Pailv EttegraA HARRISBURG, PA. FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 12, 1844 NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, Abraham Lincoln, or =wow. rOlt VICE PRESIDENT. An4rew Johnson, 1.. Union County ConventiOn. The loyal citizens of Dauphin county are invited to meet in County Convention, for the .purpose of nominating candidates for ociuntrofficers, at the Coirt House in the city of Harrisburg, on Tuesday, the sixth day of September, 1864, at . lo}, o'clock, A. at. - Ikeetings for the election of delegates will te held in the various townships of the Coun ty, at the usual places of holding said elec. tions, between the hours of five and seven P. M., and:the several wards and boroughs be tween,-the hours , bf seven and nine p. at. t on Saturday, September Bd, 1864. n. 'Moms, ~ Chairman Union County Committee S. S. CHILD, Secretary. • R*pftsentsttive Recruits to be hoped, for venous reasons, that aa,many , ,tepresentative recruits will be mus tered into service, between the present time and that fixed for the draft, as possible. The duty which every man of wealth owes to the Government and to society, is that 11 1, be, at least; represented -in 'the army by amble- bodied soldier:— By this means he will be • providing, in.-some. measure, for. the protrc tiop of his property, and the exemption : of, some less fortunate fellow-citizen from the operation Of "-the impending draft. 'B' every 'cotaideration of patriotism and through every ,benevolent impulse which. should actuate the heart, the man whose:circumstances can afford it, should be impelled to provide a rep resentative soldier by the payment of a liberal bounty. No narrow-minded and short-sighted sentiment of selfishness should be allowed to .prevail over the more generous side of human nature, The crisis in the affairs of the win try, should be viewed in the light of, at least, as much thought as would 'be applied to a busness transaction. If the men needed to re-enforce the armies engaged in the suppres sien-of the rebellion are not forthcoming at the proper time, it might be well to calcu late the value of estates and securities, if the' machinations of the enJmies, of the people are, permitted to succeed.. Fields, houses, bonds, stooks and mortgages are only valuable when protection is offorded for their enjoyment. It visa calculated that the three 'days of revolution in Paris; in 1830, depreciated all the property in , France to the extent of one_ third of the valuation at which it had • been formerly held. Can the effects of revolution or anarchy in our midst be properly estima ted ? Could the man of fortune sufficiently ' appreciate the consequences of the failure of the Goternment, .he would' be willing to make any Sacrifidee to avert such a calamity. , ,; The fearful,. effects of social disorganization are: not confined to the'generation which perMita . it to take place, but can be traced for a cen '„frW. The French Revolution has tainted society in France from the highest, to the lowest, so that although it is repressed by the power of the strongest and most centralized government in the world, it continually breaks out in scenes of violence and bloodshed. The people overturn one despotism only to suc cumb to the will of more exacting tyranny, and like the inhabitants of countries of vol canic strttotttre,' they never feel secure, for the political volcano overwhich they exist merely slumbers and has not been extinguished. was not the case with the Revolution of 17/6, and although every suffering was en dured during the continuance of the war, the 'firm conduct of the men of that period Pre served the bonds of the social system . bite*, and upon the establishment of the uew 'aye-- tern of things, the regard for law; which had not been lost-in the catti4tophe, rendered the preservation' of order': a comparatively easy task. If society is ono` destroyed and its operations suspended, ':the regularity of its athiements are destroyed' 'fin generations.— The greatest evil which. is the result of such a:*.ful disaster is the nepessity which it de-- - velopslin: the, creation of a , strong -pOwer;in thu,Btate,*:.under the inflUenee of, which' lib erty -andrxepresentative.gesernment_wmild lie. alike) Avelthrown...- :the people are thoroughlY disgusted .1110:1 the contention, of factions, they become at last willing, in spite of every educated scintiment gala natural feel ing, to submit themselves without resistance to the will of any man who is able to protect thri against the evils under which they have suffered. The peril is great enough to 'over write all aspirations after liberty. When such a fearful alternative is presbnt ed, who will hesitate about the cost of filling np . the r ranks of the armies of the Republie.- '4ntMetrenartea of the Government and pres ervation of the• free institutions which our forefathers laid down theirlives:t9 sustain, is imperiled by the half-way manner in Which many of those,' able to support the Govern . milt, lay down their 'means for its mainte nance., Let eachcme come forward, who is able, and the men will be forthcoming to end the struggle, and secure' us from the ievils which will otherwise follow. Thei.illismissal.or Capt. Robinson. Some daYs ago a statement appeared in this paper relative to the court martial upon the ease of Capt. Chas. Zdward Robinson, late Commissary of Subsistence of Volunteers at 'which we noivasrcertain to be 43r- gatiaso4....z:44.Taidkkt-4614V-Walizenclex ed'tipondiarges ipeoileations invOlving a violation of the regulations of the Commis sary Department and not upon charges of ap propriation of anything belonging to the Gore.rnmenkto his own use. This correction we take pleasure in making as an act of sim ple justiee tb Capt. Robinson. Official *Returns of file Late Election. THE SOLDIERS WILL VOTE. Handsome Majority of 94,494 The Copperhead Counties. Tote Against the We are at l ist enabled to give the official returns of the special eleetion held on the first Tuesday - in August. The vote is decisive, and ackUOwledges the valuabli service of the sol dier in the field. --He will hereafter be per T matted to choose his own rrders, and partici pate in all the privileges enjoyed by an Amer ican citizen, which had been denied to him by a copperhead Supreme Court, of which the defeated Judge Woodward was its principal leader. We hope the soldiers and their friends will examine the table of returns closely, from which they will see that No= but covizmns.en counties voted against them. ~„ ' ... •AA Anlet. .2d JAlnd't I -= 3d Amd't Counties - -._ _ . . . • . For ,i 1, 02 :For • AO; For 1 Adams 2,08 ,491 2,8051,251 2,275 Allegheny 9,803 06 10,021 606 9,987 Armstrong 2,4881,678 2,402 1,684 2,388 Beaver 2 , 390 368 2,364 308 2,326 Bedford • 1,922 1,628 1,906 1,601 1,898 Berks • 5,91 8,947 8,050 3;540 1,952 Blair 2,605 223 2,605 208 2,517 Bradford 4,97d 229 4,906 191 4,803 Bucks ' 4,897 4,042 4,959 3,932 4,936 antler 2,679 1,237 2,678 1,109 2,867 Cambria.,.:l,B29 2,143 ,1,831 2,179 1.648 Carbon - 1,097 592 1 1,160 481 1,155 Cameron Centre 2,228 2 319 2,212 2,317 2,197 1 . , Chester 6,415 1,483 6,6621,275 .6,542 Clarion 1,613 784 1 599 627 1,589 Clinton 1,300 1,377 1,281 1,382 1,277 Clearfield 1,298 2,083 1,301 2,074 '1,297 Collin:6la 1,533 2,653 1,463 814 1,434 Crawford 4,502 932 4,489 773 4,308 Cumberland 2,9271,588 3,905 524 3,895 Dauphin 3,711 1,861 ' 3,709 1,738 3,780 Delaware ... ''. .. ..: 2,361 157 2 2,410 87 2,412 'Bl Erie 1 ` 5,029 1,083 , 4,950 180 4,753 Elk 280 . 282 257 138 • 266 Fayette ...... ..... 2,803 2,503 2,585 2;440 2,563 Franklin 2,513 -- 721 2,529 722 2,511 Fulton ' 493 645 489 382 483 FDreat . Greene .. • - 1,982 608 10674 690 1,827, Huntingdon.,.,... 2,505 380 . 2,4Q9 307 2,497 Indiana...;;;;.., 3,296 689 3,2641 167 3,236 Jefferson ~ '' ' 1,497 1,220 1,46411,223 1,466 Juniata ‘.... 1,068 . 1,088 1,032 461 1,034 Lancaster 10,537 1,604 15 ,424 445 11,317 Lawrence ‘ 2,288 146 2238 137 2,17 Lebanon 2;408 686 2, , 664. 597 2;5 2 44 Lehigh 2;814 3,637 2,829 3,558 2,570 Luzerne ..... ... : . 4,5754,024 ]6,162 960 6,084 Lycoming .. .. .. . . 2,714 2,473 2,72212,436 2,725, ,fiercer - ' ' .1" 3 212 2,012, 2,121 1 2,007 3,1801 Ill'a.ean •-• ' 570 1881 588 157 584 Mifflin - .1,3041 5761 1 ,354 518 1,319 ro.lMone... ..... . . 458 1,644 529 1,5471 525 Montgomery , 4938 4,743 5,061 4,536; 5,048 Montour 865 '7lO 870 6951 857 Northampton . .. 2,476 3,174 3,730 1,1091 3,702 Northumberland. 2,346 2,1771 2,352 2,139, 2,319, Perry 2,046 902' 2,053 716; 2,0381 Philadelphia 27,268 9,965 29,V.6 328;28,2901 Pike. 167 84i 161 835' 1591 8.. Potter, , ' 1,025 87 1,038 62 1,0161 81 Schuylkill 5,923 3,608 16,56611,605 6,602' .Snyder 1,463 870 , 1,447 1 867 1,448 Somerset 2,300 902 2.3871 140 2,373 Sullivan • 816 381 'B9ll 303 • ao Susquehanna...... 3,261 422 3,225 344 3,211 Tioga ..... ....,.... 3,297 170 3,235 70 3,219 Dnion 1,521 484 1,520 .470 1 1,501 'Vet:nth - 0 ' • ' 2,530 821 2,899 6991 2,318, WarrenT• , - 1,851 210 .!1,868, 1121 1,801 1 Washington 4,031 2,238 4,03412,202 0631 Wayne I -.1,,41 2,221 1,44512 ; 267,1,401 WeStmoreland ... 3,733 3,383 3,75913,336 .3,690,; Wyoming ' ' 1,181 710 1,207 438 1_1951 York' • • • - .I. 4,265 3,884 4,253 3,925 1 41.921: Total for the Ist 1.199,1357 " against. " ..:...105,1438 Majority.Sor the lstamendment.. 94,4941 Total for the 2d amendtheid.....2l.o,ll"l.l ,-" itgainst ." " 75,066 Majority for the 2d. ameiidment . .135,045 Total for the 3d amendment against " , " 75,812; Majority for the' 311 amendment..l3l,44; The counties of Cameron and ,Forest, froin whioh the official returns have not been .re ceived, are very small, - and polled - the folloW ing vote at the last election, viz : Cartin. Woodward . .. 310. 216 Forest t 4 ,9i 58 ,ITNNSYLV,MA LEGISLAME; /URCHTID EXPRESSLY FOR TEM 'I3I:LEOIRATIE. . , SENATE. THIIRSDAY ) , ATOISt 11, 1864. The'Senate met at iiOkt'and half o'clock P. ?a; EXTENSION OF sp.i7E CAPSTQL. A report from the Governor and SU Treasurer in relation to extension of the-state Capitol wee read, as follows : To the. Senate . and House of -Represeritatives• the Conynomcealth of Pennsy/vania : ! Ggst'rerstine :—The undersigned Alla re spectfilly report, that by' section thirty;one of the appropriation act • of May, 5th864, they were appointed to sriperilitend the ex psi:rdure of the sum of fifty thousand for erecting wings to the capitol, according to the original plan." After - -exam ining that plan, they were fully satisfied that the required and necessary addition to the capitol building could not be made "accord ing to the original plan," and can only be roadp by an additional wing to the building on its eastern front, , where it can be made not only without injury to the present structure, but in such a manner as to improve the present appearance of that front of the capitol; And they herewith_submit a plan for such an ad dition, for the coneideratioir and 'action of your Honorable body. • •• • A. G. CURTER, - HENRY D. MOORE. The SPEAKER„ stated that the House had referred the matter to a select committee. On motion of Mr. FAEMING, it was refer a select committee of three. . -„ A message was received from the Governor, returning without his signature, n bill in rela tion to the Petroleum Bank: The question,--Shall-the bill - become a law notwithstanding the .pbjectiorts of the Gover nor ? was decided in the negative by a unani 7 nions,votoi. , AnOlier message Was reeejved Vont- the Governor, returning withont•his_signature, an act relative to the capital stock of the Venani go Bank, - c: The question, Shall the bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the_Grover: v 7 ^ a decideflin the negative by..ii " -14, 1•R0n. The wuta3a. r N.. 4 ' Soldier. BECA~TT.IIi~;S;O~i . HESSADE FROM THE GOVERNOR A select committee of five was appointed to act. in conjunction with a similar committee appointed by the House of Representatives, to consider so much of. the Govei.ndr'S ines sage as relates to the law for the - pa - yrnent of bounties. BILLS REPORTED Kr. JOHNSON (from the (onimittea on the Judiciary) reported, with ameildment. amendment to "an act to fix the Itituuber - ot! Senators and Representatives, and loin' the State into districts," &c. • Mr. TUREELL, (same,) as committed, au act to repeal the third section of an act to confer upon the orphans' court of Lan caster county certain poweit iurelatiOn to the real estate of John Lindenmuller ._and for other puposes. Mr. FLEMING, (same,)• With a negative recommendation, an act to authorize the di rectors of the Franklin and-Allegheny bridge company to borrow money. ONE EIIINDNED AND KIDITTY-EMVENTH P. V The resolution of Mr. WILSON in .regard to the One Hundred and Eighty-seventh regi ment Pennsyhfania Volunteers, was taken up and passed finally—yeas 26, nays 2, The Senate then adjourned till to-morrow morning at 101 The Senate indt at 10i o'clock A number of petitions were presented from townships in different counties in relation to bounties. . - ' Mr. KINSEY read place an act authoriz ing the townships and boroughs of Bucks county 'to pay additional bOttfities. Referred the . Committee On the Judi ciary. Mr. STEIN, an actaelating to the payment of bounties to volunteers in the borough . 4;d' Freemansburg. LIM 603 1,686 311 1,694 ,3,59, Referred to the committee on the kr. JOHNSON, an tetAo regulate elections by soldiers in actual military service. Refered to the Committee ()lithe Judiciary. 209 3,927 1,112 2,127 482 ADJOITIMMENT OYES. 2,317 1,272 643 .4378 2,079 608 Mr. STEIN - tnovad that when the 'Senate adjourn, it be to Monday evening, at 8i o'clock. . Mr. LOWRY hoped the motion would not prevail. The.miMary bill would be reported in five or ten minutes. 524 1,749 The motion was not agreed to. The Senate then, on motion of Mr. HOP KINS, took a recess for 20 minutes. 334 2,473 732 378 MrLITAItY ORGANIZATION After the recess,- Mr. LOWRY, from the joint committee QA the defeviliS of the State,. reported '"a supplement, tO,en act tur,the or ganization, discipline and regulation of the militia'of thttgommonwealth,l , approved May, 1864. 4385 363 I 168 1,223 451 462 The bill was read, as follows:.. SECTION 1. Be it Ozaeted"by the Senate aw 7 House of .gepeseitatives of the ,Coinnionwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is•hereby shaetecll,by the authority of the acinfo;' Thairthe Gotrernor and State Treasurer be and they are heretY authorized and empoweredto borrow, on the faith of the Commonwealth, for a loan aistibh thitein nehmen , * and with such notice as they may deem most expedient for the interest of the State, any sum not ex ceeding three millions- of dollars and - issue certificates loan-or boutiOn Uncle of-the • Commonwealth for the same, bearing six per centum interest per annum, payable semi annually in the city of Philadelphia, whiph certificates of loan or bonds shall not be sub ject to State or local taxation for any purpose whatever, and, shall 'be reim bursable at any time after the expi r ration of ten years from their date; and the sum so borrowed, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be and, the same is hereby appropriated to defray - the expiairses tobi4i ;nay be incurred under the priviisithis of thia Provided, That no certificateiof loan or bond shall be issued for siege sum than: :otialhun dred dollarsO l rovidedfurther, That no cer tifiO.ate or bond shall. be negotiate& for less than its par value; the said certificate of loan or bonds to impart on the faceateteof the purpose for which the game weraiSeined, and to be transferable on the.booki.of the Com monwealth at "the Farmers' and Mealianise Bank in the city of, P)iltirdelphia. Sze. 2. That tho bonds or certificates of loan issued under the provisions of this act shall be signed by the Governor and counter: . signed by the State Treasurer and Auditor General, and a correct and accurate registry of the same shall heicept in:a book to be pro= :tided for that purpose, in thir . _office. =of the Ktiditor General, whnshallmahe itianual re port thereof to the Legislatiire; and the Gov ernor is hereby- authorized to draw warrants. on the State Treilinner for such sums as may be necessary to paf the proper expenses in cident, to the negotiation 'of -such 1p We preparation of the bonlwoecerkificateselloan authorized be seisue y this act, and said warrants, paid ontorany moneys in the Treasury.- SEC. 3. That the.: Milani:4 be, and he is, hereby authorizeo/ and 'with ,the advice and - consent of tho Senate; to appoint a corn' petent person of pilitiuy, education, exp rience and skill, to-hare cOmmand - Of all the militia forces of Pennsylvania to be raised under the provisions of this act, with the rank of Major General, who, While in actual service, shall be entitled to the pay and eniolnments of a Major Generld'inlhe arthytd the'United, States; and he:shall. also hay autharity;, : in manner aforesaid,A4i4ppoilit. two, persons of like military education, ekperierice and skill, to be BrigadieYGenifialif; who; viliflein aetual sertice, shall be entitled to.the'paiandemol- Manta of officers of the same rank in cthe array of the Irnited- States. - 600 3,696 892 2,445 2,0u2 /PS b 44 1,539 4,541 696 1,132 2,169 726 4,587 • 872 149 (1 68 8 . 13 83 ,2, 2 3'438 3,872 4,-- 274 Sep. 4. That whenever the military foice provided fox' in this act shall be called into service by the Governor of the Commonwealth, it shall be the duty, of the A : dints* General to notify, in writing, thelqoartemmaster Gen- eral and- emissary ClieneraL•of ttie .point or points where the inen are to renciezvffits, with the number, as noitk as mat be, and said officer shall forthwith adverti4e for proposals for supplying to the Commonwealth such sup plies as may bewneessiry fdr fdrnishing the troops aforesaid with...T*ll)la and all other stores named in and provided by the laws or regulations of the United States; Said prop°. silty to. l* directed to the Said .Commissary General and Quartermaster General, pmpec tively, and to be opened. after five days'nOticei and the emitraita to be awarded' to the loirest bidder by the:proier officer,: in writing; said proposals, and adequate'secutity, to be taken 'for the faithful . perforinanCe of MS contract before the saffieasiax ' " ded. And said Officers shall publish; and lreisp . nhflile in the several departments for publicanspectiOn, a list OW Ake proposals offeredijaoltaring those rejOtid as well as tlioNonwarda; and before ,the•aci .cipttuiciilf_any provisions -or other *Wino stores of any.ind;wlititsoeVeri piirtslisq •contraet hereinbefore prOvided, it "14 the duty- of the Ainartemaster Cteiteivil: or COMMISSaY Clenekel, as the case maybe; in connection with Auditor General. ,apd State Tr °emir, toaTiopoint Stin thnk? tO"ftee, , as required, one op, more disintefteta a ndi competent inspectors, fimiliar with the value and 'quality of t4e, -- provisionairlifar3l , ,_ stores so contracted for; whOg"stntiit shell be to ezamine andaegerit or reject the none,. and If -ieeepted;:to - to-give a eertifkeme ,th area f tolhe•AlOnbrootors or vender;: 144,4 4101 EZE .q ~ ~ .~ n;i. SENATE. FRIDAY, •August 12, 1864 BILLS - Lei PLAZE. reildiffizi3Etitfoll-fraiiileilreirlen shall be paid until so certified and approved; the inspectors so appointed shall each re ceive five dollars per day for every day neces sarily employed in discharge of their duties, and shall severally be sworn or affirmed to discharge their duties with fidelity. Sze. 5. That the Governor ,of the Cotn: monweelth is hereby authorized and em powered to organize_ a military corps } -to be called the. Reserved Volunteer Corps, of the 'Commonwealth, to be composed of fifteen -regiments, of which two regiments shall be cavalry and one regiment of light artillery. The said regiments shall severally be com posed of companies of like number, and to be armed and equipped, clothed, disciplined, governed and officered as similar Hoops in the service of the-United States,' and - shall be enlisted in- the service, of the State for a period not exceeding three years, unless sooner discharged, and shall be liable to be called into - the service of this State - at such times as the Governor of the. Commonwealth may deem their services necessary for the purpose of sup pressing insurrections or to repel invasions. SEC. 6. The Governor of the Common welitti is hereby authorized to provide thp. necessary hospital arrangements, camps of in struction, 'arms and accoutreinents, garrison and camp - equipage.' transportation and all things necessary forthe arming and equipping and putting into service, subsistence when in service, quarternuister's, commissary and or dnance stores of, the said reserve corps, and to make and adopt all needful roles and reg ulations, to take and use .horses for cavalry and ilitiller3r service, and. such supplies as in his judgment may be necessary, and to seize such railroads and other means of transporta tion as the exigencies of the case may de mand. . Szc. 7. The COvernor of the Connnon wealth is hereby authorized and eir.powered to cause to be made an immediate, enrollment and classification of the militia of the Com monwealth; and it shall I :,e his duty to call and keep in service, es long as he may deem necessary, from the body of the. said militia, or from such portions of the Commonwealth as le may deem necessary, the sa'd reserve, corps by volunteering or draft. BILL fl( PLACE. Mr. M'CANDLESS, on leave, read in place supplement to air act for the pitinient_ of bounties to irolunteers in the county of But ler." After wme debate, Mr. 11'CIANDLESS moved . that the further consideration of the bill be postponed for the present. , The motion was agreed to, And the• Senate . • Adjourned. HOVB OF REPRESENTATTAS. •• FRIDAY, Aug. 12, 1864 The House met at 10 A. M. . : Mr. WATSON, from the Special committee on the subject, repcirted , suppl etnent to the act for the orgardiationildiScirgive and iresU lation of the militia. Two- thodasand cCopiftsof the bill.were ordered to belninted; ' On -motion of Mr. BROWN, the House or dered. the printing-of ths.eit hundred copies of Sertakehill No. B,ito regulate ei&tions by sob. .'ers in actual military service,"together with the 'amendnients recomMended by the House Judiciary: Committee. ' • Mr. RERD, from the special e,orumittee 4.lp pointed at tho last session for the revision of the tax code, submitted a ieport, with aCcom-: playing bill, which was referred to the special committee on Revenues and. nnance. A message' was received from the Governor vetding a bill passed" at the: last session, en titled,Afi act to incorporate the Philadelphia County real estate. 'association. The bill being again considered' the 'veto' 'Of the gov ernor was sdathirked. Another Breoutive message was rcelred, bill of' the last sessioxFrerititled A further supplement to an aet to incorporate tile city of Philadelphia, and authorizing that city to tar, for local purposes, stocks; loaas e . mOttgages, morteSis- at interest, etc. the opinion of •the , Gdrernor, these are not sib jects, of municipal taxation,. but should be re. .served` a source of revenue to the Common- 'wealth . The recOneideration of tb.c. bill WAS 4)08t- EIXIXLed. ; ' ' i Another Eieetitive - message' wag: reeeiVed, itetaltig`a•bill;'ettitled Ati act to'aritliorize the ineorpmatierf of the Mutual and g:ota.- , nieroial -•Colleetion agency. -` . The :bill Sias •agairkbonsidiked and the veto 'W,tis*.etain ed. • BATAAN P l, 4eFf., • Mr. VATTONread in:place ,ant , ,aet to an ihorize sChtmit directors of Curnberh iud township, Greene county; to.levy a tax for the tayment of bOnnty to volunteers. Passed hnally. Mr. (Chestr,) an act-relating, .to guardians. Referred to. theQtkommittee ,on the (iOnati4l...) Mr . SHARPE, an'ast to ilic°*frOtate!, • the Franklin improvement' dOMPapy,.., (44 lied to retie ,eapital'te; the reboildpm• el el , lam keralaup,..), . ' - • - Referr — ecT to thfli,flanunfttela COrporat, , 'Lbus. WEI,SMB act - relative to notial of frotest.' 11Sferred to the Committee on the Juan!' ary, (general.) • '." JACKSON, €44, ie g taatin g . gas fee s of. PrOliotLotariea and' clerks of • Grp' hart's', courtwand courts of Oyer and tertninair and quarter sessions in the ;;several emu/toss of this Commonwealth. lliferred. to the Committee on the J'adi • • ..ciary, (general)- " • 'Alto,- an act rcgrdating the fee a'Of reg,,isters. .Referitalto the Contmittee on the Jodi: ciary, (general:l.: Also, an net regttlatftig the fees of Iwo; rders! 'of deeds." Referred to the Conimittee oak the Judiciary, • (general) Mr. 'R, an act rebting to the money borrowed - and bonds issued by any county, city, ward or borough for the p, ay merit ofliounties. Referred to the Committee on thoJaclicis,r; (general..) - Mr. Gy.AP,S, a supPlement taxa aoC to• in oorpOrcite the Alladin oil,company, Mr. DICE,,, an act authorizing the town council of the borough of Chester, Dela. ware county,'toberrow money to pay hountieat to volrinteers. Pissed finally. Mr. &SIM", (Chester,) a.sirralar bill -ai regard to Lower Oxford to*.malaip, Oheator county. Passed Mr. SCEOFIEXtP. an act to anthoriza.t'he revision of the grade of a portion of - Itridi water street ancl : lliiiie k .e . ttect, city of Roferred"to the Committee on the judieis. iy _ . (local.) Mr. SEARIGHT, au act to eticourw.i.he maiinfacture of leather in the county of ' Referred to the Committee on Agricuttrire , and. Domestic Manufactures. . m EEILSSAGES FROM AMR GOVERNOR. • A message 'w&S.receiv"4l3 from the Oov'ernot, communicating a letter from:: the Secretary cif' the Navy,asing that the State. grant .to thp United States:jurisdiction over a-amall lot Of: ground , adjmning the . P4iladelphia navy yard, the 'plirclictse..of,- which was authorized at UM list session of Gerigress. . Referred to the. Committee on Federal Relations: .-. a erovernor also submitted;- by message; a ounnunication from the Surveyor'Grenecal; urging the necessity. of incragog the'riinnbei of clerics* the land Ofhafi... • • ' i RetetrecUta the 'Committee of2.Ways ancl .112ekligt. fails allawDED. A. number of House- bills, recalled by reso lution, from the Governor, were takeettp, amended and re-passed. Mr. HASLETT offered a resolution (which, after.: discussion, 'was, on motion of Mr. SMITH, )f hiladeliphia„ postponed) provi ding-,thatt ot an after Tuesday next the House will hold dailses.lions from 9 A. M. till r. , and from 3P.M.tI l 7 P. s. Mr. BILLINGFELT offered the following resolution: - - - . - Resolved, That the House will not proceed to the consideration of any private bills during this session, except bills returned by the Governor and boulity D44.the consideration of the resolution, the House adjourned till Monday, at 4 P. M. 3_9 Zefenrapo. ARRIVAL. OF THE EVENING STAR. Airs. Gen. Aids and Family Among the Pas Expedition Up Grand Lake. DESTRUCTION OF BOATS & CAPTURE OF ARM' FIGHT NEAR 111ORGA.NZIA. ARRIVAL OF TRANSPORTS AT NEW ORLEANS. The Steamer Rob Roy and (largo Burned by The steamship Evening Star, from New Or leans an,the 6th inst., arrived at this port this -mornhig. • Among her passengers are Mrs. Gen. Banks and family. , . Our gunboats made an expedition up Grand sakek on the 26th ult., and destroyed a large number 'of flatlioats just • completed by the rebels, and several in course of construction. - A quantity of, small. arms and accoutre ments, left by, he rebel cavalrYmen, were cap tured. , on, the 28th, the same gunboat destroyed loadi of valuable timber. She then returned to Berwick. On the 29th a party of Gen. Ullman's scouts had a fight near Morgan. or Morganzia, result ing in the flight of the rebels, leaving a rebel Captain and several dead and a number of wounded, besides several prisoners in our hands. Sit steam transports from Brazos Santiago arrived at New Orleans on theAth, probably laden with troops withdrawn' from Texas. It is reported that the steamer Rob Roy, with - one thousand bales of cotton, had been captured and burned in- Ouchira river by. Texan guerrillas. • Official' Dispatches. RUMORED CAPTURE OF MOBILE `NO tiATER DIRECT NEWS Sh e 11n Slielling Atlanta No MOv6itenits at Petersburg WAR DHP.UtTATENT, WASHINGTON, t Atig. .11.--9.30 P. M. To aliij, Gen. Dix, Hew York: from intelligence has been received froth. Mobile except frOni deserters, who re port the capture of the city, but nothing offi cial. - I • • Gen. Sherman reports all well, and that he is4.nocking,Atlanta Avith 4i-inch shell. Nt`No , movement has been made by our forces in front.of Petersburg. Gen. Sheridan has not been heard from to day. EDWIN Id. STANTON, • Secretary of War. WAsanio'rou, Aug. 11-10. r. M. .1144 i, Gen, Dix,, Nein ,Tork; A.,dispatett from Gen. grant, just received,. reports tho casualties by the explosion of the ammunition barge . at CityPoiit on the 9th as : Killed,. 12 :enlisted; men, two citizens, (em -0606130 one citizen, (not employed by the Goverrutient;) and 38 colored laborers.— Wounded, • flifee ,commiSsiOned officers, four enlisted-Men, 15 citizens, (employees,) and 86 colored' laborers. ;Beside these there were eighteen others wounded,' soldienetind - eitizens not belonging about the wharf. The damage to the proper ty was large, but I have not the means of re porting it. The names. of the killed and wounded have not reported to the Department. The 43aufle of the explosion has not been as cextaknied. ED. M. STANTON, -Secretary of War. 1.44*e - r. from Sheridan HE IS PURSUING THE REBELS They Must Fight or Retrent MARTINSBURG OCCUPIED BY. OUR FORCES WASRINGTON, Thursday, Aug. 11. C•leti. Sheridan's command broke camp at Halltown yesterday. and marched to Berry vile, on the Winchester pike, where it ar rived yesterday_ afternoon without much op position. Imboden's cavalry skirmished with our ad vance from Charlestown, but were easily and steadily driven. This morning, at daylight we resumed the march; arid 'expect to meet the enemy at Opequan, five miles this side of Winchester, 'where we will either have a battle or they will retroat down - the valley. Id'aibutbrut, has been occupied by our forces. ' • T . be'rekls captured sairlituigSergt. White, csie at ba r ; 3 ,larits,' Martinsburg yesterday. • itakting of "he Foreign Block ade., . • 7114.0BINGTON, Aug. 12. it has been o ffi e r s u y a zmounoe'd to the State ' "DePatttaitti. that in conat'quenoe of the con ..ohilicien.4.l44,3l,3pension of tostilities between ~Denmark and the German PoN7ers, the.block • ade of the Prussian ports of Colberg, .Gam ,`mid, Sieinemuude, „Wagtail', Griefswalde, :. s4ltiezia Nith; Ditixtzig ancl /Van, as well as that of the . ports "and inlets. _on the east coast of thit l fDriphies of Seldom* and Hol stein, was orcloretl to - 4 *hid towthe 20th of lEEE BXTENSION OF DILLY iIiS6IOS: EXCLUSION OF PRIVATE BUSINESS FROM NEW ORLEANS. sengers, Gnerrillas. I= Niw Vora:, Aug. 12. News . frow Washington. WASEELIGToN, Ang- 11 TEE NEW LOAN The subscriptions to the 7-30 loan to.tla, amount to $471,200. The total amount Ulu, far received is $11,272,460. Parties trans. mitting 7-30 bonds for conversion will do Ivo: to bear in mind the fat that some little till must necessarily be required to attend to thclr orders. The acknowldgement of the reeeir of their packages is all the department can the first day of their receipt. Lieut. Col. Ellin, late Quartermaster of Cavalry Bureau, has been assigned to thr charge of the First Division Quartermaste r . General's Bureau, with the rank of Colonel This Division has charge of the purchase r; all horses, mules and transportation neee, sary for the service, and is created under late act of Congress reorganizing the Q uar . termaster's Department. The dispatches from Admiral Farragut fer delay from the fact that it was necessar to bring the dispatch steamer from yew 0; leans. They are now, however, hourly for. The Richmond papers of yesterday 3a , that their loss in guns at Fort Gaines . and that they lost about 600 prisoners there, and also an immense amount of stores of at , sorts. Fire in New York. NEW loan, Aug. 12. A fire occurred in Mott street this morning by which some 25 buildings were destroy including a large number of tenement 11 0 1: 1 :, : .; factories, .Cc. The loss is heavy. Latest from Grant's A rin) WASHMIGTON. Au'. 11! A letter from the Army of the Potomac r ported all quiet, with the exception of usual picket firing along the lino of Bur: side's corps. Fire in Boston. BOSTON. August 1 Manson, Patterson & Co.'s Joiner's estal. lishment and planing mill, a large stock lumber, three wooden buildings, in Eact Be; ton, were burned last night. The lo„ 1- $lOO,OOO. $lOO,OOO. Covered by insurance. MARRIED. On the lith lust., by Rev.t i res Colder, Hum . ?; FRANCIS, U. S. Navy, and bliss • RY E. Satatf., of Fla. risburg. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOUND—A Pocket Book, which ..the own, can have by calling on Goo. W. WesUsti 38 Karl: street, by describing the contents and paging for this :. tics. augt.27dl: 25 CARPENTERS wanted immediately.- Apply to H. H. ROLLER, Harrisburg. Go wages will be paid.* Advance In the - Price of Milk. ON and after Monday next the prices cr milk wilt be as follows: New milk, 10 cents per quart; skim milk, 5 ur.:- cream, 16 cents. [augl2.-d3t*l Wanted, ALIEUTENANT with a taw. Iran. For further particulars iu k quire of Capt. Dean. 0tT1. , : Walnut street, between Thffd and fourth streets, ‘vh he highest local bounty is paid to volunteers. augl2 ti WANTED.—To !e.t.a radii in a business locatloa, not particular what kind or room, eat.. first or second story. Apply at Farmers' Hotel, Han, burg, Pa. augl2 °V' PUBLIC SALE Household & Kitcheti - Paribilture riimr, subscriber will sell, at Public Sale, on 1 Monday next, at 10 o'clock, A. x., her entire lot c: Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of Mt Carpets, Stoves, Tables, Two Mahogany Card Tables Chairs, Book Cases, Books, One Large Copper Kettle, to gether with a large lot of articles. too numerous to mc: Lion. . Atm . ANN itYMIII3, angl2-d2t* Corner of North and Third, straits THE BEST WAY AVOID THE DRAFT ! . ENL s. The New hirantry Regiment' NOW FORMING FOR 02r2i YEAR'S SERI7CE $375 LOCAL 101:INTr: saw GOVERNMENT BOUNTY' SERVE with your friends and neighbors in a company of yourown choice. Recruits will diately, upon enlistment, be mustered into the U. S. - vice, and receive subsistence and clothing. Recruiting office at the Court souse, Ham' burg, Pa. Awl' T. Eli - Slkiwc ER, • Lido Mut. Co. "A," Sege , WILLIAM J. 'An-urs, Mustering Officer. letzt.ld, BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! IN BOOTH AND skroEs SELLING OFF! INTENDING to close in a very short tin), ± I will sell all my well selected stock' of 'toots. t•L' and Gaiters, at prices far below their present value. My stock was made for retail, of the best mater+sl workmanship. To those who apply early I will sellareat hargfun , ItESS. No. 12 Market Square, next to Felix's Conrectioner' aul2-dtaug3l LOST, ON Saturday, the 31st of July, a RI DOVE. The ender will be rewarded ky returnie; WE. mortals, Sixth street below Walnut augl2-dlt NOTICE TO ISIIIPPERS BY: Philadelphia and Reading Ral are TN accordance with the . pronstolui-o ± New Internal Revenue Law, all goads delivered at ,t above railroad for shipment, most Lave.- i T wo (ea Stamp allied to the receipt denianded thereHar, stamp to be at the expense of the nipper. For all receipts taken by the above Company, stamps will be Dimished and paid for by the Company auglo-dtsep3o JOHN J. CLYDE. AP I.: - DRAFT!! PHILADELPHIA GUARDS COL. A. A. LECALSE. $5OO ' BOUNTY! For one year's ser• vice only. Men Mustered iramedia , ` 4 and paid cash down ;400. Come singly, or in squad' Any person bringing SO men will be COMMiSSIODei , Second Lieutenant; 25 men a First Lieutenant; 40 ises • Captain. The above will be executed to the letter. Apply Col. A. A. LECHLER. Hee:tiquartera, ell Chestnut et., rb,l-!. auglo PEraLic SALE OF TWO VALUABLE;UO,RSES WILL be sold, at public sale, at the COUHW HOUSE, SATURDAY, lUGIAT AT I P. 1 1 .. TWO VALUABLE SADDLE HORSES• The one la a Hlaedt gawk Morgan 1 9ta11ion, eight Y e ' r old; sound in every particular. The other Is a large Brown Pacing Horse, very ge''' and suitable for a Ladles' Hackney, For further particulars call at the State Capitol Hotel or at Murray's Livery Stable, where the Horses rln seen. augil "OR $A E. TBgood will and fixtures o, an old auk well established Restaurnaa.. For farther particular "lnn LauB 94l o J.W. r., Harrisburg, P. 0.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers