0 - . • VITOIINETAT-ItAW.—Paiiioi'lind Union • 4151telstildiag, Karnslmrg. Strict IttendOirpild to all legal business. Ulla* , claims oollebted. m to-dom-ood Thomas C. Mac Dowel, • torn a y a t "1,1110 v: OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. kAHHISBUREI, PA. ALLrasatneitif. Military Claims promptly attended to, and claims collected against the General or State Governraente r either hi Congress, the Court of Claims at Washington city, or at Harrisburg, without un necessary delay, and on moderate terms. ap29-dam.. A. C. SMITH, ATTCAIN.EIir -AT.- LAW, TIM reinaveditOffice from Third to Wal- AA_ Mat street, next. the Prison. All business In truste fo hlm VIII receive prompt and careful attention. , • NEW GROCERY" AND PROVISION STORE. BO Ken & KOERPER W 11,0 LE SALE AND RETAIL mums 6RO - CERIEgi Queens and Glass Ware, AND ALL HINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, Er An Just opened a large and well selected Al_ stook of goods at their stand, N 0.3 MarketSquare t Harrisburg, Par, to villleh they invite the attention oftthe public, generally, Fiolo-dly It•AHTIR, & HIRII, BIJOOPMORS TO er...11 KUNKEL . Si. CO. - DCTEPEERS AND DISTILLERS aid I.lk l Wholes* -Dealers in Imported and Domestic Li quors, Harrisburg. Pa. ' Jys-. in JONES HOUSE, - Oorner of Market street and Market klquare, HARRISBURG CHAS. H. MANN, Proprietor. EMI . STATE CAPITAL HOTEL COMER Or TWRD AND warxtrr nuns, - HARB,ISBURG, ' • MHZ tindersed' having purchased this well latoWn house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated It The menu have lien re-painted and papered,and the entire estallehment elegantly returnished. Being plea. gently and eligibly !heated, and provided with every con venienoe, It offers to the public all the comforts and tutu ries of a Drat class hotel. Trusty and obliging servants always in , attendance. A bar well stocked with choice liquors is attached to the establishment • de28.41y W. Q. TEO APSON,-Proprtetor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, , • HARRISBURG, PA. D, IL HUTCHISON, Proprietor. PHIS well known Hotel is now in a .eondi i„ tion to accommodate the travehng public, affording the mast ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. TEE UNITED STATES HOTEL bait been entirely refit terthioughodt, and now has accommodations equal In extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location 15 the beat in the State being in easy accent to all the railroad &pole, and to elvta proximity to all the public offices and - business le calities of the city. It has tiow all the conveniences of A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, •and the . Proprietor 1$ deter Mined to spare neithbr ex pense, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the plane The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully soli- MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET MUSIC, 'TIOLINS, FLUTES, oiUITABS, BANJOS, STRINGS,' DRUMS, FIE and all kinds or MUSE UAL MERCHANDISE, MANUSt FRAMES, Loonwa Old qqES., PNOTOGRAPWCARDS and ALBUMS, Aidtlll9- TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVING!, PICTURES, &C., &C. 'Remember the • place d SILAS -WARD, No. Is Third street. the largest Music Store this side of the great cities. jan2B-dtf . NEELODEONS AM) CABINET OBGANS. inNTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND TIM - ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instruments of this class) has been awarded to • MASON & HAMLILTS INSTRUMENTS. A full dssortzqent of these instruments always oh hand gt IV. KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent, jed-dtawly] . 93 Market street. A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER OF MUSIC Ovriaz AT WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 N Third &veer. Realdeuce: Third street, above North. Pit OC L AMAT lON. T HE -citizens of the city of Harrrieburg are! hereby notified that the ordinance, entitled , an or-I dinance to prevent mischief from dogs," passed Febrdniz 6, 1661, willts strictly enforced. Attention is especially' directed to sections 4th, .6th and 6th, to wit: Sso. 4. That every dog going at largo within the limits; of the said city, from the twentieth day of May until the tweuliath day of September, in each and every year, shallisave securely put on a good, strong, substantial and safe wire basket muzzle, inclosing the „Whole mouth of said dag, so as etTec‘nally to prevent him from biting mid ena9iiing. Esc. 8. That any and every person ownlng a dog and permitting it to run at large without oomplying with the fourth section - of this ordinance, shall be hab.o to a fine of not les. than one Maar, nor more than' two dollars, with CHM, at the discretion of the Mayor; and in the credit of the said constable not being able to find the outer of the dig as running at large, ue, dr some person empleyad by hint, shall take up, kill and bury said dog, for which servioe he or the peewit performing the ser vice oh ill receive the sum of ono dollar, to be paid out of the city tremury. - Sao. 8 Tait every do; going at large within the limits of sisikeity, shalt have around its neck, at all times, a cep wof metal or a collar of leather with a metal Plate, on which in tat colt tr or plate shall'bo irtscrib,d the name of the owner of suoh dog, and any and every person ~vrni ota chs aud permiiting it to run atiargo, without nom plymg with the requaitioas of this tfretion, shall be liable to .edge of oned War for every Offence; an I thriller, it is hereby made OS duty of the Chief Police Constitute or a parton employed, by him, to take up every dog run ning at large in violation of this ..action, and unless. the said gin ta_l44._i_by the owner th 'roof, on demand, the sarollluer hereby auth oized , and rimuired to Irdll the doger mintleit to be killed and Varied, for which seri..isles he shall Wallowed ono dollar out of the city treasury, 371 A. L ROUMFORT, Mayor. PEIPHER'S DAILY tn.r, BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, . Lack Haven, Jersey Shore Williamsport, Nat ty, Uniontown, Walsontuarn Lewisburg, Northtunberiand, bury, Treverimi, Geurgrion, Lykenstown, Halifaz,.Daaphis, .---- AND HARRISBURG. The'Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the i friyage 'will be at the lowest rates., The Conductor, gout tiffougn . with each train to attend to the safe delivery all,geodelatrusted to_the line....Goucts delivered at-the de. pcd, of num, WARD , & FREED, , 811 Market • street fteadelphie, bye o'clock P ai., will Ire delivered in Har, Mantrethe elat nor't*g.: - IYeeiglit AhlVaTO ON LOW as hy Any Other JOB. MONTOOMMILY & Philadelphiiiiirid Reading Depot ys . • Feet of Market street. Harrishnnr. ocittl4f . . _ NEW Liquor., SToR.E. - .... LIMETANT TO LANDLORDS AND omits —The undersigned Oren it .inheigeak, to trade, a ceestee lot of the WS Liquors .evi r,l*P.Pght ki BM lala 211 : Pruett" Brandies, - Ocaind Ow, Bectioti, - Meat and O l d Rig Thisky,' , Z=t anditfilbessiesebus, stooh ii CAWNPViw, afird, met..WeiTheded. et_zeorneented. -.47 . 46:1171s lice will It .to 9 4 f . ..ileum& to all mega-* mile' tbe V ' 11 . 11 ! "get ott See* ...- : • ' . serest i _tere doss billow PsemE. 'III - • off , MM UIR Averring . colll CRA.OKIMS.--.lllcaati 'Wiwi Oki 'aillirlkolide Mat BlooKO, &eta' Bqqler jig a Mita Oritor Crackers' El9Steni-riftde'tiacrkin? Aiiiwetubliti. Pat ree L aA e___ sous II EVOIMI4L, _ A t; / 1.; '44W/1i e 1 d °Milk= Eoloctie DBildWlET E EleotaPlithican' PkYrdcialls, reeMeciNW. °far tifniTiliMPUMMnigiprilenfinjill the' rifilotiiP Wadies of theiniol on, regal or the treatment of all Shute and chronic forms oftn, rM Ths mans they employ bilge. fragrant g *icon Agat ef MartinnnirtrinrC4(agnet heir, the taa of Localiz ed smog/ Cure, Yew Ecleetla medicines when deemed necessary, and hi fact all the natural curative agents that may successfully . =might to bear upon the disease. Tay an not wish , to be understood as arrogating to themselves any seperlority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they emplO In thetrestment of dia. ease far superior to those generally employed byphysicians, from the fact that they act la perfect harmony with the laws governing and controlling the human system. To this, and the fact that they epee= themselves to no par yiet: ase. w /Oen, they attribute their success i controlling The principal meat they employ in the treatment of disease, namely, Electri c ity, is an agent wonderful In its phenomena and powerful Mita effects for good or 111. It Is an ever present, all-pervreng principle, governing all things, from rolling worlds down to the invisible , particles of salaam matter. We see Min the lightning's dash and beer the manifestations of its power in the muttering thunder. It is the canoe of all decomposition, recOmpo sitionand transforsiatioa. It, excitesall mown. It la the exciting cause of life, growth, decay and death. It muses secretion, exaction, digeidion. It lays hold of the crude food in the stomach, converts It into a state of Ott bitty, transmutes it into arterial blued, aad minds it on ate i mportant =lce of supplying marline= according to the necessities of the body. It is the nerve vital fluid, ; the meat agent throngh Which the mind acts opt the body. It is the camisof all causes except. the first great cause the Infinite Mind which created it and brought Miran n.e These may appear like mere amertionta, Out they sa, facts admitting of strong and irresistible. proof. Is it then, td be wondered at that an age= so lamiderfid With' phe nomena, so powerful .in its manitestationsithdoo intimate. ly connected with all the operations of the human syn. tem, should be almost absolute in its power of controlling incase Certainly not. It is a natural Sequence and follows as surely as day follows night. ' ' Among the dinieseemhich are Ibund to yield readily to Electricity, in =minion= With proper adjunct , treinitlint, may bo mentioned the following; incipient Cousiumption, Paraixsur, Blpdiptie, .11yineric and othigr . Couvuliiops; Neuraigia;th its worm forms, Rhoematism, Intlammatery arataionnie all Maumee of the nervoillißyinem; lry*p• Ai cared hi a few treetmenta; all diseases of the: Miry .tud genital organs-, Female Meese% As th ma, Piles' and Probipsue Ant; Amauruse and all kludred Micalons al: the eye ; Auretns, etrietures, all akin diseases, &e. Persona calling will be told whether they can be bane- Mod and no ease taken where some relief, awns be ;af forded. ' Gbnadndion five Mee, South &Mond street, below Chestnut, Harrbiburg, Pa. Offloe hours trete gto 12 a. n., 1% to and 7to g Kn. ALEX. H. IrrM, DB. J. MILTON Iin.A.UE. PENNA. aplB . KUthCEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON APURE and powerful 11114.10, Corrective end Altersibie, of wonderful enemy in diseases of Ike STOMACH, LITER aad BOWELS. •Stomach, Napse s - iirtbuai7l:eSefor.- Food, Fullness. or Weight 'the Sinking or Fluttering at the 'Fit of the StaWalch, Swimming of the Hewl,Difilciilt Breathing, Yellow. ness of the Skin and ryes', Fever and Dull pains in the - Head, Pain in the &de, Back, Chest and Limbs; will core every case of Chronic or NeivOns.. - Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys' and • plaersea arising from a disordered • Stomach, Good for Male • or Female, Old • or Young. " • • . The moat benelidal medicine kaolin; gives betteisatle Action and cures more diseases than any other primers. lion offered to the Public. Prepared solely by S. MTN HILL & BRO., 11S Market street, Harrisburg. For ale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. • BEWARE 01 • Igi Counterfeits dl64f As Kunkel!' Bitter Wine ofiraninthe ably "Sure nil effectual remedy in the known .world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debagy, and as there are a number of Imitations offered to the Katlic, we would caution the. community tope rctuwe none but ' the genuine article,. manufactured by S. A. Human & Bao., and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every, bottle.. the . very:. fact that others are attempting to imitate. this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor.; The Bitter What of Ironic put up in 76 cent and $1 06, bottles, and sold by an nspeetible druggists „thmuirjasiot i do matey. Be paritotitartliat every bottlo -beart_the, ae strra7e of the propriettall algaatufm. z - This Wise includes ,the most sigrasal le and efficient{ Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide comi bitted, with the moat energetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow i'enavian•bark. The abet in many swam of debility, lom of appetite, and general prostration, of an efficient Balt of iron, combined with our valuable Nerve Tonic, is meat happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, takes off musicales flabbiness, removes the Jailor of debility, and gives a llorld.vigur to the ettuntonanoe. , _ For sale by ill respectable dealers throsgisto-,4te LI QUO I{S Shiss'lrer& Frazer, (Soaceemonta!W tn. Dock, Jr., Co.) lAEALEM itike FINE - FAMILY' ditOCE- A, RIBS opposite theclqu'll:Rniseduwe OA 111 111411411 e, iolootion of BRANDIES' different vistskses nag eANTD lommoir Of &try WHISKYS. OLD BOusoffit , nr, - • „ NONONGABBLA, - MN" to AND score!. Whisk - ye. The hee4 ever›Cuilithi to this market. or,lo WRZAT, _ 41-IMTLERT And theArkinated CHIMICUT WIT WHVIET. CHAMP/NOE WINES. ,5111613 JORANNinstimm.. • _ 014332. - SCOTCH .AND DMZ AZISig • CONDO* X Bamoi,inan. mum man., PLANTATION Si/WAY-NNW ,BMIRW With a 901spletelliOdter 411/1444b/S4 A IIII iAINIMICAWIPICKLIM inewia tkefaitliA . :and at - ; -2 1ParL01111187 .141 Tar. DIM , . . • t • ..• • ' armii*s, - lim p you , win I. 0 BOLilo • ~S ECNBUY, ka , , . 014 WenieSed,ll6o ta aft V 4 i aka° • EERIE MEI= 1):!&j. , El o• . - o. - Chiret Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints Headache, Genend Debility , Neryiminewe, De pralidon °brigs, Cloag4pation , Intermittent. • ever,.ecidily,of the GtENERAL Dir;POT 1.18 MMULET BTREET stamp G, PA. ,;;"!:,ti • - El " Oft i " ~! .~ ~._ r :~ .:~~5~T.1+...i.Y0~...:~ . MCI FEMALE itEOUL,tTwq Are the only known reundy that iN nuoonsutuity and .nvartably restore and ruguntothetinniknysten, renter. nig an inugalsrities, and producing heskb, vigor and strength. • LYON'S PEBIODHLULDIIOI% A 1134 Auld Pret,n 4 i ol *U e,PAIPIii• oho of the kind ever discovered in tiiiwconatry; iwitillrictly on the parts affected, whilst ptilaildincrderir ant only reach theist is they work thresh* syhtpathwhit Suit at a il direct • portiva Arif yon infibllehlictilithastantweAsty fir tisfiega• tar Segura Of 11/1411/01- reetWibed law.? Give yourself ho tin " 4 . 00 'ffeeloding Dregs, if taken a day Otpetiokisht poai threly and inftylegy nighl4s ;i"g s chihisHr,„ as we as effete follow. cum, as hittiaa 'Aglow dattneut Are youactiondlright hlikiarilialilitaltiaMe Moe n 4 anger ft t -.• • . Y Lfol4'B ritaawatath row** " Oome to yea ass - WeastoKfctatliMprovontion botteithat are? II !milady token, it W Ptiorieltmi abir 11.1f0 Pa mitc l 4 llll 94 1 g 1 M111. .; Hive you beakdtkied foe, mrifirittiotoollt Incident to.Stie Wot WOO*** as, :Or Tbrdr du", old E . ' -1!: .1 7.7 V . : 1 .-:-:: Y. t .0.041 44 40.*.4! , V4.9,M1f L- Are the moat reliable regulator ever known, red ouze l like n o, all thometrregularities that hue Weal thaeloolor'o. , Will you waste away with sufering f rom Isitteerthate,' Prolapses Ityaileaterhoet; sad a"theitioll other tAkell all summed up under the nasals of imppressed tett eaters, whet at htvestantat of one dellieht ,LNOWB PZBIODIOAL MOPS eaD oar' eti awe yon. ' ' • ; Do Dot tupyttwthepr whoa toebbidea to the threca ' ona, for enough a PenitiTa atulklatitallatileae at &Welber -Wawa they-ereee poweetal-eatitaelyielealeuartolajnit and gooetil•the—fillhotten ettbatlPPak w i s tOgissithild.P sartettatimiaoper Olaie;they we proclaim wary to nature, eplaat whli all , portioditly thole who EosidelloSalmil awe* allodtripto. -“rt. IiSO'N'S pRRIODIOAL DROPS • armor harm ale uwer - delfeete al aby theke. ~et Me proprietors tilde 110" pew opium de misuse. toping that, • thoused betties *4l be reed for mod per. Kee *here merle Rise t& eallieguievate one. LYON'S' PXIIIObICAL DROPS, T 4+o litonvcadt PeOlderild MN nugen, theoltigmimsuMwemildO not,AtleuMilds four beadtiriiiif wim nu neumie medicine, bermily other. Take no other, bus If the Orr, to. wenn' yin Mpg , Ims sen got it; =kohl& send on it 7 . 41., a oo Mr:S' . . 4,4 JO#MITA-WALLOWAT 490WDZE• IMLSW;=ME ME .4,i.:(1 al* 4_t 0 ZI. ',I :I 71 4 •'..• r.., •r. IMEJ t F ft; . , 7 e •.1. elassi IMI OE4 EEO r' „ -r• P JE;rm .1" 40 tIMMI DR,PB, raw MUT =I ME Yir_ ~..,.,'. •yam ti. - , .,.!:,. - :.',:; : "k..LNwfts,:qitii,o, lIM 1 si Q - MORI . _ ARDIFEISO • yr lam .. ii i t illowa ,• - I LqC.K 1' WM .111 7 AS.digatvered thb most Ody jj, and eitionskreatedleis lathe maid lbw ~ DISBARS OF EICPB,t*ENCIF. NIUIFThi 81X 111) TWELVE NO MERGURYSOR NOXIOUS DNINia A. Warrankd, !or No Mom.. in tram One to. T,oi . Weidman of_ the Bffeetions the - lridnekil i p Bladder, Involuntary Impotency dual _ binty, Nmeouinees, Dysliepsis, Denver, Tow,Elni &Maki af. Ida; Palphatka of "the Moot,' _ Tmei ~ IsiMesi, Dimness of Sight. or Giddiness, Demme et the Dead, Throat, Moo or Ski difeetions of the Ikfer Lange, Stomach or Bowels--those terrible dieoiden froarthe: Sobtaty - -Habitp,ot .youtb r -those sedan Ind solitary ptaldides more retin a theirvictims than the song ‘ 4 .ls. to the Mariners of Ul bl sg kiting Ahab. Am* Irclettoseillsipattong • . • YOUNG MEN repeciauy *whim beeitiike tlis vNdtme of Solitary thaadreadtal and deetractiveastat wbkit annually si4 to an untimely gray) 'fliaaiSuida of Young ken of, inostaisited %sifts' and taithiitAittolliot, who toiito etharaise have, entranced listening Senates with titdablui• dews ekquenoe Or leaked to rosy' the living lyre, Dry. aid with 411 twoliclesow_ r.-; • BAGEL:• .• . Yarded perinea, or Yousg lien contemplating inenV being aware of phyeiced wselis, organic debility, 4 :. mills, ha, speedily cured. 2 , , 1 1 0 .! He wbo,plegreJsiraSeit 'jailer siskoste of Dr. J. may is HON* wade iri We 'donor as a vmtlentan, !lid coil , destirSelly epos his skill as a Physician. -' -- i • --'-- ---- 33EXWMCriATMCNREl m-l ' - f ' tomedildely., 0 1 1 1 "44 ion Nir Aar ititkitilE . adia TI/ 18 dlettbill4ll4 l getition - -wbielt reddest life 14- and Br*, P golloifildfk—b/SlUklleoalirtPabl f 59 the o time unpiwer , indidgenee. Yousippationsisettoo .to'ciarua,eseerses.front not Wes aware et We •Voillitribollixto that may ensue, Now, mare that , midis, stands the sublets will pretend to Hey that - 1W power . 01 prikcinViCia ill leelhooner by - these Ming Into Impropet lintodg this by the predest Besides being deprived Ott , . plessitratotheallity-sepring, the meet serious and di ima t, „maw, symptoms to both body and mind - ntateron___,s9 ol offil clotoltdoti th e physical sod . coni lYiltL /OR Of• Protrostire power, laitabill , pelititatioa of the heirs, Whipsaws, ty, a Anglin of *ammo. moo" OW felialicamif 11/44•1116 . I - 0 7 110 1 tig• ricemitmic anzw, Left hand aide going fist Balihnore atreetot lbw dim iirom the corner. not to observe' name and number. Wien meat be NW, and contain a Amp. The Ttoolorli Diplostaakang in hie •.• Da J11412630N, Member of Ms Zwil College of Surgeons London, grad uate from oneof Anemia* entinent wawa" In the United Mates, Lo putter imheitillet has been mmt MO" heapitala - .rat Loadm , lbrik fliiiidelphis and elJs . TO^ heamlieetednome =IV estoadiddxg mak -iheampreeerariatown Oaimy-troabledWith ringing bktlite bead and. sant WWII irbsp i • Emig tenni Ilerined-at-iaddem,ocinadswitti 'frequent' bituthingismanibelmemeintoe With AltganTtemayat wild TAKE PAg*HILLit NOTICE: These ere some et tt t egascatimetoy *Abets pm dotted by iWthatlit _ :eftms orthe -sad limbiti OW . id dhir Maw* er4 it tss 01 initecidee .pea: teetertrflu, liirretax.—The tbarftlAbcti on are mach to bedreaded-4Ni Of nisuldry oontlndpit of Ideas, -de preesion of Writs, evil d torsbodlquendoei to society,: self distrust, love of iolltelde; tied pip..„ere some M._ the evileprodteed: • - - . YOTINg MEN • • ' . wrioliivei liarti,tAinekrea Ity a certain practice la dlilgOi/Ottl*-116eP if aliebittreWlen* learned from itir. At achool . , the , eldecia .of ,which are - - 7647 -l l*l- 41 84.1 0 •14 nun if not cured , readers itbli gaiy mdslaatraya ‘ both mkt and body, rZi , lll4 a midi maw, the hOPItOt anatlio ' lb o (d o 4 l 4 ,o rs I* ikeilif,flitoidd or snatched drom--ail .1400declawid et t yttAAsta em us , ay.tfie . consequence di dairitiiing_iiratm sp ark witturewria- indulg,iei le 4 liertaiii mitt babi ersona imat, before eante* . ' MAItiILiGE, dialect that a sound miaddlid body are thcmoat nociemary requialteadopronuttetai' uhubitlitappinaM,- indeed LyTe art., 4 , Jommoz througholife bloomer: u waryttilfi ./lid ; 0 0 00 1 0 mt hourly darkens to the -Mew - Jilt - it: be ishadOwed wit* despair and,illied with the o yrellooden that. the . dappinem of another twiL ... . • blighteit with - our owl. . - ' " I. : ' • • I misguided prad eat 'ary piatinis dads be haa imbibed the ant idi of this votary riMul iir Aipeame, I too eftWOJWWWs that aa•Mtlaild knee of rabid& or - the - dm i ll tig=leg doffs hi* freak implying to thole:who from - It . i• and nisPedabdith riOn alone befriend ham! Me aaWratto tve Wick of ignomakead dadping preload? see m k.% 010- 3dible 01 '_Atelms, Oh NE panne* , Ilk stem, .Ebep tam _ ea* after mask or aitimwea thee i lli W tee Cu ke -sad ar despair leave hail with raised ballth lo sidh oar Plarapllappoistearat,l Ol oc A ingt 4 inse . or thedpadly 'POloori, Mercury, beaten the Mg , pfc i inictlisiaterriblediameemuchatatfec 1 tions tat , the KW, . Itrog,Mosa, Skim eta, programa& with frightful- rapidity di'death puta a , scot* Martha ',Sebago. by •oadiotothit to agar '-country hoormbeaco me traveler *tuna - • i nworitinurcr or Dm rrrassa.• The aiiny - tamaaade cured at Ali blidt4itti 'yeii ite :- al yam mid the ' littitihrolui• iggiortaat 'aturyttitat, email* I pertbragt by Dr. aoldwou, wittiest** - thd -O V O atiii er the Milk '; kid maar.otherpoponLaeuceiref e I Aladie mid:. l 4ilditlsefoti She . A tOOSna,;b.diaii bittglia' M td& - anti' M gmitTemaa - ' of 'charmer and rtiguMg. viril& to the allicted. 1 etiAILI lOIAMPAIIMBIZTOMEMbi ..--.. 1 ailltrOlfo.T llovitli•Pirialipitlek 1544 at.— ' ionputzlis,Noorog woliti:Miiitl MOM TABOANTA 0031EKKIWD rsiTiladr OP CUBEDS . VTR cOriittla,-'- - TVs propiratthir *rearidinan* =NUL PROFESSION - aid shit Pllßllieteetheprogg and omminanna ofsDISIASIM our= lIIADDFA !auk XIMIABY 044" • It may* rolled on on the bat mod* flthoodmin non of anisrinnadiell theriarge clam o 'Mammal on: inabaatilklk? dpfdlonble •iiiniakillaterteia Na dirieWsk . 1 4 1 4 4 74 , 4 , 10i1W5P1F*14111a. naafi ked; . , ir :lr N. 11. , +-411 ors'' to 143004U,ipi l JOMPOUND errucr, 010.tenliBilLlin"0011.14 radradronotamirelorwasi immatlonnaild - =pa*' *kik ankler *Mu sumo am au dila market - diem $ll 00. EOM bymprem on roceipt.nt, pron n try arrd 0111 7 by TARRANT Ak 04,110. Nast, owner. of Warkindire s New York} nail %owl* I For mle Dy EL A. 111Thill.11 la BRO., and by Draggy. IME „ere% sot ahlifdy,,filallilecielfiparilia terercif a collar, bat are Mokied and Awed to ft peered • cane free free mkt lOkr 11 41 11 * tabled , by our pakintifd p ar resieek4lllll4 - edlalleeepePoniegia ayr no atior Cruet is thesimalotivn 8,/eiSitulsll474, traiteitt. litexerit flex 0p:1_1% 1 64d % f orAfpe.,,Estiakt.dylt,l*Wrequalled. The y erel4 4 6 4:' 17, mid Elliree front is tol7 Lichee, and packed ID i” blue ~;,"r edi' "c -199-1 2 4 4 . 0 % 4i 'FE Oprmieloot each-the io : 11 4 col:low fttikiiiteleimi. •." I "_,* i lrt. "7 :74. I. • Irp,z..-A7 ae : al attelisrsitelailkiraldsit.l4lfter.Cwy fhb -, - Bal ( livaliwumwkw:: , • —impunnik r::3 c 4 arifjek 18141166 CONIIIIIM St., Philadelphia. MEE ~MZKRD r e . I*)o4)amlit T WEi lams FAtiWNO 4,4 Lbw: ••; T,Ltrr . law 7 11 4 M., Z:l4 i 1 4 ,a - :;silAno aftign4 ita 03 , 4 2 b^l.3• C At'fuel T. F.-VtILT N, E V / inftl* 490 1 : jitAmf ][4:P 14, ENir r *I; utt,7 la sbo it; ,t .cwt: I'lTT$ I r _pa n qua tea ~ tlt 10 - , Ts zagrlacED t o &math ooat the e s . tertor of Buildings with the MEM. Qt , wasiummarammarrAlG mew system. This material to Wilily demo tr . al 4 ethic comeuto wed ek 11 roloik k .E.nitt,J.!, . tdoperishable heneelit sod fair mow owe, with ormot Itallebtfaeohd,,r" 121 M 1" , Ruefurrs, - , - .PATAttitAn . STORK .: . i , ;,.z •- • • . : • ' KEEPERki .444 TD colisulastit Wa are doikr gulag; to oOrlosortoloOtH4NOlSlmPb melee as are **now GM lvotkrd 'raw Igor 4 1 141 0411.9 4t* ►.MO big* liilsoll4lloololl - mac al* of • • 7,: ) ,.: ;-: 1::-:,-... , :,1 ,;•.., i• • •.;,, , . v ,::.,!--..:-. 9 0 1 TRIOIIIM! WA ffintei • -• en II: - • ,'• , - r: Autnurs . surstras = •• t Wil•-1. 1 .s44 l , 7 eAgginitt '" " • ( MVO AND ' •••• • - •• OP-414 Jrallpi Wiiiio 4 o4 l 34 l i 44 ;;:iitil; . 4 ll i3AC Mit we awnopply the waytr of ili asvinortaiholo•jittioe4 Si it CU be,UrrligleittAbAT ' COAL OIL ! cA114391 1 1 d • Sing largepurchaseis fe. Ilkaae 7 4l'34 . 4eii 44' te ducementa tteeoliiiererre.-11,4*, 4*l 44PPINglikeilost Artproved Mien's, very cheep . All kende et tVepr 4 1 4g0d to born 0 . 0 01 Ott . 11 F N ) ^> renmEm AwD GBAZIBES:':? P°W "-0/4 1110 4.* 1 1044 1 4ROPIleillidllhil • - ;' Avantage they ire In keeping ItorseiK* caltht.blealllty . , ; #4.11,1 • good condition. Y'rlimas& ow tastily to the proilt thirtio• *if.* •• ••• ... • Atmillike of oar Cattle PtnrdeirAi •-• P.. ui . td quality or milk bert4e Impankui sad %%perdu= of their calUe. Air i g " Pelleacein th°ll6ll6 *?#.o.l°: Writ a thorough knowledge • ot eke 4rede t Uavil4 - nr: i'lo .00KinenIs hi the.4lool4irevaikt• wean; bpi itary , ' • ,w „v. MgViinkfurmit:liFfihATanrlgitiiiikromboOsesii gObilitst, Liao. f,..114:0kf01l . .. .... . ...i. i. for Ulm dead Paifonap, . t igt , =e, hombpiArtetattoatkor 14 -1. 3 __ of ".4 . - f, 1 .. , 10,:: IV. , OZ! . . 1 . vt, R. z. D D . tpoik.fo: T. ...1 ..;. 7 , Y. n rit. -7-3Zori if roikr l icee, And the *take 10 - 11 Wiwi 4,14 to *ii4 4 qp. 4i.il ;1 of th 4 !Word a diactinikkourgpiClt* - 1 '. y + ioL r'z ll ‘ L} 6.3 foAciamm, -5••• -; --.• •r- .4.' FOX. ..... , -... „ . . era s (l‘j t 'iaira iiiviir .ualPileriarnwa. "OWE ~, POlVDra:—se oomimumi qf MAWS ,articAss fee the iieditiviai oa of . in....a .. ~ ii*owie_ssteerorozelP6l4 ' &dttid sway. far. sonsoce " : 6 4 iiiiii* 1 f4 h emall'iddliPtg% . • . . lIIMIXO .41.11Nran . • 1:117*"' r"Pultdmid sold at ZULU'S Vooll Amoy Goods Stsss, No. el Wits& skeet. 1 Jag NW , "'lsmaili* '..140.f0l i EU SID.. 19 .. 3 , • .f )15-11 •Ci AI If.cLElTelii.T RZZT, OC EMS , J~ T :. ~.. S~ IRE =EI iiadligr a, 1 1 41 ' - ." 41t =I MEM +a`i ~ MI 43MCALS mtmrr, r }.,, t : li~s-lei, ~r end Patg, Mat% ChM* and Mak, ilasigg PUN and Alcohol. Lattl, 6 1 411 n, 1 4 4 Pim 4111. 'iialliaad'Lluzip Mobs% is Col* , ao4:4fcce igh ago 4 Ink irW illtiaq of EMINI ' 2 P 4l qi l -!' 11 !k:g AIkrAPP;I%. selected from the best miumfecturers mid Perfommir • .ile• f.:2=-.t"..rd"7:57?-0,74 getheAiY-liriedellon Ole WHPRZOIgni .. . " Vi#ool64;t4OFiqi . .• • k wEtiDa weisrut r, A wan r/f 333 M TEE ral TEETS AVYYJDir AND 1f71.17'W8. iriNPILAINTENTN, • melitsirfifelivrit 31 , Of all kinds, direbt Timrk the ?rploilstage.., wx=qt!ftAND'C LYE Whaessiilieihriar we iesit v I.w} OUTER'S' MEDZOAL FLUID ~0"41.4H 0 ri..: ..: 71 . '!r ' • 111 apse of you xiko bave.soWndiiiiii/ORMOottAt rtgl??Pkifn Bs. ) OVA» • lot at led Bloc Jug zboolvod et 81118/Xll k Boaosomon to W. Dook.T.Vidt, ,e):10 0 , t 1-• :V .06Atisagsop *OOl 4 ..o.lldhi r sitraaess to - Brink — or Mega - DMA ashiag t b tat iteras water proof satilhoexadAsh,t opal to sa N iti ilay color &ire& • others for whole TiortleAlisli* DO Smile 4 er i to As totifflrftwor; j., residers, Poursessel l JD la - it .i. 111111Asibeilor witsoe, IMiellittertile. A. lisavalies , tera="ll " Alledworsit,- .6. _ Third arm, Jame. Wee, owner'EL CLuzies Motel, ---7 " AMNIA Volari,4lllml Souse, Darr & loser, archltests Dispatch Batlatiopy u Mina , Oa;tfliiihrsla liniAlteWeet, marlort. Pt A. J. ioneb, g, Mlle address. O. : .".. -..; T. 1r WATSON, 1 . „ Q. B ox 1,1K16, Pittsburg, pg. _or, Peru,. Douse, Harrisbur g , N. NM - **4DDEsnii MARBLE YARD, CORNER OF WALNUT AND MTH smsails, Aar* bug, Mtn . nicitisigiked baling opened a Marble I:l.,:lnutothiablEcAay, bag tom to Inform their frietA aad the gablia,ibrorl, sbalk,a, an prepared to f t , niab • • ORK - IFIVERY DESCRIPTION Mom e 1 - ancdt Ad St Head ones, Mantles, And HMO Work In Marble and Brown Stc,La Qi,e usa cal; 'admit will gypiewatee sauggottoa IhrFADDEN k Co. N E 4- 40 1. 01410111.004,17,011.41111130116 or Gerona 3!J Ali ASFORTILENT OF OVERIOO STYLES I= MIME * AND P 0 IegriIIONNA.IES FOR LADIES- AND. GENTLEMEN, him °mug vos. The best WOlOOOl/ TRAVELING -NATLN ELS, and sgeaend variety • of VA WY 1200088 imitable Pi o.tt mow on haled a RULERS Iltrug • No. Stove, IN IWitee are& PHOTOGRAPH ALRIARs. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Photograph_ TIMID in FEW MOROCOO— panelled Ail gilt luall mounteiwithtwebetA - 7-Webefa - ALBUM innt - aipisturabir at a Is • ' g Ve h g r ivilb Arnim caw *yip wt wise eal • will& wM lie wildaeoe.'-".r• MOW NY Pim diinme "Wrosiiteee id • IMEirrititli libokstore, - - • ti Harrisburg. PA. SEEM NM 4r ME MOOR/knit FOR BOYS. 'BOY, mid beesiOe Opnbaund. sivik426e, ••• $1 TaPION I 4 IB 5 . 0 1ri ii 2 dP"rke I#l,llePn",t4esg, $1 3 TignaltY BOA tadltiko firsinkc , • II 3 THISMINURB BOY, or brivr Ilek Marla , 'snag /4 1 !Imark- • ' 4 •! I If :11/ THE FAIWRIBOY,aoi hoir. he boostoO itootea , oat General Wpm& _ A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF TlirkiganlAlßF. *oar FortSumtei to Roanoke • Woozily aluStrotied• At ' .1033b9r103A1300111TORK. Ilia :INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTILAMERICh, lio il3SlWalnut Iltreet;liontliadie Eastol - Tatra •Ilarnst; .tMOUNT OF Awns, - •........ s l,66r l oez IRC0171:1;a1 . 1DIV94, • - J. .4 . $ 600,00; .., /WART= PARPENIAL. re, * l4 . b4 4 u 4 TAilksPortation It BUISIIOe. .!. "! • - *';l'atA26lBiik4, 41$Plutluri. cOYFANl•Preglikfil 11- WILLIAM ‘- ittitarttEß, Cenlimal likent ink Pennsylvania. Vinieilarrisburg Pll . r • w; tYB 7 :lrg r O h )); /21 4 3- V I NO , rA l 444i faAvA, or lii!PaRT.A.Ar*:')Q 11,14 P TE D . " I.4PEirA I / to; OTIBUI ti . • 8113B1;int,trianit*. ? -:? -t r rpaavatuarz otauurri4uvairrus EULBW. does not. area tnu vartitt4 bta rehtoceil original Meru, it. does not dlacoldr. Li Will restart whit very *de lobos evo*Yedaratt ituramos - iitnar west QI---Woud- An PlirtAtra.,ldid, Opit(4'd.Jll tui ialLurk &rut use it; -tof eieattinglurniculet-ttas; has been nod • plOuljectivAil:APlAi -A Aullit(Mitifi, ab.Soro and dud and milks It 61.4.4 tad kYr 1 44 1 4 da: KUNBAX,4 BRO., Rt44itt I.lll,llarms ones, Manlaburli- Talaizawbunizisinur; *Mai 41 = : X= 1 :=1= 1 ...W ll4 lll. vw at ; 4.eotrasosraioroura Ant k.eullUetativiau.ll.l eiur .i •iarak ea. Übe t tirifi t ant fi : All ihe isPrrliblokac Ittkkoto, nos, :sloutoo3loopoo, Ltsp itoot:S. rouAI use be allesillar with"iles Ues . 0 ' ../t SUP Postural rourerapouusir eitiattii - or bat's. Alain sus uy4ottU _ Jkok.keer revs* sesse Er *****Wss.. Sala strels: Vitus stikriiitic Worms. ask w 02,44. alUoiitSurs.: - MIII2I I tiltail.MUTONALii tab rBlrii to soothe e.n."lleperk . "1 / 2 ; = 1 V 41 7 14 % - tr i the “. use :SafibiL and Sqlu.' , iibe wag MAW> Impecturamtb tainivikaw4,oo duet 70 Cualilligutaaa, re WendedZ r 41,100 !gift ifictrulitiible and Sugir , MCA ovataisi I stli . rang imam U 4 1!C1 br max, —t4,f mlykSioa*ao.skatirg. rinlabsaithlukboLizciliale Fa ci e a k i al;wa,ii,msue-11,x.:29,0 Ark, A. MIMI, iI a D.,,X-pwiEba alba - • j Meth Year. Three departments: Prircegy, Acadellm , rad Oolleggialqs Pull college ur oio Masks, Ulla* anaile , WOW/ Milli d< Mei N =l&eieaee :or toe 10 4 1 .V. 411 11 0 - - DOWN lap ( **am, . AT o r ow.appiy .Vl.l 4 • , " e I naITATW N grriuwilleal lllldediaiOr • ag cerdil 11 , 411 7 deseripaan will be exeeeilifiar the ~ blibert € 7,j Zarratlit i C e e via t i* We lu rtfia' li 111411rictir • ' 3? 111 J A I Err s t IRV! 7!"-) - • t'r — e. t , mums- isivalos W'? _ - tilifolgferstr eat 'it': • •- • w hb111426m POCKET BOOKS, PURSES `KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 ilorket street. Mil