.... , . STIA. LW : , 3A.r. _______ ~...„...„.._-__.,---,,...."...---- •-•.:---.._ ._-__. ::_ _-- . .:_' -.- ..;w;•,..,.;1; t;ril,•,.e.ii tzjr; 1.----1-_.__ - -I-- - - 1 7, . - , j, i ......'_.' '. • . Gitra. The C6ll, •:Th "inC ore kl a i r li the ad i re . ,; - - . - '--- - - - - `,.. \ -an l ilf/E4X: ; - ,r ;•• * - .. ,.t :r ' :._ 14 3 es r.: , • - .(• It. it . ' - '' . . - - ' - ' ..'• - s : ' • ' •-••••.. 11' . ' L i.,\ oft it/ ../.ff •,„,,,.. 8 .. _ •-c-:..„-•:-.:....,...-. • ....... .• • .- _ • . .••• ~ • ••• .„,.\\,•,11,,,, f ,„*.-• _: 0t ......., „:;; ..,. .:.• :,..::_ ......_ ... ...., ~... . F_.•-•7.---.,,_ . __• 1.--,_•4...-,-.., ..- , . • 1 .. e.,..e : ob . ay ' L IP P agt. , ift, ' : • of' • .4cor -, - __ _ ,_........- .... . e5t,.• , ., i ., 4 : ....... f:' f . ~.: . _t., , . 1 ..:,..7- 4-i. ~ 't;< - A-_-- - -.- ~ i • i ...: : , of; ,' 4: :o. weak.. 111 1,- _ :. •$. , .J.D... , I tr '- '' ' ' , .f* awl . , , .z. Ai : :II '-J 1.:f; E , .:m . i, '. ..; . _ __......_....._-_,,,... J ,„,,..,..,--= ~._, .v. -.====, ' - t.. 0,-*...g...". . i 1 .- ; - : r J= . 'to != . 4i . i....:..121 • • =u" ic. , .. ~„-,, • (.; = , moa t • I ."-'..-; -I . L :- 17 . ' -. •" 7 / l'::'' - ''''-': ' ' 4 . . .i IF. ;iff-i q Tf - Fi' . 1 "i' ' ''=: .: '' allaillill ~' 7, , -':', r=rl .1= ',-- '.. 1 ! .. ;:l: . .;2 i:': . _., •:lic :,,211 i j .I!:;.; . 'r•r•r:^ , -,1 - 1 ', k r Z a r _,.. , • -- ‘!, Tiglf iill . N l L= 0 (X -- $. , a W .AArD FOREV.ER."— , Webster f. f ''' A ''' ..±' l ' : . , NO' . ..' .I..iJ ,' I , • ; : ~,,,; :.I . _ ..; ~. , toes 1 , IVEIIING, JULY 18 1864. i , . PRICE .TWO- CBS' -b..: r uni •: ,;.° il i a - 5r ,„ 1 . . IS • " lie 1 1 i trb, THB.TE rl:l3lancal Mamma Alm Morn - P' BY GEORGEBERGNEIR. WITCH THIRD az, =AZ wiLinrr. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. • Eill/041,E StrliStitnlol4% -::. • Tag DAILY TWAGRAPII is servedlttrAmheerlime in the otty at 12 Mate per week. Icotoy og b oof tw o w ilt t o charged 14 00 it advance. Th,peirecemyrho negloctto pay to edvance will lbeoharged.s6 case O. • WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. ' Tan Tsunamis is ahlo pnblhthed nmeitly, wad le furnisbeit o subscribers at the tollawlegawn rates Single copies, weekly....-, „.., Three copies to one Post °Mee The copies to one Poet Office 4 RAJ I.BOADS. Yetinsylvan* Rail Road ! FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PEELADEDELPHIA. ox am AMA MONDAY, May letb, 1.804„ Tm Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Companycsill depart from and arrive at H ar flaburg and Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD. . . THROUGH RIPUESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburgviaily at 246 at. and arrives at Wiurt Philadelphia sta.% a. a. FAST LINE leaves Flarriaburg daily (except. Monday) at &00a. a., and arrives at Wait Philadelphia at 10.10 A. a: Passengers take breakfast at Gun:miter. MutiNT JOY ACGOMMODASION, waves Hartiatuna at 7.20 a. a., connects at Lancaster with Lancaster &Mai— medation train, and and arrives at Wort Philadelphia at 1125 r. a. COLUMBIA ACCONSIODATION TRAIN. leaves Hanle , burg at 12 Roe. m.; Columbia 1.65 e. at., and arrives : at: law-aster 2.30 P. a.; Colluesting with Fast Kali but a; Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Philadel , phia at 6.30 P. a. 61 ti t. rrtAiN leavea Harrisburg at 1 . 20 a. at rlanritater at 2.47 P Li and arrive: et Weis tialladelphin at 6.W1 P. al RARRISI3UW3 JAXXALSWDATION TRAIN, via °clam- - Ma, leaves Harrisburg at 6.25 P. a., and anima at West Philadelphia at 10.60 P. a. . . WESTWARD. .L BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except, limbo et 10 ,44. 11, Anomie, 7.35 a. at, take breakfast, ,uul arrir 2. es at Pittsburg at 12.30 r. ar. • PHILABELPHLS EXPRESS TRAIN leave; Harrisburg ; daily at 3.10 a.m. Altuuna at 8.20 a. a., take break:llo, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 r. a. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at L3O r, ; Altoona at 7.15 P. a., take supptir, and arrives at Pittsburgat 12.30 4. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at X5O r. -Altoona it 8.35 e. it., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 100 A. r. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster at: 9.30 IIL, arrives at Harrisburg at 11.10 a. L • • RARELSBUIMI AI.2.IOSIIAuDATIoN TRAIN leavesWeat Philadelphia at 2.46 P. at., and arrives at Harrisburg 8.20 P.S. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION No. 2, leaves 'Anew, ter at 6.25 r. at., connecting there with HursobnriAtioain- - modaiton West, leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 r. R., !tad ariiirol atnarrlaburg at 6.20 r. u. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Middle Penn's R. £. trardeburp,, May 111, 1.864..-41tf Northern Central Raihiray SUMMER TIME TABLWEI THREE TRAINS 'SAIL.Ii TO &Nu zrnoss • BA. L'T I. MORE AVD WASHINGTON CITY_ Connections made with trains on Penmolvaida . Faikead,' to and from Marius and the Weet. • ) - THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North- and West Smut* Stlistaebiuma, Glietrs, al* AU , APAlort&A. , New York. ON and alter MONDAY, MAY 16th, 160, the Passenger Trains cr the NorthamJavill a % Railway will arrive ,at and depart from Harrisburg ; , . Baltimore as follows, viz: SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Soudan ..10.26 , a; as ti leaves Harrisburg • LTA r. R. • " arrives at Baltimore 6.40 P. 1 SUEFSIXB TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except . Sunday) 11.462.1. . " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) 2.50 A. It. arrives at Baltimore daily ((inept Mondayl . 7.00 A. X. PURRIPIBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Her. • burg 1.00 A. u. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sus-: bury' daily (except Sun day) as NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 9.20 4.11. " leaves Harrisburg 1.36 p.. 11. " arrives at Sunbury 4.06 P. ii. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore dai1y...... 9.30 L. It. " arrives at.-Etarrisbrug LIK) A IL. K leaves Harrisburg daily (eur,-,._ • . eept Monday) .9525 A. Li " arrimatStinbury :6.83 Aria HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal- -, • t Hamra daily (except Sun- • ~ '. day).. .: 8 :0 0 r, M: •. arrives at Harrisburg - AMR!: IA: SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris, . . burg daily (except Sunday) , • ' . at, 400 r,.. st. For further information apply at the Office, In Penneyl-, yards Railroad Depot. • I. N. MARRY,;:, ~ Harrisburg, Hay 16, 1864.411 Gen. Supt. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. -name MAINS DAILY TO NEW YOnii AND PHILADELPHIA. gN AND AKER MONDAY, Noweanbei 1.60, 1883, tke Pansener Yraina will leave the,Phale, pola and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, Olt Yew York and PhUndetphia, as _ EA.STMFARD. , ETPRZSEI LINE kayos Harrisburg at 6.30 A..' 4, on az: rival of the P Mania Railroad Exprese Train from tit! West, arriving to New York ;a L 45 a.. st. A Sleeping caY. la attached to the traii 'through from fltteburfr wiWni change. NAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. IL' ;6701114 to New York at 6.80 r.lii. and Philadelphia at - 50 - .1r."14., FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg, at 2.00 P. IL,' . NC* .tot New York at 10.1 6 r it., and Philadelphia at 2; 7. a." WESTWARD • _... rem LTNIC team New York at 6.00 A. N., arid Piller is at 6.16 aliiVUla u Harrisburg at I,lf. r, IL L TRAIN Waves Nev. York at 1100 noon, acid Philadelphia at 3.60,e. a., arriving at lisarisbtui atid.4o IL HYPHENS TRAIN leaved New York at riving at &frisking at 2.00 a. r. l and mineable...4M Shit Pennsylvania Exprees Ttainifor Pittsburg. 'A ramping= la also attached to this train. • ' Conneetiona are made at Harrisburg with trains on the ParnoiliVania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley radroada, and at .Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wlikesbarre, Allentown, Easton, ha Baggage checkech through. Fare between New York sad Harrisburg, $5 16 between Harrisburg and Phlladel. pits, 33 $5 In No. 1 cam. and $3 in Na 2 ,Tor tickets or other information apply to J. J. curim, 14... pent trnnl P I=o READING' It AILKOA thr • . '" - '7* ' ..L'i SUMMER AIiRABGEBIEDiT. aARA T TRUNK • LINK -PROW . Tkik NORTH end Northweet for Philadelphia, New ' ork. .15sa./ing, Pottsville, Lebanon, allealown,lfaStaV i duk,ite.. .'Buena leave Harriaburg for Plalladkipliik: JklewYdrik eivillsir,.Pettaville aud all. Wens di6te „ PIA u efisori s. la, wad 2.00 r. It. - . •..,---' '''"--' '''''. .'' ; New York Espresi leaves Harrisburg at . .6.80V,27 arriving at New Tprk at 146 the siunedit*. , , *•,',.., "-,' S. arleild goooiartiodatkin Pastiengerstidn ledireifi* Fares7.ls A. a., and returns from Rarriaberg di itY.,l, * _. !Ares from garnitiurg: To New York; gli ilfiti. 'Pbti t ' disPhta $ 2 25 and ' 2 idi. Bstiltatie viheadch Returning, leave New York at La' d.,,12 a . p. IL , Otteburg &sprees arriving el , klatikeheilpeil A..)14 - Imere Philadelphia et 41 15 a. r., and 11:5021L-.1 , N i - isigephsg ears la the New York &sprees Traldtli f ehreugh wt sad from Pittsburg without change. frWilagari by the Waiving& Railroad, leave Tial&4l6ll at ie. A. 111., and 110 r. 44, lb, Philadelphia, New York, And all way 0 216 - . ?flan lent Pottsville at 4.15 a. X. an .- d lie" it uridtadelphia, Raniaburg and New .74,4 r.„ . -..,..,, . ..( -Art Aooomatodation Passenger train laittetilediti&giitt 111,004:, . and ' returns ftom Phibidelplnsiakedr. is: "' ....Ail obb-abeer Mans run daily, binds* egifiple,l - ar a idif. ' l wo leaved Pottsville at 7.80 a ic., put Phil addpidnit &II r. m . .. 1 Omminglafft, intIVIA , 4 4.110 . 14 end Ittenreloti thigiii it reduced rates to and Item iittiointe - 430wountie !image alluvial bil awn pmass. , . ? .. fi• & tikiallti (Maim! SuMrintesdost. . . , lbsy 1, 1164;-;4141tirtf . . $1 SO BY GVOROB - 11EpilfEL a „I/4 .. 4 00 -ID 00 1864. PliWatiflphl a zd Erie Itffiti,.6 T ' great Hue travel* ,u,ttke Northern and Northwest counties qf Ptanig.iratife J9_- the city of Erie, on Lake Mae.' • It Wham freesalry the Pronarruissaa RAILROAD Oon rsintnad under their auspice II baton rapidly oPeiart throughout itir enttreleroe ser . • i s now use for and pt . bluffness Nom flarrieburg to St. 'dray's , 16 WINO. naShatrastarn DOW, pa r sed heft NitsWiehi to Erie the Western Dniania TiliNalr PANNING= TRAINS e Wail Train. .... 1 • 118 r• Pg• Stereo Train ... ' °'llo a. .)1501 Train , L 35 P. M. Sii/P3Perraiii .. &WA it• run through wrrnOar. ouAdcut. both,wase op these irdion between Philadelphia did Lock' Rain; and be itften Balutaure and Luck Haven. Pasant Slowing cam on :Camas [inlet both ways be !taSeen."RjUissosport,,ami, Baltimore, and Wfittesseptertlind ybltailelpbei • :: • ' • hrinftitinitien tatgatettng raneettiter.bnitimis 'PLY 'tho a g tilPr Ilth and lialicee Streets. And for Ituanese of tas Company's Agents.; a B. 4O Market Ptketas PlialmkgPl4L- n 4 t ,WL.tholds, ark& J. AL DrK Aget $. C. F • 'tienaLiPrisight Agent; Pkird. JOS. D. POTTS, • • Getieratlfatrager, Willianwport. MY2 041 71 'CUMBERLAND• VALLEY FRANIELA RAIL ROADS, if . • • C HANGE GF 4t HO t tlEB. 7 -Chi . an . sitzatte as. da iltrodows, Okinlilaystrepp?ct.4- , ; POI CEL4MELERRE/1186F 44490 11440ZIERVIMO: .wpat '7.00 1.46 , 7.87 8.36 4.17'• • • 4.2 e LSOL&h o.oo:L%'' 9412 - 2 Pg -2 • - 1" &Ade' - • - t ' 66 1010 2:42 • ft Mechanicsburg 026 10 42 3-12 at !Y 4--7 4. 4 EalligtWl4l4o-Erg&INURO AND RA49 6. E 51 866 . 16 ° 1 1 r 6. 41° ' 'P. IL: L i cays " * 7' • N 8 ,0116 ••• •• .... .. •• . 1.20 , "!6. I" Shi ____ppensburg ....10.33 4.00 Mnsubersbarg, Les :f i t..l /1.00 4.30 beave tr. Arrive at tharerstawn • lam 6.10' - ' lir1."=01,00,40010.11314 at Harrisburg WiNtittalmr f New ort and Pittaburg and with mine for all poiataql3oB. •••.. • arrhe Train leiteing Harksb at A T. 111., rune ur' tar " • • O. N. Lpla., Bup. li / 1 •• al ;April 4,11164.17 Leave Hagereetown... ..... " Greencastle i. Arrive Okamberstmug, Leave et 'LeavetGhtpgesustmns .Netrvalt: . =I OLAD NEWS FOBS THE trifrouTinuTE TEAK LOIN-SOURESFCM7: DISCOVERED AT LAST. Cherokee Remedy C I INJECTION!' , comPounra FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CHEROKEE ARMATT thereat Indian /Nook aura eat diicdri c/ the in* a !) , prpane cP as hiPin* mascot/IAR Ifrinefflubsinatation of the ittridier, fittleips matiort ttr, Kongo, stopeiii . 6 ke- 81 . 21 W1 fitrilaret Wek, GOrmin:Eux, and iidieciaty 4cinniliendta in Mate cares gyp/ floor Inas (or Whites females) where) laic Aeonßome mdieiner have fieilert* tom' It is prepared in highly liOneentrated free; the dose only being ere:none to (Pt', OloPeonhtle three tires` 7.30 4. X *fit :it is diprgeticitutalteratkre twits action; puttying 'indictee:sang t h e Wed; 01044 11. ikrw lid, aof ita: 614024. ; ilittg*6ol;:ig from tbesyatem; alt pendcions caws which bare tadneaddlealat i CHEROKEE INJECTION is hitelMitill 'nay or midst ant biri ths:CIII,ROKEE REIINDT: andstiould ha used lb ossianction with that medicine biall,'lssiss of :GeworrhePt tier, .ruldr ARKa or IrMai soothing and &Tusk:Cat rayons( au scalding, heat, chordee and pais, *Mad thathasking and almost en ettduraple pain thatia lapeaienced ...ittlh• nearly. all the camp ranch btook#4 , l.l- : r'i > : 1 Aitildir IRO; tmanutaniizawriON—the two triellehteest the Mee time-cif improper ObliChartea are ttsaakiiii, ild the weak coed organs are. liPsetly' tattered to,:hall ybtor and Worn! full Putioularil ! Pi 6 9r pamphlet 'hem stir s et:c4e, , or write us , and we w 4; 1 94 free, to any addrees,artutt rr .. Prim, CFLEBOICRE BREHM .$2 per bottle, or gin* bolt.loo for , . . •1101,.Pries: 431U61592 . 2,E 22mritiobttle,ot . ' • isemp k i, 4,,espross to any 'address ba tormikt rot_ sg.:sold by a 4frigesta everywhere. M. " l •. B o te'Pt ~oprietots No. 69 Liberty Ueda, New stork. inilO-eodly DAREiS , AND LAM& ;; • An NOM* ewe fbr Hinnwinnli#4 loninnit 11,* 1444144 " 41- .. ol4 !* . n l4 _o l oadise 4 se elefOi ft agif• swinfOny ,ininlllB loss of Memory, Unnnivai Gwen& Painl iisLehiliiltak (PM* Prenabere did 4p Weak ik r- tivac .01,1016 - Tr naafi, MAO& .9 1 140. 0 0 1 1 00 k 4AWIniO, Ctithieskani and walk ItersrsoLherairikriaWaserad-by rare rheStikte whore: ' Allittlas*litha hi a simple vegetableaxtract, antkose istsktrailaur rety, as it has been need in our practice par inahpywits,laad. with , thOitiandi tasted, WIWI 114 what iii'anihitte instance. Ihrediithwietswiti have beak aullideat t ia a fa vletoi7 over thaniestitubboes semi arifi thooo who. hofe triheitiritl4lmili *rigid — a* shwa thor,thiohilwAllf s r.al boyoadlbo reach of toOthOof id, would try Dl wot / tae 01011101=1 and = Will terare/Pillibe+h *fte r t l4,tl , ll T I I,J lowlisoft Med ' - _ Moots! Itxhit oaf 1 ,3 4 aorsoiokosomithtiloiffho af_PWlsrotot, who otll hir. 1 . 11, wooriliiirA - th Crmi !, 4 of soo#l,-111 . lioupprowrm • - • arediosisportoillo or tfeThocArtile• lbw Shi and +h-kte lw‘n -- 14 Lore. • •Fla - :' , a Bout flionasfoxii - -I . l ** * *7 7-77- 1 1 ,0 4144 _rrrPM -14. -TM, - - As I, 1 „... ' ' . Ja/stiOAUlti. 18641 lowa PfOrthward. A .M ) MEDICAL. CHEROKEE CURE. rut [}BEAT INCkUtICHEDICIDER o .I;ic:4 - 1 . 2 f ) !IIREPVIRINIOPOW:f.. ;p: itARRISBURG.-M, ,MONDAY ivittiktiA oNnevrese..ovne..""nrsr,r , ""r-o - v - e . ... , 1 ILVY . S . P P A Care Warranted. , Dyspepsia has the following , Symptom's: di ' 'rt. A constant pain or uneasiness &tithe: pi of •the stomach i - ' . e. r' ;:I 2d. Flatulence and Aohlity. . ' - e 3d. Costiveness anti Loin of Appetite.. - i i '4th c {Room and. Depression of Spirits. ;: .t .b , sth. Diarrhoea; with griping, • , :r''' ... '6th. rain in ail parts of the System. . ; ' 7th. Consumptive , Symptoms : and Pitipiti id of the Heart. -s 'th. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. It , la. Nervous Affection, and want of -filfeep ,10th. Loss ..of Appetite and Voirniting. ._:d 11th. Dizziness, Dimniitslof .Vision, • and- Less of sight. -. • ~ •, • , 'l2th. Headache .and Staggering in walking; with great weakness __ L. , ' . c. Out of the thousands of mites of Dyspepsia tliat have used Dr/ Wialnittlailreat American Dyspepsia• Pills; not one of I them has failed ; ot a perfectcuret 1- : We.frafrant a Imre in away a case, no Matter if - of twenty years' standing. 7 Seld-by all druggists evisfywhera, And at Dr.' Wishart's office, No. 'lO , N. Second thiladelphitt, Pa. All examinations andoon4 s it tedium tree of : charge. . Send ; -for voiren. „ Price $1 per box.c. Seat-bye mail, free of 6 Le , on receipt kg nroney. , . • , . - D'I r MSPfIIA , ,- InSPEtt.4I4; i r :DYSPEPSIA. ir, - ittfxeisErt itentioN, , of.. Btandywine, . Eal.,'Se i gnerly of Old Chester, Tel., do cerfl 1 i . , that, for One year and a halt uffered eve thing but death From that awful :disease cal f , i Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated' with weakness and nervous debility; I could Itlt, digest my food; . it 'I ate siren a cracker et the smallest amount,of foottiit would regent just as I entallofwed it; d became so costive in Mir bowels'that I. would not have a peonage in hiss: than from deer and often eight. days; wit:, k , d r this immense suffering,' my mind seem- • a tirely to give waft `'l bad a dreadful horror iid evil dorehtelingeu ' I thought •'evetybody. hated and /hated everybody; I Could not t liar my built and ail/Mr my own drint,-srary iptappeNtelto ;be .hctroir-stricken Ito me; ; Thad+ nottinthitiOntoidonnything; 1 lost all my lovoofifamilyimd home; I wireldrantbla , and wander - from place to place; but acitthbout• -be, ocatentedvl - riett VAC I .was doozdeaYfo 'heDi and that AkiersAnta- floe - leaven for: nte,, and: &ma often , teulpted,.th, commit indoidix. so nests swits ntyil whale nervous system,lcia= eroyell, and•slab m r mind /from tin* almfril, compdaint,‘Djulpepan, that my ftiendothunklit lleatAndhave me plseedf • in Dr lifirkbrubia, '40044 i„West Fklidelphia;... I rebialneth there nine weeks or.a 0.-- ro - ' ---- - 111 - • . -o WITSI7 ouvzorumr-0n00.... i i„ plaint NM ritging.disbad al; ewer._:fin gt df• . the Wonderful -, euren4siribrmed by Dr., Vb. i tierce .Great ? American-Dye -0 4=in . Pnlaranif 1 byb~iai treatment f frit, iDyepeptik myt;•linsindidi &lledetni.Dr.f W.osbartane itatedw.. tuiselof 13m,; Hesaid he had - do doubt he coulddurs .., ~ ei . So ;in three.daytt after I called italideteetl -, myseltunder the 'Doctor's treatment, andri t two weeks I began to digest my food, and f . that my disease,was , fast giving way, and continued to'recOme i for,aliiut th ree month Old at the Presoak iimi; I,enjo y perfect,beel of body . and Mind, and IMoitt iqueerelyre ' My thinks to a: mercifid 'God. and Dr. 17 `,. ' hart, and to hiii great American Aye ti Fills and Pine Tree. . Tar Cordiatthat saved from an Insane AsYluni and premature gta'i' -• AU persons &hireling with DysiMtWitt de liberty to call on me or write; as 1 &V wpii In do all the good . I can for suffering salinity. ';ELIZABETH, BRA /M O N.: , trend rte, fiel.,totxnerly of bid Cheat , PRO' &lnt l% PC - e . , ' "' ' t a C its Toe. A ' ios ttinp, go. io Nertli " se, t street, Atli/101 e. • >lt LDUPII/148I1.! DYSPEPSIA!- 1 i f.f DE. Xemstoi-4 hare -been a feowitant 'offererOb. tifiviosia for the Isst eighteen yowls, during whtth. I cannot say I twat enjoyetagesfectly well day. lk *ere latslitiwheli ibis epiglottis Arm more aura Lauen at Oran, itedllKu is newned it would bitiu-S et tnak.s. I had at all niaallai Wllitgatant.felgh etnt, but law* my *offerings so much ilkaro becitarksbnost auditor btiableas of any kind; saomitlnually , Med with gloomy 'thoughts a and 111,;eitemptod ozghano tittir cm ling aporim Imola= ff wit P? 4DePsha-col 's - i a deadweight, as it Peri l s,' Memo upon " dim, a diellim of slOknesswouldb•ouratthest groat mu UP mi end, aroonmisnle.l with wl , coo r real of iontiactilyeawr. I • also 0 rrat , cliVivo t debititY and novrolienests, whit Imes tto wwle by day r - 81 , 4 m it night. verse t&scalety, and disposed only to .. aving tried the skill of a number of um f irefitolatetiookit tinily came to i tiv la - disease netts , ' Prel-bat eke (thy ll tt existence. Bat, through the vioeni* A .4o whem I degvngy id ousd a sovereign remedz,in.ztme sr Cordial, whist' Seem MrilktM e Mtriele trace of laYiosititst tietingeviteft if thet Place brpulli cathre dm ettrydity 0# - bailor urea, , if' I "NO. CA Neagh iteitiondtra 1 .1., ..,- , ' ;;614 4.1.i , WI?, , Or Wisharf4 l , et. ir" [ mt. 1 1 4, r 3 Srrik w . . 65 **/ ll*. . ' T4 ..iiir , - th pida, 1 . r 64. Wintear- .-artnrilh pm _pt! atilgammt, -1. 1441Billato I Amerman giarus bad that nu at dis ' fig econnient, get rioustytedlmted for thuleltst. s9f tritiKeige of that 4 999 119 `e i anlti•oras Weep 4,&--s - ,f Ilar d itaVo d' r el* moa nillwi. aiiiy and nth - iltory - thishl'or tied 'with's-1W and totinAt fiat-red hot nob the quantity, A continued k oliow I hid no agpethe uin' any istfer and my disarms was so great 'fore I heard of your 'Pills, that It t,„;,,t ~, d 14..t . I had taken everything•tht a.la, Without 'recravfirg 'any Mill,. being recouirdeeded to) Mehl MOO hY,theul., f gene tiklalt , Fr il bAil no filtit I. them To my t ilayiso getting better , twitore I-be lion, awl after tsking . half a box. I I:tkAsakl a itffirifidtAlittitl alti v l ni en4 9 .l enes 1 °ni l t il t Y irTr o thbriger, you, phis pail% and titer tb ' I will i .airableinformation thong one wlii : Toon, respectfully, i•; , ..' • For sae at Dr. Witham-a Medit Second street, Philsilaphis, as. ibex.* ,gent by mail, f ree of dodo _ . . DYSEEPfiViI ,DYI , I, Samuel D. Haven, lire. iv ' Climucßyegoatileisid Tr , Wes ions 1 vniig* -, • nentphysicituisitt Phi sidelpnia ids N. J. They did all for me they con pass. I was constantly Ailed. with ties* and with constant belehthg .4' , Xy Mune was covered with a white coat until it orld:Cod in tarp Inivowe and w coat:; """Vili:Vdl="47, l l":l i i ii., 1 try .bims of pray& to wittlil &Mb me' to! some phys wan or would care me ~ I wits tld t i red an ad tnisd pr-li enton. "irre lt 4l ,.nn i . jilli Cia t ' of l i a gr oll saws, by frillhfrint Dentsllsela till's Pootre s iMesitudlibitilut WNW '' ; . i • T- )1 ,- 7' ''.7‘illtliißAPlll-Ir, *OR BOYS.' HE PARKER BOY, and hoche became &emend: er•in•Ctdef, •• - • 25 1 •A' PHE rrefiti6iit; $1 26 tt ' • : Fl VAXi iedr f a l k d 4112 Wit BOY, 6i MI Bea .` his mask. ' ' • ~'2186 tH€4.616,4144112jY; and Voir he became Ltenten , ant General In wean • arI'WHISTORY OF THE 11,811$,LLION, trot ikeito ItennalroVeliniantik drannitni - 26 At BOOS STORE. ' wOIIOE§TEI sAUCEP, 66 Ere*. Tioiiirlai awl the tenon ever offered tO•fhe 1. • faatinaebred 'Wafer Ode br • ; . - r!! : • ; mom avragxit„, RA?!n. - ,:iireolm sYm• nockwjr. k , I TTNAntaLEDCHAFAUS"WIaintgt . 4 g MO l l l nolgfet-the Atar,ob. tilt res tores ,tt Rut chaiiitOr. metal e; Iltdelibor,' eve? Anished-earraek either Metal Or All huutufaetunors Auutvdestera in [annum *WA we it: elewanns,fatintato that, has been amid-. lam,,covered with dad. A tour& and rub bore and.these will mike It bright and fresh. ' For sale be . S. A. KUNKEL & -Altar , 1111 Mirka street,. Harrisburg. Mucus adfully „me of C IE BLADE' ENGLISH Mid" a nre article *freebie ace, Ant re oll iced 11 0 0 PT SRN= & FWD'. athr% • ' isanadenre b Weir Om& fa. k Ob.) pErI r OKOUES.-4100/‘4O beef tongues, cared Ilry.F. nobisurrik Ob , and for lota by - • ' P , IIMM&& & FRAZER. Raceimors w, nook it. th 11l well q• t be oe that •t of cora MU. *gut tk woo. 0t5.1: L•!, ~'SI .C.OO ]IdE Wei% L. ilea told him if he faded to cure me, it would bathe laS effort I woutil make. It tuitbeen six weeks Since I co meecedilpe teeter bile medlAine,- and Ime now a well mgie free from all and disiate,sa, and can eat three Leidy .meektia day vitteeohiddrt;atud feet perfectly seem: ftirWlabart„ I want TimtAisiattAtalt - ,my .caae, as,; ,sent erg Poor tiyapie,Oc.auffeetngeti t Rae, to on.me,,and ; itd; teattheid'ilf the ateat: Mardi 'hara.rece tadftom 96ttr tSA M D E ta - gv.:•: rtzt- r PenanrCarittLarintit Streta..noar ittehniend COtmer!P-AeßMMllilt-o-mrl.4 Burlington, coalat.v, *eve arch coA' Okoilt e thonstoti thi' . Milady Ater Art& frost in ambito:ly vow • e have ttemaaadsOlatteWitilliwit4M9sicians amt drug. jtho,lase9promilaill sopktlieTar Co!dial,se,yMg t tliey . lteve neer u or 014 a' medial g,NT ; fie anti-milli-Jae/AN* +strip by the proprietori ; -p vvirry.L Q. C. WISHART, Ma 10144 .. n 1 .11eicitstd streell2l l l4 ll * P.a: - - bk evelif • - timj3lB-eFiddlaw• _ '''oct A:ift 7 S, 7 . 9 I , , irmicanarry,_ st. ;. ,EITERM/NATORS. :. .1 1 .., ..e..•Yr.T. ,r4.40 , .ii ' -,.. i. . -,. . "COSTAR'S" EXTBILMINA.TORN - . ExTERM:MATOM... ' ' ' ' -.-. '' "60STAIIIIW'EXTVICRINATOIlt •• 7 ri 11 - 1 i , )11 /. .: . EXIPERILINATORK •I, -.„"OVMAt"S" SITERRINATQRS. ... ~ EXTERMINATORS, ~,, . "COSTAR'S" RXTERMINA'fORS' -„' 't • ' .1.::12t 2,2.l.,,,ExyggimilfoßEL . ' . 7. 2.) •"2:2ol3lA2l :., B' swrismATois, - 2, " "COSTAR'S" MERMINAToR 44 : EXTRICI.U.NATOW. ••'' "COSTAR'S" ErrinstmEaFe.Toia i.: . .. - 22•:EXTESMINATORS. 1 ' 1 i• , .2'; ..'.o. l. or oß a l g t gh A T o dt T °R4l. • 1 ; •• • '-... i'O622I2 I 2OrEICTRICIRMATC4O4. , • •., 2 : . 2'l , • ' . • • 111 !LWOW *MORI . ' " RPOTArrI XtTS UDI If Ri F k ''' .1:2•-• - •• , 0 5y ros ii; - 4 . 1. I/ N -. , . ' •" 'MXVSZAWS" 'ErnrallNATOlig. . .• . , I ! . ' i - • 2 - . '4•T421082",'F Inarkron • ' a it i eliy i 4.oogrAttnyi lIMINATOILS: • . 1.. 1 , , , ,. ~ .,i-, •, • • LICIE RIfIiet IINAT4MIS . . 4 / 2 24r4 2 1,i!2"'EXTilliATOES. ,•,.. 1 - ,1. -. , , 4 C05TA1V5".'1320241210214.T0R5, . , • 'r, , , tu-li ,)::1 J ,LEXIIIRIGUTORS. . I -J.,- -.'2_1•,:2 ...2 • ~2.,-; 2•'.2z•••• , • •• •• ''' tote i rl 2 H ll t4 ,6 - i rieb...4iii.loo. Hug% 11.4.6u2 p:sars, woelena, •limpects 1 8 1eMis,ll'oii - 11.orlmals, eta. -'' ".' -• Lf 1 - , fl 5 yenta intabilitnedirr ri`.-T. tett" i . • "OnlyANDßelatiellieetkneirtat! . .7 .• : ........ IP •,.., 7," frPcift)r.f.r.l.J..6„, -._. it . „, . . [ :., Zo a t i ZmtlAs sa_ Aisle • thairbelegtodie. 1-• : , isrSold by•all-Dro AVgglittammenralaare 1, aaaj e ll i a ma , ' WitaZite _ IL . ralli s tv T. 1 f r i ) Whagentle and retail agenta And by all Druggists la Harrisburg. Pa jettkiewam sib il - rfrif. • -44"41 vi amen. men aA.• v , tuthni, [ it ' ' Der the mob mad Bowe of fierreentladierm elf pilitekNiiisil in Gendyet Avon: • sive, the toolying ameuelikenti tie propoied' to Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accordance tltepeeffiinotat of. the tenth article thereof: Therie shealVbe as selettioned , section to the third article ; WeAlintS94 l 44 l /00 6 - I .4oirtimed an "OW/ four, es Ad • kvl-.) t iriaeiril l si7 of the trzilifted ikectora tit divvvv.vveab - !hall be in asty.adnal military -ter cepluadong tesnialtionlitom. thelteablesd of thei-.l3aned ' tee,* by the authority of this Commonweidth, Such mussy enercise the right.of Mitnitga ft ell fectiehii the e.itieviiikajefferlip*regiiiiiifeese:as are, or shall be. • b4tVais. !WAS it they! were present at 944 , 1001111. 4 bieCCOlg • " ' •L• .1 nieennos 2. her l.l e Mimi be tie additional sections to the tenth articlo of. the Constitution, to be designated ea • , igtitivudi.ninit, int•foliates: lthermenielL 1 Jeloiedi•ettall be pawed by the Legislature, mom Atom Wirt et" . Autdeat,which shall be Meariy • . • le'L thee n title emt appropriationbilk " —llO bfil &WU) Simnel' by the Legislator's • • . ear pdaleisioetelsitegen in any eage r -where the thetrilt i Tt MeV IW' ers ;has beent tim marel r conferred upon , the courts of this • v iest! HENRY O. somas* kocsker qf Ow Houma qf Egnesestratirsn it PkANATzi . J . ,_ v.' 'timairly, ilia' Sionista= ill r akchrfrumf; - - - ;4 1 "Aucluiu Astor • - Iti:ltigiii j. ~—• . • •;,•• .T.r.:•, , : • . • :; I do heroby Corti, fy u ttuttthe foseitoing is I. RA true aid F0tiv4 .6 6Y.7 or, tsa - eriektud Sant Rileolution 4:of' the General assembly; r entitled «A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amenchninsta to I 1 ; -.. , the OustEitottetOitt ihOtialne males_Mdri.Sle Jrt thin otpct. ix Tseristoref whet Cot, 11:haire blimp set t' q` . 1.:1.] haficf-eiid &lied thn &n 1 of 'Wei Secretary's a -2 . ; • . lice tb to elated the:41,441d year above written .r., 4: ..L. , • , 411 SUM, • • EaMilf gt P l4- 0 40 .,,0ntw0r- . thSlificy' ri'Aripluti;iir baying . . agreed to by a ma tt oettie uomniaiiii of tiatii'aonsee achy increasive of the Gags* Asseknbly Of Wariemm.onwealth.„ P PfuJosediura?Plas mrglb° "VI to t h e "*. 0 3 # for ifleif Aduottos oroltiectiol,"ei: ter TeElitalt /dal* Vtlio tali! of b O,r Lerd ban' iltousand eight undred and sixiy-four, in asberdatkie with the tenth , arti- Ofi:thftgAlletliUtteui.kati the e rtlot44:"On -40,Pot tufT„,,,,._e-PF4 ..,4.y.iner .4 .ii fffm .., ; th.. 0 0 0 „ t el' dirpio 1 and ratitlcstkin or- mecum, - 410 TM. ansondments to the ConstitrittOiW7-sioproned :the ntrthinhdarofiAprili nee •thaosond.rght hundred 4 PIAVun j!:. i ..:, : ,-, . r MA BLIT-Efti -. . app. -, .• ficeitifirt of its ......... , • 1 '4)1 rp - klvEb " THIS MORNIAK , INVOLUE , OF 66. is • gELABR A TilD buinsto 81;1 GA R CUICEP '" u tztATEM AL .. l•lO‘ • ~r NHISIXR bi,A2ing, L62 • Jegt IMM MEI . , ii:..-ifit 4 tOglittiluilV: ITS' 'COST TG SI ARYL AND. • 1, 1 • liejii*ations ou the' At : WAS ... AONET.: i'llY'7llJE. -.:::itfoE,Ls, • '1151019 , 1 11417bIDSR OIiTAXNED 4150-1;1 41 11, 4 . 4 ,r11 .DONgt - 1 • • • • IKA 4 s4l ' nf tl I - , • r 13,tursociat, July Pule- SeeetisiOtliera here assert utat.thexecent rebel invasion ,rip,porply a rreimimoistmce to ascertain the yom a k and strength of the forti fi cations at 'W' • gton and m 'Maryland. Disci:4%ring' :what' they were. they metelY;retireillic thaother•sifie4fit the Potomac: to await large reinforcements, with which, when obtained, they will invade 114 again with an immetigrarmy, with Lee in °Quentin& _ ' j • tf --- • 'This may be MON ‘ 1 ?r4861 1 149.90.0-, /*Owe what has been done.partaktui, more Of , truth Ulan f iction, it ) i§isi-on to be do alert: and not again be' taken niutWares. - -' • SoineaUsaling rebels are reported•to have been seen in Baltimore. county : last night. 'lt is believed that the plitnder obtained and tits damage done by the relels' in We'dtern : azland and other ipit'xte-of the , State e - will 1 a omit to four mi ll ion& etdollu . i. . • ' • ' Et DEPEEVA'riONS ON THE MAILS. , i,iporg, .aogs-re' orricrA.l. Egrost'lo 'rut POST OSTICE • Marcus R. Hook and Williaan" :3 T. Hqwell, route agents on the, thronfih line between Washington city and New lork. furbish the bTowing particulars. of the loss of their. train :the rebels. :___ .. _ •- , • • ..,__• - . , -•-, ' , 'pre train eft Washington- J on Alonday,,,at 7430 a. st. The agents had in, chargetrom the Washinkticroftlee mails fail bhilidelphia, Albany, Bestial, `New York, heirark, N. J,, , outlJOPrikrgfa4ll,- Dines. lAt Baltimore they received the folloWing: 131 . isle, N. Y., Nashville, Tenn., Cairo, lir., • Ville, Petal& i iftt rot cetunberliind,' d.. (both the other roads-tot this point be. ing ont,) Oleyelaud t Ohio, chips°, ill., Co-, tii • 11,11)Up, Ohio, Cincinnati , Gettysburg , . If.a rirg,',Vadiatittlicalis, Lexington, ;Lbriistille; ittibtugifilpringlield, Ill.,Stenbeiville, Ohio, ' intrephs; Mbar, tit. Louisa Moi, Wheeling, isb , Pr4 Zanesville, Ohio- , • , The train proceeded on quietly as usual, Writil;irhibt eressing-Gitnpowtler 'bridge,'Mr. 4—.4.a.a.........ta11ar. Howell, that there was &dense' awoke PereePtinikt 490/338 Q/Blituim ' gad,. Fad they would probably now meet t , e rebels. , . ragging. over ` lately, - abode's 'Mile teWards Magnolia the train was fi red • into by a party' hrch proved krbe a band of guerrillas, under,, lmore. The train was stopped immediately, but the engineer quickly reversed. the. engine, 1i ,aped oil, and took to the woods. The tire = sr) followed, the elatibvu' ag at them; 4 4 * 44-4 r :.t,, ti0,.e...440 444y,oitermit p1)...0. e cars Ind ;on / the enginik w en, aches tea, lie foulkd one' randred and twenty-five pounds of steam on. He stopped the train at that point. Here a rebel' 'eAvretpithe - i lirftdfclart iand • demanded money' froirailetagshifs kid-Others ,Who llitlo under the excitement, assembled in that car. From the agents no money could be obtained; but the through baggagO,maSter* acceded to' - their demand, to what extent is not known. Here another rebel entered and announced to his companione that gilmore had , tooted orders•that•all private property shoulak he re- tweeted. The two tellowstien passed out of the car, (a passenger, none used for the con veyance of the mails,) and proceeded into the pasilaiger" car* ', ,The passengers, ahghted, their baggage was taken out, and here it was surprising to see those.rebel depredators in friendly intercourse with the passengers, l*tiny of whom seemed in them to recognize old rriendsLendr acquaintencos. Indeed, the wayside presented the aPPARATICA.ctf. a, grand pie -the, for the ladies ancrgentlehien opened tip - their StApplieti, and had the : Whole -affair , been previously # l losr4ved , Y , lrti erect: ccinbi not; time been giverrioif: • • But, to the mails ~: Tin re'Oaten,- sup. Posed tu be a captain and a/Vitali, entered the marl car. They,farst•lnqtriked- fol. safe* leanedthere warci•none. Theh-for mail bags. Asked for money Or public document* The agents fephecithit "money would be scantlay =Mild these critiCartimos,. ito." Then tho mad :keys were demanded; ' The agents =re" that thS* had no =the keys, when Line of the officers took out. his knife, and mil:tithed : "We have a key to the baße They theril selected the liarrisbrirg I:Ouch,: WhiehJthsy cut. tuntripened a dozed ' ' or two leiteis;' but thigr gimofretti this source Were only ;abort 00 which they stole from oneletter. -'-' 'Remarking that "this business was too sloW'l work for them," they lighted a match and set ilk to' the mail. Qmery. Were the tatliars stolen, from doat letter, the bard earned wpgcs.. of some or, day laborer or men a nte to some indi ; gent family? ,b 4 a hope,thii .. 'tenable depre- tlabmvi. . 11 apprise tbe Post t i. ee Department t Washington, so that, when; the poor fam ily, or, perchance, the sorrowstaicken widow," should apply for her letter thi), department may be able„ With certainty, to ' inform Tier , where her money has gone, These magnanimous ,oiricere, however, al-', lowed the route agents to latite with them their praiisea. . Then asked the baggage master of •tbe train if he ;could rtle• eolgul" , Hii :Cifi! 4 11 44 hi the negative . The brakecTOll who lefieopver and stopped the eagiue was ordered ,b3stiiP rebels tenet as Prtguice4 1. 11 44Vr 1 their direction , • he put steam on ; t he. e*itki, 'The tr.iin was then fired and forved ; )?ack . qn the• Gunpowder bridge. . ~ 1 . 1 40 baggage care ,, troy No car and five Other cars, were thus- • : 4 40 1 troYed, No port of the meg was saved-from, .tlke,Anies. , Our two infonneuts puffed over the Aver in a boat, using every, cwertionstoascertain whether any portion of „ .. tire ippil'.e.Ql4# be saved, • but without success, They then walked to tikennner'e inn , arid telegraphnd,to gr.!Cra f ord,; agent agent an .13,11* more, with a view, to -obtain a hand-Pei to bring Qum to Baltirrinrics' but 'Abe bungling operator at that pnt so transmitted their dispatch that .4.f. - chgleid could not under stand it. *-: ' ' -'. ' ' ' • • ! - The agents t o after their' long via.etolPed at the Bun all s night,,Airidne* nierhing Clues daY) we re eonveyadlin AI .14 -car to ' •iiiihi. mare. ' From i the "day it 10 miiimupents" they ..i°J to j .5•140 ~,. Dail EIEI NM I PRINTING OFFIIE, jertlaing in inefini• Ardo winq T a b lkbai i • fs, - o s , :. ceswelif ..i ,ill"-..' 41....= - ,... - .. - ......-.=l-il__. ~.., 76, !MK! diOrrir ...,•• i .25 , . ... .... i 115.• Ofteweek• -'' * ' 2 2,5 Lta 800 One-month .. 600 Lathe 400 TwmWtM_4...,A./o,r Loathe 8 60 Thred'himilllM.... n 00 Wm El 00 Six montba.... 16.0 ..18,00 On '' '' - , sienr. it 4. h .n. , BAUM Minces — z..ti...! f. $2211- '- Notices 78 Notices.— • ••. . . . ...:4..:Y+ i EU Notices each ..... .. . . :.. . - ....e. b 0 4341 " 1412 M 4 r 64 0:11itink re aged &owe' - IMMO:a. are the rates taming adveY rit.lo? :hed here,. iiletherge of 'the mails, by the 10 . 1:1 ;11 .. :.Z,, .., ' r e ha% j Ektt' TV' that - tile rebels Ad titrbyed all the luta matter—thousands of ;fetters —addressed to twenty-eight different rpoints. ' liow.,rnany innocent families have ~ I .th s beer' diaressed by ' thD noi- receipt of di i t letters - how much money in small stuns Is °greyed -wlift "telety Al :thwjwylvl of 0. ' nds, soMmoned to attend some wounded or i ti t ck fixadier , , has,lacen, odettsigned, i wp. will., not venture to 'state. - The "waheonliesk: fhd so ows entailed by a , mail depredator—the c tore who wion.M4'ply the fora to th e so o" o' correspondence- 7 40 that sacred chain at inrcourse which can only exist between Infi.:' ..baldb and wife, parents and children—aro alf .ft' i:l4ond the comprehensidn of human beingo,... -...7 %lcome, a thousand times over, Fantle Lebo/ -ratdeiv to such distinctions. . —. • # i THE MSTtS CAPTURED BT TECE:FthRIDA. i Whomas Clark, Esq.., the inaefatigable,g4,- oral route agent, , of New' York, furnish'e4 tfiß following to the Ctepastment: , - r 'll. .. .. .. . .... 'jhe following male were captured by ,the Florida, onboard the Electrie Spark, on Mon, day, the 11th inst.,. in latitude 37 deg. 35 an.. - longitude 27 deg. 25 tribi., viz: • 15 locked pendies for New Orleans. 1 locked pouch for Pensacola Florida. • canvas tags for New Qrloicus, • 1 1 bag for Pensacola„torida. r h P s° m 4:7%19 4 11 5 t. 91e rel'A st amei. . „ The through cuuras aty-Ilve iu namber which left NewY,orli for the Wt i st 6 O'clock, P M. on the Bth. Instant; Weirikile, stroyed by fire, together with the• entire con tents of the-mail car, near Southfield, •ISelo York, about forty-five miler from New York, ciiy. Every exertion was Waite .by the , routs agent and ereprciyees of thetrainlo extingiiisri" • the flanievi:' bairithouveheeesel We farnialt this information:so. that cones p+ndents nun? cluphcatc,their,lettera if, depiee4., `necessary. Later Won) '`Virope; PIRATE BEMS HAS A NEW Mg& Intend* to dglifri ' Attnek, Krafunt: . - - llereteamsl4 America fromtSontbamptorr,, • • : ` 4 4th, Liverpool dates of the fah r l:,ula.aFEwol, ti. 1 $ The steamer Words: arrived ,at Cowes on etth, and the Belgian arrived' dot on" 'the :Mr. Dissoeli unwed. his want of corif,i4en i ze,_ E asid resolution on. the 9th, M the House ; 0f, : , , gommons. M. Gladstone deniedithat - England's• iliild-! eit ea bud been.lowered... `-, .- .. - - , , ,;, V:, Mr. Newgate moved au ainendmerat,, dy.,.„- daring that the independence .1:If Detimarl ought to be guarantied. Mr. Hinglake's amendment; that England's - , bey was:for peace, -was also offend on the f Mr. Colideuslidi e at great lenath;liben 67 *bate was adjourned on the Bth. Lord Malmesber r y will move 4 similar ;Al: s lution in therHouse of Lords, -. . ~: , I. The French papers state that tlike „rfussian 'and Austrian Croups in the Dneides 4 liave Been' increased, and that "Pru • ssininte'riddlibssiising all the Danish islands and three:tonal:o attack igoPenhagent The Presse says that King Christian per- I 1 sfirtally requested NaPole On's protecting, inten- Om. The ezar Kiissia nitefidii ? the King of Rolland at the Hague::. „ Jutland hWcheen Plgced under the FrAssi'L.9r. thorities who . collect the revenpeA and. ens- t Two Danish war v l Ecoraiter"" i# oit Willon - were fired on anti liiithdiett , ttkl' , Ancona. • The Prussian dispatches printed is 411111._ London Post on the. Holy Alliance itie prp-. notucicedbotis. - ' " SotrilLimprox, Yuly l 6.-PrOtty certain Niv• - fOrmiitionliasniblishes.thelset that the , :pirate' Semtass, with otp.e.ers and orew, have got the steamer .t aiipahrmiick.; and 'intend to qail soon lionea .- "Fretch port- to attsiele"fli . .• • • .:r• From Mexico. 1.. • - -". Nsw , Ydiac, July .The steamer Havana. brings „Mexican new Of June ap . via Havana. Maximilian in - iited'f'rendent . Juitiez and dilei'liheral elite& to come to the chi of Mexico, to:eorlsult-q.d-'-' gather on a plan for restoring peace; anti the, firm establishment of his empir,e, at tlaksarne time guaranteeing. them .full .pvotection anJ Safety. It is said they', all - "'et std t 45 hold communication, except by- 1 4iiinie,:ivith 'the agent of Napoleon.: • . • • • • Maximilian bag taken up-residence uhepultepec, 5 miles from the city of Mexico.' Vaminister has yet been', appointed to the d States: - : - The reported adhesion of Brags to the, 40% empire is not genially believed. , r, Maxkets tsy Tettsrapii. Prrnanxixera, Trade , bas been brought toe.stand: by tier Auetnations in gold and,exchatiga,t glonr : has. declined 50 cents per bbLatattfiere is kitil6 or no demand; we quote'Stfperfme 'at S IO V 9"25; extra at tz9 .90®10, and extra famay , $lO 50 re,ll. ;No change. in lye flour on corn meal. Thera is, but little demand for whsat and prices, have , declinedcentxper Anish,ell,_ small saleleof red at "1:2 4560 50,WAY*Itfie $2 60@5-es.' Rye iti's , cents lower aildinvinitkv. nal at $1 60 fir yellow; :Con& dull atsl ;Oats. ars , drooPlag.a4 Aot 14w "er-o,q? )cents. Petroleum has came t.? a six] d and LS !nominal at 54®56c. 101 erode; - 85(a 88 'fined in bond, and 93€015 for tree. 'Chavez see4 floa 440(40 60; timothy .had •44 vtoaced to $4.40; flaxseed coirommdi :175 In'provisions there is nothing think; - ky is 15 cents per loWer and noint‘cf - Ily held at $1 70. . • • - ;, • ... ffuly. 16 Their is no grain l iiilnattatlourla vork heavy ; Howard-anperthae 11.1,;,01:04 ti,gra $ll 50. Provi*tp aF99o)g,FkilskY-4111A a $1 70®1 -" eiv!llrork Stock ilarekets. :1 NNW Yoax4.Julyitlas Stocks.duilow4 Ilfays; Chkagm. asid, 14p:ti f Island 100; Cumberland preferred 73'; Central Ip4i; Illinois ICellital — lF'orids Kiehigan.lionthern 83 1-8; New York, tam - tral 132 k; Iterg ~131; Hudson Iti,r i ftr ,1,9 t 47 F 4 ria,l. 131.8; Cle7eland and Toledii 135,i Tie 64 7 10.11;'06upoiis 1881 102'14r1 4 17i- Twerttlei3: liegl!lteted *lO3 ; Orte • yegr "eurtitl: astas.94 I-8. • . , 7. ' ~..; ~...;.L,..,..1 -4 4 , q5 _ ue:l7 ~.- . ),i,:....1..'s :tii...Filt .1, i.. - 11 - 5.91.)..ur *I One day r 9Nr.,tv ToreK,'July 17. ••: EU INA