gia4 gtkpyt HARRISBURG, PA THURSDAY EVENING, AVGUST 1864. al °PIc:E. TO ADVEUTISERS.—AHAiI et'• . tisemeuts, Business Notices, ikarriaies; Deaths, &c., to secure insertion in the TEL GILAPII, must invariably be Recent periled with the CASH. Advertisements ordered fa the regalia* .• 8;v erring 'Edition are inserted in the Tlox lug }Ail ion without extra ellitrgy.,: . • ; rsY WN AND CO IT N T EXTRA Pine Vanilla Beaus at Rally's =Drug Store. aulo-d2r. A SOLDIER named Michael WNickle died of snn•stroke, at Carlisle, on Monday. DAlkl Mu and his great show are annOnne ed to exhibit at Indianapolis on Friday and Saturday of this week. -0---- Two prisoners, named Harman and Varley, escaped from the Perry county jail, on Satin day night, by sawing of the iron grating of one of the windows. Comma—Autumn. It would be heartily, welcome now, and tho people who are suffer ing from the effects of the heat will rejoice when the days of the "sear and yellow leaf" arrive. I=l ATTENTION, PAXTON !-All the members of the Paxton Fire company who have leisure, are requested to meet at their new hall this morning at 9 o'clock, for the purpose of refs.: ing the second story joist. TALL SPROIPM. —A citizen of this city has left at our office several potato sprouts of from ten to twelve feet in length, which'gre* in a cellar, within a brief period. They are the tallest specimens of the kind we have ever seen. -...--- THE members of both branches of the Le gislature left here this morning, en route for Chambersburg, the citizens having invited them to visit the scene of the late conflagra tion caused by the rebel incendiaries. The train arrived here from Chambersblig about three o'clock this afternoon. I=l OKAMBEBSBMIG BANIC.-A letter from Geo. B. Messeremith, Cashier of the Bank •of shambersburg, to Jay Cooke & Co., states that all the books and effects of the bank were afely removed. The bank loses nothing but is building, and business will soon move on its accustomed way. Ax adjourned meeting of the citizens ..of the izth ward will be held this (Thursday)Tveri ttg at 7i o'clock, at the Good Will House, ' idge Road, to take into consideration im ortant measures with reference to Oink the uota of said ward. Full attendance is re nested. STAMP Youa Rsoarsrs.—The new changes the rate of revenue taxes went into operst. on recently. It concerns everybody to now that all receipts for amounts over $2O, d all checks and drafts at' sight; whatever e amount, must have a two-cent stamp at ohed. citizens are inquiring, "What- .e of the street sprinkler?" Every place enveloped in dust, and everybody is inter ted in having the sprinkler in operation. .at has become of it? P. S.—Since the acme was 'written the . tinkling "masheen" has appeared, the dust been laid, and the people feel slightly re reshed. Oh, for a good shower of rain THE Provost Marshal's office is continually thronged with persons interested in the draft question—all anxious to have the rolls proper ly corrected, and themselves exempt if possi ble. Three weeks from next Monday the magic wheel will commence to revolye„ and those who draw prizes will be oomgelled to "shoulder arms" or furnish substitutes. The prices of the latter will run very high about hat time. It is highly important to every man mbjeot .to perform military duty, that the paotas of the sub-districts be filled at once. liberal bounties should be offered by borough -1 city authorities, and the people should ;ribs liberally towards an extra bounty z 'a have received the following list of ilaS ) - in Company K, sixty-first Pennsylvania Lnteers, which occurred since the, third of last s in the battles of the Wilderness, stsylvania, Coal Harbor, &C. : litd—Hugh Wallace, John Richards, - An- Leddy, George W. Brooks, John Weger, as Morrison. ended—Lieut. A. A. Hager, Sergem i ta and Keller, Corporal Hrading, Frivatr Fry, Jones, Miller, McCaw, Taylor, rs Mumma, Murray, Masters- and loners—Leopold Hart, Jacob Burkhart, s Smith, John Kopp, Path. rid Officers Killed—Adjutants Wilson and ghlin ; Wounded—Col. Smith and Major e sixty-first regiment is now on duty near is Ferry. Co. It is commanded by ).nt W. F. Poorman. NUT Casa OF ROBBILBY.-- 2 They have a awd set of thieves, both male and female, New York. The Tribune of yesterday gives following account of the operations of of the fashionable lady-robbers.; While Miss Josie Spencer was riding dovin )adway in a Fourth Avenue stage yesterilay; roman all aglow with fashion got in, and, lie sat down, threw her multidudinotth and cloaks over the lady above mei)- . Within half a mile, the mass of got out, and five minutes afterward I. found that the innocent female— tee 3.1 her hand under her dress, op A, it w ith a knife (in a ring,) and abstra f,ct. portmonnaie, which contained a Sur, * o f 3y not to be despised in these days. T. tiding i n stages or oars should lo' ,k ou t these female thieves. They are Fs o over le with dress and good behavior, that the who ride innocent may be deceived. - Jet every s in a stage or car se , our , a ant if possible, and place her I cavalier n her and the rabble. If 0 - j e canno t do let her carry her portmc . h er Pookets are invitations t o thoft, .1. 4 - • tip.A A ~,,Q lWl466PLAnsdikagiAMP44l . 44l: ft- Ton e mater, 2 . r .` LC.oI %.ar3iycommence a ttterttrieg,",ools6 hitUra-SK.I4O.44LAT.Min& ; next, with a grand star combination company, A)4loling some(s4,•o)dfienrites apd, a howl _ ornew among Ihdtil severai hrilliant stars. 102! 7 -At half-past . two &clock this after .noon ILtirr . , ood m at , one ,hicndrea and two degrees in the shade ! Trow ar e you, "dog days ?" At the same hour, out of the shade, tikA . tk r er7 mortitterAdailiipdi 4 ode *041114 jynrneftyi Tux Printers' Union of Mew York and the publishers of the dailiez f ore at loggerheads. The Union has adopted anew scale of prices, - viz: 51 cents per 1,000 ems for composition an evening POPots,;ortil 0 1 ) asnii for Minting papers. Some of the publishers refuse to ac cede to the demand. Greeley says the new scale is extritvagant,„and he will "„resist it to the extent of his ability.'' How TO GET BID OF MOSQVITOES IN THB Mawr.—Mosquitoes, says somebody, love :beef blood better than they do any that flows in the veins of human kind. Just put a couple of pieces on .:plategi near your bed at night, and you will sleep undisturbed by these pests. In the morning you will find them full and stupid . with -beef blOod, and the meat sucke4 dry. VALI Itacapit.-'—•Now ;that the blaclo. - berries are abundant, we would advise every body to make use of the following recipe for making a valuable cordial for medicinal pur poses , • • BL tCHBERRY CORDIAL—To 1 gallon black berry juice put 4 lbs. of white sugar,. boil and skim off ; then add 1 oz. of cloves, 1 oz. of cinnamon, . 10,grated. nutmegs, and boil down till quite rich ; then let it cool and set tle; , afterwards ;drain of, and add 1 pint of good brandy. •-• The wine. and jelly are made just as currant ;wine and jelly are. Almost all housekeepers are familiar with the modes of making these. The syrup is made like the jelly, but not so rich ; only rich enough to keep well, Let it become cold before pouring it into bottles. If it should form jelly, beat it over and put it up in jars. A gallon of syrup or jelly may save as many lives as the same quantity of cordial, - rum or brandy ; for if stimulants are needed they tnay •given to the patient sepa rately. Arrzarruni, Mnarrz MEN.—The members of Capt. Gibson's company are requested to re turn their gang arra accoutrements to The of fice of the DAILY TZLZGBAPH, on or before Saturday next. Many persons have drawn guns, and have never attended drills, and it is necessary for such persons to return their arms at once, so that they can be placed in the hands of those who are willing to keep up the organization. It is the intention to keep up a perfect organization, ready at a moment's notice fc:O. duty. Let all who are willing to keep the `ranks fall be punctual in their attendance for drill on Saturday evening. at i o'clock, and those who do not wish to be - active will please return their guns at once. By order W. W. GLBSON, a C. Elitmr, 0. S. Capt. ()mut Verb° Guards—s4so to $4BO Bounty This company wants a few more men to fill its ranks, to•whom the highest cash bounties as above are insured. The company is at Camp Curtin, fay provided for. To be at Colonel F. Asbury Awl's regiment. Call at the lower room of the EXCHANGE Eu.uantio, Walnut street, or at the Big Tent, near the di3pot,'or . • Et. WASHINGTON FENN, Captain, Or Mass T. Cass, -Recruiting Officer. augll-tf Volumtteers Wanted / For the "First City Zonaver" Tenn of ser vice one year. $376 bounty paid. Call at company. Headquarters—Exchange Build ing (up stairs,) Walnut street, Harrisburg, Pa. JNO. 3. BITWER,. Captain. aull-dtt Attention, Fifth, Ward: The citizens o, the Fifth ward are requested to meet ittlie Fifth Ward tfouie, this (Thurs daP'evening, Augusellth, at M'f'r. mt., for the purpose of transacting business relative to the impending draft. As all are concern ed it is *wed every citizen vill,be present. By order'of " 40011111TrTEE. Suserriivin Puss—EN LaISTMEN4 PAPERS, aad all other PAALfts eoneterninUthe tun t* made out promßtior . ,. . .by Sullivag S. Child, Claim Agent, DAILY T IrIXOBAPIE building, Third St., Harrisburg, Tam will be ti meetiing of the citizens diof• Susquehanna township, at Nisley's Setic House, on..Erids i y: evening. August 12th, for the purpose of 'Ailing the quota of said town ship. A punc,taal attendance of all persons enrolled is requested, by auglo-3t MANY . CITIZENS. ; on SALE; —An elegant building lot,,situat ed on Tbir . :l street above North, 21 feet front $Y 131 fef in' ) depth, running to a2O feet wide elle* For partieulson enquire at an9-dt' THIS OFFICE. MAJ . . ; Draw, of the 12th Penna. Reaerves, has rec ,eived authority to raise companies to form r h regiment for oneyear's service, of which he is in - cceiunana.. Parties wis4iiag 10re ,t for his regiment will call on, or address,. KCREM, White Hill -Betel, Hariiikerig a , Pa 2 : anB4sepl* Tom` =Alas Local, Botprrit in the State paid a 3 Volunteers for one' year. Also, 'Substitutes Maga, by - G. 8., Hamm, • • . • Late Capt. 12th Pa. Cavalry,. • Jarrisem A. 01111 LIN, NIL A. VIIDtILETON, 'Market street below Third, South side, up stain, • au.94.,e Recruit; Wanted for the Bally Guards. ,Taynef-Serviae, One Pear. -highest Bounties IW more men nr vented. The officarii-epre , men - ai experience. Call at' the reen4tinit - 701,00n5, White Sall Hotel. Nl* JOHN T. MOBGAN,f Ing o 4l' 414-Lieut. W. 0. fAUTA. MEE ~ 1 4 -•-. MI =MG A rew more men .tipinle4 - _ rolm-Tai.tEiriir iganization. $3BO l Tonal toinity paid, 3100 I lftverrinfent, nitikilW . sitabarraty. 'lvi." - vill go tq.diimp 104,61frwlt*Inns as 404 its ',mustered in! AMA smnivoid,ll6ll-sabai . ;ing draft. Headquarters, Walnut street be itween Thad and.Fonrth iii4iesiai'garrisburg, 'Pa. W. A. bEAN,Capt t Lients.. The re p• S.d. G• Per , beek Itecruicinlofraceie;- 4c L One, Years Service! Yggbell . . _ Guards! - 4 This Company, now in Camp Curtin, fa ly uniformed and equippedy_ is neatly lull. A :few more good volunteers wanted, to whom iwe will guarantee,theverylighesteash bonn sties to be had anywhere. however high they may be. .Call at-the WALNUT STREET EX ;CHANGE BUILDING (lower room) and heftr extra• inducernehts, that tko.koffioet The Captain pledges himself to look after the comfort and welizbeing ;of his-men at all haz iards. Come on soon, for we are rapidly a va,sHINVION,MMI,'PaPbO,:: Kati T. Cess, Reef . • SPECIAL NetTICES:" . „. ccA Blight C 016407 Coughs., Yew armaware oftheituportanotvotchociang , tl Moughs or "auras cots" in its first stage; that, - . :ginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglecae r soon attacks the lungs. • "Brown's Aronehial Troches " give sure.and almost immediate tenet? !Military . office,:s aruL .Schttifers should hare Omni' ds' they can be married in the . 12mael and taken as oocasion+equdro. ' sißluiry Busbies*. 4tte5414.0 Bounty, Pension, Bacdr. Pay, enhitistenciriamt , Military and War Claims, generally, made out mirkeolidettaL -Pen., sons residing at a distance cam-have their business trans acted by wail, by addressing, BUGENESNYDEB, Attoratepaclatt, el7-dly Third streei, Banisher:: Pe Bannvart's Troches*, For the cure of Hoarsesess f • Throat Dis eases, Ac., are specially' recommended .to ministers, singers and persons whose" vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured• only by O. A. Bannvart &- 00., Hayrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be itddressq. Sold by druggist every where ~, .3 Read the following testimonials frotalsome of our eminent clergymen: itsuanustino, Feb.'B{l4 1:86L O. A. Rum - err—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches; Wistar's LoZenOeS and other prePltrations fot 'hoarscneSa. ;44 thiOat troubles, and in comparison with thew all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public-=speakers and singers, in oases of hoarseness, coughs and colds,. I have found- %Eon sorting in time of need, most effegtually Yours truly, T. 11...8081A8UN, • Pastor of N. ii: Presbyterian Church. .011-I agree with Mr. Itobixtedtv as to the value of Biu:u2vart's Trochee.;' •-: W. (I.IO.iTTELL Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Ohareh. ELinsiousci ;Tin. 1t,64. To 0. A. llonivemr—Dear Sir: Iri th- hab. t of speaking very: frequently, and in .places where the vocal organs are very much. taxed, I have found the need of sOitie gentle exi:p!!; . 3 . tth rant, and that want has _been supplied iii.yom excellent Troches. • I consider them very far - aupetior to :My, Lozenges that I have ever used, in removin g speedily that huskiness of the voice toiling from its too frequent use, and impairing tit effectiveness of the delivery of public ai.- dresses. Yours, &c., MO. WALKER SAOKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. %UM:gist Churoh, To C. A. Benevasx—Deor Sir;- Having uset. your Troches, I am free to_ say they" are the best I have ever tried 'and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore - throat or huskiness of voice arising from public sing or singing: Yours, &a, cr.. G. RATIESTBAW, Pastor of. Ridge' Avenue Methodist, Ohurcih. DISTR./0T Arroaaar's Omer., i t" lianzaucao, Feb. 29,,1864. To 0. A. Baiorvairr---Daar air : ). 7 1 have found your Trochee to be, invaluable, in re lieving hoat3enesa And in, strengthening. the muscles of the throat.- They irapartvlexhfeas to the voice, and are certainly of great be $O4 flt to . an Pall° sPeake* !T. A_X- irie To !Clear the, Howie "ot. , Mies •nee anteher's celebrated tiGHIPAIING IPLYICILIaIit; a-neat &sap artiele v eaay to nae. ,, livery sheet , wit! till &rut MOLD EVICItViritNRE. • - • FRENOH, RlOllllOB lc CO., 10th and Market: etteeor, Philadelphia. tn.O44lAOWr- COIMATIVS 410Atc,) This oelelinital Toilet Se l% fn gniolt mend, la made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient inns nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action uponlhe akin. for wile by an Druggists and fumy : Goods Dealers, PVEE vzincirAßLE TON V: ' TBE moat healthy persona feetinov ofleas weak this extreMo warm weather; anti' lope th 9444 -. petite. They need a. goat strong . Tonic;.one that ; 411 strengthen the nervous system and stomach. - Thiti 'they can get at 50pents per bottlo; at Mrs. L.. Ball's, IQa 27, South Pine street, Bartiehurg. Ordeni , Troit IP. &Nino° promptly attended to. angl DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED!' DR. BUORANZ,ENGLLSH SPECIFIC ,PIL leis than 20 days, the worst cases of NERVO Impotency, Premature Decay, •Seminal Weakness, Insan ity, and all Urinary,reextml and Nemo* aßeethOgifo matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box: Sent, post-paid, by mail, on receipt of. an order, °nailer will perfect the cdre in most mei:— Address - z• JAMES & BUTLER, General Arad, 429 BrotilwaY, 14.• Y." womp TO4o4liik Wing. There is no needttif anFgoaratat having the Dysentery; for one day. All I ask- of the public is to try my Dysen-I tery Drops; only Mhents a bottle. isvely, pleasant toi take; can be given to a child of any age with greatibonl-1 deuce.. It has. cured very had case; and also of long standing. It is lndeed , istorth trying.. _Prepared aird'taoldt only by Mrs. L Ball, South Pine Bireetiliarrimburg. • . S E M°. Of Goods at low prides,. ; inch as Summer Dress Goods, Lawne,Sun Umbrellas, Ledo 'Shells, send Summer .bawls.; We haverderrir' on; Wiled a very large assortment of Muslin; QUM, Ging.' hams, Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Black Silks, Plaid Silks, • Widtrilontates, - Undriers et French CamterheyWhite and C01ere4.04114e4 . kr.act sti-N•RLlMeirkeT.,drx goods not . • -7 1:0 5 GrorAM - 4W* - wheitsli'‘tia7 INtirtßrOMMlS;attaalatada pr than we' de ititageW" 4`4 8 goods are 1 4 -0 ) . .. 01 ,71„1ff,, Is • ggyilila t' .r . . i jp i teitg 4 ol 9 l „CedGebdiege4l.4lg IS THE BEST IN THE WO The 'only /hsrvests, Trier and Ramble ' This splendid Hair Dye is perfeet—ehangesited,arefy; or Gray Hair instantly to a Mossy Black or NWrilblerter without Injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, lea.vingthe Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts froth vitality; _fteprenfty; restoring he pristine color, and redlines the .111vedbiati411 bad Dyes. The genuine is signed, WILLIAM A. PAW MGR. All others are mere Imitations, and, should be; avoided. Sold by all ;Draggled; he - Faehirj—lll BLit.; ULAN ST, N. N. ; . aa~mkoah half NOM 031.111W701111.DRWIRUte ! mikliyas., • agP I Y.I • 'A CARD TO TIM SUFFERISSIN ; Berallow two or three.hogsheads or "Btan t s...fronk3l Hitters," "SanteParilia," "Nervous Antidotes,'WSli &a, and. a ft er you are minded with the noidt, try' one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLIS !DUI PILIAtand be restored to health and:vigor. in leas thaixthirty dein They are purely vegetable, peasant tol take, - prompt and salutary in therreffbets on' the brokeipi down and ehatteredconatitution. Obrandioungelditilej them - with advantage. Imported and sold In the Unitedi Staten only by • JAS. & BQTL - Na 42AleatBgerhrayrriew _ .• _• .• _ sort —for etiaimumt iitatini. i P. 8.,..;* Rex Or.the Tills; Securely packed v .willibe, mined to Any wards on receipt, of price, whkOt iiraNß, DOLLAAaPotd - -1001107 sanded brcAgnity, 111011 OR lOst4 give& .'. ne4lll f ilo= 1 11111 BRANT'S ibwilifers gat.. RETURN OF THE YiraturEs. RETURN OF THE FAVORITES. Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's SW Opination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Will re-opt-ltat the above Hall ON MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 15th . First appearance of the young And talented Tinto star Miss FANNY PRIX). BTUs FANNY PRICE I MO FANNY PRIM. °AI Miss FANNY PRICE First appearance of liii - great Tragedian M. D. LiiNCEEETT. • A-= Mr. DEcjitiN..e. NETT. D.E. HANOHETT. Also the first appeareuget thejcyy popular young actor :Mr. W. H. MEEKER. - W. H. MEEKER. Mr. W. H. MEEKER. Forltirther partieuAra see rr.lgramme. auge.d tf SANFO4D'S HALL THIRD WEEK OF THE CONTINENTAL COMBINATION COMPANY, ON MONDWY. JULY 25, 1864. company conaists of the best star per THIS consistitg of • SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, &C. The manager takes pleasure in announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. • HABBICIVELL29 &Proprietors. MIX PORTER, Business Agent. - j-y2s:d2t CANTERBURY HALL. !ily444fuT'MEOW TT:110; Proprietor. H. DONNELL Business Agent JOE MILLER Stage Manager - ANDY WILLIAMS Leader of Orchester HARRY MESTAYER Treasurer..... .... ....J. G. HIDLER OPEN every night with a first - class com pany of male and female artistes. The perform ance embraces every variety qr legitimate amusement, such as , tLal SINGING, MUSICAL FARCES, DANCING, COMIC OPBRAZ, PalfrTalizs; - 31 • - Alone communips - : • me ns g o piti ; :,...: Admission, 25 cents. Soots' is private boxes 50 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at S o'clock. jylßdtt J3V4I4IIIDPIE --, WWI a country hotel, a good white Female COOK. Also a good Chambermaid. Good wages wilt be paid. Must come well recommended. Apply at aaglodpv • _ THIS OFFICE. PO, 114 Y TWOA ENTLEMEN and4hea Winos, board in a private family or boarding house with but few-Warders. 9 .4flOnne 0114 c. augle4l3t NVqA*E.l4:l4oNlight Yen-, labereni. sat the 3ttlatolillniekloinn lower - end mf the betty, for wh'.oh. ,, libmwt;irefpnW. 11l eCpiinsanOnteldy employment git ApplYalit the yOnFor Wc"-tnun- • engin-ZVI' ' "flUfflUD 4 BBEitLYro; Wanted, AWHITE GIRL, who understands the duties of housekeeping. Apply at No. 5 Locust street, near Front. aug9-dtf r' - • SEVP.RAT, Iron Moulders and Wood Work era at the Eagle Works aug9-d3t* W. 0. HICKOK. igiTANTED-An. unfurnished or furnished Y 'Gauge; Ve tart - of santilishod or iiti.toirit4 4 4l Rom., For: Eigticu,laquiNutreott _ 4 : -6.16710 E.. • • AHOU/EUl:•containing 5 or ,6 rooms for a small family. Leave directions at this office. Rout paid in advance monthly, if required. and-tr WANTED, A PRACTICAL BAR-TENDER. Apply at tAe.Woop.u. gere'ololo4. ; y jy29-dtf INTANTED, TO . RENT—Aix unfurnished room, within five minutes walk of the post (d -ace. Address Box SOD, Post Office. aug4-dtf WAIT.Tt slsller Ao* . —fie wan t aA We.ha" agentinatilik M wwew"lprove to 4 04 1 VMPlicant Ad "' ' JONES.4 IIOB, Sib) stniTrrprts TWO substitutes to serve for one year want-. ed, to whom $2OO each will be paid. Apply to! Thomas O. Macdowell, attorney-at-law. Office in Third' Street, gergoo l olfilMi.'i .15,27-0 $3OO REWARD. following United States securities have 111 been E lost, viz: I. , 7 s-,10 larpasary Fate," datea I, lB ltet.". ; r, 4 .-.22,47 . 7 1: Mr,;........ - L., 41 " - ' . , . 4 6 .,_ - - ~,. . „ 1,370 , - = Vls...phfote,loovk on f*m.the:o 4sl llooo,lr9ltt:ent •1, - 1862,, Metusive. t., ,2 : , ;., .4 •NO ' 4 ;-:.; ..- .1%. , 4 , , , C, 1 $lOO 7 31.0 Treasury Note, dated Aug. 10,'61, No. 64,064 100 do do 64,227 i 100 do do 64,228. 100 do do ~ 64,220; 100 • •“,, , i , idY r . .iv , _.iz '' i-Alo . - . 1".. 4 .) . '. -, 64,230' The latter five notes have on them the coupons from: Feb. 19, 1863; inclusive. $l,OOO One Year Certificate of Indebtedness, due April 3,. 1863, No. 8,194 irmarmitraral, 0, SL. N; led . - aa' ll 4 l - deritemMl4 l ol l qutitolder 4 t em i v k li Pkt 471Ta1k804/.19:0 0 5e Ward, 101 f ie . on. ii4Bll•Wiio J. W. WEIR, Cashier. HIRMIIIIIRG, July 29, 1864-dliwaw2w ‘ 4 `hlk. - BLOCKBeIq • Gail •Ilam-, •• Pta $ 1 5 - ; 1 10106,1111#101 2tftalltog of the tany2 13y 4 Mra, Holmes. $1 50 SAMBARA:; - EIMI TO . ET:a no - vel,by Amelia Edwards. 60 cents., THE SMALL HOME OF ALLINGTON, by Trollope. .4410.) $1 20. SEVEN STORIES, ;b y jik,,,fyrk author of "Reveries , ' of a Bachelor." -•$1. 50 • ~ CiAlla l li St r titilteatrot iffelMikoverY 'eine sources of, 1 the Nile. $a 5O .4....' ,41 er..,tia iti ..IEIIL ~,,, .. , nEE - WOMAN IN BLACK, by author of "Mau in Gray." $1 be: IX il NOTES Or HOSPItiI LISS, Nov ' '63. $l. CKI; ...OA c. .'6l to Aug. STORES OF ME faA L ., for boys; from Cooper's writings. _ $1 00* XI. STORIES OF TIDE 1111100 D for boys; from Cooper's 3. writings. :° $1 00 AR now books receivedwaon u published at • 'II NEE'S BOOK STORE, i .... • 51 Market street. pRnAM LARD: -. 1112y &kiln line kettle. rendered LARD, far: altby the birth or Pound, Just eoetood or , Dylla ,7 4 - '6,, BOYER dr KOJERPER. , • stew q_o_p_ Cheese, just] received at uyiti BOYER & KOERPh.R. . . 011101E8 •• bons, of this sewil ' =at outs& Jim • ved and for ejteltz . Ode 4111:1BLICS 04001190,11 le Wa. D00k5 7 .71'44. • - ,t r ;r►~w WANTS. Proposal s .. . Tor. Loan. TBEAraliZ Dit#MAIXENt I ,44iIY. 25, 1864. 'VdTLQE iiilierebY given that wats€riptions .I.‘ will;be received by the Treiunrier:of the United Staten, the, several Ass tent.. Treasif rers and designated Depositaries,-sulxl by the National' Batiks 'designated inyt; qualified as VE!Pfigi.taries' ArKetits, for Trea sury .rotes oaiable thisil.yeap..,ffoni: August 13. 1864. bearing interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent per •annurn, Tith semi-annual " coliporis attached,: payablp lawful money. Mow notes will be convertible attire option 4 ,, if 'the holder at maturity, ii#4, lid* per cent. gold beaang tonii Aideepiable" five and payable twenty years frail :Ampat 15;r:1867. `e Notes will be issued in derreithiations of fifty, 'one hundred,: five butitfiecT,zmie thou sand; and.l7o thausatid dollars, ana knitted in blink, orpayable to order, as may be diteeted by the subscribers.-- -; • Foilltivtioris must be lfir fifty dollars; oar some nudtipliii.of filty•dollars. Duplicate certificates be issued for all d9pcift., The party depositing mist endor se upon the - origivat certificate the denomination of notes required, and whether they are to-be issued inblank or Ipsyable to order. ' When so endorsed it mast 4ft Atli the Of:fleet-iv °airing the depottiti, to .19te. fittrifuithia: this Department. ••• ; • The notes will be tiwnere free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of De posit as they can t e prepared - - -- .lfiterebt will he allowed td Aughst 15 en all depositkinade prior to that date t and will be paid by the Department upon receipt of the original certificates. AS the notes draw interest from August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date df, deposit. Parties depositing, twenty-five thousand dollars and upwards for these , notes at any one time will be allowed It commission of one quarter of one per cent, which frill be paid by_ this -Department •open the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the. officer with whom the deposit was made. No, de dtiittions for commissions must be made Tibor the deposits. Officers receiving deposits will see that the proper endorsements,.. are made upon tha t original certificates. All officers authorised to receive deposits are requested to give `td applicants all desired information, and afford every facility for making sub se riptionsA FESSENDEN, Secrekry of the Treasury. AO- All respectable. banks and bankers throughout the country will doubtless afford facilitieS to subscribes. aul-d&w2w GOVERNMENT SALES, &C. A_UCTI(*NT SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR DEPARTNEILVT:CAVALRY BEIREAO, OFFICE OF CanseQFABTERICASTER, WASHINGTON : D. C.. July 23, 1861. IXTILL be. sold at poblio auction, to the V highest bidder, at GIESBORtI,V C., on' FRIDAY - FRIDAY, August 6, 1864, 100 Cavalry Horses; TUESDAY, August 9, 1861, 100 Cavalry Horses. Thft.S horses have been condemned ss unfit for the cav alry service of the army. ' . • For - road and farming purpotea many good bargains may be had. Ilcirses sold singly. Terms cash, in United States currency. JAMES A. ER IN, Lieut. Col, - a ri d Co. Chief Quartermaster, Cavalry Bureau. aug 1-7 L THIS ,WAY rmo B A _ft WA, _ll S HOSIERY, GLOVES, HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES' HAIR NETS, and '• HEADDRESSES ."- - • TOILET ARTICLES, FR NC '.,LACE, and TISSUE VEILS, ETC., AT ,ASTONIOINGLIC.LOW PRIM. RVerybodk, SIAM allat'clice, dad 'secure grew 'bar gains, at Mrs. MATER'S, auga dtf . Na. 13 Market street. ' - RENNET. LIDAV RENNET ,yields with "irfilh the •Adost lasciontitatallireserts for the table; the light est and most grateful diet for. Invalids and children. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution •, when coagulated withxennet it Is always light and easy of digestion, and supports Systa with the least possible excitement When still greater nutritive power isdesired, cream and sugar may bo added. A teaspoonfOl conve rts quart of mTh into wiim• eurd. Prepared- and sold, wholesale and retaitbr - - S. A. KUNKEL, .1.18 Market ono-. NOTICT. County, is:, , at preeint a resident, of • being duly swan; d&depose and say / that I was-enrolled in 1168; • In- the • otrthity of Ya.,W uherei.t thew reiiided , but • Midi moved from theft In- - the jnbiith of , 18—, into said • -*/ - ' first. above named. I am a man, and by oceupation a ---, and hereby request that my enrollment may be changed to suit my pent residence. - - Nors.—iThe above - is adopted - by the Board of Enroll ment or the 14th District of Ponnsvivenit as a suitable form of affidavit to beinade on an application go change the name on the enrollment lists from one District or Bub-Jilstrict tO another. JNO. KAT CLEMENT, CHAS. C. HAWN, S. T. CHARLTON. EDDA of..Enrollmeni. jy29-1m 813LE"aGENe3 13,3 R THIS - TITY T AM happy to oger to the public. a large anituißdiclid esso4 .. ment '. , SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, zaawatactomoby- i• ,• LEROY W. RAXlgillnak, These Pens are.nrcal Anlallo,-elastie, and wSI give en ttFektitttion.' • - - • • • • PLEASE TRY THEM " SOHEFFER'S BOOK STORE, Second street, opposite _Presbyter iantChurch, Harrisburg Pa. aP23 - VERY FINE, INDEED! our fine - atid exteruV E took of Photo -11 Albania end; Ph h Card,Pletaras, we have added a BEAUTIFUL ENV P A:elfin' reception of gird pictures. TtietiLrausk be seen aid will be admired AltirPhotographertntiliplied at the very lowest whole sale price, and their card printealaPoiFtlierefor $1339 • thousand, wholesale and retail. at ma • . SCHEIRER'S ROOKS BR'ToNGings:--rint e kgge%e u eznr, Les , ouns l' by W 1 1714144 1 mitaERL I SowasOrilio W. Dock, Jr_ & -viTALNuTs, (TREAuctfurnit: ,FILBERTs. Tortola vilkeleMtle sT --- 1 011131,1 at FE BUCCCIMOrS to W. PqGikank. mys ( - MEESE—Choice new crop Cheese, just V received at 4,IItAMIL Jel7 BnocessonCto Thxdi, Jr. & Co . • T OM for Bale on the earner of Third end Xaßroad streota_ Pinqulreff,WlLA NoFADOEN mikri•der !laity an d-,ata, *A,GlC T„:ll3ol.4luti69eivTi4,lt,t` • BOYSR & KOERPE R. UANS,L—Alresh suq= eatereaskrim#4lpwanaDrie* as - -- A D P 100 ir , 1;1 ,riaa ITMMI 11.41111DIDATE,S, . .. . .. . . . . 1r ;PI REGISTER. 44 AEL B6YER, East Hanover township, • offers himself as s canditlatelhe tbe htlioe of Reg ister. If nentinatedled °kaki be, 14.04 - 11 it bitosetf to folfil the duties of tbe office ietuvueutyt -. -hl7.wies, •GEORGE MAIM, of South titioielteiOn' - li ship teem himself as a cantlida&qmpmElace of REGLSTER of Dauphin county. ir - Mr. Kart pledges himself to perform the Limieis °Emil epos milt !Monty. - . joie WWI, CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. RABILISBURG, K.., Jane Si /SW undersigned'TAE respectfully offers biros& A- to the Republieens of the 14th CongressgonelDik Mot of Penneya vanle , composed of toe - counties 81' WV" &le i Juniata, Northumbinianklitiois andandeirPir nominates by the several imuncy conventions of - t he till District. Lisetibe] • : *TORAH ISlif. ariAzstitit.: 13017DOLPII :MILLER, of East, Hanover township, Weis himself es acandidais tbr the Mkt_ of Register. If nominated and elected he pledges him , self to fulfil the duties of the office with fidelity. M25-iffiwarwtc* - RUDOLPH MILLER. ADVERTISEMENTS. v.Eßßirs EwitkwiluvATaw'4..-, EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATOR& "CtSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS - EXTERMINATORS.. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. • • EXTERMINATORS. COSTAR'S"' EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. - EXTERMINATORS; "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATOR& "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S". EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATOR& 4.`COSTAR'Sr EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATOR& "COSTAR'S'" EXT I MONkTORS. • " EMERIMTNATORS. . • • For Mats, Mice, Mostehes, Arts, Bed lings, Fleas, Moths in Fans, Vir.oolens, .Istostila on Plants, Fowls, Animals, e pat "15 years established in N. Y: Qty.". • "Only infalltble , remedies known." -• "Free from Poloona" "Not dangerous to the Hama FanllllF, lo "Rats coma out of their holes to 00 • sa-Sold by all Dinggigtwevezywhere tFilt 1 11 Bswanal II or all worthless hilt - 8110M /Er" Costar's'.'. NW, /!). 41 8 2 .Brsadwi_ L _Y Y. gorSold by • - ' D. W. Guosh at CO., . Wholesale and retail agent". Aturbytil-Drulgista In Harrisburg, Pia jehldssraus GET OUT Or THE - .DRAFT.I One 'Year's LiNTAFkinorkolnii4:l. -.•- CAPT.. MILES , AND LIEUTAIGHII6II - HATING received authority (the Bret .is sued) to raise a company of voluntoers for ONE YEAR'S SERVICE, now 'offer rare Inducements tQ , ablp botlied men to enter the service. Apply at the COURT ROUSE,.or at MILES' GROCERY STORE, on Ridip)Rout Jy27-altf TR INITY CO LLXCTIO.N- Church NEutsie; • CONTAINE% ALL THE ~ PSALM AND. HYMN TUNES,CHANTS, SC USED in- Trinity- Church, New Yerkie,pd Its Three Chapels, by Edward Hodges, Erns. poet, of dydney Sussex College, Cambridge, England, withtria uable additions by the editor, S. Parkman Mum Cgs., or_gaitist and director of music_in Saint:Prial'a church, Boston.- Prlm in cloth binding, $300; Boards, 50. - DITSON co., Publishers, 277 Washington streat, Boston. /17311 ATEN -HORSE power steam =gibe and boiler, steak pipea, water pines, pampa and heater complete; oscinatingengine and.ol l nider boller;.mettefeo• lured by Joel Weinman, patent improved gine builder.. Hay be seen at Quist shops, foot of Waisted street, Harrisburg. • For tenni, an, enquire at Canal office, Meritet-atreet, near United States Hotel. Harousstma, - July 23, 1864 iy23-t( SUBSTITUTES AND M • ,FuAtsnisAiED. PARTIES wanting Sabst4Otes can be sup plisA nt br-t rat,. Idwal, Itc furuibhed and warrautehi The public wi.l Sad our Home disposed to deaiiiberelTy with all C. 0. ZIMMERMAX & CO., jy 19 Imo 121 Marl_ et Street, Harrisburg, Patriot and Union copy and 'send bill‘to-Itils o1Il&' 110IIBIJIG NOTICE is hereby even, .that pursuance of the act of Assembly of Penallambs, passed the first day of June, 1839, the stockholding etas Franklin Bank, of Washington, Penna., Will apply to the neat session of the Legislature for ateniwal of itachar ter, with an increase of its capital , from $130,000 to $200,006: • C. M. RBID, President. wasumarorr, Pa., June St, 1884. .ttaft $lO WILL Zir . paid for information of the whgreabouts of)tny dewrters from the U.S.. service. all communications strictly confidential. Address Boy 13, Harrisburg, P. 0. aug4-4111 E . NGLISH BirEARPAST TEA. —Amt. re calved, a tine cheat of English Breakfast ft at, SEISLER sc.FBA cM) .i fi3mmemom to Wm.- Doek , rir . " LEA PERINE'S WORCESTER fiatreEs, the most peppier and the pm% ever effete:tie the public, just received and for sale by SHISLES. & FRAI2-4, fent . • . lanseassosato Was-Duds, yr, I Oa. , . tUT APLit PARER. A" ent Of Out Paper for eel toomni , *tote fr s itillez i l r ind si r ß epe 2 Harrfsbn9l, at my2o FRIIIT dA_RS; of the latest Patent Olaf tiles Test Patent,) Just received and for sae bm: it • JYIB BOYER & EOESPEW- SAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine AR*, rut. meg and New York State SE Cbeeee, Just meetredoki . , =meson to W. MLERa l43ek, l rinto. tays 1010IalcrYS! the- and, Halfßarrel, Jar or Dozen. at • • . iza sasuait...44tii, (Socoatiaora to Wm' Do& Jr & no2o 1000 1438. :°°l3lllBll ' bf--' th e eel(' • -11 ed . St, George braid, just receinu ma for =de by - . 13MLIC71. & FRAZER, febl (Erbobbeeme to Wm- Co. ) Soldiers' portfolios A 4 1 -Thig , Assortment at .. BERM:WS our,APSthisii*:';',. 1301 d at Wholesale or re* at ItowpltiNt:' =EI MESS BEEF and KEW articled Mess Beef and Pork at ;J.; L sainza Isu cce n Ors to wmnock,,Ar4-mtge liCti SPICED uYSTERS.—EitThfup Baltimore Oysters, speed, Just received jylB BOYER & • • • . • A LL kinds of iuniblig wit will be promptWonoiny engin* on' 4ACOa.BRIOINER' comm. ot-Becond street andidnidoi-Lane. ••••••••...illr Jy - CIOUNTRY mail but Burl* 1,./ lot of Thipmednde amp jest received at • • eel B3ll3LERViiiiiitEßB.l "LIXTRA WHITE WHEAT FLOUB4--&- j_li lected White . Wheat Family Flocri l utik and tor Bale at SHISBUR IrFRAZES.^.' Si& .Iftiocos,Boll3 to Wf-ra.141t"..,10.:5' rprar, V LNEGAM. pare . Cid pia i ia" a bii boot quo burgortro k qu SOUlf. _ . FOR REOISTICa. COSTAR ),S7l "COSTAR'S" lOCTEMITNATOI3B. - EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" , -R.= FOR SALE, DESERTERS. t ,, "dam-~~j: siftwarZT EEO RIM MIN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers