Etitgrapt 4 TiCE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver mts, Business Notices, Marriages, Ihe., to sect re insertion in the ,:GRAPH, must invariably be accom• , ed with the CASH. dvertisements ordered in the regniar fining Edition are inserted In I he Morn- Edition without iextra charge. HARRISBURG. PA TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 12, 1864 OWN AND COUNTRY. State of the Thermometer To-day. 8 A. M. 11 A. M. 3 rt. r6t. 86 90 94 ATTENTION, Crry ZousvEs !—There will be sting of the company, at headquarters, id St., near Barr's auction room, at 7i •ck this evening. Every member is re ted to be present. ALLY ROUND THE FLAG, BOYS. —Captain is raising a battalion of 100 days' We would recommend him to all who to enlist, as ho has been in Virginia, un- Uncle Sam, for the last three years. !quarters Camp €urtin and White Hall t, Harrisburg. jyl,l-cllw* I=l MAN named A. V. Savage, had his pocket eyed of some $6O in cash, at the meeting Market Square, last evening. Savage hails Juniata county. Mayor of Lancaster has directed all Less to be suspended in that city, until er notice, for the purpose of aiding in ig the county's quota of hundred day ThrBER of persons complain that their Is are falling off, sometimes whole 'hes. We are informed that they are cut worms, like those infesting the currant tee, which have been entirely stripped of Te, in many gardens. =III impression appears to prevail among a tion of our business men that they are expected to close their stores and shoPs An three o'clock in the afternoon. This is .a misunderstanding. The resolution adopted' by the citizens, requested a suspension of luminess for three whole days, or until a regi ment is raised in the county. No doubt the business men will cheerfully comply with the 'request, as it is their duty to do so. I=l=l Tin TOWN MEETING. —There was a very large attendance at the meeting held in Mar ' ket Square last evening. All parties and 'classes were represented, and listened atten ' lively to the earnest appeals of the speakers ;in behalf of the country. The patriotism of the people was aroused, and no doubt muck good was accomplished. A committer, was 'appointed to wait upon the commissioners and induce them to pay a bounty of fifty dol lars to each recruit raised in the county in response to the call for men for the one hun dred days' service. A resolution was waani '“ously adopted, requesting our business men ; close their business places for three days, ,r until a regiment is raised. Great enthusi asm was manifested by those present. Re cruiting is now going on briskly, and it is ex pected that a regiment will be raised in the county within a few days. I=== SMASH UP ON THE RATLROAD—On Saturday morning two trains on the Lebanon Valley Railroad ran into each other, breaking up one of the engines, a number of cars, and killing three persons, one dying as he was carriedinto the station at Lebanon. The accident oc curred at Prescott Station, a short distance below Lebanon. The Auburn was going down the road with her tank in front and the Wis sahickon, which was coming, up; struck the tank, smashing it completely. Mr. Lowe, the Engineer of the Wissahickon, was severely but not dangerously hurt ; the fireman of the Auburn was also hurt, having jumped on the tank. There are others hurt; but how many or how seriously we have not yet learned. The accident occurred in consequence of a light engine running up the road (it is said) without displaying the red-flag signifying that another train was following ; which induced the train at Lebanon to go out on the main trick. Tam PEOPLE Movrso.—Several companies of One Hundred Days' Men are being rapidly recruited here. The First City Zouaves hare their rendez vous on Second street, near Barr's auction room. Some twenty names were on the list last evening. The Zouaves are to be com manded by Captain John Bell. The Curtin Fencibles hare their headquar ters at the "Tent," in Market Square. The company is rapidly filling up. The •cOin mending officers are Captain Mitchell, and Lieuts. Kimball and Sayford. Captain Edward B. Sannois organizing an independent cavalry company for one hun dred days. His headquarters are at the Parke House. Bolls for a company have been opened for signatures at the office of J. IL Esq., on Walnut street, near Third, by R. a' Cable. Capt. Orem and Lieut. Nagle, whose head quarters are at White Hall Hotel, have been recruiting for several days past, and will soon have a full company. $5O bounty will be paidlirall recruits. Quite a number of names have been re ceived by each of the above companies, and all will probably be full in a day or two. Now is the time for our young men to "shoul der arms," and march forth to their country's defence. With a local bounty of fifty dollars, $lB par month Goiernment pay, begides ra tions and clothing, young men will find the present one of the best opportunities _ever presented for a brief term of service,. Oalkat the headquarters of either of the companies organizing, and enroll your names without delay. calls: Po not delayj, =ME TEE heat' lin Veen"uncomfortable today The mercury went up into the nineties. COLD ii TROOPS Fon ONE Hugnate DArs.— It will be seen by reference to the following circular, that colored troops will be accepted for one hundred days' service. Here is a splendid chance offered to the colored men c.l the State to enter the service: HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE BThEr7E - MANA, Harrisburg Pa., July 12,1864. e , QIROULAR. ,- • Colored troops will be accepted by compa nies under the late calls of the Governor of Pennsylvania for one hundred days' men, and will be organized into regiments when a suffi cient number are got together. By command of Major General Couch. .T.NO. S. SCHULTZE, Assistant Adjutant General. I= Ova city is quiet to-day. Business was partially suspended, but ,there has been no excitement. The people are discussing the question of going into their country's service, but there seems to be little doing. The va rious recruiting officers are at work, filling up their companies, but not a single drum is to be heard on the streets. The people must be thoroughly aroused to a sense of the danger that threatens the Government, or the work of raising a regiment will be a tedious busi ness. Let the drums beat, and the flags be unfurled; let business be entirely suspended, and the citizens continue to meet and adopt such measures as may be necessary to effect the object desired. The meeting of last even ing did not complete its work. Further ef forts are necessary to carry into effect the ob ject for which the meeting was called, viz: the raising of a regiment in this county. THE CIRCUS' AND '3l.Exaczam.—On Friday, and Saturday. July. 22 And 23, the citizens of this place and vicinity will have an opportu nity of visiting ar, exhibition of rare attractive powers, formed b,y the combination of Thayer & Noyes' Circus and Van Amburgh & Co.'s Menagerie, botli of which companies are to exhibit under the pavilion for a single price of admission. The expenses attendant upon such an enterptise must be enormous, espe cially in these tiraes of prevailing high prices, but the immense throngs, which such an un usual combination cannot fail of attracting, will doubtless reader the enterprise remu nerative to its projectors. The collection of living beasts and birds, as will be seen by the advertisement, comprises a great variety of rare and interesting specimens from the most remote parts; of the globe, among which will be found some that are very seldom seen in similar collections, and includes the monster elephant •Hannibal," who'is a show of him self. Mr. Davis, who performs in the den of lions and tigers, is the favorite pupil of Van Amburgh and has been brought up among beasts of prey. When only five yeurs of age he was taken into a den of wild beasts, to gether with a lamb, by Mr. Van Amburgh in New York, thus verifying, the prediction that "the lion and the lamb shall lie down together and a little child shall lead them." He is said to have a wonderful control over the fiercest of the brute creation. The circus troupe is composed of some of the most cele brated riders, vaulters, acrobats, equilibrists, clowns and voltigeurs in the country, while the stud of performing horses, ponies and mules, it is said, cannot be equalled on this side of the Atlantic. Dr. Thayer, the famous humorist, will doctor his audience with power ful doses . of fun, and, taken altogether, the exhibition promises to afford unlimited grati fication to all who may attend. Letter from York. Yoss, July 11, 1864. MESSES. EDITORS OF TELEGEA.PH:-01/F town has been in a continual uproar for the last two or three weeks, on account of our citizens be • ing disturbed by the nightly visits of bur glars. During the sitting of the commission ers in our court house to examine the drafted citizens of the county, our town was full of bounty jumpers, and the inhabitants suspected these to be the burglars; but suppose that they were. Where were our brave police at that time? That is a question to be answered by citizens who were up every night, and who never saw the police after they put ant the lights at ten o'clock. Our town was never under such a contempt. ible administration as at the present time.— Oar Mayor has got the lowest and meanest set of men under him that he can find—matt who have not the least principle about them; Two of them were formerly the bullies of the . Laurel fire company, and headed them in many a fight, and many a night did they spend in lock-ups. A third keeps an indecent house, which goes by the name of the Female Insti tute. It is a disgrace to our community to think that we must be ruled over by such demagogues and vagrants. Our town was never so disgraced during my forty years residence in the place, as at the present tune, Tinder this copperhead rule, I am surprised that our town council does not oust these vagabonds and put men in their places who have some principle about them selves. When you want them, the only place that you ean.find. them is in lager beer sa loons bordering on the lock up. CASCALTLES 111 THE LATE CAPT. WATEBBITEY'S CoupAwr.—Lient. (nivr Capt.) Levi A. Wea ver has favored us with theTollowing complete list of casualties in Co. "G," 55th Penna. Vols., from the time itleft here, last winter, up to the let of July: Died.—Capt IS Waterbury. Billed.—Sergeants Wm Shorts, Frederick Vogle; Corporal John H Grnbb; Musicians John H Sagle, Leonard Saline; Privates Sam'l Hurshberger, Fred'k Piteffer, Win Rimier, Wm GrishOber; -Patrick Connor, James Brach, Charles - Pfidfley, Robert 1 . Shatter, Jacob Zorger, John 'Anderson, James Ellett. Wounded and since .died. —Privates Patrick Campbell, Thomas Thompson, Martin Sheaf - womided:--lat Lieut Levi A 'Weaver, Rd Lieut Wm H Shorb; Sergeant Daniel Bohan on: Privates Charles Lukens, Jesse W Norris, David Taylor, Adam Fisher, James Ripley, Patrick Cordoran, Charles Sheets, Fred'k Car rickner, Benk•S Lruidy, Alex Timothy, Henry Shorts, Calvin Snoddy, William Snoddig, John MoAdiims; Tinuithy Pole, John M Lyneo John Hughes, Christ'n Rush;• Jerome King, Alex Stewart, Wm Beehler, Henry Minnick, (slight.) Jos Leonard, (slight)• Missing. — CorPortilit_ John &miser, Saml Cain; Privates Henry E Scrimmager, Thomas Badger; Thomas. Nelly;,agaseph Carr, James fi Reid, Samuel: Baer,. Andrew Smith, Samuel Woodall; Jobiulon Noel. Wounded and 3fisiebigepateltw Oswald, Capital of the State PEOPLE IN COUNCIL Fifty Dollars Bounty Appropriated. Regiment to be Raised for One Hundred Days Business to be Suspended for Speeches by General Came - clean, Governor Curtin and Opera. Pursuant to notice issued on yesterday af ternoon, the citizens assembled in mass meet ing in Market Square at seven o'clock last evening. At an early hour the citizens commenced gathering at the place appoint ed, and by the hour named there was an immense assemblage present. After the meeting was called to order, Gen. CAMERON moved that a committee of three be appointed to wait upon Governor Curtin, and request him to preside. Messrs. Gro. BERGNER, Imes W. Wars and Bosmcw were appointed said committee, and waited upon the Governor, who accom panied them to the place of meeting. During the absence of the committee, Gen. Ceramorr was called upon to address the vast concourse *of citizens present, Which he did, urging immediate action upon the part of the people to repel the rebels from the border. The Gen. pledged his aid and support to any efforts made in defence of the Union, and his remarks created great enthusiasm among those present. The * General was followed by Hon. D. ALM. ING and Wu. T. Brsuor, Esq., in brief but intensely patriotic speeches, in behalf of the country and in favor of immediate action on the part of the people. When Governor CURTIN arrived he ad dressed the large assemblage in a very able and patriotic manner. He appealed to the people to respond to the call of their country in her hour of peril, and to lay aside all differences of opinion and unite as one man in the defence of the Gov ernment and repel the rebel invaders who threatened our Government. The Governor's remarks were listened to with the most ear nest attention, and were loudly applauded. They stirred up the patriotism of our citizens, many of whom decided at once to respond to the urgent appeals of their patriotic Gov ernor. At the conclusion of the Governor's address, Wat. T. BLSKOP, Esq., offered the following re solution: Resolved, That the County Commissoners be respectfully requested to appropriate the sum of fifty dollars to each recruit that may be mustered into the United States service for the period of one hundred days, and that the money be paid to such recruit as soon as he presents a muster-in certificate. The resolution was unanimously adopted, amid loud applause from those present. Mr. SurxrvAN S. Czu,n offered the follow ing resolution: _Resolved, That our merchants and business men be requested to close their places of business, and go to work in assisting to raise troops in response to the Governor's procla mation. Gen. Cemvaori moved to amend the resolu tion so as to read, that the business men close their respective places of business for three days, or until 1. full regiment is raised in Dau phin county. The amendment was unani mously agreed to. Mr. BERGNER moved that a committee of five be appointed to wait upon the County Commissioners, to induce them to agree to pay the sum of fifty dollars to each recruit who enters the one hundred days' service, from Dauphin county. The motion was unanimously agreed to, and Gen. SIMON CAMERON, GEORGE BERGNER, Jour; L. SPESL, J. D. BOAS and Was. H. Kw- Una, were appointed said committee. After a few remarks by Dr. Rowan, on mo tion of J. C. BOMBERGER, the meeting ad journed, amid great enthusiasm and cheers for the "Union. THE ringing of the Court House bell at any time during the present "emergency," will be the signal for a meeting of our citizens. Don't forget this. TOE etrItTIN FUMBLES. --This company will morning at 'o'clock, at headquarters, Market Square, to report for duty. Brorder of the Captain. Y. M. C. A.—A meeting of the Young Men's . Christian Association will be held in their reading room this evening at 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended unto all ihe members of the association, and punctual at tendance is requested. A CITIZEN Motarrnn MEx ron Smut, Seca:--Capt. E. B. Sanno has received authority to raise a company of mounted men for special service. This is a fine opportunity for young men to enter the service under experienced officers. See advertisement in another column. TEE Commissioners of Lancaster county of fer $5O bounty for recruits, and pay $lOO for the recruiting expenses of each company.— They will also pay for the subsistence of the recruits, for a period of two days, at an ex pense not exceeding fifty cents per day for each man. BINETECING TO WELL—The high prices of all kinds of dry goods have become a serious consideration, and it is natural and important for every one to seek the best avenues through which they can be obtained at reasonable prices. It is not strange then that the new store of Brandt & Bowman, corner of Second and Walnut streets, cm the room lately occu pied by Joseph Bahnwiler,) should attract the attention of those in want of dry goods. The entire stock of goods were bought of Mr. Kahnwiler at very low prices, and those in want of dry goods can depend upon purchas ing of them at lets, than the present wholesale rates, their desire is to close out the stook. 10011. ' in Motion. Three Days. =I SPECIAL NOTICES. liannvartls Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bann.vart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, tc whom all orders should be addressed. sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonial from some of our eminent clergymen; Rotraffuao, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. BAN - awn—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Trochee, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations .for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable speciLo for public speakers and singers, in cases of 'hoarseness, coughs and cords. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. PAPI agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of B,annvart's Troches. W. 0. OATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. Etexanpr - so, lan. 1 0 6 C To 0. A. Itorrvarr—/kar In ill habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Trochee. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public ac - dresses. Yours, &c., _ _ , WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. Bennvenr—Dear Sir: Having uses your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I ha,ve ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore 'throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, ke., G. G. RA u - PSTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church, 'holster Arroatiar'e OFFICE, I s HAIIBLEMBO, Feb. 29, 1894. To C. A. 13/torviirr—Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene dt to all public speakers.. A. J. HERB, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CIRCULAR. READQUARTEItS PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA, ) HARRISISURG, Ju'y 9, 1864. i TO supply the troops required -from Penn sylvania. by the late call of the President of the United Slates, for twenty : four thousand Volunteer Militia, to serve for one hundred days, unless sooner discuarged, in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Wattinetunind vicinity, the quota of moi which will he required from each co.dity of the Commonwealth is hereto annexed, viz Adams ~.,. 238 Juniata. .. - ... Allegheny 148$ I Lanccster Armstrong.... ..... .... 298 Lawrence Beaver 242 Lebanon....... Bedford 227 Lehigh........ Berke 777 LUzernr. Blair 229 Lycoming Bradfoni ... ..... 413 Mercer Bucks. 527 McKt an Butler 2791 'Mifflin 135 Cambria , 242 Monroe 187 Cameron ... . ... dontgomery 582 Carbon 175 Montour 109 Chester 618 Northompton 395 Centre 224 Northumbreland ...... 340 Clarion 211 Perry 189 Clinton 146 Philadelphia 5000 Clearfield 1561 Pike 61 Columbia 203 Potter 94 Crawford... ........ .. 406 Schuylkill.. 745 Cumberland 334 snyder 125 1 auphln..... 402 Somerset 222 Denware 263 Sullivan 34 Erie 411 Susquehanna 303 Elk . 48 Tinge 258 Fayette.... 3'4. Union 117 Franklin 349 I VeLlithgo...... ........ 208 Fulton 761 Warren.,,, • 159 Forest Washington. 391 Greene 201 Wayne... 366 Huntingdon. - 233 • Westmoreland .... A.. 446 Indiana.... 280 Wyoming 104 Jefferson ....... ...... 151 York .. 562 Transportation will be furnished and troops will reno. 4. to the commandants of Camps of 19 endezvous as directed by circular of Major Gene, al Couch hereto attached. By miler of A. G. CUItTIN, Cevernor anti Commander in-Chief. A. L Rosssiz, Adjutant General, Pennsylvania. jyll d3t Address of Gov. Curtin. The following address to the people of Pennsylvania, by Gov. Curtin, was read by the different pastors in their respective churches yesterday evening: We commend its patri otic sentiments to every lover of his country. Read it carefully and act accordingly: PENNSYLVANIA EXECU ivZ CILLIEBEE, HASHISBURG, Pa., July 10, 1864. ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA. I refer to my recent Proclamation calling fcir troops on the requisition of the President. You are not respondmg freely. The enemies of our Government are active in deterring you, and efforts have been made to dissuade you from the belief that any considerable force is in your vicinity, and „many of our most loyal and patriotic citizens have been thus deceived. - ' Similar efforts wire too successfully Iliad° last year, at the moment when Lee's army was actually on your border. Dispatches have been this morning received establishing the feet that Gen. Wallace, with 10,000 men was yesterday compelled to fall back from Frederick; he is believed to be in retreat towards Baltimore The communication between this point and Baltimore was cut this morning by the rebels, below Cockeysville. The authorities of the 'United States at Washington are so impressed with the necessity of immediate effort, that they have, this morning, by telegraph, au thorized men to be mustered in by compa nies, which they had yesterday peremptorily refused. It is my duty to state to you the fact that your country requires your immediate service, and the safety of your own soil and of our good neighbors in Maryland, may depend on your promptness. Recollect that the mode of enlisting men is at the discretion of the Government and it is the duty of all to obey its requisitions. It would be disgraceful to you to waste time in objecting to matters of form and detail, or to profess that you would go if called in some different way. Those who want an excuse for skulkine may do's°, but all. Who'desire to do their duty to their country will scorn such subterfuges. Turn, therefore; a deaf ear to all mischiev ous suggestions from any quarter. Do not lend yourselves to a betrayal °flour country. Come forward, like men, to aid her. The rebel force will be easily defeated and driven away, if you do your duty; and I pray God so to enlighten you that the honor of the Commonwealth may be maintained. jyl2d3t A. G CURTIN. 1 C UKTI,N FENCIB LES ! ! 100 DAYS' SERVICE. . MHZ undersigned having received authority 1 from Adjutant General Bassell to raise a. company for ONC/uoidred days unless miter dirharpo/1 over special Inducements to persons woo desirn. 10 enter the service. Headquarters at the BIG TKINW, !Market. square, Harris burg, Pa., and at a M MATCHELL, CLIFTGN W. KIMBALL, jy/1 ,SAN , L M. RAYFORM rpm OASES SPICED OYSTERS, just re. gasidEß & FitAZER. egoism to W..Doct, Jr l 0, SUBSTITUTES W.A.ITED. - rpm substitutes are wanted. SCOO will be paid for men that will pass. .apply at the Jy9-d a** UNION HOTEL, $7, A bIONTEL . — Agents wanted to sell t) Bowing Mach i nes We will give a commis sion on all Machines sold, or empioy agents who will work for the above wages and all a spenees paid. Ad dress D. B. HElfdaiNTON ac CO , ,13:5-d2ty* Detroit, Mich. SUBSTITIITIII WANTED. To whom a liberal bounty 'will be kiven App'y at the Brady House. jyl WANTED IMMEDiATELY. FOUR or live "Shanty-keepers," to whom &Lentles, whioh arc ready for use, will be fu•niahed, fur the purpose of accommodating boarders. Alto, from 50 to 80 Z,borers. Apply to James Martin, on tho N. C. R. R., Mahontongo mountain, 3 miles &Dove Millersburg. je2z-Im* AGENTS wanted to sell the Standard His tory of the War. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circulars. Address JONES BROS. & CO., de 2.0 Publishers, Baltimore, Md. NWANTED—A good pastry Cook, and a good meat cook. Inquire at the ap3o-dtf BRADY HOUSE. NEW MUSIC FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS, THE Sabbath.Sehool Trumpet, COLLEOTIOII OF Hymns and Tunes, Chants and Anthems APPENDED TO WHICH IS A. JUVENILE CANTATA, "THE ORIGIN OF THE SEASONS." By, • W. 0. & H. S. PERKINS SPECIMEN copies of this new work will be sent post paid on receipt of 25 eenti. Eip,,cial at tention is directed to the `•Trumpet" as being a ccAlee tion of Music particularly suited to the young, and one that cannot fail to be ,puerally adopted. Thu Cantata is is one of the most attractive that bar °ten published. It is easily presented, and for this reason s ill become popu lar in all dab. nth SchooLs as soon as introduced. Price: In boards. 30; paper, 25. Just published by 0 iver Biwa A: Co , 277 'Washington street, Boston. For sale y J E. GOULD, Philadelphia. jys-tc AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR Dia . ARTNEITS CAVALET BUREAU,. OFFICE OFloll=ll' QUAKTRIthAsTER, I, WASIELVirON, A C., July 4, 1.8.61. WILL be sold at public auction, to thu highest bidder, at the times and places named be low. viz: Lebanon, Penn'a, Thursday.l.Ju'y 14th, 1864. heading, .Penn'a, Thurs lay, July 21st, 1884. Bar. istairg, Penn's, Thursday, July 2s h, 1861. Altoona, Penu'u, Thursday, August 4th, 1561. Williamsport, l'enn'tt, Thursday, August 1 oh, 18 0 4. TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry Horses at each place, These Horses have been condemned as unlit for the Cavalry service of the Army. Fur road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. HuirsOrs sold singly. TERMS: CASH in United Statue Currency. .IA6IES A, EKIN, jy6-dtd Lt. Col. and C. Q. M. Cavalry Butrau. .. 134 , . 964 .. 191 . , 404 .. 753 .. 310 .. 807 FOlt A VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT at pri vate sa e, situated in WaMot street between Fain th aria Filth streets, Harrisburg, 17h feet trent and 80 feat deep. The house is well atted up with bath room and other modern conveniences. For particu.ars apply to ltliCli.AEL DURKEE, JyB dlw oil the premiere. ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES. 10IIRSUANT to an order of the Court of Quarterios.sions of lauphin county, notice is hereby given to the Commissioners of Said county, sod to the property-holdera along the line of verneke street. from Yahoo to Seventh street,iu the cityrof Harrisburg, t hat upon the petition or the president of eouucil of said city, the Court has appointed six viewers to assess the damages caused by the opening of _Bald street, and that they will proceed to assess ash damages ou Wednesday, July 20th next, at 10 o'clock, a. M ., at which time ad parties inter ested may appear upon the ground if they think proper, jys•diet JOHN W. BROWN, City Solicitor. Lana for Salo 520 ACRES of Laud, in Dauphin co. at pnvato sale, in part or the whole, to gu ll purcuat,rs ; 136 acres clear, good buildings thereon, with new Mill. 'or.further particulars, address L MINSKER, my3o-d3mo Dauphin, Dauphin COMM, re. SUCCESSORS TO G. G KUNKEL & CO., RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS and Wholesale, Dealers In Imported end Domestic Li quors, Harnsimrg,. ra. jyr,dim IA D.LPEN DEN CE ISLAN D WIRE F.V.I-IR,-Y. T HE proprietor of this cool and delightful Summer Nocort, would most respectfully announce to the citizens of Harrisburg that the Island is now open for visitors. Accommudations will be foriii,be Wpartiet and pie-nies on reasonable terms, a dancing platform having ben erected for their special use. reason tickets tor families, good for one year $1 50. No improper characters admitted, and no intoxicated persons will be permitted to visit the Island. A rkie ntunicaung llquore so.o on SLtbday. Wire Ferry, wiih a good boat plying constantly be moon the bland and rout Broaa street., Wezt Barris• burg. IiENAY BECKER jel4-4111.m Sole Proprietor. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. . stalsonber oilers for sale a valuable Tavern Stand, situate on the Lancaster turnpike, DI the borough of Middletown, consisting of n largo two-story ktrlck Bowl, extensive stabling and all other necessary out budding& Also; two acpolning lot.; having erected on each a two story trams; uwetliug. For further particulars apply to the undersigned, on the the premieea SAMUEL DEf Wc.114.1-1. lell-tuobat3m* FOR SALE , A. TWO-SEAT Rockaway Carriage (new.) Enquire at flimildt's sh.e store, be;: Market ..b.d4t, Harrisburg. jyB-113t POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PU2taE. PORTEMONNAIM, and a general variety of LEA• itiER GOODB, pa received at kIEIiGNER'S 1300 K d'isOft E. PUBLit; SALE. THE undersigned will offer his valuable huli and 'ranes at public sale ou Saturday, the 23, of July, at the Ha /road Rous), in „Naiad's:town. Th. still had tour run of stone, is in flue order, and (wing a dne busulesa The kanu annuls-seventy-six acre,, of tlrat-rate land with go d unproventous. This pro, mty fz Atuated one and a hall miles east or Middletown. It wdb ue auld on very easy toms, and probably at a heavy sac rifice. Come alai buy a bargain. A. WlE'f.l.Ntl. .Iy6-118twts* CANNED FRUIT'S OF EV.ERY DESOIUF. TION. SAS of all theceiebratecl manufacturer& &au:DINES, OLIVE OILS, 1112STARDS, o every , daiieription. Mau, BROW ei i+OUT . , FINE TEAS, COWEE, StirilAb and d IItUP of all grades aud price; laid the beet selecteo stook outside of Philadelphia. All gooas guaranteed as represented. Particular actentiun paid to all orders from a dlaterice. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the city free of Chargo. I:II3I3LER & FRAZER, mys successors to W. pock, Jr., &Co. FOH. REGISTEIt. GEORGE MARK, of South Hanovia town ship, oilers himsuir as a candidate for the oftkie oi ar;.IEITEtt, or Dauphin county. If elected, Ur. Mari. pledges himself to perform the Unties of avid wilco adelity. je2ii d s usc WALNUTS. °REARM:ITS, FILBE RS. T For sakwheleitale st SEMLER & FRAZER, myro successors to W. i ock , jr., A; Co. PINE APPLES, PINE APPLES, just re ceived Qt SHISLER & FRAZER, je29 Successors to W, & Co. °lce new crop cheese, just 11014Vedr SRISIAR & FRAZER, j 47 efaccesoore to w, Dogir i Jr., & Co, W ANTS. lINT/TLSo NEW AD V ERTISENIENTS. I:2aaM'6UMII3IM OF OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS! A vE gn b o l r t: a n ul. d ( !o ffer di o s u c r o s n u.c tin k : L o a these a % .4 o f ra L n c i c -• from cost price. We have purchased all our I ignore be. fore the last rise and have a large stook on hand for three o• four years, Which are gnaraute , d suet be purchased now at any price from the importers. • Our sloes c..nsisis of WTI TSUI S of all grader. gqi- We have parts of three barrels pure RYA not colored, and 10 degrees above proof, g years old. WINES of all Grades, Domestic and Imported. SIIANDII S. We have part of X cask IittICSESSEY BRANDY ; to which we invite the particular attention of families for medilnal purposes The Brandy cannot be bought ttulay, from traporters, Tess than $l6 per gallon. We will all It for $l2 per gab lon. SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES, CHAMPAGNE %INES, CLARETS,. &C. Wa invite the inspection of Betel Keepers and Liquor 4 - erchants generally, as we intend to sell, without re serve, all our Liquors, and this will be a good °prone. nity for bargains. je2o satsuß & FRAZER. CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT VERY LOW PR ICES.. WILES CO., No. 1, Market Square, BEING desirous of closing out their Sum mer stock, offer for sale, at gretUy reduced ?sins, FA.I4CY SUMMER SILKS. BEREC ES. from 37L: roots to 50 cents per :card_ PL CtIOZ tNIRIQUES, 25 cents. SILK A MO WOW, PLAID DRESS GnO' 100 PIECES 13.LESCSED MUSLIN, 25 cents. CARPETS, 25 per feet. lets than Philadrlphia prices. FOR SALE, ACERTAIN tract or piece of laud, contain ing on. acre and one hundred and efty-tbrce perehes, with a valuable twu-st. , ry BR[ K 11 0IISK there on or cted, and other improvement+, situated In Susque hanna township, Dauphin county, withal about hal a tide of the limits of th , ,,ity of Tiarrisbcrg Sit propirty is portiou of the real °Atte of GEN. /4 IRSTER, dezeased. Any intbrulation relative to the sde of tote property cao be had by calling on the undersigued. JNO. 11. BRT(tGIS, One of the execrators of Gen. Forster. deed. kle.rtuienrte, June 23, 1t.64.. Je22-4w-tatv T EE public are•rcquestcd to attend tiiia opening or the new u y goods store of Brandt Bowman on Thursday morning, July ith at the south east miller if Second and Walnut (late the 'tore room of Jo ephlinwiler.) 'lull new thin ti,ive bought. stn the Saint stook from Mr. Kaiinwiler at very low p lees ant In 1,000 NAII.II say t the public that floc will sell ins stock of gooas at one-Moroi less than the same kind of goods eau NOW 'lb: 11OUGH i AT h SALE. p A.DELPHIA OuLLELA T.I. ATE INs- TI:TE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 Arch illreeL Rev .CHARLES SMITH., U. It., K. CLARENCE SMITH, A. M., Principals. Ninth Year. Three departments Primary, Academia, and Collegiate. Full college course in Clai , sles, Mathe matie,, higher English and Neutral Science for those who graduate. Modern Languagfti, Music, Painting and Elocution by the best, masters. For mires'. ars apply at. the Institute, or addrass IIUX `..131.1 P. 0., Philadelphia Pa. aptia-M.ri* LOOOLBS. CODFISH, of the cele brated Si. George brand, just received and fur rale by SHISLER S FRAZER. febi (succeasors to Wni. Duck, jr., .rt (.o.) VNGLISR DREAKFA.ST TEA.- Just re mired., a Una chest of English Efrwadast Tea, at SHISLER & FRAZER .% (Str4marmra to Wm rkwlz. Jr.) FOUR STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES BUILT for the Mine Hill Planes, and rttn about six months. T ey aro all of the same pat and of th, I'oluning dimensions: Diameter of c) iad r 18 inches. Length of stroke 6 foot. They have two setts of valve gear, one for link motion and the oth. r the ordinary hmt: ni-tien. There are two swifts and six cranks, and two extra pistons, piston roes and packing complete. These engines are well adapted for rolling and also for heisting and pumping at mines. They can be examined at any time after the first of July, upon applicalion to the subscriber at Crei_onnis. These engines will be sold as they stand, and removed at the expense of the buyer. Sealed proposals will be received up to Saturday night ; July I.6th, and tt2e• awards made snide one week there after. Term,: of payment: -:• dedve. • j. W. Supt. L. EL & S H. It., Cressona, Schuylkill county Pa. jy4-4,16 EXTRA WHITE WHEAT FLOUR.-Be lec:til White Wheat Emily Four, Just r. ceive,l -.La for 5;41.0 at Slt li4itt.s: FRAZEE, jyS Suctnes:s”rs to w, Poch, Jr., & SPICED OYSTERS.—Extra Fine Baltimore Oysters, spiced, and fir sa c oy the gallon, 4piart Lind [dot, or ley quantity. SiIISLER n, a riAZEttijyB .8 . /cbei,sors to W. Dock, Jr. 6. Co.L LOST, A. YELLOW TERRIER PUP, with long Kim and tall, a white al of bdltjnd left ear. A hti end reward will be paid for ite return to LAWRENCE'S itestau, ant, Slarket str, et jys Sotttiers' Portfolios. A LARGE assortment at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, utarlB Sold at Wholosolc or retail ai low pries, LOTS for sate on the corner of Third and Brea streets. Enquire of WU. C. iteFADDEN. m.r4 tilt" FOR. RENT. T ar ' Warehouse and grounds in Canal and State streets. It is a good stand for a grosoy store, and has a private siding for lorwaruing purposes. Fos. :easier' green immediately, Apply to MRS. C. M ANTER, Front and streets je234t 2tw,t2nw* E[Av 017 SUPERIOR QUALITY, for sale in small bales at the Repotche Fenn, immediately below ne city. (jelS] J. 111-11. Jus . i . KIVE.D I—A fine 16t of CANNED PEACHES and TOMATO S. AIR), SUPERIOR FINE APPLE'S, FR:SH PEAS, kc., just received by myl4-aitf JOHN WISE, 3d SU ert. pe' Walnut, PRIME LAIL°. F IN E Kettle Rendered LARD, just received at SHISLER & FRAZEN • marl (successors W Wm. Dock, Jr.. &Co.) CUT FLY PAPER. ANICE assortment of Cut Paper for cell.: lags, Looking glasses. picture Train•-s and gas pipes, 4L - SCREFTER'S BOOK mv2O Harrisburg, Pa, JUST RECEIVED-44 gallons pure currant wine, frum a Lancaster county farmer; the dye-t• .wade domestic wine in this city. nice per gallon. for sale at sHISLEEt & }MAUR,. -• Jet) Suoc ,, sooro to Wm. Dock. Jr., & Co. LTAMS! HAMS!!—Michener's Excelsior. La_ Just cured. Received and for sale at SHISLER & FRAZER, dluecessur.9 W. t+ork, Jr 121E1 BASKETS, BAbKETS, in great variety at seisua s FRAZER, Sueregsors Dt,ci; Jr.. & Ca. FitES.U. PINE APPLES just received at SEII. , SLER & FRAZER, SUCC.G.V.4I , i luck, Jr., A: Va. OM MESS SRAD.—Fine Messbhad of the goa- Siiti., in half barrels and ko , . .re..rirtf RIMER & FILLZiat, fel Slimes...lor, 1. Jr...' 1.0. Mlo4,NEi'6xeeisi j uyi i .s. of This 90 1 1 .g ; rpds l ;orieiy i,LER FRAzER, fenemomori! to Win Pock. tr.. A Co. daols no YOU wish agood' Obld • ten ? se, e a i r it ilaollllollleoketare, Xarrisharg, DIOS