Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, July 21, 1864, Image 3

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)ments, Business Notices, rilarringes,
albs, &c., to secure insertion in the
;LEGRAPH, must invariably be accom
eft with the CASH.
tvertisements ordered in the regular
ping Edition are inserted In the Morn.
Edition without extra charge.
4171)-Au experienced salesman. Miist
English and German. Apply in person
No. 14, Market Square,
learn Power Press work. Must be able
o write a good hand. Apply at virs OFF/CE.
Second Ward Meeting.
An adjourned meeting of the citizens of the
Second ward will be held this (Thursday)
evening, at 7i o'clock, at the Second Ward
House. for the purpose of devising means to
procure volunteers to fill the quota of the
ward under the late call of the President.
Let there be a full attendance.
LaLBT &MING we were favored with several
showers of rain, which have had the effect of
cooling the atmosphere, and will cause the
growing corn and potatoes to improve.
MUSTERED IN.-WC learn that a company
of cavalry was mustered into the one hundred
days' service, at Lancaster, yesterday, by
Lieut. W. I'. Melbourne, of the 15th United
States infantry, who is a mustering officer.
SENT FORWARD. —One hundied anti ninety.
three dederters and stragglers left here this
morning under guard, en route for the Army
of the Potomac. These men were forwarded
by Capt. Opdyke, Provost Marshal of this
A arrauosn had one of his pockets cut from
his clothing, last night, while seated in:one
of our hotels. The pocket contained dWidlet
of money amounting to upwards of 8150 00.
He was doubtless followed to the hotel by
some of the sharpers who infest our city.
D. Jack was before • the Mayor, yesterday,
on a charge of forestalling the market by pur
chasing a large quantity of pears, with the in
tention of retailing them. Re was discharged
upon payment of lour dollars, fine and costs.
WOUNDED n BATTLE—We learn that Ser
geant Osgood, of the 111th Penna. regiment
and who was recently on duty in the Prov . ost
Marshal's (Alice, in this city, was wounded in
a recent engagement at Marietta, Ga., :and has
had his right leg amputated. Sergt. D. was
well known here.
Comm-ran FOP. Tarar..—Mr. "Jackson
Hutnes, charged with setting fire to Mr.
Osman's shop, had another hearing yesterday
afternoon, and was committed to anger at
eon& No new developments were made.--
ft is hoped Mr. H. may yet be able to estab
lish his innocence, as his friends can scarcely
believe him to be guilty. The case is certain
ly a singular one.
A'rrEmprs AT BusoLutr,---Last night at
tempts were made by thieves to enter the
houses of P. K. Boyd and Daniel Esichert, on
Chestnut street. At the former, an iron do'or
opening into the cellar was opened, and at
Reichert's a pane of glass was removed from
one of the windows. Several doge made a
noise which aroused one of the neighbors,
Whose effort to quiet the animals is supposed
to have frightened the burglars, and they fled
without accomplishing their object.
POLI RAISING.--On Saturday last, a large
Union pole was raised at Manadaville (in this
county.) as an evidence of the loyalty of the
citizens and their hearty endorsement of the
nomination of Lincoln and Johnson. A large
flag was flung to the breeze amid the Shouts
of those present, and cheers for the i
. Unp
nominees. A salute was then ftrod, after
which a brief but very patriotic' addreas was
delivered by A. H. Boyer, Esq.
nation of equestrian and zoological attractions
formed by the union of Thayer& Noyes' pop
ular @irons troupe, with Van Amburgh
Co.'s Menagerie, which is to be here on the
22d and 23d, presents inducements for a gen
eral patronage such as aie:seldom offered in
a single establishment. This is the first sea
son of the combination, and we learn that the
factor extended to it is such as to well reward
the energetic projectors of the enterprise for
the enormous expenditure they have- incurred
in effecting the junction of two such exten
sive companies. Van Araburgh's Menagerie
has a worla-wide reputation, and : the collec
tion the present season is,said to be one of
the finest ever brought togetlidi on this side
of the Atlantic, comprising many extremely
rare specimens of animated nature. 'Theo
huge elephant "Hannibal," the largest quad
ruped on this continent, and much the largest
animal of his species ever exhibited in America,
is included in the Menagerie, and is an exhi
bition of himself. The pertbrmancei given
at each entertainment will i)e of 'the most
varied character, including every description
of equestrian, gymnastic and acrobatic
introducing one of the most talented and
complete circus companies ever organized.
Dr. Thayer, the inimitable humorist, will ad
minister his sovereign remedy for „low spirits
In Idiopathic doses, and altogettgr,---visitors
may depend upon receiving a full - equivideur,
tor tap price of a ticket. , The feats of 4r. -
'Noyes' beautiful trick horse "Grey Bugle,"
and the performances of Maim Davis, aimpa,
og . 4ke. great Van Amburgh, l the lions? dish
will be found wOrthy'of partieulailieteitio*
Carr. Sernvo's company of cavalry received
their horses tins aftenutoon. Thnyare splendid
Foams-ONH colored recruits have been soot
from this city to Camp William Penn, since
Bloodily last,lOr the luindred days' ser
TEE borough council of Chambersbutrg
offer a botany of $lOO for volunteOrs; ta be
credit d u ari.the quota of . ibe town. - Terra ,of
service, one year.
APPornanzirs. 7 --Pou;43 • agency betweon
Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Mr. Andrew
Sibley is appointed, in the place of J. 11.
Krieder, declined. • • ••
Baggage master, Baltimore to Harrisburg•
Mr. H. S. Hones is appointed in charge of the
mails over this rovte, in place of Qeo. Call6r.;
Tint friends of George Sherman, a privitte
in company G, 184th Penn'a Vols., are in
formed that he died—in the hospital at City
Point, on the 12th inst., from disease con
tracted in the army. His remains were de
cently interred near. City Point, inul the. grave
is marked. We have been unable to learn
AIL Sherman's place of residence previous to
his enlistment.
THE QuorA 7110111 DAUPHIN C01:11:Mir Fins..---
"e have Ole gratification to announce that
the quota from Dauphin county, under • the
one hundred day call, is more than fall. The
State authorities fixed our quota at 402, and
she paid the , bounty to 445 men, all whAch
have been credited to the county of Dauphin.
This county is the first that has filled her On
tire quota under all the calls thus far made,
and her citizens are now actively engaged to
fill her share of the call just issued by tihe
Pirr is Stossrrrurns.—lt is stow just about
an established fact that volun leering cannot
be carried out to an extent o,RDieient to avoid
the draft, and the next best plan is for indi
viduals to obtain substitutes and have them
muttered in, in advance of the draft. Busi
ness men all over the country are taking ad
vantage of this method to clear themselves,
while it fills up the ranks without any ex
pense to the GOvernifient. It seems, too, like
the most independent and satisfactory way of
doing the business, relieving.tthe principal at
once of all further trouble and securing to
him a certainty, which will not interfere with
his business.
The impression prey' ails to some extent
that only aliens can be, put into the army.
This is a mistake. !There are two other
classes. First, men w) to have rendered two
years' service, and sec end, minors under the
age of twenty years. 'The latter class will ex
empt.the principal fate one year in any *went,
and as much longer as the principal and sub
stitute shall not bo drafted. As the latter will
not be enrolled when enlisted, there is scarce
ly a chance of his being, enroll ed, and there
fore the princiPal will lie exempt for the full
term of three years.
A Taarmarra Inemnizr— Worthy of India
tion. —The Hagerstown Herald ca , d Torch gives
us the following account of the heroic con
duct of a good old ITxdon man, in Maryland,
who determined to protect his yroperty from
the thieving rebels virtu) recently invaded that
State. The example is -worthy of imitation
by our Pennsylvania farmers. If they would
'defend their property as this rman did, instead
of leaving their 'homes, the rebels would not
be likely to trouble them fon their stock.
Says the Herelid and Torch:
A Thrilling Incident. —The 'records of :an
cient or mod ern history may be traced in vain
for a more remarkable instance of heroic 'for
titude, sublime patriotism and unwavering
faith in the Almighty an n. than that which
we relate 'below, the particnle rs of which are
furnished by the Rev. Mr. iStartzman, for
merly a resident of Hagerstd iwn, who wit
nessed the closing scenes of t he occurrence !
Mr. George Blessing, a fa .rmer, residing
near Myersville, Frederick 'county, (Md.,)
when it was learned that th e rebels were
prowling through the neighbor - hood stealing
horses and committing depret "[adorn; gener
ally, was. importuned by his fan my to remove ,
his stock beyond the reach of t he marauders,
which he declined doing, avowing his purpose
to defend his property to the last extremity.
He had ten guns in his house, which he pro
ceeded to load and put in readiness, in , the
event of a necessity armixtg. for using them.
At noon, on the :Ed ofluly; he gathered his
family about him and read aloud the 91st
Psalm—" I will say of the Lord, He is my
,refuge and my fortress; my God! in Him
will I trust."—when he esigaged in devotional
warship, imploring the 2flost High to shield
and protect his household from the assaults
and rapacity of the enemy who were laying
waste his native soil, and seeking to over
throw the best Government ever devised by
the wisdom -of man, pleading God to uphold
and sustain, the old flag of his fathers.
Taking 'iwo guns, he repaired, with his son,
a lad yet in his teens, to his barn, from which
he descried a squad of rebels approaching
on horseback. Handing his son a gnn, he
orderen him to take a certain position, and,
should, the squad dismount and attempt to
break' open the doors of the stalAe, which
were fastened by looks, he should dm upon
theirs. The rebels advanced to withint a short
distance of the stable, when one of tlae_niun
ber threw himself from his horse and Orig.
menced the work of dentell4hing the sable,
door. At that moment the old man a udltiOt
son fired simultaneously upon the offe.uflek
both balls - taking effect in his right arm. The
balance of the party scampered away, leaving
their wounded comrade behind, and swearing ,
vengeance upon the resistants. Before they
had escaped beyond the reach of-Mr.. B.'s gun
he fired a second shot at the fleeim rfoe, but
with whanKehtlilni Ootadirliffell;'" :The rehel
at whom he aimttd: fell forward on his horse,
evidently wounded, but he n;kanaged, to get
Mr. Blessing's neighbors, learning a that he
jaad,-done, waited upon him, and, by every
r axgrupent they could advanqe, endeavored to
dissuade him from his purpose to fAtir, nd his
ground.' They tried to prevail upon I din to
leave the vicinity and seek reffige from the
infuriated rebels, who would return with ire
inieroements, and not only destroy hiss pro
perty but would murder hin, and hi s so n ,
The brave old patriot was immovable ir t ids
purpose to defend' his property, whether in
the event his life should be forfeited. He
expressed intuits oonfulitice in his Sl field
and Buckler, Assured that needed Wel igth
mould_toL, given him in the unequal contest
libicbraight ensue, _ - ' _ . ‘
Tao gun* were reloaded, and father o.d lion
resumed' their former positions and awe* kid
the return. of the foe. They were
. out.l 'mg
kept irk anspoose: ' Twenty Inonsitad Ise Ile,
itccoratosiiiid 4 by tour citizens of 11**), e,
witkAchinri Mr. B. was acquaintecl, Hel ar,-
vancing on. his premises. When within a
short distance of Mr. B.'s barn the citizens
were ordered in front of the'rebel squad, as a
protection to them from UM bullets which the
cowardly land pirates knew were ready to
greet them. Undismayed, Mr. B. warned his
ac'qtaintances against moving a step forward,
assuring them that should they do so..they
would meet with swift and certain death.
Intimidated and bewildered, there the
rebels' stood, hesitating what to do. Every
shot fired in the direction where they sup
posed the "Yankee soldiers" were secreted,
was promptly and vigorously answered.
"What should they do?" reasoned these baf
fled, thieving sons of Mars. Evidently they
were fighting superior numbers, and would
not hazard the chances for success with their
present force, but would go back for artillery.
As they were wheeling their horses to retrace
their course, Mr. B. shot the leader of the
band through the head, killing him instantly.
A second time Mr. Blessing's neighbors
waited upon him and urged him, in the moat
earnest language they could employ, to desist 1
from the hazardous course he was punning.
Their entreaties were unavailing. He was
dete:mined to fight to the bitter end, severe
as the consequences might prove to him.
Would God permit him to kill one more trai
tor, he was willing to die.
Momentarily expecting the marauders to
return with artillery, Mr. B. shouldered two
guns, and posted himself in. a clump of trees
on a lane le,eding from the public road to his
residence. He had been there but a short
time when he observed heavy clouds of dust
rising from the road, some distance off. , A
large body of horsemen were moving toward
him. In the advance he noticed what he con
ceived to be a rebel scout. In an instant the
old man raised his , gun and was in the act of
firing, when the object of his aim fell back
into the main column of soldiers riding rap
idly up the lane.. He now recognized the
Blue Coats, who, having heard of ' the heroic
conduct of the dauntless old patriot and his
worthy son, were hastening to their rescue.
The scene which followed can better be ima
gined than described_
Mr. Blessing is upwards of seventy years
of age, enjoys good health, and is brimfull
of the spirit of 76. He is an elder in the
Myersville Lutheran Church, over which Mr.
Startzman presides.
(bbr the Telegraph.]
HARRISBURG, July G, 1864
Mn. EDITOR you have the kindness to
publish the following tribute of respect to a
brave soldier who fell at the battle of- the
Wilderness, pear Spottsylvania, Virginia,!on
tike 12th day of May last?
Capt. John M'Cord Gayer was born in Har
risburg, in December, 1839, and was removed
to Bradford county when a small boy. In the
spring of 1861, when the wicked rebellion of
the South was organized, and threatening
Washington city, young Guyer volunteered,
for the defence of our country, and with en
ergy assisted in raising a company of volun
teers in Bradford county. The company was
soon full, .and he was elected First Lieuten
ant. With the Bradford county volunteers
he marched to Harrisburg, where they were
organized and entered the United States ser
vice as the Pennsylvania Reserves. I need
say nothing of the noble conduct and valua
ble services of the Pennsylvania Reserves—
history has recorded this far above the powers
of my feeble pen. Lieutenant Guyer be
rouged to Co. "I," Sixth regiment, and Was
the youngest commissioned officer in the
The regiment moved to Frankl'n county
and drilled for some time near Greencastle.
From there they marched to the defence of
Washington under Gen. M'Call, and were en
camped at Tenallytown, near Georgetown; but
they soon moved into Virginia and went into
Lieut. Guyer first faced the foe at Draines
viile and distinguished himself in his first,
fight as a brave, cool officer. He betrayed no
excitement and perfectly understood and
obeyed all orders from his superior officers.
His company were so well pleased with his
conduct iii this engagement that they present
ed him with a handsome new sword. - ;
Lieut Gayer was with Gen. Ilitledan
through the Peninsular campaign ; with GP, n.
Pope in the second battle WSW Bun ;
with Gen. M'Clollan at the battles of South
Mountain and Antietam, Md. ; then with Gen.
Burnside in his hard fought battles at Fred
ericksburg and Chaneellor4ville.
In 1863, he was promoted to a captaincy,
and took charge of his old company. Under
Gen. Grant he fought from the Rapidan'. to.
Spottsylvania. On the 11th of May he w&te
to his parents, saying that his company had
fought seven days, and still he had escaped
a wound ; but this was his last letter; the next
day he was killed instantly; a ball struck him
in the eye and passed through his head.
Capt. Gayer was a young man of general
good health and a strong constitution.
escaped no battles on account of sickness. ;He
did notiove fighting, bat he loved his coun
try, and believed it to be his duty to risk his
life in its defence. He was modest in conver
sation and said but little about battles. He
fought no battles over again, and took no de-,
light in describing fields of carnage or "hair
breadth escapee
Capt. Guyer served his country in the army
a little over three years, and was engaged in
the front of as many desperate battles as tiny
man of his age in the 'United States, and in
all those conflicts he bore a conspicuous part
for honor and bravery. The first wound he
received was the last, and to him the end of
all earthly things. If I would attempt to'de
scribe the anginal' of his parents and the home .
family, I would only be describing that of
thousands of others in the .same situation.
They have the consolation of knowing that
he died the death of a patriot in, a righteous
cause, and that his character for getterositri
honor and noble bravery was untarnished.'
NOTICE. -- To Soldiers Discharged on Account
of Wounds Received in line of Duty.—The mi
detsigned is prepared to collect the - $lOO
Bounty due all. such-soldieifgr,=•- - - - -- •
E 1
:- ... • •*---;-- .. : . - criairriTC•l3- CHILD.
i: .: - , :ciatigr:Age4t,
TeletPAßli POnting 011ie Mairis ‘ bnrg, Tenn
. faivklOsi , -,-: : , ,-;.--:: : jy*F.filv
S re
.' Ike iiiiiisow GtrAws..—This, "c 0 y,
39:1404 is` nearly; Nit ji. in camp AA
men are wanted The officers-are-Cap .91
Sutliff and Lients. X. W. Woodburn and J. Ki.
Keener—all of whtim have been yin acre
service in the field, and, wore good soldi ers.
The headquarters for recruiting are at Camp
Curtin and at the Ellsworth House, Market
street jylB.dlt
Ramon's Wesnui.—Dr. H. W. Wei, for
merly *captain in the 84th P. V., has received
authority te recruit a company for one hun
dred days' service. Able-bodied 'young mien
are wanted to fill up his erganization. witta i d
.For particulars apply at his headq ' s,
or Miles' Drug Store, corner of North'
Third streets, or at Miles' Grocery Stoma, 'on
-Ridge Aienue. • - • IylB
GRAND Thrzow Pic-ux.—A. grand llama. e
nic will be held in Haehnleree grove, to
Thursday next, .the 21et hut, under the t*.
not management of James_ figrneebanks and
S. Leib. Asrefheient pence force will Tie en
gaged to preserve order. The public are in
vited to attend.
Omnibuses will run from the . oitier
Third and' ltsrket streets and frokA - qao
Wmddrigton Houie, corner of Sixth poiWild
nut; during the day: j7/9-34*
, .
Eters ni EILOABD TO Dar Goons.—We do
not wish to beoonsidered as alarmists, but a
plain statement of facts compels us to 'say
that with the opening of winter trade, pur
chasers must : be prepared to pay a large ad
vance on the present prices. Dry Goods are
now sold at'ra -,"sburg ten to twenty-five per.
°entries less than the wholesale prices in
Philadelphia (it New York. This state of
things can only continue for a short time;
and we now respectfully advise (under the
existing state of prices) those in want of
Dry Goods, toff- - pnrchase at once. The large
and well selected stock of goods at C.
Bowman's, No. 1; corner of Front and Market
streets is wortketterifion.
Viare :Yegeistb le Medicine.
ONT of the very beat Vegetable Mediebiea
is now offerefljo the citizens and stung of theme
city. It will purify the blood, and leave the liver and
bowels in a good healthy condition. Operates without the
least pain. Old and youngonale and female, all can take
of it. As to the tndb of thiS hundreds can testify, as It
bag been well tried for thMst ten yearn it is prepared
only and acid by Mr 9 L. Hall, No. 27, south Pine street,
Harrisburg, Pa. my 23
Burros or Tumaagarn:
Dear Sir: —With your permission I wish to say to the
readers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to
all who wish it(fy . ,e,‘,) a Recipe, with full directions. for
making and usin4simple Yege'l' , .e Balm, that will ef
fectually remove in ten days, fimples, Blotches, Tan,
Freckles, and all Impuritie, of the Skin, leaving the same
soft, clear, smooth and la autifuL
I will also mail free tu those haring Bald Heads or Bare
Faces, simple direetions and information that will enable•
them to start a ftelKowth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers,
or a Moustache, in ;less than thirty days.
All appllcation4 answered by return mail without
charge. Reirpectfully yours,
.THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
831 Broadway, New York.
Swallow two or three hogsheafa of "Bodin," "Tonle
Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervods Antidotes," &a, &e., and after you li's Siaittlect wittrithe result,-tb,en.try
FIC PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor in loss
than thirty days. They are purely vegetable. pleasantto
take, yrompt magentas/ In rtheir elects op Htxvbroken
dawn and shattered constlttitlon. Old a#d Igung 652 take
them with adtAntage. Iniporteid and sold in the United
States only by JAS. a BUTLER,
No. 427 Broadway, Now York. ;
,Agent for the United Staten -
P. &—A Box of the Pills, securely packed, will be
mailed to any address on receipt of pica, which is ONE
DOLLAR, post-paid—money refunded by the Agent if
entire satisfaction is not given. Jyls-d&w3rn
leas than 80 days, the worst cases ef NERVOUSNESS,
Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insan
ity, and all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no
matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar ,por
Iron. Sent; poet-paid; by mail, an reeqpt of: an order.
One Box williperfect the cure In most CaSelt, „AddrCti
jyls.d&w3m General Agent,.49 Broadway, N. Y.
Bannvarit's Troches.
For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis
eases, &c.,
are specially recommended to
mint*** illnPralualißffaMiftll9lo3 vocation
calls them to speak in public Manufactured
only by C. A. Bannvart 41; Co., Harrisburg,
Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed.
Sold. by druggist every, where, h
Read eke following testimonial from some
Of Our: " # lll ` • 1 Tj
• :41.1. , Bth, 186 1.
C. A. Bkorivarz---Dear ,fir; I _- have used
Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges _
anti feT hoarseness and
throat trom andmfionkparjaorC.with them
all,: camenenridlea.stOnumnul four own as a
most itittnniklYnnippoille -I)tr-publie speakers
and singers, in eases or u llbarsiniess, coughs
and colds. I have found them serving, in
time of need, most effectually.
Yours truly, T. R ROBINSON,
Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church.
OK agree wi . oliirison as to the
value of Bannvart's Troches.
Late Pastor of 0. B. Presbyterian Church
llsaanniono, Jan. ,'1 BC
TO' ,A. 11.14.i*igcr-Peer Sir: In'th Shabit
isequeatir.- sad"is -Places
where the 4foindrarganis ate ver3dmnoW taxed,
I have folitid thlO Med Pride expel*.
rant, and that want has been supplied In your
excellent Troches.
I consider them very far superior to airy
Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing
sPeOibrOVldeultwolf ;tl►e.. Mee
from its too event use, and impairing
effectiveness of the delivery of public a(' •
dresses. Yours, lc.,
Pastor of the Lomat St. - Methodist Church.
To C. A. IkarervaeT7-Deerßir: glaving user
your ;Trixhie i : 1. 44 tih-say they are
tho ;begou ihsvezevteimAiedi-vati take- great
PlAadMiriedokinielulihg , thoUrto all persona
afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of
voice arising from public speaking or singin g:' Yours, &0., G. G. EAKESTRAW,
Facto : of Church.
Danner ArToanny's OFFICE,
aIIiSISBURG, Feb. 29, 1884. f
To C. A. BANNTAnz--Dear ,, Bir taw),
foundlonrAßtPettei , to-ble-iiividneble in re
of ryhapart eessuree
to the voiee,tend amosetainly , of great het*
fit to public. - -epeel;talfF,.PA -upgu
Brown's Bronchial Troches.
pave never changed my mind respecting them from
theirst, toccept:to*uskWheiteinotthit.trhlch .I. began
thinking well of" Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER.
"The Troches are a staff of life to me."
Pres. Hamilton College, Climon, N.' Y.
"For Throat Troubles they are a specific."
fityona4.irm ,
iHeinfAELAIL A.:PHELEfitioEses. l .lLeen , Seeete. - .
"COULSIIHIA OPOULDIN ULYthing iminrieen) ,
Dr. A. A. HAYES, Chemist, Bost*
"An elegant combination for coughs,"
-.4*..„416:F.-.BIGELOW, Boston.
"Most salutary relief in Bronchitis."
'i - ' -111.6 i altlMOllßW ., Xiitrlssiol‘i Ohio.
wilary blind* irliiii , . i l itcdli, , . . .
, .
.-..411,..., *a* relOr or thefts ''" * ig tiieatit
Rev. A. C. EGLESTON, New York.
"They hive suite* my exactly relievingm➢throat
cotildsting.trith.wie." T. DUCHARKE,
Chorister French Pariah Church, liontreaL
As there are Imitations be sure to obtain the GBNULta.
Jan2l.ll,lter '1
Bateheiarrii Celebrated Hair Dye
18 11 2:ZtayT THE ,W0,114.0v r
T1it"4694 Irriiimid-Reekaie-Dre..rnow n .;
Tlll,l splendid Hair efs perfect--changes Red. Rusty,
;OrthilY Hair illtdmittiVlStOkNififiserc or Nunißreests•
Without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the
Hair soft and beautiful ; Imparts treah vitality frbeuently
=storing its pristine color, and rectifies the hi effects of
bed Dyes. The - genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH
ELOR. All others aips mere imitations, and should! ba
avoided. Sold by alp Druggists, dm Factory--81 BjR
CILAY ST, 1, Y. •-",
. )C231
S mi •
ELLENG of Smarter Goods at low prices,
such as SommetDreniGoods, Lawns, Sun Umbrellas,
Lace Shawls. and Summer Shawls. We have also on
hand a very large assortment of Muslin, Calicos, Ging.
hams, Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Black Silks, Plaid Silks;
White Cambrian Umeetwerd French Cambric*, White and
Colored Flannels, ansdn WA an assortment of dry goods
not *amassed by any. Ts.aß of which we invite those
who wish to purchase, and promise to gall at less priOe*
than we can replace tigititlbr again. An all kinds of 4 r y
goods are advancing prorallay, now Is the time to bur,
)716 S. LEWII
Sir To Clear t;thlier Some of Plies, roe
Dutcher's celebrated MORTICING FLY - HILLER, a neat,.
chow article easy e. Every sheet will kill a quad'
FRENCH. BI &CO., 1011 i and Market Amid,
nalkdolidils, wholesale spate. aly244llwBw
this celebrated-Tolleit Bua iu seek universal de•
foxed issuideAtige the eleoiedelt, Oulierisde„ Is' mild
And 'Molt/Anita its nature, fingsnAttlir scented,
end extremely beneficial in itanstion.. Awn the skin.
For age by Ali Druggists end Fanny fieciitiDoieler.
AVANT'Ato-Ait active • reliable BOY to at
tend in ths Bataan/N*4mq at 111 Market strict.
Mail bring recommendations. jy2o4t
. „ .
A GOOD PENMAN ..., wishes - to' engage as
'll Scrivener for a few weeks; can furnish the highest
testimonials ofgood character, Sc. Apply at
lyllhiSte - 791115 OFFICE
lil9/(ttithriee will
be iid for FOUR , SUB
• 4 ' o 4' l4 ' B A' /WPM; .
0-te cut Ualett IS?tel, Street. Motet Str
°RRNT, i. - a a HOUSE suitable fat Sinai
fig** Aqu.kre 4 t this taco YB tt
A GEM'S *anted to Bell the Standard His
gory ef. tie Wit Awe qbanee to make money.
Agents are clear ing from Sloe Pee per month . . 200,00
.volulasa already sold. Sejad for cirma ku
JONES l it Addreea
rummers. BaLtimere., Md.
de so"
RQEORGE' MARK i -nf • South Hanover town
• ship, offers himself as a candidate for the office of
ESTER, of Dauphin county. lf eleeted,. Mr. Mark
pledges himself to perform the duties of said office with
fidelity. -' - --',''''' ' • Jel9 darartc
. .
• EtaantemayTiv., June 9, 1994.
fIiFIE tinderOgned respxtfully offers hiutdelf
.1. to the Renablioanidt the I4th Contresitiortel
Wei orl'enesylVanle, Corepeeed of the counties - 4f Dan:
phtn ainahi; .- Naithtanberland, 17nion and Snyder, :for.
iioininatlen"by the several county odaventicina of the said`
Mattel. • • JOGIATI.ESPT.
RDQLPH 'BillifiEß;"of East Hanover
township, offers tilmself its a edndidate for the office
of Regisww. If nominated an'd'electeit he pledges him
self to fulfil the duties Of the otlide with fidelity.
je26-d2witartes RUDOLPH 11II..LEIL.
Practical Watch Maker,
No. it Markellitreet, Harrisburg, Pa.
. .
Has constantly on nand a well selected and elegantly,
assorted Mock of
TINE WATlMilfa Ap i , ,,e..,"
Both in Sold and Sliver Cases.
Also, a dna inisohniont of
Constantly on hand.
• i;
L m
. kd uff
" • ,
I'; uta er,;(!)C
Of all deseriptionat all of which will be sold at the
• 1,914 7 . MT -04.6114,R101312 1
Call, and-ekemlie the gifts*.
Particular attention paid to of Aim Watches ;
such as Chronometers, Duplex in othei celebrated
Watches t and all kinds of Jewelry neatly repabled.
None but the meet competent workmen employed, and
the whole matter under my own personal aupervislon.
mar 29 No. 62 MaTketstreet, adjoining Brant's Hall.
vezploelam or bluetag of the tinge or boiler, as noth
ing mus,prevent street etntpered with) 1 rom giving im
mediate notice of lack Of water the boller,M season to
put ons.aupply without drawtharthetlres Went of water
is the great source or so many and catastrophes which
havarecently occurred. ,
We tearrint this Instrument to be a perfect enforces:
against such contingencies. Price $5O.
Full instructions as to the mode of application as well
as reference to most of the - prominent manufacturers and
iron masters of the State using them,stenton: application
to D. GLAIR &Oa,
4 .55ttahurg"
_ . .14
D. C. WuDi' I
Cams. 11Aacm
cii - yourAxixzmi)
T 8 aettfiankji, ealthy-
Very convenient and refreshing for Invalids Laving
fever or great thirst, ' • • -
1113-ooriabilitYrecon933lt, travelers. _
Its Conveniences tkpie. ,
No sugar reouireo,l, ,one La9litsponkulAtreply ditainlvad
An a glass of sold Maier wad it i 54 4 12 1 5 L
gzu k EEys DRUG AN,b Film"ao~p STORE
MT • • F No. 91 , Markei,street
itrArirlitELADAwm ,
14 T 0
.W. aoskwiew, B r it
" D
Ala i r , liC oo r ro 'i nimthrr ireet.Hitr rrb;rg.
tfLOA p,
Wel open og the let of - • Drown -41y
• .
THE ptithii.6 giagirAntbalto -att end the
opening of the rieW Wrie goods dtere' of Brandt &.
Bowman, on Thursday morning, July 7th, at the smith,
east corner of Second and Walnut streets (late the store
room of ; Jekepit ikaturwiler9. •,TManey firm have bought,
out the - entlre - stock BIM" ..W.Aratinwlier at very low
ptiorm,,antin poop FAITS say to the public that they
walielifitin 3 stdekle goods at one-fourth less than the
same kind of goods can NOW BE BOUGHT AT WHOLE
SALE,: F;,._ jy6.dtf
A - L.9.4GE assortment rhoggr . aphs of
Generals and fancy' , pictures for tile 44 C$ A P
' - ft c g e k— , , ,, .....eVaNKZAWANIQMPLO4 •
my 26 - Harrisburg, Yu
lfrixed Pickl pier Pi Cher ChoW, CaulifloWer,
es, lidos, Warmth a n Woes. For Sale
wholesale and retail by MUER & F
,}• mot- • ottootrooro to W:Doet, Jr., &
TUST RECEIVED-44 pilules pure currant
to wine, from R Unmet& clanttr Utility,. the linen
made domestic wine in this o s9 ,- Price $ 3 me_ Pthrikalion•
For Rile et SEMLER FtutAß
le9 &moos_ sera to Wm. Deck, 5r ., & Co.
NE W BO 4 4.1L5. UIOtrLDER
Just reelikrai . DAYS OF SHODDY
at 11161.61 scalsFFsirB-BooasrOßE.
TlKEESEr—Obaiii new crop Cheese, just
received at SRLSLeaIc ERAZEIt,
jell Successors; tofir..,Pc.o4, Jr., 4 co.
13AL"N' jail
oakum & plums,
- Dcrek. jr, &o.iC
IaRIALE LARD.—lrtkr-firkine fine-kettle
rondorOd LAl3 l ),,,fo;p4o,by,tlie Arkin or pound, just
eceivid at- Tlyl6l- 1 BOYAR Ai liiOERPER:
MESS BEEF . ikriiliimAickim —A tahoie
article of Mesa Bog pod Pork at
- - ; - , & FRAZIER)
414 (I r il °"* l ors to W.m/Nf t k.Jr.. & Co.)
413 PTTER, AMFA.—Fresh roll butter
: from. EiwZitlOW ono* rec eived every week. Also
eggs at (ini4] BOYER A: ROURPRR-
QPICED OTSTERF—Eatrieim,Baltimore
Oysters, sifted, and for We by:the:ono; swat and
Plat, or &&Il !POltitY. BPSUra & Y&AZEPL
iF g figcbmsors to W. Dock dr.,
Soldiers' Portfolioa.
- _
" fiebt
tiligiMEEOPPOti Crop Chea, jiist
‘..1 received. at Ejruj BOWER KOEBFEE.
1,000 iitirseS Mainted:
For which cAsii will be pelf; on their de
livery at
It A. It it I'S g lad/ ,
At Government!' 'prices fcir suela''as bear in-
- ' spootiOn.
Agents far pttr...a VII be found al Lari,aater,
lug, Lealtow, WiDaport and fainDsle.
/dy conneand of. KOH Gens4l Cason.
J. ta. JOHNSON ,
Capt. turd Cti'f Q. bf. Dep't Susenehanni.
Orsics CH's Q. M., DEer StregulacetA,
HAsonsacHtit'July 12 180. j.
WAsmrarom, D. C., Judy 191. )
, .
WILL be sold et to VI.,
highest bidder, at the times and places named
low. via: •'
Reading, Penn's, Thum 2lst, 1861..
Harrisburg, Pean'a r Thursday, July 1281. -
Altoona, Poun'a, Thursday, August:lib, IRS&
Wtiliamsport Penn'a, Thursday, August 11th;16a.
TWO HUNDRED (2.00) Cavalry Hothes at each plve
These Horses have been"condemned as malt for tin,
Cavalry service of the Army.
For road and ham purposes many. goad *galas rosy
13 had.
Horses sold singly.
CASH in United States Currency.
' . JAMES A. REIN. •
1,1; Ool,„ nod O. 'l4. If:Cavalry 'Bureau
A...wrar4i4 Qcaismo: is/slimes Orrice
PENNA.., July Bth, 18E4,
-H- ORgEam 1 b purchased at this office
for Governmentuervioe in. open market; lots u:
any number will be received. subject to,Eueb anemic,.
as I may order.- --
Cash payments. ity-mler or,
• CAIT: a.-JailliSON,
chierQr;• Mr. Dept Susquehanna
Capt. and Asa'S Mr.
THURSDAY, August 4, 1864, the ue
rligned; trustee of S. L Bowman, wil/sell Az
public salt the following real elate: A tract, sit
uate in Fast Pennsborough township, Cumberland, 'mud
ed by land of Simon DresbachAl=ci. Oymer , and others,
containing 102 acres, more or les - 4-baring thereon erected
a large two-story stone house, good- tenant, boast
large bank barn, apple orchard of choice fruit, a
pump at the door"; also, • a running spring near the
house. This ie a Choice farm and in a high State of culti
vation. Located 3 miles west of Harrisburg, aniLa half
mile north of Oyster's Pain
Sale to take place on the premises M-2 o'clock P: M, oii
said day, when terms will be made by •
jylo-dts GEO. W. CRISWSLL, Trustee.
riFAsabseriber offers at private sale. his
farro, altnated on the public , road Ain/ding to. Oak
Grove Furnace, , in Carroll township; •Parry 'county, one
mile and a quarter'west of Sterret , s , Gets containing 94
acres, thereon erected a Waster" log. &veiling , house,
a good barn, and otheront-buildings • nerearealso good
apple and peach orchards; dud aloe. an frnit trees on
the premises A never-failing spring of winee near the
house, and water in nearly every - 161 d. Further particu
lar*, enquire on the premises to David grOWIIeViUO. or to
Elanisburg, Pe.
J 516411%
. .
undersigned will offer his valuable
11 Mlli minim at public...rade, on Saturday ; the '2,3d
day of July, at the Railroad House, in Biddlettism The
Mill has foar run of atone, ra in line order, and doing a
fine business. The Farm contains seventy-six ,acres of
Hrat-mte, land with good improvements, This property ie
situated one and a half miles east of Middletown. It will
be Bold on very easy terms, and probably at a hear: "'-
hat*. Coma and buy a bargain. Li 7. WIETING.
lyei-dhwts* . • .
property;, - corner
valuableproperty;,-corner of Second
gr i e L i F nCiPiae streets, being fil'ty.two and a half feet on Se.
coed and one hundred and sixty eight feat on Pine street,
running back two hundred and Am feet to Barba s. alley,
there being apace for four fullbuilding lots, and a monde.
Hirable site for a Goventor's Mansion or plain building.
For particularsenquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of S -
coed and Pine mw. . ,orbera-s
ONE' of the_ teat locitiow,fof IRON
WORKS in the Stale foe - side; it a very teasepable
price, to any purchaser who will improve it, &nate With
in a short, distance of the city of Rarriahurg," bilWeen the
piinrisylvaniaridiroad and &nal, !Motif dye inindrod: feet
Wide, and alongside of the
s hest AnieStohe quirrferce. the
State and close to a good turnpike load; alao, - :itseitt
waste cinders for fifty yeara'wi Luui paiYing.foethe ly a. l
+ ( PP'S' to DAVID' Mt111110,, , V.;
Attorneyat-I,aw„. Kn. 24 North SerApuletspot,
retold-dirt ' ' 'l36irriatiarg; - Pa.
[Philadelphia Press insert three time:lend fiend„ to
this office.]
VIE subscriber otters toi: aute -a imitable
1. Tavern Stand; situate on the LincasterttittiPlii , , in
the borough of Middletoton, conniting of a large ulto-st,ry
Brick Rotel, extensive stabling and all other neoessasy
out bnlldin~
Also, two adjoining lots, having erected. oa e a tire
story frame dwelling. • ',
For further particulars apply to the taidersigned, Da t ho
the premises. • S.4IIIIELDETWFILka.
je2l•tuasat3m* •
, Latta foor
520 ACIRRS af Lanit igu:g.hatphin
at private sale, in partor the - whole, to swi
Runtuwera ; 136racree clear, good buihthiga thereon, silt
saw Mill. For furthe4artlou/ars, luldrita
L. LEI...NaI/Wt.,
hillphlo, Dauphin oounW, Ve
tween Preeid and Colder. App.'s - to -
iyl4.dlor - Corner orSuggnehanna ;
N O'T ."• c: , •
nebtI,PCV.XL 0X, 7 .1,1 fi;ao•L ,
The following •resollitien waikarna"
adopted at a meeting. ,
• held by the board of
county conunissionera, viz: • .
'Resotved, That the county of Daiiphi e n will
Pay to each private and non-cornMisitioneu
officer who may be enlisted for ; thilittiry'ser
;vice and credited to the quota; recprked: from
the county Under the late calls of the Presi
dent of the United States,. toiservwfor day s,
in Pennsylvania, Maryland an!i• - Wasyingtok
and its vicinity, the, sum of fifty dollars,
Certified from, the minutes. July 13, 1861,
JACOB -Ifff.T,TasEN,
i) 0 944 1 Ye"
Attest:—Jbsirn MrrlE'a, - clerk:
- •
A LlEiTitind persons under or over the re
glred ark Wirilkiitatie beta - Kira - act in this (ilth)
District, or any other District in the State, can have their
exemption papers made out at rams listid
NOW Is the unicitoinat .a itubstikaWand
Persons who are not liable to draft. apit ..who wish to
enter the army Wai l tuttnites, ran otelaWitie /*hest pre
Business transacted by nulll at legal rates, and cost of
travel thereby avoided.
Call at once, or address by mail,
Attorney at Law, 3d street,
• 7rr. =. j
lLmenuttredil Pit; Jeke - 6, 1864 Y
O. DRAFTED •MEN. —I am directed y
14tent: COLL. Ti.l3omford, A. A. Provost Itarsa.; . ...
ersimulkby his circular No. 69, of June 4, 1864, to pub
lish "That ilraftedlnen Ire not allownd to enlist as Voalll
- after beiogdrnttottp, ancktlutt the credits for drufica
men will remain for the' enb:distriete from which they
were draft,„nrt matter. whether local bounty hes or has
not been Wro each Men, upon-"illegal enlistment."
Captain and Provost Marehal, 14th Disk, Pa.
A . p J. I- ed.-6
11„ Sagai.thrie& ina Dried Beef, at
np2ll • , •••• 1: k # 1 ; : ?
DYOU wish a good Gold Pen? If
Mil al Beakdors, Bantam& [nut;
: 7
t - , Fon •
1:4 ; 64 4 . tk1PNi 1 0/.;: Dr 1.14;