optifit -ebtfog NOTICE TO ADVEMTISERS.—AiI Adver tisements, liminess Notices, Marriages, Deaths, dec., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be aecom• panted with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JAY 97, 1864. TOWN AND GOUNTUY Foui BROTHERS, named Donahoe, of Car bon township, Huntingdon county, were drafted on Tuesday last. THE borough authorities of Aitoona are paying local bounties for volunteers, as fol lows : $lOO for one year, $2OO for two years, $3OO for three years. TEE Sabbath School of the Free Baptist Church will hold a pic-nic to-morrow. • A season of rare enjoyment is anticipated by those connected with the school. A LARGE lot of inferior water melons were offered for sale in market, this morning, at exorbitant prices. Beware of these "cholera bombshells." I=l Otis butchers have " come down " slightly in the prices of meat. Good steaks were sold at some of the stands, this morning, at fifteen cents per pound. =EMI PENESTLVANIA STATE FAIR. —The State Ag ricultural Fair will be held at Easton, on the grounds of the Northampton County Agricul tural Society, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday, the 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th of September next. For circulars and other information, persons will address A. B. Long aker, Esq., Norristown, Pa. INCREASE 0.17 STAMP Durr.—On and after the first day of August, 1864, a draft or order payable otherwise Ulan at sight or demand, and any promissory note, whether payable on demander at a time designated for a sum not exceeding $lOO, five cents ; for every ad ditional $lOO or fractional part thereof, five cents. Bank checks, drafts or orders at sight or on demand, two cents. SALE or A' HOTEL --That valuable hotel known as the "Union House," situate in Mar ket street, in this city, will be offered at pub: lio sale, on Thursday, the 18th of August.— This is one of the best business stands in the city, and persons desirous of investini, their surplus capital will find this a profitable op portunity to reap a handsome profit. See ad vertisement in another column. FIRES r THE MOUNTAINS.—The Johnstown Tribune says: Most destructive fires have been raging in the mountains in this county for several days, obscuring the heavens over us with a cloud of smoke. We hear that several saw-mills, and considerable lumber and wood, have been destroyed by these fires on the Al leghenies. The protracted drought has pre pared the woods for ready ignition, and the fires rage fiercely. Bow Orga.kzroN.—We are informed that 'a few nighis since, while the family of one of our citizens were in attendance at the bedside of a sick child, in an upper story of their house, a party of burglars entered the lower story, prepared a meal, and sitting down to a table, disposed of the edibles at their leisure, after which they took a number of articles and decamped. They were not heard by the family, nor is there any clue by which they may be identified. COE= LASING OF A CORNER STONII IN ALTOONA.- The religious services connected with the lay ing of thCcorner stone of the German Reform ed Church now being built in Altoona, will take place on Sunday next, the 31st inst. The services will commence at the foundation of the new church, at 10 o'clock, and be concluded with a sermon in the Presbyterian church, by Rev. H. Harbaugh, D. D., Professor of the The ological Seminary at blercersburg, Pa. The Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be, administered in the same place on the after= noon of the same day at 3P. M. Sermen by Rev. E. V. Gerhart, D. D., President of Frank lin and Marshall College. Was the rebels exacted subsidies from the people of Hagerstown and Frederick, during their late invasion of Maryland, they were very careful to stipulate that the whelp amount should be paid in greenbacks.' Thep wouldn't touch "confederate" money, or com mon bank notes. Nothing but Uncle Sam's currency would answer their purpose. The rebels evidently do not share the prejudices of certain copperheads, who seize every bp portunity of discrediting the greenbacks in the course of their daily business. By pur suing this policy they prove themselves even worse than rebels, who, while waging bitter war against our Government, avow their con fidence that it will pay all its honest obliga tions. ..,....,-......-... Erentastrrs Amyrsc.—Despite the war and its inseparable miseries, the tide of imm gration to this country from still lees haptky L ' shores, continues without intermission: Al most every eastern train brings with it load of foreigners in search of homes in the bound4l . less Utica of the West,_ and the eharacteristids; between them and the other passengers are so strongly marked that even the unobserviri! must notice them. The same old t toggeryl the same curious cape, and the same homely garb which warmed them in their own coun try distinguishes them. Quite a number of packets with emigrants arrived in New York last week, and the emigrant trains - on the Pennsylvania Railroad have every night since been filled with passengers. The great mass of these emigrants push on towards the West, where they, will Rad full: scope for their industry. =IMO Ai the river—it is low, very low. _ . Loom matters ar e rutootatiOnly dull to-day Nothing has transpired that is worthy of note Tann has been nothing worthy of note transpiring in police circles since our report of yesterday: A warm MAN and a darkey had a fist-fight on Second street, last night. The Thtred man came of "second best s " hiS frontispiece being considerably bruised. = AT one o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer had readied ninety degrees in the shade—nearly twenty degrees higher than yesterday. • • I====l Cerr. Muss and Lieut. Lightner have re ceived authority to raise a company of volun teers for one years' .service. Here is a fine opportunity for persons desiring to enter the service, to get into a good company, under good officers. HUNDRED& of our citizens visited the mam moth cannon, which sojourned near the round house last night. All agreed that it4as a monster. The boys amused themselves by crawling into the gun, turning around and coming out haadforemost. =MEM 1111XXMIT Ricrac" Pl:MD.—the regular month ly payment to soldiers" families, will be mide on Friday . afternoon, July 29th, at the Court House, between the hours of four and six. GEO. BERGNER, Pres't. _ . . 0: EDWARDS,' Secretary. -• ' • • Wimrsam B. REINHARD has been appointad by Gov. Carlin agent for Lebanon ; county to recruit in rebel States, under the act passed at the late session of Congress. In accord ance with this appointment, blr. R. has pro ceeded to Virginia to do what he can in ob taining men for the different districts. • W learn that the. ,quotas of some •of the wards of our city are rapidly filling up. The liberal bounty paid by the second ward has had the effect of inducing quite a number of persons to enlist for one year, to the credit of the ward. By a little effort our whole city might be placed beyond the reach of the September draft. JAMES JomsoN, of Newport, had his pocket book and twenty-five dollars stolen from the side-pocket of his coat, somewhere between the Market house and the depot, early this morning. Re at first believed that it was lost, but subsequently came to the conclusion that he had been the victim of a pick-pocket. Iluntertss quantities of apples, peaches and other fruits are offered for sale by our hucks ters, grocers and others. The quality is gen erally inferior, and prices are very high.— There will be an abundant fruit crop this sea son, and prices must come down. Those de siring to purchase should g , wait a little longer." Rerimps.--Samuel Edmonston, of Girard township, Clearfield county, committed sui cide on the Bth instant, by going to his barn .and suspending a rope to the joist, holding one end in his hands whilehe put the other round his neck, thus suspending himself.— Efe had formerly made sundry attempts to put an end'to his life. sEarous Apermair.—An accident occured this Morning, in the new building in process of erection on Brant's Hill, by which three persons were seriously injured. Workmen were engaged on the garret of the building, when a joist, composed of light scantling, gave, way, precipitating the men to the cellar. One of them, ()apt. William Cleckner, a well known brick-layer, received serious injury, from which it was . thought he would. not re cover, but we learn - that he is now improving. Two others who fell with him also sustained considerable (lan** but are not in a dan gerous condition. OxE YELIX REGIMENTS.—Authority having been received from Washington fOr the organ ization of regiments in our State for one year's service, the people should at once go to work and fill their quotas under the late call for vol ymteers. The fact that such regiments are to be formed will no doubt have a tendency to aid to a great extent the raising:of companies and filling up of quotas. Let the ,people • -of Pennsylvarda take immediate steps to avoid a draft. Liberal local bounties will accomplish a great deal and men of means should em ploy substitutes. Less than six weeks remain in which to perform this' work. lkseovray OF inn DEAD Boni or s Sox.- brut N}LiE Pianisnui. —On Friday last some workmen accidently' discovered the' body of an unknown dead man at the base of an em bankment near the track of the Pennsylva nia railroad, and about four miles east of Per rysville, Juniata county. From appearances he had been lying thereabout two weeks. He had on good soldier's clothes, fine gaiter boots, and was of medium size, dark hair, teeth some what diseased in front, with the eye-teeth standing very dotal together. Near his body and scattered among the bushes were found a great number of small pieces of torn paper, evidently torn up so as , to prevent the possi bility of reading the inscription._ An inquest was 'held an the body by Justice . Wallace, when, on examination, it, was found that the under jaw was broken - in two places; the right cheek bone, the bones of the nose riniithe upper jaw bone were entirely broken fAor rather crushed in. He probably lived, itime 4er receiving thejnittrie& Theri was riOthing.tound on his person tending.. to *cognition. On gathering up the torn up papers, it was found (after great difficulty in aFrangingthem) that they were a duplicate receipt dated 'SEAT/QUM= reovour njx y Cor.vateue, 0., July 8, 1884. Reetiiived of .Taii A. Gest, substitute, six ty-five $66, (dolive) to be delivered to said John A. Gest, on arriving at headquarters of his reeimont. . • (Signet) JOHN W. sums, Major, 88th GI; v L, Commanding General Asodiewpripr i , Alter theAtiviikShe body was Third -.Wa;r4i-Meetingt Agreeably .. to adjournment of last-meeting, the citizens of 'Eke:Third ward are requested to meet at the Franklin House this (Wednes day) evening at 8 o'clock, to hear the final re. port of the committees, and determine whether an earnest effort to fill.the i quota of the *aid shall be made. Unless there is a more ri eral movement the quota cannot be filled and the draft will be enforced in the ward. A grand rally is therefore necessary. By order. Firit Ward Meeting. AN adjourned meeting of the citizens of the First ward will be held at the Black gorse Hotel, on this evening at eight o'clock, to receive the report of the committee ap pointed to ascertain the quota of .the ward. Punctual attendance of all freeholders, and those subject to the draft, is requested. ADVANCE LODGE No, 39, I. 0. G. T. will meet at their hall this (Wednesday) evening. Punctual attendance is requested, & business relating to the basket pic-nie on next Friday, will be transacted. By order. jy27-It* =l:2=l CHARLES Lnwts, an employee on the Leba non Valley Railroad, had his leg badly crush- ed, on Tuesday,- at the Lebanon depot, by being caught between the bumpers of two care. DII.Int OF LISZT. Wom—Lieut. Wolf; of the Verbeke Rifles, was killed at Atlanta, on the 22d inst. Lieut. Wolf,served in the Florida and Mexican wars, and belonged ; to tho Vet bake Rifles from its first organization, serving three months, then volunteering for three years, and Jast winter again re-enlisting with the balance of the company and entering the service as a vOlunteer. Lieut. Well was a brave man, an efficient officer, and what might be called a thorough soldier, and was respected and beloved by his comrades in arms and by all who knew him. His death will be deeply lamented by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. A. CHEAP BAUOILETER.—Every farmer should carefully observe the "signs of the weather," and shape his business to suit. He may not be able to foretell the state of the weather by a barometer or by observing the movements of index'pointers. But if ho will commit to memory the following quaint, effusion of Dr. Semler, who was, celebrated in his day for his practical sense, he will find in them a useful guide: "The hollow winds begin to blow, The clouds look black, the glass is low, The soot falls down, the spaniels sleep,' The spiders from their cobwebs peep; Last night the sun went pale to bed. The moon in halos hid her head; . The boding shepherd 'heaves a sigh, For, see! a rainbow spans the sky; The walls are damp, the ditches smell, Closed is the pink-qedpimperne/ Hark, how the chairs and tables crack; Old Belly'i bones are on the rack; Loud quack the ducks, the peacocks cry, The distant hills are seething nigh; How restless are the snorting swine, The busyflies.disturb the kine; Low o'er the grass the swallow wings, The cricket, too, how sharp he sings !: Pass on the hearth, with Veliet paws, Sits wiping o'er her whiskered jaws; • Through the clear stream the fishes rise, And nimbly catch the incautious flies; The glowworms, numerous and bright, Illnmed the dewy dell last night; At dusk the squalid toad was seen Hopping and crawling o'er the green; The whirling wind the dust obeys, And in the rapid, eddy plays; The frog has changed his yellow vest, • And in a russet coat is chest; • Though June, the air is cold, and still, •' The mellow blackbird's voice is . 'My dog, so altered in his taste, Quits mutton bones, on grass to feast; And see yon rooks, how odd their flight, They imitate the gliding kite, And seem precipitate to fall, • - • As if they felt the piercing ball;— 'Twill surely rain, I see with sorrow, Our jaunt shall be put off to-morrow.!! Remember that there are three variable qualities of the atmosphere, from which result variations in the Weather ; these are,its weight, temperature, and moisture; and, by a careful observation of these, it is possible frequently :to predict the weather we are likely to have. SPECIAL NOTICE& Bannvartls Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, i&c., are specially recommended to i ministers, singers and persons whose vocation :calls them to speak in public,. Manufacturod 'only by 0. A. Bannvart Co., Harrisbarg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. : • Read the following testimonials from some . of our eminent clergymen: , ELtniusrmsch Feb. 8l14: 1 8 64 . C. A. Bezavairr—Dear have lased Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar'sLozenes :and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with -them all, can cheerfully commend your' own .ah Imost admirable specific for public' veakera ;and singers, in cases of hoarseness, -.coughs n land oolds. I have found them sehing . i time of need, most effectually. • - Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, , Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. .41.1 agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. N. C. CATTb..'LL, - - Late Pastor of 0. i 3. Presbytertivarch.,, , , , ,, rik gi; of Bier eng r4*.y,„ -ffogneitiy, tuacw wh TOild 0 .40 1 4 88143 a. I iian4ritc4 the ;Wiw' of soma ge#tlet rant; and tfist want lutg excellent Tredide: - I consider them very far impirior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily thatimskiness _of the voice arising from its too frequent- nee, and impairing th • effectiveness of the delivery of public ac• dresses. Yours, duo., • JNO. WA - LITT:11 JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. BANNiABT—De4r Sir: Having asst your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and. take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or,. huskiness - of voice arising from public spealmzgor =gin g Yours, dm., G. G. RAXESTRAA Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Disbar Arrommis Orme; • TrAnitmama, Feb. e 29, 1864. ~1 • To 0. A. 13ANNvezw—bear : hlive; found your Troches to be invalnabbi . in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening: the muscles of the throat. • 'They impart olearnesb to the voice, and are certainly of great benei6 At to , all public Itplaketra AL J. EBBS MESIM :,j Jilt N DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cum i n less than 30 days t he„,.worat IMO of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, bean- BY, and Sernal and Nervous atfeotions, no matter from what causrproduced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-paid by mall, on reo.-Ipt of an order. One Box will perfect the cure in most ewes. Address JAMES S. BUTLER, jyls-dfsw3m General Agent, 429 Broadway ; N. Y. A WORD TO THE WISE. There is no need of ttny person having the Dysentery for one day. All I ask of the public is to try my Dysen tery Drops; only 25 cents a bottle. It is very pleasant to take; can be given to a child of any age with great confi dence. It has cu'red..very bad cases, and also of long standing. It is indeed worth trying. Prepared and sold only by Mrs. L Ball. &nth Plae•street, Harrisburg. Jy2s-dtf ---• Military Bustriesal Attended To. Bounty, Pension, Sauk. Pay, Subsistence and Military and War'Claima, generally, maite.out and collected. Per sons residing at a distaffictt can have their business trans acted by mail, by addrtming ELiaeXESlllllfiirlt, Attorney•nt-Law, Thltarstreet, Hanisbarz Pa EPIIY-r2 (W TELEGRAPH Dear Sir: —With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free,) a Recipe, with full directions fpr making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will. ef fectually remove in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth:and beautifuL 1 will also mail free to those Bald Heads or Bare Faces ' simple directions and inf,ittnation that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty days. AU applications answered by return mail without charge. ResPectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, jyls-d&wilm - 831 Broadway, New York. A CARD TO•THE StrFFERING. Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Buchu," "Tonle Bitters," "Sareaparilla;*L"Nervons Antidotes," &c., &c., ,tc., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD Docrox BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECI FIC PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor in less an thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to ke, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken down and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Imported; tont sole-in the Jilited States only by YAS. S BITTLBR, No. 427 Broadway, Now York. Sir Agent for the United States. P. S.--A Box of the, Pills,, securely packed,. wilt be `mailed teeny address ^receipt of ;price, wl:ficiti LON!. DOBLAIk-ipost-pilatilionii.. refunded by Yale Agent if entire satisfaction is not given. jyls-dkrs3in QELLING of Rummer Goods at low prices, kJ such as Summer Dress Goods, Lawns, Sun Umbrellas, Lace Shawls, and Summer Shawls. We have also on hand a very large assortment of Noshes, Calicos, Ging hams, Stockings, HandkerchieN, Black edits, Plaid Silks, White Cambrica, Undressed French Cambrias, White and Colored Flannels, and in fact an assortment of dry goods not surparsetLby .T. 6 nu Of which.` we Ilteite those who wish to purchase, and promise to sell at less prices than we can replace them for again. As all kinds of dry goods are advancing every day, now is the time to buy. Jylß S. LEWY. WANTS. SUBSTITUTES WANTED, FOR which a liberal price will be paid Apply at tho Union Hotel, Market street lY23lot* S. E. HELLMAN. AGENTS wanted to sell the Standard His tory of itteWer.f A laTfriclinn_,_ce to Itkko, money. tint +gents are c learing $lOO tdrynoo per mbrah: 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circular& Address JONES BROS. & CO., de 30 Publisher& Baltimore. Md. 'CANDIDATES. Aroll REGISTER. AH. BOYER, of East Hanover township, • *teen himself as ti.ttandidate for the office of 'Reg ister. If nomMatedk Snd:erected be pledges himself to relit' , the deities ofthevoilloii witir fidelity. jy27-wte* ROIC.REGISTER. GEORGE MARKg'of-liteath Hanover town ship;'offerii tilaukir ne icandictiiii ror tbe office of. REGISTER, of Dauphin county?' If eiectivd, fir: pledges himself to perform the duties of said office with je29 d&wto CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. 11LI8I9SUBA, PA., June 9, 1E64. THE undersigned . respectfully offers himself to the Republicans Of. the :14tic Congressional Dis trict of Pennsylvania, composed of tue counties of Dau phin, Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder, for nomination by the several county conventions of the said District. Defitdtel JOSIAH ESPY. • FOR REGISTER. • ' 110VDOLPH MILLER, of East H - anover jjk, township, offers himself ai sandidate for the office or Register. if nominated and' eiteted'he • pledges him self to fulfil the duties of the tint:lowish fidelity.' • Je2s42wsiwto* • :RUDOLPH HILLER. C COSTAR 3 a” VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "OXITAR'S" • EXTERMINATORS - EXTER m INATORS. "COSTAR'S" =TERMINATORS. • • k EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATOIM. • ^COSTAM , S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S , " EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. • "COSTAR'S" i thrEEßKlfrfflorg: "COSTARS" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. , cosz t uf , ,s , l . , EXTERMINATORS. • EXTERMINATORS. tiCORTA.E'r,'IMTERMINAToRR, - 'EXTERMINATOR $, EXTEdatr VMS. • Axotts. mysit t itep rancg xrceS. • ExTrAmniemits: “oosTAR , & ,, EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. . Foe liaMcili.icygioßciMei.dtntSilled Aug_ is IPleas, Moth isi Furs, woolens, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. ' "l& yews established in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedies known." • !...Tree from BeleonstP. "Not dangerous toitheNamen Family.". ,Itats come out Of Mar holes to die." Irir Sold by all Druggists everywhere sir: I I Swarm i I t of all worthless Imitations. Sr" 0 09 11 ) 1 , 1 " DePot, 4 0 :11E 1 atoidivaYi_l3;l:k Sir Sold by D. W. GRO S S'S &CO Wholesale and retail agents. A$ by all Pruggista i4..#1 1- 0 8 .barg, rok• ..1644rA4w3m . , Ammon xiiitarws orP.rap.; 14rt Pa. Julie 6 , 1664, 5 TDRAFTED litEN..t .direafed by Limit Col. J. V. Nomford, A. A. Provost Marshal General, by his circular, NA 59, of June 4, 1864, to pub lish "That drafted men are not allowed to enlist as volun teers Met' being draftixt; and that the credits for drafted men will remain for the sub-districts from which they were drafted, no matter whether local bounty has or has not been paid to each men, upon "illegal enlistment" JNO. KAY CLEMENT je6iltf , Captain and Provost Marshal, 14th Dial, Ps. IiIfiLBS.CODFISH,. of the cele -10%."/ boded Georgeficing pee received end for sib; by SRISLER & FRAZER, feral_ (rur..eserge b tym..Dock, jr. & do.) WALNUTS, CREAMNUTS, FILBERTS. For sale_wholesale at SEMLER & FRAZER, mys successors to W. Dock, dr., & CO. DEN - NI APPLES, PINE APPLES, just re ceived at SIIIRLER& FRAZER, je29 Snecesiora to W. Doak, Jr., & Co. ANEW SUPPLY *of FRESH SHORED ~UA. HAMS, just received this rooming, at .• SEMLER & FRAZER, jel7 Summers to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. BASKETS, BASKETS,in great variety at , SIRSLER & FR&ZE je27 Succespora to W. Dock, Jr., & Rt ALL kinds of hauling with wagons or carts will be promptly &ratty oelling on JAMB BRENNER, jilt corner of Second street sad Meadew Lane., 'LIMIT JARS, of tge latest Patent (Grit na's Tut Patents) illstreelved - and for sale low at tin s - = BOYER ICOERPER. 9T13 for sale on the corner of Third and 4.41 Bros ataela Enquintof WM. CIAteNADDZIC MME;3M NEW DY ER JIT Li ILOSENDA.LE. 29 Practical .and -Scientific C A Pt Llty F P I Azio O OPTICAL, fiTHEITICAL PHILO F SOPRI CAL DISTRIMENTS, No. 25 NORTH SECOND erREET, NUR WALNUT, 'HARRISBURG, PA. • Tho YolloWing Matramenbs will be forwarded, free, to any adirese, on receipt of the price ;Meet Microscope; for examining all kinds of in. sects,-lowers, or plants. $1 00 Seed Microscope; for examining seeds, insect; minerals, &c, 2OO Rosendales Student's Microscope; power 50, 150, and 260 diameters.. A beautiful instrument for general microscopical analysis, packed in a neat boalo 00 Ride Telesi . o . pef to aie at a distance of two or three miles; can be attached to any rifle 5 00 Stereoscopes; site* and itntyrOVedisuStrument.. 225 Do. witlitweltre pictures.— . sOn Spectacles of thIS highest refractive power to strength en and preserve the eye: sight, with a large assortment of Opera and Field • Glasses, Barometers, Thermometers, Magnets; Drawing' Instrument; Acc. Xi" Send stamp for a catalogue containing prices, &C. &a. • jel-dtf A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing certain 13 amendments to the Constitution. • Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Repretentatiset o f th e comnootwealllrof Pennsylvania in General Assem bly Ind, That the following amendments be proposed to the .Constitution of the Veminonwealth, in accordance with the provitions of the tenth•article thereof: There shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitntlint, to be designated as section four, as follows: "Snorter( t Whenever any of the implied electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military ser vice, tinder a requisition from the President of the United States,, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such elgstots may exercisethe right of suffrage in all elections brthecitizens, under'such regulations as are, of.ensll be prescribed by law, as as if they were prese nt their usual place of election." at Ssirriox 2. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight and nine, safollows: "Santos 8. No bill shalrbe passed by the Legislature, containing more than ono subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title except appropriation bills." "Seers/I'9. No bill shall be passed by the Legislators granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, whore the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has been, or may hereafter be, ceased. upon the courts of this Commonwealth." HENRY C. JOHNSON, • Speaker of Me House of Representatives. JOII)I P. PENNEY, Speaker of (144 Serrte - - OFFICE OF ERB SECRETARY OF THE CONNONWRALTE, Heasusatmo,April 25,11364. Itnttyinania, ss: I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a fall, true and correct copy of the original Joint Resolution of the General Assembly, entitled " A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amendments to the Constitution," as the seine remains on file in this office. Lv Tasman-I - whereof, I have hereunto sot 'my s.] hand and caused the seal of the Secretary's of tlee to be Malted ) the clay and year above written: . . ' ELI SUPER, , . Secretary of the Commonwealth. The above resolution having been agreed to by a ma jority of the members of each House, at two successive sessions of the General .Assetably of this Commonwealth, the proposed amendments will be aubmitted to the Oa pie, for their adoption. or rejection, on the inns? TUMMY or Annus; in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six&y-four, in accordance with the tenth arti ,cle of the Constitution, and the act, entitled "An Act pre scribing the time and monism-of submitting to the people, 'for their approval and ratification: or rejection, the pro posed amendments to the Constitution," approved the twenty-third day of April, one thousond eight hundred and sixty-four. ELI SLIF: u a t sp27 Seereterry of the Common NO EXCUSE FOR _ EXPLOSIONS. ASEOROFTIS LOW WATER; DETECTOR . ..11 - S AN INFALLIBLE:PROTECTION agairu3t, , explosion or burning or the fines or boiler, an noth ing can prevent it Of not tampered with) t rum giving im mediate notice or lack of water in the boiler, in season to put on a supply without drawing the thee. 'Want of water is the gout source of so many sad catastrophes which have recently occurred. • - We warrant this instrument le ho a perfect insurance Against such conungencias. Price PO. Full instructions as to the mode of application as well as reference to most of the prominentt aumufacturers and iron masters of the State using them, aunt on applicatiOn 'to • D. C. KEADIi& CO.. Pittsburg, ht. D. C. Kean, 1 • Csas . Mauer. f jell C RYSTA.LIZ ED ICONCENTIIVIED tEMCINADE, I s a pleasant, healthy beverage. 'Very . coavenieut and refreshing for lavabos ouv:og fever or great thirst Its portabilltyfecommeeds it .+o travelers. Its convettience ;Aspic-law will be spreniated. No sugar required; one table-spoonful simply dissolved in a glass of cold wider and it is done. mRr.r.NR'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, jelT No. 91, Market streak C Lo A H sT o R 1, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES 0! FLEIIIIONLBLE OLOgItS AND GIB UL ABB, - AND - FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Win open on . the let of Apra. [roarn-dly CLOAKS, ,CIRCULARS AND• MANTILLAS, JR D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A. New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Rave now &splendid assortment of OFEING - & - SUMIER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW. FRENCH. SACKS, AND . - sEEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in aery color and hand comely trimmed, from $7 50 to $lB. 1000 SILK, MANTEL CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASKb, Handsomely and richly trimmed, from $lO upward. CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN LARGE VARIETY. my2s Tilgpnblie are requested to attend the opening of the new dry goods store of Brandt & Bowman, OD Thursday morning, July 7th, at the south east corner of Second end Walnut streets (late the store room of Joseph Kahnwiler) This new firm have bought out the entire stock from Xr, Kahnwtler at very low prices, end in GOOD FAITH say to the public that they will sell this stock of goods at one.fourth less than the ..me kind of goods can NOW BE BOUGHT AT WHOLE. SALE. jy6-dtf - : • PHOTOGRAPHS. AA LAItGE assortment of rhotogniphs of Generale and fancy picture§ for kale CHEAP, at $1 per dozen, at SOFIETFER'S BOOK STORE, utV O • 50 JABS ENGLISH' EIGHLES DOZEN JARS Pica Chow Choi, Cauliflower, Mired Pickles, Gerkins, Walnuts and Onions. For sale wholesale and retail by SPEII3LERk FRAZER, myd , • ..successors to W. Dock, dr., dr Co "(ZEIT RECEIVED-44 gallons pure ermput eJ wine, Items Lancaster cOtotty. farmer; the attest made dScoestic wine in this oiIy SEISSIJSk k Price $8 For sale at H on les . Successors to Wm. Docl4 7, WM:KM - 13'mehdor Wake this seta ITA, ma% carfOi. .Jp roostved tad fair es! _ - e by MISLED tn& dealt trocoasors to Wm. Dock IT.. & 00. A VIES . R suPPIY of ifiehener's Celebzated ZOL &war Claud limas aistrteled as g oad son] - /103113 & 1 - 191n111: with ilood-Goida .Pen? If " OM at Book*" lionfibur, boy NEW .PHI:UDELPIIIA NOTICE. URI AMJJBEMENTB. RR-OPENING OF SANFORD'S . 1111, WITH THE ' CONTINENTAL COMBINATION COMPANY, ON MONDAY, JULY 25. 1864. THIS corntoany consists of the best star per .L formers, consisting of SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIAN; L. Gni:RASTA XL% The manager takes pleasure In announcing that they Intend making thie tZTitilic li l ri 1 1g2 1 ! I PZ9 C t r ri - BILLY Posrss, Busissaa Agent. J726.42t, cA.N.rmrcituitle - WALITUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. Proprietor_ ..... Easiness Agent.... Stage Manager Leader of Orcheeter OPEN every night with a first-class corn puny of male and female artistes. The perform ance embraces every variety odllegitimate amusement, such as SINGING, DANCING, PAIcTOMIMES, 13URLESQUE3, AND JESTS. Admission, 25 cents. Seats in private boxes 50 cents. Doors open at 7. To oommenee at tio'clook. jrl.Bdtf GOVERNMENT SALES ) &C. AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR Dssairrismr CAVALRY Dumas, OFFICE OP WMIP QUARTIMICASEIR 44. WAIMUNGTOS, D. C., July 4, 1864, WILL be sold at pubis auction, to tho highest bidder r at the times and places named bs low. ifs: • Harrisburg, Penn'a, Thursday, July 28t1 , Altoona, Penn's. Thursday, August 4th, 1864. Williamsport, Penn'a, Thursday, August Inky 1864. ' TWO HUNDRED (2014 Cavalry Homes at each place Them Horses have been condemned as WM for the Cavalry service of the Army. • • For road and farm imposes many good bargains' may be had. Horses sold singly. TERMS: CASH in United States Currency. • JAMES A. WIN. Lt. Col. and C. Q. 14 Cavalry Burnet jy6Altd SALES . OF REAL ESTATE. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. TlMundersigned offers, at private wild, a OF GROUND, situate on Paxton street, Harris burg, having thereon erected three frame DWELLING liOlISES; also a bakery. and rooms which can be used for a Dwelling, a large stable and other outbuildings.— The lot is 23 feet in front, by 210 feet in depth. This peo party will be sold on terms to suit hurcbasers Persons wishing to examine the same can do so by calling oa the premises, No. 28 Parton street, or at my resident:a. on Ridge Road. Lly2s-dlw) JACOB BENBEL: A CHOICE FARM Al' PUBLIC SALE. ON THURSDAY, August 4, 1864, the tot dersigeed, trustee of 8. L Bowman, wi l sell' at public sale, the following real estate: A tract of land, sit uate in BastPelmsborough township, Ouriaberlandi bound: ed by land of Simon Dresbach, O: o. Oyster and others, ' containing 102 acres, more or less, havingthereon erected a large two-story stone house, good tenant house, largo bank barn, apple orchard of choice fruit, a pump at the door; also, a running spring near tap house. This is a choice farm and in a high state of earn vatien. Located 3 miles west, of Harrisburg, and it• her mile north of Oyster's Point. Sale to take place , on the premises at 2 o'clock P. K. on said day, when terms will be made by Jyld-dts GEO, W. CRISWELL, Trustee. Land fr Sale. 52(1. 40R - Es of Land, in Da co NJ' at private sale, In pat or the whole, to stin purchaaerwi 135 acres clear, good buildings thereon, With Saw /111 For forther particulars, addren L. MENEKIER, Dauphin. Dauphin ennot.y. ra. mvfO-dRm• Stearn Weekly to Liverpool: MOUCHING at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Har i, bor.) 'The well known Steamer of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia SteAmoqp Company, are in tended to eall as follows: Edinburgh, Saturday, July 30; City of Washington, Saturday, August 6; Clty of ilancheater, Satur..ay, Au gust 13, and every succeeding Saturday, at NOOO, from tier 44, North River, RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLB IN GOLD, on rt 9 141:11VALSINT rN C1TER.124171% FIRST CABIN - $BO 00 STEERAGE $3O 00 do to London 86 00 do to L0nd0n...... 86 00 do to Paris • 95 00 do to Paris • 40 , Otk do to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to aturtburg... eOO Passengers also lb to Havre, Bremen:Rotter dam, Antwerp, ere., at equally. low rates. Faros from Liverpool at Queenstown : Ist Cabin, $75, $35, $lO5. Steerage, OW Those who wish to send tot thou* friends eau buy octets hers• or these rates. . - For furt.ber iliforahuiou apply 0259 r., JOAN G. DALE, Agent, to Broadway, N. T. or fh. ZIMMERMAN, Harrisburg. [ . Draft: Draft:: Droift::: ALIENS and persons under or over the re attired age, who have been enrolled in this'-(l.4ah) Mari% or any ether District in the State, Can have their exemption papers made out at rates fixed by law. Now is the time to put in a substitute-and avoid the draft: Persona who are not liable to don, snd who wish to eater the army as substitutes, can obtain the highest pre - Business transacted by mail at legal rates, and cost of travel thereby avoided. Gall at ones, or &Oxen by mail. EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, ad street, Harrisburg, Pa. I. j99-eod2mos. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the first day of June, 1839, the stockholders of the Franklin Bask of Washington, Penna., will apply to the next session of the Legislature for a renewal' of its char ter, with an increase' of its capital from $lOO,OOO to $200,000. • C. M. REED; President WASHINGTON, PA, June 24,1864. je27 FOR SALE, ANEW TRUCK suitable for a stone quarry, with one ton of new T Rail, weighing 22 pounds to the yard, for stone quarries Or aidlings. DAVID MUMMA, Attomey•st-Law. jyl64vr EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR and CORN MEAL always on hand, of the best qualit,, ,tr at • jylß BOYER & KOERPER. CHEESE. --Choice new crop Cheese, just received at 03,181 BOYRR k KQICAPI.R. itirEaS BEEF and MESS PORK. —A chola article of Mega. Beef and Pork at SJILSUR &FRAZER/ anO • (foloossooto to wmDock, Jr.. k co.) E NGL H DAIRY and NEW YORK STATE CHME AL RIO 2 OI WM. DOCK, Js., do CO. BUTTEIt: ,BIYITER.—Fresh roil batter from Viiytar couxty received every week. Also WS at [my4l BOYER & BOERPRR. QUEEN S and GLASSWARE, a well se lected assortment, Ault received, of as latest slab BOYER & KORRPER. PRIME LARD.—Fifty firkins fun kettle neutered LARD, for ease by the Arkin or pound, Just ecelved at LlylBJ BOYER & HOERPBR QPICEDOYSTEBS.—Extra Fine Baltimore Oysters, spiced, and for sale by the gallon, quart and pint, or less quantity. BRIBLER & FRAZER, IYB Suebessors to W. Rook, &Co N EWSTRAPS BOOK 8.-T HZ SHOULD= • :DAIS OF 'SHODDY Just received' at. [deM SaIaRMWEI BOOKSTORL HA.MB HAMS! A. fresh supply of Mieia eness's Excellior Hams all Dried Beer, at igui29 BOYS& & gOIgRPFL VIROSM 1 BLICIEWELL'S ENGLISH 4../ PICKLES, a rare article for table aer, JUBV ribOdiVea aid fter ode by SHISLER k EILA.ZIII4,I: febl (ENICCOSSOria Lo je.,& ell CHEESE --Choice new crop • Cheese,` jut reoeived M " SEDIE&R. & FitazlCß, AU Snooessore to W. Dock, Jr., & Co; J. a DONITELL JOE MILLER „ANDY WILLIAMS HARRY MESTAYER J G. HIDLER hitSICAL FARCES, COMIC OPERAS, NEGRO GOItICALITIES,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers