MEDICAL. 'CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COSEPOOD 0! lODIDE POTASSIUM, With the Compound Concentrated Fluid .Exitaset of VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROCIN AND HERBS, ARaPAXID IT W2I. H. GREGG, 111. D., Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., lbr =Ay Assistant Physician Blackwell , . Island DOS. pit* late Medical inspector New York State Volunteer Depots, ander Gov. sdward D. Morgan. • A REVOLUTION IN MEDICINE What almost incredible, is, that many dis eases hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fre quently cured In a few days or weeks, and we cheerfully invite the investigations of the liberal minded and scien tific to cures which have no parallel at the present day. Our IXIVIECIIIO is peculiar ; by it the seat of any diaossi is directly reached, and the equilibrium restored. Those who have suffered long from painful and obsti nate diseases, those who have vainly sought relief from advertised medicines, those who cannot be cured by ether physicians— ARE INVITED TO tuNTIITIITION LIFE SYRUP. During the past five years we have contended with oh. stades and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered by any Reformers. RAPIDITY OF CURE• Some say, "Your cures are too quick," while others doubt their penn imenc,, and think that disease can only be cured by the "slew recuperative process of Nature." This Is our reply: In health, the body, like a well-balanced scale, is in a state of Equilibrium. But when from any cause down goes one slue of toe scale, we have the effects of disease. What is requisite is, to restore the normal balance of the acids CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP A positive and spec do remedy for all diseases originating from an IMPLIES: STATE OF TILE BLOOD, and fur all (hereditary) DLAASES transmitted from , PARENT TO WILD. PARALYSIS. Hemiplegia. Paresis. Paraplegia. Paralyeis Agitana It Is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup is the only effective menus of restoration in the various forma of Pitritlysia, that we need nut reiterate that it is emphatically the Great Life G. vlug Power. DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion. Liver Complaint. Constipation Weight at Stomach. Biliousness. Want of Appetite. Flatulence. Bad Breath. SCROFULA Glanaular aufetanga. Ery-kapelaa EMI TIM taint ( and sounnam) OM% file with Wald misery, iv by all usual medical remedies incurable. RHEUMATISM. [Arthdtisj Neuralgia Gout. Lumbago. Sciatica Tic Douloureux. If there is any disease in which the Constitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in itiontmatism and its kindred 111101:LiOliEl The must intense patrols are almost instantly alleviatel—enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, &rude or vicarious, of 20 or 30 years' standing, have been cured by us. NERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility. Shattered Nerves. St Vitus' Danoe. Loss of Power. Coufusion of Thoughui. Epilepsy. Thousands who hare suffered for years will bless the day on which they read these fines. Particularly to week, suffering woman wit this medicine prove an inestimable blessing—directing their footsteps to a Hope which NUL IRON than it promisee. JIZEOURIAL DISEA.YLS Rotting of Bone* Salivation Vas Gemplerion. Aches au BOWS aY of Weariness. ' Depression of Spirits CONSTEPUTION LIFE SYRUP purges the system en tirety ham all the writ ettecukor Mercury, removing the Bad . Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and annuli:lath; Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to printout,. It hardens Spongy Gums, and secures the Teeth us &nab CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Eradicates, Root and Branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the akin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other uidlcul• ties of this kind, which so much disfigure the uaward ap pearance of both males and females, often making thorn a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. CONSTITUTION LWR SYRUP CURES ALL SWELLING OP MR GLANDS, Either of the face, Neck, or Female Breast, and should be taken as aeon ea the swelling is detected thus preventipe their breaking, and producing the troublesome Dischar 6 - leg Sores, which disfigure so many of the younger pot • Don of Ike community, from six to twenty years of age. Young children are very subject to Discharges from the Zan, wtitch depends upou a scrofulous coustitution.-- These mom soon recover by taking a lbw doses of the Life syrup. AS scrofulous persons suffering from general Debility, Bmamatimi t Dyspepsia and Dropsy of the linitod, abdomen, Mad is the leinalu, Drum , of toe ovaries sea womb. gen erally anuompaluell wlin lnliaunuaLlen met Ulceration of the Uterus, are permanently cured by Constitution Life Syrup. The disease known ea Goitre or Swelled Neck, the Late Syrup win rename entirely. The remedy should be taken for some time, as the disease is exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed without extra Wort. 'remora of the Ovaries, Tumors of the Breast, and swelling of aim &Ada of the body will be completely reduced without resorting to the knife or operate's; of any trod. Spileptic Fits, Sympathetic or Organic Diseases of the Haan, as palpitation, Diseased of the Valves, produeing a Cat=ol. Ming sound, Dropsy of the Heart Case, ° and all Wows of this important organ, (persons suffering front any acute pain to the region of the 'wand will be greatly relieved by Constitution Life Syrup. DROKEN•DOWN 4 DELICATE CONSTITUTIONS Suffering from indisposition to Exertion, fain in the Back, Lou of Memory, Foresottuaga, horror of Calamity, fear of DISCUS, Dimness of Vision, Dry, Hot Skin and Ea tromituo, Want of Sleep, gutlessness, Palo, Haggard Counteaenoe and Lassitu d e of the Muscular System, all require the aid of the Onstitution Li fe .Syrup. POE ALL FORMS OA iILGEEATI rz DISEASES, *thee of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spin% Forehead or nosumedy has ever proved its equal. Sc l a bl'H PATCHES ripen the female face, depending upon a diseased notion of the Liver, are very uumeasant to the young wife and mother. d few bottles of Constitution Life Syrup will correct the secretly% and remove the de. posit which is directly undoe .0 skin. If Diseases of the L. or, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an ulcerated or can cerous °mention a that organ, accompanied with burning or other Impletiemt symptoms, will be relieved by the use Of OONSTITUTIOS LIFE SYRUP. airAs l Gralrx.taL aLuuD-PIIRIFYLNG AGENT, TR'S LIFE STROP STAND* USILIVALLao B 1 Pur.p.kßA WON ID TEM WORD. nilleftBoll of the Spme, as usually developed in tho young. alp Disease, Neundgia, and all Nervous Diseases, and La dim whu are suffering from Diseases for which they are at a loss what to do, we would advise the use of UONSTI. TOTION LIFE bYRUP. It wit restore their pallid coun tenance, strengthen their weak back and side, give them sew uhergy, new life and happinesa THE RICH AND POOR Are liable to the same diseases. Nature and science has made the Constitution Life Syrup for the benetit of all. PURE BLOOD Prodnom healthy men and women ; and If the constitution im negleused in youth, disease And early death is the- re melt, De act delay when the means are so near at hand, and within the mob at al TO HOMERS AND MARRIED LADIES It la the Wen and moat effectual medicine ever discov- ered tor purifying the system, and relieving the suffering attendant upon childbirth. It strengthens both the mother end the child , prevents pain and dimwits and in erelong and enriches the food—theee who have used it think it indispensable. It 12 highly useful both before and mace confinement, as It prevents disease attendant upon childbirth. CONSTITUTION .LIFE SYRUP A THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND AN TSB BICE . MAN'S BLESSING! BUT IT, TA IT, AND BE CIIBED. rrra DT ITS EFFECTS. WM. H. GREGG, M. D., SOLI norusrait, maw Toss Laboratory, ,L. L PRAM S 1 PER BOTTLS; SIX BOTTLES FOR a wand by wren to ell parte of the aseatrn MORuAN & ALLEN, Wholesale Etreffle +a, 40 cut street New York. OW BY N)MaA/bsilm JOHNSTM,_IIO.LLOWAY& 00WFIN,- PHIUDICAPYUA, PA., KUNKEL & BRO., us liar" , AND ALL .D'augi4sTs , ELECTRICITY. RES. WYETH and CREANEE, Eclectic and Elaccrupattdc physiohula, respeaftilly offer t~fs rid'alidosal services in all the various brsziches of' Cbr the treatment of all acute and chronic re ffrie,ii mufti midi :they employ in the treatment of etleeiiiaeaoeletof:.othim ;:fielvanism, Electro-Magnet- Ism; theihiedleh methoti of LoalisM movement cure, a few foleetto otediainea when deemed newsgsary, and in act all the nature/ curative agents that may sticceeshilly be bleeglet 10 beer Open the disease. They cm not wean te be understood es arrogating to themeelves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ 1n the treatment of die ease fir superior to thosegenerally employed byphysiclans, from the fact, that they act in perfect harmony with the laws governing and controlling the human system. To this, and the fact that they confine themselves to no par tioular M ow n' spree, they attribute their gnomes I controlling The principal gent they employ in the treatment of disease, namely, Electricity, is an agent wcinderfal in its phenomena end powerful Mita effects for good or iIL It is an ever present, all-pervrding principle, ; governing all things, from rolling worlds down to the invisible particles of gasaeous matter; We see it in the lightning's flash and hear the manifestations of its power in the muttering thunder. It is the cats. of all' decomposition, recompo dhoti and transformation. It excites all motion. It is the exciting cease of life growth, decay and death. It causes secretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold of the crude food En the stomach, converts it illt0:11 state of flu idity, transmutes it into arterial blood, and Sends it on lie important race of supplying nutriment according to the necessities of the body. It is the nerve vital fluid, the groat agent through which the mind acts upon the bodys tt is the cause of all causes except the first, great cause. the Infinite Mind which Created it and brought it into u e These may appear like mere assertions, but they as. facie admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it then, to be wondered at that an agent so wonderful in Its phe nomena, so powerful in Its manifestations andso intimate• ly connected with all the oferatlons of the hunian sys tem, atm& be almost auselute hilts power of controlling Moue? Certainly not., It. is Al natural =pence' and follows sue surely as dey.follesorxdght. Among the Maeeste which are. found to yield readily to Electncity, In conjunotbm With - proper aAjunct treatment, may be mentioned the following; Incipient Consumption, Peralysin Elpiliptio, Hysteric and. other Convulsions; neuralgia, In its worst forms, Rhuematism, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases of the nervous system; hyspep- Ca aural iu a few treatments; all diseases of the urinary tad genital organs; Female Diseases, Asthata, Piles and Frolapsus Ani; Amaurosis and all kindred affections of the eye; Auretus, arictures, all skin diseaais, etc. ' Persons calling will be told whether they' can be tens fitted and unease taken where some relitif cannot be af forded. Consultation free. Office, South Second street, beiow Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa, Office hours from Bto t 2 a. it. , l3e te 5 and 7 to 9 P.a. ALEX. R. WYETH, Rpl3 DR. J. MILTON CREAMER. Ulceration. Salt Rheum KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON APURE and powerful TONIC, Corrective awl Alterative, of wonderful efficacy In diseases 01 Ma STOMACH, LITER and BOWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints Headache, General .' Debility Nervousuelo, De pression of Spirits, Constipation Intermittent Fever,, Acidity qf the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Diagost:for Food, Fullness or Weigut In the Stomach, Sinking or Fiuttering at the Pit or the Stinnach, Swimming of the Head, Difficult Breathing ) Yellow ness of Inc Skin and Eyes, Fever and Dull pains In the Head, Pain in the Side, Back; Chest and Limb; will ouzo every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Weasels of the Kidneys and Diseases arising from a disordered Stomach, Good for kLile or Female, Old .or. Young. the most beneficial medicine items; gives bettor India faction =donna more diaesseathan any other prepara tion odbred to the Public. Prepared solely by aA. RUN dEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. For sale by Druggists and. Dealers everywhere. BEWARE (H' • Counterteits .=:&ar - As Runkers Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy in the known world for; the permanent cure of Dyrpepna awl Debility, and as there are a number of imitations offered to the public, we would caution the community to purchase noue but the genuine article, manufactured by B. A. Ktrirkub kr BRO., and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumemin its favor. The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 76 cent and $1 00 bottles, and sold by all respectable druggists throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle bears the se simile of the proprietor's signature. This Wine includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt or Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with the most energetic, of vegetable tonics, Yellow eeruvisin bark. The effect in many cedes of debility, loss of appetite, and general prostration, of an efficient Salt of icon, combined with our valuable Nerve Tonic, IS most happy. It auy,meuts the appetite, raises the pulse, takes off muscalor flabbiness, removes the pallor 9f debility, and gives a timid vigor to the countenance. (iIIrI)NERAL DEPOT, For sale by all respectable_ dealer" throughout the ounWy. FINE LI QUO RS. Shissler & Frazer, (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) DEALERS IN FINE FAMILY GEO ' ADM opposite the Court House, have on haudalina ielection of BRANDIDS / . of different, vintages. PINE AND COMMON WZBIPA Of Every Deseripitim WHISKYS. OLD INJURBON, MONONGAHELA FINE 11114 N AND wows Milakys. The be enar bruognt to tats market. OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, .0d the aslehrated Law 'MDT GROAN WHISKY, CHAMPAGNE WINE. 3:01083 JOHANNESBURG, RRY SCOTCH AND" IRISH ALE S LONDON BROWN STOUT. WILD CHERRY, PLANTATION WIGWAM TONIC Berms, • With a complete stook of ENCILISII AND AMERICAN PICKLES Aed Cendlments °tamer, deeenswe now in the market, tad at TEE LOWEST EATER DIA rpo' LADIES—If you wish y ttd ; Lotto .I. Plopw li .diimidopos, . bili s rawer ,r ein ' Ow to the iitialowerr.lise rin will do will! lw cidLWE at. ~.. .inis, . , Maniv! , nrg, . . ~... - - . . . :DM ROMANO SHERRY,- *ported 00 lfl~_Warranted vita uttry. :Far aide at nninuurntir4 (anocooktro to Wm. DealkOn, ) MEDICAL. kikuplcio:c,44o*Awl HARAIBBI7II6, PA. DIEDICXL. °-11 WC CZ 01 MO X = 0 0 1. won. e "I eTh Paw JOEM 14 LOWS FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS, TEE GEKAt FEMALE REG-lILAT,OIt, Are this only known remedy that will atmeenstinty and Invariably restore and rwlatethefemaleayatem remov ing ill Irregularities, and producing healt4, vim and strewth LYON'S PRRIODIOAL DROPS Are a Said preparation, the only true one of the kindcver discovered in this country, : and acts directly on the parts affected, whilst pills mid paWdora can ottly reach them If thoeysi work through spath,j," bat not 'at ail direct and ptive. Are you safibring hubs a constant anxiety for the regu lar return of nature'. prescribed laws? Give yourself no antennae's', for Lyon's Periodical Drops, if taken a day or two before the•erpected period, will post• Lively and invariably regulate its coming, nt sere an effect follows cause, as certain as daylight follow. &Anent Are you sick, enfeebled by or usable to beer lb. labor sad delver of boron f LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Come to you to a biatestog for Is not prevention Witt* tium ours If regularly taken, It In a certain preventive, and will save you mach peril and many hours of suffer*, Have you been afflicted for many years with complaints incident to the sex, that have baled the drill of phyai. clans; and are harrying yea on to an early part LYON'S MMODIOAL DROPS &re the meet reliable rreegqpptater ever known, and cure, like maec, all those irreyalarttiee that have defied the doctor?* *kill. Will you waste away with searing from beneorrhota, Prolapses, Elysmenorrhent, and a thousand other diftleulF des, all summed up under the name of suppressed ano oletreetedtstature, when an investment of one dollar In ' LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS will surely save you. Do not use the drops when forbidden in the directions, for although a positive cure, and harmless at all other time; they are so powerful and finely calculated to adjust and govern the functions of the aezual organism, that, il taken at improper times, they would produce results con trary to Nature, against which all, particularly time who would reproduce, abould tsiefally guard. • LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Cannot harm the moat dedloate constitution at any time yet tne proptietore with to guard splint' a ds miaow, hoping that a thousand bottle' will be used for o good pia pose Where one ix pled for eatillegitianate ono LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, the never-falling Female Regulator, la for role by every Druggist, In the city and country, and do tun, If you value your luodth and wish for a reelable medicine, buy any other. Take no other, but if the Druggist to whoa you y bas not got it, make him mud and get it for you. C. G CLARK & PIONICITO34 New Rnm, Gomm~ Ai iThal4male, by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY A 00W.D1IN, 93 Nana BIM Sod; 9113da, ra ._ _....5f yy~~v . x ~~ ~' 3 ~ b be Os e to a . lit 'be 1 7"1e' l acr lu Eff9MIR DR. JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, Htsnidl=zedilizinnittretworg4 speedy IE awe Worwriiintoit or No Char g e, in from OM Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Eidneysend Bladder Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General Do- . bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, LoW• Sint% Oonfindon of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness,•Disesse of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver Lungs Stomach or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Tooth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipation; rendering marriage, 60., impossible. * • • YOUNG MEN • Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice; that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young , Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre, me, call with full conildence. Men Marrie d persons, et Young Men contemplating marriage, being awareof physical weakness, organic debility, defor mities, &c., speedily cured. He who places himself under thii care of Dr. J. may re; llgiously confide in hie honor as a gentleman, and coat dently rely upon his skill as a Physician. ORGANIC 'WEAKNESS - - - - - - mmediately cared, and full vigor restored. ' • This distressing affection—which renders life miserable and marriage impassible—is the penalty paid by the vic tims of improper indtdgeace. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost aoMier by those falling Into Improper habits than by the prudent. Seethe being deprived the pleasures' of healthy oftepring, the meet serious and de structive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental fauetleemweakened, lase of procreative power, nervous irritability, dysperea, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, Oonstitutiorial debility, a wasting of the frame„tiough, con-. gumption, Mmay and death. Orman No. 7, Sorra iItIIIIDLICK Brun, Left band side going from Baltimore street, a few doer, from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. itte - Doctor's Diplomas Ong In Ida office. DR. JOHNSON, . . Member of the Royal College or Surgeons, ; Landon, grad uate from Ono of the most eminent colleges in thei,Uniteo States, *n the greater part of avhose life bat been spent lithe itals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, fists effected some of the most astonishing cures that wore ever known ; many troubled with noging in the head and tars when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with freone , ,,t blushing, cured im attend emediatd tiometimes with derang derangement oL Ulm, were ely. - - . These are some of the sad and melancholy sabots pro tined I, sorry habits. of youth, viz : Weakness of the back Mad li pains in , the,, head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, Der ions irritability, symptoms of oonsumption, kc kisurrau.r.—The fearful etleote milks mind are much to be dreaded—lose of 'Memory, oonfusion of Ideas; do omission of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, self, distrust, love of so li tude, timidity , he., are , some of the evils produced. • - - YOUNG MEN Who haVe! - irdured themselves by. a certain practice in• tulged in•whed- alone,' a habit frequently learned from :tuil companions, or, at: school, the effects of which ari nightly felt ; even when asleep, and if not cured render, marriage :vox Bible; and destroys both mind and body, ahoylda I?lY`.. immediately. t bat a young man, the hopeof Ids country, the darling of hiti parents, should be snatched from all proepucts and enjoyments of life; by the consequence of deviating, front the path ,of nature and indulging In .01 certain secret habit. Such persons stair, bofbre.contem : plating hiatit,LWE , , . . , . , • Rolled that a sound mind and body esethemocitneceasar) requisites to promote counubial happiness, 'indeed , ailth wit thesb, the journey through life becomes a Weary pit ;rimage • the prospect hourly darkens to . the view ; th • mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with thr caelanohelygenectien that the happiness of another be. mimes - blighted with our own. , , OF • DISR A 41 f14 OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and imprudent mazy of pleasure ands he has imbibed the seeds of this paWal too often happens that an illtimed sense.of shame dba rfhe tread ofditicovery detail him from applying to those who from education and respectability, can alone beflriead him Se falls into the hands of ignorant and designing preten/. am, who, incapable of curing, slab his pecuniary sfa. stance, keep him trifling month after mon:or ae Irsrig a. the smallest fee can be °Waffled, mid in despair ierve with ruined health to sigh over niegalling thsapprAntmeni, or, by the use. of the deadly poison, Mercury, ' A m en a l ; constitutionalaympk. n.sof this terrible disesse,such as affec Mona of the' Head, Throat, Nom, Skin, eta, pragrea l oa i With ftightfol rapidity till death pate a period to hie treadtitl.Sufferings by sending him to that undisoOvereii country from wheune no traveler returns; The many thousands cured at this institution year aft& year, and the numerous Important surgical eperatiom performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters of the Stet, Gilmer, and many other papers, notices of which here appeared again and again before the public, budder his standing as a • gentlemen of character and name bility, is a sufficient guarantee tot Wilde& "THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL ". T ARRA.NTS COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CUBEBS AND COPA.IBA, This preparation is particularly recommended to the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC for the promp , Ind certain cure of DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, RID ,NIKYS, URINARY omen, ETC It may:be Willed oh as the beat mode for the administra tiotof these remedies in the large elms of dise.ases of both ems, to which they are' applicable. IS never interfere" NOLL the digestion, and by Re COMMIntiON the dew is much reduced.. N. a—Purchasers are advised to ask. for TAB, .ItitNrE kIOMPOUND =TRACT OF OUBEI3S AND IMPAIR& Ind take nothing els% as imitations and worthies[ prep idiom; ander similar names, are in the market Price a OO Sent by express on receipt of price. Mannfoe cured only by TARRiIa & CO., No. 278 -• Greenwiel meet, corner of Warren street, New York, mid ,fir sale qrthogildif generallit— ord22-dly Air sale by B. A. BUBBLE & BRQ, and by Driggbitt Gray's Patent Molded Collars Are not simply flat pieced of paper out iu thi form of a Collar, but are Molded and Shaped tojte the neult, , ltaiinr a perfect curve free from. auptes or break; which 'sob -' mined by our patented pnlcassothichaLsosecureS snotlr: fn , odvantage pawned by rw 00Fi• coftar,—viz : Oprieeit: n . bk Cravat In the Titiqcovit style, tbe. ueawav,illoll'lo MAMMY SMOOTH AND MIX PROM PUOKIRS, rarAi ng thi s collar,. for ease,ileatutes, and durability, uorsvasued. They are made Turro'dqvat 434 'sizes from 12 to t 7, and hi. Garrotte fromlitol7 ino , :ies, and paclied iti. mot blue boxes of 100 each; also, jntonalla ones of lift; och—the latter a very handy package tor ttavelinn,, any and navy oSlaw. ' . AkirSVERY COLLAR Is al/limped "Gray's Patent Molded comma J Sold by all mall dealers la Ptunlabibg lie trade supplied by PAN DET,:fgati. gora m p a, leLeodam , 62 7 bfi d el Is TEN °L E ES O OEI" orstzas - ugt edveditt - ~BElttiLitit F . E. rola PrmlT.,,ir„ it 'TAMP, 4,4 l 4.cftilit.:.ll4oUtiied"and Ibr i SHLEIE Ilhaosimu to IS W. Dixik,,..1.„417;40,‘ • MEDICAL'. DISEASES OF IKPRITDENCIL RELIEF IN SIPCO TWELVE NO =CURT OR NOME= DRUM to Two Days TAKE PARTICULAR NOTEGE ENDOESEIfENT OF THE PRESS, SKIN ppm:to:B sptlynlGY CURED. Office No. 7 South Frederick Street. 1p26-dly . OBS 84 CO. D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No, 19 `M A , Rk Rik T, ArAdRISBeR DRUGGIST% PHPSICIdITtJ. STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS. We are daily adding to our anaortnient of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would. reatexnfully call your attention to the largest and best selected stook in this ay, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, ON, Varnlshot and Glues, 4/ 0 4 1 4 1 1ft, 91mil and Piatty, Bunting Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm aad Pim 04 ikdillea, Trials and damp Globes, 01 414lelloqk !pongee and Cor With a general .yardety of PRAMM:nkY AN'D TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the beet manulheturers mid Perfumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in WH/271 LEAD, uNsasa OIL,' KaiNISKES, * WINDOW 9LiBB, Azainos 008088, PAirr AND AMMO '8 DRUMM rif ALL roars wrawnra, GOWNS AND INIONStat We reePeetnilly invite a cdii , reeling coiilldeat that vre an supply the vials• Of oi 1. oa forme to their satisfan- TEATH2 TEETH! JOYNa" .12VD WHITECSPORCELAIN TESTS, P4.2"l‘Nr NEDICINAT, AND Of all kinds, direct Item the Proprietors SAPON/ITIER AND !CONCENTRATED LYF Wholesale Agents Per $ wbioh we sell Si le* ea It PM be purchased in She pities TEAM'S .11.EDIY FAL PUKE EXTRACTS. COAL S 01.41 OAMOON OM Being large Plirch; Men tAiese Oils ,we can offer duoemente to close fetiyere. 04 . ),{1. Oil Lampe of the most improved patterns, •yery cheap. ell ktods of Lampe chilled to bernart.oil. . FARM LES AND 'G WEER& Those of yon n 1 to. hire aot giierwur ROME AND C:kT rut POWDERSeIite! kiminot nrepeziortty, and the idvantage they at e la . keeping Rarely and Cattle healthy and in a good collation. Thousands cam testify ki, the profit they have arrived :from the use of vet. Cattle Peleliu', by in bemed qua. ty and quality of milk, besides bonol lag the moral health and appeuaneioetbeh:leittlii. Oar long experience in the bust no Wei tut the whin - Loge of a thorough Inlowledge of• tht trade, and oar ar nutgements In the cities are au* i that irtt eas; to i very abort time, handler mot - 4 33 eapietaftg u to ewe engine" On the best of terms,, ?kwarta Alf the Ilium! gallWeenufe bestowed on our selec we• o de tans astestene to'bwOness, a careful tio f • • • P •rr tit vitt v6e t milli": pricey, and the deidre po please all, to merit a con "roratiee of-the favor didisitibietstailai public' 4plll-41y e - . . , • • . I .*! oilitelAik'rcl?CoVrxtErt,, i'ER.R.VEALZION :12V7jliPafy4ZOING jrocrg ` l Vaßil4 Cilfraltaand of veil gable: -.a-- grader 'tor the deetruslain'6l', ins -distil . ted Among: or dated over Pura, 7/01116/116 mosmie, 40.,. pocked- amy ; for amm o 31 . al(troccuaar praalo qielaiiket Veil; At , • wet la linguae aka& wick' Wank mistV&EiAiorlor• ,5 1 1. 11 44nl bek Vold • r"91 1 ,01.1.4 Sold at, .044.11M.3 414 a L att raw copd,tilt lire . d. Ea 'finttrfitiLE orr4a igaF lWM - ei o r pad bla sunewbr _ • •••g-iirodoomitlwitz - A l ltOntio)WAlN. 4 , ilU • Aiii*ln ek B. ikffwieeo .I?tita MO Nedial°,t" ; b tzlt) /I 0 I -Rivak i tiff e tm t ,. lir (JUL WAY 4 I HMI & KOMI& MEW Aikst's Cokes and took, Pun Ground Spices, it,c9 kar OP .I.LE, =MAL tom RE4TORAI737II, MEDICAL. ' DISEASES RESI7LTOU FROM DISORDERS OF ME LIVER ASD DIGESTIVE ORGLNS, LBE 601t2.1) BY HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTER,, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC TPHEBB Bitters have performed more cur.-. have and do give better satisfaction; have mop Moony; have more respectable people to vouch for t: man any other article in the market. We defy any one to contradict this iimertion, pay $l,OOO to any one that will produce a ceruncate pu batted by us that is not genuine. Holland's German L.. tens, will cure every rase of Chronic or:Nen - on , V a t: Diseases of the Kidneys, and. difene , ,ns arising fri ni ordered stomach. Observe the following symptom. salting from the disorders of the digestive orgam. gmation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the L.,. Acidity of the • Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, lingmt Food,- FuUness or %eight• in the Stomach, Sour Ertktat...,, Sinking or fluttering at the pit ol the stomach, Sauna..: of the head, Hurried and difficult breathing, klutteia... • the heart, Choking or surocating sensations when lying posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs be:cre ;„, sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, Deticienc,l of pirauon, YOUDWiIeSS of the skin and Pam in the oack, chest, limbs, &c., Sudden flushes of heat, Bum 1.4 in tbe - dean, Constant itnaginattons of evil, and great C.,: pressor' of spirits. Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic, contains to rue or whisky, and can't make drunkards, but is best Tonic in the world. READ WHO SAYS SO From the Rev. Levi G. Beck, Pester of the Bavi, Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly or the Ronk Baia: : Church, Philadelphia. * • * * - I:=I I have known gormand's German Bitters favoragdy foi a ntunbet of- years. I have used them in my own family and have been ao pleased with their ettects that I was in duced to recommend there to 1111/14 °then>, and kirow tb..2 they have operated in a strikingly benetimai manner. I take great pleasure In thus publicly...proclaiming th,.- fac4.,, and Calling the attention, of these aglitued with 11, diseases for which they ate recommended to thew hu. tens knowing front experience that my rectonmendatite will be sustained. I do this more cheertilly as Hoof land's Bitten; is intended to benefit the 'afflicted, and "not a rum drink." Yours truly. LIVI G. BECK limb Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the zisl l upe M clia of Reif ions Knowledgeand Christian Claus.. mphisi. tho inial ugh nut disposed to favor or recommend Paten illehicin, in general, through distrust. of their ingredient! and enacts, I yet know of nu sulThaent reasons why Mb may not testify to the benefits he believee Lumank io have monied from any simple preparation; in the hut that he may thus onaributo to the benefit of others. Ido this the more readily in regard w Booliund's Ger man Bittern, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this civ bemuse I was prejudiced against them for many yeize, tinder the Impression that they were chiefly an a1c01,..e mixture. lam indebted to my (need, Robert Siluvz., [ter, Lop, for the removal of. this prejudice by tumid teetsond fbr encouragement to try them when stallOrp front great and long continued debility. The use e. three bottles of these Bittern at the beginning of ttx present year, was followed by evident relief and restore lion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I not for Six mouths before, and had almost despaired mural& I therefore thank God and my - friend for a. rectingtne to the useol them. . _ _ A. NEWTON BROWN, Philada. PrOti Brim Warren' RindOlpb,.• Pastor 'Of Etap..:6i. Church, Germantown, Penh. Dr. C. M. Jackeon:—Dear Sir:—Personal expener , enables me to say that. 1 regard the German -Bittern, pr pared by yon, as a must excellent mettime, lb tta.en u: metre cold and general debility 1 nave been greatly bete fitted by the use of the Bitter& and doubt. not thoy a produce similar awls on others. TOWS truly WARREN RANDOLPH, Germantown, Pa. From Rev. J. IL Turner, Pastor or Redding M. E Church, Philadelphia. ' Dr. C. M. Jackson :—Dear Sir:—Having used your G:1 man Bitters in my family frequently L am prepared to 6a;, that it has been of great service. 1 believe mat in Mee oases of general debility of the system it is the ealest ana =oat valuable remedy of which 1 have any knowledge. Fours, respectfully J. 11. TUIL.NER, Ne. 726 N. Nin'eteenth street. Prom the Rev. 3. K Lyons, forrnmiy* Pastor of lb] Columbus (N. J.) and Kilestown (Pa.) Baptist Churenes Nrri Hocnitur. N. Y. Dr. C. IL Jackson :- - Dear Sar:—/ feel tr. a pleasure the of my own accord, to bear testimony to the excellence o the German Bitters. Some years since being much af Dieted with Dyspepsia, I abed them with very beuetica. Man& I have often recommended them to persime et feebled by that tormenting distese; and have beard Inn them the most Battering testimonials aa to their gre_l 'olio. In eases of general debility, 1 believe it to be tonic that cannot be J. M. LYONS. From the Rev. Thomas Winter, Pastor of Rovbor.:4l , a_ptist Church. Dr. Jackson:—Deer felt It due to your excel• lent preparation, Boonand German Bitters, to add ms testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtained vi re for years, at times, been troubled with great Mord. r ,71;ty bead and nervous system. I was advised by frier.{ to try a bottle of your German Bitters ; . did so, an. b h: s ve bte ec u P e i p eryterially encet a l ,greatand unexpected rebel; my lissizt benetitted. I confidently mend the article where I meet with cases aiwilar to ow; gnii bAve been assured by many of their good e. b o w. - Besktictfully yours, T. WINTER, Roan, plc itoxborough, From: Bev. J. K Berman, of . th e . Gamin Rehm. , Church, Kutztown, Berke county. Pa. Hr. C. 11. • Jacksoa:—/Lid Sir:-1 hare be,: troubled with Dyspepsia, nearly twenty years, and he‘r never need any medicine that did mu as much good Hoedown; Bluets lam very mach inkproved iu health, aftitr Win team tive.bottles. YOnraWith respnet, • . • PRICES. LargiEllie (tioidini• nearly' double quantity,) $1 Of: per butie-,half • 1. !• . Small Slae.-7b reran Der i dos. BzwAag, OF f.OUNTERF NITS 4t iles that the signature of "C. . 4 i• JACK.SON" is on WRAPPER of each bottle. ShotaktyOUr nearest druggist not have the article. not be put elf by any of the intoxicattiNg Preparation , may Watered in AS place, but send to )14 ind we Nalleardi securely packed, by express. • .: Prultipal Moe and, itandfactory, NO. 6 5 31"ARCR'SPR'EST, , • PI6I4IpELPHIA. JONES at ralia, • • auceemors to C. N. Co., • . PhAIIILIETURP. For aide Illy Druggists and Dealers l& evbry t 6".. in (Tnitod Mesas . • inliduers Mint • THIS I NVALUABLE IiTSVP, which is Ca -1 Rrely vegetable in its - oomptreition has been e'er' pitled with wonderful curets& for many yeses in thecae of (Messes for the AIR Plis34pm. u .d Lu - suS. For acY form olfthe disease, such vti OUth3o, rictualNO of THROAT_, &MING OF BIAJOD.DIFFICULT BREATHING. dlCAlatElClfikfri,lAkb OF 'NICE" hud HECTIC FEVER,, to b0,11461/411XLIVith the happiest results.- It ta crg if the hest elect gisoiiciaes for all forme of 131101' , OffiTh3 [ rid 00 tiMPTIOi.i.^ two tatulkinson or prep:* * a °/*"": 4o "mliikaix ismis itne ,„ • PRIM si.uo YEK4 BOTTLE. Per male at BERCINER'Ii NeoP-Rooil Gm , FiginfikLlLLAve metal to soothe a `earth,' aW9 Triekhet hi the Thrust. CO relieVe tors Threat., 'kr. They comets Colleflaok Horebound., Ipeceouanha &nap and Stiolli Waliiinat reliable expeotorante known,) are the chief sc . dye ootussitheets, deebtigniktiklith,Gurg,44Ableind Sugar, ihsa each Wen. a mild and very pLeasssii dose. lianarietered solely by aA. KUNKEL it BRO., pior Market street, Barham& 0 U J. a BERMAN