Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, July 16, 1864, Image 2
pail g Etlegqll EishRISBUSG, SiTnnAT EVENING, Ras 16, ism, NAT lON AL UNION TICKET FOR MEW:DENT, Abraham 'Lincoln, 07 ILLINOZIL INA VICE PRESIDENT. Andrew Johnson, =mums. FOR TIMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION CIDANTIVG THE SOLDIERS' RIGHT TO VOTE Election Tuesdav, Aug. 2, 1864. Intel Form of the Ballots for the tionstitu. tional Amendirornts It is well that our friends throughout thf State should properly understand the legs form of the ballots to be used in voting to) the Constitutional amendnienta. We submit a ticket in favor of the three amendments, as provided for by the law: . First Amendment. FOB THE AMENDMENT. Second Amendment. FOR THE AMENDMENT. Third Amendment. FOE THE AMENDMENT. —Theis) tickets are to be folded so aF to enclose the words "for the amendment,' leaving outside for perusal as the ballot if distributed to the boxes, the words "first amendment." All the amendments are im portant. and ft should become the duty of every man truly devoted to the Union and the Commonwealth, zealously to labor for theb endorsement at the ballot box. The Electoral Ticket. It would be well for our loyal cotemporarie• carefully to examine and revise the electors ticket at the head of their columns, so the the name of each elector may not only cor redly appear in every organ of the cause, but that the ballot may also be properly printed. We have already corrected . , - several errors iv the names of these electors. We are now called on to make still another correction. The name of the elector in the Thirteenth District, as it appears in many of our notetn poraries, is printed Elias W. Hall, when 1t should be tutss W. Ham. We trust that this correction will be properly attended t. by the journals having the ticket at the heat of their columns.' • • Soldiers' National Cemetery. We have received a copy of the _report o' the select committee, made to the last Legia 'attire. relative to the proceedings at the dedi cation of the Soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettysburg. The report embraces the .name. of those buried on that now sacred and classic soil, with diagrams of the battle ground and the cemetery, accompanied by the matchlis and eloquent oration of Edward Everett, de livered on the occasion of the dedication. Altogether The document is a valuable one, and in its typography reflects great credit on the State printers, as it has been produced in the very highest stele of the art. The. Legislative. Nominee in Beaver Vostuty. We cannot refrain from giving expression to our satisfaction at the nomination of Col. M S. Quity, as the Union candidate to repreieo Deemer county in the Legislature. His great Popularity at home, and the fine reputation he is making here as an executive officer, combined with his unquestioned high attain, manta as a scholar, must sooner or later place Mr Quay in the front ranks of the most emi nent men of the State. Of course his election Is a Axed fact. We anticipate for him, there fore, a career of splendid success and useful lutes in the new sphere of duty, which his friends desire he should occupy. Mrasocar.—Of the forty-five newspapers in Missouri printed in the English language. twenty-seven or twenty-eight are radical in politics, and support Lincoln and Johnson. Pour or five are what are called Olaybank, or conservative, only one of which support!. the Baltimore nominees; one of them has gone over to the copperhead “democracy i "and th. others, we suppose, have not defined their positions. Some of the German radical pa pers have also come out for Lincoln and Johnson. Mr. Blow, the member from tt. Louis, on the other hand, has written a dis patch to the Fremont ratification meeting at St. Louis, strongly endorsing Fremont. •Ev was evidently not posted as to the course of the popular current. Ex-Szoarrsay Casa.—We hear that Hon. Salmon P. 'Chase has determined to visit .Eu rope during this season, and report has it that be is now in communication with SeOre tary Fessenden, at New York. in reference to the subject of negotiating a foreign loan. It is to be hoped that the distinguished financial abilities of Mr. Chase may be made available abroad in whatever steps may be adopted to oustaht the tuitional credit. MAJOR GENERAL Grum - ohm—We hear with great regret that this distinguished officer on Wednesday sprained his ankle,by being thrown from his horse at the bead of his troops. This accident will disable him for a few days. His command temporarily devolves on Gene. ; ral Emory. Da. Parannt emit; an eminent phyal- Cdan, and ens of the • most useful and re gPected men of his time, in Lancaster cit), died sualdenly on the 12th inst. In his death the profession and the people of that city, lose an ornament and a fellow-oitizen 7 whose lihe it will be hard to replace. A =aria, German's toast—one flag, one cow ter, Eva kars, The Retirement of Mr. Chase from the Treasury. been in type for note than a week, but it was impossible to ind room fot it until to-day, owing to the food of army news..- r -ED. TELEGRAPH.) We have always regarded Salmon P. Chase is one of our safest statesmen, with abilities or4er, ind as a great man among Mr great' men, who stood out boldly and 3sinninently When he was in position 'where tisschleial acts became the subject of anima& mrSion among the people; But great men ire not immaculate. Mr. Chase was not faultless. His errors were those Common to our netare, and while we believe that almost any other of our great statesihen would have as successfully managed the &latices of the country daring the period inaladed within tho-offioial•oontrol 5f the treasury by Me. Chase, we are . in :lined to think that other's like he, if they ' , tad been seduced into the commission of the• same mistakes, would have fallen by the pres ;are of the same circumstances. We write Allen, because it is a fall for a finan cier, the gaardian of operations such as involve the business and the acts of the Secretary of 'the Treasury, to retire volun - Arily from his duty at a tins when the mea ltime of his adoption are being most severely ested. Then, if ever, should most rely ipon his own ability for success',' and not mis rust himself. The mariner might as well lonbt his skill when the tempest rages and ies t itate to go aloft because the peaks of id masts are shrouded in dark and angry doud Bat let us not become personal, tecause we. still admire and honor Mr. 3hase. Let us at least le fair to the 31nntry and its creditors. History, some day, vill show that Mr.' Chase committed three ;mat blunders: First, when he abandoned the sale of the five-twenty and put into the narket the ten-torty bonds. By this action he treated an unnecessary panic in the uncalled for redaction Of the interest from six to five ter cent. He might have contained the sale f the five-tvrefity - bonds. The loan was pop liar and successful. It was emphatically a mple's loan, the laborers and work nen of the land. But the moment the sale if this loan was suspended, and one at •ednced !Merest proposed, a flurry was treated in the financial world. It was the first opening the enemies of the country had o attack the credit: of the Government. At. come and abroad it 'created mercenary suspi 3ion and painfulApubt. Then followed the rise of gold in a rapid, augmentation of• price; or rather then ensued a depreciation of our Japer currency, by, the enhancement of all the prodnots of business, land. lobar and living. Bat even these embarrassments could lave been conquered, had Mr. Chase not vielded to" the unwise ' counsels of those around him; and when he asked Congress for Jrivileges to degrade his high position and Meanie a huckster in the gold market, if not aally a gambler like the meanest of those rho disgrace Weli and Third streets of New `l" and Philadelphia„ that moment Mr. base became an unsafe man to control the inances of the country, and if he had , re -lied before he allowed himself to fall into hese blunders, the country and. himself would rave been easier in its finances and his refine ions to-day. We trust that the inccesosor of Mr. Chase will be benefited by the palpable mistakes into which he fell, and that in the management of great people's finances the new Secretary of the Treasury will regard himself more as a banker in charge of deposits for disbursement, Ana notos.a wizardby the waving of 'whose nagidwand, millions of money fell from the 31#8.9 or- poured' from the ,mountains. The ;redit of the country is with the people. It is not created by.the genius of a single indi vidual. Unfortunately for Mr. Chase, those %bout him imbued his mind with the idea that he - was the wizard who called this credit, as it 'Were from bankruptcy and desola ion. Had he had wise heads 'about him, instead of a few favorite merchants' clerks and mere idle dreamers in financial theories, this blunder. night have been avoided, and the credit for the wonderful resources of the Treasury have been ascribed, where it belongs-4o the people. —We write in no unkind spirit of Mr. Chase; but in these rugged times, when fraud takes so much the shape of business, cad plotting apes the dignity of while counsels, the truth, even if it should .be couched in eeemlngly rough language, becomes grand . Ind glorious. In this spirit, we now frankly refer to Mr. Chase. For the good that' he has tccomplished for his country, we are heartily willing to yield him full honor. Bat we still chink that it was time he resigned, and that in iccepting his resignation the President not ,mly evinced his independence and his for titude, but that he again manifested his stern determination to serve the nest interest and secure the highest success of , the country at the 'sacrifice of all personal, • Selfish or po litical condiderations. The Action at Fort Stevens. The following was , the disposition of onr forces in the action of TneAday;,daly 12, in front of Fort Stevens. , , The 61st Pa. and 43d andl224 N. Y. were thrown forward as skirmishere,,the main ibei4y conajating of the 73d, 98th, 102.1 and 139th Pa., supported by the 634 1 , 4, and 48th and 132 d N. Y. The 37th Mass. 'and 23d Pa. formed the reserve. The enemy was driven 14 miles, losing '3O prisoners of Rhodes' and Gordon's divisions of Ewell's corps. The President and Mrs. Lineol t n, together with Messrs. Welles, Blair, Chitteriden and Wade, witnessed the action. Assistant Surgeon Crawford, 102 d Pa., who was sitting near the party, was wounded in the knee. Among the other casualties were: Lieut. CoL Kohler, 98th' Pa., arm; Col. French, 77th IC., arm; M4jor Jones, 7th , killed; Major Crosby, 63d Pa., killed; Capt. Barcher. 7th Me. arm; Col, Visoher, 43d N. Y., killed; 061 :Johnson, 49th N Y., mortally. Markets by Telegraph. NEW Yorr.. July 16. Cotton—sales of 1560 bales at sa.:62al C. Flour advanced 75Q61 00; State, 59 75010; Ohio, 511 26411 50; Southern. slo` 54W/ 60. Wheat advanced 10®15e. Corn quirt. Beef dull. Pork buoyant and advanced 524 0 3 00; New mess, $38@313'40. Lard buoyant at 18®19c. Whisky dull. at $1 65; Gold $9l 54 . Beeeipts of our 13,588 bbla. Wheat 01 Qat but Ow 97,0$ inultslc Eeregrap6. From York. - NO REBELS AT/ GLEN ROCK. YORK EMERGENCY MEN ON. :DUTY, The Copperhead Commissioners &fuse. a Bounty to 100 Bays' Soldiers, 41,2ecial dispatch ti the Telegraph There is no truth in the report thal,the rebel§ were at Glen Bock, or near there, yes terday. • • There are five companies of troops raised in the borough of York for the emergency, who are guarding. the _railroad and bridges much further south than Glen Reck. The Univ. citizens 'are Very indignant at the action of our County Commissioners, who have refused to grant a bounty for 100 days' men. The commissioners are all Breckinridge Democrats. S. The Raiders Going South with Their Plunder. THEY 4),11,E PURSUED. THE RAIDERS FEAR SHERIDAN. °line er s ftelieved. WASHINGTON, Rely 16 The Star's extra says : A force of rebel raiders, numbering between 250 and 300 men, passed through Little Wash. ington, Sperryville and Creighersville on Thursday night, on their way towards tJadi son Court House and thirdonsville. They had with them 150 horses and 25 pris oners, who were mounted on the captured an- buds. They passed Creighersville about 8 o'clock, and half an hour afterwards a small force of Union cavalry from the west, who crossed the Shenandoah about Conrad's store, made their appeatance at the same place and pursued the rebels. The latter gave out. 'I hey were working their way to Gordons ville, and thence Ito : Rielnactond.. They seemed to be aburry, having received informatidu that Sheridan with aline cavalry force was between them and Richmond, and : , was smashing things genera*. _This rebel gang was doubtless part of the 'rebel force lately operating in Maryland.. Gen. McCook, Gen. Payne find Gen. Don bleday, have been releiired from duty 'in this Department. McCook to report to the :Adju tant General for instrnetions, and Generals Doubleday and Payne will resume their posi tions on general court martial. General Ha? nden has been ordered. to ' re sume the command of his division garrison ing the defences of Washington, north of the Potomae. The Rebels Reported to be Running the Railroad to Manassas. THEYENDEATOR TO KEEP lIPEN :COMMUNE . • LTION BETWEEN GORDOBVILLE • "'" • - IND THE TALLEY. • WASHINGTON, July 16. Additional alarm ,was occasiOn4d on the Virginia side of the Potomac yesterday byre- ' ports that the rebels are running the railria4 up to Manassas, . ' The truth of this riPtiet is not yet estab lished, but many persons observant of mili tary affairs think it not improbable, and the design of the rebels is to hold the gaps and keep open communication between Gordons ville and the valley. PURSUIT, OF THE FLORIDA HE HAS PROBABLY BEEN ENCOUNTERE Reavy Firing at Sea Fonmss IlloNam,' :lily M. The following information leads to tbe be lief that the pirate Florida has been enoonn tered by some one of the gunboats sent .in pursuit. The - steamer Boston reporte, July 13th: The light ship in . New South Shoal, bearing northwest from me, distant 30 'miles, heard heavy firing north northwest. Heard 20 guns; by the sound we 'judged the firing. to be 29 miles west from the light ship. Aux 14, 1.15 v. 11.—She was spoken by the 11. S. steamer Ticonderega,.alid reported the above to her. She'eteered in the direction of the firing, lat. 39, 2;_long 73, 22. The ' Rebel Invasion of Marylan The Number of the Rebels THEIR PROBABLE .•WHEREABOUTS. Wasinttotex, July 15. Speculation continues to be made as to the probable number of tebels recently menacing . this city, but there'is no data by which to de termine the;question, From conversations with farmers froni Montgomery county to-night, it : appears that the fields for several miles: were tuba with the enemy, and that flioae who. made the 'demonstration' on. our, immediate trout were Only the advance of;' their army. The inten tion was evidently to invade Washington, but the continuous arrival of troops in formula ble numbers sabietied theM that their design was not easily tie' accomplished. There is no doubt they wereipriiiionsly ermottragad to the adventure by many sympathizing trice - ids; —those who took pains to point out Union men as especial victims of plunder. These secession-loving farmers were engaged as agents in the robbery of their patriotic) neigh bors, who severely suffered by the treachery. Ou their retreat through the upper portion' of Montgomery county, the rebels made a• clean sweep of horses and cattle, end many of them went so far as to steal the olothin of women and children and other personal effects, together with the 'contents Of stores. It was not positively known to-night whether all the rebels have crossed the Potomac, the reports being very conflicting. It is ascertained, however, that many cif them have re entered Virginia, and are trav eling with plunder over various roads lead ing through Leudoun county, and in the di rection of Snicker's and Ashby's _Gaps. A large . foree of onr troops are in,pureinit; It is reported, that - Breekinndge and his steff were in. Lieshtliflt on WedluelaY, .1111M intilliclin the ttunelnentat of_ the enemy. Marty of their stragglers km teen picked up ,by gat ItOpli • • THE .GREAT -.11811: '14111.-,7-7 Some Interesting Letters Cap tured. GREAT HAUL OF CATTLE. BY T RAMP. WAskwa s T i l The following letters adds re Drew, care of Edward M. rewfileit to the Bank of Washington, given to a farmer near Silver Spring to bring into the' city and deliver, came into the possession of the Gov ernment yesterday: , IMI HILLAQVARTMRS Co. F, 23n RUG'T CAVLUitar • - Saarza-SPaaros, 4 thileiffltibr''" • - Washington, July 12, 1864. Mx Desurro Burman: It seems hard that herakein.tvithilLeight of my home, and 121131• not get - there; • I can hardly realize that I am here. ' it'seiiiiirlike a pleasant dream to be in such a familiar place. 1 certainly expected to have been in `tea' ington last night, but fate decreed 6thervlriste' and for fear we will not get there, I Will write. lam well ; have not been hurt, and have been fighting almost every day. My Horse has been shot from under me, but I have not been wounded. I wonder how you all look. I would give worlds to see you all again, and .1 know you all want to see me ; but I suppose, we will have to wait till a kind Providence grants our prayer. I fixed up nicely to come to Washington,' and if we don't get there it will be a sore dis appointment to me ; but, as a good soldier, I have to trust in the sagacity of onr General and valor of our boys. We have be en skir mishing,here all the morning, but tic) general engagement has taken place. When it does come off I will fight hard to get home. All the boys are well. Tell Bettie and the girls to write whenever they can. Give the enclosed to Billy Bayley; Affectionately, W. T. DREW. Stevie. SPRINGS, NEAM Toer..-Gsres, July 12. DEAR W.us4—l expected to have seen you last night, but as you-see, was doomed to di-appointment, For leer that I siliould not succeed in seeing you I will write. Ve crossed the river about a week ago, and was; received by the people of this section of the State much better than I anticipated, awl I assure :you I had a most glorious time. You cannot imagine how I would 'like to see you and have a real good talk. I only pray that we may meet soon. I have been very lucky, fighting almost every day now for seven or eight weeks, and have never: received a scratch. My horse was shot from undeeme at Salem, while Barry Gilmotei , 'und myself were charging some Yankee cavalry.. I have had a fine company, and my inuster-rolls ,show a fine record; out of 75 , Ml4lll WhO were en my rolls I have now . buto2s i or amity, the rest are either killed, wounded ore • Rrisouere.,. At the battle of New-Market, m y 'Company suffered . more-than any in the fir ;bt, having lost two , killed, and seven badly vrytinded. Tern Darden; Fol. ;Jones and Jac k Everlett, were with mehere, and all wish ter be retneme bered. Remember me to Charley., your Moth er, George, your wife, and. All fr 'fends: Say to the folks at home that lam all- right, and hope that very usual good fortune +May attend you. Father sem* love to you al rid all. Very ellitetionately, your friend, W. 'T. DREW. TOPS, dilly lg A. farmer whe came in this aftornoon from the neighborhood of Pooleseille, .states that the rebels stole over 5,000 head of 'cattle fr( m the farmers of Montgomery county, 1,000 horses and a large 'loather of sheen and hogs, 44; say . nothing of poultry, which they cleaned , out completell: . From the ' fi rst day they crossed' Cle,, , river they have been driving immense droves of live stock into Virginia actress the numerous lords of the - up Per rarer. The forces operat ing:under Bradley JChnsou in the vicinity of Frederick and Baltimore coistantly sent herds of Cattle and horses across the river. The rebels did little damage to the growing corps, but took all the hay they could find. Several hundred conscripts, collected be •twien Frederick and Rockville, were marched into Poolesville,on Sunday under guard. The main force of the rebels crossed at Ed ward's Ferry on Wednesday morning; the rest at Muddy Branch, Nolan's and White's Fel , ries. later in the day. They did not hate 'much artillery with them. While their main infantry force was lying in front cf fortifications on the north side of Washington, the cavalry, officered or 'guided principally by Marylanders, was scouring every nook and corner of the country in search of live stock, which they coveted more than any other property. ' Our informant, who is a yery careful man. thinks that not less than tent thousand head of oxen, cows, horses, mules, beside large droves of sheep and bogs, were driven across 'the Potomac by the rebels, within the three or four days they were threatening Washing ton. Their infantry was mounted as quickly as-the stolen horses were brought in. The rebels to use his Own language, came into Maryland a ragged and barefooted band and went out looking like , gentlemen. It has not yet been definitely"ascertained whether the rebels carried off any ,of the Val uable correspondence belonging to the Hon. Francis E Blair. When our forces - occupied the Silver Spring farm some of the pipers had been ransacked, and were strewn about the floor of his library; but the older and more valuable papers, which were in the garret, had, not ben disturbed. G 011: Rhodes had his headquarters in Mr. Blair's house. Gen. Early occupied for a similar purpose_ the mansion of Geo. W. kigge, a prominent banker here; . and the. partner of W. W. Corcoran, who is now in . Europe spending his money in the intatimis of the rebel government. Mr. Rigg s premises suffricl but trifling damage. Gen: Breckin ridtm bad his• headquarters at Offal's :Cress rOads, a mile and a half above Mr. Blair"S house. The Miliimore. Ritilr4!)ad. t - p)NOITI.QN - VFLITHE.',OUNPOWtet•:iRIDGE. The Philadelphia railroad company have made arrangements for running trains over their road to-morrow. The Gunpowder bridge is not yet repaired . ; but a foot bridge has been constructed around the burnt portion, so that passengesacan resell theirain beyond the Gunpowder, rives.. The'. bridge was more seriously damaged ;than :its at first reported. and the- locos:10:i4e, ; having fallen down between the pile, been :found difficult to remove. , Reports to-day of the prfeence of rebel' tlay.. airy near the city are believed to be. entirely incorrect. Our cavalry have made a thorough. examination of the country in this vichsity, but could not find an armed enemy anywhere. It is supposed that some of our citieen Be puts sent out from Baltimore were taken by the country people for rebels, and, twe the ~re - The Invasion of Maine bouit tut - . - • . Banos. July The reports of the rebel intiosion °PM Pitt& from New Brtuaswiel, appears to hav e OPUtillAiettlit feat, g ST. Loma, ittly 15. The stesmboata Welcome, Glasgow, Sun shine, Cherokee, Northerner, and E. F. Dix, were burned at the levee early this morning. The loss will probably reach bait' a million. SECOND DIIIPLTCIL D*TAILS TED CDNIPLAGD4TION-LOSB $5OO, 0 '.Nr. IL 1.1D3D. Sr.'Lotits, gulp ,1b.. 1 4-The most disastrous steamboatlizikhat has - occurred here for sev eral years took place this morning. The following steamers were burned: . , Tate E. F. Dix, valued at *50,000, and in sured for $22,500, in St. Louis offices. he Cherokee, valued at $40,000, and sup p6sed to be insured for $25000 , in Cincinnati Both vessels strived front the Ohio river on l'hurb ay, with an assorted cargo; the greaterportiou of which Wittig& • The WOC - Anie„ valued at $75,000, and in sured' for $55,(100. She had eighty tons of Government stores on board. The Fort Banda% with twenty tons of "In dian annuities for Uppor lYlissonri, and two butiared.ah.d fifty tons of private freight, all of whichda probably a total loss. The ala,sgow, valued at $BO,OOO, anrin sated foe#4l,ooo. in St. Louis and Cincinnati. She was undergoing repairs and hid no freight aboard., - The Sunshine, valued at $65,000, and in sured for about $40,000. Her cargo, of 300 bales of hemp, several hundred sacks of corn, and a lot of thisieellanous freight, had been discharged from her on Wednesday. and was still standing on the levee. It was burned. The Northerner, belonging to the northern line of packets, and valued at $40,000, or which there was no insurance, was also burned. The origin of the fire is not actually known, but it is believed to have been the work of an incendiary, as the military authorities received several dispatches during the past week, stat ing that a number of boat-burners were hov ering about. Two men have been arrested on suspicion, and will have a hearing before the Provost Marshal. The total loss cannot fall Short of half a million dollars. The oharrkd remains of a man, supposed to be the porber, wee found in the hold of the Cherokee. Sr. Loup, July 15.—k dispatoh from Ma. °ln the headqtarters here says that Hunts ville, in Randolph county, was robbed this morning ley the guerrillas, of l iltom $75,000 to $100,000. tone citizen wad kill Cd. • Gen. Curtis, telegraphs from Leavenworth "that our orces, under Col. Ford, overtook a gig. of guerrillas last night, at Camden, Ray ponetyvand rented them, killing fifteen and eapturitig'i large number of arms and ten kegs 'of 'poWder. Railway'Accident. Lacketvaintr, Pa., luly 15. A train, with abont . 850 rebel prisimers on their way to fife camp at Elmira, oolltded with, a Permsylvaniii coal company's train near Sho hole this afternoon, killing and wounding a large number, reported at over one hundred. The train with &Workers should have left Jer sey Ci y this morning at 4:30, but was de laycd, and thrown out of time one hour by the captain of the guard, whO returned to the vessel on which they caine from City Point to hunt 9p thrqe prisoners who had escaped from him: The coal train on its way from Hawley Bran cli , to Port Jarvis neglected to aserirtain if the other taain was behind time. and went cif; 'staißlig;the,litter at a crooked Pan efl-the.rcaad,...whertr , the• engineers could riot see Lir ahead to avoid ilcasualty. ' • BAmimonE. 15. . MMING or sis 'GUERRILLAS IN MISSOUBI, Specie ii)iEsirope. NEvv Your, July 16. The steamer' City of Baltimore took out $ 34:1 . 1,000, and the steamer New York, $6,700 • wipeout. ‘• DIED. On Friday morning. July 15, 1864, Jossra, eldest son of Charles 1,, and Emus H. Batley, aged 6 years, 2 months 241 445P7Ci His funeral take( place on Sabbath afternoon, (17th blatant) at.4.o*,clock : from the • residence of his parents, OW Front Street, below'Market Relatives and frir ads ins f irirtted to attend reithobt further notice. jyl6-2t* Nl , :«' A D TISEM MN TS. FOR SALE, ANtwAtlivcitlnitable fora stone quarry, with &talon d'llew I' Rail. welshing 22 pounds to the yard,' for aurae wattles or sidllngs. DAVID .MDMEA, Attorney at Law. .tYII3 3vy A CUEOICti PARK AT PUBLIC SALE. fIN THURSDAY, August 4, 1864, the tin slersigned, frame. of S. L Bowman, wi I sell at public wale, tne following to .1 e , tate: A tract of land. sit uate in East Pounebbrough fotenship, Cumberland, band ell by land of Simon' Dresbach, 0 o Oyster and o hers. fOutalatus 102 a Tee, More or 3eli, havingtheredn ereetea a large, two story. mono house, good tenant bout., lame bank tarn, avle orchard of choice fruit, a pump at the door; alsn; a running spring near the t poure_ 'lbis is a choice farm and :11 a high Mate of coin vation Local , d 3 miles west of Harrisburg and a half int enn hof Oymer'n Point Ba a t o take place cat the premises at .2 o'clock r. tr.. on mid ANT', when terms viii ne made by itlo-di,, GE.O. W. CRISWELL, Trustee. PUB.LICL..SALE. TN PUBSTIANOVof atiorder of the Orphans'. .1. Court of Dauphin county, will be exposed to pubic -ale, on gator lay _the dttn day of August, at the public home of John Buck. inSilfest Hattori? township, Daupl,in c onty, a tract 4.f 1 nd. containing about 30 acres, more or .1 RN part of which is cleared, well- fenced, and' under a high state of cu tieation. and a p trt of It well covered with trainer, a.ljoinbeg bads of Klatt Corset. Santw-I sahrenaer, John Kahamer and John Buck, late the ea. tate of Isaac .1: Beaver; deceased. dale to commence at 1 o'elock r. K. of said day, when attendance will begfron and condition+ of a Ile made knee& by • PS.TOtIt H. LEREW. - JOHN ALBRIGHT, Knout°, s of said d-caseedi. Jorar Rasataten, Clerk, A. C. jyl6 dltawts •AD RE WARD. TOKEN from the field of the subscriber, reelditieee the ilk •, near Mlddllown, on the night o •tirif 'Nth f il et , Inman black mare; hag aam It white spot on one htnd Not The above rowand wilt be paid for the recovery or *elm* by returning her to SAMUEL IOETWILEM, Middletown, Pe. jy15.413t* FOIL SALE, A VALIIABILE tract of limestone land on the Harrisburg and Reeding turnpike, about three mikes from Harittburs, oontalning about nineteen aereer; The immrsgtents are a large frame house and barn, a : ncitseandikse•ptinip at the door, and a rutmingstream near the buses, mile property having nag been esrupied as a tavern atand, and 14 fillentr.tite best stands for travelers and drovers on the road. Terns lett be made easy by the undersigned, retddlng en the premises: MARGOItire BIGGER. , ' . Amara township. INTERINg• TO THE FRONT! $6lO BOUNTY. Mime Philadelphia CitiZens' Volunteer lialastitote Committee" is engages in recruiting vetorent-and aliens not Maid. to draft Veterans Can now enlist mew *Wawa advantageous conditions and, while assiVrff Uric country at Me cr lan, vast waive ample provisma'cortbeir families dm log their itbsemee. ..• By ecignoing to this committee, be" master= tot44e:.oftgrfica as =bantam& They cur saie,it any PrAIPEVYMikt regiment, and will real= o the day of rejUSWe. • atimandrivd and fifty doll m to net, without-any ooductiqn for comostiodos or brokerage, be. .elota,nie twenty olihretilty this Goverathea Veterans! the country looks to 'you to uphold her Sag ,agatost theatre - non* melte Of tenon*. - Ahwdei Ektiometa, Oban'o; Joke 'Minas*, J. J. Cl G.Zoosemteo,: Tracer, Mow It `. ark mat ReorHi Les, 011 iemtAsetailliamkttit3‘17011140rtiS POW& raw ; ors .4 • ' sx;:;.1:1421: FI ') 1,111:41-11t. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS =MEI BOUNTY OF $5O, The following resolution was unatiumtl adopted at a meeting held by the b0.z.1 county commissioners, via: Resotved, That the county of Dauphin v „;. pay , o each private and.nori-comnabi,,i ot : officer who may be enlisted for military ser. vice and credited to the quota required 4'3 , the county under the late calls of the p r , dent of the United States, to serve for 100 di) in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Wasidiagi . and its vicinity, the sum of fifty dollars. Cortiled from the minutes, /Illy IS, IVA HENRY HARTMAN, JACOB J. MITT PTSEN, • ROBERT W. MoCLUEv, commission Attest:—jogmt !art T VII, cl er k. jy.l3 TO CARPENTERS AND CAR BUI L D NIVANTED, six or eight good darpent,r, c builders at the duhuy4lll and. railroad company's shop, at Riekh g clep. Meb.-• - paid and constant en ploymentr i tt. --Apply to ortrye Garai rich, 41 and gpde; of r album, Mr. John P, cud, lemmas -ebop, r dtrsittued at Piss Gro , e I.T. K 'MAO'. Pr's Glsovs, July 9. 1861. NOTICE. T HE public are requested to attend opening of the new y goods store of Br,: Bowman. on Than-day morning, July ,th at tip. east ,orner of, Second and Walnut WiriCti(fate - room 4f .Jo spo Kahnwiler.) Ibis nelF fib litre i. , tot the ititiire stook from Mr. Kalman'. r• . p Mee ap lln bOOD FAItE say t., iho public to I. will'sell ahui- stock. of vode at one-fourth lcat ;I, mine Unit orgoods ran NOW It BOUGH: AT ti SALE GOVERNMENT SALES, &( 1,000 Horses Wanted; THE GOVERNMENT REQUIRE FOR IMMEDIATE USE ONE THOUSAND CAVALRY lIOHS For which CASH will be paid on their livery at HARRIS B At Government prices for such as bear apection. /Wide for purchase will be found at Lam:water, Mg, Lewistown, Williamsport anq By command of Major General Como. J. G. JORNSON , Capt. and Ch'f Q. 8L Lep% Sussueltatin °mos Cn'r DBP'T SUNCEIJKSIVI, H.ARRISEIVRO, July I'2. 1864 CONDEMNED ANIMAL '• L . RAE DEPIETNERFT, CATALILT Biasau, OFFICE or CHIEF QUALETEIRE.I3I7: WAS/IE4OIOE. D. G, July 7, Nivra, be sold at Public Auction to ;1. higher, bidder, on TUESDAY, July MEL Glasboro Depoc, near Wa:shingten, B. C., be o'clock, A. m., TWO HIINERED CAVALRY HORBEs Thew horses have been ocoderuaed as unfit fur the t_ airy .ervece cf she Army. For road and farm purposes many good lairga be had. Horses sold singly. Tenni: cask, in O. d au:repay. . _ tyllAltd. CONDEMNED HORSE Was Dangle's:sr,, 077/0Z or Cones Q CLUISSILILLSTR Wsestatiroa, D. C., 'July 4 2C.4.. WILL be sold at public auction, tc highesre bidder, at the times and place' nani).v tow via: Heading, Penn's, Thtwelay, July 21st., Bar. isburg, yeah's', Thurttla), July 25th, 13131, Altoona, Penn's. Than lay , ruguac 4th, !UM. Williamsport, Penn'', Thursday, Augtm 1 tth, TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry Horn-tea at each 1... These Home have been condemned as nit' : °waft service of the Army. For road and farm purposes many good be had. Borneo sold singly.. TERMS: CASH in United States Currency. JAMES A. E Lt. 001 and C Al Cava' ri jyll4lt4l OPEN 1141.1lIKET FOE. HORSES: ASSISTANT QI7ARTEMILSTER'S Passe., July WI, 15 - :,1 HORSES will be purchased at tbi,, for Government evrvice in open matltc:: any nturer will be received, subject to Ethth u. as I may order. Clash payments. By order of (AFT. J. G. Char. Qr. Surquel.t.. li C. Capt and h e-'r Jyti-dtf ,_SCALES OF REAL ESTATI THE subscriber offers at private s. de - . • farm, eltuited on the public road lenda 4 Grove Furnace, in Canoll teem-hip, Perry cow_ v: toile and a quarter west of &err.. a Gap coutzm•• acres, thereon I recto i a two4tory log - etwchme I. - a good barn, and oth.:r out-buildings. Thereon '- 1 apple and peach orchards, and a lot of other truit ti,. r t.h, premifts A never-fat tog .-priug of water IV- - l' house, cnd water In nearly every. field. Further !-- : ilia, enquire on the premises to Davi 'B. two %;I,' ', JOSLAR.M.TARLAs , =shut . .., 1, JylS-dlw FOR AROUSE and LOT, situated ie Street. PONeedun given lauriethately. Umtata 1 quire on We prumlsts. iyl3-dlw* - tr. B FLLENB-Rr.:: ABUILDING LOT, on. Second street, Weal Broad and Colder. Apply to JOSIAH MCFARLAND. jyl4 dltc Corner or F•n-quettatma ai.d Cold. r .PU BLit; L. WILL be sold at public Sale, on Sal:: Yf July 16th, 1864, at the re idence of the bar in Swatara towhehip, Da. pion county, on ito leading from Harrisburg to iii.taletown, at, the I county or. Poor Huns. 51.11, the Col-owing persons .:' perty, viz: One excellent family HORSE, 1 SPAN OF y': suitable for any light draft purpoee, one two-i-cr.. ere.' wagon with polo or-shafts, one horse wagon, one buggy, one sulky, one weigh, two dont , e setts harness, two slug e harness, one saddle, collars, bridles, barrel -. two beds and bedding, flour by the barrel_ by the bushel, corn, oats and rye by the bu hot and half,bushel measures, one- Fairbahl wales weighing 800 Ibs , one pair 9 ur scitiK4 N. I. 60111 re., one b.. 11 holder, fifty to sixty mill pocks, • 200 two bushel bags torty to sixty-three' ousbel in te 100 units, about 800 dry beat hickory mill bag truck wagon shovels, band shovels, spade.. interest of a river wine fort3.-five yards in lees' l. half interest in a seine thirty ya da in .ength, ui aeak with book case, two ntles: six good bogs pr' venally rented private, the mill for eight noel August let, 1864, to April Ist, 1865: Sate to commonoe at 10 o'clock on said day. ' terms will be made known by the undersigned. Allsums exceeding $lO eight months credit is proved seourit3r. , lrive per e•nt. allowed ibr alt tit=c mews above $lO. perrong knowing themselves Indebted for teed win please make betuement before the 25th jyl2d4t d . F. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE subscnber offers for sale a r itavern Wed, situate on the Lancaster tam!' k, the borough of Mid dletown, oonAkting or a large ' Brick Hotel, extensive stabling and all other Der* , oat builtiloga Alat Q a dits loll ii tots, having erected ee e' c ' 4 story dwelling. Far Itirthar particulars apply to She lu/denial:KA jett•oze , ?be prmlaea a Bm* WILMS. DE Land tar 'Sate. 520 in A CR ESFI o ut% , ist Lan d, pa ill or the wilt*, io phn Ct, ns ,• In urea dear, good buildings demos- . - Mill. For hither particulars, addrds ..2... L. niiiirap i. 1111 " r ' 14110101MMilakiliellW, NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF J %ME'S A. Elc.IN, TA. Cot..&C.Q.M. Crc. Rr UTIO.N SA LE FAKIR AT Yliil( .lil SALL FOR SALE, NIEZZEI CON