THE T..JEGR.A.PIi MORNING AND trrii2VG • OY GEORGE BERGNSIt. or.r/t2 THIRD sr., ATE:tit WALNUT. .TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTI-ON SINGLE SIIIC-CRIMON. limrtuty Tat.anakra is served to iiiiiicribers in tbc city st 12 cents per week, Yearirsubscribers will be c harged i 0 00 in advAnce. Those petsonnwbo neglecttc pay is 14rantt will be charged 00. MEEKLY TEI BORAPa fan TV:EC/RAFE' fllFolsl:Witrell weekly ; and ha forrighe.l 4 puhrcribors at the ro;:,owing Cash rates I..txlrcopies, weekly;::. - "arca to one Poet Office Tan coo!cr, to ono Poet Office ME DICAL. DYSPEPSIA, DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER 11 D DIGESTIVE ARE CirlIED HOOFLAND'4 GERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, • rilliESE Bitters have performed mime cures; 11 have and do give bettor satisfaction; have more tee ' tintouy ; have more respectable people to vouch for them than soy other article in the market. We defy any Coe to contradict this assertion, and wilt aysl,ooo to any one that will produce a oortificate pub lished by us that is not genuine. Elotland's German 'Bit ten., will cure every case or Chronio or Nervous Debility, Disease., o' the Kidneys, and diseases arising Front a 'dia. .ottltred stomach. Observe the following syrnptem, 4 . ne; *tilting nom the disorders of the digestive orgittte: littipatitm, inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the heal; City of the Stounath, Nausea, Heartburn, DtsguSt the ood, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructatiowry taking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, Swimming .f the awl, Hurried and dulicult breathing, Fluttering at .e heart, Choking or suffocating sensations when in a tying posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs 'before' the. iglu ? Fever and dull pain in the head., Deficiency of pere. !ration, Yellowness of the skin and eyes, Pain in the side, ' • k, chest, limbs, &a, Sudden flushes of heat, Burning lu the-flesh, Constant Imaginations of evil, and . great -de. • -:isou of spirits. . no • Remember that this Bitters Is not alcoholic, contains tir whisky, and can't Maki) drunkards, but is the • Tonle in the world, READ WHO SAYS SO From the Rev. Levi G. Beek Pastor of the Nai4l6l 'Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North BaNiat hush, Phlladetphm * * * * C:MI _ . , I have known Hoofiand's German Blttemfavtirably" for a number of years. I hare used them in my own,familyit and have been so pleased with their effects thatituraont -duce,d to recommend them to many othervind,krune that' :they have operated in a strikingly bene fi cial nuputer:', - I. take great , pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming thfit, fact, and calling, the attention of those altliculd with. the diseased for which they are recommended to these" Bit: tore, knowing from experience that my recommendation • ill be ADELallled 1 do thin more cheerfully an Roof ,We Bitters is intended to benefit the attheted, and la "not a ruin drink." Yours truly. nom Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. a, Editor of- tho".En • clOpedia of Reliylous Knowledge and Christian • Chroni e, Philahelphis. Although not disposed to favor or recommend•Tatein ehicium in general, through distrust of thisiringredlentir rt eifeets, 1 yet know of no &ancient reitecitinNivtly . may not testify to the benefits he believes lilrdlierto ve received from any simple preparation, in the hope t he way thus contribute to the benent of °theft' ':.l do this the more readily in regard to llootlandhtliet.: Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of tine .city . use l was prejudiced against them for many . , years, . der the impression that they wore chiefly an ELleuho/10 store. lam indebted to nay friend, Robert §lioenta-- .4, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper :Le; amt for encouragement to try them .whon suffers g„ m great and long continued debility. The use of: roe bottles of these Bitters at the begintlin,g of the .t year, was followed by evident relief and iestara ou to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had at for six nionibs before, and had almost 'despaired of, F therefore thank God and my friend for chug me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN, P6ilsda .7 From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of, ..o"apl* ureli, Germantown, Penn. ' • . Dr. C.• 61. Jackson:—Dear Str:—Personal extieulaina tales me to say that I regard am Gorman Bitters, pra ted by you, as a must excellent medicine. In cases of were cold and general debility I nave been greatly bone d by the use or the Bitters, and doubt not they will • uoe similar awe on others. Yours truly WARREN RANDOLPH, Germantown. P.. from thin , . S. H. Turner, Pastor of- Iledding 3L E inch, Philadelphia. Dr. C. Di. Jacksou:—Dear Sir:—Having used your Gar. to Bitters in my family frequently I am prepared alt has been of great eervice. I believe that inmost' es or general debility of the system it M the ettfetd oft valitable remedy of whleh I have any knowledge, • bows, respeetfUlly J. H. TURNER, No. 726 N. Nineteenth street; 1. From the Rev. a. tL Lyons, formerly Pastor of fi; umbus (DLJ.) and liilestoson (Pai Baptist Churches. — Nxw Rartatt.A. -Dr. C. bt Jackson:—Dear Sir :—I feel it a pleasure thus, my own , sword, to bear testimony to the excellence of Getviah Mom --Wine yenta since being much of ed with Dyspepsia, I used them .with .very • beueficiai ta. I have otten.repammended themtto , parsons an. led by that Lamenting disease, and have heart . reggr, em the most flattering testimonials as to their great us. oasee of general debility!' belleYerit — Gr lth— , • • that COMA be surpassed. J. H. LYONS: From' Mires , Thomas Winter, Pastor of .Ifooouin, rbr' . Elt Church. . • . Dr. Jacksuni—Dear Sir felt it' due to, nureset.3l— b. t prime:n, Hoodand German Bitters; to "ail, 14, Umony to the dimerileri ropuiarion .niblainie4.. lave for your,' at dumb, been troubled with greatiDeern • my head and' nervous system. I was adViSed by friend to try a bottle of your permaa Bitters; did so, and bave experienced great sad ni4pncteci relief; my haaltb • boon very materially beuegaa I confidently recom mend the article where] reed with cases similar to ray own, mid havo • been assured by many of their. good or- Irects. Respectfullyyours,, WlNTER,Atosburmilli, PIL. Elrram Rev, J. S. Herman, of the HeruStur Reforme d Chuich, KutztoVni,'Berl county; Dr. C. M. Jackeon :—Respected Siri—r have bdCp ( : .troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and have I Rem used any medicine that did me as much good as .Heolland's Bittern. lam very much Improved in health, liner hitiTig taken five bottle% YINIIDIW respect, , • 4, S. HERMAN,: PRICE& Largo Slits (bolding nearly double quantity) $1 00 per o orile--ball doe 130 Bolan Size'-76 dekte per bottle—half don 40$ BEWAME OF COUNTERFEITS See t i nt t h e . wilna lere M. JACKSON" Is on the: IVRAPeER of each bottle. She dd yoga use dnlggint" sot have. the aftiale,- do Fatb WO by 0 0.1 , 01 the intnninamait ProPaiiatioubtliai . say ••••Otterfki 10 ne SilOn Wad to ua i An d we will: Ibritinkiastrely peoltetl, by:ezpreek ienocipbt Ono and ]ian utaclury t NO. O. 631 ARCS naIIDELPII.II. oN 7T - - • JOt ET .#7 . -Ami , *- • &caws 19 C. it 7 t 1 Pnormarone. For sale by Drussista sad Delo4lll in every town in the asSwam taylo4lawly • -4=^- —-' ' • ~ . -- --- - -.-- -- . .. , , .. . .. , . . . xn... ~ .1 . • ... '..1 . . , - - - ii "--.-- • -- -. . - • '' - --- ...,..... .... , ,„, ,,, t. - .; lif,,, e i . e .' ------. . - - ' . '' - : - .. ---- - - .: . i • !, L: - •.. • ....,:, ~,i, J , . . ,l , / ..... , - ellift h or • - , a.g...:.-;;:z. .r.,:.: - .:-...1 . :' 1 , .;::,'" ~; 1,, , , - , ~.- ..-.- , .. - •N , ..:, 43 0 ) ' Ave,/ ~,../)"...- ""-- ". - • • ~ , . . . ~, -,N4 . ,..0?-.0„,•-,- , ••-• ..• ••••••• •, ..,,:,..••,..... .:,.: •,. :...: :.. . ~.. •.:•.• -,_..._,„_,.. _.. ._ i• ; , R JIM i ~........ . ~... . 1 ~L , 71 - ~, 1 ' ..4. 4 1 ., ;: -Z - f• .-• : .., : '.-, ,21 ,- ... •' , ...: . . ~. . .. ._ , ._ , .. ~ .. - .• . . ISMER Si ile GEdiOrE. JiBIGNEL ~41m -Id DO Reansylvanial!Rall Road !-.. SPRING TIME TABLE. WIPE TRAMS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PEOLADEntrAIIA. - • . Passenger rains of the Pennsylvania rfaidErcrad Company 'Overt from and arrive at Hal , eilenn and Philadelpltia as Mows: W.. Alt") TOW= EIPHESS TRAIN leaves Itivialnux daily It 145 A M. ) Ind arrived] at West. Plallidelpida 6.155 a. it. PAN LINE leaven Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at t 0) A. n., and arrives at West Pluladdphiant4o.lo AA.. AL Pamengeta take breakfast, in Lancaster, • IRKINT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves - Harrisburg as; 220. A: connecta at Lumaster with:Lancaster accom modation oat; and and arrives at West Philadelphia at '111,211. a_ „ • • COLUMBIA. ACCIIIHMODATIQN TE4nri.lenvell Serifs- burg at • 1219 1 6 . it. ; Columbia 1:115 . 1%a, an a . amine at Lantz/ger 130 r. ; conneoung Past 'Mail esiAlit Lancaster for Philadelphia, aid arrives at West Phil/vita plia at 5.30 P.m. MAIL TRAIN 'navel! Hairiaburg at L 29 T.• V,OW 4,r:;247 r ~ and arrivesid Wins Ptilladeiybid at & RARENNWE,O , AOO(.IIIIMODATION TRAIN, via Calm tielk. teasel Harrisiug*Lwr. tL, and antrecot west mioolAtit 0.1040, Pail • Bkrzuroar, EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (sieeept Korman at 2.10 6. K. • AltUoha 7 . 85 a. at., teke sad arrives as fittsimegit 1.2.30 e. mt. PHBL ELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Rarrisbitet daily at 3.10 a.r. ; Altoona at 3.20 4, lake breakirga; arid arrives at Pittsburg it 1..0qt!.• • '' - RAIL TRAIN leaves It. X.BO P. iii• Altoona at 7.16:e. st.; take sayer, led a irratTittsbnirgat 12.88 a. • . • . • • .resr LINE leaves Harrisburg at ; Mammal 8.85 r. a„ take supper, and Arrive. at Blitabiug at. 1.00 a.,. 'MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION twee lancaatte at 9.130 A. m., arrives at lianistarg at lL t 0 A. a. • • BARRISBURG AIXOGNNUAXIoN THALNlcavell Veit .av 2.45 V. and strives Harrliburg at, 5.141,, . • 'AIOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION No. 2, leaven Lama.. tet si 6.25 r. a. , connecting there with Bernaburg Accoatf. modiaion West, leaves Mount Joy . et.T.OO r. LL -and arrives' atnarrisburg at. 8.20 p. a.• ~., • MIMUML: D. YOUNG, • - • Set. Middle Gia•Paus'a - ilarrieb lug, MAY 18, 18AL-dif q'. , ;,.?: ' • Northern Central litittrway summit nom, TABLE.,., • RAZE TnAIII4- DAIL • To-inprisoli • • =9 BALTIMORE WASHINGTON CITY. Connectious made with trains 0111Penusylvania Railroad, to ilnd from Pituitang and the Welt MIME TRAINS ;DAILY to and; Dom the North awl! Watt - Branch Btuspaeluumn, ~. arid all 9t zwithenk New York,. • - ••.. • - ;‘ = O N audikftei L MONDAY ; MAY lath, 1864; -the Fassenger Trains of the Martha:* Central Railway will anima tat and, depart-front ibillatong and Baltimore as : .. • MAIL item — * am*. A l igy (eir ff s " • • A. m If leaved $ll. 6111; r 1f arrives at Baltimore 6.49 P. farRIVIO TRAIN )4*VeilthilbOr, daily (*top Sunday) 11.45 P. /L " leaves isszrassurg (except 160 A. N. snivel! at manumit daily . . _ Ammvtinsodayr• • too A . N . HARRISBURG AOO-011110pATIOi leaves Har bin A. it 1117NBURY AGOOILMODATION • leaves Sun- 7.00 bury daily (except,. Sea daj) at NOR.THWARD. KAM TRAIN lames - Baltimore daily (except Sunday)... „ „ 9.20 - A. 11. " • leaves arrtiUarg. , 1.86 P. N. w skives at ;Sunbury , .4.06 P. IL :EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily; „,,...; 9.80 arrivee at rilatvisberg..l's;:. 1.60 A. IL --i‘ leaves Harruitoug daily (ex cept 8.15 A. E. arrives at Sunbury 5.153 A. IL HARRISBURG AOIXAMODATION leaves Bel , tbnors.idaily- (except, Bun.' ilvdr) • LOO.P. " arrives* Bartisburg 7 4,01.. N. SUNBURY ACCONNODATION leaves •Itrirrts- • burg daily.(olmgdltunday) 4 00 P. For further Mlbrinatloll'ApPlp at Pen P nsyl N. . mauls Railroad Depot..., J. N. DuBARRY, liarristiurg t ilittyl,„lllo4.-dtf Gen. Sept, LEVI G. BECK. NEW AIR LINE - ROUTE. • • TRAM DAILY TO NEW YORK • ANDPH A .• AFTER --- moND4o;"liovbei: 16th, lin, the . hilioiteiltapii wIU leave !6u Ptitti _pada and Roadinig "Billibadz Do**, -it -Erintlainu•• fo r NeW Tpritst4 Philidelph* 116 • 41 blowit. 411 ' ' • vAI3 -4 1 , WAS XXP gasicutwielirea Ibirriabiux 114166 art: •Tifiral of rho Peurayiltraula &gibed Stress Train &outlaw _west., arriving in New York at 1.4 b a. w. • steeping ear Wattaohed to the , tail' throllighltitui 'Pittsburg without 611_6146e, - flit.'i;. l "-% 4 ; ht.. 1111114 16 %relit% K i rts afotitilt Wig/ U - - FAST LINE lame& 10 Harrisburg at - 4/441...: laftit Wry:York' at 10.;16 r 11 .1. - .4 1 4 ittladelPhia at 7.00 E u. WESZWARD.. FART LINE loaves New York . 440 la at 8.16 IlaisiOtart at, LLIVE, I I4,' , loaves New ,Yortle . ll.o6 noon, : and Ph! . : a t Eiao , 47 , A-40- EPltgoa tirk44 ,, px! rivid g itviabasirt ittakklLlind Goon — L fEL I the. Petsistivanagrerete Thin Pittaberg. - septet is also attached to this train. • - • • ' 'Connections are nude az naniiiwith trains on the 'Pennsylvania, Northers Central Cumberland Wks" roastPbts, ll ,W 2 Oil tkiedk' laitween New York nratis6 154ketweeillarrtabarg and Ptilladel pbta; ab Io 451 4 0 40111 Act. S.: • Hbr 06fr*9l 04 1 1 , 9 -# 0149 . 1 f a PP I Y 49 ' - • watilts : iu!. • READING RAILROAD .......,.. . f.. • S - U. DI AA * Pk ettß Ato.Afigin ENT • VaRE A T TRUNK Mid - FROM. THE NORTH itard.biarthitaitYtir:Piiiiidelphia, Now York. • Wg, ?c _ .antvilteiilablatiav_Vientovinilikatint,l6e, a& r i bul f 4 4 "1 1 ,H , i=00/Wg,i_rg,,kallattelphinK4W - Ifrk, 'O.• . 08, PetbYillii. ',,1 V 1 L..:1 W :Ar e 1,,0 11 i419. A. 11.; an,d ROO v. , a. ~.._, _ , _. ~., ~. __ , . .., New York Express - leaves: Harribtairg Ait -IMO a: ih , liTrivitillaNawffork at I.4ls,themaaelby.• T A tgietiarAcaltamodatiy e . naval Read ..2 lig at 7.16 A. th, and returns t K alm - at A r. N. 3 , 41 . 05 train BlirriSbnrg: To New-York-, 181 - VI otr}liba-" de phis_ $ 2 :Pk York New at I .4.4_ ,x... 11. soon, and. t .F. w., Mao urgiggpitaa arriving at Bantam at 2 a. it.) LeavothtladelpBta at I / 6 * -Fs, led ISO v. at.- - - . Bleeping dig t j o ' ' ' , all/ 614 *PM ur P reil lroblita!9 l 42 l : to and treat wreartibotathitafte. - - P al ietWA-AbOit Blol M=o" l46l mitil. .aLigag a. n.-, XT .aati KW tray ;11tatirtirg, mid ail way point'. .c.- 7-:„..,- :.. , Trains leave Pottsville at 9.111 aB. l and 2.80 v,.!.. 04 . 'Thtmataphismarriabling oat lontirrottC , lik Anitomoonotint Vein leavatatallai id , 11.0 a and Tana: eipbtrattBoBc k. g•-w m 1 the abode trains iondotty, Sunday otongtoi. A Gladly train lama Pottarkgat„ 1.80 A. is" and piii.. - 1021 trlB - 12 r. Y.`_ - , ~ .. . . Dilliatidik 'lnt aAgedisiosaii maid itiourotoni** . it imied raiekto.spitfta*lpoiari. ; • - 7 ~ --- tattaikitaligt glowed to Mk potion.' . ti. A. MOW. ilieneria. agertnimulesi. war S. 1664. ate ME RAILROADS; • ON inn,4,171111 MONDAY, : It•I 18.4, W ti3ri 'W A:R:D. 7.30 a. It T E I' fJ N-N 0 W N D 4: it- *1441:, 11ARRISBURG, PA., tang EVENING; AVGIIST - 2 1864 - RAILKUAIIg.. • 1864. Philadelphia and Erie Rail- Road. Tiins - great line traverses tho Nor th ern and • orthwest minutiae of penngylvsnia to the. city of On Lake Erie. • :It ham been laded by the Plauurnvois. Ransom, Com twit, and under their enciPicos Is being 'VIM , ' W en "' Meoldhottl: its entire length.• It is DOW in use for Pam-enger and Freight business from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (2le miles) on the Eastern.' Division, and from Sheffield to Erie OS cellos) on the • Western Division, o.ll` OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Leave FaAwaid. linil Train faprear. Train... heaveNorthwami ifail Train c 135 r. m pprimPain - 41:115 ar. Clare run throne' armour ,OHANGS both ways on thme trains Bietwedi Thfbidelphift and Lock Have; and be. 4wearlailnmora and Lo*lfinten. painit ihropinacnra on Lamas trahm both waya be. Wean inLaniapork and Etat/more, and Williamaport and For information respecting Passenger Inaineen apply at the 8. E. Corn& 11th. and Market mega - • And for Freight business orthe Compinee Animate: . & Singnton, Jr. ~eorner n th and. Market Omens, elphta J. W. Baltimore. J. D Agent N. , , ore. H EL /10018 TON, (Mternd Praskit Agent, Pura IdiaNlB HOUPT; i - Getchtt Tiekd • • JOs. D. POT nif3o-dlyf Galena Nintwor, Witliatoport. CUMBERLAND VALLEY !FRAN I.IIK !O. M . A. I L RQ . AD . S. PHANGE OF HOUBS.—On and atter Mon day, April 4th, 1154, .Famaloger WW 2 ' will run daily, ea follows, (§updaye excepted • roze CEA MBER,BI3I#I6 42 'ILLBRZSTIUNG: A. It. P. Y . 7.00 2.44 7.87 8.86 8.11 t2O Leave gagerestown:;:..... '" ereeacattle " • Airily. at. i ' Cfluimerstrorg, . 7:e808 ~t Mose ShemeekOnig • • NowviNe • - - oasiisio , • ...5.55 16.10 2.42, , 44 MechaskeibilSs... .. .. ... 1042 &give aS Harristsnle.. • • • 655 11.15 ' 3.40 CILIMBJERSBURG_ 4,ND , MAGWASTOWN: A. X. P. 11. Leirve Harrisburg 8.05 1.32 420 a, Mechanicsburg • • ILO 2.15 4.54 ." Cast:isle ' 9.21 2.51 5.29 NeesT6le • '10.12 229 10.311 4.09 0.01/6:0664% l Anive 4.30 • vesireectsllo. lAB ... , °!zf : k.l:::fiit &-4 lrs 44°- a at-Hagerstown.- . ..aas .8.10 makinciaose ioni;ecuow4t, with tracing Noinv. YorIF Pipabimg ; And ilk tbrau point s West , • . • e Tribirleavisig Matristigg .at 4,20 P. . rubs lases Carliala 0. M. LULL; R. Office, Chambersburg, April 4, 136417 . : -Weeptiy 90 • vetpeot.. rlimcialsto - t ft - JEENI3TO ilril . ,_,(Cork gar. bOlr.) The . wall' knows S teamers or She • Liverpool. York and Plalladelpfdir Steamship Caviling,' are iny to ded to tail agi folkoral ;dlnburgh, Saturday, July 30; City of Washington, Saturday, August 6; Oily of Manchester, Saturday, Au. guilt 13, and wet) , nuccfeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pler. 44, North Rivet. . • •.RATHEI oir:tutains, "until Lir OOLD, On ITS iquiviccer l cultEsm._ FIRST CABIN $BO 00 STIBRAGE 80 d 9 10 , 1,0 9409 . 06 'OO At in London...—. 14 00 do to Patti 95 00 do to fluid • 40.09 410 to Hamburg.... 90 00 ,do to Hamburg.... 97.00 Annsengyna *lac forward to Havre, Siernenßdtter dati, Antwerp, &c, at equally lore rates. • - Barinfrom Linm:ponl. or Queuladitink :id Cabin, $7B, $BB, $106: St4ertgey': SW. . 'llioperwhoNlab to send for their Mende our buy tickets here, it than rates. I.ltor further information apply at/tho Clionipann , tr O - JOAN G. DALE, Agent, li Broadway, N. Y., or V. MINE,III44N, Haniaborn., . - (138-44$ 1 1 . 21 1 4 S•PRMADT; ' PrizOiiiesii Watch Maker, No. a`DAM Street t Harrisburg, Pa; DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, • C11A1N3 i 12.141 4. __ SETE ,or JEWELRY. FIRE MINER WARR, • " FIATED RE. TEA BEtivIEW, - ARD ALL IMS OF JEWELRY Sita constantly on hand a wen inee&at and elegantly - Intoattal ataek ltr • ,± ATOEISIA . CHADVS. . • ' • • AND &11111. ~ _ Irma SILVER voila LUSH AND BWLIS WATOHRI a 4 r jr f lalC '-- Beth Wield elettilthree ausee 'Abel. a Ans.'esortanent or . ''' • ' :"•i, : • .. . .L . . 1. *WIMP' ***C.**. 6., ~ .. • - :',:- : • klizaii4iinstifer _ --''' '• • • . pii.a32IGAZIVr - .GI , 1 4 1 . ...II ail description; all of which will be meld at all LOWEST CAM - PRI!"1111g t . 1 ' . , . , 0 0 11 rawnWs l iMmfiirincl..1 1 ,1e7 . euela as Clarononi %luau's, mid ar ' —' delefealt - varkip, repaired. , Wale bat the most eceripeteet: tiottialif aitplayett; . and {be rile lamer 1401a11e7 -Ma prelim& on. _. uteri* No: s2 **qt °Wok Wi ll i - - ; • 47 * 14,/1 ' ' : pjApiroB7 ALIRECIITEIfingi 11011141 . Eiliztuas-rwoe - SOLE AGENCY AT •*. xlfeeirrs, " : I e 3 Market street, aarrisbarc V OR REASONS, perfectly Aatisfaet t ory to insELF I Julie WEAR the agency of the above moat ezdellent Phew • Thesaiblia is invited to come and ex amiae for themselves fl A tb! blekomacker & Vo's Pianos se had yet will be dsol vr, , , mar2b-tt ,TQUGARS, SYRUPS, TBAS,I all grades and prim, at ocit i; : "MLVlT l 6 e jelT • ' 1 : • r . • - Dealers in - Fine Fainilydieeericia • own3E 5c BLACKWELL'S ENGLISH PiCKFES, rAie =Ps: for table wa s Jugs retedVad and for sale by VIISLER & -nanannoonloll/tit Doak, Jr.. &fDA YID- L i'LICZO Aatunore Woes, Ina for sa s fe m l.Ftigsiok issestlesk F., sr kes qusnelly. & ratigt.B., —llti aompouipskellit DosirSic m• , . 1:0 II L AHD:I-Fifty ' flrkincltio kelt4. tendered LARD for zee by die lepotladjabit beelvqd at k. • 40.Xpaik *Op ieldb gams. T 1: i t Otteesa.-litir assavoak t3ylslU , < l• soma- gottapiot. AtrEll6l6 Amid GlliitiWAlM lefti mimesis& tocifted, orthebtatawfu. JO* g ` gg : g. BOTBR & KOMPFrit .QMOKIED SALMON.— 1111 4 1381101eD lILLIWN, just reeetved at EnleilntAZEß, tobB (votoomato to was. Doc, lio.)0 1864 Dyspepsia-has the Miming . Blimptoms: ISt. A..conatant pain , or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. - - 2d. ,Flatidence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Less of Appetite. . 4th. Gloom and Deor.issioa of Spirits. sth. Diarrhoea., with griping, • . Bth. Pain in ail parts.of the System. • 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart.' _ • . Bth. Cough, with. Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous.AffeCtion, and want •of Sleep at night. .1 . • . 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting- _ 11th. Dizziness ,: Dimness of Vision. and Loss of sight. • • - 12th. Headache and Staggering, in walking, with great weakness. , -; • _ Out of the .thousands !of eassa of Dyspeptia that have used dlr. NyishaiVa Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one tbeiu has failed of a perfect mire. We wirmat acute in every use, no matter •if of twenty „years' standing. Sold by all druggists.-everywhere, and at Dr: Wishart's Office, No. •10 ; ic.: Seemid street, Philadelphia, Pa, • All eiarainations and con sultations tree or , charge, Send for a circu lar. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of °barge,- on receipt el Money: • ; DYSPEPSIA;. DYSPEPSIA, •DISPEPSYA. 1, Emzeitin IhiAnsott,' Of . Brandywine, Del.,, formerly Old Chest6i, Del., do certify that, foir,one. year and a hail 'I suffered every - - Ind thing death - froui - thithafut disease milled Dyspepsia.- My Whole item waii,prostrited with weakness and nervous ' debility;' could not digest my food; if -I at even 4 cracker Of the smallest amount',of fookti ,wotilirreitirn jhat as I invillciwed it; I became so iefitiiniti my bowels &di would notlaVe a passagein less than - fir:Mt inui and oftftinfilit ilays r der 'Mid lioniense Suffering,- inyliiiiid'seerrieif entirely to" evil way. dreadful hiirfor., arid evil forebodings. I thought - 061.0°4'1 hated me, and I'hated everybody ;' nimbi not bear my husband nor Myelin children, every ; thing appeared be horror;stiicken to me;'. , I had no ambition to do anything; I lost all. my love of firkiilY and home; I would ramble and Wander - from place to - place; but could not be contented; I felt that I hell; and that' ithere was -ru t henien! far andl Was •• often :tempted - - to' detnictiit `' suicide, so near' wadriny• *hole nervous system ' de stroyed, and also,uti inind ftemihat awful coniplaird4Dysperisia, that Myfriends thought best to have me placed in- Di. Ifirkbride's hospital, mWest` Philadelphia, • 'I remained' 'there nine liecOni;...lo2.d..Ationglit I was a little. finv • vs m¢dreadfal dein plaint wits raging as b 'incr. 'Reartag h —• the wonderful cures performed by Dr. 'Wis.. hart's Great American Prispepsia'.Pßls - his treatment - for Dyspepsia, iny, hitsba.ud Called; ini'Dr. WlShartnnol stated my 'Ape to hire,•l life said he tisane, doribt he could cfire me. So in-three dayi after! c alled and tifit'ee f l 'myself tuiderf/niioetof's treatment, and in two Weeks I begin'to digest' y - food; and felt that diY- disease was fast eying'way,and.l continued to recover for about three marithe,' 'and - arthepresent time Teliftif Vesifeetrellth of bodyand mind, and I mast sinaerely return • my thanks to `.a 'merciful - (110 and Dr4Wiiit hart, *ad: to his 04 od Adiertonli,l:o3rspepilta Pillsilr'Pine Tree lrqr Cofdialtriat savetrine frcim an Insane Asylhm and prematrlaave. All persons suffering with -Dyspepsia - are - at liberty to. call on men; - I,amrw4lling to do nll4he •good"•l;aitietfor inifferhig 'hut inanity. ELIZABETH BRANSON, Biandya*,. Del., formerly.of Old Chester,- Delairareverinty; Pa." Da. WISEUEYB Office, No. 10 North Second street,,l'hiladolid4 • • " 1.20 P. 71, • *6o'.i:x. 180 1166 /Oa L 9.112 100 Wissimer been ioonStant sufferer with DYepepsla for the last eighteen years, daring which time I cannot may InyotendigredhilMifectii rilefl :dO.-": There were Unice when the symptoms were more aggravated than at others, and thin it seentleirwould bo a great re-. Heft* dio. I had atalltitnes an unplciasantfeellogin my head, but latterly my inifferhlgs so much Increased that I became almost. unfit for business of soy kind; my mind was continually filled with glootay thoughts and fore bodings, and if I attempted to change tutir current reading, at ontol a selatiation ono* , 'coldness connection with a dead weight, as it were, rated' uponmy brain; ante. a meting of sickness would orcoruthe stomach, and gra m min Le my eyes, accompanied with mbioh was the continual fear of hosing my mason . I also experienced greet lassitude, debility and.nerreusnani t which made it ailfieelt to - walk by day qr. spelt. at. night , I .became avetee to society, and -dlsPosol 'only 'to seclositb; and having tried the skillet. stnnotber of eminent: nhyalcd -as of various Bohm*, ,fisilyaittwinSlio conclusion that„,goe thisAtiense at my preeenkage F . years) (*rowan nocum, in existence. ' A u/ v i a l - mo o : the _triteifereticef 1:01114.1 Proridenoe,to mthensTiiilnitillytiffbr my Wink*: I- at last' found I sovereign remedy: in: your: Dirapepsia, POLS i and ITsr Cordial, which seem pa have egecattelly, removed ej 'most the last, trainer thy loirg list Of atimeshi Auld had had' feelings, and r place health,' pleasure And contest. Urea are EV ituryday 'reapinions. ; - I . •r. , - -JAMBS hi-ItAUNDOS, ; ; '>l43 No rth Stated 4reetPhiladelptda, • -Formerly of,Vaidlaity, N. J. I Pe Wlsharttakicel4WAOYfooth' 0801#. , krud,-Put4v 441 11 111. l"'s: :;, A Per. c 441.2 . • •No.-10211-Ouve muner,r r . Jattuvritst,loW—f wisrturi—Str:—lt is with much pleastrolhar am now able to inform Yen-that, hY ,gzeru.saer-kiltr greet Antreittan Dyspepsia nits, U ha* been entirety oared of that Moat tilitretwingi esekiidalitt i 4kaPtiyels.:' had beil el*VMugrAllitstell for the lest AWellS)seight years, Kid' Or tea YAMS Of, ittllktidliefiPegriLlree from its. path one week at time. . I hive Mlle worst Wand have dreggedterea Meet Mfierable'etatenc,e—itt pain day Sid night._ Every timid Of+ Toed that' ate filled- Me _with ;AIN fa yelp, It intatterell act _howl light, or. ;bow small the tositittiky. .coittinued-10110141 was sure 1 4 ' tippetiVe foTittititiMis, ",,or itamta what• ever snyZattfinifisoin kismet fiiiseveint Monthe - be hire A*1 1 1.4 QC. yinirt..lll.ls4-that klieg unitty irtshed fbe death. 4. barktaiFert-ierirthholl 1 0 1 .1 1 ; had heard aflitts Dyspimiht, litt4upit ye9iiving any *Prat; . hut , . 91 1 Tsar pas benr au ta nz t,inivelided - jo law itt ,,'Who had •;•ken'', utuud, bit T concluded iltiihtrgh I hs4 no ; faith in •theM. • .To ray astoniskinent, I found -mYeetfigetting better before I bail taken one fourth of a bog, and' after taktng half ibex, I e n a toed num,• oud eon eat anything I wish, anti enjoy a hearty meal thrie Unseen- day, without incosrvettlenee 'froze anything I eat or driolt., If you think pippin., you we at liberty to make thitimiblic and refer to me. I wilt cheerfull,y give all do. arable Information to any one who 'May call.en MO ' Yours, respectfully, - . :701IN'IL . BABCOCK. .For ale at Dr. Witherti •Xelthud DeisstiiNeAu North decond street, Philad_elphiaiXit ftise' - One Dollar per bon. Peat by map, ireti of charge,'on receipt of price. • ) - iDYSPEPB,IA 1411819ffla PSLI.! • /7 °P.tEllei D. Hawn, have • bad &grog !dem with: Chronle:mysjpepisii. and Digiiin.of the .ittaneys for .three Viers I employed these* le& of 'the most end 4W:itPhratuint Phi adolphlkasoOf Burlington county, ay didill_for me theriminkli but. ad IS no pur pose. 1, Vrat3 Oa. Sktl , wwful pets sad As- Amu, and frith 'botalpttf ...%11 - IWI egUr 1 4 1 4. my toga. *ft sirbuo - eogatwor mucei :haul 11 - 7inobed febOl6, :and "saw dreadfully steel (4 . 4 ,;.ottOrafai viigmidlbr dmith to. relieve me of My imams. tbr tinfi r cont il/ ltoprof ever. pews meal spin. I Mar it, a *Wag of prayer to Qat. that. he) :would Wren me to some phyla* 'or medfolnle that; woljr*F lALlei ;:j wee Adenrtlsamisat of De. ismOs In the Philadelphia Lagper or a gnat Care made upon Mr. John Babcock, of 102 e Oliva street, Phila. delph* by the gm& Amen= Dyspepsia tins. I went IC al Doctors oMat o mid pima wear under Is treat- ; D ILS..,t.P.:k t! $ 1.,.A.,..: A. Cure Wel PRICE - TWI)''`CENTS. MEDICAU,,, orient; If:he fog 'to mire mi,liwoubi be the hat autwil would make. t Ultits'beett Weeks shlii I kammenucattlie vao of his mattlelne, and I am, now a welt . man, frealramell pew and dtstresti,..and - can eat throe haiM.mealuf.dAY with , onttfort, and, feet perfectly wolt. Dr. Wistairt, want . you to publish Fay case, as I want every poor dyspendo autfertng as I Was, to call on me, and I wdl tell them, of the. tgfetu.,eure I have received from your invaluable SAIHIEL D. HAVEN. .Cotntr Tenangu asalLatitbertigthett near Riohmand greet, formerly" from lytightstow!t,. Burllttslon county, The above area few among gre: thousands which albs great remedy has raved from on untimely grave. . Wu have thou-sande of letters fooni physicians :Ind drug gists who have prescribed and Bold l i beTar . Cordial, laying plat they have' hover used or sol d 'a mere - cat whiett gave such univereal satiscactium c.. • - - • Prepared only by the proprietor. nit c. wtsaexr u No 10 Netth;Seobod" , Asset,l'Idladelpbla'n. Sold by Orugaloto eve , ywhoro. Body 14-eot-dikw - SALES OR REAL ESTATK. . .crrx PROPERTY FOR ' • - BALE. THE widersigned offers, st.private sale, s . ' I,ol' OF GROUND , equate on Paxton street, HARI& burg,. basingThereci erected threelframe - DWELLING *MBEs; aLle a bakery, and rogue mirtilfe . Sea be =el (of 'a owedliog, a tam fttabie igat oilier - oetbuildiuge.— 'rho lot`la 28 feet in tient,..nyme Met ib deetitrltile pee. party will be sold on tame to.aottlnc/iseena, Zeroes alehing to 'examine the safe nra Oh - eolik da - the premises„No, 22 Fenton stretvesuu, say resonance on AKIO' Road. rjr2a - knwl .rAcoo BEWO EL • A:CHOICE PARSE AT PUBLIC BALE. et . pu THURSDAY, August 4, 1864, theUn-. deroped, IrulAee or SL L Bowman, wi I 'dell ht kph), tea following re - situp: A trek* of land, liti gate iii East restosoloegt - terming, Ounibertand, bound /and of. Bloson. Bresback a aerates. and others', co, manilla 102 acres, m o re or less,.tiarinsitiertms erected a large' lwo•story stone `'ruses , ' " gold tenant horse, largo bank , barn,twohor# of ,elsoioe truth n• pump at The door; 'alio, a running spring, near the , noose. Iberian shake farm and in blgh sake 'of oultl , Walton. .Locat,,d, stead of Harrisburg, and44l mile otoyerers'Point . - • Salop take place on the premises U 2 o'clock r. ii. oit :said day, When terms be made by - • ots. des • • . CRISWELL, Trustee. :, . • , .• . L an d for ,l nda: l . 0 AWIEB of:Limill,-biZariphin 00. at Private gala, Injoft?r the whoo, to OILIL paielhaleretlatiacres dear, p.nudlage tfi er eon, with 4W. • Fof Cstraker Palladia, laddreas - L MENSKIIII„4. Dauphin. Thkapivfn eft:minty. Pit ==l N. lir AD V ERTISEMEN TS. CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AND BELOW - • - OA IL MAYER, NO. MIRIET-ITREET, BEING deacons of closi ng her Sommer • Ettonk of Millinery GoodS, okers for tale At grektly "Naed Prioanpolt 'BILK AND STRAW BONNETS; • • • " HATS AND FEATS, &C. • - Constantly on tutndir sptentlkt aioitinent of snag, VELVETS. - LACES, *- RQUKES HIKIP SKIRTS, -HOK HARTRkEKOMRFS; .994K4R8, :.'ourrs . :FASOY.-.4ooDkacrr . Dealers will df- *ell to 0111;:aig gribat barptaa can to had at wholesale. J6I4 TRINITY CQLtEVTION Church., 34uoslicn3,;, ‘ CdNtttiNlNG ALE. PO : PSALM AND- HYMN =TUNES - CHANTS, &C. . - r — rsED.i.philiii4, - Thisr fut - A lJ its Three Clattiebt, by Ethiard Ro iges, Kin. Doc., of Sydoey ftscen Colldge,.oegibrldn's, Ragland. with val uable additions by .the editor" FL . filrynuo.,Tirckertrure, Mu& iiigitnist anddirec.t.or*Dol4o Saint Paul's 'church, Heaton Price in cloth bihrlibir eirtlik4 'Wank, Si 60. - - OLlVES,'.imr4oziAt.aaki Putklisbeis. V- Ira#oo go, Nitscpur ~~ • Millinery. and: Fancy-Griells: li/f RS. d. RIMS; 'it . next door to Folis'aConfeistioney r keepts constant us hand the latest styles of Gannets. S i am, ,Roohes, 'llOwers, Ribbons, he., together attkiihnasserttent of DS, Trlmming2, Lane, Embroideries, Collars, Oulb, Ildsalkerchiers, Hosiery, Gloves and Variety Goods in rptitia wen Designs er-Dress Pattern direct from the -kflwe, York Bazaars. Dress and Clesk making neatly exe 'acted. Thankrat-tor the patrifinge hestadv# oo = her .egiadisc, she Ws% by a stflot emetics to and her endeavors to:goa gnew eamerictien, heLinahuse to .re . tpivo s share of Ihelinblle patronage, 4K42,1011 'HOOPS; A - • CORSETS. , • ; 016OVES4 ' !••', • AND 1u ' ) • - LADIES' WHITE . - LINEN .H ANDKERCHIEFS,: • • To BE SOLD LOWE*, TRANTOIANT WHOWIALE PRIM; at , 120 C• . Ata rket, - eks M oAds4Bw, 4: .• ; Deillt I Ririe - ft6 • As. LIENS and persoiw Auder or over tbe_re 'edireirw, who. tisiebbeiV &kJ& In *Li (l4th) 4.! . ..iArkt, Or Ilaro4l,Difittiet inthe Mew can have-their eAelns4l/ p a pe r s•Viado .oil4l*;!**•Thced by Now to the tame to wit, in saattnAtate and the awe'. . -, ...Per0010t orb° bot •16;lrifte. Odd who iitoh. to Inter t*arioy oo Vutaitaboo,..ein dbtabilbe higtoilt We. Badness . tniiisitased by mall at/egg 2 ( 1 -0, 0,141 coat of traobt theteby. avoided. • . . ' Cali *Vogt" ar Address •• BUCFENS RUMEN • • • • Alkopoy*Loor 34 • • • rul4T4irart, Iy9-eod2inim . FQR - 'A . TF,N-1191/BE. power. fateart:aliffille 11. boiler, 5teau34.1:11,11 , 114g - iftik Plisprossehoster clispplete; ,Ilistioteisserand Stkifew batter, simaisitio• -listed by Joe! , wisfarnlib,"plassint .TaitisriSred 'aicittiat g• gine bu l d i der. * liskr bkaanftitAtisist ebotror wa!a;!t• strest,. ..atepstra : ' ; ' • - Fes tercia,Ate., Emirs at OpaittApAlitaraat aearUaitta mesa Baal. ' • - .. A . 4 . 4 vae 406,, artincE TO DinatiAtiiiiiii WithyWrign.. . _ on ninsoni_of A- 114 " idiers dul W bays Abair swo ottwounds re•allz t • 40 1 1 4 liwier _ ay - awn , under ad, of" mail Immed "I " 1""""ng 4-y Knollinz inlypik jyrAnorney-at.lew, Third Muni, Rarriminug, Pa. 42w IDVEZISMNIMXOO6.IIIIIit . TELIDGRAPH. r , The fellowlng ars the rates tits advertising In the limn. itutmet. Those havitst advertising to do will end 't con. `colon tfor retnrenoe. .. Cr:lr Rem lime or legiednetaute one.holf sq uare. klg tit ?Ines onnore than four constitutes square. rag • BALI Intrlßll. --Mt .. KITARI. - - olleday • $ so Orin - day ..$ 0 titre 116 0'-• • • 6O Two daps . . .... ...... 100 Mee days 75 Three days 1 24 Mown& 1 26 One ere* S 26 m =MA 2 00 One m0nth44,...,..,....`; 800 to months: ....... 460 Two m0ithii.!•,...:..!• VOO istrmonths - 5 50 Three months__ „ 11 CO months S6O Six months 15 0 One year ...... ,2..?2- 25 0 - - ..... $2 26 tv . year 15 00 =mouton. Notion... . Notices • Mr% NoUsen... • Notkesonothnlagn .- 61_ Ay.Business notice.' comma td the:Local Coturin, or baton Martagessod- Dlitbs, Baur twig en. ins-fir -- -: isartuatuow . .. . - . EVENMG EDITION. Safety of an Allegheny County Battalion of One Hundred Days , Men. kneed Dispdtch to the Telegraph.] • . • : CHAMBEEBBITEG, Aug. /. i A report having gained currency that four ompaniea of one hundred days' men from Al egheny county having been captured, in the timberland Valley, by the rebels, in their late raid, it is well to state that there is no truth in the rumor. These sodipanies passed through Chambersburg last Friday, going di toot to Hagerstown. Dispatches receivedlere :kale that the men are all safe, and that the hattalionhas - suffered no loss since it left tittsburg. Capt. Stewart, of Jefferson county, has been elected, fAeut. Col. of the battalion. and Capt. Bunk, 'Major. PEITIAII4LTHIA, AUgust L. Trade is very dull in all departtneimi. The *port demand for flour is limited and only 1000 bbls northwest eztralumily sold at $lO 'apad 1000 bbls. fancy at $l2. Small sale 9S Rye flour at $8 50. In corn meal nothing doing. The wheat market is inactive; •iimall stiles of old red at $2 50. and new at $2 55;' Nthite ranges from $2 60@ . 2 70. '43 , 43 ranges Vora SI 75@1:80. Corn is very quiet; six thousandlonshels yellow sold at $1 73@1 75. Oats are dull at 800830. In groceries and pirovisions, no change. Petroleum is 'very qbiet. Small sales of crude at 50c; refined_in, bbnd at 80 ®B3c, and free at 00e93. Phis keyis steady at $1 80. , PHILAZF ! LPELIA, Augttaira, . Igtocta inactive but steady, ; Pennsylvania s)e--10t)i - Reading railroad 68' ; Morris ca . - nkl-95 ; Long Island 49 ;Pennaylviiiis rail r4ad 73 ;-exchange on New York fair. • WANTED, VOLUNTEERS FOR ONE YEAR: ro BR the quota of the. SECOND WARD of the City of Barrtsburg. Bounties will pa pasd follawn: Wird bounty, Cash.. Gdrernmont bounty, Total bounty . PAY PER .141Q1iTH, $l6. 11114 OF SERVICE, ONE YEAR ONLY! tl4 will be paid to any parson furnishing an acceptable Recruit COST. sewn or . secon a a ßinal jraitteo3 Second Wand D'onse 2 &trent • "..'=‘..., •,., - --, . 1 . W. SIISONTg ~ c. - . , . PETER K. B 1 i .'' - DANIEL E. W/LT, jr26..dtt Recruiting Conimittee, Second Ward. BERG N E R $ Bnok and Stationery Store.. -Ictetmleing every new and Improved style of POCKET BOOKS, Lww CURRENCY MOLDERS, = , CALF BRIN POCKET, BOORS, - 11130/CSKIN PURSES, PORTIECNNALES, dal at *loos to salt nli eironmatancee poclUni• .CUTLERY. 06taststkag of a tine asaortsaerm44 weeteeham's si,p4 , OOLB east. mot Newton's celebrated mananactory. gray PM with a riaranta,-. POST rfn.loB. RosawooD bESILS, • • PAPETWES, ate Togiither with every article usually found In e tiro Back and tiltationery.tetalgistment; at . .BER¢NEWs II Market street pairalry HOrses Wanted. "Ar" Q Ba R r T r AB , TIN . TIL further order* one hdndred 'and sixty-flue (105) dollars pct bead wilt bo paid fp; all • : I - fiCavalry...l-X.orseis, delli - ered at the Government Stables at Harrisburg, Hs. liteld halals to be sound in all particulars, not leEer than (5). 4vp nor mop than (9) nina years old ; f om 14g. to 16 .himdir high, fall fteehed, compactly built, bridle wise mod or s4re_.uptcietit for cavalry varpoask vercificatifina will be strictly gar:Tilt') and.ribielly eilf in'amerypartiebicrr. i f d - • ,_• maps made on delivery of (7) woven horses or crEer.:' li urs of inspection from 8 a. N. to 6r. N. The,* mat d la rtiteat, and an immesfitte response is aoliciftkl. t. I B. C. RI3I,CHENGS.yII., • , jytOilif .-. Copt and 'Aka Qr: fir. GPT OrT orTILE" DRAFT I • One' 'Year's CAPT. 'MILES-. AND . LIEUT. LIGHTNEH, 4VINO teceived-authmity (the first sew]) to ratite aoompany of volunteers Air ONE. 116411 1 8 SERVICE, oow titer ritra" Inducement+ to able bodied man to enter Ate Perak*. Apply at the COURT. HO %E, or at MILER' GROCERY STORE, on Ridge Road:- 7-ottl2 . • _ 411711119TITUTig AND LOCAL •elamilli ! • , FURNISHED., • . . PLIMES wanting Subatittiteri can be fipp 7 fd• bra bites. Local credits And warm:nen. •- - Ttd, public wDI find our.Rouseglispliiid toAnniltberidly w i th m a (L. 0. ZIMME'Rf4AN iy ; 121 lif.arket. strafki,,Ritrpitnn, find Vinifni'dop - y 'cid:seta bili t 93114 odic% - • • • tarmac N . ()TICE is higebytiven, thfit :in • pailliance or tYia - aCt of Assornbly of Penusylvalua, 'polka the ihatday of Jule, Its 9- the !WA:kilo:Lied 6 Of the reel Beo of Washington, pennp,, will apply, to the _hest session the Leglalatua* for a - tenewai of lie char irttA to tamale or its; capital Roth SIKOOO to - r .1:100 C. M. RUA Presvieat. - , .114 , wrolc, Fla-,-Juate Ilk Mk' • ~ . _ FOR SALE,_.,. , A. VIEW TRUCK suitable fora stone, qnsm, . • with melon of new T Rall, weighing 22•poundirlo• 01*rd, for gone quarrien or ahilinge. • -,, • DAVID. MtriaLii„ iittornily 'ekvieirr. isIS 3w EXTRA FAMILY MOUE . and CORN MEAL always us bawd, of the beet quality, si - jy Li BOYER & gozRPBI{. •, IGIRUIT EARS, Pf the lateat Patent (Grit"- x pro w Test Patent,) just mewed sad Mr sale low Ist BOYER & KORRPER. SAP tSLOO, Briar ihury, Pupa tint meg sad New ark State Chem, juat recemai it saisiza - A aaocesaata tO w itock. •Tr, mob .13 1 U_Kli_,.4;•I PWKLESI 1---By, the BOMOs.:;.rra, tuarsarrol, Jo or Dozerkt_ MWM.i & FILIZER , 70 eincmeasors to Wm. Dock. Tr., & lIICICLES ! MCKIM 11 By the barrel, half barrel. Jar or dozen, at BOW BOYER & EDER= ottinonTlFC Markets by Telegraph., Philadelphia, stock. Markets. ATTENTIONS A T TEN T 1 0 N NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED: Pocket knives. NYRT.T7I"; #.41 1 .. Wel $2OO /00 .. s3oel
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers