Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, July 25, 1864, Image 3

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Oscon-ats, Business Notices, Marriages,
ma ths, d.c., to secure insertion in the
TEI.E.GdA.PI-1, lutist Invariably be RETOM
pa P , ed With the CASIL
I : tverligemeniß ordered in she regular
E e tang Edition are inserted in the Morn
ing Ed t iOll w ithout extra charge.
: Fs B iLG, PA
I I ‘ T . 1
110N1)ti EVENING, JULY 25, PRO
7 4`
4tatc of the Thermometer To-day.
11 A . It. 3 P. m
68 70
q A. M
First Ward Meeting.
is Lnljourne , l meeting of the citizens of the
First ward will be held at the Black Horse
Hotel, on Wednesday evening at eight o'clock,
to receive the report of the committee ap
pointed to ascertain the 4nota of the ward.
Punctual attendance of all freeholders, and
those subject to the draft, is requested.
Sixth Ward Meeting!
A meeting of the citizens of the Sixth
Ward will be held at Orsinger's, Sixth Ward
House, to-morrow (Tuesday) evening,. at 7
o'clock, to make arrangements for raising the
quota of the Ward. under the late call for
volunteers. jy2s-2t.
THE quota of this Congressional District,
under the late call for "500,000 more," is, we
are officially informed, 2,436.
A STATED meeting of the Friendship Fire
Company will be held this evening, at the
usual hour. Punctual attendance is requested.
TEM First Lutheran Congregation of this
city, has granted its pastor, Rev. Chas. A.
Huy, D. D., a leave of absence for a few weeks'
recreation—consequently he will be absent
during tho next two or three weeks.
L. LENOTDAS Aux; the celebrated temper
ance lecturer, who has done a great amount
of good among our soldiers in the field, de
livered his farewell lecture in the Fourth Street
Bethel, last night, previous to returning to
the army.
Tax weather of to-day, and the falling of
the loaves, caused by high winds, reminds one
of the days of autumn, when the air is cold,
and the winds cause the chestnuts and shell
barks to fall from the trees. We have had all
kinds of weather, this season, extremely hot,
dry, wet and cold. What shall follow the pre
gent "spell" we cannot conjecture.
SANFORD AND TROUPE play at the Walnut
Street Theatre, in Philadelphia, this week.
The Evening Bulletin, in announcing the fact,
says!--"Manager Sanford will cast the sun
shine of his presence over an audience of his
friends Oiy gaslight) at the Walnut on Mon
day evening, He appears with a splendid
troupe of Min.strels, comprising old favorites
and new talent, for a brief season. We wish
him overflowing sOccess, and do not doubt
that he will attain it."
ItonnEar.--On Saturde;y night, the cellar
connected with Mr. Samuel Marquart's gro
cery store, corner of Se,sond street and
Washington avenue, was entared by a thief
or thieves, who carried off about one hundred
pounds of the best quality of cauvased ham,
about fifty pounds of sugar ands, lot of mack
erel. As a quantity of molasses was found on
the floor of the cellar, it is probable that the
raiders helped themselves to that article, also.
No clue has yet been had as to who committed
the depredations.
GONE.—The 192 d and 194th regiments,
P. V., (one hundred day men,) commanded
by Cole. Nagle and Fisher, left here last
evening, en route for Washington, in the vi
cinity of which, according to the call for
their services, they will doubtless bc 'placed
on duty. In the 192 d regiment are the Dau
phin county companies. No doubt the men
composing both regiments will give a good
account of themselves, should they be brought
in contact with the enemy.
Orra readers should not forget that Thurs
day of next week has been set. apart by the
President, as a day of humiliation and prayer,.
in behalf of the country. The President re
quests that all loyal, law-abiding people,
"assemble in their preferred places of public
worship on that day, and there to render to
the Almighty and merciful ruler of the uni
verse, such homage and such confessions, and
to offer to Him such supplications as the
Congress of the United States have so ear
nestly and so reverently recommended." We
learn that in this city religious services will
be held in the various churches. Business
will. doubtless, be suspended.
IN A Luton number of towns in the State,
local bounties are now offered for volunteers to
serve for one year, under the President's late
call. As the impending draft is for only one
year, it is not expected that the various sub-.dis
&kits will fill their quotas for a longer term,
inasmuch as the credits for one-year met
will be the same as if for threa.years. It is
the n'onber of men, not the time, that is ac
oredited. Every sub-district in the State
should be able to fill its quota, by paying
liberal bounties for one year's service. It is
to the interest of those having the means, to
contribute liberally toward a bounty-fund, in
order that a draft may b• avoided. Under
this call those districts which pay bounties
will be likely to fill their quotas, while those
places which do not pay bounty will find their
patriotic young men going elsewhere to en
list—leaving those who remain at home the
whole honor of filling their own quotas—We
draft. The quotas must be filled—if not by
volunteers, then by the revolutions of the
wheel at the Provost Marshal's office. Every
sub-district is interested in this niatter. The
people should act at once!
A Pour Orme has been established at
(reason, Cumberland county,, with John
Greason as postmaster. This office is on the
Cumberland Valley railroad, between Carlisle
and lierravillo.
quested to state that the sale of two hundred
condemned cavalry horses announced to be
held in this city, on Thursday next, will pos
ititely take place on that -day i. kline oppor
tunity is here offered to persons who desire to
purchase stock, as many of the horses will, in
a short time, be valuable for farming pur
poses. They will be sold singly.
departMents of the Univeisity at Lewisburg,
Union county, hold their annual exercises
this week. Tuesday, the Boards of Curators
and Trustees and the Education Society meet
—and evening of that day the Alumni will
be addressed by Rev. Augustus H. Long, (ora
tor,) of Germantown, and Rev. A. Judson
Rowland, (poet,) of Chester county. Wednes
day morning, the Theological Department
graduate, five young men—in the afternoon,
the Female Institute graduate a class of
young ladies. In the evening, Dr. R. Shelton
Mackenzie (of the Philadelphia Press) lec
tures before the Literary Societies. Thurs
day, the College Commencement occurs.
Last year there was a full company from
this University engaged in arms in Southern
Pennsylvania, and quite a number will enter
service immediately after Commencement.
Tun following is a list of the regimental and
company officers, of the 194th regiment, P.
V., (ono hundred days' men,) as far as we
have been able to obtain them :
Colonel--Joseph'W. Fisher, Lancaster.
Lieutenant Colonel--Wm. L. Baer, Lan
Major—Oliver C. James, Lancaster.
Adjutant—Howard J. Case, Lancaster.
Quartermaster—John A Willoughby, Hunt
Company A—Berks county—Captain, H.
B. Markley ; First Lieutenant, Wm. M. rick;
Second Lieutenant, Samuel Navin.
Company B—Berks—Captain, H. Maltz
berger ; First Lieutenant, J. B. Harper; Second
Lieutenant, John A. Bach.
Company o—Lancaster—Captain, JaMes
L. Ricksecker; First Lieutenant, Hiram Stara;
Second Lieutenant, Charles H. Harding.
Company D—Montour—Captain, James A.
Winner; First Lieutenant, James Foster;
Second Lieutenant, Isaac Crult.
Company R—Lancaster—Captain, Charles
R. Groah; First Lieutenant, J. B. Barnitz;
Second Lieutenant, Samuel Hinkle.
Company F—Lancaster—Captain T. H.
Caldwell; First Lieutenant, John L. Thomas;
Second Lieutenant, James Haldeman.
Company G—Union, Huntingdon and Ly
coming—Captain, John E. Potter; First Lieu
tenant, Sameel McPherian; Second Lieuten
ant, G. L. Keyser.
Company H—Lancaster—Captain Philip
Spuoker; First Lieutenant, W. L. Stauffer;
Second Lieutenant, James R. Rutter.
Company I—Mifflin.—captain J. Selheimer
Company IC—Captain . .
Porsca, Arrmas.—The Mayor and police
have been driving a brisk business. During
the past two or three days the lock-up has
been crowded to excess.
Yesterday morning the following cases were
disposed of
James McVey, George NAIL and Wm. Ever
stine, drunks, were handed over to the Pro
vost Marshal.
John Hayward and .Wm. Devlin, drunks,
had a hearing, and were recommitted to the
John Dunlap, drunk, was fined and dis
Ann Boone, "Drucilla," Enima J. Mitchell,
and Jano Butcher, colored strumpets, were
sent to the "Fort" for 10 days.'
Michael Sheehan, Mary his wife, and Jane
their daughter, aged ten years, a homeless;
wandering family, were furnished with lodg•
ings in prison, the Mayor not desiring to send
the little girl to the look-up, whioh was filled
with all sorts' of characters, from the veteran
drunkard to the most filthy prostitute.
A descent was made upon a bawdy house,
on Saturday night, and four women, includ
ing the proprietress, were eacorted to .the
look-up. Among the number was the noto
rious Mrs. Idell, who, a few months ago,
caused a fracas at Herr's hotel, where she
was found lodging with an officer; also, Annie,
her daughter, aged fifteen, years, and Lizzie ,
Shindell. The whole party was corrimllted
for court. A mother must be utterly degrad
ed and lost to all sense of shame, when she
Rill associate with her own daughter in a vile
don of prostitution, and encourage her off
spring in her downward road to ruin. Mrs.
Idell should receive the heaviest punishment
allowed by law, for her disgraceful deeds.
This morning. John Hayward and Wm.
Devlin were up for another hearing, on a
charge of drunkenness, and were discharged.
Four "nymphs," named Louisa Wallace,
Ellen Wier, Jennie Guistwite and Mary Smith
—the first two hailing from York county, and
the others from Cumberland—have been ply
ing their vocation among the soldiers in the
neighborhood of Camp Curtin. They were
"lying around loose" in corn fields and other
places, destroying the crops, and conducting
themselves so, disgracefully that the farmers
determined to abate the nuisance, and arrest
ed the women and brought them to this city.
They had a hearing before the Mayor this
morning, and were !tent to jail for thirty days.
Mr.,payer, I would like to
learn of our econorpt,isal city fathers the rea
son why, in 1863, th public works of the city
were advertised .to '714 by proposal and to
the lowest 'bidder. However, as favorites
were disappointed, they gave the works
away,. not to the lowest bidder, ,but to fa
' vored parties who were one-third higher
than4he lowest bidder. However, after en
tail* ' into' centraet with those parties, the
; outrage was so flagrant on the tax-payers that
'they remonstrated; the' council reconsiderUd
'their acts and annulled like first contxact.
the result was that at the second letting, when
fair competition. was let play, the second
letting saved to the tax-payers $3,700 on the.
North and Bromistreet.kekrers.
As this openhanded war of doing business
deprived favorites of enriching themselves at
the public expense, it is ads .year done away
with,Aand the Second street Sewer, two 'feet in
'diameter, is let privately at $6 SO per yard,
which, if let by proposal,- would be con
structed. at $5 per, . .9 lanation'llS,
A 11 1).
011 0 ,6 d.. - AT -EWER.
Itainunno, July 25,186!.
op Potter, of the Diocese of Pennsylvania,
has issued an address to •the clew and con
gregations under his oharge, in relation to the
observance of the 4th day of August ea.a day
of fasting and prayer, in obedience to the
recommendation of the President. The
Bishop, in his address, says:
Our past, as a nation, has been marked by
acts of violence and rapacity towards the
weak, which must needs provoke the anger
of Heaven. Our present is characterized by
a levity and presumptuous self-confidence;
by a want of calm trust in God and the jus.•
tice of our cause, which ill accord with our
condition as dependent beings, or with the
enormous sacrifices of life, and virtue, and
property, through which we are called to pass.
We need to be excited to more abstinence in
pleasure, and all luxurious expense, and to a
clearer perception of the great ends of lite.
We need to reach a profounder sense of the
insrafficiettcy of all human wisdom and strength
when forsaken of God. We need, by easnest
repentance and continued prayer, to invoke
His presence and aid, who alone can deliver
from sedition, privy conspiracy, and rebellion,
or restore us to that solid, abiding, and right
eons peace for which we long. "Unless the
Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but
in vain."
The Cause of Temperance.
For the Telegraph.]
Ms. Enrroa:—There occurred on Friday
evening a pleasant reunion of the friends: of
temperance in "Templar Hall," Market St.,
on which occasion Mr. John W. Young was
called to the chair and Mr. G. Washington
Fenn aFpointed Secretary. The gathering
was occasioned by the acceptance on the part
of Leonidas Allen, of Ohio, of a unanimous
invitation of Washington Lodge, No. 1, and
Advance Lodge, No. 39, Independent Order
of Good Templars. to address them and their
friends on Friday evening in the above named
hall. In pursuance of that invitation the
Lodges and their friends assembled at eight
o'clock, P. as., and were entertained in an able
and eloquent manner by the old , war-horse"
of Temperance, Leonidas Allen, who has; for
three years past, been laboring in the Army
of the Potomac with great acceptabilittand
success. For over 30 'years has this - itble
champion of a great cause traveled over the
length and breadth of our land, working in
favor of God and humanity. At, the, close •of
his address, on motion of Mr. G. Washington
Fenn, seconded by Mr. Isaac W. Hoffman,
the following resolution was unanimously
Resolved, That this meeting has listened
to our able and venerable friend, Leonidas
Allen, with great interest and satisfaction,
and desires to place on record its apprecia
tion of his earnest and steadfast devotion to
principle for a great number of years, averring
that, in one judgment, he has fully sustained
the reputation he has made in the army and
out of it, as the many testimonials in his pos
session go to prove, and desire most heartily
to recommend him to the warm embrace of
the entire Temperance fraternity.
On motion of Mr. John Utz, the Putman-
Tema Tur.seme.rn was requested to publish an
account of the proceedings of the meeting.
On motion of Mr. Luther D. Jauss, a copy
of the resolution was ordered to be transcribed
and presented to Mr. Allen.
Congratulations and expressions of mutual
good will then passed round for a period,
when this re-union, not soon to be forgotten
by Good Teniplars, 'adjourned.
JOHN W. YOUNG, Chairman.
Raanwrrs.—The careful and prudent who
have the responsibility of providing for large
in these times of high prices, are
ever on the lookout for something to turn up
or be made known, through which benefit
may arise to those for whom their every day
care and the best management is used. In
most all stores, particularly in those that do
much business, a large number of so-called
remnants accumulate. They eonsist of every
description of dry goods, from the most ordi
nary calico to the finest dress material. They
contain from two to seven yards. C. L. Bow
man, of the cheap dry goods store, No. 1, cor
ner of Front and Market streets, asks atten
tion to alarge lot Of remnants that he will
sell at one half of their value.
Tux 0A11311X)N Chrszos.:This eompany,
whieh is nearly full, is in eamp. A few more
men are wanted. The officers are Capt, I. D.
Sutliff and Lieuts. J. W. Woodburn and J. G.
Keener—all • of whom have been in active
service in the field. and were good soldiers,
The headquarters for recruiting are at Camp
Curtin and at the Ellsworth House, Market
atreet". jy.1.8411w
Rnonurrs Wiairrzo.—Dr. U W. Miles; fin
morly captain in the 84th F. V, hoe• received
authority to recruit a company for one hun
dred days' service. Able-bodied young met}
are wanted to fill up ids organization: .•
For particulars apply at his headquarters,
or Miles' Drug Ettore, oorner of North and
Third streets, or at Miles' Grooery Store, on
Ridge Avenue. jylB-tf
There is no need of any person having the Dysentery
for one day. All I ask of the public is to try ray ,Dyien.
tory Drops; only 25 cents a bottle. It is very pleasant ,to
take; can be given to a child of any age with great con -
denoe. It has cured very bad cases,: and also of long
standing. It is indeed worth trying. Prepared and sold
only by Mrs. L Ball, Sonth Pine street, Harrisbury,.
jy2s dtf
leas than 3& days, the • worst oases of I'IERYOSSNEAS — ,
Impeteney, Premature' Decay, Seminal Weaktlem.Dloll
- and all Urinary, , Sinned and Nervous Affections, Ao
matter from what:cause prodaced Price, One Dollar per
box. Sent, poet.paid, by, email, on receipt ftrynn, order.
Ono Box will perfect the , curls , In most oases. Address,
,Ilyle-clAwSm General-Agent, 420 Broadway, S. Y.
Brown's Bronchial Troches.
, . A n a
the I bare nom nhatlaud-znY Mlak.tespecting thank Anna
j ilt, except to think yet better of that whicivi began
thlnbing well of." .Rev. RONEY WARD Wiligallt.
foThe Troches are a staff of life to bui. " : , : •
~.. • _
Pros SID NORTH, . • :
-..„•% - • ...
Pree. Bantilton - Clinton, N. T. •
"Air Throat Troubles they; are . So." - -
"Too faioribly knowito "comniendition.t -. `.,..:,4
Ron. VOA 'AL • Pres. -Masa. Batiste.
4 ps,
"Contain no opium nor any lag injurious."
Dr. A. A. HA YS, Chemist, Boston.
"An elegant combination for coughs,"
Dr. G. F. BIBIELOW, Boston.
"I recommend their use to public) speakers "
"Most soldiery relief in Rrouphitia"
Rev. EL SEIGFRIED, Morristown, Ohio.
"Very beneficial when suffering from Colds." • •
Rev. S. P. ANDERSON. St. Louis.
"Almoat instant relief in the dtstreesinglabor of breath
lag peculiar to Asthma."
Rev. A. C. EGLESTON, New YOrk.
"They' have suited my case exactly, relieving my throat
se that I could sing with ease." t DUCHARAIM,
Chorister French Parish•Chereh, Montreal.
As there are imitations be sure to obtain the DEMURE:
Celebrated Moir Dye -
The only Harmless. Tie 44 Retie* HP Kama. •
This ISldid w aliir Dye —pelloc—abanes Ruaq
et Grey isetanilLto a AWN/Ma& or Lyonnais Brews
without the Heir or Waning the Skla, leaving the
Rile soft aniklienutiful ; Imparts fresh vitality frequently
restoring its pristine solar, end realities the ill Wears fe
bid Dyes The genuine hi signed WILLIAM A. BATCH
MOIL All Whets ere *ere imitation, and should be,
gold_ by Dimwits, &o Factory 41 BAR
mosommli'i slfiw seers, fun= POI Dlllßt7la tBi KAM
Swallow two srtD.ree towheads et "Ruche.," orenda
attars," "Rampart Ns," "Servals Antidotes," he., &a,
&a., and after you are satisfied vrfth the result, then try
gie PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor lu less
MS thirty days. They are purely vegetable. pleasant to
take, prompt mid salutary in their effects on the broken.-
down and thatterecreonstitution. Old and young eau take
them with advantage. Imported and soil in ore United
States only by JAS. S. BUTLER
No. 427 Broadway, New York.
gri-Agent for the 'United States.
P. s.—i Box of the PiUs, securely packed, will be
mailed to any address on receipt of price, which is ONE
DOLLAR, post-paid—money refunded by the Agent if
mitre satisfaction is not given. jyl.s di:warn
Dear Sijr:_sirithetyour pennimlon I wish t, say to the
reack7l7( of your paper that I will sand, by return mall, to
all who wish it (free , ) a Recipe, with full directions for
making and uaing a simple Recipe ,
13.1 m. that will ef
fectually remove in ten days, Pimples. ' Elotchea, Tan,
Freckles, and all Impuritleeof rho Skin, leaving the Caine
soft, clear, smooth and beanUfuL
I will slso mail free to these having Bald Heads cr Bare
Faeas, simp:e directions and information that will enable
them to start a full growth. of Luxuriant Hair, Whisker* ,
or a Moustache, balsa than thirty dap.
Al/ applicationa answered by /shun mall without
charge. HesPeottall yours,
THOS. Y. tiacesi:.t.:i, Chemist, •
jyls-ditw3m 881 Broadway, New York. •
Military Business Attended To
Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military
and War Chums, generally, made c.,it and collected. Per.
sons residing at a disitance cart b their business trans
acted by mall, by addressin7
BUGBNi.zA - IDIZS, Attorney-at-Law,
ert-dly Third street, Harriebara Pa
Baum:art% Troches.
For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis
eases, Ac., are specially recommended to
ministers, singers and persons whose vocation
calls them to speak in public. "Manufactured
only by a A. Baru:wart It Co., Harrisburg,
Pa-, t.. whom all orders should be addressed.
cold by druggist every where,
the following t4istiinotilids 'troth some
of our eminent clergymen:
HAmassuito, Feb. Bth, 1864.
Paimr.orr—zDeer Sir: I have used
"BiOwn's D.tOrmhfal Troches, WistiAlloienges
and other preparations for hoarseness and,
throat troubles, and in comparison with them
all, can cheerfully commend your own as a
most admirable speoffic for public speakers
and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs
and colds. I have found them serving ill
time of need, most effectual
T. effectual)
Years trtil,y, ~ . H. 11$'0N,
PaStor DUN. S. Presbyte ehurch.•
firdirq agree with Mr. Robinson as to fig)
value of Batuavart's Troches.
Lea Pastor of 0. S. tresbyteriaa (gaurob
liemnsurmo, Jan., 1,,64.'
To C. A. BANNTABT- Dear Sir: In th °habit
of speaking very frequently, and in places
where the vocal organs are very much taxed,
I have found the need of some gentle exp•3cto
rant, 'and• that want hae.heen eittpplied iu your
excellent Troches.
I consider them very far superior to any
Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing
speedily that huskiness of the voice`arising
from its too tregnent tiAL: f i n d impairing th
effectiveness of the delivecy of public a- •
dresses. Yours, &0.,
Pastor. el the Lirrist St. Methodist Church.
To C. A. Bernircurr--Deor Sit': 'Raving wet
your Trochoi,, lam fren eaf„they are
the best I hatii ever tried and take great
pleasure in recommending them to all persons
afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of
voice arising from public speaking or singing.
Yours, Ac., G. G. MKESTRAW;
Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church,
HAautssuao, Feb. 29, 1864.
To 0. .i.. Bemtvarr—Dear Sir : I have
found your Troches to be invaluable in re
lieving hoarseness and in strengthening:the
muscles of the throat. > They impart clearness
to the voioe,•and.are . certain/y.of great bene
fit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR
SELLING of Summer Goods at low prices,
such as Summer Dress Goods, Lawns, Sun Umbrellas,
Lace Shawls, and Summer : bawls . We have also oa
hand a very large assortment of Idealise, Calicos, Ging
hams, Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Black Silks, Plaid Silks,
White Cambric., Undressed French Cambricts White and
Coloreillelarinebs, and in fact iti•lithortme'nt'of dry goods
not surpassed by any. To all of which we invite those
who wish to purchase, and promise to sell at less prices
than we ma replace them for again. As all kinds of dry
goods are 'advancing every day, now is the time to buy.
SS- To''Cl'eair the House of ' Plies,. use
Dutcher's celebrated LIGHTNING FLY-KILLEB., a seat,
übt article to use. Every sheet will kill a quart
SO • EV .
FRENOII; RitIISMOS at 130., 10th and Market streets,
Philadelphia.' wholetide Omits m;t24-4./kwBw
This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal del
mand, human ;tomtits. choicest materna, lo mild
and emollient in its nature, Fragrantly scented,
and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin.
For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers.
w.A.NTs. ,
F" '4ll
'oh, a libaral pfiaa' will be paid
Iyltt t Orkin Hotel, Market street '
JyZ-10t* S. S. BELLNIAN.
AGENTS wanted to sell the Standard His
tory of the War. A rare chance ,to make money.
Agents are Glestring fro& $lOO tO S O AO iKs. month. 200,000
volumes rdready sold. Send for eircalam. Address
de 30 Publishers, Baltimore, Md.
GEORGE MARK, - of South 13.aiioveitoWiH
ship, offers himself as a candidate for the office of
REOLSTER, of Dauphip pgunty. elected, .11r. Mark
pledges Nadia' lo gierforiithelutiss Of said-office with
'll4Momuso, P.a&, Jun0 9 ,..1064.,'
Tiw n
s udeisived respectfaliy offers himself
to thellep.ablitsuisof the 14th Con„,mtssiOnal Dls
triet‘if Pennsylvania, composed of the counties - of Dau
phin? Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder, for
nomination by the several countyconvontions of the said
District. ijoiNdtof JONIAH ESPY,
RIIDOLPH MILLER, of East Hanover
-Lb township, offers hiniseW as a candidata for the office
et Register. If nominated and elected he pi:edges him
self .to ROL the duties'Of the ogee with fidelity.
je2s4l.2witwtc* RUDOLPH MILLER.
Provustr. Imam Muinaltti4..! '
lLuogrieurio;Pa, June 6, 1864. J
])RAFTEDNEN. -am directed by
'Lieut. CoL j.'ll".."llOintohl, A. A. Provost Marshal
General, by his circular, No. 69, of June 4, 1864, to pub
lish "That drafted men are not allowed to enlist as volun
teers after being dratted; and that the credits for drafted
men will remain for the sub-districts from which the 7
were drartod no matter wigglier local bounty has or has
not been Paid to such me; upon "illegal enlistment "
Captain and PrOest Marshal, 14th Pis", Pa.
NOTICE—The annual meeting of the stock
LORAPH COMPANY will be held at the office of the In
pendent Telegraph Compaq, No. 21 South street, in the
city of Baltimore, on the 12TH DAY OF JULY, 1864, at
ie29-law3w President.
B "71'8 ' BA , WAITS, in t variety at
Damicrri to W. Dock, Jr., & Do.
ALL kinds of hauling with wagons or carts
will be promptly done by ailing an
bill corner of Bettend greet and Meadow Lane.
t'RUIT JARS, of the latest Patent (Grif
j: nett Tait Pawky jaat evagoal
BOYER k XOERPER. mad formai low at
J 411.20, 1863.
No. !IL J
. .
To provide for tha ezeaution of the third section or the
actor' congress of - July it, IS6d, atithorbrang, the appoint
ment by the Executive of any of the Stateabf recruiting
agents to 11:orttit Volunteera in the States declarer t o b e
in rebellion, except the States Of Arkansas, Tennessee, and
Louisiana, to be credited to the Stated and. Subdivision."
thereofyridch may procure their enlistment, it is ordered,
1. That for the State of Pennsylvania there shall be
appointed, in pursuance of the provisions of said Act, from
the city of Philadelphia five Recruiting Agents from the
county of Allegheny two, and from each of rho remaining
counties of the Commonwealth one.
2. There being at the disposal or this I/sanative no
fund for the payment of such agents, their compensation
may be fixed and paid by the counties or districts which
they represent, and they shall in such'sage be appointed
upon the recommendation cr the Commissioners of such
couhtles or the committee for recruitment of folunteets
and 'disbursement of bounties, or proper authorities of
such district. If no compensation is so provided, ap
pointments will be madrupon applications accompanied
beividepotr re 'character and qualification. All applica
tions for appointments must designate the districts In the
revolted States to Which the Recruiting Agent is to be
sant. _
• .
2. Ail correapondenoe relating to business arising an.
der this oraer, will be addressed to Col. M. 3. Quay,
Military Secretary, who is charged with its supervision.
y2l-d3L 4. G. CURTIN.
WHEREAS, the Honorable Jour J. PEAR
so*, President of the Court. of Common Pleas In
the Twelfth Judicial District, consistin,g of the counties of
Lebanon and Dauphin and the Honorable Senc - st. LANDIS
and Honorable Mons k Yonwa, Associate Judges in Dau
phin county, having issued their precept, bearing date the
27U day of May, 1864, to me directed, for holding a
Court of Oyer arid Terminer and eitoraljail Delivery and
Quarter Sessions of tbe Peace Of Harrisburg, for the county
of Dauphin, snd to commence us TUN 4111 MONDAY OP Ac
ucar, mar, being the 224 day of August, 1864, and to
cantina° one week.
Notice Le therefore hcrebygiven to dieCoronor, Justices
Of the Peace ' Aldermen and Constables of the said county
of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their proper
persons, E. 10 o'clock. in the forenoon of said day, with
their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their ewn
rinembrances, to do those things which to their office
appertains to be done, and those who arc bound in recog
nizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or
Shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and there
to prosecute against them as shall be jest.
Given under my hand, at Harrisburg, the 25th day of
July, in the year of our Lord, 186.1, and in the eighty
niutliyear;ef the independence of the United States.
W. W. JENNTNOS, Sheriff.
Harrisburg, July 25 1664. jy2s-d&wtd
FIIHE undersigufA offers, at k private sale, a
1. LOT OF CHOUNEr r situate on Paxton street., Harris
burg, having thereon erected three frame DWELLING
HOUSES; also a bakory t and rooms which can bo ueed
for a Dwelling, a largo' sihble and other outbuildings.—
The lot is 23 feet in front, by 210 feet in depth. This peo
perty will be sold on terms to suit hurchasers Persons
wishing to examine thesame can do so by calling on the
No. 23 Paxton- street, or at my residence on
Ridge Roail. [.15 26 4 11 w] JACOB BENGEL.
ATEN -HORSE power steam engine and
boiler, Steam pipes, water pipes, pumps and heater
complete; oscillating engine and cylinder boiler, manufac
tured by Joel Weidman, patent improved oscillating do
gine builder. May be seen at Canal shops, foot of Walnut
street, Harrisburg. .„.
For terms ,
Sc., enquitt at Canal office, Market street,
near United States Hotel.
HARRISIIUNG, July 23;48E4 Jy23.4f
yEWIT,P.D.4I', either fit. the depot, in this
! City, orjtallid Cumberland :Valley railroad train
be erden Harrisburg and Carlisle, a lady's plain GOLD
WATCH., with Gold Chain attached, to which was a small
gold imitation Bible containing a likeness. Any person
leaving the same either at THIS OFFICE, or the store of
CATHCART l BRO., will be liberally . rewarded.
jy23 2t* R CATHCART.
COMPANY E, Sixth Regiment, Pennsyl
vania Militia, will be paid °Tat Halifax, on Monday,
July 25th, at 6 o'clook, P. - K.
jy22-430 •• H. 0. WITILAN, Liout.
STOLEN, from: aleeld adjoining the resi
dence of the subscriber, residing near Shepherdstown,
Cumberland county, onl msday night, July 12th, a LIGET
BAY itortlE; about six years old, thin in the shoulders,
rather holiow and has the letters A. E. cut
on one 'of - Its front feet. A 1121: nersons delivering the
horse to tne owner win receivea reward of gbh.
.118 dly!e'Lltneburner, Stiepherdstown, Comb. co., P's .
ANT OULD•Reepeotively inform her friends
and the public, that she is prepared to resume her
business of laying oat the dead and attending to funeral&
Apply at her residence, corner of Third and South street;
Church e. 111:Taisio
TTBED in. Trinity Church, New York, and
4.1. its Three Chapels, by Edward Hodges, Mu. Don,
or Sydney Sussex CoHege, Carnsridge, England, with val
uable additions by the editei, 8:" Partin an Tuclzertnan,
Mua Doc. organist and dircenz of innte in Saint Paul's
church, Biwtou. . .
Price in cloth binding s3'oo; Boards, $2 SO.
• ' ' OLIVER, DITSON & CO. ; Publishers,
.'jy.2l-if 277 Washington street, BOEUI4I.
grPhiladelphiar•; H.Citizens' Volunteer
Substitute Committee" is engaged in recruiting
veterans and aliens not liable to draft. Veterans can now
enlist under the :most advantageous conditions and, while
,aasistang their country at this . oriels, can seetire • ample
„provision for their families during their absence.
,By applying to this committee, they will be mustered
into the service. as substitutes. They can select any
Pennsylvania regiment, and will receive on the day of
muster : . . . - -
. . .
Six hundred and fifty dollars Masash i
without any deduction for commission or brokerage, be
sides the bounty offered by the Government.
Veterans! the country looks to you to uphold her Bag
against the advancing armies of rebellion.
Daniel Steinmetr, Chairin, John Tonpscm,
J. G. Rosengarten, Treas r, Clement B. Penrose,
J. J. Clark Hare, Henry C. Leo,
Office of the Committee, No. 42 . .2, Walnut street, Phiru.
Millinery and Fancy Goods.
HLBBS, at No. 8 Market Square,
rant door to Felik's Confectionery, keeps constant,
ty un hand the latest et , Yl4s o,A:ulna; Not% Undies,
FlOWtral, Kftfnainir&C., ge . ther with a tlneasstirtment of
Dress Trimmings, Laces, Embroideries, Collars, Cutfs,
Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Cloves and Variety .Goods in
general. .
All thelaiest Designs isf bre;ss Pitternri'dirlict from the
New York Bazaars. Dress and Cloak making neatly exe
cuted. Thankful for the patronage bestoired sines her
opening, She trusts; by a strict attention to business and
her endeavors to give general satisfaction,lo COntinue to
receive a share of the pub!'" patronage, t• ',Vt-date
B EEN the TG su about to ietite , the business,
bscribor offers at publiosale, on.
TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1864,
lierr's Motel, Hairisbum / Pa
consisting of Bettsteects..Hair Mattresses; Feather Beds
Pillows,Bolsters, Sheets, Comforts, Quilts, Carpets, Keg
lisp Corner Clocks, Bureaus, SPOODB, 'Knives ; Glass and
China Ware sulfa:Mit to aooommodate 200 peals, Stoves,
Kitchen llftensits-44 fact ttlerfthinerattainal Daa large-
Sale to be continued from day to day until all is sold
Tenn* cash, under one hundred dollars.
jylB-10t - -• d. GILBERT BERR.
ANEW TRUCK suitable fora stone quarry,
with one ton or new T Rnil weighing 22 pounds to
the yard, for stone quarries or sidling&
jy1.6.2e, • • • .• .' ° • Attoritey-et-Law.
article of ifeaa Beef and Po
• 4. 09 (fteeeesprote Wmootat. & co.)
UTTER. BUTTER.— rush .roll butter
Ctri _ der co received every week. Also
-'.• freY4J BOYER is IEOERPB.It:
soadifirw. 'wawa.; ,
,o,r, aseortment at
_2 . szmaardes OHEAP BOOKSTORE,
mr4 „ Wholowdo or retail at low priest-
CIREESE..--Choice new crop Cheese, just
receivaa at WWI BOYM & KOERPU
THIS company consists of the best star per
formers, consisting or
The manager takes pleasure to announcing that they
Intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city.
FURRY WELLS & CO., Proprietors.
B/LLY PORTER, 8111111088 Agent. iy2s-d2c
CA-N r IM - 11,131rJR:ir
OPEN every night with a first-ernes Com
pany of male and female artistes. The perform
anCe embraces every- variety of legitimate -amusement,
each as
Admission, 25 cents. Seats In private boxes 50 cant:.
Doors open at 7. To commonco as.B o'clock. js(l.Bdt!
Saturday, July ld, 1861.
WILL Be sold by Public AuCtion, at Car
lisle, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Tbursday, July 26th, 21th and 28th, 1884, 360 Harem,
condemned as unfit for public servhv Tease horses Wf•ra
advertised to be sold at Hagerstown, Md., but in comae
quence of the rebel raid wore driven to Carlisle ant tho
sale postponed until the time above designated.
Terms of Sale—Cash in Government Made.
jy-22 d3l Capt. and A. Q. M.
1,000 Horses Wanted!
For which CASH will be paid on their do
livery at
At Government prices for such as bear
spection. '
Agents for purchase will be found at laaepeter,
lug, Lewistown, Williamsport and Carlisle. „.
Gy command of Major General Cotrou.
Capt. and.Ch'f Q. M. Dep't Susquehanna..
Oenon'Cri'v Q. M., Dim'? Sosotimegni,
HARBASIWRG, July 12,.1864. 012.011.
WAR . ,
WASILITIGTOY, 1). C., July 4, 1844.)
be sold at public auction, to thu
highest bidder, at the lions and places natned
low. viz:
Harrisburg, Penn's, Thursday, July 28th, 1864.
Altoona, Penn's, Thursday, August 4th, 1564.
Williamsport, Penn's, Thursday, August 11th, 18K
TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry Howes at each place.
These Horses have been condemned as unlit 'Per thr.
Cavalry service of the Army.
For road and farm purposes many ~:teed bargains Inas
be had.
Horses sold singly.
TERMS: CASK to United States Currency.
ht. COL and C. Q. M. Cavalry 13nrean
ON THURSDAY, August 4, 18(4, titern
dersigned, trustee of S. L. Bowman, will 'sell at
public sale, the followin,g real estate: A. tract of land, sit
uate in EastPennsborough township, Cumberland, bound
ed by land of Simon Drosbach, G-o. OystOr Wand other,
containing 102 mica, more or Mos, havingthereon erected
a large two-story stone house, good tenant; house,
large bank barn, apple orchard of *Mee fruit', a
pump at the door; also, a running spring near the
house. This is a cheico farm and in a high state or Gehl
vation. Located 3 miles west of Rarriabitrg, arid a half
mile north of Oyster's Point,.
Sale to take place on the premises at 2 o'clock 2 . 04. ce
said day, when terms will be made by
IylB-dts ' GEO. W. CRISWELL, Trews.
rpm,: valuable proper L.) , 'of BOcond
1 and Pine street's, being fifty-two and abalffeet 0r.. - .` 4 4-
cond and one hundred and sixty-eight fbet on Pine strc.,.l.,
running back two hundred and ten feet to 'Barbara site
there being apace for four full building lett; 'arid's, rug dr-
Enable site for a Governor's Mansion or public. building?.
For particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner ef & -
wad and Pine reefs. Tettect •
ONE of the best locations, for. InON
WORKS in the State for sale, at a very reasonable
price, to any purchaser who will improve it, situated with
in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the
Pennsylvania railroad and canal, about live huactrat r e ct.
wide, and alongside of the best limestone quairies itf Ihz
State and close to a good turnpike road; also, room for
waste cinders for fifty years, without paying for the Land
Attorney-,w, No. 24 North Second street,
marl6-dif Harrisburg, To.
' [Philadelphia Press insert three Muck and vend -bill br
this aim]
UTILL be sold at public stile on Saturday;
August. 13th, 1861, on the premises, Ifituated to
Susquehanna township., on the public mad leading trans
the Susquehanna river to Shoop's Church, about thr,e
miles from the city of Harrisburg, a tract or improved
land, containing 3 acres and 'l2 perches, adjoining lands'of
John Weaver, William Trullinger and Miss Eisler, thereon
erected a goo house and stable, with other oet.bnildhigs;
with good water and fruit trees, late the estate of 'Eliza:
both Porter, deceased,
Salo to commence at 1 o'clock e. it of said day,-when
conditions will be made known and attendance given by ,
the undersigned. ` • JOHN" RAYSOR;
Attorney in fact for the heirs of Elizabeth Porter, dec'd.
jyl-oaw3e, • • ,
A CERTAIN tract or piece of land, contain
tog one acre and one hundred and fifty-three
perches, with a valuable two-story BRICK DOUSE there
on erected, and other improvements, situated in Stunit
hanna township, Dauphin county, within aboutbalf a no.c:
of the limits of the city of Harrisburg. 8414 property is
a portion of the real estate of GEN. FORSTER, deceased
Any information:Weilye to the sale of this propeify'can
be had by calling du Skin undersigned.
One of the executors of Gee. Forster, deed.
HARRIBBMW • Juno 23 , -je22.4w-taw
Land for Sale. ,_
520 'LOBES of Land, in D and adz
at private aide, in part tr the whole, to salt
purchasers • 136 acres clear, good buildings t* g eotl,
Saw Mill For furdier.paaioulars„ address • Ir.
Dauphin. Dauphin ciurniv„
mv£lo dlints
Draft: Draft:: Dratt
ALIENS and persons under or over the re
quired age, who Lave been enrolled in this (14th!
District, or any other District in the State, can have their
exemption papers made out at rates axed .; by law.
Now is the tuns to put in a substitute' and avoid the
Persons who are not liable to draft, and who wish to
enter the army as substitutes, can obtain the,h4best pro-
Business transacted by null at legal rate:4. and coot et
travel thereby avoided.
Cagat : once, or address by maid,
Attorney at Law , ad street,
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in
pursuance of the ant of ionlembly of Pennsylvania,
passed the first day of June, 1839, thostockholderg of the
Franklin Bank, of Wasiiington, Penna., to the - `
utast session of the Legislature for a renewal of its char
ter, with an increase of he capital from $150,000 to
$200,000. C. 51. BRED, President.
WASERVOTON, PA., June 24, 1864 Jet;
Business A gen
.Bsage Idauner