1111== THE xi; roam ti MORNING dlVla EV0772.70, BY GEORGE BgAQS.E.II eArizos ram szt,BEAs wizarr. TERMS OF SUBS,ORIFTION SINGLE SIMISCRIPTION. TAMMY' Tstlineist"bl SSieve4 to subscribers In the city at 8 cents .per lire& • ' , fairly subscribers Will be charged $5 00 in adVance. ThCitet pers.:in:Who negteotto nay in advaricovill •be Charged $8 OD. Tea Titutonsis is also pUblis hed weekly, and bs furnished o subscribers at,tle following cash rates: Single Copies, weekly.... Three copies tousle Post Office... ...... 400 Ten copies tO One Post Office • 10 00 MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTIOTATE THE lANGHGUGHT•FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, AND CHEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVE& CHEROKEEE REMEDY, thegred Indian Dimretie, cures all diseases of the urinary organs, suds at ineemti nenoe of Me Grine, inflammation of Me Bladder, liikun mation of tha Kidneys, Stones's& Me Bladder, Btricture, Gravel, Gled, Gonnorhea, and it especialty recommended in those cases of Fluor 4/bus (or Whites in females) Sere all the old nauseous medicines hate failed. It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times per day. gar It is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying, and cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all of its original purity and vigor; thus removing from the system ail pernicious causes whieh have induced disease. , CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or assist ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in alp, of Gonorrhea, Olaf, Puler Atbus or White& Its e ects are healing, soothing and demulcent; removing all scalding; heat, chordee and pain, instead of the burning and almost un endurable pain.that is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack Injections. la - By the use of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicines at the same time—all improper discharges are removed, and the weak ened organs are speedily restored to full, vi g or and strength. 44-. For full particulars, get our pamphlet. from any drug store in the country, or write us, and we will mill Free, to any address, aTull treatise. ta-Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $6. ~Price CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. , Sent by express to any address on receipt of price. ta,„Sold by all druggists everywhere. DR- W. R. KERWIN & CA Sole Proprietors, nutrlo-eedly No. 59 Liberty street, New york. CHEROKEE CURE THE GREAT INDIAN MEDRASF, CONIVUNDED FROU ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES An unfailing cure for Spermaterrhea, Seminal Weak ness, Nocturnal Emissions, and all diseases caused by suf . pollution; such as Loss of Memory, Universal ifissitisde, Pains in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age Weak NOWA, Difficulty of Breathing, Trembling, Wake,fol ness, Eruptions on the Pace, Pale Countetuutce, Ituatititi Consumption, and all the Direful ceavta*tts caused by de partingfrom the path, of 'nature. irlil - This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, andpne n which all can rely, as it has been Used in our practice for many years, and with thOnsande treated, it liar not failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have been sufficient to gain victory over the most stubborn case. Z-To those who have trifled with their constitution, until they think themselves beyond the reach of medical id, we would say, Despair not 1 the CHKRONISS Cars frill restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack doe tors have failed I sa-For full particulars, get a Circular from„any Drug Store In the country, or write the Proprietei;,'who will mail free to any one desiring the same a full treatise in pamphlet form. .. • • ,p -Prices $2 per bottle, or three bottles for 40, and forwarded by express to all parts of the world. ,Sold by all respectable druggists everywhere. DR. W. .k CO., Bois PROPRIIITORS, marlo.eodly No.' 59 Liberty street, Neis York. • VINE Liquons. Shissler & Frazer, (Successors to W m. Sock, Jr., & ON) EALERS IN FINE FAMILY, GENE; RIES opposite the Court House, have on handsaw se on of BRANDIES, of different vintages. FINE AND COMMON WINES, . ' - Of Every .Descrildion. WHISKYS. OLD BOURBON, I - MONONGAHELA 172.111 IRISH AND SCOTCH Whisky& The best ever brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, , FAMILY NECTAR., And the celebrate.; . CIEEitNUT GROVE WHISKY. CHAMPAGNE WINES. ABIDES JONANNIi9BIIII4, ,, , • - SCO7'Cif AND IRISH AL2S.' wrmort .BROWiI."STOUT.. 'WILD CBERRY, • • PLANTATION, WIGWAM TONIC BTITEiRS With a complete stock - lIINGLINII AND AMERICAN 1171R1.11N A ddndiments of every description ow In tliatnartet, • ritz.zofmr RATES. PIO . MOTH SA.6I:IMT . .t'QW - 13.Ere,; wig • PRRW7IMING LINEN AND PRATENTING *ma THIS POWDER—a coloßptwd of valuable articles for the destruction:, of insects—diattited among or dusted over Woolen; Cattle . cur, Aze., packed away for summer, willeirectuaily 'prev ent; tooth. Being also a delightful, diffusable perfume' Will lin rognate clothing, &c., with elidetlng*,4l odor. Me finest fabric cannot be injiiredtiyi~ Pll3Pared and sold at •• RE.1444N4 • Drug and Fancy Goods Store' .1414 (o. mama stiffen, sps, . . A. P. TEuristit: . -,:,,., TEACHER OF' Al . l3,:is'O. Orman. AT WARD'S MUSIC STORF.,. • " IS ltT Thin% StretA Residence: Third etireet,,above North ".1 V „ . • WtD.DING, INS . • N Asa AT HOME CARDS Bp a viola' anaiwinost with one of the best engravers instils otruntrn mulls of any description will be executed in the highest style of art, conformable with the hepataluirto and supplied promptly, at lower prices than are 7. the Seatiprt• era in New York or Philadelphia. For samples and ad pries" sail at dtt BERONER ' S BOOK STORK. all- = .. . . 1 • :1 . ~.. , -„1 6 7 r: ---- -,-F. t \ •-•! " . - ~. r 7 7- - -. .r .-•- • - 7 .-- ,... -;. Th -- ..: 7-- {. --" t: ".. ...= . . , V."; °-. . ~' , M;C:. %. ~':" ' • • - ''' . 6 : ". ''' ' .. . ~ t, 'i' i '..l' - '*" :.* •.' i',, , _.• '." ,'" T„ .. . ~. . . . NA, , I t". // ;.' ' • •, , ... i ll -- - - . lir . .........N, N :::);,. , • k 0 , u j i , -1 , , ,, , ...1.- •---:.,. ;:e l f r italliie t ' • •.-... ~. l. _ .- , ~ ; ... ..:: b .00 t „ .. ~„. ... : . .. .• • -„_-...___.....-_-71----`-_-,4 ,-:=_:"-.%, -:- • , _ _ --F• i•,:i , t- 4 . ; -: ~ ..:-.E . ....-",, ---..:_zi I.: • • . . , . 1' . • - .. . \ ' A rt"' f ..... • ' . - 1 • 1 elliiii, so lI'S #O' t. • ~,... . J .... I R . .1,....A. , .G• - - , k ',,t....,.- .s t . • .• .-. .... . , . ........ . . DISORDERS 0 - F THE LIItR:" GERMAN BITTEIiST , .... , SE Bitters have performed . more eUrPC Lave and do give better satisfaction; have more tes timony; have more respectable people to vouch for them. than any other , article in the market. .. We defY any one to contradict- this assertion, and will pay gl,Ol any one that will produce a certificate pub lished by us , that is not genuine. Hofland's :German Bit tett, will cure every case of gamine or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, ami'ffuseases arising from a dis ordered stomach. °Marva Vie following' symptoms, re milting froth the - disorders of the digeetiVe organs: ' Con stipation, Thward Piles, Fulham of Blood'io the cad, Acidity of the -Stomach, Nausea, Heartipirn, .Dt for Brvu t Food, Fulltese or weight ba the Stomach, Sour ta ions, Sinking er fluttering at the pit of the stomach; Sitibmiing of the h&d, Hurried and difficult breathing,Flatterli,g at , the heart; 'Stoking or suffocating sensations When in• a lyingyeeture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs before the eight, Fever and dull pain isi the head„Deflciericy of pers piration, Yellownesi of the.skin and eyes, Pain in the aide, back, chest, Raabe, dt&,.Saiddeir flushes of heat ,, Burning in the flesh, Constant ininginationd of evil, and great de pression of spirits.. ~ - • Remember that tide Bitters is not alcoholic, nordaina no -sum or whisky, -and . can't snake drunkards, WV ill the beat Toile in the world. From., bmitey. Levi G. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist 431 P N. J., formerly of the North Baptist r 774, , _ * * * .k_.1,1111 1 1 ,favorably for stve own family loo m p e et wiprNwoiteees r„, AtiM, I was „ „ — ggear.4.4waa_kno+o that , e y hire . a i, ly 'Meads! teepee. I take great thus publicly prechdirdhg this &cc sod - thelittention eC those afflicted with the Mimes Tor whichAher are reeemmended to these Ba den:46oond from gimperience 'that tay,recomiheibletion attained: I "do Chia more cheerfally as # o4 * linirati t teValli I:Wooded to benefitthe Meted, and. la SWElC.irtuitil4lo.'" Yews truly. LEVI G. BECK. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D.,llEditor of the . En cyMopedth of itehilious.KnOwledge and Christian Chroni cle, Philahelphia. , , ,? Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent ifellicines iegoneral, through distrust Of their ingredients and affects, lyet know of no sufficient reasons why a manmay net testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of °them ' ~ I do this the more readily in regard to Hootlaridrs Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. A L Jackson, of this city because I was prejudiced against their for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam Indebted to my friend, Robert Shoema ker, .Esq., for the reprove' of - this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them when suffering from great pad 'Ong mutinied. debility. The use of ..three bettleri of. these Bitten at . the beglnping of the p , iiiiiiMowed by evident relief and restore *et of bodily and mental vigor. which I had 24 9 .• , ara_. i ' h th ttM e ,oreothreluileanditad God an ar m ot mosts despal f r: r d d o t ! :sebri*.isie to , of 4lueri.-.. - r :•—•'.l _....-- - - , 74.' • rota .... j=tt sa lr op 7 4:irittlafia, _. AW. lriMeek.. - lof BROW 11 11"ProMXiirmaniellIt Zitiai." ,• :: :- .• - ,1)16 . :710;_ ilf. riCklft n :Mearlii 7 l4Nrional experienqe ehatan me Mis*thstiregoltbeiliaftr*,,ltitters, pre= -paredby YON- Alt S saes . ii*Oelle. In casei of severs cold and general debility I nave been greatly bene timed by the use of the Bitters. and doulit..Mat Abet ?SCI produce similar erects on others . Yours truly WARREN RANDOLPH,: Germantown, l's • ifose'ltev. J H. lamer, pastor of Bedding ?7.• E •Church, Philadelphia. • ' • - • Dr. , 111:11t. used your Ger man Bitters in my tastily fkequently I am prepared to say that it luti been of grill. iterViCe. I believe that in raost cam of general debility of the systeni it Is the safest abd most valuable remedy of which I have any 'knowledge. Yours, respectfully .J. IL TURNER, No. 728 N. Nineteenth street. From the Rap. J. M Lyons, formerly Pastor or the Columbus (N. J.) and Ililestown (Pa.) Baptist Churehee. Naw Roommut, N. Y. tgor. G. K „lackson:--Dear Sir :-- 1 feel it a pleasure thus, of my own wand, to bear testimony to the excellence of the German Bitters. Some years since being much of aided with Dyspepsia, I used them with very beneficial results. I have often recommended them to persona en feebled by, di* tormenting disease, arid have heard from them the most flattering testhnoniabi as to their great value. In cases of general debility, I believe it to be WOO tbat cannot be inupassed., J. M. •LYONS. ti Friniihe Rev ThotruisWititer, Pastor of Roxborough Dr.on--Ilesittrt..—l fidt It due to your excel lent preparation, Harrand German Bitters, to add my testimony to the deserved 'reputation it I= obtained. I 1100 for yeank pt tittles, been troubled With great disorder is my bead And - 'nervons system. I was advised by a friend to try a beta° of your German Bitters; did so, and have experienced great and unexpected relief; my' health has been very materially benefitted. I confidently recom mend the article where I 'meet wit 4 cases similar to my own, and have been assured by Many ':rof their good ef fect& • • • Itesgtectfally yourk • • . • Ds:borough, Pi g. From Rev .' .T. S Berman, of the • 051.1745 n, Wowed Church,„&utxtown, Berke county. Pa. DX: C. Jackson;—Respected have - been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty • years, and have ,troubled an/ Wedicine that did me as much good as s.Bittets. • 7 1. am very.mnch Improved In health, A ,Aarjuming taken five bottles .. • Yana with respect, .111111.1K1N. • PRICES. Law Stan (hAldlnineiely, double quanllly,) $l. 00 per bottleitiaff doz., $5 00 Small Stze..TraintiperNutile—talf dos. • • 4 00 BEW.4IE ,cor COUNTERFEITS! See that theditutimi JACKSON* ii on the WRAPPER of =Se. • Should your.' 310 i lure the ankle, do not be put offs o , l, thelldordoaSlWlrrallarldhme that may be Mega We, but mend to na, ,ead we wi ll forward, , trY orFreal Palma - pal 4111 km and ItannfietorY, — 11111 - 4.RIIRRE.RSSIIVH ' .Tomss arsi+Arm' chilin it co., j PROPRIETORS USS For sale WM* by Druggists and Nebo is wary town In the 114 ray/041owly w'c;'k£.:«:ALN~:.i~t~~+r~. 7 Sv~ 4 Yd~L 7 G':Y 6 BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. DYSPEPSIA, DISEASES RESULTING FROM 11D DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ABE CUBED BY 1100 FLAND'S THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC. READ W!W,,SAYS SO "THE UN1.03i.-.--.00W:-A,Nt) 'WRIER% PA,„ skflJß hAY EVE DING, JULY 9, 1864 NEW AtivvaquAlitENT!. E 1 1: - IiiAAs :g6 5 . rt • MAST CIVIIrEIf IIANIVACTUAKR, 3P!IOPTSEVErigGi - Pie y; . . .. ... - - IbriS P REPARED, Rto tarnish and coat the ex= terror of Buildings With the MASTIC CEKB on a new. system. This-material' Is .entlyely!diifotent. m all other cements used heretofore, and is the only table; imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed withpro w proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a solid; dura ble adhesivxmass to Brick or Stime.Walls, - fitaking eLbeart nail, tine water proof surface nod flolc h equal to &own Stone or say Color desired. ' '- ' Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Ce ment, I refer to the following gentlemen: , J. Bissell, residence, Penn slime, T a Mr,ord, Pitts burg.. 44 • J. H. Bhoenberger residence, Lawrenseville. A. Hoeweler " . " James llPOandless, " Allegheny city. Calvin Adams, Third street, Pittabilrg James Wood, owner St. Merles Hotel, II William Vohet, Girard House, ~ ; • Barr & Moser, irchitddis Dispatch Buildings,' ", , John B: Oax, ' residEis , Front Street, Etarrtsbunt Ps. A. J. Jones, . ; .. l` .. .., Please address . T.. 7. WATSON,. P. O. Bog I,BOG, Pnisbarg, l'a., • tbblltdem • Cr. Penna. Hones; Harrisburg,. pa. AN ASSORTMENT OF 0 E R 1 . 0 ,Q.', E. S . 00 , • • . . POCKET BOOKS • PURSES AND, • • RC) IS JOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ' • ' ,Drug and F,ancy Gouda Store,. • • .Ho. 91 Market street,. , et best m AVEL LITG , And it general varielp-of FANCY GOODS, suitable for Presents, now on band at IC*LLERT Drug Stort,, ' ufail.o4f . Narita street. CLOWNG OUT SUMMER ..STOCK At AND BELOW COST.' MRS. IL MYER, No. if Ithirket Seriet, wunofegrau.,7B clooc,,.2zezets:p4mheat; reduced prices, sudi. air . . SILK AN1?..13T 14 . BO Ts lfrinx% ND FLA, - , rB,, act Constantly on hand, a splendid assortment Sit VELVEf9, LACES' RII&11§3, HOOP SKIRTS. 00V c a ty: • ammisitatten, GLOVES, • : OD . L .c ,M Nits , FANGTGOODS,:IcO. • Dealers will do well to call, an great bargains can be ,had at wholesale. • • • jel.4. JUST RECEIVED, TIIII3IIIORWING, A FRESH INVOICE OF MICHENgR'It 00. 1 $ CELEBRATED SUGAR CURED A'l'(D AT umlaut 4 VBIZERS myBl SOLE AGENCY .FOR THIS CITI • happy to offer to the publi4 a ,larp "and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR-GOLD PENS, rasaufactured by . . ' LEBOYJOY, FAIRCHILD: These Pens are well iinlans4 elastic,sad will givi gn kire aatisfaction. PLEASE Thy • SORB VIFEWS" BOOK SWIM Second street, opposite Presbyterian OlitutlyEarrillomg Pa. • 7 i . • LIQUOR STORE,. - „ IMPORTANT wanitoßDp . • ND OTRFXS ;-Jrhe Undersigned otTeni it • to the trphs, a choice lot ;of the best liquors ever ght to Harrisburg, viz: Frenek Brandies, Holland gins: Irish, Bourbon, Wheat and Old Bye }Na y ,: „Foriegn and Domenic Wines, such as Champagne, Claret Catawba, cbc. All liquors warranted, as represented. ilindleras and othere will and it to their advantage to call and ez. amine the "assortment at: the store, on South Second street, two doors below Cheetnut. Ti t my2l-d6m. • . ' ' • • • GEORDS , , . PRIVATE SALE. ONE of )3013i locations lIRON viroßgaJa.4o.ll,l4 sale,'at a veryiessomtble price, to any zurelisaer7whiwill improve-Iton ated with. in • short Mt:tank:OW city of Harrisburg' tween the Perinsylvaniarailread and canal, about live hindred feet wide, and alpngtiide of, the bwd. limestone qmbries in the State add Wee to albodlurlipike read;• 'else koom for waste diadem for Arty years,itithout payinear the- land Applytov .. DAVID UMW Jr. • Atto47, l ,94ttlaw, 24 No M ar i tte ri.,: t hi., merle-Mr ' (Phlladelphie Preis Insert three thrust aid:send bill. to this office.) ' • CANDIDATE rola. CONG • • SS. Riummattna, PA, line 9, 1864. TE undersigned respectfully o era himself to the Republioans of ' the 14th Co oral Dis• met tif 'Pennsylvania, composed of the' oP Dan. We, Juniata, Northuluberlatid, Union 44,13nyder ' far nomination by the several county cionvonfons of the Bald District. ' UeDtdba] JISIAfI gey. VDDY FMB: IND Di rr°our floe aroi :extensive a kof -Photo graph Anima and 'Photograph Pictures, we have added a BEAU rue uL ENVELOPE or the reception of card pictures. They must. be seen will be admired. srirPhotographers supplied at• the rytourearivhole• sale pries, and their card printed upon taemfor , $1 25 per thousand, wholeisde and retail. at may 24 SCREFFER' BOOK STORK • • -• • •-• PIANO FORTES, R ansom, SHEET OUNC, .1:01.1111A, FLUTES, GUI :BANJOS, STRINGS, DRUM% Ptl airkindtor WSJ CAL •MERCRANDISE, PICTURE 1 NW :LOOMTG Gil.egglici, PHOTOGRAPH CARDS ALBUM, AMMO TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVING% PICT ES, &C., ISO. • _ Remember the place, "WAS , .IRt 12 Thu d ateebt, the largest Note Slate this eof the great cities. • Thomas C. Moorman, Attorne -Law. OFFIGEIN TWRL ST., InLOW PINE. • IIitARLIBURG Pia A 141,1 manner ofMditery .prowptly attended. td; Mid elalinnorinebMd *enrol eit-Sioteithbverneitlits, , either in 09 Ahe taut of Claims at Washington city, or at isititostra• necessary delay, and on moderate. 892946 QIIPERIOR RIO AND LAM COFFEE 1...1at BO k KO/IMB. EVENING EDITION, THE SITUATION. We have but little .news from Htigerstoitm since last- evening's editiou, except that the rebels had:ltift'andlnoved towards Frederick. The damage:done, ipy fire is not near so great as was at Snit supposed. Nothing • but the • depot.and Government hay are said to have 'been burned; - The damage to the railroad and canal is niso'not near so extensive as was at *sr reporfant: It is idle to snippets°, however, that the dag ger oT raid' into the.' Cuniberland Valley is over. The rebeliktike' still hovering around Hagerstown, and ,may ,at - any time return, but we hope that they may tarry a, few days longeri It would be improper to mention the move ments of Union troops. We .can assure our readers, - however, that there is no = danger of the marauders accomplishing anythingtreat. Our trooPi i are prepared to Meet them intheir advance upon BaltiMore or Washington, and the further theY:Move from the'Potomaa their chnces .of escape, are lessened. We shall have plenty of trooPit Without drawing a man from General Grant to defeat the rebels wher ever they may attempt to Strike a blow, and the 'troops on Viand are ,44' F eteralas who have seen hard:figliti4and: marching. Let no rebel, sympathiser here suppose that whilst they are rajoieing : at this northward movement they:will betable todake Baltimore or WaShingto,n. - • - w4feet,satigileit that they' willtin4 a glOrfoui d:nfeat, if, not a' fetal an, t -PROCI_AMATipti PREMIENT, A Darivr-FasOttgo it4d, Prvier. PROODAIATION: - Wnmgas, .The Senate-aid.h ouse of Rep resentatives at their last sessickp, adopted , a Concurrent Resolution, Which wars approved on 'the sekond day of july instant, and which waa in the words following, namely: "That the •Preeide!at of the United States be rwinestato appoints day .of humiliation And prayer byine people . of .the - Unitedßute; ffiatile - Squ°"•"-wnsitekticHal advisers at the head of the son e - opu•wircay.--:th unite with him as Chief MAE/strata of the nation, at the city of Washin magistrates,'gton, and the members of ,gcmgress, and elf magistrat . all civil, military' and naval Officers, all soldiers, sailers.aittEmartasts,. with all loyal and lair abiding 'Tieople,.••• to Convene at their usual places of worship, or wherever they may be, to confess and to repent of their manifold skis; to implore the compasaion and forgive , ness of the Alinighty, that, if consistent with His will, the existing rebellion may be speedi ly suppressed, •and the supremacy of the Con stitution and Lets of the United States May be • establittlied throughout all the States; 'to iniplote,,. , taint, is the Silpreme ,-Ruler of the WOrld; hot 'to destroy us; as a people, nor to suffer Us to be destroyed by the hostility or connivance' of , other nations, or by obstirate - adhetence to-our own counseli; whieh.may with His eternal pur poses, and to implore Him to enlighten the mind of the nation to know and do His will, hunibly -it accordance with His will thatldim Pate should be maintained `as a united people ainong 'the 'hardly of na tions; to implore Irun to.grant to our armed defenders there klisell cif the vetiple that couralgesVower , of resistanee and endurance neceissoryielsoure that result; to implore Him in Hit infinite goodness tO s6ften the hearts, enlighten-the minds,. and quicken the consciences . of those' in rebellion, that they may down`l r ay their' TMS and speedily return to' their' allegiance to 'the United 'States, that they may . not beutterly destroyed; that the ef fusion of hided Mayba'atayed, and that uni ty•arid fraternity may be restored, and peace estabhshEidthirouglidut all our borders. , ' Neiv; tlierifbra,l, Abraham Lincoln, Presi dent of the 'United • States, cordially concur ring with the' Congress of the United States in the p enitential and pious bentiinents ex pressed in tke aforesaid resolution, and heart,. sly approving of :the^ devotional 'design and purpose thereof; do hereby appoint' the first Thursdayof AU,gnst . next to be obfferved by the people Of the - Fnifiict States ,as 'a day of National humiliation and prayer. • • • I dO hereby further : intite and request the: Heidi of the Executive Departments, of this Glivernment, together withal Legislaors, all iudgeo"tind• 'lrttiguaistes, mid all other per sona exercisiitgauthgrity in the land, whether dig; military m; naval, and all soldiers, sea-, men andbiatirteS in the National service, and allithe other law-abidirtg people of the'Vnited States; to assemble in their pre ferred- 'plied; of publiavorship on that day, • apli there'to'render td; the Alfiughty and' ?der:, dint Rifler of the Universe Snob. homages and', such eonfeseioni, and to offer to .Hira such. supplicatione as , the Coligaess of the United, States have, in their' aforesaid Resolution, so solemnly, so earnestly recommended. ir ki i testiintinY - whereof I have hereunto :set my hind and 'cat:tied:the- seal Of ilik,United Stateis to be affixed:• •, • ' : •' • Done fi,t-the city of 'Wlisbliligton this seventh of Tidy, in 'the year of ;our LOrd one rskiul thousand:eight hundred and sixty and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-ninth. • ' . ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President: - Wrimust &math, Secretary of,the'State. 0 New TorkNOwk. Markets. NEW Yomr, ; July 8. Stocks are lower; Chicago and Aaelr. Maud 111 i; Cumberland Preferred, 65; Illinois Con tra, ,129 f; Michigan Southern, 924, paran teed 93; New York Central, 1341; Reading 1391; Hudson' River 130; Canton Onropany /374, Er e R A gros4 Ona Year, er ti ft" oaten, 93 ; Treasury 7 3-10's 196; Five T wenty P9uP O 4 3 10 N; -caPPOn 0 1 . 1 9 3 1; OnP 27,0 i Advancelnlireliistallra and God& 't 14** y o, !a u ty- 8, hi Mak4 is 2®3 cents higher. Corn 3 cents better. Pro visions Arm. Whisky steady. Gold is quoted at 275. =ME OM [.61-bin our Morning Edition : ] ". r-•A4, , * -.7i 7 "i PRIOR , 7:61) CEM. ES TefegrapQ. The Rebel -Invasion. Defeat'of at - Frederic k. THEY BETREA.T,TO THE ➢IOIINTASNS. Pursuit Gen.' Wallace. THE SHELLING "OF FREDERICK. OUR, 71, - Aq F,LO WING . 4T — RIRPEws: fgvtity. . „ Destruction of n Bridge. on : the Shenamjoult. We, have the gratifying news-that the ad vance of the rebels on , _Frederick has been successfully repulsed by Gen. Lew Wallace, who has command of the troops before that city. After three unsuccessful attempts to enter the city on Thursday night, they threw two shells, one of which fell near the dourt House, and the other near the old residence of Bradly T. Johnson, who is understood to have command of the attacking party. • During the night ail was quiet, ' thotigla the rebel lines were within a mile of themestern limits of the city, occupying, the country back as far is 'Knobby Mountain. They consisted. entirely of cavalry and artillery, and are be lieved not-to have numbered more than fifteen hundred to two - thousand of all arms. - General . Wallace,_ 'having been: ,reinfirced durin,gthe night; commenced an advimc on the enemy, this morning, when it was Esker tained that they were-retreating towards Rid , dletowie. r: `He immgdiately Started his.cwialry and mounted irifantrY; with Alerander's tat: tery, in pursuit of them,' andfat last. accoimts was fdllo.whig,with his infantry supports. Whether their retreat was caused, by ; the stout resistinice they met on the previous eve wing, 'and the reinforcements that had- reach e.dpeneral:Wallace during the night, or, the movements of General Hunter in their rear, is not known. 42 intelligence has yet been received of the Whereabouts of General Hun tei;gint it illiesdraedl that he nitist lie close at hand. • ' ' The.main body of the rebels is supposed to be in the neighborhood of Mechanicksburg watching for the appearance' of 'General Hun ter; and the opinion:is beooMing general that they do notonumber half 'of -thirty Ahonsand. There was Ferry last night, the bridge crer the an doah was inflanies, arid a number of 'braidings in various parts of the Own:. rebelsllutd previonsly burned the ,extensive railroad plat form, and all. the buildings along. the line of the Potoniao.:' The ;conflagration Thurs day night threw a glow over, all:the',coniatry for miles aolln.d. There ate Mall no signs of the enemy on the line of the Potomac. this, 'side 'of . Harper's Ferry.' Trains are running to Hsolly Hook, and hourly_. communication is bad, with leen. Sigel at Maryland Heights. His ca.valiy! are' operating in the rear of the enemy, lnd have captured some orittheii fogaflinll -PckrtalEti There are no aign,l of the enemy this morn ing in or,around Harpers Ferry. The Confla grationlaSt night appears to have, been, their leave taking of the, place. The statements lathe Philadelphia papers with regard to the i deVriratiiin of the railroad are all mere fictions. Westward the road is being 'operated tci a distaiiee,of Within twelve miles of .11b.rtinsbarg, and between: Martins burg and Harper's,;Perry . thenii has been no evidence of destruction . The fact is, they have been too'bgay i pla.oering to trou ble themselves yitli gushA4vy work as, the burning of railroad ties :and' the bending of rails. _rEDnnA OacFrriMON WaVaii.:FEltilY. S A- 10 )Y- 11 0 0 4 #ag,is,now float; ing in 'l2farpers . Fei:ry,- having raised there "this morning. by the ‘IA 'Captain G. S. Lelsaid,';.Continissary of Subsistence. Our troops are Ito*lnoving, and all is confi dence that the.A‘W: days repel ,Suprernacyin this quarter IS atm end. Taz respouse„to the call of the.49vernsr,for •tneopp ter service for *ono ;4 1 44re4:474F PP:Mlises , to. be PreniPt., Be. c4l3iting.g , g *l 3 441iO4, 0 4zardzatigns was "Wry brisk this morning. number of . en listments were also made dtiring l yeaterday, afternoon., At ,ColoneliThsuniis,s liqadqinir 45T8IlkefiWtellniPli, and present innieoi9AP Re,,tliintWlegilePlit Will be ready, for the field:at sarlyseriod.. The Nationq Guards, golnriel Nee, r4,tie getting along finely, and will probably be *IL* a few days. , The companies of the GOth•r,egiment, Col. W. are reporting for seri/Oz.-- Cot A. A. _Tieolder A4,4)49=4 to form, !the '°Commereial lleginiten4.'and . has established his headquarters at the WetherilL House, in Salmons street.., The geystone. hattery,. Capt. Hastings, which has, already served a, year, will take part in the present., campaign. A movement, is also being made smong,lhe _Gray Apserves, i , Tim far no troops Jim:skit for 4arrisburg, but, among the.varioas organiza tions,, etionghmen to form nearly three regi ments are-armed and uniformed, and can de part in a very short time after orders are re ceived.--41RSiglfhid Butidin of last evening. _ - ftlarheta by Telegraph. • . _ Prunin,xtrine, duly 8. ~The continued advance in foldan . d Ster ling Exchange hes somewhat unsettled the market for, Broadst3iffa area the :tendency for all descriptions is, up, up . ! For - Flour we again advance our quotations and Wes of 3,000 barrels Penns...and Western extra fam ily are reported at $llOll ' 50. There is a steady, inquiry for the supply of the retailers and bakers, but prices takes,uidd range, say from $9 for to $l2 50, There is very little Rye Flour"or Oorinleal here, and there is noliti%e rioingLiki Tbkwbeet, market is feverish and excited alviireput rip our figures 10 cents per bushel.. Wes 0U2,000 ati $2 . 45®2 50. White is hail et $2 ` l 4yo is icarce mid worth $1.65. - Corn'doinia'fi*ward eloWly_'`and has 'advanced - to s` l yellow, iiich - sales 2,000 MN: Oats od. steaoY, and 2 .i 0.0 , 0 , bus. . Venni. sad at 92c. In Barley and Malt nothing - doiri, - but holders are asking higher prices. Whisky is unsettled; i• ales of 100 second barrels at 1 75, 200 bbls. good Penna. and =MI ~•.••• Beiainaonz, July ti = .. 2 11 . tt TifiTtIVIIMCE; RATE—DAILY Txua&APH. Thelbibiting are tile raids - tor advertising in the TZLI GRAM Thelehiving advertising to do will find "t COD venien tfor reNrence.. irr Four WS or, oopatltute am-R*lf square. EiCh Ines nrmara than ftnn• constitute a': alpine. FOR 4 HASP =AM. One day ..8...80. Two days. ..... ....:. , 60; Three days t 1 One week One month. 3 00 Two months 4 50 Three months 6 50 Ng months.... 8 60 One row. ..,.... —lb 00 1 -idminiatriatam N otices..... Marriage Notices • Auditor's Notices "'moral Nottceseachineertiii. illirßuelliese notion! •• before ilanieles and I • eacb tmettoi.. Ohio at 8001. 92, but some holders ask more. BiTT . EMORE, July 8. Wheat is firm and the' suppl.of- the new crop is scarce. Southern white, S 2 80. Flour advancing and excited; Howard street $lO 25; Ohio extra $ll.. Corn du]l. Whisky dull and quiet at $1 84S® 1 85. Coffee heavy: Rio, 46048 e.. The Michigan Republican Con- vention. Daraorr, July 8. H. H.. Crapo has been nominated for Gov ernor' and John Owen for State Treasurer, by the p l epubliean Stake Conyeiition. dreg not simply gat of paper cut in the form of a collar, but - are *sided and Aspect to ,fit Me neck, having a perfect curr.e ; free from, angles or breaks, which Is ob tained by our patentod.psicess, whirhalso secures another advantage possessed by no other collar,—viz : Space for the Cravat in the Turndown style, the mmos !or Innen IS entanscrLe smarm AND rem non morass, making' this collar, for ease, neatness, and durability, unequalled. They are made in Turn -down style ln sizes from 12 to 17, and In Carroll° from 13 toll' iuchei, and packed in neat blue boxes of 100 each; also, in smaller ones of 10 each , —the latter a very handy package for travelers, army and navy oflleers. • . • for RVILRY COLLAR is - stamped "GraT'sPatent Molded Collar.•' Sold by all retail dealers in Men's 'Varnishing :rods The trade supplied by TADI'DEUSEN, BOERMER t CO., 627 C.O.V.STNUT St., Philadelphia. jol eod6m BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. TIIBLFARIfEII BOY, and how he became Command :.:.j $1 TIEGPIOITEBR BOY, andhoin hiabecataiGir6oslo2l 25 THE FERRY BOY, and the Financier j:11:3) $1 26 • IBS PRINTER BOY, or how Ben. Frani4made •-vr his mark, $1 26 TrIS FARMER BOY, and how . he becattie' mental/- tuff General In press. ' A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF Taal REBELLION, froth Fort Sumter to Roanoke; elegantly Illustrated. ';1$1 25 At BERGNEA*BOOK,STORR. C R'i'~TALi ZED.. CONCENTRAT-ED LEMONADE, Is a pleastrat, healthy beverage. Very convenient and voinesbi nF tor InVeitai - ilav:ng fever or greed tWint. . • " Its portatillity reassuOnds it lo travelers. conienienee et pic.nica 'will be epreciated. No sugar required; ons tattle.spaonrulsynplrdimoLved in a glass or cold water and it is done. .KERLEIOS DRUG ANA FARCE" GEIODS/WE, Jpl7 . No. -91,,Idaritet. street lEW GROCERY Al 'PARMA. HIRE. BAYER & liOERYPER WHOLESALE AND - RETAIL DEALFM R 0 E.R S , Queen's and• Glass Ware,. AND ALL SIND& OF • . COUNTRY PRO.D QE , UrAVE just opened &large 'and irelreiSleeted .I_lL stock of goods at ttieir Aland, No.B tlaricetsquare, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the "ptiblic generally. • • nolo-dly NEW PHILADELPHIA- C L 0 A K s rir n LVD. Sti. G.RWAS" z"VEI3 ...a&olt, • Market Street, Harrislettri. 1,006 DIFFERENT STITAS • . ON FASHIONABLE • CLOAKS AND CIIRCII L-ARS, FINS & SPAILIG:EfAWLS:' win - opqn qn the lot; of Atpiii4 ' . NO EXtftt . E `FOR - ,EIPLOSIONS. ASJICROFT'S.LOW , WATiR DICTECTOR, TS AN INFALLIBLiPROTECTION agninitt _ . ~ Jl,. explosion or burning o the flues _or boiler, as noth ing can preyed It Of not tampered with) from giving im mediate notice of lack of water in the boiler, in season to put oh a supply without drawing the fires Want of water is the great source of so many sad catastrophes which have recently occurred. We warrant thisitutrurrient to be a Perfect insuranc against such contingencies. Price $5O. Full instruCtions as to the mode or application as well as reference to moat of the,pronlinent mandfacturers and Iron masters of the State using them, Bannon application D. C. IfFADE k CO., Pittsburg, Pa. D. C. Alskii Cuts. MACKiI. . - • jell MitLINERY M R . 'A",B • - et- NO. 8 DIARICET Sqtrdt (Next door to Felix's Confectionery,) , VET.HERESEIE - 18 PREPARED to sell to ill the ladies of 'Harrisburg 1 , 414910.114,0 is I,atest Styles of At cheaper prices than any house inthe city. The quality .1' her goods cannot be surpassed ; • • DRESS .MAKING,LICTH:E Will be neatly 'eYledufee - Ladies call and triathine for yourielvus. • TELODEONS AND OAJANET . OIt-ANS. NTY-'BIX.FIRSt.PIOII'I3MS, " TW . E LVE'BrEaygE; MEtiALS, ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever,w r on•by instrurneats of thcn • deed)' h as lebniiwarded- to- " :MASON 116,11,10111141TVINSTRPMENTS. A full assortment of these instrumentailwava on, hand vti ' KNOCIIPS, Sategghilt, .1044 1 Aw 1 y] ' , r 93? Uri% Itievet. A. C. SMITH, , . ... . .. ..... ATTORNEY Aa.-._--t....,A-vv-, ItAS removed his °Mee from Third to Wal. ;out street, next to thekrison. All business in trusted to him will receive prompt and cexeful attention. af4 5n DOZEN A S PICKLES kJ comprising' Pica Chow Chow, CottMower, Nixed Midis; Gerkins, Winds and OnionS,l. 74r sale wholes*, an Mail by , "SHISLF.R FRAZER, myB onceetwors to W . "ck,. ..Itr, &rec. Do . ITIRROLSES SPIOED OYSTEItS; just re cetyvtat'.. . SHISINAM:FRAIKR, Jetfii Socoessora to W. Dock, Jr, ~4 Co. IN E AZ1746, P . APPLP9 'ifst re' ceiviit ElikEtt & 1 1 . 13AZgit t • Sciett.Oris to it's Doeit,-3r.pitrea. . „ C°lll4 WIIIAT,A . 'fine `krtield'. ru# re reeved at t . SEMLER StirOJAIIK CHEESE—Choice new crop Cheese, just received at SHISI,KR & FRAZER, jell Successors to W Dock, Tr., & Co. rzl sotrABE. One go .. 1 00 Three days 126 One week 2 25 One mfhsth. 0 00 Two month; 9 00 Three months-- 11 00 Sir . ; .. 16 0 One ..... 25 0 $2 25 I 50 60 • to the Looca. Column, or atillt PRE LZIRR for FM
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