TILE TELEGRAPH LS PI:IBLISEED IiOI?.NING A.ND EVENTRO, By GEORGE BERGNBR. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALYIIit 7FRItIS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTIO ni.,:1).411S TYI.EGRAPH le served to subScribers in the city et 12 teats per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged t 0 00 in advance. Thoso persons who neglecttu pay in iv - trance will be charged $7 00. WEFALY TELEGRAPIL Tax TFLIZGRAPR IS also publig hed weekly, and is ibratalted 'subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly_ Three copier, to one Posit Office Ton copies; to one Fest Office RAILROADS.. • • , Pennsylvania Rail Road ! , SPIUNG TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO IL FOUR FROM PHILADEDELPHI ON AIM AFTER MONDAY, May 18th, 1864, T' !, Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrivo at Har rannirg and Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD. THROUGH E.XPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisligrg daily at 2.46 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.65 A. K. FAST LINE Lewes Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 8.00 A. a., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10 Passengers take breakfast at - Lancaster. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, !envoi Harrisburg at 7.20 A. AI., connects at Lancaster with Lancaster accom modation train, and and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.25 e. u. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harris burg at 12 20 P. et.; Columbia 1.55 P. m. and arrives at Lancaster ?.30 P. M. ; cOrinecting with Fast Mall east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Philadel phia at 5.30 e.a. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at L2O r. m.; Lancastpr at 2.41 P at., and arrives at MA Philadelphia at 5.80 P. At HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Coluice bia, /eaves Harrisburg at 5.25 P. m., and arrives at Wellt Philadelphia at 10.50 P. At. WESTWARD BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.10 e. a.; Altoona, 7.85 A. Y. tako breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1230 P. a. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10 ear. ; Altoona at 8.20 e, a., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 e. at. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.30 P. a. ; Altoona at 7.16 P. K. take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 et. FAST LINE loaves Harrisburg at 3.50 P. M. ; Altoona at 8.35 e. M., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 A. M. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster at 9.30 A. N., arrives at Harrisburg at 11.10 A. N. HAHHINBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia at 2.45 P. ht., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 P. N. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION No. 2, leaves Lancas ter at 0.25 r. M., connecting thcre with Harrisburg Accom modation West, leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 P. M. and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. N. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, - Supt. Middle Div. Penn'a Harrisburg, May 13, 1864.--af Northern Central Railway , SUMIIINat TIME TABLE: THREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND =OM BALTIMORE MI WASHIN-GTON CITY. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New York.. ONand after MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern. Central Railway will arrive Jit and depart from Harrisburg. and. Baltimore as follows, viz: )3OUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except 5unday)........... A. leaves Harrisburg,... 1.20 arrives at Baltimore .. 5.40 r. Pi EXPRESS-TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (exerpt Sunday) 11.45 P. Y. " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) ISCr A. Y. arrives at Baltimo're daily ' (except Monday) . 7.00 A. K. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Mar burg SUNBURY _ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun bury duty (except Sun day) at 7,30 A. Id NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 9.20 A. Y. ti leaves Harrisburg._ 136 P. at' 41 arrives at Sunbury 4.05 - r. M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily 9.30. P. N. " arrives at Harrisburg.......l6o A.N.. leaves Harrisburg daily (ex. cept Monday) arrives at Sunbury EtAIMISBuitu ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal Gmore daily (except Stni. day) . 3.00 P. N. arrives at Harrisburg 7 50 P. N. ii'UNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris. burg daily (except Sunday) - at 400 r. a. For further information apply at the Mee, in Pemaiyl.. vania Railroad Depot. - J. N. DcrBARRY, Harrisburg, May 16, 1864.-dif Gen. Supt.._ NEW Alit LINE RiCOUTE. THREE. TRAINS DAILY TO NEW 'YOUR AND PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, November 16th, 1863, the Passenger Trains will leave the Phila. dolled& and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg,- for Now York and Philadelphia, ae follows, viE • EASTWARD.. EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 0.80 g., on a rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train front the, West, arriving in Now York at 1.45 A. N. A aleopin - g hi , r„ la attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change , MAIL TRAIN leaves' Harrisburg at 8.00 A. N., arriving in New York at 6.30 P. at., and Philadelphia at 1.50 z m FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 P. W., arriving ht New York at 1.0.25 P a. , and Philadelphia at 7.00 P. at. WE STW A. 11 D. FAST LINE leaves New York at 8.00 A. N., and Phila. dolphin at 8.15 A. N., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.1.5 P. M. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at 8.80 P. N., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 p. x., ar riving at Harrisburg at 2.00 A. IL, and connecting with the Pennsylvania Expresa Train for Pittsburg: -,4sleepingcap is also attached to this train. Coglieutions are made at Harrisburg- With 'trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, Aso. • Baggage checked through, - Pare between New York and Harrisburg, $5 15 ; between Harrisburg and Philadel phia, $3 35 in No. 1 cars, and $ .3 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, OdnArai Agent. HArrisidirg, n01.4-titf READING RAILROAD, NIMER ARE:ANGEMENT.. /IRE A T TRIJI\I3. Mgt . Fli,(j2l - VI NORTH and Northwest tbr phitadelPhia,NOmrlorki. Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, &c., Trains Wave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New . Yorit, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate stations,nt coo ; N. and 2.00 r. New York Express teepee Harrisburg at 6.80 - 1.. arriving at New York at 1.45 the same day. . A special Accommodation Passenger train loaresltead ng at 7.15 A. m., and returns from Harrisburg at Sr. X. Fares from Harrisburg: To New York, s6=ls; to Philo, dolphin $$ 6 and $2 80. Eaggagii Checked through. Returning, leave New York at 6A. 1. 1 12 noon, and 7 r. m., (Pittsburg Express arrivingat Harrisburg at 2 A. rs.) Leave Vtiladelphia at 8 15A. u., and 8.30 5. Y. Sleeping ears in the New York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburg without change. Passengers by the Eatawiesa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.80 A. at.., and 2.10 for Philadelphia, New York. and all way points. • Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 A. tt., and 2.20 r.-it ;fon Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. AD Atoommodation Passenger train leaves- ffeivifini:at .. CODA. w., and returns frognitilladelpblis at 5.00 Sir All tbeabove traineroil4o4o . spnav A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at. 7.20 A and mini adelphla at &16 r. Commutation, Mileage, &aka ant&eurecal tickets alp reduced rates to and from all point& 80 pounds baggage allowed to euch perdu°. O. 4. WCOLLS, OeueralSuperintendent, XS, 2,lBB4—degwif ==3 . i • x . ... . , . ,_. ~., ..:.: , .., : ~._. ::,7, : , . . : . - ~ -, . ~ . ~.. . e. . : „ . 5._.,...„ -... Nt , is t l IFt ,„ :1..... ~;).. ~ .. ,0•00460. ., ,- , ~ . . . -.:. -. ~. . . 1 . . _____...._ ....nt...._.1.._.1„,. .11 'IR . $1 50 BY GEORGE ? BER,GNER. ... 4 00 ~.1v 00 ' -i Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road. 11M8greatline traverses the Northern and Northwest counties. of Pennsylvania . to the . city of Erie, on Lake Erie. . . It - has been leased lbithe Piersertvasoa. Ramastan Om& PANT, and under their . auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. - - It Is now in use for raasenger and. Freight business from Harrisburg to St Mary's (216 ndlas) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (7t miles) on the Western DiVisiOn. • TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Leave' Eastward. ifail Train Express Train... Mail Train 136 Express 'Train 3.16 A. M. Cara run through wrrstour. OILLYGN both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. . . Elegant Sleeping ears ear Express trains both ways tie tween. Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. Romer 11th and Market streets. - And fortareight business of the Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr. , corner 13th and Hartet streets, Philadelphia. •• J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. H. Drill, Agent N. C. IL R., Baltimore. K HOUSTON, General Freight Apaity PUPA.. LEWIS BOIJPE, Oeserad Meet Agent .."Atra JOS. D. POMO, my2o4lly) fauiral Manager, Tralismsport. CUMBERLAND VALLEY FRANKL I N CHANGE OF HOURS. - , On and a ft er Mon day, April 4114 1884,•Plumager. tralns will run daily, Eta follows, (Sundays erceptedl POE ORAMBEREBEECI JIND ITARRETBITRO: Leave Thigereatown... . areenermtle Arrive et Charaberaburg, Lertve at Uwe Shlppenstiuri., • Newville a.: " Carlisle 655 10.10 2.42 " iffecbasiosbarg ' 6.25 10 42 .3.12 Arrive at Harrisburg 656 11.16 2.49 FOR CH;LiqiERREID739 AIM ZUGERarrIWN: . . - - -- - *x. 1... x. p. M. Leiv4Harrisburg....;:. .... .... .. ....; •9.01 "1.82 420 14 Meeharausiolure 4, :::.. 8.47 2.16 4.64 44 Carlisle`:.; 9.21 2.45 6.29 " Newville- • 44 Shippensburg 10.32 4200 • ' Arrive at . 11.00 4.80 Charabersbarg, (L e ave at lllO 4.40 Leave Greecastle -11.5 E. 5.30 Arrive at Hagerstownl2.3s 6.10 ,Isis Making close connection at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg; watt rains for all points West. • Aar The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4.20 k M., runs only.as faras 0. N. LULL, Ng. R R Office, Chamberaburg, April 4, 1464.1 y 7.00 a. X.: ELIXIR. Prepared from Pure Vegetable E a -tracts, containing noth , lug Injurious Milo:Lined Delicate. &15 A. I. 5.63 4Gy-The Rejuvenating Elixir Is the readt of modern diacoveriq m the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely now and abstract method Of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems. n-This medicine has been tested by the Most eminent medical men of the day, and by them proutaumed to be one of tho greatest medical discoveries of the age Arlie bottle willcure General. Debility. • W few doses cures Hysteria in females: ,One bottle cures Palpititionor the Hart. ' ' ' igrA.few dam restores tho organs of gellteratim gyirFrom one to three bottles restores the tardiness and full rigor of youth. WA few doses restores the appetite. ,I/1C - Pree bottles mats the worst case of Impotency. gorA f.:M doses eniatee low spirited. gerOne bottle renters mental power. ' wA few doses bring UM rase to the cheek. .rbfe nakiktirie restores to Manly vigor and tiktut 'health the poor, debilitated,` Worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. *Arm! Hitless, enervated youth, the over-tasked max business, the victim of a nervous depression, the in dividual suffering from general debility, or ,from weakness of a'single organ, will all And immediate and permanent relief by the use of this,Elisir or Essence of Chia, ,Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for .4k and forwarded by express, on receipt of money, to any ad kdrSold druggistseveryWhere. • ' 'DR. IC R. IifERWIN & Sole Proprietors, - . marll.eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. CREROICRE FILLS. swath- Aria • FEMALE REMILATOP, HEALTH PRESERVER. C E l 7AI - AT S A IP-2.. air rii of , , I , c They cure or obviate those numerous diseases that !ring from irregularity, by removing the irregularity !twill: • . ,They cure 'Suppressed, Excessive sad Painful Men- Struation. xi-They cure Green. Sickness (Monads.) • air They cure Nervous and Spired 41ffection.s, pains In I the back and lower:inittsetthe-bodyrisavinenciftglgte on slight exertion, Falpitatiii Of. Ole iklart, Lawn sm spi*ts, Hysteria, Sick Heaciar-h; giddiness, Am, a= in a word, by removing the Irregularity, ,they remove the cause, and with , it .ALL the egects that wring from It;' compoaeitof simple vegetable extract; they ooh tain nothing.: deleterious to any constitution, hewn* delicate, -their (andiron being to subslitute atrength for weakness, which, when properly used, they neve r fall 10 . .They may be safely need .at any age, and at any - periee sum =us* Two mar rim= Nam; during Which the unfailing nature of their salon would infallibly All lotteni maim into_nzwAion or-,advice will be .tomptly, freely end diwredlAsisauLbret (3-1431.1..direstious &comma each box dpenton flier tax, ,'of < for , ii9 4 ; 5905 11 41 4 , " br : ,,re OPIPI OrtO i k , 1Hr54:441 tiffirlVlLWALitr • • ' DIU IP 'BMW. ' SokiSePtk<tOrg. miarll-401110'-' 4 :"Ne 59 Liberty atft.iik New York. Ydr sale in Harrisburg byB A HUNS&L It BRO., 118 Marketers& ENE RAILROADS. 1,20 P. Y. 1. 1 :? 244 A. IL Leave Northward. RAIL ROADS. MEDICAL. DR. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR. OR ESSENCE Or LIFT► o f Regnienty in the Ikeuryerwe Monthly Period& "T.RE AND.I' REVER."—"Webster. HARRISBURG; PA:, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 28. 1864 DLSEASES. RESULTING , FROM DISORDERS OF THE LITER GERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT 'efRENGTHENING TONIC. WSE Bitters have performed more cures; e and do give better satisfaction; bare more tes timony ; have more respectable people to vouch for them tnan any other article in the market. We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and will pay $l,OOO to any one that will produce a certificate pub lished by us that is not genuine. Holland's German Bit ters, will cure every case of Chronic or NerVous Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising .from-.adis ordered stomach. 'Observe the following symptoms, re mitting from the disorders of the digestive organs: ' Con dipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea , Heartburn, •Dbigust, for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stometi, Sour Eructatiene, Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, Swimming of the head, Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the heart, Choking or sudocatffig senaati . ons when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or webs' befitre sight Fever and dull pain in the head, Deficiency:ad pers piration, Yellowness of the skin and eyes, Pain In'thetide, back, chest, limbs, dia. Sudden . flishos , of heat, Mining in, the flesh, Constant Imaginations of evil, and ildrot de &cession of spirits. " . : - • - Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic; Contains ne rum or whisky, .and can't make drunicardik but is the beet Toxic in the world. • . , . Prow the Rev. Levi 0 : "Ape*" Pater of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North , Impyst Church, Philadelphia • • - * * * * *- * .*. - s . • * • * 7.00 2.45 7,37 3.35 I have known Booßand's German Bitters feverahly ,for a number of years. I have used them in !prawn fandlyj and have been so pleased with their effects that I was &matte recommend them to unary others, and kw* that they have operated in a strikingly , _beneficial manner,: I take great plassore in thus publicly proolainainv this Ptct t • and calling the'attention of thole' afflicted the diseases for which - I.hey:are mei:amended - to- these' 13ft, tor; knowing from 144 1 ,gag0 that my recinamendatian will be aisteined., , do this more eheerfall,y 11111 Hoof land's Bitters is Wended tirbene4i lite andel!, anfl- i 4 "not a rum drink , ' Yowl-WO: - - ' WIG! 8.14 4.20 8.80 1.2.48 0.00 1.26 0.82 2.00 From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D. Editor of the--En cyclopedia hf. Rclillioue Knowledge and Christian Oland, cle Philakelphia. . Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Idetlicinea in genend, through distrirst of .their ingrediebte handeffects, I yet know of no attlicient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to hive received front any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hoollandn 'Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. 51. Jackson, of this ' , city besauie I was prejudiced against them for. many Teans under the Impression that they were chiefly an alCoholic mixture.!. I ant Indebted - to my friend,. Ristoeit Shoema ker, Esq.; for the removal .Of this prejudice., by proper testiaarid for encouragement to:try them when angering fro` great and ' continued debility.. The use of three bottles of them Bitters at the begiening - of the present year, was followed.by evident relief and restora tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not for six months before, and had almost, despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for di recting me to the use of them. ~"J. NEwrox From • Rev. Watven Randolph, Pastor of laPtlst . Church, GermanloWili Tenn- • . Dr. C. hr...Jackson:-_-Dear Sir :— Perso nal ,experience enables me to say that I regard the German titters, pre pared by you, as a most excellent- medicine. In cases of, severe cold and general debility I have been greatly liana ' Mid by the use of the Bitters. -- and doubt not. thew produire . sinillar 'etude on others - - Yours truly WARREN UNDO' Germantown, P.. - . . ELIXIR. From Bor. J. If. Turner, Parlor .of• X Church, Philadelphia C.Y. Dr: Jaclyn:--;-Dear Slat---Thettng used. yone Get man Bitten in. my family trequemtly I am girtwed to My that it km, been. of peat- service. I believe that . ln thatmoet oases of general: debility: of the spade, it lathe mint and moat valuable remedy of which I have idly knowledge.