paik &V* HARRISBURG, pA.;:. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST II ) 1864. NAT lONAL UNION TICKET. FOR rit"mrst ' Abraham Lincoln, or =proms. FOB vlor, PRESIDEiOr. - Andrew- , Union County Convention. The loyal citizens of Dauphin county: are invited to meet in County Convention, for the purpose of nominating candidates for leanly officers, at the Court House in the city of Harrisburg, on Tuesday, the sixlll day. of September, 1864, at 10i o'clock, A. M. Meetings for the election of delegates will , be held in the various townships of the, coun ty, at the usual places of holding said eleo .tions, between the hours of five and seven P. Ng and the several wards and boroughs be tween the tops of seven a n d bine p. M., ;on Saturday, September 3d, 1864. • T r ltOtaAs, Chairman Union County Committee. S. B. Cifirm, Secretary. • Bounty, Swindlers. We ledizn from the Lancaster Exp.& s that 'the city of Lancaster and some districts -in the'county, have paid large sums of inoney for purpose of paying bounties to enlisted men who credited themselves to their respect ive districts, that the proper credits were ob tained, but the soldier's Who were to receive , the money, for performing military duty have been outrageously swindled by car "tailf 'bounty, 'brokers. The Express states that the following facts can be proven, viz: "That I ieut. Barnes received about $87,- 000, which was. paid by different wards, bor ,ouglas and townships,a portion of which was from this county. or tnese men the credits promised were given. - - "That among the credits bins ,given were members of companies B and 0, 16th Y. B. 0., who. were not paid.. When 13arnes,was cornered about the matter, he said he had paid their money to 'Stuart A. Wylie, and, to justify himself, produced Wylie's receipt for $23,000, referring the officers of those compa nies to him for payment. "That Wylie has been "settling" with those veterans by paying them from $125 to. $175 each—some who refused ,these figures being still unpaid—while the taxpayers are charged with from $3OO to $320 eaoh for the credits. "It is also alleged, and believed in quErters well informed, that the intention was to pre fer charges against Lie% Barnes, but that a son of Col. Bamford, 'clerk in the Provost Marshal's office at Harrisburg, being interest ed with Barnes in the "profits,,"this' pro oeeding was stayed by some' mystelicius in fluence." this Lieut. Barnes was for some time past a prominent 'official" in,the office of the Pro vost Marshal tltneral, under Lieut. Col. Bamford, and we referred frequently to the zastrty•complaints made against that . office. it was notoriously proclaimed that none but those who _were _in the _g!ring'' °mad, *Fano sot any business with promptness through that office. Whether Col. Bomford's son had any interest in these fraudulent transactions we are linable to say, and we , refer our reaoers to the closing paragraph of the article in the Etzpress on that subject. It reads this: "Since our last article,'we learn, to our • sitrptise, that when the bounty money from this city Was paid at Harrisburg, neither the 'Treasurer nor the Committee saw the men 'for vitLora,it was paid. It Was paid to certain l'agehts," who were "endorsed" by Col. Bam ford. This fact may throw some light upon the suppression of proceedings against Lieut. Barnes, for the reasons alleged—tbo loom plicity of yetung Bomford, Sze." If Col.,Bmliford really proyentedhivestiga tion, let it be done now, -since he is removed froth O&M. We' have no doubt that Major rkkdge, thii, present ineumbent, - wilLeheerfully have the matter investigated, and' we ,yticoPe that it may be done without delay. Whilst on this subject we would respect fnlly call the attention of Major Dodge to the notorious conduct of several bounty brokers, who arts Constantly robbing the men who en list in the service of the United States. It is a notorions fact .that dishicts, •counties and private individuals pay from $2OO to 5900 bounty for substitutes and credits to men who enter the service, and - yet, the men who actu- Ally enlist with an honest intention to „serve the Government faithfully, scarcely receive oNE-Rhirm THE suer PAID. Some of these very men who, ate engaged as bounty brokers in this city to-day, are men' who have been dis graeettillydischafged.from the United States service, and are now doing•everything to M- I jtire the Government by al . & euslion,est:con duct; others have been banished from this city before for swimeldis,ted pierl, and we hope that Maj. tiOdge,Ai e.. military coM mandeiof the post, will - zAt tiderate them in this department any longer. Let him follow -sthh examPle 'set by Major General Butler, and twerOiall furnish many good and substantial men to replenish the ommy. Let this done At ones. , • l'as item bt tr iintr OmmiLus.-,The ages p? some of nim: generals is given as follOws : den. Dirt is the oldestmliployed general now pro:. minently bider° the public. He was born in New Hampshire in AM; limiter was horn in Washington in :no; .ilWelernavlla in Ken t nelty in 1812; mciafle '24.kBpaini4-American Puente, in 1816;• Canby in lientneltrin 1817; Butler in Now - Ilampahii*4Bl.B;" HOoker , r Maraotivei4s il41819; Sher nw ii Ol io in 1824 Grant ,in ~Ohio, in 1822; FranklM in Renzsybanis itt AO; Suncook in , - the sania, stattobigggiOrait . rtaide in •Indlaua in 182 Ai' Sigel in Geiniatiytiii 1824; and Slocum in New York in 1827. Tna(Cops are Weekit Vow =the ilzegt the ld'eleiraliiiikainkheld in New ;cork eity.:,Wo don't ' r tF blow abonelf Itweguaig moctiag t .l74. be twoolleoted tbalPpiLtattorlßriettrldg‘, 1,1.i40e s!,te ara had a majority of forty thousand in New York city at the last Presidential election, and no one doubts but what Jeff Davis would receive more k , - votes there than Abraham Lincoln would}` New York city is a nest of traitors, and not nktolito brag on, and will do kt'Clel lan no gotid. Slight Mittudation for Hqpe. A Southern paper has the following The'happiest augury of peace which the telegraph wires have flashed, to us for two years, as the Action of the Democratic Con ventions of Kentucky, Ohio and Illinois. They:have sent delegatesio the Natiohal Con ventiou; with instructions ,to vote for a Peace Platforin framed upon the principles of Long's Nxecti;-= At last, then, the banner of truth is being lifted over ths.ltesds of a people who have been staggering in passion, blood and darkness for three 'years. Drowning men,. it is said, will catch at straws, and we think the condition of Rebel dout must' be deepeiste if it expects anything from the action of the Chicago Convention. The operations of, a score of such gatherings can never inaugurate peace in this country upon the policy suggested by Mr. Long. The general Government has gone sufficiently into this war to now continue it until nut an armed rebel is left in the land. No proposition looking to any other end would be entertained by the loyal citizens of the United States. They have expended their treasure and spilled their blood to the accoinplishinent of this end, and having grown earnest in the work; they do not look back over the terrible field.of carnage occasioned by rebellious attempts against the Government. The only "banner" they know is the flag of our country, and that must and will float undisputed from the , lakes to the - gulf. ' 'PRE PRICE OF PArEn----Shall _Extortion Con tinueP—The Bellows Falls Times thinks that there is no necessity for the present high price of printing, paper, and says that some of the papers in the northern part of the State have suggested that the newspaper publishers in that State should combine and own or build mills of their own. It says further, if this matter had been seriously put forth only a few weeks ago,u mill.could have been secured, at a very reaionable price and on easy terms, and paper could have been obtained at a cost of less.than 16 cents per pound, which is 14 cents less than is now being asked, for it. num recent circular issued by the War Department, many persons erroneously sup posed that the As,istant Provost Marshal General has anthority to egalize the men fur nished by tlfe sul.?'-districts since the com mencement of the war. He cannot go back . of the settlement made between the State and General Government on the 24th of October, 1863. ORDER IN RELATION TO TR/ AD3I7B:FiIENT OF Caincrrs. —The following circular has been issued by the A. A. Provost Marshal Generid: Circular No. 91.-District Provost Marshals are hereby informed that by'order of the Sec retary of War, Col. Lemuel Todd, of Carlisle, Pa., and myself have been appointed a com mission to ascertain what credits the State of Pennsylvania and the different sub-districts of the State are entitled to under section Bth of the Act approval :To 4th, 1864, further to regulate and provide for the enrolling and calling out of the national forces, and for other purposes. Hereafter all matters relating to the adjust meet of credits 'under this section will be ad dressed to the aforesaid ecimmission, in care of this office. R; I. DODGE, Capt. Eighth 11. S. Inf. and A. A. P. M. Get: The foll Owing is the section referred to 'in the above order : "Sze. B.—All persons in the naval service of the United States, who have entered said service during the present rebellion, who have not been credited to the quota of any town, district, ward or. State, by reason of their being in said service, and not enrolled prior. to. February 4, :1854, shall, on satisfactory proof 'of .their residence, made to the Secretary of War, be enrolled: and cred ited to the quotas of the town, ward, district or State in which they respectively reside." I'ENNSYLYANIA :I,EGISLATITItE. REPORT/9 EMPBFAISLY POE THE TELEGRAPH. =II --- SENATE • • I' Saxuanar,- August 13, 1864. The Senate convened at 10 o'clock, A. IL, Mr. 'Speaker PENNEY in the chair, The Journal of yesterday was read. risammox. • Mr. LAMBERTON presented the petition of the citizens of Union township. Jefferson county, praying for the repeal o! the general bounty law. Referred to the Committee• on the Ju diciary. • NON-ACTT MDANCE OF NEBECt.F,BS Mr. 'LOWRY. Ido not feel like urging the militia bill et a time when there are only sev enteen Senators In their seats. Is there no Mode, Mr. Speaker, •by which we can eompel the attendance of a larger number? I move that the roll be called:1; The Clerk called the ioll, when the follow ing Senators answered to •their names : Messrs. Chainpneys,!' Clymer, Fleming, Glatz, Graham, Hoge, Hopkins, Householder, Lumberton, Lowry, 11'°endless, • Montgom ery, Stark, Twrell, Wilson, Worthington and Penney, Speaker-47, .• 'Mr. TURRELL. I would state; Mr. Speaker,`, that so far as Mr. Comma, is concerned, he is ill; and unable to bp presehtt•; He was here yesterday morning, and was unable to leay s e his room. • AILT9IIIINMENT one. rtt WORTHINGTON.I.Move that When the Senate adjourns it adjourns to Meet on Monday afteinoon,, et. 4 o'clock:' • Mr. GRAHAM inciied - to amend by making it 8i o'clock in the evening. Mr. LO •Make it in the morning. Mr...FORT.taNGypN. It is very evident that weihottld rTChave a quorum on Monday morning. It will not be:our fault. • Mr. CLYMER. believe that the Senate will consult its own interests by adjourning till the hour indicated ,in the resolution, be •eettSe I do not believe Wit we will have a quo . ram obber.littthe mortilliger in the afternoon. We , certainly au_ transact any business we 4141. have on _ Monday .as wellet .8,1 o'clock. in the evening as. at 3 or 4 ArklPok,in the 1 04. Peen• • . • Witha good more osoinfottc • • r -r- - • the amend.. ltienit Of Mrt 0 13 4114*. : • Thio:Z4oo9_ n asSJusW„ t'. 9 ) am; 4 3 4 , 1n0ti0n, tlit Seats • 5 Atmatyl. - -5., 1 . : • 3t) . ..,Efellt.: 1 - ' . :' ..!' : , - „. ., .. ..-..:"..z,.....' ..:...-....,.• :.7..,--': . _ FROM ADMIRAL FARIMIt THE ATTACK ON MOBILlii? FORT POWELL EVACUATED BY THE BrBiLT The4enitor Tecumseh Blown lip by a Ivrptdo: THE UNION FLEET IN MOBILE' :,BAY The Goverrimenthis - received official tele graphic advices . from Dauphin's Lsland, Mo bile harbor,. up i tio :the 6th inst.. The only point of interest or importance contained in addition to what was previously known through rebel sources is, that the monitor Te cumseh was sunk by a torpedo, instead:of the guns of Fort Morgan, which is more satisfac tory to the friends and advocates tf the M‘oni tors than if she had gone &Own under the fire of the fort. ' • Mrs. Gen. Banks, who arrived here yester day on the steamship Evening Star, from New Orleans, received ..the, following dispatch at Southwest Pass from the General: OFF/CE•U. S. litrarAmt Trasonein ) Wka DzranTranwr, • NEW Oramms, Most 6, 1864. I Mrs. N. P., Banks, on SteamshitC Eybriing Star: The following dispatch has just been re ceived from Fort Pike: - t` - i f The stmimerClyde passed'hosre - thi Thorn hrg from theiffeee. She , reportiitW ttaeen• Onbciats andiliree Mainitora.lA.W.' hit lorts at. Mobile yesterday at Ba. It. One Monitor was blown up opposite the forts by - a-toxpedo. The rebel ram Tennessee was caPturCa.--, Admiral ,Buchanan lost a leg in the fight.— This gives us possession. I Other 'particulars. ' N. P. BANKS.' Major General Commanding. DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF, U. S. Mrnsrnv TELEGRAPH OFFICE, 'SOUTHWEST Pass, August 6;1864 The fleet under Admiral Farrigut passed the forts at the entrance of Mobile Bay, at eight o'clock•on the morning. of the•sth inst.` , The •Monitor Tecumseh was blown:1210)y a rebel toipedb. No other vessel_ was lost. The rebel ram. Tennessee'imirendered - after an obstinate resistance. - A :_if Admiral Buchanan lost a leg.-in=the action and is now a prisoner. ,•r : The land forces, under Major General Gran, ger, invested Fort Gaines, and with the light batteries opened upon the fort simultaneously with the passage. of the ,, forts by th& ileet, taking the water batteries in • the !rein and silencing them. Onr loss is not reported.% • Fort. Powell, in Mobile Bay-, was blown up and evacuated by the rebels. :- • NEW Onrzos, Ang. , OKBEIS FOIL THE ATTACK ON NW:WM= On Wednesday last orders Werei;promrd gated to the fleet off Mobile by Admiral. Far ragnt, that the attack on the forts would place at three o'clock the following innining. This is reliable. Up to this writing, nothing fUrther has arr'. rived, though official dispatches are eipeeted from the Admiral to-day. - • THE ONION IYILITABY . 7.Op,CES , 'OCCUPY DiOnis The attack on the farts commeh4d yeaterl> day morning.. Oar military forcesi zkolr , ° o ' eupy Dauphin Island, N&W 'OBIiANS 5 Aug* 6. naive rams 'pm momiar, Eft.EDITIOWI_ The steamer J. M. Brown arrived last even ing, having landed Dauphin Island, on one extremity of which Fort Gaines istsit uated. •When the J. M. Brown left, the gun: boats Were shelling the woods on the island. At six o'clock yesterday morning Admiral Fauna had not commenced operations against the forts at the "entrance to Mobile. Bay. Somaof our Monitors were lying within a mile of Fort Morgan. FROM GEN. SHERMAN. OCCUPATION Op' WINCHESTER BY orn TROOPS,: , : THE BEBELS,RAI 4 IDLY .R.ETI?-.EA'thr'G A_ Battle Expected at Stcao:tittrg Wrnion.F.Armi, VA., .Aug. _ The last of Early's rebel folced left here, yesterday morning about, ten o'clock. His train was over three•milesiong. Oar cavalry charged into the town'yesterday,as the rebel rear guard went out. Early established his headquarters last night at Newtown. Yesterday morning there was heavy skir mishing between oar forces and a portion of the rebels on the Milford and Front Royal, roads, at a point about two • miles. front this place. We drove the rebels. 171!1!1!E=2111!!!!!!I Early is well protecting his fropt'und rear,'; and making up the valley as fast •inii ever he can go. I 0111171ot leath that he expects to b: materially reinforced;:' His Orsiliis very heav ily loaded. Early will make a stand at Strasburfif Ie must ; but heis,tiiingihird where the valley is,narrower. Everything is very quiet here to-day. There are no rebel forces between here and Martins burg and Ifageratowiverkd the road - Amyl/ere to the above named places is - - , +APO I • ltelhel Guerrillas, at tack a S. Same. BALTIMORE. Aug. 13. While the U4ite'cl. States _steamer Of the revenue seivioe, CNA. Thos. M. pr m ..; gaii; was in Great Wicommo lberhuid county; yoSterday plirprihe of taking ff the farcilY'ilt atifilges. who were represented Starving'condition, oith'cifleriLativrati tacked b y a large paitYof ktIAI4O.I:I,'M shore armed with rifles. . -. The Reliance Opened' on theta" . ":o4th - shell small arms, irCtfiels:ipe. thenk froth the= woods. After a few :r4ands;e gad, lant Captain Dungan fell, mortally wesinded; and died in an hour. The'Vaptaiii r of the ph - rot gun, Thomas RobeitCWas alsoliverelk' wounded. Firing was lterit TIP until ticViehfli were si lanced, but not Ittiving itiffieiVnt force land] the Reliance' wad compelled to 'turn ticiwn the river with - the lairtiltorenoat's crew conwa - M i , G. Ayers' and :fetir'"coltitedl , tlien. The; _body of Captain Dungan arrived here to-dap. Tax on - cottosraina - vrabaireayilfWili g i s t, I=l - . '' • ::*•-• - gr. T , ofase Mietut4 14 • Gen. Payne has levied a tax of one arsl twenty"-five-dollankon eaohibe 4 4 etitot Ist !, and twenty-five percent . aoksalcierscon r fir hogshead of tobacco:oE diato394l4els:ator '' Ailut4l#43f4ke fates ok2olitiotimionagd r,, edEniiinrsaiin.r . ,j4:is'expixtbst thatakiiir Fill, Itiellt (hie", imireillimukaddellats WI , •tit WM* Ili ili'Visix t Is: :f.iW Oiltln I,tir ; 0 ai-Ota s, • NVAstmwrcii; August 12, 1804:=--- ..... q...---. _~l FROM GENERAL GRANT. Alllrt or run PoromAc, Ang. 10 Tin NEWS FROM MOBILE. Thero.was grgtt rdoioing among the troops upon theFcomAlflaliOnof the news from 111. o; bite co the lf44hitienik papers of to .day todie effeec tkat Fort Powell had.been de iftzeilaturFatt withtfty rano, six MlD, , ftilprisoners and six months' provisions, bit&ia captured by our naval fleet. PICKET FIRING. EMI ieket &mg is continually kept up along the bres,tworks in our front. nts COURT or mural% — The . Oirdifiirriiquiry - in relation to the un- SACCessfill assiiiit otf Peterstarg convened againlo-day. - Afteithe reading of the record, Generilk - ~eltlencefilicrosa4fcamirted, General Burp§Adeproceeded to give, in a somewhat extended narrative, a history of what he, of, the facts and circumstances concerning the assatilti General Bnrnside's testimony was intended to show that he and his infboidiniire con:inlanders, both - by obey- I ing the orders received from the headquarters of the tinny and in every other way, endeav ored to assure the success of the affair. The court continuesths examination from day to ;I',llie Guerrillas. .OPER.ITIQMi, THE Gi/Eirtti.t.4 .4.T TikANDEN- EMI • Abodt daylight yesterday morning twenty guerrillas, under Dapaster, entered Branden burg; and were driven out by five of the hone •guard, 'armed with - double barrelled shot grins. The guerrillas then sent in the following note: HEADQUARTERS OF TKE ITH KENTUCKY C.I.VALBY. EtOXE , GUk,KE —We demand an immediate ,surrender of the town, and if there is a shot „fired at Us. froM.any peisOn in the town, we will burn" the place i ond shoot every citizen i*ho is caught bearingftrins.. Captain DUPASTER, Captain 13RYA.Wr, Coraulancling,'. 'the Confederate forces in 310 , 4 e COLinty;, Ky ' Thit.'Hothe Goord ,efused." to comply with the demand, and prepared to defend the As tfullimail boat passed up the river, about sunset, firing WAS heard, and it was supposed .that an, engagemerit was progressing. Furtherparticularw of the affair are not ob tainable to-night: • • Sixty , guerrillas passed through Grayharn town, Mead county; yesterday. morning, with a detachment• of thirty Unio'n troops, under Oct, Oarr f in pursuit of 'them. Last night Aliirtyy.. guerrillas robbed the stores of Idesidin , TAAlone and Langrun, in this county. 9 1.1.91,•„, • • , ,• . The remains of. General Greathouse, recent ly Colonel.oVith 4811 Illinois, passed here for heme this ravening.. - .War Gazette. 'ASSIG., TO COMMANDS IN SHMISIAN I S . , . - WAR Drielwrarkwi, Atter GSN's OFFICE, Wesm:Norok, 'July 30. 1864. ' GENDIIIE Oattas No. 238; ! • The following assignments are hereby made 1--fajar - G"esacral O. Q. Howard, to the army aiid Pepiatnkent of the Tennessee. lt,,,lklajor General. W. Slocum, to the command of the-Twentieth army corps, vice Major General Hooker, who is relieved at his ..own request.: 111:-4:fajor;Gertii:fal D. S. St ii pley, to t,he coranmand of,AfteL;Rourth'. arm,* corps, .vice Major Generlil *Ward, transferred to the army and. Dey4;tment of the Tennessee. oreerp ‘ f,„ ; THE PRESIDENT. R,,D.TiSenTstrifi,Assiitant Adjutant General. Vie CieWs of the Burned Vessels. • - F0.11,T HAMMTON, Aug. 13. ..The steam tug Stephen E. Babcock, Capt. `Edward Belly, has just passed.hare with three of the crew of,the schoooner Come Estelle, ;of BOston, whisk was burned at sea by 'the Tallahassee, land five of the crew of the bark ay Stateralso burned. They were taken :from theikhonner Carroll in the lower bay. They report having been 'captured (mills the 11th inst.,Clzr lat. 30-19, 'long. 72 27. The _schooner Carroll is now coming up :the lowerbm. .1 • Asireilt Cosigrristunau 'Mall, of Missouri. 'Br: Aug. 12. A letter to the'Vemocrar, fronti Keno°, says Congressman Hall was arrested there on Wed nesday, for.. using -the, following language at the railic;a4l6iSot: "I held'President Lincoln to„ he ay.rai e h iii snemy to this Government as iTeff. Davis.-1'.,•41911 arrived here under guard this evening. '' • • - Ititilwiray-Aeetatist at Perryville,' dfld. Baranicina, August 12. A 'dispatch, from:Havre. de Graee , says: Nine freight'cars;ifffineto the neglect of the brake 'lrian to dirt on, the brakes, ran overboard from the steamer 'liar/land. to-day at Perryvilla, bile soldier- wasArowned. There •will be no 'detention of passenger trains. " MARRIED by Rev, Z..S. Join:Glory, Zr. N. R. 114LTS,f4Na.shipstq4City,to.h43/larsix .S. KELLER, aaug4iter.of.,thii jat9 WilSatn KeSer,of Harrisburg. * , Vir ,AI]•VpRTINEmTs. - - Jri• Wanted 4McIEEVIT ,or a girl to do general LouseOrg 'Et.'` all family. gust cuing good reooromenditlons. let will hear of a good placo,by inquiring at (aul3-dtf) THIS Orion r: FA/Ma L-134.0:133, —SHISLER . a; I. FRAZER have made arrangemeMs with one of the best mills in the country to - supply toe families of HarriS. burg ;svitli etioice FLOUR. ' ',Every , barrel warranted, ant! dultt - 41,1d - any part of:the titylpeo of charge. ' ERISLEF. ag FRAzat, Dealers in Flu „rfunily Groceries, opposite the Cdurt aul3 PUBLIC SALE: • UTILL be sold, at public sale, on WEDNES DAY monxiiisezzitb Aust. ; at niat4et, two match CAWAGE //084EEmows ilver z motintW. HARNESS and a ROCKAWA Y IJAREMONi i . lajzo.:iold without ,Terve. -401 e to continence:at? contcost, • • • 1.• • -014.61E1?. W. SPPIVER; .)j.AAR • tAO3-3t. IMVAtta, FOR EQUDITY V.I.RIigKE &TIARAS AZTE:ArTIOAr.! ~ plautri, company are ' all or; der report' at Cat9;,Dulttri „princtuaiii by nlxt," W.ednalay, Ilfixh.Auguar,Fat 9 :o'clock. A. /if -their doacrktionsofill,ba placed in Uttii,"batids diStoctiVes for - sirreat, as, ifetertere., , T,he egnpajor.y,viil then be' KIIS XEREp FOR ITi3 DOVIITY. leives of absence ea j ntling over that time are her ;by tprok "Bp order of .C pA G.' WASEDKOTON PENN!, ,D. IL Horataa, Acting u. • . • . Aott. c)9l , r l 4ltkits, ,c;1 , „ 9 .-t. IIIO . 4OII ag gI aiLIZIEWPIShIP ::1 ty l kir e ithi .! __,.. t v' ' Adianee 4 lintikertowataiiik: .. ;Jo id*: litonit4y, .;ke e , prp,e's of Rat vioe as fairs*s:: ,:. ~. 14 - i• in _ .. tfett,i • ' ito x, l 4g, . was per 2 iciL , ~.,, . [a ts:l 2 •., • ~ itiLif il• rAier• -' . OYStr4.:-Nrkitti*Clabi* . • - 84M6,014 WariA t 43 iffiCsPillt !lild .., the - Olen 9T bahatt, , •-•: -, . •, .. i • -1 :-...1,.1 ,- li ritANlf u m!. a .;.,),•••, ,, 4,1 ,- j '' . .4:4 - L-1 . • ~../JJ ,-- 3 . 14. ;,,,W •,-,r,.. /1,- BURG, KIC 1 4 9rusviaa . August 11 *Milli Di RI 080 Wit 111 HEADQUARTERS ron DRAFTED MEN, SUBSTITUTES, AND VOLUNTEERS, • AT 115 South Seventh St., Second floor, .Room No. 10. pa- Drafted Men from the City or any part of the State will be furnished with Substitutes at short notice, and on liberal terms. Air Men Enlisting, either as Substitutes or Volunteers, will receive the la. gest Boun les, which will , be paid to them in cash as soon as mustered in. Agents WE be liberally paid al this Ojlce. W. D. HAVENS. aul3-lf Philadelitta. PUBLIC SALE Household & Kitchen Furniture MBE subscriber will sell, at Public Sale, on 11 Monday next, at 10 o'clock, e, it., her entire lot of Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of Beds, Carpets, Stov( a, Tables, Two Mahogany Card Tables, Chairs, Book Cases, Books, One Large Copper Kettle, to gether with a large lot Of articles too numerous to mon 'on. Mrs. ANN MYERS, augl4•d2t* Corner of North and Third streets. THE BEST WAY AVOID THE - DRAFT - E Poi 14 Srr IN The New. Infantry Regiment! NOW FORMING FOR ONE YEAR'S SERVICE. $375t LOCAL BOUNTY! $lOO GOVERNMENT BOUNTY! SERVE with your friends and neighbors in a company of your own choice. Recruits will imme diately, upon enlistment, be must red into the U S. ser vice, and receive Subsistence and clothing. Recruiting office at the Court House, Harris burg, Pa. JOHN T. ENSIILNGER, Captain, Late Lieut. Co. "A S " 127th Begt , P. V. Wittimi J. ADAMS, Mustering °nicer. augl2-dtf BARGAINS I BARGAINS ! ! IN BOOTS AND SILOBS. SELLING OFF! - INTENDING to close in a very short time, I will sell all tuy well selected stock of Boots, Shoes aad Gaiters, at prices far below their present value. My stock was maao for retail, of the best material and workmanship. To those who apply early I will sellgreat bargains. L HESS, Na 12 Market Square, next to Fells's Confectionery. aul2-dtaug3l NOTICE TO SHIPPERS BY Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. TINT accordance with the provisions of the _L New Internal Revenue Law, all goods delivered at the 'above railroad tor shipment, must hwe a Two Cent Stamp affixed to the receipt demanded therefor, said stamp to be at the expense of the nipper. For alt receipts taken by the above Company, said stamps will be turnished and paid for by the Company. auglo-dtsep3o JOHN J. CLYDE, An. nt. DR AFT!! PBILADELPHIA GUARDS!? COL. A. A. LECOLER. UNTY 500 B vi O re only. LOD.Fmourq°ellreeiTmemed'slasteefy and'paid cash down $4OO. Come singly, or in squads. Any person brmgins 20 men will be commissioned a Second Lieutenant; 25 men a First Lieutenant; 40 men a Captain. The above will be executed to the letter. Apply to Col. A. A. LECHLER, angle Headquarters, 611 Chestnut at, Phila. 940 REWARD. STOLEN,, on the Bth irist., from the livery kJ stable of the subscribe; In Harrisburg, a ROAN MAKE, 9 years old. 10 hands high, small star on face, black mano and tall; whito mark on right bind pasture; shows the white of her eyes when working er moving her head; always paces when under the saddle. Also, a BUGGY, painted black, striped white, letter 8, on both side panels, leather cushion and top. Also, a sot of HARNESS. $4O 'reward will be paid for the return of the Mare, Bugey and Harness, or for such information as will lead to their recovery, and the arrest of the thief. atig9-filf F. K. SWARTZ. Steam Weekly to Liverpool. ToronDid at QIJEENSTOWN, (Cork Har bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York. and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to sail se follows: City of Manchester, Saturday, August 13; City of Bos ton, Saturday, August 20; City of Baltimore, Saturday, August 27, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. • RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLE DI GOLD, OR Gil XQUIVALICCT to ommrsoy. FIRST CABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE ........180 00 do to London 80 00 J do to London__ . 34 00 do to Paris 95 M e l do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg. 90 00 do to Hamburg— 37 00 Passengers also forward to Havre, Bremen:Botts: , dare,"Ahtworp, &c., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist (Min, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $35. Those who wish to send for their friends can bay tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company's Oince4 JOAN' G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y. or C. 0 ZIItMIRMAN. Harrisburg. titsaly Cavalry Horses Wanted. 4 AMMSTANT QtY.MPERMASTER'S OPPICM U S. .41,1 Hartamemia, PMNICA., dilly 26th, 1884. UNTIL further orders, one hundred and sixty-live (165) dollars per head will be paid for all Cairttlry- Horses, delivered at the Government stables at Harrisburg, FL Said horses to be sound in all particulars, not less than (5) fire nor more than (9) nine years old; from 14g to 16 hands high, Mil fleshed, compactly built, bridle wise and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. These ertificatirms tout be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced In every particular. Payrdent made on delivery of (7) seven horses or over. Hours of inspection from 8 A. s. to 6P. M. The de em* is urgent and an immediate response is solicited. • . E. C. REICHENBACH. jy26 dtf Capt. and deal Qr. Mr. Draft! Draftt! Draft!!! ALIENS and Persona under or over th&re quired age, who have been enrolled In this (14th) District, or any Other Didtriat in the State, can have their exemption papers made out at rates fixed by law, Now is the time to put in a substitute and avoid the draft Persons who are not liable to draft. and who wish to enter the army as sabstitntea, can obtain the highest pre- MOMI Business transacted by mail at legal rates, and cost of travel thereby avoided. "OM at once, or address by EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, 8d street, jy9-eod2mos. Harrisburg, Pa. PIANOS. ALBRECIIT, BEIER & SCHEIDT'S -EXCELSIOR PIANOS. . _ • BOLE AGENCY AT W. ENOCH - ES, MI Market street, Harriebtwg. TIOR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above moat excellent Planet The public Is invited to come and ex innee for thenwebien . A few Schomacker k Co'm Mance OR hand yet will be dud turns-t! PHOTOGRAPH" ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. .:. Photograph. Albums. .r Photograph Albums. •"' PhOtograph Albums. lirEMOst said cheapest variety of PEW :araniS In the aiky axe constantlv kep • Nmixf BICRONEW I SIWAP Boomon. W. BOOKS-TgE suoureinit LID DAYS OF SHODDY ;wit received it rdebll SOFErIIMS SOOKSTORD. Erna-lA/LELA', ,notra sad CORN lOU abvilYis ort luga, 'pf ibe beat qamlit at tylf 30T/11111 K 951111 ki AIMIii ;VM I*, KY CA PROVO:ft MARSPIAL'S 01170% 14th Manner, Psirstm,varna. ELARRIEBITSG, Aug 1, 1884 The Board of Enrollment OF this District is now engaged in revising and correcting the lists of persons enrolled as liable to do military duty, Persons who may he improperly on the roll on mount ALIENAGE NON-RESIDENCE. NNSUTTABLENESS OF AGE, MANIFEST PERMANENT PHYSICAL DISARM. ITT, or Minim SERVED TWO FEARS IN Me PRE. SENT WAR, should promptly APPEAR BREORE THE BOARD, prove the same and have their names striken from the Usk Any citizen who has a knowledge of any one having escaped enrollment, and who is liable to military duty, or of any one who has arrived at the age of twenty years since the enrollment of 1863, or or any. wherbmve declared their in tentions to become citizens, are earnestly Invited to com municate the information to the Board of Hatioflosent, that such persons may be placed on the lists. surit is the interest sod duty of ovary enrolled citizen to see that all who have been improperly OMITTED from the list should be added thereto a-It le the imperative duty of all eititens to see that persons drafted in any subdistrict, and falling to report, are ARRESTED and brought before the Board of Ea rollment. The sub-district is charged with the duty or furnishing its full polo. _ . JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Capt., Pro. Mar. and Pres't of Board. au24llm Winner's Perfect Guides TO TEES Use of Every Musical Instrument. ' Winner's Perfect Guide for the Violin, 60 oents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Flute, 60 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Guitar. 60 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Piano, 60 Cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Melodeon, 00 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Accordeon, 60 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Fife, 60 centa, Winner's Perfect Guide for the O'arionet, 80 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Flagolet, 60 cents. Winner's Flute and Piano Duet•, 60 cents. Winner's Violin and Piano Duets, 60 cents The instructions in these books are given in a manner adapted to the comprehension of all grades of scholars. The exercises Illustrating and enforcing the lessons ate not dry and tedious, but sprightly and enlivening, and the selection of music, varying from the simple to the diffi cult, comprises the most p pular melodies of the day. Oliver Ditson & Co.. Publishers, Boston. sold by J. E. Gould, Philadelphia. - aug2-dtc GOOD NEWS ! TO THE CITIZENS OF HARRISBURG, REDUCTION in the price of bread. The undersigned, Practical Baker, of the Sixth ward, Harrisburg, Broad street, b4ween Second and Third, re. spectrally informs the public that he will sell his Wheat Bp ad at the following rates, loaves as large as those of any oth, r baker in the city: Three ten cent loaves for 25 cents; six fur 50 cents; twelve for $l. Those wishing to patronize the understated wPI do well to call at his Bakery, or apply to his wagons and make their pur chases, as they will save 20 per cent. Families wishing to bake their own bread can obtain a GOOD TRASI', pre pared expressly for family use, every afternoon, at four o'clock, at nis bakery. Terms cash. augs-dtf JOHN ALCORN, Practical Baker. THE DAY & BUSHNELL MINING COMPANY 20 EXCHANGE &ACE, NEW TOSE. Wattention of the public is called to the antages °tiara by this company for Profitable Investment. The extent and value of ita GOLD MINES, coupled with its process for working them, make it the most desirable property over offered to the public. • Detailed information in regard to its extent and pros pects can be had at the office of the undersigned, agent o f the company, who will receive subscriptions to stock. JOHN W. BALL, est., Office Third street, near Walnut, Harrisburg, Pa. angtS•dimswlm • ATTENTIONS ATTENTION! WANTED, VOLUNTEERS FOR ONE YEAR! TO fill the quota of the SECOND WARD of the City of Harrisburg. Bounties will pe peed as follows: Ward bounty, Cash., Government bounty , Total bounty $3OO PAY PER MONTH, $l6. TERN OF SERVICE, ONE YEAR' ONLY! $lO will be paid to any person Varnishing , an acceptable .Recruit. Apply at Daniel Wagner's, Second Ward Ronde, Corner of Second and Chednut streets, to J. W. SIMONTON, PETER R. IP kYD. DANIEL E WILT, jy2s-d0 Recruiting Committee, Se Ward THE NEW BOOKS. STUMBLING BLOCKS, by Gail Ham ilton. Price $1 5 HAUNTED SEARTF, by the author of the Lamp lighter. $2 00 DARKNESS AND DAYLIHHT, by Mrs. Holmes. $1 50 IV. BARBARA'S HISTORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards 60 mate. THE BVA T,T, HOME OF ALINGTON, by TroHope. $1 26 SEVEN STORIES, by lk Marvel, author of "Reveries of a Bachelor." $1 50 VII SPEER'S JOURNAL of the Discovery of the sources of the Nile. $3 50 TM THE WOMAN IN BLACK, by author of "Man ill Gray." $1 60 EL NOTES OF HOSPITAL LIFE, Nov.'6l to Auves, $1 00 STORIES Or MIS SRL, for boys; from. Cooper's writings. i 4.00 STORIES OF THE WOOD, for boys; front Vanier's writings . - 0 00 • An new books received as soon as published* - BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, 51 Market street PRIVATE SALE. mItE subscriber offers, at private sale.. the foll Owing valuable property, situate in Susqltelianea township, Dauphin county, on the Jonestown road, about one and one-half miles from Harrisburg: A act of Yind, containing 6 acres, bounded by lands of James Colder, heirs of Gen. John Forster and others, thereon erected a large frame House, nearly new, and frame Barn, together with other necessary outbuildings. A well with never failing water in the basement of the house; also. a vari ety of choice fruit trees, consisting of apples, pears and cherries. Persons desirous of seeing the property will please call on the subscriber, residing on the premises. PETER IL SHAFFER: N. B.—lf the above property is not sold before the 3d of September next, It will be offered at public sale,ort that day, on the premises. suge-d2w PROVOST Mmettau.'n Orion, 14nt Durrxrcir, Haemostats, June 8 Eby rib DRAFTED M:RN.—I am j. Lieut. CoL .L V. limited, A. A. P General, by his No. 59, of Junt4,..1864,0 pub lish "That drafted men are not allowed 10 wham volim teere after being drafted; and that the maim for drafted men will remain for the sub-districts from which they ware drafted, no matter whether meat bounty has or has not been pold to such men, upon "Mega minatineakt.” JNO. KAY OLEMNITT, Jeft•dtf _ captain and rrounst Manikal, 14th Dbet..l'l. • - A RARE CHANCE FM - SPECULATION.' pow RALE. a*- OIREE THOI7SEND CAVALRY Radisisza4 T Minion rates es will give parties wislitlieto ilicapt a rare obanee to make money. The Sabres must he sold to satithrimPwid dams, Samples furnished and an war ranted equal to wimples. Forfall I=nm:daft address G. B: JUMPER, angB-11.0* P. 0. Box 87, Reading, Penna. M& BLA.OKWELL'S ENGLISH UZAK rare antrak tat table by rum, pat rap al i ve d Mx Edo MIL= hill IMMO le Dad= CNN CHAR C. HAWN; Commissioner o' the Board. a T CHARLTON, Surgeon of the Board. ALSO, $2OO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers