TELEGRAPH rinnamio - MORNING AND EVEATIVG; • ! .GEORGE BEIGNIII. I :51 - 77c8 THIRD ST., ...YEAR WALNUT. TB . RiStS OF SUBSCRIPTION VBuBIPTIOW Tat DAILY TELF.GP.APH h 4 FerVed to subscriber!! in the at 8 ee..nis per week. Yearly subscribers will be god Vi 00 In advance. Those person , : who negiectto ty in advance will be. charged. $8 00. WEEKLY TVIIGRAPR. is also published weeki; - , a ^ !:n riITOSiY eubecribers at thelbilowing cosh r•z:e=:: eoples, ...... .••• • • • • ......... $0 copies to Otps Post Ofece • • •• • 4 00 Ten (~01, ; (`e to one Post ()tee . 10 01 RA 4 L It OADS. Pe!ilk:3"111 ,11 A 10 Rail Road ! - 77 '' '.eM.F 7T.' '-aIL. SPItING TIME TABLE. TRAINS DAILY TO . AND FOUR FROM. PHILADEDELPHIA. of 6KU ♦IT&& iI(&DAY, May 16th, 1364, AE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company 'will depart from and arrive at Ilair, lug and Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD. TROUGH Expr,Ess TRALV leaves Harrisburg daily a., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 a.. nt. AST LINE hares Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at a., surf arrive:, at West Philadelphia at 10.10 A. at. ,errors tale breakfast at Lancaster. OUNT JOY ACCOSiNIODATION, leaves Harrisburg at A.. a., consorts at. Lancaster with Lancaster °remit- Anion train, and and arrives at Weet Philadelphia at :5 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. leaves Raffia. v, at 12 20 P. N. ; in bia 1.55 P. it., and arrives n i t ..aster 2.30 e. at.; connecting v;ith Fast Mail east at 'caster for Vidlailciph , a, and arrives at Wee( Phlladel ia at 5.30 P K. UL Vial :4 leaves Harrislterg at 1 20 P. et. ; tm:aster 2.47 p x, and arfiveint Wnst rhiladolphla at 5.30 P. HARRISBURG Allt;t01%101JATION TRAIN, via Gonna. 1, leaves Elatimburg at 5.25 P. 2., and snivel; at Waal iladelphia at 12.50 r. M. WESTWARD. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily Inept tionday) at 2.10 s a. j Altoona, 7.35 A. a., take akfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 P. IL 'HILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg y at 3.10 A.s. ; Altoona at 5.20 A. a., take breakfast, arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 P. at. AIL TRAIN leaves Harnsburg at 1.80 p. 31. ; Altoona 16 p, at., take sapper, and arrives atrittaburgat 12.30 dam. VAST leaves Harrisburg, at 3.50 P. M. ; Altoona at S. P. o!., Lane supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at I.o* A. M. SioUNT JOY ACCOIIIIODATION leaves Laucaster 9 :10 A. s. . arrita:, at. Harrisburg at 11.10 A. m. , • • HARRISBURG ACXXibitioDATION TRAIN reaieill Wed Philadelphia at 1145 p. at., and arrives at Harrisburg:se/110 mot Tyr JOY ACCOMMODATION No. 2, leaves Lanetui• ier at 825 r. y., connectiu 4 there with Harrisburg Accoro - West, leaves Mount Joy at 7.00 P. M. and arrivep it Harrisburg at 8.20 e. M. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Middle Dia Pean'a R. R. Harrisburg. May 13, 1864, -4itr Northern Central Railway summit TIME TABLE. THREE TRAINS DAILY !E..* UN)) nem BALTIMORE WASHINGTON CITY: Connections made with trains on Penzsylvania Railroad_ to and Croft Mourn and the West. 7 TUREE TRAINS DAH.Y . ,to and from the Nortb;ana West Branch Susquehanna, ESmira, and all of Noriheri New York. ONand after MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central P.ailway will arrive at and depart tom Harrisburg and Baltirnom as follows. viz: KiOUTHWARD MALL TRAIN lehver. Sunbury- daily (except Sunday) —10.25 A. K. leavea Ilsanir.hurg L2O P. K. l{ arrives at Baltimore 8.40 P. A EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 11.45 P. M. leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) . 7.00 A. K. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Her burg SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun bury daily (except Sun day) at NORTHWAP.D. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 5.20 A. A. /I leaves Harrisburg 1.35 P. arrives at Sunbury 4.05 P. IL EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily— .- 9.80 P. N. arrives at flarrisburg ..... .. 1.60 A.. N. " leaves Harriaburg, daily (54-.' cept Monday) 8.15 A. H. • ' arrives at Sunbury 5.53 A. 1. HARrusr Ult.: , ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal. timoro daily (except Stin- -.. day) 8.00 P. H. '‘ arrives at Harri5hurg.........7.50 P. 4. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris- burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 00 P. It. For chillier information apply at the Mee, in Peliney canla Railroad Depot. J. N. Du BARRY, ' Harrisburg, May 18, 1884. -dlf Gen. Supt. i NEVA/ AIR LINE ROIUTE. TOR NE TRAINS 'MILT TO NEW AND PHILADELPHIA. (AN AND AFTER . MONDAY, Nonzonber Ijr lath, 1863, the Paisenger Trains will leave the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad. Delia, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, via : EL.ASTNVARD. EXPRESSLINE leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 a. rL 1 on as. rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving In New York at 1.45 A. at. A sleeping. pit Is attached to the train through from Pittsburg with_mit °haw°. • MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. M. arriving in New York at 6.30 P. M., and Philadelphia . at 1.60 P. N. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 P. ii. , arriving in New York at 10.25 P M., and Philadelphia at 7.00 P. N. WESTWeR,D. FAST LINE leaves New York at a.® A. IL, and Tkiia• delphla at 8.16 it., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 P. N. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at t 2.00 noon, sad Ptiladelphia at &SO r. it., arriving at Harriabuig at 8.30 EAPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 7.00 P. It., ar riving at Harrisburg at 2.00'5. M. and oonneeting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pitteburg. A sleeping car is also attached to this train.' • Corium:tains are made at Harrisburg with trains on the, Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Vaßny railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesearre, Allentown, Easton, &c. Baggage cheeked through. Pare between - Sive York and Harrisburg, $5 15 ; between Harrisburg and Philadel phia, $8 35 in No. 1 carp, and $3 in •N0..2. Fer tickets 1:111. other Information apply to IMES READING RAILROAD. SU AJMER ARRA.NGEIVIENT. • _ BEAT TRUNK LINE PEON T/11. Nut NORTH and Northwest for.Philadelphia.,NPw York. Bait:tin& Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Essto4,4m,ars. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia,.Near„ york, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate ataiOnB,,aB;B.o A. 24 and 2.00 P. K. New York Express leaves Harrisburg at 8.8(OA. Tr., arriving at New York at 1.46 the same day. • A Epode' Accommodation Passenuer train leaves Head rig at 7.15 .L n., and returns from Harrisburg at 5 P. a. ' Bares from Harrisburg: To New York, $6 16; to Phil& gea $2. 35 and $2 80. Baggage checked 'through, Darning, leave New York at 6 s. a.. 12 noon, and raj (Pittsburg Express arriving at Harrisburg al2 - a. fr,) Leave Philadelphia at 8 16s. it, and &80 r. t, Sleeping care in the New York Express Trains,tkirt*:‘ to and from Pittsburg without change. • Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.60 a. rt., and 2.10 s. a., for Philadelphia, New York, and ill way points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 .1. X and 2.80 P. as., for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves. Re ading at . 8.00 A. a. and returns from hiltatelptita at 6.00 P. X. sir All the above trains run daily, Sunday eaoepbxl, Sunday train leave Potleille at 7.80 7r.,.alePho - at 815 r. Ccamxtutatten, mileage. Beaton and Exuumo g ti G ke.. 4 twinned to to and ham allpointa. 90 poudi baggage anoints{ to each perqon .£ 1 liatir Skr 3.1N*r.4 '~. ~ "i s ' r~r. r /,:.4D 250 A.*. 1.00 a. sc. 7,8 1 ) LM J. OL,. nonPrfil Aren J. YDE t. Parrifati.v - -- ~ . . -- ' '...-- . .------ - - --- fittlirt - - --- .. . . , hit, , ~, \\\ ,i i r ri.,„/ "0. 77 i .,,, , , , r , , ,,...... ,-:.. . 1 ....,,,: . . ... The ADVlCEMSlN are 6 th ilk e ret n:2"4:4lllL ee for nivel . -. _ GLIM • Thalia OM IldTortistog to d . , . ... ' . ... 5.. N... II 4.....-- verdeu tr.*. retimi#:. -- - ifi l im i - or - teattetitate Gue_e - - • - • --......-" s- ,'' - 0 ',..1 \ '' , - " --. ..- : : 1- • - 1 ~,,_ „...,..„ ....._ , t , ; ~. .... ....., ~ et - a.... , : . . lin_ t es da .7are ....................... 601 Three da • - - e weep e ar-(:-.--- .--__;..,-...i2-- p-- i ... . ~. ... .1' :. . . h I . One month .... . .... 300 One mont 1111 $ .. -:z.0.--.1,. ''' • 4• on Two months ...... .. .468 Two 1111 • • 1 1 11 °" - `i ' ' -* ‘,' .. .,,*' :. 't '-r -, • • - . . , . • Three menthe SSO Three .4,.. , . . ' . - Six months 800 Six mop. , One year 15 00 One year . Adminietrahon lietiem..._ BY GEORGE BERGNER. , RAILROADS. 1864. Philadelphia and Erie Rail- Rand— Tins great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsyttfinift to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie... . • . . It has been leased by the PIIIMEWLYANbi CON- Far, and: under. their auspices Is being • rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in .use for Passenger and rreight business from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (218 miles) on the &Al Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) on t Wnetern Division TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. ! ; Leave Eastward. Mail 'Crain L2O v. 24- kx press Train ..... 2.50 Leave North acrd. Mail Train.,.- Express Train. Care CUL through • WITHOUT OILANG33 . Joth_ways UH these trains between rhiladelphitt end Lock Haven, and bO. LiMeti Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping cars on Erpress trains both *ways be tween Williamsport and Baltimore, and Wllllatibq tort arid Philadelphia For information respecting •Passenger burliness ieipply It the S. E. Corner 11th and Hari:cot streote. And for Freight business of the Cornyany's Age; its: • S. B. Kingston, Jr.., corner 18th and ila4zeL streets, Philadelphia. . • . • J. NT Reynolds, Erie. ; ••• J. R. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R., Eshiatore. R. & HOUSTON, Generel Freight dont, LEWIS L. • HOUPV, Goirrat Ticket Aged SOS. D. TUFTS, . . mr2l ll -d l 4 - " • 6 0 4 er' 4 1 Manager, OVionslig'ri.‘ , .. VALLEY AND • • •• N K_N -. • m, l-'4 l n lL n i - i lllll- It A I L - iCitYA D S. CHANGE OF HOURS :On and after Mon day April 4%,...:1.864, Passenger want& will r* gaily, as followe, (Gundaynexecppall . , Ilifile CHAMBEiIienI37;G".4.NIO HAIMISBURCt 1 . . . . . Leave Bagcrestown . '' ' .•. - 7.1:10i 2. " Greencastle :....:.. . ...•. • ' ...... 7.3?- '2 <5 MMIBIE OltambPreburg, ~Leave at ....... 8.80 Leave Shiptienetwarg 1.13 " Newville 9.32. 2.00 61 Carlisle .1 ...5.68 10.10 2.12 Mechanicsburg ......... .. . ..... 6.25 10 42 312 Arrive at Harrisburg 6.66 • 11.16 Zt., 110 FOR CHAIIRKILTBURW AND . ItAGRIZSVWN . . - La r. Ja. r. it. Leave Ilarrisbbrg 8.06 1.e4. 420 "- Adechaniaabtug - ... 8-47 2.15 4 .4 4 " ..' ' Carlisle I ••• • • 9,47 2.56 6.29 " N~l.le . 10.22 8.22 --i— -.. Shippe):Ourg ..... .........—...10.33. 4.00 . - 41.06 _4.30 • Chambersburg, Arrive at.. at. 4 . %..... .. . Leave Greeeastio 11.55 5.30 Arrive at Hagers' town . ... . . .-..12.35 6.10 , ags- taking close eeniVtions at * Harrisburg with traias for Philadelphia New York and Pittsburg ; and with rains for all Mirka Watt: isgr The Traf&leaving Herrisbitrg at 4.20, r. x. , rude only as far as Carlisle. O. N.LIULL, So Pt B. R. Offite, Chamlnustitug, April 4, 1864-ly MEDICAt. ELIXIR DR. VIIIG!FIT : 8 _REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OR, =EMU OF LIFE. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extract 4 containing np4i- ing Injurious to the most Delicate. rairl'he Rejuvenating T, Itrir ts the result at nodertt disooverios in the vegotatqe kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all gin aid and worn-out eyateras. agir This medicine bas been tested by the moat emir:era medical melt of the any,' and by them prow:Mused:to be one of the greatest medical disooveries of the age ' sir-One bottle will cure General Debility. syrA few doses GUMS Hysterics in fetnale& iiirOne bottle cum Palpitationof the Heart - W.& few doses restores the orgensof generatiea agrFrom one to three bottles restores tlAtt .reow alias and full vigor of youth. WA few doses restores the appetite. ' ' ' rep -Three bottles cures the worst Gaze of Lemett ncy. WA few doses cures tee low spurted. I ' I WOne bottle restore mental pourer. WA few doses bring the role to,Dtra'clieekr. sir-This medicine restores to many vigor and .TOIALB health the poor, debilitateit, wor,ikdown and dcigtalling Ativotea of seuisFil piessuris, ; 7 -Allerhe yotilletkroi4-Issit . let 'mita business, the victim Of a nervous depression, the in-• dividual suffering from general debility, or from we • of a single organ> wi r d all find immediate and pern =Pt relief by the use - of this Elixir or Essence of Life. Priced?, per bottle, or Arm , bottlea for ss,.wnd rorwarded by expreeb, me* ormeney; to any 0- dress. IfiYSdd by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERWTN k CO., Sole Proprietori t r Aril-eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New Yc CEEERONETI F 114,8. sUGARVOATED• 1631144 REGULATOR, }maim PRESERVER. OERTAI.N AND SAFI,. mirror the Removal of Obstructions and the ..insumrice of Regularity in the Recurrence of the . . Mir-They cure or obviate thoge numerous diIIMIPS :that spri4 rm.& reMeTilig the Wog* tty 'They cure Suppressed, ExcessPre and ralklN 11 en etruation. ' isig-They cure Green Statute% (Chlorodg.) airthey sure Nervous and SOW . ',Motions, pains in the back and lower parts bf So hotly, Sithvinass, Fa* ue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, LIAM* 113 of Aprrits, Hysteria, Sick - Headache, OW Aimee, &c., &C.. In word, by removing the irreguladt they remove the cause, and with it ALL the effectS lb at spring from it. tircomPesed of simple vegeta) An extracts, they tow fain nothing deleterious to any gestetiterien, &waver delicate, peir function being to substitute strength for *emblem; *hen PrePerliJ used, they never tail to do. WThey may be safely weed at any ige , and at *ay Piece, =Car Mara TZI TIRIST nut= recurrne, duii ng which the unfailing nature et their action would infallit dy P31711111' pregnancy. ifirdll llettersmeldir l information `or advice will be !!:Asareetly answers& tIon! accompany each ben: ifirPrio•o l Pl.!, .or or mix boxes for Vt. Ofiree* free postage, on receipt Of prim,* field by al "Mad& . - o I %IIV &CO.; 8010-1 maraketea , WI Mere, 'os,ztArelrork. t by & A.II,IIIqIXL & HRO., 133 ."."THE UNION--NOW AND FOREVER." HARRISBURG, PA.,, Fx4Y EVENING, JULY 15, 1864 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . PIitOCLAMATION. rriEfEscitizeps of the oity of Harrrisburg are hereby notified that the ordinance, entiVed "an or durance to prevent mischief from doga;' pas-ed Fehrtiary 6, 1861, will b • strictly 'isn't): cod. Attention is espeelalay directed to sec tions 4th, sth and fib, to wit: •• • Sze. 4. That every dog going at large within the-limits of the said city, from the twentieth day of May until the twentieth day of September. in each and every year, shall hive securely put on a good, strung, substantial and' safe wire basket =mile, - inciosing the whole mouth of alid.,deg, so as effectually to prevent him from biting and Sac. 5. That any and every person owning a dog and permitting it to run at lai go without complying with the fourth section of this ordinance, shall bo liab:e to a line of not les- , than one do lar, nor more than two defian, with cone, at th e diraxetion of the Mayor; and in The event of the said constable not being able to find the owner of the deg es t Inning at large, be, or some pereou emp:oyed by Lim, shall take up, kill and bury said dog, for which service be or the person performing the'ser viz° shall receive the snm of one dollar, to bo paid out Of tne'city treasury, ' • - Sao. 6. That, every dog going at large within tho limits of said city, shall have around its neck, at all times, a citlf,r of metal Cr a collar of leather with a metal plate, oh which metal collar or plate shall be inscribed the name -of the owner of 'such dog; and any and every person own ing a dog and perntitting it to inn at large, withouttom plying with the teen skims of this s, ction, shall be liable to a tino of ohed tiler for every offence; and further, it is hereby made the duty of the Chief Police Constable ora person employed by him, to take up every dog so rog uing at largo in violation of this section, and unless the said fine is pal. by the owner thereof, on demand th e ttid officer is hereby authorized and required to kil l . lli dog or cause it to be killed and-buried, for which services he shall be allowed one dollar out of the city treasury. i , jys A..L. ROTINFORT, Mayof.i 1864 1.-85 Y. 4. 8.16 A. N. J U MUS ROSENDALE; 29 Practie,al and Scientific P.rrlC I AN MAUFACTURER AND IMPORTER Or OkyrIPILL, fIIATI EJIATICAL QND FIHLOSOPII CJII.VISTRUMPITS, No. :26 NORTH sEocnin STRUT, NEAR WALNUT, •MANRLSBURG, The following instruments will be forwarded, free, to any adiress, on receipt of tile price • i n ieot mic rosoo p e . ; for examining all kinds of M. i ,r., seats, flowers, or plant& $1 i 0 ;Seod, Micrnsconsi for .9 X a M 1 1 .41 3 1 g seeds, insects,,. , minerals, &C. . ... . .. 2 Resendato's Student's MP ;cope' ' , Weir 50, 156, - ; ' r 8.17."'4.:0 isendale's Student's Microscope ; diameters A, and 250 diametenheautall instrument for general microscopical analysis, packed in a neat: . 1. ~ bor . .. : ............. ........0 po Mile Telescope; to Rid§ at-a distance of two or three miles; can be attached to any 5 00 Stereoscopes; a new ;and improvedinstrument„.. 225 Do. with trielve pictures—. ... bOO • Spectacles or the highest refractive power to strength an and preserve the eyreaight, with a large assortment Opera and Field Glass*, Barometers, nurritnutut : iVagne* Drawing Di.w.rasnenta, &c. Aar Send stamp for a catalogue oontildning pima, fat CM 31,11.5T1C CEMENT MANUFACTURER, PITTSBURG-, Pa., ISPRI' 'PARED to tarnish and coat the e*- tea f or or ituildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on. a new fiyatem.. Vins material - Is entirely different from all other cements mead heretofore, and is the only reliable, imperishable coatillg for outside work. Mixed' wi th lit'e • per proportions of pare - f.i.v.spgi Oil it forum a solid, dura ble adhesivenees to . fri:tk br , Stone Walls, making a beau tiful, tine water proof stieface and finish equal to Bros.]: Atone or any color desired . Among others for whom .I have applied the Mastic llie ._metit, I refer to the following gentlemen: ' J. Bismill, residence, Penn steeet, Pittsburg. 3 1). M'Cord, " . t' " J. H. Shoesbergr. residence, Lawretteeville. • A. Hoeveler, sc ti -tames M , Gandiews. " Allegheny city. • Calvin •Adams, . • . Third street, Pittsburg ' - James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, ‘.4 i William -Tohel, Girard Hopee, g; 1 . _ Bert iC Moser, architects . .Mepateh Buildinga, " JoArt B. Oox, residence, Fran t Street, Harrisburg, re. , A. i. Time* . 4 . Mate addrmat T. F. WATSON P. O. Box 1.806, Pittsburg, Pa., ' feb184.1.6m . or, Puma. Howe, Harrisburg, Pa, ELIXIR. PIIOTOGItAI I II. ALBUMS ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT , : . . Or • • Photogra=ph OUND in FINE MOROCCQ—ptuiellei3, _a_y gilt and mounted with twe heavy gilt Chops. ALBUMS WITH •' • 1 80P1_atent far. • • . $3430) 40 • 8 , 5 c . 44XP together with vrrimm other styles of binding, gime wad prime which will be told cheap. • Sioldier,a you cannot buy a prettier, more durable And eheaper album --anywhere. Cal land see at , BOHEITEJI'S Bookstore marl2.-dtr Elarrlabarg,••• • BIWA POEMS MARBLE YARP. CORNER OF WALNUT AIM FIFTH STREETS, Harrisburg, Fa. rpm unilersigned having opened a Marble A. Yard in this city, beg leave to Inform their friends and the public in general, that they are prepared to toy. MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Mol3.l2oentElp . • Tombs, - • Head Stones, = • t Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone. Give um a call and we will guarantee eadonteuen• STAMEN k 1911. a__L e tt e ring neatly none In ENO& or German.: m.sto Xll v AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 10.0 STYLE'S or POCKET BOOKS, PURSES AND POILTDLONNA.IE;* FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. AT KELLER'S Drug and Fancy GOO& Store, • No. 91 Market street. The beet Morocco • TRAVELING SATt..R ELS, .And k general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable for Preeentk now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Score, merlo-tf ' No. 91 'garnet street. A.•P. TEUPSER, • T 2 A - 0 . 11 E R - OF Mll C Orri 2 1.- j appnA gum am% Tbtrießeet:above North. WM FiQHli MaLit-TA Ana article. Jut ro w agiveliat, ••• • Mauß 6 11141111&H yfa. 96;6,/,, 6 us) T. F. WATSON, MEDI'`,AL. DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR.' C c DIAL IS THE VITAL I'IMICIPLE OF THE FINE,TREK, Obtained by a peculiar process in the dix filiation of the tar, by which its highest me(1 : ical properties are retained. • nave you a Gough ? Have you so re Throat? Have you any of the premonitory symptoma of that most fatal disease, Consumption? Those who 'should be warned by-these Symptoms generally think lightly of the until it is too late, From this fact, perhap more than any other, arises the sad praye r lance and fatality of isease which sweeps t 4 thi3 grave at least "one-sixth" of.death's. victims. Consumption has destroyed more -of thb human family than any other disease,randt4 best physicians for many years have despaired of. a cure,. or a. remedy that would heal the lungs, but for more than two hundred years the whole medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious power and elll: dewy in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the lungs; therefore they have recommended the use of Tar Water, which in many cases had a good effect; buthow to combine the medical pro -parties so as to heal the lungs, has ever been a mystery until it was discovered by Dr. L. I WISHART, of, Philadelphia, Pa.." the ,proprietor of "Wishart's Pine Tree. Tar Gor illa.", Many, net only of the people, • but phyhi (dans of every school and practice, are daily miring-me, "What is the principle °reams of your success in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption?" My answer is this: •-, - The invigoration of the digestive organs-- the strengthening of the debilitated system-r -tke•-:Pwriflaxtien,and enrichment.of the- -blood, muat expel from the system -the ,corruption which scrofula breeds. While this is effectdd by the powerful , alterative (changing from disease to health) properties of the Tar Cor dial, its healing and. renovating principle is, also acting npon the irritated surfaces of the lungs ; and 1 toilt, penetrating to each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduing inflamma gra andleetoring a 'healthful 'tendency. Let 44g •two-folit power the healing and the 4eiat, 04oning,.leoutille to act in conjunction Anth ature'ee t atistimt recuperative tendency, • V. 41 6 .0 Pstiont"!is saved, if he has not too Rang de/ayed.a resort 'to the means of cure. ask all read-the following certificates. Tim are from men and women of unquek tionable worth and reputation: •• ii) Dn. Wismar—Dear had a very dreadful tough and sore throat for one year, I_4 my whole system was fast giving way, and iggigur.. a, tad on my bed with but little covering. My disse baffled the prier of all medicines, and in a short time .1 Mint have gOne . to My grave, but thank God, my dauglater-in-law would not rest until she went to your, store, No. 10 N. Second street, and related My case to you, purchased one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and :I commenced to use it, and in one week I was Lunch better, and after using three betties 1 Am perfectly well, and a wonder to all my friend% for they all pronounced me past cure. Piddish my case if yeti think proper. - • • RP: MECCA HAMILTON 132/W_YRestreet, Philadelphia. Dr. Wishirt's Pine,Tree Tar Cordial is, an infan Awl,iable for : Bronchitis, Bleeding of the,lsmo, Sot and Breast, Infiamme. , don oetbie - • • Mr. Want, says: Dn. Wuntenr-81.r.----I had Bronchitis, In flammation of-AhtaLungs, Shortness of Breath, aqd PalPitaticer'Of the Heart in their worst forms; I had been treated by several of the most eminent physichms in Philadelphia, but they could not stop the rapid course of my lisease, and I had - despaired of ever being re itored to health. I truly on the verge of the grave. Your Pine Tree Tar Cordial was sigh ly recommended to me by a friend; I audit, and-sin thankful to say that,: after using four large, and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect health. You can g i ve re ference to my house No; 968 N. Second street, or at my office of Reiwiver of Taxes, from 9 . It. to 2 P. at, corner of Chestnut and Sixth street JOHN WARD. Bead thelollowing from Utica: Da.. Wisnairr---Dear take pleasure in informing you through this 'source that your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was recom mended for my daughter by Dr. J. A. Hall, •ol this city, has cured her of a oough of more than five months' standing. I had thought her beyond care, and had employed the best of medical aid without any benefit. I can aheerfolly .recommend it to the publio as a sate 414 sure remedy for those similarly afflicted, as ' I-know of , many other oases besides that of my dimg,hter that it has:entirely cured of-long itanding coughs. Yours respectfully, JOHN V. PARKER, Daguerrean-Artist. 126 Gleaessee street, Utica, N. Y. * .* * * :—I have used Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my fßThily, and ca cordially, recommend it as a valuable and safe inedicini3 for colds, coughs and to those pre disposed to consnMption. D r . G. A. Fetaw,„4, 160 Ge 11613886 street, Utica; New York. The aboitutro,a4or_among the thousands which this great remeily,haa saved from an irintiniely grave. - • - We have thounands of letters from physi cians and druggists who have prescribed and Bold the Tar Oordial, saying that they have never used or gold•. a medicine gave inch universal satisfaction. The Ter,,OAdial e when taken in connection, with Dr. Viiihait's Dyspepsia Pills, is an in.. fallible cure for Dyspepsia. The Pm TWEE TAB Coanux, will cure Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Astlinik:Whooping Cough, Diptheria, and is eiciellent - remedy for di... gm of the kidneys'andfsmale Complaints. BEWAB OP COVNTERFICITS Tho genuine has the name of the proprietor and a pine tree blows in thebettic All Ohm ae, spurious halt& Ps= Piny Cm" end Cogn Doshis:per. 801 11 .11 Pr well only by the Pterietor, Dr; L. Q. C. Wishart) Na 10 11brth laaosal abeat. PlaramWO* _Pa— Ildd by Druipatommolama, at Whelessloo7o ll Ma. asiOfteetlifftget.'9lmmognibialliK Webster EVENING EDITION Correspondence frown " Mechan4 icsburg. ) Pa. . Mr. Enrros:—Yesterday our citizens werO aroused, almost to madness, by the action of two:of our County Commissioners irprefusing to grant a bounty of $5O to all who would enter the service for one hundred days. 1 The Borough Council immediately, asoemi. bled, and by a unanimous vote, called a town meeting for the evening, and if agreeable to the citizens, thus and there assembled, the* would.appropriate from the funds of the bo: rough a bounty of $5O to every man whs would respond to the late call of -the Cover.. nor. At the appointed hour last evening, our public square was crowded with . the citizens of our town, and it has never bean my pleaf sure to be present at a more spirited and cup thusiastic assemblage. After the meeting was organized a commitr tee was appointed to wait upon the Rev. J. G. Clarke and request him to address the meet,- ing. In a few moments Mr. Clarke appeared upon the stand, amidst a deafening shout of applause. Ile has been in our midst but a short time, but his patriotic and manly coursit on all the great questions of the day, hiS readiness to respond to the call of our citizen % and the power of his eloquence when he ad dresses the people, either in the pulpit or op the rostrum, has gained for him a host cif friends. f His address, last night, fired up the hearts of .the people and kindled anew a love of country, and after addressing us for a short time, in a most touching and forcible manner, the town council was directed, by a unani mous vote, to pay a bounty of andaii mediately after the vote was announced, .our quota for the borough of Mechaniesburg was nearly made up by the patriotic and self-sat rificing young men of our borough. Col. Wiley, of Wooster, Ohio, who has been in the service of his country since the out break of tue present rebellion, and for a ye4r or more chief in command of, the 41st Ohio regiment, and who has recently resigned hfs commission owing to the loss of his right. Ids Ma pliant attack at the head of his.regimegt on MiSsionary Ridge, and who is now onia visit to •his friends in this place, was their waited upon to address the meeting, and the course of his stirring address, he did notft forget those rscreant and narrow-hearted Com missioners who dared refuse to respond to the call of the citizens of a; neighboring town". Before the meeting closed, three• hearty cheers were given for Mitchell M'Clelland, Esq., one of the Commissioners who voted manfully in favor of the bounty. Kest and M'Coy the two Commissionesr who refused to grant the bounty, were not forgotten. As an expression of our heart felt indigna tion towards the. action of these con , emptible and narrow hearted fficiats we gave them three awful groans with a hesrty l goodwilL It gives me pleasure,. however, to say, that notwith standing till the .efforts of the wise and intelli gent Commiasioners, Kest and M'Coy, we.haVe enough of. the "Needful," in our little town, to raise our. %note of men. Let the adzes of these officials "be known and read of all men." ' Loyal editors pass their names around, so that when they are dead and gone, we may have their records in print, that future generations may blush when they hear of the names of Michael Kest and John McCoy. UNION. MECHANICSIIMIG, July 14. 1864. At) (.7.efefirapo. REPORTED CAPTURE. OF PETERSBURG, SHERIDAN% CAVALRY AFTER THE RAIbERS The Commercial Aticertiser says that : a prominent banking house in Wall street hits received a dispatch froM the Washington branch of the firm this morning, which states that: General Grant's forces have occupied Petersburg. We have received no contacts don of the news. The Commercial alio says a private dispathh from Washington to a Wall street Brok4r, states that Sheridan's entiro cavalry force has been dispatched to intercept the rebel' raid ers, and had reached Hanover Court House. FROM VICKSBURG. NEWS FROM OEN. SLOCUM'S EXPEDITION BRIDGE OVER PEARL RIVER BURNED The steamer Sultana has arrived with Vicks burg advises of the Sth inst. An expedition lett Vicksburg on the let of July, under Gen. Slocum, they burned the railroad bridges over Pearl river on the sth, and sent in thirty prisoners. • The cavalry expedition which left Memphis On July 4th, has arrived at Vicksburg and would reinforce Slocum. The•expedition had heretofore been destined up the White river. Another force has been operating out from Rodney, Miss., scouring the country assisted by the marine brigade. They had several sharp skirmishes in which they were vic torious. • • , The thermometer, at Vicksburg, ranged from 81 to 86, during the week. . No advices have been received from Gen. Smith's expedition, brit reports say he has had a fight and has defeated Forest, and that Forest was killed, but these reports are not credited. Reports from Rebel Sources. Raid on Jackson, Miss., by Gen. Slocum Kim Yoga, duly 14—The Richmond Ex auguss has a dispatch, showing that General Sloe= made a ra dto Jackson, Miss., and on,tha'sixth inst ., occupied the city with troops. He evacuated the place on the same day, moving back on the Canton road. The rehaforces were reported on the flank Ara ft*t e , and there was a severe fight from PRICE TWO CENT& NEW YORN., July 11, Vempais,, July 13. Marriage Notices... Auditor's Notices 1 60 niters! Notioeseklintertion • - 6 0 401—Buaine® notices inserted in the Local Mhos" or before Marriages and Deaths, Eton CMITs PIER LEITM for each Insertion; daylight till 7 o'clock on the morning of the 7th. Since that time all has been quiet. No private property hag been destroyed, the ob ject of the expedition being to destroy the railroads between Jackson and Canton. The New Loan. NEW Yoga, July 11 Their is no decision yet as to the loan from the bankers, but it is probable they will yield to Mr. Fessenden's wishes and take the loan of $50,000,000, payable in installments upon 7-30 notes, not legal tenders. Markets by Telegraph. l'unaDrs,pnr.4., July 14_ Trade is dull and breadstuffs are also strong. The demand of flour has fallen off; only two thousand bbls. extra family sold at $ll 500 $l2 00, and some extra at sll®ll 50. Re ceipts and stocks are light. Rye flour steady at 8. Nothing doing in corn meal. Wheat less firm; sales of 40,000 bushels red at zi 2 65, and white at $2 75. Rye sells on arrival at $1 75. Corn quiet; sales of 2,000 bushels yellow at $1 70. Oats better; 3,000 bushels Penna. sold at 98®$1 00. In provisions lit tle doing; mess pork held at 45®46; 100,000 bbls. shoulders m salt sold at 15 k. Petroleum firm at 520254; refined in bond. at 88 ®9O, and free at 93@ 51 00. Whisky unsettled; has sold to a limited extent at 51 75@,2 00. From New York.. 3 The steamer Crescent City has arrived from. New Orleans on the 3d inst.; via 'Washington, where she landed. The 135th New York regi innet she brings to this port, and 833 rebel prisoners from Point Lookout under a guard from the 1.... th regiment, V. R. corps. She passed, July 5, Lat. 26, Long. 84, the gunboat Desota, with Monitor No. 3 in tow, steering south. Philadelphia Stoek Markets PHILADELPHIA, July it. Stocks firmer; Penn's fives 1001; Reading railroad 85,1;' Morris Canal 91i; Long Island 47; Penn's. railroad 721; • Exchange •on New York par; Illinois Central, preferred :1284; bonds 132; Michigan Southern for Southern 831; guaranteed 133; New York Central 1342; Reading 128.1; Hudson river' 1351; • Erie 113; coupons 1881, 103 i; 5-20's 104; one years' cer tificates 93k. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NO EXCUSE FOR •EIRLONIONS ASHOROFP'S LOW WATER DETECTOR IS AN INFALLIBLE PROTECTION agaircil explosion or burning of the flues or bolter; as neat ing can prevent It if out tampered with] rota giving im mediate-notice of lam of water In the boiler in- season to put on a supply without drawing the Bras. Want of wain is the source of so nukay tad catastrophes which have netxmtly occurred. ' We warrant this Instrument to be a perfrc hatiarane, against such coutuagenetes. Price $5O. Full Instractioila as to the mod' o of appliciatftra as well as reference ti of the prominent manufactures and iroa Masters of the State using them, Sent on apAcation D 31E41:W. Pittsburg, fa. D. C. Mitzi, Qua. BIAGGI. I PHOTOGRAPHS. A LARGE assortment of ,1 3 hotograpas of Generals and fancy pictures for telt, CBEF:AY, at 21 per dozen; at talk-F — FER'S BOOK STLME, mr4O MESS BEEF and MFAS PORIC,, , - -A ohoic article of Mete Beef and Pork at SIIISLER & imam ace pram /mars to Won Brick, Jr . z uo.l Alsittrasses Spring-Beds:l Com:torts:: t PALM LEAF HAIR TOP MATiIIASSES. etaiu Lest Cotton Top Statteaz,..-ob. Corn Husk Mattrassos. Patent Sorius Slat Beds. Feather POlows and Boiatar,. Cotton Comforts and Spreads Ladies' With= Work. Stands. • Carpet Camp Stools. . Doer Rugs, Carpet Mond:a Iron . tied-steds, latest pattern. N. E.—Sofas. Lounges, Cushions, Chairs, pattern; 141at tresses repaired. lists and Spring Mattresses made to order. No. 10.1Idarket street, Ilerrisburg, Pa. jelB...dlns BARNITZ. A. F. ZIMMERMAN, Vrarctioal Watch Maker, No, SI Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. DEALER IMF csamittr4643, FIkE WATCEIF.S. FINE. SILVER WARE. PATIO WARE, TEA SERVIM, A 111) ALL Rliai or MIMS'S' Has constantly on bawd a well selected and elepatly assorted stook or • FLINIC WATCHES. CHAINS, RINGS, AND agra. FINE SILVER W r AtifiA AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, Both in Gol6and Silver Cases. Also, a fine assortment of LADIES' WATCHEN Constmaily on hand. • LARGE TAMMY 0? ELEGANT CLOCKS, Of all descriptions; all of which will be sold at the LOWEST CASE PRICES. Ayr Call and examine the goods. Particular attention paid to repairing of fine Watel.., such as Chronometers, Duplex end other celehratc-i Watches, and all kinds of Jewelry neatly repairer None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision. - • A. F. ZIMMERMAN, mar2B) No. 62 Market street, adjoining Brant's Ball. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No 232 Walnut Street, South Side, East ot Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF ASSETS twxglmwom l7 S - ;, CAPITAL. carARTER,PERPEruAL. - Marine, Fire and Inland "'transportation In- =ranee AIM= Q . COPTV, President CHARLES PLAIT, Sitereittry. WILLIAM iIIUEHLER," Central Agent for Pennsylvania. Office Walnut &mar Sued, flarilsbarg, Pa, VISITINO, WISDDIENtI, - INVITATION um AT ROME CAEDS.—Ity.a special arrangement with one of the beet engravers in the, wintry. cards of any demetptlon will be executed in the higheet style of iionfOnnable with the latest rata* .and promptly, at lame prices than are Charget!ibr the StatiOL - NB in Now York or matiehatia- - For_!Lowio, rruot iirler oil ot VVERIY3M - Boor, STORK Inchlier Met TELEGRAM lvertising tit the do lOU thtei oOr . .half sqoare s l 4 76% tare. OYR KOURY , . $ r ya ' .. Ico 1 25 sok 225 (nth , . 6CO tonths , 9 00 montha, 11 00 outha 15 0 - ...... ....• 53 o ...$2 26 NEW YORE, Jul• 14. Harrisburg, - tn;TH or JEWEL $1,566,5438 5u 000,000