ESIESE =NM BUSINESS-7trAV 3 A. RALPH X. MA.CLAT -. itOidalcADLAW.-1-P-aid . andahaon Ems.-.llailding,-Harrtatitag. Strititlarttorpttd-rindl legal business. Military clitimimileriteit. 10-d6meod Thomas C. Macrlaw' A t t orn e y-tt t cOvr OFFICE IN THIRD ST., IfET OW PINE. IL4SaniiKnitP, PL . A LI , manner of •Military: Claims promptly 11. attended kis stsi olsinanollkted against the General or Skate' vestments, Althea , in, Congress, the Court of Cirdps at ashlugtop city , o r rsOlarrkiburg, without un- Go re seaman,. . fity, And oslaaderate korma ap2946in 2:1.1 • 14,, 1P , A. C. smiTH ATICOUNMIKArzAa" 13111/1811emorifed his °Malcom Third.ttilVaic AM; sat. atreet, mat to the "Prison. All business teuateehrhim eon receive prompt and careful attention. 'I I IBiIViItOCERY - 011 PROVISION4NRE. • .; ••••• ---111041ER4r, KO. - • WHOLESAL:E RETAIL G It 0 CIE It I Fi S, Queelii , s arid AND ALL Snips OF COII$AT ) : 0 . 1Y13 E , HAVE jugt opened a large and well selected stock of goods at their stand, No. S Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa., to vehich,theY invite We attention of the .üblie generally: ' nalo-dly . - Er,AmarrKJEc, Si II.EUIZ t ErcrOiske4iB - G: - .•a KEINKJEL & CO" RECTIPMES AND . DISTILLERS and Wholesale Dealers ih Ittiported and Domestic Li quors Harrisbing, Pa. iys-dltd JONES HOUSE, Owner ofMarket street and Market Square, HARAisnußo risNxA CHAS. IL MANN, • Proprietor. STATE CAPITAL 10TEL, CORYKR:OI3 wAistrr STREErs, 11A.R114.4111M9, rinclerilitrAivihg purchased this well i town ,,, Lio n t ve ; ,,e tnriat io * t iati an or d o p uf pe tl e r d en an ov i r tie enure alai - lament:ele g antly ve.turnisheds ; Being pips,- anutly and eligibly' Masted, and pru*ldad olth every nom mimics, it oitnrs publitiall the comforts and ltum; riefe of a first class hotel. Trusty and obliging servants Okays in attendanoe. A bar well stocked with choice liquors is attachedio the establishnient. de2.6411y W. G. THOIII,I3MT,-Proprlrtor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG PA - -A. --- ... _. D, H.lll.774Dinsisw, Pkopiletost. - ' rT. ----- Well known Hotel is now . In a., condi liciato accommodate tie traveling Publio, affording the ample cenvenleneaS alWe for the wanitielitpea) - "- dadttio permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit "OA Ilgimlit4Pelsoorittsatow hat accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phis !AA pittaburg. Ita location is the beat, .0 the ~ State altieei t4g In easy WOOFS to all the railroad depOs h end ose proximity to all the public offices and . business ki? .. tallUati of the city. ;It humeral! the convenitaitiess of ' if Plitsr ozAss HOTEL, 7 .`- iV:the Proprietor is deterrisined to nitre neithe alt ir ea time, orlabor to ensure`the comfort of the' guOts: The Pebbling. of the traveling public is respectfully meth: _.. . jell-dtf QM "MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES MELODEON; SHEET MUSIC, yIOLINSFLUTES,, GUITARS, BANJOS, ettattDftolll3 , Ma end all kinds of MIMI ' ft* tiDiss,lricrurd vitots; LOOKING frg.% FROTOc-RANICO.D4apd &LAMA% A.Unte , ENGAAVINGS, &C. 44fateiber Use place, S,LLAS WARD, No. 12 Third :4•4* the hugest Music Store this aide Of theveat cLtt s. W,B7dlif MELODEONS AND CABINET. ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE ,SILVER MEDALS, AND TNN WAY 41006DIEEBAJ., (ever won by inatinuoento of this . A • class). h boon awarded_ INSTRUIIaNTS. A'fall.insortment of these instrumenta'alwaini on hand Vat , - 0,9 • W. •KNOCEEVIEt, kale Agent, je4-2tawlyl , 93 Market ftreet. A. P. T.Eursgg, . TrEtA.O Hl,ll US . Orrios NUS* STORE, 12 /f Third;Seriet. Residence: Third street, above North. 416-tf • rROC,LAIVIATION. VIZ catizeul of t,ile city of Harrriabil . rg 41X0 hereby notified that the ordinance, entitled 'len or dinate') to prevent mischief from dogs," passed Febraary 6. iBdl ,. wiil b 3 strictly enforced. Attention it/especial& directed to motions 41.1 i, 6th and Elth, to wit: Jima. 4. Teat , every dog going al, large within the limits ogtactinid clty, from diet wentieth day of May until the twentieth day of , Septeather, in each and every year, shall leave securely , pet on a good, strong, substantial and safe wire basket mutably ineLostag the whole mouth of said-dog, so as effectually to prevent him from biting and snarming. • SOO. 6. That any and every person, owning a dog end ierinitting it to run at large withoth ebbiplying voth the earth section of thitrindinanee, shall be Rabictonl-Iltte oftliot4osilhan .oile dollar, nor more than two dollar ' , witticism; at the discretion of the Mayor; and in . the evira Orthe said oonitable - not being able to find the owner Of the dog so caroling at large,.ne, 'Of some perain employed hy him, shall take up , lull and bury said .dog, for whielViterviee he • Cr the person performing the ser vita shill dictate the sum of one dollar, to be paid, out of the thy treasury. Ski 6. Thu every dog going atlitte*lthln the Um Qs et said city, sha ll have around its 'Mgt,. at ail • timee,s" a eollw of metal or a collar of leather With a metal , plate, on wOok. metal collar or plate Shall be inscribed the name of WM Owner or atieladolg, andany and every person °mu ll:leader andTermitting it up rqn at large,•without corn. plying with the'retintsittons of .thisisection; shall bo liable to a One Or ORS dollar for every itiTarp3 and further, h to Welty made the duty of the ..her ohne Constable or a pe r k s imphilyedhy him, to tate up every dog so "tat ning itt'lexern iit violation of this section, and unless the ealldeada paid by the owner itvroof, on demand, the said °doer in heretlymultorized and required to kill the dog or cause It LO be kllied and buried, for which serrteea he shall be allowed, pan dollar out of the city treasury. IY6_ A. L ROUtIPORS, Mayor. .DAILY LINE BETWEEN PILIOL.A.DELPRIA, •Itoth,laven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, - Muii• cy, Uniontown, Watsontown, •Lewisbnrg, Northumberland, Sun . - bury, Treverton Georgetown, ). . _ . 1 . ; Lytenstown Millersburg. • • • •RBtifal , Dauphin, ALArta cs ll -- ARRIsBURG. • • .; - e T.he Depot being' centrally located, the Will be at the lowest rates,. The . ooittluctor goes irbb'ebeb hide to Ititend* to the safe delivery of , allnoods intrattediri the llrie goods delivered at the de guradaHt YUMA 41c, FRpED, 811 Market art* phia, by•b 7 OlOOUP. 7/1, be 'delivered httpar Manz the nest nte .11.1 Threight Alerhyki Low RS by Any Other • . . stoMiemEßY CO&:, Philadeliditti and Reading - Depot, tica4i. • Foot. eClLiirkatetreet, Harrisburg, NEW imtiok STORE. . 11101PQRTANT TO 1 .4110.14).1/DS AND' . ii eiquois---The undersigned otent-o-opholooln;•to .§lo.lasthi, a AWN lot _of ttic_b c st E r .„.. em - pitz i o , •tnintirg, TO: Preto% Sniniii,...; Holloneigns, ~ imed,. rtiot i =k e tt p ß a t, 4 wh i k y • , . , _ : Wawa w!irranick." Te.P eseuleci. Ar,eole ~ ,trio find it to um' inionnajo to call:kW IllsttllimPrtamat: at the store, on South . . : or into ilions belowChoatnot. . - - - • • __ eICORGE rarTNTERit vasagsgegicek :S••=Aole4l:Whilzi auktg. mama* ' 13tittir slaj S o to& V o te Otackors Boston Planta Cratkeia,l JNAtar OMR ; Jaai nceived at DOUR & ZOKRPI/11. n=== =EA ~..,,,, , E-L- N uriuurry.,.. DRS.. WOW and CREAlait EdvetiCi .4a POMSOptdhle physician;, res/Wet* e el thilfrPrifsiCirsi - in, -. all Lite "variOul .it e e . aierirre 'cit4 4 fimtlie treatment of all atsite - r sur 'Chitin(' formal) '514.1',.14. , .:•.. , •• . '':.:.:, The ; [MOW stens . . lila. employ inihe_, ' tre atment, or disease oturaist of lingnetim t Galvanime,SiemicAgigar , lam , the Stredishrtiethod of LOcallzed MOventepteure,"6l few goleitio medicines when deemed necierseiry,.and In fact all the natural curative agents that may successfully be brought to bear upon the diserwo. , They do not wish to be understood as. arrogating to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but their believe the remedies they employ in the treatment of dis ease far supetiOr to those generally employed byphysicians, from the fact that they Het in perfect harmony with the ' lairs governing said controlling thb human systeni To this, and the-fact that they confine themselves. to no pail' tic War 'paw or system, Aber attribute their. encores I conlzolllng disease, ' . ~.„:- :, . _ , • The principal agent thei: eraployin the , treatment of disease, namely, ElectOcity,,tentr agent Wonderful in it s ' • phenomena an d , powerftd in ito•etfechigbritood or 111. ' It IN en ever prams; all pares :principle, 'governing - ill things, from rolling worlds downtothe *visible Particles of gassoattsAaatter. Wide Irifi thb lemiriaMudi and hear the manifestations ;of its power. ' . the Muttering thunder. It Is the Mill of ail - decompenillon, recompor dll anion and transformation. It excites all mot** . ;.. I lathe exciting- canoe of life, growth, . decay ad 'elitelt COWS tKiefetion, exeretioni digestion: it lays ho , iiiirde. Mod intim . stomach, ,conveita it Into a State of' , Ili iditYytmelnieneh:, it Intinarterial blood,- mid sends it on de iiPlillttfuit *welt kuPP4..ilsxmitrbalent 1 6:venting to the ipes.illfet.if the belly. It Willa nerve vital Hulk the r agMatihrotigh Which the mind ails ',upon the hddya via the otaltetf All causal except:the :that great :cantle. the Infinite Mind which created it and brought %into mil These may -appear life mere mitterdene, bin they_ as. fads adMitting of strong and irresistiblO d proof. Ts It then, to be wondered at that an agent MY won erred in its phe nomena, so powerful• In its maniftstatibrisiand so intimate ly connected with all the (manakins of the human eye. tem should be,alraost absolute in its power of cootrolling disease? Certainlyink - It is a hatfulat "Sequenoci• and follows as MAO anday folleWatight: 1 '- . Among the dioceses which are found to yield. readllyto Electricity, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment; may be mentioned thefollowing; Incipient Consuniritlon, Paralysis,. - ; Elpiliptie., Hysteric and other Conindsiona; Neuralgia, In int worstforms, Rhuennism, inflammatory and Chronic; all diseases of the nervous system; tryimigi-, sia cured in a few treatments ; all diseases of the urinary and genital organs; Female Disease', Asthma, Piles and Prolosuir And; Amanrosbl and all kindred all ections of thei,iya; Amine, Stricture*, all akin disarms, &a • Persons calling .wili be told whether they can be bemo aned, and no Caae taken where some relief cannot be af forded. Offindatil* free. 4 l3lElo; South Second street, below Cheetnut, Harrisburg, Pa. • 011 ice hears froth II to 12 a. N., 1% to 6 and 7 to 9 rat. ALEX. R. iirIM A ILA . 418 . -.,.. _ DR. J. HILTON KUNK.EL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. A PURE and poweiful TONIC, Cortactive and Alterative, of wonderful eatimey in diseaaes of she STOMACH, LIFER and BOWELS. _ • Sinking or'Fiuttiiing.iiAlleTriToi the Stonni.h.. Swimming of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellgw new of the Skin and Eyes, Fever and Dull pains in the • Head, Pain in the Bide, Back, Chan and Limbs,„ will cure every case of Chronic or NervOMl •-• _ . Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys and Diseases arising from a dlsoidered Stomach, Good for ?dale • or•. Female, Old • • - , or Young, not , most bedelloisl . mecticineknoWn; gives better satis flacKon,m4cruvm more diseases than any other prepara tion offered to the Public. Prepared solely by aA. EUN K.EL & Elba, 118 Marketstreet, Harrisburg..:. For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywher,.. - , BEWARE 0.14 Counterfeits As Sunkers Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure. and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility, and ea there are a number imitatiqns,9gerea to the pnblie, we would CAUVOII the COMnittbity to' purchase none but'the genuine airth4e, manufactured by S. A. Kuwait. /cline : , and has their stamp oh the top of the cork of every • lastthi. The. very fact that others are attempting to imitate thin valuable reinedy,.proves ire Worth and peaks volumes in its favor. The sittyr Wineof Iron is put up inls cent and $1 Ob battles, and sold by all respectable drake ats throurgliont theta:matey, lig particular shat every potty, tgaaAt, the as ainstia' of She papprietees signature. ' ' This Wine includes • the. mask airseable and efliclent . ! Salt of Iron wa=pdseessi Oitratig. orgLigio_ itic Oxide com-i blued, with the most energetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow!, Peruvian bark. ',Mho effect in many cases_ot debility, loss' of appetite, and general prostration, of AA elllcient st4l4 of} Iron, comtdned with _our maimed° Nerve ,Tool; is most, happy. It augments the-appetile, raises the pubse,_ off muscular removes, the„ pallor, .0. 01 .4%) and , gives a florid vigot_to.the countenance, • , '* , For ord* .respectable doalera foroughour. the --- Shissler & Frazer, (9Vii)C4l3Bone tOWph. , Dock, Jr., &Co.) DEALED , R'S'FMB FAMILY GR(X)F r i selection RIEI3 oppoeite thettert House, have on hands line of BRANDIES, .4' different 'vintages. 77/4D AND cOMMairirThrig4 1*, : jA911.4(.06.2Y , • . • •- , . .r.4.lyzi.wBH AND $001 4 0.19 . thigicii,.llyoiew l eyoctanig t ikt to this market. , • . o T.. D SF4I, - • - • " TA.M.ILY -- - - eatig ' F N t ri: " 3ll- Y. cCNE' IMES. 3EiloBB JOILtIgNmOVIte . ; • OWth 7l SCOTCH AND lIiIBH ALES. • I,ollmtiittimiiii &x?. PF4NTATI Dl•t, - • - ;- - - WIGWAM ltriliii-MTTIER . II3 With it oiiiiidt(Cfio4 i ii ++ RICAN PICIN44I*- oftwento or every dnsArilkion now in .thnojniir",: raa zoifrisi /aria - -rllO 14Dllatrit. Wtsk.4loo4-"/.lll* ./L Porier, [KM,* Pfhinewt eii4444extuK i , rp . will do well bk :•:14 7 1M 0. --iv inimar the Plant Sherry iz,,Nl oototry. For sale SHIBLIWI (amooson to Was. Dot, ST:say I= IMO - _ )11 E Cures DYsingia, Headache, General Debtlity,'Nervommearc De preaslon of Spirits, Constipation Intermittent Fever% Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, fleartbunt, Disgust for good, talkies" or Weight M the Stomach, _ . GENERAL DEPOT, 118 MARBETSTIMST FINE' ... ' ,r.~-~, r " " t•I • ..a• (n• JOHN L. 14011.1 i •• FRENCH PERIONAI DROPS, ere We only kuptra :study that will amereelany And !mutably restore and rataistethefemalea, whiny lig all hTegli b irniegi. Prollubill WWI; Yitor strength. Area Hotel-getitivAloo, the only true one of tea kind eves discovered thikeel,Seiettledifeetkr on the parts affected, whilst pitta au powdii InMoiant reach them as they work tbrouglisympaMY; bat iaLtiarintilliemn tual positive. .• . Am you Buffeting from a constant Motley for • theses* far return of nature's prescribed laws Give youriellno tmeastamm for Lynn's Periodlcai If taken a day or two before the egpsotedepiniodWill tively mid lniatlat>ly regulate de emols& - Assure Move meg, . 0060111 . 11116 040 4 £hilow Are you sick, 11 ealltsbla *amen, or usable to boras lobar snd &eget of ligressef Odicie to Pee est a blEsstat Ybr if nottreventston better • . . dire't •••' - - • , stregalesiy.Seken, It le a serhddivinnigive,' and4lll save yontuaels - perll and many Iteurant salltting. Have you beim &MOW ftwaany yews witluomplatats incident to the aszOisst have barnsidlA r skill of physi cians, =dine hurrying • rieen leave /11 Are the riost" reelable rota lat= elver . knowak=ral t te thaN trrefraidtiftbatinradienearte d a Willyou waste away witli 'ealreitdetentle-tailidrituet, Prolapses, Dysmenorrhoea, and a thousand other , Wheal- Um; all rammed up under the name of stinkweed and etraut=d natureodra anhFranent of ono dollar in iTOM B . . t—: „-, . ...t. , • '-- . ~ A.v. :i : .: .:: .:. ..i . ..trr will surely save you. 1 4 11 .. Do not. ebb the dro w hen forbidden in lb. dirl"4 111 1 Air although a :onri, aad laradlite it ittjakar Unita, they are s o and daelOndoilated to,adjuat and govern the Awed° 011ie aqualerypialua, 1,104 it taken at Improper tinanr, they would proancw resat con- Ow to astute, agahist. which al; partlindarly thamlearho woad reproduce, ahallid aarldkgr PIA E , - 11.4=gitna, Ilannothaim the iilo4 l 44olif ._,ololloo* 'll4/21; yet the propitiate:V-10k le4thee*tame a 1 4 keying th at, a theathiglibigiel kithpitthe a gainiOnt• Pole Ulthra One iilibotthfiligingkiniath We. LYON' it aRT. CFVFA Dra I th(nlever-faing reaudeawg4w, Oxpirtrrea p l=rt h t a t: cAlt r oonnza s idirt, j c 3r tr y NUM Take no oUnr 1 ,li d r it ittfir klwOoffa, si:s4 boa not got It; itoU get It to!.m C. a cuiliksi, co— Ariniefaibe, . ri New by lbws'', Cora. ,_.. aeIkOWAX4 C I OWAIEN. 28 itoraviba *zees, eiptils, Ps • : Prit7 ti l 3! 1,97.ta1s 'l' ~. - . 6 13 . 11 v :31 ..i... 1 . :: ,- .. 3.ti ie. IV :' 4,1 r. , . it :.,.,.......,....14,4v , ... .&el, L'ail 5`0211 -1N.::::,.. , ., ~,, .9.1-17-11 T 7. • • , • 717 a'n11•11 1, 7 - 44 ,0 'll • ...*IIA, .; •,; •• / 4;•- era 1 • , " • . - • 1 1 * _ Ell•=1 .♦ .14 e=o-- . p•-- _ • 2 i . Igtr lEEE • ~ .4 THE lIRELT =El= FEMALE itzdtmATolt; LYON'S PARTODIOLL DROPS •Lt._. lEREMBES LION'S FELOODICAL DROPS .. • '` PIVIODICILILI_DEOPS ~.(iK";;TL • ;.; LYON'S PPRIODIOAL DROPS Lt. 15.1. t .. ...4 EMI • .PBarzteroas, u.i, , _. ~•.=:•- . 7.- J ,..._,; • E . ; " I , - -oil :-...)•,:•:! : )1w1f...7 .P. -, , 7 - - • .1. .1 4 . :;'. 4 . ~ .i 11 ,•31JelitAllerSIZOW 10.1. • ~. : me; jua :1 :to; r 1 .r 1 Dadic iI4jBtATAL , 4 satin — Vered mitOst artibi, stkft 3 dY and effectual remedies in the world for MMUS -OF IMPRIJDENCE. - titkun'utioxixoTwiamicacizial N9111:BGIW01100.1440311ive003 - ru • . t: litick lu tiPtetion! pi' the-1114er anti net, ' - Sladdrikr.. I ZtnOtettcy, On Ae. Why, Ne • Threpeita-* , Lannon Low , Spirits, Conftution of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity Tiggehihrgirpiprogss.of_Sight or Giddiness, Diseaseuf the , Head, Throat s Hose or Skin, Affections -or , the Liver Lungs, Stomach Howels—those terrible disorders arislng - frorti the Solitary. trahlts qr Irimth:—thure secret and solitairgetedieth more ter their MtAitrufftLin the stleiref ithitMarinemot Uttates, blighting .their ratakt - hopes of sAtlMpatkiets, rendering anarrtage, lottli .mu\ have beciOthe,the victims 01" Sc, _l4l'o* . that 4iesetruf destriel#o4ll *hi& iu_uwitilY MTN to ale untimely grave thotintlri of Young Men of the' most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who_ might etherwiseintril-eliftaticird natant* &mama tkitli the thnn deur orelotpumseur *Rhea to &taw the• living lyre, may • • " • - YARRTA.GE: '' Married persons, or Young Men conte,iaplating marriage, being aware et Physical treakirees, organic debi4y, defor mities, 7tC., speedily Mired. He who plates himself Mider the care of Dr. J. may re ligiously~jtalis loner aa 12109111/I‘l4 dettly reirdpeti &11l as • rhiecan: _ • 'ORGANIC" WEAKNESS • annediatelY tarred, Mid Dail vigor restored. * - ,Thls distressing affection—which readers life miserable mad marriage impossible—la the penalty paid by the lit ! tams otimproper inthalgence. Young persons are.too apt to conduit &teem.% from hot beilag aware of the dreadful consequentiae that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of Mien is lost sooner by those falling tarok improper habits - Win b y - the prudent. Besides, being deprived, the pleasures of healthy offspring, the meet serious and de- Amalie: symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical ..and'.xnebtal functiolna lose or Procreative Merl tWoevoke. MOW PlPhatioo of the been, ielaillartieN amidMy,. a Raseng of Miefraine: aistfja, to* sammtlon, decry mad deat. - . _ IT Amos. No. 7, Boma raricateroic• flosatio. ieft,tunut side going from Baltimore - street, a fow. doom from the' corner. Fail not to observe naive and number. Letters must be paid and . contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomashaigiithisofilece.. . ' JOHNSON • -* Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Londoii, grad uate from onepf the most eminent colleges im the - Unkted States, and the greater part o f . whose life has been ,squmt in the Imapitala of. Lon don, 'Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected-some of the most astonishing cures thaw= errerkmown , , many troubled with ringing In the head and ears when asleep , great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden mends, ens, with frequent 1/lashing; attezaled sometimes with derangement of mind were cureiViistroediately. ,"__ s. TAKE, I'AIiTIOIILAB 170'17021.- Them are some of toe ead and melancholy abate pi* sluctetby.early4ntbits of youth" via : weakness gf the Molt atid - Ihrdis; Palle in the head, dimness of eight, Iota; or isationlit power, Palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia,' nor vous irritability, symptoms of consumption, ha • MUTALLL—The fearful effects on the mind are.Mech to be dreaded — lose of memory C4111h1131011 of ideas, do. preesiou'Of spi r ts, evil forebodings, aversion to.; society; itif distrust, love bVsolitude, timidity, ka,- ere 'some. re the:evils moduoed. . • • YOUNG KEN - • Who have Injured themselves by a, cartiiu practice dulged in when alom, a habit tregpently learned from evil companions, pr at. ephool, the erects. of which are nightly-felt, even when lisleep, lad if nor hired renders marriage moos Bible, and destroys both mind nail body, shouldaj,uty,Camedlateiy, - - • Vhata hatlt young num, the hope of his mama, the'darliiii 'lt s parents,,should be snatched from Proitioacte-abd enjoymemirof life, by the 'consequeime . deviating irrom the path :of nature and'. indulging- In'ia certain want habit *oh persondacar, hale* opatera, . , MARRIAGE, Regent that a sound mhid and b6dy spittle biostn'ecesSary requisites to proinoteemnetbialhappinesi. out these, the journey through life becomes a weary pil grimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes stiadoWed-With despair and filled with the melineholy refieetien that the happiness 'of another be comes thigatad - with oar my. DIi3EASP; Of! IMPRUDENCE. inott-theinbagnideid and imprudent , votary ofpleithre We Illiimbibcd•thsr Seeds* of thls-painfol disease,: Niatigbeis happens' UM& pn illtimed wise of shmtigm Lim dMmthf r ilhoopery oleters him froni applyi n g tOth9to..whh from edneation and respectability, ban stone befliendhinti He fails into.the hands of ignorant and designing pretend ers, who, incapable of cuing, Mich his pecuniary sub. Ono% keep E n month, or aa long ea tho means* tree can be obtained, and in despair leave witEmined health to sigh over- hispilingdiaappoilainenti okby,the we pt We dondir Neon, HerourY, beaten the conatitnikinalaym iu picsoftldsterrible iblitut;isscjinitairee nuns of she Head, bacee, Skin, etc., progressing with frigtitful, ' d eath pats a , Period to hia dreadful entilithlige fir et* to thltivered SienWtryirdisi whence ad qrriveleiretnitut " - ` f I ' 7!M, ==E:ftY 3 F,ME'MUM i` The many thalami& aired at thishistitutlinicar year, and the numerous ..inipartant surgical 'operations perfortnat by Pr...ROlONwitnessed by traportena of 4a thetioX and - nniny'otheirears, no ' ti ' ces Ore liras itp 'algsta and again before" ee tilictitudtint gentlemen , *et' character and reit •tddityAsintittiene gnisantee to the - • tam puma= ellartir.4 ' r 4112110* fkuitAL/Prederlek Street. 11 9 21 1 1 0111'...i. ; c•qi ', 4144 I 4, - 4 f i l 4 0 1 4 . t r . O I A'W. 0 . I 1 0. : . 1 4 5 - , . 44 t 4 . • , l ei ' - ilk - - CI , .a"..11:371' ' .. ..-—......, 7,721:,131.5.`i Vt , .. i. '...:i • TAVSANTS boxiiftwint- , Evniam Lori _CIJISE'IIB AND VOI l lALO*;`,,,','. Ttorptu ea, la, particularly recommended to the; Ylatildnv c Patitnal/0 ~ . d twoimuciematkprglopti lanit certalkoure outs • _ : 4, -: !PLTIMitiADDER, :t.i MI AU bieRIN4PY ORO IV, fia:v , It noiy rtlllelfronidethe !!" ~ 4s 4 44'ths , akin of Meaelepiedki imtbajaaps claire dlamaerer both mama, towhick limey. airn appllcankt • Iknever tnterfineM carktathe iligeation,:lumlo7-ttr tameaktrapea„ Ow deem le; I; aisr.B....EtutthasMallYl6llaVindlo' Iliii fir l'AlikaperS: !001EPOtl1i1 arritimt-or - onus , AND COP.allt.a,, and take nrithitt tdae r az Imitations an& worthleaa prepa-t ration; under similar names, are in the market. '4.aloel $1 00. Seatrtry - expreartarsueitaipt-ef-prion Manufact l ti1a , 4.:0 1 . 1 7-.lbr `A NT If q O -41 4 9 , ME' .Vralri 4 : = s nu g O r irVilcigtvlat, !ZP:l° X " q t gP r 4,4 . ' 141.41134 ,- b T 4444310) !.144 1 -P - . .... ', ....-7,-- , , ,, _•i.1..:!... 2::.=::::i ~ .. ,,.:1 . 1 . ,,:i ;Pa;ll.- , 11( , i.. 0., .1.C.:: ' Gray ' s Patent Molded Collars Are out POONt or PaPer eda is the lona of a oollar, but - are MAW sad ihapal kilt** seakkering a pent", curve free fine tingles or break"; wblch Is at tatnett b our patented PPNetta, attel ialeeleeareeinet* emialliageponettal by no otha collar, —Tin: Apsoefotese *slat in the tutn-down style, the'=Ml or Wines p mirwhill 3 P4 ll P 3rg 1123* rtT43lllllll4 g ..R EI I Collar, for ease, neatness, and durandity, nnallualledAM They are made in Turd down style ut elzeffrelit 17, and illanatte trout 16t017 inches, and packed in , neat 14P6 Wee elan, each; ateo, inanterm ones of 10 eadt l a t latter a very bandi t Pa lact llll " 4 4 7'l Wag* navy l"; 7 ^ 111141%74T COLLAR fo.aopeti t " Ur* re Patent 11TeldeR tiStlare" ji d t i t I t/ aitc.ttacio a tron' 5' , 46 , bit.#44 Andaantunothad.ty % .a TAN pqnsw mosfiNa k extu ntantlan 4ar- cacirivir Phitiadt44 , ritlittaankiti ta ) ii,jill OYSTERS. tißt re. •L.eanntat _ moan* rien t alato forakiewava, JuL AM shred. Iteonved and for sale al 811191,112 & Bootosion to W. DooltWo DMZ 90ZOZIT • .. • 1111. vn . • Mt Mil 3, , ar)olo lirtiotEsApv4tin' YttierAtt: ' ' I DRE-G- ST • ; '-i••••• •:. ••• '1•.• 3:i .3E ••.)! Noat . e ;11 . :•• ...Li Wtl/... J. • ,i;!<•c.•1:-Lts. CZ:t - • R arga 'rr fk i. ei n ii.e ig ,Vi.: 4 ,ll;7- ;•10. PI!! k ' . : Ct . • 1.e.. DR [MGM= !: , - , 2II7 , 43IICLANBrt=i 2 - 210 6 0 ". !, , .; • irfiErXß B ,4o 6 ! O.O2S7,SUMPA . We are daily adding to our aaeortmen t of geode ill'atiOn articles as are timetable; and - iibuld respeetrully can your Mainnickik to the largest and beat selected sneak its Ala 01 . - • • .fdl • •:. ;i . . . : - Li.. DRUGS CHEMICALS AND PAINTS oak , varodidinTid*.e.. • • ~ z nt :‘c Dyikkadlki May,: rt,. -•-• • • . : • : '.l ' V/1 :Aniiialiklita : ; Pee errogid OOP; in 1:/ J . .1. 3i i!gpenyulkoill flue Ops, . . s 901631, '1144/ . , • 2, . COW° . .111. • i1iri€ 6 ;:,( 4114 6 :argot thiCCL, With a mail variety of fW/tYX*m4' ANP -, Y( 4 4)DT atVOP;44 RE selected aontlie beet istauttrioniete uut ettrfrommi , e 1 itiAlEte.and • LiJit; • ' • • .; wi very large des*TlP, ; Pl l / 2 7.9,. W7IITB LAID, . • tairffirin orz, n • .3.4 iinziwijw.GrAlisf, AR37 , SVAr .v • • ' C,f ) °4 B l ?APT 414 ?? AgEfs2 , 4: ea ersinas __ , . • . lizr../wirai #ARISPDLS i - • = cvzolw' or eli Jw%s. i,alc , :_} - ,lc ' invite a tail, feeling confident that we initepirliie Vanes fof thetk-. liatirdhel ~ .~~~#."tai i~ ').*ETII. TEVIIII,3 Jraior• warrrs , z. • - :p4sizztrjUIDWZNIA AND:-='i= -- , Af.-; kJ/de, direct from the Propleprs. , / • 4.11.1NDR1R . ,09 WINCWIIMATED IX* Who,Loftin .3gents ws, sell as hew ~69161.11. FE 3101,11:10 as it we be parstraski in the 41111 u • • rR 4 Y44 it , OzploA6 lww•ux BATuiczt , i • 0,,r, 3.c.T.: x. f • .'ll mr:z Belng%lll4AfebilLikin/ thiee;eitiisliiskt ofThr dacem• • 1. •:: ti Or Wri of the =Nil • . 1131; Anirorned -Pspir4s• ve<zdhealL ktnite M LIMP! erkiligek . i -• ' !‘-f Thw y t Y ° ° Who how r tgrea our NOM AND CAT ...M.X4CITANOYIIO44 k RCYW a P!' OFIIFPEoPhoT;o 1 0. th° - haVinievithettirettilieepteg Itellee'ent.Odle heathy .• . :; 1 A ;Li itut tn. rogt?ct condition. • • til :crt Thousands can teetifyloiher - pra tit they have derived .boat * USO cif ow Cattle Powttr, by the InAnieee qua ' atutipfentrtg :clink header Nolieuslig the 'general fieeltri ocibelf:ciatO: ...LID , . A • Our long experience In the truanotigitiM3othiltitStaaar - r: =, • •"..Fl , _ lua tags of a thorough iranwtele_qf the to tie, and ear ar ringenteultain the tithis are each that we Oa* fa a "laai, • _ ' short time. _TT' 479 1Vr i ,PM4 11 4°S to i t 4 11 9% on the beetht borWfor e itbendlatttonage bestotra I 0 Oar tine tolwahmatig . a carenu 74Y9lift&s: ; 1 / 9 1111., • Itiw 4..;•.14-'6. 8- Fi 4 7'4'0 at tairpillihe desire ii t oe . 1,11 ? to merit a iiiii tinaaitoevaFgroeira - 0 P10:411)!L• ,fro L: MOTH ~ .ilyt . 1 .v..1t01bi.,, J , ...11 ~..' .'. • -- s• i - PEEPamnraziffilattLaiD pkmuvrlitk' ilfoflP rjr.4,3sl)Ert,liikripazowid of valoabk N wimp.: _w l :llDitigtg. Mon of imatcm—diatebuted ‘ among pVtiffer ,:liroolent; &c., Ata fof outuner, W t olr 1511 4 11 47= tikotaarß u. :14 ~7.! 4. ~ • - '3 illifiolki a delightful, &Mumble perfume It - *HI ihn pregnate clothing, drciamithnlaattsvdplcaaant, odor. .? ihrliattloint„ . , t " L' ll4lA .,_ U ntlilN " is Drngand Fancy die. 91 Marketairset. 1 10, , a b„ t, :•.7_ ~,,..':- —4 , ... ,—.,a, -,- .-...,..-.: l lWNVeil udOlittldiiisart i"gl*' ' Mk ito oak add • Altair.,') , :•xsc•rxti-ri x BiIIIMAMMAIISIKi, my 5;11 ''.... .' y 41--te, " " ." .W " .x 4 . 4. 117 . 1 1 1 . ) Is I . SE- , l lot el moiw, Arrate .0 - w - 7._ ~D*.- ielr' .socossort Ira . Dookre i ft I S---nriar----twirt it-.7ATIMMIMM 91 NM BO= k ILINkPlii tt‘ 2 4 ! T.4'. WATSON, MASTIC CEMENT MANUFACTURES, jPlrivr i _ ps l43BUltep, Va., c_plrEVAEm_to iitrilish_Bll4-04€4 the ez• Viplor bf Buildings wrth the mAsny vgiusYr, nn % u ou•em , ' The material is entirety different frog e.„ 'olissreements peed heretofore, and is the only reii.,., a. , hgessishable coating for outside work. blivid with p- ; perfflopordous of pure Linseed OD It forum lie:111d, ea.--, talidheshrenets to Brick or 'Stone Walls, making 11. b"it tiful, line water proof surface end Rabin equal to Brtrn Wow or mi:r color desired. - 4tinong others for whom I have applied the Mast 4.:. C L I reffirso the following gentlemen: j . resktire, Penn Is i reet., Pittsburg. I D. M II ' J. H. Shoenberger residence, Lawrenceville - & Hoeyeler, James M'Oandless, " Allegheny city. (*yin Ademe,, Third street, Pattlir.!- James Wood, owner a Charles rout, 6 *lntern Vobed, Girard House, Barr & Moser, mehiteets Dispatch Buildinp, i Joke IL Cos, residilmor /Dont Bisset, Hamshuri, y. n. A. J. Jones, • Please 'Mist* - V. P. WATSON' P. 0. Boa 1,806, PAL-i urg. It. VANIB_44.O - -I- -et, Penns . jlionhe„ liarrismrg. pa FRE MLYAVDRNP/4 MARBLE Alit) CORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFTH STRLLTS, Harrisburg,. Pa. 11121 GE Dna - e aea having opened a Marl JL Tata in We etty,lieg leave to inform tbcr 11 . 19:11 and the public in general, Out they are preorta to ash MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPT:ON Tombs, • . .head Stones. !Unties, And Amiss Work in MarbTo and Browi, Give u a call and we will guarantee sausErteitcn k CA, N. 8.-4.ettering many win in 111411ph, or itermac vaar2e4ll y • N aBBO/ITMEN T OF (TVER 100 STYLE: OT POCKET BODO, PURSES P Dli 0 N .Lll ,INPI.LAPAS Mg) q*EIiTLEME ss KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Storks No. 91 Xisrlset street. ;T Alt E IN 0 Art- II L , Aid it &OW •vadet3 , of FANCY GOODS, atatabh: presents, waren hand at fi,ELLSR'S Drdi Store, rastrio-tf • ' ; N0.:91 Harlon:Meet . PHOTOGRAPH. ALBUMS. . -. . : ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT 1 3 ' liCti t 6:g raii li 15:. It, la n] . illount ) in FINE MOROCCO-LpanelleC ay , fokiamk mounted with two hem_ 01$ deem ALBUMS WITS 80 Pictures for . to 40 " ' " ' ' 1 • N, .. r..... = :.; 5 0 • 41 64 together with anions other etylee of blifiung, Plaa r . pwhich will be sold cheap. Iltd r t s you cannot buy us prettier,. mare durabie r Olea album oaribere. rh) land ea at SCHEITLIVS Booltacqt nuaritdtt" ' ; • - Harrisburg, P. =SI ItIOGICATITY FOR BOYS. • •: _ . 4 Tpx FARMER BOY.. and how he became Com u3a . TBE PIONEER BOY, and how he became Freeldent, .. ;hi* FERRY BOX and ttie rnenciei, i 1 7318 , M114T48.80yr or tmer Bea, F/ ankim it to truirli,`• - - TEX FARMER BQY, and hew he, bed Lieutca int Genera' 4tr•pidi - • • - • • • A YOUTH'S HISTORY','lrtiC,. Fort Sumter to Roanoke; elegantly Ilkatrated. fi : Atl,lCht;,:k...S': , WOK .•31C.1i INSURANCE COMPANY:OF NORM ANIRIcA No naii,Wabarat Street, Swath ,Stde, Third Str‘et; Phil delphin. AMOUNT OF ASSETS— • ..... DICOPROMIITO 1794, CAPITAL: 1. , ''l3/LULTER PSRPErUAL: Marine, I+'irB and Inland Transportaneu J .:warfare. „ • Fldar;:errtalm "LN' BUEI-11,Eli, • einctiol'illgeita for Peunbyli aniß. Walilt fit. MY Sitidd, Harrisburg, !t 4r _ - UST RECEIVED, 1 " mos moßnsa, A PRESAIL INVOIGE 13 • 'IIICILANItt & coos OBLEBIIOIF 3 SUGAR '42ItRED •.i. HALMS, AT SEEM inc it' FRAM'S RIVALLED CBAYALE:ty 1.11;Z-1i gem uokansp, Uu viuusSi, t.J. 14w corWrial luiftio. 11 'hies not discolor. .11111 i Y6tf MAisfalskzetery-tuusued surface, or w9p* dl, uumMactunts sus Cteibeni in sficuld h se It for crianini itumuue Mtn 112. s Aremmirocwuk 43.5. A wua, rub Due la, • t•••• , r• win make it bright and [teak. For Buie by Bt', 118 M1011.:111 PEcTatiAL ilhuk. IMB . niTALUABILE STAIJ - 2, ' Unity vigetahitt hi Int ouutkorian tenif, }toyed with wunderfal gnome ler unity ;ratite abseaaes for the AM Perm of the disease, suela as (Aaiun, 111.114AT,SrrallitUle JSIAAtifl L'l Nuttlh and iih..talt; 2. LI use will be auenhwt with the 4utioplait restate. SCUIa beat and satept nteateutes 'tut _ taw< (MF l tsi and tX(bISU,IdefIUN. _ ((tailcoat:ye *is .qf Opium in anir Wipe inthis syrup. PRICE $l,OO PER BUTI.LI'. :AM sale afiliattMACrAlliapt.Bout Sten% lIM kEeitoitai 4 ere fisetui to 1 11J1 cough, allay Tickene - reCeSki huailenese, Catarrh, Sore Throat, •.-- Coltaioot, Horehound, Ipu . ciumauea,eeDeg, - PO Mon robable expectomea homy-are thc dye 00111WILUBMS, au tgesulea. wee Aitim A r „,), ~--- tikiliceacti lounge ()autumn" a mild, - and" Cery Ibinufaccarodouledt,•ey- , • S. & KuNkki, 6,1 L 1 , Jau27 ApothdourJuo,,llS Margot woes, ti, : ICOHILL&DELYHIA TUT FOR - YOUNG. lo.naet. Rev .CHARLISS Sii1111,130)., A.-)4., Princapalis. • '-, Muth Teat Throe departments: . Primary. M4"° ll eo/ 44 h -, Fau cohetio come ilk %Was, higher 'English One:l4atiao 8e i 0.“..; lc; brbeitraduate. Mourn Lanimakee Music, Voeutban by the beet masters. -For. cnicu OttipitAtrue, or $446:68 Am 2612 P. WEDbII4 G, INVITA II . .:01riVirigATAIUMMARANJXL—By a araraa ana,tlPDAtatt4o.llmwmpla acautr:•, _llirillitop.luecutest ku, Opp iltSk e 14"Fluamrini104e lateet proi st ,lll3 illitltorsoes Lima areAwgid ay an is effiglrift.9l-11.40113101116:...7a t rnatatues `—" " • iikatraili'S . _ INEVY invoicse of Michener's celebrifr IJust rocelvetiluatrukaum . Salale-A F.R.g.;' ci.nnessore to W. cm JUST AWL Winci--A. floe lot of Co , psalm iwt TOM2COa. rtla Antal, ISR P etc., just reeeiveu 1 4, VOW NIN WM% 8 1 / street, Eau. 0.4%/16 °vs, 01701 AS The beet mon=
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