Ei ME - weans". . . • p at - t p, _egt-ttg; 13.4.BRISBURG, ILL FRIDIY EVENING, AUGUST . 6, Mi. hoer/Gig WO ADVlCR'll4BllB.—iii Advert tinements, Mildness NiOclei; 'lllllTiages, Deaths, ai`to, to Pomo% huiwiries. _i;st the TELEGlLAPl4mnortitahrowiably beismoni• pared with the VASIFIL. , Advertisements prdered in. the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the:Kern ing Edition without extra charge:. . - wN AND COUNVitir. WaTTED IMMEDIATELY. —Font good com positors. Apply at this office. —•— . Busr—The people, in different sections of oiu county, trying to fill theiinuotak under the late call. i=::=l SHERI:F . B Ste.—The sheriff will aellfsev oral tracts of huxd on Thursday, • thei.l.Bth inst., at the court:house, in this city.." WE notice by the 'Pittsburg paperstlittt - Dr. Sing, late Surgeon General of this State, has opened an office for the practice of medicine, in the Iron City. Tsra Election in New Cumberland ansulted• as follows: For the first atuendinent, 69; against it, 6. There was a unaninions vote in favok of the second and third amendment Fonwn—An impertant paper ,belontp to .x • Alexander W. Morrow. of the Signal Carps. It can be had at this office, by paying for this notice and describing property. VIZ Executive Committee of the. &May School. Convention are requested to meet for Important business at the Rooms of the Y. M. ehriatiari . AsSoclatilin, on' Friday (this) evening at 8 o'clock. Tax STATE TEACICHEIS Association nee.t in Altoona on Tnesday, and was largely attend ed.. In the evening Prof. S. 1). •Ingram, the President, •delivered his address. The 71-, buns says: "Of this address we need only say It wits sneh'as We might expect fritm the head and beast of theTresident of such a noble As sociation." The exercises are said to have bassi enuartally inthesting. MISSY miaow stsor are wanted iturnidi ately for Stalte.defeace. They are to be mus tered into the State service, and' serve dtaing the emergency. The Governor's proclama tion and accompanying order WHThe our oolumns to-day. All able-bodied men can possibly leave their businesiiiii a brief period should rally at once tode.nd the Statc•fronkthe rebel hordes whO $1 . 4 about to invade us for the purpose of destroyimmr towns and cities, and robbing our peoples. ANOTHER batch of colored people aimed here, from ()timberland Valley, yesterday, They no doubt skedaddled on account•ofthe rumor that the rebels were coming. These poor creatures are indeed to be pitied. They are compelled to leave their homes upon every approach of the rebels, through fear of being captured. Many of them are penniless--all ate poor, and by their constantly, moving I to iiincl'ito are unable to earn anything tc‘ill•ds maintaining •themselves during ilia coming winter. EITORTIOI , 4 THE RU41140 PASSION ON THE Roca—Prices rule supremely high, and are, on the ascending scale. Without shame, conscience or remorse, everybody (the printer excepted) asks three, four and five prices for every article in the market, with t*! , subli mated assurance that they do not care JO sell even at that. We warn the extortioner to de sist. Surely, there is a day comhig when , you will all wish that you had been priatters,,or had heeded the printer's precepts and fol lowed his most reasonable example. ONE Tames Szavroz.----Bally for your coun try ! A. number of good men are yet wanted st the low room of tile yrAr4i - ur STREET EXOHAIME, to whom the highest local bowl ties will positively be paid. Volunteers are invited to call, and sharks and bounty-jumpers are notified to stay away. The compantis now in Qamp Curtin, where tutiformaarc mediately iasned. . . • A meeting of those who have not yet been sent to camp is ordered this evening tea o'oloilk. G. WASHINGTON FENN, Capt. Lieut. Mark T. Cash, Recruiting Officer. I=l AZElrts,ll, SHOOTING —Soldier Irifled:-:-A case of 41ocidental shooting occurred Balti more. yesterday, by which a soldief.AloitPlita le. The company of sttvglcM, Minute Men aocompanying theawfrom- this city, ,were delayed several' *Mrs inTilat, 4.. ore. A guard was placed over the. ritriur" lers, to prevent their escape, and while one of the Minute Men was in charge of . MI dity; his gun was aooldpntally dist:lame& klie bul let entering the -head of one of themenunder guard, and killing, leis& tastcuitly.. An limes tigation of the ease wtuolniti at once, and tie s oung man who consniiited the.deed was Jim:• orably discharged. • • . - GOOD Tiamiwass.—At a regular meetingief I June's Lode, No. r, held last Weilnes g, evening at ifingillky Rail. 'the -44119 °Mews were installed. by the G. W. Cognsel lor, Isiao W. Hotriwin, - tO serve! until 1 / 4 t 3k ; November : •• W J. Charles ; W Sallie. Ilothuan+W 8. J. O. ModlerneY W A . ff;' Jennie drn 1; W F S, Imo 'W:11.9 1 4.4 4 4; 1 0P 1 .. 11 8, Kate E. Webb;WLEIS• marl Jordan ;. W 0 , 8 . 8 . Kissel ; WT, John - 8:11;; Luther D. Jaws ; W D M , -Elise KlitretW 0. Louisa Treher; W - D 0, Joseph J. BuoVer4 I W 0 T, Ellie Eh Wiant , . • This order is a good one, and should•be en oouraged by all our 04 13 itizazis• The Um." peranco wise is inost'*ofully negleoted . W oureity, and as til39 - OTIEL/25492. ai4)74 every effort tobringabOutareinrm. We are re: quested to urge both old and young to eon. neet - themselves iriarthis nobleinstittltioll, to drive Intsmperanoe eihr Wit the fallen and brokenhearted, and ant Imitations:au Ae tit% 'foie.' 1,44e..1......144.11011 1 7 -^" — 1 . ...me.411110l A1:00.1g1AMOV , • Attention, Fourth Ward Cop • '. ar'r irff 404;4 er digit= at sge 8o ?1 Howe, at 7 °Awl: this evening, for By order of the Captain. t There will be a meeting of the citizens of the Sixth ward this (Friday) evening, at the Go 01,1 1 7 A Eigipelfirue. foithayr of onge**mak, aanostatuo.Rnota of the ward. Every citizen is requested' to be present to hear the report of the different committees. i NEW Music.--"A Badde; Blight is on my Heart," "The Secret," two beautiful ballads, each 35 cella L"Thttilkidtb* it Me Door," ballad for Guitar, 30 cents." "General Min cock's Grand March," General Sed,gwietea Funeral March,'? *lto. One Le' Love," fanta sia brilliant, by Hoffman. The above, wit 4 a number of other vocal and instramemital music, has just been receive:tat Knoche's Music stoke, 93 Market street. VIISDRIL.-:104, brutal , murder , wan mmarn#l 1 4 in the quiet 'ad ' heantiful village of Tu . henna*, in this State, one week ago t Thil.r B 4o. • .Tite PlKtici Yaw an tui folloNia: Two young men, named Jerry Dunn and Tom Sing, 'fonsterly - bf 'Qswegrk' le Y.4' brought; a negro'• theca :for thi3Anirposa of inim as a substitute, but the negro becoming dhk. j satisfied, told them that he would not enli t, and started to leave their company. Thy vollmn , „to ,lipit,,..inkrilfi. liept k4l illi ", g faster and faster, until .he passed a bowie,. when a dog came out 'and bit' him. ' Tis . rut made the negro ylkerme,Aig, steed to a , when the tie young men fi red their revolt' at hina—Still'thetabgro kept running, wh n after abort .I:bison shots had been fired at hi , seven of which took effect, he threw b i k t ili arms up, and implored them to • desist :' 41, give him time to pray. They came to hiihk and said, "We will giVe yon ' tithe tO`pray, you ," ankone picked.gp a club and the other a large atone, and beat his brains out, • literally grinding his:head to powder. Thy were immediately arrested and placed in the Tunkhannockjail, where they now are await ing their trial and conviationfor mud*. . • FLENDISHNESIS OF THE REBELS A T i CHAMBERE BITEG.—The Pittsburg fetnetercialhas an .ac cotint ef the' kerhirig of Ohainberaburg "free two ladies who were witnesses of the whole afair. It says: _ • . • "One instance related to us seems ,so + pugnant to all our ideas of human nature th had we not the most , implicit , conAdence . t the veracity of our informants ? we should hesitate to credit it eves' of the rebels: It seems that one house to .which -they set fire contained the`borpse of a dead woman. This fact.was utadeknoweito.thetincendiariee, an in the _name of our common humanity th • were entreated tb spare the building. The refused, and after rudely removing the eorpsi3 to a lot near by, applied the torch and the house ot thideaalwaiii. r ianoultigring min.+ Anottiakelpte Rata 40* to us of a yoiing lady Tylnedangeroiiily ill in her room, anti' upon thh . ftiet being made known, it was not until a guard of the ruffians had entered th sick chamher and by personal examination} satisfied themselves of the dying -giii'scomne tion that they conceited to forego burning the house." CHAI2HE/gEt6to RELIEF' cash viz : Dr W W Entloirfent • 11 M Grcydon,„.Esq,„ .collected by him in'SecOn - d Ward, viz: Han V Hummel M G Einstein Dr E W Roberts • Mrs C L Berghaus Small sums without donors' names. Charles L. Bailey - Dr John Curwen collected at Penn sylvania State Lunatic Hospital, From attendants and opera em. ployed. ..... Mre Id P. Elmer ... Mid 11 ' Mrs M P Cnrwen Dr John Carwen... c James McCormick. Esti Wm L 4kd L Bally, Donglaserille,Pa VenlY Shoemaker, 1, Money paid in Court House, namea • of donors not heretofore received, viz:. Levi Grai . Dr Mcßride John Frees Philip Linn Coburn...o • Dr Hower, Dr. Martin, of. Baltimore U McKinney dolm J Shcielmdrer,l (*Hooted by him in Third ward, viz: Mrs George %AV. John Smith Adam Keller. George Sterner. , ~ .s.,••••• His William Beatty kW Robert J. Ross..s.— --• • Andrew Foltz IRobest - Vau nt ghn . ' ' • - - • IA F Bra .. J" Mciklany iGe (gas J . Shoemaker.. ~ ,A's Fahnestoalt i, Metzgar,,,,...„. 1 , ~..... .. 'll Felix . J.* ej-K Greenawsdt... . .......... pr I G Weistling Osorge , P Weistlitig. . .: ... ....... Harry Shaffer John Haldeman J R r... g Beatty .„,,,,, •• • •e• , itj'Aril Page: - .... . _ . . ..... George Fisher - Kiev T H R0bia50z.,.,......, . J H Briggs ... Dr J Fleming::. --rig: -. .f Ctuitle inlikaltag .. r.. TS 00 T W einman sil• 'kJ: - 25 00 Sallie "Alye n • • •::*"4,INCI-2.'"..,..i•-: .1. ,:. ..i - 4mair Wit 20 00 1 1 Schweitzer . .. 5 00 Kirk....". X.. ..... ..•.....,.-:•.-,--",'• 5' 1 1 0 Pat5iderr...",•.. 2, ..,•:a .. i....:: , ....:' -• 10-Ot W 00. .-„ . . T o t a l ,•. • . • ... 2,1109 75 1443•91/ ,7 11 .44 1 5 ; r*e ;d • •• * 6 , 149 90 lieoeived also / mate of quounirsta tam liammehtlillinge4 labia igq ao I:akiNfkb , -*II *Pas: Ar-f)AL 5 i an tin " 11. . • . t. ISq • • ItE .-.- • "00- - t ( GM I N F S S m thirdiateLS OVIA AV+ , s. - "mberibluißellet 4" 43' gOanditee• $5O . be 50 OQ 20 00 25 00 20 OQ 39 od 300 00 30 75 LO OD 5 00 io tv! -, 50 00i 5® 00 60 001 10 001, 5 00 10'00 5 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 500 2 00 500 5 00 5 i.. 00 00 20 00 3 00 5 1 / 4 00 3 00 S 00 590 100 00 500 10 00 50,00 5 10 10'00 5 00 100 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 50 00 100 .C.O ..4. 80 0 00 ig) + .0,369,95 - the a ing P " Wa.* t Apo y 0. Vryittern - EAR— TrApiN CHILD, Dailfledetf aPh2Priiitthg Third St. Drviirc e 2th PBrinsylvaUia Re haa received authoritylolideeraPa nies to form a regiment fOr - Ohe year's se ce, which he is to command. Parties,wishing to recruit for 'his regiment will call on Or ad dress Capt. OHEK-Nrhite`Hall'Hotel, Harris burg, Pa. ==:l Itu.r.iy,. Boys, ,141.rart-,-Vertkekre Otter& „ell iention!—This company is ordered to meet at company rendezvons, at the Walnut Street .Exclumge (lower rciem,) at,74.o'eloeh, for roll Let every member etterid and bring a frierld along. We .:want a number a•good young men, and guarrantee,thebiiheat ties, wAslinial'oPT cotto• . , . Volunteers Walked rorOilie Yeur. Werbeke Gaarda.--The undersigned haa •e -oeived oompany for. lane year's service in lien or the draft 300 Nun tY win bagiaeit _to all good men; soil possibly *400: At'' . all events X have made such ax range-me/Its as will insure to all ihe- mums= BOUNTY givenlatlyWherei This is the only way to avoid the dratt. ifeadquaitera, itahe EXCHANGE. Nttiant street. r . WAWINXITC6.I.7,iIO Oaptam. j728-tf SPECIAL 'NOTICES: itlisigadry hisatnensfyi - Arttiendied Ira. Bounty; Pexekm,- Back ' Pay, lli th istake 'and VOW/ sad War Claims,:geaerally, aide oaf sad - colldcfed. - 111K 1 ions raiding-v.4a distalloataza taine "led 1* gi'4l4 . . I)Y l ddr i il g i ' Ate° t-tarte BO nley4l. • 7I•11.4 atvMi lymfittn•rirro. ibrrOlLor TZIXGI4PII: • ' altAly ,_ .. „ . : Presr Sin With your permission I wi sh to e a td the , .r.:"lbters ef your pave that I will send, lir return ` hutti, to ai m all who. wish It -(fire ) 'aßeenpo. with full - direbti for malting and using a stutple-liregetam l.t e.,IM, tilW" t x. factually rem.ye in ten davit, "Pfittplek'' alkali* a, Frei•kles, and all Impurities of the Bain, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth aul tit autifuL -- , , re I will alb mail free to those having Bald Heads or ' Faces, tdirm'e Oirectio . ns mid _,infointsulott that wig ;I -e e them to suirea foil grewttia tiuttriant:frate,:,l44, „ Or a MoustliChe, - ,ih !earthen th,:rtyditys t • . ~ __., - _ 1 i All applia it tleni iisw¢td '-hy. lilacspig . ': *Atolui, charge. Respectfully yeah's - , i ' r...: THOM..Y. CHAPMAN, Chemist, • ,19 6- #19 1 .41.' .-.-. .:, 831 Broadway, Nevendr. , .. , , • WOAD TO T. WISE 4 ""there is no need of uy person_ having Rio Driontery , for one nay. „..All,lnoic , of the public is to terrorDpsob- Aery Biwa ; ; ottly 24,c,outta,bouita.• .I.taaverry: plantain to tikn; nab be given; Chad of any age with groin:anal dOloo• It has cured.Pery,badraaea;{and'situ ollong standing Info lt.indeed worth tridolf:‘ , -PxoPoribt•asid• 'GU only by Mni, I. Ball, South Pinossrotit; Hartiotiarg. • •, Jr2t-d.ttr, • ' COI.VATE'S 'Horfifat •SKPAhr• !,., '-' This edebtated - TOlllet oap, * ta floceawqr644-- inmg. snd, is made froth the ala.9llcfst. -AS ' and e'ollient In ih(juktia, Zr iidetir IRMA and exstemely lbinefiefial 'Wats aba§n speak..lhey. Tor side by all Achalett 44 Vds - 4 ( Goode Deplete • •,, i lin2S-dsalyff. . • . : , _.. 1 . ~ ~. J - , ~ ... .-. , • .. . . . HdIR . DYE I ,- .: - - - t , Statehef or.' Celibielted Hair pr.., f ' • - •. 18 THE REST IS THE 1 • , Ths only fl :Itukaifii , 116 tiabg, . l' iri4o4 ' . ' E 5 ....< This splendid Hair lir . , ereesy , Hate lostaittlf , to's' - dr' atipita, Withbut ilkinhaithens*Oii ngffie fikikleilv (lair soft and beautiful ; impala' fresbAltalier. • ~ tly ' nuitoirtug its pristine' 'oolot; ill °A:affies the urtis, of bet Dyea; . Thsigesilse keikited WIL LIAM ' AL EMI!- • BUIL ; Al! (Shuts- Ird.isiewe lisffitlOns, adtriliqUe.be infoltlod. Bold btaill,-1 , 1e5 . , lOW* &Iv : it* ziry 444. salossms'a sow rouse csotrt VOL saasaust rwirisat jely • rumr. d , • TikEt most healthy persotus feel more or -. lgati weak this estivate warm weather, and lotteithetrari e petite. They need a good strong fonie—tme, that Will strengthen the nervous system and stomach . This tht can get at &Seems per bottle, at Mrs.' L: Ball's, Moro south Pins stir z t ,ws—alstkung, 'lofrittutt'fredd a distauli promptly attendee hi. • •-• • _ .augl . DO YOU wtsa. TO 1111 COILICIDiv • DR. tIICHAIVErEKI3I.4ffir sPitdincr f.ll 1S , lera than CO. daya, the' worst oasts •,rit'NERTD ' Impotency; Premattoi Iwo, &Inlaid tradtnelti., My, and all Urillaty, , Ssxifil and /f oiviiinn 4i 1 B0 013 ; matter from what cause prodnbid.. Price, 'One Dollar poi box. Sent,;poot*lld, Man, on rtccfpt a td:de.ut :Oen Box win perfect - the cum in moat cases. : - .TAUBB.B. B jytt-dhir3M tletterilAgent, 42p.Brini4MT:. aF t LTANG of thint,ner Gktods, at •low raioety encii es Srimmerproseifidods, Lawrsk-Son Umbrellas,. taco Shawls, and Sommer Shawls. We have also on; hand a very, large 'or • bruslida,llalloas, Ging-± hams, Stocßiags, Handkerchiefs; Black Silks, Puna Silks,l White Cambric; Unarmed French Cadllstas, lotto au Oolored Flannel; and fast an assortment at du coati; 'dotsamamod by Any.; To an or. Wh ich TWO disiteaboaet Ithe w te'rodbrise;, and twsdige,to 4eil at , lempridea than we , cue roPhea them thF4elt: 1 42 , 0/11ci nd 8 °r 415 1 goods are; advancing every iligt,Aterm L...ttako , _ jyl6 - BamumvarVs Thwhat. F4r..tho Pao of Ifoaroonoss, , Thrornto,Dis eases, are., ere speoially recommended! to inirditers, singers arid-persons whose vocation V a =Hi them to • in pubto: ' Minittictured only WO, A. t Iry .t & .00.9 "Hareisburp * Pa n , to MOT all o era &mild tier "liadiiined. Sok& by druggisi eyers.„., ~ = - ReaU fhiqolfowinttesbmonials f r om e)some of oar laeiatait olergym• • , . ' Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. Bernivarer---thifiNtr• '1 hare used PorP4ollialTr.odl !r t i est stiketiLottenges Slier -prePantrions for hoarseness and trou.%espand in sompenison *ith thorn 014 can cheerfully oonunend Your brut', ea a . Ible — goi:4l o fon public speakers ana oasen:of hoarsenessk-eoughs and oo Ss. haver found 41116:111 time of need, 11101* ta011744. • , 'lrinthethay,' T. R. ROBINSON, 'Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Ohttr# excellent Troches. rI consider them very fax superior to any oes i f e v that .I have ever used, in -resicving y that huskiness of the voioe a rising m its too frequent use, end impairing ti . effectiveness of the delivery of ptihlie Aei kr thews. YOuri ffa,,, • I 'MO. - WM= JAMESON: 'actor of the - Leonid !fiithodist To O. A. Ittwaviar—Dear &r: Jour Trochee, am free to Bay they it i the beet I have ever tried and take - plewrare in recommending them to alliw? aloha with Bore ihroat or huskiness of i o io s arildrig from public idA,0241.' ' Tours, Ac.„ G. G. ILAAXSTEAW, lilhater of Ridip Avennalliethodiat Chunk . - r - ..l***--bframtnr's rtl,l - • 7 , • Feb. 29, 1264* To-O. Bannvartr-nE,Dcor_ Sir; I haft' 44 1ievb300 0 446: - A, atvargthsidnuthi wineohOwfibasava‘l Alley impart el WM** and eliveirfadeof grear l ani l][4lBl supply of Mich aiwoes der Mau and Dried Bata at Sto an RN, 'pokers. A. I. um jams DOM aPlossrmak RES KIM=I Brown's-lironchial Troches, t„have never changed my mind respecting them from the Stet, excepteeehtuk yet better of that which. I began thinking well of " Roy. HIINEY WARD BEECHER, "The Trochee ate a &Mira life to me." --4 " Frog. EDWARD NORTH, - Prey. Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. "For Throat TM*.lre they area spwilio." N. P. WILLIS "Too thvorably4nown to need commendation." Hon. MS. A. PHELPS, Pre s. Mass. Senate. "Contain no opium nor anything injurioas." Dr. A A. HAY; S, Chemist, Boston. "An elegant combination for coughs,'" tir — Dr. G. F. BIGIMOW, Boston. "I recommend their upon, public speakers_ " Rev. N H. "Met salutary rOlef inlltonchitts." • SEIGIFRISD. Morristown, - Ohio. "Very benegeikrurhon Meting from Colds." Rev. S. J. P. ANDERSON. St. Look. "Almost instatinVief iathe distressing labor of breath ing peculiar to Asthma " .V.Tter. Ave. EGLESTON, New York." `They have suited my atee exactly, relieving my throat so that I Maki etaggwith T. DIICRARME, Chorister French Parish Church, Montreal: As there are imitatious tgi - sure to obtain the GENUINE. Jan2l-dkw A CARD TO TIDE SUFFERING. Swallow two image' hbigsheads of "Buchu," "Tonle Bitters,' "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Autidotta." La, &c., &c., and after ymtAte satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPRCI. FLO PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor M lass than thirty days. They are perms'; vegetable. pleasant to take, prompt andsgpatary In th,..ir effects on tho broken. down and shatterWomaitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Imported and soli in the United Statee only by ww, JAS. S. BUTLER, No. 427 Broadway, new York. agrAgent for the Undod States. . P. S.—A Bog orlbe PM; securely packed, will Lla' mailed to any address on reoeipt of price, which is ONE. DOLLAR. post-pWL-inottey refunded by the Agent if entire satisfaction is not given. jylb-d&w3m Sir. To Clear the House of Flies, are Datcher's celebrated LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER, a neat it hey article, easy to use. Every sheet will kill a quart SOLD EVERYWHERE. ' - - - FRENCH, RICHARDS* CO., 10th and Market amebic PhdadelPhla. wholfunle 0 • v 24- 0 1 ' w Aiv•ca. I HOU 6or 6 Idonits"ar small rani y. Leave directions at this office. Rent paid in advance monthly, If requTed jya -1a• WANTED, APRAOTIOALSAR-TENDER. Apply a the saloon under Herr'a Hotel. jr2O-dtf IA ANTED. TO RENT. kAoria,ithl.gr 6„, rpging# 7 ,,,4pply t o Cli~it4tßatigit'aVel^alliterdPS riA6t. an-ft NV - ANTED—At $l5O per Month.—We want a reliable Canvasser in every county. We have agent" Taal/Jog gasa por month which we will prove any doilbtint a npt/onljit jalle -•- - ' •. • v. c . fil o * kci SUBSTITUTES WARTED. TWO substitutes to serve for one year want ed, to whom $2.0 each will be paid. Apply to Tnoma3 C. Muertowel!, attorney-at-law. Moe in Third street, near line, Harrisburg, Pa. jy27-tf. FOB which a liberal price will be paid Apply at the Croton Hotel, Market street Jr/31A* S. & BELLIIAM tES -1 EM . •., • . 4 ; leintintWlßlAß.‘, 4 ~, - ~...i., . H A f, .A. 4 pt9X 744,cTer tc74l l g - 'A. Q „ er. aTao44olaado,ierate ORM/f-Be• ,- & widAeitateaAla...pledgea plutotor to P!'slainikooktfiki&F, ' PlNlPAltholliftlita .:2, JOlNvocf ' ' %,-i• •-,41,7-I , ': hit ,I"•Wh' WinkWA . • .7 74 ' ' '''''' ' ''. ''' ' 41:013.1'!_"• - •V` 1 , ?. •• 451 . 1 gi'lner . Ls . , ,-• ' _ ~", i 31••• A -;, . WILIIIIMIE • iiMikitilitithinoverlowii -4614 ~.„, ship, offers himselli Altlailaktkerftk ithi 41Sixl of BEdISTER, of Dauphin counts.._ if 0 . 1044 . 0 2 1.1... 2Mar* cz t e; .t doisetr to pen erm the duties of said office wit)] je29 d&wtc CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. KARIUMICIRG, PA., June 9, 1864. rirkuiltVireltig§ll3llllnsell b Cans o e 14th Congressional Dis trict of Pennsylvania, composed of tne counties of Dau phin, Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder, for nomination by the several countyconventions of the mid District. DeSidtel JOSIAH ESPY. ... , ~. , ...., '---- ' - m..." . it - • ieargi wii. , • . ErDOPPEU MIDLER, 'of 'East" . gangver toilitaltip; tons bruiser(' Oicaii4iiiiiie foitho-Affice ' et* ' TtliroinhikkAir' . o* elect ;; he prodgeii him or.l twill° fulfil the dittietOrtfiextßetith Ildelicy. ie2edgoa r meis. , tch ' s'% '• e• A notea maim*. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. $3OO REWARD. rig idrititritigs triiihed . Melee . securities have boon lost, viz: $l,OOO 73.10 'treasury Note, dated Oct. 1, 1861, No. 22,477 600 do do 1 N 63 600 do do . ,1,309 500 do d ( 3 1;399 • The ahem-ohm-e'en them' Nib coupon?Tfoin bct". 1,18821 1'?1,4 4 7• - • , - • 109 7 mo TeneatumNoie, .d.steotikug. 19, '6l, No. 64,064 . • 64 227 `l.OO do do 64,22% 100 do do 64,230 The latter the notes have on them the coupons from' Feb. 19, 1863, inclusive. $lOOO tone year atatitlti&bt flietkuniaittliette April 3,, 1863, No. 8,194 PAYIIRNT ON ALL THE ABOVE HAS BEEN: STOPPED at the Malted States Treasury, and the holder of them will not receive payment' The above ritstare, toe! be paid, on behalf of the person ownlog.them, if hitt with' W.--W+lR; 18414413waVe20r - 1:4"1 1 OUT Or DRAFT!. One "Year's' Ser*riee. CAPT. MILES- AND LIEUT. LIGIHTNER, Itt l aNer reaeird Vithdrity• (the l lust is sued) to raise a company of volunteers ttir ONE E SEEV/CE, now offer rare isdnoernenta to able bodied.lllloll to enter the service. Apply' at the COURT BOM7-dt ß, o r at MILES' GROCERY STORE, on Ridge Bold jy2 A T r :0' Ai WIi.N WED , VOLUNTEERS FOR ONE YEAR! rra All the quota of theREOGND WARD Of - the 04 of Nualitsmg. !kindled Wei pa,• pent an Jura& bounty, Cab. Ovveirnmeut, bounty.... •t•.•••••••• , ...... 100 To* bPVlity, , • f!' • $ 3OO PAY PEWMONTH, $l6. TERN OF REM; ONE YEAR ONLY! =to will be pa:dto 'mission turaiddlig an acooPlabi° /walla Apidiat Dania . Wagner's, Second Ward Roan Corner pf second and MastagtaWKty '!•9 • W. SIMONTON, . MTI4-11 M IL Recratetas Clomnatoe, de .ad Ward. Fl I . e. , .- ~ __n 1.14 i- . , ....,. igiek. ftIQIIID RENNET yields with milk the i mere leseteas et all deserts for the tablog the light t and moat grateful diet for InveJlds and children. ilk contains every elemeat of the bodily colastitotion; hen coagulated with r e it Is always light and easy of tiestion, and supports the t aystem with the least possible *tement. When still miter nutritive power is desired, Irma and sugar may be waded. A tempoonfal converts a quart et milk into a Arils clifd. Prepared and sold, Wholesale and retail by ' , . aA. MINK/ L, .8464 f "" _ - 116 ket street. . . CIDER VENEGA B - :4-rare Cider Vinegar an be Wee% by the Ditrrl it mall qemmtity, 1101TKR & OCKPER. ,_., XTBA WHIT& Viiii.T FLOUR. -So- Woad Whits ifluat3 Floor, , fit vcaval Efor solo at a MAZER, 4 illaormalSro • W. Dock, Jr, cr. Ca ' F. W 800 IL &-1101 BBCOIILDEB 1 11 --Ili A MOP , . : 1 0 DAYS O 1 SHODDY ,-. est resolved at rthem : . : 1 ~ , 1 8 BOOESTORS. - - - - =M NE it fr ilek I VERTISiEM 7. 1 8 V 4 ? l , PrO0 4 1)8a 1 4 f e 4r taint. TERASIJAIr Dastarrarea, JulY•2s, 1864. NOTICE`is hereby given that subscriptions will be received by the ' Treasurer of the United States, 'the several-Assistant Treasu rers and designated Depoiiitffriefi, eiul by the National Banks designated - and qualified as Depositaries and. Financial Agents, for Tree su.ry Notes payable three years from August '15,1861, bearing interest at the rata of seven and three-tenths per Wit:- 'per annum, with . semi-annual coupons litteched, :payable lawful money, .'These riettes will be Coif'reitililektiliebption of the-holder at maturity, inte_six per cent. goldhearing bonds, - redeemable after itixis And payable twenty years from August 15;-.1867. 'The Notes will be issued in denominations .of fifty; one handred, tive•hnndred, ono then sand; and five-thousand dollars, and will be issued in tilazik,, or payable to order, as may be directed•bi the - All Subscription - 2 must be for fifty dollars, or some multiple'of fifty . dollars. Duplicate eirtificates,wilf be issued for all deposits.. : The,Parky .I),c!tilting'muit endorse upon the original certificate the denomination of notes required, arid whether they are to be issued in blank . or payable to order. When • so endorsed it must be left with. the officer re ceiving the deposit, to 'be forwarded to this Department. . . The notes will be trrnsmitted to the owners free of . -transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of De posit as they can be prepared. Interest.ill-be.ellewed to August, 15 on all . deposits made, prior to that date, and will be •paui by the Department upon receipt of the original`certificates., As the notes drew interest from August 15, persons making deposits • subsequent to that date must pay the interest accruetl from date of note to date ordeposit; , Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any one - time will be - allowed a commission of one-, quarter of one per cent., which will be paid by this Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No de ductions for commissions must be made from the deposits. Officers receiving s deposits will see that the proper endorsements are made upon the' original certificate -« All officers auttized to receive deposits arerequested to gto applicants all desired information, and 241 ford every facility for making subs@ rip tkos s. M. P. FESSENDEN, Secretary of the Treasury. frie- All respectable banks and bankers throughout the country will doubtless afford facilities to subscrtftre. UtkEDIEN T RE-OPENING OF SANFORD'S RAU, .11J NAtivois All LA CONTINENTAL COMBINATION COMPANY =I oN, x 4 g mly: JULYIBM ; company. 444st$ bt. the test, estaLhke; company. esusigetrig;ef.,,, SINGERS, t DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, --.- , • ...GYMNASTS, &O. The ravager takes goa,,in.. announcing that they intend making las Thili.' Owed:ash of the city. „ ~...,. BA.REEX - VM1,36,91A, Proerietors. B2LLT Pcomax, BiiiiNealF,A,Emni, . . lra ct2t , CAN'TVAErwiEttlirier 13[A WAWITUT BTREET, , BELOW THIRD. , Prop feta J H. DONNELL Boslimai Agent =. . • JOR MILLER . Stage, Manager - - WILLIAMS Leader of Or,c.liester 714.11 y MESTAYER ..... .. T. G. DIDLEB OPEN every night with a first-tdaas corn pany of male and female art:kited The perform atme embraers every variety of legitimate amusement, aueh es SINGING, ri> FICAL ]"'ARCS; DANCING, COMIC OPERAS, PANTOMIMES, , NEG/tO COMICALTTIE D , FEL 'ESQUES., ,AFPJFSTS. Afti5ii611,2.;416.. ', ,4 46 6:11 sl4.loaces.aticeits. Doo: s open at 7. To con:moms at S o'clock. jylSdtf - GOVERNMENT gALES - SLC:, , _ AUCTION. SALE . CONDEMNIV -HORSES ; - . WAR DEPART3MT, CAVALRY BCREAC, Orr= OF Clint QUARIERMASISR, • ' lirsisurauron,, D. G., ,121r23,1801. tie 'eels ate .priblirs :auction, .try. the. highest bidder, at GIESBOB±P, D. C., on -;••• • August 6, DIM, 100 Cavalry Hotter, TUESDAY, August 0 ,1601.1 0 0. Cavalry Born a Theseberees havelmen coudembmd . ss unfit for the cav airy sCrvice a . the army. . • - • roaa.and fanning piirposis many good bargains may be hid. Horsea grad singly. Terms cash, in United States currency. JAILEs A. ERIN, Lieut.. Col. and Chief Quartermaster, aria 1.4 t Cavalry Bureau. NOTICE. at present a maident of being duly sworn, do depose and aay that I was enrolled ln He; in the county -- Pa, where I then resided, but that I moved from there in the month of IS—, into said— first above named. am,a IMO, and by ocimintion a and hereby request that my enrollment may be changed to anitAig.present reaidem.e. Nivrir—The above is adopta by the Dodd . of' Enroll ment of the 14th District' of Penzutylvani as a suitable form of atladavit to be made on an application •to change the name oMthe'..enralinient DAB !rem one District or Sub-District to another. JNO. KAY. CLEMENT, "MM. a RAWN. B. T. CRARLTON. Board or Eranpaont. SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY lAM happy to offer to :the public a large and vandal isaortanent J929-1= SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, MIUMAigg4MKI by LEROY W FAIRCHILD These Pens are well finbAked, elastic, and will give en tire eatiaractlue. 'A - PLEAS TRY THEY. ! swot -- MDR'S BOOK 131011 E, Street, opposite Preebyterlan Cenral, flarrisourg Pa. ap23 „LUKE VBESEI BURNT, Alitiqr win delivgred in I. all parte of %lie ciy. fAD orders left 'at Kepplo'a siobaoro store, Market Square, will be attended to: 1517 7 1w* D. DICK MAN. . • ... I' °TS for sale on the corner of Third and AJBroad drones: Enquire of Wit CL'ErTADDEN. rnne4-411' . • li.ArEss SHAD and-EINE_ 'NEW MACK gitzi..; lust. received, at 1918 POVIER . i ibteltrtft. It/VAS BEEP and. .1. one artloUrot Yeas Beef sad Pork at arm • , , QPICED UXSTEEtig,--liktia •Baltis!ioni , claA, sorts, raf,imt ai 18 BUYER & /VERMEIL C 4B a' - ' l 4 fiffo - artioro calved as • _ • 'os[ll3l,Sigig , PligraV • macaaaors , to jicualifko .aniklawogizms or outs will so promptly done by Gillian on JACOB BRENNER, h2l mast of SomadatfOlS omit Meadow Lao. INIUSCI NEW AJS,.I3.*IIIENTS. cos.TAk)s) Y•lJ3tffi~ EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS.. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERLIKATOM "COSTAR'S," EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. n *COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS - =TER INAToRS. ..4",mAirr EXTERMINATuRs. •, EXTERMINATOR& • "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORs. =TERMINATORS. ' -COSTAR'S" EXTFRMINATORa EXTERMTNATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERNINATORS. =TERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. ,IXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. • . • EXTERIVATORS. "CosTARI , EXTERMINATORS. EXIERMIN4ORA. "COSTAR'S" EXTEILMINATOto3. EXTERMINATORS. 4 .OOSTAR'S" EXTERMItATORS. , EXTERMrNATORS. "COSTAR'S' • EXTERMINATORS. lA - TERMINATORS "COSTAR'S" =TERMINATORS... EXTERMINATORS. , ‘ , OO6TAIVS" , EXTt RmiNATORS. EXTERMINAIOita For Rats. Mee, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Bless, Moths in Furs, Virpelens, Insects an Plants, Pools, Animals, ete. "15 yews estabhshed In N. Y. Oily." "Only' inflillible remedies knows.' "Free from; Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Mum). Family." "Rats owns out of their holes to Wear' AINI - 80141 by all Druggists everywhers Atiral BEWARE i r r of all wortblees imitations lir' , costar's" Depot, No. 482 Browlway, N. Y. Ire'SuabY D. W ‘ GM:S s CO., ' •• • Wholesale and retail moats And by all Druggists In fferrietana. Pa jolo4trwBte . SELLING OUT LOW • OUR STOCK Or LIQUORS! wE intend to discontinue the isle Li quors aus offer our stock at a very small minima from cost price. We have purchased all our Mimosa be. foie the last rise and have a large stock on handfartbres cio four years, which are guaraote,d rarities he purchased now at any price from the importers Our stock consists of WI-I 'SHIES of all grades. ,O -We' have parts of three barrels pure RYB, not colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 214 years old. WINES of all Grades, Domestic mit_lmpocted. 33.R.A.NDIES. . We haSe part of q, cask HEENTMEY BRANDY, to which we invite the particular attention of families fir medicinal purposes. Thu Brandy cannot be bongbt to-day, from importers, less than $l5 per gallon. W will sell it for $l2 per gal lon. SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES , CHAMPAGNE WINES, CLARETS, &C. Wisrustte the Inspection of Rotel Keepers and Liquor Merchants generally, es we intend to sell, olthout re 'serve, all our Liquors, and this will be a good opportq. [thy for bargraMs. 020 - 813V.L . Rit &YR . • CLOAKS, • AND ALANTELLAS, IN D. NV-GROSS' NEW EITILDING, MARKET STREET. A New Philadelphia * daisk. Sum. Have slow a iiihiladid assortment. of . . SPRING 4$ SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH. CHICIJI.aLUS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above. beautiful samples, in oven , color And band seemly trimmed, trom $1.50 to $lB. 1000 SILL 111A.Nriba. CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASS, Hand.omely and richly trimmed, tom $lO IT r • CHILD N'S MANTELS IN LARGE I'ARI=Y. • my 9.5 NOTLVE. HE.ope I?ingubloifethaerneowreallyesgted storebst (n attend the T Bowman, on Thursday morning, July Ith, at the south east corner of Second and Wiliam, streets (Into the store room of Joseph Kahnwiler.) This new firm have bought out the entire stock from Mr. Kahnwiler at very low prim, and in.GOOD FAITH eay to the public, that they will sell this stock of goods at, one-fourth lesS than the same kind of goods can NOW BE BOUGHT AT WHOLE SALE. hoftaatt cula3arAiazw.l3 COACENTRATED-LEMONADE, TS ik Pleivartt. hedthy beverage, Very convenient and refreshing for invalids' having ever or groat thirst. Its portability recommends it *o travelers. Its convenience at pio-nios will be apreciated. No sugar required; one table-spoonful simply dinelved Ana glass of c old water and it is clone. . .. . _ SELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, jet? No. 91, Market street NEW PHILADELPHIA CLOAK STORM, IN D. W. GROW' NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES Or FAISBIONA.BLE CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS. LND FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the let of April. [mar2l-015- PHOTOGRAPHS. ALARGE assortment of Photographs of Generate and fancy pictures for sale CHEAP, at SI per dozen, at 80EMFFEB'S BOOK STORE, mySO Harrisburg. Na 51 - 1 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH PICKLES NJ comprising Picalilly, Chow MAW, Cauliflower, Mixed Fickle; Clarkin; Walnuts and Onions. For ads wholesale and - retail by SHISLER & FRAZEE, mvf, goori.sPors to W. Deck. Jr., Ai Co SIT lIST RECEIVED-44 gallons pure currant nine, from a Lancaster county farmer; the noes& made thematic wino In this etty. Pt ice $3 tO Per for sale at _ . - SR/SLER &FR 1Z je9 incceesors to Wm. DsclOri WCIEENEIII3 excelsior hams. Of this sea- IL& don's during. Jest received and For sale by SHISLER & FRAZER, istirmtsours to Wm. Dock. I r.. iO. QM B ASSETS, BASKETS, in great variety at 8111SLRR & FBAZDIF 027 Smarms w W. pock, Jr., & 170. AFLESH supply of Michentle Celebrated Seger Cured li . ma and Dried Beef. at no%l 1304 - Kit k XDIMPER DOCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN MISES FORTEMONNALES, tad a general variety of LU PE:Int GOADS, just received at BERGNER'S BOOR STORK. HUCKSTERS' BASKETS.—ShisIer & Fra zer writ:cc:worsts W. Dock, Jr. & Co., have on im&d. 3.1 cozen hickory Caskets. Price Si 60 Per "an. PICKLED OYSTERS..-4ork River Oyster; Henneticanyßedect, net racemd thia wortdag, sad •for sale by the dem* or bottle, at szcsLER & FRAzga. IaMY FINE,. ißlueizrof" rrio our fine and exteindve *stock of Photo .", graph Ahem! and Pheiogegrh Oerdliatarae, we hare"added a BEAUTIFUL INVBLOpzioi mesk , a - , of card *tared They meat be Men WA lira/A*ll4=M SirnlOtOgraPhenl "WAS at the very lowest whole says prim, and their ace ptdnfed upela theidlhe Si 26 INF talciamd, wholesale and ria . a11y24 • • EFFKRI BOOK IVEF TOtigtir-S. --Pine large beePaiigu. cared biJ.ll. Mattepar & Co. and forz z ia Vu t isa& &It _ to.w,Deltd&-h.r. .WALNUTS; bitEAMTCM 3 ,- ITIPPEETS. Feu waidonla at =tail &FBAZIMi kt mm eaaosmora to W. Pock. Jr., -- fili.ENSE—Cheice new mop (Uwe. just ‘,../ renew:lu tunsuut it MAUR., .14117 mwouron to W. Dan, Jr., Co.