THE TELEGRAPH MORNING AND ZVENING, • : OEORGJP:BERGNER: .01"IrICZ THIED sr., %wan WALNUT • SEE .IS OF SIII3SOBIPTION..• MOLE SURSCRIPteN. • 'am 1 ts TaXGRiFII is sorted to subscribers In the oily 11; 12 cents - per week. Yearly Subscribers will be charged ft', 00 'madras:km ? Those persons wboftegiecttt. pay le ad vuicc will be Charged $7 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. ::aTEc9.Y;r...rElFalsopubliahedwe ly sod Efl ruts hed subscribers at the following cash rates • Stogie copies, weekly. ..... . ....... ........., . IV Three MASS to one Post ...... . ..... 400 Ten moles to one Post Oftlee. ...... ..........10 00 MEDICAL. D Y SPE PSILAI DISEASES IMSULTING FROM DISORDERS OP THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ARE CUBED BY HOOFI4AND'S GERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, Tr HESS Bitters have performed more cures; ..have and do give better satisfaction; have more tes timony; have more respectable people to vouch for them than any other article in the market. We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and will pay $l,OOO te any one that will produce a certificate pub lished by us that is not genuine. Holland's German Bit• ten:oolonm every case ul Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and disuasosnrisnig Crum a dis ordered stomach_ Observe the following, symptoms, re sulting !'ruin the disorders of the digestive organs: Con nupetieri, Inward hive, Fullness of Blood to the head, Acidity or the &mutton, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the StunieuM, Sour Eructations, Sinking or nattering at the pit of the stun:Loch, Swttniunig 01 the neat, horned and ditituult tireathimg, Fluttering at the heart, Chuffing or endowing eaufatlollll when in a lying pueture, Unnuess of vision, Data or webs Wore the Fewer and dull pain in the head, Deficiency of pent partition, Yellowness of the skin mid eyes, Fain iu the side, back, chest , hmhs , Mi., Sudden Ouches of beat, Burning in the neat' ceuetant knaglnations of evil, and great de, prism= of spirits. Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic, contains no nun-ur wrusky, and can't make drunktirds,.but the bais.Tuala ln the world. READ WRO SAYS SO: From the Rev. Levi 0. Beck, Pager of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church, Philaxtelphla. * * * **** * I have known Eloodand'e German Bitten favorably fo a number of years. I have used them In my own family) aim have been so pleased with their clients that i was in duced to recommend them to many others, and know that they operated lb u strikingly Litnuanial manner. I take great pies the in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention °I those &Witted with. the diseases tor shish they are rocommeuded to those 44it tem, knowing from experience that my recommendation will be slummed I do this more L cheerfolly as gOof hithit'll Bolen is intended to Marten,. the aMioted, and. M "note rum dnnk." Yours truly. LEV/ 0.. BE9B. F'relp Be,. J.,Newton Brown, D. a, Editor a the- En I elyclopetha of. Rellatous Know/edge and Ohrlstlan:.Gttroni tale Ptotabstptua. • . • , . ilthaugh not disposed to favor -or recomtnend..Patent bietticines in general, t i hrough distrust of their ingredients and elrents, I yet know. of no isutficierit , =SOILS; why a lAMlLtnallif not testily to the benefits he believes himself to hive reottirtal from any simple preparation, In 'the hope that he way thus centrum.° to the bewail. of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Ruelland's Gor man Bitters, ',detoured by Dr. C. 51. Jackson, of this city. bemuse I was prejudicial against them for many year; under thaimpression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoema ker, Esq.,- for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them when suffering from great end long continued dbbility. The use of three bottles of those Bitters at rho beginning of the present year; was followed by evident relief and 'fedora don to a degree of locality and mental vigor which I had not for six trionthe 'lenge, and had alamist , M4pajied of regaming, I therefore thank God and my friend fur di reeling me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN, Maeda. -e From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of - Iltaptiet Mural; Germantewil, Fenn. Dr. D. M. Jackson:—Dcar BBL—Personal experience °asides me to my . Mat I regard the German. Bitters, pre pared by you, as a most exetilleut medicine. In cases of severe cold and general debility I. nave been greatly bone. fitted by the use of bite Bitters.. and doubt not they will produee winder erects on othera. Yowl truly WARREN RANDOLPH, Gurrauutown, Pa • Brim Rev. J. IL Turner, Pastor' of Redding IL_ li Oberon, Philadelphia. Dr. C. It. Jaclukal:-..