Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, August 13, 1864, Image 1

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111 POW :MD
' other
SINGLE stsscurnox,
LIATLY TiraGRAT7I is eerved to pobacrlbora tr. UK
city at 12 cents per week. Yearly.antecribers will be.
charged 36 00 in advance;,:'Mops pursonnwticr neglectto
pay in advance will be ctutrig4l $f ec k •
Tern Trisonerniatil; . plibiished weekly ,and 18 4 4tinie„hvi
subscribers at Utsfettewing one]. rates
Single copies, weekly..:
Three Copies to one Post Mee
Ten copies triune Post 911.1g0
THESE Bitters have performed more cures;
have and do give betteramisfaution; have move tea-
ILimoey ; have more respectable people to vouch foF them
than any other article in the market.
. Wei defy any, one to contradict this . assertion,,
.and will
'Pay rl,OOO to any ono that will produce a certificate pub
lished by us that is not genuine. portend's German Bit
ters, will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility,
Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising from a dis
ordered stomach. Observe the following symptoms, re
sulting from the disorders of the digestive organs; Con
stipation, inward Piles, DM:Less' of Blood to she head,
Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea,; Restaborn, Disgust for
Food, Fullness oriiaight in the Stemactiltr Eructations,
Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the Stoma:eh, Switninnig
of the head, Burned and daticult breathing, Fluttering at
the heart, Muking or *animating sensations when in a
lying posture, llimnoss of vision, Dots or webs before the
sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, Deficiency of pers
piration, Yellowness of the skin and eyes, kale iii the side,
back, chest, limbs, 6tc.., Sudden noshes of beat, Burning
in the flesh, Constant imaginations of evil, and greet 44
presigon of spirits.
Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic, contains no
rum or whisky, and cant make drunkards, but is the
best Willa in the world.
From - the Rev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist
Cllwoh, Pentbedet, N. J., roduerlY the North • Baptist
ChUrCh, Philadelphia.
•* *
I have known Hoofland's German Bitters favorably for
a number of years. I have nsed" my own Mmllyi
and have been so pleased with their effects that , I was in
duced to recommend them to many others, and knew that
they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. ; I
If o ke great pleasure in thus publicly -proclaiming this
and calling the attention or those - ittliOted with the
diseases for which they are recommended to these Mi
lers, ktiowinifmns experience that my recommendthien
will be Sustained. I. do this more cheerfully as • Hoof
hind's Bitters is intended to benefit the, aulictell., and is
"not a rum drink." Yours truly.
_ . . . .
From Rev. J. Newton Browm D. a, Editor of tha Kn
cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and ylgistiaa Chroni
cle, Philahelphis.
Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent
Mehicinea in general, through distrust of their ingredients
and effects, Ly'err icainv of no iwtholent reaEou..7 why a
man may not testily jo . the
popgAtajtelielievis himself to
itAvointeived from any simple preparation, In .the hope
that he may thus contribute, to the benent, of othcm. , .
Ide this the more middy in regard to BoolltiMPet Ger
man Mama,' Imam! by.Ori C. M. Jackson, of •this, , city
because I was prejudiced against them for many years,
ander the impression that they were chiefly an, alcoholic
t rtdatilte. lam indebted to my friend, Rolled, Shoema
ker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper .
-testa, and for encouragement to try them when Buttering
- from great and long continued nobility. The use of
three bottles of these Dittos at--the beginning of the
preeentiyear, was followed by
.elident relief and rester:e
ffort to a degree of bodily and mbntal rigor which I 'had
not forsix months isitore,•and had almost- despaired of
regaining. I therefore thauk.God and my friend for di
recting me to the use of them • , . •
J. NEWTON BROWN, i'hilada.
From Rev, Warren Randolph, Pastor of Baptist
Church; Germantown, Penn.
Mr. C. M. Jacksoui—lieor Sin—Personal experience
enables me to say tbat 1 regent the German Bitters, pre
parod_by you, as amostesrellent medicine. Incases of
severe cold and general debility I navirbeen greatly beim
fitted by the use of the Bitters and doubt Ma they will
produce similar effects on others.
Gormantown, !IN/.
Prom Hey. J. H. Thrust, Pdator of Hedding Sl. E
...111..C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—Having used your Ger
man' Bitters In my family frequently I am prepared to say
ato, has been of great, service. I believe that in most
pima of general debility of the system it is the safest mid
most valuable remedy of which I have any knowledge.
• • Yours, respectfully • J. R. IfUleallt,
E No. 726 N. Nineteenth street.
4 "Prom the Rev. J. IL Lyous, formerly Pasta" of the
~ .-cati.umbus (N. J.) and hideatown (Pa) Baptist Charnhas.
Nsw Rscassss, N. Y.
Dr. aM. Jadrifen:—Dear Sir:-1 feel it a pleaure thus,
of my own
It accord, to bear teeth:malty to the exmdienCe of r ietrian Bitters. Some years since being Much af
ed with Dyspepsia, I used them with very beneficial
resdAta I have often recommended them to pereotat en
!. 'Boebleklby that tormentiniathase, and have heard from
them the moat flattering testimonials as to thele great
Table. In OMB of general debßity, I , believe It to be
touted* cannot be antpaesed, J. LVONS, •
• •_.• . ! I
jejipia" the Rev Morass Wirderi;:l'astror Roxbortsh
% Ch*el/..,_
, r, Nit
iiiikactr,,- - Dear Sill—lfelt It due to YOUr ogf:0(-
lent. , Bootimid 'German Bitters, to
.athi • my tertimony to tbe dalexxed reputation .. it has obtau.o.l.;
havasoryeam,ltt times,l)aen troubled with urea , teAsordel•
My. head and nervous aiaaLD. I was attv"sed by a
Matta la iry a bottle of ,foox, erman - did soy • ~
have experienced groat mu/ unexpected r-• •
def; l,3 Y r ran
.liesteiea very materlaßY confidently
mO4 the article Where IL meet wit,•..L oases eimil retor.,
own,and have lbees . luau t k e ,„. goo , l
te. • .
A I •Y r urs i to
From Rev. s, H er : • . WL.VrEIt, thorough Pa.
Church, Kutztown. " Alan, of the German' Wormed
Dr. 0. M. Jack Actin county, Pa. ,
troubled w i t h . Win:—Respected Sir'-r- laave been
vor ap . ppepshr nearly . tweet r„ yearp,. am4l..bare
".• , .y modictnellmtliid Leda iia - -winoh Lorna as
' Anton lam V 037 much improved-in bean;
.mg taken eve bottles.
--toms with rosperir - -
.:.1 to
'T iia iA MA:
taziaisekolifing nearly double qtitiziKy,) $l. 00
~ k%•^ 43 a 114 "....--- ..-...-t.„ ,-..,-.... $ oo
15,10,11.25 r notul dot .4 q.. t.... 400
~.." ;
,J ;,t
1 , ia.g OF t COUNTRKFRITS) ' ' '
ses that the /01041,1110 Or "la IC JACKSON" is on the
.",. .._ . Ir.
OA lµL 71 . 2 1 thtttoal It ' pr i s ile
woa do
ied in As • hut send to us, sad me wig
N0 1111 0ittik: 6
. I Proh 7 +
~ ritinelpal Ce and Manufactory,
. .', . X CI. .8 81- A R'C H STREET,. .. . 1
1 . l'r .-" . .t.-'--1; , 7 ,1 )P-- .TONIIIr3 soDiikliart •
• ..., -:,:aucaegimgose. it Xedigyit4 c?.,:• • ;•••
-.. .. _ .... 3..1:e J-1. W.:: 1:41"4133 =
olpltyllriaaftrailarrift hi GM to tle
WM Mobi larlikilmay
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ennitlinte-one-balf 1
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''. '' ,i - if - 7 il. r: _, E (111: A WASN4II4.I3IL
SAO One day..../
Tlve, dap - ~ it tere . alayn..,
' . , :,... t'',.. ....''''' e\ok •_-,,, ) 4 1'1
one Thrte week daya . I ."glais ftille dirt 4...
-t•-• - .
~ ..- -, ...,.. - o'''' - L s -, ",...c- - • • • -"' ~,:_ -o.* ..); ..c , 7 ..." month..... ~.,. a.,ao maiimolift-_-
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_i. , _ . i • : ..,,,....:;.1 (t-, „.•,- ---, --- j,..., .. •
i '' . : . --. • . i rep swaths -d Mk Vikinibltildn..
-_:- ~ .::' ,id 11rt :f ;i :: - . ...- , ; . Thins months 45,50 Three month/
- ••-',.-.:.,..: 72.: ..11-.: # Six mon th s 4eo AiCtic ,
, . r ,, One year - 15 00 Oneirlar... ,
- -' 1 -- - , #112_1_.4/11F.Mn.":149ticel•
lIM lii=
1864. 1864
Plaladelphla and Erie Rail-
Road. ' •
T'sgreat line traverses the Northern and
. Nortnw6A ;amities of Pennsylvania to the city of
Erie, on Lake Erie.
It has been iessed, by the'llomanv.arns Rea ILOAD
did under their auspices is being rapidly opened
throughout its entire length,
It is now in -use for ,Passenger and • Freight business
from Varasburg to St: Mary's (210 miles)" on the Eastern"
Division, and" " freak Rhetlield to lirie (TS miles) on the .
Western DivlsTint.
Leave Eastward.
,X l 9 l `Oil • s P. PiG
li T ss Train 2.50 20
J.. N.
- Leave Northvtard.
Mail Train...
Express Train
Cars run famish wrrnotrs 'Cabin both ways on these
trains between Philadelphia and Lock' Raven, and be.
town Baltimore and Lock Haven,.
Elegant Sleeping cars on Erpness trains both ways be
tween Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and
Philadelphia. •
For information respecting Passenger business apply at
the S. E. Corner 11th and Markietatreets.
And for Freight, business of the Company's Agents:
S. B. Kingston, Jr. , corner 13th and Market streets,
Philadelphia • •
J. W. Reynolds, Erie , •
S. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore.
• H.
' - • Genera! Preight Agog, Phi Pa.,
- C-erseral Ticket Agent .Pltßret.
mY2O-dly) Genelisb Manager, Will t.
CHA OF HOURS.-:-On and after Mon
day, April 4th, Pasienger trains will nva
daily, as follows, (Sundays con:1011410
.EVR 017.4.1118ER5Eb720 AND HARELSBURG:
A. ir.. r.'ait
Leave HA gerestown.. . ... 1.00 2:46 .
" Greenmails ~ 7.37 .: 333
. Arrive at..... RAT ..4.26
Chambsrebarg, 1 ,----.
Leave at. . 3.30 1.2456
Leave Shippensburg . 9.00 1.28.
" Kewville • ........, . 9.32 ZOO
Arrive at Earrisburg..
' A. X. P. M. P..M.
Leave Harrisburg . ..... 8.05 L. 32 420
~ • mechnicsburg , r.-: .:... 8144 1238 1154
" Newville,.. .. , 10.22 8.29
`C ShiPPahlibirB 10.33 400:
ClhamberBbur gt
{Arrive at..„ 1L 00 4.80
Leave id. .11.10 4.40
Leave Hatecrode ' 4, - .11.55 5.80 .
Arrirost,Hagorstoyn 12.35 8.10
Mir italnug aleee eenneetions at Harrisburg Rith. trains
for Philadelphia,-New York and Pittsburg ; and with
rains for all poirlta West. . .
zo-Tbe 'Train leafing. Histrisburg at 4.20, r. st., runs
only as far as Carlisle.' • 0. H. 1.4H144.110.
R...g..offiee,cuttnizanurt, npril4:lll64-I.Y . -. .
. . •
CheroUee It6medyt
CHEROKEE E. • REMEDY, the great Indian; D *l'o4
cures all diseases of Me urifiary organs, mei - at */
nenoe of the Urine,. Initartincryffors of the Bladder, 2 Maim.
malicnt of .tha Kielam. Stone in the Biadder,4% *ture,
Gravel, Qkd, amgma, and is especially ream. *ended
in those cases of .Fluor Albus (or Whites in females) Werra
au Medd nauseoiss medicines have failed.
lir It ie prepared in a highly concentrated tot la, the
dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three t*Ei
per day,
Ar It is diuretic and alterative - Mita action; p' lilting
and cleansing the blood, causing :it to now in af I of ite
original purity and vigor; Muir removing from tar itiOttein
all pernicious nausea whien hayeladuceddiseam
CHEROKKE INJECTION to intended as an ally or matt
ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY aid should b used; in
conjenction with that medicine in all easel of Clopereh*
°led, ./Palor Alba. or Whiter. Its effeota are ini:s4A
soothing and d.-nsulcent ; ramming' all scalding, heat,
chordoo, and pain, instead of the aid akar Jot un,
endurable pain that is experienced with nearly all the
cheap Valk kijations.
- ,gif-'By the' , use tor the. CHEROKEE. RRRI .1.1)Y and
CHEROKEE 'EfJECTION—the two mediellneest ' the-same
improper dlacherges are removed, and' the weak
ened erimia are speedily restored to full •• vigor and
Foi fnx partici:ooi, get o patilladei train any
drug atoreln the- tont:am or write 'us, and: -we will mall
free, to any eddies; iifall treatise
Prtf , e, CHEROKEE RlP..alipt E 2 pel • bottle, or
three,bettlee for s4, : i : : ars' •
3:(3.Price CIEGWROREF •
41ECrran, $2 per bottle, or
three bottleh for $5
. . ,
font, by
price. :press to any adrtess on receipt of
. 4 all tireggiele everywhere.-, -
DR. W. R. ALERWI 1.1 le CO t ,
Sole P Voprietovs_i
.LO-eodly No. 59 Liberty etre et, Nett York.
An unfaaiikg ccliti for 4perntatorrhea, Seminal Weak
ress, Nocturnal Ihnialonsty mid all disagree CatiNd bij self
pawn; suds arlossif bfenwiry; ihthersal Lanshude
' , aught the Dbmicas of vision, ifir;igiate'v 'Old Ape
We Nerves, Difficulty qfßradirins, PrcoqiniS - 7t rokotsd 2
peer, Rruptiona on the kboi 1 Pale Ostintimoace, Insanity,
Cenenniphony and all the Dir.tful amplairds amer.d by de-
Pa from the path Q t. natiall ,
t.WI , Mi medicine is - a simple vepitableatreici, Indone
n which all can rely,tas it Mut imr_tpiistice
for marty.yetetiVAind: tritittitt, it has not
p* , lo.i lll oo9 l t.',',ltt Curative powers have been
41 l i t
,t 4 *it ,84 with their- o r =
until itiey beyond the roach of
id, we would etty,,Devitkr not ttliiiCirminat ILloith will
regore you to beatiih r end - ittreilredg sits fliAlkee doe
TWhaveSailed I.- ,
tallmsticelifs; Of/ Circular from at ty Devi
Store in the country, or write the Proprietor, who
Tug Dee to our,one desirliitthe same, a full he gin is'
044r — bo t it4or. three 12 *
~ 1 11,V41 07 elf= 6sl , a
Q' Qt . .
• am! PacontriAiKL
Inarlo4odly No. 80 Libody kteee, Near York;
"THE 13...x.i..a)T, iT'O'W 4 -NI) , - . . yalt:s:Nr: , :Kiß 7',.*-...lob.steir,
. . ..11ren.1,CVAL.
. .
A Cure Wariefinted:
Dyspepsia has .M 4 following.L apiptoms: -
Ist A constant pain or: uneasiness at the
pit of the stomach., .• • ri
2d. Flatulenee,and Acidity. ;.
3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite.
4th. Glo_onLand4Oaression of Spirits.
sth. DiantiCt3a9 with griping
6th. Pai n parts of the System.-
7th. Consumptive Symptoms "andPalPita
tion of the Heart.
Bth. Cough i .with:Plilegin in the Throat.
Rth, Nervous Affection, and: want,of Sleep
at st‘ _ hr•tf .
10th. Loss of Appetite and Volniting:.
11th. - Dizziness; :Dilution. of 'Vision, and
Loss of sight. , , - .•,; , , '
12th. Headache and Staggering in walking,
with great weakness. L
Out of the thousaudi,of cases of Dyspepsia
that have used WitdiarraGreat Athena=
Dyspepsia - Pills, not one of ilietilliaa - failed
of a perfect mire. We 'strait seine in every,
ease, no matter if , of twenty years' standing. .
Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at 'Dr.
Wishart's 'office,' XO. 10 N. Second street,
Philadelphia, ra. All examinations and con
sultations free of 'charge. , Sena - for a circu
lar. Price SI T per box, SiMt•by Mail, free of
charge, on receipt rn
of oii4. - :
1.35 P. MI
3.15 A. It
I, &mute= Munson, .of .:-Braudyeille
Del., formerly of 01d,Ohesteri.DeL,•do certai
that, for one year and a halt Lauffered every
thing but death from that attful•disease called
Dyspepsia..,•_lkly whole systein was prOBtra.6l
with weakness .and.ner*oua debility; ,I .coUld
not digest; my food; if I ate. even-a 1 cracker or
the smallest amount .of. food, Wworildrettern
just as I swallowed, it; libeeszhe so costive ail
my bowels that I would natave a passage*
less than from four and often eight.days.; nn.. -
der this immense" suffering, my mind; seemed
entirely to give way.: ..theduidreaditd - hc*r
and evil forebodings. .X....th0 , :14.:everylxiibr
hated me, and Ilhatedevery , .. y; I couldt,
bear my husband ncirrmyostrt children, every
thing appeared to. be horror,-strichen to me;
I had no ambition to. do anytling; I lost all
my love of family and home' ~ WOlild ramlile
and Wender froutplaae.t4l,lo% but could not
be contented; ' I felt that- i t was doomed Ito
hell, and that there was no" heaven for .. e„ :
and was often tempted - to - Centirait''Suici,*:
so near was my, whole nervous .ayptee r •ei
str () Yedl na-814-? alit" •Vi T IO . :./t i nkt 4 t - `q .
coTtikint,ltsispepi b t thtit nit, . eids*; :-.,
best to have - ine •
• ed. in,•Dr:. Eirkbri! e's
loSpital, •Nest . ! lilladalkW, lr.''.reiniein t r
there nine weelik•and thoUght'l 'IAA'S ' h a'
z li.
better, but in a few, days mt. di Ai do .
plaint eici'fWeigsh b faevine:'`ireititig
the *ii*Ardiiti'; 4 54 F± 3 4? -1 )0 3 E -7 1v -
Evt ,
hart'S'aieg, fi f - . 1* . .. alid
his treitnient .19,f.'.1*Wepti - liniiband
calleitt Cintyr. l NbiliartAnd, a d ' , clime to
him. 'lle said WM. nd dilitilie ta i d i F.
me. 'do in threl3 - 3r - rctined (pip, d
myself Tindef•the : . -DiaSiisetr treitment,:. on
twdweekal began to:digest my food, and felt
that my disease was fast giving way, and! L - recover for alionA three. months,
and at:the present time lenjoyeefect health
.of body and misd r andinfoithencesely
my. thanks to a intarciful God, Ana Ini,, , Wis,:
hart, .and to his great: , Ametio*ltaly'Vejmas
Pills and Pine, Tree. Tar eordialthatlaved elm
'from an Insane •-blyinin and presnatore grave.
All.persons suffering with, Dyilpephia are at
libertrto,call °nano .or write r as•Lam willing
to do all the good I can for suffering hh
manity. _.X.I.IIWIATH BEANSON 1 ~..
: linuidyrne.F.DeLi.Ananerly of Old.Gheater;
De: IY,lsp.F.T's.clffice,,A9,o North Second
.street, ' h ell elli•litm. -.1.,7 1[ 7 - tf., .-. : - ' • •
, .
• .. ..
~TlraWrfk, " 6 6 Vgit 1 . ' • •
• ..s. inewiar,-I have I t sufferer, with.
Dyspepsia for thS lei !Oedema ' a ir ' - - MOW wilfu . time
I cannot My I over. enjoyed Wpertecilpirbll. dat. There
were timer when the symptoms 'weep ,MPati aggravated
than at others, and then it seemed it *mild be a great re
nal* die. I had Wartime; an unpleasant feeling in my
head, eat latkris,rey sitirviim :air rierch..incroseed that
I became aimed unlit for business of any kind; ray mind
essbod.conibrout,tidaiiitiMl=My tho
hange irifebteca=thrti;
madly& at PPS-Ila.nonietto, it
_ . _ 4o r - ifil . .. 1 10 t; PRIROUoir •
with a devil weigh!, as it were, re sted upon
.alat, a teeing Onicimeet wield occrifirttiatito a nd
gruirt pain to my eyes, atictidipirdid with mhich " the
ceitlinial fear corlosing wreaker. I else oxperlisnoed
g regt Lassitude, debility• and nervousness, elm* ,mite it
nom lt to walk: by da 'GE Ott at Aid:it:" Llamasne
„mo to 'aticletflritir Liff 'to secluerin, and.
h a ving triad the skill : or a Waiter of eminent physicia ns ,
of various seloofs, Melly came M the conclusion that, ror ,
, this disease at my present 1 49:1:Yeltrarthercirresnocare
in existence. Bet, througlir 1 aiterterand-Of -Divine'
Providenfie; to-whom ifdeirentteht mit thanks, I at last.
found a screen remedy 4it"yerti` DyLiPepila fills and
Tar'essltsh-whieblitolS4l o o 3 telatirresilmid al
moestiterieatarace.olloaril Miami* ; end. bed
feelinge,ilid Is Mali pitosTedin,:reiMre had coiaepp:
meat arc my everpdSrs.tanplipAis. - . ,
• ..: .. ,I. —-.: IL SAUNDERS,
555 10.10 2 . .42
6.25 10 42 8.12
656 11.11. 3.4*
xo 4 f 4 ifgrar , PlakidalP l 4s _
of ootiburs.pJ.
Dr Wilittit:g 4Ho. • See * 14rtA-Pbna.
11 , 014111V16-CIME
- . .
an-0 gIHI , TMpciIet.r:BA,BOOF; wit
11LIWON Janualy.22d,lllB3._
De Wienahrlimvvlt is with ' much ' pleasure that I
,am.' now able to infollnlem that,.by the use of your Input
American Dyspepsia Tills, I have been entirely of
that most difaxessing.conitihant, DYBRePaiaf- f bali been
grieviously id/kited for the lest LEAy-eight years, anti
fur ten years of *that titateltadtht b een, free from its
pattrone Week at a I have itivftiewals' I form
ape bave dragged on a tiostieilarablooxiitis
Y and nighte/ Every kindrof Ihdd that 1. lie- me
with wind and liflN it Mattered hot' hoWlight, or ‘holl
small the quantity': A. cOntintied belching was mini to
•f o :itivt. 1 had ila 4l
- iptietto for any kinds of meats what
,and my distress was so great ter Bimetal months be
fore I a' eard of your Pills, that I frequently wished for
death. 1 . . 1 44 14en everything 4.01 bad 1441/or for
Dyspepsia, a - ttliont receiving any betiegt.Lbilk,
Mx being recOmmendet Wow by othi.Voo.lllad been
cat* by them, I. conal to. glve thetsa Whose
I faith. itt,gh*.ywasat; I Ound
;OS& getting better I 11 4 lulold One !Mirth of a
' box, and Mier a' bon, -I Mira welt and:
can Nit airithing eVnY' „' hear l 3' mod Hive
times a day whlgaitliitxinvehtonm ixost - snythingl eat
or drink. 'f, yon you areal Iltiarty UP Wake
this public:awl Wet° Me. I will cheerfnlly glee sll
&able information to any one who may sell on
yorme,,,xmgeMfally,_ JOHN H. BABCOOL—i
For sale at Dr
..VleMXellitaSiDepot, No. 10 NottE
second 4Euxeet, l'atiWll42s chat Iter
boa, Beat by mill, freatfoluligh oLimaptegpekka
I, SamuejA krt. great seem VW.
Chronic Mil& aria WatmsUon of Oho. MOW?, ror
three years - out~ihrwasraosr-or-gio
aentPhret:"ll4oVAN4oitor; COMO,
N.J. • dist.all,for many c 9014, bst. v s epust
vast conitbstif
and with constant bettioog of 1114. ISO'
unntde was' winisitO‘oritti, s lookiniett Iwo
until ' croolLs 4 ol' PAW sat diblefOr
sore I 114 4f* olttifles wisheid,fOr i . . or
s ure ' , O*Thaf lhot "sit bop well
xj- • '
241Miltiglits " ToiO to roam of
De *woes in the 1 . 41111411111611 WWI Of a VIII
'ElitikiNG,' AUGUST 13; ,- 1864.; .:;,,:',..
naite.,;upon Idr. Johnße , 'Of 1028 Olive street, Rhos
deledus by the grerdAinericati Dyispeptda Pills. I went
to the Doctor's .01Thwotednieced myself , mittor b.,- treat:"
meat, and-told kim if hd failed to cure me, it would bb the
list effort Iwe td make, It has been weeks - dime I
commenced the triedf hts mediclne,und I am now a well
• man, [nee from all - vain and distress, and can eat:' throe
lowly meakric4n3r.stitikeornikort, and feel perfectly wog.
Dr.Wisbarr4reant. yon-to I -
° my ease, as want
eVerhitkok qspeociterteiim es 'I ups, to call:mine, and
1 will tell ttiord , Or the 'great • cavil have recinvedfrom
your Invaluable medicine. 6ANIUELf D. HAYES.
- Corner Wenango.. and Lambert siereeo near RichmOnd
street,.formerly,.frOM:Wrightstown, Burliniton 'county,
The abOveartra few 'among the • thousands which this
great remed.thge eaved from an untimely. grave.
We have thousands of letters from physicians and dr:4.-
10,18*bn beim prescribedand sold the Tar terdial, sayint
that they hare. neverased or sold a medical which tare
such universatsatistaction. • -
Prepared Only 14 . the
." L
No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia,4l. ‘
Sold brlttsotgaits everywhere : , „ 80.11.y18tlon-d&W.
Fru. isztxu, Aug. 12
While: one of the sailing boats attached to
the Surf hotel was cruising outside this morn-'
ing, it discovered:a yawl-boat making for the
shore.: Upari.coming - alongside, sixteen per.
sons - were found on board who belonged tp
the pilot boat. General Funk of New. York.
. They report ,that 'the brig Estelle, hrig Sa
rah BQyae, brig Richard_ Bard, brig State said
schooner Atlanta were all captured ;and de
stroyed, by the rebel pirate Tailabasse, coin- -
mended by John Taylor Wood, off the casst,
yesterday-OW:doom The sixteen men found
: tekthe yell boat start for. Newn'ork this atter-
. _
4, Nsw :Inez, _Aug. .I.2—A. pilot who was
-broughEnp On the Italian Bark this afterncoiak,
reports as follows:
On Thursday at 9;5.:m.,. when abolit ,
miles •North,asat ofßandy Rook sat , a Steamer
showing the Aineficlui flagi : - ; - . •
She came, close ender the bark's stern, but
did not hail. She then sighted the pilot,
• James PUnk, and hoisting the rebel pirate rig,
cePtpresl,the.pilot •boat, put a:pirate_ crew on
'boitr.dOtnd then st4l4thied up toward lioutalik
.I;l4kt, u,
pilot boat following ,at the same time,
saw a schooner 3 miles to the .windward, all
sails : out : loose rinik t sinking, the' pirate evi
',.dantly-barisg scuttled her.-
The pirate craft israsmall, neutralangliSh
built, straight stem ..fore-and-aft schooner.
rigged; painted white, With red bottoin, cor-‘,
ries a pivot gnn forvard and aft, awl four
'break&She is very • albw and. the
prdefr-boaf was - appinistly;able:teontseil - her.
A passenger by- r ths 'Stonier Vim:dig - Star,
itioxilierw Orleans, rePorts that she was chaded
for 494; Ao_urs argiterdarisy a pirate who fited
sll9rOp shotatither,,bat-the , Everdng Star ont
*lred*.r,:.; Ttai,pi4ktviikrn:tt inclridgid in the
the Vtesitt.
Frozu Cairo.
_ • • • C../iitto, Aug. 1•1•• -
General Canby has ordered all ahle-bodied
inintetween 18 and 46 in the Department of
!fAiltaliess abd . " the Gulf and the districts . east
of the Mississippi to be cirtrolled for militarY
service. Nentrallogeigners will be enrolled.
for military service. -Neutral foreigners will
•be tuf it separate class to hetet d whim
necessary as a locat -police ferce. Deserters
-gronti thte etieuq. and persons subject to the
rebel conscri,tition Brunet to be sent or allow
ed to go within the 'rebollities. The families
of rebel soldiers sent over our lines to find
iiiiiititinafety . and iiimitfort will hereafter be
sent back; those now in the lines will be re
_turned. Refugees in pod. faith will be re-'
Vervecliind kindly treated, but will not bit al
lowed to remain in •or about any fort or gar
risork . •
The Oilopres*bri of the 11fetaphis Hews has'
been re.serindiid.
.. .tetcroteo:DurOcio .
Atiig.-11.—;:New Orleans papers of the
4th gnotfiAlow - middling. cotton, .160 ; mid
dling 166 : molasses, 91a100 ; $l.l/95a
- The, ateinner Henry, Ames,. lately sunk
ii *lre here, has been raised, and will soon be
numing again. ,
Thirty-three , hogsheads 01 Obaedo- have
been received . here from Paducah -to , go to
New York:. • •
Additional . From gow 'Oilens.
ititibiliiillffiNt - .TiMIFLYO AT AL-
7141 ltrlteOttupied thr 14emy.
-- - • .
' - 11,1k0V§VILEE.
• - , - - NEW YORK, Aug 12.
. Vie :1460 4 188 says passengers 4 the ventig,
tterfttni tew O rleans . report thEl,itzl b_ els in
fitronglorOkontside of Algierly 'ivitl4p f r sipr. or
IA01;4. eft Itf New Orleans , fortitAn§ , Ole .
040 e ai c
Ofiritractuni .'entrencinnents apkvi
rPuPiV ri t tie-intention of making it , tia‘° 6
of effe4NOoperitions.l,ppr,areecniniand
ed b den: Tayler.
The,Teehe district is also cieciipi44 l /K / the
enemy' in .Inrge . ,ioree,.,in pKder to p_revent
anFilieKitaVanne of our - troops , throug h
remn 'to Tex as , - .-,-.. : : . ,
The secessien: ds in New bile* -say .it is
of nd imporfance if .Mobile is loot to the
It is,state4 the rebels , are erecting batteries
at Itigpmep to,,protecit the contraband
°Mk% .6 0 4 : 0 4 thkB 0 Oran4e•
, _ . _. ..
, a r : Deetreicllou C'. a _Vessel. :i I .
i 2: __.._ { , _ :::: ; r , -Itovetto, Aug. I'2
The-Propeller liacinerowned by the 11 Vest
=VOW' eerepany hound or B;nfra
?, took On, Wednesday about 18 milk; ,
"Tottitosir, on the North shore or Lake
:i °Tom lit thiPorm were lbst in the •ry ah for
the , ensalt,liectiL •... ~ --, 7 '"7 i,- „• _
..., 1i,,,.
t 1 21141 V IClroPtater Eton % towed the'Llittiiing
atemeartci - 41406aid; 00A:eight"ii *Ebi
i. 4
Baide al ii osugggpweetirwheres pot- a :act*
idetteladembicittifig'el ' 4 #/i . Ale) ,
i ota
The cargo will be saved in a , ' ' p
intim .
. __. ... _
-The Stone - Mali '
Information from Marietre, 6thinst.,_ gives
the particulars of Stoneman's raid: ••• Ga Sdly
2f132, the. sth and Eth- Indiana Cavalry:And
two sections or the 24th. -Indiana Batteitm i et
Out for. aeon . . to relieve the Union officers
imprisoned there: '
The tipedition arrived too late; the re
had removed the officers to a place of greater
safety.. • • -
Ocii; M'Cook's force started at the same
time to etfeet a janctiOii. with Gen. Stomnifin,
but wererovertaken byanoverpoweringloree,
and obliged to let Stoneman's command, cut
its.way'oet. - , . • .
The rebels attacked' there. on Saturday,
July 30, and the enegenietit lasted all that
•day until late at night. Sunday morning
found : them completely surrounded. • • i
Cel. Admits, finding resistance' hepelebs,
escapsd to Marietta. -
Cok Capron,,with his command, efmaried
once, but,was again surrounded and. his mien
cut to pieces.
The 6th In 4 iaria also cut through the en
emy's ranks, but were againattacked. Their
fate is unknown' to our mf rmant.
Gen. Stoneman, Cols. Biddle and Butler,
Majors Thompsokt... and . Soper ; Captains
Whitman, Elliott and Finney ; ,I.Aentenants
Anderson; Stanton, Angell; Lindsay, John
Hubbard, Miller; Simmons"; and Clegg, are
Lieut. Crittenden was killed.
CoMpany I; sth Indiana, -lost fearfully.
Soldiers who escaped report that the rebels
surprised - Col.. Capron's 'camp, shooting his
men and braining them with their guns while
The sth Indiana lost about four handfed
Three hundred and eighty prisoners of war,
including fifteen commissioned officers, ar
rived here to-day.
Major Gen. Palmer reached here this' even
mg en route for Washington. It' is reported
he has been relieved of the, command of the
14th corps,
Later informed= is to the effect that GpL
Coil:in, with several squids of: his men, it in
Marietta. This will., reduce Gen. StonefiiiiWs
loss to less than 1000. • ...
West Virginia.
- NEW Canes, Atig: 8, 1864;
Governor Boreman received the following
despatches yesterday from parties who were
in the. Moorefield fight on Sunday. W.e omit
their lienteS. .The discrepancy in the two as'
to the aiiimint' of capteres,' 'dm.; lotibtless
arises irom.thetact thaVone reports the net
reatdts, while the other reports what we first
took but failed to /*Ad, in.t#e waY 4 )f-rBdxll
horses, and natstprial.—!T+7tetiiprindativerver:i
Governor. , , • ,
Oar !clOision ;PTectuck -141:critialitMl, and
Johnson at Moorefield; st,day t hreala ,Sunday
morning. captured their pieltets, limiedour
little °mamma of ;.thirteen- hundred men
upon the enemy three llionaiditt strong, gave
him a thorough and complete iiogging,_drove
him in utter confusion, capturtund all his
artillery, four guns, three, hundred andsixty
five 'prisoners, over Sit. hundred. 'horses and
°VlP:nerds, a large number of small arms,
killing twenty.--live and wormding,twenty. qui
less is nine killed and .thirty,twoili,-ormdtd.
Among the killed aroMajor_B, B. Congeg and
Lieutenant Clark, 3d Viretitorn Virginia Cav
alry. Oar.success is complete and stands
unsurpassed.:. ,
. .
Nsty CRZES, Aug:. 8, 1864.: ,
Gov. Bordmoz—Oar West Vagina troops
have once more iirowned therwelves with lau
rels. Our limits. defeated Oensv 'Bradley
Johnson. and IlVatialanWs command at Mote
field. Aughst 7tii., - =We _captured` four bin
idred and two priaoners4inelnding . forty
core, and - all his artillery, four pieces; with
700—horses and - equipments: The - lst West
:Virginia. cavalry ret-took the two guns eiip.
tared 'let %St' lihrgiribt battery, at
Salem, last winter, with their battle flag. We
have scattered their -.commands over the
country. The victory , is complete. !
Preparations to Abate Indian
W. H. S. 11 . tirghe, 4fitiWlA. Adjutan N t G l: ene t ia,74;f ll Ne
braska, has issued an (order calling for two
regiments of mounted infantry for Indian ser
vice, to serve fmn months, and to report to .
Brigadier General Harford and Brigadier Gen
eral Coe, as soon as possible.
The following is the address of Govenior
Saunders to the - citizens of Nebraska:
"The news from the Western border is
alarming. - Numerous trains emigrants and
freight have been • attacked and , the:owners
killed, wagons; deatroyo.Atock run , off.
No less than fourAifferent . points on the
:route between our Territory and Denver were
attacked in one- day. Thalridians are now
known to be itifestbig these roads for a
distance of several hundred miles.,
"All the available (imminent troops have
been sent forward. ..We. need_ more:roar in
order to punish. these -savages',And give se
curity_ to our frontier settlers. order to
meet the want Ilskvelhought .proper to call
the able-bodied fhilitiaAo organize w•:_feiv com
panies of minutemen—men who can. and will,
if necessary, move at a moment's warming, to
the scene of these depredations,: and fthlthit in
punishing the murderers, or drive them from
the country.
'I make this appeal,to our people confideurt
that it Will be responded to promptly
willingly on their paxt.
"The Adjident general has to=day issued
special order fronithese headquaftem, giving
- in regard'to tile rnannvi Of-organ
izing and reporting Pim oPinparires.
- - !!41.14 - VJN SAUNDIi3I9 , ,
and'goingoMde' izip-Chief"
To Correct:Misapprehension.
-7-0' • DENVNIrCITIrr Aug. 10.
To (sorted probable nOsapprehensiou in re
gard-to the safety. of Artivel on the -overland
route; it -is,-proper tto say . that although the
Indians tave"baisloityltasatbleaonie elate in
- ittb;clihygutiarniect-Vsliktittairderifig
grantb unable to `d6kaiOtherasehots4 there has
as yet bewn no attack. by:the as far
as known, upon -the.inun coachisti-whiCh ran
reguituly bothivays. The mails were ordeiaii
to be atopped at Atchison and thieplace
'day by IhepsuothtaitkO:at overlaid
line,. owing to tbemeii*''be ii ii
loathe' Utoutakiortiph* - it is bonsai' pus.;
' are beirt itferisUibtdadalifilfrit
route as DAT to protect it.
ai l
1 :
ki 'cow
square. 1950 1
..... ..$ 1
• 25
CZali•o i r• -
_6 OO
ea-- 11 00
.. 711
Auditor's Notices - I us
Temeral Notices etch tuserUen... '
5 •
aarßusiness notices tosened to the Leal de
tkifors Inn** ihol - AIWA. Yaws Curse :as lass tir
Guorrillsr Depredations in Ken.
lotrumus, Aug. 12
Twenty guerrillas entered Brandenburg.
Ky., yesterday, but were• driver* opt by five
home guards:.
The rebels demanded an immediate swear
der of the. town, and .threatened to destroy it
if a shot was fired, but the demand was re
fused. The latest reports sarthat a light had
Sixtyerrillas passed through Graham
town on Wednesday, pursued by tbirty Fede
ral Soldiers.
CAIRO, August 11.
The rebels under Col. Outlaw dashed into
Hickman, By., yesterday, and burned all the
cotton and tobacco there and committed
other depredations. •
General Dobbins is still raiding on the
southern planters in the vicinity of Helena,
Arkanaas: .
Guerillas are reported to be trcrublesorne
along the Sentneks.shore of the Ohio river.
Indism Hostilities.
- (huffs Carr, Thursday, Aug. 11.
Hostile marauding Indians infest the Whole
line, from Fort Kearney to SOuth Fass, a dis
tance of five hundred milts, and daily commit
new outrages,
.making 'foraywort stock - and
burning trains A great number of travelers
are now stopping at Fort Kearney for protec
tion and waiting for arms. The Indiana in
bands of from ten to one hundred, movelvith
celerity, andpossessing a thorough knowledge
of the country,-elude pursuit. - Tke telegraph
line is still in good order, nOlintlishuadang
these troubles.
RePei Treachery and Murder.
• _ 9.
Yesterday a citizen eaineintdetir lines near
Lafayette, and applied to - the CionnWer of
the post for protection and prinrisigaion to
remeve his household- goods inside the lines.
A guard'of eight men was sefit to' bring them
in. After entering the house the man fled,
and on attempting to come:out the guird was
surrounded by 25 or guerillas. 'rite of
our men escaped, but the other three smiren
dered, after which the guerillas murdered
them. The men belonged to 'the 12th Illi
nois infantry. . • • . •
BrilliantßecepitAon Of Veterans.
• Pamanztmas, - Aug, 12.
The reception of Baxter's !ire Zcamvestbis
aftenzoon was a magnificent affair. They
were escorted through the principal streets by
45 fire companies, the city coumril end other
• The Zostaves left here in 180/ foUktftegtork•
fired strong, and return with 200 trker4 3l3 his
was the largest display of . steam "
fire sr gines
ever made at one time. .
Man kets by Teleirttiok.
7 PErrumstrina, Atigtat
Firmer feeling in petrolourn,, wilt sales at
M firmngess
e; refined - in bond at 8 2®B4c; r ftir at
916. Flour held with increased
=Jai' 2.9 . 0 birreis at
*if 50 for.'extra family, and $lO 50iihr lettra.
Eye flour , nErla at *9 25®9 SU. Very. ' little
corn meal here. Rimer, feeling in _wheat;
3,000 bushels sold at $2.50(6.2 - 55 for oltred,
and $2 62®2 69 for Peitneylvarilit' and •4)ela
-Ware red. Bye commands 2 1 1.80®1. 86.
Corn dull; 6,000 bushels mixed.Ame i tern • sold
at $1 67(41. 08. Oats are unsteady; sales
bushels new at 85a88c. Prkiniorut
little doing. Whisky .sells at $1 7641
• • •
Misty 7C Ong.
. .
Flour firm; sales 14,000 bblir tctt 2 9 log
10IXI.;. Ohio $ll 35/01. - 2 00; Soit,i JR'.:,,,52.2 70
1014. 00. Wheat, firm; Weir unihilgoltsmit•
Coria'aeady; tides unimportant: ,Reef dull.
Pork firm at S 50ey 39 tki. ',Lard firm at
214®22a. Whisky dull at 1 , 76' •••
ws intend to discordintik the . -Side of Li
quor! and offer our stock at trverminztalkadvanor
from coat price. We have purchased all org Liquors be.
fore timing rise and have alargentor..k on handier three
or fear years, which are guaranteed mina be purottased
hew at any prim from the hnportens. • *
Oar ate* cohAits .or , • .
WI-I. 151K.1.33
of all grades.
JffrWe have parts of three barrels pure Eva., not
oolored, awl 10 degreee above proof, 234 years old.
WINES of all Grades, Domestic 'lnd Iniliorted.
i 3 n, 3:: • xmv.,
We have pirt of 3G seek 11151171131fitt 'BRANDY,
to which we invite the particular attention of famines for
medicinal purposes.
The Brandy cannot be bought to-day, from 'importers,
less than $l6 per spllon. We will sell it for $l2 per gal
Willivite the Inspection of Note! Keepers and Liquor
Yerelasnate generally, as we intend to sell, Vithmat re
serves all bur Llquom and this will be a seed, aipportn
nit) , for bergidna
.1 4128 sinkLEßtai tftffnA •
'MAN TrIA - 14"
A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have nowa splendid
assortment of
,§natoa ks:cricinfa MANTELS.
-FlMottetofitt ctacuLats:
The above beautiful temples, in wery color and band
namely trim Med, from #7
,60 to $lB.
1000 SILIK, murral.
utactugs, SACKS AND.BA3Ids,
ELandeomely and richlyed, from we-upward.
. iny a. '• • • • /.." T
La 0 AIK:' "'r - Xt. )112 ,
Market Strifilt,
'UM DIMIBMITIanaIanf. ,7- :
L i - S4cris A lm li r r i n ksu lt:*t S .
Wukoakopithe lit , , imprzi-dly
gPMSD.OIEMMINI;Q:-Extra rinallaltimore
A...CA=4o_lw% for Isle britatittlytir aßd
*War' SfMS
Ofif e•boornrg to
it! Y. e s !
irf ilait4 g .trfla -if so,
ssisllll2llllllllX Isvistsus, IsolO