Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, August 12, 1864, Image 1
TOT TPTIEGRAPII na PITAILLSHED MORNING 410 EVENING, fj y GEORGE BERGNER QFFICB THIRD ST., NEA. WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSORTIFTIOS SMCIE Sti*RTTON. ins turas TZLIGKen •is .served. to subscribers in thc city at 12 ccrite per week. Pearly subscribers ,trlll be charged $0 00 in advance. Those porsora who neglectti, pay in advance will be charged $7 00. WEEKLY' ta.mums. TPZlClRAPiliSalsopublisbed weekly,anci is furnisicol. guhaertherd at the ftillowium cash rates • ' Single copies, weAklp Three copies to one Post Office Ten copies to one Post Other MED)UPAJ, .DYSPEPSVA I DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDER OF THE LIVER DICESTIM O 1 Al 5, = 11 0 0 F ti A LP.S GERMAN BITTERS THE GREAT STRENGTHE,NING TONIC, THESE Bitters have performed more cures have and du give bettersath,factittu; have mare tes tiniony; have mere respectable people-to vouch: fur limn Cuau any other at tick. in LLe market. We defy any one to contradict this assertion,' rind will pay $l,OOO to any one that will produce a eertiticate pub lished by us that, is not genuine. Hound's German Bit ters, will cure. every : case-of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidner3,:ihd•tEiseases arising from a dis ordered stomach. Observe the following symptoms, re. suiting from the disorders Of the digestive organs: Con tipation, inward ales, Fullness of Blood to the head, Acidity of the Stoniach Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust fur IPood;leullnesstriVeight in the Stomach, Sour Druefit loss, Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, Swiminhog elf the head, Flurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the heart, Choking or suilbeating sensations whefi in a lying osture, Dimness of vitirin, Dots or'webs bolOre'lo eight, tevei and dull pin] in the head, lleliciericy.ol Pers piration, Yellowness of the skin and eyes, Pain in the back, chest, limbs, &T.., Sudden flushes of heat, Burping in the flesh, Constant inaagmation# of eval, , nn4.-qoatl de pression of spirits. • • • • Remember that this Bitters is not ateohtdic, tontalns no Mnm or whisky, and can't make drunkards, but is the best Towle is the world. READ WHO SAYS SO From the Rev. Levi O. Beck, Paz-tor or the Bapti4 Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North .Baptltt Church, Plailaderphm. I have knowu iloothAls German Bitters faVorably for a number of years. I have Used my'oarn and have been 60 pleased with their ollecta that L vas in duced to recommend them to manyothe?e, ate] kit& that they have operate(' in a strikingly 'betietleial mininer, I lake great pleasure lu thus publicly proclaiming' this, fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted .411)t 'the diseases for which they am recommended to these Pit tare, knowing from experience that my recommcndapon will be sustained. I do this more cheerfully as Hoof land's Bitters is intended to benefit the afflicted, and is "F 94 rum drink." Yours trtt!y.: r • ' Lill D. D'EbK. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D. Editor of the groMpedia of Relllhous Knowledge and Christian Chroni 016,'Philattelphla. ' Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Mellicines in , genbral, through *trust or their lugrecliMrti and elects, I yet know or no' thtlicient rearmis why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received trona any. simple preparatiuu, be hone thrit tie may tints centribtate lo the benilit of (ahem I do this tlici.mcrureadily imregaril to Boollaud's Ger man Bitters, I,repare* liy-Dr.'• a M.kiackson, of this city because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mpttgre. lam indebted : to-my . , Robert, Shoetua 464gliia-, for the reinbild or this prejudice proper tq and for i enColitagegfent to try Blom when sulfuring -from great 'and' font,' - eentlimed debility; 'The use: of three bottles of these -Bitters at the beginning of the present year, wan followed by evident relief and restora tion to adegree or bodily and mentalvigor which I ttad notifor,sisilemntns'ibeforc, and bad! lilmsfct despaired' of rogiiinfog. I 'therefore thank Gud'and my friend for di recting me to the use of them. J. NEWTON,g4OWN, From Rev. Warren Randolph," Pat !.hi. ! Baptist Church, Gerniantown, Penn. . - Dr. C. M. Jackson:—:D . ear .Sir:- , - , -rersonal experience enables me to say that I regard the German Bitters, pre pared by yea, as a most excellent medicine. In eases of seVere cold add general debility I nave been greatly bone. Rued by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not they *GI produce similar erects on others. Youll 1;107 WARB4.Ii RAN DOLPII, '`GernauktOwn, Pa. . , _-,-/ .!-:;)...i• Prom Rev. J. .11..Ntu•nor, ' Ristar of lledtbug, M. S Pt 1/IrC o. Yhiladelphia, • : .--, 1 . Dr, .4, Jackson:—Dear tar:- 7 1.1aliing used, ytiuk tler• man t Wars M my family rtoquenti i Y i am PralmVo say that it. has beett r of greet service. believe that fu . moat Cases of generardebility of the system it, is the mt amt moat valuable remedy of winch rhuve any knou'iedge.. _, .Yours, respectfully - J. H. TI.TRINTPAI, ISIU. 7 . :4 N. Ninetoeuth street: -' . „ ' tir roni tife Rev. J. NI. Lyon; formerly pmfor t oE_ iho i • iffilio . o.:J.) and Milestown (Pa.) Buptiat Ohulaal New ItoenFrne, N'. Yl .•- . -'' -Eir 0: M..Jacksou :—Dear Sir :—I feel it trpeasztri., thy.% --- itiny a...wa, B.CCAVO bear testimony to the exeellened (.1 the Ottmanilitto 'B6l226Yearit knee - being much .af ilistiltiVirsPor4; i 'asfq tneri *IA ; 3tFlii be u e lit al resultsnave onen reeorimien ed Iheni To pursues n , I,faeblediry.thattermantingidiseinee, and bareAtesedTrpriti . them the.anopli. flittering. testimonials nag. milleit real a te ,'.Floe. In Cane of general elenility, I belierro:it. to • a .11.411. /kat cannot be Surpassed. . . ~ /...M.. 4YONS, t1.,•1 % 1 , . ) • _n From the.. Rev Thomui.. Wintfir,,Parkr of Ilexboriatgb Baptist Church,„, Dr, Jackwin:—Dear - Sit: -1 felt it dile to your eseet-. lent prellaratidn, eitkr‘tb add my testimony to the deserved reputation it lies obL.ucsd. 3e have for years, at, timea, Beek tfoubl , hl with groat Lii,tatieri in myy, head and nervops ,a , hinitip. I was oilvwl, by a. friendito try's bottle ol• sett m an have*Sperieneed greai-unatiltinkpeetet heaph, hail been very. materially bepotated. t cOluitlenily amid the article where .1 wed:wait easoa;similar to my owa, and, have beenassuredbry..lnini,y 4ltdir .good reels, Re:Epectfully yours, . T. WINTER, WOOrOugh, Pa` From Rev. J. S. Rernian, of the German Reformed. Church, zutztown, Berir.s county, Pa. Dr. C. M. Jackson:--Renweted Imre beep, troubled with Dyspepebt,Mll7, tu , difity yearn, and have never used any medicine that did me as much good an Howland's Bitters, I atii 'very much improved iu afier,.banng taken Oro bp.043.. ..; TOWN with respect, ,; - J. S. ItEU _ Pll.l CIEt3. Large Size (holding ucayly dhlble quantity,), $1 ,00., per bettht—ttitlf dont t DO moo ger bottle—:salt' ." 400 -7 BgwAsa 00 USTERPRITsil • See that the signature of 'S.. JACKRuP , ta, ns, Old W.R.CPPER of each' bottle. . , • ' . Should your nearerktigtat. not have the hrticle, do not be put off by a.ny.of the inn Preparaiions.that may be cllareci in its Plabcli/ ea, and We Will fOrwaol, steurefir packed, nY•oprees., i Principal Office and 31anufactory, NO. 631 ARCH STREET, 01/11.11,D$LP.U.LA. , .-* • ' gA'ANS; ifunealffre to•CJArElacksemn , Utt :.7/ 1, BOreif. 110 yptr isle by ^mitt and Dealers In 011;17 town In Masi Riga anylo-414w47 i' • - ' • • • ~. . . . - - _ :.• .• .L-7.1,, ,- t.1...f:7 - • , - "•-'•:--' :. v.). ; " ' i' ~, ,4 -•-.. -.- . - :,.. .. • --- • - . ••-- - . . . _ . . . . . .', •; - f..-. ', - .: ,'7 .:L.*- , , ,, \ , , ._ . . ~ Nn i ; %. • .. . •• . •-. .''''.. . '- . ' ,:. ''..:, .: . 46 , 1 T ; .‘ . Ibil !\ . :s4 . lllWl, l o ' -,;-- --- • ' 7 7: : :: (...,.: ' ~ . • : : _ . . . .. . . . . . . . ~‘• 4 i . '...,.... 4 1 * ..' •----''-.,. - - , -- : - • ' - - - - -_LL.. , --- - - 1 Cl* : _ 4 , 1 _ ...,..„..,_. ~,„......,,,...• : . ... . .. .. ... _.. .. , ,•..„..„_ ... .„...._ „....-9.7! ~_ ~.,-,:...• . ,• , ..; - ..‘. , ~. i; - - f . .- •- • ,- •• t.'"` - - ••• 1 1 .-_ i •:• • - 7 =, ; '7' . ' - i: .' •'' slso 4 00 10 00 1864.:- 1864 Philadelphia and Erie Rail- Road. Trn''greet Sine traverses the 'Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. .• • It has been leased by the P.asaisirivatna RAILROAD coat issv, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now In use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (216 'miles): on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) on the Western Division... TIME OF PASSENGER TR_ , IINS AT HARRISBURG. Leasie Eastward, Expiesertilti. Leave Northward, Mail Train... Express 'train- Cars run through wrrsotrr oasixos both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Look Haven. Elegant Sleeping ears on Express trains both ways be tween Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. , • For information respecting Passenger business apply at fh, S. E. Corner 11th and Market streets. And for Freight.businetis of the Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr. , corner 13th and Market street:s, Philadelphia. . J. W. li i eynolds, Erie : • • J. Ilf.'Dellf, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, LEWIS L HOUPT, General Ticket Agent Phi Pa. JOB. D. POTTS, my2o-ayl Generat *onager, WillkonspA C U MBER LAND VALLEY AND , FRANKI 4 I N C- . NGE 'OF litOljttB. 7 ---On and a ft er Moon day ' April '4th, 1864, Passenger trains will ;run daily, Is MA W% (Sundays excepted 4 • , FOR (714NBERSBErRO AND HARR/B.ST7ROI• • Leave Ragerealown . t.OO IL 46- " Greencastle 7.31' 6.:35 Arrive et , 3.17 44.!. IO Qhanibersburg, ' • LeaVe at Leave •SiePPeneeurg . ' " Newville . MI dti Carlisle 555 10.10 24 Mechanicsburg • 625 10 42 3,12 Arrive at. Zaryi.burg . . 6.55 11.15 3.40 FORCII.4MBERSBURG.AND RAGEESTpWN: P.'M. Pt *- Leave Harrisburg 8.05 1.82 4 20 , Ilechaniesbarg- • ... 847 2.15 4,54 " Carlisle 8.27 ,?.$5 i 1/.211k " 1.0.= 3.29 " Shipponsburg 10.38 4.00 • • 11.00 4.80 : • Chambersbeig i l "" t •' , e,.. ' - 11.4aveat.zs. .... „ ..„..1.1.30 - 4.40 L6lNVOretstaitfeJ =: .; _.t.11.55 5.88 ! Arrive at HagersteWn 12.85 8.10 Ara- Making close connections at Harrisburg wills larabas Foe PolladelViala, New "York and Rittaburg i add.! gith ritins'ibr all points West: sgw-The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4,2 A F. M. roes only as far as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, , sag. R. R. Office Cl asabersburg April 4 1861-ly GLAD NEWS 1:01i, THE UNFORTUNA'T'E DISCOVERED AT LAST. Cherokee, ,Itemeity CWFROKEE INJECTION? , . COMPOYNDED FROM. ROOTS, BARNS:AND LEAVES. CiIRROKICEE theyleatindiant.Diardic,: .eures all diseases: of the urinary maw, such ai incotiti: nerve of the Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder, Inflam mation of tha Kidneys, stuaa to Me Mader, Stricter; Gravel y :. Gieeteonitorhea, and is especially recommended . 'in Dose cases , of Astor Aibus (or Whites in females) toltere ail the oldnitiseaus medicines Mee faired. • , It is prepared in a highly coneentratettlerra, the dose only fidin,g lei:Wont& to two teespoionfthree Mines ' `itis Wardle ana i alterative in its action; - Tairliyrag , and cleansing the blood, causing it to llo* 'in all ofi its original purity and vigor; thus renietkrnefroni Vim -stem atipertuQioll£l causes' iiairo lx4ruced disease: • :,'C)C. &mit oKEttiAcriox it !Tam:l,6(los ally 'or Waist ant to the"CIELEROICES . V;INED7/ and ala . ctdd Paused in conjunction with that medianiin all ce.a .ee of Gonorrhea, Meet, Fuler Attila or Whites- Its ifenta Ara !heaUfei t soolhir f;l4 demulcent :t1:1/..etaltlitM,;h4t, Oordee•and : nain t inannulpf the bunting and. almoat Inv iledgetßeßeir4 l o4 l 9 1 Pertleneed with nearly ay -the &OP gyieckinjecNens. . : Byt the : two or 7the CHEROKEE, •.RRIBIDT and OftEnOKEE EN.7ECITIOX—the two madiotaetattl{s same titie,4l}imiiroper:disktuarges are realer ea& the weak mei Organs are speedily restored Do Ain vigor and strength. - • 4. - .I.Wror full martiuulars, get ow - pemN,el4"row. Anal ntiotn r .ihPiiii tinnitaky, or Wale . free, to any address, a full treatise. gam , rice , , CHEROKEE, 4.EPIED',C.:S2 per bottle! or ibit4bbtties lbr g 5. .? • • • I tI . .L Price CHEROKEE INJECT' ON, $2 per bottle, Or tbreobottlos for $5... .o&,.gent by express to any address on receipt of . • Sold by 41titniggi4ts everywrierec ••i• • - it: • ME DH. W. R. MEI WIN & CO., Siete Proprietors, . , marlo-codly No. 59 Lll?ertj ,. street, New York, 16OTS, BOOAIth LEAVES .. _ . 3 1 : 2 cure for sVilravaboislisa, Seminal Trak Emisek?sas,rd_ 10#srWs C.F4Uffd Ice , 8 0 : . pontiti;m; such as Loss cbt°,4l?aorys Universal Zassitle„ Dintuen of yysicy4 Ay:waken Oliritye Weak Nervei,Difficulty of Breathina; Tressaiingt Wafeefli nf'SFP . ? . ?W. l . 736 1 18 -11 1 .FePat,. NIS COV4ialf , nfip, iManaYr FPnMar i . : 141 44X 4 aU.Thee Direjia,CMAil!t! caused by de partingfrosailtepaikaf patura . l‘ ihir r ati PlediCill,Mrl simple vegetable extract, andose: . n which all Cu rely, !1014tas deeu used id dtl Prsudue for n i e years, apd with, amazon& treated, it has mit; f a i led i n , di g t, B u t a ne,. Its curative powers have beep • led/le"t• tddrild'VhdaY.ltver:the swat swoon, Wee those who have trifled With their twastitutiou r 1 , tll they, think iliemSelves beyond MC readier medical we vfoold stay,.Parstir hot /- theOtehearas Cast win 'res ' rirybu'u , healti shdlrigar, and,after all quack doe well have railed I . • . nrAll Pal t iduuldra get: 621111ar anK Store in the aountfy, 'or write. the - Proprietor, w ' mall free'tcenrifone desirliatthe same,', tell trestle(' la pamphlet/errs: . ff.:. • • - A ry i .,, s o.not Aattle . , or three battles . for $5, and lervrarded.byersvpdp4o . W W. MERVIN wets or the j Wis-S6ld. bran - .V!mtable 'dragging every Where. - DR SoLs Psonurross, marlo.eodly No. bD Liberty street, New YoriL BY GEORGE BERGNER RAILROADS. RAIL. RO,ADs. MEDIC A,L. THE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR CHEROKEE - CI THE i ,Tlll2.lllltal .rti DIAN 1 1 1 P3)1.4 - JINE. . COMPOUSDED -t - g44=V,..:»E...,.. 1 14.1:PC P • "THE UNIQ N-,-1%1 4 0 W 1 A TEA $, 0 It i E V' V, It ."—'o2reski; = 14 , spersia has the, followintg Sitrppt9m3,: Ist. A constant - pain or SinieasineSS at the pit of Alai stomach. l oci • 2d. flatidence and Acidity. • 3d. Ctativen,eSs and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depieseion of Spirits.' SRL Diarrlicea, Withtipixig. 6th. Paint all parts , of the Systern. 7th. CoMitimptive Synifiterns andpalpita tion of the . HeartZ • ' • Bth. Cough, Ith Phiegnxin - the Throat. 9thl' Ner701.1. - Affeal4ll,...d'titit Q r Sleep at night.' • 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. _ 11th. Dizzineski, 'DiraneSki of Tis,ibu, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headadhe and Staggeringin walking •r 4 • 1 1, with great weakness. _ ' Oat of the thousands of Cases •Of - Disfiepsui that hare used Dr,- Wishart's Grgat American Dyupepsiki Pills,' not one of them has 'failed of a perfect cure. We warrant aeure in erery case, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggisM everywthere,•Andat Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All errninatimis arid con sultations free of chigge. Send,lor , &circu lar. Price $1 per hos. Sent by mail,. free of charge, on receipt of money. ' • .. .. 1.20 P. IL • .. 250 a. M. .1.36 P. N. .::3.1b s. ,x, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA; .', Dpt . ' 'BripsfA, „.. , . I, ELIZAWETH ..161tANSON, of EraiidYwine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do idertify that, .for one .yeak arida halt riniffered every thing lint death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with:weakness and nervous ddbility; I could not digest ray food; if I ate even a cracker, or the smallest amount of food, it wouldrehlrn just as I swallowed it.; I became so cdEftive: in my bowels, that I would ;Dot have a palsage in' less than fitm lour aud'ofton eight dive; 11n - .1 ',der this Immense, sufferiag,eray Mind . ambled entirel;i , tagive.-way. rI had a dreadful terror and evil for.ebedinge. 'I thought everybday hated roe, and I hated everybody; - 1 could not bear my.husband, nor my own childran„eve y thing appeared.b3. lost 11 13.ellacirror.stricken. to': ei I had no ambition to do anything; .L l i t my love of family and home; I woufdiratablet and wander from place to placia;:tett could not ,be contented; I felt. that. I Nina . doomed ito hell, and that there was_ no heaven for :lila,. and was ” often tempted :to commit suicide,. so near was my . whole :nervous *stem de, stroyed t and also my, mind from-that:awful eemPlalloyspepsie; that myfriend,athottght ( best to have, ine,placed. in Dr. ffitirkbride'o, hospital, West .4.'ildelphia; I ..renrairt4 there - r4-14 ,weekta and thOught.l. was , a ilitlle better,' hut in a few days my -circatifolteott. plaint, was raging, as bad as ever. .I.lleafinglof, the wonderful', cures performed by Dr. Wis,: hart's Great` American ; Dyspepsia Pills. and his treatment„ for gyspepsia,. my.'hustiand called (in Di, Wishartinitl, stated nay) cis e to. him. He said he had 4aelou.l3t he extukt-eure: me.,.So in three claytiaftertl culled and placed - 1 myself under 'the.' Doctea'a treatMenttermd i r, tWo weeks Iliegan to digest my foodl*: and I It. that my disease was fast giving way,. and , I continued to recover, for abopt; three Months, and at the present time I enjoy . perfeethenllh, of body and mind, andlrgoal,Anuptely,Yetutn: my dumps to a tOicifult.Go4iankEtnifflik3t, hart, and to - /ay. - great' Aine4can Dyspepsia. ,l i irS liiid pine CorAlal.thatsayeclen,.e, fraiii . ,afghime'Asyfinn . and,preMatureigray. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are lit, liberty to calr orihe tWti t e, ,atO am will' R . he a to do'•tilt't' - g , iic , Canlei Siifteriug. 4 -. Dimity. -- . rtrz:6,l3rivn - • - BRANSQN,.., 1 Erandyivine*JD4, : lOinieily Of OldClie:" ~ Delaware conrif34, Pa. ° ' ' a "'.' Da. Wlsruar's Office, wo.,ii SecoOrt street, Philadelphia. 8.30 12.0 5 ma us 9.32 .dO2 . , DYSPEPSIAPDY4S , PBTIO - - Da Wistreux—l have Wan a oensta , t" . o , lrer with ' J )yspep,sia for ttip bouf 4101140 yetlirCadrldif which tine'( I cabnot, still ev r ermlloyed o Peek-10.415'.1vel 1 : gaiN - Thep,. v tere timeontststlM'Symniefos were neerk.aggravated , t liini itotiheiii,faxid then it*ereed it would be it great re- - li to to die. I had at all times an unpleasant-feelingiri Myr Ii tad, but latieriAr my angering; so much lacreased thatt I becairie almOst uhAttif,businom of any Ithul; oar mind, -anit , coatineally filled - ; wittcglahnlY"thougThilit and ,CO - tatting; and if I attempted to change their Ourrenti r lading, sat oncea sensation efisy coldness int eenneeti " aith a dead weight, as it were, rented upon .my. bra ;. alto, a feeling of sickness would occurat theatomaoh, add great paid to my eyes, doodad:tented 'With's:4lod Wits tide optdidual I fear ordobingfroy realm.- -1 , 11V6 -ekirediencdd rift lassitude debility add nerypmes4,wbiou m a d e It difficult TO wa lk by day ; or sleep at night. I--lsmarde averse to society; and disposed only to Jieeluidge,:aiid basing tried the skill of a number of eminent phYssdies °lsm:ism schools, ftsally annelottiecontlusiouthat, for , thisdisease at my present age (43years) therewasnocom in, esistence. But, through the interference:9r DIV" f Prcatidendel to whouti het ady offer my 1 0,:iiiii; lat I t ' found a sovereign. realogylletydur DYlipetliia Pills ' Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed: -: menthe last trace of my long,rtat Of iit*ldtli , „aldt •feelings, andla their placd lied b, plotsnre and -oontta . , stint are my everyday companions. _ . _J4IIIESX SATINDIAb3; , 'NO. , S 453 North Second street, Philiejelphiai . ; Formeriy,ocsfoodoury, It J. ,- 'Drs- Wishart'Office•No, I.l",l•Fort# Secohd street, I:hila. delphia.• - .: . '-:::.- J-J r, —: • ',' ' " - '- : 1 , , ~ ! -; c) , . ~, . - N ,v 3i •.. • -- . , . . A POSITIVE CURE FOR- , WISPEPSYA. , , . .. . HEAR-WHAT M. MILK It ItkiSCOdIC BAXS. i No. 1028 Otivz oritswr, - - I , i PhiladelnhicJanuary 2261,511103: J ._ 111. IVistiarr-LSlF;—ltts lA4h. • much ipleasuna, that I am now able to hearth Ida that; tythe "usq-pf your-great American Dysoeptial Pills, I have beep-!rely cured of that moat distressing cigilplaittyT DiSpeptilli; I had beep , grief/lonely afflicted for lite,. last twontytaight Tuen; and . for ten yeara of. 'that brie - have not Inert, freeltyn, ,ita path one week at a title:-: I•have haff,j,kinita woyst; form and have dragged, on: a mostmiserabki ettiatencelir pais ' day and night... Every Kind of food, that I atelfilleil3rne with wind and pain, it mattered- not hots light; at loci small the quantity. A contin t #ll;clung ,W• 18., sure to 1 follow.f , , I had no appetite - for iti ciS 'ef ineatdAvh* over , end nay, distrers was _so stunt for sidvaradifebnihiette l fore I` heshi 'of YoUr Tills,fthatl. AsfuMnly.',wialitul fo death. Jihad taken , eveitythitig that had-,hearth To Dyspepsia, without receiving any herrtflat;' by oh ryout PllS heinVreeeMirleided, Ao me by, eni *he' Inerbeee cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial v althotigh _I had no faith in them. To my astonialmnut, I:found , e ifyself getting-better before I had - taken one.fegthA a ho.e,: and sifter taking half a bes,, I Mil, it tbell of can. oat einjOing , I wisk and enjoy a hearty Meal , three times ii'day, Withont inconvenience: front anything,l. eat, or drink. Upon think Proper, 'Yon are at liberty to make this peddle mid refer to „Leda cheerfully-give all i d Arable infornaation,ta artY,Ctte,4olete&Y call orr Mb , • • Yours, reSpectfully,„, . , JOI4H. B/41CNIL. 3 Tor wile at Dr..Wftatt•s - Aicat . 0 1,, No.. 10 NO : Beond street, PhilallelPitia; l l47 Woe "One( - Dollar'tie P ost 5 400. mail." free SF charge, ;ea maga: eft' prise.' rtli •,, - DISPENTA l DYSittiii;VA r' c 4, Statue D, Hat4n, have beefi r 're greed, .sufferk efith Chronic Dyspepsia and,lnalithunatlen of the Nienets for three years I employed, three carper pf tha...amatteniq nent physicians orPtilladelphia, also of BurlingtoheetiMi N. J. They did all for me they could, but all to, ao. - puri pose. I was Constantly tiled •with awful path 10111 - diet tress, =4 wgho4 l Plaut beiching.of mrinaLatilifiefif held: ICY tongue Was covered,wittt, .iiterhit,e,. coating of ;Mucus until iv cracked' in largeLfurrowe, and was, dreadfully, sore! Ohl I ofttimes4ished for "deatil td. ' l'elletle ace el pry sullerhige, for lllwd. lost all hope of epee bait g 'wen again. I made it a subject of prayer to Godethealhel would direct me to some physibian or medicine thai would cure me. I was told to read an advernsement of Dr. Wishar'e in the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great cure EZEZ RARRISIIITItG,. PAL, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 12 IS4i4 NEEDY IML; IF; ; DYSPEPSIA. A Cure Warr4-ntewct. •ItEDIGAL. 'n nt upon Mr. John a coc ,of 1028 Olive street, Phila . -, slphla keit Aznericatilqlnialiala PIM. I went' to the Dectflefilh l l4 , !dal iniaded. criyaelf. %Mkt; ti wolf; .ritent, and toldAiraAthc felled lo,ogre me,-it wpuld tie the fast etfoerl ambit It has been six 'Weeks since I commenced Hai use:oil:du medicine, and I. am now swell Manitree from all .pahi7 and diaeresa,' can eat titioa . hearty meals a day witincomfoxt, and feel perfectly Well Dr. Wisbart, I want you to publish my case, asl 'Want every poor dyspeptic ei3Rab:lg AF I was, to call on me, mid' I will tell them of the -great cure I have received from your invaluable medicin-. SAMUEL D. HAVEN. •• CornerVegan/to and Lambert streets near Richmond' street, formerly- from Wrightatewia, Burlington. count',. Thcabevelatan-feW4Mtengitbe thoniandalwitich thiSt ereetAelnetiltliee IsaVed-fAlte an ellheleldf Steve- We have thousands of letters from phyaiciansand dreg gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have war used,ol geld a medical which gave such universal satisfaction. Prepared 4itil3ibyl atelintridietoll ' ' rfort : 14Li1.0111„C wisrrAnT, -Ito; Ili:North Secood Amply. Plitiyojelptilk j'a• Sold by'rh'usgisti eVp;rprheno. . Smy,lB-eoad-dSzw • • ADVARTISEMENTS A. E. ZIMMERMAIN -- ' .) No;,i2 Market , Street, - tarrisbarg; , Pa. rttigtilLvEiNvAitil SETS J ; E:WEI:ay, . , W.1131E, TEA. SERVICES, • „ . AND aIIrE,INDS OF JEWELiti... r:.;•lttac cohsiaiftly'on itiuid's welt - ililecied land elegantly snorted stock of • - • • • FINE WATOI3 J. - • " • .-. tit . .. ' 01 ' 924'3' . Agidid, ': ' '''' .:' ,ujiz. ‘. , FINE stINER w Aszara*l - ErramsEr - A37) swiss .WATC Mt, ~.• . . . . 113,Dth in Gold and-40/er Case& :' - ; • ....A.latyn bLi Antsortmentlf K. .1 - ._,, L :94 . , /, F. is. • - Dingle/14 iii ' d'-- ' - ' l ' • - i" • •• i V MILAI3I43 : AINT . -CILOOTE.S, Of all desealptions; all of which will be Bahl. the LOWEST CASE PRlOL i S.''' t , -... sir Oall ,and,ltzeilm3 gx.ol.r ~ _ .; ' . Particular attention paid. to ropairine l of , fin e Watches,. Bach aa Chronometers , Du p lex and ' biller celebrated Matches, and , all kinds of :jewelry - repaired. done but the . .moet competent workmen innployed, and the whole riontereMer ntrnrrt perlsal stNezyzn . 2202111 1 No:Mliarketitteo,l4U wire Braniri-ffill. .•;;•• ; • ; ' • ; ;" I"; :!;:,!.;•;... • tr.••• 7 ,; SUMMER"' :SllO-C*. a . " ••• O°W C•O'S T : . ••! !." • • ' 1, ' 9 .).LtA11 3 %10.4 )1A 4 1 ET ABET, i liAhl is drip* ci4sig tixtr:sunimPr Stock' may troof.% ol;rogi for •rn atxrptly utedlitioisetA • ' ifiiIIKANDiSTRKW'4IO CoottahOyAnt hand amileiidid asistottinent 6t. .• • • . • ' ft• : VE ttiggt.:.: • , , • .ssoeit irg.§ J!24117, — (.. 1 • I•Hoophskithtszo fr-V) , •':•.•.:., • • • • :r '11(5 - ill • • .o.sßc,Eußps, 7Zrer u yoks , ... 1.• • ...COLLAV,• . iar 1.011% . t ':• .4eBELTS„! •.1, , • -IS WAGY !NO* ' 7 • ,Degers veil to oillcU! OeltAihrgaint , can be ;k 16, 44 1 '0 •1 0 0 14 . 1 . N Jett/7, s,i/U VIK4 I OSA I NV. A P s iit#- !Era : 1 . =OM MZM ._ - :X1 10 AH -4:141 No • 29 w.&;i4;ml. ; ' • _ •• ai r 'l:AkrAlfteJarutteation is called to the! Oelderstted giontuct _ vas. cysts'. Aa•,'ltaulgosv. , W. 11 . 1 54 1 , - 40 3 7 , irartenta. (o Strengthen alid preserve the gyp: of the, wearer,mg Lo ilaSlngiftliGte ri , yetra*lthmit'Utfinge. n • aiptstrollprioei siatlrgitto aily4h*etlOW- !-• Coi4csyy atuheginvesAutgasosetdaktealltdiljAt C°fleal rk d 6) Rvlif KfikakiSiWlti_4o '1,044 steel fratatiVt " • - I Zonhaeo itneUediiela'cifstal iiiAtig,•fgt in slls,Wic i atm .45• ti _. .- - -L'i :IffSfil If '"naave and a a nvo,rl d YY.4s44.misiiisblia l atinafriunev set• Coneabe"and coltmeT etyStarf 61Res c sg In gold iouctes ' 415 to 424.) ; ' • ; In 9. l 'dering SPeattullei statuhow long glasses are used. sits!,; pal'. of glasses purchased,- either here or sent to fiti et uhangedy, 44 soiled to the eye. . - Manly - wen bead alltrge - Issortnient Of Aeromatic firteresule, bil- Teieseopeey Opera and'FieliirOhisses, Thernieni 4Ateuteters,,Oempasites,. illrawinganstruments, and t itoseopea,whh the latest views,:. '; Yor- Send ate.p.foi , a * rgogiie*.ainlng peals;o: &, Arco t to: .81 I e • iul-d&w tf .Afickr #,411,4 fancy Goods.:; m; _MEM, at No. 8 Market SorMr4 .13/1 neadoor oNtaqoaoafeettonew, keepsenneitht -11"11°1 . °TS - °C Bets, l;ueltea. era, Rlb 4l b. ogether with odnesesorMent of Dreat Trimmingii- Labe., Embroidering, Colfars, Cliffs, . en aM•relliefik goals*, Illosesi Mid 'Variety- Godds Ali the P44L' _ • latest Diaggna binfitratterne direct. from the WOW York , Bakalk "Thep and Cloak - tialting neatly oso ,Ested:,.nankfall fartlnl'initronari bestowed since ter trqtitei OY astrict attention to , business and - egi eayorg to gir,o gepor4iiitisfagiloNto oetitmee tp rieetre a are of the pu'igtenetronage, • PHOWGRAPHSL A.l.4kkicaissitprtment of Photographs of 'exter,l3R l2 4l . 4l4Letlio 3stonssie wow% t d. • r "' en, • WeltwiFlVA PSI BSPAgrofftE..:- JA Kathirsu =PICICISS; li tc raP r a t k l pry, oo- Mow. Vantitlowykr, Falltal34 °Atom :For_ g a l . wholetoW retail tl f tru,g VRAZEEi o P 3 70 • orAcoori , so• W. uocr Ar p , C UR 44 4 000 -KIRA§ momt ielOw4 ..,,4 4 Y AUXODa'-paztlpealital at - • • BERCAZIPS BOntt",VORK 1:10 107 5.00 4 ASHAV;4I3IO.Iei FiAl 80. s onto Doo r. Co hare on hand naukiybk..t, • • • AUlen . e 'po per dozob. tivet, gitgwommeottrialq ecfrednl, tanda' star county farmer; the Miceli made domestic wine in this city. Price $3 00 per gallon. For sale at SHISLER & FRAZER, jeo Bucceesors to Wm. Dock, jr.,lt Co. ;) i EVENING EDITION. sOurifEßN NEWM. THE SHEIAING OF PETERSBURG. i ..: , i A . 14)."-- ~. IFT:ront the Rkelimd . qquirer ci " Saturday.] FJI62"'VrOIiSBVII4. '-The snbterr`an' eariiir f iclivitieS,of the enemy :form-the standiiAgitteilie'ln Petersburg, and - freshet:id frequent rePorts Of farther Veining ..and. countermining -itcmtriha4s somewhat to `relieve the monotony of thealready rather dull and prosy topic. • The last approximate to a sensation:was that we had mined a prominent position of - the - enemy and made 'sundry l at tempts to eiplode_ the magazine, but. from some unknown reason,. the thing would not take, and up. toflast accounts the experiment 'had- proven'.a•• failure.' If this is toe, it is probable that the enenlY have sapped the pal lery and "poured cold water'? on the magazine, The occasional shelling-of the city has lately only, accumulated - bricks and other building materials in the streets, withont seriously brat,- ing anybody._ Now and then a house is flied, and the light ailbrdink, ii, target for the g n ners, shells are rained. in upon the fi re to re vent its extinction: and to extend. the-co - gration. , The fire department was wet ed i f ia -rtol*, - nOtwititibitidlia,g the danger to 'which - ity l s,expoSed, and in no instance has it fai)ed to restrict the fire to comparatively ordinary ,limits.'' As the position of the enemy's right enables theM ` tosp:,,doininand a full vies' of nearly, the whole city, and. to judge with sufficient Correctness the range of their shills; there can be no iffiproprietfin saying that they have done considerable dowse. to the property of the citizens. .Some two or thiee littlidred shell", - of different callibres"an 'd characters, gave been sent whizzing through many a ;; stalk deenratect parlor, and ticlily kept, ciiimberi , smashing into smithereens stont!cornices andfriiillebrnaments, making of - ill furniture ii , mails: of fraglnents, and stripping the walls. to Abe lattige and joists of their polished • cement Or .plain plaster, to smother up the wreck and • complete the de struction. .Pantries - have been invaded, and unmerciful crashes sent breakiing and ringing through , piles •of crockery and rows of jail's, whose precious cOntents still swim or ,Stick in sweet .rninupoti the, identified floors tffid caved in ;_shelves that mark the scenes of the • disaster. Libraries, too, have shared equal - fats With sinoke-houses ; ~and while children' of the; : larger. growth. .grtw hungry frOm the-lack of intellectual pahu lurn, 'tlie - „lessei can cry about for the mdre subetantlal meat s which, hist Seen, was in the air, or.liying into a state of orrOry nothitigness'inside the blazes .of a conflag*a titin. • Owing to th - tise and similar ej - ,,5, „the city * become alimr-Ist deserted. Te'raa great an - extent - aapossible. it has been the:earn of GePti. tLee to Move- noOops through it; nohe are liept in it,at au . time. They axe ,n 4 an ; theittenches ' where they may be found 1: , ,Y the enemy whenever it behooves the latter p come out andiMi for itiiitii. . t 4sto the -position:of theibutmay. 'lir • g ,could be more agreeable, ins vailitary sen e, to our generals. Whether it is because th e As; .no water 'tot the south Or: thoLteity, or= wliether it is necessary to keep thetomy in a: petty status the better to secure , the • protect- ion of Washington, or not, we cannot confi dently-,tell; but it is quite cerWrithat the ere-' My'S line of battle'before lietersburg is from ;necessity or ether extremely short, '''short"titi the word for it, for although the entire Federal lines extend across to Deep Bot tom, that part which - lies in front of' Peters burg, insteadttif(being the 'mein body in ap pearance, as it is in -,fact, is- niore like a bola tail of • the bushy,ltind. „ The Federal, lines, commence ein the'Appoinatto,x, jiiit _nbonti a mile below the city, upon a bluff, which is the location of Battery No. 1, commanding a par tial view of all , the lower • part of ejty.-- From this point - the city is shelled, tif'c'oursii, with perfect facility. Nearly a mile to the: south-east of this position, upon Jordan is farixtris4ArtixtryaNuated - uptirrati tun "nRINITII,II.II. ads fi. 't 3 74 3 !eitlk'rpr.view of `the c* .-- limn t else' tWo batteries fhb prig= ciple shelling of the city occurs. Now and then a battery upon' RiVe's- farm, - Whiell -l iies off to the south of Battery No. 5, and is about two miles SAII. - 4'*s. of the city, opens upon tlie.,,suberbsv . and occasionally throWs . a shell stillifirthemn„ , Friothe,wonen and children who have ?Seen unable to leave. Tile line extending from Battery No. 1, crosseethe eastern laorders'iti-lhe - No* lifarket farm, the gild race -course 4brining dispated grAnici ; stketeites nll4,6 , .thersouth; ere 'sairl, ftiiere.' farm, continues southwardlY; tradtially "bend #Lg, inte the west, attal.eultairtatesin•an out,-, post at . Dr,.Gurley'nhonee,, about three , miles frr lipi Weldon. liailroad, au4thl.ita i - , t ,and la, ha lrom the:736 - 140S4rn. salmi's4,-t,llo.citj , .. Th e 'ltht: YA; lii i e, fro t h :tlid.:ri,.tg to Pr ear fei'ol., yinr.Scarcell,eiceeta, roar ; and, a. half Inibr' , „ which is probably theshortest A oittr'fiaTdY has, jet teen confronted With. ,- . slender pieta, thie extends still further south; eeashig some*liere in the neighborhood of Stony creek, ,twenty _Mlles distant. from, ;the city. Out of this line the.: enemy flays - inadEs-mo midi_ of late, although our cavalry, &yet i /made several dashes into 4; bringing out, prisoners, "Ibises, desirable informatio,n, and so forth. Sfrate;getica,lly coasidir9 4, : the onemy',_s , posi pen is _t decidedly 'infenoron - 9„ ~ ~ • The moral effect 0; ii., w pi.y 9 of towns and Villagee t l*liaditaday,. TeAemburg, how9l - • ,er, Mighttfornk,4 o t '`R9filtiOn, bat of a tempo rary chard;eter. The enemy would have found, had they, entered the city on Saturday lasty that they-hidyet:tb4hardest work to perform hellfire they ,could - hold it, as otrr positions would'have enabled us toponradead-snire fire, from' five hundred guna_riglit down into. iiiio .all over it. It is :unnecessary ; ,hewirioer, to speak on this point. -7-orthe present Peters burg remains a point brae programme of the enemy,- and ikt.,* .to , /j l le ~hpped that 'he: wi4. 'cAgtit *out 9444#t huPi" and b 9 as. flunk 1, possible about it.i . „, - i, -,, :E ,T • ? , . • i Indian' likeSpre‘tions". i- - . t. ! =.'2 , . niii We , , - ' ' ' 2 • :Orriiu-Orrio, Aug: . 10: The Indians are hourly comutittint,llew depredationsitsteallirig stook, , bnrsing '•trains land They' 'were svithirione.h.undtedlerds 41 the 'pickets of Fort Seariey last night and fired anittroNs , at roue.; Lo A. Az. 1:-. YL doach United aC. li'ortilLeaniey4hiS worn . The'pansengers- repot' passing several trains which had been burned, and eleven dead bodies by the way side. A party of six whites were-killed at Thirty-two Mile Creek, last night. PRIGEj TWO CENTSI STE IRINTII6 ADVATLSING RATES—MILT TELEGRAPH. The following are the - rates - ler advertising in the ens alum. Those having advertising to do will find "1 con Yemen tror refineries; lid Four lines or leoe nominate one-half avian. clahl lines or more than roar onstilnipeiu Equate. sea A Bal.? eqmsa One day... $ so -one day . ..$ 60 Two days 50 Turco dayai:.4 .... ...... 100 Three days 1. 75 Three dayti ' • • 1 26 One week... .. .. 125 One week." -.1 2 26 One month 800 One - month .. 600 Two months 4 50 Two moitha - 9 00 Three mouths ... . . ... 6 50 Three menthi2. 44 .- 11 00 six moralist' ' ' 860 Bia mamba - - 16 9 One year.. ..... --lb 00 ~One year r° l llls 0 Administration Notices $2 26 Marriage Notin', ~:'.. .. . ... Auditor's Moticere....... - Funeral Notices eaclainsertica D ; '7OO/ - /iPflobitall 4000811 efore marriages andl each Insertion. Therindimis have - stoleil gill• the. stock of Cottonwood Station, ninety miles west of Fort Ktarney. this morning a party of soldiers started in • pursuit. It is well known that some renegcode whites, supposed_ Worn Quan trell's old band, are associated with the In dians. . FORT LAZAMIE, Aug. 9.—The Indian§ are getting very bold, and great alarM prevails throughout . the country. It is , ' feared that they will Attack this point. 21.4m7 emigrants have been killed and much stock stolen. Alarkets by Telegraph. PHILADELPHIA, AUg,Utit 11 The movements in all departments of trade are limited, owing to the excessive :heat. There is.s.moderate export demand for flour, and 3,0 bbls sold at sll@l2 for extra faintly f- V 64- for extra, and $9 25 for superfine; receipts and stocks light. -In rye flour and corn meal, nothing doing. There is not much wheat offering.. and it is held firmly —sales 4000 bush. at $2 52@2-55 for old red, and $2 G2/R2 68- for white. In rya nothing doing.. Corn dull at the dealine re corded, yesterday—,small sales cof yellow at $1 7L Oats steady st. 85c4ornew, and old at 90@02c. GrocerieS'and previsions. inac tive. 300 bbls prison Whisky Sold at $1 . 76 1 77. Stocks aro dull. Pennsylvania 5s 99 ; Reading R. R., 084 ; Morris Canal 07i ; Long Island. 40; Pennsylvania IL R., 734; Gold 254 i; exchange on New York par. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Steam Weekly •to tLive.rpool. . . TOIJOIING at QIIONSTOWIS, (Cork Har bor.) The well kr.ownSteamere of the Liverpool, New York and Philtuteliptila Steamship 2Cotapany, , are in tended to sail as follows: , .. City of Manchester, Satnr!ay, Augustl3; City of Pos ton, Saturday, August. 20;- City of Bakimore Satarday, August, '27, and ,every ,gunooedidg , Saturday; .at .Noon, from Pier 44, North Btrer, RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLE 111 GOWN 08 ITS If/1711TAIIIIIT It OUSSZEIT. e i FIRST CABIN' $BO 00 STEERAGE ........ $3O 00 do' to 1eand05i....:i....85 00 do to . London. .. ... .44 04 do to Pari5.,.,.... 95 00 do to Paris ...... -.AO 00 do to . Hardly - mg. ... 90 00 do to Hamburg ...: 37 00 Passengers also forward to Hone, Brame; Rotter dam, Antwerp ace at equally low, rates, Fares fromLive;pool or Queenstewn : let Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $35. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company% meet JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y. or C. 0 ZIRMERMAIf, Barrisborg. • Ihs-dsy • Cavalry Horses Wanted. Anarsvarrr QUAIFTRIIMASTXR'S OFFICH, U" 8 Minittaßlll.l3; Pmvara., July 26tb,166-t. 114110 r orders, one hii*Ateirrind sixty-five (165) dollars per-head will be pild Mr all Cav - stlry delivered at the Government stables at Ilarriabargfra- Said borses to be sound in all particulars, not less than (5) five nor more than (9) nine years old; from 1.43 to 16 bands bigb, full Seabed, compactly built, bridle wisennd 'Of side vofficient for cavalry pniposes. These specifications will he striatly adhereri to and rigidly enforced in every particular. , _ Ihrymerailnade on delivery of (7) sevenbiniges. or over /lours of inspection from Et J.. 11 -to 6.e. lc, Thei de mand I' - urgent and an Iramediate response is solicited. E. C. itgicHENBA um' Crrpc.rtrul Ass's Qr. Kr. MEM Draft i prattl; Prftiti 41u ALtEfICE! e,nd :persons under-or, ovig , totted age, Vho haye been enrolled in this (14th Instriat,;(iti any other Didrist in'the•State, 'tan hititt-their exemptinn . papers made out at rates fixed by,law- , Now is the time to put tir a sunstitute unit avoid the draft. r. • • • ' '''" ji Persons . who are mit liable to draft. ar:d ,who atslr enter the army' Eta 'inkintitutes,.eari oblarollie highastpre ' Busiberatritumoted by mail at,143,1 rates, atrid coat o travel thereby avoided. " • " Call at sme, or address by mail, . ' EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, ad, Etreet i Harrisburg., ea. jy9-eod2mos. PI ANO-s. 111RECIIT RIEIiES Sellslleg ,EXCELSIOR - .6'6 1 .,LE AGENCY AT -W. N.NOVIiInS; , . - a 3 Market street, Hatvilibura. VOR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to kricsEul I have taken' the agenchof ilsitm moat excellent Pianos. The public is invited in come - and ex amine for themselves. Sew SelornaclEftr .aq 'o's Pianos on nand :yet will be asbllow. mar 6-U PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. Photograph Allimns. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums MEE'largest and cheapest variety_ of PHO TOGRAPR ALBUMS in the dty are constantly kep at [marl2] BERGNE 'S I CMP Be t KSTogr, N E •E °l° iiiiMA4)ER g recers-ed o4 - or s FLE. Pullin ItrrtiTMICN Y lu rk - tRo, fisouit MEAL itivnioori Ititent, oetlie beit : qualWitt' . " ' W I ZEF.t Pls:4fialrai, FE - 13ICKLVY GYMIETtS. —York River (Mere, Hernietically sealed, just received this reorkloiloud fed' sale 17Y - the dozen or bottle, at j 513: [Z . •,. 811181,ER Zr,EIrJITEIII Ai/ ESS. SH&D,:--Fine Mess Shad of .i.ea -IFI. son In half barrels andkil SHLSL t.% ER &F lust a:paed at . RAZER, . Suebetaors: tleottl. Jr 13FRESH suppl 3 of = ` licheiti?treelebritied ~ Sugar Clued aantspd taied Bait at ! , e, 1302:11 & Kly-Brot. TUT reeeitet this' El Co., bosh Hm ‘ olted Hams, Beer, ltal.Tongues„ at aug6 ' 61115LER".i; YR4.7.Eft. ENV FlSH.—Nevi '2..ll..aclairel N -411 barrel; half tiairels end trftiot 'ptiuhd, . , Jau SIIISIEFI*.iFRAZKR, UTTER, SUITER.—Fret' - foil' - batter from . Snrder: county received ev9ry. wkirdr,AlEG eggs " Lrarti BOTL'It& .K.DEPrpkat A NEW SUPPLY of PRESPU:SNMED HAMS, just received this moruing, at SHISLER k vtAiER, suqmgfArs trEw. Adcl„ - ., Jr. & )07 IGSLESI PIOKLES - ltr• • • fr. By the barrel tialf . tearrel, - jae offtettLatf,. n02.51_ BOY KORRtEII. CIIIEENS and GT.A &SWIMBp: a- dull se lected assortment, just received oftke latekt styles jyl . B • ' BOYER ,CKOI:IV#M. Qm F.114:Z ::'SII(*ED sitmekfouit,reoetved at• ' SHPlT,R,!! . A L eitirar o : ' (so fr.:fact-0C feb9 ' ' . . iiigreat variety at Ji SHISLER & FRAZKR„ .ie27 Successors to W. Dock. Jr., & Co. QALMON.—Fine salt Salmon, at • 1.3 aug6 SHISLER & FRAZER. TAO YOU wish a good Gold Pen? Tf rau ai flairrinms". MMI=I 1 60 .in the ;Lax Mout, or Emu: Cern Fin Lama ter