- t tgrap, II R A RRI6BURG, PA THURSDAY EVENING, ELY 28, 1864. OWN AND COTTNTRY. TETE work of pilcing Market street is pro gressing, and has reached a point half-way between Third and Second streets. IM=O2ll Wi learn that dry goods have taken an other "rise," and will probably go still higher Onr people will soon have to adopt the Geor gia uniform 1=3:21 Tim borough authorities of Altoona are paying $2OO bounty for one year's service, in stead o f $lO, as stated in our paper of yes terday. .11ATEn offers for sale a variety of goods for the ladies, at less than the present wholesale prices. See particulars in our ad vertising columns. A commirrsr from Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, is now at the Farmer's Hotel, offering liberal bounties for volunteers. See advertisement. az::: SotomoN STOUiTER, an employee in Gard ner & Co.'s foundry, in Carlisle, had one of his legs broken, on Saturday last, by the fall ing of an end-gate of a coal-car upon the limb. I= Tar receipt of proposals for furnishing the Government with two hundred tons of hay, at this point, will close, at Capt. IZeichenbach's office, on Saturday, at noon. Farmers should make a note of thin. - e ,--i. ON Tuesday next the election on the inend ments to the State Constitution will be held. It is hoped that every patriot will do his duty on that day, and stand up for the rights of our noble soldiers who are battling for the Union and the Constitution. Those brave men should have aright to vote. For: ONE YEAE!---A. company for one year's service is being recruited. by Cap.Jo T Mor gan, au officer who has had' experience in the field,aud who is fully competent to command a company. He was in Col. ,Tennings' regiment of nine month6' mcn, and proved himself a gallant soldier. Headquaoters at White Hall Hotel, in this city, and at West Fairview. Otrn 'One Hundred Days" boys are stn tionod at Camp Mankin, three miles from Baltimore, near Governor Bradford's resi dence. They reached Baltimore early on Mon day morning, and remained there until Tues day rt%rning, when they were fo warded to their present quarters. Col. Fisher Bits command of the One Hun dred Days men. I:nd is acting Brigadier Gen eral. MEI THE PM:AS[SIIG GAZME.—The Uaz tic has just added a four-cylinder press to the ap pliances of its office, and is now enabled to print 10,000 copies an hour. It is the ?ides; paper printed west bf the Allegheny Moun tains, and the first daily ever printed at Pitts burg. It began with an old Prankliia press; able to work 100 impressions an hour; and afterward used a single-cylinder until its pre sent acquisition. Mimi.: appears to be a general effort making among the people of this State to fill the quotes of the various sub-districts before the time appointed for the draft to take place. This is right. Let us avoid the disgrace of a . conscription by filling up the ranks of the armies to the requisite strength. The pay ment of local bounties appears to have a mighty influence upon these disposed to "play' soldier." AIAMMOTII CANNON.-Our enterprising townsmen, Messrs. Burnite & Weldon, pho tographed the monster gun which passed through this city a day or two ago, and which has been noticed in our columns heretofore. The view embraces the cannon, its trucks, a number of by-standers and the surrounding scenery. Protruding front the gun are the head and shoulders of a full grown man, who dies not appear to be crowded in the least. Copies of this photograph can be had by ap plying to Burnite & Weldon. Price one dol lar. DEATH oL 1 GALLANT HAIIHISSIIRMEHi. —We were pained this morning to hear of the death of Lieut. W. H. Leamy, 19th Regiment, 11. S. A, He died at Chattanooga, from the of fset of wounds received at Kenashaw motua ;Ain. Lieut. Loamy was promoted froni the psilks of the regular army for gallantservice in Texas; where he greatly distinguished himself by his fortitude and courage when older sol diers in command were yielding to the temp tation of treason. When placed in a position ,f command, he proved his worth iu a man -ney t,O win the confidence of his superiors and the reap Oct of those with whom he ranked. Indeed, 57 0 know of no young man who more faithfully n ,:rid at the same time more modest ly served a casuse in which the best feelings of his heart were iiuterested. The time will .yet come w h e n the n: emery of such young men will be held in the highest honor by a re deemed nation and a )2:rateltil people. I=o=l ANOTHER Stustmor..--Some of the scared farmers are arriving here again with stock, We met a party of seven stout, able-bodied men yesterday afternoon, each of them riding a good horse, accompanied by a big, able bodied negro leading two mules. These men left their homes on Saturday last, scattering exaggerated stories of the near approach of the rebels, as they passed on, and although tliey were a hundred and fifty miles from ,the plebe' occupied by the . rekels, they were still bolind a to go further to place of safety, leaVing.th:eir homes and families at the mercy of the ma rauders. Their flight reminds us of n -- cele , !crated horseman who left Carlisle the other evening in a great hurry, and drove eight een miles in two hours, in order to escape the ad vancing rebels, who were making their - way towards this city. BUDD& DEA.lll.—pn'StilldAY fr3yening last, iiyoUng man mauled J. P. Nevitt, of Leon= txrdstown, Md., died suddenly, from hemor rhage, at Boning Springs,bumherland county. Etc was visiting the springs for hia health.' I=:=s Pm-Rms.—The Sabbath School of the Free Baptist Church hold its pic-nio to-daY, in one of the beautiful groves near this city. All present were highly delighted with the re creation afforded—but none enjoyed it more heartily -than the little childien, who :were exceedingly happy. To-morrow there will be a "basket pic-nic" by the Good Templars. A good time is anti cipated. CAN - Trait - nay Music HALL is still doing a good business under the management of Joe Miller. The performance embraces every va riety of innocent amusement, such as singing, dancing, Ike., by male and. female artistes. The manager announces the re-engagement of Lizzie Lagrange to=night, the champion female jig dancer. of America, together with Miss Mary Newton, vocalist; Lizzie Lane, dapseuse; Mollie Florence, the people's favor ite; Joe Miller, the happy contraband; Ed. Haven, banjoist and comic vocalist; J. B. Whitman, song and dance maid; Andy Wil liams,. Ethiopian comedian; George Blake, the Little Monitor; together with Frank Glad den, - pianist; Harry Mestayer, violinist, and Prof. Brooks, the blind comedian, forming the largest company that ever appeared in this city. Don't fail to go to the Canterbury to night to see the best company in.the city. POLICE Arnms.—Bat few cases have been before the Mayor. David Watson, and Jacob Walters, drunk ards, were discharged upon payment of fine and costs. Ann Grey and Eliza Carson, colored, dis orderlies, were re-committed, and, upon a second hearing, discharged. J. P. McAllister and John Kurtz, were found on the streets late at night: They e had no baggage. One said he was going West, and the other Eli.st. They were sent out of the city. Daniel Keller, a regular old bummer, was also sent out of town. Edward Green was found sleeping on the pavements. After a bearing he was started en route for Lancaster, where be belongs. John Swigdr, a:revolver, who is constantly on the move was ordered to leave the city. Abner Franklin, a homeless, friendless boy, who was out of money was sent to the Poor House. WHAT PEOPLE THOUGHT OF HIS MISMANAGE MENT AT HIS Posx—A Plain Aran telling Healthy Truth—The Sarcasm of this Yolunteerfsr the red tape of the Vasator.—ln order that our readers may see that we were not alone in our estimate of the misruanagenient of the officers at this point, while Col. Bomford was in charge, we quote the following extract of a letter prin ted iu the West' Branch Bulletin, and dated ~H arrisburg, July TB, 1861." It is a rich and racy comment on the foibles, fancies, imperti nences, and incapacity , of those who aspire to the contest of a branch of the mostim portant business of a great prosperous Gov ernment. Read it carefully : • General orders No. 50. "Troops will be accepted' in. squads." ,to. Reports.„piust be made to Col. J. V. Boniford, U. S. Super intendent of Volunteer Recruiting Service, at Harrisburg," itc. To officer, "Where shall find Col. Bomford,?" ."Ittquire, sir, at Head quarters." Where is Headquarters? "Inquire, dr, at Camp Curtin." At Camp Curtin? Our squad contains seventy men, to whom shall we report?" "Inquire at the Cotton Factory?" At the Cotton Factory? To a Colonel—"We have been directed to inquire at this place for Col. Bornford's Headquarters, And report a squad of seventy men, who have responded to 'the Governor's call of July sth and 6th." "Col. Bomford's office in Second street, be low." At Col. Bomford's office, to Orderly -- "Is Col. Bomford in?" "Go up stairs, sir." Up stairs—clerk with a searching stare—with great emphasis,—"Your business ?" "We re port a squad of seventy men to Col. Bom ford." "Col. Bomford is not in."- We saw this was the office, so we said, —"when ' where and how shall we see him ?" "Call down stairs at the back office." At the back office. (Nobody looks up, all very busy—immense amount of business on hand evidently. Traveled about three miles —perspiration flowing freely, no obstructions except the dust, to go ahead.) "We have been directed to report here to Col. Bomford" —(busier than ever, a very rapid penman evi dently—turn off a heap in a day no doubt.) " His office is up stairs." We turned around to 'a Lieutenant. " See here, Lieutensaig we desire direct information—we are weary or evasion and ambiguity. The Governor has made a call for men to sweep the invaders of our Republic from our soil. A squad of sev enty men, from Williamsport, has responded to that call, and now ask where they shall. go and who shall receive them?" "They can go down to the soldiers' rest and get something to eat, but they cannot be accepted unless they muster a company of eighty." "Yes, sir, but daftly not according to the programme." 'Col. Bomford will not depart from his instruc tions. " "Yes, sir, but I understand his in structions require him to have his head quarters at Harrisburg, and if you do not want the unorganized volunteers to organize and placed in your defences, the Colonel may not be able to carry out his instructions and have his headquarters at. Harrisburg ; and as it is probable Washington is at this mo ment besieged, he. may not get orders to change his base—but, good day sir ; we will go the Hill where Curtin, Slifer, Russell ,and others, who wish to save this country, _officiate." We started, the streets were full of squads, and no information of where to go or what course to pursue seemed pos sible. At the Capitol we were warmly re ceived. The Governor apologized and ex plained-for those officials, and immediately set about to receive the volunteers. He hur riedly called on the officers, used his pen, 014 directed dispatches, but Bomford could not be reached by any State authority ; he wail U. S. officer, and would obey Hal loc was no more forever, - ill the Wilt volunteers. of Pennsylvania could have saved it, Washington is safe, Bone ford is safe; and after four days Of delay, '#nidst, vexations efforts, the Snit infantry mom p u y, sra kiting to Harrisburg under this call, was examined and intustered into the 11. O. service f6r One hundred days, safely and comfortably qintrtered'in Camp Curtin. The boys all passed examination, And the eighty (for we teM required to go,- home to obtain the'derenennY) _received their rations, bhxn „kets, uniforms and camp' equipage and went into we with great glee andi _ We intended to give Col. Bomford a speciality, but We just remember the story , or the jackass. Car' State authorities Intim made till.r10)14 - 19. go riuiters tilliup the 'oak . _ Tas Sabbath School of the Fowl Bethel, under the paitoral care of Be'. D. A. • L. Laverty, will hold a celebration to-morrow. The teachers, scholars and friends of the school will meet at the church -at 7/ °Week, A. rt. _ No doubt. the occasion will be one of rare interest and enjoyment Citizens of Third Ward, Attention The adjourned meeting of the Third ward will be held this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock, at the Franklin House, to determine whether the amount required to secure the exemption of the ward from the draft shall be raised. Afore money is needed and greater co-operation is necessary. If the citizens act together, the movement will succeed, but if a portion must do the duty of the whole, we will fail. Rally, then, with enthmiaam. By order Last Rally, in the Fourth Ward. A meeting of the Fourth ward will be held at the Hope Engine House, this evening, to determine what action shall be taken towards raising the quota. ,Every man interested in the draft should attend this meeting, as im mediate action (if any) must be taken to avoid the conscription. IlE1=111! Volunteers Wanted for One Year. Verlieke Guards. —The undersigned has re ceived authority to raise a company for one year's service in lien of the draft.' $3OO boun ty will be given to all good men; and possibly $4OO. At all events I have made such ar rangements as will insure to all the moll= nounrr given anywhere. This is the only way to avoid the draft. Headquarters at the ExonemoE, Walnut street. G. WASHINGTON FENN, jy2B-tf Captain. WE find the following in the Leavenworth Daily Times of the 12th of July inst.: "We had the pleasnre yesterday of meeting Capt. Chas. C. Rawn, of the 7th 11. S. Infan try, from Fort Craig, N. M. Capt. R. has been stationed in New Mexico for over three years, and in that time has seen considerable of greaser life. We learn from him that the Navajoes have been very nearly subdued. They aro giving but little, if any, trouble' at present. The Cheyennes, however, are mak ing preparations for war, and considerable trouble is anticipated from that tribe. A band of Colorado robbers or Texas guerrillas, which, he is linable to say, infests the coun try along the Simaroon, committing depreda tions upon inhabitants and travelers. Parties are out after them, and it is hoped they will speedily be trapped or destroyed." After continuous absence on duty . in New Mexico of between two and three year's, the Captain was lately ordered east to Fort Schuylpr, N. Y., in charge of a body of non commissioned officers of the 7th 11. S.-Infan, try, (to which he is attached,) on recruiting service, tte. He is now enjoying a brief fur lough, at hone, in our city, among kindred and friends, and although lOoking considers-i bly "bronzed," exhibits unmistakable signs of robust health and hardiness. WIioLEsALE Plums or Dm. GOODS, AB RE PORTED BY NICKS, Siam Sc No. 81 AND 83 Faun:us STREET, NEw Yomr, July 26, 1864. Sprague prints, 40c ; American, 40c ; Paci fic, 420 ; Dunnels, 40c ; Batches B, '3sw; American delaines, 471 c ; 4-4 White Muslin, Bates Mills, 70c ; Wamsutta, 76c ; Blackstone, 65c ; White Rock, 6710 ; Lonsdale, 65c ; Cot ton Flannels, Hamilton, 75e ; Globes, 70c ; Conestoga, 70c. The above is a quotation of prices of a few leading articles, at which sales have been made. The public can see from these prices, that the cheap store of C. L. Bowman, No. 1, corner of Front and Market streets, Harris burg, Pa., is selling these same style, and make of goods at• -five to ten cents a yard cheaper than the present ,wholeeale prices. This state of tbings can not of course continue but a short time. We, therefore respectfully desire those in want of dry goods, to purchase at once. SPECIAL NOTICES. Bann.vart 9 B Troches" For the cure 'of Hoarseness, Throat Dim eases, &c., are specially recommended 'to. ministers, singers and person whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactitred only by la A. Bsiinvart hit Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of oureminent clergymen: Hemasztrao, Feb. Bth, 1864. O. A. Rom - vim—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and; throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as m oat' admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, tuatikchs and colds. I have found them serving to time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. EL ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Churchi I.e.gree with Mr. Robinson as to the Value of Bannvart's Troches. W. 0. CATTLLL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. HAREW3III7IO3, Jan., 164. To 0. A. Bibarviax—Dear Sir: In th of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs _ are very much taxed, I have found th. seed 9f wenegentle rant gliiithatTAritt#l-b,-T,in:l•44 464 47( " Lt : excellent If - Oilnei der them ver7 r bukiviot >f: 4 LoAktriat uss4 ,f - epe—eftthet-Uskexeu of the voids, .`Ti front itti r tigazAlltientVie, antire-1 3 40001, effectiveneew of the _delitobsppt public-.1,-- dresserV- Yolins;Ac:,' • JNO. WsnricK JACKSON. " Pastor of the Locust St. Methodlit Church. To C. A. Riturvesx—Dear Siri Having usec your Troches, I am free to say they are the best. , I have ever tried and take- great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness -of Yoke arising from public • or singing. Yours, ao., G. G. RAKES RAW, - Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. • Dsnum &volumes ONIFICA I Iliaonsausoo, Feb. 29, 1E164.. To 0. A. BAN/Near—blear :.. I .haveN found your Troches to be invaluable in 're lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the stnneoles of the throat. They impart eleamess to the voice, and are certainly of great berm. fitoto all public speakers. A. T. HZ= co4u4oranB SONE* BOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in mien nniverad de- Mand, is made fr om the chalet:tat materiale, ast!ia. and enaollitennt in itinature, aragrasattYlkiped 4. mai extremely beneigniol 10111.6 aotJost apex' a 'SEUL. male bY 141 .11426740.111."1. •=- " • 32= = HO YOU WISH TO BE CORED! DB. BUCHAN'S ENGIj.9II SPECIFIC - PILLS cure, in less than 30 days, the worat cases of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insan ity, and all Urinary, Sexual and. Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause produced- Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-paid by mail, on receipt of an order. One Box will perteet the cure in most ease& Address JAMES 3. BUTLER, .1,y1.6-d.kv3m `General Agent, 429 Broadway, N. Y. A WORD TO TRF. WISE. There is no need of any person having tee Dysentery for one day. All I ask of the public is to try my Dysen tery Drops; only 25 cents a bottle. It is very pleasant to take; can be given to a child of any ago with great confi dence. It has cured very bad cases, and also of long. standing. It is indeed worth trying. 'Prepared and sold' only by Mrs. I. Ball, South Pine street, Hari ishurg. jy2s.dtf Military Bn4lness Attended To Bounty , Pensidu;Back Pay, Sebsistebm aid Military and WaiClaim, generally, made out and collected. Per sona residing at a distaticeuem have their busiaeue trans acted by mail, by addrusing NUGENVEINYDER, Attorney-tit-Law, el7-dly _Third etree4, Rarriebarg EDITOR OF TELRGRAftI Dear Sir:—With your permission I wish to say to the rattlers of your paper that, rwill send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free' a Reepe, with 'full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef fectually remove in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all ImPurities of the Stein, 'leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mall free to those haring Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and int Ovation that will enable them to start a full-growth or Luxuriant