paik gelegrapil NOTICE. TO AD ERTISERS.--All Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, &c., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably he etc:cant par ied with the CASH, Advertisements ordered In the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge• HARRISBURCI PA TUESDAI EVENING, JULY 19, INA TOWN :AND COUNTRY WANTED IMMEDIATELY.—A good stout oy to learn Power Press work. Must be able to write a good band. Apply at TIT'S OFFICE. =1 NOTICF. --To Soldiers Discharged on Account of Wounds Received in line of Duly.--The un dersigned is prepared to collect the $lOO Bounty due all such soldiers. SULLIVAN S. CHILD, Claim Agent, Telegraph Printing Office. Harrisburg, Penn sylvania. jyls-dlw •THE CAMERON GuAaos.—This company, which is nearly full, is in camp. A few more men are wanted. The officers are Capt, J. Di. Sutliff and Lieuts. J. W. Woodburn and J. G. Keener—all of whom have been in active service in the field, and were good soldiers. The headquarters for recruiting are at Camp Curtin and at the Ellsworth lituse, Market street. jy.1.8411w =a= RECIWITS WANTED .-Dr. H. 11' . . Miles, for merly captain in the 84th P. V., has received authority to recruit a company for one hun dred days' service. Able-bodied young men are wanted to fill up his organization. For particulars apply at his headquarters, or Miles' Drug Store, corner of North and Third streets, or at Miles' Grocery Store, on Ridge Avenue. jylB-tf THE children of some of our Sunday Schools were very agreeably entertained, last evening, at the asylum, by Superintendent Curwen, at whose invitation the teachers and soholars visited that institution for the purpose of xot noosing a magic lantern exhibition. All pre sent were highly delighted with the entertain ment, and will long remember Mr. Curwen for his kindness. The walk to the Asylum af forded agreeable exercise to the children. =I Tan reported capture of Maj. Chas. Kleck ner, with a number of his men, is incorrect, as no captures were made from the depleted ranks of the 184th Penna. regiment since the misfortune of the Second Brigade of the Sec ond Division, Second Corps, in front of Pe tersburg. A letter was received from the Ma jor, bearing date July 13th, at which time he was enjoying good health and a rest, after having passed through the fiery ordeal at Petersburg. ==:: Aocnnurr To AN AGED Camas. —An accident occurred, this morning, on Locust street, near River alley, by which Mr. George Wen rioh, who resides there, sustained serious in jury. There is a pile of lumber iu front of his residence, and it appears that while a milk wagon was standing in the street another wagon attempted to pass between it and the lumber, but in doing so the lumber was thrown down. Mr. Wenrich happening to be close by, Olt is supposed to prevent the fall,) the falling lumber struck him, and broke one of his legs. Mr. W. is an aged man, and it is said his physician scarcely hopes to be able to re-set the fractured limb. Qurra a large number of subtitutes are now being placed in the service by persons who have not been drafted, but are subject to draft. Parties able to procure substitutes should do so at once. They will thereby clear themselves from draft, and at the same time fill the quotas of their respective districts. The substitutes must be under twenty and over forty-five years of age, or those who have been in the service at least two years. Aliens are also accepted. This matter should not be delayed. If yon wait .until you are drafted you will have to pay very high prices. Less than fifty days remain in which to fill the quotas under the new call for five hundred thousand men. As there is no commutation allowed, the only alternative is to furnish sub stitutes or go into the service. Immediate measures should be taken to avoid the draft.. By filling your quotas before the sth of Sep tember, those entering the service will re ceive the Government bounty, and you will only have to furnish your share of five hun dred thousand men. If a draft is made, one hundred per cent. more will be added to the number drawn, to provide for deficiencies caused by .exemptions. Every man of means will at once see the propriety of having a rep resentative in the service. If he delays se curing one until after the sth of September,, it is very probable that he will not be able to obtain one, as those who are willing to go as substitutes will nearly all be secured before that time. By early attention to this matter, the impending draft may be entirely avoided. The citizens of the various towns, town hips, &0., in the State, should hold meetings at once and make arrangements by which they can offer inducements to persons to volunteer,- to the credit of the sub-districts. Volunteers can enter the service for either one, two or three years, and a liberal local bounty added to that paid by the Government, would en able many sub-districts to fill their quotas with volunteers. This should be done at. once. By delays those who would volunteer may be induced by larger bounties to credit themselves to other places, while those left behind will have to be drafted and compelled to go into the service. Volnntems should, however, remember that it would eventually be to their advantage to have th anise o es credited to the places in which they reside, as their families can claim no relief from a dis trict that is not credited with the services of the volunteer. Psagten Tnaovarr.-41in. Sigel and several members of his staff 'passed througli this city last night, en route from Western Virginia to Baltimore, at which place he was ordered to report for duty. I== CANTEBBIMT HtTSIC HALL is the only place of amusement now open in this city. It is said to have a line company of performers, who nightly present very attractive pro grammes. -_•-.-- An IMPItirrE*ENT.—We mike that the mar ket houses are receiving a coat of whitewash, which is taking the place of the many colored show bills that have so long Occupied promi nent positions there. Tan Qeorge Owens who was arrested for, in sulting a lady on our streets, is not George IL Owens, of this city, and who is now a mem ber of the Curtin Pencil)les. We take plea sure in announcing the faCt. BY reference to a card from the committee of arrangements, it will be seen that the Lu theran pic-nic cannot be held to-morrow, as cars cannot be obtained for the excursion. It will probably take place on Friday or Satur day. FOUR. CHILDREN SMOTHERED.- The Cleve land papers relate a shocking occurrence, which reminds us of the well-known story of "The Old Oak Chest." A few days ago a man named Schogart, livings near Cleveland. went, with his wife, into a field, for a load of hay, leaving in the house their four childron —Mary, aged seven years; Charles, ten; John, four, and Catharine, aged one year. On re turning the children could not be found. Search was made everywhere for them, but without avail, till next morning their corpses were discovered in a huge old German chest, in the corn house. They had got into it in play and shut down the lid, which closed with a spring lock, and they were speedily suffo cated. Br the provisions of the new military bill the loyal States are permitted to recruit in the rebellions States to fill quotas under any fu ture call for troops. In some of the cities and large towns the people are already making arrangements to send recruiting agents .to secure men in advance of the call. This is sound policy and we hope our citizens will be prompt tq take such action. 'Not a day should be lost. Every man liable to draft should be willing to contribute $lOO, $2OO or $3OO, ac cording to his ability, to constitute a local bounty fund to secure volunteers. Of course our moneyed men who are exempt will cheer fully aid in such a, movement to save the com munity from another draft. Meethigs should be held at the earliest possible moment, and all should unite in raising money, and doing whatever is necessary to raise recruits. Fins—About twelve o'clock last night, fire was discovered in Osborne's carpenter shop, in Dewberry alley, near Chestnut street. The alarm was given, and the firemen were soon on the streets with their apparatus, but before they arrived fit the shop the fire was satin guished by some of the neighbors. The shop was occupied by Mr. Osborne, carpenter, and was also used by Mr. Jackson Humes, a painter, who is•viell known by our citizens. About the time of the fire Humes was seen in the vicinity of the shop, under rather singular circumstances, which led to his arrest, by officer Campbell, who succeeded in obtaining from him a confession that he had set the material in the shop. On this and other evidence Flumes was committed to prison, on a charge of arson. The case is still undergoing investigation, and Mr. H. is held for a further hearing. We are informed, however, that he, this morning, denied being guilty of the crime with which he stands charged. It is almost impossible for those ac quainted with him to believe that he would act the part of an incendiary, and especially in this case, as he and Mr. Osborne have always been on the most friendly terms. Should there, however, be sufficient evidence to sustain the charge, the investigation of the case might lead. to the detection of the, author of previous fireit that have occurred in our city. If so, officer Campbell will have accomplished a great work by making the prevent arrest. MEETING OF THE COLORED Pzionus. —A very large meeting of the colored people , of Har risburg was held in their church, on Tanner's alley, last evening, the object being to raise recruits and organize a colored military com pany. Mr. 0. C. Hughes was Galled to preside. On taking the chair, Mr. Hughes stated that the occasion was one of great importance to the colored people of Harrisburg, and from the moment in which he addressed them the op portunity was afforded to date their rise to respectability and their right to the recogni tion of all good men. Rev. Joseph Clinton, of Philadelphia, was then introduced, and spoke at considerable length, to his colored friends. The work which the colored men had to perform in the struggle for the safety of the American Gov ernment, was one alike to them of christian .heroism and manly fortitude. To every col ored man able to bear arms in defence of the Union, the battle-fields of this war eonsti tute the Jordan through whose waters the col ored man can alone march to freedom. Bishop Whyman, of Baltimore, followed in the delivery of a few plain and practical re marks, urging on all able-bodied colored men the imperative duty of at once enrolling themselves for service in the army. Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Harrisburg, made the closing speech. His remarks were also prac tical and to the point. He conoluded by ap pealing to the, fighting men present to come forward and enroll themselves. Twenty-five stalwart fellows immediately responded. These being added to eighteen others, makes forty-three recruits for the colored company up to last evening. A recruiting tent has been erected on the hill, immediately in to rear of the capitol, where it is 'anticipated that the maximum number ofreopiits for a full company will be ral l ied in a very few days. The colored Thus Band from Camp Wil liam Penn waspresent, acid discoursed a num * orpkgatiqf autpichOtittityle. .; ATTENTION, PROTOGELTT=O. —You qu.ested to meet on Tuesday evening, July 19th, at the State" Capitol Hotel, at 8 o'clock, P. as., as business of great importance is on hand. PHOTOGRAPHER. LAST Evurerer there were over two thousand "Hundred-days' Men" in Camp Curtin. - -The cry is "still they come," and almost every train brings accessions to the number now as sembled here. =ECE GRAND UNION Pic-NIO. —A grand Union Pic nic will be held in Haehnlen's grove. on Thursday nest, the 21st inst., under the di rect management of James Sprucebanks and S. Leib. An efficient police force will be en gaged to preserve order. The public are in vited to attend. jyl9-3t- ..*,.....-.-..- MUSTERED IN.—The State Guards, com manded by Capt. George F. Ross, and Lients. David Hummel and James C. Channel, were mustered into the one hundred days , service, yesterday afternoon. The company mustered ninety men, exclusive of officers, all of whom are stout and healthy, and will make good soldiers. COLOIS.ED BAND.---A fine brass band, of fif teen pieces, in which the musicians are all colored men, arrived here yesterday from Camp William Penn, at Philadelphia. It is Band No. 2, of the United States colored troops, and is composed of excellent perform ers, who wear the United States uniform.-- Capt. Dougal accompanies the party. Our office was treated to a serenade yesterday af ternoon, during which time an immense crowd assembled to listen to the excellent music of the band. TILE Fxnsr Cm: ZOVAYES were examined by the Surgeon, at Camp Curtin, yesterday, and but ono out of the whole number was rejected, as /eing unfit for service. The Surgeon com !Oil:wonted them as being the best body of men yet examined by him. A few more men are yet w anted to fill the company. Join the Zen aves, .all you who desire to get into a tip-top company, under good officers. There are more Thauphin county nien connected with the Zom'wes than in any other company now in. camp.. THE NELIEO AS A CAYITALL9T.-A private in one of the negro regiments guarding the rebel prisoners at Point Lookout, has receiv ed a lether from the daughter of his former master, suggesting that, as he is now earning money for himself, it would be a very pretty thing for Haim to send the family five dollars, of which they were in great want, and as for herself, alio would be much obliged to him if he would give her enough money to buy a new gown. Founzu WA:an Hzerrso.—A meeting of the citizens of the Fourth Ward will be held at the Hope Engit te House, for the purpose of making arranges 'lents - . to All the quota of the ward—this (Toes day) evening, at 7 o'clock. All citizens of the •ward are earnestly requested to attend, in order .that a draft may be avoided under the call of ftse President, for Ave hun dred thousand men... Ponca AFFAlRS—_tiefore the .Mayer.—John Moody, Fillmore to and Nathan Tate, colored boys, were arrested on a charge of stealing pig iron from Wilson's foundry and various other places. 'They were committed for a further hearing. Christian Binch, (whit',) charged with pur chasing from the above b.oys the stolen goods, was held to answer the chaxyge at court. Susan Demos, colored, was committed to prison on a charge of larcercv. Frank Lusk and Henrietta Wilson, had a hearing for disorderly conduit Discharged. Ellen Fairfax, a colored vagrant, was corn. mitted for thirty days, to the Fort. Samuel Jones, drunk and disorderly, was committed for forty-eight hours Henry Welsh was held in bail to answer a charge of assault and battery:. E=L= A Card. The Committee of Arrangements of the Lutheran Pic-nic, respectfull:r inform the pub= lie that the cars cannot be obtained to pro ceed to Derry on Wednead ay or Thursday next; but the committee will have a meeting this evening, when they will Lx upon another day this week, which will be. as early as pos sible, immediate notice of which will be given in the daily papers of this city. COMMITTEE. ,A Card. • • Hawaxascraa, Pa., July 18, 1864. GEO. Bsaasms, Pan., Editor Daily Telegraph, Harrisburg, i Sm—ln your evening edition of to-day you intimate that nay call for one thousand mounted men has been countermanded.' Such is not the case. A U men, singly, in squads or in companies, repc vting in accordance with that call, with hors as, are received. I am, sir, verb r resPeotitillYo Your obedient servant, D. N. COUCH, Major General. , . . . „ . Nom—Above we gi:Tper GM, Couth's etpla nation in regard to his',,coall-kle-‘ cavalry , We had understood tbifcb'AiiiiiiiL9OPinanthor ity had given ordersto 'tekceu„ l :l;l4l6::,,,.*4 bag Government:would ft babdclkii horseti - --.r4 in accordance with tht Icircler, several young men, who had seen ser vice in former organ/- Actions, went to work r. tieing companies. One whole company, from Lancaster county, pre sented itself that was: composed of young men, one-half of whom. had tbeir own horses, but the other half not bavimg the funds to furnish themselves v. ith horses, the whole company was Permitted to re turn, condemn ing the commanders here fin the severest terms. Capt. Fenn 'nada/so recruit ad a full cavalry company, VA he was compelled to abandon it after 'having spent his tirue and money for a wissie week past. Several other gentlemen are in tba some situation. We are, however, glad the at (Amaral Couch has given ris positive info amatilon that he waists Loot) cavalry immediately, lmt \that they mast furnish their own. horses. This is explicit, ppe that the regi- Mit ma" be raised Without. ;farther delay. t ' Tar, Northern Calltrar fetioad having been thoroughly repaired, trains are now running through to Baltimore, as formerly. This will be a matter of great importance to the travelers who have been compelled to suffer delay on account of the late rebel depreda tions on the line of the road. Train com menced running through this morning, BOYS. —How much the welfare of after life depends upon the habits formed in boyhood. Parents have much tq do with this matter.— The good impression made by christian mothers upon their children in the experience of the past has been a fruitful source of ac complishing much good; experience has also demonstrated the great advantage of indus try, and the protection against doing wrong in keeping boys employed. A boy between the ages of 14 and lffyeara, can obtain a sit uation immediately applying at the cheap dry goods store of'4l L. Bowman, No. 1, cor e ner of Front and Market streets. SPECIAL'NOTICES. . HAIR DYE! RATH, DYE!! Batchelor•s Celebrated Hair Die IS THE REST IN TITE WORLD. The only Harmless, True rine deliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye t- e erfect--changea Red, Ruety or Gray Hair instantly t 44,: le4ay Black or Natural Brown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair eoft and beautifol imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring it= pristine oikor, and Retinas the ill effects of bad Dyee The genuine is. signed WILLIAM A. BATCH SW& All others are mere Imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Pruggiats, ike Factory-41 17, BAS 08111: WI. .0.11.17 (YE\Y ?nil nRIPRIING iLII tiAl , jetlal tliittnry Business Attended 14, Bounty, Pension, Back Fay Subsistence and Military and War Claim, generally, made nut and collected. Per sons residing at a distance can have their business trans acted try mail, by addressing EUGENSSMYDEB, Attorney-a:Law. dedtitly Third skeet, Marrlsberg,. Pa, Pure Vegetable Medicine. NE!of the v4t* beat Vegetable Medicines O is now offered to dui citizens and strang of theme city. It will purify the blood, and leave the liver and bowels in a good healthy condition. Operates without the least pain. Old and young, male and female, all can take of it. As to the truth of this hundreds can testify, as it has bt , 43n well tried for the last ten years. it is prepared only and sold by Hrs. L. Ball, No. 27, math Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. my 23 EDITOR. OF TZLEGRAPII Dear Sir:—With your permissien I wish to say to the readers of your paper that 1 will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free,) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will et. • factually remove in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, .Frecklea, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear,'smooth grid beautiful • I WM also mail free to theist having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty days. All applications answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. OHAPIMAN, Chemist, jyls-d&w3m 1331 Broadway, New York,. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Buchu," "Tonic Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Antidotes," &c., &c., &c., and after you are satiated with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH - SPECI FIC PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant tO take, prompt and natatory in' their effects on the broken down and shatteredcomeltutkm. Old and young can take them with advantage. Imported and sold in the United States only by JAS. S. BUTLER, ' No. 4/7 Broadway, New York. . so-Agent for the United States. P. B.—A Box Of the Pills, securely paOked, will be mailed to any add on receipt of price, which is ONE DOLLAR poat-paid—money reponded in , 'the Agent If entire satiated - lop is not given. #l5-41%w3m DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cure, in leas than 30 days, the worst cases of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Wealmess, Insan ity, and all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no matter from what, cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, - poatpaid, by mail, on receipt of an order. (She Box will perfect the cure in most caws. Addre ag JAMES S. BUTLER, Jylis-d&w3m General Agent, 42P Broadway, N. Y. QAT:Jun.4G of Summer Goods a low prices, sock as Summer Dress Goods, Lawns, Sun Umbrellas, Lams Shawls, and Sumner Shawls. We have also on band a very large assortment of Muslim', Calicos, °fog hams, Stockings, Handkerchlefk„ Black Silks,'Plaid Silks, White Cambria', Undressed French Oambrics, White and Colored Flannels, and in fact an assortment of •illy goods not surpassed by any. To all of which we invite those who wish to purchase, and promise to sell at less prices than we can replace them for again. As all kinds of dry goods are advancing every day, now is the time to buy. 1918 S. LEW Y. W SUBSTITUTES WANTED. A GOOD price will be paid for FOUR SUB- Apply to SA SELLHAN, 6td Staten Hetet, Market Street. • WANTED T 0 BENT, a HOUSE suitable for a small family. Esquire at, this office. jy,l6 tr WANTED. A GIRL to do general Housework in a small family. Kurd understand cooking, washing and ironing. Good wages will be paid. Apply Second street, three doors blow North. • jy-16 Bt* W.V.1,140:4 1 20 , 5101:41) , 441•tri41 FOUR or five "Shanty-keepers," to whom Shanties, which are ready for use, will be furnished, for the purpose of accommodating boarders. Also, from 60 to 60 laborers. Apply to James Martin, on the KC. R. R, Mahentongo mountain, 3 miles above Millersburg. je42-Im* AGENTS wanted to sell the Standard Ins tory of the War. A rare chance to make mom . Agentenre clearing hem $lOO to 8200 per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circulars. Address JON& BROS. k de 80 Publlehetn. Baltimore. Md. CANDIDATES. FOR REGISTER. GEORGE MARS, of South Hanover town ship, offers himself as a candidate for the office of ItSGISTER, of Dauphin county. If elected, Mr. Mark pledges himself to perform the duties of said office with Ildelity. • ie2l,:k-d&wtc CANDIDATE. FOR CONGRESS. Hamusarma, PA-, June 9, 1464. TE undersigned respectfully offers himself to the Republicans of Ole 14th Congressional Dis trict of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Dau phin, Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder, for nonunation by the several county conventions of the said District. De9tdtc] JOSIAH ESPY. 0 'lO 01,141 RIMOLPH ktELLER, of East Hanover township, offers himself as acandidate for the office of Register. If nominated and elected he pledges him self to Mill the duties of the office with fidelity. je25.42w5wt0 • RErDQLPII MILLER. NOTICE. 1301LTIAPTIii r CIF 650. The following resolution was unanimously :adopted at a meeting held by the board of county commissioners, - /lisofved, Tind the county Of Dauphin will pay to each privaM and, non-commissioned officer whb may be enlisted for military ser vice and credited to the quota required from the county under the late calls of the Presi dent of the 'United States, to serve for 100 days, in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Washington and its vicinity, the stun of fifty dollars. Certified from the minutes, July 13, 1864. HENRY HARTMAN, JACOB J. MILLEISEN, ROBERT W. McCLURB, 'Commissioners. Attest: —Joemi MTC.ITT , Clerk. j3"13 _ , NOTSCE. - riTpublic are requested to attend the pening of the new dry goads store of Brandt & Bawsmn, on Thursday morning, ;eV 7th, at the south east corner of Second and Walnut streets (late the store room of Joseph Nahuwiler.) -Thinnew firm have bought out, the entire stout from Mr. KailllWiler at very low prices, sad in GOOD FAITH say to the public that they will sell this stock of seeds at onoteurth less than the =kind er goods can NOW-4E BOUGHT AT WHOLE. &US( AMUSEMENTS. POSITIVELY TILE LARGEST EXHIBITION Of the Amusement World Is Coming. 71-IAVER az NOYES' United States Circus AND Van Ainburgh SD Co.'s MAIILIIOTH MENAGERIE . AND EGYPTIAN CARAVAN. COLOSO•AL GOLDEN CHARIOT. Mammoth War Elephant Hannibal. Combined for the season of 1864, with 200 MEN AND HORSES, all under one gigantic pavilion, for one single price of admission. The wonders of animated nature consolidated with the only LEGITIMATE CIRCUS ever organized—Moral and Refined Amusement, Pre-eminent Equestrians, Acrobats, Gym nasts, Jesters, Contortionists, Clowns, Equil ibrists and General Pefformers. Splendid Stud of trained Horses, Ponies, and Trick Mules—Magnificent collection of Living Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Bears, Hyenas, Wolves, Monkeys, Apes, Baboons, Birds, of all kinds and sizes, &c., gathered by the GREAT VAN AMBURGH HIMSELF! Will eihibit at Harrisburg, on FRIDAY' and SATURDAY, JULY 22 and 23, 1864, af ternoon and evening, at 2 and 7 o'clock P. M. Admission, 50 cents. Children under 12 years of age, 25 cents. Lot on Second street, near Cotton Factory. N. B.—THE LARGEST EXHIBITION IN THE WORLD IS COMINq. RECOLLECT THE DAY AND DATE!! N. B.—Once more. Please observe the day and date, and do not confound this MONSTER ORGANIZATION with any other companies, whether they be good, bad or exceedingly in different. This Mammoth Combination will be at Holidaysburg, Tuesday, July 12. Altoona, Wednesday, :uly 13. Tyrone City, Thursday, July.l4 Huntingdon, Friday, July 15. Belleville, Saturday, July 16. Lewistston, Monday, July 18. Mifflintown, Tuesday, July 19. lslillerstown, Wednesday, July 20: Duncannon, Thursday July 21. , Harrisburg, Friday, July 22. • do Saturday, July 23. jy9-lOt CANTERBURY HALL. WALNUT STREET, BELOW TBIRD.:. J, H. DONNELL..... .... * ietor JOE MILLER Business Agent BILLY PORTER 4461lanager OPEN every night with a firat,claaa com pany of male and female artistes. The perform ance embraces every variety of legitimate , amusement, each as SINGING, - MUSICAL FARM, DANCING, PANTOMIMES, COMIC OPERAS, NEGRO OORIGALM ES, BußLEscium, AND JESTS. Admission, 25 cents. Seats in private boxes 50 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o'clock. jylBAtt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. • SELLIPIO OUT LOW •, • OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS! "Epp intend to discontinue the sale of Li quors and offer our stock at a very small advance from cost price. We have purchased all our Liquors be fore the last rise and have a large stock on hand for three or four years, which are guaranteed cannot be purchased now at any price from the importers. Our stook consists of Nlrki of all grades. grip -We have parts of three barrels pure RYE, not colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 2% years old. • WINES of all Grades, Domestic and Imported, We have part of X cask HENNESSF.Y BRANDY, to which wo invite the particular attention of families for medicinal purposes. The Brandy cannot be bought to-day, from importers, leis than slb per gallon. We will sell it for 'sl.2 per gal lon. SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES, CHAMPAGNE WINES, CLARETS, &O. We invite the inspection of hotel Keepers and Liquor Merchants generally, as we intend to sell, without re serve, all our Liquors, and this will be a good opportu nity for bargains. je2o SHISLER lc FRAZER. CLOSING OUT • SUMMER STOCK AT VERY LOW PRICES. N. WILES & CO., No, 4, Market Square, BEING :desirous of dosing out their Sum mar, stuck, otter for sale, 14 greatly reduced prioes, FANCY SITAINIFIt BILK& BERZON, [Wrong couto tern amasser mi. PLAIN MOZAMBIQUITS, 25 cuss SILK AMU WOOL PL/10 DRESS GOODS. 100 PERM BLEACHED ittriumc 26 eezds. CARPETS, 26 per cent less than . PhiLadelphis prices. QPICIED OYSTERS.--Extra Firte ra rne L 7 Oran; spiced, aid tor tale by Qs palm wet imd, pmt, or lasi qvaatity. _ ' tale_ rJr., - , ' • • • Backman to W. Doak Jr., k Oa, E. IM.A . 42 '.‘ " : 17.;:r t TWM ONE .1101) IND CAYALET HORSES, For which CASII will be paid on their '-- livery at r H A R,,. B At Government s for ;omit az hear -:ion. Agents for purchaae b round at Liu:waster. Rood tag, Leyistown wiluamsport and. Carlisle. By etiramand oflßiocasaerartorica. 42_ J. G. JOHNSON , XlD4petHesenenazunt.. vt.' Orpiox Cier Q. C Haas: Atif; 4 4 - ,4 LE • .„ u.iik. . . CONDEM' :1 3). ; :.',.` CO.R.S Es. i p t . ., WA.e. DereßtiourrieciAia . Emmy, ) 0171011 orC MD' Qv ~ WASHINGTON, D, f., 4tilf: 18($4. WILL be sold" .$ public !ttoW' to L,o hlgherabidder ilt the times • • • plicesinun4k he low, viz! - .. . - ''' t, fief ' Reading, Penn'a, ThWa.g, July - . . Harrisburg, Perin'a, "Illatdrii; Jai Vti15;1864. Altoona, Penn'a,"Thaksalt,t , •,-. • • :4ttri 1864.' ' ''' Williartisport. Penn's, Thiumia . t,' • •St 4t11.‘, lIIX ' TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry 'g, :- - stalkkplbed.. These Horses have been sonde ... - . as n iih4Lt i'rr thv Cavalry service of the Army. For road and farm purpose* many i.out iraii7Jse i r, ' %.-• - had. " Horses sold i.,ing4. •-• ' 'TERMS: CASM lu Ri2l4tml Stall ',..mretle,y. Pr' - '-' 4 • ' TAMES A. ERIA Lt.litalibd 0;,. M. Cavalry Ruyan jy6-dtd • OPEN MAI, : 110ESEsi /LssisTANT Q • Or FT , - 11ARENB Bth, 1664. Hwill •'' •", sd, (0 tit" this oiritSi, for Governme# Open diet.; iota a any number will be ,e 3 , aublevs wok inapeutlon. as I may order. . Cash paymettts 13y . 0 . t 4 r 4400..1. chief Qr. Mr. Dolt Snaqualieutna. E. C. REICHENB4I3I. Capt.. and Aaa't Qr. Mr. )ys.dtf SALES OF REAL ESTATE. .1 : A - CHOICE FARB A' SALT'. PUBLIC SAL. 0N THURSDAY, dersigned, trustee fit' S. L - Bowman, will sail at public sale, the following ried estate: "A tratt of land, sit uate in East Pennaborough township, Otimbeitueid, bound ed by land of Simon Dresitach, Cho. OysterAind othem, containing 102 acres, more or less, havingthemitrerected a large two-story stem house, good timid! , ' house, large bank barn, apple orchard of chaise 'trait, a pump at the door; also, a running spring near the house. This is a choicetarm and in a high state of card cation. Located 3 mihs west of Harrisburg, and a half mile north of Oyster's Ibint. Sale to take place on the premises at 2 o'clock r. at. on said day, when terms tall be made by Jyl6-die GEO. W. CItISWELL, Trustee, FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale- his farm, situated on the public road leading to trak Grove Forum*, in Carroll township, Perry county, ono mile and a quarter weer of Sterter's Gap. - contelorng 94 wires, thereon erected a two-story log dwelling trouae, a good barn, and otherout-buildings. Thereat - aids° good apple and peach orchards, and a lot of other fruit on the premises. A never-falling spring of- water near the house, and water in nearly every field. Further particu • km, enquire on the premises to David Browneville, or to 'JONAH McFARLA.ND, Barriaberg, Pa. jyls4llw HOTEL AT PUBLIC SALE. rl i t !T valuable Hotel property known as PARKE HOUSE; • on Market street, Harrisburg, Penn's; will be offered 51 Publie Sale, on the premises, on Wednesday, the 20th of July, at 2 o'clock, P. m. This property to In the cenU'e of the business part of the city, within a Squire of the Court. House and near the Railroad Depot, having - -a front 0f!2736 feet on Market street, extending track 210 feetto a 20 feet•street In the rear, and nor: rents at 1100 . per month. . - Terms of sale—oue-baff cash-ibo balszoe,' :if de &e,: secured by mortgage, in yearly payments to. snit pur chaser. ~ • For furtker information inquire of :1013:14 S. DETWEILER, Attorney -at-Law. 'Harrisburg, Pa. BENJ. PARKE, Pnrkvale, Susquehanna county, Pa Or Jel9.4ts PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE; NVILL be sold at public sale on Saturday, A.ugnat 13th, 1801, on the premises, situated in Susquehanna township, on the public road leading from the Susquehanna river to Shoop's Church, about three miles from the city of Harrisburg, a tract of improved land, containing 3 acres and 72 perches, adjoining:lands qf John Weaver, William Trullinger and Hiss Elder, 'thereon erected a good house and stable, with othernunitdings, with good water and fruit trees, late the estatk of Eliza beth Porter, deceased. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. le. of said day, when conditions will be made known and attendance given by the undersigned. JOHN RAYSOR., Attorney in fact fe- 11-17; of 7;, 1, ct1. Porter, decil jyl.oaw3 w FOR SALE, ACERTAIN tract or piece of land, contain ing one acre and one hundred and flfly-threo perches, with a valuable two-story BRICK ROUSE there on erected, and other improvements, situated in Susqui , hauna township, Dauphin county, within about of the limits of the city of Harrisburg. Said property is a portion of the real estate of GEN. FIRMER, deceased. Any 'information relative to the sale of this property nun be had by Galling on the undersigned. JNO. H. BEIGGS, One of the executors of Gel!. Forster, dho'd lianiusensa, June 23,1884. je22-4w-tin• PUBLIC SALE. THE undersigned will offer his valuable Mill and Farm at public sale, on Saturday, the =a day of Taly, at the Railroad House, in Middletown.. The Mill has four run of stone, is in ie order, and doing a One business. The Farm contains seventy-six, acres of Oust-rate land with good Improvements. - This property is situated one and a half miles east of Middletown. It will be sold on very easy terms, and probably if a heavy SA , ritlce. Come and buy a bargain. A. METING. • jy6-diliwts* FOR. SALE, • . rplIE valuable property, wraer - of Second 1. and Pine streeta, being fifty-two prol a half feet on Se cond and onehundred and ahrty-eight, feet on Pale street, running back two hundred and ten fest to Barbara &Bey, there being space for four full banding lots, and a moat de sirable site for a Governor's Mansion or public buildings.. For particulars enquire of Mrs. 1i1JP.8.1.1, corner of St - - coed and Pine recite. ' laara.a Land for Sale 520 ACRES of Land, in Dauphin .OE4 at private sale, In port or the whole, to suit purchasers ; 136 acres clear, good buildings thereon, with Saw Mill. for further address L • IdINFIKELP., Dauphin, Dauphin county, Pa mydo-Q&m• FOR SALE, • ABUILDING LOT, on Second street, be tween Broad and Colder. Apply to JOSIAH IioF.A.RLAND, jyl4-d/w Corner of Saequehanna and Colder ate Draft! Draft I: Draft!:! ALIENS and periona under or over thee - re gaited age, who have been enrolled i trthli . ( Diatrict, or any other District in the State, can have their exemption papers made out at rates fixed by law. Now is the time to put in a substitute and avoid the draft. Persons who are not liable to graft, and whO 'wish lc enter the army as substitutes, can obtain the highest pre mium. Business transacted by mail at legal rates, and'eori travel thereby avoided. Call at once, or address by m 4 • EUGENE. SNYDER, Attorney at Late , Sd, street Harrisburg, Pa, jy9-eod2mos. Pnovoar gansaai.'it Oman, 14rg Lomax;t lisatinanoto, Pa., Jane 0, 1.804. J TO DRAFTED MEN.--I ,a,m directed by-: Lieut. COL J. V. Boinford, A. A. Prevent Marshal General, by his circular, NO: 3P, of June 4, 1884, to pub lish "That drafted men are notallowed to enlist as velum- Mery after Wag drafted; and that the credits for drafted men will remain for the sub-districts from Which they were drafted, no matter whether loner beauty bas or has not been paid to such men, upon "illegal enlistment" JNO. SAY cLuickvr, Captain and Provost Marshal, 14th Dial; Pa. See-41tf - AFRESH supply of Michener's fJolebrateti Bum Cared Rams atvt Dried Beet; at 0445 1 • BOYER & KOERFER. ,11 - 10 YOU Irish itgeo& Oold..Pei?l, If JLI all el 13011:1091114'S Beolutors. Banliburi, ~"~ - i 4C. tied: MEM NOM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers