Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, August 01, 1864, Image 4
-sasuaribs-v. Le 111A0raicY 5 AtiregatitOt — Pairtorand bmiding;ECihPiburg,. Strict attention pal. _mat Waimea illatssy qatms colmate& m • 10-48m-eod Thomas C. IllacDOwell, A.ttorne taut •id 3 1 1 r OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW P4E. HARRISBURG, PA. gi manner of Military Claims promptly attended to, and .clalMs collected against the general of Slate Govorozoeuto, either Itt Congress, the qurt of Clalmo at Washingien bits', or at Harri•Murg, without tin. : delay, alld 011 moderate terms. ap29idem 1 C. 41)111'H, A.TiTIYIELIVEIC - AT .• 'LAW, lAi rehioved his Office from Third to Wal - attenti next to the Prison. All business in trusted4O him will r e ceive prompt and careful attention. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION Fr. BOYER ar. KOERPER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS AA GROCERIES, Queen's and Wasal Ware ) AND ALL Kin* OF 00IINTRY PRODUO*, la AVE just opened a large and well selected 11 stuck of geode at their stand, No. 3 liiarketilititare, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attekttioni of the public Q enoraliy . ' noleetly & /IEI4I WOMESSOriiii TO • G. G KUNKEL Ai, CO" . - DECTTFIERS AND DISTILLERS and Wheleaale Dealers in Inverted and Domestic Li quor., Harrisburg Pa. JUNES 1-10U8E . Oorner of Market street and Market Square, RA41181917110 PUNA. CHAS. IL. MANN / Proprietok. nob-dtr IS I. A t CA IV 11 AL ttilet . OORNSIR OF TRIM) AND WALNUT SiTagirTS, HARRESISUIithI, THE Wldersigued tutvitig I.!urolartooti thili well ituuws house has enlarged and thoroughly reinFaroe it. Else menu have beet) re-punted aud tusperea, sad En, entire unbind:mann elegantly re-furnished. Indn4 plea santly and eligibly located, and pruvided with every Gun Venienee, it ,aura to the public all the corniurts and lain fins ea first wags hoteL Trusty and obliging servants always in attendance. A bar well stocked with choice .fitiaers'is attached to the establishmeot. • 4.245..,diy. W. G. TH3IMPBOI4. Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA. D, H. HUTCHISON, Proprietor. MIELS well known Haat is now in a condi tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording ihosnort ample conveniences alike for the traissient gi)laet . and the permanent. boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL tits been' entirely' rent' ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pataburg. Its location in the beat in the State Capital; beingitrealty access to all the rallifini denote, and it close proximity to all the^ public offices and Monne& kr (Whim of the city. It has now all the convenienceq of - .4. FIRST CLASS HOTEL, end the Proprietor. Is determined to spare neither ax pease, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the OM& The patronerprof the toweling public is respectfully soli , rel I-dtf MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET MUSIC, 'VIOLINS, FLUTES,. GUITARS, BANIQS, WHINES, MUMS, PYREA'aild all kin& of 141154 C.&L NIRRORANDISR, PIGTURR FRAMES. LOOK/NO QLASSRS, PEOTOSEAPH CARDS sad ALBUMS, 614.3.11 U TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVING'S, FUTURES, ao., Remember the place, SILAS WARD, No. 12 !Third street, the largeet Mato Store tbls Mita of the great Chics. .28-dtf MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. M.NTY-STX MST PREDERTMS, TWELVE SILVER ILMDALS, 4131) TSB ONLY GOLD KEMAL (ever won by instruments of Has ohms) has been awarded to MASON & HAMLIN'S ENSTRIJ - KENDS. A Nil assortment of these Instruments always on Viand W. KNOCHE'S, Sale Agent, 93 Merkel, stria,. jed4tawlyl A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER OF M USI,C. Otrws ATivalurs music Bras, 11 N Dant tined. Rimhienre: Third 4 - reei, g.ndve North. PROCLAMAT lON. Malt citizens of the city of .Harrriebutg' are 'savoy notified that trio ordinattoes entitled "an or Milano° to prevent inisc,hiet from dogs,' , pab-ed Febtuary 6,186 t, will ha Aridly met , eat. Attention is espsuiatiy directed to section. 4th, bth and Rh, to wit: San. 4. Tbat every cog going at large' witthin the limits Of the said city, trod* the twentieth day of May hulk toe twentieth clay of SepteMber, tit ouch and erery year, shall have suottroly put on a good, strong, substantial and ,safe-wtre Istsktit muzzle, iticwsieg the whole Mo r t 01 said itui , an a o effectually to preront him Lima bid and Ells tiling. Sao: 5. That any and every person craning a dog and p*lntalog It to run at la go withou, complying with We foe -th 'motion of this ordlatooe, 44411 be ltab4 to at doe of not los+ than ono du lar, noc mitre than two dollar, with data. at the disc:rodeo of the Mayor: - and lul the event of tae said eon table not twin; able to dad: the owner of the d ei matting a.. largo, .us, or -oche wirsou amp oy 1.1 by him; strait tate up, It and bury said ;dog, fur which aervioe he or the pe eon ptioformiog the set vi,se sh di reoei✓e she susm of °Jo to us paid' oil or col city ors votrq. - SAO. 8. fa tc every dog going M lafgb wlthlh the , itintrs of odd oily, sh,d, have arotimi.tie..tieuic iv nt Omen, -a it sod of metal or a coda' of leather wit h motel plate, on watch at qui cot it ter plate atAll be inarailvd the nabs ofalueramaer-of-suob dog, and tiny-and-every mwitois ysart iuga dog mil permitting it. tq tun et large, without Pnw•• plying with tits requ tattoos of thin s <Awn, shall be Liable top and of one d for etiary - orforoaj . I further,, it Is hereby UIVIS the duty of the Chief Police C /escudo lor a peewit eui fr ila re/ by ill u, to Luke up emy dog so run ning at large in riot/ Won of- thia -eciaon, and unlesa. the mid are is pal by the owner tit roof, on demand,' the Bald odiaer is hareby oath aired and required to kill the dog or cams it to be killed rind hurled, rue Warriors he =hall beallaeriati ore dollar out of the city treasury. JYS A. L rarIUMFoRr. Haver, P P I-1 EH'S UAILY LIRE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIII, Leek Haven, Jersey F,bure, Williutnbpurt, MHB• Cy, ORhintuwo, WO him town. M Mou l t , • Lewisburg, Northumberlund, Suit; bury, irrvertuil ocurgauwa, • Lylieusiawn, iillersbur. • . i Dauphx, 'AND HARRibisILTRG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, ,the drayage will be at the loweat races. Tun Conductor go. b --thworgu wit/ reach traiu-to attend to the safe dellvery f all gouda harwaed w .the Got da deliVered *Ara de pot, of FREED, Walla & 'FREED, 811 Bark* Street' Philadelphia, by 6 o'cloolt. P. rt., will be delivered la Her viaburg the next morning. /freight Alwaymi eie..Leer'sie bye Any Other :08. MON I'OrOMERY & CO., Putladelphta end Reading Output, Font •if M oetll4f NEW L 141417011. StiWtekww."'fr" ; TIITURTANT TO LtiIfDLORDSAt AZID ± OTHERS —The caileisigued °item tWi4Asate; to the trade, 4. choice.* or the bwt divan ever bruurhi to Harrariarg, viz: French Braniii.ez, *Wand Gins, $1:40, h • -Isiah, Bourbon, Wheat. Okt Nye Whildeq; Fortekt - Mau, ausizeiwebanspeem—Oiaretiezeincba ; Ai liquor. warizected y airrepitati:ited. Liatherne, ' Otut others will Girl it to their advantage to cali an-i estiin.• the aviurtutont at the store, on South "Hearn! arm two noels below Cheating. , IRREIR ORAIMERS.--Boiton Wow, t3to oma, Bottum Milk Thema; Boston' Butter oak; Boston Oystor Crackers, Beaton Pic•nic Crackers, :AtSkill* Batter Crekere, Just received at. - Royal( at... E.LEICTRICIT Y. varta and CREAMER, EOleeltib , Bird Leceropetble phyliallints respeafflally offer Um* prefeedolid genteel% sff the vetkia Invoke* of the Pruressi9Oribr.trf,Airpie* of all scare and ohnekle 'Mon to 'Ai .1•4:. ne t rentediel _AVM gm employ ill the treatment of OM= Wourlam, Electin.Magneg.. Is% method u Localised movement cure, a few Xelectlio dangles wken deemed necessary, and in flun.ltil the sad* curative a gen ts Met okay secoessfelly be bostightto bear upon the disease. • They de not wish to be understood as arrogating to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the reMedlee they employ in the tremment of din ease far superior to those getirsally employed byphyalclans, from the fink that they act in perfect harmony with the lawn governing and controlling the human system. To this, and the fact that they cantina themselves to no par dollarFath - y ow n teat, they attribute their mews I contraing The principal agent they employ In the treatment of Waage, gamely glectricity, ist.tur sons wenderral in its phenomena ai dpowerful in kit Wain for gaud or UL is en ever pretreat, all- . mirirdinf principle governing all Min" from rollin mina down to the itit.ledble partielse of museum matter. We me Sin the lightning's dash and hear the manifestations of Its power In the muttering thunder. It is the muse of all decomposition, recompa salon and transformation It exciteriali mutton. It is the eXCIUIV, cause of life growth, decay and death. It causes sectetion,eseretion, digestion. It lays bold of the crude food in the stomach, CUOVella it 111t0 a state ul flu idity, trtuniniutes it onto arterial tawd, and sends a On se impormai Wore et supplying towhead aseording to the nossentes of the body. lt Is the nerve vital fluid, the great agent through winch the mind acts upon the bodya it is the catureof all caused axe-pt the arm great cause. the lalluite Kurd which creeted it aed brought it into a e These may appear Uke mere auctions, but they as faux minutia's; of prong and irresisubie preof. Istt then, to be wundered at that au agent F. wonderful In its phe nomena, so powerful in Its fluent , . stations and so intimate. ly connected with ail the °woolens of the human sys tem, should be alums absolute to its power of anti disease? tordassly not. D is a natural rrequencti jl al follows as surely as day tbilews night. • Among trie duseesee whieb are mound toyteld readily to - electricity, in cortrunetibaigitli giraffe adjuna - treatment, may no mentlentst the followurg; „Ihinpient cdustiourtion, Paralysis, Elpiliptic, Flyawac and other Convulsions; Neuralgia, in its worst forms, Rhuarnatlsm, inlhotunatory and ehrohict all illsotses of the nervous systetit eta cured ill a few treatments; all darearies of the ermary rod geniud origami Female Diseases, Asthma, f!iles and PriAlPisw" +ink aninuinets And all kihdred all,saints of the eye, Auretus, strictures, all skin diseases, ho. Persons calling will oe told whether they can be,beias fitted and Dowse takes where some relief cannot be at forded. Cbruieltrdiva ,Ares. Office ' &tub Second WWI, 'Wow Cheaters, Ilarriaburg, Pa, Office hours Q mI to ./.2 s., lyg to b and 7to 9 c.a. ALEX. R. went. 11. It., Dui J. MlLTON oatkemii. *pl3 No . a Kung's BITTER WINE OF:IRON A „PURE and powerful TONlo,lJorrective Ll.tvgd Alterative, of wciattertal eatakeras aleallee of i r IOBTOII4OII, LITER out BOWNLN. , ' Liver: 4k plaints Headache, General Nerviiiisuess;De- . • peewees Of- zipitits,-Ocesitlintlea kterieftteht. Fever, AinditY of the SW- Lauselly l 'Bearthara: !Maeda for Food, NT or -Weight In the thoiieh, Binhiaget , Fmniritin at the - Riot the-Stomach, 811intiding or tinr-aesc Dildodit sees Of in Ditto: and gyro, 'neer and Drill *WI" the Head, Pali in the Side, • Bark, Cheat Ind Limbs, will care every case of Chronic or Herron Debility, Messes of the Bidneyli and Diseases arising fawn • disordered Stomach, Gald for' lisle • or Female,' Old or TOW& . i• The moat benekoial mediate known; ems better natio fiction and cum more diseases than any other woman Uon offered to the Pabko. Prepakod aulety by a £ SUN BBL 'k BRO., 118 Raft*. street, Ilkelebarg. For We by DrunteßUNl.Dealera errpirbere. BEWARE 0} IM6 Counterfeits •=2:* dlif-tf As Kunkel's Hitter Wine of Iron le the only -suite and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility. and an there are a runinten_ of Imitations offered to the public, we would caution the immunity to wahine none but the genuine article. dototit*eleteed - b,". 8. A. Kerma. & Bad., and has 'their stamp ou the top.kff. the cork of every tiettle The very tact that °there are attempting to imitate Utie nimble remedy, proves( its woctb and ,speaks belumee in lie Amor. The Hitter Wine of IrMarnput up in 75 cent and $1 00 bottle*, turn Cold by. l reeptanable drugglets throughoui the country . Be particular that every bottle boars the as trek of the tweprielorl signature. This Wine includatt the most „seetinble and °filcher tilt or Iron we Fonts, Oitrate of Magnetic Oxide Com . bleed, with the mosfeinerginio of minable lonics, real* %ravine bark. The effect in many caws of debilityi low Of appetite, and ginseng prostration, ACM= Salt el fro*, combined with oar valuable Nerve _ 'TOO; is - mow happy. ouitinewil the Weide, re** the PAN% takes off nonnolor gabbiness, removes the MAGI of debility, and" Ow a Amid WO to She lionateamico. _ ' GENERAL DEPOT, For ado by all respectable dealer. throatiest the snowy 4 • WI way TONIC &1T 1 IP • I . .tv o t . 1 - . -•• ; E I tt IT O R 8 .. ,• . Shigsler it Fraze*, (3nacessors to WM. Dock, Jr., & Co.) i nEALRJUI IN FINV:74311:17 0 1 GMAT& kJ RIES opposite the'anwt,' kandaine wiection of • • . . • -. IMANDIF.B T ditl6it vines:es - , .17NS AND Cfammoir Irma, '.l • - • 1.-. 'Of Every Ilfacrildsa . WHISKY& - - ow Boutisozr. • . moNoinzunfra • . • • - rnm•frirag AND sante* ;►hiatye, The Mid ever broughtto this raarkst. • . OLD WHEAT, --- • - . r• 'Alt IL It NECTAR, And the celebrated . LILERTNUT GROVE WHlM'''. CIIAMPA9NE WINES. HLOE JOHANNEsInGto, • SCOTCH AND MIRE! ArRB. - LONDO.NI BROWN nom WILD CHERRY PLANTATION to cu 7 iii ii ii a 4 Ati milpie rli i"ek AND o AlltE f RICAN PICIELIER 40 h - 'Aid Condiments of every description now in the market. 1 • ‘.. 1 . € an d at_.. . ~i irti7l. ( 4_ 6 (47. xivriut us! TADlElk4 feL 9ll 4= f i ga = e wistiot TADS = . 1:a Vl7 imEorted r etrrir:Z a trAls ih n ;Mt" 1011 • • F 1 us Kamm masa HAsstestris, PA. 1.41 gni OS PO 11 11 04 Co ;;N" rum.' rn bid Poo. Igl D s JOHN L. LYON'b FRENCR PERIODICAL DROPS, THE GREAT FEMALE IMFULATOR., Are the only Imam rea n fl e ttn u will @accenting' cad ;am res iably tore wed , thefemalemtenk rem*. log all Venn leregularttlei, @railings@ heal th , vigor and @. 4 LYON'S nmorgOAL DROPS Are a Said preparation, the only Onto= or the kind ever , discovered is.his ommtri, asd solo directly to the parts affected, while& Ohm& powders on only reaoh theta as they work.throtth sympathy, bat not at all dire* Are you led/Orin from • eoustatit maxlety for the rego• leretUrn of future's punchball laws t Giro yourself no umemslmose, for toorVil'ertedloal Drops, If taken a day or twythetere. the INlDefiet period, will Posi tively and imarlablyi regulate its foul em sere so WKS follows eaussowoorlide off.,ftyllght Mom daricuesu e> - Are yom skis, estbehtel by Olssin, or mambhs to bear*. Met sad dem* et beam LYON'S PRIIIODIOAL DROPS Cloto to you so 'blends* for tomatprovenUon better th an Gore f regalsrly,talren,4 lo•amitilii.prevontivs,,ond will ewe you much peril and many-boars of suffering.', Have you beta allietal Alf many ems wi th oompiithiw incident to the sea, that bs,. he bedtho *ill of thy clans, sad aro bowYth& fim Win early gravel LYON'S PK* ODICIAL , DROP" Are the moat reliable regulator ever kuown,,eed pure; likt nuullo, ell Woe irregularkshie chin kerb dolled tlfe l lloutera Will you waste aweir;allthjellbrtug limpirtmes Ptolapsua, Oynneoorduaa, themes* Aber dialled— Una all soueueut ep wider the eerie of aupyrelaw Awitatreed woe, whey ea laveatmeal. Wane Adler LYON'S nlitotamii will surely am yea. •. ; ^ Do dot moths drops whoa - matidden htlibeiltrectiost, foraltluxallb-var paellin..llll43lfilMtlllldreleirlttlart Lames they ere fin* maculated to a um docent therauoturof the - mina] orypalma, ;akes at luiptetitie that iroald *dada multi tuv miry to omantiagaluivaritkilal Ilmeo coda maga% Aftektairahlty_viiit ' I - :PIiaiDDIOSL DROPS Goad harm the alala delitate,ixatatitatioa at aity-ttite fes sae MOON, glob to gm* epistle.; KV atheist Weiss Qat•theeettvljtotateiitiu be lONA fillt 100 d OW lIMPO Whilke 6111*****:19kWegit4WIM 1,Y0N13 PERIODICAL DBOI4, • : • the never-Mtn ._ ll aelatallitialatar, far alla i ty talfpityW 0.1 . 141; kilt go poktra your wake and , weiMt. eft , th6n- a,' 3 ether. lido somithek eat If th e Drag* la pm 4pply hie BA got la bake Ma amid lad get sipi•jvit, - C. G - BLABic sc I Thionsixrcno, Nom-,; CO)*1- At Akokiras, Pry JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY A 00WDBX, U Mut. - tu p 4 - ; A .0' -11&-t. ": SIM 081 1), .JOHNSON-, itAjIMORE Fa LOCK r 4QSfeITAL) ES PEI IiAS dieoovered the meet eertein; lipeeity :LL and effectual remedies In the workiter - A Owe Warrenited, or No 'Charge, in from One Weehmese Of the Beak, aftlictiotur of the kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, 'General De Nervousness Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits Confusion of Ides; Palpitation of the" Heart, Timidity Trembling; Mimesis of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of tht Head, Thum; Nose or Skin, itffecUons of the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Bow ..--t.tosie terrible disorder' arising thlotu the Solitary Halide of Youth—those *acre , Ind solitaty practices mote fatal to their victims thigh song of Syrens to the Mariners of Clymer, blighting 'then most brilliant hopes or anticipation; rendering marringbi impoosible. &Teel-ally, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice. that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweep to an untimely graVe thousands of Young Men of tht most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who align' etherwite have entranced listening Senates with the thud dem of eloquence or waked to entis# the . , living lyre, ma} mill with full confidence. Married persona, or Young Men oontemplaUng =silage, Wag aware of physical weakness, organic debility, chsfor algae; ItC., speedily cured -He who places hie:welt under the care of Dr. may .lialoosly well+ Is ids he nce se a gentleman, and +an geallirely upon ble skill 'as a Physiciaa. I • F.• ORGANIC WEAKNESS !, , immediately mired, and fall vigor -natured. • This distrewung, affection—which readers life ledge ui end marriage imp os sible— the penaky paid by - e! vie time of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit oneesee from not being aware of the dreinlitil conaequoncee that may ensue Now, who that orideu Ands the outgoes will pretend• to deny that the power 01 procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into imptopm habits - than by , the prriderk. Besides being deprived thi pleasures of healthy °dewing, the most sectoue And de stet:whew eymptimne le botb body and mind arise The system becomes deranged, the physical and manta I = functions weake Irma of procreative power, narrow irritability, 4 palpitation of the heart, teclitgeetiou oometnatimM ebility,a wasting of the Mane. ocetzketes . elempaceo, decay sad tteetk. ... MO Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not ;o obverse name and number. Letters mum be paid and (*Main a strip. The Dimtor , a. fhplomas hang in his aloe. DE. - JOHNSON, gentler of the . Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad uate fans One of the moat eminent colleges in the Unites States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent M the hospitals- of London,Paha, Philadelphia and else where, has e ff e cted some of the most astonishing Curer that, were ever known ; manitioublod with ringing in the bead -And ems when _pimp ,gmat nervousness,. *dug shOtheld at sudden stothids, nese, with fleciAsto plumbing; attended aomotimesivith dcaangement of mind were cured brunediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.. - These are some of the sad and melancholy effects. pro: duccd by early habits of youth, Pis ; weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head,. dimness of sighs, joie of power; palpitattoo of thw hear% - dysneratia,- rag roes irritability, symptoms of consumption, ato. listsztizr:."—The fearful elfecta on the mind are Winch to be dreadectsa of memory confusion - of ideas,. de. p of spirits, evil forebodingieverskon to soc i ety, lON • love of timi dity, solitude, hit, are some 01 soot's produtMd. YOUNG MEN : Who 'lmre injured themselves by a certain practice In tulged when Atone, a habit tropiently • learned tree companions, or at school, the effects of whisS at ,ightly eve rt when asleep, and if not cured molter narriogip adds Bible, and: destroys both nand and Nod) -houldr mmediately. - • Whets . r t hat a young man, the hopeof his &mitt, qte darling-IAS parfaits, should be snatched from all and enjoyments of Life, by the oonsequenee o• tieving from the path of nature and indulging = amain secret habit Such persona wear, dating; before con , RRIAGE, Setlec:t thlko Round mind Uhl betty :are the 'mist neoessary •mulsitee to promoteconnubial happiness. Indoedotritb ist these, the Journey throne' life bbeeccoomei a weary. encase %the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes 'bestowed with despair and ailed with the melancholy selection the; .the happiness of ancitisse be. oases blighted with our own. . DISEIEE OF IMPRUDENCE. • • who) trio !invaded aid inopriment vow"- otetsaatire duds Imbas imbibed the amnia of thin pr Wnl dtemee„ seo.oftea bappetit that an illtimed eense of &rano or th, - 4 1111 4d:of Mantrret7 'detest tilm 'from aPPIPhit tOi those hrim - 50medurtanon and restmotabihty, tan uone.Oefriend him He ftdbi lino:the, bands of ignorant and devagnib, pretend ilielp&Mer of 'curing. illoh bit' lab manes, Mai trillion Month after r, ooo th , or on o n g w , he =Wiest, fee an . bd Walton , gad in despair leavenin. glib rained health to sigh Ont. l:selhog dinappolet • 4r, by Inc orthe:dek4l, 4tetson, Memory , hasp* th' matainitionsd sal. •is sofibl2Vothi e dipe o p mo i o h s ue r done or the hron, Nom, Skin, me., progreinim vith rap tfit9 till death pats a period to bir '..o l 4ol l ,l l gregniel Ismting-binete that itunmeverad votary, fru* whence no traveler returns. INDOESEMENT OF THE FRESH ' The algaey theaters& ouredht shim inattention year ate, rear,. and the numerates Important mmead opmatiocu forfonsted by Dr. 'Johnson; altremead by the reportage-4y ad Mat, inklali many other papers, Mottoes of *him MVO 'again end soda before the liablie,bdf• atiadrag oca. gentleman of character ad reeteMa tatty, 12 icilunktient guarantee to the sinned.- T AREABre: P OMPOUNiI EXTRLCIT 1 0t CUBEBS - AND COPAIBA... This presentuus Is phrucularly reousumended itt SEDICALL PROFESSION tad the PUBLIC rot - the p*. ad oertein Goma 111811aBlial OF THZ 114DDER, . ; NIZTZ, QUART ORO*" Itlla It aay be roiled 4)a IS the ben Diode for the Malawi ion of these , reinetlies in the hese claim of dinewawot bpti wtucb Navy are applicable, It never interforet elth the ilipotion, mad by Its coaceatratioa, the dose it ouch reduced: „ N. B. --Purchwiertiarn advised to ask for TARRANTII. NNEPOUND EXTRACT OF CHUBS 'AND 'COPAIB.A• ta d tau Down else, as intdathina arid worthies; pip idiom, ander 'Natio Oaks, are is the market, tlict ti 00: Snit fiy vitomes on todyipt of pTlin Atanutat trod billy by. •• TAXMAN? & CO., NO. 9th. Oreeaunct west, writer` of Warder linen, New bait, ',id Apr eak weppletr peneerdly ocittkdly. For gale by S. a- !LOI.ZIA 4 no m : and by Drappiew.- .6erelly, ' • lIIIE Gray's Patent Molded Collars em out _simply bai pesos of paper cot in the form of a collar, but are AnidarLiii,nd paped top, the neck, haring perfect, , curve 4 tre„; from Apopka ar Ina!, which is ob cainett'bi, Our pten* *ltem, which also secures another edvardappostoesokby wo other collar,—via: SpacefOrthe &swat in the Thill - 3 10 Alk atjAillieltnanz, or wzren;ze enniairiiSntkort Ain. r a ms iscifinowne.s, making this mUar, MASON. neatness; and durability, unequalled. They' are Made in Torn-d Own style% sizes Itnin 12 to. Ur, and In Gnaw* • ftnia 13 to 17 inches:, and.paoked neat boxes of 100 each; also, in InnaThr ones of IP 4 sch—tbe latter sk , very hands package for traVolere,, Mint tend 1147, 4./cars • . • isr..evaity C9LLnitia stamped - Grays Patent Molded Sold by ali retail dettlen In Men's hannbing Goan. The train Supplied by • TAN DELTRMM 80 . EMMIE & -01111212fUT Mad r .84 • e a"3taKeED 4 M B Ellft Just lefwt r1f t ••':.2 4 63. 44 A 111 pi1k rititzuvj 44' 4„. wtl ed ebenevo E xe 4al 7Z , l wunt,barea.--, Receiv !ade 0, . _lllMilt ptrAlat ' "Pliumiews MS W. 41.11111 L • DISEASES OP IMPRUDENCE. RAM= IN SLEW TWELVE HOUR& NO KIIROURYWR NOXIOUS DRUG& to 'Two, Pays. YOUNG MEN MARRIAGE. Ogiinvo No. it, Nom troakoroF FfflonT, SKIN DEMISES SPEEDILY CURED, onie•MolAtinitli . llPtedwriek stalest. ! MBAR I 8 RO SUCH WORD 'AS . FAIL heteod6m D. W. GROSS & VO*, WHOLESALit AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Aro. to MARKET STREET, HARRIRRUR 6, .PA DR MISTS, pardromm, STORE- IrEEPZII6 AND CONDOIXREL We are daily aping to oar assortment of goods Mi ski aides as are dennfts, and "Mid . respeoffitily all rya a-eationP? she went and bast, selected stook tn Ws ... Mgt, • of ' ' DRUGS. CREAIICALS AND PAINTS, irualehes mad Olga, 4 14100 0 1 banuid Artka OoIC and Toca, 41E14 nod 6;4 • Led, Rican and Ilse 014 Bodies, Mill mad Ilrauq? (Milk pietas Sow, Sponges land Cork; ha, ha., Ito., &a, 'ha, Mk a general variety of PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, selected hose Itta best soldlutlictureri sad Perfumers et enrope and. 12/19 foratry, Being very braileolers•to PAlifra, MiTir 1.1117, ' UNIX= (A, rataism, vrzariow oust, Amapa • COWIN, PAINT AND UtT472 1 1/ DRUMM IN Akirz THEM ralll/247114 COLONS OW MOM= IMP ALA =MX We ref fax.tittlo , invite a tali, faehaltrcgtagiM4 that we we er,pply the, wants or eh on tent el gyetr Ilathifw • - .7= TEETH ! 'TEEM!! JORIS' 42110 WEITVB P0202L41N TE Z 2W PATENT EADTGLYES, AND HAM EPIEVEATIVE6, Of all Ithids, dirbet h:om Promietors SAPONIFIER AND CONCIII3) LYE. Whc 4olo oAgents fbr Saportlflee, whiph ye sell is i lew is it can be purchased in the TAGIITAB'S AIZZLPIAL SZTRAGTS COAL OIL I ~ CARBON OM I Being large purcbeStoti itt these .04 itejk . en offer amen:melte to Okseboreit: 'Coal Ott Lampe of the thoet inprt4ed iittdrika, et fehm. Alt itiat or Laing* 'heated to burn Coot Oil: • .• = F/JIMMR/3 AN) D GILWIJaUI. Ilene Orin *to hart 'Rot , * Tea our NM! Abm OAT cLlDTofflms trigl know i ert their eeperleelby. sad the . 4 vantege they ate to keeping Moms aid Cattle healthy , . +1414.40144 coadlUoic, - IXto44,ll4iiii,teitity to U knelt they hava &dry* • bythe won rom oiier bale sr and 4141.10341mi1k, betide r tinprottog thi viral and empire's= Of Moir 4 iula - char long experience to tte! bag ,inernilves in th e . . • . • mige•of a ii6toilei klicTledire the limbs taut emii ar maipmettibi the . olitiee scale** we can; ha a very ihort time, fimdtOttitt tiblog‘poot Mi:dttw to oar tkubOolo, on the ban If _hmy, TAIMOPW the the pitrosig e bestoned on bur twangy en bops by striot attention N batmen, a oarettd *Kum of- PgrRE Erg -4' . • • at fair pricea,laid the desire to 'ppm*: to Won II 0011 ' minium* of aio foyorof a ilkoai*: Amb lll 2. _ _ • ! * M SACMIUMT roCPW.OVIZI, P Frlatifto :LINEN . f ..- TIaPOY IDEa_a4IIIIOOPREV.a _Min A 70271, .46, 8 Wit ibi libe de.lll;lird‘ of 1111111 Age g t'PaOkitd isilli ever illlo Woolift ilial 446-4 M libiate° 1;111. ' 11 ' 44 ' for sualisi ja C s l = i7 = elr la' • 7:13111Vi. '‘iieljeA.. •- =9. -- , . , li P li i 4 „. le Perta ...Ike i win Isi -Pr no a luallOt ts- • " r-Trr, It , . Sed2lold id c.: ' ' ' - . alit hum ' ' ' ° I JURLIS I B • %Sr '- - Y *Wm 4bore, 114, 91 41.6"1....__; , F ixinit ---- --- a...-0118-74 gip ~46... Iko---5-1-----!!!!".""tvu, . - .* zulq---• l - Zi:Nt tided iw' l l74,l* - :11.1* vrt ,lerr- OVIC% Mir: t I= MASTIC CEMENT 1111117FACTDDIDE, . TEI PILEPARED to furnish and coat the A. War or Buildings with the 111.ASTIO CEMEI T. et sew within. This material is oral:ally dllleroni Corz , other Cements used heretofore, and is the only rei,a•,l7 imperistmble coming for outside work Mixed with per ProPotons of pare Lamed Oil it forms a sohd, lila adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Walls, making S bean GIA, One wow proof mutate and Ithish equal to fips rt — Woe or may calor desired. • AMP* othelag /be whom I have applied the Mastic cs I refer to the following gentlemen: J. mindere, Fenn tree., Pitti . ipmg J D. J. IL Shoenberger residrce, Lawrenceville. A.earniAnelMey 414 Calvin Album Third street, Pittthun ; James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, m Vold, Girard Hamm Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, •• John B. Cox, middens% Front street, Harrigaurg, PE k. J. - Jo, . " 14 rime address T. F. WATSON, P. 0. Box 1,806, Pittsburg, Pa , or, Poona. House. Hamphure. fig)lB-dtim fIPFA DDEN S S MARBLE YARD OORNSR OF WALNUT AND FIFTH STREETS, Harrisburg, Pa. IrHE undersigned having opened a Marble Yard in this city, beg leave to inform thc:r and the public in general, that they are prepared to 11, Web MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Konumenta, Totatia, Dead Stones, Mantles, And Houle Work in Marble and Brown Stor.. Give us a all and we will guarantee satisfaction. 141 , FaD1 , EN k N. 13.—Lenartag neatly none is Unlit& or Ge rump miu.10.117 A N AkitiONTMENT OF f.TV E R 100 STYLES PORTMONNAIEs FOB LADIES AND GENTLEitEN, Pan Groand Palen, The beat Morocco TRAVELINGATLI( EI,B, And a general variety of FANCY G 00143, suitable for Preemie, now on tuind at HELLER'S Drug Ehote, senrlo4f No. 91 ?Annul street PHOTOGAAPH AI HUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Photograph A.lll3unis. BOUND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt claims. ALBUMS WITR so Pictures for . $3 GO w w 4 3 80 . 400 Srer with vnious other styles of binding, alma and whieh will ba sold cheap. ,a you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and tamper album anywhere. Cal lied SW at . SCHEFFEIVB Bookstore, marlZdtt Harrisburg, Pa. BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. TIM FARBER BOY, and how he became Conimand er-Lovelnot, $1 26 TIE PIONEER 1101 r, mad how he became President, $1 25 THZ MORT soy, and the numilfw. TEE PPLVNTHR BOY,-or how Pei. FrankJM made Ws mark, =I '2;? TEE FARVEg BOY, and hois , he lAN:lune Lieuten 11111113161 aid: ' ist press. . . A Y'OUTWSRIBTORY OF THE REBELLION; Etak Fort Sumter to Roauoke; elegantly illoltrated. $1 2.5 At. 8E.146.4F.M. BOOR gIOPE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No WS Walnut Street, South Side, East ot Third Street, Philadelphia. AltotrNr OF . ASSETS. - , CAPITAL., ...... CHARTER PERYZITTAL. Kathie, Fire Ind Inland Transportation In sUralloo. ARTHUR G. COIIII4, PvEtiatat, CHARLIE PLATT, Secretary. WILLIAM BUEHLER, Central Agent for Penztayivicolui. °Mee Walnut st., nOar Second, Harrisburg, Pa. JUST RECEIVED, 1110RENER - a; CO: 1 13 CELEBRA.TEL , SUGAR CURED • ILA.AIkgAN D .111.0E3F, smsr,ria & MAZER'S. myBl UNR/VALLED CHAFALEic UILN ItE IN.ILLSII doer, not allect the varnish, buy rtetorea onginiu /warn. It does rot diaco/ur. 41 will rem. c, with very Male labur every finished aurtaeu ; tither LIAMAI Or Wood. All litaillablaUrerS ana deshets lit lUi. utuat. 11110114 ute it fur. Weal/Ift huzutuie that law town wand- Ugh wine% with clwit. A totu:h and rub here atm there will make it briy,ht and fresh. For Sale oy rd , KUN/6.1.1. & RHO., ittd-dtt 118 Market Atnea, LINVALUABLE BYItI7P, which is en. ay vegiuttbzu ut tna coutr...tuun use bttest cut imo wunadnui summit for musty joara :I , lbtours uf Waage* (or Liu dltt l'AbaatitS et.uu LL/s.taLi . Jur any Amu ut tbumutt., such tut LtrbbiblitttlE , llo4lUctot IBRUATSI'IIIIIS.UVI , 11LtAtU,Itib.k.1tAj14 lil .pTlllltt3, tilka/ASENkba, - Lot•ta Vb . VUleh ass iftelle 1.111 kJib, its wig* NW be autuuttu wino Cue lapptata4catuli4.- alb me vl Lb, bun 144A1 eaten LLWInta,tRAS Cur KU LOCUM lti aina tAireSlilintuN. Ato'ketidemon or prwarts• sop V' Qom is esse. Mepe istku gamut.- • YIiNUJr fI.UU YLlt BO'TT'LE. Pti r awe all I/OWN tarCl, tAioN, Mon Mir e. rMatAttlaiti are ttroattli to 'soothe a 1„,,X ocogti, allay Tiottlutit, •tu the Throat, te - reaeve alumikostats_ Catarrh, bOre Throat, ago,: Tuay, wuww 0••411•001., ROrehuelo.l., trnagoavatia, Beaege war tattud, kttum istuserettabie expectoraute Lawny) are the thief so- wre comalcueasa y ao utonwxt with Ouzo Arutou nag auger, that. web tobatica aoaiauw a mud and very Ail e.a4al, time. Illattelbotatrodookaly by S. A. 14uNsir./.. B kato., mull Apoltheear NW, blaraet Area, Uurneeui ~~ COLLEGIATE TUT& FOE YOUNG LAMES, No. lbalt- Arra aired. Rev .OE:ARUM A. 8111Tii, D. 14, E. CLARENuE MUM A. M., Priatatels, Ninth yam Three depertmenta : Primary, Academic. and OollatilatA. Fuil college coarse in eatattir =Kira, Mew Suet& and Mauna Edema tor those alto graduate. Modern Leaguagets_ Mules, iltlntagg and RAmtuatie by the best, =astern . For curraiiimi apply at the imamate, or atearrea /Jul. AU P. u., ilalwathytua (7116.1T1140, WLDDING, INVITATION v AT 'toms errausenient wan ono of We hest eugrareni iII goi, country, Roes of any ifireerileiuu will be eamionied ifi the 1 / 4 1101- lOW of ondOrinablo witlk the Wks fashion, and Nupptied priespely, al. lower prow than are charged b) ih.e station- New York or ktilladerptki.. For sampne and prices ~ • - kIYAG,NE.K'd SWE. Wok . A Mt_ Wjavoioe of Michener's celebrated 41411. MOM Just tecclved t isuumityg at , MAUR, Successors -to W. Dock, Jr. TENT ARRIVED I—A. Am lot of CANNED . MORES . and TOMATOES. Aka, SUPERIOR MIS AMMO, FROM PRAM Ad, just received by wineisif JQ Win, Sit gnat, near Weinet. nM=I SUCH IS POCKET 13001(8, PURSES SELLER'S Drag and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. INCOPROHATF&D 1794, 'TIIIS NORNISG, A FREBI.I. DIVULGE OF Wehltfera'S PECTORAL SYRUP. CI $1 26 $1.666,663 60 stoo,ooo