- -=--: --'.1115131 RALPH LiatiCLAY, A TTORNEX-44.4Wr — Patriot ArnotAion building, MarMaburg. _Strict attention rill to all legal buil:tem Military claims collected, ThdW*te-c~} clTh~Ovell, A. t t w. OFFICE .1.2 t . 111 . , .U-••:! BELOW BIM VARHlgitil* rs - ALL mariner 9t: Claims promptly attendedli t if*Matalleeted against the General or State Cove t = isgSougress„, the Court of Claims at W )oty - uritHarrieburg, without un a • dela - *Of* terro r , ap29-d6m ;.‘44144 . riartlai . • A.TTOMMX.EA:r HAS reraeoredArittiltelowirom Third to Wal nut atreiskteiC 'All business in. trusted to him UtlTteedireptcratt and careful attention. aP4 NEW GR 1:H: WM( itOnSIOI STORE. BoVEiteise- oEtt.pER, • WHOLrg : - •/4 . l . lLitiNti - ICETAIL G R 0,..V.71W-11, ES , Que . eithVitilittilass Ware ) AND ALL KINDS OF 49'17 N T ,Y P 011. tr CE , APE jugt.oipenid large. atui,Wajitadail stock of goods afthelr stand, No. 3 MaiketSquare; Harrisburg, Pa., to which .they invite the attention of the public generally. nolo-dIY - • G. G KUNKEL & CO., RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS and Wholesale, Deem! Di- Imported Mad Domestic' Ltr orbliminatiturigrPa. jy5411 L.II 0 U S E U •orries of Mariet ` !, Market Square, HARRIS/JUNG -PENNA. ; . ClEi AS. H. MANN ) '• 1 PrOPlletOk% . STATE" - CAPITAL' . 1-1011T.E14 COMER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, HARRISBURG, IFIRE undersigned having purolinsiedlfliiiiivell LAnown house has enlarged-andtherbilghTytt,lbWatiL It. The rooms have been re-painted and papered, ati t d the entlaibistallantiezit 'elegantly ' Being Plea. sandy and eligibly located, and provided with every bon Irentestee, , MAYers to the public all the; bointhrts -and .1131k:- rim; af atratt.clairs hoteL -Trustyand obllgistifervahti samanee: - 'A bar well stocked - with 'ol4oll' anitatLad to the establishment. .• Mahar , • G.-THCl3oBo7,"prletoi; . . THE 'UNITED STATES ` - HOTEL PA. • • • MY'VciiisoNiPrritprietor. la.)1 well known Had . fir now a condi+ ;Iforettracitimidibdine the' tniveline theirilitaaniple catteetilenens alike nythe'trnbsif4oll.3. and the permanent boarder. . . THE MUM STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit ted thlnughout, and -now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort andlexuryid any hotel between Philadel phia and •Pittursys. - - Its location is the best In the State being* Id elty acccitt to all the railroad depots, and in ctoiergemisnity so wale public Wilms and business lo calities of the - VV. — lnas kio'w all the conveniences of 4-0111;9 1 T_OL4-88 and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither ex- Ouse, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully soli jel.l.4ltf MUSICAL. PIANO FORTA.111EtOIIIIONS,•-iint 11110; VIOLINS; kLUTES,. GITITARS,:I3AII7O4 STRIKES DR UID& FIFER. and mictor:MlTS/7 CAL MERCRANDIVICTIIRE 'PRAM itxmaNc GLAREEEVYROTOG CARDS aitd:AlX MS, AM qt, TYPE G ligdiatavistas, MITER-ES, Remember the 'place' SILO, WARD, No. 12 Third t _ street, the targest Music Store uusStare side of the great cities. Jan •U-dtf • • :10DEMI9 AND CABINET ORGANS: 7431 X MST PRE3M7748,. ,77'; 'TWELVE -4174vEil =PAL% ONLY OlXO3lPfosf. (over won.t4F. instruments of Ihl* . class) "has been awarded-to- . • MAAGIV - & - EWIELDMINSTATINEWS - 1 . A hillaistatidelat or these instrradentAalWays'oaluithi • , . W. **094F28, 8.4 e AWltv. joOtawlyl -• • • ; 981fatketistreet. ZtPsElt TEACHER OF 111.11`Sic. OPTION AT WARD'S MUSIC STORE, • 12 N Third &met • Regidettee: Third street, above North. dl2-tt _. PROCJLAMA.TIO,OI TE Oi4geiis ort, he city of; llttrigiS)prg are ' Itetetfy„t citified:that ttie ordinance, entitled "in or dinaico.Mt prevent mlirchitif from doga,'! nessedrebinexy: 8, 1$61; - virtir be Btrially enforced.. Attention is.especially direnta to Options 4th, 6th Mid CM, to Wit:. ... Ste,:-4. .01 . 1nit'11 very dog going at large withinthe liniits, of the said . raty t front. the .twentieth day of.lday.until tho twentieth .day of September, la .each and • every'.year,- shall hatie securely put on h good, strong, hubstantialand safe wire basket muzzle,. iticlosing the whole — mouth or said dog, so as offeothally to 'prevent him from Oink amt . snappint. • : ~. ~,, -. • Sao. . That any tuisi:oo.tpiffdiiiii. owning a &and permitting it to run Milne ImMUM::cotaplying wi ththe fourth section of thiesonlinance, Mali be liable to a flue of not lest than one dotter; nor mere - thais two dollars, with omits. at bits„diseretiorr. of theldayor; tend in the event of the . sadi obristable not being able to find the owner of ttbretai. g•P'rualkiatet itete,...hei * iffEtin liSksen employud by binvehall take %WOO and bury said ,dog, for stint seigine he or the Performing the ser._ vice.ah* retterob Alta amp or Oa, dellar,:to-begeeld.out of the city treasury... Sea. 6. That aim/ dog pint at hirge Withln the limits of aldd-city smut have around its neck, at all -titans ; ..a' collar' f.metal Or a collar of leather with mast plate,. on 4th r ei tElembileollat or plateshall be inse iii ribed the name of tle ty.pii . pf :Snob dog, andatiy•and-everyliersmotve, tug:,. Variafillitting it to •Itakat-large, -without comt plyipait g Uutteenisitionabt.thia•aestion ; shall be liable 4f t to a' 6 Obtfddllaf for every glace- and further, -it is , hereby megla She 4,44 , or ..the Chi4W - Polido Constable., or a perami.oihpolreillY him,.totaice •Ip every itog -so run ning at large in violation of this geotios and unless the laid fine to paid birttfe 'owner • titmeof; o 6 'demand, the said olSeir is iterebyauthorizede_and required to kill the dog or cause it to, be killed and buried, fpr which services he shpt bb alloSMstbrie dollar , Out of the city treasury. 7y6 - A. L ROIIIifFORT, Mayor. PEIPIIER S O:_. DAILY LINE PIIIA, • • •LoA i lfeen l .Acody S hoe, Wilha amport,Au 'Vatsoitowl,- ahulon,. kwishArg, No;thumberiond f ": Prev.erteXhAtimtow- MitirOurg i . Halifax, Dauplthi l • AND HARRISBURG.- thiljetelFhill• DaPI. 4 b°lng . PealmidlY lecate4,l,. the drayage be at the lowest rates. The Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery or all goods Intrusted toAke (kaki:delivered at the deL pot of TREAD.,, WARD & FREED, 811 Market street Philsdelatoy by,l.ai 4010qk it at r wilk be delivered in liar akaderialig, 14 1* ' W irt 1 0!:A n y Othir JOEL MONniferiMY &Ca, Philadelphfamid Reading Depot, :oat or ifaricetVUlne,,Rarriaborg. Ks rvtt Ngmr wctison. sTonin: _ . TMPORAINNIF TO — IJANISECBDS AND urifign.—The undersigned offers at . whoterak, to the Wade, a choice lot of the bed Ziquori - ever brought to Harrisburg, viz: ?rend itnanctia, Holland Gina, Scotch,. Inth' ,. .lFT.oolanit„, RlArWaitfik Pativs. our Datum* wing Each al vsanspagne, Claret, Catawba, 40 womitted,tel represented.: Landbsrde sa Bad bQ their 'advantage to call and ea amine the • 'dile — :the etere,•-m- Meth - itoblritd otreetterb4dur 010002 0" V111P5•4••,i • : .• Milt.llBll { COLlOlClDlM—Bostclir'Wine cidAtwlt 1= . 4 gia.:J304111 Boston at Btßis - °4— Easton o.atArlcer ed MEDICAL. ELECTRICITY. Dom . . WYETH• and - CREAMER , Eclectic _iv opst,his physicians, -sesp.ectfuily::•offer thoirtiroThMtat Setiotek In elf the' vallo - uf br4toligh of theptlifearokfeetiniftreiffmetet n OtUituill forms of. ditreambo.;.-......,-o o • , •-k44 0 Thco Vfae.ffilikroS,Abei.erelllOYagiii i . Me= . Wes& oostif: etoi,Haymusin, ectro litfiTtlitroffefedle re est,e'lift.: Ws. cod uniteinfient Cure, few Sociectleknedieltatmvben +leaned nearseary, and-`in ' fact ell she astmet =Mfrs agents tlatomay snocesafuily be brought to bear upon the disease, . MY& toCtofish to be niitleintotod ern:gating themselveseny superiority of aloll, but theil believe the remedies they employ In.thatreatraent of-dla. ease far superior to those generally employed byphys from the fact-that, they act in perfect harmony with the laws governing and controlling the human systeta. - To {his, red the lad that they confine" themselves to no par tic War., pay, or. syston,.. they attribute ihetr.isucoeta I ; r. cOntri.*l4 disease, e• • : • „Thriptinr,ipg:igenftlieil Veit:Merit of " dasease,liamelr, Notectricitr,le au gem Woridertal is eta , Ognomena and. powortal in Its *Feats fot good -or 111.. It is an ever.orteleln, siithfaxpliziir princialet,tovvcihs things, from rolling worlds down to the invisible partiClefo of gdainuitio mitt:dr. - We see it hi:the llghtfii - ngte tfdab Akie hear the manifestations •of its"power in the-knetterlitg thunder. , It is the cause of all .decOutPualiffeli-ofecutuPo - and transformation, It excites all. motion, It lathe enciting cause of life, growth; delay 'an& death, It' *uses secretion, excretion; diginitioth It'ititi.hold Of the crude food - lathe Itetssack,- convirta it Into state of .iltt i&ty,,transmntes it ittto.arterial blood, mit *ends it-Oltite important office of supplying nutriment according to the necessities of thatiody. Uhl the aerie vital fluid, the' great agent.through which the mind acts -uper the bielys: It is thercauseot all causes except the first. great .4:1“1110.1. the Iglin,te /44.391 , 404.crett1ettd , funl.Orntght , ,i; into use These may appear like mere asiertions, buf. they as. filets admitting.of strong and irresistible proof: Is it Han, to be wondered at that an agent so wonderful-in its ph.. lemma, so powerful inita manifestations and Ite intimate ly connected with all the operations of the human teM, lbontasi almost absolute Irate peiver"ot disease? Certainly not - It da' a natural pique.= lad. WOWS as surely as day follevan/ght. Amo the discuses whICIL :Ore ihtiad.oto yield readily Klectricity, in conjunction with.proper Anna treatment, maybe tnentkined Theipidrit Coraunintion;' Paralysis, Elpiliptic, Hysteric and other :Convulsions. • Neuralgia, in Its worst, forms, Rhuematism,. inflammator y and chronic; .all diseases of the, nervens system,. Dyypep eta eared tan :few treatments; all diteases of urinary and goriitaroigani;'Remnle Diseases, 'Asthma ; 'Eta Melanoma ALII; Amaurosis and • all kindred a ff ections :of the eye; Autumns Strictures, all skin diseases, &o. Persons calling will he told whether they can be beer, tilted itridnii case taken where cone relief cannot' be eV • girded. aguslOsteur fres: Since, South: &eon& streeti• - --,Chestnut,Harrisburg, Pa„ (ace hours , rout Bno _ _ below.— ...mut e Harr. --tg o ,K.,.1tc15 and tq9P.m. Alara.R. ' ' DR. J: utpl3 L . ..... ~: • : • , KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. . . . A PIIR.Lr and 11191i1p,",eciirebtlie ..a. and A lterative, of 'svondithiredfliwo , In dineaaikot the STO.ILWII, LIVER and BOWELS': , . . Yl Cures De c a ePsi. liter mallet - fits • Hea!laelyN General Debility Ne> vb93stliitte y)6 pressionef Spirits, Constipation - Intermittent Fever, Acidity et the Stomach, Nausea , Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, t Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomash, Swimming of the Head, DMlcult Breathitt", Yellow ness of the - Skin and %Yea Fever and Dull pains - lit the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest and Limbs, will ours every case of Chronic or Nervous • Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys and . Diseases arising from a disordered Stomach, Good for Male or Female, Old or Young. -; The moat beneficial medicine 'Willi Sivas better satis faction and cures more diwiiittealkate any other prepara tion offered to the.Puhlic. Prepared solely by S. A. HUN Ri'BßO.,"l.lB4larketatreet, Harrisburg. For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. BFAVAU ....cfStOsFfelif,s -:*4( As Bunkel , a }titter Whit' of Iron is fhe billy sure and effectual semedy ,, in the known world for the permanent etre Of.-.l4speprwt asid,DeldZity, and as there are a number of Imitations offered to the public, we would caution the community to purctuwe none but the genuine article, manufactured by Sd 'A. :Loom. Boo,: and has their atamsrthe top of the cork of every 'bottle. .The, very - fact, others are:attempting to. imitate this valuable rtraedy, proves its worth and speakeVoltuntsin its favor. • . _ 1 I Tile Slttsi Wlneat Irdn Is put nri In 15 ceykt, and 161 00: bl)tfy4l, 'and Bold by allreapeatable dragglota: throughaat - Ilia p . mArr. liejarilaidar that every bottle bean th a fa thaik of the propriotor , o'signafwo. - ' - : -,. . . I This Wine -Indades—the most agreeable_ and.. eilloffAW Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetics Oxide Odttl : ' idned, with the inostenergetio of roadside tonics, Yellow Itruvian bark. The effect in many cede of debility, lose of appetite, and general prostration, of of kieut Salt of Ifon, combined with our valuable Nemo - Tonic, is most,t heippy.. It augments the appetite, rsiSes the pulse, takes. dff: =weldor , flabbiness, removso the- pallor of debility, - old gives aflosia vigor.tothecoanteusece. ' " GENERAL DEPQI:, , 118 M AR K MMI"?. • oaafa For ale reerptable 'Seaton throughout the ~..F I. -N E L vv. s ! :. hisgler itt„, (Successors to so. Dock, Jr., & Oars y DEALERB IN FINE FAMILY' , GROOE selection RI opposite theßourt.-House r iks*e•oirtaudalthe of Bit/Mktg, si• different vintages. - - • Rum AND 00.VmoiV417/47.4, of - Berry-Davripti ms , r• • WHIG YS. Botrasoly_ - NAM tidal/. ~razkiz• grio;e 8 - oitaili: The beti *M. tor*htto thla 1111'210c QLD WHEAT,. ir A - bl-1 R cieleßrated • C 1 .1.11111 ) 411NE - • • saum4oxislozsmi G , - • CLARET. ANO: in i gg AzEs... • Lo • _ •• • m munßitr* swim inu) cam!, . mqxt , . BITFEB L Alm C.EN,GUSir-AIi:DAWCRICAN PICIELMS" iindinteribist airy desofiritioli - tieriv in the market,' ' ' &Amor ZITS& .• Ciaa Ezri.-41 you'isish Ocid TifalaPelluYßki : s %Pe res Kanielniv„, - I tinaftW Pff isit • Aft •: • :4 T cresll74u.Do;ak,l & • :-- - - - -.- _ _ :: IiEMI MEM EMI . i; - .-, -, ,z , , , ,c,-G Eic)i.itiiiiAo 1 --I=l bO.O OW: . 0 % P ; ! . ..t"4 _ ,VZIP =rev" 7-1 En ElE=llli !:!!.!`.! AjfiN .. „ 411101 1 PIKIDDICAL: DROPS 4flY. 4REAT ' FEMALE. Itteila;A-T4114.: doe the only known remedy that will aneoesannly and filvasiably restore and regulate the fanialasystenr, rem ength - all Irregalarilles, and prodaelng health, rigor and str — LYON'S PERrOMOgi DROPS Ares fluid-preparation, the out? Aroe:orio• ofthelchaikeiiik discovered in this countv, and she directly on Abe x4ta ; affected, whilst pills inCpe ean - only reach:them" they work through sympathy, but not at ail %red and positive Are you suffering from noonstinit anxiety for the regn• ihr return of nature's prescribed law*? Give yourself to unesalifbir LymPrefiniodl64 Drops,- if taken a day or two before theespected periodorill posi, livelyend intiarianyi_regillatelthi thraing,--iui =weir* effect follows cause , Is certain,midilyffghllbllOWO - datkiniin - I Areyou sick, enfeebled' by titeterekti ftable to bear the end denser of • • -- • LYONIE4-9EDIMMAritk3IOI3-2. MILI=M Noma to you al bl o wi ng, f a owing, orM rosentlim bettiiithei clar9 t. Ir n 411111 47 taken, pierviati* will eve you much pert! andmany hours or iltel g.• Have you been afflicted for many years with complaints incident Ao-Uloflolt.-thnt.have baffled the Mill or iihyigt. clans, and are.ipterfing you on to as early Lave ,j: inumoDICAL DROPB . • ire the most reliable regulator ever known; • Mni Cara,. , hie dug% all those Irregularities that have defied the dodoes BM: Will you waste away with suffering from Leucorrhan4 PirolcipErumi Dymninorrhotaiind a thousand - other • dintottV summed up under the name of suppressed ant nature, when an investment of one'dollar An MEE • LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS • 'Ol lively save yes, • ;Dornatusethe - droju *halt forbiddeliniliedireolf*; (dr although: paMye - zureourd pailiftia at ill other. tiknesoheyve sci onverfatand finely colculsted to sUst and govern the !nutted! stab et:gawk* thWil e qtt stimpropertimegi; they..wentd Jumbos res=ces• hsktre,..cohuct. - whiA - 0,11; ssalleilsileth kis wp Creiiiednock should carefully pled. • LYON'S PELRIODIOAL DROPS • 1)-. !said harm it:mlmA delicate connUtution at anviltigei: : Vint C I the al etorg . tt...o...gunt. galnet...ite-ndsw, t alhounand bottles matte used fbr a sow' where one la used for an illegitimate one, -PUT . • . • LYON'S PEMIODIW DRops, ' ever y by te l e never-Deng •I'emsbr 18 foi kola 1 4 1 14 1 "*. 14 8 1 1 0 11 1 r Ad nig mato, if' On NnliaAr Y,a urlae tr:r_ foi are ' • medisiner • itTIY . I qtY "` 441 , - T...attar It " elifd : to 'who% Oil 141 / 4 7 "" a". •• got it, make htm wad and it* 11; 701!-, C. G CLARK f#, .071.) ~L ''. ':.i:...'.'.; 51:.F;i4CIIT:11111"1.14' WegUßil,, IN • • •._ liaa - NaTqw, -- tio=iiivey a cIOWDEN, staioriti mut num, biphilk, PS .':O - ~.. ~ ..... . Fer 7- 77K4-7 7 . • e:17‘54 0 13=illi . - _ LOCK-`.•IIOSPITAL, • .......• trAadiscovered the most. certain; speedy 11 iind effectual remedies in the world for rizarm .:Sr. A 04ra Warrcuttilf;or..*.o Charge, _One. Tteo: . . Wew4'nees Atelt, .i.geotione of the Ki4 L nezr end BladdenlliiitlieLify - DiscliargesOmpotermy, 6etienartg.F . bllity; -NerVoosioeM„ - 'rlyirpeptuai. rAogoor; - urge Spiiitei' ConitibtOik of We" Paljetithon, of. the , Heart, TrerattlintA RIDAPP 3 or Sight or Gitgin.o4.Hillasmof the Head, Throat, Nose Ski*, _ A ff ections of. the Liver Lung; _ Stomach Bowe ls-these terrible' digordere afting-from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners or Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or enticipalloss, rendering marriage, am; Impossible. • • .• - • • • • YOUNG KEN ' • • lispgetallyi who have become the victims of Solitary Vies, that dreadful auldeetruetive habit•which annually: sweeps te RP gatintelY grilse thousands of Young. Meg .of ..the Most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might othertfisd have entranced' listening Senates 'with the thus. (Mrs & elequence or waked.to Warty the-living lyre, may Si married persona, or Young-Meo contemplating marriage,. beinge aware of physiml, weakness, orgapic, debility, deldr- . tidies, aic:; . itpeed4. cured. ire who placestanself tmder the care of Dr.. ,f, may re ligiously eoadde in Ma honor ea'a gentleman; and wall • dandy, relT upon his skill WA Physician.. - . ... ;OKGANICi WEAKNESS:. -.-- - inmethatelicared, and tail vigor ?est.:tied, - This distret, affection—which relaters life *Sortable and Sriairia,ge impatible—is the penalty paid by the vic tims df improper Indulgence. Young persons are too apt' to commit.excessee from not being aware of the dreadful consequences tha4 spay - ensile. Now, who that under stands the autiiebt Will pretend to densi that the power of FLion ia letatiobitet by'lhoad falling life 'improper ' bits than by thdpradent. ; Beetdes bean :devolve the urat it healthy offispring, the moat serious and de. -struetire synalmanut :to both , 'body .; aid t stnadr-arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical . And mental Rotations icadi of procreative 'pewee, -Berretta irritability; 'paipitatiorrof the Wart, indigeetlea, opnatitu • debility, a waging of the fame, rough, ectla samptlea; decay and death- ' ..... - Ifeft band 'Adel gaps fromßalticnoie 'street, a few doora from the corner. Pail idle Worm name and number. • Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in hia office. DR. JOHNSON, • Member of the Roysl•Callege of Burgeons, London, grad uate from one of the most eminent colleges is the United mete; and the greaterpart of whose life has been spent in the hospitals - of London, Part; Philadelphia and else- Where, has effected ebme• of the most istanishing cures MS:Were ever known • many troubled with ringing in the heed.and ears then ' Widep, great netverutitertk being alarmed at auditen sounds, beshfhbie e a, with. frequent blushing, attended sometimes With derangement of mind Were cured immediately. I TAKE PARTETIMai NOTICE. • ! These are some of the sad and 'melancholy effects pro deeed by early habits of yotath; via : nreidiness edit , back sndilMbs, pains in • the head, dimmest of eight( lose of *isteulsr . pewer i pidpitation of the heart, dytmepsia, ner vous irritability, symptoms of consumption, ho. , fearfureffect e on the mind are much,, to be dreaded—loss of memory ' confitillon of ideas,. de pression of spirits, evil foreboding; aversion to some*, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity , &n, are some of the evils produoed. • • - .. .. ..... YOUNG N O N -.• "' . . Who have .talured theniservistilbY a certain practice hi dulted. it When:alone, a habit frequently learned from eviloompanions, or. at.school,,tho Meta of which-are ; nightly_folt„.eVen when aaleep, and if not cured renders niarriago repos sable and destroys both mind *and body,„ shouldairmili mmediately. Whata itt, , .. t hat a young man, the hope of his country,- Sire darling or parents, Should be snatched froth all , d prospscts and enjoy - Mead of life; by the ' conseqUence of t i, vlating from the path _of nature and indulging in a c main secret habit. . Such persora isms, before content. p iing t . MARRIAGE, ._ ~. . Want theta Bound mind andbodyarethamost necessary , remnaites to prOrnetaeqimubialhappiness... •Indond, with theaeithe journey through life becomes - a weary pil- Ilinhogit s , the prOefinct hotirirdirkenit lei the; view; the mind becomes ehadowed with despair.and tilled with the • melancholy reflection that the happiness- of iurbther be: cornea blighted with our,ona t . •:. , . .... ...: • •• ' DTNRASE OF iId:PI3 , UDENbI4.- Mitten the misguided and imprudent.votary otpleasurs ands be has imbibed the weds of 'tiffs palahl disease, too often happens that an illthnciiir senile ef shame or the dread of4iscovery deters him from applying to those who treat education ind.respectability, can alone befriend Wm: ' He falls Into the hands of ignorant and designing pretend, ern, Wha, inirapable' of curing, itleh hie ' sub : stance, creep trilling month after Mon 'or ti" tong at the smallest fee can beobtained, and in.drapair leave him with ruined. health to sigh over Isgallingdisappointment, or; by the Use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the constitutional symptom sof this terrible disease,stich "sidled tidns of the Head, hroat, Nose, Sitin,•etc., progregsing with frightful rapidity till death , puts a period to , his dreadful sufferings by sending him to that nmiiipoverod country frOm whence ao traveler returns. , ,'; .; The many thousands cured at this institutiair,year after year, and the numerous impprtant surgaml eperations performed by Dr. Johnson; witnessed by the reporters of the Sun, Mod and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing:as a gentleman et. Ammeter and respond bility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. - HSKER tagrknkcSbilibMiCUP" i• °Mee lito:' " oTHERE IS NO SUCH lit7 ußD A s • 13 • -C° rAKiND =num OP. C i Tl / 3 -EB !, AINT — D-COPAtIiA. -airmcgO —.7, recommended to.the partic. PUBLIC In d caw SOFESSION and the _for the prompt . -AL cure of DISEASES OF TICE =ADDER, HID- It .1 ORINARY OROANiVETO. • • ' ll '4 be relied on ma the besamode for the administra, . of them remedies M the large glass of diseases of both P .Asies, to *hick they are appli cable . It never interfere* 'with - the &gallon; 'puny 1 • ooiceotration; the - daele MEI B-*- Np2taneasire AdYilled to.asIe,far.VARRANTTS 00811 ) 017ND" EXTRACT OF PIIBERS AND. OOP A. , andtkir both%else , is initiations arid worthless prepa-, rations; ander - *Whir names; lire in the tank& - TM& St 00. Bentby..expiess, est receipt of price.- -Kaneko tared cult . .10Y;JAIMANT.11P. !CO., No. .278 :Greenwicb• street, corner of kin street, New York, and for sale pruggitia gcnerafiy. oct22-dly For sale by S. A. KLIERIR k BRO., and by Draggists Are :pot simply. flat pieces of paper ant by the fornrof a daliar iF9 L AV: 41 . 4 444*A 6 4.10.6 Tho-04;1444 a perfect curve ATI In. unples or break,, whiehas otr taiited toy our patented prucess,whtelialsei seduie . s, itneGler adtunfayelpesseakl by as oritd. sorid? —viz t. Alirwe s rosGe - . prkii#.lu the Turn-down , stYle r •Ute ninon of warow sit I'LigiCTIT WOW:it 14111 i TRU PDX PTICICEI39;. malting !1111Ic . CAlatilbr OP* and *bey. fri.. Turndown style in sizes fiont 12 to 11; and in Garrotte from - 1316 17 inches; and Placid Ja t -Nitwit' fir 100 ea;ih; also, in sukaljgr opie: 1 4...eteUe, truly and navy officers. . ;• • or EVERY COLLAR 'la stargimid, s..J • • - as G ra y!" r.,a4,4nx. Nord.o4 , _ 401 d py_Ai r 04,11 dealers In 'Meals Furnishing Good& trade supplied by - - . 111211.9 7 3 Li: .."1 -40'44 =E==l • 7 , 1 iallEDlVAldlit. ---- ~ 'H.AL.TI - MORR -,‘'. ::2'-' -: .:; : . !:,;:l tirz...::;'t .- !1 - •:. 77 ,, z:: - . 4_'::::: 7 .i azr:i , ::; DISEASES OF EttIPBUDENCR SSlSiar IN SIX SP TWEINS HOURS. NO KIROOETtOR _NOXIOUS DENO& D!W=AGE. Orman No. 7, Bowe Fiutogoot Bram, llzlgovtOmisvonio.onsteßD‘til VAN DEO: ,SEN BOBEINER, do Co. .:627 .CIFESTNIN Bk*, , Phtladelphia: . r seKNl6m, • —EN OASES' SPICED OTSTUS, 11 1 4- rfr: 11 .4etvad-01- Snriatft4 Ert,gllll4 , thicatZMUsCar--110ak,. - 4L, - I 0 - 111 AXIS! s a i r 6 1 I I Staircurea., imam* aad for sale at 81118LER & Otaxampo to W. Door,jenk o . 'rt .• I . I. 6ROSIC ; & 430 •1 .1 7CI .17! L.: :7-- - WHOLESALE ./OTIT RETAIL, In -... • : DRUGGISTS IMMiI MA R VS - TRRE -5' .; if ars, PA,. %," .-. - 7"1 - 77" . f; _E*.3.:,:i.:•. •: :-.;_ PRITIth I . STA - .411781 . El.LtiMk STORR-_ lIMIE .MS 41. ND trONs ~••••••• • „.. • •.-- • We are daily adding to our areantstiatititir goods Oyu= articles as are desirable, m4 - would reaped, fully call, our AttentionttV r the largest and lieu Mil:Meted dock in this' city, of 13=1 DRUM Mk:W.4UOI):PAINTSI • olii; . iinmustipaiiniva, • DF"ItC4t,GRIP lid _Platy, EIZSIMIED • t ;'t ikingeog riw 9,40 4 ; 4;4 0 4 . . , • • Lard, Sperm lad ?WO 01.111.. ;tt Flats and Lain:, tibial: •t, , , • igith a vpm4.fflieleit'oi: . • Allinagft deleted from the beat manufactured' tinePaitramirir elf • Europe and Ws country. Being verp4arge deatenoti P al*a:*4 l 7 4 f -4 1441 4• -; • • ravarar) - • W LA.g8,•4111 , 141,173-.- ;' '' • ' cozedtehirifir liz e trsize i r , . , . 4 1 -44. 1 tx4rint.T4 ;.r. OCALONSArar szazzie, .1.9 8 P91 9 .0417.i40 1 , 11 . 04 4a49 1 1011.0ftt1dimit .thit .to Gait itupply - 14.;rixisti of of 14n: _ , 7 t,pritti Tgvisx.ti!. WHITEW toitatranr , P# 1 :. 71 40 9 ; 1 0470 ....0t tilLilu4s r direct from the Proprietors. • •., . . 4 eI&POinFDER AND CONCENTRATED LYE. 4 /4 61) 40;;t 2 for 49" )1 44.:ii4b:1ie 14 . U p ,4‘;'Ar ta It can be •pu rebelled-kr the ettlee. " THAY&It'S MBDIatZ •Pbol - 0-i awnzAor&o; COAL , jIL! 1 CA_RBON OEM . *lug large. purellaseis there owe can oak Att dlll .!rdment;te dike hitir4tig: dog Ott?titra*'d . " .' Toe 'nicer hitprovodiviiy-iheatt ;e1 Bilnda O Lamps- • - FAPIXOS ANDAPAZJERN Those or r;iiiiisii.4ll. 7 itii l .rPP4*B4 l ...:4 s .P4t TUE POWDERS I trial Imoivixiiiiiiiienparlarity, mad the iuhrutnilinMier axe In kengng Hones,' anCeatite iisalilnr and in a ..• Thousands can testify Ito the wet they hive4leitred nl)n;:.the uneof cnr • Wtle POWAt by thalwllroiulA,4o#l4i • ; it? and quality of milk halides Imprßyind; ttio and appearance of their cat im long experience to .the bradawl gttee lie the ideate tago of a thorough lencrirtedge • tbe -trade, and-oar ass rap Rents in the (Atlas are such that ire Was ip• - e Yq7. on t time nurdata anything aPPerk chin?i) Qtr 114/li!°°! . ;pa! tb.o beet o r terms. . . Thitikf ol for the liberal pittronspi bestsitsed du oar taut" ae hope by strict &Reath:tato isaathette, ,, l Aninla aetection of '-••.• • PURR DRU(i - a. at 5T:1)110 a, and the desire to plealk caw thimairce of the favor of a illscp*MligstiVl.ll.7.- • •• MOTH KACEIVAL" IPOWIMECip Pißiamilraiii 6l 44o - Egarialyntra MOTH TIMM POWDFV = th'aiiitio"nifir - of valuable articlea:roi 4he-Seikinkates ettoixiii—dletribused- Mat vw ttsirMiiiVierttitt26 Beini.all9A:',dAtikt i perfume TM lin, ,Prtgziatove midpthusanttdor; " e Wire aulA9t 1 3 ", lic )17.usie$: • !1'91) I LE WOriI Drtirldirtrancy Gboda SI ortcico. 7 9ll.lllaiket ititeL• • " • 4123 INBVikI3 OILS. ---40 Ooke,s fine table 4.4d.stiacktiieuenpaitat 'oaths mile, 7i rhombi ant - 8 44R D 4rAk% :147 4 imeadators to .• ficeAstat. AivoiAmpt.p.oun i 17 Stiocesioja . 1".", r r T lll i t RIO AND :LAGUIRA COFFEE at [rare] BOUM & 11013/PIA. = Mal NO. 19 • -k liffilli J 'll, 1 40 .T'CNII; Pare await( Bytom, MEM ClailleBoipA . :llV,ps and•Oarkt, OP Au. LEN =I • -Buse w AT DIAATII-C -•CEDIENt JLANIIPACTURIA PITTSBURG, Pa., rPREPARED to furnish and cost the es. torieralius HAST/C CEILLNT,.m, new nidern. Trite ilialeilarlß &Wray different finza other cementrused heretofore, and the only mai, imperishable muting for entdde work. Mixed with proj. per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forma a ma% bier adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Walls, making a beg, iig a z fine water proof surface and Heigh amid to Itonry Home or any calor desired. • Among others for whom I have applied the Monk Le, men% I rellir to the following gentlemen: T. DimW, J D. Bt' *•d., 1.6. me:donee, Penn SI at street Pittsburg. J. a ghosoberger rant:ice, Lawrenceville. A. Hoeveler, James wd a ndle gh - Allegheny city. Calvin Mann, Third street, Pittsburg Junes Wood, owner SE Charles Hotel, William Vohel, Girard House, Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, John B. Core roside u noe, Front street, Harrisburg ' Pe . A. J. Jones, Please address _ _ _ T. F. WAISoIi, P. O. Box 1,301, Pittsburg, t , or, Penne : House, Harrisburg, fkblB-4111m BIWA DDEN 7 S MARBLE YARD, CORNER OF . WALNCT AM) FIFTH apili:Elß, I:fluvial:An, Pa. undersigned having opened a liarbi a y ar n in this c4iy, beg leave to inform their friers and thi public In general, that they are preparrd to nil -•.• . ROLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION SUCH AS Montunentg, Tombs, • _ - Einadl3tomia; - • Mantles, And gonso Work in. Marble and If rown &Gni Give ass all ithd we will guarantee satisfaction, .. . M'FADDKN k (X; N. a-14.t0n% bony none in English or Gormaii. tharslo.o7 " AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER: 1-00. STYLES OF POCKET. BOOKS, PURSES PO It TIIION - IN AIES FOR LADIES ANA - GVNTLEMEN, KELLER'S Mug ithdTarier3 o . Go d& Store, _Aro: 91.. Market street. The best Morocco TRAVELING BATLIt ELS, And a general variety of . PANEV - GOODS, suitable for Presents, now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, tiarlo4f No 91 Mama mama PHOTOGRAPH . ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Photo graph_..A.ltkunis. BOUND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled; gilt and mounted with tamheavy Mit dupe ALBUMS. WITH 30;actuzes for s.. $3 60 60 40 1 . 0! 41 "..._ •, • • 400 1201: with anions other styles of 'binding, One act which will be sold cheap. er you cannot buy a prettier, more durable aad cheaper album anywhere ilea hind see'at BCREIFEtEt Bookstore, tnaml24lti 1.:.. . .111.411fiburgp ra• BTOORA.P.IIY FOR - BOYS. NICE FARMER BOY, and how hoJbeayne Command os'-in-014 fl 26 • • - 151:1R/4NICERIIPY. t f4 61 44 he . 166 , 21 pr661.1t46,. IR 26 nproFiltßY 130 A And the Flusnoter, THE PRINTER BOY, or how Bea. Fraftirain'ifilide 113 * R win:''sF.=li°2ll;'l= b e e ' w) * ..t"'.l.t€,-) A YOTITIVR HISTORY Os Tilt Fott Sumter to Roanoke; OlegantikititiMited; S'A At 'BRAGAR.B.Is • tic Z.l ORE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No 5132 Walnut Streei; gonth ICaot of -• • Whir*, Street, PlfEladaleXibs.: .. 7 :41f666,ta be xbinOIIIOEATEDI2II4,. I. • J . <0 • fel,* fKS t•T .11 • • f•• .• • 1 600 OW CHARTER PERPETUAL. idarine, Fire and Inland Transportation In ' nuance. . • . _ Annum G. COFFIN Ftealdeut CHANLIN EpiTT, Siiretary: - ' WILLIAM Central Aen't: for Pufib'yfirionfa. Oket taint liiirrisbug, Pa, Myll-9m •`,; TUT ItEOEYEP, • .1. Tilla , . UtY OIC E MienEkkEß . 00.'13 cELEilt.4k . rEu SUGAR CUBED IT.A.itCS AND sir, ~+ =I ~TNBIVALLED OHAFALEEPUBNITURE - POLISH does notation the .frarnish, but ..resterot thornier:tat lustre., It does not disorder. It NIA with:very little 100; every-finished suiface; tither metal OZIWP9t- 411 =Mut aggiveTlLapd, 4e*te in .furnitarc should use it for cleaning furniture that has been stand leg, Covered with: dank A•tenifi and Pub here int there will =who labtight ti and fresh.: For sale by • $4.411"'. • I.llolbaket streetdaantibturg. 18'CLINTOCf►'S PEGTiIBAL .SYIIIIII. TaI4IINVALI7ABLE SYRUP, which ill eIL -B„lrlrßeelm,tia:u?!.it!, plywith wouderthi success for sassy years in The cure or diseases forth° a11f.P.4...43.' AGESasuILUNGS: Ant wig , foils of the disease, such . COUGH, TWILLING tlie TRIMAT;SPITTING OrBLOOD, DIFFRITET 0, ,RDARgENEW, LOS4OF VOICFO4IO. i tiF use will be attended vrith the happiest results. It is one oil the best and safest-medicines ior - all-fonhe itRoN• aCrTha sad GONSUWT.GN.. 112 . 8!141 pvcira• OR apiun in Ong &we inthu syrup: - : •• • • PRICE' S 1 00' PER BOTTLE: - - *ovulest I:ool43NER442uisp-Book Stoles, • . WM PEOTOR&LIid are . msefiil tiVioothe a _sough; ..ellerfEinkling •theAlbrees,:th_.rebevt -114=-Uk (41.1.74, pop" Throkt Am They contra/. Alel Masthea; ~ Ipethet- &nets sui-siplia, Athelenes reliable 4!oxpectorante Jr.ool%} Out duet !pito coliiikeents, so Wedded with Gum Arabic anif Biqa, SW each lozenge contains a mild'andltery. pleasant dokm. '.llBnulecturee solely by S. A. RUNKru, st BRO., lang Apothecaries; 118 Merkel, street, Harrizbury, • 70.11E4ADNIREIS OGLLEGLI4% Atitsv.- Tim FOB wpm LADIFJ3, 1530 arch Wei* gw:OHARLISSza. MTH, I.e:, `• Q 5 it, PrikkopeL • . • Year. "Three - depariraerita Prinni.r3 - and,Collegiata. Salt college course Ss •Olaaeleei r ,stathir. 'minica r Wilber. Rua& aad Natural !Science Jar ilea wha graduate: • lioderninatinagee, 'Man; Pednring iced 1110021 liken 117.110.b0t nwom Oration_ only at the =Mate, or, address BOX 2sll P. U . rhiladeiptua G, ATION - Orb ATMOVIZ Cada --ilk: ahtpeciaLarraseemeat Me or the best engravers ht the aoariU7, cards 01 ally description Wilflawilteented to. - the' wpm iwyle of arl,,V 2 44; l lable 1.119 Wel .battionomWg opPlaxt pitivaßtly, at lower prices than are etuKged by As webon /*lbw Telt erneatalptda: -Porsatapt•'. ItOees , AKROPtAkfiVig , . WO", • - • . A. NEW invoice of litficlosseec celebrated recelved difsmciaiiiig at . - lINMLart 47Tatira, encoeiscgs-va W ST AitRIVED I—A fine.lo ofia&lita4 MAGUS and TOMATOES. Also, SUPERIOR PATE AMNIA PERM IPMAS, &c., just received by w7/4411 MIN Met., Sd Meet, nee Walcut, = E 33 EMI