tTti 11,11:1111113P VEG. ph. TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 9, 1864. NATIONAL U . DT4IPT TICKET. FOB Mann', Abraham .:Mincoln, OF i=o6m YOB FIDE PRRS Andrew Johnon, or nomoretre Meeting of the Legislature. Both fiotieei of the tiigiSlatitre assembled at T 2, Id., 401434 y, hying been called together in actuate°. of the time fixed for their meeting, by the extraordinary events whiehtave lately takelit i ldnee on the southern border and the soutb:orn tier of counties of the State. Per haps:atno period in the history of the Com mon Wealth, if, we may except the time when rebellion was precipitated by the firing upon Fort.filumter, has the Legislature of the State assembled under oireurnStances of greater Importance Within e month past it has been demi*strated that almost our entire border on the south is vulnerable to. invasion, and that vat any time the people of the State in. that region are in danger of the robbery, the rapine, the incendiarisni and the assassina tions of the foe. Such a Condition of alLirs is frightful in the extreme, and hence, in the hope of having devised some means or organ ization by which our fellow citizens in the Cumberland Valley will be at once protected in their ,lives and property, Gov Curtin has called the Legislature, to the action of which the people will look with the utmost solici tude. Peallivarda f has the means within herself,. to pret‘ct, her citizens from every outrage. All that we need, is their proper organization— s prompt and thorough discipline of the men capable of military service, and there will be an end to invalon and a truce in the outrages to wigfllf oar southern border counties have beematteated during the war. It will require no elabOrtite;diacussion to arrive at the legis latioif ;Itec'efisay to:elect this organization. A li4UoPracticaisregislation is all that is re quired: :A la* which every man can -Undei stanfV'irill *eat the;requirement; arid the least delair l ioaible in its passage, will con vincelljwimople of the Commonwealth that her savants are really in-earnest 111 providing for tliiii-faifety. All the legislation necessary on thisiailiject can be enacted in a week, if the practical men of both Houses set them selves zealously to work. May we not hope that the business on hand will receive this earnest attention. The Inference Between. the Value . at Greenba.ehe and Rebel raper Money. The i tnitqr symPathizei in the -north, has beeikable to do the National Government a great lur, by holding up to_the view of the sordid and the ignorant, what they call the depreciation of the national credit. For in stance; ba-Wall street, New York, where spec tdation.'ontrides_ patriotism, and where all is a ohntiuttgiold blooded - effort to: 4 tmake money, e'en if civilization, freedom and religion suffer, a dollar greenback is quoted as worth forty cents in gold. While these quotations are thus daily made, the outside holdth Of large quantitielt of gold never are able a And purchasers for the coin at that priceitmong the Nwe York brokers.: But as a contrast to this thipreciation, let us see what Jeff Dazris' notes are worth in the rebel con fedenikly. It takes twenty dollars in Bich niondizi cover the value of a greenback ; so that even in Richmond, where faith in the credit and glory of the confederacy amounts to a religion, .upon the gold standard, Jeff notes are not worth more than two cents on the dollar. And-even for these two cents the traitors have no collateral to offer as security. According to this value, too, a rebel soldier gets ablaut sixteen cents a month out of which to clotii and fee 4 his family.: 'These are facts to which the sleek-mouthed dough-faces of the north never refer. , • " ' • - AIM= DAHLGREN, the gallant father - of the lamentid' Col. Dahlgren who was killed while making a raid on Aichinond, and whose body waesubjected to every description of barbarclusindignity, his been .able at length to espoee the falsity of the order dad to have been found on the person of young Dahlgren for the assassination of - the rebel' Xiithorities and the. brining of Rich - Mond. N o one in the liiorth helleved the storl,ror regarded it as anything` elsethan a mean- and malicious falsehbod. 'The chivalrous character, the re tinement, the gentle nature, all the antece denti 'Of the - gallant young soldier, forbade. the possibility of.-the:eiistence of such a doc tunent: It has remained for his father, Admi ral Dahlgren, to trace the cowardly forgery to its source, and proclaim it to the world. He has anoceeeded is obtaining a photolitho copy of the. docanient referred to, and he has as certained beyond doubt that it is not in the. hand Biting of his son. . A &Vinson Wrrnour s STATE—Orie of the most curious documents that we have seen lateky, is "A Proclamation by Isham G. Ham, ..00Vermar of .Tennessee," printed in the Atlanta, (Ga.,), .Appeal, appoint ing an election in the 11th Congressional District of Tennessee; to till a vacancy caused by the death of Hori;David 1 Cuiiin. Polls are to be opened not only-iv! the district, but wherever there are Tennessecioldiers.. Inas much as Harris has been an eidle:fecan, Ten neon*. for a Tom time, and woad not dare set his foot on its soil except clandeatinely, _ this proclamation may be styled "the height of the vidionloni.l! Er-Pmaresarr Booming; is des° "bd 17; y the copperhead organs as bein gas "active and vigorong,as he Was years : lV-7 NO doubt of it;!