- ' Yours, reapeetfblly • L TilltNEß, No. 728 N. NiCeteesth sheet. From Vie Rev. J. .Lyotiir„ - forinerly Pastor of the . Columbus (N. J.) and Mileskren (Pa.) Baptist Churches. - .Nity Noilinnal, N. .If. Dr. C. Y. Jackson:,,Dear sit:- Lfeelit aplaaaure,thne, of my own actord, to bear tesplagny.kt the excellence the Geruitu Bitters: Bome'yeeri duce being much af Mated with Dyspepsia, I used them with very beneilehd results. I have often recommended them to parsons en feebled by that tormenting illianwel and have heard from them the meet .flattering as as to their greet value. In Mises of general del:01145 I believe it to be a tonic that cannot be sapimobiL J. N. LYONS. prom the rev Thomas Whiter, Pastor of Roxborough Baptist Church. Dr- jackixtn:—Dear felt it due Yeur excel , lent preparation, Hooiland German Bitten, to add my , tastimony,to the deserved reputation . ii bas . obtained, have for years, at times, been troubled with 'great diareder in my head and VAV:01111 systani. mew advised by a f r i e ,4lo.try a bat4l9 of your" German Bitters;- did so; and have experienCed great and nue:weeded, relief; my health has been very materially benetitted. I confidently recom mend the article where-I meet with cases similar to my ' awn, and have been assuredtfu by Dy manyy ews, of their good ef-- recta Itespec T. WThWER, Roxboretigh, Pa. ' From Rev. J. S. Herman, of the German Reformed Chwth,lCtitztown,,llerint I:gouty. • - Dr. C. M. Jacktion:—ltespected. Slr :—I,. have been troubled with DySpepisla nearky twenty year; and tine never used any medicine that did me se much (mod in HordiamPs Bitters. lam very mash Improved In heeltbi' after Wilda& taken Ave hoiden Yours with reaped, . J. EL HERMAN. , . . large Size (holding nearly double qaantitiraSl 00 per bottle—half doe . ........ ....,....:..........E6 00 Sire-75 wade pir . h . o . tili . ja 400 BEWARE OF COUNTERasynyi 'Bee that the signature Of "C. y. 1 / 9 1939,1e!..? on the WRAPPER of each bottle; • • • 4 Should your nearest drug* not have the article, do not be put.off by any of the intoxbiaung preparations that. aney:to tared in Ite ptarVat mend. to us,.. and 31 1 11 k forward, ateurelY Pe r akPreen • ' • Principal Mini W 141011020,7, • 11% 11 l i ta i t + SO It , ST 11 ELPIILL. - , i. JONlWilk ... - j Parmarroirt For ailed Wats & aaloby Pruggaing and Dealers Meyer, town tn 114 ay/04aly !!E=MI MEDICAL. DIrSP:EPS.A, AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS. auk CUBED BY HOOFLAND'S mu) maw sAis so Plt/GEA NEW ADVERTISEIFIENTS. A. F.. ZIMMERMAN,, • Pi - aetleal. Watch Maker, No. IS (Sorbet Street, Harrisburg Pa Dfirs-A.l.*R IN FINE WAVERS, RINGS, CHAINS, SETE OF JEWELRY. FINE SILVER WARE; PLATED WARE TEA szkinets, AND ALL KINDS OFJEWNLRY. Has constantly on hand - a well selected and elegantly assorted stock of • FINE WATCHES, - • AND arts. FINE . SILVER WARES. AMERMAN, ENGL/REf AND SWISS MAMMA • Both in Gkoldam9.Bliver Cues - Also, a fine assortment of LADINIV - WATCH.E 3 Constantly on band. • • ' • A WWII vamayr OP ELEGANT -CLOCECIS, Of all descriptions; idler which will be sold at the LOWEST CASE .PRiCES. Aar Can and examine the goods. • Particular attention paid to repairing of fine Watches, such as Chronometers, Duplex and other celebrated Watches, and all kinds or Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the most Competent workmen employed, arid the whole matter under My. own personal supervision. A. F. EIifIEERNAN, mar9S] No: 52 Miairet street, adjoining Branl'e SELLING -OUT' LOW ! . 'OUR STOCK . OF LIQUORS! • • - - TETE intend to digoontintte the sale of Li , v gums and odhr our stock at a very small advance from cost price. We have purchased all our Liquors be= fore the last rise and have a large stock on hand for three or four years, which are guaranteed 'cannot be purchased now at any price from the importers. Our stook consists of ; - . of all grades. INTWe have - parts of three barrels pure RYE, sot colored, and 10 degrees above propf, 214 years old. WINES °tall Grades, Domestic and Imported. 33 IL D TAW. S. We have part of % cask HENNESSEY BRANDY, to which we invite the particular attention of families for medicinal purposink • ' The Brandy cannot be bought to-day, from importers, less than $l5 per gallon. We will sell it for $l2 per gal. lon. ocagort AND ENGLISH ALES, : • ; CHAMPAGNE WINES, CLAHETS, &43.. We invite the ingiection of Rotel Keepers and Viper Merchants generally, as we intend to sell, without re serve, all our Liquors, and this will be- a good opportu. nll. for ANkrgaine. . , je2o SHISLER k FRAZER. '..N.Ew.GOOPS--JUST OPENED ! lEi BERGNER'S 800 (yid .Stationery , Store. Emliraorng every mew and Improved style of POCKET BOOKS, IfAGIO q'UtN? ; .I!ICY HOLDERS, . SICIN, Poo= soolo3i. • , PORTKONNAIES, M. It irises t o sil:oircumatanoes. . . POCKET Consisting of a Rite assortment of Westonholtnis Sups' • FO &0, - Knives. GOLD PENS. From Newton's celebrated manufactory. every Pen nip& es parade& _ PORT P9DLIOB.• - • .!: warmcp.cests. • ' ROSEWIIOOD DESKS, .•• • p•ApETEauEs,&O Together with every erttele usually found Suit Bret Book and dnatloriem.eidnigishniectt, et: inyin • • • - - BERGNER'S, 51 theta:s4.6e. ' • THIE NEW BOOKS. S T ilton. firioeG prpcils, by Gail irit- 'HAUNTED HEARTS, by the anchor of the Lamp lighter. ' - • \ $2 00 111. ;• „ : Auticiatis AN;p : iid.l ; l4GHT. by ItrallioLnioe $1 60 BARBARA'S !MORI', a nevel t by Amelia Edwards. • -. • t 60 cents. HOUS OF ALLINGTOS, by Trolloire. $l. SEVEN STORIES, - by 1k Marvel, aulhbi - of "Re , i , otioe of a Baoholor,” - • : $1 SO SPRIEE'S JOURNAL or, t..tic Misoovery of t h e. sources of the Nile:. St.t) THE, WORN . IN 111.49.C1C, by. author of "Ulu% in Pray." . - $l5O NOTES OF HOSPITAL LIFE, Nov.'6l to Aug. '63. $1 00 8. STORIES QF -S&& for boys; from Cooper's writings. $1 00 STORIES" OF THE I WOOD, for boys; from Cooper's : writings: - $1 00 - ILL PI new books received ss soon'aspnbliahed - at BBRGNER'S BOOK STO RE, • 61 , 31raket street. SOLE AGENCY FOR:. THIS - CITY l AM haPAY to Otter to the public Olarge and sine (I assortment of ' SUPERIOR GOLD PENS 'manufactured by LEROY*. 104.11tCHILD: . These Pens are igen fintihed, elostiO, • and will 'give =- tin satisfaction.: PLEASE SCREFFER'S BOOK grins, . &cold street, opposite Presbyterian Otinreb, Harristmlig • :Ps.. PIANOS. itim • tinufs . 1 ALBREpIIT, lt SC ' • EXCELSIOR PIANOS. • AS° BOLE 11. tr.E2fOr . ..At ENOC S, 93 Market typal, Harrisburg. FR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to MYSELF I have taken - the agency of the above most excellent Piano. Thepublle Is invited to come and ex it:nine for themselves. .• • ' • " kfesogelieteacker. keel's Pianos on hand yet will be daollee. . . PICKLES I I—By the Barrel, '141:4I--D°1914 M SEISLER &FRAZER'S., IS - ticeessoraloVni Dock, - Jr., & Cdj QIIGLES, SYRUPS, 1 EAS COFFEE, of 1..;7 : all grades and prices, a& , , - . i SHISLER & FRAZER, Iluitemsdra to W: Dock % Sr., & Co. jai Dealers arFine Family Groceries. REBEL PINE APPLES taat i received at Raft , - liamisors taw. Doak, Jr., kba. --P.4" SAGO. ETS'Rah Dal* PhiCApple, mog sad Now York Stale Choose knit received at r 'itr. or - • R • IntOliatPßl to. it &35, & Co. . _ r s uiliar-, , riogbpst! , -)1 ' o t21) , the barrel, half barrel, jar or doron,av . . BOYER & KOMPER, 'NSEW MA(ACEILEL, HERRING AND SAL 4.11 NON st, DWI *OYER k KOIMPER PRICE TWO CENTS: EVENING EDITION. The Return of the Rebel= Raiders To- wards the Upper POomae. STATEMENT OF A CITIZEN OF,BALTIMORE. The Attixek of tie Rebels Upon Crooke Command. Our Loss Aboili 1 ) 000 Mem. Gen. Kelly Not Killed—He k Not With Grooks. THE DEATH OF MILLIGAN STILL REPORTED, The Whole Rebel Force in the . Valley Less than.3o7ooo. HILL LS IN COMMAND. Their Object is to Draw Grant's Forces frem Petersburg. PHICADItLYEIIA, July 27. The telegraph lines to BaltiMore being under an embargo by the Government, we avail ourselves of the following information, derived from a well informed , gentleman of that city, in regard to the important military movements now transpiring on the Upper Potomac: With the particulars of the abandonment of the pursuit of the raiders by the Sixth Corps, the public are already familiar. It is now clearly ascertained that as soon as the fact of the return of the Sixth - Corps towards Washington was commenced, the rebels avail ed themselves of the important advantage thus presented, and their rear fell upon Gen. Crooks' dommand . near. Winchester; with such overpowering numbers as to Compel that gal lant officer to retreat, losing a considerable number of men in killed and wounded and prisoners, as well as a few guns. The loss in men is estimated at 1000. From allthat our- informant could gather there were bat few guns lost, though there seems to be some doubt that the enemy did capture some. With regard to the reported death of Gen. Kelly, it is sufficient - to say that he was not with Gen. Crooks, but was, and still is at Cumberland. Gen. Milligan's death was still reported at Baltimore yesterday. but there is no authentic information on the'subject.' • - - -with regard urtaiSiltrength of the enemy, the most reliable estimates of the entire force composing - the recent raiding column, do not make it more than - 16,000 or 17,000 men, making the whole strength of the rebel force now in the valley and upon the borders of the Upper Potomac, between 25,000 and 30,000 men of all arm s. t - This force is understood' to be comManded by _Gen. £ P. 'Hill, Gen. Early having' been obliged : to retire from active drily on account of his wound breaking out afresh, and it is said he has been assigned to the command of th& Richmond dietrict. As to the designs of the Rebel force now on the borders of Marylatui, for it is believed that up to this time they have not crossed the ro tomae—at- least in any force. Allis conjec ture. The most prokable that they will attempt an extensile raid into Peinusylvania, and by making a great shoW of strength en deavor to fOree Gen. Grantto send away more of his army from before .Petersburg. In corroboration of the opinion expressed as to the strength of the rebel force, our in formant states that Gen.. Prooks reported that the rebel•line-of 144t1e confronting him extended four miles; -• 1 1 • • ' FIGHT WITH GUERRILLAS IN KENTUCKY. CAPT. ALEXANDER, HEIR LEADER, KILLED. Lotrismax; July 26 In an encounter between- Captain Dunces, with 30 men of the 12t1i-,Ohio cavalry, and forty guerrillas, at New. Hope last Satuxday, the iebela were rented, and Captain, Alexan der,' their leader, 'killed. • Captain -Baker, of the 35th Kentucky, routed a party of , guerrillas at Knob Creek, Bullit county, on the -morning of the 23d, captaring a number of horses and arms, with no loss on our'side. . The Remains of Gen. M'Pher ' . son at Louisville. Impos4ig MilitaryDi,play .Under Comniand of- ODA,. Jordan. Lquispxxx,. July 26. The remains of Maj. 'Oen.:lttcPlierson ax rived here darly this morning, and Wer,i laid in: state at the Galt House, until one "o'clock, and were then conveyed to the Cincinnati mail boat, under escort of an. imposing dis play of cavalry, artillerY and infantry, under command of Col. Jordan.- Meeting of the Union National EiCeentive Committee. The Union National. Executive Committee met at noon to-day with closed doors. The session was occupied in discussing the differ ence existing between the severl Union, or ganizations in New York city.- It was finally determined to refer the whole - question .babk to the State convention, which will be held at Syracuse on the 7th of Septeinber. The National Executive Committee meets for general col .asultittion With reference to.the fall campaign. • Rebel Gen e ral Hood • Reported WOunded. - Lounntims, July 2G. Sunday's Chattamoga Gazette . mentions a rumor that the rebel_eren. Hood was wounded in the fight en Saturday before Atlanta. . . Co~u~resainriaii Nn _ SkiINGWEEA - Major Hugh Fullerton has been nominated for Congress by the ll:donitite in the Ninth District of Illinois. STIAt-PIINTING OFINL The following are - the GRAPit. Those hexing inive tfor reference. trr Four lines arr.: lines ormore than r 00116 TOR .11. Hem, %man - One day f 80 Three days . 75 One week 125 One month 3 00 Two modtba 4 50 Three months 5 50 Six months 8 00 One year 15 00 Administration Notion.— Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices. . Funeral Notices ealinserti air Business notices • before Marriages and I each insertion. Important from Western Kentucky The Purchase of Property from, and Payment of Rents to, Disloyal Parlous Prihibited. AMMUNITION ONLY TO RE SOLD TO SOLDERS, AND ON CERTAIN CONDITIONS. Disloyal Citizens Ordered to A NOTORIOUS - GUERRILLA KILLED. Confiscation of stores of Disloyal Persons in NO LENIENCY TO BE SHOWN TO TRAITORS Gen. Payne has prohibted all persons from occupying houses or other buildings of wood, as tenants, in the district of Western Ken tucky, and from paying - thlrefor, except to the landlords or owners of undeviating loy alty, and alter the Ist of August the rent for occupying buildings or land ot disloyalists must be paid to the post quartermasters, and no payment of rent to disloyal persons will be Gen. Payne has also restricted the sale of arms and ammunition to persons connected with the army, and to such only by permit from his hesilquarters. The purchase of supplies can only be effect ed by permit from 'the surveyor, and mer chants can only bring goods into the district by conforming to section 58.0 f the regulations of the Treasury Department. Several stores have been closed and large numbers of disloyal citizens of Paducah have been ordered to leave the State immediately. The notorious . guerrilla Kesterson will be shot at Paducah to-morrow. Gen. Payne has'alresay confiscated to the use of the Government fifteen (15) stores of disloyal parties at Paducah. The President has appointed Col. Wm. M'Candless, late of the Pennsylvania Re•• serves, a Brigadier General of Volunteers. It,. is thought here that he will decline the honor.. John Heckert, Gth Pennsylvania cavalry, Oliver Smith, 3d Pennsylvania cavalry, and" William Rutter, Ist Pennsylvania rifles, clieil and were buried here yestv,a w . The following sick and wounded officers, belonging to Pennsylvania regiments, report-. ed here yesterday : B. P. Sloan, 2d Pennsyl 'verde cavalry; John Fritz, 93d Pennsylvania; Thomas Ryan, 141st; K. S. Singsland, -18th: Pennsylvania cavalry ; D. Hamilton, 18th. Pennsylvania cavalry ; Levi Stubers, .47th Pennsylvania, and B. Crum, 139th Fennel.- verde. • " The Philadelphia house-building enterprise succeeds admirably. They have sixteen threq-t story dwellings in course of construction. The wounded, as they arrive here, are for warded to Alexandria. The State of Maine brought here, on Sunday, from the City Point Hospitals, quite a number of sick sufferers; who were all sent to Fairfax Seminary Hos pital A stable, belonging to the Sanitary Com - inission -was burned last night. Nathanieli Dwyer of the 18th Mississippi, and Daniel Sherman of the 12th Virginia my th% were yesterday committed to the Old Capitol, prison; so also were three of :seven= teen deserters from the rebel army who ar rived here from the front in the morning. The other fourteen of the deserters took the oath. Philip Trammel and Jack Barns, citizens of Virginia, guerrillas, were tried by General Doubleday's Commission and sentenced to death ; the former by shooting and the latter by banging. George Baabett, of Prince George's county, Maryland, for deserting, was also tried by the same commission, and sentenced to pay a fine of $250 and to be imprisoned for one year in the Albany penitentiary. The sentences of 'Trammel and Barnes were commuted to ten years imprisonment in the Albany penitentiary. The three are in. the Old Capitol and will shortly be transfer- red to the place where they are to serve" out their sentences. - Gen. Sandford's mission here di I not suc ceed. The President refused to make an ex ception in favor of New York soldiers in ref erence to their own liability to draft ifl male they should be in the one hundred days' ser vice. The General has returned home. The Draft. POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., July 26., The following has just been received: WAR DEPARTMENT, _ ` PROVOST MARSHAL GENF:RAT s OFFCE, WARRINGTON,-D. C., July 23. GEor,GE NNE% EN., Mayor of Porighk6epsie; New York: • Sin : My dispatoh in answer to your ,tele-7 gram of the 20th inst., should have read : Volunteers under the present call will be cred ited man for man, whether they enlist for one, two, or three years. • Wher4 they enlist for the shorter terms, more men may be requited at the expiration of their terms to equalize the amount of mil itary service among the: different States and parts of States. SiBATOGA, July 2.7 Punishment of Maryland: Trot., ntrazatous, July 27. General Hunter has taken measures to pun ish Maryland traitors. He directs' that all persons who are known to have pointed-out the property of good Union. men for despoil are to be promptly arrested and sent to. Her- . per's Ferry._ The males will " thence 'be sent to the mil itary prison at, - Inteeling, and their fatrulie beyond our lines South. Their houses aretx be seized , and used for GovemmenChoapitalk and store-honses, and their furniture wilt he sold at auction for the benefit of those citizens .whito are. known to have sufferrod by inkorma- Lion given by those paztiea t Title citizens of - Frederick have beim or dered to report at the Provost's office between the 25th and 30th, and take the oath of al legiance. TiildiSrtk4C-- tbr sdverttoing, in thej. „, tu .ing to do will find 't con- Ntute ono•half square. eight tute a square. ME ONE swam - One day $ . Taro days . .. 100 Three days 120 One week.... 2 25 One month 8 00 Two Mordbi — 9 al Three months 11 00 Six months 15 0 One year • ~26 0 $2 26 ....... • • • 'VI ! In the Local. Maw, or Erna: Clarril nalan for Leave the State. Paducah, From Washington. WASHINGTON, July 27. I am, sir, very respectfully your ob't servant, ' - JAMES B. FEY;; . ProvOst Marshal General. tors. BM Qum°, July 20
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers