotel. HARRISBURG, July 23, 1861 SUBSTITUTES AND LOCAL CREDITS FURNISHED. TO , ARITES wanting Substitutes Can be sup- A. plied at best rates. Local credita furilthed and warranted. The public will Sad our Homo disposed to deal liberally with all 0. 0. ZIMMERMAN .* jy 19 lmo 121 Market Street,Miumshase,,Pa. Patriot and Union copy arid sena hill to that oMce. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of Assembl) , of - Pentistania, passed the that day otJane, 1839, theEtockbolde of the Franklin Beak of Washington, Penna., will apply to the next session at' the Legislature for a renewal of its'ehar ter, with an increase.of Its capital from' $150,000 to $200,000. C. M. REED, Pralittout, WAsersuros, PA, June 24, 1884. JERI' DESERTERS. $lO WILL be paid. for information of the whereabouts of any deserters from the U. S. savico. AU communications etricpf Our Wendel Add reks Box 13, Harrisburg, P. U. , aing4-dti ENGLESH BRRAR PAST TEL . = Jukit re . cawed, a fine chest of English Braikfasi Teo, at RIMER at .FlLanft4, - Wm. Pock. 41'.1 LEA PERINE'S WORCESTER sAncze, the most popular Lad the purest ever oared to the public, just received and for sale by SHISLF.B.4t : ntAZER, febt (tsucceseora to Wm. Dcbiti .Ir, az. Cu. CUT FLY PAP Kit. A NICE assortment of. Cut Paper fOr cell ings, lookius glasses, picture frames and gee pipes, SCHAFFERS•BOOK SWIM, flanisbuTa, PA. St my2o VRIIIT JARS, of the latest • Patent (Grif fin's Test Patent) just received and ibr sale raw at jylB BuYLR & KOHRPER. SAP SAGO, Eng li sh Dairy, Pine Apple, Ent Tsai; and New York State Mean, just feegiveli at SHISUR • FRADINR,r successors to W Dock, & Co. mys FOIL% IMS 1 PICKLES! 'Barrel, JL • Hair Barrel, Jar or Doza:334-8W.A2R44 (Successors tirWin Dock% Ir.tqk 0.0.) ECM 19000LBbnLT.D118Ab of the etc' And for sale by • BRISLRRA FRAZER, reol (24("1134m8t0 WmDeck, r. R Co.) Soldiers' Portfolios. A LARGE assortment at AIM SERSItalt'S CHEAPEWSOKSTOIth, marlB Bold at Wholtwale or retail at,low price& • OMAR% SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, of . .1l grades and prices, at SE:ISLES. & FRAM,: Successors to W. Deck, Jr, Dealers in Fine F . 1,1 . g Gro*ea, Irvss BF:gr and MESS PORK. A chow JAL article of Mess Beef and Pork at MUIR & FRAZER nit (successors to Wm Dock. jr.. & Cal PILED OYSTERS.--Extratine Baltimore Oysters, spleect,Just: bloated at JylB : ALL kb:* 011*k* :4447T7114,—°4?arta will be pramptlydowo bymehuu ou j'ACOF3 corner.of Sooonisgreet andM4pßotrimpio. CO C° trriTafsci • AP. 14Asinor lot of Rome.mada Soap Jost rePAIRKVII , sal , 6 161 , 1841E.1)411irai1 3 - VXTRA WAITE WELEA I I 4 vow-se :ma -lectse-White 'Wheat: Fem7l_llottr, lest received taxi for eals at •-- • ImmEnstligiVits., ancceseors,to wDocigt4r.aeo. cyitvavnasea-pure Vie gar A nn be boityd, by the lima or small quasVitr, at le SOUR ILOMEIte