-partionlarly in sympathizing with' the men ; who are now battling to destroy . the = . rs_:GOVER OWS HESS :-. EXECUTIVE Clamart, Hmuussuao, August 9, 1864. . lb the Senate and Home of Representatives of the Ornmenwealar of Pennsylvania: . Gsgmanns,„: - I have called you - together in advance of yilir artorlined seek" for the pui- Pose of taileiet seiiee *action for the defence of rho Statte. l Prourthe commencement of the present tebelllcn, - Penturylvania has done her whole duty to the Government. Lying as her southern counties do, la the immediate vicinity of the border, and thus exposed to sudden lova 'ion, a selfish policy would have led her to re tain a sufficient part of her military force for her own defence. In so doing, she would have tailed-in-ber duty-to the whole_conntry..- Not only would her men have been withheld from the field of• general operations, but' the loans and taxation which would have. become nieces vary; would have to a large extent diminislurd the ability of her people to comply with the pe cuniary demands of the United States. She would also have necessarily interfered with aei hampered all the military action cf the Govern. meat and made herself to some extent, respon @Me, for any failures and shortcominga••that may have occurred. In pursuance of the policy thus 'deliberately adopted, this State has stead ily devoted her men to the general service.— , From the beginning she has always been among the first to respond to the calls of the United States, as is shown by her history from the three months' men and the Reserve Corps to the present moment. Thus faithfully fulfdling 'all her own obligations, she has a right to be defended by the national force, es cart-'of a common country. Any other view would be absurd and unjust. She of course cannot com plain when she suffers by the necessary contin- Aencies of war. The reflections that have In too many quarters been made upon the people of her southern counties are most unfounded. They were invaded in 1862, when a UnIOTI ar my much superior to any force of the rebels - , (and 'on which they had of course a right to re ly,) ma's' lying in their immediate vicinity and north• of the Potomac. They were again invad ed in 1868, after the defeat of the Union forces under Milroy, at Winchester, and they'have again 'suffered in 1864, after the defeat of the Union forces under Crook and Averill. How could:hn egricoltural people in an open country be expected to rise suddenly and beat back llCE tile forces which had defeated organized veteran a 7111 les of the Government? It is of course expected that the inhabitants of an Invaded country will do what is- in their power to resist the invaders, and 'the facts hereinafter stated will show, I think, -that the people of these counties have not failed- in this duty. If Pennsylvania, by reason of het goo graphical position, Las required to be defended by the national force, it has only been against the common enemy. It has never been neces sary to weaken the army in the field by send tug heavy detachments of veterans to save her ditieeirom being devastated by small bands of, rtiffiaris, composed of their awn inhabitants. 'Nor -have her people been disposed to sneer at tire grettt messes of law-abiding citizens in any other State who have required such protection. Yet when a brutal enemy, pursuing a defeated body of Union forces, crosses our border and burns a defenceless town, this horrid barbarity, instead of firing the hearts of all the people of oar common country, Is actually in some quar ters made the occasion of mocks and gibes at the unfortunate sufferers, thousand's of whom have been rendered houseless. And these heartlees scoffs proceed from the very men who, when the State authorities,. foreseeing the dan ger were taking precautionary measures, -ridi culed the idea of there being any danger, sneered at the exertions to prepare for meeting it, and succeeded to some extent in thwarting their efforts to raise forces. These men are them- Selves morally responsible fin the calamity over which they now chuckle and rub their hands. - , nin!gbt'llive been hoped—nay, we had s right to expect—that the people of the loyal. States engaged in a common effort to-preserve their Government gaff all that is dear-to free— men, would have forgotten, at. least ,for the time, their Wretched•local jealousies, and sym pathized with all their loyal fellow citizens, wherever resident within the borders of our common country. It should. be remembered that the original source of thii present Rebel lion was in such jealousies encouraged for wicked purposes by unscrupulous , politicians. Tbd menwho for any purpose now continue, to 'encourage them, ought to be held as public enemies—enemies of our union and our peace, and should be treated as such. Common feel- Inge—common sympathise—are the !Answery foundations of a common free government. I am proud to say that the people of Penn sylvania feel every blow at any of her sister States, as an assault upon themselves, and give to them all that hearty good will, the express ion of which is sometimes more important under the infliction of calamity than mere ma terial aid. ' - • • It is unnecessary to refer to the approach of the rebel army up the Shenandoah Valley on the third day of July lait=to the defeat - of (len. Wallace on the • Monocacy, their approich to and the threatening Of the Capital, or to their destruction of property and pillage of the - ctinn - - ties of Maryland 'lying on the border. These °tents have passed into historynpd the respon sibilities will be setAled by ihe judgment of the people. At that time, a call was made upon Pennsyl vania for be mustered• into the service of the United States and "to serve for one hundred days in the States of Pennsylva nia'and Maryland and at Washington and its vicinity." Noterithstanding the embarris ments which complicated the orders for their organization and ; muster, six- regiments -were enlisted and organized and a battalion of six companies- The regiments were withdrawn from, the State, the last leaving the 29th day of July. I desired that at least part of this force should be confined in their service to the States of Pennsilvaida and Marylifid, and made such an application to the War Department, as the proposition did their approbation it was rejected and the:general order changed 'to include the States named and Washington and its vicinity., .. No part of the rebel army , at that time had come within the .State. The people of • the border counties were warned and • removed their stock, and at Ohambersburg and York were organized and armed for their own. pro tection. I was not officially informed of the movements of the Federal armiesand of course niit of the strategy of their commanders, but it -was stated in- the newspapers that the rebel army, was eleseiv pursued alter it bad crossed the Potomac and was retiring up GI eValley et the Shennrshnth. Repeated enccesees of our troops were aleo announced- and the people of .this• State had just cause to believe that quite euf ficient Federal fortelad beset thrown forward fir it; orotf ction upon the line of the P•tomac, On Friday, the 29th of July, the rebel bri gades of Johnston and M'Causland, consist ,of- from 2,500 to 3,000 mounted men,with six guns, crossed the Potomac at Clear Spring Ford. They commenced crossing at 10 o'clock, a. M., and marched directly on Meroersbarg. There were but 45 men picketed in that di rection, under the commend, Lientenant M'Lean, 11. Z. A., ad as the enemy succeed ed in, ctittifig the lelegreith:conimunication, whialk - finiftlitat,"point. had ".to pass west, by, .way 01 Redford; no information, could be seat . to. Gen. Coucl,,by telegraph,' wlm was thefi at ChtunbefeblAt =The veal of .6oluinn reached Chamber:shun at 3. -0 9 1 4 0- 4, Saturday; the 30th.". - ,.. • - . The-rebel - brigadesm,thitsnd'J'ackilian, numbering about 3;090-ipotintedmen„croitiu-343. the Pet9Mll). at .the his tinus 4t or NES EBBE . I ke.g'....W.illiams7.ot3llo2M39loBolnffith& vanced 6it — Efigerstown—the main body moved on the road leading from Williamsport, to Greencastle. Another rebel column of in fantry and artillery crossed the Potomac sigr ultaneously at Slieppardstown, and Anovid , towards • Leitersbtirg.- Gen. Averill, Who : commanded a force ~ redneed to ab0ut.2,600 men, was atHageridown, - and being threat ened in front - by Vaughn and Jackson, on, his right by Dl'Causland and Johnston. who also threatened his rear, and on his left.lfy the column which crossed at Sheppardstown, he therefore fell back upon Greencastle. Gen. Merin, it is understood, was under the orders of Gen. Hunter, but was kept as fully advised by Gen. Couch as was possible, of the enemy's movements on his 'rigift and to his rear. Gen. Couch was in Chambers burg, where his entire force consisted of 60 infantry, 45 cavalry, and a section of a bat tery Q artiiier ~_in all,-less. than 150 men.. The six companies of na . en - enlisted for one hands il days rifintifffiCin the Plate, and. tan atimpanies or.criValiihrid, under . orders ; from Washington am inofficiallylnformed) joined'General Averill. -'The town of Chain ormsburpwas held until' day:light, by the small force under General Couch; during - which time. the Government stores and train`were Saved. Two batteries were then planted by the enemy commanding the town, and it was invested by the whcile command of Johnson and • M'Criut land. At 7 o'clock, A. six companies of dismounted men, -commanded by Sweeny, eil-' tend the town, followed by mounted men un der Gilmore. The main force was in line of battle—a demand was made. for 100,000 dollars in gold, or 500,000 dollars in Government funds, as ransom, and. a number of citizens were arrested and held as hostages for its pay ment. No offer of money was made by the citizens of the town, and even if they had, any intention of paying a ransom, no =time was allowed, as the rebels commenced immediately to burn and pillage the town, disregarding the appeals of women and children, the aged and tefirm, and even the bodies of .the dead were not protected from' tbelr It would have been vain for all the citizens of the town, if armed, to have attempted, in. connection With General Couch's small force, to defend it, General Couch withdrew his command, and did not himself leave until the enemy were ache ally in the town. General Averill's command being within nine miles of Chambersburg, it was hoped would arrive in time to save the town, and efforts were made daring the night to communicate with him. In the mean time, the twill force of General Couch held .the.eri emy at bay. General Averill marched. on Chamberaburg, hut did not arrive until after • the town was burned and the enemy had re.' tir• d. He purarted..aud overtook them at ill'Oonnellsburg, in Felton county, in time to save that piece from pillage and destruction. Tie, promptly engaged and defeated them, driving them to Hancock and across the Po tOmac. • . • I commend the toruieless and ruined people of Chamborsburg to the liberal benevolence of the Legislature, .and suggest that -a suitable appropriation ba made for their relief. Similar otidrity has been ,heretofore exercised in the. case of an accidental and destructive. fire at Pittsburg, and I cannot doubt the disposition . of the Legislature on the present occasion. -- Orethe fifth day of this month a large rebel army was in Marylaud and at various potation the Potomac as far west as New Creek, and as there was no adequate force within the. State 1 ' deemed it my defy on that day to call for Thirty Thousand,Volunteer Militia, for domes tic protection. They will be armed, transport, ed and supplied by the United States, but, if no provision is made for their payment, it will be necessary, should you approve my action, to make an appropriation for that purpose. • Feeling it to be the _duty :of: the General Goternment to afford full votection• to :the people of Pennsylvania and. Maryland by the defence of the line of the Potomac, .1. milted with Governor Bradford in the following letter to. the President, dated July 21st, a. D. :UM:, STATIC OP MABLLAND; -1-L " -" Exzeurin Dierernteri,,n, ANNAPOLIS, July 21, 186 t Hid Excellency, ABRAILIN LINCOLN , PferAdentOf the United States— Sue: The repeated enids'across the Potomac river made by portions of the rebel arniy, Ind the extent of the damage they have succeeded so frequently in inflicting, have moat inju riously affected the people of lleferyland and Pennsylvania, in the neighborhood lif—that river, and many' orthero, it is belleiVed;:na the only security against such losses future are seemly considering the propriety bi aban doning their present bcmes and tomltfns safety at the North. , It seems to us that: kametelyin this section. al aspect of the carte, but in its national rela tions, the semirity of this boider ,line bet Ween the loyal and rebellious States is an object jus tifying and requiring a disposition of a portion of the National force with an especial vieveto 'its defence. The Potomac River, can only tie crossed in its ordinary slate of water at some five, or six fords, and we propose to enlist from our respective states a volunteer force Wit shall be sufficient with the aid of the feirtificd• Lions *hich the force itself can speedili con istxuct to effectually guard them all. We ask the Government that the recrnitsiii 'raised shall be credited to the quota 3 of Our' several states on the call last made; ithd be' armed; equipped and supplied as other ;MIMI : teem in the service. , We are aware that as a general rule . - *ell founded objections exist to the eulistment . of.a iorda to be exclusively used for home or logal defence,but we regard such a service as we -now suggest as an exceptional case,•and the Coln plete protection of this part of our frpritiii .is of admitted national importance. • Soon after the outbreak of this•rebellion the importance of a special defence of the region bordering on the upper Potomac was recog nized by the Government, and the Hon. Fran= cis Thomas of Maryland was authorized hy to *se three regiments with a view to the pro, tection of the counties on either side Of thief river. These regiments .were raised butt trig' subsequent exigencies of the service requirid their employment elsewhere, and • they Itteret.' fore e.fford at present no particular secruity' that region beyond other troops in' e serVice. Tbe necessity, ae we think, for some sucli , :p& cutter provision has now become so .ollirous that we would, with great respect, but Most ,earnestly urge upon-Your-Excellency thrkeipe. diency of acceding to the suggestions we have made,and we will immediately set ahout•raising the forces required, and we have no dotibt they will be promptly procured. ' We have the honor to-be,- - • with great respect,• your obedient servants, • (Signed) • --- A. W: BRADFORD, • • A: G. CURTIN. The following letter froM the Assistant Ad.+: , intaut General, dated August 'lst, a.. D. 1864; Is the. only reply 'received by - me - up. tta time: Wpp. PRPAITAign, A EIoTANT OEFICIt WILEHINGTON, D. Q., Anguot Ist, BIS FICCILLENCY, the Governor of - Penneylvouis, Ilatrisberg, Penes: SIB:-I have the honor 'to noknoiledge tbe l receipt of the joint letter.friiia';vdiirself and .the Governor of Maryland, dated July; 2lsti 1864, asking authority to raise a volunteer force .your respective States, to be exclusively-used for hOme or local defence, and for guarding the, fords of the Potomac: — • • In reply, I am 'directed by the" Eecieitiry:Or War to =St form you that "the propoiiiithi hgi been Nay considered; and ilia the isked`fcitteannot be glinted: ... rig teditioffliNV- Mr' gess, approved February 13, 1862, as prom! gated in General Orders No. 15, series of 1862 trom this office. :lijave the honor to remain, sir, " Very respectfully, ,; . r Your obedient servant, Ma -. THOMAS M. VINV,RNT,. , - ' Aealetant Adjutant Genelel. -"—Bietildi letter lent,HU, Excellency, the. OrmrniT4'. ,3 :Prolanq , (Ns ewe. • - • tlitreasontiteii for the refusal sot oil/AN:proposition, can be made consistent 'frith the-enilittnent of men fur one hundred days to serve in Pennsylvania , ifaryland and at Washington and vicinity, it is hard to per ceive. • r . - . On tho suggestion made by citizens of the bolder count ear communication dated 22d Ju1y,.1864, was made py Major Gen. Couch to the Secretary of War: (Copy.) _ —Rawer* *Bask- Thrain.firtsonstratura, Haunssusa, Pa., July. 22, 1864. Zen. &AIN WS/Alto : sr, SicreAry of War: Sur. :—Dioriqg the recent raid into Maryland, the citizenslifFhambersburg turned out wit)), a determination to stand by the few eordiers pre sent,•aull hohFthe torsaAgathatarlycavalrY force that might assault it. 600 citizms of York, irrespective of party, volunteered, were aimed, and ,tvenf down to the 'Northern' Cen tral railroad to guard thithridges or hold their town. This is stated in order to show you that the ' trJrder citizens" are beginning to realize that by united action they 'have the strength to protect, themeelies against an or (Unary raiding party., Enclosed, I invite your attention to a letter addressed to the Governor, together with his-endorsement - upon the sub ject of forming a special corps from the six bor der counties most exposed. If 10,000 men• can thus be organized, its existence would be a protection. and give confidence. I sin infermedAattukgeneral sentiment of. I the people in question. in favor of something aping done at once, andvis ri;militaty measure,- think it 4111 be of "ttiskelitial servit d te'the eial Government, 'and recommend that, the 'far DeptutmenVencourage,the movement by authorizing the lostiforissue'of uniforms, prc-' vided the :laic iroiffltiettion is enacted. •It is believed that the new militia law of thiii Stat 3 will practically prove of no -value, excepting that an enrollmeut will probably be made. I am sir,, - Very reupeotfully, • Your obedient servant, : [Signed,], D. N. COUCH. Majer General Oomd'g Dept. - HEADQVAITSRB, Dn . ! F.usousaarufa, HARRIBBIIRO, Aug. 4, 1864. A true copy respectfully furnished for the in forinaticst of Es Excellency-Governor A. G.i4 Curtin. ;•: 4 41i0. S. SQUII,LTZB, " Assistant Adjulani General • - O a the-same;dity- I 'approVeil- in writing of the prop?iitiiiii;and exprctt,ll4*y.opinioii that the LegisAttgeovonlil Act occor dance witb;;lt at le - adjcitirtierieisioii on the lam furnirihed with an offi cial eopy of .the foll Owing reply, dated August 4:1864; to the proposition of •Geti..Ccutch. n - p 39 WAR PAP'T, AR.TUTART GCNBRALII oFFIO A S WASHLNOTON, D. C., Aug. 1"; 1864. Major General D. N. Coosa, • -COMMamjing, &0., Harrisburg, Pa.. Gina.:-1 have the honor to - acknowledge t G he receipt of your s lettet of t,lie 22d of July, rela tive to the . United. Stites pinviding uniforms fol.' a "Special Carps" of militia from certain border counties of : Pennsylvania. '• , 1100144 tail directed to inform you that the eabject• hes'Wu carefully noneitiered by the Secretary of; War, who cannot- siinctiou the Issue of the :clothing in question.' - I am, general/ I T . • • Very respectfully, .. ; • - Your edredlint:aorvatit, {Signed] THOMAS M. VIEHEHT, Assistant Adjutaut (> eneiai ; llEADOtelrems Den-amen or tits pnl Harrisburg ; August 6th, 1864. true copy reepedifelly ferrdehed for the in -tribe .pf His Excellency, C,loverupr A. G. JOHN S. SCHULTZE, Assistant Adjutant General, ' • In each of the three. yew's, 1862, 1863 and 4864, it has been found "necessary to call the State militia for the defence of the. State, and this hattbelt*•detno:iiitki"Ltheiernent and stasis- Mace of the General Government. From the want of organization, we ,have been obliged to rely', exclusively 011G:1e - volunteer militia, and With few exceptions to 'organize them anew for `each occasion. Thil has' caused confusion and a loss of valuable'time, and halt raulted in sending to the field bodies of men in a great measure undisciplined: The militia bill passed at the last session is I think for ordinary times the best militia litueme have ever had; but under ,thet: existing extraordinary circumstances `it keine to require modfficationi. -I suggest that the assessors be directed to make an immediate ,euroilment, classifying the militia as may be _thought best ;,that the officers be appointed by Abe , Governor, on the: recommendation, ap proved by.bitn, ot!it t ,board of examination,•emn. ,posed of three Major, Generals for each division ; of. whom the Major .General of the division sball be one, tie , other two to be _designated 4 the Governor , Irian adjoining divisions, or 'in: ouch other mode as the .Legislature may Think fit ; that in all cases the officere shall be selectedl)y " preference from officers and men .who hive been in Service, aratehall have been heMbiably 6 dhicliterged by the 110filted States, and ihni effectual provision be made for' drafting_ `the militia-when required. The Mottnimenda lion la appointments lenrade to avoid . the angry dissensionerand, too - Oftivi;tpolitical jenlousies which divide:- military Organizations 'by the election of officers, and to semi the services of the Mese deserving and competent . The election of officerale the volunteer for- V•oliii the fi eld has been tiiiiiiiirtirioriti it) I - 1 'di service), while promotions by senloilty; - -and appointments of meritorious privitee - Ihtts - pfo- Jiuced harmony and stimulated to faithiliktees. In the enlistment of ttew organisations the Oleo adopted of granting authority to officers to:recruit companies boa been found to be the b-,st policy. 1 also recommend that the Gov erner be authorised to form (either by the Re « pMr.ce of VoisinMere:or by=draftin such parts ''ct the State as he_mirileem expedient) a spe clideorps of militia - to consist in due propor ,dea of Cavalry, Artillery' and Infantry, to he kept up to the full number of fifteen regiments to be styled "Minute - Men, Who shall be sworn and' mastered into the service of the State for three years—whorshall'aseemble for drill at *ich times and,places ashe, may, siirect, -who 0141 be clothed,' armed and `c qui pped by ' the IState; and paftlieheir asteuittled'for drill. or cal, led iut.efseriftte, tofiliiiiti shall at all'itoles be liablelebe ioalled--hito inffiledfilfe'lervice for the defence of "the State iriditendently of the 'remainder Off •tbie militia. ' - • .... .• 3 • . '"''As this face would be subject to sudden Calle; Tihe larger part"of it should he organize in the . critics lying on our extreme- herder, and es the people-of .countiee- have more per- Aohal interest in their protection, the --recom =vadat-Jo* made to authorize the Governor to diolgradethe parts-of the State in whibh it should be Mised and to save the time and ex-. pause of transporting troops. from remote parts of then State aud:thasubsisience and pay hr go- Ang tolnd from the bOrder. kw, of mert,so ommized, is IS-- 11C.iried;.4 ef4tit'frAfilltisrent , salds, asi d : incur st : lntm • -The - eXpWilleiszfd clottdrirsParinlifl . 'Mad: ,Mg : sach a (me, cpaupt . • aid, filt.AW:Qiut4'.o4llatt.cao-4:12i4- - direottlibilopproziguse- eithw Kir [I .i 't;~>i c;a't-~t BE :r.71a~u.; ... [__.: Ottia 1411-113-{naeliend ent of pay and subsistence. The State should provide at least six four gun batterle3 of field artillery with all the modern improvements. The suggestion has been frequently made by unreflecting persons that the State should raise a:force - and keepitpermanently in the field for her defence. Alert from other considerations, 0 Is to be obONVed: that the expenses of such a measure would ba quite beyond the present abllity-of the State. To raise and maintain an army of fifteen regiments would involve an annual expenditure of more than fifteen millions of dollar', and any smaller force would be inadequate. The plan which 1 have above proposed would, 1 think, give to the State efficient protection, and if the Legislature should think fit to adopt it, the expense can be-readily provided for by loan or otherwise. , Having.= organised forea_under the control of the imithififitiee of the State, and, ,mustered into service far domestic protection, we would not, as heretofore, Irma time in arranging for diosportation and supplies with the National tiovernment, when it became necessary to call thilleid. When thoroughly organized; It should be in all its appointments an army which could 'be increased by draft made from our enrolled and classified citizens. _ - The plea which I have above suggested is the result of reflection and experience which I have had during !helmet three years,and I have felt it to be my duty to submit it for your consideration. Of the purpose of providing for the effectual de fence of the State, I of course cannot doubt your approval. If the Legislature should prefer the adoption of any other ,plan more efficient, and economical, than the one which I have herein proposed, it will give me pleasure to co operate heartily in carrying it into effect. In accordance with the act of May 4, 1864, I have appointed for the Eastern Armies Col. F. Jordan as Agent at Washington, and Lieut. Col. James Gilliland as Assistant Agent at that place; and also for the South Western Armies Lieut. Col. James Chamberlin as Agent at Nashville. These Agents - are now actively engaged in the perforinstice of their' duties, and It is desirable that -our _people should be aware that a part of them consists in the gratuitous eillectlOn of ali r claims by Penn sylvania volunteers or their legal tepresenta tivea in the State and National Governments. Volunteers having claims on either of these governmeetts.can have them collected through thew. agents without expense, and thus be rescued trona the extortions to which it is feared they have sometimes heretofore beenaubjected. Having received information from the agents of the State that our sick and wounded were enffering greatly from the want 6f comforts and even - necersaries, I have been recently compelled to call on the people to contribute supplies mainly in kind for their relief, ant it gives me pleasure to say that this appeal has been cheerfully responded to, salaam been all my former appeals to the same end. It seems impossible to exhaust the liberality of our generous people when the Well being of our brave volunteers re in question. in my special messige of 80th April last, I stated the circhmetanceenttending the advance by banks and other _corporations, of funds for the pay merit of the militia called out in 1863. In 'consequence the Legislature passed the act of 4th May, 1864. authorising a loan for the pur pose cf refunding, with interest, the amount thus advanced, in case Congress should fail to make the necessary appropriation at its then current session. I regret to say that Congress adjourned without making such appropriation. The balance in the Treasury being found suf ficient to re-imburse the funds so advanced, without unduly diminishing the Sinking Fund, I have deemed it advisable not to advertise for proposals for the loan, and recommend the pas sage of an aCt - directing the payment to be made cut of the moneys in the Treasury. .As the omission of Congress to act on this subject involved an unprecedented disregard of the good faith of the National authorities, I recommend that the Legislature take mea nt* for . to curing an Sppropriatkln at the next session Of Congress. Tlw Revenue Bill passed at the last session has teen found ‘to be defective in several points, andlrrecornrnend a careful and immediate re vision of it. The Bounty Bill passed at the last session is foruid to he defective and unjust in many of its provisions, and from the manner in which it is administered in some parts of the State, op pressive on the people. I therefore recommend a careful revision of it. As the present session has been called for the consideration of matters otvital public Impor tance, I commend them to your earnest and exclusive attention. J3O Eel-eon:lp4. END OF THE RAID. Mayland and Pennsylvania Free from Invaders, They ake. - oTeAiiken by Averill He is Reported to Have Defeated Them and Captured all Their Artillery, and Five Hundred Prisoners. OFFICIAL GAZETTE REPORTED DEFEAT OF REBELS BE GEN. AVERELL CAPTITRES ALL TRETE GUNS AND . FIVE RtINDRED - PRISONERS. WAERDIGTON, August a To :Major General Biz, lino York Major General Sheridan has been assigned, temporarily, to the command of - the forces in the Middle Military Division, consisting of the Departmente.of •Washington, the •Middle Department and the Department of the Sus quehe,nna and Northwest Virginia. He trans mite the following: "HEADQUARTERS MIDDLE DEPARTMENT, "Rutrzzes Fanny, Aug. 8-4.10 P. M. . "TO Major Gen. H. W. Halleck, chief of de: "Brig. Gen. Kelley reports that a scout has just", arrived at New Creek, and reports that General Averill overtook the enemy near Modrfielde yesterday, and attacked him, cap , turipk all his artillery, and five hundred ppi oneAs. Nothing official has been received from Gen. Meth], however. ; •"P. H. SHERMAN, .- • "Major General Canamaxiding." EDWIN M. STANTON, • - Secretary of War. • , RUMORS OF AN INTENDED RAID , - UPON BUFFALO. Rebis and Sympatilizeri from Canada tobe the Raiders. Thor Youx, -Aug. 9. Ilp.mcirs are rife of a rebel raid on the city Cif Anffide; by secessionists and sympathizers -tio Canada. The details are not kno wn, but derstood that the Government has been ed of it. The military, of this city haii been_ beld„, an for soy outbreak ! - _ _. Prom Port Royal. Arrival of the Charleston Prisoners at New York. UCCESSFUL RAID BY GB!. BIM INTO FLORIDA. Destruction of Bridge; and Capture of a Railroad Train, and a quantity of Arm Nsw YORK, Aug. 9. The steamships Fulton, Sidon and Wash ington arrived at this port this morning.— Their news has been anticipated. The steamship Fulton, from Port Royal via Fortress Monroe, arrived hare to-day. She brings exchanged Union prisoners from Charleston. Gen. Birney had made a raid in Florida de stroying several bridges, capturing a locomo tive and several cars, and a quantity of small arms. We now hold Bald win and Camp Melton. A. blockade runner run into Charleston on Wednesday night. Our released officers report that since they had been confined in Charleston, five block ade runners had run in. The firing on Charleston and Fort Sumter continued. Admiral Farragut's Attack upon Mobile Our Fleet Passes Forts Morgan TEE OPPOSITION STUBBORN AND TERRIFIC, The Union Monitor Tecumseh Sunk. \ urrender of the Rebel Ram Tennessee. S , The Enemy's Fleet Scattered. One Vessel Captured—Another Capture of the . Rebel Admiral Buchanan. OUR FLEET ADVANCIRO TRIUMPEINTLI NEWS FROM MOBILE----01/71CIAL REBEL ANNOUNCE MENT OF FARRAOUT . B VICTORY—SEVENTEEN YANKEE SHIPS PASS FORT MORGAN—THE REBEL RAM TIMM:MEE SURRENDERS-"TEE REBEL AD MIRAL HAS HIS LEG SHOT OFF AND GETS CAP TUBED—REBEL GUNBOAT SELMA CAPTURED AND GUNBOAT GAINES RUN ASHORE. To Major General Dix, New York: WASHINGTON, Aug. 8-9 P. M.—The follow ing announcement of the successful operations against Mobile appears in the Richmond Sen tinel of this morning, and was transmitted by General Butler to the President, and received at 7 P. M. August 8: MILDQUASTRES MAJOR Gm. BUTEXE, August 8-3 P. M. rns Excellency Abraham Lincoln, President: The following is the official report, ham s from the Richmond Sentinel of August Bth. B. F. BUTLER, Major General. "Mons, Aug. 6.—Hon. J. A. Seddon, Sec retary of War: Seventeen of the enemy's eels—fourteen ships and three iron-dada—r . passed Fort Morgan this morning. "The Tecumseh, a monitor, was sitoAt by Fort Morgan. . The Tennessee surrendered, after ' a &spa. rate engagement with the enemy's r Aeet. Ad miral Buchanan lost a leg and /a a prisoner. The Selma was captured, and tae Gaines was beached near the hospital. The Morgan is safe, and swill t r y t o run up to-nioht. The enemy's 9,est h as approachea the city. A. monitor ll►s been eng ag i ng Fort Powell all day. D. H. HOMY, Major General. M STANTON. Secretary of War. A. G. CU TIN August 4tb, by Rev. G. J. Martz, Mr. Monty Esranss to Miss Griqua= Hza41.1 , , allot Dauphin county, Pa. At 2 o'clock, this (Tuesday) morning, Alarm Basrput, daughter of E. J. and Annie E. Jones, (Pine street, be. tween Second and Third,) in the 7th year of hrr age, The friends and relatives of the family are invited to attend the funeral, to-morrow, (WA:Mead/kW at 2 o'clock, r. N., without further notice. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR 'ME good will and fixtures of an old and AL well established Restaurant. For further partieular9 address [sup-Atli J. W. F., Harrisburg, Y. O. ILBOY Three years old, named FFIA.NKI,DI SPOTTS, left.his home, in Mulberry street, near sod, this morning, about nine o'clock. Has black eyes, light hair; had on when he left home a re 4 shirt with white body, a light straw hat trimmed with white ribbon. Any information concern ing him will be thank fully received, if left at the abovenamed place. sneak . 10TOLEN, on the Bth inst, from the livery la stable or the subscriber, in Harrisburg, a ROAM MARS, 9 years old 111% hands high, small star on fang black mane and tall; white mark on right hind pasture; shows the white of her eyes when working or moving her head ; always paces when under the saddle . Also, • BUGGY, painted black, striped white, letter 8, on both side panels, leather cushion and top, -Also, a sat of HARNESS. $4O reward will be paid for the return of the Mare, Bogey and Harness, or for such information as will lead to their recovery, and the arrest of the thief. ang9-dtf F. B. SWARTZ. Wanted, A WHITE GIRL, who tindqatinds the duties of housekeeping. Apply at No. 6 Locus. street, near Front. at0r9414 _ . Wanted. ) SE:Mtlron Moulders and' Wood. 'Work agle Works ang9d3t,* Wanted ) To Parchkus . A CONVENIENT Dwelling", with six or AL. eight rooms, located within four squalwor .Market street, north. Andress post office box 2241, with amiption and price. loge-dat. A RARE CHANCE FOR SPECULATION, "OR BALE, 111!r'THOUSHND CAVALRY SABRES ic h rater as will give miles a/billing to Mosel rara chance to !make thOIIIIY. The Sabra' must be sold to aieseiry lowa elehos; liamplee harnitbed and a I war. *mod equal to nuatploo. Tor full particular* WO= G. B. !Marfa aurkllo* P. O. Boa 87, Readin& Nona. , • ' LOST. ON the night of the 27th of Itily; 1864 La the care from Baltimore to Horriaborg; or to pour ing from that. ears to the cars for Ytttabmg,. a, mon round Jet ler Bing with a Diatorsui Cron. The War will be liberally reworded by leaving the Ear Ring at MIS Ofko, and IQ WO Oder a pent tox-or upon its water. • 1184411* and Gaines. WHOLE SQUADRON. Sunk. Official Gazette. MARRIED. DIED. BOY LOST. X4O REWARD. W. ch, moon