Bair, 'Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty days. All applications! answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CH A PITA N, Chemist, JylS-d&w3m 831 Broadway, New Yorir A. CARD TO THE SUFFERING Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Buchu," "Tonic Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Antidotes," ate-, &c. ac., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECI FIC PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken down and ahatteredeonstitntion. Old and young cantake them with advantage. Imported and sold In the United States only by JAS. S. BUTLER, 427 Broadway, New York. ,Agent for the Gritted States. P. S:—A 80l - of the TIM securely picked be milled to any address ' on receipt of price, which is ONE DOLLAR, post-paid—money refunded by the Agent if entire satisfaction is not given. iyls d&w3m SELLING of Summer Goods at low prices, such as Summer Dress Goods, La _Sun Umbrellas, Lace Shawls. and Summer Ehawla We have also on hand a very large assortment of Mastics, Calicos, Ging ham; Stocking; Handkerchiefs, Black Rigs, Plaid Silks, Whim Umnbrics, .Undressedfreach Cambrielk thi Shite a Colorafflannels; and in fact bittnentiottry goods not surpassed by any. To all of which we invite those who wish to purchase, and promise to sell at less prices than we can replace them for again. As all kinds of dry goods are advancing every day, now is the time to buy. .Iyl6 WARTS. WANTED—At $l5O per Afonth.—We want a reliable canvasser in every county. WO have agents making $l5O por month which ITT Rill prove to any doubting applicant. Address JONE,I BROS. & CO., Iy2B-1m• - tantalum, Md. TEAMSTERS WANTED, MO DRIVE six mules with single line in the Goyernment employ at Washington, with one ration extra, with the hoSpital privilege, free. Wages ($3O) thirty dollars per month. Appb JO& Ow - ENS, Agent, second street, near Mulberry. None, need apply put atese-clety of draft, from 'IT to 20 and from 45 to 55.. ]y27 2t SUBSTITUTES'''. TWO subititutes to serve for- one year want ed, to wheel $24:0 each -will be paid. Apply to Thomas 0.-Maedowell, atiornifr-at-law. Offipe In Third street, near fine, Harrisburs,-Pa •• ' j7-tf Wanted Immediately, TO RENT, A LARGE UNFURNISHED 0. IT 14 M . , NEAR THE BUSINESS PORTION OF THIS CITY Apply at Dy26-dtfl THIS OFFICE. 81JBST1T11TES WANTED,. F.OR' ithich a liberal' price will be paid Apply at the Union &901,,ilarketatreet. J.Y24-1:00".. . ! &.BILLMAN; .IUANDIDATES. FOR REGISTER. AH. BOIrER, of East Hanover township, . offers himself as a candidate for the office of Reg. ister. If nominated and elected be pledges himself to ,fulfil tha duties of the office with fidelity. jy.2l-wtc* , FOft REGISTER. gGEORGE ?SARK, of South Hanover town . ship, oilers himself as a candidate for the office of LSTER, of Dauphin county. If elected, Mr. Dark pledges himself to perform the duties of said office with . j• 329 d&wtc CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. • • ) 2 4 1 4 118 411141, PA 9 June 9, UM. TEEE . UVlOrgagied: respectfully offers himself to, the Republimum of the=l , lth Conit•ertsiona.l pis kid of Peraisylvaata, composed of toe counties of Dad phis, Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder, for nomination by the several county conventions of the said District. [Je9tdtc] JOSIAH ESPY. FOR .azaininft• RTJDotiII MILLER, of East Hanover township, offers himself as a candidate for the office of Register. If nominatel and elected he wedges him delf to fulfil the duties of the office with fidelity. je2b4t2wetwtes RUDOLPH MILLER; 4 -COSTAR'S” VERMIN - EXTERMINATOIIS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. , EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. .EXTERMINATORS. "I'ARTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS . EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS.' "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. • - " COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS; - • - EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. . EXTERMINATORS. .."COSTAR'S EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. 6.OOSTAWS" 'EXTERMINATORS. • - .IXTERICENATORS. "00STAWS" EXTERMRIATORI I " ' • - EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "SITAR'S"- EXTERMINATOR& EXTERMINATORS. 4, 1 ' "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. RXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S , " EXTIMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. )1 ., For Rats, Mee, Roaches A- 11 489 Bed Bugs, Fleas Meths in Fars Woolens, Insects 611 PAakts, Fouls, Anemias, etc. • "/5 years established in N. Y. Citv." "Only infallible remedies knowit.f' "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rata come out of their holes to die." ,Sold by all Druggists everywhere sari 11 Bzwass I I ! of all worthless imitations. Or*" Costar's" Depot, No. 48, sg# Broadway, N. Y. Sold by D. W. GRIM tl CO., • Wholesale and retail agents. And by all Druggists in HarrOthurg, Fa. jete.dawam PROYOOT MARSILAL'iI Oriics,l4rn Disrster, Basamarno, Pa., Inn° 8,1884. TO DRAFTED am directed by :Lieut. Col. J. V. Bomford, A. A. Provost Marshal - Genoa!, by has circular, No. 69,-ef June 4,1861, to pub. thdt "That drafted men are not allowed to onliskaa ro.na• teera after being drafted; and that the credits for drafted men Swill remain for the sub.districtk from which they were drafted, no matter whethersleell bounty has or has set been paid to such me; spot "illegal enlistment laY CLEMENT. Jeedtf Captain anti Provost Maratel, 14th MI, Pa. 00 fILBS. COMM, of the oele- NJ brated et broad, Just received for ails by di FRAZER, febl Otacceiacer to Wart. Dock, Jr. (m) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JIJJIITT ROSENDA LE, 29 Practical and Scientific OP TICIAN MAUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF OPTICAL, ILITIIERATICAL AND PIIILOSOPH CAL INSTRUMENTS, • NO. 25 NORM SECOND . STREET, NEAR WALNUt, IiARRLSBURG, PA. _ • Thejoilowlng instruments will be forwarded,..free, to any ad irese,,oh receipt of the price : Insect Microscope; .for examining all kinds of in sects, Sowers, or plants.-$1 00 Seed' Microscope; for examining seeds, Insects, minerals, .............. ....... 200 Rosendale , s Student's Microscope; power 60, 150, and 250 diameters. A beautiful instrument for general microscopical analysis, packed in a neat box . 10 00 Rifle Telescopes to see at a distance of two or three miles; can be attached to any rifle. .............t oo Stereoscopes; a new and improved instrument.... 225 Do. with twelve pictures.... 500 Spectacles of the highest refractive power to strength en and preserve the eyesight, with a large assortment of Opera and Field Glasses, Barometers, Thermometers, Magnets, Drawing Instrument; 0. sir Send stamp for a catalogue containing prices, Am ko jeldtf AJOINT RESOLUTION proposing certain amendments to the Constitution. - • " Be it resolved by the Senate and BOUM of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennvidroaniu in General dasent bty met, That the following amendments be proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated-as section four, as follows:. "Ssor/os 4. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military ser vice, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections by the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall be prescribed by law, as fully as if they wore present at their usual place of election." SECTION 2. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventhastic:e of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight and nine f or follows: "Snrrims 8. No bill 'shall be passed by the Legislature, containing more than ono subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title, extapt appropriation bills." "Sturman. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature granting any powers, or;priviliges, in any case, where the authority to grant such' vtvers, or privilege; has been, or may hercafter be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth." HENRY C. JOHNSON, grerizer of Mc House of Repraentatires JOHN P. pE,NNEY, sped,, 0 , the OFFICE. CT THE liLelLL•Ttrift e OF THE CONXONWEALTH, ECIRRIZBCRU, April 25, 1864. Pemolvania, I do hereby certify thatthe foregoiu„, ,, is a full, true and correct copylf the original Joint Resolution of the General- , Assembly, entitled " A Joint Resolution propos ing curtain Amendments to the Constitution , , 'as the came remains on 1110 in this office. Lr TsErrnioNy whereof; I have hereunto sot my (r.. al ; hand and caused ; the seal of the Sdoretary's of . • Iles to be affixed;the day and year above written. ELI SLIFER, &vett:x:4 of the Commonwealth. The above resolution having been agreed to by a ma jority of the members , el each House, at two successive sessions of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, the proposed amendments will be submitted to the peo ple, for Caen' • adoption or rejection, on the riser Ter-SDAF OF Atmusr, in the year of, our Lord one thousand eight hundred and airy-four, in accordance with the tenth arti cle of the Constitution, and the act, entitled "An Act pro scribing the time and manner of submitting to the people, for their approval and ratification or rciection, the pro posed amendments to the Constitution," approved the twenty-third datof April, one thousand night hundred and sixty-f,ur. - ELI SLIFE ., S B. ap27 Secretaryof the COMMOR . NO EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS : ASHCROFT% LOW WATER DETECTOR 1 AN INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against exrdosien or burning of the flues or boiler as noth ing can prevent it Of . not tamored.withyirom giving im mediate notice °flack. of water in the boiler, in season to put on a supply without drawing the fires. liyant of water is the great source of so many sal cataaroplies which have recently occurred. We Warrant this imaiument_ to be a perfect insurance against Such contingencieS. Price $5O, , Fall InstruCtionsgs to the Mode of application as well as reference to most of the prominent manufacturers and Aron masters of the State agog them, sent ou application to D. C. MEADE & OD, Pittsburg, Pa. D. C. 11.sati, Cass. lilsoct, iell crty - kvAla - Z - v-D. CONCENTRATED LEMONADE l a a pleasant-, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing for inrali,is lau. dig fever or great thirst. Its portability recommends it to travelers. Its convenience at pie-nice will be apreciate4L No sugar required; one table-spoonful simply diw,olved in a glass of cold water and it is dono. SELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, • jet? No. 91, Market street. NEW PHILADELPHIA +CLOA.K ST op. E, IN D. W. GEORS 7 NNW BLOCK, Market Stret, Ilarrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES 07-FASHIONABLE CLOAKS A N DCIRCULARS, AND FINE sPialtd SHAWLS. Will open on the let of April. [niarit—dly CLOAKS, -CIBCIUL.&RS AND MANTILLAS, ENT D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, mamma STRRF.T. New. Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a splendid assortment of • - • - SPRING & SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCUL A ItS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above. beautiful samples, in avery color and band comely trirnined, from $7 60 to $lB. 1000 RILE. IlLt.NT.Halla , CIRCULARS, SACKS AND Handsomely and richly trimmed, from $lO upward. CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN LARGE XARIETY. my 26 • NOTICE. Tligpublic aro - requested to attend the ening of the new dry- goods store of Brandt & Bowman, on Thursday morning, July 7th, at the south east corner of Second and Walnut streets (late the store room of Joseph Kalmwiler.) This new firm have bought out the entire stock from kfi. Irelinwiler at very low prices, and in GOOD FAITH say to the public that they will sell this stock of goods at one-fourth less than the. same kind of goods can NOW BE BOUGHT AT WHOLE SALE. jy6-dtf PHOTOG-RAPRN./ - ALARGE itsiortment of Photographs of Generals and fancy pictures fersade CHEAP at $1 per dozen, at GCHETFEKB BOOK STORE,. my24l" Harrisburg, Pa • • • 50 DOZEN JARS . ENGLISH PIORTN I S comorisang Fifth how, Chow, Crioltflowor, mi xe d Pickles ; Gerkins, Walguis end' Ontop.E. .For solo wholesale andcetAll by . SHLSLER & FRAZER. my.s successors to VV. & op -rusT 14BOEIVED 11 gslioni puie 6in-fait 0 wine, fronia Late:water comity firmer: the finest made domenie wine in this city. . rriee s3,oo,per on. For sale at-811111LER it . M. —. .- - Sneeeentitate:Yrm. ,;,,z 4- .• B ,eon's onnnit ;it el _! * t a ni t b i*sea Co.alsPainoCegont wm FRAZE Jr, & O- - - AFRE6g saWy arlinehtilets 031.61;1 1 3ted . Salait; CR* Pried - 13K ' 7 - E 10261 .;.; ' & ItOERP6Z. - *lshii good Gold Pen? If so, Mu M BQeuin—WB asoinors, ilennisug, Iwo 'AMUSEMENTS- RE-OPENING OF SA FORD'S lIALL, WITH THE CONTINENTAL COMBINATION COMPANY, ON MONDAY. JULY 25, 1864. rPHIS Company consists of the best :for per formeia, oigisi,tio g of SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, &C. The manager takes pleasure in announcing, that they intend making thin THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY.WELLS & CO., Proprietor" . BlLLY PORTER, Business Agent. jy2B-412.t 29 CANTVEUBITICY . B ALL. WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. Proprietor—. Business Agent Stage Manager Leaderor Orenester.. Trea5urer........... OPEN every night with a first-class party of male and female artistes. The perform ance embraces every variety of lrgitimate amusement, such as SIKGL.VG, DANCING, PANTOSII(EB, BURLESQUES, ANT) JESTS. Admission, 25 cents. - eSta in private boxes 80 oents. Duo s open at. 7. To common, eat 8 o'clock. jylBdif GOVERNMENT SALES, &C. AUCTION SA LE OF CONDEMNED HORSES WAR PPYARTHRST, CAVALRY BUREAU, OPFICR OP CHIRP tiOARTERRASPRR WASHINGTON, P. C., July 4, 1 864. WrbtiL be scold at public auction, to thu ghest bidder, at the times mr: places named be. low, viz: Harrisburg, Penn'a, Thursday, July 28th, 1864. Altoona, Penu'a. Thursday, august 4th, 1564. Williamsport, Penn'a, Thursday, August 11th, 1844. TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry Boma at each place. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. TERMS: CASH. to United States carrenrw. JAMES A. ERIN. Lt. Col. and C. Q. M. Cavalry Bureau. jy6-dtd SALES OF REAL ESTATE. VALUAJILE CITY PROPERTY "FOR riIHE undersigned offers, at private sale, a 1 LOT OF GROUND, situate on Paxton street, Harris burg, having thereon erected three frame DWELLING HOUSES; also a bakery. and rooms which can be us=.l for a Dwelling, a large stable and other ontbnildings.— The lot Is 23 feetdu front, by 210 feet in depth. This pea ports will be sold on terms to suit hurehasers Persons wishing to examine the same can do so by calling on the premises, No. 23 Paxton street, or at my residence au Bldg° Road. JACOB BENGEL. A CHOICE FARM AT PEALIC SALE. ON THURSDAY, Auguet 4, 1861, the Ull dersigned, trustee of S. L Bowman, wil sell at pubilo sale, the following real estate: A tract of land, sit uate in-Eastrennsborough, townsiiip, Cumberland, bound ed by land of Simon Dresbach, o. Oyster and others, containing 102 acres, more or W- - a, having thereon oreuted a large two-story stone house, good tenant house, large bank barn, apple orchard of choice fruit, a pump at the door; also, a running spring near the house. This is a choice farm and to a higb. Unto of cation. Located 3 miles west of Harrisburg, and a halt mile north of Oystei's Sale to take place on the pruniees at 2 o'clock r. L fie said day, when terms will be made by jyle•clis GEO. W. CRISWELL, Trustee, Land for Sale 520 ACRES of Land, in Dauphin co. at private sale, in part or the whole, to suit purchasers ; 135 area clear, good buildings thereon, with .aw MilL For further partieulars, address L Dauphin. Dauphin MaintY. Pa, +nv3O-dam• Steam Weekly to Liverpool. FrOUCTITNO at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Hay . bor.) The well known Steamers of tko Liver/KA New York.and Phikidelphia Stealinshlp Company, are in tended to sail as follows: . • Edinburgh, Saturday, July 30; Cltyof Washing:km, Saturday, Auguet 6; City of .blanchester, Saturday, Au gust 13, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon,. from Pier 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, PiTARIR IN GOLD, OR ITS SQUITALENT IN CURRIERCI. FIRST CA13.11; - • $BO 00 STEERAGE $3O 00 do to Loudon -85001 do to LonOtt..„ 34 00 do to Paris 95 00 do to Paris 40 cra do to Hamburg."... 90 00 tin to Hamburg.... 37 04 Passengers alto forward to Havre, Brenton, Hotter dam, Antwerp &c.:, at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cable, $1.:1 $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $35. Those who u tab to seal 1:4 their friends. can bu; b.ert‘ at tli-r•-• area For further tutor:us:tau:tplz. .tt t t.'f.trttltanVE JOAN G. DALE, AgentA.s tiroattway ; N. Y. or . (.1, ZIMMERMAN, liamsburtz, 02,147_;.. Draft: 13.1 aft : Draft::: ALIENS and persons under or over the re quired age, who have been enrolled in this (I.4th) District, or any other District In the State, can have that exemption papers made out at rates 'fixed by km. Now is the time to put in a sub..tittde and avoid the draft. Persons who are not liable to draft, and who wish to enter the army as substitute=, c>n °but". the highest pre mium. Business transacted by mail at legal rates, and cast ur travel thereby avoided. Call at once, or address by mail, EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law. id Harrisburg, Pa, Jy9-aaa2mos. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that is pursuance of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the first dhy of June, 1859. the stockholde: B of the Franklin Beak, of Wastangtoo,_lienna:, willapply to the next session of the Legislature for a renewal of Its char ter, with as increase of ita capital from $150,000 to _ _ C. IL RELD, President $200,000. WAEIiDiGTOX, PA, Juno 24, 1884. FOR SALE, A NEW TRUCK suitable for a stone quarry, A with one ton of new T Hail, weighing pounds to the yard, for stone quarries or sidling& DAVID Attorney aldamt. jyl6.3cir EXTRA. FAMILY FLOUR, and CORN MEAL a way ,. on hand, of the best: quality, at VIS BOYER & KOLAPER. " fllllllESE.—Choico ueu. crop Cheese, just 1.-1 received at ijylBl BOYER & KOERPER. ' MESS BEEF and MESS PORIL.: -A chow article of Meta Beef and Pork at 9MSLER FRAZEIti an; lanocessora to 'Wm nook. jr.. & Co. i ENGLISH DAIRY and tom YORK STATE CHEESk At fno2ol WM. DOCK, .Ti BUTTER, BUTTER.—Fresh roll butter from Snyder county received entry week. Also eggs at (mpl] BOYER & IroERPRR: (yEENS and GLASSWARE, a well be looted assortment, just rem - iced, of tho latest, styles. jyl.B BOYER Sr KOERitErt. _ PRIM LARD.—Fifty firldng fine kettle rendered LARD, for ale by the firkin orpound. just &Jail - 6d at , . • [lylB BOY ER KORRPER. the gallon, quart and SPICED OYSTER-S.—T . lThu Fine Baltimore SMUT: dr, MAZER, i k.2 4 o o y r e i te m rs, l ep tia i n c t ecl ity , .and for min tly Jyl4 Suebeepora to W. Dock, Jr., t l / 4 Co. ST EW D 0 0 K 8,-THE SHOULDER DAYS OF MOM Justmthived at ge.18 . 1 SOBEFFER'S BOOKSTOIM • S HMIS 2,--A fresh sup Ply cfllel-- .I_L eaers's Excelsior Hams and Dried Beef, at Jaato sovEßßolutpirs CitOSSE 4 BLACKWV , T4IB FiNd-01i .PICKLES, a rare article [or table ase, Plat rt."' ..giri34' did f i r ago by SEISLER PRAZEIt: (mammon to Dock. & con "Fr4F SE-Choice new crop Cheese, past 1 1,,J received at SHLSIA , R. & FRAZER, yer Snocossors tow. rook, sr., & co J. E DON ELL JOE StILLEt. ANDY WILLIA ire HARRY ME.,TAYER ..... J. (I. DILLER MUSICAL l'AnCce COMIC OPERAS, NEGRO COMICALITTE% SALE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers