THI4I TELEGRAPA XS PITBLIBMED MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION THE DAILY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the city at 8 cents per week. Yearly snbecribera will be charged $5 00 In advance. Those person:who neglectto pay in advance will be charged $6 00. • Vw,Dituvaivsinv.e);*.ionl Tag TELEGRAPH is also published weekly, and is fundstied o subscribers at the following ea' eh rates Single copies, weekly.... Three copies to one Post Office Ten conies to one Post Office MEDICAL. Emma DR WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. areal from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing noth ing Injurious to the most Delicate. Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern icoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely aw and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the Id and worn-out systems. WThis medicine has been tested by the most eminent ldleal men of the day, and by them pronounced to be to of the greatest medical discoveries of the age WOne bottle will cure General Debility. larA few doses cures Hysterics in females. WOne bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. WA few doses restores the organs of generation. Atar From one to three bottles restores the manliness id full vigor of youth. +Mr A few doses restores the appetite, .'Three bottles cures the worst case of Impotency. WA few doses cures tee low spirited. 'e bottle resters mental power. few doses bring the rose to the cheek. sir Thi s medicine restores to manly vigor and rebus ealth the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing tvotee of sensual pleasure. KirThe listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked man business, the victim of a nervous depression, the in /dual suffering from general debility, or fromaveakneas a single organ, will all find immediate and permanent lief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. • igirPrice, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5; and -carded by express, on receipt of meney, to any ad: 12C3 girSold by all druggist everywhere. DR W. R. IirERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors, No. 59 Liberty street, New York. gIiEROR - F.F. PILLS. 3UGAR-004TED 11111 ALE REGULAVIt'I BEALTIT, PB,ESEROIVI CERTAIN AN 1.5 - , SiXA, mirror the Retteert;al of abetruetioncand Of Repawaya*Recumsoev Monthly Period's, Sir They cure or obviate those numerous dtgeiniiq t!utt , spring from itregukulty, by removing the, litvkirity Itself. "Er They cure Sutpreased, Extessive and Painful Mon struation. An - They cure Green Sickness (Chlorosis.) 1113 r They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, 'lsaias in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Patigud on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness' of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Am., &e. Iw a word, by removing the Irregularity, they rimove th 4 cause, and with it au the effects that spring from it sirCoruposed of simple vegetable extracts, they con. Lain nothing deleterious to any constitution, havever r delicate, their function being to substitute strength for' weakness, which, when properly used, they never fail to do. Xi - They may be safely used at any age, and at any perloe, EXCEPT DIMINO THE BMX THREE tIONTII, during which the unfailing nature of their action would infallibly ntEvicrr proghtincy, , • or All letters seeking information or advice will be promptly, freely and discreetly answered. 45rFull directions accompany edch box. larPrice, $1 per box,' or six bong for $5. sir Sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. ,Sold by all respecitible - druggistA. DR. W. IL MIRIAM & pO., Sole ttOVOtom marll-eodly 59 Liberty street, - Hew Yorks Per sale in Harrisburg by S. A. KIINH_EL &JIRO., 118 Market street. F 111 T E Liquoits..• Shissler F-razer, (Successors to Woi. Dock, Jr., & Co.) TIEA.LEIL§ IN FINE PAN ELY GROCE .Ls selection Rlll3 opposite the Court }louse, have on hands flue of BRANDIES, of dillerent vintages. FINE AND COMMON WINES, Of Every Dewription. WHISKYS. OLD BOURBON, MONONGAHELA 71NEIRISH AND . scoraii WhLskys. The best ever brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated 'IttaSTNGT GROVE 'WHISKY. CHAMPAGNE WINES. • SHLOR3 JOHANNESBURG, SCOTCH AND IRISH ALE& CLARET. LONDON BROWN STOUT, WILD CHERRY, PLANTATION WIGWAM TONIC BITTERS With a complete stock of . ENGLISH AND ADIEHICAN PICKLES And Condiments of every description now in the market, and at THE LOWEST RATES MOTH SACHET POWDER, PRAPUMING LINEN. AND PREVENTING 40774 TIMPOWDER—a compound of valnaPila * for the destruction or insects—distrlbdta among or dusted over Fur; Woolens, Carpets,.4l • km, packed away for summer, will effectually preVehs moth. - . Being also a delightful, diffilsable perfume it will lm pregnate clothing, &c., with a lasting andpleasant odor. The finest fabric cannot be injured by , tts use. Prepared and sold at, , KELLUM alas Drug and Fancy Goods Store, Nit 91 Market street. A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER OF MUSIC. Oirros AT WARD'S IWSIC STORE, 12 X Third Street. Regulates,: Third street, above North. (, WEDDING, INVITATION V lS men AT HOME CARDS,—By 61. special arrangement with one of the beat engravers in the country, cards of any description will be executed in the highest style of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and supplied promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the station ers in New York or Philadelphia. For samples and prices call at BERGINER'B BOOK STORK mehadtt - GUMPECTORALS are useful to sooth e cough,. allay Tickling in the_Threat, Hoarseness, Catarrh , Bore Throac ha, They ,eenbi t Coltufoot, Horehoond,lpecanuanhit,iMenegs Rod (the most exiiectorants known,) are the chief live constituent's, so blended with Gum Arabic and Sugar, that each lozenge contains a mild and very pleasant dose. Manufactured eblely by 8. A. *LiblliigirAliißO:firf, Apothem** 1111 - Market Meet, Harrieurt $1 60 4 00 10 00 ELI%IA. MCI dl5-tf . ..•—mz+ ••••••••••••• _.,...........,_,,, .w..........•+..........t.., ~...'. ,i.I 41 i 1 , i i . . - ~.... p . i•,_\ rt,,i,e --, isili be , ... it , .. „ , f ~,,,,• •-.•.. , !...- - ",,Strs 1! t . ' 1 ' ~ ~ Nr o 4. "2____- - -.7 . ._ : 1 • 4 " . ,,V ,-..:'''''' 'C•' 1 ' - l' ' ' • ' n. 4 , 1 41 , 1 07. , '- j r -\74.Le_ if--- -, J -... i . ~ , 9;,,7 1 .4 , ..:::I:".t , r BY GEORGE iIgRerNEIL EVENING EDITION. The Rebel Invasion. AFFAIRS ON SATURD,AY. Battle Fought on the Monocae.y. Official Dispatch from Secretary Stantoa. ENERAL WALLACE'S FORCES DEFEATED REBEL FORCE TWENTY THOUSAND STRONG, Our Fortes Retreating to Baltimore'. GREAT EXCITEMENT AT BALTIMORE. Frulunation by the Governor of Maryland. 'Baltimore City in Danger. ITIZENS CALLED OUT TO PROTECT TEE CITY. MOVEMENTS OF THE REBELS ON SUNIMY, Affairs ate Baltimore City. ALB rinoar, July 9th. The city has beam full of rumors to-day of our forces under Gen. Wallace, at Frederick. As near as we •:.4111 get at the truth the one! my appeared inltuge force in front of Fred erick last evening, and Gen. Wallace not deeming himself strong enough to resist them, fell back to Monocacy bridge. Here he was attacked this morning in overwhelming num. ! hers and forced to fall back on zeinfcircementi which were sent to their relief. . The enemy were so strong that if is reported our forCes are still falling back. • The rebels have destroyed the bridge at Monocacy. The liquor stores in this city were closed at S. o'clock to-night, and the streets are thronged with people,discussing the state of affairs. Troops are being rapidly sent for ward, and horses are being raised, and cav alry mounted and dispatched to the front • The President- and Superintendent of the Baltimofe aiceronlOliflreaa are doixz . all in their power `to aid the authorities in forivard ing troops to the scene of action. Later accounts from the front represent that our forties have fallen back from the Mo.; nocacy to tl'A'a TiCinity of Monrovia'. Oar forces burnt the Iturntiike bridge ever the Mo nocacy. The particulars of the fight haVa not yet been receiver'. LATER ACCOUNTS. It may, without exaggeration, be said to day, that we are having something of an ex- 1 eitement. All day the streets have been teeming with rumors from the front. In the city active arrangements are being made in anticipation of the emergency, which it is confidently believed is only barely possi ble and not probable to occur. The leagues are being armed and the de fensive, works stranthened. As the govern ment needs more horses immediately'the au thorities here are confiscating all able bodfed horseflesh, especially-the fast blooded horses of the disloyal.. Passes are•re4uired to: leave the city,, and a vigilant witch is being instituted on the movements of suspected parties in our midst, who are supposed to be seeking oppeirtanities to communicate with the enemy. At the las accounts we still held out at Monoeacy. It is understood that there has been some fighting.. Our people feel confident that Gen. Wallace and the brave troops now concentra ting against the , bnenay will all render a good account of themselves. Proclamatfon by Gov. Bradford. Bmarmaim, truly 9—Evening.—The follioW ing proclamation has been issued: Crrizzio OF Bea irmionzi—We lnive been. un willing to create an unnecessary alarm or agi tation in thhicommunity by any appeal .for your immediate assistance in resisting., the invasion , that might 'Nil deemed premature. but we have no longer such an Ap prehension and feel no hesitation in declaring that in oar opinion the danger 'which now threatens the city is imminent, and if you would avert it; every. loyal man must at once prepare to meet: it. The invading army is by the laet 'accounts approaching the city, 'and then all the men that can be raisea ; are wanted to occupy fortifications already ,completed and `to pre pare others. cit not important how ,y,Rei should come, but • most' important that `. - Yola shottld come at once. 'ooflic in yoti:yeagntin and &rue in you militia oninounes,,bit come in crowds and come quickly- Brig. 44ert. Lockwood has volunteered to talte qb.aige‘ of, All the civil force 'thus raised and has• been to that "command. • The loyal men Avgry ward will assemble at their usual places of ward meetings, 'and will report 'forthwith tO'eten. Lockwood at his headquarters,. No. 34 North street. ••' . • (Signed) A. W. BRADFORD, Governor'of*.argla'nd Jove; lam CHAPYAN, • ... Mayor of Baltiinore. . . Official Report. VirAntmexer, July 10-10 A. M. Maj. Gen. Dix: An official report , from Major General Wal lace just received, state's that a battle took place betwitien the forces under his command and the rebel forces. at Monocacy yesterday, commencing at '9 o'clock, A. at, and contintt-' ing until - 5 o'Olock, R. M. Our forces were at length overpowered by the superior "numbers pi the enemy and were forced to retreat in;disprder. . . i Ha reports - ,that Cal. Seward of the New' York . Heavy Artillery:Wes wounded and, taken prisoner, and that Artg.:gen. Tyler was also taken prisoner ,t i rbat. the enemy's force is at e ' least iniailityltheasand, and- , eutt our,; troops behavUtuftilyibtit suffered a severe lnS. He'd' lif#l46gitg )';to,r. 1., — 5 ,: ,-, " 4 . -/..."'" WWI& M.`STANTONV Secretary of War. drAmlnominsiMmosamerm.• - I "THE la 11°.;10 N-LN.O W!A fir-R, V E R."—' Webster The party of rebels at AteistertoWii' fiat • to be- a• small body and nig norm... 11 - eparv:, .says - Nthey the Northern Central Ilea am hite„fg ß w i . a bridge, but this'is . not 'yet Gen. -• Wallace,' at last accounte, was 2k, Miles from the city and falling back force of fresh troops covering his retreat. The enenlY..viere licit supposed to' he follow:, ing him; at least they were not to'be seen on the road' over whiebillte.leaß . ketreatirig. Mal artillery .is reportedto be safe:" l 7 Our streets are•swarming, with people and the Union citizens are coming forward Well, if they are well handled they will help--muclt in the work of holding the city. 11-30 A. nr.—The 'Northern Central-is tel ported 4.headquarters as cut and the road! torn tip; but - 'ite What precise point ,is .not knovin, the AtiteieAti, a ad' Gilmer, newSPiliteri offices haVe•rdia out their National &Aiwa, 814! resolved' to, Put, a good: face on things; their colors to to the last if the - worst , shalil come. • • • BALTimo:um, July 9 The American-telegraph line has also , put! out Old 'Glory. Our only real danger seemsi to be from the rebel naaralry making a dash) Lixto toFIL tuflOt a warmrtientalint lioisever, end.iftther should -get in'ther' stgil will probably-be but brief. The streets; the vety air, it may 13e said, yis teeming with rumors, fast 'succeeding _ each -other-1. send only,what seems roost-atithen tic and reliable; ea ftir as bin gathered in the excitement. • ' ' The Rebels Advancing , toy theoPhiladelphia-and Wilxingtoo Railroad Baurnaons, , * July ; -10 , The -I/UM:tern ~Cent ral &limed hasloen bet Ween Timonium asul Oxdseysville f - -and -a bridge-is reported now burning, itiseintglitnied Jo h& the bridge at the Ashland works. A rebel force estimated at 1500 strong, probably an over exaggsratioorpsppd i the. C. IL R. isibOvoi Cookciysville Mmng, to : ward the Philadelphia- railroad. They ex pected to reath,7thers before night and cut that road or destro . y . Vne of tie bridges, but it is hoped that tiler, foreemasagnarding the road in that direegoni be Oreng.'enogli to drive the raiders ,off. . ‘Lo ' 1 I Thore are many wild immors afloat. this ' M. ' bna confidence in the ability of 'oar' fOrhek to hold #Leicity is gatnizig - and there is, less excitement. Among the rumors just started 'is that. a portico). of the rebel force that engagedi Gen : WELlblee yesterday, struck the Washbigtori road near Laurel Factory, but this, I ihirik is incorrect, at all, events the telegraph line to Waskthgton is as yet uninterrupted, and it is believed our troops are in such a position, by this time-to offectifiliy piotect our communi cation witkWashingtop.' • As a matter of pre 'caution, records;' dto . , ;; - of Our banks . 4.ll inatituthra ihaitte bpen :placed' dn . steamer'M thehailiorl9r safety The ~ F :iglyt; on. Satur4eay. Rebels Driven lit the' Piro * ,1 4 ) - • •'• • - •„, • 7 - :=-7,-a •Irqa . Bauritagm ig hTolg Xn ambulance has just arrived with wounded offieece, Captain Adam Ekin, A. A. P4 , ;MONl4l,EvE,NiFr rc iiii i rc o il t ,. l 1864 .:.THIE:- 14471P-5.T....'i.:.:-; 'AFFAIRS ON gYNDAI: Latest from - Egaltinrkiiike. lebels Not in. Large Force. at Iteistertatip, • r r. Wallace Reinforced With,FreA rEkkiopl. His Artillery Safi& The • .Pe'opie ; F ully AriAise4t , . The Northern Central ilailroa4 RepOrted to , be 'Cut, WALLACEBELIEVES THE HEBELS:IN.• TEND TO ATTACK WASHINGTON; ; Blurprons, The excite ment is intense this morning; ;the Union citl zens have been arriving all night, and at o'clock this morning the alarm bells were ring and parties headed by di um and fife are moving through the town to mp, , ,t4 defenr• sive works. A:. The citizens are turning out with spirit ' . WI aredetermined to do their - utmost to defend the , city.' • The enemy' are now repkilited,# , i 1 Gen'. Wallace the The telegraph is s Worleing_hq g sp-ukttsl• vile which is beyoUd mils; su;the the report of the rebels bein,g,,therkiszame Their scouts, hi,,irdver,i are believed to hail) been within fifteen miles of the city. , We still not Wltlili4t hope of being able to preventtlieir entrance into Baltimore. • Thesecessionists who have ~ p roperty and stocks of goods on hand, are by no, means pleaSed at the prospect of changing „their goods for rebel money. , They much prefer greenbaek.s notwithstandl log their sympathies'with the sduth 10 ate—The rebel'cavalry ate arereported 04 Reistertown 16 miss north of Raltimore, and are supposed to be making for •the Northern Central railroad to endeavor tu'eut •our niunications in that direction: "A trairrsitic started out on the Ohio railway,lhas retinue with a number of wounded. r• .• • , .;1 ; ReurrmoßE, July 10-11"E*: 1245 . P• at—The 0004 . 4 of the, city i s be coming more gillet t tlie arouid haying all gone to the fortifications on the ontshirts. The latest reportis 'from 'Gen. Wallace _:express the opinion tha t tAh 9 main b0ke0f;r94,1,14; are making towards 'Washington ; xepottod that (Harry-: Gibrioie's rebel caialiy,;:wercf - rit Westninx4er, hist he is sifol'Aii hare taken his.supper . there while, his- men were employed in' horset, eto. •(••• Further ,lrartieulagrs. The Road wen_ ..0.-iltevi-ded. ;~~•a~...,; /krOva of wounded: G. of Gen. R 1 • ': istaftand Captain Payne, 16th N. Y, were wounaled, the former badly,,) and the, latter, sevply in the hip. Tlie•fightineispresented as having beep of the meat .lieSgeratellihltigter. The new recruits did well. Our veteran troops en-, gaged, especially 'distinguished themselves aid, fought 'with ), desperate determination, Quly gkyln* g way when theymere out-flanked by auperior numbers,: ' • • ' To prevent beingaptured they cut .their way through the rebel ranks: " The:enemy were se verely punished, having a large num ber of wounded._ •., , Alexander's batt;ery reported to have done great:execution with:canister and shell. The, enemy were, itowaveri far better supplied with arßerY gul cavalry, and outnumber our for I - ,It ia 'thought- that the. reasen that the ene my havi3 ttot appeared in our rear is because of tbeithaving beenta severelypunished and have so' many wormded on.lheir hands. The rehalk °away; that 'passed , through Westminster and ileisterstewft last night, are. reported to . have bung Union bridge; on the_ Western Maryland railroad; ' Tecitiorinfits No Inclination of -the Rebels Following t.i• GeneraiVallace • 'Aoki Body'of Troops in Position to Illreet the Rebels. , • ~ , NO .111P•1101 1110 COOSIED, UP. EDWARDS,' NOT. •_ onortil Augur Akkok , Ample, Provision to bo, ::Cu! WASEID:GTON, July 1.15'. 2 1 -The extra Star, dated 1.4..-21.„ saya we , are satisfied that-up to thts-foisrAmt ttit, rebels Made no motet:dent `indfeati , re thii ptrritode- of 'followini- Gen. Jitrallabilinithelifiection of Baltimore. ' Information-h*rmashed - here that a satis fattory Ixalmet ittpmuoi., -A lr eady 7posi.:t dot frordirliacinEey can reach either Wash lisltimNoe, before the rebels can ap pear in ferae itkftWrit'of either city. The very larger--bligfide of men employed in! the qrartermasforiel department het° in Mug mustered:. this. -morhink - at thelr.rtrentlez:vons, land.will. meet for drill ,thisafteinoon: :They are ready fort instant Mextvicksif , necessarytocaiithem. liwi t tiast,,n atli:t headquarters:tat s Ferry, 'FilltteJi that the rebeleAmdricl= 7 thdreltti -potted, norlutddhaiunadatheir appearance glialkusibelst have iiott as yet 4104b3 tbgit appearanceisnywhate. , within tliq DVartnitakt of. Washington; . AUgUrtand, hie Malt officers are busily. engasedlp-darinaking ample pireparetions to recount the. rebels should -they. show them selves within this Department.- ST iLli. IG:7 Lii . ,4'T .E . it.; II ES 11141EK ot h IVOLOVADVANCING" ON • BALTINORE i• '"! lim 1)E; •:', Reported.Rt-caytire of , Martinsbur e ,a by - 1, bliralL 1i%1111101.8 orces. `: - .111 - 'i C.!1 ,, : -1 ,ifOilFli 1 ... :' .:!: ' • ; Vile . 1;k0114A/34 Vrisoners and all •-•,1 tk*Stextesße-captured:; . - - • . , ~.., 16, uf (6 .:• * : 7,_L., - T . • , • ' - •• 6 1 ..d 1 7 t.' 7' ifl 1 . July ..• . ii '' 13Avrimorq, J. IU-1 1 , , 31 It is reported that the 'tidvarice of a rebel cavalry force is vrithirk'seven. miles of this city o.nttheiYorktroad. .....'i-p . • :Tanter.inbAligeuce•thas• niched here.that a portion of Gen. Hunter's force, under Gem Sullivan,..has reciwbged Martinsburg,. and has taken aboutonethomsand prisoners, also all the,,pfured thlr9, and much ph:in clur Colleitett b:ylitei tiol fit ttii - 4 point. .., 1 •vp, c ii.i. - 1.1 , ArouvAL of GEN. SI EL' WAGON TRAIN, Ir . • 35:Celiiipevili*eir , Mr 4.g h - t, g, .. • itEkANDEIVS-AAttERY SAFE. 1!1Milli • .6 , & LTD/CORE, 'July _ Gen. Etigell wagon'. train arrived tehirto charge.of a' lame-.detachment` ofin (antiy urid cavalry. One, id the (Akers; who was in the fight, says that in all his , :etparii• ence in this-war he*Wnever seen more des perate fightizeinfillidi thifilk*-we placed as nuMY**l3 - 74oft - xim'scombat as our own loss. 4.leahuAder's 14437 ra allmfe, Our : Joss in prifilpOrs isAlipitiEl_ t ql%fao4:we ,hay,e yet no SIP*4 1 4:91 0 0 1 111 6 ;* i4d 8 45 1 701auded• 01 - 04! 0111 S-. M.`TWASPIIRWS4DPI QF lIETMUION ! ' " ltnirr " • . Arxeista;ihof ijAiiteceostidonigte. no 4ew el le' 1 f , .1. r a . • 11 :I_u - __)Thelexciternent heraconsikient upon Gen. Wiuthhurne!s order-bftvetaliation is intense; The following:iSeeeasibnists i are: now under guard at the railroad 'depot: . 0 I& Stillintanvir F 11. Eirlhey, tusaliFewtok, 'John Kirk fiar; 0 d,Selden, J W,,PiwJa; a C Hardwick and Dr H Ejlopen.7: byetrill[ be Bent •out of the State on the next4a t i sat ntes Elder and A Farnsworth and LI , ogkrel were alai:tam* eft 7 bitt r ienit,~4y: rell*fid ,:• 11 V.Iiliir "-and Farnsworth waif Iltulk4Pr#VddTdckrel is pro priatior lAtha.-agypargonse. Several sues kh :Ct i t V',24l l ZilV,•,* 4 1 10 •R i 1 Pad lit ve -- • . "rtS , iritTlPPWia. Fel port lia r • ' ti: -anl p 3 ",t ew'ff eans mutant- inialialitnirtiftent • - ' ade which will 899ialde'valegit &assault?. Nothing. hia been.kenaften . Gate i& 1 # ••• - 1 Nb 116 beWlit:" 04er.504,-*: Li .1 LW' ziti l 44a.--- alitillihiffettakhidit l yi July 10-9 A. at. The rebels have all left this place and every. thing is (pint. M;lgoiimMgkr , :f- 3 raN , eVM 3Ewmznm,.aw Front GeneraliGrant's . Army. IMPORTAiCE It is s i sce,r,tained from paridea that arrived on the wait boat from City that on Thursday night the rebels brought' a battery to bear upon a working party of ours who were eagaged, 'in t-hrbwing up earthwork; nearer to Petersburg ; 'and for a time a sharp cannonading took place. Our men had, also brought up a battary to oppose that of the rebels and the latter was soon silenced. Sub sequently the rebels took up a new position. and again opened upon our working party latit finding that they couldaccomplish .nothing they 'ceased their fire. •With this exception all has been quiet in. the army of the Potomac for the last few days. The Maryland Raid. WASHENOTON, July 10. A letter, from the Army !of the Potcimac dat4 ed. near Petersburg, July. 7„ evening, says to day the enemy were clis.cOverecl erecting a fort la front of our left centre. • • , . The people in Petersburg are said to havei given up their hdtaks to the destroyer; they. may to , ashes and they expect, _nothing else but the, brave boys in the front must net, halt nor falter. ' A SecOndlettei/dated. July 8, 10 P. at., says there vdag-tinotheiontrit.fik along our line this afternoon. Like the last' it was brief,- and in front of Turner's Division of the 18th Corps, with this difference, last l`riday ( we provoked the attack,,thia'aftertioon the rebels iWore'the aggressors. ',Te day had r bden unusually sul trY'---110 01 10' an' ohe seems pleaSed--ihere Should bea momentary truce bet*een, the'hOstilereakiiviM i BrirnsiValeft and Suilth'sriglA t tueet near the Princa dehrge gountY road. , Ifera the line is near the' enemy's breastworks. . About 'four o'Clbck therethels opPosite Gen. Turner's Works'spning to'their feet uttering aloud yell which Wns accompanied bYa rapid volley of musket'ry' It ft was' disagreeable to move a a linib - inider'srich a scorching . heat but our men sprang to their 'ooh responding to the rebel yell "with 'a loud hurrah'opening on them with shat'and The 18th Indiana armed with seven shoot ers;'onred several ,eltise„and.Well directed volleys into' the CoMpact,lll4 of the enemy which caused them to recede and crotch un der the' iiienally shelter of their earthworks." In thfr', meantime two frill regiments were' seen imaged - near a large honse opposite our men. These were.linfried &win to strengthen their line At this point Lieut. Jitelidon, ,Of the First Conn.battery ? has eharge of 'our mor tars, and worked them in anaffectiveniMiner, completely".allencing - those - of the enerny *ltieli'werePfelrly served. , , quitempiE L , prov contagious. .; Our s he4vyhatteriep front of *inside's and those near'..Warren'A,,heallguarters began- to threw ehelll3o the town, .The rebels., ever and anon trying to reaCh.. our guns f4iling miserably in every attempt. The enemy's batterzueross the Appomattox threw their she)ls mid oar works. Gen Tttp. heanqwtera. were, near the road wXjO-110 enemy Wv9 (l 401. It. be came so annoying that ~the ',gliarters were shifted a short distance to one side which took them out of range: `The object of this tint is unknown ; when they sprung from Ahoit.,;this afternoon, waving their battle,flap,s on high, they received convincing' prbof that we are Still here, and are lfieely td - remaffivith steady persistence. Bothariiihdart strengthening their 'lines by forts, in which heavy gunk.are mounted. Nothing that strength, ingenuity ,atid,•skill combined' can do' is wanting to _ make the worloiot'btith armies apparent? impregtm , ble. , 311mOins, RENtilyiq RAPIDLY .Vrom.'ON. .. • READING, PA., July 10. An immense meeting was held here this P. iend The cirgsorlit4ion".Cf. i fi 11 . regiment is ik94onVl4 no dp h 9,1 sggOis. Another - 4412_ now _hcpsa scoquzed l'enn Qam4o.4 2 4thi t tik. piblogcwi7 .n oveiwlselm . Sf vor of a f re S4 conscription of every man bet Ween - 11 e ales of 18 mad 45, to put the rebellion down at once. ~t..ii'-4wt,- ; __.:tto:_:',..o.rg. ~,~. .. Tiresitr.NoToN, Jiily 9 I ._:~.a.:_.:. STILL LATER Rebel A•ptack.;Alepulsed. Rebel Papers Jubilant Over the,ResulC The People of r Petersburg Give Vp Their Homes. PARTICULARS, OF. Tgia REBEL AS SAULT , ON THE 8 TR: ~= THE. ENEMY COMPELLED O , RETREATi • I El'etevsbui . Shielledi r` • Ina Armies strengthening Their Worksi lIIIMIM3 A battery of 32-pounders, recently placed in position, opened on them from the line of. the sth Corps. This suspended allioperations at that po'int., All day, Our guns bellowed -forth their thunders and were answered brthd rebel cminbh. Most of their shots fell short ,the hunitonY, exLstpg.betweenhe two opposing lines. _ 'A riflos'were used: Capt. Car ter ef 150th.ka., iregitnenb, received'a 'severe gunshot wound' in the breast, while looking; • over the breastworks. Richmond and Petersburg papers of sixth; inst., are jubilant over the excitement they', imagine -theirx*aidelts"ttre creating land. No intiiviitionis made of the number; of troops deiiached sfrom Lee's ..'arnky Or by whom commanded. ; - • iirom =Residing. ~~~~E of ~. a_ oFp~ - Cona~ip~on: St minuo ornet c.:11 O: D oir ; ;J: The following arethe rates for_ dvertising in.ther.Tsta. GRAPH. Those havreTotavardijing to do will And rt eon. venten tfor referente " - inf- Four lines or less constitute one-half square. Elght lines or more than four constitute, IS selfere. , .. , . TOE a ILIUM setWm, • • - 105 Mtn '9:Mum One day S 110_ _One dayi....... .... :.-. 1 - 60 Two days 50 Two days... .... ... .. 100 Three days . 76 Three days. . .. 126 One week 125 One week 225 One month 300 One month ... 6CO Two •menthe ~. 4 50 Two . ni44013 . .. ~'- 0 00 Thrbe months - 5 60 Three Months...—. 11 CO Six months 8 00 Six months 16 0 Oae year...... .16 90. One year...... 1:,...::..;.; 25 0 laministratiOn "3.fotices- —v . ... 4. 2 26 Marriage Notices 76 Auditor's Notices. .. " . ~. ' 160 Funeral Notleeseadti:UeitEn • 6 0 . la-Business notices inserted in the Local Column, or before Marriages and Death; &ear emrrs PIS Lom for each insertion. .. FROM WASHINGTON. Oilicoas for Colored Regiments. Capture of Bashwaekers near Washington. Capture of a Scouting. Party by Moseby's Guerrillas Captuke of a Rebel ,!Acout. Rebels Reported to be Within Fifteen Miles of Washington. WASHINGTON, julY 9- The total number of officers for colored regiments examined by the proper board, up to this time, is 2,471. Of these 985 have been rejected and 1,486 recommended. The larger portion of those received have been from the Philadelphia Military School, under the charge of Col. Taggart. Thirteen bushwhackers, of a gang of twen ty-six, were beyond Tenallytown,. Which is four miles from- Washington, last night; two of our men were wounded in capturing them. Brig. Gen. Hinks is in Washington suffer ing much from the effects of old wounds: A letter from Avondale, Va., six or eight miles west of Alexandria, says a scouting party of one hundred and fifty men from the 2d Mass. and 13th N. Y. Cavalry, under com mand of Maj. Forbes, went up in the vicinity of Aldie, where they met Moreby-with a large force and a piece of artillery and . .a body of riflemen. ' Moseby charged on them and killed ten or fifteen and captured nearly the whole party, together with the horses and accoutrements. On the receipt of this news, Col. Lowell started off at midnight with 2000 men from the 2d and 138th regiments, and Capt. MTher son, of the 16th New York cavalry, joined him at Fairfax. They. proceeded to Aldie where they found 25 wounded men . and also eleven dead, the bodies of whom they buried. They scoured the country about that re gion, and found it was of no use to pursue Moseby, as he had twelve hours the start of them towards Upperville, where he had taken our men and his, booty. Oar party returned last evening with the wounded men of the 13th New York and 2d Massachusetts cavalry. • Capt. Stone, of the 2d Massachusetts regi ment, is4ying dangerously ; wounded at Cen treville. Thirty rebels were at Fairfax, C. -H. yesterday. WASHINGTON, July 10.—Although there is naturally much solicitude everywhere ;felt for 'the safety of Washington, in view of .the. in telligence which has been received from time to time - ay-day, which has excited 'oiir Com munity, there are no indications whatever of a panic among our citizens. . The military measures which have been taken tend to give security from 'a rebel inva sion of the Capital It is asserted that several rebel. sconts have been seen. in Washington to-day, but this:may be there conjecture. . WA rebel scout- was, however, captured to day, not far from Washington, and has been brought to the city. The mail carrier between Washing, ton and Rockville which is 14 miles from here re turned this r. e. with a report that The rebel troops were in that immediate neighborhood. He says he saw them but has no idea of their number. From New York. SZE NV" York 31i0.1itt Moving. =I NEW YOEE, July 9. - Itis reported that a party of Grant's army is en route for the protection of Washington and Baltimore. Nzw Yonz, July 9.—The Bth ,regiment,*- litia is under marching orders. . Rebel Occupaion ,of Fredieriek. On the withdrawal of our: troops, many, of the rebel sympathizers, with headlon&haste, made their way out the Ilagerstown'ioad and communicated the—to them—glad , :tidings that the Yankees .had left, and a general' re joicing was had, of course, over the nsws. c — Refugees . state th4Rradley T Johnatli, was one of the first to enter the city of la birth, which he has so often disgraced, and ordered the hated rag of the oligarchy he supports to be hoisted over the Court House. The advance cavalry of his command is composed of Marylanders, the' let. and- 2d Regiments. The Maryland Battalibnid. In fantry is also in this command. - Among the =anti current is one ',that Breckinridge cbmmands this force; WhiCK iB said to be. 12,000 strong. Among so"ruitiay rumors it is hard to sift +what is true. The capture is certainly a very barren one to the rebels, so far as the Government is con cerned. Everything in the way. of stores, homes, ammunition, wagons, ate.,. - 'belbrighig to it had been removed long previous to their entry. Nearly all the horses of citizens, those of the rebel persuasion, included, had been sent away, and many people had sent their valuables to points of safety. The banks made amplewangements to se cure their property. Mr.-Schlen the Collec tor of Internal Revenue in Frederick-, who had over $70,000 in his possession on Mon day last, promptly forwarded it to Washing , ton. The Railroad Company has speukd the rolling stock and motive power on. Ahe road. Altogether, excepting what they-steal of citizens, they will not have much o.ciry, to . rejoice over. ' Arrival of Col. CovOdes 800,. WASHINGTON, truly 9. Hon. John Covode, PennsylvaniaiTeaine up on the Highland Light to-d,y, bringing...the body of his son Col. G. H. Covode, of the 4th Pennsylvania cavalry, who was killed While protecting the reartfif Gen Sheridan's trainin crossing the James liver in its late movemcnt from the White House to join the main army. Markets by Telegraph. ,f • NEW Yoax. July 9. - 'Flour declined 25c. Sales of 11,000 t ) Mr* at $lO 60@51.1 60 - for State; $l2 600513 for Westerwand 11 50®414 for Southern: 'Wheat declined 2®36.•• .Sales unimportant.: - .Xoift fie; 7,000 bushels - sold at 1634),165,„8eef quit. 'Pork dull'at 46 2564.146'75 Lard quiet at 20®210. Whisky steady at 76,