II .ailgelegra#ll OTICE Tti AD VERTISERS.—AIi Adver • nivais, Business Notices, Marriages, albs, Sul., to secure insertion in the L EGRAPH, must invariabl y be a mom ,;cil with the CAST!. ivertieements ordered. in the regular • n ng Edition are inserted in the il7orn • Edition without extra charge. HARRIC , BURG FRIDfI EVENING, JULY 22, 18ii4 )WIC AND COUNTIIV. First Ward Meeting. meeting of the citizens of the First ward be held at the Black Horse Hotel, to- ow (Saturday) evening, at 7-1- o'clock, for purpose of making arrangements to 811 the eta of the ward under the late call for vol. A general attendance is requested. ME Fifth Ward Meeting. meeting of the citizens of the ward will he held at the Fifth Ward ouse, this (Friday) evening, at rk o'clock, :for the purpose of making arrangements to all the quota of the ward under the late call or volunteers. Every citizen is expected to :be present. By order of the COMMITTEE. Fru DOLLARR REWARD. -Lo a pair of .Gold Spectacles, either between . tin and Herr's Hotel, or at tho Pennsylvania ailroad. The finder will please leave them at THIS OFFICE. jy22-d2t* , Tan citizens of Ifarrisbarg are respectfully invited to attend irfree lecture in the hall hove Knnkels clothing store, this Friday evening, by Prof. Allen, of Ohio. .-........-.. Tins is the last day on which you can be assessed to entitle you to a vote at the elec tion on the Second of August. Attend to it immelitzte/y if you are not yet assessed. . Tue sale of the furniture, bedding, glass and China ware, kitchen utensils, etc., of Herr's Hotel, will commence on Tuesday next, and ontinue from day to day until all is sold. Tall= & NViES' CIRCUS and Van Am .burgh's Menagerie, arrived in town this fore noon, and pitched their tent near the Cotton Factory, to remain two days. No doubt this monster organization will attract large crowds of spectators, during its stay here. Mas. B. MARTIN, a stout, robust lady, of Pittsburg, died, on Wednesday, from the ef fects of chloriform administered by a dentist. She had inhaled it but a minute, when she fell back in the dental chair and expired. Must KILLED. —A man named Henry Parry, residing near Pine Flat, Indiana county, was tilled on the 9th inst., by being caught in somo part of the machinery of a steam saw mill in that vicinity. He lived only a couple of hours after the occurrence of the accident. :CZ! Ix our advertising columns will be found General Order No. 51, by the Governor, an nouncing that he is ready to appoint recruit.. .g agents to visit the rebel States fol. the pur- ose of recruiting volunteers. One agent will a•e appointed for each county, who should be recommended by the county commissioners r other officials. I== A LARGE FULE of condemned Government orses will bo held at Carlisle, on Tuesday, ednesday and Thursday of next week.— These horses were removed from Hagerstown to Carlisle, at the time of the recent raid. A sale of two hundred "veteran" horses will also be hell in this city, on Thursday of next week. REPAIIW. --Workmen have been engaged upon the sewer in River alley, for several days past. Other sewers have been undergoing re pairs in various parts of the city. The piking of Market street has been eon :tinned. That portion between Third and 'Fourth streets, has just received a coating of broken limestone. IT is expected that there will be a large at tendance at the Lutheran pie-nie to-morrow, should the weather prove favorable, as the various congregations and Sunday Schools of at denomination will doubtless participate. e train will leave for Derry at eight o'clock .In the morning. Tickets for adults, 50 cents, tor children under fifteen years of age, 25. nts. Families should furnish their own rovisions. A happy time is anticipated by the children. 111=== SECOND WARD MEETING. —A large and en thusiastic meeting of the citizens of the Se oond ward was held last evening, at the Second Ward House.. D. W. Gross, Esq., was called to the chair, and John W. Brown • was appointed Secretary. A committee was appointed to wait upon the Provost Marshal to inquire in regard to the quota of the ward. Committees were also appointed to inquire :Into the cheapest method of raising the quota, and to solicit subscriptions. &lat., after which the meeting adjourned. SWORD PRESENTATION. —The members of Captain Sanno's independent cavalry com pany, in order to testify their respectfc , i i r their . commanding officers, purchased two handsome cavalry swords to be presented to Captain E. B. Sanno and Lieutenant S. C. Wiestling. Yesterday the presentation was made at Camp Curtin—Orderly Sergeant Sher wood presenting the weapons,in a neat speech, in behalf of the company. Captain Sanno and Lieutenant Wiestling responded, in a feiv appropriate remarks, pledging themselves to make good use of the swords, sho u ld an op portunity be afforded. Captain Sanno's is a Dauphin county com pany, composed of good men, and will d e good service on the border, to which line they have been ordered. Having received their horses, arms and a complete outfit, they were yesterday favored with marching orders, and expected to leave. here this morning. A SZOOND crop of clover hay has been made -on a portion of the oftvitol grounds: - • • THE citizens of the Third ward will meet at the Franklin House, this (Friday) evening, at 7/ o'clock, for the , purpose of devising means of filling the quota of said ward. A full attend ance is asked. AN Irishman being in church where the collection apparatus resembled election boxes, on its being handed to him, whispered in the carrier's ear that he was not naturalised . and consequently could not vote. lifil THE Hkr CROP.—The yield of hay this sea son in Cumberland county, Pa., will be im mense, and of the very best quality. Indeed, many of our farmers Assure ns that in no sea son within their memory has the quantity of hay been so great. THE committee of arrangements for the annual convention of Sunday Schools to be held in this city, in September next, will meet for the transaction of important business this evening, at 8 o'clock, at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association. A f'll crtendance is desired. Swimarrso.—We all know the importance of learning how to swim, and parents should avil themselves of every opportunity of "teach the young idea how to diye." At this season of.the year boys take to the water as natur ally as ducks to a mud puddle, and if early taught the art of swimming, fewer cases of drowning would be recorded. SANFORD'S OPERA Horn, on Third street, will be opened on Monday evening next, by a fine company of performers, with Mr. Wm. Porter as stage manager, and IL Mille as pro prietor. No doubt . the new company will attract large crowds, as amusements of this character have been scarce for some time past. CHANGE IN THE ATMOSPHERE.—The change in the condition of the atmosphere this rnorn ing, when comparedwith that which prevailed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, was very great. The thermometer, at 12 M., to day, ranged at 65 degrees—on Monday and Tuesday it was at 85 degrees at the same hour.. Such a change, so sudden and severe, must be injurious to health. QUARTERMASTER DEMMING.-It will afford the many friends of Harry C. Damming great pleasure to hear that he has been appointed Quartermaster of the One Hundred and Ninety second Regiment Penn'a Vols. From the precipitation of rebellion down through the changing and desperate struggle for its sup pression, he has borne a conspicuous part, and rendered a most valuable service to the Government—hence we sincerely rejoice at his promotion. Besides having won it fairly, ho is a most unexceptionable and intelligent gentleman, the very soul of honor, and, to crown all—a printer. Sussraosz.-- I During the very hot weather of July and August, we very frequently hear of people being sunstrack. This generally results from an overheating of the brain. People of in-door habins.who are yet obliged to go out occasionally ha very hot and sunny days are very liable to suffer from this. The best thing that can be done to counteract this excessive heat of the sun, is by carrying a moist handkerchief in the hat, or even only a moist rag covering the cranium over the re gion above the temples. It is important to observe such preeautions at this season .of the year. RAILROAD COLLISION. —There was s< con siderable railroad smash up at Johnstown Sta tion on Saturday morning last about eight o'clock. Two freight trains were passingin the same direction and one stopped at the station to couple on another car, when the conductor of the rear train not noticing that the front train had stopped, rushed on and struck the hind most cars, smashing two of them all into small pieces. One of the cars was loaded with oil, which was spilled all over the track and continued for some time to flow from the shattered barrels. The women about the stn. tion brought buckets and pans, tins and dip pers, and manifested their economy by gather ing it up and appiopriating it to their own use. ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SECOND P. V.— ~ The organization of the first regiment of one hundred days' men was completed at Camp Curtin, yesterday afternoon. The following is a list of the field and line officers: Colonel—James Nagle. Lieut. Colonel—R. hieblichaeL Major—C. D. Jenkins. Adjutant—John H. Scholl. Quartermaster—Harry C. Damming. Surgeon—J. B. Ashcomb. Chaplain—C. EL McDermond. Sergeant Major—Alex. Montgomery. Quartermaster Sergeant—Daniel R. Je well. Commissary Sergeant—S. T. Gibbs. Hospital Steward—Edward L. Franke: at Adjutant's Clerk—George A. Gross. Captains—Co. A, George H. Jones; B, John A. Winner; C, Zachur P. Putt; D, George F. Ross; E, Henry J. Dintinger; F, Willie m R. Jones; G, John Bell; H, G. W. Staat is; J., Henry E. Quimby; E., S. D. Sutliff: Col. Nagle is an old soldier, having served with distinction in the Mexican war a and having also raised fonr regiments for Fiervice in this war. He was a Brigadier General in the division commanded by Gen. Bumnside, and perhaps few men of his age in INumsyl vania or any other State have done as much as he, for the support of the Go,vernment during all the trying hours of its peril. The regiment which he now leads, xmclter his con. trol and discipline, cannot fail scion to become one of the most efficient in the service. Noires. —To Soldiers Diecibarged on Account of Wounds Received in line if Duty.—The un dersigned is prepared to oolleot the $lOO Bounty due all such soldiem • ILLIVAR a. CHILD, Claim Agent, Tel Printing Office, :Harrisburg, Penin sylvtuirs. jylls-dliv Wet:imp—An experienced salesman. Must speak English and German. Apply in person at CATHC4kRIia BRO.. iY 2O - 30 • No. 14, Market Square, I=l I=l =CO I= I=:=1:1 I=l =ll=l Letter from. the 46th Penult, Regiment: • • cmculanoN Or COPPERHEAD PAPERS I THE OffarresooqA. firvas , Groncas, CAMP IN THE FEILD, READQEASTERS CO. I, 46th P. V. V., July Bth, 1864. Mr. GEo. Banoura—Dear Sin—The TELE GRAPH is a very welcome but rare visitor in the camp of the 46th, and I am sorry to say that in its place you will find the Ton'V Oigan of Harrisburg, sent free, in order to discour age and poison the minds of those engaged in the war for the suppression of this unholy rebellion and the preservation of our most glorious Union. They are not content with infusing the deadly poison of copperheaclism in the minds of citizens at home in regard to the ever increasing national debt, and by means of the most infamous lies ever circu lated in history, bringing before the visions of a weak-minded and terrified populace some of the most horrible scenes, enacted, as it were, through the utter incompetence of our brave and beloved commanders, and the total destruction of our armies, accompanied by huge stories of the coming draft. This is owing, probably, to the fact, that foreseeing the more than certain re-election of glorious "Old Abe," they are becoming frantic when viewing the ill-success of their schemes to aid the present rebellion, and resort to lying in order to embarrass the Union party—if party it may be called. They bring to our view in every edition of their infamous lying organ the -shrieks and groans of Union sol diers wounded in battle, in order to cause our brave boys to shrink from the melee and din of battle; the gluttonness and licentiousness of our Generals to diminish our confidence in them as commanders; the most glowing re ports of the rebel commissariat, to infuse, if pos sible,the demon Despair into our ranks; and by using every means possible turn us against the present Administration. But owing to the success of our armies, which, in this depart ment, have succeeded in driving the rebel horde at every point, and now rest on the Chattahootchie river, 125 miles from Tunnel Hill, within Si miles of the metropolis of Geor gia, viz: Atlanta—and the knowledge that we have dislodged the enemy from position after position, and line upon line, of almost impreg nable earthworks, the infamous lies ,printed in that sheet do not have the effect upon the troops in this army that would otherwise be the case. But it is infusing its deadly poi son gradually, and it is high time another was substituted in its place. Literature of any kind being very scarce, causes every paper in camp to be read over perhaps a dozen times. Wishing success to the cause, and knowing that the re-election of Abe Lincoln would tend in a great measure to end this inhuman con test, I close, saying that the members of the 46th still remain true supporters of the Star spangled banner. Your humble servant, Put - am - myelin. CROPS— Susquehanna County. —Our farmers are now busy securing the hay crop. The weather is favorable and hence the work progresses rapidly. The crop all over. the courttry is said to be an average full one. Wheat also looks fine and should the weather continue favorable, there will be no idle time between hay-making and harvest.—Monirose Republican. Bucks County.—Nearly all the farmers of 13ucks county finished gathering their crops of hay, wheat and rye, during the past week. These crops have yielded much better than it vas supposed they would early in the spring. and the harvesters have been blessed with fine weather which has enabled them to store away their hay and grain in good order. The oats is-ripening very rapidly and will soon be fit to cut. The growing crops are now suffer ing for rain, and unless some localities are visited by showers soon the potato crop mutt be very limited.-- . Doyiestoum Pemocrat. Mifflin COunty.—With the exception of a few slight showers, too light to be of much ser vice, we have now been six weeks without rain in this neighborhood. In some parts of the county, though in narrow strips, occa sional rain has fallen, but taken as a whole the corn crop may be set down as irreparably injured—much of it being in tassel without signs of ears. Potatoes are also extremely backward, and unless late ones will be more favored the crop will be quite short. The wheat, we judge, is rather more than half a crop, of first-rate quality, , and most of it housed in excellent condition.--Leioistoion Ga zette. Wedmore/and County.—We are here suffer ing from drought. The corn will not ear un less we have refreshing rains very soon. Other grains are made. The clover seed may suffer also, as the pasture is doing. The wheat crop bereaboute is shocking up beyond the expec tation of everybody. It is an average crop. The oats, now nearly ripe, will be perhaps more than an average of the past three years. —Greensburg Herald. THE CAMERON GUARDS. —This company, which is nearly full, is in camp. A few more men are wanted. The officers are Capt, J. D. Sutliff and Lieuts. J. W. Woodburn and J. G. Scener—all of whom have been in active service in the field, and were good soldiers. The headquarters for recruiting are at Camp (India and at the Ellsworth House, Market stivet ,iylB-dlw R E. , , murre WANTED.-Dr. H. W. Miles, for merly captain in the 84th P. V., has received authori,l to recruit a company for one hun dred day." service. Able-bodied young men are wanteii. to fill up his organization. For par tioalars apply at his headquarters, or Miles' Dr ng Store, corner of North and Third streets, or at Miles' Grocery Store, on Ridge Avenue. jylB-tf SPECU„\.L NOTICES. Pure VegeNalule Medicine. ONE of the very best Vegetable Medicines is now offered to the citizens and strang of thersal city. It will purify the blood, and leave the liver and bowels in a good healthy condition. Operates without the least pain . Old and young, male and female, all can take of it. As to the truth of this hundreds can testify, as it has been well tried for the last ten years. it - ia prepared only and sold by Mrs. L. Ball, No. 27, moth Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. tIP-23 EDITOR or Isugaitaia' . . . . Dear Sir:—+With-your permission I wish to say to the readers of Yotir paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free,) a Recipe, with full ;directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Rulth,that will ef fectually remove in ten days, Pimples, Blotches `Tan. l'reekles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same ea ,‘, clear smooth and beautiful.. • also mail free to those having Bald Heads orßare p aces , Simple directions and information that will enable th em t o ' start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Mou. Ittsehe, in lees than thirty days. a pp,‘‘Clitiont answered by return mall without charge. RespectOilly yours, THOS. P CHAPMAN, Chemist, jyl6-d&w3m ". 831 Broadway, New York. 11uft„ 0 v amines. A.ttestded To. Bounty, Pension, Book Pay, Subsistence pad Mllttary and War Cla gou wally, mails etas and collected. Per. sons residing at a distal: o9 can have their business trans acted by mall, by addrelking` BuGE,llloSbr,,`l3lol, Attorney-at-Law, el 7 dly Third ...tree', Harrisbarn Ps HAIR, r mum. L7VE Batehelors Celebrated Nab D r . IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. This The only Harmless, True and ifeluade Dye spieudid Hair Dye is_perfect—thanget Rust/ or Gray Hair InstanUy to a , iny Meek or N trot /Ole! without injuring the Hair Or staining the Skin, leaving 1-' 4 Hair raft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality frequently restoring its pristine oolor, and rectifies the 11l effects of bad Dyea The genuine le signed WILLIAM A. BATCH UAL All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, he Factory—Sl BAR (ILLY ST, N. Y. ' sixassine's new rouse mei volt Asa was MKT WOW A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. Swallow two or three h4shead3 of "Bimini " "Tonle Bltteri," "Barianaillig;" "%MitagitthdbteV &c., he., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BriLliANiS ENOLISH SPECI FIC, PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to' take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken down and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Imported and sold In the United States only by JAS. S. BUTLEIt, No. 427 Broadway, New York. jiwAgent for the United States. P. S.—A Box of the Pills, securely packed, will be mailed to any address on receipt of mice, which is ONE DOLLAR, post-paid—money tenant:lld by the Agent if entire satisfaction is not given. jyls d&wlnt DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED: DE. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILL.; cure. in leas than 30 days, the worst cases of NERVOUsNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness. Insan ity, and all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-p:Ald by mail, on receipt of an order. One Box syll perfect the cure in post eases. Address JAMES S. BUTLER, General Agent, 429 Broadway, N. Y. Bannvart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, lc., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocalic:A calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders sh‘ ,,, ,bl be addresser?. 'old by druggist every w; Read the following Lotimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: HAnatestrao, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. BANNnier—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Clinrch. - valrl agree with Mr. Robinson as to th of Bannvart's Troches. W. C. CATTI,U Late Pastor of 0. 8. Presbyterian Chttrelt Hesimustrao, Jan., To C. A. Beiorverr—Dear Sir: In th °habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecte. rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them -very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public sr - dresses. Yours, 4k,0. JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. BANNVAIM —Dear Sir: Having use,. your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with tare throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, Ae., G. G. RAXESTHAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist, Church. . J. M. Z D/BTRIOT Arrommx's °MOE, Hamiumusa, Feb. 29, 1884. To C. A. BarrenT----Pear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and .in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. J. HERB Brown's Bronchial Troches. I, have never changed my mind respecting them from the thst, except to think yet better of that which I began thinking well 9f-" Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER. "The Troches are a staff of de to me." Pros. EDWARD NORTH, Pres. Hamilton College Clinton, N. Y. "For Throat Troubles they are a specific." N. P. WILLIS. "Too favorably known to need commendation." Hon. CHAS. A_ PHELPS, Pres. Mass. Senate. • "Contain no opium nor anything injurious • Dr. A. A. HAYES, Chemist, Boston. "An elegant combination for mete," Dr. G. F. BIGELOW, Boston. "I recommend their use to public speakers." Rev. E. H. CHAPIN "Most salutary relief in Bronchitis." Rev. S. SEIGFRIED, Morristown, Ohio. "Very beneficial when suffering from Colds." Rev. 8..1. P. ANDERSON, St. Louis. "Almost instant relief in the distressittglabor of breath ing peculiar to Asthma." Rev. A. C. EGLESTON, New York. "They have suited my case exactly, relieving my throat so that I could sing with ease." T. DUCHARITE, Chorister French Parish Church, Montreal, As there are imitations be sure to obtain the GENUINE. SELLING of Summer Goods at low prices, tech as Summer Dress Good; Lawns, Sun Umbrellas, Lace Shawls, and Summer Shawle. We have also on hand a very largo assortment of Embus, Calicos, Ging ham; Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Black Silks, Plaid Silks, White Cambric; Undressed French Cambria", White and Colored Flannels, and in fact an at sortment of dry goods not surpassed by any, To all of which we invite those who wish to purchase, and promise to Sell at less prices than we can replace them for again. As all kinds of dry goods are advancing every day, übw is the time to buy. jyl6 S. LEWY. oar To Clear the House of Flies, use Dutchor's celebrated LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER, a neat cheap article may to use; Every sheet till kill a quart SOLD WIWI ta HARR. FRENCH, RICHARDS CO., 101 h and'llarket streets, Philadelphia. wholesale meals. ruy244tistlw COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal de mand, is made from the choicest =Aerials, if. mild and emollient in its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. roe sale by ali Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. jan26-lowly SELLING OUT LOW! OUR STOCK OF -LIQUORS! IiVE intend to discontinue the sale of Li quors and offer our stock at a very small advance from coat price. We have purchased all our Liquors be: fore the last rise and have a large atock on hand for three or four years, which are guaranteed cannot be purchased now at any price from the importers Our stock consists of WIIISKIE, of all grades. Sir We have parts of three barrels pure RYE, not colored, and 10 degrees proof, 2,1‘ years old. WINES of all Grades, Domestic and Imported. *BRANDIES. We have part of S cask HENNESSEY BRANDY, to which we invite the particular attention of families for medicinal purposes. The Brandy cannot be bought to-day, from importers, leas than $l6 per gallon. We will sell it for $l2 per gai ters. SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES, 'CHAMPAGNE WINES, . CLARETS, W. We invite the inspection of Hotel Keepers and Liquor Merchants generally, as we intend to sell, without re serve, all our Liquors, and this will be a good opportu nity for bargains. je2o SHISLER & FRAZER. N EW BOOR S.-ME SHOULDER • STRAPS DAYS OF SHODDY Aug received at [delit] SCHEFFER'S BOOKWORK CHEESE—Choice new crop Cheese, just received at SEIBLIKR & FRAZER, Jel7 Socoessors to W. hock, Jr , & SMOKED SALMON.-FINE SMOKED SALMON, just received at SEISLEft k FRAZER, febi iimcereeore to Wm. Dock, Jr., &o.)C PRIMS LARD.—Fifty firkins fine kettle rendered LARD, for stile by the firkin or pound, just ottived nC use] BOY ER & ICOERPER. QI‘2.COED OYSTERS.—Extra Fine Baltimore Oyeitam, soma, and for sale by che gallon, quart and pin or I ft M swam FP R Mac:lmams to W. Doak, Jr., & , WANTS. ' A GENTS wanted to sell the Stanilard las i-3_ tory of the War. A rare . CiATICA __to, make money. Agents are clearing froin $lOO to $= j,ermonth. 200,000 roiumea already sold. Sand for oirculant, Addrete JONES EROS. & CO., 'de 80.. Publishers. Baltimore, Rd. CANDIDATES. FOR REGISTER. GEORGE MARK, of South Hanover town ship, oilers himself as A candidate for the office of RE4STED, of Dauphin county. If elected, Mr. Mark pledges himself to perform the duties of Fold office with fidelity. . Je29 d&wtc CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. . Demusaruco, Ps., June 9, 1964. THE undersigned respectfully offers himself to the Republicans of the 14th Cbneresstonal Dia. trict or Pennsylvania, compOmd of tae counties of -Dau phin, Juniata, Northumberland,. Union, and Snyder, for nomination by the several county conventions of the said District. Liocidte] JOSIAH ESPY. FOR. REGISTER. RIJDOLPH MILLER, of East Hanover township, offers himself as a candidate for the office of Register. If nominated and, elected he Vedges him self to Milli the dutlea or the Oleo with fidelity. je 4 2§-d2wBtwtc* RUDOLPH MILLER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. F. ZIMMERMAN . , Practical Watch Maker, No. 6.! Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, CHAINS SETS OF JEWELRY FINE SiLvER WARE, PLATED TEA SE..KVICES, AND ALL KLNDS OF JEWELRY. Has constantly on hand a well selected and elegantly assorted stock of FINE 'WATCHES GnAINS, RINGS A'D'D FINE SILVER WARM AdIERICAN L ENOMSff AND SWISS E'ld. MUM. `•— ' ' " Both in Gold and Sliver (Ism Also, a One assortment of LADLES' WATCIIES Constantly on hand A LAW/1 TAII 0/ CLOCIati, Of all descriptions; all of which trill Do eold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. r Call and examine the goods. Particular attention paid to repairing of line Watches, such as Chronometers, Duplex and other celebrated Watches, and aU kinds of Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision. A. F. ZIAIHERHAN, mar2Sl No. 52 Market street, a,boining Brant's Hall. NO EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS. ASHCROFT'S LOW WATER DETECTOR TS AN INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against. explosion or burning of the flues or boiler, as noth ing can prevent it of not tampered with) !rem giving im mediate notice of Melt of water in the boiler in season to put on a supply without drawing the Ores. %Sant of water Is the great source of so' many sad catastrophes which have recently occurred. We warrant this instrument to be a .2r:fact imranc against such contingencies. Price $4O. Full Instructions as to the mode of application as well as reference to most of the prominent manufacturers and iron masters of the State using them, sent on application to D. 0. MEADE At CO., Pittsburg, Pa. P. C. MEAD, j Ctrs. Mutat CRYSTALIZED. CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, I s a pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing for invalids having fever or great thirst. lur portability recommends It to travelers. Its convenience at pie-nice will bo apreclated. No sugar required; one table-spoonful simply dissolved in a glass of cold water and it Is done. KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, jel7 • " NCI 91, Market street. NEW PHILADELPHIA CLOA.•K IN D. Vt. GROSS NEW BLOCK, Market Street, liarrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OF FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS, AND * FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the Ist of April, [mare-11y CLOAKS, CIRCULARS AND . 9 MANTILLAS IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Rave now a epleudid assortment of SPRING it SUMMER MANTELS, • FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS ; AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in evert color and hand somely trimmed, from $7 60 to $lB. 1000 SILK NE.ABTka. CIRCULARS, SACKS AND Handsomely and richly trimmed, from' $lO upWrud. CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN LARUE VARIETY. my2s NOTICE. T HE public are requested to attend the opening of the new dry goods store of Brandt & Bowman, on Thursday morning, July 7th, at the south east oornor of Second and Walnut streets (late the store room of Joseph Kahnwiler.) This new firm have bought out the entire stock from Mr. Kahnwiler at very low prices, and in GOOD FAITH say to the public that they will sell this stock of goods at ono-fourth teen than the same kirui.of goods can NOW az BOUGHT AT WHOLE SALE. iye-dtf PHOTOGRAPHS- ALAIIGE assortment of Photographs of Generals and fancy pictures for sale CHEAP, at $1 per dozen, at SOHEAREKB BOOK STORE, my2O Harrisburg, Pa 50 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH PIORLES COMMIEfing- Picahlly, Chow Chow, Cauliflower, Piokles, aom orieing-Picahlly, • Mixed Piokles, Gerkins, Walnuts and Onions. For salo wholesale and retail by. SHISLER is FRAZER, . nos . successors to W. Dock, dr., k Co TIIST REdEIVED-44 gallons pure currant ut wine, from a Lancaster county farmer; the finest made domestic wine in this city. Price $3 00 per gallon. For sale at SEIELSLER .8x FRAZEE, Jab SuccossorS to Wm. Dock. jr., & Co. SOLE . AGENCY FOR THIS CITY T Abs happy to offer to the public a large .11_ and spiendid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. Time Pena are well finished, elastic, and will give en tire satisfaction. PLEASE TRY THEM. SCHEFFER'S BOOR STORE, Second street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg Pa. ap23 FRESH PINE APPLES just received at VRAZER, Ap3o Suoeessort to ar Doer, •Jr., & Co. AI'SSAGO, English Miry, Pine Apple, Nut meg and Itiew York. State Cheese, Just received at MUSLIM a FRaZER, tnys successors to W Dock, Jr., & Co. SPICED OYSTERS.—Extra fine Baltimore Oysters, Were, Jest received at J 3 1 .8 BOYER & SOERPER. CORN ILEAL—A fine article Just re ceivel at 31118LER & FEAZER , ossal summon to Wm. Dock, In. & Co) VIIOIIENEWS exoeldior hams, of %km. /XL eon's eerie& Just received and for axle by BEISIZR & FRAZER, deal , fenoCaserni to Wm. Dock. Jr.. &da A MUSH supply of MichenEr's Celebrated Li_ Sugar Cured Hama and Dried Beer, at coral . BOYER k ROERPtit O YOU wish a Rood Gold. Pen ? If so. D oin 9WL511113,8 Bookites, ifiinimbßiv Pon GOVERNMENT SALES, &C. 19000 Horses Wanted! THE GOVERNMENT.REQEIRH FOl4 111411.D1.111 I!S£ • ONE TROISAND CAVALRY HORSES, For which CASH will be paid on their do livery at BARItIS BUIL El, At Government prices for 'such aa bear in spection. Agents for purchase will be found at Lancaster, atad fog, Lewistown, Williamsport and Carlisle. By command of Major General Cocci". • .1. G. JOHNSON , Capt. and Ch'f Q. M. Dep't Susquehanna. Orrms Cn'r Q. M., Darr Sirsquanaase, I Hanatesuad, July 12, 1864. 1 jylll-ds f AUCTIOI\ SALE OF CONDEMNED. HORSES. WAR DEXARTIEILIS t CATALRY BLHEAC, Orrice OP Omar QUARTMuSTILIk WABSINGTOX, July 4, 1864. WILL be sold at public auction, to tuu highest bidder, at the times and pLace,s named low, viz: Reading, Penn's, Mors lay, July 21st, 1861. Harrisburg, renn'a, Thursday, July 23t11. 1861. Altoona, Penn's, Thtmsday, August 4th, 1864. Williamsport, Penn's, Thursday, August 11th, 18a& TWO HUNDRED (COO) Cavalry Horses at each place These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the Army. For mad and farm purpcses many good bargains mad be had. Horses sold singly. TERMS: CASH in United States Currency. JAMES A. EMIN. Lt. Col. and C. Q M. Cavalry Bureau jyo-diti SALES OF REAL ESTATE. A CHOICE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. ON THURSDAY, August 4, 1861, the un dersigned, trustee of S. L. Bowman, trig sell at public sale, the following real estate: A tract of land, sit uate in DastPennsborough township, Cumberland, bound ed by land of Simon Dresbach, G.o. Oyster and others, containing 102 acres, more or key , having thereon erected a largo two-story stone house, good tenant house, large bank barn, apple orchard of choice fruit, a pump at the door; also, a running spring near the house. This is a c hoice farm and in a high state of culti vation. Located S miles west of Harrisburg, and a half mile north of Oyster's Point. Bale to take place on the premises at 2 o'clock ?. S es said day, when terms will be made by jyl6.dts GEO. W. CRISWELL, Trustee. FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale Liz; farm, situated on the path.; road leading to Oak Grove Furnace, in Carroll township, Perry county, one mile and a quarter west of ritorrot's Gap, containing 94 acres, thereon erected a two-story log dwelling house, a good barn, and oiher out-buildings. There aro wise good apple and poach orchards, and a lot of other hint trees on the premises. A never-fating spring of water near the house, and water in nearly every field. Further pardeo. lam, enquire on the.premises to David Drovvnevillo, or to JOSIAH hicFARLAND, Harrisburg, Pa. jyla dlw PUBLIC SALE T - HE undersigned will offer his valuablo Mtn and Farm at public sale, on Saturday, the 2,3 d day of July, at the Railroad House, in Middletown. The Mill has four run of stone, is in fine ordor, and doing a fine boldness. The Farm contains seventy-sLt acres of first-rate land with good improvements, This property is situated one and a half miles east of Middletown. It will be sold on very eaay terms, and probably at a heavy SW , riflce. Como and buy a bargain. A. WIETING. lyf.d&wts* - FOIL SALE, FEE valuable property, corner of Second nd Pine streets, being fifty-two and a half feet on Sc. coed and ono hundred and sixty-eight feet on Pine street, running back two hundred and ten feet to Barbara alley, there being space for four full building lots, and a mast de sirable site for a Governor's Mansion or public baildinga. For particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, currier of &- Gond and Pine Teets. Inare4 PRIVATE SALE. 0 Nr4of the best locations for IRO ti woluis in the State for sale, at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser who will improve it, sitrasted - witia• in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the PeunaVvanlarailroad and eanal, about five hundred Ices wide, and alongside of the t st limestone 'quarries in the State and close to a good turnpike road; also, room for waste cinders for fifty years, without paying for the laud . Apply to DAVID MUMMA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No. 24 North Second street, - marls-dtf Harrisburg ; Pa, [Philadelphia Press Insert three times and send. bbl to this office.] Land for Sale 520 ACRES of Land., in Daaphin co. at private sale, in part rc the whole, tor.sett purchasers ,• 135 acres clear, good buildings thereon,.wita Saw gill. For further partinulare, tub - tress L MINSICER,. Dauphin, Dauphin eonnty, IZIEZI=2 100 R SALE, ABUILDING LOT, on Second street, be tween Broad and Colder. Apply to JIeFARLAND.' jyl4 .11* - Corner o So-wham:a and Coldersts. 1' 0 'l' 1 C E . 1301INTIC OF tr.:so. The following resolution was unanimous* adopted at a meeting held by the hoard of county commissioners, viz: Resolved, That the county of Dauphin Rill pay to each private and non-commissioned °Meer who may bo enlisted for military ser vice and credited to the quota required front the county under the late calls of the Presi dent of the United States, to serve for 100 days, in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Washington and its vicinity, the sum of fifty dollars. Certified from the minutes. July 13, 180. HENRY HARTMAN, JACOB J. 11ITLLEISEN. ROBERT W. MeCLUBE, Commissioners Attest:--J osEPH Mu x va, Clerk. iYI3 Draft S Draft !.! Draft!: I ALIENS and persons under or over the re quired age, who have been enrolled in this (14th) District, or any other District in the State, can have their exemption papers made out at rates fixed by law. Now is the time to put in a sub.qituto and avoid the draft. Persons who aro not liable to draft. and who wish to enter the army as substitutes ; ein obtain the higheq'pre intim . Business transacted by mail at levtl rates, and cost ot travel thereby avoided. Call at once, er address by mail. EtiGEICE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, &I street, Harrisburg, Pa. jy9leod2rnos. A. GOOD CI-I.A.NCM. THE subscriber wishing to retire from busi ness, Will sell out his entire eteck, consisting of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Hosiery . &e., all well selected and desirable for present trade—iOUGHT FORE THE ADVANCE. Also, will sell or rent the House on easy terms To as enterprising man or firm this is a good oppoctunity to into business. It is a pleasant location—good business doing now and could be easily increased. JOHN 5.110.1 P, Ridge Read. iy7-nsdBw PROVOST M•aq • r 'a OFFICE, lira DISTRICT, HARRIERDRG, Pa. , June 6, 1864. To DRAFTED MEN. —.l[ am directed by Lieut. CoL J. V. Bomford, A. A. Provost Mama Genoral, by his circular, No. 59, of June 4, 1864, ,to pub lish "That drafted men are not allowed to enlist es vo.ti n tears after being drafted; and that the credits for drafted men will remain for the sub-districts from which they were draft/d, no matter whether local bounty has or has not been paid to suob men, upon "illegal enlistment," JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Captain and Provost Marshal, 14th Disrt, Pa. Je6-dtf XXTALNIITS, CREAMNII TS, FILBERTS. T y For sale wheleado at SHUSTER. & FRAZEB, succenors to W. Pock, Jr., & Ca. PINE' -APPLES, PINE APPLES, just re calved at ' SHISLER FRAZER, je42 Successors to Dnck, Jr., Co. POOKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES PORTEMONNAIES, and a general variety of LEA MR GOODS, just received „lAEIWNEWS BOOK sTotc. , H1:10118TEILW BASKETS. —Shisler Fra ser, sucomora to W. Dock, Jr &93 onlnno 05 cioilea hickory lagkets. Price $5 50 per &hem jefe