Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, August 01, 1864, Image 1

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. ,
INS DAILY TELEGRAPH b served to subscribers la the
'city at 12 cents per week. Yearly subscribers still be
'charged it 3 00 in advance. Those personawbo aeigleCtio
pay in advance, will be charged $7 00.
Fax TIMIKIRAPCI is alsopublisbed weekly, sad is furiilatsid
'subscribers at the following cash rates
Single copies, weekly_ „
"ftro ,, copies to one Post Office
'rca enplrg to one Post Office
HESE Bitters have performed more cures;
hero and do give better satisfaction; have more tes
timony ; have more respectable people to vouch for them
Lean any other article In the .market.
We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and will
pay $l,OOO to any one that will produce a certificate pub
lished by us that is not genuine. Holland's German Sit
ierts will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility,
Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising from a pis
'• .rdered stomach. Observe the following symptoms, re-
Ling from the disorders of the digestive organs: Con.
' patio; Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the bepd,
Acidity oithe Stomach Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust •ifor
' Dail, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Erufitaticins,
inking or fluttering at the pit of the stomapb, Sk imming
the need , Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at
he heart, Choking or suffocating sensations when, to a
lying posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or wetter befoie the
sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, Deficiency of pers.
.piration, Yellowness of the skin and eyes, Pain in the side,
back, chest, limbs, etc., Sudden flushes of beat, Sunfing
the flesh, Constant imaginations of evil, and great ;de
• passion of spirits.
• Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic, centaimi no
. or whisky, and can't make drunkards, but is the
,beet Tonle In the world.
From the Rev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist
Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North! Baptist
Church, Philadelphia ' I
•*•**** • * ii ; *
I have known Hoofland"a German Bitterg favorably 'for
a number of years. I have used them Mnu own.familY,
and have been so pleased with their effects that I Nes In
duced to recommend them to many others,,and know that
they have operated in a strikingly beneficial inainumi I
i t
take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming la
fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with he
diaoases for which they are recommended to these It
tem, knowing from experience that my recommendation
ill be sustained I du this more cheerfully as HO&
4 ad's Bitters to intended to benefit the &filleted, - and is
"not a rum drink." Yours truly.
From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D. Editor of the En
cyclopedia of Reidiom Knowledge and Christian Chroni
cle, Billet/alpine.
Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent
Mehicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients
.and eft eta, I yet know of no sutlicient reasons why a
"Man may not testify to the buneilt.s he believes himself to
`Wive received from any simple preparation, in the hope
- Mat he may thus contribute to the benefit of others.
I do dna the more readily in regard to Rootiand's Gor
man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city
because I was prejudiced against them for many years,
tinder the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic
mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoema
ker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper
tests, and for encouragement to try them when suffering
from great and long continued debility. The, use of
-three bottles of these Bitters at the beginning of the
present year, was foll Owed by evident relief rut& reStera-
Con to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had
not fur six months before, and had almost .ciospalred of
regaining. I therefore thank God and my grlexid'Sor
resting me to the use or them.
Phkt r
From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of &Vast
Church, Germantown, Penn.
Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Bir:—Porsonal' ensirlerice
enables me to say that 1 regard the Gerianui Bitters, pbcs
pared by you, as a most excellent medicine.. Incases iof
severe cold and general debility I nave been groatly.ifer
Hued by Me use of the Bitters and doubt not MO. 11
produce similar effects on others "
Yours truly WARREN 19v.rptaim i
From Est. J. IL Turner, Pastor of Redding 3t. E
Church„ Philadelphia.
Dr. G It Jackaon:—DearSir:—Eavit,gused your Ger
man Bitters in my family rreyirently L am pre,plerd to Bey
that it has been of great serViee. I belie:ere tha lif . most
Cases of general debility of the eystemlt e&ft4 'and
moat valuable remedy of which I have etnylikowlas.
Yours, respectfully J. a. TURN ,
No. 726 N. Nlntiteeuttr iitrOat,
from the Rev. J. 11. Lyon hirmady Paden: of
Volumbue (N. J.) and Milostown (Pad Baptist Menials./
NEW (Mumma, N. Y.'
Dr. C. M. Jackeon:—Deer Str :—I feel it a pleasure thCe,
of my own accord, to bear testimony to the excellence oi
Ato Gorman Bitters. Some yearn since being ranch of
Meted with Dyspepsia, I used them with may htnreticial
Ttealte. 1 Wive Of= recommended then:' to pow* eti.
.reebled by that tormenting disease, and have heard Ilten
-them the most nattering tesiimeniala .as tm las)' gent
value. In came of general debility, ; •Indleedi it to beta
tonle that cannot be aurpaeacel. J. M. LYONS.
Teem the Rev -Thomas Winter, Pastor or Roxborougb
Baptist. Church.
Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir:—l felt it due to • your egc •
lent preparation, Heotiand German Bitters, t 0 •add:
testimony to the deserved reputation It has obtained. I
have for years, at times., been troubled with great disorder
In my head and nervous eyr.q*..:3 _was advised by a
friend to try a bottle of your German Bitters. did so,' and
have experienced great and unexpected reli ef; myhtialtb
bas been very materially benefitted. I confidently recom
mend the article where I meet with cases similar to my
own, and have been assured-by assay of their good ef
fects. Respectfully rotes:
T. WINTEII, Rimberou4Pa.
From Rev. J. S. Herman, of the _Herman ;wed
Church, Kutztowm Berluedauott,"Pe
Dr. C. H. Jacktliodr—Respected.. Rift-4 ,tkve...heen
troubled with Dyepepada nearly twenty yearn, AM' have
never used any medicine that did me as mil& good as
Medalled's Bitten,. lam very much improved Di health,
niter hating taken five bottles.
• • -- .
Town with respect, 4. S. EviciotAn •
• ,
Large Size (holding nearly double quai.l4olll. Op '
pet bottle—half doz $$S 00
Small meta per bottle—ludt doz. "41 00
See that the signature Of "O. M. JACKSON'" - ts - on - the
WRAPPER of each' bottle:
Should your nearest druggist , not have the mud.. d o
not be put off by any of the Intskteattne preparattote that
may be camsd in its plam, but send to us, and we will
totwatd r eentwely-peeked; bopezpraese- - - • ,
Principal Mike .autt Ilittathettui,
*O. 631 ARC'S STIINF4, • •
Sinetessers4a C. M. Ate 4
alai by Druggist! and Dealers In every tow* in the
;Idled iis. • . aryldilawly ;
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v'mArmux'crfare i rtmumr ro4
rrHE landelSigned -Offen, at private sale; a
'LAT OF GROUND, situate on Paxhm street Rairis
burr. having-thereon erected three *Mae Dwuazipo
1101138;,telso_a bakery. and rooms'which can be upcii
for a,Dweliing r alarge stable • and other outbuildings--
The.lot, is 23 feet in front, by 210 feet in depth:This
perty yrill be sold on tetras to suit burchasers Persims
wishing to examine the same can do so by caning on the
premises, No. !tli•Amnon street, or at My residence
Ridge Road. Ljy2s-alwl .TACUB BENGAL.
N 'THURSDAY, August 4, 1864, the
O deraigned, trtiatee of 8. L. Bowman, will sell' at
public sale,lne following real eatate: 'A tract of land, eit
uatoia:Hast.Penttsbiirottgh township, Cumberland, bound
ed by Lad of' Klatott - Dresbach, G- oZOysier end othdrs,'
containing 108 wick shore or less, having thereon erected
large wo.itory stone house, good tenant houtse,
large.. Wink: tiara; apple orohard of 'choice truic a
pump at. the -door;• also, a running 'spring near the
house. 'This t 6 wain** farm and in high Mate oral. ti
vatlon. Locat4d 3 Miles west of Harrisburg, and a half
mPe north of Oyster's Point, -
Sale to take place on the premßes at 2 o'cliack P. M. :on
Said day, When terms will be made by 1
jyl6-dia ; GEO. W. CRISWELL, Trosteel. -
520 ACRES of Land, in Dauphin co.
at prtvate sale, lo part or the whole, to skit
purchasers ; 'lab acted•td . ,ear good buildings therms,. wi th
Saw MIL For foither putieulars address
wienO-datoe , TlomplibLeariAtv. PA;
W elk"
Steepe yto Liverpool;
rpoUpffiNG: at IatrwE E NSTOIVII, (Cork Asir
-I:ber.) The well known Steamers of the LiverpoOl,
New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in
tended to sail as follows:
ElManntu , July 30; City Wastiingt,
1i; 8a ilia—
y &
Satut.ittyAttgust 8; City of Manchester- Siturady,
gust 13, sad, (we* , sacoeoding Saturday, at Noon, frciut
Pier 4&,,-Nortkitivor:
- -." • , 'RATES OF PABSAUK, ' 1
43 1
FIRST-GA81N......580 00 STEERAGE ... .. . ; .$BO DO
do-to London- •86 00 do to London' ' 2 'B4 E
do to Partf. -. -' ... . '96 -00 do to Paris " '- 40
do to• Hamburg ::... 90 00 do Kt Hamburg....„. .17
Pa9sengers • $32,0 -Torward to Ravre , &onion, Nottar
dam, Altwetp, ate: ; itt eivally low rates.' ' 1 -
Farce from Liv . erpool or Quewisferran: Ist Cabin, $7O,
$BO, 9106.. Steen", 936. Thiree whirWirat to send Mr
tit* frlenda-can :buy ttoiteta here at thew rates.
For further Infonaut/00 apply at thesColopiurv's.o64
JOAN GL - DALF,•Assnt, 16 Broadway, M Y. cA p
ZIMMERMAN, Ihirtql6urg. [
r f o 4ltt, B 9 s 'Jag! 'MAN
Pj3E y : BN F
js2B-6t 4 .7431farket street, Bel 4 3;lrrotd e -
. .
~ D- f raft !I Draft. ! t .
ALIENS Oa - *item; under. di.Otet
toured mpt,"who hive been enrolled Mthis (L4t4)
District, or any other.Diatrict in the State, . cats have th r
exemption papers made out at rates flied by law.
Now is the tune to put. in a substitute and avoid the
draft. '
Perrone clui are not - liable to drat, and who with 1 1 4
enter the as substitutes, can obtain the bighoat pre
Business traniaoted by mail at legal rates; and cost of
ravel thereby avoided.
Call at once, Or address by Maii
Attorney at Law, 3d street,
jy 9 -eod2m6l: . Harrisburg, Pa.
BEING desirous of closing her 'Elitntraer
Stock of. Millinery Goods, offers , for sale at greatly
ro mood prices, abate-ea 1
Constantly on: hand &splendid. assortment of ' !
SILKS, .. ~
LAOR,S, . •
.!..-7, .
• ,
HORIRRY,. ,, •
~ • • GLOVItti, ' ' .- -
.. .', .... Curled, ..
• NSTS ; . . •• .
, .. FANCY' GOODS, &a. - ;
had at wI
. .
USED in Triuift Church, New York and
Ito Three diary Edward Hal* Ws. Doc.,
or SydaetSmolex.esill Cambridge, Eng and'i utiOr val
uable additiona:py •
..ditor, 8. Putman Tackerman,
Mu& Doc., dogged land
director co music in Balm Paul? s
church, Dostiolns
Price In ekdhloladlidr,-$3 00; Boards,
OliWWrit; ,DIT:10N & CO., tubliallers
jy2l tf - - 277 Washington street, Bontim. • ,
EUB S,, at No. 8 Market Si;lmre,
neit 4 9ol:lo' Fellx'a Confectionery, keepaconatint,
ly on hand the,laSteat-styles of Bonnets, HAW Ruch*
Flowers, llibhenty.ko.Oltagether with a Ilneassortment of
Dress Trimming., Uses, Embroideries,: Colhus,. Dui%
Nandkerrhies, Hosiery Gloves and Variety. Goode
ell the latest Dress Patterns dirdct from the
New 'York palaara, Drees and Cloak making neatly exe
cuted. Thankful for ate...pun:wage bestowed_ :am= her,
opening, Ehlt ir# 3 4 3 , by &attic& attention to buslnessMid
her cuireavill; to, giv.4 general .atisfaction, to continue So
receive a ettanfor.the. public patronage, Jyt-dam
ATEN_lthlwpower steam engine and
boiler, Instil Weal water pipes, pumps and !main
complete; insaidatleginiene and oytnder bqiler, winnufrip- ,
lured by JOl Wilii:JMUSl3l7ltellt imPnwred eserllarren en
glee builder.' . May; beeeen at CanAl shop; fogt Nr - il in!t
snow, Itarrediurg. - -
For terms; se.; etletitri-at Canal omoe, Xarltet 'Week
near United. Stites Vetid..
Haan sueßo , kly,nB Atm ' . tr
trYI .:64-01111111.GLED
ALT.,Tad*richared 014,.1100/1„,
wounds' ''l a battle an;
bounty, underaif 3, 1888,4381*LO:iv WO:it
immediately!" or awipwzg by mail
: 41/4114i*Intiltilird
JyT-d2w "
SA LEfla,titkliti
Land for Sale
Millinery and Fancy Goods.
`THE ‘UN .10 N—N N ft:RT ER ."--"e680:.-.'
HARRISBURG,. - M. - ;:,,,MONDAY 'g4 AO; .0g5TA,r.,•:1864
• .D. , YdS: PSIA .
A Cnr,e Warranted.
Dyspepsia has the following !Symptoms:
Ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at' the
pit of the stomach.
2d. Flatulende and Acidity. •
3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite.
4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. •
sth.. Dim:shoes, with griping. •
6th, Pain in all varts of the System.
7th. „Consumptive Symptoms and Pulpits=
tion of the Heart. •
Elth. Gough, with Phlegm in the Throat,
9th. Nervous A.ffection, and want of Sleep
at night. • - ' • •
10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting,
11th. Dizziness,. :Dimness of Vision, and
Loss of sight. . • ,
12th. Headache and Staggering in , wilking,
with - great weakness.
Out of the thousands of eases of Dyspepsia
that have used Dr. Wishart's Great A.merican
Dyspepsia Pills, not one of • them has failed
of a. perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every
case, no matter if of twenty years' standing.
Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr.
Wishart's office, No., 10 N. Second street,
Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and con
sultations free of charge. Send for a circu
rricell per box.. Sent by mail; free Of
charge, on receipt of money.
I, ELIZABETH Bionsoi, of Emnd3rurifiir,
Del., formerly of Old Chestel,' Del.; do mertify
that, for'one year and a halt I truffeied.,kve-,
thing but death from thataWful disease cal led
Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostuid
with weakness and nervous debility; I co o d.
not digestrgy food; if I ate even a•cracker r
smallest-ammmt of- •4)041i-it would return
just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in
my bowels that I would not have a passage in
less than from four and often eight days; ,air
der this immense suffering, my mind seemed.
entirely to give"vy.':•/ had, a dreadful horror
and evil forebodmgs; I th
_, :ht everybOdY
hated me, and Ihiled every • .. y; I could not
bear my husband nor my Own'aildron, every
thing appeared to be', hocrOr-etzicken to' me;
I had-no ambition to do,anYtiiirig; I lost all
mYlby'e of familY and home; I would ramhle,
a nd wander fromplaceio plebe, butheald not
be' contented; I 'felt 'that . that I 'Was doomed to
'hell, arid t h at there was no , heaven 'for y 4,
and was often tempted • tie ; :cOinmit Weide,
so near Was iiiy , whole* nervous, SyStifn 1 1 6:-,
stroyed,•klidlilso my mind frail that aWfUI;
• complainii4Dyipepkia; that myfriends thought,
'best to have me placed In Dr.' Kirkbridece
hospital, 'West . Philadelphia; I remained.,
there nine weeks,',' and' thought I Was a little
better, but in it - few 'days my :axeadfid'ioin;
plaint wag raging Mliad as. e, , ver.• Hearin of
the wonderfulsrlormed ty Pi;. - -,
hart's Grepf• Ameri c an Drt:101.
his fireifinent i fgr byy3paity4o4,tit
called on Dr," Wisheit an ''' thy; easa ..'
•liiin. AC nightih'id. , o . oribtlis .. , , . , :
me. So in - ttirge aie - fa ; 4 , - - -:-;. . :. . • .
myself Tinder the Doctor's :'treatment,, and • '
• tWci weeks-I began to dige st my food, and. fe t
that my disease was fas way, and
continued to recover for about three months,_
and at the:present time I enjOyperillet health
of body,and mind, and "I most sincerely retu
my thinika to a merciful God and Dr. W' -
i t
hart, and' to his great American Dyspeps'
Pills and Pine .Tres.ffiar Cordial that saved 4 •
from an Insane Asylnifkand premature gra i ve r
All persons sugaring ` w ith 'DisPepsia are ,
liberty to ell' on molar write, as lam milli I
to do ail 'the good I Aan. for suffering ,14 .:
I T ,
' ln anity'. - . Erazigtra i BRANSOX.-, -. i
' - Bien e, Del, formerly `of Old Chester, )
Delaware County, ka. •-• • • • t ,
Dn. liltnuires Office, NIS. 10,Nartheimil
street, rikliadelPtga: -" " -.'
. ' ' "` ; ' '''
: ' D i i‘ r Stra'.% k ißdrl i k.A.l '
Mt:.,s. have - a constant -sufferer with'
Dyspepsia:feel& last eighteen yeare, daring "high time
I cannot miy I eves enjoyed it perfectly-well day. , Theie,
were times when the sympiclan were more *unpaged 1
than at others, and then it seemed it would be. peat re-
Herta dio. I bad at an nines an unpleasant reales In iriy
heed, but lattkrly my sufferings so much inoreasedlhat .
I became almost untitfor boldness of any kind; my mind
was continuallyego& wail:gloom., thoughts . and fore
boding; and if I aiternpied to change toes current by
reading. at dace asetuatton of icy coldness in connection
with a dead weightoss it were, rested upon my bralnl,•
also, a I eeling of sickness would o -cur at the stomach, and
greet Plato tIY eyes, mooenpandeC 'wlek. Atltion, teas this.
continual. fear of losing toy reason., I: else AlEPerieumd
great hissltu'de; debility and nervousness, which made ft
°wenn to walk by day 41 sleep at night. I heel
arena to society, and disposed ,only , to meninges, an
having tried the skill of a =labor of eminent, physic' ea
of various schools, fißilOciinie'to itafoonolvigion that; fol•
this die** at my present*, 06 yam:Ohm was no care
in exigence. - But, • through the, late rrimpos or .picAto
Provident°, to whom I:devoutlV offer my tn ts Tit ips
found a sovereign remedy In your -Dyspepsia Pills and
Tar Cordial, which sewn to have eXectually removed ad-,
most the last trace of my long list of ailments and bad'
feeling east bklbalciplaae lientthe.PosAre sad 00041 '
font are my everiday,64:4mpaelons.
. .. ... —._.
, .
No, 453 North SiTitioi td eteoet, rhilartelphia,
Fartherly of Woodbury, N.
Dr Wishgt,'s Office-No. p North Neitond.street,
dC , •. • . •
tb!AR n'A[4.l"X!‘ , JOHN. BABOOOK.,81:r&
lON OMIT" baby, I
Phffadelpilfa luitta7 22d, - 1863.
Da: Wrattatir--Siet—lt , is with much peasure that I
am now able to inform Lo l a that, by the use of your great
American Dyspepsia - Pi ;I have been entirely cured of
thatitostr,distrcestag mni,..l4 , spectaitt.-- hadbeen
Oita:fully alllieted* for thast, twenty-eagfit Years, and
for tail yeara:Of that-time have not been free from its
path opp !pet at it. I have had it in its worst,fOrM
addhatt'dregged ona' that miserable OnlatenceL.m pain
day Mid night. -Many kind or, food 'theta ate filled 'me
with wind and. Pap, It matelod not boa light,lon hew
small the quaility; A, continued belching, well Ante te.
rolloW. I had no , appetltafor any kinds. et 'meats ghat
ever and my distrera was so great for Hever:ll mouths tm
.yote, theardat your Pills, that I frequently widterfer
death. I had taken everything that I had beard of far
Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefft; but on your
Pills being recommended to me by one who bad been
cured by them, I concluded to give Ahem a;riaf;aithougb
lind-no faith to them To my ateenialnent, I -found
myself getting better beiCtre I bad taken one fourth of a
box, and after taking half a bon, I am a well ` man; and
can eat anything Lavish, and enjoy a hearty meal three
tames a day, without Inconvenience from anything I eat
or drink. If you think Koper, you are at liberty to make
this public and refer to me. r viii cheerfully give all de
sirable information to any one who may call on me
Yours, respectfully,- JOHN H. BABCOCK.
For sale at Dr. Wishart's Medical Depot, No. 10 North
f3erund street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price One Dollar per
byt. Sent by coati, free of charge, on receipt of price.•
I, Samuel D. Haven, have been a prat suffer," with
Chronic and Inflammation of the - liioneys for
'three' years Immploped.thitifor Mar of the most
nest physicians of Ph! &dolphin, also of Burlington °bump,
N. J. They did all for me.they wild, but a.4,ki no pur
pose. I awe constantly nisi 'with awful pat& End OM
tress, and *Mb constant belching .4 wind ant soar sold
My tongue was 00111ted NUN a White coating or mucus
until It orackod In large hurowe, and was dreadlidly
sore! Ohl I °Mimes wished for death to relieve me td
my. auttiseres, for I.had lost all hope of OM 6E1444
again. I made it a subject of prayer . to- God-that'he
would direct me .to -some physician or. ana411041 . . - thid,
would cureino. I Web old to read an advertisement of
Dr. Wiehaes in the Philadelphia Ledger. of a' groat 'curb
-madelilion Mr. John Babcock, of 1O (Hive street,,Phlti
delPhla, bY the. oda& /men= TWil. went.
to the Mier's OM% mid PlaNd lone% =de' ll
meat, and told him if be failed to pare me„, it would be,the
last enbrt 14db:int M
- ake. ' lahas been six weeks singe I
commenced the nib Whit modreine, and 'I airi now ti well
man;. tree feantrall wide - andlistresa and can eat, three
1 - qtarty.rneaLsa Oggith,doniforli, and feet. perfectly. 1011.
Dr. Wlsbart,l want you to publish my care,)is L Art
every, poor . dtePoptlesullering,as I ins, to,calt CM MIS, rick
I will tell them or the -great core t have remitted f to
your invaluable inedloiwt.: - . - , BAIIU,Nt. P, H AVE-
Coravr Weans° and Lambert ' reels nea,r i tichua ad
street, formerly , COM
. Wtigbtr. -v. n Iturlitrit ' coo ty;
The aboreare afew aulOttethe thousands which this
groat remedy, has saved•from an untimely. grave. • -
We have theasandsof letters' from physicians and drug
gists who heels mbearitted and sold the Tar Cordial, sayin,g
that they Have never wieder sold a medical .which gave
such univerhitnatistacthan./.1. . .; .', .;, ,- •
Prepared only by the proprietor, . ..
- . DR. L. Q. 0 misFrAter t
- No.' 10 North Sebond street; 'Philadelphia, ye.
Sold by prestige erWipthire. Amjylitnetdtter
-'-- • • ' ' •
IvElitt.t 4 ooloL
Siaadai,.Mily'alat 1.1 o'clock, a. na.
eon. ErCausland, it now appears ceitain,
was in command of the rebel trOdrisVfiiin they
'burned, deinbar*iburg. . Vinsts
hered that hfCansland tked,Greeneastle.when
the rebelslitgle 4Neiikgreitti;: , raikateiff ago,
and Ma l t rtljeviekait et • OtangtaX•nion the
people of Hagerstown, a few weeks since. He
is a desperate, ferocious,. _taut unrelenting
iniebOotot, nagy r at antinie to violate the
usages of lioridiabfe waifitieiit order to gratis
fy his dark and malignant passions.
The bulging- of , Chatriliertfbing 'ls detiori_
"bed' by Id 'iltftivet; . Who- "reachiui flairislmirg
nrday nightcliiiiiiiing beeirl"terriffic and hOr
rible in the extreme: After M'Causland had
taken 'foltifildicissealimait the tciviiilhe inade
proclamation to - the citizei demanding
one hiiiiidriltilliWit*sUil: dollars - in' gold. It
was 'of, tiootfrin, • trnii*Silble to comply
with such a demand—a demand no doubt
.made 00Pillgs4; P.i: its -failure 'and- pure; of
it affording An pretest/ to.;iiteritite the pre
meditated plait for-destroying Chambersburg..
'the fact - Villt - thiiiinict valuable portion of the
f.P I O-... *14119. -4 it: A.hP tb7ii' loiv bees. re
,- bees.
Moved:addedit&te r a ge e and diesppointtnent.
of the rebel -and Wherf". thus inspired 'the
Order was irariettitiftge the court house; town
hall and:
Izank linilcli4.,; A. strong broeze pre
vailing at the time, soon comrannicated the:
'sflainest, to ii#l l Oundtrig:ltiptlings.'' , Parties of
4 61 4figiliti4i4RaPi . 100 44 4N 4 • •
4048.. .I.4.oo2iiinpiviir4titipaitimi E4'
:•.4.,.,_.; - „ r i,.. - 4, , ,, ,, : , •',:faraiiiiiivii*Tenf „ •
- - tr.,....?. „ -- . 4144-ora # 4.llo 6
geneml, te rrific and d.evouring conflagration' ,
Speedily the scene became: heart-rindi4
and appallhigthe crackling' and ibaritig Of
`the llamas as they leaped from,,houtie to house
—the: shrieks of the terrified women—the
cries of panic-stricken and suffering children
.the pitiful appeals of the old and helplera f '
a they were ' : heard above the *Oise of
; the
cortfiagnition;m4 served to elicit the 500411
and derision of the base wretches who ea*
thereto sack and deslai?X .ihS . .7istii•:' kvers -
Wheie ffkioinpitt3irere rushing 4oaldeaf homes
to,; find %. , iirafety -, in i the ,idescdated _ , fields
around . Cliii,mberabrirg. Women ' could be
'seem 7/ 10 ; 1 0: io9kkg: tRi: children Piiit
were last ,: .While ol:iilOren anon were
weeping '. tor parents who could not be.
Muni. A gerqiciusiswhii communicates these
brief facts eaYt'that the 'history' lifTiii44l
- nothing to equal the , atrocity
ane airovoked barbariti#tbis buratiNg. of
chambersbut: The invaders ' had entered
without resistancel-th4'cltiiens tinprot4t4
1 i , sitclsUbmitted to theiriluxider-Azad, oven,: es
it were; appealed to. their "lii@iraimity, brit
; nothing could appease the hatchet incendiary
'31'61% 1 44=d. • ; $e ordered tho, torch to he
. _ ,
applied, and has now a; monument of ashes
added to his infamy VI -41,- thief i and a traitor.
Itetribritien willimit r iiilAS pit 4 is the tiger
Jt.44im 1 1 1 :414 lair for his victisif. .i.. ,
There is no doubt that tho..destraotion of
Chambers*t 'lig Most imMidate; and Ilia two
k#ridred - :_i • iad slit - x 7 lWe of jhslatatit valuable
and: irot)spieist rii4o
have heen•deatroyed., It will: reOldre at Wait
a qtarter of nonf4irio repair the damages
which tio'reiteli per petrated
. little less
four h o u r s.;, 'They fired" the town as near es
can now be ascertained at /1 o'olook A. ii.
Th ( ! , remained jast long enough .to see the
11aniea spresioi,::and get a proper headway.
When the 'glom was given. that Averil was
approaching the' town; -instantly every free
booter was iii lfs aiiddie, and the incendiaries
IntriePYtocik;the St. Titcarials road, with Ay..
Brill in the pursuit. "
No intelligeace hair reached this city con
cerning the *ect effeei.of AVeillTa attacli. beNevekhowitver, that. he, succeeded in
punishing. Miatudand' very severely.
A train heavily ladened with commissary
stores, was dispatched from - this city this
morning, for the vicinity of Chambersburg,
in order to relieve the present wants of the
houseless women and children of that town,
whonowproWd the fields and woods of the
A rebel map? (supposed 'to be Major Henry
eilmort) wits wbib intim aot of kink
and phindering a WidOW's house. TWo Citi
senifobaerving the WHIM% at his work, at once
tookoharge of Nina, and While oinvejing him
of were c m to ahopt trim. He felt
but did not immediately (mike, whenll4llt-,
/taiga &wiped the bast to dcaq4.l
Ufaz NV.) 6111•11 leani, two women • and
osus ohil4 were doiltrozred during the firs.
Doulitless oiimirti perished, but up to this
writing, We bre heard only onhese - t
6 o'clock pl
'The retwat9f the rebels °vet the St. Tho ail
road, ims,bAlip' ronowe4 Fa"
notwi‘ - tanding
Most brolciin down and warn out; tAirsult was
maintained` Vitt all ihe vigor " ° of fresh troops
just coMingpito - action. ' When Acertl dud
his troops ree_clied olitu9heisburg, the fire
had 'iitined sae' itesel*Ay s list no efforbon
their part cosildibkve saved the town. Hemois,
the word "Ostrinfe rung' itc!ng ttik 14 E4 3
and onward it was; such a ridd - ae no set of
men . over before h 4. When:, the 'i l etie!s.
reached McOmmelsbrirg , theitati'neither .
to levy a oontribUtien, light a frith, 'Ai. I' • die
_ •
''s fire. Avail - came thundering after
ho entering at.. one void of hlacensielsbtiri,'
white. the mvadeinsleft at the Other.
There is nci,doubt; in the minds of Our
shrewdelit militaryr men, that ihe, rehs, after
having fired and robbed Chambersiburg, and
after' hating ravaged. the - Cuiriberland Valley
as far as iheii..s:speratfxriss cosild.,tend, had
in view a daish at sad midden surprise of the
poste at Bedfo4tiiings. tiaroelehrted
watering place is the resort of the leading
copperheads, who, it is fair ;v believed, are
constantly in correspondence with "the' reliel
chiefs, Miring' the past ten days,' mans lend
distinguished - ,Union men were eico the
Springs, prominent among whoin - 3 v.
Curtin. Rig Excellency constitutes . s, g.. lit r
ing prize to the sight of the rebs, and do Ifbt,
less Jeff. Davis -.would delight to :has* a /Iv'e
Governer of a greirand loyal State, to asbtsr
- one of the'foul oori* of Libby. Wh4trer
wag the:object of the invaders, tbpi
late to liave. succeeded this surpose,
'Gov. Curtin-left
,ItedihreSPriiigs on Friday
night, anittnis inliarrisiniteirly on satnr-
A report wigs , Carreit on the, I .7 .l airk I fte
early .part , of the'afternoOn,ihat the Petuasyl
tianiailthad, near Mt, U:nipi; hail. beeniint
by the. rebels. '146 his AiT.P InP l •rt ; ' :
ven "to be groandysa t ..p„. a Ara4l,- can,
which left , Asi r „two o'cloOr
reachasland, plake,sl. thrtmgh Mt. Vniim
at :4. o' s c'l9clt, r,, Anotherxeport, which ire
doul r d trace to reliable, -authority -; was 'to
the -effect that-;Awl: brigqt4T• hid
reached and . ° O °N494( f*tiabY4g. early
15c,F.,4- 1 1PL. I mpingtf ,
! :I )' q l°lllFeejal'e. '4 4 4 --i tsio4 -11111"1" -pay,,,y ikerti C fP l ic1 1 1 e
Y ;
2":' -
, •. ±.. ! • 0AN44 0 .4. ri P. Sad
• A heavy gust rose ; in the •Wegt • shont eight
o'clock, whichput an end to teleinphing - ,np.
to this hem.) •It WIV? ARRIOnaI OA cial err—
des that the rebels had succeeded in reaching'
Hancock, on the, Upper Potomao, where/04y
would, of course, effect a Gnawing. Whether
this so or noti,iticatleask cvntddently,hp-
AsTed tlitet the column gf Tebele whigh MOTO
in three
,divisiaus from •iWillianispost 'last
week, has left onr State. r,A,side- from, tht
hellisit•work atShapbcrela n sg, , the extent of
the liamagcz Pr-Pet40441 2 .7:the invaders can
not be fully,Arnown,rlrdil , iwe •cm.
,/yncr mote
dethgtelY•frmuAllejAttOot of..copatry over
which they passed. , •
The runner in which Avail permed and
punished, the rebels as 'fat as—and even be
yond. liicConnelsbung, ,‘ almost renders it
certainthat --11Vauslatut- has the
state:, fearful' rio. -doubt = that •"theriiA were
other fories hig tract:MA that after the
burning of Chamberibtire, his iieatest safety
would be in immediate and hasty retreat,. 4
Thec l Min 3 rhuir r ialoY r B li(44:no oPeit,
t?, Chambersbitrva day 7este.l.44 . y.agid
01 tasks wbdckh left this dexigf t with suppligs
f " 814ring:Pi+ci?ierq# that iii-faieti loc
renn)ie4 there in
Amid the coiiBygnaiiOu'wl44, prev**led
Chambersburg, a,lTOrt.Nisa current at
3 o clock sE., that the rebels had appeared
in large force- it . EfagerPinwiL 9* . i.Yr in. the
twining. We arty 'fficll4adlo' Zloaht this ra
tio; believing it to , belhe'offsliftt or file
fears and-miseries 'whiehintidonbtedly pysirall
among the Bufferivg 1,9n49,4 4 c4aomshgrg.
One :Vitae
Yt[A.V . ING reteived 'authority (the , first is
, anedyto rake . , a compaws of .volgapera
AR'S SERVICE,- c oax offer rare Inddeenteriti to able
bodied men- to- eatarthe service. Anply - av durcoußT
HOUSE, or at MILES! GSO9.ERY STORE, on Ridgeiloott
• J927-dtt ' = - '
Cai-alry :41 - Oiseg Wanted.
AmarrAirr Quitirmucarta's-GrroM,
auuuliuzii-it4taa., July MR, f
• forthaii &fess; -ono htindlnd
sixty-the 005):dollars - per Pqn..4114 . .be inv
• 1-lort#o#4,:ff
delivered at the Government stables atHarrlsbrir&Ra. .
Said fiorsoatei be sound Mall partici:dirs. dot lea that'
(5) eve aqr more than ( 9 ) Ow?. rows 01 4 froluleg to i$
lash, full fleshed, co mpactly built, bridle wise anti
of size ,afielent• for cavalry "purpoion
rA est eons wilL be strictly adhered 04
W and 1 • .
enforced every Pargeuktr- • "
. Payment made mg dativery (71..neroalurrottiortrrant
Hours of inspection from BA. At ; to 6P, The di
mud Is orgnat and an inintednte innreonitan'itteliotteit.
C.; lUggraUlliktal,:
ji-zrdtf, , Oil*. NA dal Qr. i
. . . .. .. .... . .. ....... ......_.
sirawrxTuTgas - AND micAr. inciirto
. - - --,- -• - --irvuormizow2f: - '.
D ARUM. wanting aidstatAtelefez be Mil
-1 PllO. it beet rata. pips 4 .cielis; turophed .*
in a
iliq.paocrtitiadopsonos to detlitbeistlir.
idtti all. - C. Cr -- 71 ItiN Ce o t
Riprtiii) - i- , LaNiii NNW ' ~1 11aLfill. i
, - Adriekant Wei (KW onteeee.- JtONVIIVOI ce ' z ,
.QAPSAAcrri44 II I. VV R IAI —Pie; Mi-.
lug it3kl Wow Toiltraul bet wOliod'Ait
- • 0• .1 • -.a FILI2II O ,
my 6 tmoommiro to W Dock, &
AVOII OXII 10111112.
day II 60
......ada......4-.,.•.. 100
-Three .. . '
L. /.... 120
SWIM .... . ..«. 400
.Orifillialabil.... .. . ‘9
Three maathi....... 11 00
months 15 0
—....aariadk liiftei 4 Yetir""l44 4 6 le
Minima biotloes - ~. 75
"1441.55640eir.. ..t,r47 • • . -_. ~ 180
l'iland 'otiaemegioaortias. . 1- : 7- .La. 4.4. II
-- -- -41irgilietiim u -- iseelekgVt . ci;a (W ino *
before .11antagavuld Death; Dow .Carea via Luis Ow
each tadartleNa • -
Siege, of .-Petersburg.
Gr. 1.4 AD AM I 0 U rof - 3E -W
The Rebels Completely Surrrit"
Large Number of Prisoners CaPhkred.
Enemy Mining Our- -Works.
"In Two Days Note They Would Have Blowi
Battle Progressing with Great fury.
WAsErscprov,ly, 31.
Information from the headSuarteritnt the
Army of the Potomac, dated 4nly .30ansays
the great event so long anticipated, viz: the
explosion &the mine under the enemy's feet
4 iatett - cif thelth Corps,' came OittElS
Ping'w" kept up sll '
at : the time the match was apnliA the
rmt ilirmlShersTA -ere . f ail x t i n g a t e a b° 0.82 .44 P.
The volume k.'" ' llO was '
manse and rising c,""'er 300 feet . in * O4O re
fountain of dirt or a
Bumbled an imatense
The 9th corps *ft once cluttfl orator . e 4 the works,
driving the enemy to the secdnd line and
taking a number of •prisoners, some 9t 'whom
were dug out'of the dirt, badly bruised. Ile;
:state that only aboett. a dozen remain 'out of
their regiment- r a South Carolina one.
As soon as the explosion tool place .12* '
gunss opened along 0u,7 front whibythe
kotry blazed in one c entid a 4(.3t At,
Stong.Ahoftant of the 90 andliartagf,fibsblit
and 18th corps.
Tbe scene was one long to be remembered,
"bit=tbeitnitoke 4 here the gut vr soda " obscured.
:theitiew and • the portic - inhuwer the sue
pegs gleaned from those why cum
---t4irene/Tt. • '
e prisoners say Piey were col nplendi Our
prose nibstof them in the forthdrug asleep
ittr the time. • They state there:Were !bur gims
,in the fortification-which, of cciursei-were-bn
lied far out of sight. • •
One prisoner. reported that they Were busy
mining under our works, and thni fn two
days more they would hairs been ready to
blow uslup.
A dispatch, dated 7A. at.; says RepOrtsaust
in state that We have possession of the entire
first lifie of the rebel works,- with a latentioi
her of prisone,rs. Our loss in the charge Wss
severe, as our ruea had to cross.= open, field
to reselrthe rebels. -
BIZTIMOBA July doubt ak to Ipod
news HOLM to be: removed. We have , 'just
received by private hands a later dispatch
from home which says the assault commenced
at 4 o'clock On'Saturday morning, by a ter.
rifle explositmLvhich completely . destroyed
one of the enemy'a . prinoipal forts front of
Petersburg containing sixteen gnus.
Immediately upon this explosion our, artil
lery opened with one simultaneous'and con
tinuous roar 'along the entire line of Gen.
Grant. Up to the leaving of the Mail heat
-10 o'clock—we had captured two other earth
works, and also the entire outer line of
trenchmentif. •
The battle wus proF,ressing with grilitt:iwy
AT TENT 1,0111!
T°'lllt'A quota of the SECOND WARD' of
the eitY_Orliflrrtsbnrg, Bounties will pe pasg
Ward bounti r Ces4, . ,
o , ,veramtatt bounti" •
Tot:al bognt,y-, - • --
PAX PER,./40NTH, ,
0 VIE yba
TERI OF 011ie , YI
$lO will be pa,d to any P arann 411 "; 1 4 4n g Pi k li n n ae labla
Apply at Daplel Wagstees, Nocoad Wanlllcha*Vomer
of second and Chestitat street; to .
Recruiting Oonimittee, Siodod. Wird.
jy2a -dtf
pustzd NOTICE ,
'hereby that in
Progaluice otOwettrof Astembly - Painsilvota,
the first day ofJeno, 149, the Etocitholdeta of,the
Witsitiiistant, Penna. will -apply to the
next session. of 4.Riglalature for a reiketisal.ef Itc.thar
ter, with •an itiOune of its capital IIDm $160,000 Oo
$ 200 ,00 0 .. . REED, Pritaitait
iiirstmorr, P i t, June 241864. • „WI
. , _
NEW 'ERIJOK suitable for a.statie (Natty,
with one ton of new T Ratl, weighins l 3 pooodli. to
the yard, for atone quarries or sidling& ' • •
Iyl6 3w Attentey arr Law.
_ ,
micAL el n*re on or the heot4lhillty' at
vrig•; z , • • BOYKR:tc guittrlelt.•
, ,
-• curt-rim PAPt;R•
A NlCE'amortment, of Out PapOefoi coil
•CM- 1 001i114 *Lewes. picture Prunesguadvis<es,
-. liarrralbo z
. ,
ikArEfikl-SHAD.--Fine ifess'Shicd - of thicatja
41L, tom. iiikaltbarsols and jusineetvetilikd
SWUM l/14p$,
r id gum:afters to W. Dock. JY. - ; kre.
- IPALLUT of she lawst Eaten
Ws l'atkia9iePit receivod fOr igebibgit
its Ur