44' etsve , • , . • 0 NEEE2 & 13..1 13 U JElailDir EVENING, AUGUST ft - 186V, NktIONAL 1114I0FTICItti. - I . ra , a a.„ e • - 44311V:47 a : FOR VICE PRIONDMIT. 7 , 4(4174 1 4 4110111111.140M47._ ,', .:,::, ~ .ts ;r. in • !to r . AffrO ! indourtg, convention; for thO pnipose nominating candidateV , coTakaifice,o , , , Atlie - COTT,fHove in the ofsibllON:lAfila'ttesic4, thij'jsixtk September, 1864, at 101 o'clock, A. 31. MailAbbate Mabel& dtikiittte will be held in the various 4ownships of the coun ty, atitlutoartal places •ot holding said oleo di/4137137n the: hintre cf flve and seven: B. 11. 1 Milt 9 .. t) ; ers.l.yitTrtis and • b0T0t0r ., 11 , ,, k: t°0114311th9.4. 0 14 of 00;0 1 441*Cg.4., SabinlayvSeptember l 3ll,lB6tiovi:r ,V ; "'' . • . • ,74 isusacEtELDii.seeretary.,, w - " iikttlifiWiZtp. -- b - iiiiiiiiitiA.; ' : ' ' ' tt 4.4 ...it F: ^M. : ... -• .• " ilabdiftwconstitution otionisiaua is pub, liiiikilltimfi lie* Orleans Ent t f 1u1y , 2% If iti l lellit'one hundred ariti fifty -forir ar ti AnA en fodrleen titles, and, like pthei ; silt licisalleveStates, provides for the election Rf .a 43 1 111M44 Mite in four years only,' Jind=r#p rel2ltatv6 biennially. Tile judgO v ati t 6 l)e. aftl9 , , isAteti:Wr.,o o .G.qver . ntw ,and eat ,thg' coludihkidoi,of,lBs2-eis litiffeisetled, carid.-. all: catilleiftlitiOticoii ffthrefei j rcd - td - qodirttetn. daSpVtAA4l,ll4ion: '7oife, l tiiii, ;( iS 'APe 7 ,. cially devoted to the governnlent ,C 0 4 . lyi, C n i.ti 1 of.444*Orleatia.z lin caw of thliiddolveney . bf a .161A u ft.s"Sill' f buld'et i 'sail Waiiiiliiiiferente onbill giSitOl'mr. l ik , l%igneV,o4yli*ne.i, , e other than the EnfklialktisAii.be_no.disqualifi eatiefiffOri9Selti 47,04th:int is It gEbe equal and unifOrigv,tutd...an -- -Incorne• tax is authorized ; atiOnitetitteisVforfprofeilsjoiiii:ls f-i , is':;:ii. Aiikrinent-cofta e rn a l'iii•CniCliteti crfit4...lP ll 4,er 0 18, W ..i 01 '4 t9i ePSEIV 4 r ii aistiittia State may be dstricted for; agint:titW signith oflpProvettietits: - - . ,',... f :,..-c _1 6fotiocatiori Ai, be OftutO . f`ievate 41404, bit All legislative aid mu ik be give}. tocilheiapnblicl4hools: , 1- 1:c- . i 17116 ivote on the adoption of 'the' Constitu twplß47.lbe tikiitin pn the first llonday c4" ; Seli, illiabei fit, -:: a' . - 71 , _ • .... 4 : 1 . 10 ..e,.....• - - ---- 4Pamir --- __ ii , '"''' _2'2ociflie iiirenee. - •-'• ' 5 The people of.Pitteirg,44 new of the posse bilitY of a rix4 - ‘n4dp•oVta allai.. FAO as the Ohio t riyer, halre r iziselycyletermined to put thtiistieesibi a; state.of - preparation to repel tlitilltiriti* . ii, wit/Rini' Waiting upon the-Le:ale laferE } ,thiy baiiii proceledgd' at once With thlttenriAlMent and prganizeiion of the mill tiledlieels'Of theeonstry, which . the Commit ttl.ll4o,ttink ' - can be nccom pNted 'a f t' l 4„sue. weeks in' 4pince ,Of aii:Y result' whiehdke State: Legislature twill be able to elf The gain of so mach time in drilling Scapllning the men, l ivill t be moat impOrt : arkto a ,SimPar ttetiOn 403/4 iliVtitkcal• in 6 V.CPY., Olkilriti? , Of the , Colountakwealth. ll`he advan-t takiiill.be'that when the ,Legiatuire ahall have Pased a'bill Tor the organization of 'the Staff pid A litia, the Persons who are to be .(akidediinto companies and regiments under law will have received some military tootdl/. and be teddy . for immediate ser ..«.1 , I '', '•,' .. A ' 01 •• '• , . •I ;',; , ' I'. - • atotlitnlki . • Racal - n*lga should beTtelied fer Weird with energy. The, pef:RelzMilt; rely upon their own effort 43.65 t irchisiMy 'to save them sepoif,p44..tire afo c w4ioh takes place on theldleaf.fleptembei. - We feel astimed that le* recruits can Si gathered fitfirtligitate's in rebellion in ftie r ilibrt:tiraii mikenrenia,reiween: this and the drab; Patriotic ditizens should devote ihemselvewto th em e worms frling " the'raiiksoF ills aril Men of means, riffib4an'aifiiird it, can furnish two formtem rPlca c taittivi /HM, and thereby Xleirditizen ,41).. can son* "TA, and l it"ihillieed united actionqo i l ttiotiisrand / 1 1,304 1 -04"cesgibl** 1 3 1 M, , , h -o„ tam roost& ";.• Ask „, - • MilltirtttePartnfent given ha s • Otide itktrblnbfrtdneyvinotibeen paid • to collectors): snotpation of increase of duties under 4ittetlieviAvlitte utontfa'aireil in possession of prOdiilOluthapaymont,:oanxiot be admitterritiltirteAteofE4l3lllo for the tostiSid 4 . 44lo 19:66fita have been, Wilde to evade the loiher :tioc.r; Ail ,rettjrns,l %OP* Vtae prioi 10E00 1; of t7Paultsl IT - trad,,remaining - Art - posseisiOrfof the : kie46l " &tOriAr, are null AndvBiit, i tg 4': 4.1: 1 0 assessed at the increased ' • . .11 , 4,4043,it - tdoetyi4Ajnst bee4riffr rifaVtiitc / 4ffe' et, lby*iiieli all the oppositiii4 / ermew linei•-of-t.Aegiiii>ii working .bet Wee 14"104011!1.7;:Toliki• B o ston,'' • Chicago, ailiVoiheiwestertr cities, have been consolii A l O 7-4 in 9 71 0461 0 50PPYT,-_4 2 .kilki ,tikA 'United.. Al?* gTelegraPh eomPatuY4 corporatlona.knain! 44 2 ' h iriiiependerii;" "“tate4l; )n 4 Atha* with A capital stock for the abbot two inilliOns • ifittiablOAPTUßE OF A Thum 4 1 " , ; - ,8 1 p 111 1 1 "Popasylypi l ipio r :isoaPeap few dam tifei AtkeibilieWiei , officers, while , being pOixTey:: : to 'Saida/in*, 21,.0. Aftlior Nvijts yev,y,satazired, aid eorfilnedidO o = ANNA C.:Nieinnoreoetredl?y his father p.,l=bit,o,letakeqthairriiriFWQ-iriciperi-are .. -- at.sialy_for proper food and oloth -* Ai. As I The Ledger says the press through the coun 'try gives a better account of the crops than has been , hitherto received. Refreshing rains have*isited nearly every part of the country r ie4tlWhetekwNdroughl In New .13114gli#nd, ,lheire INe clr_ anti( fis Ail •longes thT4 d !:ifif r , hl Mid , als d t o A aiT, Pt l l l 9ta ..-al i j 2 fi r d do p.......e r 4 tr, culthral,reliance'of New .trig,lanct ra 6 . , ,' is .A.Sioarra 'much greater than has been represented'. The lutr , drey-1113tetger-than-!*iraverage Prq4u o6 , - and has been secured under circumstances unusually favorable. The quantity of dairy} Prodnes-iiiihmtherexceed:than'fail•hehmike riverao of the bestlears. Tha:potato crop in Maffis)2lMtigArj,E!am shire and Vermont, hruraiTured and they include three-citt? ... , o •'whole, are in a eotylition to, bet-ixamoalielybenetted by the recent favorable - nag:Ler. 'lndian corn lobits well EinA!broMl4wcil:! - ' ,-) +lft?gkiii varieties . 114;13:41 . (Oen corn scarce and higb; but their siifferingixt,no. way affects the general field' crop. The yield will - 14a Moderato average. Oats and wheat Will also give a moderate averifoeigbi' vv1044 - spzfsl:La Wed - -abir larger than Was at first supposed. The. Cincinnati Gazette np of the wheat a liatvast:ah follows : Minnesota, an increase .or2:800;060.' : bushels ; Wisconsin, one-thirftVean average crop; loya, a de#efeney 'bf about 1,400,000 bushels ;„1/linois; ts:o4ll** Sof.,Al4(Average Crop, or a cieficiebegbYtoo;p2plitioqs ; a nd in Indiana, a Istiiipltte of .;over A4;000:1366 bushels. IN EMI - _ Ex.eali'o ll oflifu4!idi.dr'n4 4"e . The Attorney General of, the Eraftlik.S.tates, has. 'atm',e von General ' Sanford's order of :the exemiltiOn.of-tlie,Seir- YOrk Itundreitlifir Alen: ment f0,,1195i0.g, a&applieable in all sections. The militiiiiotte~t,' alungtteerfcalled to meet an emergency for a term not exceed mg one hundred days, may all be discharged frM amFri - erybelpre thq draft slaalloctuapy,, taw p 1 der they Away be. :liiithintell eet AttbY , time by the President, and he is not bound to retain their services any longer than the pub lic necessity required thin& 6 If the draft ordered on the sth of Septem ber should be postponed, or not completed on that day, no:question of exemption co rise except when the person claiming exemption p in the military service_of the United StateF At the time when he shall be personally !,, t , be re e _it,. ewe or . ( V ed mizfa ~, hr *Y . a• 'y le k, : " tlia: . t, ktiktO ! ptimprai its: g iotiqritioaotoitie Hence, for this reason, the question may. ,. ipurely a theofetibta. :One. ,'SQ.ltlsoCiteficlill:lie, belie...in miii<he exemption from draft is a personal privilege;••and to be used by for the benefit only of the person drafted; he muy prefer to waive his exemption and to nexiiin in the service. The question of the right to ,exemption arises only hotweeri the Govern ment of the United States and the individual :concerned. , • MERE . The statement of; the 'law by Gen. Sanford, score v.,...------..........;..--,....______.:,.....2_ ...;_p_snttried on a misapprehension of the meaning ot die statute. It is - erroneous to say that "the members of tlio'se regiments now mustered on duty, when mustered into service b the United _,States for one hundred daYs t iv/Whs.; exempttd .frorri the diAT,,whiAirg). ' .... ,121 . f1iate in September•neit. b 'BM 'byfthe true con struction of the t h ose: persons only who trn shall be actuall . ' e ' ce.of the United States at the . - " , :X 1r „fly , Teetive names shall be drafted *lll'4 ilinnpfed from that cirrift;fif snehefentist ili , ~.". .uly clainrOd. X 39 Tereorapq. Destructife Fie at tack 'Raven. L oss i 0,0 o O. THE FIRE STILL RA.6IN,er. RAILROAD ,BUILDINGS t IN GREAT_ DANGER, Spectarto the Harrisburg Telegeaph.] DEMME Loox Flavzir, Aug. 11: A.-destructive fire is raging- in - this-:place. The loss at this moment is estbilated" eit - so;oo,_apd, . pot 'kno*n when it will stop. 'The Alaiiot,..freiektlie-t. .Ls_e! and machine skopware inograt danger,: .-tThe fire broke CtfrAot 410pp§1tt741 1 :014keiteTnoon: • `:- rrx Main ARE MBTOMAC, &Plosion of: an 'frninlnnitiont' .13Pat Terrible Destruction of •Property MED,I AND AORSES KILLE D 41rit- , • --,: Izrt - trc;.i , I•Eu - .).1:;.1 Tlq PROBABLE PAUSEtyIF Vllll-I.XPLOSNIA . . .... _ Itaist..o s i • , WASHINGTON, Aug.' klett4]from Pity ,Point, dated . Aug. 10, says - phoutil o'clock yesterday a noise - rmem- 1 blinglllo eiplcision of ainVlLVint - VaitHeard! at the headquarters of the Army of thAilliolo-: mao, and many surmises Were indulged Was fol4p 4 1 W4i 13 .1 1 frOni Weht ganse.s.., •- • : 115 -7 During the afternoon word ca me that :a; boat loaded with ammunition had explalded :WOWS' kohit c avisgtr m 41# 11411( 14 • ~• The • &ad and beert.eitacatid from4he ruins and carried. back, the former! , for biriAr and the lEkterV§thelmspital. - itboat-loaded" . Wl of-anitriti-! nition wasailtik,ALaciiidtoribilttie negroes of! the Quartermasteestlepartmenknearlfahn dred in numbeVaNd the only theory .addriced as to ftk Cause of tile - calamity is, that a'shell• must have-been dropped-by one of them;,•thusi feoriarkiiinicsifing the fire to.ther',efitire niftef 2 , On the -correspondent of :theqilgssOc.ftetchl Press raabhingiMe. scene pf the spectacle:was preeented to-bina 'rittellilnde teribable.--.lluildings were- demoliehed-tents doWn, ands multber of he ,11 1 401141 'Tn.(depot tottildizig" whichjiati • . eted, was a mastrof rains, - Whire" ground gire t ramf of ylffitt,'Merited Ittarla,o .4P• eves`• ''.*&cnPtion. e gpisp-Wl,94*aboit-Aitti,oo9iids,'az4 witnesses say the Eihock:wcukfelt_ a ling die, cidi'ee'thilhe side blithelitit• _ "'llittront.okNicinclpitW:ere roatO a nein erlO7ol..4l2l'44f 4tes, adicingthenitheßoat office and, Adams expresspwhich were almost; .utterly49L:P . V. ) : 9 1 2 1 1 1 Ac . A - t AWN_ pf r: • - " , Et ^ ;..g- a • - • : FriIFIF X C .'' .. . ME =MIR pl"tdirll, 'ln the rear of this is a steep bank, its sum mit being covered by the colored hilixige*: their families. IW.4am. grod A ., the loss of life •;4110t, mi _ eeede4 that which resulted:: • . balls, ettil, sesuck this i Pfs.rfeilshei:r, while tAgronnit inll4 - Vi: isi*tua covered vijilitt all Oartlf nuni of ant : .B* :halite& being amongftf-the A boat loaded with these storeisi,t"t alongside, and another was torn to piece*. - t .04ed..„2.2iiipkitly„ ... ont of The water atlthrottgh - thi=itore'house , -Oifille, 400X.1.5.? ' CI - CaCaptains Athei 'oftteeomittlE.' rga -httheihrtiltling- at-the. time, and were ; Vtgried ~beneathn t iae.i r nbis, After muck lath* thi3i*titier',estildited &ISM _heirlitesiktatkaikaatigig,„o4kr4,o4,AikaY, e - 4, - "Thlra - goird o o m pf-- : eq.!: 'Pple" Ali Attie. tent AO," was . strpek lead_ j),37'a Pkie-bf `shell, and in)uied;-thongs riot ilalagereaft4.i. 'arts ger, 4 1 ' , ,X4F-QsAlts4 so B @l'ArP l 7.#4 ll lc4o.4 l P'll l o ll ,_ timeithathe eannotsreeover.. l li.ll:lßafter,..a-:eivilianfrotrCoMAkringi. NeWTOrkla:Sltillediatiteltfliliettreiviter stanA. '• Privates Ansel and iteicalf,. of he: airy, were 4 40.1 ;4_ol F. A sergeant named amorris, inthe ophiance otnee,:sras injured-and,died,soon 444 -1 1 0 2 tenant litine,'nf;ths:eavahry, departmentomas,. .tilightl34,injars i fl„as.,w i elso yrmfl 7 Wrigh t Jame s Tliorpp cArksn ittiott , ordhatnl'se office, 6!,.7 Mr.' l l*, :of the -Sanilsity;Catonnistiion,'-)*ET idiS4tl Ykilled,, in] 470, -al/, 8 06.i`*.Wi - * ! Mrs. Spencer, .arelief agent, received slight i n j ur i es . HelS3ga ThecaSdaifil6S44444l44l:4o be at least ' 100. wounded. • It-istigljefrid'fttillitiy.liodleeTrere: blow &, into the river and may never • • - - 1 ori).'“ltiaoG w s Fort Powillvamttql NO Blown Up. Cxztf A*rvAlereti. Erl THE "TANKER noir. FLOATINP OYER i'llt 6 heitctiti.,44 l o. - lEar lit.'rorces• ishingneisiArinidiesitek. EXP,LOBlllkii - -'lolllllllllleir, BOAT . • L-s,ityty.i 7 C.. 1, OFICIAL DISPATORT _OLSSOItSTAWK. -STANTON. , ~, - Wisniscisrtm Aug. 10; 11-30.. P. at. Maj. lieu Dix, Neur ,, Ycirk: • 1• The report Uf;thit. sueeet.s-of,ottr operations at Molnis, eithieti4froth the Blot mond.Enguirer of this morning, haa just-been - received from Bfej/Gen. Butler: Xonru, August Friday . night . Lieu `tenant.General commanding Port 83; td r p r kyA ugH nq l il t4r4ester- The people_ of Mobile •are. all ready for the fray.. •The people" are satisfied with the-con• r4enteut(tlts.#ttehenall; .and' ;Buthetti3 of the tiabfi • -Norma; ,Aup. It is painfully humiliitinet6 annotates the shameful suirefider of Fort Gaines at_ half past nine o'clock this morning, by Colonel Chicks rifidoritli t of Jae 214-Alaballna „ . . . ... , . %Ws ptlioliatil w ork musprOun,for 0.:,.. months, and with a garriaphrof sir h men he communicated with - the' eneiny'i ll' 1111 by flag of truce, with the sanction of Gene Page. , , General Page enquire d', ..Urhit t t his ti , o s 4Ph4 . purpose was, butruseive 410 fillBWeat;_ : :- . ,:- His attention wad - Jun - K*3(lN NOW- Ms General tage repetitedlY tiiiwriPhiii &hold on to your fOrt.-- The same night heiviiitad - Fort Gaines and found Andevon on board jhe y...}-e !t , kept ranging ternAbf capitnl4ll,9n.,, He.leftonilkry6Aapafor.knilikracm, on his return, riot o utu r render the fort, and re lieved him bf his co d. ' • Fort Morgan , sigrolledAbis morning, hntno answer was ' recelvdOteept the hoilitffig of the Yankee ,flppflyef,,lhe ramparts of Fort Gaines. ' Anderson's conduct is o3floially prondandeci inex litoiiitt4 41 °44 41 *':!," • ' t; : D4atehes just rveivea from General Sheridan rcport hia kp r oe f noyin h pgainst the enemy up thii gi t ppap.,4l. „Ai 4 i o .1.. 1 ar.,'„ they were A'avO terr froneWineffestek.' - ' - This morniiieflifferal Glint A:anted the explosion of an orditntieboatlestarflay,3lead ed with anizawittiffi4cflity' %hit wharf. No detaihklutirofrain'receiVed. BabCoolc, of:GaneraliGrantkistaff,,,A:as slightly wonandell, • I'U- 13 at" Nee' eplifittitiona!keltitirAtlifita "tr itset - pence reported &KR Poittfons of,t3enaral EltonanumN cononitnd are continuing to arrive,. laid thp to4l Joss will not exceed one tili k usw,-- ur.H. , -4:41 STANTON, . be . oretary of War. 121 ,TII,E i.../D#t;'''looliiS%t( ?.• a 'if - y :ANTallos , -011ielitt;Report.! rt es „Ooli„ al; of hiiiecent bllintSu e ceititt,lifoorfieM,: has beetetihninlitteff byr thiii.viren63r to thei w ar D e 0:044 "I ovextoolipi,..exhov,triiderANC . ,', Johnson ; ,-dibino*:ina 'three , thousand stronskhere thisAno - p'*4l;lmidest-'. tacked him The number ofitiffefflift#,,io4l`o,;46; enemy is unknown, kit large.:•Maree flags were capred,yrith - fortr - pieces of SAIL; leryall tr. the,`,y had; four htmdsectand;. iwenti_pritotiers, including six fieldiaisrlitkff and thirty-two!tcompany:Nancemr, over fouri .hundred horses, and eimiparSet and a tity of-small arms. -;84; • CoL Peters, 21st iV;irgini* rebel, was mor- _tally Wounded.' ,Effinefar,•,Tohnsan: wagj 'lured, with his colors 'and' three of hisl4ff, but passing undistinguished, among theprig-, driers, effected his - els:tape: , '" ' The enemy was brgke*lfikPl44%, and many killed, upon every ,w 4, fopatilatince; of ten or twelve miles,: • • •';“-• • ; • My loss fa eaen killed and twenty-one, wonndad... l • MfAirPrVofiger and Lieutenant VitOkailtailiry, were -killed' whilea,; charge. Captain Ken, 14th Pennsylvania cavaiff,lwtut jicverely`Wounded while pene , trativgithe - mew Irtinalvin a gallant 'effort, - t - 4 :;,," 0 -aingke . .0. ,r, land-. fled to. .the , - xeci dietegftlik t failigihis "command' to as , 1-411.116101 A 01, ;g= lINIVONDZD 11:11[02. WARRINGTON, August 10. 11 1;Xliere is not the slightes particle of truth in .. ' tscv:AßecvetarY Stanton's resignation, te;:pulzhal . eat in the New York pacers of to " v . - . _ - ...The Secretary .and.„l";esil i r both *- Ow - 44f suarresignati'alt k bMt: i oi is 01.- - : -7 4,. tr 4 t f L,. ~. _, ÷ Ircizum9 . ,*-$., A „. _. ath ,.. the Treasury b . ' .. ' .g • -- to re eive' Men of a north front, which, when completed, will make this building one of the IhNiist Imblitibuildings in the World. : -- I Every conlidenee iefelt now 1) that' Sheiideif "eon2mandron'thellpikerikoto ::! vicsionof,-the North, can he ,aitempfed with; steetbs. - 44cretmr...alv.-7-74Innesmen-minenasextr.sft• - the b sWide ilie — elnie (- Second Lienten J. 11:4 Walter, 13th Penn sytvlniiii cavalry; las "been remitted, on the grof! 4 - is bravery and former godd;ogrt difdthbut remitting forfeiturt,- .s fitLp. • du l lo.434 32 PftsgWej44.4 l l o _Ae 4a9",.1W.4,?*-- stored to his commissiork rkiiment. r DEATH or SOLDIERS Gtr 044.Z110 - 1210CW14 -4 / 1 4:44444.45i, tietli Pennsylvania; GeorgeJolin,l; Fifty-fait fifth Peni "W Oylfallifl;Eleorge.#:' *Lod% - .lt?''rttrir7 in - a i& Oistyesecond:Peonsyly; Daniel • •r; A; Than:ls P. Teinlilettni," A, Ont=lii Penty3ylvig4; l 43eorr b e ik Ar l , Bottle;;-17454y seventh Pennsyltiinnip.,7,o OEFICERS 'REPORTED kUGIT.STIO.2! F: I thr" Lieutenant t- enney va n% 'Oadalry; Surgeon W. W. • Sharpi•Xigl!.. tOnth yennsylvaityr Cavalry; Lientenat_l3prq. Stuitin„, M;Agliteentli Peonsylvariut:: „ , t_ •- 143 V 3 E2 C 0 COIAW ' The , ;tionstruetion. Corp-s .:Of- lJnitca ptates Military , railreads, has just neeotw ptished great Atiltbad, bridkb over the •Chattahoochee, seven •Ituidi64l and sixtrfeete long and- ninetrfeet high, tleilytrys,d, by the rebels in their retreat, ....was i retitiiit four and a lialt w digs,q and; b,, .tinn „oh Friday last to within three miles`of Atlanta. ' • - A . llkAtT (IOO,pICTED., The repOrtfthat- - .the'Seetetary of the Trea sury contemplates petow tip= the =Oat at, an-early — dira -Siit-rwentY loan, the intailist Ito be paid is gold, entirely lyitliout foun dation. 41111FAk0 TIAE T VIRIARA , O TE R NPV4 FROM E P Ci ff • ECM The ,Queen's. WOO In P4rliateAt.' EOM Strict ' n eutrality to be Observed s io. Imirliat Anticipated Naval Battle iti 7 the English Channel. NNW roux, Ang:ll.. • • Lott,• The steamalup Persia, aptam w oh ,sailed from Southampton on the 30th Wt., at. Ave P. anti from Queenstown on the',3lst, itilyedlie**ont three morning. •• Axnu iiNANiL AFTA.u6- , 110• - • ITNION AND DieD . ZL WAN kflaNlX4B . ON AND O TER PRINCE WAST. --•• • trrPolnYAkign , W%ji*CaPengelr4e4AY_ Br.l An Ostend,letter in the Indep6tdance nieSv• :ti6tur thp sitiVallitlffat Poit - of fka t crate war etemilers,:thelicrew corvette Butteis !fly,.4laptain-anskaal r end the peddle- corvette Paul Jones, Captain Engeled. The Vigie de Cherbourlintys:—Three vessels belonging to the Federal States of America— thifiNiagaraVthe Sacramento and the liear sarge--and four belonging to the Confederates • —the Georgia, the Florida, the Nouvel Ala i barna and the General Inge--have recently been met inChannel byteVeral merchantmen. An action between ili em is expected. Thili,inity be talt4Wor *theta is WtwtlC Georgia, it will be remembered, has been sold at Liverpool, and lies quietly An dock there, and, as to some of the other iressek; named, theyread - very much like phanttim ships. • Thi'Aemy and•Havy Gaiettithinks that the Confederates, in their late raid, Might have taken Baltimore or Washington, or both, and that they have loaf - a goldennietnent. The. AntWerp journals mention- that the Saeramiinto - (federal) quitted that • port: on the 23d French journals continued :.to usseittthat a fight will soon take place in the:waters of the British Channel between federal and :rebel Cruisers. .. 4 • 1111 - WPM ' S. SUAVE. Orr the aftemoonrof the 20th ult., Par. liament was • formerly prorogued. ''he Queen's speech was delivered by, the Lord Chancellor: In regard tnAmerica the speech et* Majesty deeply laments, that the civil war ill.No#ll.4lmetica has not been brought to a clods., Her Majesty will. continue , to ob serve a strict - neutrality between die bailor; eats, and would rejoice at a_friendly mommill: tion hetween the oontending parties. Her jesty has' observed . with aaturfactioii the distress Uttar the civil Ntfir ire North .tiifeffca bas'ainted in 'some Of Mei Mahufa6. tiring dietrle,ts has to a great extent abated, and her Majesty trusts thatinereased sin s of the raw materials - of industry may - fricteil from countries hy which it had t . :o4k, erto been soantilyho*shed 9• The other features - 6f the sieech are axi4- _prepsion of regret at the failure of the Dann, - German Conference, and whOper that thwitzew negotiations may lead to peace;*lfiefeibliee to the cession of the lonian Islands;`to - the satisfactory in progress of commeace , &c. India and China; and to the war in i few Zealandr , V., winding up with an ennmera aw importaiit acts of the.,ees b'ou, and an satisfaertiorrat-the commercial position Ifiti.ekuntry. TID . I DAN07 . 14X19437 WAIL On the 29th ult., in theXouse of Commons, Lord Palmendon made some-explanations as to the Danish question, and stated that the negotiations et lenna would be carried on solely itilliweenthebelligerent& The English:' ? 1 .4 1161 1: sr..**fol.., Yi July,2 isconsgere pro Ile the true will be, prolonged ; No wide 1161 , 24 relative`to of'iekuel has yet 15• arrkred, at. ' • • The FreneVjourinds continue to harp on an impending seti"fight between the Feddil: and rebel cruisers in the ehintild. . Itathe House of Coadridas Mr. I.aptileitidl that England intended to recognize the zfe*" Mexican :-Sanpirei witflont7 Waiting : glue' stateir iiii*LCup*fie IA! broglOvigiin the ailthaft Dfofil HeAkia l pAo that4ritailik subjelote:Wf*ftaballigatogiitek and urgeldvatehilihiessraud, enervy tolattit & we: : Mp Y#44,0 13 /At. .144:thetif t mowthilkiVbAllyk". that4hel Actur,l:74,c:.f OE Affairs. tbcf3 j the abuse. • . Several other speeches were made, includ ing one from M. P. Taylor, who defended the Northern Government which was dottgmilled . put down the alaveholding relxl6" -.,_ , r . - ...„-- F --.• -• , - ... ri , . - , 1.. .*- e 4:- -- 17 ..., - - _Colby , Esq., of' Vehnon • .rreeeive his commission as Register of the Treasury to-day, vice the Hon. L. E. Ohittenden , re siPed--. :2.2-.: • -:---' ' .. - _ The rumor t hat Secretary Stanton has ten raered his resignation, and that it has been _49,9l3p,teskjjaa, assnred. is. totally _ without -- fonadatiorr --------------- - The folingf4rlOWekhlihitement of the .blic debt, as appears from the boas, ' Treasury Department k on Aunt* 9 : Amount outstanding, debt beariiitinlaiest in coin, $884,1144491,82; De)st : bearing interest in lawful= 'Money, — 5424,841,562 04;' . Debt on which itierestdmk ceased, $367,1n r i ; , -- 4 ; t •‘:,„106,4/1 , ••L j a it i 6o ; , , • ; $2 , The unpaid 'i," Ti145:1679,720,- 000, and thhilsiadiiiit iiilifte7ThafiftfrY subject to draft, $13,114252.'• ,ta•l rs . , ru • -/1. General Smith's diptarrtieditiVell:; Its des tination is unknown; . - • • , Majq'ffencial-Edoenm-fialt been relieved:at Vi*lfFut a ordered' to kepoo to Gene al' Bliermana • 'thedistrict Vicbburg hie been assigned to len. Washinune;wbonow controls tb4 rotr,ltoilks afro 'pOpartmeot to the All ~s quiet. on the Wliite - Aiver. The reb elii the Dtpantirktlnt are tiYing cross:ilia ppi. - . - Gener — ar Dick Maidar is at Meridian, in place of Geneal S. D. Lee, now at Atlanta. • From WeW Ydrk. Dr. Reynolds„ tko American Conan!, died at St. Melissa- St7.DozningFaan: July 22 . Seveh ll2 Aleathlif j . .toOkbpt: ,The ling Sax:on from Cain that on the 21st nit, when 25 togas north- eat a saw rillinkAbl7tot larri Steamer which Was imiposed t w o a Ail pirate. Itiie'Relial at Mobile Di strotOit• a. W l isinNOToN,- Aug. 10. The * Navy Departmlini to-night received 'a dispatc containing the following from the Richmond liktmliper'of' the 9th - "A dispatch from Mobile, cued August 7 two days than. our preirions *chinas:— staferti that the situation had not materially altered since, the _enemy's viettn-vret our i iron-chid* on last FildaY: N'97.mcWo went rec e ived a teikilatm' yesterday announcing-that•the Morgan, the only gun boat of our ,fleet whichm. e„net either sunk, beached or capfullapimeeeded in getting overAhe z bar and g Mobile." NEB' ADVERTISEMENTS. BOARDING .:=Torrr Gentlemen can so commodated wilk reimaia!lsaat boaii -10 7 1, 14 - lig at the'torner of Mesta* Ire and ampteny- . Hatllo/OTQ HIEUPpIORII leadiiig Mir.* TN accordance with the pov MA of the New InternarSevenne 7a* a l fgbods delivered at the above railroad for shipment, mum have s Toro Cent Stamp Mdse.' fo the receipt demanded therefor, said stamp to be at the expense of the shipper. For all receipts taken by the above Company, said stamps will be furnished and paid for by the Cowpony. - auglo-dtsep3o . JOHN J. CLYDE, Agent. •• DRAFT" PHILADELPT(IA _OTJARDS!! .9, - ;L:nr.m. , • • $5OO . I ,2eut'o ITYy. iteirmoriato:iraret a s t e si; and paid cash chi: L in,s4oo:' Opp,phi b tlWor in squads. , Any piston bringing 20 men' ' commintioned I second Lieutenant; '25 men all* Lieutenant* 90 men a Captain. • !rho above•will be•excouteos4 its:leiter. Apply to • ,Th• e on L=II au glO ' ,etetulquartur: 4 • Y gestalts at, Phila. NOTH3 . LEITEILS TESTAMENTARY on the estate et John Deiger t .,Ht4..of‘the ;city of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, deed, having lien. granted to the un dersigned, motice thersofAinharetiyildven- All persons having claims ordenuidtde agtinat the estate of the said decedent aresedstestottlittmake known the wane without delay, and tfeee irha are, indebted. to said Watt , are re quested losnakeklutniwilate pwriaita& • augltdowatit .i, M. L. IN6HAX,lnecutsix, PUBLIC 8 - faig--: 1 -- . -: ....- •,!..; .i'''cix ; :-..', 7 7; 'I, TWO W.ALOARLE HORSES. Wll.6l6:Vetbl gEt 41413 ' o Titottic .. - .. .. . . . ~ • , 7.1 ',_. ~1c.g.!.., . . ; 0N'...4 - - SATURDAY, ,- UP ping .U, AT . I P: 11, TNT -1741141MWSpDLifilKOBSES.- .'iliiriaj:ii4 ii**iiglikitergan albeit,. eight Toes old ; l P Tl e*.4YOTPArtretille-" , One of r - le alargdßlearliPiteing - Horse, ferz.gentta a ea' v tAll and suitable (or llankikeY, , ~, t.... _•=., FOrAmber - Oda Will atibe Mate- deltel *tea, et at klidkar# : wi1p9,20, where the urges can be NIIARP4Mr ',BARGAINS ! 4F; 'FbiG . OPri - TNTENDINGtO close in a very . short ivdl sell ell welt Selected stook t Boots, Shoes Anil:V . oE2i* at prii* Itir beim! tbetr itYesett Talus, lifißook inukeotitto fbr iota% or the tom - material and workmanship.. -` oVinkcistiivaiwifeeylvn sellinpat benahis Act., L . Eras , eft& 12i Midielltettere„ nest OoofEctionery. ri'Dßt:B~►Lpy rt. - 66d w'fil and fixtures of an old anti tabli gas tin teat. For further particulars J. W. F. Harrisburg, P.O. __s, - REWARD. - -- STOI/10, 14411e-Eith- hist., from the livery . stable of . the phonon.. IA Harriabuff * Ii c tROAK 3114 1 111 , b4 brkVitillahigh, Mail Mar fat* black mane end tail; whiteanarn on right hind puttee; eltrothentilktelof herieyea tßatot,mtrhing or movhig tom al :wee - when coall,F.„ MO toddle, Abo, a. BUGhT.,„ led. Vlack, atiVegerldle, hitter kon both Bide ll= Li:either cushien. and MP,. AXIA4 R ant "'of HABNEBIL ~..11140 reward win hapaid forthe: of the Mem Baggy end Rairiem, or for Mach Informa' II on as it , Ul' Mad to.their recovery, and the arrelt . of Um thief. -aug9-dif f• H. BRAZTZ. f l tit iti.eli'zifeht of :the- 27th;- of July, 1864 .in ttll jhatiars Nat. BrithatWe toltarrhbarg, or ha pen 14*m these eare•te the curs for Pi . • eataU awei•Liet Mar Nat whit a Mislead cress; bd. will be libeatathmadocity leaving the Mee Ring at this Alioefind wltiralee yeah, aped how epoa Its mum :SUGARK'43TAUPS, Tata,. COMara all Uadea and pi**, OM= .2- Stteossoonp to it /I= 3, J , r. kee, f i n "no mu 50(1 ;nit" flved W ALLOWT I2 q AND DAL I ;11Nia-4.1.41 P,i'.li -.i - - - . Nwi THE DAY & BUSHNELL MINING COMPANY 20 EXCHANGE PLLOZ, NEW TORE. .coupled with its . *puss for working theca, make it the moat desirable property ever offered to the publis. Detailed infotinittiou in regard to its extent and pros. pedal:an be had at the office or the undersigned, agent of the composiy, who will receive subscriptions to sock. JOHN W. BALL, Agt., Office Third street, near Walnut, Harrisburg, Pa. aug64llmewlm - -Total bounty r -EllOO PAY PER MONTH, $l6; TEEN OP BEKTICE, ONE 1111 ONLY! sla wiR befall to any person tarnishing an acceptable Allay at Daniel WRecruit. of Second and Chest nut st ree% Second Ward House, Corner ts, to rms. - Ettheoliber offers, at private nal% the following valuable property, situate in Susquebenia township, Dauphin county, on the Jonestown road, about one and one-half-mine from lianisburg: A tract of -Mad, eisotaining 6 MON bounded by lands of James_ COW, holm of Glen. John Forster and others, thereon 'erected a large frame House, nearly new; and frame Barn, toolbar with other neorweiry outbuildings. A well with never failing water In the basement of the house; also, a vari ety of choice that trees, consisting of apples, peen and cherries. Persona desirous of seeing the property will pleas all the sublieriber, residing on the proudest PETRAME. N. R—lf the above property Is not ERIf. sole ß before the 311 of September next, it will be offered at public sale on that day, on the pre mi ses. augtkitir norms SAINSWII 01171011, 141 s DISTRICT, Itmausaira_ Pa., June 11, NNW ZDBANTED 112.2 C—1 am directed by Lint. CoL J. V. Benifeed, A. A. Provost Marshal by his Waft; NA allo w ed e 4, 1464, to py& Nfti "Mmt drafted wen are not Aenlist as .o tears after being drafted; and that the credits for drafted men will remain for she autmiisuicta from which they were dieted. no lo intim whether cal bounty has or has not been paid to snob men, upon "illeml enlitmest." JNO. KAY IMMINIf, &Mak and hem* at, l4th DWI, Po, Jo& du Wanted ) To Purchase ? A CONVENIENT Dwelling, with six or Alat eight rooms, located within four squares of Market strost, north. Address post °Moe box MK with dsr acriptioa and pfie. ' aas9-414t* A RARE CHANCE FOR SPECULATION, tfne swat, notourND CAVALRY SABRES ar i s l i tial mezt Mafia will give Wiles wishing to lama a raze a/Name to stake sow. The Zara mum be soil to sothfy unpaid claim. Sampler furnished and all war plated equal to maples . Portal' particulars Radom G. B. apia, aug64110 4, -- P. O. Box 87, Beading, Nom & BLit:NEWELL'S ENGLISH e in glia l l, a rare Wads far alto ase,& ... reeetved lad Swift by =NM e tin t• DeoireTh.i , ) 4 .4, CZEME } a Pammme rt mase Gramm - ' or t .harmravasu. Ilmmumona, Aug. 1, 1864. The Board of Enrollment OF this District is now engaged in revising and correcting the lists of persons entiolled as liable to do military duty. Persons woo may be improperly en the roll on aecount of ALI:NAGE, NON-RESIDENCIE eursiriTAßLEATirss OF AGE, ItABIZFERT PERMANENT PRTSICAL MARL& ITT, or HAVING ( SERVED TWO YEARS IN THE-PRE shouldWAß, promptly APPEAR HEWES TES BOARD, prove the mane and have their names strikes' from the list. Any citizen who hag a knowledge of any one having e enrollment, and who is liable to military duty, or of one who hag arrived at the age of twenty years since the enrollment of 186; or Of any who have declared their in tentions to become citizens, are earnemly invited to ma minion. the Information to the Mani of En chine[, thatench pencemitiatbaphicsdnwthe titan Anrlt la the interest sod duty of every enrollee ci t i zen to see that all who have been improperly OMITTED from the list should be addetteharette: wlt is the imperative du of ell cltinne to see Ma; persona drafted' in any sub, and falling to report, are ARRRB7IID and brought before the Board of Ea. rceetent. The aulmtbarlet fa charged with the duty cf furninhing BB fan gourd. J1 4 .i0. HAT cumEN-r, ate ' d. Pro. Mar. and Pree't of CHAR 0. HAWN, Boar Commissioner or the Befi r d, S. T. CHARLTON, Burgeon of the Board. i aut-aliri Winner's Perfect Guideß TO TES Use of Every Musical Instrument Winner's Perfect Guide for the Violin, 60 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Plate, 60 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Guitar. 60 cent:. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Plano, 60 cents Winner's Perfect Guide for the Melodeon, 60 cents . Winner's Perfect Guide for the Accordeon, 60 cents Whiner's Perfect Guide for the Me, 60 cents. Winner's rerfbet, Guide for the Cutout, CO cents . Winner's Perfect Guide for the Flagolet, 60 cents , . . ALSO, Winner's Flute and Piano Duets, 60 cents . Winner's Violin and Piano Duets, 60 cents The histrootions in these books are gh - en In a .manner adapted to the comprehension of all grades of scholars. The exercises illoatridilfg and enforcing the lemons are not dry and foliose, but itpriOUy and enlivening, and tie soleedlost of mute, varying item the simple to the dill 1 the moat popular melodies of the day. 411 +1mi l 7I mm son,it CO Furnishers Boston. fold by J. philaderma. - site-die GOOD NEWS • TO THE (MN OF ILLIKISBURG. EDUCTION in the- price -of bread. The mullersignet; . IPmctleal &kw - of the Sixth ward, Harrisburg, h eld street, between Sewed and Third, re speetfully informs the public that he will tell hie Wheat Herod at Me hollowing Mee, loaves is large as those of any other baker In the city: Three ten cent lOIMEI for 21 mats; !gluier 60 Dents; twelve for $l. Those wishing totne andenigned, will do well to mil at his , or apply to his wagon, and make their par. obese they will live% per teat. Pamilies wishing Mb*, their own bread eim obtain a 61110 D TROT, me pored supremely for family um, every afternoon, at four 0 0 0100; it his bakery. Teems cash. ' Arigit•dif maw ALCORN, Practical Baker. AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. • Thouvnirrr, • CAVALRY Dolma, Omar or Czar QuAstrinuirrof z Wow:moos, D. C., August 3, 1164. WILL be sold at _public notion, to the hlghastbtilder, at the times and plume aimed be. low. eta: Resaltsg, Peyinsyknoits,Thuradsy, 1814. Altoona, Pennsylvania, Thursday ,August Si, 161 latemon„ Psonsylvants, Thursday, September 1,186. -Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, ..Thursday, September 8, I.IIIIC . • • MO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry Barnes at nook Awe- Thus Hanes have been eondmaed as, mai tor *a .oavalry astvice 14 the Array, , Ter nod and farm pavane many good liarpliu lay be hol. norm sold idngly. TIMM CASH in United Staten Currency. JAMES A. ERIN. lA. Col. and C. Q. Y. Cavalry Buren. •aO-dtsB ratteutiou of the public hi called to the a il dviudages offing by this company foe Profitable investment: The extent and wine or its GI: o - . 31. - 1 .1 1 4' , ATTERTiont AT TEN T 1 ON! WA..N I rED, VOLUNTEERS FOR ONE YEAR! mo at the quota of the SECOND WARD of the City of Rusisburz. Bounties will pe pant u follows: Ward bounty ; • Omit Goinsauzunt bounty J. W. SIMONTON, PETER BOYD, jois . itecnit ' co DANIEL X WILT thy; nomittoo, Jud Wak PRIVATE SALE. Poo 100
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers