'IJ2 ICelegrap TO AD VERTISERS.—AIt Adver• 4, Business Notices, Marriages, thc., to secure insertion in the tAPH, must hive riably be sacrom• lth the CASH. .sentents ordered in the regular Edit ion are inserted in the Mora• ion without extra charge. ARRISBURC. MI EVENING, JULT li. 1810. ri AN t 3 c o NTIf Y of the Thermometer To-day. it A. al 90 y for 100 Days' Service. Aersigned have been authorized to impany of Cavalry for One Hundred !rvice, Uncle r the late call of the Gov- Headquarters may be found at and i Market street near Fourth, and at k Adams' Livery Stable. FRANK A. MURRAY, W. A. DEAN, THEO. G. THOMAS. Tri WAITED.—AppIy to R. J Harrisburg, Pa. jyls-4t —A first lieutenant with 35 men., id lieutenant with 25 men, for the .ervice. Apply immediately at the , Market Square, to Capt. Fenn, wderly sergeant with 10 men. Ilia morning, in going from Kahn ;ore in Market Square, a Porte mon- Itaining between five and six dollars greenback, and the balance in post- The finder will be rewarded by it to this office. iiladelphiaus have bought a splendid for Gen. Hancock's wife. ==== iore men wanted for Cavalry at the Market Square. This company ,itively be mustered in immediately, a few men are ranted. ODD FELLOWS of this city have con to postpone their pic-nie, which was iced to take place at Cold Springs, on inst., owing to the unsettled state of clonal affairs. Due notice will be given time when it will be held. I=l in numbers of men for the one hun- Lys' service have arrived here within two days, in response to the Gov appeals !o the people. Most of them mg, able-bodied men, many of whom 141 experience. in the field. No doubt fle number required will soon be ready y. 'NATIONS IN BEATER AND WASHINGTON —The Union men in this Legislar district halo, nominated Dr. R. R. Reed J. R. Kelley, of Washington county, il. M. S. Quay, of Beaver county. . Kelley and Reed were members of t Legislature, and distinguished them ranking among the first in that body. )STITOTES IN TROUBLE.---A den of in in Liberty alley, was visited, a night or ;o, by the police, who captured the pro iss, Kate ltafton, and two of her board -fed Margaret Condor and Molly Rogers, of whom went to jail, to await a trial 'at at court. Several 'gentlemen" who were esent were also arrested, and held in bail to ►pear as witnesses in this case. TM HEALTH. Or THE AtTDITOII GENERAL.- .e Auditor General of Pennsylvania has .en lying dangerously ill for many weeks, etuating between dreary forebodings of .ath and earnest hopes of recovery. Within eel: past, it was believed by his physician t Mr. Slenker might possibly recover, but as stated to us this morning, by a gentle. do who had a private letter treating of the 'ealth of the Auditor General, that all pe of his restoration to health had almost '.aced to exist, and that he could not possi y live for many days. We refer to these is with unfeigned regret, as, during Mr. enker's official career in the State Capital, • have learned to regard him with the re •ct due an honest man and faithful officer. we still hope that the worst fears of the ily and friends of the sick man may even by dissipated, and he restored to his health a official usefulness. The State can ill r ord to lose such men as Isaac Bleaker. —o— , WHERE IS THAT PEACE MAN?—Wheel the Mond hung heaviest on our Southern border -when it was sadly believed that the invader was fast approaching to desolate our fields Deeming with their rich harvests, and despoil l iar homes of all that was dear 'and valued— blatant copperhead in this city became vo erous for peace. He was for peace on any rms! and he did not care who knew' it. here his cowardly heart lied, because he inanted the rebels to know it. Lackinglove f country, engrossed in selfish pursuits, and eped in political prejudices, such are the n who form and constitute what is called opposition party in this State. Since the nger of invasion has passed, these men are sullen and chagrined. They are disappointed! That's the word. They wanted invasion, be cause they imagined in their cowardice and sympathy for treason, that the rebel thieves world pass them by only to pilfer and perse cute the friends of the Union. —A few more such excitements as we had within the past ten days, will do the cause of the Union good. The ordeal of such a crisis reveals the true condition of all Men; and we may justly write that none now appear more openly convicted and disgraced, than those whose discretion was too weak to control their sympathies for treason. wheth they rose in a oi ei blatant cry of peace, or a blo citation to riot and anarchy. Time moves n rt and Am. doe comes apace. Then, let - ns be patient! Tun DaArr.--Tho third supplementary draft for Dauphin and Juniata, and the second for the other counties in this Congressional District, was made, at the court house, in thin city on Wednesday. In this drawing one hundred per cent. was added to the number of names required to fill the deficiency in the quotas of the respective counties, under the calls for seven hundred thousand men. It is probable that no further draft will be neces sary ina Majority of the sub-districts. The men drawn for Dauphin county are notified to report at the court house in this city for examination, on Tuesday next, the 19th inst., at eight o'clock, A. tt. Those drafted in Union and Snyder will re port at Sunbury, on Thursday, the 21st; those of Northumberland at the same place, on tho 22c1; those of Juniata, at Miftlintown, on the 26th.: 3 P. M 94 DAUPHIN COUNTY. siLLIME TOWNSHIP. 1 Joseph J Sheets, aged 26, laborer. 2 Unah J Noblet, aged 37, carpenter. EAST ILINOVXM TOWNSHIP. 1 David R Kißinger, aged 34, wheelwright. 2 Wm Onmacht, aged 26, farmer. 3 Alex Bricker, aged 26, farmer. 4 Abram Beam, aged 30, miller. 5 Joseph Long, aged 27, shoemaker. 6 John Jones, aged 35, carpenter. 7 John H Rambo, aged 21, farmer. 8 Harrison Spangler, aged 32, farmer. SOUTH HANOVER TOWNSHIP. 1 Wm Stouffer, aged 24, laborer. 2 Samuel Holstine, aged 36, laborer. 381 7 FERSON TOWNSHIP. 1 David Kehres, aged 26, laborer. 2 Josiah Lenker, aged 33, farmer. 3 Geo W Bressler, aged 36, farmer. 4 Jonathan Spayd, aged 37, farmer. 5 Daniel Bressler, aged 42, farmer. 6 Peter Etzwiler, aged 20, farmer. LIKENS TOWNSHIP. 1 Jacob Rumberger, aged 25, laborer. 2 Abraham , Powell, aged 23, miller. 3 Jacob Snyder, aged 24, shoemaker. 4 Jonathan Willard, aged 43, farmer. MIDDLE PAXTON TOWNSHIP. 1 David Hock, aged 40, laborer. 2 Jacob Baker, aged,36 farmer. 3 Geo Shateek, aged 44, farmer. 4 Ferdinand Dewalt, aged 37, laborer. OPP= PAXTON TOWNSHIP. 1 Simon Weaver, aged 43, laborer 2 Daniel Lebo, aged 42, farmer. MILLERSBUBO BOILOTIGH. 1 Henry R Musser, aged 44, laborer. 2 Wm W Davidson, aged 20, farmer. 3 Peter R Remick, aged 36, coachmaker. 4 Wm H Moore, aged 35, railroad agent. 5 Jno Cramer, aged 44, laborer. 6 Benj F Kepner. aged 23, clerk. 7 Jere berCoy, aged 20, laborer. REED TOWNSHIP. 1 Jerome Rath, aged 27, dint. 2 Jno Rainier, aged 41, looktender. 3 Win Basking, aged 43, postmaster. 4 Henry Smith, aged 42, tobacconist. 5 Thaddeus Morgan, aged 31, carpenter. 6 James Humes, aged 36, shoemaker. 7 Wm Waruser, aged 35, inkeeper. 8 David Heikle, aged 40, boatman. 9 Samuel Kepner, aged 23, laborer. 10 Jos W Knoutll, aged 36, laborer. 11 Saud Krugh, aged 35 coppersmith. 12 Jno Fasnacht, aged 28, shoemaker. 13 Jos Lighter, aged 39, carpenter. 14 Richard Dern, aged 34, tailor. 15 Jacguest Roach, aged 25, farmer. 16 Jno Ditty, aged 22, catioeuter. BUSH TOWNSHIP. 1 Jno Man, aged 37, farmer. 2 Elias Goodman, aged 22, laborer. 3 Alex M'Allister, aged 37, miner. 4 Israel Haberling, aged 27, farmer. SUSQUEHANNA TOWNSHIP. 1 Jonathan Fox, aged 27, farmer. 2 Wm Wagner, aged 33, laborer. 3 Bonj Straw, aged 36, blacksmith. 4 Daniel Wise, aged 32, farmer. 5 Thomas Brand, aged 22, laborer . 6 Peter H Shaffer, aged 40, carpenter. WICONISCO TOWNSHIP. 1 Jno Buckley, aged 28, laborer. 2 (teo Shomper, aged 22, miner. JUNIATA COUNTY. BEALE TOWNSHIP. 1 Juo P Kelly, aged 43, farmer. 2 Benj Shellenberger, aged 40, farmer. ILLSONLOG TOWNSHIP. 1 Jacob Gunter, aged 38, millwright. 2 Wm Lauver, aged 23, laborer. 3 Jas Bri , hanan, aged 40, farmer. 4 David Steward, aged 26, laborer. DI/JAMIE TOWNSHIP. 1 David W Doughton, aged 43, carpenter. 2 Jno M Leech, aged 35, laborer. FAYETTE TOWNSHIP. 1 Jno McMeen, aged 30, farmer. 2 Nathan Griffith, aged 29, farmer. YZEMENAUGH TOWNSHIP. 1 Saionel Stine, aged 32, miller, 2 Jackson Rage, aged 21, laborer. 3 Adam Earnest, aged 39, farmer. 4 Lucien Louder, aged 21, laborer. 5 Josiah Webb, aged 20, laborer. 6 Josiah Long, aged 23, laborer. LACE TOWNSHIP. 1 E Robinson, aged 23, farmer. 2 Jas Woodsides, aged 21, farmer. 3 Thos Young, aged 20, laborer. 4 Wm D. Walls, aged 31, farmer. 5 Jas Murphy, aged 40, machinist. 6 Alex Eaton, aged 41, farmer. MILFORD TOWNSHIP. 1 Leonard Groninger, aged 38, 'humor. 2 Wm Whistler, aged 23, farmers-. HONEON TOWNSHIP. 1 Amos Crapes, aged 22, farmer. 2 David Shellenberger, aged 24, fiarmer. 3 John Seely, aged 30, laborer, 4 Peter, Feery, aged - 5 Tobias Stroup, aged - - 6 Jno F. Keeler, aged 38, farmer. 7 H S Scholl, aged 22, tanner. 8 Isaac Sellers, 27, aged laborer. 5115441/EILLNNS TOWNSHIP. 1 Joseph Saba, aged 38, laborer. 2 Michael B Zerbe, aged 22, laborer. 3 Fred Stroup, aged 23, tavern keeper. 4 Lewis Wilt, aged 28, laborer. . TIISCIAIOILL. 1 David McDonald, aged 25, fanner. 2 Samuel Philips, aged 321, laborer. SNYDER COUNTY. SPAT= TOWNSHIP. 1 L J. Manbeck, aged 22, laborer. • 2 Uriah Mayer, aged 24, laborer. CENTER TOWNSHIP. 1 Wm Hartman, aged 26, carpenter. 2 Thos Enmbarger, aged 27, farmer. CHAPMAN TOWNSHIP. 1 David Price, aged 26, laborer. 2 Win Hummel, aged 41, blacksmith. 3 Jacob Wolf. aged 26, carpenter. 4 Emmet P Neits, aged 27, shoemaker. 5 George Homier, aged 21, laborer. 6 Emanuel Sanders, aged 45, farmer. 7 Jonathan GambY, aged 27, carpenter. 8 Geo John, age 30, farmer. 9 Benj Sheffer, %PIK laborer. 10 Emanuel Neils, aged 40, teacher. 11 Jacob Yerger, aged 26, laborer. 12 der B Hale, aged 38, farmer. 13 Nathan H Herrold, aged 40, blacksmith 14 Jackson Glace, aged 23, laborer 15 John L Supple, aged 30, boatman. 16 A G Walls, aged 26, doctor. 17 Andrew Homer, aged 36, farmer. 18 David Yerger, aged 21. farmer. 19 Henry Shall, aged 27, farmer. 20 Henry Swinefort, aged 21, carpenter. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. 1 Reuben Musser, aged 43, fanner. 2 Henry Gilbert, aged 37, carpenter BEIDDLEBIIIIO BOR01:70H. 1 Henry Harbin, aged 28, blacksmith. 2 John Darn, aged 41, register and recorder 3 Peter M Hackenberry, aged 20, teacher. 4 David Wilson, aged 44, clerk. NITDDLE CREME TOVTICSICEP. 1 Speaker Smith, aged 35, tanner. 2 Henry N Wetzel, aged 33. farther 5101 , TROE TOWNSHIP. 1 John F Hottenstine, aged 30, farmer 2 Geo Ulrich, aged 43, gunsmith. PERRY TOWNSHIP. 1 Wm Arbogast, aged 13, farmer. 2 Peter Reichenbach, aged 25, farmer. 3 Tillman Hoffman, aged 27, laborer. 4 Wm Page, aged 20, farmer. WEST PEERY TOWNSHIP. 1 Samuel Dorn, aged 41, laborer 2 Elias Landis, aged 40, farmer. WASHINGTON, TOWNSHIP. Jno F Schnee, aged 41, tanner. 2 Geo W Wolf, aged 22, laborer. 3 Samuel Strout, aged 23, laborer. 4 Wm Spade, aged 23, carpenter. 5 Benj Dunkleberger, aged 44, plasterer 6 Peter Auker, aged 23, farmer. 7 Samuel Reichenbach, aged 42, farmer 8 Henry Motz, aged 21, farmer. UNION COUNTY. BRADT TOWNSHIP. 1 Chas Wetzel, aged 28, farmer. 2 Andrew Russel, aged 42, farmer BUFFALO TOWNSHIP. 1 Abraham Esh, aged 43, farmer. 2 Chas McFall, aged 22, teacher. 3 Samuel Hurst, aged 38, blachsmith 4 Wm N Baker, aged 26, huckster. 5 George Rangler, aged 32, farmer. 6 Samuel Mathers, aged 20, farmer. BAST BUFFALO Tow Near,. 1 Abraham Aurand, aged 39, farmer 2 Andrew Seehler, aged 21, laborer. WEST SIIITALO TOWNSHIP 1 George Bush, aged 31, distiller. 2 Jacob Kline, aged 23, laborer. 3 Daniel Miller, aged 28, farmer. 4 John Kline, aged 30, laborer. HARTLEY TOWNSHIP. 1 John Lechty, aged 21, laborer. 2 Henry Dorman, aged 34, farmer LEWIS TOWNS/OP. 1 Israel Beaver, aged 37, plasterer. 2 Ira Catheriman, aged 29, carpenter LEWIBBITUG B0801:1011. 1 Robert Wendle, aged 20, coaehmaker. '2 Joseph M Housel. aged 29, carpenter. 3 R G Nesbit, aged 33, coal merchant. 4 Wm C Painter, aged 44, machinist 5 Henry Heitzman, aged 24, moulder. 6 Adam Reidaba,ch, aged 41, laborer. 7 Joseph Musser, aged 43, farmer. 8 Chas C Dunkle, aged 27, merchant. 9 And Diffenderfer, aged 25, wagonmaker. 10 George Reed, jr, aged 21, bricklayer. 11 Theodore C Taylor, aged 20, dentist. 12 Joseph Shepard, aged 20, student 13 Henry Guise, aged 23, coaehmaker. 14 - Wilson S Paul, aged 23, blacksmith. 15 A Donachy, aged 43, cabinet maker. 16 _Franklin Mecham% aged 25 boatman. 17 DAniel Newman, aged 29, laborer. 16 Wm Nagel, aged 42, boat builder. 19 W C Wendel, aged 21, cabinet maker. 20 Wm M Reber, aged 21, doctor. 21 Peter Mentze, aged 31, teamster. 22 Robert Chamberlin, aged 29, merchant LIMESTONE TOWNSHIP. 1 Benj Chambers,. aged 41, farmer. 2 Daniel Shrader, aged 30, laborer NIFFLINBILTIG BOROUGH. 1 James L Ayres, aged 24, jeweler. 2 John V Barber, aged 40, merchant. 3 Solomon Engle, aged 28, laborer. 4 Henry C Bogenriel, aged 32, blacksmith UNION TOWNSHIP. 1 Isaac Steller, aged 36, laborer. 2 Geo Harmindinger, aged 37, shoemaker WHITE DEER TOWNSHIP. 1 Jno Campbell, aged 26, laborer. 2 Mahlon Bickel, aged 27, carpenter. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Drawn Thursday, July 14. LOWER AUGUSTA. Towssarc. 1 Hiram R Miller, aged 26, farmer. 2 David Neidig, aged 21, laborer. • COAL TOWNSEEP AND SHAMOKIN BOROUGH. 1 Daniel Yost, aged 37, carpenter. 2 Christian Martin, aged 39, moulder. 3 Martin Hoffman, aged 36, miner. 4 A lbert Nolter, aged 36, miner. 5 John Weir, aged! 26, miner. 6 Joseph Conrad, aged 33, carpenter. 7 David W Weaver, aged 28, clerk. 8 Jeremiah Yordy, aged 25, clerk. 9 Owen M Fowler, aged 20 printer. 10 Samuel Martz, aged 28, miner. 11 Michael Troy, aged 40, laborer. 12 Fredk Kramer, aged 34, laborer. 13 Jacob Stillwagner, aged 28, laborer. 14 Harman Snyder, aged 40, wheelwright. 15 Jno Caldwell, aged 37, justice of the peace 16 Martin Gose, aged 27, laborer. BeRWENSVILLR BOROUGH. 1 Lorenzo Westcott, aged 34, minister. 2 Franklin Gearhart, aged 42, minister. 3 W W Armstrong, aged 27, teacher. 4 Christian L Wagner, aged 30, blacksmith 5 Geo W Overpeck, aged 25, Ulmer. 6 John IVOlman, aged 30, laborer. 7 Joseph 8 Dixon, aged 21, shoemaker. 8 A J Gtiffy, aged 40, attorney. JORDAN TOWNRMD 1 Nathan Fetterman, aged 33, blacksmith. 2 W F Foust, aged 34, distiller. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 1 Isaac 0 Billman, aged 24, farmer. 2 Andrew Robuck, aged 39, farmer. MT. CABXKL. TOWNSHIP. 1 Jerry Delany, aged 33, miner. 2 James Brinan, aged 38, miner. 3 Daniel McDonald, aged 36, miner. 4 dames O'Brien, aged' 38, miner. 5 James Gordon, aged 38, laborer. 6 Michael Early, aged 30, miner. 7 John Anthony, aged 24, miner. 8 John Scott, aged 40,, miner. 9 G W Parvin, aged 25; operator. 10 James Camfield, aged 23, miner. 11 John Deffiy, aged 30, laborer. 12 John Cole, aged 33, miner. 13 E Hackerty, aged 38, laborer. 14 James Brinan, aged 36, miner. 15 Mortz Kennedy, aged 35, miner. 16 Miaow. Crane, aged 30, laborer. 17 Joseph Davis, aged 30, miner. 18 John Smith, aged 40, miner. 19 John Donahue, aged 35, miner. 20 Wm Camfield, aged 25, miner. 21 Daniel McAndrew. aged 37, miner. 23 Wm Souther, aged 35, miner. 23 Isaac Duttery; aged 36, laborer. 24 John McGee, aged 36, miner. 25 Patrick Horne, aged 36, miner. 26 Patrick Foley, aged 40, miner. 27 Jame. Geshan, aged 44, labor= 28 John Graham, aged 32, laborer 29 Martin Brinan, aged 36, miner. 30 George Madey, aged 40, laborer am maxim sonotrou. 1 Jonas Stine, aged 40, merchant. 2 Samuel Smeliz, aged 36, teamster P.OENT TO wNSHIP. 1 W J Beacham, aged 22, miner. 2 Reuben Johnson, aged 29, farmer. 3 Daniel Thatcher, aged 25, farmer. 4 Anthony W Newberry, aged 35, laborer 5 George Vandevender, aged 20, laborer. 6 Daniel Witmer, aged 35, laborer. 7 Isaac Bidlespach, aged 41, farmer 8 Hugh O'Neal, aged 35, laborer. 1117S11 TOWNSIIIP. 1 Aaron Roadarmel, aged 37, laborer_ 2 Joseph Davis, aged 31, miner. 3 John Smith. aged 40, miner. 4 John Donahue, aged 35, miner. SIIAMOIMI TOWNSHIP. 1 Solomon Yeager, aged 25, laborer. 2 Eliaha Thrap, aged 36, farmer. 3 Geo W Arnold, aged 24, railroader 4 Jacob J Reed, aged 42, bricklayer. =EBY TOWNSHIP. 1 Wm. X'Andrew, aged 22, laborer. 2 Peter Smith, aged 34, miner. Ansusr or a. SurposED EtrnonAn. —Levi Blessing, the same individual who was posi tively identified by Mrs. Jackson, as the per son who entered her store some few weeks since, for which offence he is now under bail, was arrested yesterday afternoon on the charge of entering the residence of Henry Thomas, Esq., the night before. We understand that he was seen in the vicinity of Mr. Thomas' house about two o'clock on the morning of the robbery, while he contends that he was at home all night. The evidence seems to be strong against him, and several others with whom he has been associa' ing have suddenly absented themselves. We hope the guilty parties of these many robberies lately com mitted in our city may be discovered and severely punished. Blessing was committed to jail for trial, lam ammo- at the Brady House, a hand some sword, sash and belt were presented by the members of the company from Williams port, to Capt. George Jones. The sword was presented on behalf of the donors by Mr. Bartholomew, of Schuylkill county, and elo quently responded to by Capt. Jones. On the same occasion, a handsome sword sash was presented to Lieut. Jack, by the mem bers of the company. Mr. E. T. Smith re ceived the sash on behalf of Lieut. Jack, in a very patriotic speech. Eloquent addresses were also made by Lieut. Bubb and other members of the company. THAI= & NOTES' great cirous, and Van Amburgh's mammoth menagerie will arrive here on Friday of next week, and will pitch their immense pavilion near the cotton fac tory. No doubt everbody will attend. This great show will remain but two days. SWORN Ix.--Capt. Sanno's company of mounted men has been filled and sworn into service. They will go to camp to-day. The Curtin Peneibles, Capt. Mitchell, have also been sworn in.-They will.also go to camp to-day. Itazzr Boon) THIC Fr-ao, BOYS.—Captain Orem is raining a battalion of 100 days' men. We would recommend him to all who wish to enlist, as he has been in Virginia, un der Uncle Sam, for the last three years. Headquarters Camp Surtin and White Hall Hotel, Harrisburg. $5O bounty will be paid to all recruits. jyll-dlw* .........10-.... Alen Wanted for the Cameron Guards. A few more men, for the one hundred days' service, are wanted for the Cameron Guards. Apply at the headquarters, at the Ellsworth House, Market street. Fifty dollars bounty paid. J. D. SUTLIFF, Capt. Lt. J. W. WOODBURN, 6th P. N. jyl4-3t* Rally for the Cavalry Young men are wanted to 1111 a cavalry company for 100 days. $5O bounty. Gov ernment finds horses, and everything else. Call at Big Tent, Market Square. 2t G. WASHINGTON FENN, Captain. A 817PZEIOS lot of Stock Hogs for sale at the Harrisburg Drove Yards. A LEG-.A.14 WARNING- TO TRAITOR SYMPATHIZERS. Attempting to Obstruct the Efforts to Recruit Soldiers. For the benefit of a class of men in this and other communities who have engaged se cretly and even openly in efforts to impede the raising of volunteers in answer to the summons of the National and State authori ties, we print the following act of the Assem bly, passed April 18th, 1861, Pamphlet Laws, page 408. It is an extract from section 1, and after defining the offence' says: * * * Or any person who shall give or send any intelligence to the enemies of this State or of the United States of America; or shall with intent to oppose, prevent or sub vert the Government of this State or of the United States, endeavor to persuade any per son or persons from entering the service of this State or of the United States, or from joining any volunteer company or association of this State about being muster-d into service, or shall use any threats or persuasions or of fer any bribe, or hold out any hope of reward, with like intent to induce any person or per sons to abandon said service, or withdraw from any volunteer company or association already organized under the laws of this Com monwealth, for that purpose; every person so offending and being legally convicted thereof. shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and shall be sentenced to undergo solitary imprison ment in the penitentiary at hard labor for a term not exceeding ten years, and be fined in a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, or both, at the discretion of the court.. —We call neon every good citizen who is eoguizant of the violation of this law, to lodge Information of the fact with any District At torney, whose duty it is at once to engage in the prosecution of the parties charged with the offence described in the section we have quoted. There are men who are constantly prating about the Violation. of law, whose acts render them daily amenable to the law in question. Let them be tried by their awn tandad . SPECIAL NOTICES. Ep(roa op TF.LZGRAFE _ . Dear Sir: - W,th your permission I wish to say to the r-alers of your paper that I will ford, by retain Mail, ix) all wler wish it (free ) a Bee p% with full directions for making and using a simple Vege.ab.e Bs lm, that will ef fectually rem.ce in ten dare, Pimple; Blotches, Tan. Frotles, and all Impurities of the Ssin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and hi aiitlfeL I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thtty dsys. All applications answered by ratan mall without charge. RespectfUlly yours, THOS. F. iIHAPIIAN, Chemist, Jyls-dkw3rn 831 v New York Broadway, A CARD TOTER SUFFERING. Swallow two or three hegeheads of "Bunko," "Tonic Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nemo , a Antidotes," &c., &e, Am., and after you are aatiaged with the result, then try one boa of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S RNGLISII SPICCI• FIC PlLLS—and be restored to health and vigor In less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable. pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken flown and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Imports I and sol lin tue United States only by JAS. S. BUTLFat, No. 427 Broadway, yew york. agr Agent tor the thr te4. States. I'. S.—A Box of the Pills, securely packed, will be mailed to auy address ou receipt of price, which is ONE DOLLAR, pest-paid—money zefunaed by the Arta If entire satisfaction is not giv..n. jyls 'arw3m To Clear the House of riles, an Dutcher's celebrated LIGHTNING FLT.KILLER, a neat cheap article, easy to uso. Every sheet will lull a quart SOLD EVEICYWHERE. FRENCH, RICH.ARDS & CO., 10th and Market streets, Philadelphia, whol*.eale , alenta my24-d&wilw Bannvart , s Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart ik Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, tc whom all orders should be addressed. sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent cle en: Haa ono, Feb. Bth, 1861. C. A. Mall. VAZT—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can elmerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. _ A MPI agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Baxinvart's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Lat.:. Pastor of O. 8. Presbyterian Church. lianatanuno, Jan., 1 0 64. To O. iL BANatvanr—Dear Sir: In th habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent U. 136, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public ac • dresses. Yours, JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. RuntvesT--Dear Sir: Having wet your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, Ac., G. G. RARESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ATTOICRIP'S OFF'/CE, Hanaumuna, Feb. 29, 1864. To 0. A. Bann - Tara—Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be Invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bone lit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED! DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cure, to lees than 30 days, the word cases of NEhVOU:. , NESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, semiaal Weakness, Insan ity, and all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Aneenons, no matter (Mal what cause produced. Price, One Doll.r per box. Sent, post-') .id by mail, on r c ipt of an order. One Box will perfect the cure in most cases. Address JANES S. BUTLER, Jylf.d.kw3m General Agent, 429 Broadway, N. Y. AlHillary Balances Attended To Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and Mitary sad War Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per 8011S residing at a distance can have their business trans. acted by mall, by addressing BUGEI , TESNYDER, Attorney-at-Law derMly Third street, Ilanisburg,.Pa. Pure Vegetable Medicine. ONE of the very best 'Vegetable Medicines is now offered to the citizens and stung of theri city. It will purdy the blood, and leave the liver and bowels In a good healthy eoadition. Operates without the least pain. Old and young, male and female, all can take of it. As to the truth of this hundreds can testify, as it has boon well tried for the last ten years. it is prepared only and sold by Mrs. L. Ball, No. 27, wuth Pine street, flarrialoirg. Pa. my2ll WANTS. WANTED, AWHITE WOMAN to take care of child ren. Apply to Hrs. T. J. Jordan, Walnut strut. .l"14 St* ICE WANTED. -- AFEW tons of ice wanted at the Jones House Pomona haring the contains of an Ice house to dispose of will find a purchaser by addressing jyl4-3t PROPRIETORS, JONES ROUSE. SUBSTITUTES WANTED. TWO substitutes are wanted. $6OO will be paid for men that will pass. Apply al the jy9-dlw* UNION HOTEL. $75 A se M. win O g NT c H. hin — es. Agr e tS wanted will give a cot l e is- 11 mon on alt Machines sold, or employ agents who will work for the above wages and all expenses paid. Ad dress D. B. HEItItINTON & CO., .19 542 w * Detroit, Mich. WANTED lATAIEDIA.T ELY. FOUR or five "Shanty-keepers," to whole Shanties, which are ready for use, will be furnished. for the purpose of accommodation boarders. Also, fr'm 50 to 60 !.borers. Apply to James Martin, on the N. C. R. It., Mahoutongo mountain, 3 miles [wove Millersburg. jeft-lro* WANTED—A good pastry Cook, and a good meat Cook. Inquire at the ap3o-dtt BRADY HORSE AGENTS wanted to sell the Standard His tory of the War. A rare chance to make mode}}. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,01. volumes already sold, Sand for circulars. Address JONES BROS. & CO., de 30 publishers. Ftaltimore. Wit CANDIDATES. IPOR REGISTER. GEORGE MARK, of South Ra.nover town ship, oilers himself as a candidate for the office of RI,AsTER, of DaOphio (aunty. If elected, Mr. Mark pledges himself to perform the duties of said office wit', jag deiwto CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. HAsstesusci, June 9. 1804. 1 1 HE undersigned respectfully offers himseli to the Republicans of the 14th ttingresslonal Dis trict of Pennsylvania, composed of the enmities of lieu chin, Juniata, Northumberland, Union and lituyder, fo nomination by the several county oonvectiona of the ma District fientdtel „TORAH Y.Ffor FOR REGISTER. RIIDOLPH MILLER; of East Hanover lowsobtp, offers himself as sesatlidate for the ofho or kegisuar. iV nonapnatiod and elated he P airs htm. self to !WM the duties of the *Moe with ddelUrr. , jead2w~ RI7DOLPEI Mania, MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SWEET MUSIC, VIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, STRINGS, DRUMS, FIFES, and all kinds of 11LUSI CAL MERGRAND.SE, PICTURE FRAmES, WORTS& GLASSES, PROTOGRA PR CARDS end ALBUMS, AAI oRO - GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &C., &C. Remember the plum, SILAS WARD, No. 12 Third street, the largest Music Store this side of the great cities. jan2B4:l4f IVI ELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS. AND THZ ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever woo by lastruotouta of tick class) ban be &worded to • MASON & HANUN'S INSTRMENTS: A fall assortment of these lutruments ILIWItYII oc harm at W. KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent, je4-2taulyl 93 Kultet street NEW MUSIC FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS. TRF. Sabbath School Trumpet, A COLLECTION OF Hymns and Tunes, Chants and Anthems APPEIDED TO WHICH 15 • JUVENILE CANTATA. ENTIN..EII "THE ORIGIN OF THE SEASONS." W. 0. & H. S. PERKINS. SPECIMEN copies of this new work will be sent post toad on receipt of 25 cents. Special at connect is directed to the "Trumpet" as being a collec tion of &tusk! particularly suited to the young, and one that cannot fail to be generally adopted. The Cantata is is ono of the most attrectivdthat has been published. It is easily presented, and for this reason Neill become popu lar in all dab with Soho.ls as soon as introduced. Price; In boards. 30 ; • paper, 26. Just published by Oliver Odeon &Co , 271 Washington street, Huston. Pot' sale y J E GOIJLO, Philadelphia. .IYS-tc AILSUEL LANEI)US. SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITYI lAM happy to offer to the public a large and spneadid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give Cu fire satisfaction. PLEASE TRY TITESI. SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE, Second street, opposite Prebbyterlau Church, Harrisburg Pa. ap23 Steam Weekly to Liverpool. TOUCEUNG at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Har bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to sail as follows: City of Baltimore, Saturday, July 16; Etna, Satur lay, July 23; Euitiburgh, Saturday, July :3U, and every suc ceeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River, RATES OF PASSAGE, PATABLI DI GOLD, OD MG ZQUTILLLID72 . IN °DERMOT. FIRST CABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE $3O Ihr do to London 85 00 do to L0nd0n...... 24 00 do to Paris 96 00 do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to Hamburg... 67 00 Passengers also forward to Havre, Bremen, dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $76 $B5 $lO6. Steerage, $35. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates, For further information apply at the Company's Mee. JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, N. Y. or U. u ZIIIMERMAN, Harrisbuin, (Maly C ISLICSTAX.A.ZED CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, I S a pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and ref reehing for invalids nas, nl fever or great thiraL ha porta , llity recommends it 'o traveler?. Its convent , COO at pic-eice will be apreciated. No sugar required; one table-spoonful simply clissolvel. in a glass of cold water and it 19 done. HELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE; "- No. 91, Market street A. GOOD CHANCE. THE subscriber wishing to retire from busi ness, will sell out his entire sleek, cossstlng of Dry Goods, Noi.t.P, Snood, Groceries, Htisiery, .to., all well a. looted and dealt-sole for present trade—SOUGHT FORE THE ADVANCE. Also, will sell or rebt the Hou.s) on easy - terms To an enterprising man or firm fins is a good o o portunity to go into business It is a pieamnt location—good busnifts doing now and amid be easily increased. jy7-paadaw NOTICE AMEETING of the stockholders of the "Union Railrotd and Mining Company" will be. nett at the Continental Hotel, in the city of Philadeli bias. Friday, the 22e day of July, A. D 188.4, at one o'clock P. et. of said day, for the purpose of electing seven Direc to 's to manage the affairs of saidcompany for the ensuing ye a*, and to transact such other busumes in ivbioll sala company is Interested, aq may be brought before that meeting. By request of the B and eft hectors. IYSi COLDER, President. HARMS:At - 1W antie 30, IStl4 je2o-€..43,".• M.X.F,CUTOR'IS DIOTICE. LETTERS testamentary on the estate of Hannah- Forney, lato of Halifax townahlp, Dauphin o •unty, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township, all persons indebted to sal I estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those lit'de; claims agalutt the same will prei.ent them for settlement. jet) °dad* SAMUEL LANDIS. Executor. NOTICE—The annual meeting of the stock holders of THK AMEhICAN INDIXENDFNT TEL WRAPH COMPANY ail be held at the cake of the In pendent Telegraph. Company, No. 21 South Street. in th' city of Baltimore, on the 12l DAY OF JULY, ISM, at 11 A Br. GEO. C. PENNIMAN, je29-law3w President_ ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES. PURSUANT to an order of the Court 01 Quarter Sessions of 1 uuphin county, notice is hereby gavel to the Commissioners of said county, and to the property.holderb along the lino of Vorbeko street, from falcon to Seventh Street, in the citylof Harrisburg, that upon the petition of the President of Council of said city, the Court has appointed six viewers to assess the damages caused by the opening of said street, and that they wig proceed to assess said damages on Wednesday, July 20th next, at 10 o'clock, A. m. t at which time all parties inter. ested may appear upon the ground if they think proptr. jy6-dlOt JOHN W. BROWN, City 'Solicitor. NOTICE MBE undersigned, appointed by the Or plans' Court of Dauphin county to distribute the balance in the hands of the administrator of JAMES A. JACK, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will attend for that purpose at his office, on Saturday, the 23d day of July, inst., at 10 o'clock, A. u. All perscrts imeissiett are 'invited to attend. D. FLEMING, HARRISISURG, July 4, 1864. Auditor jys•doawaw&relt PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of Assembly of Pennsylran , a, passed the tint day of June, 1839, the stockboldelt of the Franklin Bank, of Washington, Penna., will apply to the neat session of the Legislature for a renewal of Its char. ter, with ou increase of its capital from $150,000 to $200,000. C. M. RE',..l), President. WASHiNGTOX, PA, June 24, 1884.. • Je27 PIIILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE INSTI TUT& FOR YOUNG. LADIES, No. 1530 Arch =treat. Rov. CHARLES A. BIRTH, D. A, E. CLARENCE iMITR, A. M., Principala Ninth Year. Three departments: Primary, Academe; tnd Collegiate. Full college course in Classics, Mane , =Ulm, higher English and Natural Science for chase alto graduate. Modern Languages, Music, Painting and .glocntien by the beet masters. For ciirculark apply at. ho Institute, or address BOX 2611 P. 0., l'acleiphis ap2o-6m* NOTICE TO DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. ALL soldiers discharged on account of wounds received in battle can have their SlO3 isitatty under act or March 3, DM collected by calitai immediately on or addreseing, by Mail EUGENE SNIDER, Attornepat—inw, Third street, Harrisburg, h. JyY deed2w 1.9000"8" GOD H, of the cele tested St. George brand, Just recent Arid for sate by SEMLER & FRAZER, feel (Baoceasors 10 iVra. Dock, Jr., & Vo,} BASKETS, BASKETS, in great variety at saist.r.a do FRAZER, kat 311C00eliOre to W. Dock, Jr., & FRESH PINE APPLES just received at 3EfJaSLER & FRAZER, atin Sneesstort to W Dock, Jr., It Co LLOTSfor sale on the corner of Third a d RTIVI streets. Enquire of WM. A. lieFA. WEN. Suirerat JOH?: SRO' , P, Ridge Road.