-Datt Sir :—Baving mod your Gor. taut Bluets In my fatally frequently I am preirarod to hay that it has been of grad service. I bclleve dud to moat maw of gamma debtidy of trio system it is the safest and Rent valuable remedy of whioh I. have any Snowiedge. Your reepeotfully .1. R. TURNER,- No, 726 X. Itnetneuth. et_ set. flYiona the Roc. J. M. Lyons, formertsf rastor 114 061. =ibex, . and litiostewn (Pa.' Baptist Churches. Ivmavr ROVILELLID,, N.. Y. Jacksont—Dear Sir :—I feel it aphsallure lhos t at mAy ciiin'isoqord,. to pear testimony to the Cioollo/100 0 LlAPermliza Stumm. Some years since being alga af 1/141 wait Dyspepsia, I used them With..very „beg/4W 3=l Save,often reanniueuded thew , toy en -1 by that 1040011t10e, disease, and nail). hwri froth shisei the most nattering testimonials ma to their meat value. in ease. of general debility, I believe it to be a toot° that atunot be satsuma J: M. 'LYONS. From the Rev Thome Muter, Pastor of Roxborough Baptist Church. Dr. juakmut):.—Dear Str:—l felt it due. to.. your .6.1,17 lent' prviplustloll, Reeilaud German tlittere;.ta t 'add ;nig testimony to We deserved relememe It has obtamed YI have for yeast!, be _troubled with:greet 41.erdo In my haul and nervous apiteal. I was advised by a frieud to try a bottle of - your German Bitters; did so, and have experienced mat and Utentrarted relief; Loy health hombre') very materially beneOtted l cutuldeutly recom mend the ankle whore 1 mem; With cam 'Maim' to my Own, and have hem, assured by many of their good et recta. Respectfully your, T. WINTRFt, Rortiorough, Pa. eAR, Raze". Ilium Rev. J. 8, .13eraise, of the dermas♦, Astern:led Cherub, Extrtown, Berk:: county, Dr. C. M. Jacksobt—Respected_ ~ 11.110 troubled with Dxepepsia clearly musty ; yea!' :aia4 have *gar haw ithy medium° that dui are aa .ouch. gae4 Roottand'a Bitters. lam very much Impr9vedialale4k Wm having takes Ave tamales. • Tenn with respect, : PRICES. . s u p lEMSlbsneerly double quantity,) 11 00 pat batyp.,4W - duz $6 00 Small Sasie . -74'e per bottle—bac 4 00 CUUNTES.F.STISf See thii.ebe simettuntor on, the WRAPlitit 'of tea bottle. • Should Joan neatest drugatill RGL tkaVe 4 ( ' net be'put off by any of - tbe no t oxtuutuicktoaubta - inief may be offered in its Vie, but and to 0, ,wlfl fttrinairourety pucked, a nd Proicipio Oftiotrand licoronuratiy;- • 6111 ARCH nEtErat ' PIiILADELPHIA t , 7 AHIN PTAH& thereasors to C. H. J Cit etc&4l.oA, rot Bab by Omaha sad Deakin to 6ver9 4:139 = 16. the MINN : 1 1 s 1\ ~ -s)oi\-- * - ' 'qv .0 41,--- - -• _ _ , •%L ..,...---..-: -,---,‘ . , . ', -- I 7.r,_ --- ----- . ,_ i t ' , :t.; &4l : :::.. il'' ' ..- ; 1:: " , ' ' -k - 'l4 7 it: 1 14111111 , -: - 11411$11t14:111 etaip _ BY GEORGE ' , wci.NER.* Rail ROad SPIUNG TIDIE TABLE TRAINS DAILY TO . AND FOUR FROM PECCLADEDELPHIA,. I.HE Passenger Trains of the PenasylVania Railroad Oompaay.wtll depart from and arrive at Har risburg acid follows: THROMGH HILFIMIRS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. IL, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 A. at.. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 6.00 a. a., and arrives at West Philadelphia atlo.lo A. k.. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster: 51.01.1 NT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harrisburg.", 1.20 a. n., connects at Lancaster with Lancaster accotiz gustation train, and and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.25 r. r. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harris, burg at 12 20 r. a-; Columbia 1.55 r. a., and arrives at Lamar:ter 2.30 P. M. ; connecting with Fast Mail east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at -West phiaats.3or.a. t 5.30 r. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at L2O r. 5..; Lancaster at 2.41 P at, and arrives at Wart Philadelphia at 5.30 P. 3ff FLARRLSSORO ACCOIIIMODATION'TRAIN,'vis CORM' his, leaves Harrisburg at 6.25 r. t, and axrtvee at West Philadelphia at Y 0.60. r. it; - WESTWARD. BALTIRCHIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves liarrielxtrg daily (exoept *way) at /10 4.. w ; Altoona, 4020 breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 4.30 e. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN Leavitt Hali 4B b ol ll daily at &10 a.n. ;.Altoona 'at R2O take breakfast, and arias at Pittebarg at 1.00 e. st..- •,• -' MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrubnig at LSO r. xi; •Altectint at 7.15 P. ht., mite sapper, andarrivea at Pittsburg et 12.30 FAST LINE leavealLartiaburg at. /ISO r, ac ; Altoona - at 8 35 r. rt., take tappet, and-arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 L a. • MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leave's Lancaster' at 8.80 A. tL, arrives at 'Harrisburg as 11.10 A. K. - HARIUSBURO atXXMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Pkiladelphla at 2.411 F. a, and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 • MOUNT JOT ACCOMMODATION No. '2, leaves Lancas ter at 0.25 P. N., connecting these with Hamburg Accom modation West, leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 P. n..and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. SAMUEL D. .YOUNG; Supt. Mick& Me. Pban'a R. B. narrisbuM May 12, 1864:;411( iNortheril (*intik" Railway SIMMER TIME TABLE: THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND YOM BALTIMORE . WAS..IIINGTOPT Connections made with trains onPeansylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and•tbe West. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Suaquehaium, Blindni, and all of Northern New York. • , , N and after "MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864. ( ,' ' the Passenger Trains 'of the Northern - Central Railway will arrive ,at end Megan from Harrisburg and Baltunore as follows, via: • • B.O3:I'I'HWARD.. MALL WADI leaves Sunbury daily. (except. wives at Baltnnein.. ...... . • 6.40 P. It IX:PRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (=Copt "'Monday) 11.45 r. N. L. - leaves Marnabrerg telpept Monday, - 2.60 A. at. " arrives ,at Baltimore daily • • ' ((except Mondavi . 1.00 A. N. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION'Ieavee Ha.r. berg ... 7.00 a.. IL SUNI3I/BY ACCOMMODATION leaves. Su- • bury daily (except Bun- ' day) at 7.80 A. IC NORTHWARD. RAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (earept ; Sunday) 9.20 A. N. "' leaves Harrisburg • • 1.35 r. at. " arrives at Sunbury L • 4.05 PAC. EXPREPI4I TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily 0.80 P. IL " arrives al Harrisburg..... 1.50 1. N. " leaves Harrisburg daily (ex. oept Monday) 8.15 A. x. arrives at Sunbury • 5.53 1. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Bid timc-m dolly ((mein Sun- • day). a. 0o i°. tirrtves~.v:.7.6o P. x. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris, berg daily (eXcittSundity) -at 400 r. N. 5 For farther inforaugion apply at the Ofhoe, in PeNtinyl.i , vania Railroad Dept* d. N. DoBARHY; -Harrisburg, May 1864.41tf Gen. Supt.''' NEW AIR LINE ROUTE . THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORE AND PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER. MONDAY, November 18th, IB6By the Passenger Traltut will leave the Phila delphia ;and Reading Railroad Depot, ;at tor Ne* York and 'Philadelphia, ea follows, via E. . ASTWARD. .. . , . EXPRESS LIE; leaves Harrisburg at &80 a. w. on ar rival of tba Peansylvaniittailmid Power Train gem the West, arriving in NeW York at. 1.46 . A. a. A. sleeping Oar Le attached to the 'train througli from Pittsburg without clutage. , _,.. , , . . idAll,-TRADI leaver Harrisbarg at !LSO A. u., wiling In New York at 6.80 P. IL . and Philadelphia at L6O P. ri. FAST LINE learee Hanishiurr i g i t it., attiring do New York. at. r., 10.26 r , and P st . 7.004!, it. - WESTWA D. .• - . TAST LlNlrlearee New York at 6.00 A. x., -and Phila delphia at 8.15 A. IL, arriving at Harrisburg at Ll 5 r. MAIL !MAIN leaves New York at 1100 neon; and Philadelphia at &80 P. rt., arriving kt Haniaborg -11.20 `EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York , at T.OO r. is., ar riving at Harrisburg at 2.00 A. a. and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping ear is also attached to this train. • Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Noratern-Central and Cumberland Valley nolroads, and at Readiri a ;Philadelpkia, Pottsvills, Wakesnarre, AheitieWri, • &c. • Baggage shacked throug h . , are betsreenNew York an d .11nrribtir&:$646; between Harrisburg plait, $3 85 laNo. 1" cirs, and $8 In N0..1 For•ticikets or-other infOrmation apply to • _ . . - J. =tit, • n.u_dtr Qom.% 1 a rpm. Fbwrititsuryr. READING RAILROAD. S U MAICER'AItitANGEMENT. ~ . '" - • - GEAT:DUMB UNE. FE0)1 THE NORTH and Northwest for finladelptda, -- Npw York, Reading, Pottorkle, Lebanon, Allentown, Eanton,acc., o:b.. Trains leave Harrisburg Ow Philadelphia., , New York, Reading, Pettaville and all Intermediate stations, at 8.00 A. N., and 2.00 P. it. - - New York Express teasels Hairiebarg at 6.80 A x., striving at New York at 1.46 the same day. A woo* ithemanaodatAon puwanger than lames Read, . u at, T. 16. a: .a., and roturth from Harrisburg at b 1.. N. rooktrual Harrisburg: To New York, $6 lb; to Phila de-phersl7•ll6 and $2 80. Hupp eheoked through. ' Returning, leave New York rt. dN._- st. ,12 noon and 7 .., , ,..dattseerd•Vwness arriying at Haidisbthg atia.-/I4 i ast i k libnidsWat AI 16 A, LI Rad 8.80 r. 11. '1 i ..,". 7thetetpithis bathe New York transit Trabsobragew to awl frotaufstsburg withathebanee. . , ...,_ , ?airliners by the Catanthinallathoad lath Yamaieds at 6.60 a. a., and 4.10 r... 4., pr, :nthadelphis, New ? Ott, and all way points: ,_..- ' ~_. "..• " , . _ Trainsleave Poturather atHie N. & sad 11111-7 1 . IL, Rw Philadelphia, 'Waltham sad New York. ' • . .. : Ati indanntnollationlfalnengarlran - WOKS Heading at AWN.' at4aatt Tetthitafreer . Pbiladdwthltat&HOx. N. ' ' A l th e abortatnalte=fyiluaday . thaspted. I sla y s, A , da train leaves , at US .a. at 4 sad Plan &a • 'II6X N. -cesensithiserMHlllMElesson and E2OnnitOltifeltata at re ti o wnigetgo wid-reagonixuato; A al': A go poon*Pegnikolisigagto each pogioiL.. .. i .. I = spi i• suits Hai I illiguadkare L L iimmig. RMLROADS. ON am) ASTER MONDAY, May Dlith, DM, EASTWARD :THE UNION—NOW ...AND FOREVER."—Webster. HARRISBURG, 'Pk., SATITRDAY EVENING, KUKST 6, 1864 RAILKOAI)S. 1864. Philadelphia and Erie Rail , 1111 HIS great line traverses the Northern and , Northwest : counties , of Pennsylvania to 4h`a city of Erie, on bake Erie.' ' hat; been leased by the Pi2l3lllllNallifataratoes *Ass, and ender their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. . , It is now in use ' for-Passenger and Freight bemiring from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (216 miles) on the Eastern Division., and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF PAMENGER TRAM AT ILLERISBURG , Leivo Eastward. Y. Mall Train_ 120 r. Express Trani • ' •-• 3.60 A. at. LeaVe Northward. Mall Train' Express Train 31b a. a. Can run through WITIIOI3T 0/1.1211111 both ways on these trains between Philadelphnt . and Lock 'Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Hires. Elegant Sleeping cars on awns Vane bottiltays be. tureen Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport , and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S.;E. corner 11th and Marhot st.yietn. : And for Freight business of the gompany's Agents: 8. B. Kingston, Jr. , owner -13th and'Whet streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reyno i l i i Erie, 44 * Dril4 ' N. Xt4 ;Wilmot*. • H. gotiffMS _ tialerai *Night Agent, Fi'a. LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Tian/ Agent Fla 's. JOS. D. POWS, • . Gamma Manage, Wanitliassisid. my2o-ay] CUMBEiLLAND''VALLEY R 'L N *AIL RO4:pS. CHANGE OF HOTTES.—On and after Mon 4lay, April 4th, 1884, PompPr usu. will fun aa follows,. (Sundays excepted:) FOR OHAMBEfisßulio AND iirIERISBirfiO4 Leave Hagerestewi ‘, Greeatastle Arrive at , . . Chamberaburg, : ~ . Lei* at, Leave ShiPPenEbura r " Newvllle ' ~....y, ...... . • LM. " Carlisle ' • 4.-6.66 10.10 2.42 " Ream:l6B64g .. . .... 6.26 10 42 6.12 Arrive al Ilarrfabwg....4L 6.66 11.116 6.40 JQR (RIAMBERSBVIRR•ARD HAGERSTOWN: , r . A. N. P..M. P. N. Leave HEirrisbuig. 8:06 1.22 .420 MedbalaillaD6g 8.4r.2.86 4.54 ' " Carlisle R 27 2.66.. 6.10 " • . .!i• ... 60 quil/ 0 / 41111) Ogi Leave °remade 1166 6.80 Arrive at Hagerstown 12.36 6.10 sir Making, close connections at HarriabOrg with tilitne for Philadelphia, New York and - Pittsburg ; and with rains for all points WWI • ~ ,—The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4.20 v. N.,rune only as far as Carlisle. • 0. N. LULL, FL R. R. Office, Chauffiersburg,.Aprll 4, 1264-ly • DIEDICAL. ELIXIR. ELIXIR. DR. WRIGHT , S IttnNENA'rltsla ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE LIFZ. Preporqo fop,m Puns reketable Ex triO, contaittipgnoth• • log•lnjurioum to . the 400)81/Gala seam Rejuvenating -Plirir 10 the,{eeuit of modern disnoveries in the vwable kingdom.; ,nn ne*.a.ladidistractmel 4941, of. cnixa s Irresppotiyo of ill ill, old and worn-out systems. . • •, //a - T his Medicine Iteil been tested by the most cmilmmt medical men of the day, and by them proaoumspd to blll one of the greatest medical disetiveriat of th. age .55 - jr-One bottle will cure General : • ' • ptsr-A few deem cares'HYSterlia In females. ette bottle ouresTaltilialion of thabilesrt.. - • A feiedoemi - reigeres — theoimitisof gramitlen. jpip-From one to three bottles restores' the madhuses and full vigor of youth. • giy-A few doses rekores the' appetite.' igrThree bottles cures the wor s t pre of Impeiteiiey. U-A few deSeSCore4 tee low agdri*t . 453 6 4ine, bottle rostorti pointlpoWer.. Ahri. taw doses bring thOTOSO to the Cheek: - gia-This medicinereattmlio manly vigor . and !chug health the poor, debiiiiiied;: - worti-down end despairing devotee &lemma! pleisirrati mg-The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked man business, the victim of, offmrvons depression, the in dividual suffering from mierel debility, or from weakness of a single organ, will all ,llogieeptedlate owl PeriMmtint relief by . Mouse.of thleßlMr,orjprespir of Ufa agrPrice, $2 per hot% Or.,three bottles for $5, and forwarded by ‘nspretta, - en reeelPr. of Merit% any `ad' ,Sold by all druggittaave. R DR: . I • . 'fr. R. XEntl IV., , Sole Proprietors, marll-eoigy Ne: b 9 Liberty street, New York. 011E110KEE MILS. krrOdk;COATED FEMALE REGULATOR, HEALTH pnr.cipßvz . R. _ CER TAIN AND 15,A 1' it. fii - For the Removal of Obitructiont our tks. hiquilmt of Regularity of get jar They cure or obvwte those ineuits &sewn that spring from irregularity, by removing the irregularity 'They cure SapFeauxi, Eziessive aad Pain' fel Idea etruatlon. *ironer cm Green Sickness (Oilornsis.) ,They olio Nervous and Spinal Affecnons, pains in the hack and lower parts of the body, Eitiarinant,. FAINO on alight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowrie= of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Hetulaehe, Mitten; 'ire., he. In a word, by removing the irregularity, they remove the catum, and with it ALL the effects that'apring ikon! _it. agg-Composed of simple mamtable naiads, they . oon- Min nothing deleterious to any constitution, however delicate, then . ' furiction being to aulistitite strength for weakness, which, when properly used, they never Ail - to gorThey may be aefelg need at any - agec ;mid align: patios, =caw mama van antar THEIS mintena, (luring 'Medi the Unfailing nature Of their action would hilhilitAg. leen eaebtatiatonnatice or advice all be airetOPU_ LY I/YAW-and aScreet. l 7,. .orsorPro& Jpgrerou directions acooinpany. mob bar:. Mg-Price, per boa,- or' atztoicee for $6. egrSeer. by nom . free of postage, on raoolpt Or price. Sadby all reapoetable draggles. &WRITER k Oa, dole Ploprivtort kapn.ood teitTilptgafilicevY _ I 4 I IA- 2141 W For age in Barrlibiug IL A. zwizzLi asack, admmipt. NEW AD V .ERTISEMENTS. CLOSING OUT 1864 SUMMER STOCK BELOW COST, MRS. 15. MAYER._ NO. 13 MARKET STREET, BEING deeiront of closing her Summer Stock of Ifillinery abode, ono for sale at greatly minced prices such as SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, HATS AND FLATS. &O. Coratantly on hand a splendid assortment of SILK , VELVETS, • LAOERIIS, • HOOP SHIRTS, OORSE'TES, . HOSIERY HAS nkEncluEss, GLOVE COLLARS, coFrs, • BELTS. NETS, • Dealers will de well to call, al great bargeles can be had at wheleaale. • • • • ly Meath Weekly " to Liverpotil. : „, MOUCHENG at QUEENgTOWIC, (Cork Har i. bor.) The well thoyirti Steadiers of the Liverpool, New York end Phibutelphis .Ettaunstdp Company, are In tended to mil as follows: • • •• • - Edinburgh, Saturday, ; 'July 30i City or Washington, Satur lay, Anglia fl; City.or illaneheater, Bator ay, An %list 13, and every sucteeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44. North Itiveto PATABLR GI GOLD , OR ITS IQUITALRNT GI OVRRRNOT. e l FIRST CABIN 6 50 00 STEERAGE ...... .. $3O 00 do to tondo; -65 00 do to London 84 00 do to Paris:: • .... ..05 00 do to Park 40 00 do tO Rombtirg„ . 91) 00 do to Hamburg.—. 67 00 Passengers also ibrward to Havre, Bromen„Rottes dean, Antidesp,' Ace.,at , eguallnsi rates. Fares from Liverpool or Que enstown : let Cabin, $75, 085, $lO5. Steerage; "$.65. owl wise nigh to send for their friends can:buy tickets hers at these rates. For Wilier information apply it the.Companv's Mow JOAN G. DALE, Agost,l6 Broadway; 11. Y. or C. tit ZIMMERMAN, Iforisaun4‘.:s.l Fr2E-Giy 1L r. 7.00 2.43 7.37 335 8.17 4.20 5.30 12.68 9.00 8.28 0.82 2.00 F. . A. ZIMMERMAN, Practical Watoli Maker,. :1111k, Mari* street, sbug t DEALER" IN FINE WATCSES e • wawa • SETS OF .TEWELRY. BINS' SILVER WARE 4 PLATED .W - • . .• TEA 8 VICES, , • Ant Taliva.or aramir. Haeo=atlyurr dreNd a well eeleeted and elegantly - V,rtF • 17r --: • trTai I • — ITSTSEnVER WAItEt lirsarcALN; INGLIS)" 41W SWISS WATOH.FI, lioth in yob]. and Silver poen utSilehascirtment ot LADLES' WATCHES Constantly on hand. - • - • 2 4 Whoa. rantsy[ ow . • cLocnr, Of all descriptiowa; all of which will be sold at e LaHrEST Q 1.6.11. 111G.1413... logr&I and imuntnithe gixids. Particular attention paid to repairing of dm Watches, euct} as Eirrohoractent, ,Duplex • and other celehrajed Witchely` and all kinds cOf Jewelry neatly rerimiteed.• None but the moEt competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision. • • ' A. F. ZIMMERMAN, metal : No. 82 Naticekiltreet, adjoining Brands CAycdry Horses Waited. . ASSISTANT _U A—A-a Itaaktnactm6, Puma" July 26[10364. J VINTIL further prderii, Brie hundred .and eistx-flY06?) clonal!' Or Much bd paid Or aN-alry Horses, , • . , delivered at. the GoyOrronana ntiblea at Harrisburg, Fs Said horses to be sonndA all - 64rticulara, not lea than five ma. more thin' Minns Years - Ohl ; tom log to 16 hands high, fall aleact4conspietly ball; bridle. while and 61' size • uffteient for cavalry purea. 6 a. Thou spaifizatkma wilE ba at rictly . adifrred to and rigaly *caromed Lis way particular. ; Pay meat made - aniteltvery Orin-wen horses or over ; Hours,( „naapirtion from 8. . -to 6r. ar. The do mend is Arita itid.lut imnivatiokAtainaci C 9 aohdt E. C. REICHENBALH. 1y26 dtf - NA. and Aaa't Qr. Mr. . • I iorturt.tPraftn:4 - 4. ttlit • • A LIENS and persona under or over the re -11 age, who have been enrolled in this (14th) Dinzioyor any other Distriat-ln theAtitta, can MVO their exemption pal ettiM& Ont tratiteatised by law. • Now la the time to ;Mt to a eabstitukft and avoid the *aft ' Parsons who are not listle to draft. and who wish to inter the army as subtaitates, can obtain the highest pre- Business int:aided by inn at legal s rMes`, load 'owl& of travel thereby avoided- C4ll at OP", or oddroOr • k. _ . - rikkEtt, AllOripyat Law, 8d s tre et, iy9-eod2mot Harriabari, PIANOS. - • . ALBRECHT, RIZIES & SCHMIDT'S . • EXCELSIOR PIANOS. BOLE AGENCY AT W:.-11NOCEEB, • . • , • OS' Market street , Rirriebnrg. • FOR' REASONS' peirfecitax el ti dtth "to have taken Um agency of thi%above moat excellent Piftiloll.' isinvited to 'coma and ex amine for memselvea A few : Sebenumker h ('a Pianos on hand yet will be &el low< • • • •-•- war2s-tf Mi ttpil and Fancy Goods: 1“118. J . : HIBBS, at No. 8 .Market Square, next door to Ti laliz's COnfectionory, keeps constant. ty on band the .lAteiit styles of .Banneta, BUS, Ruches, Plower's, Ribblias, 4c:;"together with SatiegMbitMeilt of Draw Trimmings, Ineeit, -Embroideries ' , Collars, Vafl, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Olores and Variety Goods in geheral. , All the latest Designi of Dress Patterns direct from this New York Bazaars. Dress and Cloak making neatly exe-' railed. Thankful for the patronage bestowed since tier opening, she trusts; by &atria, attention to business and her endeasona to give general.satiefaction, to cOntinue to receive a share of the bibs patronage, ~,lyl-48m QIIGAES, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, of ill grades and prices, at SHISLER & FRAZER 1 Succeisors to W. Deck, Jr., St tao.. Dealers in Fine Fandly.laroceriea 013,054 E 1114i0KWEIJI8 ENGLISH 1j PICKLE% s rare artiele tbr table US% just received anktor sale by &KIBLER & FRAZIII, • ' tetlateeltara to Win. . - .- §4OED uirsTEsAT-Axwa Fin% Baltimore 0 7e1.11, *Pei, anti OF a'.. by Me mak% gain awl I. of quality. • IWEL,ER & FRAZER, Mt Sant is. tooW. Ek.pc. Jr . k co. •- rg4r1100.'77"..Yifti.,A40.._013 Sue end L ARD: tarsals bst,tbsstWou 91MA: ittl= waived at -prow& .4uevcm. I-417 — doe oP 'al 0.0100114 at grui Mint k EINIFOR. AT ANT) FANOY 0001:43, &C. : BATES OF PASSAGS, PRICE TWO CENTS. EVENING EDITION, [From. our Arcirnini Elfypn.] THE SITUATION. However We may theorize in our own minds to the contrary, and howater our apprehen sions may argue that the rebels. will never attempt the penetration of Pennsylvania be yond the southern tier of counties, the fad, as it is developed by the reported movements of theii forces, strongly indiciates that they are determined to tranafer the war _to the North—to throw the conflict - into ano ther field, and fight the next campaign either on the south banks of the Buanno 7 . henna, or as far north of that stream as the battle can be waged. It would*, folly longer to disguise this fact; so that we have one of two alternatives to prepare for, either to arm and en masse prevent this transfer of the War, or to conclude to see our homes destroyed, our fields devastated, and , everything that a people can hold deer, swept from their possession. If Penhailvania is successfully invaded and occupied, it will not merely be the people on the imme diate line of operations who will alone suffer. If York, Carlisle, Gettysburg and Harrisburg ate triumphantly siezed, held or given to the flames, it will not only be the citizens thereof who will teel the bloW and be crushed beneath its force. When once the rebel's have reached such a position in our State, it will be'at their nierey—and if' Pennsylvania is thua pos sessed, the States Norte and East of her will have a seriotur straggle to conduct. Let those who have the most at stake carefully ponder these crude remarks. We have a notion that they can discover something in them that will prove prOfitable. A gentleman from hieConnellsburg states that fhe report in regard to the rebels being at HancoAr, and our Surmise as to fits falsity, need some correction. He states that a rumor was' current in MeConnellsburg on Thursday evening, that the rebels had really made their appearance at Hancock on that day. Pickets were sent out from MeConnellsburg, who pro ceeded as far as Webster Mills, a point within fourteen miles of Hancock. These picke' s had drders not to return unless they were con tionted by an enemy whom they could not withstand, and, as they did not return, it was presumed in McConnellsburg, that :such sinsturezty had not been encountered. In cor roturn of this, a gentleman who left Han cock About darn on , arrived , at McConnellsburg about tWeiVe o'clebk the same night, says that. the, only' trooriis ,on the northern side of the Po tbinac were such as the rebels would net de-' sire, ; o meet, and such as will give them a warm reception when, they show themselves in that vicinity. The gentleman who brought' this statement to M'Connellsburg, communi cated othet information in regard to the situ ation of our, troops en the, south side of the at Hancock, which is of a character best not to be made putelie at this time. ' Up to 3 o'clock, r. vz. yesterday, wo had telegraphic eouununication with the State line. At B,o'clock last Jai/Xi-the communisa tion did not extend beyond Greenpaatle, the rebels bating entered miaatalantg, a point 5 Mile! 'North of Hagerstown. It is supposed that the force of five regiments which ocou.-. pied Hagerstown were naovqndto Middleburg, trui that the former locality_ was possessed by other frappe whioh the tetra/ had advance& TheAtiovementa of the: nabela are hard to understand. They are crujdently shrouding their operationsin. /tiptoe,. an as to deliver sudden mid Imo/Weasel blows. As an *Yrj deuce of this fact; and at the game time thitt the five regimentselreadg.alluded to are ad valuing towarda.Chambersbum another col umn is reported moving in. the direction of Cumberland, the strength -of which none of bur aeouts have been able to learn. A report reached tide city about o'clock r. as., yesterday ). _ telegraphed .from Bedford, that a k fight had taken..,Elace rsels. on ThurAday, resulting in the death of. twert ty and the wounding of thirty of the Federal forces. No particulars have yet been receiv . 7 ed as to which of our i troops participated in the fight. , A dispatchFeceived at 10 r. se. from Som tweet reports that Gen. Kelley had deft ated • the enemy at New Creek. 9ar loss was twenty-nine killed and fifteen wounded. That of the enemy is not stated.' 4New Creek is, a post village in Hampshire county, Va.) A dispatch from Greencastle, dated 8 P. sr. of last evening, states that a gentleman watched the rebels crossing lA, Wiilhunsport crossing, and that they were frbin 9a. hr. until noon getting over. go estimates their 'strength to be between six and eight thousand, which is divided between cavalry and in fantry. New York stuck Markette. . NEW Yoak, August Gold is quoted. at 258, Stocks atm, Chicago and Rock Island 114 Common pre f erre d 41} ; Illinois Central, ; Michigan Southern, $9,01 New 'York CeUtritil, 131.; Reading, 13 ; Hudson', river, • 3/4 ;, Canton Co., 38} ; Erie, 111. i ; Michigan Central, 140 ; bne year certificate -94; 5-20 Coupons, 108,t; do registered-106};-Coupons, 69 1053 ;111fid, 25111. Nsicitotz Adz i• Flour is dull; sales of 10,500 bid& at $9.15 610 15 - tor'State, tll 3'oaz2 ror Ohio and $lO 15@18 50 for Sonthatn. . li :dull with atnesportent sake. Oortg Asa : declined /c.; sales of 27,000 bns. at.s/..566 - Beef 4 1 4 Pork heavy"at $3B 50®3914 — taiess; L Arm at 2046314. Whisky 'Unlit S 1 el STSAII PRINTING OFFICEr ismor iram—pAnAr:Tsugaßapn..-,. - ‘ The Mowing are the rags itrittlidag m thesandir-- sum Than having adverts/2410 do lind 't oos. renion tfor referenoe Poor- haat oraass lines ormore than four not PCB A. ItAl3 gloat* day $ $0 Tw One b days 50 Three days 76 One week 1 26 Our month 2 00 -Two months 4 60 Three months 6 60 SIX months 8 00 One year ..1.4 00 iteninistratton Notdoits. - 21eltriag Notices Auditor'.Notices Funeral Notices each insertion...... ••, - 010471.1raivare. 101 isite.a square.. • Volt OU SQVAIOL One-day ..1 60 Ttri eau:. ... -00 Three .. 1 Oneweeit - 2 2b- One month .. ... - 00 Two months • 00 Three- months 11 00 meuthes....:i 15 0 One you 26,0 1 SO SO . . . jar Business aotteeo inserted to the Local Mhoin, of before Marriages and Deaths, Mono CE3Ta PEN. Una fta each townie& At) Zefentao. From Aspinwall. NEW Sass, Ai:twist 5. The steamer Ocean Queen, from Aspinwall on the 27th ult. , has arrived. She brings $2,80,000 in treasure... • iAn Aspinwall letter of the 27th says that two cOmmissimuirs had arrived' there from Peru, en route for Europe, to negotiate a le gion of 50,000,000 to carry on the war against Spain. Peru is still stren,t,thening her Rutin cations and. buildings of war. The . trigate . Lancaster is at Callao. _ `• The small pox has broken out in the mirth ern provinces of Chili. Several earthquakes have occurred at Valparaizo. The country is suffering for want of rain. There is nothing new from Central America. Election Returns. BLoohisavao, Aug. S. The majority iu Columbia county" ogainst the First Amendment is 1,021. Nosnrsroirs, August 5. The following is the offic al vote of Mont gomery county on the amendments. For first amendmendment, 4,938 ; against 4, 743 ; Or second amendment, 5,068 ; against 4,536; for third amendment, 5;038 ; against 4,581. From California. SAN FsiNorse°, Aug. S. .. About a dozen thrifty farmers of Santa Clara county have been arrested on the charge et being Confederates of rebel highwaymen, who have been robbing stages and expresses inthe Sierra Nevadas. A fire in Virginia City lait night destroyed $lOO,OOO. worth of property. Iho steamer Uncle Dam has sailed for Pan ama with $1,000,000 in treasure and 105 pas sengers. The British war steamer Devastation is at Panama. Markets by Telegraph. PHILADELPHIA, August 6. Trade is exceedingly dull in all departments. Flour moves slowly, and the sales are only in a small way at 9 25 for superfine, *9 75 for extra and $lO 50 to fll for extra family. Re ceipts and stocks light. Rye flour is scarce and firm at *9. In corn meal nothing doing. The offerings of wheat are small, but there is not much demand. Sales of old Ted at $2 45 ®2 50, and new at $2 55E5.2 60. White ranges. from *2 65 to $2 75. Rye is worth $1 75®1 80. Corn is scarce and firm at 41- 73(g1. 75. Oats sell at 83(85. Cotton has advanced. to $1 55@1 67. In coffee, su gar and molasses no change. Petroleum is Steady at 49 for crude,' 80®85 for refined in hond, and 90@93 for • free. Provisions are Inlet; -sales of mess pork at 42c., and 400 • foes _Waled hams at 20c. Lard Is firm at VT OW/. t4t. , RAL•rrnionn; Jul-v 5. Flour steady , with scarce supply, Wheat dull; red declined 3c. Corn : firm, SI 80 for white; $1 81 for yellow.. Grocerier very Whisky dull at ',rd. 78@1 80. - • Philadelphia Stock Markoteo. Pultsps.wats, 'August 5 Stocks dull and steady; Pennsylvania S's 994; Reading railroad 684; Morris canal 97; Long Island 49; Pennsylvania railroad 724; Gold 257; exchange on New York par. E W AD lITILS Kat U r It (I k, LI 29 Practical an. OPT. ICI AN. No. 29 NORTH. SVOONTO STRUT, !CZAR WAINCT, HARIAL3I3IJRG, PA. particular attesition isealed - to tho celebrated Cow*% cosecs Crystal 1 4 portacles, (which are warranted to Arengthen sod preserte the eyes of the weereroind'io laist. from 10 t y.ettnewithout change. . last of prices sent free to auy dir,ction: Came's% and ODuVet Lenses, set N steel frames, Concave and convex crystal lenses, set in best steel Crain s, -Cencaste.aad.convez crytitallenses, setinedver frames, .ti • Concaiti and «wet crigtai lensea i ettln platlaa rrednesi . . . . Concave arid convex orystai lenses, set In gold fir m $l6 to s2lr. • In ordering spectacles state ow long glasses are mod. Any pair of glas-ea purchisat, eltbor here or sent:, to or der, can be exchanged If not sailed to the eye. '• . -Always en band a Inge assorument of iten*llatao: YG ; erotical). s, Telescopes, Opera and Field Gleares, Thertnow. , eicirs, Barometers, Compasses, Drawing 'foxtrot:MlMS ? VA Stir , oecdpe e , with the latest views. —Send stamp for a catalogue contalatika *haw ap L. , .#l4l:44Wtf NEW GOODS---JUST OPENED BEitGNER'S Book and Stationery .Stare. iugbrachi g wTety new and ininrcered stile of POCKET BOOKS, ILAGIC CURRENCY Roiztrits, CAL, diUtt ?OWLET WES. • BUGITsIUN eURS.LN, PORTmoNNAIES, at prices to swit tdi chonmetancea giOCIECET CUTLERY. Conadstlng ors Oue meorusetit of yidetecotelmn Save • Pocket Kulvca ROLL Pidty From Newton's oelebrated menetseterr.. Aim peg - ndtka partake , FORT FOLIOS. " WRITING CAM ~ • • • NOSEW.OOO TKPILTIRTRic Together with every ~ article twaslkr Ibmat to a Sem Book and Stationery establishment, M - • myl2l BERGNER'S, 51 iattet one. PHOTOGRAPH - AMMONS. Photograph Photograph Albania. Photograph Alb w. Photograph - A mins. largari and cheapen variety o rPRO I.7lVTGlumit ALBUMS in tied ate' &seta* kW at ; (Warn] BERGNER'S CHW B(MaliZOB, A'NEW SUnMatißßEsit:44ol4o HALS, just receivitl . 44s,mortagiiiiv. isommeri se W. Dock, 817.7re0• entitle
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers